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Heterogeneity Is a Hallmark of Traumatic Brain Injury, Not a Limitation: A New Perspective on Study Design in Rehabilitation Research

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology


Purpose In both basic science and intervention research in traumatic brain injury (TBI), heterogeneity in the patient population is frequently cited as a limitation and is often interpreted as a factor reducing certainty in the generalizability of research findings and as a source of conflicting findings across studies. Historically, much of TBI research in rehabilitation and cognition has relied upon case–control studies, with small to modest sample sizes. In this context, heterogeneity is indeed a significant limitation. Here, however, we argue that heterogeneity in patient profiles is a hallmark characteristic of TBI and therefore cannot be avoided or ignored. We argue that this inherent heterogeneity must be acknowledged and accounted for prior to study design. Fortunately, advances in statistical methods and computing power allow researchers to leverage heterogeneity, rather than be constrained by it. Method In this article, we review sources of heterogeneity that contribute to challenges in TBI research, highlight methodological advances in statistical analysis and in other fields with high degrees of heterogeneity (e.g., psychiatry) that may be fruitfully applied to decomposing heterogeneity in TBI, and offer an example from our research group incorporating this approach. Conclusion Only by adopting new methodological approaches can we advance the science of rehabilitation following TBI in ways that will impact clinical practice and inform decision making, allowing us to understand and respond to the range of individual differences that are a hallmark in this population.
Heterogeneity is a Hallmark of Traumatic Brain Injury, Not a Limitation: 5"
A New Perspective on Study Design in Rehabilitation Research 6"
Natalie V. Covington1, 2 & Melissa C. Duff2 9"
1. Department of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 12"
MN 13"
2. Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, 14"
Nashville, TN 15"
Funding Statement: ASHFoundation Clinical Research Grant to NVC and NIDILRR grant 17"
90SFGE0012 to MCD. 18"
Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors report no relevant conflicts of interest. 19"
Corresponding Author: 22"
Natalie V. Covington, PhD CCC-SLP 23"
University of Minnesota 24"
115 Shevlin Hall 25"
164 Pillsbury Drive Southeast, Minneapolis, MN 55455 26"
Email: 27"
ORCID: 28"
Abstract: 29"
Purpose: In both basic science and intervention research in traumatic brain injury (TBI), 31"
heterogeneity in the patient population is frequently cited as a limitation, and is often interpreted 32"
as a factor reducing certainty in the generalizability of research findings and as a source of 33"
conflicting findings across studies. Historically, much of TBI research in rehabilitation and 34"
cognition has relied upon case-control studies, with small to modest sample sizes. In this context, 35"
heterogeneity is indeed a significant limitation. Here, however, we argue that heterogeneity in 36"
patient profiles is a hallmark characteristic of TBI, and therefore cannot be avoided or ignored. 37"
We argue that this inherent heterogeneity must be acknowledged and accounted for prior to study 38"
design. Fortunately, advances in statistical methods and computing power allow researchers to 39"
leverage heterogeneity, rather than be constrained by it. 40"
Method: In this Viewpoint, we review sources of heterogeneity that contribute to challenges in 42"
TBI research, highlight methodological advances in statistical analysis and in other fields with 43"
high degrees of heterogeneity (e.g. psychiatry) that may be fruitfully applied to decomposing 44"
heterogeneity in TBI, and offer an example from our research group incorporating this approach. 45"
Conclusions: Only by adopting new methodological approaches can we advance the science of 47"
rehabilitation following TBI in ways that will impact clinical practice and inform decision 48"
making, allowing us to understand and respond to the range of individual differences that are a 49"
hallmark in this population. 50"
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of acquired disability, with an estimated 52"
3.2-5 million Americans living with a TBI-related long-term disability (Coronado et al., 2011; 53"
Zaloshnja, Miller, Langlois, & Selassie, 2008). Critically, the cognitive and communicative 54"
consequences of TBI are some of the last to resolve, if they resolve at all. While patients with 55"
TBI often make significant physical gains in the first months following injury, cognitive and 56"
communication difficulties are more resistant to change (Pagulayan, Temkin, Machamer, & 57"
Dikmen, 2006). Impairments in cognition and communication persist in large proportions of 58"
patients with TBI, with approximately 60% of patients reporting memory impairments even 10 59"
years post-injury (Ponsford et al., 2014). Given the substantial risks cognitive and 60"
communicative impairments pose to regaining gainful employment and a high quality of life, 61"
maximizing the benefits of cognitive rehabilitation for each individual patient is imperative. 62"
Overall, participation in behavioral interventions appears to improve functional outcomes 63"
for patients with TBI, compared to those who do not receive such treatment (Cicerone et al., 64"
2008; Geurtsen, van Heugten, Martina, & Geurts, 2010; Goranson, Graves, Allison, & La 65"
Freniere, 2003; Konigs, Beurskens, Snoep, Scherder, & Oosterlaan, 2018). While rehabilitation 66"
services have been shown to be ultimately cost-saving, they are still very resource intensive 67"
(Andelic et al., 2014; Cooney & Carroll, 2016; Griesbach, Kreber, Harrington, & Ashley, 2015; 68"
Stolwyk, Gooden, Kim, & Cadilhac, 2019). Therefore, it is critical that rehabilitation maximizes 69"
gains for each patient. However, it has been suggested that heterogeneity within the population 70"
of individuals with TBI may be hampering effective intervention at the individual patient level 71"
(Cicerone et al., 2011; Dahdah et al., 2016; Goranson et al., 2003; Hart et al., 2014; Lu, Gary, 72"
Neimeier, Ward, & Lapane, 2012). In addition, systematic reviews and meta-analyses frequently 73"
find that known heterogeneity in the TBI sample is not adequately described, constraining efforts 74"
to aggregate findings across studies (Bigler et al., 2013; Elliott & Parente, 2014; Kennedy et al., 75"
2008; O’Neil-Pirozzi, Kennedy, & Sohlberg, 2016; Rohling, Faust, Beverly, & Demakis, 2009). 76"
Furthermore, over a 30-year period, none of the promising clinical interventions in animal 77"
models have translated to successful clinical treatments in human randomized controlled trials 78"
(RCT) (Lu et al., 2012). Lu and colleagues cite heterogeneity in the population of individuals 79"
with TBI as a primary barrier inhibiting progress in intervention research. 80"
The ideas and arguments in the current paper reflect our evolving thinking about 81"
heterogeneity’s role in TBI rehabilitation research, spurred by conversations, discussions, and 82"
concerns raised by attendees at the 2020 International Cognitive Communication Disorders 83"
Conference (ICCDC). TBI researchers have long recognized that heterogeneity in the patient 84"
population at large impedes the generalizability of their results to new patients. Clinically, 85"
rehabilitation professionals, including speech-language pathologists, treat individuals with TBI. 86"
However, our current research model often treats individuals with TBI as groups: how does the 87"
(fictional) average individual with TBI respond to a particular treatment. In order to advance the 88"
field of rehabilitation in TBI, and to make more precise decisions about particular treatment 89"
strategies for particular patients, we need to take a new approach. Addressing heterogeneity in 90"
the population head-on, by employing new methods of data collection, aggregation, and analysis 91"
will allow us to begin to make discoveries that have an impact on individual patients and their 92"
needs, by understanding and accounting for individual differences and heterogeneity in a 93"
population that is marked by these characteristics. 94"
Indeed, regarding medical management in TBI, Maas and colleagues write, “The question 95"
is if attempts to limit heterogeneity are appropriate, or alternatively, that the existing 96"
heterogeneity in patient populations, management approaches, and outcomes, may be used to 97"
advantage by exploring these differences and analyzing the underlying causes for a given 98"
outcome or individual patient response to a selected therapy or intervention” (Maas et al., 2012; 99"
emphasis added). This is a question that should also be at the forefront of rehabilitation research, 100"
as well: given that heterogeneity is a hallmark of TBI, how can we best leverage this inherent 101"
variability in ways that improve clinical decision-making? Would we be better served by seeking 102"
to sample across heterogeneity, rather than attempting to “control” for inherent heterogeneity by 103"
using stringent exclusionary criteria that result in samples that are not reflective of the larger 104"
population? 105"
Here, we argue that heterogeneity is hallmark in TBI: a feature, not a bug. However, the 106"
research methods commonly employed in our field (including by our research group) have been 107"
insufficient for addressing this hallmark heterogeneity. The primary goal of rehabilitative efforts 108"
following TBI is to deliver appropriate intervention to the individual patient: there is an inherent 109"
tension between commonly employed research designs that focus on group-level response to 110"
intervention and the clinical reality of treating one patient at a time. In this paper, we argue that 111"
the field of rehabilitation science in TBI must take a new methodological approach if we are to 112"
effectively decompose heterogeneity in TBI and begin to understand the sources and causes of 113"
inter-individual variability in clinical profiles and outcome. We will review sources of 114"
