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Development of an observation-based tool for ergonomic exposure assessment in informal electronic waste recycling and other unregulated non-repetitive work


Abstract and Figures

Most existing ergonomic assessment tools are intended for routine work. Time- and cost- efficient observational tools for ergonomic assessment of unregulated work are lacking. This paper presents the development of an observation-based tool designed to investigate ergonomic exposures among informal electronic waste workers that could be applied to other unregulated jobs/tasks. Real-time coding of observation is used to estimate the relative duration and intensity of exposure to key work postures, forceful exertions, movements, contact stress and vibration. Time spent in manual material handling activities such as carrying, lifting and pushing/pulling of working carts are also estimated. A preliminary study conducted with 6 e-waste workers showed that the tool can easily be used with minimal training and good inter- observer agreement (i.e., 89% to 100%) for most risk factors assessed. This new assessment tool provides effective and flexible options for quantifying ergonomic exposures among workers engaged in unregulated, highly variable work.
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Development of an observation-based tool for ergonomic
exposure assessment in informal electronic waste recycling and
other unregulated non-repetitive work
Augustine A. Acquah1, Clive D’Souza2, Bernard Martin2, John Arko-Mensah1, Afua Asabea
Nti1, Lawrencia Kwarteng1, Sylvia Takyi1, Paul K. Botwe1, Prudence Tettey1, Duah
Dwomoh1, Isabella A. Quakyi1, Thomas G. Robins3, Julius N. Fobil1
1.Department of Biological Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, School of Public
Health, University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana.
2.Center for Ergonomics, Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
3.Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI,
Most existing ergonomic assessment tools are intended for routine work. Time- and cost-efficient
observational tools for ergonomic assessment of unregulated work are lacking. This paper presents
the development of an observation-based tool designed to investigate ergonomic exposures among
informal electronic waste workers that could be applied to other unregulated jobs/tasks. Real time
coding of observation is used to estimate the relative duration, intensity, and frequency of exposure
to key work postures, forceful exertions, movements, contact stress and vibration. Time spent in
manual material handling activities such as carrying, lifting and pushing/pulling of working carts
are also estimated. A preliminary study conducted with 6 e-waste workers showed that the tool can
easily be used with minimal training and good inter-observer agreement (i.e., 89% to 100%) for
most risk factors assessed. This new assessment tool provides effective and flexible options for
quantifying ergonomic exposures among workers engaged in unregulated, highly variable work.
Various tools for estimating ergonomic exposures exist, including observation methods
(Chiasson et al., 2012; Herzog and Buchmeister, 2015), direct methods employing
instrumentation (Winkel and Mathiassen, 1994) and self-reported questionnaires (Spielholz
et al., 2001). These methods have been validated in industrial (Buchholz et al., 1996; Karhu
et al., 1977) and office (Gambo, 2017) settings where tasks are predefined and constitute
primarily a daily routine. Most current assessment methods are time-consuming (Chaffin et
al., 2006; Takala et al., 2010), some are either expensive to implement, require intensive
training of observers in order to effectively use them (Buchholz et al., 1996) or are just not
conducive for use in unregulated work environments wherein the type and intensity of work
performed, even by the same individual, are highly variable within and between days. For
example, a previous study at an informal electronic waste (e-waste) recycling work-site at
HHS Public Access
Author manuscript
Proc Hum Factors Ergon Soc Annu Meet
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2021 March
Published in final edited form as:
Proc Hum Factors Ergon Soc Annu Meet
. 2020 December ; 64(1): 905–909.
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Agbogbloshie in Ghana, reported challenges with compliance to bioinstrumentation
(Acquah et al., 2018). As such, characterising ergonomic exposures in low-resource,
unstructured work settings such as e-waste recycling work in developing countries remains a
challenge for ergonomics practitioners.
Specific to e-waste recycling processes at Agbogbloshie, the rudimentary work practices
present a significant number of ergonomic hazards (Acquah et al., 2019b) and predispose
workers to alarming rates of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) (Acquah et al.,
2019a). The latter study revealed a 90% overall prevalence of MSDs among e-waste
workers, including the lower back (65%), knees (39.3%) and shoulders (37.4%).
