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International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication Data Mining Techniques for Weather Prediction: A Review

  • Government College Rampur Bushahr HImachal Pradesh Shimla


Data mining is the computer assisted process of digging through and analysing enormous sets of data and then extracting the meaningful data. Data mining tools predicts behaviours and future trends, allowing businesses to make proactive decisions. It can answer questions that traditionally were very time consuming to resolve. Therefore they can be used to predict meteorological data that is weather prediction. Weather prediction is a vital application in meteorology and has been one of the most scientifically and technologically challenging problems across the world in the last century. Predicting the weather is essential to help preparing for the best and the worst of the climate. Accurate Weather Prediction has been one of the most challenging problems around the world. Many weather predictions like rainfall prediction, thunderstorm prediction, predicting cloud conditions are major challenges for atmospheric research. This paper presents the review of Data Mining Techniques for Weather Prediction and studies the benefit of using it. The paper provides a survey of available literatures of some algorithms employed by different researchers to utilize various data mining techniques, for Weather Prediction. The work that has been done by various researchers in this field has been reviewed and compared in a tabular form. For weather prediction, decision tree and k-mean clustering proves to be good with higher prediction accuracy than other techniques of data mining.
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 2 Issue: 8 2184 2189
IJRITCC | August 2014, Available @
Data Mining Techniques for Weather Prediction: A Review
Divya Chauhan
Department of Computer Science
Himachal Pradesh University
Shimla 5, India
Jawahar Thakur
Department of Computer Science
Himachal Pradesh University
Shimla 5, India
Abstract Data mining is the computer assisted process of digging through and analysing enormous sets of data and then
extracting the meaningful data. Data mining tools predicts behaviours and future trends, allowing businesses to make proactive
decisions. It can answer questions that traditionally were very time consuming to resolve. Therefore they can be used to predict
meteorological data that is weather prediction. Weather prediction is a vital application in meteorology and has been one of the
most scientifically and technologically challenging problems across the world in the last century. Predicting the weather is
essential to help preparing for the best and the worst of the climate. Accurate Weather Prediction has been one of the most
challenging problems around the world. Many weather predictions like rainfall prediction, thunderstorm prediction, predicting
cloud conditions are major challenges for atmospheric research. This paper presents the review of Data Mining Techniques for
Weather Prediction and studies the benefit of using it. The paper provides a survey of available literatures of some algorithms
employed by different researchers to utilize various data mining techniques, for Weather Prediction. The work that has been done
by various researchers in this field has been reviewed and compared in a tabular form. For weather prediction, decision tree and k-
mean clustering proves to be good with higher prediction accuracy than other techniques of data mining.
Keywords- Data Mining, Decision Trees, Artificial Neural Network, Regression, Clustering.
Data mining [13] is a process which finds useful patterns from
large amount of data. Data mining can also be defined as the
process of extracting implicit, previously unknown and useful
information and knowledge from large quantities of noisy,
ambiguous, random, incomplete data for practical application.
It is a powerful new technology with great potential to help
companies focus on the most important information in their
databases. It uses machine learning, statistical and visualization
technique to discover and predict knowledge in a form which is
understandable to the user. Prediction is the most important
technique of data mining which employs a set of pre-classified
examples to develop a model that can classify the data and
discover relationship between independent and dependent data.
Weather prediction is the application of science and technology
to predict the state of the atmosphere for a given location. It is
becoming increasingly vital for scientists, agriculturists,
farmers, global food security, disaster management and related
organizations to understand the natural phenomena to plan and
be prepared for the future [17,37,19,35].The art of weather
prediction began with early civilizations using reoccurring
astronomical and meteorological events to help them monitor
seasonal changes in the weather. Throughout the centuries,
attempts have been made to produce forecasts based on
weather changes and personal observations. Many
meteorological instruments were being refined during the
previous centuries. Other related developments that are,
theoretical, and technological developments, also contributed to
our knowledge of the atmospheric weather conditions. Weather
prediction is an important goal of atmospheric research. Hence
changes weather condition is risky for human society
[3,5,15].It affects the human society in all the possible ways.
Weather prediction is usually done using the data gathered by
remote sensing satellites. Various weather parameters like
temperature, rainfall, and cloud conditions are projected using
image taken by meteorological satellites to access future trends.
The satellite based systems are expensive and requires
complete support systems. The variables defining weather
conditions varies continuously with time, prediction model can
be developed either statistically or by using some other means
like decision tree, artificial neural networks, regression,
clustering techniques of data mining. Weather prediction is a
form of data mining which is concerned with finding hidden
patterns inside largely available meteorological data [31].
Rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II narrates the
background study of data mining and weather prediction.
Section III discusses the literature review of various data
mining techniques used for predicting weather. Section IV
gives the comparison of work done by researchers. Finally, the
paper is concluded in section V.
A. Data Mining
Data mining is the science and technology of exploring data in
order to discover unexplored patterns. Traditionally, data
acquisition was considered as one of the most important stages
of data analysis [36]. The data had to be collected manually so
the quantity was also small. So the decisions were based on
limited information. But now, gathering data has become easier
and storing it has become inexpensive. Unfortunately, as the
amount of information increases, it becomes harder to
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 2 Issue: 8 2184 2189
IJRITCC | August 2014, Available @
understand it. Data mining is a matter of considerable
importance and necessity for the accessibility and abundance of
this information in the database. Data Mining can be defined as
the process of extracting useful information and knowledge
from large amount of unstructured and structured data, which is
also an effective means of discovering knowledge [14]. It has
got many applications [20]. Data mining appeared as a means
of coping with the exponential growth of data and information.
Data mining sift through large databases in search of
interesting pattern and relationships among instances. In
practice, data mining provides many tools by which large
amount of data can be analyzed automatically. There are steps
to the process of data mining which are run iteratively:
preprocessing, analysis, data exchanging.
There are various data mining techniques [7,24,32,33] such as:
Classification, Prediction, Clustering, Association, Outlier
Detection and Regression.
The prediction discovers relationship between independent
variables and relationship between dependent and independent
variables. There are various algorithms of classification and
prediction [8,18,26]. Some of them are Decision Tree,
Artificial Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines (SVM),
Bayesian Classification and Regression. There are several
criteria for evaluating the prediction performance of algorithm
B. Weather Prediction
The various methods used in prediction of weather are [30]:
1) Synoptic weather prediction: It is the traditional approach
in weather prediction. Synoptic refers to the observation of
different weather elements within the specific time of
observation. In order to keep track of the changing
weather, a meteorological center prepares a series of
synoptic charts every day, which forms the very basic of
weather forecasts. It involves huge collection and analysis
of observational data obtained from thousands of weather
2) Numerical weather prediction: It uses the power of
computer to predict the weather. Complex computer
programs are run on supercomputers and provide
predictions on many atmospheric parameters. One flaw is
that the equations used are not precise. If the initial stage
of the weather is not completely known, the prediction will
not be entirely accurate.
3) Statistical weather prediction: They are used along with
the numerical methods. It uses the past records of weather
data on the assumption that future will be a repetition of
past weather. The main purpose is to find out those aspects
of weather that are good indicators of the future events.
Only the overall weather can be predicted in this way.
There are many studies that support the applicability of data
mining techniques for weather prediction.
E. G. Petre [10] presented a small application of CART
decision tree algorithm for weather prediction. The data
collected is registered over Hong Kong. The data is recorded
between 2002 and 2005. The data used for creating the dataset
includes parameters year, month, average pressure, relative
humidity, clouds quantity, precipitation and average
temperature. WEKA, open source data mining software, is used
for the implementation of CART decision tree algorithm. The
decision tree, results and statistical information about the data
are used to generate the decision model for prediction of
weather. The way the data is stored about past events is
highlighted. The data transformation is required according to
the decision tree algorithm in order to be used by WEKA
efficiently for weather prediction.
M. A. Kalyankar and S. J. Alaspurkar [23] used data mining
techniques to acquire weather data and find the hidden patterns
inside the large dataset so as to transfer the retrieved
information into usable knowledge for classification and
prediction of weather condition. Data mining process is applied
to extract knowledge from Gaza city weather dataset. This
knowledge can be used to obtain useful predictions and support
the decision making process. Dynamic data mining methods
are required to build, that can learn dynamically to match the
nature of rapidly changeable weather nature and sudden events.
F. Oliya and A. B. Adeyemo [17] investigated the use of data
mining techniques in predicting maximum temperature,
rainfall, evaporation and wind speed. C4.5 decision tree
algorithm and artificial neural networks are used for prediction.
The meteorological data is collected between 2000 and 2009
from the city Ibadan, Nigeria. A data model for the
meteorological data is developed and is used to train the
classifier algorithms. The performance of each algorithm is
compared with the standard performance metrics and the
algorithm with the best result is used to generate classification
rules for the mean weather variables. A predictive neural
network model is also developed for weather prediction and the
results are compared with the actual weather data for the
predicted period. The results shows that given enough training
data, data mining technique can be efficiently used for weather
prediction and climate change studies.
