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The Biomechanics of Distance Running



A knowledge of the biomechanics of running is invaluable when describing an athlete’s technique, explaining how they speed up or slow down, and understanding the external and internal forces that cause their movements. As the outward expression of movement, an athlete’s biomechanics translates their underlying physiological, nutritional and psychological processes into running motion, and those who are biomechanically “better” are often those who can manage this transfer more efficiently and economically while reducing injury risk. This chapter provides a brief review of the important aspects of the running stride and its various components, the effects of different footstrike patterns and fatigue on running technique, and how racing conditions such as wind, hills and underfoot surface affect an athlete’s biomechanics.
The Science and Practice of Middle
and Long Distance Running
Edited By
Richard C. Blagrove
Philip R. Hayes
ISBN 9780367423186
Published in March 2021 by Routledge
The Science and Practice of Middle and Long Distance Running - 1st Edi (
Chapter 2: The Biomechanics of Distance Running
Brian Hanley
Running speed is dictated by an athlete’s step length and cadence, although step length is
more important in differentiating between faster and slower runners, and reduces more with
fatigue. Being able to increase cadence, however, is often the deciding factor in sprint
Of the different components that make up step length, the distance the body travels during
flight is the most important. An athlete’s flight distance is determined by upward and forward
impulse in late stance, which usually decrease with fatigue because of reduced leg stiffness
and tolerance to repeated stretch loads.
Middle-distance runners are more likely to land on the forefoot or midfoot at first contact,
whereas marathon runners tend to land on the heel. There are potential performance
benefits to landing near the front of the foot through the stretch-shortening cycle and shorter
contact times, although these apply less in longer events.
There are small gains to be made from following rival runners in terms of air resistance,
although having air moving around the body for cooling is important in hot conditions.
Running uphill is unsurprisingly more energy costly than running on flat courses, but
running downhill can risk injury because of the increased load on the knee, hip, and shin
Running of soft surfaces, such as in cross country running, is more difficult than on roads
because the non-compliant nature of the surface reduces the effectiveness of the stretch-
shortening cycle, and is more energy costly because of an increase in leg stiffness to
accommodate a reduction in stability.
A knowledge of the biomechanics of running is invaluable when describing an athlete’s
technique, explaining how they speed up or slow down, and understanding the external and
internal forces that cause their movements. As the outward expression of movement, an
athlete’s biomechanics translates their underlying physiological, nutritional and psychological
processes into running motion, and those who are biomechanically “better” are often those
who can manage this transfer more efficiently and economically while reducing injury risk. This
chapter provides a brief review of the important aspects of the running stride and its various
components, the effects of different footstrike patterns and fatigue on running technique, and
how racing conditions such as wind, hills and underfoot surface affect an athlete’s
Step length and cadence
Running speed is the product of step length and cadence, the latter of which is often referred
to as step rate or step frequency. Step length is the distance between successive foot contacts
from a specific gait event on one foot to the equivalent event on the other foot, and is measured
in metres (m). The term ‘stride length’ is sometimes used interchangeably with ‘step length’
(Enomoto et al, 2008); however, stride length is most often used to refer to the distance
between a specific gait event on one foot to the equivalent event on the same foot (e.g.,
Cavanagh and Kram, 1989). Hence, a stride refers to two successive steps (Levine, Richards
and Whittle, 2012). Cadence measures how frequently the runner completes a step in a given
time, usually per second (measured in hertz, Hz). As speed is step length multiplied by
cadence, an athlete with a step length of 1.50 m and a cadence of 3.00 Hz runs at 4.5 metres
per second (ms-1). To convert ms-1 to kilometres per hour (kmh-1), we multiply by 3.6. Thus,
our runner’s speed of 4.5 ms-1 is equivalent to 16.2 kmh-1.
It is clear that both step length and cadence are important to running speed. However,
cadence tends to vary less between distance runners, ranging from about 2.75 to 3.25 Hz
(165 to 195 steps per minute). In middle-distance running, which includes fast starts and bursts
of speed (e.g., to reach the bend before other athletes, or avoid being boxed in), athletes have
to accelerate to ensure a good position. Increasing cadence in middle-distance races is
therefore a performance-determining factor because of these short phases of great
acceleration (Reiss, Ernest and Gohlitz, 1993). Over 800 m and 1500 m, individuals usually
change from sub-maximal to maximum speed by increasing cadence, as step length is already
close to its maximum at competition pace (Hunter, Marshall and McNair, 2004). Cadence also
increases during sprint finishes; for example, when Kenenisa Bekele won the 2007 World
Championship 10,000 m, his step length was relatively constant at approximately 1.95 m
throughout the race, and it was by increasing cadence during the last lap (from 3.2 Hz to 3.6
Hz) that he was able to achieve such a fast finish (Enomoto et al, 2008). At running speeds
outside of the sprint finish, increases in speed normally arise from increases in step length,
with an optimal step length and cadence unconsciously chosen by athletes to minimise energy
expenditure (Saunders et al, 2004).
Overall, most distance runners have techniques that optimise performance within their
physical and anthropometric builds where, ultimately, step length is limited by the athlete’s
stature and, more specifically, their leg length. Of course, this does not mean that short
athletes cannot succeed in distance running; indeed, many of the world’s best ever athletes
are shorter than average, e.g., the hugely successful Ethiopian distance runners, Haile
Gebrselassie and Kenenisa Bekele, are about 1.65 m tall (5’ 5”). Bushnell and Hunter (2007)
found that distance runners’ sprinting techniques differed from trained sprinters and suggested
that this might be because distance runners practise sprint technique less and are unable to
change technique greatly to increase cadence during sprint finishes. Coaches are therefore
advised to include sprint technique training into competitive distance runners’ schedules.
Components of step length
Step length is the sum of four distinct but interrelated components. At first contact, the athlete
strikes the ground with the foot, and the distance from the whole body centre of mass (CM) to
the foot centre of mass is the first of these components (here, I have termed this foot ahead).