heterogeneity that contribute to challenges in TBI research, highlight methodological advances in 115"
statistical analysis and in other fields who also serve populations with high degrees of 116"
heterogeneity (e.g. psychiatry) that may be fruitfully applied to decomposing heterogeneity in 117"
TBI, and offer an example from our research group incorporating this approach. We believe that 118"
by taking a new stance on heterogeneity in TBI, and employing new approaches designed with 119"
heterogeneity in mind, we can make significant breakthroughs in advancing rehabilitation 120"
following TBI in ways that address the distinctive profiles and needs of each unique patient with 121"
TBI. 122"
The “Problem” of Heterogeneity 123"
Heterogeneity is one of the most commonly cited barriers to translational research in TBI. 124"
In a systematic review of three decades of RCTs in TBI, Lu and colleagues write, “the 125"
heterogeneity of this population remains one of the most important factors affecting outcomes of 126"
intervention following TBI” (Lu et al., 2012). While all brain pathology involves some degree of 127"
heterogeneity in presentation, TBI is among the most heterogeneous neurological conditions, 128"
resulting in vastly different constellations of neuroanatomical damage, physical disability, and 129"
cognitive deficits across patients. There is a wide range of inter-individual variability in TBI, 130"
which spans multiple levels of analysis: variability in premorbid patient characteristics, injury 131"
characteristics, pathoanatomic characteristics, and in physical, cognitive, and psychosocial 132"
profiles following injury. Heterogeneity at each of these levels of analysis likely contributes to 133"
the highly variable long-term outcomes observed following TBI (Dahdah et al., 2016; Hart et al., 134"
2014). In the following section, we highlight the myriad sources of heterogeneity across patients, 135"
to draw attention to the factors that researchers should be considering prior to study design, and 136"
will then go on to underscore the importance of new approaches that allow for characterization 137"
of this multidimensional variability. 138"
Natural Sources of Heterogeneity 139"
Heterogeneity in Pre-Injury Characteristics 140"
Inter-individual differences in demographic, psychosocial, and cognitive factors prior to 141"
injury impact how a TBI will affect a particular person, even when injury characteristics and 142"
severity are held constant across individuals. There is evidence for a non-linear effect of age, 143"
such that outcomes are poorer for survivors of pediatric TBI (Lah, Epps, Levick, & Parry, 2011; 144"
Verger et al., 2000) as well as older adults (de la Plata et al., 2008; Senathi-Raja, Ponsford, & 145"
Schönberger, 2010), compared to younger adults. Sex differences in response to TBI have been 146"
documented in social cognition (Turkstra et al., 2020), postconcussive symptoms (Bazarian, 147"
Blyth, Mookerjee, He, & McDermott, 2010), and functional outcomes (Mollayeva, Mollayeva, & 148"
Colantonio, 2018; Saban, Smith, Collins, & Pape, 2011). TBI also differentially impacts 149"
individuals with differing levels of educational attainment or “cognitive reserve” (Schneider et 150"
al., 2014). 151"
Basic science and intervention work differs in the degree to which these premorbid 152"
factors are considered or even reported. Older adults are under-represented in treatment studies, 153"
despite the fact that older adults are at particular risk for TBI compared to the general population 154"
(Corrigan et al., 2012; Gaastra et al., 2016; Gardner, Dams-O’Connor, Morrissey, & Manley, 155"
2018). Sex differences in response to intervention are understudied (Mollayeva et al., 2018) and 156"
female survivors of TBI are under-represented in research, particularly in military settings 157"
(Amoroso & Iverson, 2017). Despite high co-occurrence of psychiatric disease alongside 158"
neurological conditions like TBI, a majority of studies exclude patients with psychiatric 159"
conditions, limiting generalizability of findings (Trivedi & Humphreys, 2015). 160"
Heterogeneity in Injury Characteristics 161"
The cause of initial injury in TBI varies widely across patients, but this heterogeneity in 162"
injury characteristics is usually collapsed into a single diagnostic group in basic science and 163"
treatment research. Pathoanatomically, there are a wide range of possible injuries (e.g. skull 164"
fractures, hemorrhage (epidural, subdural, subarachnoid, intraparenchymal, intraventricular), 165"
parenchymal contusion/laceration). In addition, TBI patients differ significantly in the number, 166"
severity, and distribution of such lesions, and many incur both focal and diffuse lesions 167"
(Hawryluk & Manley, 2015; Saatman et al., 2008). Even in mild TBI, there is significant 168"
heterogeneity in injury characteristics. Rosenbaum and Lipton write, ““each patient is likely to 169"
experience a truly unique mechanism of brain injury at the tissue level” (Rosenbaum & Lipton, 170"
2012). 171"
The most widely used method for parsing some of the variability in injury characteristics 172"
is categorization of injuries by their “severity”. Some severity classification schemes utilize the 173"
Glasgow Coma Scale, (GCS), with cutoff scores defining “mild”, “moderate”, and “severe” TBI 174"
(Sherer, Struchen, Yablon, Wang, & Nick, 2008; Teasdale & Jennett, 1974). While the use of the 175"
GCS as a classification system has proven useful for group-level prognostication in large sample 176"
studies, individual patients with equivalent GCS factors can vary widely in important ways, with 177"
differing pathoanatomic characteristics and cognitive sequelae. For example, patients classified 178"
as having sustained a “severe” TBI based on GCS scores demonstrate brain damage that varies 179"
widely in terms of type of neuropathology and lesion location. Based upon this observation, 180"
according to Saatman and colleagues, “it is difficult to see how a therapy targeted simply for 181"
severe TBI [as determined by GCS score] could effectively treat all of these different types of 182"
injury” (Saatman et al., 2008). Injury severity classification is one of the most frequently utilized 183"
systems for subgrouping TBI patients in clinical trials, including for studies of cognitive 184"
rehabilitation. However, in the subacute and chronic phases of TBI management, significant 185"
heterogeneity in constellations of pathoanatomic and neuropsychological impairments make 186"
severity ratings based on GCS insensitive to important clinical factors for allied health 187"
rehabilitation. Finally, the GCS has been shown to be a poor discriminator for less severe TBI, 188"
which account for a majority of cases and may represent the portion of the population most likely 189"
to benefit from behaviorally-mediated rehabilitation. 190"
Heterogeneity in Symptom Presentation 191"
Common impairments following TBI include deficits in processing speed, attention, 192"
memory, social cognition and communication, and executive function (Finnanger et al., 2013; 193"
Frencham, Fox, & Maybery, 2005; McDonald, 2013; Rabinowitz & Levin, 2014; Vakil, 2005). 194"
However, it is clear that not every patient with TBI (even following severe TBI) demonstrates 195"
impairments in each of these domains. Rather, each individual patient has a unique profile, 196"
characterized by a particular constellation of impaired and spared ability across domains. Even in 197"
mild TBI, there is significant heterogeneity in whether or not patients report changes in cognition 198"
and communication and in how long these symptoms persist (Bigler et al., 2013; Pertab, James, 199"
& Bigler, 2009; Rosenbaum & Lipton, 2012). 200"
Researcher-Imposed Heterogeneity 201"
Shifting Definitions Across Time and Across Labs 202"
The inherent heterogeneity that is hallmark in TBI is further complicated by researcher-203"
driven sources of heterogeneity. In particular, definitional heterogeneity, across labs and across 204"
time, impedes efforts to combine datasets and meta-analyze findings over time. For example, 205"
Rosenbaum and Lipton highlight significant differences in operational definitions of “mild” TBI 206"
across various working groups and consortiums (e.g. CDC, WHO, ACRM) (Rosenbaum & 207"
Lipton, 2012). Groups differ in their diagnostic requirements for “mild” TBI (e.g. presence and 208"
length of loss of consciousness, GCS scores) and whether they further distinguish between 209"
subgroups within mild TBI (e.g. “uncomplicated” vs. “complicated”). In moderate-severe TBI, 210"
some groups rely on a single indicator to determine injury severity (e.g. GCS, Teasdale & 211"
Jennett, 1974) while others assess severity based on multiple indicators (Malec et al., 2007). 212"
“Acquired Brain Injury” Samples 213"
In both basic science and treatment literature, patients with TBI have frequently been 214"
studied alongside patients with stroke, lumped together as individuals with “acquired brain 215"
injury”. However, in systematic reviews of cognitive rehabilitation for acquired brain injury 216"
(including both TBI and stroke etiologies), effect sizes are modest (Cicerone et al., 2000, 2005, 217"
2011). Importantly, the majority of studies demonstrating significant treatment effects in these 218"
reviews are in stroke, not in TBI (Elliott & Parente, 2014; Rohling et al., 2009). In our view, 219"
basic science and intervention work should avoiding collapsing across these differing etiologies. 220"
Doing so introduces researcher-imposed heterogeneity that impedes meta-analysis and muddies 221"
evidence-based clinical decision-making. 222"
The “Problem” of Heterogeneity: Interactions across Multiple Levels of Analysis 223"
In sum, heterogeneity in TBI arises at multiple levels of analysis (including premorbid, 224"
injury, and symptom profiles). Importantly, inter-individual similarity at one level of analysis 225"
does not mean that individuals will be similar at another level of analysis. In addition, inter-226"
individual differences across levels of analysis likely interact, resulting in outcomes that are 227"
multiply-determined. Each source of heterogeneity is potentially important to treatment decision-228"