Abhishek Saxena et al. [2] presented the review of weather
prediction using artificial neural networks and studied the
benefit of using it. It yields good results and can be considered
as an alternative to traditional meteorological approach. The
study expressed the capability of artificial neural network in
predicting various weather phenomena such as temperature,
thunderstorms, rainfall, wind speed and concluded that major
architecture like BP, MLP are suitable to predict weather
phenomenon. But due to the nonlinear nature of the weather
dataset, prediction accuracy obtained by these techniques is
still below the satisfactory level.
M. Kannan et al. [32] described empirical method technique
using data mining to make a short term prediction of rainfalls
over specific regions. The three months rainfall data of a
particular region for five years is analyzed. Accurate and timely
weather prediction is a major challenge for research
community. Classification technique is used to classify the
reason for rainfall in the ground level. Clustering technique is
used to group the element that is particular area occupied by
rainfall regions and the rainfall is predicted in a particular
region. Multiple linear regression model is adopted for
prediction but the results give the rainfall data having some
approximate value not a predictor value.
Gaurav J. Sawale and Sunil R. Gupta [12] proposed an artificial
neural network method for the prediction of weather for future
in a given location. Back Propagation Neural Network is used
for initial modeling. Then Hopfield Networks are fed with the
result outputted by BPN model. The attributes include
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 2 Issue: 8 2184 2189
IJRITCC | August 2014, Available @
temperature, humidity and wind speed. Three years data of
weather is collected comprising of 15000 instances. The
prediction error is very less and learning process is quick. This
can be considered as an alternative to the traditional
meteorological approaches. Both algorithms are combined
effectively. It is able to determine non- linear relationship that
exists between the historical data attributes and predicts the
weather in future.
P.Hemalatha [27] implemented data mining methods for
guiding the path of the ships during sailing. Global Positioning
System is used for identifying the area in which the ship is
currently navigating. The attributes of weather data includes
climate, humidity, temperature, stormy. The weather report of
the area traced is compared with the existing database. The
analyzed dataset is provided to the decision tree algorithm,
C4.5 and ID3. The decision obtained regarding the weather
condition is instructed to the ship and the path is chosen
accordingly. A close cooperation between the statistical and
computational communities provides synergy in data analysis.
Few continuous attributes need to be altered as ID3 cannot
directly deal with the continuous ranges.
Subana Shanmuganathan and Philip Sallis [34] examined the
use of data mining methods to search for the patterns in the ad-
hoc weather conditions, such as time of the day, month of the
year, wind direction, speed, and severity using a data set from a
single location. The historical weather data, between 2008 and
2012 is used from telemetry devices installed in a vineyard in
the north of New Zealand. It is shown that using data mining
techniques and the local weather condition recorded at irregular
intervals can produce new knowledge relating to wind gust
patterns for vineyard management decision making. From the
data repository, instances relating to the Kumeu River vineyard
are extracted for a period of four years (20082012). The data
collected is cleaned to remove all readings that are outside of
Kumeu record readings. The final 86,418 instances and their
distribution over the 12 months are presented. The decision tree
algorithms used are C5, Quest, CRT and CHAID. SOM is used
for the clustering purpose. Multilayered supervised ANN is
used for predicting the wind gust. Data mining techniques and
statistical methods are run using SPSS. It provides a good tool
for analyzing adhoc dataset.
A.R.W.M.M.S.C.B. Amarakoon [1] proposed a system that
uses the historical weather data and applies the data-mining
algorithm “K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN)” for classification of
these historical data into a specific time span. The k nearest
time spans is then further taken to predict the weather of Sri
Lanka. The day to day weather data is collected for complete
one year. It generates accurate results within a reasonable time
for months in advance. It is concluded that KNN is beneficial
to dynamic data, the data that changes or updates rapidly and
provides better performance as compared to the other
techniques. Integrating feature selection techniques can even
give more accurate results.
Kavita Pabreja [16] demonstrated the derivation of sub-grid
scale weather systems from NWP model output products using
data mining techniques which is not possible through normal
MOS technique. Data mining technique, clustering, when
applied on divergence and relative humidity can provide an
early indication of formation of cloudburst. K mean clustering
is used for two days data of real life case of cloudburst. An
effort is made towards providing timely and actionable
information of these events using data mining techniques in
supplement with NWP models. One shortcoming is found that
it cannot be used for long term predictions.