The body then rolls forwards over the support foot until toe-off, in phases that can be most
easily summarised as early stance, midstance and late stance. The distance the foot moves
from its horizontal position at first contact until toe-off is the second component contributing to
step length (foot movement). Although this action is vital for correct running gait, foot
movement is a relatively small contributor to overall step length and does not differentiate
between faster and slower running. The distance from the CM to the foot centre of mass at
toe-off is the third of the four components, which I have termed foot behind. These three
components occur during the contact phase, which has a shorter duration in faster running
(because it leads to a higher cadence), and decreasing contact time is indeed one way by
which distance runners speed up (Bushnell and Hunter, 2007). After the contact phase, the
athlete has an airborne period during which the CM will experience a flight distance (the fourth
and final component) before first contact occurs on the other foot and the gait cycle is
In effect, the three most important components of step length are the distance the foot lands
in front of the body, the distance the foot is behind the body at toe-off, and how far the athlete
travels during flight. To be successful, the athlete must cover sufficient distances during each
of these phases, but running faster is not a simple case of increasing any or all of these
components. First, the athlete needs to take care that the foot ahead distance is not too great
(sometimes termed “overstriding”) as the increased braking forces that occur slow the runner
more than necessary (Moore, 2016). However, it should be noted that braking at first contact
with the ground is normal and, although it often appears in fast-moving elite athletes that the
foot is landing directly under the body, it does not and to physically undertake such actions
would adversely reduce step length. Second, the foot behind distance occurs during late
stance when the hip, knee and ankle are extending to push the body forwards. However, as
with foot ahead distance, the athlete should take care not to deliberately overextend as the
increase in contact time not only decreases cadence, but also occurs when the lower limb
joints are no longer particularly effective. In general, there is little difference in foot ahead or
foot behind distances between elite standard athletes. Although the athlete cannot speed up
during flight in the absence of anything to push forwards against, and in fact slightly slows
down because of air resistance, flight distance contributes so much to step length that it is the
biggest differentiator between athletes. When running slowly, by contrast, flight distance can
be very small. Merely instructing an athlete to increase any of these distances is unlikely to be
productive; rather, it is through training, particularly at fast speeds and supplemented
appropriately with technical and resistance training, that the athlete learns to get the right
balance for their stature, strength and ability.
Ground reaction forces in running
The importance of the stance phase during running is obvious given it is during ground contact
that the body applies an external force to generate forward momentum. In simple terms, a
force causes a change in velocity and, when running, different external forces are
experienced. These include ground reaction forces in late stance that accelerate the athlete
upwards and forwards, air resistance that causes slowing down, and frictional forces that
provide grip. A force is a vector, which means that it has a magnitude (measured in newtons,
N) and a direction (Winter et al, 2016). It can be quite difficult to analyse forces as single
vectors so, in biomechanics, the ground reaction forces between the body and running surface
are very often resolved into three directions: vertical (the only direction affected by gravity),
forwards-backwards, and side-to-side. When a person stands still on a weighing scale, the
value on the display is their vertical ground reaction force (i.e., their weight), although it is
normally displayed in the technically incorrect but more familiar units of kilograms or pounds.
Because people’s weights vary considerably, it is quite normal in biomechanics to present
force magnitudes in bodyweights (BW), whereby the forces measured are divided by the
athlete’s weight. For example, if a runner who weighs 600 N (approximately 61 kg / 135 lb)
experiences a landing force of 900 N, we could express this as 1.5 BW.
At first contact with the ground, the runner experiences a large impact force of between 2 and
3 BW (Cavanagh, 1990). Because the impact force occurs very early in the gait cycle, the
muscles are often unprepared for it and respond through passive deformation of body tissues
(Watkins, 2010). This muscle latency period lasts about 70 milliseconds, and the combination
of relatively large impact forces and the inability of the body to respond fully mean that there
is more variability within limbs, and asymmetry between them, than during the rest of the gait
cycle (Hanley and Tucker, 2018). Vertical forces during running tend to increase during early
stance with a peak at midstance, associated with controlling the downwards movement of the
CM, and preventing any vertical collapse during this weight acceptance phase (Winter and
Bishop, 1992); lower limb joint stiffness is therefore a key factor in maintaining posture during
this phase (Serpell et al, 2012). Note here that “stiffness”, the relationship between the
deformation of a body and a given force (Butler, Crowell III and McClay Davis, 2003), is used
to explain in simple terms how much or how little the lower extremity joints bend during stance,
rather than tightness or soreness in the muscles after exercise.
Although vertical forces, and probably more so side-to-side forces, are difficult to link with
performance (Cavanagh, 1990), the role of forwards-backwards forces are easier to
understand in terms of running speed. Both the braking and propulsive forces that occur in
this force direction have peak magnitudes of between 0.3 and 0.5 BW (Cavanagh and
Lafortune, 1980; Munro, Miller and Fuglevand, 1987), although what is more important is not
the peak force but the total force applied during each phase. The product of force and time is
impulse, defined as the change in momentum (Winter et al, 2016). Put simply, the larger the
negative impulse during braking in early stance, the more the athlete will decelerate, which
requires a similarly large positive impulse during late stance to speed up enough to maintain
an overall constant speed (Chang and Kram, 1999). Maintaining a constant pace is therefore
easier when the braking impulses are kept low, which theoretically occurs with a shorter foot
ahead distance (Moore, 2016) and emphasises the biomechanical advantage of avoiding
Movements and muscles involved in running
We have already noted that there are effectively two phases that contribute to step length and
cadence during running: a contact phase and a flight phase. These arise because each leg
goes through a period where it is in stance (the contact phase) and a period in swing,
comprising early swing, midswing and late swing. In normal running, each leg’s swing phase
is longer than the stance phase, and it is during the short time when both legs are in swing
that flight time occurs, whereby one leg is in early swing, just after toe-off, and the other leg is
in late swing, just before first contact (Novacheck, 1998). This of course means that during
normal running, there is no occasion when both feet are in contact with the ground at the same
time. For ease of explanation, the following sections will describe joint and body segment
movements during the stance and swing phases, although it should be remembered that these
are, in reality, interdependent parts of a continuous movement. In addition, as there are
hundreds of muscles involved in running, only the activity of large muscle groups will be
Muscle moments and powers
Before discussing the movements of the body’s joints and segments, it is useful to understand
a little about the internal forces produced by muscles. Muscles act on bones to create
movements at joints via tendons; for example, the soleus muscle in the calf pulls on the
calcaneus (heel bone) via the Achilles tendon to plantarflex the ankle. It is often helpful to
consider the muscle and tendon as part of one unit, rather than separate, and refer to it as the
muscle-tendon unit (MTU). Most of the movements in running are rotational, such as knee
flexion, and joint moments (or torques) indicate the amount and direction of rotational force
about a joint. These are useful because they describe the relative contributions of different
muscle groups during certain movement phases (Enoka, 2008). Calculations of mechanical
power are used to complement the joint moment information by measuring the rate of work
done by MTUs across a joint (White and Winter, 1985). MTUs that shorten when activated
(often described as concentric”) generate power, whereas those that lengthen (“eccentric”)
absorb it (Vardaxis and Hoshizaki, 1989). Power that has been absorbed in MTUs stores
elastic energy that can be later converted to kinetic energy with resulting power generation
(Cavagna, Dusman, and Margaria, 1968) through the stretch-shortening cycle mechanism that
increases running efficiency (Cavagna, Saibene, and Margaria, 1964). The stretch-shortening
cycle is a complicated phenomenon, but in essence refers to the rapid lengthening and
subsequent shortening of an MTU, whereby the early stretch absorbs energy that enhances
performance during the concentric phase of activity (Komi, 2000).
