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Shea Butter As Skin, Scalp and Hair Moisturiser in Nigerians

Dermatologic Therapy
Shea butter as skin, scalp, and hair moisturizer in Nigerians
Dear Editor,
Various plant and seed extracts are utilized for skin care, cosmesis,
and alternative skin therapy. One of the most used in Nigeria and
many other countries in Sub-Saharan African is shea butter, a thick
yellowish butter produced from the nuts of the Shea tree (Vitellaria
paradoxa). Shea butter is a well-known multipurpose skin care item in
many African countries, and it is believed to have several skin mainte-
nance and healing properties. The taxonomic and physicochemical
properties of shea butter are documented in Table 1.
Shea butter has been shown to have both emollient and occlusive
properties which enables it to trap moisture in the epidermal layers of
the skin.
Shea butter was found superior to mineral oil in preventing
trans-epidermal water Loss (TEWL).
Shea butter was recommended
for repairing dry inflamed skin caused by dermatitis and as a nighttime
TABLE 1 Shea butter: taxonomic and physicochemical properties
Taxonomy of the African Shea Tree
Family; Genus Sapotaceae;Vitellaria.
Species Vitellaria paradoxa.
Subspecies V. paradoxa paradoxa and V. paradoxa
Former name/
Butyrospermum parkii;B. paradoxum.
Regions found Semi and sub-humid savannas of sub-
saharan Africa.
Main producing
Ghana, Senegal, Nigeria.
Local Names for
Shea butter
Karite (Senegal: Wolof), Ori (Nigeria: Yoruba),
Okwuma (Nigeria: Igbo), Kadanya (Nigeria:
Hausa), Nkuto (Ghana: Twi).
Biochemical composition
Fatty acids and
Oleic acid, stearic acid, linoleic acid, and
palmitic acid.
Garlic acid, catechin, epicatchin, gallate,
gallocatechin, quercetin, and trans-
cinnamic acid.
Tocopherols α,β,y,δtocopherol
Sterols α-spinasterol and Δ7-stigmasterol,
campesterol, and β-sitosterol.
Triterpenes Acetyl triterpenes and cinnamyl triterpenes
αand βamyrine, butyrospermol, and lupeol.
Physicochemical properties
Acid value;
3.825; 196.90
Refractive index 1.461
Total fat; moisture
75.3%; 1.37%
Melting point 36.57C
Density 0.927 g/ml
Iodine number;
peroxide value
43.27; 12.85
TABLE 2 Demographic details of survey participants
Frequency (%) N-382
general public
Frequency (%) N-288
health professionals
Age range (years)
10-19 7 (1.8) 0 (0.0)
20-29 98 (25.7) 44 (19.3)
30-39 144 (37.7) 113 (49.6)
40-49 87 (22.8) 41 (18.0)
50-59 39 (10.2) 24 (10.5)
60 and above 7 (1.8) 6 (2.6)
Highest educational level
Secondary 11 (2.9) 0 (0.0)
Tertiary 207 (54.2) 75(26.1)
Postgraduate 162 (42.4) 213 (73.9)
2 (0.5) 0 (0.0)
Years of practice (health professionals)
1 year and
14 (6.1)
2-5 years 51 (22.4)
6-10 years 44 (19.3)
Over 10 years 119 (52.2)
Type of practice
Public 120 (52.6)
Private 28 (12.3)
Both public and
80 (35.1)
Medical specialty
Dermatologist 22 (9.6)
Other medical
187 (82)
and nurses
19 (8.3)
Received: 30 September 2020 Revised: 4 January 2021 Accepted: 2 February 2021
DOI: 10.1111/dth.14863
Dermatologic Therapy. 2021;34:e14863. © 2021 Wiley Periodicals LLC. 1of3
moisturizer for the hands and feet.
It was also found effective as an
emollient in the management of atopic dermatitis and other inflamma-
tory dermatoses.
Active components of shea butter like triterpene
alcohols, cinnamic acid esters, retinols, and tocopherols are known to
be anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, absorb UV radiation, and slow the
skin aging process.
Stearic acid and oleic acid fractions of shea but-
ter are formulated into several moisturizing creams, cleansers, and
This review was done to assess and document the knowledge
and use of shea butter for skin, scalp, and hair moisturization by
Nigerians and as adjuvant skin treatment by healthcare personnel
including dermatologists.