making and long-term outcomes. Unfortunately, the most commonly employed research designs 229"
in the field do not adequately capture this variation, but instead collapse and average across it, 230"
resulting in effects that represent the ability or treatment response of a fictional “average” 231"
patient. The next sections describe how our most commonly employed research designs fail to 232"
account for meaningful heterogeneity and may be impeding our ability to maximize treatment 233"
gains for individual patients, and point to advances in other fields who contend with similar 234"
heterogeneity in ways that may be fruitfully applied to rehabilitation science. 235"
Heterogeneity is a Limitation for the Most Commonly Employed Designs in TBI Research 236"
Much of the basic science and treatment literature in TBI research employs research 237"
designs that hinge on group-level analyses1. In case-control designs, participants with TBI are 238"
compared as a group to a group of “controls” (usually demographically-matched healthy adults). 239"
This design reduces a heterogeneous group of individuals to a single group-level point estimate 240"
(e.g. average performance). Any meaningful inter-individual differences are averaged out in the 241"
results. This results in what is known as the ecological fallacy: while results of group treatment 242"
studies can establish the better treatment on average, and results of case-control studies can 243"
establish differences between two groups on average, these results can not be translated directly 244"
to any particular individual. 245"
Beyond the problems in translating group-level results to individuals raised by the 246"
ecological fallacy, the issues that arise from the group-level analyses are compounded by the 247"
small sample sizes that characterize most studies in TBI rehabilitation research. For example, 248"
metanalysis of Cicerone and colleague’s seminal reviews of cognitive rehabilitation treatment 249"
research suggest an average treatment group size of 16.9 (Cicerone et al., 2000, 2005; Rohling et 250"
al., 2009). Unfortunately, the combination of case-control design and small sample size results in 251"
significant problems in the context of a heterogeneous population, including 1) high likelihood of 252"
biased sampling and 2) unstable effect size estimates (see Lombardo, Lai, & Baron-Cohen, 2019 253"
for detailed discussion). Together, these issues decrease the replicability and generalizability of 254"
our findings, lead to conflicting findings across research groups, and impede meta-analysis 255"
across studies. In the next section, we hope to convince the reader that we as a field are currently 256"
ill-served by the current research model, coming to conclusions that are suspect and do not 257"
reflect the characteristic heterogeneity of patients with TBI. 258"
High Likelihood of Biased Sampling across Research Groups 259"
Simulations by Lombardo and colleagues demonstrate widespread variability in the 260"
representativeness of small samples in populations characterized by heterogeneity. For example, 261"
a subgroup which comprises 20% of the true population can make up anywhere between 0% and 262"
60% of the sample for study with a sample size of 20 (Lombardo et al., 2019). This range 263"
significantly decreases as sample size increases; but, with an average sample size of ~17 in 264"
cognitive rehabilitation research, there is a high likelihood that differing results across similar 265"
studies may be driven by underlying imbalances in sampling across meaningful subgroups. 266"
Suppose that heterogeneity within the larger population of individuals with TBI can be 267"
subdivided into meaningful subgroups, based on inter-individual differences. In the context of 268"
heterogeneity and small sample sizes, it is possible (probable!) that two studies examining the 269"
same phenomenon (e.g. procedural memory) in the “same” population will come to opposite 270"
conclusions if they draw samples that do not reflect the population-level distribution across these 271"
underlying subgroups. Consider the following imagined example (see Lombardo et al., 2019 for 272"
a similar example in autism): Say that for a majority of the true population of individuals with 273"
TBI, procedural memory is spared (80%, PM_spared); but a subgroup within the larger 274"
population has significant procedural memory deficits (20%, PM_deficit). Ideally, all group 275"
studies examining procedural memory abilities in TBI would recruit a sample that reflects this 276"
population-distribution (80% PM_spared and 20% PM_deficit). In this ideal world, a case-277"
control study with a sample size of 20 would recruit 16 patients from the underlying PM_spared 278"
subgroup and 4 patients from the PM_deficit subgroup, and come to the “correct” group-level 279"
conclusion that there is no difference between patients with TBI and controls; therefore, 280"
procedural memory is spared in patients with TBI. However, a given study may (unknowingly) 281"
sample too heavily from the PM_deficit group, recruiting 10 patients with PM_spared and 10 282"
patients from PM_deficit. In this case, the group-level analysis will likely demonstrate a 283"
significant difference in procedural memory ability between the patient and control groups, 284"
resulting in a finding that conflicts with other findings in the literature. Importantly, it will be 285"
impossible to adjudicate between these conflicting results without a large-scale replication 286"
attempt. However, even in the “ideal” scenario, where the sample is unbiased across subgroups, 287"
we will miss the point: there are meaningful individual differences within the population at large 288"
(i.e. there are some individuals with significant deficits in a given ability that are concealed by 289"
the spared ability in the group analysis). These differences likely matter in assessment and for 290"
treatment decision-making. For example, when rehabilitative intervention in TBI is built around 291"
the premise that the whole population has a spared ability that can be leveraged for improving 292"
outcomes (e.g. errorless-learning interventions dependent on intact procedural learning), that 293"
treatment strategy will not be effective for all individuals, even if it is shown to be efficacious at 294"
the group level. 295"
Unstable Effect Sizes in Small Samples 296"
The typical sample size in TBI research in the field means that most studies have 297"
extremely low statistical power (Rohling et al., 2009). This low statistical power has two 298"
seemingly contradictory consequences: 1) there is a reduced chance of detecting true effects and 299"
2) an increased likelihood that statistically significant results actually reflect (at worst) false 300"
positives or (at best) inflated true effects (Button et al., 2013). The first of these two 301"
consequences is a defining characteristic of low statistical power and is discussed in most 302"
introductory statistics textbooks. The second of these consequences arises as a result of low 303"
statistical power in the context of publication biases (i.e. statistically significant findings are 304"
more likely to published than null findings). In a small-sample study (which will have low 305"
statistical power by definition), the only observed effects that will reach statistical significance 306"
will be those that are either 1) particularly large effects or 2) effects inflated by random noise in 307"
the data (which has a larger influence on effect sizes in small samples). These potential false 308"
positives are more likely to be published by virtue of biases in the incentive structure in scientific 309"
publishing (Button et al., 2013; Ioannidis, Munafo, Fusar-Poli, Nosek, & David, 2014). As a 310"
result, attempts to replicate findings demonstrated in small sample sizes in larger samples are 311"
likely to either 1) demonstrate a failure to replicate or 2) indicate that the true effect is actually 312"
much smaller than suggested by the original small-sample study. 313"
The combination of small sample size and publication biases is most likely to result in 314"
inflated or spurious significant effects. However, in a heterogeneous population with underlying 315"
meaningful subgroups, there is also the potential to conceal important effects that apply only to a 316"
subgroup of the larger population. In treatment research, Kent and colleagues write, “a 317"
treatment’s effect may be null overall, even though it provides substantial benefit in a patient 318"
subgroup” (Kent, Rothwell, Ioannidis, Altman, & Hayward, 2010). In sum, small sample sizes 319"
always limit the replicability and generalizability of our research findings, but this potential is 320"
augmented even further in heterogeneous populations like TBI. The most common historical 321"
approaches to studying TBI have significant flaws that limit our ability to translate research 322"
efforts into meaningful clinical change. 323"
A Shift in Strategy 324"
Thus far, we have discussed the inherent heterogeneity of individuals with TBI: 325"
premorbid patient characteristics, the unique quality of each injury, and resulting variability in 326"
clinical profiles are all likely sources of meaningful inter-individual heterogeneity that may 327"
influence treatment efficacy for an individual patient. Historically, a majority of the field’s basic 328"
science and treatment research has depended on group-level designs and analyses that have clear 329"
disadvantages in the context of this significant heterogeneity. These problems are compounded 330"
by small sample sizes, which results in a high likelihood of biased sampling across meaningful 331"
subgroups as well as imprecise effect size estimates. Taken together, these drawbacks of our 332"
most widely used research designs suggest a new approach is required if we hope to advance 333"
rehabilitation research and better tailor our interventions to individual patients. Next, we 334"
highlight several examples from the field of psychiatry, which serves a number of populations 335"
characterized by high degrees of heterogeneity. We highlight research methods in both basic 336"
science and intervention research that might be fruitfully employed in TBI research to 337"