In distance running, some joint stiffness is required for optimal usage of the stretch-shortening
cycle, although too much or too little can lead to reduced performances and injury (Butler,
Crowell III and McClay Davis, 2003). Greater running economy has been associated with
greater lower limb stiffness (Dutto and Smith, 2002) because of a better use of elastic energy,
and Arampatzis et al (2006) found that runners with better economy had a more compliant
quadriceps femoris tendon and higher triceps surae (gastrocnemius and soleus) tendon
stiffness. It is also possible that less economical athletes have techniques that lead to
unnecessary and wasteful vertical motion (Nummela, Keränen, and Mikkelsson, 2007).
Similarly, these authors found that shorter contact times were associated with better running
economy at several speeds typical of elite 5000 and 10,000 m runners, and reasoned that this
was because shorter contact times tend to feature shorter braking phases.
The swing phase
The function of the swing phase is to allow the foot to clear the ground after toe-off and be
repositioned in front of the CM ready for first contact (Levine, Richards and Whittle, 2012).
During early swing, the hip flexes so that the thigh moves from a position slightly behind the
body to one in front of the body, with considerable activity by the rectus femoris and iliopsoas
muscles. Because of the mass of the thigh and its location as the nearest joint to the trunk,
this movement of the hip is important to the whole leg’s contribution to overall running speed,
with Bushnell and Hunter (2007) reporting that distance runners sped up by flexing the hip 14°
more during midswing. The knee moves from a straightened angle of about 160° at toe-off to
a very flexed position during midswing (55-60°) by concentric activity of the hamstrings, and
then straightens again to about 150° in preparation for landing. The main knee extensors on
the front of the thigh, the quadriceps femoris group, are mostly responsible for this movement,
although runners should note that the hamstrings are often under considerable stress during
late swing because of how they act to control knee extension (Chumanov, Heiderscheit, and
Thelen, 2011). As well as helping the foot to clear the ground, the decrease in knee angle
during swing acts to reduce the leg’s moment of inertia (its resistance to rotation), and
enhances the flight phase because the recovery leg’s energy requirements are lowered (Kong
and de Heer, 2008; Smith and Hanley, 2013). Some of the necessary actions taken to clear
the ground are made by the ankle, which is plantarflexed at toe-off and moves to a more
dorsiflexed position at landing, caused by activity of the tibialis anterior and other shin muscles.
Along with the knee extensors, a key role of the ankle plantarflexors is to create high joint
stiffness before and after first contact (Hanon, Thépaut-Mathieu and Vandewalle, 2005) to
enhance the stretch-shortening cycle.
The stance phase
The purpose of the stance phase is to generate the impulse the body needs to move forwards.
At first contact with the ground, the hip is flexed so that the thigh is ahead of the body and
then extends to a position behind the body (usually a small amount of hyperextension). The
main muscles involved are the hip extensors, comprising gluteus maximus and the three
hamstring muscles, which mostly act concentrically during this motion and provide the “drive”
for moving forwards. The knee flexes about 15-20° from its more straightened position at first
contact until midstance and is associated with enabling a more level path of the CM (Saunders
et al, 1953), although it has been found that elite runners flex their knees less and have shorter
durations of knee flexion during stance (Leskinen et al, 2009). These differences in knee
motion mean elite runners have greater knee stiffness (Heise, Smith and Martin, 2011), and
are thus able to use elasticity better, allowing them to achieve faster times in competition and
withstand tiredness for longer (Leskinen et al, 2009). This elasticity occurs because the
decrease in knee angle at midstance results in energy absorption through the lengthening of
the quadriceps femoris, which subsequently shortens to extend the knee and propel the body
forwards and upwards.
The ankle lands in a slightly dorsiflexed position at first contact (Buczek and Cavanagh, 1990)
and dorsiflexes more in midstance largely because of knee flexion (as the tibia moves forwards
relative to the foot). The plantarflexors, such as gastrocnemius and soleus, are an important
energy generator as they act concentrically in late stance to create positive impulse. During
the stance phase, there are also important foot movements, such as pronation and supination,
which are each effectively a combination of rotational movements. These are often described
as ankle motions, but actually occur at the subtalar joint, which is between the talus bone and
heel bone (calcaneus), located under it. In general, the runner lands on the outside of the foot
(hence the wearing down of this part of the shoe first), pronate during the early, loading part
of stance so that the foot is placed flat on the ground, and then supinate (moves the weight
back to the foot’s outside) during late stance. The function of the pronation and supination
movements is to place the foot so that it is in the best position to provide support and guide
correct movement, for example as a shock absorber (Novacheck, 1998).
Upper body movements
The movements of the upper limbs generally act in opposition to the ipsilateral (same-side)
lower limbs to counteract moments of the swinging legs around the vertical axis (Hinrichs,
1987; Pontzer et al, 2009). Furthermore, Hinrichs (1987) stated that the arm swing provides a
meaningful contribution to lift and subsequently flight, and although the arms do not provide
forward propulsion of the CM, they minimise changes in horizontal velocity during stance.
However, it is debated as to whether the shoulder muscles are primarily responsible for the
swinging motion of the arms or whether their movement is mostly a passive response to the
legs’ movements (Pontzer et al, 2009). Regardless of the exact contribution of the upper limbs,
and as elbow angles are generally more variable between runners than lower limb angles
(Hanley, Smith and Bissas, 2011), the ungainly arm movements often adopted even by elite
athletes should be avoided in providing balance and propulsion to the body, and are frequently
an indicator of a problem elsewhere in the body.