A cross sectional survey using two questionnaires created on
Google forms and disseminated via What's App and e-mail in the
month September 2020 was carried out after obtaining ethical
approval (ADM/DCST/HREC/APP/3832). One questionnaire was
created for the public and the other for health personneldermatolo-
gists, general practitioners, other medical specialists, nurses, and phar-
macists. The data collected was analyzed using SPSS and documented
via frequency charts and tables.
Three hundred and eighty-two382 nonmedical and 228 medical
practitioners participated in the survey. Table 2 highlights the demo-
graphic details of survey participants and Tables 3 and 4 summarizes
their responses.
This survey documented widespread knowledge and use of shea
butter by the general populace (94%) and health care practitioners in
Nigeria (99.6%). Reasons for shea butter use given by the general pop-
ulace included its unprocessed nature, affordability, availability, and
nonirritant nature. The most common indications for use were pre-
vention and treatment of dry skin, as emollient, moisturizer and a base
for home-made skin care products, and remedies. Indications for scalp
and hair use included scalp or hair moisturization and softening of
the hair.
Majority of the health care practitioners (77.6%) who participated
in the survey used shea butter as an adjuvant treatment for several
skin conditions, most commonly xerosis, atopic dermatitis, infantile
seborrhoeic dermatitis, and other inflammatory dermatoses. Shea but-
ter has been reported to have some undesirable characteristics and
effects. In this survey, 44.9% of respondents indicated that the odor
of shea butter was unpleasant, 32.1% reported that its consistency
was too thick, 25.5% stickiness, 21% darkening of the skin, and 15.6%
excessive oiliness.
Shea butter is a popular and well-accepted skin moisturizer and
emollient in Nigeria. Many users andhealthworkersaffirmits
effectiveness in moisturizing the skin and as adjuvant therapy in
the management of inflammatory dermatoses (Figure 1). Further
TABLE 3 Common reasons for using shea butter on the skin,
scalp, and hair by respondents
Reasons for use of shea butter on the skin
To prevent dryness and scaling of the skin 178 (50.0)
Skin moisturizer 160 (44.9)
As oils and butters mixed with other products 133 (37.4)
Smoothening of the skin 126 (35.4)
Softening of the skin 102 (28.7)
Anti-inflammatory (to reduce redness) 93 (26.1)
Routine skin products 91 (25.6)
For baby care 89 (25.0)
To treat scars 81 (22.8)
To treat stretchmarks 74 (20.8)
To prevent wrinkling 72 (20.2)
Body massage butter 69 (19.4)
Dry lips 61 (17.1)
Part of homemade lotion 50 (14.0)
Strengthening of the skin 35 (9.8)
As sunscreen 19 (5.3)
Others (foundation for make up 3; homemade
deodorant 4; wounds, acne, skin soothing)
10 (2.6)
Indications for using shea butter on the scalp and hair
Hair softener (texturizer) 158 (45.9)
Scalp or hair moisturizer 138 (40.1)
Routine hair products 129 (37.5)
Hair growth 100 (29.1)
Prevent hair breakage 99 (28.8)
Hair conditioning 98 (28.5)
Hair strengthening 86 (25.0)
Prevent and treat hair loss 81 (23.5)
Remedy for itchy and flaky scalp 78 (22.7)
Others (psoriasis, infection, and dandruff) 3 (0.9)
TABLE 4 Use of Shea butter as adjuvant therapy by health
Indication Frequency (%)
Xerosis (dry skin) 111 (56.1)
Nappy dermatitis 84 (42.4)
Infantile seborrheic dermatitis 71 (35.9)
Burn injuries 50 (25.30)
Stretch marks 42 (21.2)
Erythroderma/exfoliative dermatitis 28 (14.1)
Photosensitive lesions 22 (11.1)
Seborrheic dermatitis 21 (10.6)
Psoriasis 21 (10.6)
Hypertrophic scars and keloids 20 (10.1)
Acne 11 (5.6)
Pityriasis versicolor 9 (4.5)
Superficial fungal infections 7 (3.5)
Viral Exanthems (measles/chicken pox) 4 (2.0)
Scabies 4 (2.0)
Rosacea 3 (1.5)
studies are needed to provide more insight into the efficacy of shea
butter in the management of inflammatory dermatoses and its
potential for prospective dermatological formulations and
Concept and designs: Olusola Ayanlowo, Cynthia Ebie, Olufolakemi
Cole Adeife, Margaret Ilomuanya, Abigail Adegbulu. Data collection,
analysis, and results: Olusola Ayanlowo, Olufolakemi Cole Adeife, Abi-
gail Adegbulu. Manuscript preparation: Olusola Ayanlowo,
Olufolakemi Cole Adeife, Abigail Adegbulu. Review of manuscript for
scientific content: Olusola Ayanlowo, Cynthia Ebie, Olufolakemi Cole
Adeife, Margaret Ilomuanya, Abigail Adegbulu.
