
Computer Analysis of Slope Stability

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A computer program has been written that can solve a great variety of slope stability problems. It is possible to analyze a slope with any surface configuration, with one or two soil strata in any pattern, and with or without water table, pore pressures, increasing cohesion with depth, tension cracks, rigid base or loads anywhere on the surface. Given these properties of a slope, the computer will automatically search out the minimum factor of safety, solving the entire problem in from one to three minutes.

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... Horn'un yayını Ģev stabilitesi problemlerinin bilgisayar ile çözümleri konusundadır. Yazar, farklı zemin durumları için Ģev stabilitesi problemlerinin bilgisayar ile sadece birkaç dakikada çözülebileceğini belirtmiĢtir (Horn, 1960). Christie analog bilgisayarların inĢaat mühendisliğinde kullanımı konusunda bir yazı yayımlamıĢtır. ...
... Since the earliest effort by Horn (1960) and Bell (1969), several researchers developed sophisticated numerical procedures in this direction. As such, application of calculus of variation (Baker and Garber 1977;Ramamurthy et al. 1977;Martins 1982), dynamic programming (Baker 1980), and penalty function technique (Bhowmik and Basudhar 1989;Bhattacharya and Basudhar 2001) were adopted in these problems. ...
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The paper pertains to the development of a numerical approach of auto-searching the critical slip surface of general shape and the associated factor of safety using limit equilibrium method but adopting a nonlinear strength envelope of soil in the analysis. The critical slip surface and the corresponding factor of safety are determined by formulating the same as a constrained nonlinear optimization problem. The problem is solved by using the extended interior penalty function method. The method as proposed in contrast to some of the used indirect procedures to identify the critical slip surface eliminates the additional computational efforts involved in carrying out the analysis using nonlinear strength envelope in comparison to the linear one. The obtained results reveal that nonlinear strength envelope gives a shallower critical slip surface with a lower factor of safety compared to those obtained from analysis considering linear strength envelope. This is of great significance in design of slopes in such soils as linear idealization of nonlinear strength envelope might lead to unsafe prediction of slope safety.
The design of open-cut slopes and embankments, foundations, levees, and earth-dam cross-sections is based primarily on stability considerations. There are many causes and types of earth instability. There are also many ways of analyzing the stability of slopes. The chapter considers the limit equilibrium approach, which aims essentially to determine a factor of safety, F, that would ensure a slope does not fail. The chapter considers the analysis of stability of infinite slopes based on translational type of failure and the analysis of finite slopes using the Swedish Method, Method of Slices, Bishop Simplified Method, Friction Circle Method, and the Translational Method. The solution of equations developed for the analysis of stability of slopes can be tedious and time consuming. A way of reducing the amount of calculation required in slope stability studies is by use of charts based on geometric similarity. The chapter discusses how Taylor (1948) and Janbu (1964) charts are used in stability analysis of slopes. Finally, the chapter discusses ways to reduce the risk of instability in slopes.
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