The movements of the arms complement those of the torso, where the upper part of the trunk
can be seen to act in opposite and counterbalancing motion to the lower part (Novacheck,
1998), and indeed trunk rotation in running has been associated with increased efficiency
(Bramble and Lieberman, 2004). Pelvic rotation is the way in which the pelvis twists about a
vertical axis, moving each hip joint forwards as that hip flexes, and backwards as the hip
extends (Levine, Richards and Whittle, 2012), meaning that less hip flexion and extension are
required because a portion of step length is achieved by the forwards-backwards movements
of the pelvis instead (Inman, Ralston and Todd, 1981). Another important movement at the
lower end of the torso is pelvic obliquity, where one side of the pelvis drops below the other
(Levine, Richards and Whittle, 2012). This occurs during midstance, where the gluteus medius
muscle on the outside of the hip acts to stabilise the pelvis whilst allowing a small drop to occur
on the opposite side so that the overall path of the CM does not fluctuate too greatly
(Saunders, Inman and Eberhart, 1953).
Footstrike patterns
Distance runners make first contact with the rearfoot (heel-striking), midfoot or forefoot
(Stearne et al, 2014). Middle-distance runners are more likely to land with an anterior footstrike
pattern (either midfoot or forefoot) (Hayes and Caplan, 2012), with the percentage of athletes
making first contact with the rearfoot increasing as the race distance gets longer (Hanley et
al, 2019; Hasegawa, Yamauchi and Kraemer, 2007). When grouped across sex and race
distance, forefoot and midfoot strikers had shorter ground contact times and faster finishing
times in 800 m and 1500 m races (Hayes and Caplan, 2012). Similarly, at the 15-km distance
of a half-marathon, rearfoot strikers had longer contact times than forefoot and midfoot strikers
(Hasegawa, Yamauchi and Kraemer, 2007) and these shorter contact times could be seen as
a performance benefit from landing more forwards on the foot, possibly because footstrike
pattern is a factor that affects the stretch-shortening cycle (Cavagna, Saibene and Margaria,
1964; Cavagna and Kaneko, 1977). As faster distance runners are more likely to be mid- or
forefoot strikers (Stearne et al, 2014), it has been suggested that running economy is positively
influenced by effective exploitation of this elastic energy (Di Michele and Merni, 2014).
However, Stearne et al (2014) found no differences for total lower limb mechanical work or
mean power between foot-strike patterns when running at 4.5 ms-1. This might be because
whereas forefoot striking has been associated with greater stiffness at the knee, rearfoot
striking has been associated with greater stiffness at the ankle (Butler, Crowell III and McClay
Davis, 2003). Indeed, the lower prevalence of midfoot and forefoot striking over longer
distances amongst both recreational and world-class marathon runners (Hanley et al, 2019;
Larson et al, 2011) could be because carbohydrate oxidation rates are greater during forefoot
striking (Gruber et al, 2013).
Landing on the front of the foot has been proposed as less likely to lead to injury (Kulmala et
al, 2013) as it reduces peak impact forces (Cavanagh and Lafortune, 1980; Lieberman et al,
2010). This is because the wider forefoot allows impact forces to be distributed over a larger
area (Rooney and Derrick, 2013), although these forces are also reduced during heel-strike
in appropriate footwear (Whittle, 1999). However, it is not conclusive that vertical loading
forces are directly responsible for lower limb injury (Nigg, 1997), especially given the
multiplanar and complicated movements involved in running. Furthermore, whereas rearfoot
striking might be associated with certain injuries (e.g., at the knee), forefoot striking is
associated with injury to other areas (e.g., ankle) (Kulmala et al, 2013). Higher loads to the
gastrocnemius were found in forefoot striking (Shih, Lin and Shiang, 2013), and Stearne et al
(2014) stated that forefoot striking thus might actually increase the risk of Achilles tendinopathy
and triceps surae injury. It is therefore inadvisable for habitual rearfoot strikers to switch
footstrike pattern as it can increase the injury risk to untrained muscles (Stearne et al, 2014).
Effects of fatigue
It is well understood that one of the main limits on performance in distance running is fatigue,
characterised by a reduction in power output and a decline in performance (Kellis and Liassou,
2009). There are three potential sites of failure: those within the central nervous system; those
concerned with neural transmission from the central nervous system to muscle; and those
within the individual muscle fibres (Bigland-Ritchie and Woods, 1984). Local muscular fatigue
occurs because of intensive activity in that muscle (Mizrahi, Verbitsky and Isakov, 2000), and
is one of many forms of fatigue that affect distance runners. Even though the competitive
distances are shorter, middle-distance runners are more susceptible to fatigue in some ways
than long-distance runners, possibly because those who specialise over shorter distances
have a greater proportion of fast-twitch muscle fibres (Nummela, Keränen, and Mikkelsson,
2008) and because their pacing profiles in championship competition feature several bursts of
great acceleration (Hettinga, Edwards and Hanley, 2019).
Change in running speed is the most obvious outcome of fatigue, resulting from decreases in
either step length and cadence, or both (Buckalew et al, 1985; Elliott and Ackland, 1981).
However, athletes racing over different distances sometimes suffer decreases in only one of
these two factors; for example, in a 5 km road race, Hanley, Smith and Bissas (2011) found
that the men had reduced cadence only, whereas in a men’s 10,000 m track race, Elliot and
Ackland (1981) found decreases in step length (from 1.76 m on the second lap to 1.66 in the
second-last lap), whereas cadence did not change. In a high-quality women’s marathon,
Buckalew et al (1985) found that, as faster finishers had longer step lengths, maintenance of
step length over the full distance was the deciding factor in the outcome of the race. This
means the marathon differs from shorter distance races (i.e., changes in cadence are not as
important for race success) because the physiological changes that occur in the second half
mean that maintaining step length is the key to avoiding great reductions in speed to the finish.
