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This article pursues two objectives. First, it provides a literature review of research on group radicalization and, second, building on previous research about narratives and their influence on radicalization, it introduces a new concept for comparative radicalization studies: bridging narratives. We use this term to address commonalities in the ideological elements found across various radicalized groups. As narratives shape perceptions of the world and guide processes of identification, they assume an important (internal) function in group formation. At the same time, various radical groups (ethnic nationalists, Salafist-jihadists and militant leftists) share core ideological elements, commonalities that can lead to the creation of new coalitions and unexpected alliances (an external function). The common factor among them are constructed conceptions of the adversary – be they modernity, universalism, Jewish people or feminism. Such constructions allow for the fabrication of an enemy as well as specific conceptions of hierarchical social orders. We analyze two examples in this context: anti-feminism (including heroic or toxic masculinity) and the resistance dispositif that promotes vigilante terrorism. This approach allows us to investigate processes of group radicalization while also taking into account their ideological content as well as the formal effects of such content on processes of group-building and the dynamics of radicalization. In the final section, we provide recommendations for action.
IJCV: Vol. 14(2)/2020
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1 A review of the literature: group dynamics
within radicalization research
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1.1 Processes and mechanisms of radicalization2
'%,K5C9K 6 ,
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1.2 Collective pa&erns of interpretation:
socialization, subculture, counterculture and
pop culture
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# 4$ %.%%#4%#
/.L% ,$(,#4
  #$  <##$    #   ,  
%.4%# ( 5,((B%
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1.3 Preliminary conclusion
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2 Bridging narratives
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2.1 Anti-feminism and constructions of masculinity
and femininity
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2.1.1 Anti-feminism in the New Right
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2.1.2 Femininity within Islamist Fundamentalism
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+$ 4($ %L, %
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2.1.3 Heroic masculine world views as a common
narrative for the New Right and Islamism
 (31#2(.#4 (4 (#$
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2.2 Resistance dispositif – vigilante radicalization
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4%4(4 #(1%
 
3 Conclusions
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%##   ( ((1  ,
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6+%#$ ,#%.4,(/
% +%#$ .42#&,
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%   .  , (%# 4
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%+#:,,,. %#
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4 Recommendations for action
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... Die ultimative Bedrohung der In-Group, wie sie von der extremen Rechten imaginiert wird, besteht darin, dass die ‚Volksgemeinschaft' durch andere Gruppen von Menschen ersetzt wird. Das zugrunde liegende Verschwörungsnarrativ wird als der "große Austausch" bezeichnet (Marcks und Pawelz 2020, siehe auch Meiering et al. 2020). Demnach werde das als homogen verstandene ‚deutsche Volk' nach und nach durch nicht-weiße und muslimische Menschen ersetzt, was zunächst in einem Verlust der essentialistisch verstandenen deutschen Identität und schließlich im sog. ...
... Diesen Mechanismus kennt auch der salafistische Jihadismus Meiering et al. 2020;Mischler et al. 2019;. Salafistische Jihadist*innen nutzen Diskriminierungserfahrungen, die muslimische Menschen z. ...
... Salafistische Jihadist*innen nutzen Diskriminierungserfahrungen, die muslimische Menschen z. B. in der Diaspora machen, und betten sie in den Kontext einer allgemeinen Unterdrückung und Bedrohung der In-Group durch "den Westen" und "Ungläubige" ein (Mahood und Rane 2017;Meiering et al. 2020). Der "Westen" wird häufig prominent durch die USA verkörpert, was sich in antiamerikanischen Narrativen widerspiegelt, die sich mit antisemitischen Narrativen überschneiden (vgl. ...
Internetmedien, insbesondere Social Media, besitzen aufgrund der hohen Reichweite und der geringen Zugangsbarrieren demokratisierendes Potenzial. Gerade in den letzten Jahren werden zunehmend aber auch durch Online-Kommunikation bedingte Gefährdungen für die Werte der Demokratie, Freiheit, Menschenwürde und Rechtsstaatlichkeit sichtbar. Die Rolle digitaler Medien in Radikalisierungsprozessen, bei der Verbreitung extremistischer Propaganda und bei ideologisch motivierten Gewaltaufrufen ist Gegenstand vielfältiger Auseinandersetzungen in Zivilgesellschaft, Medien, Politik, Sicherheitsbehörden und Wissenschaft. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden aktuelle wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse und Fragestellungen zur Rolle von Online-Kommunikation in Radikalisierungsprozessen sowie Herausforderungen für die Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Präventionsansätzen und Gegenstrategien dargestellt und es wird diskutiert, inwiefern diese wirksam sein können. Dabei werden Handlungspotenziale zivilgesellschaftlicher Akteur*innen, aber auch rechtspolitische und sicherheitsbehördliche Reaktionen und Strategien adressiert.