Quantifying the suspected ergonomic risk factors associated with unregulated work are
important for establishing likely associations between ergonomic exposures and MSDs so as
to tailor ergonomic interventions aimed at addressing specific risk factors and work
conditions in e-waste recycling. Previous studies at Agbogbloshie have attempted to quantify
physical work hazards associated with e-waste recycling using existing assessment tools.
Although some meaningful estimates were achieved through these methods (unpublished
data), the ability to provide reliable estimate of intensity and duration from these data was
very limited.
The present study aimed to address a methodological gap by developing a low-cost
observation-based ergonomic exposure assessment tool that enables easy quantification of
the intensity, duration and frequency of physical exposures encountered in unregulated work
settings such as informal e-waste work. This developed tool was used to estimate exposures
for 2 worker categories on a limited scale in order to assess inter-observer agreement and
validity (i.e., ability to quantify differences in exposures between e-waste dismantlers and
A methodology to characterize the key ergonomic exposures in e-waste recycling was
developed based on concepts employed in other observational methods including RULA
(McAtamney and Nigel Corlett, 1993), OWAS (Karhu et al., 1977), PATH (Buchholz et al.,
1996), quick exposure checklist (QEC; Li and Buckle, 1998) and tools used to estimate
ergonomic exposures in other work settings (Gilkey, 2002).
2.1 Tool Development
This study was approved by the College of Health Sciences Ethical Review Committee at
the University of Ghana, Accra. Written informed consent was obtained from all
2.1.1 Understanding the processes and activities—Initially, multiple field visits,
walk-through observations and worker interviews were conducted in order to fully
understand and appropriately document the processes involved in e-waste recycling. Three
main e-waste recycling activities were previously identified and classified: i.e., collecting,
dismantling and burning of e-waste (Acquah et al., 2019).
involved traveling to
different neighbourhoods and nearby residential areas scavenging for end-of-life electronics.
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involved breaking apart e-waste items to separate the different metal
involved open-air burning of insulated components (e.g., copper
cables) to retrieve valuable metals for sale. Work methods for each job process were
adequately described to capture the main components of the tasks involved and the work
tools used.
2.1.2 Development of the coding guide and coding template—Following the
initial phase described above, data coding criteria were developed. The focus of the tool
being developed was to estimate the ergonomic risk factors e-waste workers were exposed
to, the proportion of time each factor was present and the time spent in key manual material
handling tasks. Thus, the tool was designed to assess posture, force, repetition, contact stress
and vibration. In addition, manual material handling activities such as carrying, lifting,
pushing/pulling a cart were also distinguished.
The body segment postures assessed included neck, trunk, lower and upper limbs as outlined
below. For each segment, postures were categorized on an ordinal scale with at most 2 or 3
levels in order to facilitate the pace of coding in real time while obtaining meaningful results
in agreement with the relevant literature.
Two postures were coded as either neutral or non-neutral. The study opted for a
simple binary classification based on findings by Buchholz et al. (1996) who demonstrated
that adding more neck posture categories reduced inter-observer agreement for the PATH
tool. Unlike OWAS which excludes the neck, this body segment was included since neck
pain was among the top six MSDs reported by e-waste worker (Acquah et al., 2019).
Three postures were distinguished and coded as neutral (<20° flexion), moderate
(between 20° and 45°) or severe (>45°) forward flexion and/or lateral bending. The
threshold criteria were adapted from prior studies [i.e., the PATH methodology by Buchholz
et al., (1996), guidelines by NIOSH (2014)]. Lateral bending or twisting were combined
with flexion postures since these postures were observed to often occur in conjunction. The
addition of moderate and severe flexion to trunk postures (although absent in OWAS) was
based on findings by Punnett et al. (1991) who reported increased risk of back disorders
associated with severe vs. mild trunk flexion, twisting and lateral bending.
Upper limbs
: Three postures were distinguished and coded as hands/arms below waist
height, below shoulder height but above waist height, and above shoulder height.
Lower limbs
: Three postures were categorised as walking, sitting or standing. Walking was
coded as either ordinary walking or walking while pushing/pulling a cart as is usually the
case for e-waste collectors. Standing was either neutral or standing with knees bent >45°.
Sitting was coded in 3 subcategories; sitting with either hips and knees at about 90°, hips
and knees greater than 90° or hips and knees less than 90°.
Other ergonomic risk factors assessed in addition to posture included force exertions and
movement repetition using ordinal categories based on the QEC (Li and Buckle, 2000).
