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A Case Report on Distinguishing Emphysematous Pyelitis and Pyelonephritis on Point-of-care Ultrasound



Introduction: Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) in the emergency department (ED) is being performed with increasing frequency. The objective of this study was to demonstrate how utilization of POCUS can help the emergency physician recognize emphysematous pyelitis (EP) and emphysematous pyelonephritis (EPN). Case report: A 60-year-old female presented to the ED with normal vital signs and intermittent left-sided flank pain that radiated to her groin. She also had a history of obstructive nephrolithiasis. Within 20 minutes of arrival she became febrile (101.2°Fahrenheit), tachycardic (114 beats per minute), tachypneic (21 breaths per minute), and had a blood pressure of 114/82 millimeters mercury. POCUS was conducted revealing heterogeneous artifact with "dirty shadowing" within the renal pelvis, which was strongly suggestive of air. The emergency physician ordered a computed tomography (CT) to confirm the suspicion for EP and started the patient on broad-spectrum antibiotics. The CT showed a 1.3-centimeter calculus and hydronephrosis with foci of air. The patient received intravenous antibiotics and had an emergent nephrostomy tube placed. Urine cultures tested positive for pan-sensitive Escherichia Coli. Urology was consulted and a repeat CT was obtained to show correct drainage and decreased renal pelvis dilation. Conclusion: Distinctly different forms of treatment are used for EP and EPN, despite both having similar pathophysiology. In EP, air can be seen in the renal pelvis on POCUS, as in this case study, which distinguishes it from EPN. In the case of our patient, the use of POCUS was useful to aid in rapid differentiation between EP and EPN.
UC Irvine
Clinical Practice and Cases in Emergency Medicine
A Case Report on Distinguishing Emphysematous Pyelitis and Pyelonephritis on Point-of-care
Clinical Practice and Cases in Emergency Medicine, 5(1)
Mazumder, Proma
Al-Khouja, Fares
Moeller, John
et al.
Publication Date
Supplemental Material
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University of California
Volume V, no. 1: February 2021 35 Clinical Practice and Cases in Emergency Medicine
Case RepoRt
A Case Report on Distinguishing Emphysematous Pyelitis and
Pyelonephritis on Point-of-care Ultrasound
Proma Mazumder, BS*°
Fares Al-Khouja, MS°
John Moeller, MD
Shadi Lahham, MD, MS
Section Editor: Melanie Heniff, MD, JD
Submission history: Submitted September 15, 2020; Revision received October 20, 2020; Accepted November 5, 2020
Electronically published December 31, 2020
Full text available through open access at
DOI: 10.5811/cpcem.2020.11.49892
Introduction: Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) in the emergency department (ED) is being
performed with increasing frequency. The objective of this study was to demonstrate how utilization
of POCUS can help the emergency physician recognize emphysematous pyelitis (EP) and
emphysematous pyelonephritis (EPN).
Case Report: A 60-year-old female presented to the ED with normal vital signs and intermittent
left-sided ank pain that radiated to her groin. She also had a history of obstructive nephrolithiasis.
Within 20 minutes of arrival she became febrile (101.2°Fahrenheit), tachycardic (114 beats per
minute), tachypneic (21 breaths per minute), and had a blood pressure of 114/82 millimeters
mercury. POCUS was conducted revealing heterogeneous artifact with “dirty shadowing” within the
renal pelvis, which was strongly suggestive of air. The emergency physician ordered a computed
tomography (CT) to conrm the suspicion for EP and started the patient on broad-spectrum
antibiotics. The CT showed a 1.3-centimeter calculus and hydronephrosis with foci of air. The patient
received intravenous antibiotics and had an emergent nephrostomy tube placed. Urine cultures
tested positive for pan-sensitive Escherichia Coli. Urology was consulted and a repeat CT was
obtained to show correct drainage and decreased renal pelvis dilation.
Conclusion: Distinctly different forms of treatment are used for EP and EPN, despite both having
similar pathophysiology. In EP, air can be seen in the renal pelvis on POCUS, as in this case study,
which distinguishes it from EPN. In the case of our patient, the use of POCUS was useful to aid in
rapid differentiation between EP and EPN. [Clin Pract Cases Emerg Med. 2021;5(1):35–38.]
