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Bitcoin Price Prediction App Using Deep Learning Algorithm



Bitcoin runs on a peer-to-peer basis and is a decentralized cryptocurrency. It uses encryption and anonymity for cryptography. Bitcoin is the top-ranking cryptocurrency centered on the internet. The People most encounter Bitcoin due to anonymity and transparency in the system, among the widespread cryptocurrencies available on the market. Bitcoin becomes popular because of its price fluctuations. Cryptocurrency has emerged as a crucial element in companies and stock sector opportunities in the stock industry over the last decade. The accurate and consistent forecast will help investors in cryptocurrency make the right investment decisions and lead to future higher income. Nevertheless, due to its chaotic and quite complex existence, cryptocurrency price prediction is considered a difficult job. Correspondingly, several researchers have examined different factors that influence the price of Bitcoin and the trends behind its fluctuation, using a various machine learning algorithm. In this study, the most powerful and commonly used deep learning algorithm is implemented for forecasting bitcoin prices. The real-time dataset is collected to the current date with the Bitcoin value of Open, Close, Low, High, Volume to and from price details. The purpose of this work is to use the LSTM algorithm to extract the accurate price of Bitcoin. The results obtained provide valuable evidence that LSTM can solve this problem efficiently and effectively.
2nd International Conference on Computational Sciences and Technologies, 17-19 Dec 2020 (INCCST'20), MUET Jamshoro
ISBN-978-969-23372-1-2 56
Bitcoin Price Prediction App Using Deep Learning Algorithm
Kainat Mahar
Computer Systems Engineering
Mehran University of Engineering and
Technology, Jamshoro
Jamshoro, Pakistan
Sanam Narejo
Computer Systems Engineering
Mehran University of Engineering and
Technology, Jamshoro
Jamshoro, Pakistan
Muhammad Ahmed Zaki
Computer Systems Engineering
Mehran University of Engineering and
Technology, Jamshoro
Jamshoro, Pakistan
AbstractBitcoin runs on a peer-to-peer basis and is a
decentralized cryptocurrency. It uses encryption and
anonymity for cryptography. Bitcoin is the top-ranking
cryptocurrency centered on the internet. The People most
encounter Bitcoin due to anonymity and transparency in the
system, among the widespread cryptocurrencies available on
the market. Bitcoin becomes popular because of its price
fluctuations. Cryptocurrency has emerged as a crucial
element in companies and stock sector opportunities in the
stock industry over the last decade. The accurate and
consistent forecast will help investors in cryptocurrency
make the right investment decisions and lead to future
higher income. Nevertheless, due to its chaotic and quite
complex existence, cryptocurrency price prediction is
considered a difficult job. Correspondingly, several
researchers have examined different factors that influence
the price of Bitcoin and the trends behind its fluctuation,
using a various machine learning algorithm. In this study,
the most powerful and commonly used deep learning
algorithm is implemented for forecasting bitcoin prices. The
real-time dataset is collected to the current date with the
Bitcoin value of Open, Close, Low, High, Volume to and
from price details. The purpose of this work is to use the
LSTM algorithm to extract the accurate price of Bitcoin. The
results obtained provide valuable evidence that LSTM can
solve this problem efficiently and effectively.
Keywords Bitcoin, Prediction, Time-Series, Predictive
Model, Deep Learning, Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM),
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), Real-time Data, Mean
Absolute Error (MAE), Accuracy
Bitcoin is the collection of concepts and technologies
that form the foundation of an ecosystem of digital money.
Bitcoin is a revolutionary network for transfers and a new
kind of money. The decentralized network, Bitcoin enables
users to transact directly, peer to peer, without an
intermediary to handle the exchange of funds. In return for
products and services, the digital currency bitcoin has used
another currency. Bitcoin is conveniently portable,
divisible, and immutable, unlike conventional currencies
and properties.
By the end of 2017, when Bitcoin price increased most
significantly to 1600 US Dollars for 1 Bitcoin, the Bitcoin
had gained enormous popularity. Many experiments have
carried out using time series analysis to forecast the price
of Bitcoin. Predicting is the challenging aspect and it is one
of the greatest obstacle to human insight and every human
craves for it. Investors must forecast Bitcoin values.