Force was subjectively graded as low (≤1kg), moderate (between 1kg to 4kg) or high (≥4kg).
Repetition was coded as low (≤10x per min), medium (11–20x per min), and high (≥20x per
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min). The developed tool also assessed exposure to contact stress and vibration. These were
coded on a binary scale as either present or absent.
Following initial piloting of the tool and in-depth consultations with experts in the field, the
tool was modified to include common manual material handling activities performed during
e-waste recycling, i.e., carrying, lifting, pushing/pulling of a cart or wheel-barrow. Lifting
and carrying activities were coded as Light (≤5kg), Moderate (6 to 10kg), Heavy (11 to
20kg) and Very Heavy (≥20kg), akin to the QEC (Li and Buckle, 2000). In order to
familiarize observers with estimates of the weight handled by workers, frequently handled
items and work tools identified from field visits were weighed using a weighing scale prior
to conducting structured observational assessments. With respect to pushing/pulling of
wheelbarrow or cart, the focus of the coding was whether the wheelbarrow or cart was
empty or loaded.
To facilitate easy recording of observed data in the absence of hand-held tablets or
computerised devices, a pen and paper-based coding template was designed. Ordinal
categories associated with each of the risk factors assessed were assigned numerical codes
and written in cells juxtaposed to these risk factors. The columns in the template
corresponded to the observation duration/time and the rows corresponded to the ergonomic
risk factor being assessed. Each cell corresponded to 60 seconds of observation. To enhance
speed in data coding, when no changes were observed between two epochs, the preceding
cell was left blank until a change in the risk factor being assessed was observed at which
point the new value was written in the cell corresponding to that time interval.
2.2 Observer Training
Two research assistants (RAs) were trained for two weeks. The first week of the training
focused on familiarizing the RAs with the processes and work methods involved in e-waste
recycling by watching assigned videos of workers performing e-waste recycling and
interpreting the various exposure codes using a coding guide. Next, the RAs were instructed
on use of the newly developed tool to code observations from the videos. During this time,
they were allowed to pause the video when necessary to facilitate the capture/identification
of required details. They were also encouraged to discuss any instances of confusion or
ambiguity with the coding process among themselves. The second week of training was
conducted in the field and focused on coding from direct observations in real time. During
the direct field observations, the observers worked concurrently so that inter-observer
agreement could be established.
2.2.1 Inter-observer agreement—Inter-observer agreement was determined by
comparing coded data for 6 workers including 3 dismantlers and 3 burners. Each worker was
observed by two observers simultaneously for 10 minutes. The inter-observer agreement was
compared for the neck, trunk, upper and lower limb postures as well as force, repetition,
contact stress and vibration.
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2.3 Piloting of the tool
The newly developed tool was piloted on the same 6 workers whose data were used for the
inter-observer agreement. Each worker was observed for a full working day and the
proportion of time they spent in various ergonomic exposures computed.
2.3.1 Procedure for data collection—Workers were approached during the field visits
and were presented the purpose of the study. Six workers at the time of the visit consented to
participate in the pilot study. They were observed from the start of their work shift until
completion. E-waste workers have variable work schedules and work durations which is
usually dependent on availability of raw materials to work with (Acquah et al., 2019b). The
observers also wore a video camera (GoPro Inc.) to obtain a backup of the observed data
thus ensuring the opportunity to review and/or verify missing data later if necessary.
2.3.2 Data processing—The observation data coded on the paper templates by each
observer were entered into MS Excel spreadsheets. Conventional methods were used to
count the frequency of noted observations. The proportion of time spent in various postures,
activities and exposure duration to risk factors were computed and tabulated in Excel.
3.1 Inter-observer agreement
Data coded by the two observers for neck posture (dismantlers), upper limbs (burners),
lower limbs (burners and dismantlers) as well as repetition and contact stress (dismantlers)
were in perfect agreement. Table 1 summarizes the percent agreement and kappa statistic for
other areas. Pooled data showed 89.17% to 100% agreement for all risk factors observed.