Keywords: Point-of-care ultrasound; emphysematous pyelitis; emphysematous pyelonephritis.
Emphysematous pyelitis (EP) is a rare complication of
pyelonephritis that results from gas-forming bacteria localized
to the renal pelvis or renal collecting system.1 Emphysematous
pyelitis is a relatively benign condition when compared to
emphysematous pyelonephritis (EPN). While EP involves an
infection of the renal pelvis by gas-forming bacteria, EPN
consists of a necrotizing infection of the renal parenchyma as
well. Both EP and EPN are rare complications of acute
pyelonephritis. However, EPN can have devastating outcomes
Touro University Nevada, School of Osteopathic Medicine, Henderson, Nevada
University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine, Irvine, California
University of California, Irvine, Department of Emergency Medicine, Orange, California
Co-rst authors
with mortality rates as high as 80% if treated with antibiotics
alone.2 The clinical presentation of both entities is remarkably
similar, consisting of fever, chills, ank pain, dysuria,
vomiting, and lethargy.2
Historically, the only method of differentiation between
EP and EPN has been computed tomography (CT) that
demonstrates air within the renal parenchyma. It is important
to distinguish EPN from EP due to the increased morbidity
and mortality associated with EPN, as well as the different
treatment course for each condition.2,3 In this report, we
Clinical Practice and Cases in Emergency Medicine 36 Volume V, no. 1: February 2021
Distinguishing Emphysematous Pyelitis and Pyelonephritis with POCUS Mazumder et al.
CPC-EM Capsule
What do we already know about this clinical
Emphysematous pyelitis (EP) and
emphysematous pyelonephritis (EPN) are
diagnosed through computed tomography
(CT); treatment differs despite similar
What makes this presentation of disease
The ultrasound video clip demonstrates key
ndings such as reverberation artifact and
“dirty shadowing” to show EP.
What is the major learning point?
Ultrasound may be useful to differentiate
pathology for EP and EPN.
How might this improve emergency medicine
Using ultrasound may expedite diagnosis of
EP and EPN to better guide course of therapy
before conrming with CT.
demonstrate the utility of point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS)
to diagnose EP in a female presenting with symptoms
suggestive of pyelonephritis.
A 60-year-old female with an extensive history of
obstructive nephrolithiasis presented to our emergency
department (ED) with left-sided ank pain. She described her
pain as intermittent and sharp in nature, with radiating pain to
the groin. Associated complaints included dysuria and gross
hematuria. Initial triage vitals were normal; however, within
20 minutes of arrival she became febrile to 101.2° Fahrenheit,
tachycardic to 114 beats per minute, tachypneic to 21 breaths
per minute, and a blood pressure of 114/82 milligrams
mercury. On exam she was in mild distress, with diaphoresis
and left costovertebral angle tenderness.
Point-of-care ultrasound performed in the ED showed
unilateral moderate hydronephrosis with echogenic debris in
the renal pelvis (Video). Specically, the isolated debris in the
renal pelvis was heterogeneous with both hyperechoic and
isoechoic artifacts; mobile hyperechoic foci with “dirty
shadowing” were highly suggestive of air in the renal pelvis.
Blood cultures were obtained, and given suspicion for EP,the
emergency physician initiated broad-spectrum antibiotics and
consulted urology while waiting for the results of a
conrmatory CT.
The CT demonstrated a 1.3-centimeter calculus and
hydronephrosis with foci of air, raising suspicion for a
hemorrhagic or infectious etiology (Image). The patient was
admitted for intravenous antibiotics and emergent nephrostomy
tube placement by interventional radiology. Blood cultures were
positive for gram-negative rods. Urine cultures revealed
pan-sensitive Escherichia coli. The patient was evaluated by the
urology service, with repeat CT showing appropriate drainage
of infection and decreased renal pelvis dilation.