Instead of being damaged by chance while making a
purchase when the value is high, Bitcoin users must be
observant in managing any price adjustments to profit. The
unpredictable price of Bitcoin can be predicted through
forecasting or forecasting the Bitcoin price in the
foreseeable future. Users can decide when to purchase
bitcoin with predictions.
This paper implements Long-Short Term Memory
(LSTM) Neural Network, from time-series data of
quantitative factors influencing Bitcoin prices to predict
the changes. The idea aims to introduce a framework adept
to processing data in real-time and providing investors
with a guide to assist to settle the plan in action. The
program will take the data from the real world and undergo
a series of data reshaping to make it ready to be fed into
the neural network model.
LSTM Neural Network architecture is a part of the
Deep Learning field. LSTM has feedback links, unlike
casual feedforward neural networks. It is capable of
processing not only single points (such as images) but also
whole data sequences (such a speech or video). For
instance, LSTM refers to tasks such as unsegmented
recognition of related handwriting, speech recognition, and
identification of anomalies in network traffic or IDSs
(Intrusion Detection System).
LSTMs solves the vanishing gradient issue that is
encountered during the training of RNN. LSTM neural
network is based on three gates; input gate, output gate and
forget gate. Over arbitrary time intervals, the cell recalls
values, these gates control the information incoming and
outgoing of a cell.
LSTM networks are well suited to make predictions
based on time series data as uncertainty can straggle,
Based on Time-Series data, LSTM networks are well
suited to classifying, processing, and making predictions,
as there can be lags of uncertainty, the length among the
main occurrence of time series data.
The inspiration for this project was taken from [14].
In the rest of the paper, in Section 2 Related Work is
discussed, following to this Section 3 defines Methodology
and in Section 4 shows the Results of conducted
experiment, Section 5 gives the Conclusion.
The high volatility feature of Bitcoin has attracted
many researchers from the field of economics, machine
learning, and cryptography. The various machine learning
algorithms are utilized for Bitcoin price prediction. [8]
discovered the influence of Bayesian Neural Network
(BNN) by evaluating the Bitcoin’s time series system.
Using Blockchain and macroeconomic variables the
forecasted Bitcoin prices and contrasted the prediction
success of BNN methods with linear regression methods
and SVRs. They notice that in terms of RMSE and MAPE
BNN model outperform other models for predicting the
Bitcoin log prices. Their SVR model indicates low
performance in training and testing stages. [9] investigate
the accuracy of the prediction of Bitcoin using a machine
learning algorithm and compare the performance with
ARIMA. The paper followed CRISP data mining
technology. The dataset of Bitcoin was collected for 3
years of timestamp. The closing price of Bitcoin was used
as an independent variable. The results showed that LSTM
achieved an accuracy of 52%, whereas RMSE achieves 8%
accuracy. The performance of ARIMA based on error was
significantly worse than neural network models. The
LSTM outperformed RNN marginally, not remarkably.
[10] presented the project on predicting the bitcoin price
using two deep learning technologies. Historical data was
collected from 2015. They filtered the data to get the
relevant features. CNN and RNN models were tested with
2-layers, 3-layers, and 4-layers approach. The result shows
that 4-layers outperformed 2-layers but not optimal for 3-
layers. The models were integrated on web pages designed
on the Django web framework. [5] proposed a model
called ConvLSTM which is a combination of
Convolutional Network and Recurrent Neural Network.
This model is based on the architecture of LSTM.
Historical data of a total of 10 stocks had been collected of
daily basis transaction. The proposed architecture was
compared with the pure LSTM. LSTM predicted better for
several stocks than the proposed architecture. However,
the proposed architecture was more stable and showed an
optimal error rate in multiple stocks. But the accuracy of
the proposed network still needs to be improved.
The model is built using the sequential time series
algorithm LSTM of RNN. This paper implements the
LSTM neural network with dropout value of 0.2 and linear
activation function. This model uses Adam optimizer for
compilation and MSE as loss function.
Fig. 1 Workflow Diagram of Model
The real-time dataset is taken from the website
cryptocompare. The table shows the description
parameters of the dataset.