3.2 Pilot data (exposure profile for 6 workers)
The total observation times were 721 minutes for the 3 burners and 382 minutes for the 3
dismantlers. The proportion of work time corresponding to various ergonomic exposures
differed between burners and dismantlers. Burners spent 65.2% of their work time in neutral
standing (standing with knees straight) and 32.3% sitting with their hips and knees angles
less than 90°. Dismantlers spent 85.1% of their work time sitting (with their hips and knees
less than 90°) and 13.9% in neutral standing. Figure 1 depicts the proportion of working
time spent by burners and dismantlers in different neck, trunk and upper limb postures.
Burners and dismantlers spent the majority of their work time (81.3% and 99.2%
respectively) in non-neutral neck postures. They mostly worked with their arms/hands below
waist level (99.7% for burners and 99.0% for dismantlers). Whereas dismantlers worked
with their trunk in moderate flexion (79.8% of working time), burners worked most of the
time with their trunks severely flexed (76.4% of work time).
Figure 2 summarizes the proportion of time burners and dismantlers were exposed to various
intensities of force and repetition. Burners were exposed to low force exertions for 96.5% of
their work time, while dismantlers were exposed to high force exertion 66.8% of their work
time. However, burners and dismantlers spent most of their work time (73.5% and 84.8%,
respectively) in high repetition tasks (i.e. > 20 movements/min).
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Duration of exposure to contact stress were higher among dismantlers than burners (87.2%
vs. 5.6% of the work time, respectively). Furthermore, exposure duration to hand vibrations
was higher among dismantlers than burners (i.e., 77.8% vs. 2.9% of the work time,
An observation-based method was developed to quantify for the first time and in real time
ergonomic exposures among unregulated type of work such as e-waste recycling in a
developing country. The inter-observer agreement as well as preliminary data coded in real-
time indicates that our tool appears to provide the information necessary to adequately
quantify exposure.
The inter-observer agreement was high for upper and lower limb postures. This was mainly
because lower limb postures walking, sitting and standing were easy to identify and their
corresponding exposure levels were easy to distinguish. Burners mostly worked in a
standing posture and occasionally would sit in between burning activities or while they were
waiting for dismantlers to bring them items to burn. Among burners, standing with severe
trunk flexion (76.4% of work time) was observed when not actively burning as they spent a
substantial amount of time picking up pieces of metal that had fallen to the ground during
the burning of e-waste. Upper limb activities for both burners and dismantlers were often
performed with the arms below the waist height, which was relatively straightforward for the
observers to identify. However, visual coding of trunk postures in real-time every 60s,
particularly discriminating between neutral and slight trunk flexion, was more challenging
and susceptible to misclassification resulting in lower agreement between observers (i.e.,
89.17% agreement, Kappa = 0.69).
Other common coding errors related to presence/absence of contact stress and vibration,
especially for burners. These risk factors were easily identifiable among dismantlers since
their task were performed with high force intensity (66.8% of the work time) using hammers
and chisels while burners predominantly exerted low forces most of the time (96.5%).
Repetition was difficult to estimate since the observers had little time to count in quick
succession the number of hand movements while also discerning other risk factors within
the 60s-time interval. Thus, the observers during the training period had to get familiar with
visual approaches to quickly and easily estimate these counts effectively. As such, some
disparities occurred between observers resulting in the low level of agreement (Kappa =
0.667, with 92.5% agreement). Finally, judging moderate and severe force was also a
challenge for observers.
The newly developed tool was effective in capturing information in real time the relative
duration and intensity of key risk factors. The method adequately estimates time spent in
postures, exerting forceful and repetitive movements as well as indicating whether contact
stress and vibration were absent or present. The tool is relatively easy to use compared to
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other established observation-based tools that are time consuming to evaluate one risk factor
at a time and require a prolonged training period to achieve high inter-observer reliability.
The developed tool is amenable to unregulated work environments since the “low tech” pen
and paper approach can be used in low-resource settings where funds to purchase portable
computing devices and direct measurement instrumentation may be limited. While
advantageous in low-resource settings, the pen and paper approach made the transfer of
coding into spreadsheets tedious and time-consuming. Future studies could explore the tool
for use on portable hand-held devices (e.g., tablet computers). Although the simplification
into a small number of categories (1–3 maximum) allows real time coding, the tool cannot
be used without some training.
We acknowledge the dedicated effort of Nyamedo N.A. Yeboah, Emmanuel N.A. Odametey, Gifty N. Konadu,
Nana Adjoa Asare and Priscilla Nyale in the data collection stage of this study.