decompose heterogeneity, predict response to intervention, and measure change in individual 338"
patients. 339"
New Approaches to Understand Heterogeneity: Insights from Psychiatry 340"
Patients with TBI are not the only population of clinical interest that is characterized by 341"
significant heterogeneity. In the field of psychiatry, new methodologies and perspectives are 342"
being applied to understand heterogeneity in autism (Lombardo et al., 2016, 2019), bipolar 343"
disorder (Rheenen et al., 2017), and schizophrenia (Ahmed, Strauss, Buchanan, Kirkpatrick, & 344"
Carpenter, 2018), among many others. Research in psychiatric populations has contended with 345"
similar problems in study design and small samples, leading to calls for approaches that take a 346"
“precision medicine” or “stratified psychiatry” approach (Insel, 2014; Kapur, Phillips, & Insel, 347"
2012); that is, endeavoring to parse heterogeneity within populations in ways that meaningfully 348"
influence treatment decision-making for individual patients. In this section, we describe 349"
approaches to heterogeneity that move away from case-control designs towards methods that 350"
model the inter-individual variability that is a hallmark of these conditions, with two examples of 351"
approaches for both basic science and intervention research. 352"
Modeling Heterogeneity 353"
There are many potential methods for modeling heterogeneity in a given population: the 354"
utility of a given method will depend on the aims of a particular research project. Our goal in this 355"
section is not to provide a comprehensive review of methods that take heterogeneity into 356"
account, nor to suggest that one statistical approach is preferable to another, but rather to provide 357"
a few illustrative examples from both basic science and intervention research to spark further 358"
discussion about the future directions of rehabilitation research. 359"
Basic Science Research 360"
Clustering Approaches. 361"
Unsupervised clustering techniques take multidimensional data and cluster individuals 362"
based on their similarity to one another. Lombardo and colleagues demonstrate the power of 363"
clustering approaches for parsing heterogeneity in an analysis of the “Reading the Mind in the 364"
Eyes” Test (RMET) in adults with autism (Lombardo et al., 2016). In a prior large-sample case-365"
control study, adults with autism performed more poorly on average compared to controls 366"
(Baron-Cohen et al., 2015). Reporting only group-level analyses, however, obscures important 367"
inter-individual differences. In a second study, after applying cluster analyses, the authors 368"
demonstrate reliable subgroups: most individuals with autism are completely unimpaired on the 369"
RMET while only a minority are significantly impaired. Thus, the group level difference in 370"
RMET scores is primarily driven by the significantly impaired ability of a subset of individuals. 371"
Importantly, the reliability of these subgroupings was tested and confirmed in an independent 372"
dataset. The discovery of underlying subgroups allows for the possibility of tailored intervention 373"
approaches for differing response patterns to the RMET. The authors write that, in the context of 374"
mixed intervention results in autism treatment studies, “it may become clearer after subgrouping 375"
that some treatments do systematically work for particular subgroups but not others” (Lombardo 376"
et al., 2016). For a review of the benefits and drawbacks of clustering methods for stratifying 377"
heterogeneous populations, see (Marquand, Wolfers, Mennes, Buitelaar, & Beckmann, 2016). 378"
Normative Modeling. 379"
Another approach to modeling inter-individual heterogeneity is normative modeling. 380"
Normative modeling has been recently utilized to model inter-individual differences in 381"
schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (Wolfers et al., 2018). In this approach, inter-individual 382"
variability in a large healthy sample is modeled, and symptoms in individual patients are 383"
conceptualized as extreme values within this distribution (Marquand et al., 2019; Marquand, 384"
Rezek, Buitelaar, & Beckmann, 2016; Marquand, Wolfers, et al., 2016). Using this approach, 385"
Marquand and colleagues modeled delayed-discounting behavior in a large healthy sample and 386"
identified participants who deviated significantly from this normative model. They found that the 387"
degree of deviance for a particular participant was related to ADHD symptoms (i.e. elevated 388"
hyperactivity) and that participants who deviated significantly from the normative model 389"
demonstrated abnormal brain responses to reward. Normative modeling has a number of 390"
advantages: it allows for statistical inference at the level of the individual, it models healthy 391"
variation in the typical population, and it models deviation away from this normal functioning 392"
without artificially subgrouping participants. 393"
Intervention Research 394"
Moderation Analyses and Modeling Heterogeneous Treatment Effects. 395"
In intervention studies, heterogeneity in response to treatment may be masked by group-396"
level analyses. If there are clinically-meaningful subgroups embedded in the treatment sample, 397"
the “average” treatment effect as determined by group-level analysis may not apply to a 398"
significant proportion of the patients enrolled in treatment. In these cases, moderation analyses 399"
allow for exploration of whether particular patient characteristics influence the magnitude or 400"
direction of the group-level treatment effect (Kraemer, Wilson, Fairburn, & Agras, 2002). These 401"
analyses are initially exploratory: following the completion of an RCT and analysis for the main 402"
effect of treatment, researchers can test whether individual differences in baseline characteristics 403"
(e.g. age, education, injury severity) influence who benefits from intervention by testing for 404"
Treatment*Moderator interactions. Where this interaction is significant, the effect of treatment 405"
for individual participants depends on their level of the moderator, and indicates for whom the 406"
treatment is most effective. This approach differs from others (e.g. ANCOVA), in which we 407"
include covariates to “control” for them (i.e. what would be the effect of treatment if all 408"
participants had the same scores on this covariate?). Instead, in moderation analyses we are 409"
interested in the influence of the covariate on the effect of treatment (i.e. what effect does 410"
treatment have on participants with different scores on this covariate?) (Brown, 2014). 411"
Importantly, moderators identified in these post-hoc analyses need to be validated in a new 412"
sample, with a new RCT powered for the interaction between treatment and the identified 413"
baseline characteristic. 414"
Moderation analyses that have not been validated in an independent sample run into 415"
similar statistical issues as small-sample group designs: because these analyses are often 416"
underpowered, they are prone to false positives (Kent, Steyerberg, & Van Klaveren, 2018; 417"
Naggara, Raymond, Guilbert, & Altman, 2011). One alternative approach to testing the potential 418"
moderating effects of these characteristics “one-at-a-time” is pre-specified subgroup analyses 419"
based upon multidimensional (rather than single variable) subgroups (Kent et al., 2010). For 420"
example, heterogeneity in behavioral treatment response was demonstrated based on subgroup 421"
membership in a treatment study of individuals with binge-eating disorder (Sysko, Hildebrandt, 422"
Wilson, Willfely, & Agras, 2010). A latent class analysis, completed prior to treatment, clustered 423"
patients into four underlying subgroups. Following randomized assignment to one of three 424"
different treatment strategies, response to intervention across subgroups was examined. Two of 425"
these subgroups demonstrated improvements regardless of which treatment was administered. 426"
Each of the remaining two subgroups demonstrated improvement with only one (but opposing) 427"
treatment methods. This demonstrates the potential of models that take heterogeneity into 428"
account for appropriate matching of individual patients to particular treatments, maximizing 429"
treatment gains based on patient profiles. 430"
Measures of Individual Change. 431"
Rehabilitation following TBI is characterized by assessment, treatment based on results 432"
of this assessment, and periodic re-assessment to evaluate whether treatment is inducing change. 433"
New approaches for assessing the significance of treatment-induced change may be useful for 434"
evaluating individual-level response to intervention in the context of heterogeneity. Weiss, Wang 435"
and colleagues have developed Item Response Theory (IRT)-based methods for assessing 436"
significant longitudinal change (Kim-Kang & Weiss, 2008; Wang, Weiss, & Suen, 2020; Weiss 437"
& Von Minden, 2011). These methods allow for the assessment of significant change over time 438"
at the individual patient level. Wang and colleagues tested the utility of these new methods in an 439"
acute rehabilitation setting. Patients in in-patient rehab completed a computer-adaptive patient-440"
reported outcome measure on multiple occasions during their hospital stay. Results demonstrated 441"
that, at the individual patient level, some patients showed significant improvement over time, 442"
others did not demonstrate change, and still others significantly declined over time. Use of these 443"
methods may allow for parsing heterogeneity in treatment response by identifying which patients 444"
improve with treatment at the individual level, compared to those who do not. 445"
Requirements of Heterogeneity-Focused Research Designs 446"
Larger sample sizes and multidimensional data 447"
Increasing sample sizes is a perennial call in TBI research, even for traditional research 448"
designs. However, for designs that characterize and decompose heterogeneity, large sample sizes 449"
are imperative. It is critical that we recruit samples across the full range of heterogeneous 450"
characteristics within the larger population. (Notably, each of the highlighted studies described in 451"