Open (O)
An open price of the currency in a market.
Close (C)
The nearest price to the market price of currency.
High (H)
The highest price of the currency in a market.
Low (L)
The lowest price of the currency in a market.
The volume of currency traded for that day.
For our project, we have targeted the close price of
Bitcoin. 80% of the dataset is for training and 20% for
A. Data Visualization
From figure 2, we can observe that from April 2019,
the price rapidly went up in July 2019 and has attained the
highest peak that is above 12000 USD. Then the curve
slowly goes down and, from January 2020 to April 2020,
there is a visible dip in the graph. The Lockdown period
has also affected the Bitcoin price. In April 2020, the price
again goes up. Since April, the price is continuously going
up with slight fluctuations.
Fig.2 Data Visualization
B. Normalization,
The next phase is to normalize the data. Normalization
is the process of rescaling original data without changing
its behavior or nature. Here Min-Max Normalization
technique is used.
1) Min-Max Normalization
On actual data, it performs linear transformation. It
maintains the relationship between the values of real
records. If the input values go past the range of
normalization in the future, an error known as an out-of-
bound-error can occur. [11]
C. Long Short Term Neural (LSTM) Network
Recurrent Neural Network is neural network with
directed graph sequence that links the output to the input.
That input connects the results of number point to the next
point in time, and tracks the neuron related information, so
that the next event results. The value is related to the
production value of earlier time points.
Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) is a type of
Recurrent Neural network that can learn the data of long
sequences, a challenge that conventional RNNs are
struggling with, which is useful for some forms of
prediction that enable the network to maintain knowledge
over lengthy periods. LSTM is to mitigate the vanishing
and the exploding gradient problem.
A sequence of RNN modules has the shape of all
repeating neural networks. This repeating module would
have a simple structure with regular RNN, as in a layer of
tanh. Also, LSTMs have shape like this chain, but the
repetitive module has a different structure. Instead of a
single layer, there are four uniquely interacting.
Fig. 3 Repeating Module in an LSTM contains four interacting layers
1) Working of LSTM
Each of the memory cells in the LSTM network has
three types of gates- forget gate, input gate, and the output
The 1st Step of LSTM specifies what data to throw
away from the cell state. This decision is made by the
forget gate layer. One means retaining this information
and zero implies discarding this information.
ft = σ(Wf . [ht-1 . xt]+bf) (1)
Fig. 4 Forget Gate Layer
2nd Step decides what information to the store in the
cell state. It has two parts: the first input gate layer that
selects the value to update. Next, a new candidate value Ct
is created by adding the tanh layer in the state. Then, these
two values are combined to create an updated condition.
σ(Wi . [ht-1 . xt]+bi) (2)
σ(Wc . [ht-1 . xt]+bc) (3)
Fig. 5 Input Gate Layer
To update the old cell state, Ct-1 into new state Ct, the old
state is multiplied by ft the (it * ct) is added.
Ct = ft * Ct 1 + it * ct (4)
Fig. 6 Updating Cell State
The third Step decides the output. A filtered
representation of the cell state is the basis of the output.
Next, what areas of the cell state are going to reveal is
determined by sigmoid. The cell state then positions tanh
and multiplies it by the production of the sigmoid gate that
generates the determined parts of the tanh.
ot = σ(Wo . [ht-1 . xt]+b0) (5)
ht = ot * tanh(Ct) (6)
Fig.7 Output Gate Layer
D. Evaluation Metric
Mean Absolute Error (MAE) is a metric for
performance measurement. MAE is more interpretable
metric which is the rationale for preferring MAE over
Root Mean Square Error(RMSE). RMSE in itself does not
depict an average error and is thus much more difficult to
comprehend. Since we want to describe a model quickly
to the non-technical audience, MAE seems like a better
1) Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
Mean Absolute Error is a model evaluation metric
used with regression models. The mean absolute error of a
model concerning a test set is the mean of all values of
individual prediction errors over all instances in the test
set. Each prediction error is the difference between the
actual value and the predicted value for the occurrences.
E. Deployment
Model is deployed on an android platform. Deploying
models to android with TensorFlow mobile involves three
The Conversion of the trained model into
Adding TensorFlow Mobile as a dependency on
the Android App.