S. S Badhiye et al. [4] used clustering technique with K-
Nearest Neighbor method to find the hidden pattern inside the
large dataset related to weather so as to transfer the retrieved
information into usable knowledge for classification and
prediction of climate condition. Temperature and humidity is
acquired for a particular time interval. High prediction
accuracy is acquired for temperature and humidity. The
software can be embedded with the data logger system for the
analysis and prediction of parameters in remote areas.
Pinky Saikia Dutta and Hitesh Tahbilder [28] predicted
monthly Rainfall of Assam by using data mining technique.
Traditional statistical technique -Multiple Linear Regression is
used. The data include Six years period between 2007 and 2012
which is collected locally from Regional Meteorological
Center, Guwahati, Assam, India. The data is divided into four
month for each season. Parameters selected for the model are
minimum temperature, maximum temperature, mean sea level
pressure, wind speed and rainfall. The performance of this
model is measured in adjusted R-squared implemented in C#.
Some parameters like wind direction is not included due to
constraints on data collection which could give more accurate
result. Acceptable accuracy is given by prediction model based
on multiple linear regression.
Neha Khandelwal and Ruchi Davey [25] predicted the rainfall
of a year by using different 4 climatic factors temperature,
humidity, pressure and sea level and thereby using the dataset
for calculating drought possibilities in Rajasthan. Certain
factors are extracted using data mining techniques. Then
correlation analysis is applied on the dataset and correlation is
found in the factors. The factors with positive correlations are
selected and used for regression analysis. MLR is used for
regression analysis for predicting rainfall. Then statistical
analysis is applied on that data for finding drought possibility.
For drought possibility standard deviation, variance of
coefficient, drought indices and drought perception are used.
Only one parameter rainfall is considered for analyzing drought
condition whereas other climate factors may influence the
condition to a wide range. Therefore it is not so accurate.
Z. Jan et al. [32] developed new accurate and sophisticated
systems for Seasonal to inter annual climate prediction using
data mining technique, K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN). It uses
numeric historical data to predict the climate of a specific
region, city or country months in advance. Dataset consist of 10
years of historic data with has 17 attributes, i.e. mean
temperature, Max Temp, Min Temp, Wind Speed, Max Wind
Speed, Min Wind Speed, Dew Point, Sea Level, Snow Depth,
Fog, gust, SST, SLP, etc., with 40000 records for 10 cities. The
dataset uses data cleansing to deal with noisy and missing
values. It is stored in MS ACCESS format. It can predict a
huge set of attribute at the same time with high level of
accuracy. The predicted result of KNN is easier to understand.
It cannot incorporate to reflect the global changes (ENSO
events) but can work correctly with the areas not prone to these
global effects.
Soo-Yeon Ji et al. [33] predicted the hourly rainfall in any
geographical regions time efficiently. The chance of rain is first
determined. Then only if there is any chance of rainfall, the
hourly rainfall prediction is performed. Although quite a lot
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 2 Issue: 8 2184 2189
IJRITCC | August 2014, Available @
methodology have been introduced to predict hourly prediction,
most of them have performance limitations because of the
existence of wide range of variation in data and limited amount
of data. CART and C4.5 are used to provide outcomes, which
may provide hidden and important patterns with transparent
reasons. About 18 variables were used from weather station.
For validation purpose, 10 fold cross validation method is
performed. CART gives slightly better performance than C4.5.
Considering the chances, only a small number of instances are
left for prediction which makes it hard to predict.
S. Kannan and S. Ghosh [29] contributed towards developing
methodology for predicting state of rainfall at local or regional
scale for a river basin from large scale climatological data. A
model based on K- mean clustering technique coupled with
decision tree algorithm, CART, is used for the generation of
rainfall states from large scale atmospheric variables in a river
basin. Daily rainfall state is derived from the historical daily
multi-site rainfall data by using K-mean clustering. Various
cluster validity measures are applied to observed rainfall data
to get the optimum number of clusters. CART is used to train
the data of daily rainfall state of the river basin for 33 years.
The methodology is tested for the Mahanadi River in India.
The change expected in the river basin due to global warming
is given by the comparisons of the number of days falling
under different rainfall states for the observed period and the
future predicted. CART algorithm proved to be good in
predicting the daily rainfall state in a river basin using
statistical downscaling.