The data that support the findings of this study are available from the
corresponding author upon reasonable request.
Olusola Ayanlowo
Cynthia Ebie
Olufolakemi Cole-Adeife
Margaret Ilomuanya
Abigail Adegbulu
Faculty of Clinical Sciences, Dermatology Unit, Department of Medicine,
College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria
Dermatology Unit, Department of Medicine, Lagos University Teaching
Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria
Dermatology Unit, Department of Medicine, Lagos State University
Teaching Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria
Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical
Technology, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria
Olusola Ayanlowo, Dermatology Unit, Department of Medicine, Lagos
University Teaching Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria.
Olusola Ayanlowo
Cynthia Ebie
Olufolakemi Cole-Adeife
Margaret Ilomuanya
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FIGURE 1 Rating of efficacy
of shea butter as adjuvant
treatment in skin conditions by
health practitioners
... The anti-inflammatory properties of shea butter are attributed to the several derivatives of cinnamic acid contained therein [18]. Shea butter also contains vitamins A and E and has semi-solid characteristics and buttery consistency, which makes it an effective emollient and moisturizer for the skin [19]. Thus, shea butter could be an excellent alternative to classic emollients, which are often inaccessible to the majority of patients. ...
Background: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is the most common inflammatory skin disease of childhood. Yet, in sub-Saharan Africa, data on AD in children is scarce. Herein, we aimed to determine the prevalence, clinical features, and risk factors of severity of AD in Senegalese children with skin phototype VI. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study including children with AD and skin phototype VI younger than fifteen years old seen in two dermatology centers in Senegal over a period of six months. The diagnosis of AD was based on the United Kingdom Working Party (UKWP) criteria. The severity of AD was evaluated with SCORing of Atopic Dermatitis (SCORAD). Results: Among the 630 children consulted during the study period, 104 had AD, yielding a hospital prevalence of 16.5%. The mean age of children with AD was 36 months with a sex ratio of 1. A personal and family history of atopic disease was reported in 86.5% and 84.6% of the patients, respectively. Xerosis was the most common clinical feature, observed in 80.8% of. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and keratosis pilaris were observed in 44.2% and 37.5%, respectively. Severe AD was noted in 12.5%. Risk factors associated with the severity of AD were exposure to incense smoke, an age of onset before 24 months, food allergies, and impetiginisatio. Daily use of shea butter was a protective factor. Conclusion: Our study showed a high hospital prevalence of AD in Senegalese children with skin phototype VI. The result observed with shea butter as a protective factor against severe AD is highly important, although it needs to be confirmed by randomized studies.
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Over the years, the importance of shea butter, for its exceptional use in food and cosmetics industries, has been over-emphasized. This work compares the qualities of shea butter produced from two methods of extraction with respect to thermal stability and physicochemical properties. Two different extractions; Soxhlet extraction (SBSE) and cold press (SBCP) methods were carried out, and proximate analysis, viscosity, specific gravity and refractive index of the butter were equally analyzed. The activation energies (Ea) were determined from Arrhenius-type plots, and the enthalpy, entropy as well as Gibb’s free energy were obtained from Eyring plots. Proximate analysis showed that the nuts contains 5.30 % moisture, 16.45 % crude protein, 4.51 % ash, 46.50 % crude fats, 4.45 % crude fiber and 23.24 % carbohydrate. Peroxide values of 4.00 and 6.50 Meq/kg, acid values of 3.50 and 9.54 mg KOH/g, iodine values of 53.82 and 54.93 g/ 100 g and saponification values of 172.2 and 185.7 mg/ KOH were obtained for the shea butter from Soxhlet extraction (SBSE) and cold press (SBCP) methods, respectively. SBSE contains higher level of unsaturated fatty acid, oleic and linoleic acids, than SBCP, while the trend was reversed in relation to the saturated fatty acid contents. The viscosity, specific gravity and refractive index of both SBCP and SBSE are within the same range. The viscosities of the butters decrease with temperature and the activation energies (Ea) determined from Arrhenius-type plots are 170.19 and 190.97 J/mol for SBSE and SBCP, respectively, as a measure of their thermal stability. The enthalpy, entropy and Gibb’s free energy of activation obtained from Eyring plots are approximately the same for the butters from the two extraction methods and have the values of approximately 2900 J mol⁻¹, -165 J mol⁻¹K⁻¹ and 52.10 kJ mol⁻¹, respectively, showing that the processes involved are endothermic and of non-spontaneous nature.The butter extracts exhibit good thermophysical and chemical properties and could be used as valuable industrial raw materials.