Developing Java code to perform inference in
application with the TensorFlow Model
TensorFlow has TensorFlow Mobile and TensorFlow
Lite libraries. The Lite version is extremely limited in
size, with just about 1 Mb of total dependence. Also, the
templates are better configured.
TensorFlow Lite supports converting TensorFlow
RNN models to the fused LSTM operations of
TensorFlow Lite. Fused operations optimize the efficiency
of the underlying kernel implementations and provide a
higher-level interface to define complex transformations
such as quantization.
Since TensorFlow has several variants of RNN APIs,
the most common approach has been two-fold:
Provide native support like Keras LSTM for
standard TensorFlow RNN APIs.
Provide the user-defined RNN implementations with
an interface to the conversion infrastructure to plug
in and convert to TensorFlow Lite. By using
Lingvo's LSTM Cell Simple and Layer Normalized
LSTM Cell Simple RNN interface.
The model is implemented using the LSTM
algorithm. It is the 3-stacked layer model with a linear
activation function each layer contains 500 neurons and a
dropout value of 0.2. The input data split into the first
80% for training and the last 20% for testing. The model
was trained on real-time data that keeps the record of 400
days from the latest date. The performance is measured
using MAE evaluation metrics, and loss is measure using
Model Summary
Layer (type)
Output Shape
Param #
lstm_1 (LSTM)
(None, 1, 500)
lstm_2 (LSTM)
(None, 1, 500)
lstm_2 (LSTM)
(None, 500)
dropout_1 (Dropout)
(None, 500)
activation_1 (Activation)
(None, 1)
dense_1 (Dense)
(None, 1)
Total params: 5,000,501,
Trainable params: 5,008,501
Non-trainable, params: 0
Figure 9 shows that from the 5th epoch, the loss
during training and testing of data reduced to zero.
Fig. 9 Train and Test Loss
Figure 10 represents Mean Absolute Error during
training and testing of data. From the given figure, we can
see, an error rate is reduced below 0.05 after five epochs
show good accuracy
Fig. 10 Mean Absolute Error
Figure 11 represents a graph that shows the
predicted values and actual values. As this model is using
a real-time dataset, the plot starts from the latest date and
gives a prediction for up to 100 next days. It is noticeable
that the predicted labels are accurate to actual labels and
showing 99% accuracy.
Fig.11 Predicted Graph
It is to observe that from the 70th day to the 80th
day, the bitcoin price reaches its maximum price that is
around 20k US Dollars.
After tuning the model, by setting the learning
rate of Adam optimizer to 0.01, activation sigmoid, mean
squared error as metrics, and categorical_crossentropy as
the loss, there seems a big difference in training and
testing validation also, it left a significant impact on the
prediction graph.
Fig. 12 Train and Test Loss
Fig. 13 Mean Squared Error
Fig. 14 Prediction Results
From the above figures, it can be assured that the
parameters which were selected before turns out best for
the model by giving a highly accurate prediction, whereas
the parameters which were set for experimental analysis
turn out to be too bad for the model.
Bitcoin is a decentralized cryptocurrency that
works on a peer-to-peer system. It uses cryptography
security and anonymity. Unlike traditional currencies,
bitcoins are entirely virtual. Just like a stock, the value of
Bitcoin varies. For forecasting of price, there are many
algorithms used on stock market value. The criteria
affecting Bitcoin are distinct. In order to make the best
investment decision, the valuation of Bitcoin must also be
expected. This paper is implemented on 3-Layer LSTM
Model using real-time data to predict the future price of
Bitcoin for the next 100 days from the current day. The
model gives an excellent prediction and an error rate
lower than 0.5. The concept was to incorporate a
framework that could analyze real-time data and provide
investors a sense of direction to aid in decision making.
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... Bitcoin, a peer-to-peer digital currency [9], operates on a network of peers. Bitcoin enables secure and transparent transactions without relying on traditional legal entities [10]. ...
... Various methods, including machine learning algorithms, have been employed to forecast Bitcoin prices. For example, the study in Ref. [9] predicted the Bitcoin price for the next 100 days using a three-layer LSTM neural network and real-time data. Specifically, with a limited feature set of price data, a mean absolute error rate of less than 0.5 was achieved. ...