Dutto and Smith (2002) reported that during running to exhaustion, leg stiffness decreased
with fatigue and this might have caused step length to increase (rather than because of a
conscious decision by the athletes), with a resulting increase in energy cost. A similar
decrease in leg stiffness, found during exhaustive running by Hayes and Caplan (2014), was
believed to be more likely due to changes in ankle stiffness, rather than at the knee. A
decrease in leg stiffness results in a failure to fully use the stretch-shortening cycle (Chan-
Roper et al, 2012), such as during the push-off phase in running. Repeated stretch-shortening
cycle exercise itself induces fatigue, leading to increased lower leg stiffness to protect passive
biological structures (Debenham et al, 2016), and which affects force production as there is a
reduction in the amount of storage of elastic energy (Nicol, Komi and Marconnet, 1991a). It is
possible that this reduction is caused by an increase in transition time from stretch to
shortening (e.g., between braking and push-off phases) (Nicol, Komi and Marconnet, 1991a).
Indeed, Hayes and Caplan (2012) found that contact times in high-calibre club athletes
increased from the first lap to the last lap of both 800 m and 1500 m races, and given its
association with cadence, the ability to maintain or decrease contact time in the later stages
might be crucial for success. Nicol, Komi and Marconnet (1991b) found that longer contact
times occurred after a marathon because of increased maximal knee flexion that suggested a
reduction in tolerance to repeated stretch loads, which led to increased muscular work when
the knee extended during a longer push-off phase to maintain a constant running speed. As
this increased work requirement in itself increases the rate of fatigue, the most common
outcome of stretch-shortening cycle fatigue is simply for the athlete to slow. In treadmill tests
where runners exercised to exhaustion, those athletes who ran for longer were those who had
more stable running styles (Gazeau, Koralsztein and Billat, 1997), and it is possible that
detrimental changes in stride mechanics can be avoided to some extent through the
development of local muscular endurance of key lower limb muscles, particularly the knee
flexors and hip extensors (notably, the hamstrings fulfil both of these roles) (Hayes, Bowen
and Davies, 2004). The changes that occur from running to exhaustion (or considerable
fatigue) could lead to overuse injuries (Riazati et al, 2020), and indeed changes often occur to
reduce pain in those already suffering patellofemoral pain syndrome (Bazett-Jones et al,
2013). Many of these gait alterations relate to muscle strength before and after high-intensity
exercise; by contrast, with regard to changes in joint angles with fatigue over short race
distances, Hanley, Smith and Bissas (2011) found that hip, knee, ankle and shoulder angles
at both first contact and toe-off did not alter throughout a 5 km road race, and Elliot and
Ackland (1981) reported very small or no changes in lower limb joint angles with fatigue in
10,000 m track running. Thus, even when fatigued, many athletes maintain their usual
technique and coaches should note that running form, whether “good” or “bad”, is not
necessarily a robust guide as to whether an athlete is tiring.
Air resistance
Air resistance occurs when an athlete runs overground and, as noted above for external
forces, causes a change in the athlete’s speed. An athlete running in still air (wind speed of
0.0 ms-1) experiences a headwind equal to their running speed (Davies, 1980); compared with
no wind conditions, headwinds increase total energy consumption, whereas tailwinds
decrease it. Very strong tailwinds can cancel out the effects of running through the air,
although they can also have a negative effect on the ability to maintain correct running posture
(Davies, 1980). Running closely behind rivals is a very common tactic as it allows less
physiologically capable athletes to maintain the pace of faster, front-running athletes
(Brisswalter and Hausswirth, 2008), and is one of the principles behind pre-arranged
pacemakers. Davies (1980) found that the energy cost of overcoming air resistance on a calm
day was approximately 4% for middle-distance running (at 6 ms-1), and 2% for marathon
running (5 ms-1). He recommended athletes shield behind a front runner until the closing
stages of a race, although they need to be in very close proximity. However, many athletes
deliberately choose to avoid following others too closely as it can eliminate the cooling effects
of moving air, especially in hot conditions (Noakes, 2003). Additionally, Kyle (1979) calculated
that middle- and long-distance runners reduced energy consumption by only 2 4% by
shielding from the wind, and Trenchard, Renfree and Peters (2016) calculated that distance
runners in competitive situations actually gain little from drafting. Ultimately, air resistance is
very small at speeds below 4.44 ms-1 (Léger and Mercier, 1984), and might be of great
importance for the distance runner only in strong headwinds. In weather conditions where the
relative humidity is high (at or close to 100% saturation), rainfall can negatively affect
performance, particularly in the marathon (Ito et al, 2013). However, as with wearing loose
clothing, some athletes might benefit from light rain because of a cooling effect. Overall, the
best conditions for distance running are generally a combination of sea-level elevation, little
or no wind, cool but dry conditions, and athletes of similar ability to act as pacemakers.
Effects of gradient
Changes in gradient frequently occur in road racing, and are a common feature of cross
country and other off-road running. Even though running downhill is generally faster because
of gravitational forces contributing to propulsion (Paradisis and Cooke, 2001), it can also have
negative consequences. These effects can be exacerbated because athletes are unfamiliar
with running downhill and alter their gait to accommodate the slope, including applying more
braking impulse than necessary (Gottschall and Kram, 2005). Although it has a lower
metabolic cost than running on a level surface (Minetti, Ardigò and Saibene, 1994), running
downhill on shallow slopes still requires some positive mechanical energy generation because
elastic energy storage is insufficient to meet all energy demands (Snyder, Kram and
Gottschall, 2012).
Aside from the risk of falling, the mechanics of running downhill can also increase the risk of
injury. Although not necessarily direct causes of injury, greater vertical impact peak forces
were found during downhill running (Gottschall and Kram, 2005; Telhan et al, 2010), and peak
tibial impact accelerations increased on downhill gradients because of higher vertical
velocities at impact (Chu and Caldwell, 2004). Because of the greater loading in early stance,
running downhill increases the load on the knee extensors, hip extensors, and anterior and
posterior shin muscles (Eston et al, 1995). Appell, Soares and Duarte (1992) stated that this
mechanical stress during downhill running causes disruption of the myofibrils in the affected
muscles, and the accrued muscle damage can affect running form and muscle function for up
to three days afterwards (Chen, Nosaka and Tu, 2007). The loss of strength in the quadriceps
femoris is caused by morphological damage during exercise (Lieber and Friedén, 1993) and
is associated with the relative length of the muscle; for example, the quadriceps femoris does
more work at its longer length during downhill running than during uphill running (Eston et al,
1995). Small uphill sections (of 1% gradient or less) often have little effect on the maintenance
of running speed (Angus and Waterhouse, 2011). However, anyone who has run uphill knows
intuitively that it is more difficult than running on level surfaces because energy cost increases
with greater inclines (Minetti, Ardigò and Saibene, 1994), with a more forward lean of the trunk
and shorter step lengths. Of course, some athletes deliberately choose hilly courses because
of the challenge involved, or because hill running suits their abilities. Training to run downhill
before competition can help prevent muscle damage (Eston et al, 1995) and coaches are thus
advised to include it in their athletes’ training regimens.