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Shea butter from the Shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaertn.) is an important plant fat rapidly gaining popularity in cosmetics, personal care products and foods. Shea butter is becoming more popular because of its unsaturated fatty acids composition as well as the potential utility of its unsaponifiables fraction now being used in cosmeceutical, pharmaceutical and nutraceutical applications. The chemical constituents, physical and chemical properties, quality impacting factors, quality control issues, as well as the current and potential new uses of Shea butter by different industries are reviewed.
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Shea butter is the fat extracted from the nut of Africa Shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa). It is used in cosmetic formulations and as a substitute for Cocoa butter in chocolate industries. It is edible and used cooking fat in Africa. The saponifiable fraction of Shea butter is composed primarily of stearic and oleic acids with lesser amounts of palmitic, linoleic and arachidic acids while the unsaponifiable fraction of Shea butter is composed of bioactive substances that are responsible for Shea butter's medicinal properties. Shea butter is a solid at room temperature and melts at body temperature. It is therefore useful for skin care as it has sun screening properties and acts as an emollient and skin moisturizer. Topical use of Shea butter has also demonstrated anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties. Dietary intake of Shea butter has hypocholesterolemic effect and reduces serum and organ protein concentrations.
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The industrialization of oil seeds is fast becoming an important agro-industrial activity worldwide. This study presents the results of extraction, refining and characterization of both crude and refined Nigerian shea butter oil. The results of characterization of crude and refined oil shows specific gravity of 0.86 and 0.89, moisture content of 2.29 % and 0.12 %, saponification value of 389.89 mg KOH/g and 162.61 mg KOH/g, while the acid value of 8.42 mg KOH/g and 3.36 mg KOH/g, peroxide value of 15 meq/kg and 9.40 meq/kg, and refractive index of 1.472 and 1.467 respectively with it colour observed as milky-cream which are within the required standard specification. The grading of the oil based on the west African standard classified the crude and refined shea butter oils as 3 rd and 2 nd grade respectively, thus establishing their potential for the needs of food industry for manufacturing confectionary, chocolate, edible oil, and a basis for margarines. The shea butter of 3 rd grade is recommended to be used in soap-making or further refined for direct consumption. Introduction In Nigeria, there are abundant vegetable oils, namely; palm oil, coconut oil, groundnut oil, rubber seed oil, cotton seed oil, olive oil, soya bean oil and conophor seed oil, e.t.c (Dawodu, 2009). Vegetable oils are normally extracted from fruits, seeds kernel and nuts either by mechanical press or by solvents (Akpabio et. al., 2011).
Winter itch Sheperd integrative dermatology notebook. Integr Dermatol
  • M Sheperd
Sheperd M. Winter itch Sheperd integrative dermatology notebook. Integr Dermatol. 2012.
Medicinal and nutritional benefits from the Shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa)
  • Muotono P
Moisturising power of shea butter ed by scientific studies. Cosmet Formul Sci
  • K Bird
Bird K. Moisturising power of shea butter ed by scientific studies. Cosmet Formul Sci. 2009. 2009/05/12.
Moharram H, Ray J, Ozbas S, Juliani H, Simon J. Shea butter: chemistry, quality, and new market potentials. In: ACS Symposium Series. American Chemical Society; 2006. p. 326–40. <>
Medicinal and nutritional benefits from the Shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa)
  • P Muotono
  • I Maanikuu
  • K Peker
Muotono P, Maanikuu I, Peker K. Medicinal and nutritional benefits from the Shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa). J Biol Agric Healthcare. 2017;7 (22):51-57.