Emphysematous infections of the renal and genitourinary
collecting systems can be life threatening and rapidly
progress to sepsis without aggressive intervention.4
Emphysematous pyelonephritis is characterized by a necrotic
infection of the renal parenchyma. Infection with gas-
forming microbes will result in the presence of gas in the
collecting system and perinephrotic tissue.5 Acute EPN can
result in greater complications then EP due to the increased
rate of sepsis. The primary cause of mortality in EPN is
complications related to sepsis.5
Although both EP and EPN have similar
pathophysiology and epidemiological risk factors, the overall
prognosis of each pathology and diagnostic criteria are
unique. Specically, EP has a signicantly lower mortality
rate (18-20%) as compared to the nearly twofold increase in
mortality associated with EPN (25-42%). 4,6,7 The clinical
presentation of EP can be similar to that of pyelonephritis,
with symptoms ranging from fever, chills, hematuria, and
vomiting to renal angle tenderness.1 In contrast, the
presentation of EPN is typically more ominous, frequently
Image. Computed tomography of the abdomen and pelvis
showing an enlarged left kidney with hydronephrosis as well as air
in the renal pelvis (white arrow).
Volume V, no. 1: February 2021 37 Clinical Practice and Cases in Emergency Medicine
Mazumder et al. Distinguishing Emphysematous Pyelitis and Pyelonephritis with POCUS
presenting with vital sign abnormalities, sepsis, and shock if
left untreated.8
Computed tomography is considered the best modality for
differentiating EPN from EP, as it can consistently
differentiate the existence of gas in specic locations within
the renal excretory system, including renal parenchyma, renal
pelvis, and perinephric spaces.3 Although there have been a
few case reports of the adjunctive roles of ultrasound and
kidney, ureter, and bladder radiographs in differentiating EP
from EPN, to our knowledge the reported use of POCUS by
an emergency physician for rapid identication of EP is
unique. Given routine delays in CT imaging in a busy ED, the
role of POCUS in helping physicians differentiate between a
benign and life-threatening condition has evolved.
POCUS for both EP and EPN demonstrates a
reverberation artifact projecting posteriorly from a
hyperechoic focus (emphysema). The hyperechoic focus is
due to free air bubbles with lateral and axial blooming.9 The
reverberation artifact from the hyperechoic gas bubbles gives
a sonographic appearance of “dirty shadowing.” Dirty
shadowing is described as superimposed echoes from free gas
that give a large radius of curvature of the surface struck by
the sound beam.10 This results in the characteristic dirty
shadowing that projects from a hyperechoic focus of free gas
with a larger curvature and acoustic noise within the shadow.
In contrast, “clean shadowing” is related to solid surface
material, such as nephroliths, that creates a clean shadow with
no inltrative artifact.10 Characteristics of EP on POCUS that
distinguish it from EPN include the presence of “dirty
shadowing,” which is isolated to the renal pelvis.11 In
comparison, sonographic ndings of EPN are similar;
however, reverberation artifact is present extending toward the
renal parenchyma, not isolated to the renal pelvis as in EP. At
times, emphysema into the parenchyma and renal cortex can
become so extensive that adequate visualization of the pelvis
and uropelvic junction can be challenging.12
Current treatment of EP consists of the use of broad-
spectrum antibiotics, urology evaluation, and nephrostomy
tube placement in cases of obstructive processes.13 In contrast,
EPN requires aggressive interventions. Delays in recognition
and/or diagnosis by the provider can result in increased
morbidity or mortality. POCUS can help facilitate the prompt
diagnosis and treatment of both EP and EPN, resulting in
improved patient outcomes.1,2,14
Point-of-care ultrasound can be used successfully by
emergency physicians to rapidly differentiate between
emphysematous renal infections, thus expediting care in
critically ill patients. This case report further characterizes the
sonographic appearance of emphysematous pyelitis, as well as
comparing the subtle differences in ultrasound imaging,
presentation, and treatment of EP from the far deadlier
emphysematous pyelonephritis.
Video. This video clip shows a coronal ultrasound of the left
kidney presented in the case report. As seen, there is an obvious
hypoechoic dilation of the renal pelvis with blunting of the calyces
consistent with moderate hydronephrosis. Also visualized in the
clip is a heterogeneous collection of debris. The isoechoic sedi-
ment likely represents purulent material in the clinical setting of
infection. The hyperechoic foci, with posterior “dirty shadowing,”
corresponds to air. The foci of air are isolated to the renal pelvis
consistent with the diagnosis of emphysematous pyelitis.
The authors attest that their institution requires neither Institutional
Review Board approval, nor patient consent for publication of this
case report. Documentation on le.