Cross country and off-road running
Running on natural terrain in the form of cross country running, trail running, orienteering and
fell running are popular with athletes of all abilities. On soft ground, the surface absorbs energy
and returns little, which can be particularly detrimental to those distance athletes who rely to
a greater extent on lower limb muscle elasticity (Canova, 1998). In general, running on
surfaces such as sand, grass and trails requires greater metabolic energy expenditure than
running on smooth, flat, hard surfaces (Voloshina and Ferris, 2015). Increases in energy cost
of between 26% and 72% have been estimated when running in forests (typical of orienteering
and trail running), dependent on the underfoot conditions (Creagh and Reilly, 1997). The
energy cost of running through long grass on rough terrain is increased because of decreased
step lengths, greater hip flexion during swing, and larger vertical displacements of the CM
(Creagh and Reilly, 1997). Pinnington and Dawson (2001) found that running on sand had a
greater energy cost than running on grass and proposed that this was because of a reduction
in elastic energy potentiation, caused partly by an increase in contact time. They also
suggested that the increase in energy cost could be because sand’s compliant nature requires
increased leg stiffness that increases muscle activity to stabilise the lower limb joints
(Pinnington and Dawson, 2001). Although running on such surfaces might reduce
performance (e.g., time to complete a particular distance compared with athletics tracks or
roads), they can provide a beneficial training stimulus, and can suit some athletes’ running
styles better than more stable, harder surfaces.
Running is a highly complex movement, requiring years of refinement to become automated
and efficient, and a good understanding of biomechanics is indispensable in trying to improve
performance. Although the running stride has been broken down into its various components,
a holistic view of an athlete’s biomechanics is essential in good coaching so, for example,
understanding that increasing step length is beneficial to performance should be tempered
with the risk of overstriding or decreasing cadence. Training improvements in technique take
time and are best viewed as part of a whole-body exercise, where what occurs during swing
in one leg is seen as complementing what happens during stance in the other. Distance
running is, of course, an endurance activity and external factors such as the effects of wind,
hills, surface and rival athletes’ tactics can influence the rate of fatigue. Indeed, the manner in
which an athlete accommodates these potential challenges can be affected by tiredness, and
coaches are recommended to incorporate technically sound practice in training to prepare the
body biomechanically for these race elements.
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... Good running technique can be defined as the proper biomechanical form of the athlete's body that maximizes efficiency and enhances running performance [9][10][11]. It has demonstrated significant potential in reducing hamstring injuries rates [12,13] that frequently occur during high-speed efforts due to repetitive intense eccentric loading [3,14,15]. ...
... It has demonstrated significant potential in reducing hamstring injuries rates [12,13] that frequently occur during high-speed efforts due to repetitive intense eccentric loading [3,14,15]. Modifying certain key motor patterns during sprint cycle-such as avoiding overstriding [16], excessive forward trunk lean [17], and anterior pelvic tilt [18] while improving lumbo-pelvic control [12]-seems to be essential not only for achieving good running technique and enhancing performance [9][10][11] but also for playing a vital role in hamstring injury prevention [12,13]. ...
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(1) Background: Among the myriad of injuries affecting football players, hamstring strains have emerged as a persistent and debilitating concern, underscoring the need for novel approaches to reduce strain rates. The current study aims to analyze the impact of improved running technique on reducing hamstring injuries in football players. (2) Methods: Twenty-two male < 19 years old footballers were randomly assigned to an intervention and a control groups (n = 14 vs. 8), the former performing a running technique program of six weeks. Three-dimensional kinematics, using a markerless motion capture system, assessed linear and angular variables during touchdown and toe-off instants to evaluate pre- and post-intervention. Independent and repeated measure t-tests and effect size calculations were employed. (3) Results: A decrease in hip flexion and thorax external rotation during the touchdown (−2.39° and −2.02°, p ≤ 0.05) and a decrease in pelvic external rotation and an increase in stride length (−3.22° and 0.06 m, p ≤ 0.05) during toe-off for the players that engaged in the running technique development was observed. (4) Conclusions: These findings emphasize the significant impact of improved running technique and sprint mechanics, suggesting a potential decrease in the risk of hamstring injuries during high-speed running in football players.
... Bėgimo ekonomiškumą lemia taisyklingas judesio modelis, kurį sudaro optimalus jėgos panaudojimas, tinkama judesio kryptis bei kompensacinių judesių koregavimas. Vidutinių nuotolių bėgikai pirmo kontakto su žeme metu nusileidžia ant priekinės ar vidurinės pėdos dalies (Hanley, 2021), bėga ilgais žingsniais, staigiai ir trumpai priliesdami žemę. Bėgimo metu blauzda ir klubas lenkiami didele amplitude, dideliu greičiu (Trowell ir kt., 2021). ...
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The article analyzes the effect of different physiotherapy programs on trunk stability and functional movements in middle-distance runners. Significant changes of trunk stability, functional movement stereotype, endurance of trunk muscles, dynamic stability are shown in the charts. Keywords: trunk stability, neuromuscular control, resistance exercise, physical therapy.
... Supporting the full weight on the considered foot, which is aligned with the CoM Step.Length (cm) Distance between the feet in the sagittal plane between T0 and T3 [28,29,31,44,49,50] Step.Width (cm) Distance between the feet in the frontal plane between T0 and T3 Defined by us Stride.Cadence (Stride/min) Number of strides completed in 1 min [26,27,30,48] Step [17,19] The (1) spatio-temporal, (2) kinetic, (3) stabilometric and (4) kinematic variables can be differentiated. The variables focus on the contact time or stance phase (T0 to T2) because it is the phase of running that seems to have the most influence on the occurrence of injuries [28,41]. ...