the previous section reported sample sizes of greater than 200 participants). In addition, data 452"
should be multidimensional, with multiple measures within each individual participant that span 453"
multiple levels of analysis. Collecting “broad” (across many people) and “deep” (multiple 454"
measures across levels of analysis) datasets allow us to leverage heterogeneity at one level of 455"
analysis to predict outcomes at another level of analysis (Lombardo et al., 2019; Zhao & 456"
Castellanos, 2016). 457"
Leveraging Heterogeneity in Learning and Memory Profiles 458"
As described in the previous section, there are many combinations of variables, spanning 459"
multiple levels of analysis, by which we might decompose heterogeneity in TBI. This is a 460"
significant barrier to overcome: it will always be possible to cluster patients based on some set of 461"
characteristics, but whether or not these subgroupings are useful depends on whether revealed 462"
subgroups could have an impact on clinical decision-making or improve prediction of outcomes 463"
at a different level analysis than the groupings themselves. 464"
It is our perspective that decomposing heterogeneity in cognitive sequelae will be the 465"
most useful in advancing behavioral rehabilitation, as this is the level at which clinicians in our 466"
field are seeking to modify patient outcomes. Therefore, we propose that a helpful framework for 467"
accounting for inter-individual differences in TBI is one that parses patterns of impaired and 468"
intact learning and memory across multiple memory systems. Memory deficits are common 469"
following TBI, but there is significant inter-individual heterogeneity in the degree and quality of 470"
these memory impairments. In addition, characterizing heterogeneity in memory ability may 471"
have direct impacts on clinical decision-making: any memory dysfunction likely impacts all 472"
behavioral treatment efforts. That is, the success of any behavioral intervention that requires 473"
(re)learning new information, a new strategy, or new skill may be impacted by the presence of 474"
memory impairment. A characterization of a patient’s memory and learning strengths and 475"
weakness bears directly on all aspects of their post-acute rehabilitation; most of which involves 476"
engaging in behavioral therapies. These behavioral therapies each require that patients learn and 477"
retain new or previously-learned information. Thus, characterization of heterogeneity in memory 478"
profiles could provide wide-reaching benefits to patients and to clinicians in choosing 479"
appropriate interventions. 480"
To determine whether patients with TBI can be clustered based on meaningful individual 481"
differences in memory ability, we are collecting data that is both “broad” and “deep”. We are 482"
recruiting a sample of 100 individuals with moderate-severe TBI, and are collecting data on 483"
memory ability across multiple memory systems (i.e. declarative, procedural, working memory; 484"
with multiple measures for each system). Patients will be clustered based on these memory 485"
measures using an unsupervised agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithm. We will test 486"
whether patient subgroups derived from this clustering analysis are predictive of outcomes at 487"
other levels of analysis, including psychosocial re-integration and neuroimaging findings. This 488"
initial work is inherently exploratory – if meaningful subgroups emerge, we will need to validate 489"
these memory and learning profiles in a new, independent sample to ensure they are replicable. If 490"
valid and robust memory and learning profiles do emerge, we can test the effectiveness of 491"
different interventions by subgroup (as in Sysko et al., 2010; described above). 492"
Case-control studies in TBI have, in most cases, suggested impairments in declarative 493"
memory and preserved procedural memory in patients with moderate-severe TBI (Vakil, 2005). 494"
The assumption that procedural memory is spared in TBI and can be leveraged in rehabilitation 495"
serves as the foundation of a number of therapy approaches (e.g. errorless learning; Glisky, 496"
1993). However, given the inherent weaknesses of case-control studies in heterogeneous 497"
populations, described previously, it may be possible that group-level analyses are obscuring 498"
subgroups of patients with impaired procedural memory. In addition, there are conflicting 499"
findings suggesting impairments in procedural memory in some samples (e.g. Kraus, Little, 500"
Wojtowicz, & Sweeney, 2010; Vakil, Kraus, Bor, & Groswasser, 2002). Therefore, the assertion 501"
that declarative memory is impaired in TBI while procedural memory is spared may not hold 502"
true for the population as a whole: meaningful inter-individual differences in memory ability 503"
across memory systems may impact an individual patient’s ability to benefit from treatments that 504"
rely heavily on a particular memory system. 505"
Future Directions: A Call for Rich Data in TBI Rehabilitation Research 506"
Following TBI, cognitive-communication impairments are common and often chronic, 507"
yet there have been no significant advances in reducing the rate of brain injury-related disability 508"
over the past several decades (Roozenbeek, Maas, & Menon, 2013). There are many sources of 509"
heterogeneity in TBI that make treatment decision-making challenging. We propose that these 510"
factors ought not to be “controlled” but rather explored. To facilitate this shift in perspective, 511"
we’ve surveyed a set of methodologies, pointing to work in psychiatry that addresses similar 512"
issues of heterogeneity in patient profiles and response to intervention. The methods laid out in 513"
this paper are not meant to be exhaustive, nor prescriptive, and we recognize that there are 514"
challenges and limitations that need to be addressed in the nearer term. We hope to further the 515"
discussions initiated at ICCDC and make initial steps towards a framework that considers 516"
heterogeneity from the outset. What follows are a set of potential next steps. 517"
Larger Samples 518"
A major hurdle impeding the approaches laid out in this article is the lack of “big data” in 519"
our subfield. For any approach that seeks to decompose heterogeneity, larger sample sizes than 520"
are historically typical in our field are required. There may, however, be an upside to changing 521"
perspective from heterogeneity-as-limitation to heterogeneity-as-opportunity: by seeking to 522"
sample across heterogeneity, researchers are freed from applying stringent exclusionary criteria 523"
in hopes of obtaining a “clean” sample. Instead, we can exclude fewer patients, enroll more 524"
participants, and leverage methods for interrogating heterogeneous patient characteristics to 525"
better align our treatment strategies to individual patients in the clinic. 526"
Nevertheless, even with this “loosening” of exclusionary criteria, reaching sample sizes 527"
large enough to achieve adequate power will likely require collaborative, multi-site projects. 528"
There are several large-scale data sets in TBI research (e.g. TBI Model Systems). However, for 529"
the purposes of our field these data sets lack richness: while the datasets are “broad” (large 530"
sample sizes), the data collected that is of interest to rehabilitation scientists is thin, rather than 531"
“deep”. For example, large-scale outcomes research in TBI may only collect a single self-report 532"
measure relevant to cognition or communication. The acquisition of a large data set that is both 533"
broad and deep, and of relevance to cognitive-communication rehabilitation research will be a 534"
challenging undertaking: collecting this kind of data requires significant time with each 535"
participant and multiple return visits. To meet this challenge, as a field we should move towards 536"
deep data sets that can be combined, to increase their breadth and improve our samples so that 537"
they are representative of the range of heterogeneity inherent in this population. 538"
We note that increased sample size will not only afford the opportunity to deploy new 539"
statistical methods for decomposing heterogeneity, but will also vastly improve the quality of 540"
more traditional research designs. Increased sample sizes in case-control designs increases the 541"
likelihood that our samples are reflective of the broader population, improves the likelihood that 542"
results will replicate, and improves the precision of effect size estimates. An approach that has 543"
been fruitful in our own lab for increasing sample sizes has been the establishment of a patient 544"
registry, to facilitate longitudinal data collection and data sets that are both deep and broad (also 545"
see Fellows, Stark, Berg, & Chatterjee, 2008). 546"
Improved Reporting and Measurement 547"
Systematic reviews and meta-analyses suggest scattershot reporting across studies, with 548"
insufficient descriptions of treatment and patient characteristics. One particular challenge arises 549"
in characterizing injury characteristics from incomplete medical records – many of the metrics 550"
by which we judge injury severity are not recoverable if they have not been noted in a patient’s 551"
medical record (e.g., GCS or loss of consciousness). In these cases, we should collect and report 552"
as much injury characterization as possible, but this common problem suggests the use of 553"
categorization schemes that work across missing clinical data (e.g. the Mayo Classification Scale 554"
for TBI severity; Malec et al., 2007). Where possible, we should report and include TBI 555"
Common Data Elements, to improve data aggregation and comparisons across studies (Meeuws 556"
et al., 2020). Detailed reporting of treatment characteristics is also critical; many intervention 557"
studies provide inadequate detail to allow for replication or comparison across trials (Whyte & 558"
Hart, 2003). With journals no longer constrained by physical, print format, this lack of detail is 559"
no longer excusable (see Open Science Practices, below). 560"
Collecting data that is both “broad” and “deep” will only be effective insofar as the 561"