Address for Correspondence: Shadi Lahham, MD, MS, University
of California, Irvine, Department of Emergency Medicine, 333
The City Boulevard West Suite 640, Orange, A 92868. Email:
Conicts of Interest: By the CPC-EM article submission
agreement, all authors are required to disclose all afliations,
funding sources and nancial or management relationships that
could be perceived as potential sources of bias. The authors
disclosed none.
Copyright: © 2021 Mazumder et al. This is an open access article
distributed in accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY 4.0) License. See:
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Clinical Practice and Cases in Emergency Medicine 38 Volume V, no. 1: February 2021
Distinguishing Emphysematous Pyelitis and Pyelonephritis with POCUS Mazumder et al.
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... Co-occurrence of xanthogranulomatous and emphysematous pyelonephritis has been documented. [36,37] 6.1.1. Differential diagnosis  Abdominal viscous retroperitoneal perforation  Psoas abscess due to gas-forming microbes  Reflux of bladder air  Bronchorenal, enterorenal, or cutaneorenal fistulas may arise with xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis. ...
Background-Emphysematous pyelonephritis (EPN) is an acute necrotizing infection of the renal parenchyma and surrounding tissues resulting in gas formation in the renal parenchyma, collecting system and perinephric tissue. It's a life- threatening infection if not detected and treated promptly. High mortality rate in EPN is due to its septic complications. The most common predisposing factors to this entity are uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, immune incompetence, and urinary tract obstruction. While clinically difficult to detect, radiological confirmation can help clinch the diagnosis. A plain x-ray can raise suspicion of abnormal gas shadow in the renal fossa, based on which ultrasonography or computed tomography can be performed. The latter confirms the presence of intrarenal gas and supports the diagnosis of EPN. As the most common gas-forming organisms are E.coli and Klebsiella, treatment can be initiated after a radiological suspicion to prevent sepsis and morbidity. Here, we present 5 cases of EPN diagnosed by various radiological modalities and brief review of existing literature
Full-text available
Emphysematous pyelonephritis (EPN) is a rare, life-threatening infection, and misdiagnosis as uncomplicated pyelonephritis is potentially fatal. Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) is a valuable tool for evaluation of the kidneys in patients with septic shock and pyelonephritis. While used primarily to assess for the complication of obstruction and hydronephrosis, POCUS may also detect signs of EPN and prompt surgical consultation for nephrectomy. We present a case in which the emergency physician diagnosed EPN by POCUS in a patient with septic shock and pyelonephritis.
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Emphysematous pyelitis is a rare benign entity which is defined as isolated gas production in the pelvicalyceal system, ureters or in the urinary bladder as a consequence of acute bacterial renal infection. In this case report we present a case with no prior medical history of diabetes or urinary obstruction who presented with uncontrolled hyperglycaemia for the first time associated with emphysematous pyelonephritis. Further, the imaging differences between emphysematous pyelonephritis (EPN) and emphysematous pyelitis (EP) has been discussed along with the approach and their management.
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Presence of air in the kidney can be problematic as the location of the air in different parts of the kidney greatly affects the subsequent management and outcome of the patient. We present here a case of a patient who had emphysematous pyelitis, in which CT scan was able to display presence of air only in the collecting system, thus differentiating this condition from the more fulminant emphysematous pyelonephritis. This leads to a more favourable prognosis and outcome to the patient. © 2008 Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal. All rights reserved.
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Study Type – Therapy (case series) Level of Evidence 4 What’s known on the subject? and What does the study add? Emphysematous pyelonephritis (EPN) is a severe necrotizing infection of the renal parenchyma. The clinical course of EPN can be severe and life‐threatening if not recognized and treated promptly. Most of the information has been from case reports, a few large series have also been reported. Using an evidence‐based approach, this review describes the pathogenesis, classification, complications, and management of EPN. Emphysematous pyelonephritis (EPN) is an acute severe necrotizing infection of the renal parenchyma and its surrounding tissues that results in the presence of gas in the renal parenchyma, collecting system, or perinephric tissue. The cause for mortality in EPN is primarily due to septic complications. Up to 95% of the cases with EPN have underlying uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. The risk of developing EPN secondary to a urinary tract obstruction is about 25–40%. There are three classifications of EPN based on radiological findings. Acute renal failure, microscopic or macroscopic haematuria, severe proteinuria are other positive findings in EPN. Escherichia coli is the most common causative pathogen with the organism isolated on urine or pus cultures in nearly 70% of the reported cases. A plain radiograph shows an abnormal gas shadow in the renal bed raising the suspicion whereas an ultrasound scan or computed tomography (CT) will confirm the presence of intra‐renal gas thus supporting the diagnosis of EPN. Gas may extend beyond the site of inflammation to the sub capsular, perinephric and pararenal spaces. In some cases, gas was found to be extending into the scrotal sac and spermatic cord. Subsequent case studies have shown patients being successfully treated with PCD when used in addition to medical management, with significant reduction in the morality rates. PCD should be performed on patients who have localized areas of gas and functioning renal tissue is present. The treatment strategies include MM alone, PCD plus MM, MM plus emergency nephrectomy, and PCD plus MM plus emergency nephrectomy. In small proportion of patients managed with MM and PCD, subsequent nephrectomy will be required and in these patients the reported mortality is 6.6% Nephrectomy in patients with EPN can be simple, radical or laparoscopic.