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The worldwide popularisation of running as a sport and recreational practice has led to a high rate of musculoskeletal injuries, usually caused by a lack of knowledge about the most suitable running technique for each runner. This running technique is determined by a runner’s anthropometric body characteristics, dexterity and skill. Therefore, this study aims to develop a motion capture-based running analysis test on a treadmill called KeepRunning to obtain running patterns rapidly, which will aid coaches and clinicians in assessing changes in running technique considering changes in the study variables. Therefore, a review and proposal of the most representative events and variables of analysis in running was conducted to develop the KeepRunning test. Likewise, the minimal detectable change (MDC) in these variables was obtained using test–retest reliability to demonstrate the reproducibility and viability of the test, as well as the use of MDC as a threshold for future assessments. The test–retest consisted of 32 healthy volunteer athletes with a running training routine of at least 15 km per week repeating the test twice. In each test, clusters of markers were placed on the runners’ body segments using elastic bands and the volunteers’ movements were captured while running on a treadmill. In this study, reproducibility was defined by the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and MDC, obtaining a mean value of ICC = 0.94 ± 0.05 for all variables and MDC = 2.73 ± 1.16° for the angular kinematic variables. The results obtained in the test–retest reveal that the reproducibility of the test was similar or better than that found in the literature. KeepRunning is a running analysis test that provides data from the involved body segments rapidly and easily interpretable. This data allows clinicians and coaches to objectively provide indications for runners to improve their running technique and avoid possible injury. The proposed test can be used in the future with inertial motion capture and other wearable technologies.
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PurposeTo investigate changes in hip and knee strength, kinematics, and running variability following two energy expenditure matched training runs; a medium intensity continuous run (MICR) and a high intensity interval training session (HIIT).Methods Twenty (10 Females, 10 Males) healthy master class runners were recruited. Each participant completed the HIIT consisting of six repetitions of 800 m with a 1:1 work: rest ratio. The MICR duration was set to match energy expenditure of the HIIT session. Hip and knee muscular strength were examined pre and post both HIIT and MICR. Kinematics and running variability for hip and knee, along with spatiotemporal parameters were assessed at start and end of each run-type. Changes in variables were examined using both 2 × 2 ANOVAs with repeated measures and on an individual level when the change in a variable exceeded the minimum detectable change (MDC).ResultsAll strength measures exhibited significant reductions at the hip and knee (P < 0.05) with time for both run-types; 12% following HIIT, 10.6% post MICR. Hip frontal plane kinematics increased post run for both maximum angle (P < 0.001) and range of motion (P = 0.003). Runners exhibited increased running variability for nearly all variables, with the HIIT having a greater effect. Individual assessment revealed that not all runners were effected post run and that following HIIT more runners had reduced muscular strength, altered kinematics and increased running variability.Conclusion Runners exhibited fatigue induced changes following typical training runs, which could potentially present risk of injury development. Group and individual assessment revealed different findings where the use of MDC is recommended over that of P-values.
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The purpose of this study was to examine whether World Championship and Olympic medallist endurance athletes pace similarly to their race opponents, where and when critical differences in intra-race pacing occur, and the tactical strategies employed to optimally manage energy resources. We analyzed pacing and tactics across the 800, 1,500, 5,000, 10,000 m, marathon and racewalk events, providing a broad overview for optimal preparation for racing and pacing. Official electronic splits from men's (n = 275 performances) and women's (n = 232 performances) distance races between 2013 and 2017 were analyzed. Athletes were grouped for the purposes of analysis and comparison. For the 800 m, these groups were the medalists and those finishing 4th to 8th (“Top 8”). For the 1,500 m, the medalists and Top 8 were joined by those finishing 9th to 12th (“Top 12”), whereas for all other races, the Top 15 were analyzed (those finishing 9th to 15th). One-way repeated measures analysis of variance was conducted on the segment speeds (p < 0.05), with effect sizes for differences calculated using Cohen's d. Positive pacing profiles were common to most 800 m athletes, whereas negative pacing was more common over longer distances. In the 1,500 m, male medalists separated from their rivals in the last 100 m, whereas for women it was after 1,200 m. Similarly, over 5,000 m, male medalists separated from the slowest pack members later (4,200 m; 84% of duration) than women (2,500 m; 50% of duration). In the 10,000 m race, the effect was very pronounced with men packing until 8,000 m, with the Top 8 athletes only dropped at 9,600 m (96% of duration). For women, the slowest pack begin to run slower at only 1,700 m, with the Top 8 finishers dropped at 5,300 m (53% of duration). Such profiles and patterns were seen across all events. It is possible the earlier separation in pacing for women between the medalists and the other runners was because of tactical racing factors such as an early realization of being unable to sustain the required speed, or perhaps because of greater variation in performance abilities.
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The aim of this study was to analyze footstrike patterns in elite marathon runners at the 2017 IAAF World Championships. Seventy-one men and 78 women were analyzed in their respective races. Athletes’ footstrike patterns were recorded (120 Hz) at approximately 8.5, 19, 29.5 and 40 km (“Laps 1 – 4”) and categorized as either rearfoot (RFS), midfoot or forefoot striking; the latter two were classified together as non-rearfoot striking (NRFS). The most common footstrike pattern was RFS, with proportions never less than 54% of men or 67% of women at any distance. There were no sex-based differences for proportion of footstrike patterns, and there were no differences between footstrike proportions when comparing the top and bottom 50% of men finishers, or between women during Laps 1 and 2. A greater proportion of the top 50% of women maintained NRFS than amongst the bottom 50%. The proportion of RFS increased with distance run in the men’s race, although more than 75% of athletes across both marathons had consistent footstrike patterns between laps (79 RFS and 36 NRFS). As most athletes were RFS (including the top four finishing men), there appears to be no clear advantage to NRFS in marathon running. Coaches should note that it is normal for elite marathon runners to be either RFS or NRFS; however, forefoot striking was rare. The high proportion of athletes who maintained their footstrike pattern reflected individualized preferences for a given footstrike pattern.