According to the previous work done by researchers presented
in the literature review, a comparison can be done. Various data
mining techniques are used to predict different parameters of
weather like humidity, temperature, wind gust. Various
attributed used for the comparison are applications, authors,
data mining techniques, algorithms, attributes, time period,
dataset size, accuracy percentage, advantages and
disadvantages. They yield different results with their cons and
pros. The main consequence of this fact is formulated by the
„no-free lunch theorem‟, which states that there is no
universally best data mining algorithm. This triggers the need
to select the appropriate learning algorithm for a given
problem. For weather prediction, decision tree and k-mean
clustering proves to be good with higher prediction accuracy
than other techniques of data mining. Regression technique
could not find accurate value of prediction. However,
approximate value could be retrieved. It is also observed that
with the increase in dataset size, the accuracy first increases but
then decreases after a certain extent. One of the reasons may be
due to over fitting of training dataset. The work done by
different researchers and their comparison is jotted down in
Table I.
for ship
C4.5, ID3
20- 30
Do not handle
continuous range
data directly.
E. G. Petre
Pressure, clouds
4 years
transformation is
Extra computation
S Yeon et
wind direction,
speed, gust,
humidity, pressure
3 years
Small data is left
for prediction.
S Kannan ,
S Ghosh
prediction in
river basin
CART, k-
MSLP, pressure,
wind, rainfall
50 years
Grouping of
rainfall data
in clusters
Small data is left
for prediction.
No verification is
F Oliya,
and Climate
tree, ANN
evaporation, wind
10 years
Best network
is selected
for prediction
Accuracy varies
highly with size of
training dataset
P Sallis, S
athan [34]
Wind gust
tree, ANN
C5.0, CRT,
Dew point,
temperature, wind
direction, wind
4 years
Good for
analyzing ad
hoc dataset
Data recorded at
irregular intervals.
Do not handle
continuous data.
GJ Sawale
humidity, wind
3 years
both gives
normalization is
prediction in
Sri Lanka
wind speed
1 year
for dynamic
Need to integrate
feature selection
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 2 Issue: 8 2184 2189
IJRITCC | August 2014, Available @
S Badhiye
et al [4].
humidity and
Suitable for
Cannot predict
data in remote
Z Jan et al.
Inter annual
Wind speed, dew
point, seal level,
snow depth, rain
10 years
Long term
results with
large set of
incorporate to
reflect global
M. A.
S. J.
cal data
K- mean
humidity, rain,
wind speed
Dynamic data
mining methods
K Pabreja
Cloud burst
K- mean
2 days
with NWP
Not good for long
term predictions.
PS Dutta, H
Min and max
temperature, wind
humidity, rainfall
6 years
required for better
M Kannan
et al.[32]
Short Term
Min and max
temperature, wind
humidity, rainfall
for 5
Can work
even with
small dataset
Instead of
accurate, an
value is retrieved.
R Davey
Rainfall, sea level,
1 year
and statistical
analysis is
also applied.
Verification is not
This paper presents a survey that using Data mining techniques
for weather prediction yields good results and can be
considered as an alternative to traditional metrological
approaches. The study describes the capabilities of various
algorithms in predicting several weather phenomena such as
temperature, thunderstorms, rainfall and concluded that major
techniques like decision trees, lazy learning, artificial neural
networks, clustering and regression algorithms are suitable to
predict weather phenomena. A comparison is made in this
paper, which shows that decision trees and k-mean clustering
are best suited data mining technique for this application. With
the increase in size of training set, the accuracy is first
increased but then decreased after a certain limit.
I acknowledge my sincere and profound gratitude to my guide,
Er. Jawahar Thakur, for his valuable guidance, dedicated
concentration and support throughout this work. I also
acknowledge my sincere gratitude to authorities of Himachal
Pradesh University, Summerhill and other teaching staff of
Computer Science for their help and support. I am also thankful
to my friends for their cooperation.
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... Research projects that have been conducted in the past in the field of temperature forecasting [2] have primarily concentrated on certain locations, such as airports and regions like Kerala, amongst others. In spite of this, there is a clear deficiency in the full evaluation and comparison of various machine learning models capable of predicting temperatures across a wider geographical scope. ...
... Istilah prediksi mengacu pada prediksi numerik dan prediksi label kelas (Han et al., 2016). Prediksi merupakan salah satu teknik data mining yang menemukan hubungan atau korelasi antara variabel bebas atau independen dan hubungan antara variabel dependen atau terikat (Olson & Delen, 2008;Chauhan & Thakur, 2014). Prediksi lebih sering disebut perkiraan nilai numerik yang hilang, atau tren kenaikan/penurunan dalam data terkait waktu yang dibuat dengan menganalisis peristiwa atau contoh masa lalu (Osman, 2019) atau dalam kata lain, prediksi berarti menemukan pola dalam data dari satu periode yang mampu menjelaskan hasil pada periode berikutnya. ...