This work was supported by the West Africa-Michigan Charter II in GEOHealth; jointly funded by the US NIH
Fogarty International Center under Award Number U01 TW010103 and by the Canadian International Development
Research Centre under award number 108121-001. Co-authors CD and BM were supported in part by the training
grant T42-OH008455 from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC). The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the official
policies of nor endorsement by NIH, NIOSH, CDC, and/or the Canadian and US Governments.
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Figure 1:
Proportion of time (%) spent by burners (n = 3) and dismantlers (n = 3) in different work
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Figure 2:
Proportion of time (%) exposed to different intensity levels of force and repetition for
burners (n = 3) and dismantlers (n = 3).
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Table 1:
Inter-observer agreement for two trained observers using 10-minute observations each of 6 workers (i.e., 3 burners and 3 dismantlers).
Variable Burners (n = 30 minutes) Dismantlers (n = 30 minutes) Pooled (n = 60 minutes)
Posture Kappa % agreement Kappa % agreement Kappa % agreement
-Neck 0.760 93.33%
** **
0.782 96.67%
-Trunk 0.687 86.67% 0.257 91.67% 0.695 89.17%
-Upper limbs
** **
0.000 96.67% 0.000 98.33%
-Lower limbs
** ** ** **
1.000 100%
Force 0.754 95.00 0.636 86.67% 0.878 94.17%
Repetition 0.610 85%
** **
0.667 92.50%
Contact stress 0.851 93.33%
** **
0.925 96.67%
Vibration 0.000 96.67% 0.651 96.67% 0.933 96.67%
Perfect agreement. All coded values were the same for both observers.
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... Tools such as surveys or checklists are then employed to assess and grade risk levels [15,16] . For example, Acquah et al. utilized checklists to evaluate work postures [17] . Russo et al. administered standardized questionnaires through interviews with 8,000 Italian workers [18] . ...
Full-text available
Manual laborers are often at an increased risk for work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) due to improper work postures or the lifting of excessively heavy objects. Therefore, conducting an effective ergonomic assessment of workers is crucial for enhancing productivity and minimizing the occurrence of WMSDs. The Ergonomic Posture Risk Assessment (EPRA) is a widely used method for this assessment. However, traditional EPRA methods rely on human or sensor input, leading to subjective bias, instability, and reduced accuracy. This study addresses these issues by proposing an objective machine-learning approach. It employs a non-intrusive computer vision technique for posture capture, enabling rapid analysis of the worker’s activities through Random Forest analysis. The dataset for risk assessment is generated from the worker’s skeletal joint posture data, collected using Movenet Thunder in conjunction with an inertial motion capture device and the Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) standard. The Particle Swarm Optimization Random Forest (PSO-RF) model is then utilized to predict risk scores for various postures, incorporating limb length ratios to tackle challenges associated with observing torsional joints. The model’s effectiveness in detecting poor posture is subsequently evaluated. The findings indicate that the PSO-RF model successfully identifies poor postures and computes the corresponding REBA scores with 89% accuracy, 93% precision, 91% F1 score, 89% recall, and a kappa value of 82%. This research demonstrates that the machine learning approach, utilizing computer vision and Random Forest, can effectively conduct EPRA to prevent musculoskeletal injuries, providing a data-driven and accurate method for enhancing workplace safety and health.
... As a policy, regular ergonomic assessments can play an important role in monitoring worker health in occupational safety management. For ergonomic assessment, in addition to self-report questionnaires by workers, the experts usually apply observational methods to assess the working postures through a qualified checklist (Acquah et al., 2021). However, the observational methods are still inherently subjective among the raters and may affect mea 0022-4375/Ó 2023 National Safety Council and Elsevier Ltd. ...