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Running economy (RE) has a strong relationship with running performance, and modifiable running biomechanics are a determining factor of RE. The purposes of this review were to (1) examine the intrinsic and extrinsic modifiable biomechanical factors affecting RE; (2) assess training-induced changes in RE and running biomechanics; (3) evaluate whether an economical running technique can be recommended and; (4) discuss potential areas for future research. Based on current evidence, the intrinsic factors that appeared beneficial for RE were using a preferred stride length range, which allows for stride length deviations up to 3 % shorter than preferred stride length; lower vertical oscillation; greater leg stiffness; low lower limb moment of inertia; less leg extension at toe-off; larger stride angles; alignment of the ground reaction force and leg axis during propulsion; maintaining arm swing; low thigh antagonist–agonist muscular coactivation; and low activation of lower limb muscles during propulsion. Extrinsic factors associated with a better RE were a firm, compliant shoe–surface interaction and being barefoot or wearing lightweight shoes. Several other modifiable biomechanical factors presented inconsistent relationships with RE. Running biomechanics during ground contact appeared to play an important role, specifically those during propulsion. Therefore, this phase has the strongest direct links with RE. Recurring methodological problems exist within the literature, such as cross-comparisons, assessing variables in isolation, and acute to short-term interventions. Therefore, recommending a general economical running technique should be approached with caution. Future work should focus on interdisciplinary longitudinal investigations combining RE, kinematics, kinetics, and neuromuscular and anatomical aspects, as well as applying a synergistic approach to understanding the role of kinetics.
Neuromechanics of Human Movement, Fifth Edition, draws on the disciplines of neurophysiology and physics to explore how the nervous system controls the actions of muscles to produce human motion. This contemporary approach is much different from the traditional approach, which focuses solely on mechanics and does not consider the role of the sensorimotor system in the control of human movement. Authored by Roger Enoka, a widely recognized and esteemed scholar in neuromechanics, this influential text is an essential resource in biomechanics, motor learning, and applied physiology, making complex information accessible to students. With material based on updated research in the field, this fifth edition provides a scientific foundation to the study of human movement, and as such it uses precise terms and definitions when discussing ideas. The text includes 70 practical learning examples, giving students the opportunity to work through a variety of problems and explore current research and applications. Content is visually reinforced with 341 figures, including specific illustrations of the neuromechanics involved in sport and rehabilitation movements.
The aim of this study was to analyze changes in gait variability and symmetry in distance runners. Fourteen competitive athletes ran on an instrumented treadmill for 10,000 m at speeds equivalent to 103% of their season's best time. Spatiotemporal and ground reaction force data were recorded at 1500, 3000, 5000, 7500 and 9500 m. Gait variability and inter-leg symmetry were measured using median absolute deviation (MAD) and the symmetry angle, respectively. There were no overall changes during the running bout for absolute values, symmetry angles or variability, and there were only moderate changes in variability between successive testing distances for three variables. Even with these few changes, variability was low (<4%) at all distances for all variables measured and, on average, the athletes were symmetrical for five of the seven gait variables measured. There were greater mean asymmetry values for flight time (1.1-1.4%) and for impact force (2.0-2.9%), which might have occurred because of muscle latency as the lower limb responded passively to impact during initial contact. Although most athletes were asymmetrical (>1.2%) for at least one variable, no one was asymmetrical for more than four of the seven variables measured. Being asymmetrical in a few variables is therefore not abnormal and not indicative of asymmetrical gait and given many practitioners analyze symmetry (and variability) on an individual, case-study basis, caution should be taken when assessing the need for corrective interventions.
This paper describes and interprets joint and segmental power patterns as functional characteristics of the leg movement in terms of generation, absorption, and transfer of power during the recovery phase of the sprinting stride. In addition, a comparison of the power patterns between advanced and intermediate sprinters was undertaken. Two advanced and two intermediate sprinters, each executing six trials of a 100-m dash, served as subjects. The results revealed that the power patterns for both the advanced and intermediate sprinters were similar in shape, depicting the same number of power phases. The hip joint musculature acted primarily as a power generator in comparison to the knee muscles, which acted mainly as absorbers (controllers) during the recovery phase of the sprinting stride. Differences between ability levels were identified using peak power values, with the advanced sprinters producing higher peak powers earlier in the recovery phase.
Repeat trials of a race walker were analyzed to ascertain the contribution to energy changes made by the lower limb muscles. A sagittal plane link segment model was used to calculate mechanical powers at the hip, knee and ankle. The ankle plantarflexors provided the major energy necessary to propel the body forward. Muscles about the hip contribute to a lesser extent via energy generation and transfer. At the knee, the muscles acted mainly as energy absorbers and did not contribute to forward propulsion. Mechanical powers calculated for the race walker were compared to other forms of locomotion. Patterns unique to the race walker were identified and discussed.
Purpose: Drafting in cycling influences collective behaviour of pelotons. Whilst evidence for collective behaviour in competitive running events exists, it is not clear if this results from energetic savings conferred by drafting. This study modelled the effects of drafting on behavior in elite 10,000 m runners. Methods: Using performance data from a men's elite 10,000 m track running event, computer simulations were constructed using Netlogo 5.1 to test the effects of three different drafting quantities on collective behaviour: no drafting, drafting to 3m behind with up to ~8% energy savings (a realistic running draft); and drafting up to 3m behind with up to 38% energy savings (a realistic cycling draft). Three measures of collective behaviour were analysed in each condition; mean speed, mean group stretch (distance between first and last placed runner), and Runner Convergence Ratio (RCR) which represents the degree of drafting benefit obtained by the follower in a pair of coupled runners. Results: Mean speeds were 6.32±0.28m.s-1, 5.57±0.18 m.s-1, and 5.51±0.13 m.s-1 in the cycling draft, runner draft, and no draft conditions respectively (all P<0.001). RCR was lower in the cycling draft condition, but did not differ between the other two. Mean stretch did not differ between conditions. Conclusions: Collective behaviours observed in running events cannot be fully explained through energetic savings conferred by realistic drafting benefits. They may therefore result from other, possibly psychological, processes. The benefits or otherwise of engaging in such behavior are, as yet, unclear.
Extensive study has been done on male subjects dealing with gait analysis, but similar investigations of women runners are limited. The purpose of this study was to quantify the essential characteristics and alterations in gait mechanics of women marathoners. Forty elite women marathoners were filmed at four camera locations during the first U.S. Olympic Women's Marathon Trial. Data were quantified with a microcomputer and digitizing system. Quantification of 11 kinematic and temporal variables of gait were obtained. Five variables were examined bilaterally to determine degree of symmetry. Results showed remarkably consistent characteristics of gait across the four camera locations. However, substantial changes did occur between the third and fourth camera locations in stride length and horizontal velocity. All subjects displayed little asymmetry throughout the race. Minimal differences between the top and bottom 10 finishers were noted. There are differences between the gait patterns of men and women distance runners. Stride length, support/nonsupport time ratio, and percent overstride appear to be important factors for success of women distance runners. Most alterations in gait mechanics appear to occur between the 20- and 24-mile marks of the marathon.