... A similar mechanism applies to Salafi jihadism Meiering et al., 2020;Mischler et al., 2019). Salafi jihadists use experiences of discrimination Muslims make in the diaspora and embed them in the context of a general oppression and threat to the in-group by "the West" and infidels (Mahood & Rane, 2017;Meiering et al., 2020). ...
... A similar mechanism applies to Salafi jihadism Meiering et al., 2020;Mischler et al., 2019). Salafi jihadists use experiences of discrimination Muslims make in the diaspora and embed them in the context of a general oppression and threat to the in-group by "the West" and infidels (Mahood & Rane, 2017;Meiering et al., 2020). "The West" is often prominently embodied by the USA, which is reflected in anti-American narratives that overlap with anti-Semitic narratives due to the USA's relationship with Israel. ...
... Although both in-groups see their existence threatened, they construct themselves as superior in the case of resistance, which also goes hand in hand with constructs of martial masculinity (Meiering et al., 2020). When individuals are exposed to such agitation and hate speech and surround themselves with it, this has a decisive effect on their cognition and emotions: From a psychological perspective, Bilewicz and Soral (2020) conclude that social media use is significantly associated with being exposed to more hate speech or at least deviant language. ...
... A similar mechanism applies to Salafi jihadism Meiering et al., 2020;Mischler et al., 2019). Salafi jihadists use experiences of discrimination Muslims make in the diaspora and embed them in the context of a general oppression and threat to the in-group by "the West" and infidels (Mahood & Rane, 2017;Meiering et al., 2020). ...
... A similar mechanism applies to Salafi jihadism Meiering et al., 2020;Mischler et al., 2019). Salafi jihadists use experiences of discrimination Muslims make in the diaspora and embed them in the context of a general oppression and threat to the in-group by "the West" and infidels (Mahood & Rane, 2017;Meiering et al., 2020). "The West" is often prominently embodied by the USA, which is reflected in anti-American narratives that overlap with anti-Semitic narratives due to the USA's relationship with Israel. ...
... Although both in-groups see their existence threatened, they construct themselves as superior in the case of resistance, which also goes hand in hand with constructs of martial masculinity (Meiering et al., 2020). When individuals are exposed to such agitation and hate speech and surround themselves with it, this has a decisive effect on their cognition and emotions: From a psychological perspective, Bilewicz and Soral (2020) conclude that social media use is significantly associated with being exposed to more hate speech or at least deviant language. ...
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Social media groups, for example on Facebook, WhatsApp or Telegram, allow for direct exchange, communication and interaction, as well as networking of different individuals worldwide. Such groups are also used to spread propaganda and thus allow for self-radicalisation or mutual radicalisation of their members. The article reports selected results from a research project analysing online communication processes of extremist groups. Based on data from group discussions in social media, corpus linguistic analyses were carried out, examining quantitative relationships between individual lexical elements and occurring regularities. To this end, four different corpora were built. These consist of data collected in right-wing and Salafi jihadist groups of a low or medium radicalisation level on Facebook and VKontakte via fake profiles, and of group communication in forums, messenger apps and social networks of highly radicalised persons, which were extracted from files of (e.g. terrorism) cases prosecuted in Germany. Quantitative linguistic analyses of social media data continue to be challenging due to the heterogeneity of the data as well as orthographic and grammatical errors. Nevertheless, it was possible to identify phenomenon specific sociolects that point to different levels of linguistic radicalisation. Based on the results of the analyses, the article discusses the prospects, problems and pitfalls of lexicometric analyses of online communication, especially as a tool for understanding radicalisation processes.