... These characteristics were utilized to train machine learning models, accurately predicting Bitcoin price 99% of the time. In several similar studies on Bitcoin price prediction, the LSTM model consistently outperformed alternative models, with references [9,23], and [10] serving as inspiration for this research. The current research builds upon the proposal reported in Ref. [10], training an LSTM model with various internal feature subsets to identify the optimum subset of input characteristics for the best prediction. ...
Full-text available
In light of recent cryptocurrency value fluctuations, Bitcoin is gradually gaining recognition as an investment vehicle. Given the market's inherent volatility, accurate forecasting becomes crucial for making informed investment decisions. Notably, previous research has utilized machine learning methods to enhance the accuracy of Bitcoin price predictions. However, few studies have explored the potential of employing diverse modeling methods for sampling with varying data formats and dimensional characteristics. This study aims to identify the internal feature subset that yields the highest returns in forecasting Bitcoin's price. Specifically, Bitcoin's internal features were categorized into four groups: currency data, block details, mining information, and network difficulty. Subsequently, a long short-term memory (LSTM) artificial neural network was employed to predict the next day's Bitcoin closing price, utilizing various categorizations of feature subsets. The model underwent training using two and a half years of historical data for each feature. The findings revealed a mean absolute error rate of 6.38% when modeling with the block details category features. This enhanced performance primarily stemmed from the positive relationship between Bitcoin price and this data subset's low ambiguity. Experimental results underscored that, compared to other investigated feature subsets, the categorization of block detail features provided the most accurate Bitcoin price predictions, laying the foundation for future research in this domain.
... In 2020, [118][119][120][121][122][123] explored the use of LSTM among other methodologies for cryptocurrency price prediction. [122] delved into the realm of cryptocurrency price prediction, focusing on a very short time horizon of 5 seconds. ...
... Their research involved the application of LSTM and other techniques discussed in sections related to Statistical models 8. Notably, LSTM emerged as a promising model within this ultra-short-term context. Other researchers, including [118][119][120][121][122][123], undertook studies to predict cryptocurrency prices over a 24-hour time horizon. These studies also employed LSTM along with various other methodologies discussed in the sections on Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Statistical models 5, section6 and section8. ...
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This comprehensive review paper explores the diverse landscape of cryptocurrency forecasting, tracing its evolution from an alternative to traditional monetary systems to its significant growth in the global financial arena. It consolidates existing research by categorizing and analyzing 234 scholarly articles, organizing them into machine learning, deep learning, deep reinforcement learning, and statistical methodologies, and evaluating the related metrics. The case study titled “Examining the performance differences between backtesting and forward testing” highlights the challenges investors face, as strategies that appear effective in backtesting often fail in practical use. Another case study, “Social Data Exploration in Cryptocurrency Trends,” examines how social media data can provide insights into market movements and investor sentiment, revealing the impact of social trends on cryptocurrency prices. The findings section provides a detailed view, illuminating trends such as yearly publication rates, methodological distributions, input features, training/testing splits, the total number of data samples considered, and forecasting time horizons. This survey paper serves as a valuable resource, providing researchers and investors with a solid foundation for understanding and navigating the dynamic field of cryptocurrency forecasting.
... Successful data pre-processing and filtering techniques, facilitated by a user-friendly GUI File Picker, enhance data quality. The proposed model in [13] yields an RMSE Test Score of 3.38, with room for future advancements, including sentiment analysis using Twitter data and the incorporation of advanced algorithms as proposed in [14][15] for improved accuracy, setting it apart from existing literature ...
... In [11], authors predicted the forecasting of the cryptocurrencies using time series analysis with LSTM model and ML algorithms such as SVM and linear regression. Another LSTM and RNN-based deep learning model has been used in [28] to predict the future price of the cryptocurrencies. LSTM and GRU-based deep learning model was also used by [29] for future bitcoin price prediction. ...