... In Chauhan and Thakur (2014), the authors used the technique of information mining, an instrument that predicts practices and future patterns which may encourage the organisations to settle on proactive choices. The paper presented the survey of data mining techniques for weather prediction and primarily focused on the advantage of utilising it. ...
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Several losses had been witnessed due to many natural calamities like earth quakes, storms, cyclones, etc. These natural calamities have direct or indirect effects on the lives of billions of people across the world. The prediction of environmental impact due to the changes in weather had been a critically challenging task. In countries like India, where agriculture is the livelihood of many people (49.5%) and rainfall is very essential for the cultivation of crops, rainfall is very much needed to all forms of lives. Extreme rainfall has its effects on the economy of any country. Heavy loss of lives and properties had been encountered due to havoc of flood in varying degrees. In this research work, the rainfall forecasting is highly focussed and it discusses on several models of weather prediction. Note that in the previous decades, many researchers have made some serious attempts to reach out with forecasting systems for weather prediction (which include statistical and analytical models for rainfall prediction) but maximum models proposed by the researchers are found to be unfit in terms of less accuracy, when these proposed prediction models are applied on a large scale. The research work presents the reviews of works that are proposed by many pioneers, who had taken lots of efforts arrive at a good prediction system. In this work, it is also found that that there had been a big gap between the prediction reports/weather news and the actually happening. This paper considers most of the features belonging to the models found from scientific articles published across the globe to find the factors that are widening the gap between the forecast data and the actual phenomenon.
... Reviews too. The use of machine learning techniques for weather forecasts is shown in (Chauhan and Thakur, 2014 AR, ARX and The ARMAX model of the linear motion system is System identification, e.g. (Ljung, 2002(Ljung, , 1999Johansson, 1993 ...
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Forecasting weather conditions is critical for hydropower plant operation and flood management, for example. Computationally intensive mechanistic models are well known. As a result, developing models that can anticipate weather conditions faster than traditional meteorological models is of importance. The area of machine learning has piqued the scientific community's curiosity. Because of its wide range of applications, it's worth investigating whether an artificial neural network can be a strong option for predicting weather conditions when combined with huge data sets. The fact that meteorological data is available from a variety of online sources is a plus. A Python API for reading meteorological data has been built, and ANN models have been developed using TensorFlow to make data retrieval easier.
... Depending on who is using it, their positives and negatives have varied consequences. This established principle, known as "the No Free Lunch Theorem," has the further effect of stating that there is no universally optimum data mining technique [35][36]. For a particular task, a learner must pick an acceptable learning algorithm. ...
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In the field of weather, forecasting is a critical application that has long been considered one of the world’s most difficult scientific and technical issues. Data mining is as the practice of discovering previously unknown and practical information and knowledge that is embedded in enormous volumes of unclear, noisy, random, and incomplete data. In this study, however, an examination of many common data mining techniques for weather prediction has been offered. Different type of data mining techniques has been investigate. Also, based on that, weather prediction comparison using different data mining approaches has been investigated. Nevertheless, methodologies like data cleaning, data integration, data selection, data transformation, etc. has been discussed for reaching the best solution of predicting weather by using data mining. Finally, this study illustrates how k-means and decision trees are the most appropriate data mining methods for this use case.
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Every government takes initiative for the well-being of their citizens in terms of environment and climate in which they live. Global warming is one of the reason for climate change. With the help of machine learning algorithms in the flash light of Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining techniques, weather predictions not only rainfall, lightings, thunder outbreaks, etc. can be predicted. Management of water reservoirs, flooding, traffic-control in smart cities, sewer system functioning and agricultural production are the hydro-meteorological factors that affect human life very drastically. Due to dynamic nature of atmosphere, existing Statistical techniques (Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree (DT) and logistic regression (LR)) fail to provide good accuracy for rainfall forecasting. Different weather features (Temperature, Relative Humidity, Dew Point, Solar Radiation and Precipitable Water Vapour) are extracted for rainfall prediction. In this research work, data analysis using machine learning ensemble algorithm like Adaptive Boosting (Ada Boost) is proposed. Dataset used for this classification application is taken from hydrological department, India from 1901-2015. Overall, proposed algorithm is feasible to be used in order to qualitatively predict rainfall with the help of R tool and Ada Boost algorithm. Accuracy rate and error false rates are compared with the existing Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm and the proposed one gives the better result.