measures that we use to quantify patient characteristics are psychometrically sound. Nothing will 562"
be gained by new approaches if we simply increase the number of poor quality measurements. In 563"
an ongoing systematic review of memory interventions following TBI, we have found a striking 564"
lack of consensus in outcome measures, with many investigators utilizing ad hoc measures 565"
without attempts to ascertain their reliability or validity (Covington, de Riesthal, & Duff, 2018). 566"
Open Science Practices 567"
There are many resources available for improving the rigor, reproducibility, and 568"
replicability of our science (Munafò et al., 2017). Among these are pre-registration of study 569"
design and analysis plans, open data sharing, and an increased focus on replication of research 570"
findings. These practices are particularly critical for ensuring the utility of data collected and 571"
analyzed with heterogeneity in mind: there are many reasonable ways to analyze 572"
multidimensional data. Pre-registration of study design and analysis plans mitigates against p-573"
hacking or “fishing expeditions” and could reduce bias and rates of false positives in the 574"
literature. Options for pre-registration include the Open Science Framework ( and 575"
AsPredicted ( for basic and treatment research and PROSPERO 576"
( for systematic reviews and meta-analyses. 577"
Upon study completion, data, experimental measures, and treatment protocols can be 578"
openly shared on open data repositories (e.g. Open Science Framework; These 579"
repositories allow for centralized sharing of study stimuli, presentation and analysis scripts, and 580"
protocols at a level of detail that is not feasible in journal articles. Sharing of these materials 581"
allows for direct replication of basic science and treatment studies, which are critical for ensuring 582"
we can trust published research findings. 583"
Conclusions 584"
Heterogeneity in patient characteristics, injuries, and outcomes following TBI are not 585"
going away: we would do well to accept this as a key feature in TBI research. Heterogeneity 586"
across these multiple levels of analysis is indeed a significant limitation, if we continue to draw 587"
conclusions based upon under-powered case-control designs. Fortunately, we have at our 588"
disposal a number of new approaches that will allow us to leverage the heterogeneity that is a 589"
hallmark of TBI and build models that may help to predict outcomes across levels of analysis 590"
and better assign particular patients to effective treatments. To do this well, we will need to 591"
commit to large sample sizes and rich data collection. This is not an easy endeavor and will 592"
require collaboration across labs. But, we cannot no longer delude ourselves into thinking that 593"
small sample case-control studies alone are serving us well – decades without appreciable 594"
changes in TBI-related disability suggest that a new approach is long overdue. 595"
Acknowledgements: The authors thank the attendees of the International Cognitive-597"
Communication Disorders Conference, for discussions that prompted this manuscript. 598"
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... While the current study is focused on the relationship between narrative discourse comprehension and production outcomes in TBI, the heterogeneity of TBI sequelae, even within a sample of participants of similar injury severity, is an important consideration in evaluating discourse outcomes. Similar to discourse impairments, heterogeneity is a hallmark or feature of TBI, and much variability can be found in individual premorbid factors, injury characteristics, cognitive sequelae, and psychosocial functioning (Covington & Duff, 2021). All of these factors likely exert some influence on long-term outcomes, such as discourse functioning. ...
... For example, individuals with TBI with stronger WM may be better able to understand stories in the long run than those who have poorer WM (Barbey et al., 2014). This study examined group-level data for both narrative discourse comprehension and production, and the heterogeneity of cognitive-linguistic sequelae among individual participants is not adequately captured in grouplevel data (Covington & Duff, 2021). In addition to the factors discussed in the previous sections that may have influenced the findings, individual differences may also have impacted discourse outcomes. ...
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Purpose Little is known about the relationship between discourse comprehension and production in traumatic brain injury (TBI), especially for spoken language. This study examined to what extent narrative discourse comprehension accounts for narrative discourse production outcomes (story grammar, story completeness). A secondary aim was to provisionally test an assumption of a discourse model, the structure building framework (SBF), that discourse comprehension and production share cognitive processes by investigating the strength of the relationship between them. Method Twenty-one individuals with TBI completed story comprehension and story retelling tasks. Discourse measures included the Discourse Comprehension Test, a picture story comprehension task, story grammar, and story completeness. Correlational and multiple regression analyses were performed using comprehension measures as predictors for production measures. Results There were significant moderate-to-large correlations between all comprehension and production measures. Comprehension measures approached but did not reach significance for predicting story grammar performance but strongly predicted story completeness outcomes. Conclusions The story comprehension measures likely tapped content aspects of discourse more so than organization. Results provided support for a link between content-focused discourse comprehension measures and discourse production outcomes, which may have clinical implications for approaches to discourse intervention. Findings were interpreted as providing preliminary support for the SBF's claim that discourse production deploys the same processes involved in discourse comprehension. Supplemental Material
... Distinct differences in the nature and extent of neurocognitive consequences are observed among children with TBI, which are likely the result of the complex interplay between a range of biopsychosocial factors including premorbid functioning, the nature and severity of the injury, medical interventions and social environment of the child. [7][8][9][10] The limited understanding of the heterogeneous outcomes of TBI [11] in children challenges clinicians' ability to recognize and manage children at risk of adverse development after TBI. [12] Cluster analysis has shown promising potential to discern subgroups of TBI patients with distinct outcome. ...
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Background and Objectives Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the leading cause of acquired disability in children. Children with TBI are at risk of persistent deficits in neurocognitive functioning that affect daily life. However, neurocognitive outcomes are highly heterogenous and this heterogeneity is poorly understood. This study aims to investigate whether the heterogeneity in neurocognitive outcome can be reduced by distinguishing subgroups of children with distinct profiles of neurocognitive functioning, and to investigate whether these subgroups differ in demographic, premorbid and clinical characteristics. Methods This multicenter study included a consecutive cohort of children with mild to severe TBI and demographically matched neurologically healthy (NH) children. Seven neurocognitive domains were assessed six months post-TBI using computerized tests. The TBI and NH group were compared on the neurocognitive domains using t-tests. Results of the TBI group were subjected to cluster analysis to derive subgroups with distinct profiles of neurocognitive functioning. Resulting subgroups were compared on demographic, premorbid and clinical characteristics available at time of hospital visit. Results A total of 113 children with TBI and 113 NH children were included. The TBI group had lower performance than NH children on the neurocognitive domains Speed, Stability, Attention & Control, Verbal Working Memory and Visual Working Memory (.009≤ps≤.047, -.42≤ds≤-.29). Cluster analysis revealed four subgroups of patients with diverging neurocognitive outcome profiles. One subgroup was characterized by good outcome, whereas three subgroups had adverse outcome characterized by weak global outcome, weak visual-processing outcome or weak executive functioning outcome. The subgroups did not differ in clinical characteristics but did differ in demographic and premorbid characteristics. The weak global outcome subgroup had more premorbid behavioral problems, while the good outcome subgroup had higher socio-economic status than the other subgroups. Discussion This study indicates that children with mild to severe TBI exhibit neurocognitive deficits compared to matched controls at six months post TBI, among which subgroups of children with distinct neurocognitive outcome profiles exist. The neurocognitive outcome subgroups represent children with diverging severity and configuration of neurocognitive weaknesses. The subgroups with the diverging neurocognitive outcome profiles did not differ in clinical characteristics, highlighting the importance to consider other factors for the prognosis of neurocognitive outcome.
... Despite having a number of psychometric advantages over the BNT, the PNT may not be sensitive to the naming disruptions that many individuals with chronic moderate-severe TBI report experiencing, and thus, our results may underrepresent both the extent and the severity of post-TBI wordfinding difficulties at this stage of recovery. Additionally, uniform impairment across individuals with TBI is rare, regardless of injury severity, chronicity, or the cognitivelinguistic ability in question (Covington & Duff, 2021). The data in the present study hint at a possible subgroup of individuals with TBI who are having more naming difficulties than their peers, despite performing well by PNT standards. ...