As cryptocurrencies become more popular as investment vehicles, bitcoin draws interest from businesses, consumers, and computer scientists all across the world. Bitcoin is a computer file stored in digital wallet applications where each transaction is secured using strong cryptographic algorithms. It was challenging to forecast the future price of bitcoin due to its nonlinearity and extreme volatility. Several recent classic parametric models have been found with limited accuracy. To address the limitations and fill the existing research gaps, there is a need for a good prediction model which will provide the desired accuracy in the case of uncertainty and dynamism. This research suggested a deep learning-based framework for predicting and forecasting Bitcoin price. The research will be helpful for worldwide consumers and industries to take their decision on whether to invest or not. The research utilizes Yahoo! finance dataset for the period of 01-03-2016 to 26-02-2021 having 1828 samples. The experimental outcomes of the proposed Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model outperformed similar deep learning models by securing minimum loss and confirming that it can be used for future price prediction of the cryptocurrencies, which is helpful for the buyer to take their decision.
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Due to price volatility and changeability, it is hard to predict the price of a cryptocurrency. Clients use hundreds of different cryptocurrencies all over the world. In this piece, we focus on three of the most popular ones. Every transaction gives fake or faked products a chance to get into the supply chain and the industry. Wholesalers connect with and deliver to thousands of pharmacies and dispensers. This saves the drug companies the trouble of sending each drug to a different pharmacy. Instead, they can send large batches of drugs to a smaller number of wholesalers. Once the product is in the hands of the wholesaler, it can offer a variety of services, such as drug distribution, electronic order services, and repackaging. One of the most disruptive technologies of the 21st century is Bitcoin, with its decentralised computing model for trading digital currencies. This paper shows a new way to make a prediction model for Bitcoin transactions called RNN by using deep neural networks to learn how Bitcoin transactions are represented in networks. One way to reach our goal is to use a deep neural network (DNN) to find important hidden features in Bitcoin transactions, related accounts, transaction amounts, and the temporal and spatial properties of transactions. Our DNN model for predicting transactions is made up of three main tasks.
Conference Paper
Cryptocurrency is an intangible form of digital currency based on blockchain technology and become an alternative to the traditional exchange of currency. It is decentralized in nature which makes it more flexible to use as it eliminates the role of banks, cryptocurrency cannot be affected by the government crises and has less devaluation. In recent years, it is obvious that the popularity of cryptocurrencies have been increasing for a little while. It frequently participated in companies and stock industries thus becoming a critical element. The accurate prediction will assist investors to make the right choice but the uncertainty and dynamism makes the price prediction difficult. Deep Learning techniques have been used progressively in this area, due to its flexibility of features and ability to provide high quality of recommendations which is based on interaction with a neural network. The properties which make neural architecture effective are end-to-end differentiable and provide learning biases to input data type. In this paper, deep learning models are used for cryptocurrency price prediction using LSTM (Long Short Term Memory), Bidirectional LSTM and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU). The trained model focuses on accurately prediction of prices by maintaining high accuracy. The experiment is done on a real time dataset. RMSE and MAPR are used as evaluation metrics for the models. The comparison between the models shows that the performance of GRU is best among them as it has lowest MAPE and RMSE that indicates that the accuracy of the model is best and considered as a good model fit for prediction.
Conference Paper
The world first decentralized currency - cryptocurrency brings us the new era of a mode of exchange. It has been included many technologies like bitcoin, ethereum, and hyper ledger. Due to its rising popularity and demand, people are often curious to know the future price of these coins to make a good deal with them. The future price of bitcoin would help investors as well as corporate to get an overview of the demand and role in the economy. Many researchers have investigated various solutions that will predict the future price of bitcoin. But, the solutions achieved low accuracy. This paper main aim is to propose a prediction model that will predict the future price of bitcoin. The model is based on the deep learning approaches. The proposed model included four different deep learning models. These models are Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Bidirectional LSTM, Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), and Bidirectional GRU. The performance of the prediction models is computed and it found Bi-GRU gave the best-predicted results.