Introduction: There are some inherent problems with the use of observation methods in the ergonomic assessment of working posture, namely the stability and precision of the measurements. This study aims to use a machine learning (ML) approach to avoid the subjectivity bias of observational methods in ergonomic assessments and further identify risk patterns for work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) among sewing machine operators. Methods: We proposed a decision tree analysis scheme for ergonomic assessment in working postures (DTAS-EAWP). First, DTAS-EAWP used computer vision-based technology to detect the body movement angles from the on-site working videos to generate a dataset of risk scores through the criteria of Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) for sewing machine operators. Second, data mining techniques (WEKA) using the C4.5 algorithm were used to construct a representative decision tree (RDT) with paths of various risk levels, and attribute importance analysis was performed to determine the critical body segments for WMSDs. Results: DTAS-EAWP was able to recognize 11,211 samples of continuous working postures in sewing machine operation and calculate the corresponding final REBA scores. A total of 13 decision rules were constructed in the RDT, with over 95% prediction accuracy and 83% path coverage, to depict the possible risk tendency in the working postures. Through RDT and attribute importance analysis, it was identified that the lower arm and the upper arms exhibited as critical segments that significantly increased the risk levels for WMSDs. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that ML approach with computer vision-based estimation and DT analysis are feasible for comprehensively exploring the decision rules in ergonomic assessment of working postures for risk prediction of WMSDs in sewing machine operators. Practical Applications: This DTAS-EAWP can be applied in manufacturing industries to automatically analyze working postures and identify risk patterns of WMSDs, leading to the development of effectively preventive interventions.
The prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD) continues to increase among office workers. Appropriate and easy quantification of the predisposing factors are essential in developing and implementing interventions to prevent WMSD in this population. This requires the use of assessment methods that provide elaborate estimation of workers’ exposure to identified risk factors rather than an abridged sample of their work routine. This study tests with five bank tellers the Ergonomic Assessment tool for Unstructured and unregulated Work (EAUW) originally developed to provide duration and frequency estimations of risk factors in informal, non-routine work. The goal of this case study is to demonstrate the EAUW’s usefulness and applicability in office ergonomics assessment. The results indicate that the principles governing the EAUW (real time coding of risk factors) are applicable to office work assessment and promises to provide detailed estimation of risk factors when compared to existing job analysis tools.
Existing ergonomic assessment tools have been designed for routine and structured work making their use in informal work setting challenging due to the high variability in tasks performed by informal workers. The Ergonomic Assessment tool for Unstructured Work (EAUW) was developed by Acquah and colleagues to address this challenge. The tool is efficient and has good inter-observer reliability, but little information is known about its other psychometric properties. This paper assesses the reliability and validity of EAUW. Criterion validity was determined by comparing the EAUW with existing tools for a selected number of e-waste recycling tasks. Intra-observer reliability was determined by comparing observations from the same assessor 5 days apart. Results indicated a high intra-observer agreement for all exposure variables. Compared to existing tools which provide a snapshot of ergonomic exposures, the EAUW provides a more detailed estimate of work exposures between- and within-workers across time.
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Rudimentary methods for electronic waste (e-waste) recycling employed in developing countries are a source of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs). A summarized comparison of WRMSDs and preliminary exposure assessment among e-waste dismantlers (D) and burners (B) in Agbogbloshie, Ghana is presented. A cross-sectional study was conducted to investigate WRMSDs and associated risk factors using the Cornell Musculoskeletal Discomfort Questionnaire and a newly developed ergonomic assessment tool. Results indicated higher WRMSDs prevalence in the lower back (68% D vs. 52% B; p = 0.172), shoulder (41% D vs. 29% B; p = 0.279) and upper arm (33% D vs 5% B; p = 0.010). Moderate to severe trunk flexion, high force exertion, repetition and vibration were prevalent risk factors among workers and were significantly higher in dismantlers than burners ( p ≤ 0.001). Detailed ergonomic studies investigating the relationship between physical exposures and WRMSDs are needed to provide a deeper understanding of WRMSD causation in e-waste workers and more particularly in unstructured, unregulated work.
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The work conducted in the informal sector is highly variable within and between days. Characterizing ergonomic exposures remains a challenge because of unstructured work settings and schedules. The existing ergonomic risk assessment tools have been widely used in formal work settings with a narrow range of exposure, and for predefined tasks that primarily constitute a daily routine. There is limited information in the literature on how they have been applied in informal workplaces. The aim of this study was to extend an existing risk assessment tool and to evaluate the applicability of the extended tool by assessing ergonomic exposure related to hand-made cookware operations. Eighteen hand-made cookware makers were recruited from six sites. A walkthrough risk assessment questionnaire was used to collect information on workers, tasks, work stations and workplace structures. The Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) screening tool was extended by including duration and vibration. An action priority matrix was used to guide intervention. According to the RULA action levels, the workers required investigation and changes soon, and immediate investigation and changes. The use of an action priority matrix was appropriate, and indicated that all the workers assessed were within the high to very high exposure domain and required immediate corrective measures. The methodology used proved to be an effective and reliable strategy for identifying ergonomic exposure among hand-made cookware makers.