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Introduction Naming difficulties are commonly reported in the acute and subacute stages of recovery of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and across severity levels. Previous studies, however, have used samples of mixed chronicity (acute and chronic) and severity (mild and severe) and then aggregated data across individuals from these distinct groups. Thus, we have little knowledge about the persistence of naming difficulties into the chronic stage of recovery in individuals with moderate–severe TBI. Purpose To increase the rigor and reproducibility of naming research in TBI, the present study sought to determine the presence and profile of naming disruptions into the chronic stage of moderate–severe TBI using a confrontation naming assessment. Method Thirty-three individuals aged 24–55 years in the chronic epoch of moderate–severe TBI and 33 demographically matched noninjured comparison (NC) participants completed the Philadelphia Naming Test (PNT). A mixed-effects logistic regression model predicting the probability of a correct response as a function of group was fit to the data. Results Participants with TBI performed well on the PNT (all participants with TBI had over 90% accuracy). However, participants with TBI were statistically less likely to correctly name an item relative to demographically matched NC participants. Conclusions This study provides empirical evidence that naming difficulties persist into the chronic epoch of moderate–severe TBI. Despite high accuracy on the PNT, nearly 60% of these individuals with TBI reported continued difficulty with word finding in their daily lives. This discrepancy leaves open the possibility that, at this stage of injury, word-finding issues may be more reliably evoked and studied when the assessment is embedded within cognitively demanding and ecologically valid contexts (i.e., discourse, conversation). Further investigation of naming deficits in chronic moderate–severe TBI using a more naturalistic assessment is warranted.
... The causes of TBI include social, demographic, geographic, climatic, and other factors. For example, the leading causes are road traffic accidents in the United States, motor scooter injuries in Taiwan, and falls from height in Scotland [7,8]. Population-based epidemiological studies conducted in various countries at the end of the 20th century played a significant role in the investigation of TBI causes and prevalence. ...
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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the national public health agency of the United States, traumatic brain injury is among the leading causes of mortality and disability worldwide. The consequences of TBI include diffuse brain atrophy, local post-traumatic atrophy, arachnoiditis, pachymeningitis, meningocerebral cicatrices, cranial nerve lesions, and cranial defects. In 2019, the economic cost of injuries in the USA alone was USD 4.2 trillion, which included USD 327 billion for medical care, USD 69 billion for work loss, and USD 3.8 trillion for the value of statistical life and quality of life losses. More than half of this cost (USD 2.4 trillion) was among working-age adults (25–64 years old). Currently, the development of new diagnostic approaches and the improvement of treatment techniques require further experimental studies focused on modeling TBI of varying severity.
A large body of evidence suggests that individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI) have significant difficulties with prospective memory (PM), the memory for future intentions. However, the processes underlying this cognitive deficit remain unclear. This study aimed to gather further evidence regarding PM functions in TBI and clarify the role of neuropsychological deficits, metamemory, and mood disorders. We used a laboratory‐based clinical measure, the Virtual Week, to examine PM function in 18 patients with TBI and 18 healthy control subjects. Measures of attention, processing speed, executive functions, episodic memory, and self‐report questionnaires were also administered. In line with prior literature, our findings indicate that individuals with TBI had a consistent deficit compared to controls across all PM tasks. In previous studies, TBI patients had more severe impairment on time‐based tasks; nevertheless, our results show that across all participants event‐based tasks were easier to perform compared to time‐based only when the retrospective memory demand was high. The patients were not only impaired on the prospective component of PM but also failed to recognise the content of their task (the retrospective component). Interestingly, the TBI group did not report higher levels of everyday memory problems, anxiety and depression compared to the control group. These measures also failed to correlate with PM and recognition memory performance. This study found that besides the neuropsychological deficits, a global impairment in PM functioning is present in individuals with TBI across various task types, tasks low and high in retrospective demands, and event versus time‐based.
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Stem cell-based therapies have emerged as a promising approach for treating various neurological disorders by harnessing the regenerative potential of stem cells to restore damaged neural tissue and circuitry. This comprehensive review provides an in-depth analysis of the current state of stem cell applications in primary neurological conditions, including Parkinson’s disease (PD), Alzheimer’s disease (AD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), multiple sclerosis (MS), stroke, spinal cord injury (SCI), and other related disorders. The review begins with a detailed introduction to stem cell biology, discussing the types, sources, and mechanisms of action of stem cells in neurological therapies. It then critically examines the preclinical evidence from animal models and early human trials investigating the safety, feasibility, and efficacy of different stem cell types, such as embryonic stem cells (ESCs), mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), neural stem cells (NSCs), and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). While ESCs have been studied extensively in preclinical models, clinical trials have primarily focused on adult stem cells such as MSCs and NSCs, as well as iPSCs and their derivatives. We critically assess the current state of research for each cell type, highlighting their potential applications and limitations in different neurological conditions. The review synthesizes key findings from recent, high-quality studies for each neurological condition, discussing cell manufacturing, delivery methods, and therapeutic outcomes. While the potential of stem cells to replace lost neurons and directly reconstruct neural circuits is highlighted, the review emphasizes the critical role of paracrine and immunomodulatory mechanisms in mediating the therapeutic effects of stem cells in most neurological disorders. The article also explores the challenges and limitations associated with translating stem cell therapies into clinical practice, including issues related to cell sourcing, scalability, safety, and regulatory considerations. Furthermore, it discusses future directions and opportunities for advancing stem cell-based treatments, such as gene editing, biomaterials, personalized iPSC-derived therapies, and novel delivery strategies. The review concludes by emphasizing the transformative potential of stem cell therapies in revolutionizing the treatment of neurological disorders while acknowledging the need for rigorous clinical trials, standardized protocols, and multidisciplinary collaboration to realize their full therapeutic promise.
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Measuring individuals or groups longitudinally is frequently necessary in social science research and applications. Substantial research and discussion has focused on the statistical properties of measures of change and some of the psychometric problems involved This monte-carlo simulation study focused on properties of the measurement instruments used for obtaining scores that represent change or growth over five time points and examined how well scores from conventional tests and computerized adaptive tests used to measure individual growth curves reflect true change. Data representing four different patterns of individual change and a baseline no-change condition were generated from an item response theory (IRT) model. Different tests simulated were conventional peaked tests with narrow and wider difficulties and three levels of discrimination, and computerized adaptive tests (CATs) drawn from banks with the same levels of discrimination. Conventional tests were scored by number correct and IRT weighted maximum likelihood. Results showed that as the examinees’ scores moved from the difficulty levels at which the tests were concentrated, number-correct scores over-estimated true change and had increasing amounts of error. High discrimination conventional tests had the poorest recovery of change for both groups and individuals. IRT scoring of the conventional tests improved recovery of change somewhat. By contrast, CATs consistently estimated growth with minimum and consistent error and performed best with highly discriminating items. DOI:10.2458/azu_jmmss_v2i2_weiss
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A growing body of literature has examined sex differences in a variety of outcomes from moderate-severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), including outcomes for social functioning. Social functioning is an area in which adults with TBI have significant long-term challenges (1–4), and a better understanding of sex and gender differences in this domain may have a significant clinical impact. This paper presents a brief narrative review of current evidence regarding sex differences in one aspect of social functioning in adults with TBI: social cognition, specifically affect recognition and Theory of Mind (ToM). Data from typical adults and adults with TBI are considered in the broader context of common stereotypes about social skills and behaviors in men vs. women. We then discuss considerations for future research on sex- and gender-based differences in social cognition in TBI, and in adults more generally.
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Standardization and harmonization of data collection in studies on traumatic brain injury (TBI) is of paramount importance for meta-analyses. Nearly ten years ago, the Common Data Elements for TBI (TBI-CDEs v1) were promulgated to achieve these goals. The TBI-CDEs v2, developed in 2012, broadened the approach to all injury severities and phases of recovery. We aimed to quantify harmonization of these data elements in three large, prospective studies conducted within the International Initiative for TBI Research (InTBIR). Data variables of the Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI), Transforming Research and Clinical Knowledge in Traumatic Brain Injury (TRACK-TBI) and Approaches and Decisions in Acute Pediatric TBI (ADAPT) studies were indexed and matched to the second version of the TBI CDEs (TBI-CDE v2). We focused on the CDE sub-categories of "Acute Hospitalized "(AH) and "Moderate/Severe TBI: Rehabilitation"(Rehab). Following reduction and merging of related elements, 21 Core, 46 Basic AH and 50 Basic Rehab elements were deemed harmonizable across studies. Agreements of Core and Basic study CDEs for the AH domain with the TBI CDEs were respectively 81% and 91% for CENTER-TBI, 76% and 93% for TRACK-TBI, and 85% in ADAPT for both domains. For the domain Rehab, agreement with Basic TBI CDEs was 84% for CENTER-TBI, 94% for TRACK-TBI and 71% for ADAPT. Non-harmonization was largely caused by absence of the elements in the studies. For elements present, the compatibility of coding with TBI CDEs was 90-99%. Gaps in global applicability were identified. The high degree of harmonization demonstrates the utility of common data elements in TBI research, and confirms the potential for meta-analysis. However, the global applicability of TBI-CDEs needs to be improved. CENTER-TBI, TRACK-TBI, ADAPT, and other InTBIR studies provide a platform to inform further refinement and internationalization of the TBI-CDEs.