Conference Paper
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ZET Blokzinciri, merkezi olmayan şifreleme platformları için anahtar bir teknolojidir. Blokzincirleri, çeşitli ve merkezi olmayan blokların bir kriptoloji algoritması ile birbirine bağlanması ile oluşmaktadır. İşlemler bu bloklar arasında gerçekleşir, bloklar bir genel anahtar kullanılarak ayırt edilebilen benzersiz hash kimliklerine sahiptir. Blokzinciri teknolojisinin en önemli hedeflerinden biri, merkezi olmayan bir sistem oluşturmaktır. Böylelikle merkezileştirilmiş organizasyonlarda var olan yüksek maliyet, verimsizlik ve güvensiz veri depolama sorunlarına çözümler sunar. Blokzinciri teknolojilerinin bir diğer önemli uygulaması ise kripto varlıklar olarak adlandırılan kripto para birimleridir. Kripto para birimleri yatırımcılardan gittikçe daha fazla ilgi görmeye başlamıştır. Kripto para birimleri, merkezi parasal otoritelerin etkisi olmadan para transfer etmek için kriptografi kullanan merkezi olmayan dijital varlıklardır. Bitcoin blokzinciri, verileri ekonomik bir kaynağa dönüştüren ilk merkezi olmayan defterdir. Bu çalışmada kripto para sistemi içerisinde en önemli iki kripto para olan Bitcoin(BTC) ve Ethereum (ETH) ile birlikte Ripple (XRP) analiz edilmiştir. Analiz için üç farklı regresyon yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Bu yöntemler Çoklu Lineer, Polynomial Regresyon ve Gradient Boosted Trees. Çalışmada veri seti olarak, belirlenen üç kripto paraya ait 01/01/2019-27/04/2021 arası döneme ait veriler kullanılmıştır. Çoklu Linear Regresyon MAPE değerleri BTC için 0.0086, ETH için 0.0116 ve XRP için 0.0203 olarak bulunmuştur. Polynomial Regresyon için MAPE değerleri BTC için 0.0048, ETH için 0.0064 ve XRP için 0.0413, Gradient Boosted Trees MAPE değerleri BTC için 0.0083, ETH için 0.0117 ve XRP için 0.0116 olarak belirlenmiştir. Blockchain is a key technology for decentralized encryption platforms. Blockchains are formed by connecting various and decentralized blocks with a cryptology algorithm. Transactions occur between these blocks, blocks have unique hash IDs that can be distinguished using a public key. One of the most important goals of blockchain technology is to create a decentralized system. In this way, it provides solutions to the high cost, inefficiency and insecure data storage problems that exist in centralized organizations. Another important application of blockchain technologies is cryptocurrencies called crypto assets. Cryptocurrencies are getting more and more attention from investors. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized digital entities that use cryptography to transfer money without the influence of central monetary authorities. The Bitcoin blockchain is the first decentralized ledger to turn data into an economic resource. In this study, Ripple was analyzed along with Bitcoin and Etherum, the two most important cryptocurrencies in the cryptocurrency system. Three different regression methods were used for the analysis. These methods were used in Linear, Polynomial Regression, and Gradient-Boosted Trees. Data from 01/01/2019 to 27/04/2021 of three cryptocurrencies identified as data sets were used in the study. Multiple Linear regression MAPE values were 0.0086 for BTC, 0.0116 for ETH, and 0.0203 for XRP, Polynomial regression, MAPE values were 0.0048 for BTC, 0.0064 for ETH and 0.0413 for XRP, Gradient Boosted Trees MAPE values were 0.0083 for BTC, 0.0117 for ETH, and 0.0116 for XRP.
This comprehensive encyclopedia, with over 250 entries in an A-Z format, provides easy access to relevant information for those seeking entry into any aspect within the broad field of machine learning. Most entries in this preeminent work include useful literature references.Topics for the Encyclopedia of Machine Learning were selected by a distinguished international advisory board. These peer-reviewed, highly-structured entries include definitions, illustrations, applications, bibliographies and links to related literature, providing the reader with a portal to more detailed information on any given topic.The style of the entries in the Encyclopedia of Machine Learning is expository and tutorial, making the book a practical resource for machine learning experts, as well as professionals in other fields who need to access this vital information but may not have the time to work their way through an entire text on their topic of interest.The authoritative reference is published both in print and online. The print publication includes an index of subjects and authors. The online edition supplements this index with hyperlinks as well as internal hyperlinks to related entries in the text, CrossRef citations, and links to additional significant research.
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