Several global governance initiatives launched in recent years have explicitly sought to integrate concern for gender equality and gendered harms into efforts to counter terrorism and violent extremism (CT/CVE). As a result, commitments to gender-sensitivity and gender equality in international and regional CT/CVE initiatives, in national action plans, and at the level of civil society programming, have become a common aspect of the multilevel governance of terrorism and violent extremism. In light of these developments, aspects of our own research have turned in the past years to explore how concerns about gender are being incorporated in the governance of (counter-)terrorism and violent extremism, and how this development has affected (gendered) practices and power relations in counterterrorism policymaking and implementation. We were inspired by the growing literature on gender and CT/CVE, and critical scholarship on terrorism and political violence, to bring together a collection of new research addressing these questions.
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This article explores potential vulnerability factors for extreme right radicalization of Special Operation Forces (SOF) and Special Weapons and Tactics (S.W.A.T.) personnel in Western countries. Drawing on inquiry commissions reports regarding extreme right behavior or ethical misconduct by six elite units from four countries (Germany, Canada, Australia, the U.S.), this article argues that a lack of diversity in gender and ethnicity, elite warrior subcultures, echo chamber effects and cognitive rigidity can become vulnerability factors for extreme right radicalization. Further, the need for targeted resilience among SOF and S.W.A.T. units designed to counter such processes is highlighted.
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The present special issue brings together papers that focus on relevant theoretical perspectives and empirical research con- cerning individual and collective processes of radicalization, and social dynamics and conflicts associated with them. It also examines strategies to prevent the initiation of such processes and thereby connects analyses and transfer. Eight articles ad- vance the current state of the art with regard to three aspects of radicalization within the context of Islamist terrorism, namely: 1) radicalization as a relational process; 2) social challenges and the role of foreign policy; and 3) prevention strategies. To - gether they represent important current empirical studies and point to directions where research is urgently needed.
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The rapid growth in research directed toward preventing violent extremism has resulted in a rich but fragmented body of literature spanning multiple disciplines. This review finds a number of themes that cut across a range of disciplinary approaches and suggests that the concept of resilience could provide the basis for a common framework for prevention. However, thus far the notion of resilience to extremism has often focused on the individual, and insufficient attention has been given to the role of contextual structures and institutions. We suggest that a social–ecological perspective on resili- ence could re-orientate the discourse on resilience to extremism.
Al-Qaida and Islamic State continue to captivate the world with their extreme violence. While much attention has been given to the operations and doctrines of jihadi groups, this is the first book to explore their culture. Using a wealth of primary sources, the authors examine what goes on inside these organizations and what daily life is like for the foot-soldiers. They show that Islamist militants have a rich aesthetic culture and do much more than fight and train. Life in a jihadi group is in fact filled with poetry and music, and fighters spend time on surprising things like dream interpretation and weeping. Readers will discover an entirely new perspective on radical Islamists: that despite their reputation as macho men, they value humility, artistic sensitivity, and displays of emotion. Cultural practices are essential for understanding the jihadi worldview and may shed important new light on decision-making and recruitment processes in extremist groups. This original book will interest anyone in academia, government, or the general public who is intrigued by the appeal and resilience of the jihadi movement.
Radikalisierungsprozesse sind Ausdruck ungelöster gesellschaftlicher Konflikte. Sie werfen die Frage auf, wie stark eine Gesellschaft zusammenhält und warum Einzelne oder Gruppen sich gegen sie stellen – insbesondere wenn sie Gewalt legitimieren oder anwenden. Besonders in Gruppen können Interaktions- und Sozialisationsprozesse eine Dynamik entfalten, durch die sich ihre Mitglieder immer mehr von der Gesellschaft entfernen. Bei der Betrachtung dieser Prozesse leiten uns drei Fragen: Erstens, welches sind die Mechanismen und Entstehungsbedingungen von Radikalisierungsprozessen innerhalb von Gruppen? Zweitens, welche Prozesse sind zwischen verschiedenen Gruppen wirksam? Drittens, welche Rolle nehmen Gruppenradikalisierungen im Verhältnis zur Gesellschaft ein, zum Beispiel zum