We present the case of a 49-year-old woman with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus of ten years' duration. She presented to the emergency department with nonspecific left lower abdominal pain. Ultrasonography showed mild left renal hydronephrosis, but the cause was not demonstrated. Computed tomography (CT) showed a swollen left kidney with a mildly dilated collecting system containing gas and dense fluid, confirming the diagnosis of emphysematous pyelitis. Management consisted of emergency antegrade nephrostomy drainage and parenteral antibiotics. Subsequently, the patient made a good recovery and was well when discharged home after two weeks. Gas-forming infections of the genitourinary tract carry high mortality and morbidity, and usually occur in patients with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus. Escherichia coli is the most common microorganism. This case emphasises the importance of CT in making an early diagnosis of emphysematous pyelitis, which allows prompt treatment and improves prognosis.
Urinary tract infections can occur in all age groups and produce an exceptionally broad range of clinical syndromes ranging from asymptomatic bacteriuria to acute pyelonephritis with Gram negative sepsis to septic shock. In approximately one-quarter of all patients with sepsis, the focus of infection is localized to the urogenital tract. This may lead to substantial morbidity and significant economic implications. We present a review of the current approaches to managing urospesis.
Clean and dirty shadowing are common phenomena in ultrasound (US) imaging. Clean shadowing is thought to be produced by sound-absorbing materials (ie, stones), and dirty shadowing is thought to be produced by sound-reflecting materials (ie, abdominal gas), but these properties are not consistent. To evaluate the characteristics of shadows behind different objects at US, the authors scanned two renal stones and a bovine femur (each of which had part of its surface artificially smoothed or roughened) and a tissue-mimicking phantom comprising air-containing cylinders of different radii of curvature. The rougher and/or smaller the radius of curvature of the surface insonified by the sound beam, the cleaner was the shadow, independent of the composition of the underlying reflecting medium. Clean and dirty shadowing were primarily related to the properties of the surface of the shadowing object and provided little information about the structural nature of the object.
Emphysematous pyelonephritis is a rare gas-producing bacterial infection of the renal parenchyma seen primarily in patients with diabetes mellitus. Sonographic findings in four patients with this disease are described. Sonographic features consist of multiple high-amplitude echoes within the renal parenchyma, renal sinus, and/or perirenal space accompanied by acoustic shadowing. Computed tomography confirmed bilateral involvement in one case. Plain abdominal radiographs demonstrated abnormal extraluminal gas in three of four cases. The role of sonography in diagnosis is discussed.
To correlate imaging findings of types I and II emphysematous pyelonephritis (EPN) with clinical course and prognosis. The imaging studies and clinical outcome in 38 patients with EPN were retrospectively studied. The imaging studies performed included radiography (n = 33), computed tomography (n = 31), and ultrasonography (n = 35). Two types of EPN were identified. Type I EPN was characterized by parenchymal destruction with either absence of fluid collection or presence of streaky or mottled gas. Type II EPN was characterized as either renal or perirenal fluid collections with bubbly or loculated gas or gas in the collecting system. The mortality rate for type I EPN (69%) was higher than that for type II (18%). Type I EPN tended to have a more fulminant course with a significantly shorter interval from clinical onset to death (P < .001). Two distinct types of EPN can be seen radiologically, and the differentiation is important due to the prognostic difference.