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Every government takes initiative for the well-being of their citizens in terms of environment and climate in which they live. Global warming is one of the reason for climate change. With the help of machine learning algorithms in the flash light of Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining techniques, weather predictions not only rainfall, lightings, thunder outbreaks, etc. can be predicted. Management of water reservoirs, flooding, traffic - control in smart cities, sewer system functioning and agricultural production are the hydro-meteorological factors that affect human life very drastically. Due to dynamic nature of atmosphere, existing Statistical techniques (Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree (DT) and logistic regression (LR)) fail to provide good accuracy for rainfall forecasting. Different weather features (Temperature, Relative Humidity, Dew Point, Solar Radiation and Precipitable Water Vapour) are extracted for rainfall prediction. In this research work, data analysis using machine learning ensemble algorithm like Adaptive Boosting (Ada Boost) is proposed. Dataset used for this classification application is taken from hydrological department, India from 1901-2015. Overall, proposed algorithm is feasible to be used in order to qualitatively predict rainfall with the help of R tool and Ada Boost algorithm. Accuracy rate and error false rates are compared with the existing Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm and the proposed one gives the better result.
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Accurate weather forecasts play an important role in today's world as various sectors such as marine, navigation, agriculture and industry are basically dependent on weather conditions. Weather forecasts are also used to predict the occurrence of natural disasters. Weather forecasting determines the exact value of weather parameters and then predicts future weather conditions. In this study the parameters used are. Different weather parameters were collected from the Serang Maritime Meteorological Station and then analyzed using a neural network-based algorithm, namely Long-short term memory (LSTM). In predicting future weather conditions using LSTM neural networks are trained using a combination of different weather parameters, the weather parameters used are temperature, humidity, rainfall, and wind speed. After training the LSTM model using these parameters, future weather predictions are performed. The prediction results are then evaluated using RMSE. Prediction results show that the model is more accurate when predicting temperature data with RMSE 0.37, then RMSE wind speed 0.72, RMSE sunlight 2.79, and RMSE humidity 5.05. This means that the model is very good at studying weather data, inversely proportional to humidity data.
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Knowledge of climate data in a region is necessary for business, society, agriculture, pollution and energy applications. In research and development, it makes the researchers to pay an extra attention towards this type of matter. As there is a impressive achievement in this field over the past few years, among all the other seasonal climatic attributes, the main factor used by the researcher is the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) to develop the systems for prediction of temperature and humidity. Data mining is one such technology which is employed in inferring useful knowledge that can be put to use from a vast amount of data, various data mining techniques such as Classification, Prediction, Clustering and Outlier analysis can be used for the purpose. The main aim of this paper is to acquire temperature and humidity data and use a clustering technique with k-Nearest Neighbor method to find the hidden patterns inside the large dataset so as to transfer the retrieved information into usable knowledge for classification and prediction of climate condition.
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Knowledge of climate data in a region is essential for business, society, agriculture, pollution and energy applications. In research and development, it forces the researchers to pay an extra attention towards this type of matter. As there is a spectacular achievement in this field over the past few years, among all the other seasonal climatic attributes, the main factor used by the researcher is the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) to develop the systems for temperature and humidity prediction. Data mining is one such technology which is employed in inferring useful knowledge that can be put to use from a vast amount of data, various data mining techniques such as Classification, Prediction, Clustering and Outlier analysis can be used for the purpose. The main aim of this paper is to acquire temperature and humidity data and use an efficient data mining technique to find the hidden patterns inside the large dataset so as to transfer the retrieved information into usable knowledge for classification and prediction of climate condition.
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With the advent of digital computers and their continuous increasing processing power, the 'Numerical Weather Prediction' (NWP) models which solve a close set of equations of atmospheric model, have been adopted by most of the meteorological services to issue day to day weather forecasts. These forecasts are issued for public in general. But there are many limitations inherent to this technique viz. the actual weather event cannot be predicted directly by these models , so statistical regression techniques viz. Model Output Statistics (MOS) are used to derive the weather phenomenon from the NWP output products which itself requires long term consistent series of model forecasts. Due to the frequent revisions of the models, the long-term series of forecasts is not available. There is thus a strong need for searching alternative tools to MOS for interpretation of weather patterns provided by NWP models. Data mining is one such alternative that has been applied in this paper to interpret the forecast provided by European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) model so as to infer the formation of cloudburst in advance.