gesamtgesellschaftlichen Diskurs? Die Forschung über Gruppenradikalisierung spaltet sich in zwei Stränge: Einerseits den Strang der Radikalisierungsforschung, der im Anschluss an die formale Soziologie fast gänzlich von ideologischen Inhalten radikaler Gruppen absieht und sich stattdessen auf Prozesse und Mechanismen der Gruppenbildung und Interaktionsdynamiken konzentriert, die über verschiedene politische und religiöse Gruppen hinweg ähnlich sind. Andererseits die zu einseitig auf ideologische Inhalte fokussierte Forschungsrichtung, die von einer stärkeren Berücksichtigung formaler, gruppendynamischer und interaktionistischer Konzepte profitieren kann. Nachdem wir im folgenden Kapitel die Entwicklung und den Stand der Forschung beschreiben, werden wir einen Ansatz vorschlagen, der die ideologischen Inhalte auch in ihrer formalen Wirkung auf Gruppenbildungsprozesse und Radikalisierungsdynamiken untersucht. Denn zentrale ideologische Elemente (sogenannte Ideologeme, Diskurselemente oder Narrative) verschiedener radikaler Gruppen folgen oft ähnlichen Mustern und weisen Schnittmengen auf. Dadurch entstehen neue Bündnisse und unerwartete Allianzen. Den gemeinsamen Nenner bilden die konstruierten Feindbilder: die Moderne, der Universalismus, die Juden, der Feminismus. So werden Gegner geschaffen und Vorstellungen von hierarchischen Gesellschaftsordnungen entwickelt. Diese Narrative beanspruchen Deutungshoheit darüber, wie die Gesellschaft funktionieren soll, welche Formen des Zusammenlebens legitim sind und welche mit radikalen Mitteln bekämpft werden müssen; nicht zuletzt in Bezug auf die richtige Familie und das richtige Geschlechterverständnis. Wir möchten an dieser Stelle den Begriff der Brückennarrative einführen, um Gemeinsamkeiten ideologischer Elemente in verschiedenen radikalisierten Gruppen herauszuarbeiten.
Australian Right Wing Extremism (RWE) ideology can be identified by ethnocentric and structural discourses, with prominent narratives of racial identification and threat articulation. This study has examined nine RWE manifestos and collated statements of Australian authorship, both historical and contemporary, to gain a qualitative understanding of discourses, narratives and axiomatic beliefs within the heterogeneous movement, in order to identify the ideological contour of Australia’s extreme right. It found that ethnocentric discourses assigned positive value to identity narratives regarding white identity and heritage and seek to proscribe the ideal society based on nostalgic and imagined identity constructs. Societal narratives situate gender roles within the ambit of a failing and degenerate society. Threat narratives assigned negative values to designated out-groups, while concurrently arguing white victimhood. Structural discourses manifested to a lesser extent, demonstrating opposition to political concepts like democracy and equality, and capitalist economic systems. Ethnocentric and structural discourses combine to elevate white identity, enforce notions of threat, and romanticise a nostalgic and imagined existence to which extremists seek a return.
Identifying a criminal act as terrorism is a complicated task, influenced by strict legal definitions and public perceptions. While law enforcement must adhere to the criminal code in prosecuting violent extremist crime as terrorism, politicians, commentators and the media can symbolically label these acts as constituting a range of offences, regardless of whether they fit within legal definitions. Such disparity was evident in the aftermath of the 2015 Charleston church mass shooting when a white supremacist gunned down nine African Americans with the intention of sparking a race war. FBI Director James Comey was hesitant to apply the terrorism label claiming that it was not a political act and therefore did not classify as terrorism, while U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder had no reservations in labelling the crime an ‘act of terrorism’ (Norris, J. J. [2017]. Why Dylann Roof is a terrorist under federal law, and why it matters. Harvard Journal on Legislation, 54, 259–299). This paper explores two significant factors that contribute to the conceptual ambiguity surrounding far-right violent extremism as terrorism: the legal double standards in the treatment of ‘domestic’ terrorists under U.S. federal law, and the reinforcement of these double standards within the mass media.
American women joining Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) have increased and their roles evolved beyond auxiliary and domestic provisions, demonstrating both agency and tenacity for pursuing, recruiting, supporting, and spreading extreme Islamist ideals and terrorism. Social learning theory was applied to information gained from open-source court cases as a way of examining how thirty-one U.S. women acquired, maintained, and acted pursuant to radicalization to religious terrorism for ISIS. Internet functionalities, reasons, roles, and support types for radicalization and illegal activities for ISIS were examined using self-, dyad-, and group-classifications. A gendered interventive program based on social learning theory’s extinguishing of radicalized ideology and behavior was outlined.