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Normative models are a class of emerging statistical techniques useful for understanding the heterogeneous biology underlying psychiatric disorders at the level of the individual participant. Analogous to normative growth charts used in paediatric medicine for plotting child development in terms of height or weight as a function of age, normative models chart variation in clinical cohorts in terms of mappings between quantitative biological measures and clinically relevant variables. An emerging body of literature has demonstrated that such techniques are excellent tools for parsing the heterogeneity in clinical cohorts by providing statistical inferences at the level of the individual participant with respect to the normative range. Here, we provide a unifying review of the theory and application of normative modelling for understanding the biological and clinical heterogeneity underlying mental disorders. We first provide a statistically grounded yet non-technical overview of the conceptual underpinnings of normative modelling and propose a conceptual framework to link the many different methodological approaches that have been proposed for this purpose. We survey the literature employing these techniques, focusing principally on applications of normative modelling to quantitative neuroimaging-based biomarkers in psychiatry and, finally, we provide methodological considerations and recommendations to guide future applications of these techniques. We show that normative modelling provides a means by which the importance of modelling individual differences can be brought from theory to concrete data analysis procedures for understanding heterogeneous mental disorders and ultimately a promising route towards precision medicine in psychiatry.
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Autism is a diagnostic label based on behavior. While the diagnostic criteria attempt to maximize clinical consensus, it also masks a wide degree of heterogeneity between and within individuals at multiple levels of analysis. Understanding this multi-level heterogeneity is of high clinical and translational importance. Here we present organizing principles to frame research examining multi-level heterogeneity in autism. Theoretical concepts such as ‘spectrum’ or ‘autisms’ reflect non-mutually exclusive explanations regarding continuous/dimensional or categorical/qualitative variation between and within individuals. However, common practices of small sample size studies and case–control models are suboptimal for tackling heterogeneity. Big data are an important ingredient for furthering our understanding of heterogeneity in autism. In addition to being ‘feature-rich’, big data should be both ‘broad’ (i.e., large sample size) and ‘deep’ (i.e., multiple levels of data collected on the same individuals). These characteristics increase the likelihood that the study results are more generalizable and facilitate evaluation of the utility of different models of heterogeneity. A model’s utility can be measured by its ability to explain clinically or mechanistically important phenomena, and also by explaining how variability manifests across different levels of analysis. The directionality for explaining variability across levels can be bottom-up or top-down, and should include the importance of development for characterizing changes within individuals. While progress can be made with ‘supervised’ models built upon a priori or theoretically predicted distinctions or dimensions of importance, it will become increasingly important to complement such work with unsupervised data-driven discoveries that leverage unknown and multivariate distinctions within big data. A better understanding of how to model heterogeneity between autistic people will facilitate progress towards precision medicine for symptoms that cause suffering, and person-centered support.
In psychological and educational measurement, it is often of interest to assess change in an individual. The current study expanded on previous research by introducing methods that can evaluate individual change on multiple latent traits measured on multiple occasions. The four methods considered are the likelihood ratio test (LRT), the multivariate Wald test (MWT), the modified multivariate Wald test (MMWT), and the score test (ST). Simulation studies were conducted to examine the true positive rate (TPR) and the false positive rate (FPR) of the new methods under a conventional fixed-form test and a computerized adaptive test (CAT). Manipulated variables included the number of occasions, change magnitudes, patterns of change, and correlations between latent traits. Results revealed that, in terms of FPR, all methods except MWT had close adherence to the nominal significance level. Among the three methods, the LRT is recommended as it provided a balance between FPR and TPR. Larger change magnitude yielded higher TPR, regardless of the remaining factors. With the same test length, a CAT yielded higher TPR than a conventional test. Real-data examples are provided of identifying psychometrically significant change across two to four occasions using a multivariate adaptive self-report medical outcomes measure from hospitalized patients. The detection of significant change among the three methods agreed highly, and those patients identified as having significant change exhibited large profile differences, which provided support for the valid performance of the proposed methods.
The aim of this scoping review was to examine the literature related to economic evaluations of neuropsychological rehabilitation in individuals with acquired brain injury (ABI). PsychINFO, Medline, EMBASE, Cochrane and CINHAL databases were searched in accordance with formal scoping review methodology. Studies were included if published between 1995 and 2019 with a study population of adults aged 18 years or more with any ABI aetiology and there was reported data on resource use, costs or comparative economic analyses as part of an outcome study for rehabilitation interventions. Case studies and trial protocols were excluded. Of 3575 records screened, 30 articles were identified as meeting the inclusion criteria. The majority of studies documented cost savings from provision of various models of multidisciplinary inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation. However, these benefits were estimated without a control group. Eight studies included a cost-effectiveness analysis, and in three, the intervention was reported to be cost-effective compared to the control, one of which saved $9,654 per treated patient. Overall, few eligible studies were identified. Those that included a cost-effectiveness analysis yielded mixed evidence for interventions to be considered cost-effective for ABI. Recommendations for how to incorporate cost-effectiveness analyses into intervention studies are discussed.
The use of evidence from clinical trials to support decisions for individual patients is a form of “reference class forecasting”: implicit predictions for an individual are made on the basis of outcomes in a reference class of “similar” patients treated with alternative therapies. Evidence based medicine has generally emphasized the broad reference class of patients qualifying for a trial. Yet patients in a trial (and in clinical practice) differ from one another in many ways that can affect the outcome of interest and the potential for benefit. The central goal of personalized medicine, in its various forms, is to narrow the reference class to yield more patient specific effect estimates to support more individualized clinical decision making. This article will review fundamental conceptual problems with the prediction of outcome risk and heterogeneity of treatment effect (HTE), as well as the limitations of conventional (one-variable-at-a-time) subgroup analysis. It will also discuss several regression based approaches to “predictive” heterogeneity of treatment effect analysis, including analyses based on “risk modeling” (such as stratifying trial populations by their risk of the primary outcome or their risk of serious treatment-related harms) and analysis based on “effect modeling” (which incorporates modifiers of relative effect). It will illustrate these approaches with clinical examples and discuss their respective strengths and vulnerabilities.
Over the past decade, traumatic brain injury (TBI) has emerged as a major public health concern, attracting considerable interest from the scientific community, clinical and behavioural services and policymakers, owing to its rising prevalence, wide-ranging risk factors and substantial lifelong familial and societal impact. This increased attention to TBI has resulted in increased funding and advances in legislation. However, many questions surrounding TBI remain unanswered, including questions on sex and gender trends with respect to vulnerability to injury, presentation of injury, response to treatment, and outcomes. Here, we review recent research efforts aimed at advancing knowledge on the constructs of sex and gender and their respective influences in the context of TBI, and discuss methodological challenges in disentangling the differential impacts of these two constructs, particularly in marginalized populations.
Importance Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are severe and complex brain disorders characterized by substantial clinical and biological heterogeneity. However, case-control studies often ignore such heterogeneity through their focus on the average patient, which may be the core reason for a lack of robust biomarkers indicative of an individual’s treatment response and outcome. Objectives To investigate the degree to which case-control analyses disguise interindividual differences in brain structure among patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and to map the brain alterations linked to these disorders at the level of individual patients. Design, Setting, and Participants This study used cross-sectional, T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging data from participants recruited for the Thematically Organized Psychosis study from October 27, 2004, to October 17, 2012. Data were reanalyzed in 2017 and 2018. Patients were recruited from inpatient and outpatient clinics in the Oslo area of Norway, and healthy individuals from the same catchment area were drawn from the national population registry. Main Outcomes and Measures Interindividual differences in brain structure among patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Voxel-based morphometry maps were computed, which were used for normative modeling to map the range of interindividual differences in brain structure. Results This study included 218 patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders (mean [SD] age, 30 [9.3] years; 126 [57.8%] male), of whom 163 had schizophrenia (mean [SD] age, 31 [8.7] years; 105 [64.4%] male) and 190 had bipolar disorder (mean [SD] age, 34 [11.3] years; 79 [41.6%] male), and 256 healthy individuals (mean [SD] age, 34 [9.5] years; 140 [54.7%] male). At the level of the individual, deviations from the normative model were frequent in both disorders but highly heterogeneous. Overlap of more than 2% among patients was observed in only a few loci, primarily in frontal, temporal, and cerebellar regions. The proportion of alterations was associated with diagnosis and cognitive and clinical characteristics within clinical groups. Patients with schizophrenia, on average, had significantly reduced gray matter in frontal regions, cerebellum, and temporal cortex. In patients with bipolar disorder, mean deviations were primarily present in cerebellar regions. Conclusions and Relevance This study found that group-level differences disguised biological heterogeneity and interindividual differences among patients with the same diagnosis. This finding suggests that the idea of the average patient is a noninformative construct in psychiatry that falls apart when mapping abnormalities at the level of the individual patient. This study presents a workable route toward precision medicine in psychiatry.