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One of the goals of the first edition of this book back in 2005 was to present a coherent theory for K-Means partitioning and Ward hierarchical clustering. This theory leads to effective data pre-processing options, clustering algorithms and interpretation aids, as well as to firm relations to other areas of data analysis. The goal of this second edition is to consolidate, strengthen and extend this island of understanding in the light of recent developments. Here are examples of newly added material for each of the objectives: Consolidating: - Five equivalent formulations for K-Means criterion - Usage of split base vectors in hierarchical clustering - Similarities between the clustering data recovery models and singular/eigenvalue decompositions Strengthening: - Experimental evidence to support the PCA-like Anomalous Pattern clustering as a tool to initialize K-Means - Weighting variables with Minkowski metric three-step K-Means - Effective versions of least squares divisive clustering Extending: - Similarity and network clustering - Consensus clustering. The structure of the book has been streamlined; the chapter on Mathematics of the data recovery approach has almost doubled in size, now concludes the book. Parts of the removed chapters are integrated within the new structure. The change has added a hundred pages and a couple of dozen examples to the text and, in fact, transformed it into a different species of a book. In the first edition, the book had a Russian doll structure, with a core and a couple of nested shells around. Now it is a linear structure presentation of the data recovery clustering. This book offers advice regarding clustering goals and ways to achieve them to a student, an educated user, and application developer. This advice involves methods that are compatible with the data recovery framework and experimentally tested. Fortunately, this embraces most popular approaches including most recent ones. The emphasis on the data recovery framework sets this book apart from the other books on clustering that try to inform the reader of as many approaches as possible with no much regard for their properties.
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Weather forecasting is a vital application in meteorology and has been one of the most scientifically and technologically challenging problems around the world in the last century. In this paper, we investigate the use of data mining techniques in forecasting maximum temperature, rainfall, evaporation and wind speed. This was carried out using Artificial Neural Network and Decision Tree algorithms and meteorological data collected between 2000 and 2009 from the city of Ibadan, Nigeria. A data model for the meteorological data was developed and this was used to train the classifier algorithms. The performances of these algorithms were compared using standard performance metrics, and the algorithm which gave the best results used to generate classification rules for the mean weather variables. A predictive Neural Network model was also developed for the weather prediction program and the results compared with actual weather data for the predicted periods. The results show that given enough case data, Data Mining techniques can be used for weather forecasting and climate change studies.
Rainfall is important for food production plan, water resource management and all activity plans in the nature. The occurrence of prolonged dry period or heavy rain at the critical stages of the crop growth and development may lead to significant reduce crop yield. India is an agricultural country and its economy is largely based upon crop productivity. Thus rainfall prediction becomes a significant factor in agricultural countries like India. Rainfall forecasting has been one of the most scientifically and technologically challenging problems around the world in the last century.
Development of techniques for accurate assessment of wind power potential at a site is very important for the planning and establishment of a wind energy system. The most important defining character of the wind and the problems related with it lie in its unpredictable variation. Van der Hoven constructed a wind speed spectrum using short-term and long-term records of wind in Brookhaven, NY, USA, in 1957 and showed the diurnal and turbulent effects. His spectrum suggests that there is a substantial amount of wind energy in 1-min periodic variations. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the results of wind predictions using linear and nonlinear methods following the construction of power spectra (Van der Hoven spectrum) based on airport wind data in İstanbul. In this study, we have constructed power spectra of surface wind speed in order to evaluate the contributions of disturbances at various scales on the total spectrum. For this purpose, data from an automatic weather observation system at Atatürk Airport in İstanbul at a height of 10 m with a sampling rate of 1 min from 2005 to 2009 were used. In the second part of the study, autoregressive (AR) and artificial neural network (ANN) models were applied for prediction of wind speed. The prediction methods were assessed by comparing the characteristic frequency components of the prediction series and the real series. The best results were obtained from the ANN model; however, the AR model was found to moderately show the spectral characteristics.
The field of machine learning has matured to the point where many sophisticated learning approaches can be applied to practical applications. Thus it is of critical importance that researchers have the proper tools to evaluate learning approaches and understand the underlying issues. This book examines various aspects of the evaluation process with an emphasis on classification algorithms. The authors describe several techniques for classifier performance assessment, error estimation and resampling, obtaining statistical significance as well as selecting appropriate domains for evaluation. They also present a unified evaluation framework and highlight how different components of evaluation are both significantly interrelated and interdependent. The techniques presented in the book are illustrated using R and WEKA facilitating better practical insight as well as implementation. Aimed at researchers in the theory and applications of machine learning, this book offers a solid basis for conducting performance evaluations of algorithms in practical settings.