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The unregulated and unorganized structure of informal electronic waste recycling worksites exposes workers to numerous occupational hazards. This context also presents research challenges in collecting exposure data to establish linkages with adverse health effects and development of risk-mitigating strategies. This paper presents some findings from a 5-year multinational and multi-institutional collaboration of academic and government partners, which documented extensive occupational and environmental health conditions at the Agbogbloshie electronic waste site in central Accra, Ghana.
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Electronic waste (e-waste) is a worldwide problem in terms of increasing production rate in the global waste stream. Its recycling is known to be associated with adverse health outcomes. The recycling site at Agbogbloshie is a major e-waste recycling hub which presents enormous health threats to the residents in this community as a result of exposure to complex mixtures of chemicals associated with the poor work methods employed. This paper describes the processes involved in e-waste recycling at Agbogbloshie and discusses some of the associated health and psychosocial challenges. Direct field observations and in-depth interviews of eight e-waste workers were conducted from November, 2017 to December, 2017. Results from a thematic analysis of the data gathered; suggest that inappropriate recycling methods, financial constraints, and the high physical demands of e-waste recycling work were associated with adverse musculoskeletal health conditions among the workers. A more systematic ergonomic study is currently being undertaken to quantify the associations between physical work exposures and worker musculoskeletal health among e-waste workers in Agbogbloshie. Further studies that focus on locally adapted ergonomic interventions for effective recycling of e-waste and reducing the health risk to workers are needed.
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Background/Aim: E-waste recycling at Agbogbloshie consists mainly of collection, dismantling and burning of electronic waste. Processes involved are highly informal and physically demanding, consisting of varying levels of lifting, torso bending and twisting, prolonged sitting and standing. These activities are likely to cause musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Thus far, studies on adverse health effects of e-waste recycling have focused ostensibly on chemicals and/or particulate matter. This study investigated the prevalence of MSDs among e-waste workers at Agbogbloshie, Accra Ghana; one of the world’s largest e-waste recycling sites. Methods: The Cornell musculoskeletal discomfort questionnaire was used to obtain information on the occurrence of MSDs in 11 specific body regions of 163 e-waste workers. Descriptive statistics was used to summarize information on MSD prevalence. Chi-squared and regression analyses were used to examine relationships between e-waste recycling job categories and MSD frequency and severity. Results: The study sample consisted of 70 collectors, 73 dismantlers and 20 burners working an average of 6 days per week, for an average duration of 9.95  2.43 hours per day. Analysis indicated an overall MSD prevalence of 90% among e-waste workers. The 6 body regions where MSDs were most commonly reported included the lower back (65%), knee (39%), shoulder (37%), upper arm (30%), lower leg (27%) and neck (26%) respectively. Significant associations between e-waste job category and the frequency (p = 0.032) and severity (p = 0.005) of MSDs were found. For collectors the odds of developing knee and lower leg MSDs were 0.08(0.01-0.67) and 0.17(0.07-0.43) respectively compared to dismantlers. For dismantlers, the odds of developing MSD in the upper arm was 0.08(0.01-0.67) compared to burners. Conclusions: E-waste workers in Agbogbloshie experience an alarmingly high prevalence of MSDs. Reducing the occurrence of MSDs among e-waste workers will require effecting change through contextually and locally adapted ergonomic interventions.
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A newer exposure tool has been developed for health and safety practitioners to assess the exposure to risks for work-related musculoskeletal disorders. The tool is based on the practitioners' needs for such a tool and `state of the art' research findings. QEC has been tested, modified and validated based upon various simulated and practical tasks, with the help of up to 150 practitioners. The studies have shown that the tool has a high level of sensitivity and usability, and exhibits largely acceptable inter/intra-observer reliability. Field studies also indicate that the tool is, in practice, reliable and applicable for a wide range of tasks. With a short training period and some practice, assessment can normally be completed within 10 minutes for each task.
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The kappa statistic is frequently used to test interrater reliability. The importance of rater reliability lies in the fact that it represents the extent to which the data collected in the study are correct representations of the variables measured. Measurement of the extent to which data collectors (raters) assign the same score to the same variable is called interrater reliability. While there have been a variety of methods to measure interrater reliability, traditionally it was measured as percent agreement, calculated as the number of agreement scores divided by the total number of scores. In 1960, Jacob Cohen critiqued use of percent agreement due to its inability to account for chance agreement. He introduced the Cohen's kappa, developed to account for the possibility that raters actually guess on at least some variables due to uncertainty. Like most correlation statistics, the kappa can range from -1 to +1. While the kappa is one of the most commonly used statistics to test interrater reliability, it has limitations. Judgments about what level of kappa should be acceptable for health research are questioned. Cohen's suggested interpretation may be too lenient for health related studies because it implies that a score as low as 0.41 might be acceptable. Kappa and percent agreement are compared, and levels for both kappa and percent agreement that should be demanded in healthcare studies are suggested.
A tool has been developed for health and safety practitioners to assess the exposure to workplace risks for work-related musculoskeletal disorders. The tool is based on the practitioners' needs and “state of the art” research findings. QEC has been tested, modified and validated using both simulated and real tasks, with the help of approximately 150 practitioners. The studies have shown that the tool has a high level of sensitivity and usability, and exhibits largely acceptable inter/intra-observer reliability. Field studies also indicate that the tool is, in practice, reliable and applicable for a wide range of tasks. With a short training period and some practice, assessment can normally be completed within approximately 10 minutes for each task.
This paper presents a comparison between eight different methods for determining risk factors for work-related musculoskeletal disorders. The Quick Exposure Check (QEC), the Ergonomic Workplace Analysis developed by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH), ACGIH's Hand Activity Level threshold limit values method (HAL), the Job Strain Index (JSI), the OCRA index, the EN 1005-3 standard, the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) and the Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) methods were all used to assess 224 workstations involving 567 tasks in various industrial sectors. The results are compared using three risk categories (low, moderate, high). Data were gathered using video and measurements taken at the workstations. A questionnaire was also administered to employees participating in the study. The findings reveal that the various methods differ in their analyses of the same workstation. The EN 1005-3 standard assessing risk to the shoulder was the most conservative, identifying over 86% of the workstations as high risk. The HAL classified 37% of the workstations as low-risk to the hand and wrist compare to JSI with 9%. Correlation was highest between RULA and REBA, and between JSI and HAL. The FIOH, RULA and REBA methods did not identify any workstations as low risk. The QEC method proved to be the less stringent in assessing overall risk, classifying 35% of the workstations as high risk compare to RULA with 76%. The QEC Hand/wrist and OCRA Hand/wrist/elbow indices showed similar results for the number of workstations classified as high risk, but did not classify the same workstations in this category. OCRA and QEC were in agreement 57% of the time for all risk categories combined.Relevance to industryThese results provide a better understanding of the differences between various risk assessment methods. This information should be particularly useful for practitioners when choosing a method prior to an ergonomic intervention in industry.
Examination of the causes of injuries in the construction industry through epidemiologic methods has been limited, in part, by the lack of methods to quantify exposure to injury risk. Injury exposure assessment, that is, the evaluation of site conditions leading to increased risk of injury, is particularly challenging in construction because of the nature of the construction process, which is highly dynamic, involves many trades employed by multiple contractors, uses fast-moving, heavy equipment, and may require work at significant elevations. In this article, a method for assessing injury risk in construction is proposed, and a pilot study of its effectiveness is presented. The method uses a construction site as a whole as the unit of analysis and evaluates the risk associated with working on that site. An inspection checklist with ten specific items was developed covering hazards associated with trips, falls from elevations, electrocutions, trenching cave-ins, vehicle-related injuries, and lacerations. The checklist was used by an observer on a random sample of locations within the site. At each location, the presence or absence of each hazard was noted and rated with respect to how well it was protected. The site was then evaluated on the basis of the frequency of each hazard, the average degree of protection, and a summary score which integrated the frequency and degree of protection across the ten hazards. A pilot study was conducted in which three observers rated the hazards on the same randomly selected locations on three sites and two occasions. The results demonstrated that the injury exposure assessment tool is feasible and can distinguish between sites and over time with respect to individual hazards and the summary hazard score. However, there was a significant difference between the observers in both the frequency of hazard identification and the rating of its degree of protection. Before using this risk quantification tool, improved methods for adjusting the observers' scores need to be developed.