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Design for Resilience: Mapping the Needs of Brazilian Communities to Tackle COVID-19 Challenges


Abstract and Figures

The COVID-19 pandemic brought the urgency in the search for innovative solutions in different areas of knowledge to mitigate the effects and impacts of the disease, whether on health, social or economic terms. Urban and socioeconomic determinants of informal-settlement communities make COVID-19 challenges even harder to be overcome, requiring local and situated solutions that consider their livelihood diversity. This manuscript shows the results of an exploratory pilot study which addressed the potential of participatory design to contribute to mitigating COVID-19 effects and impacts, identifying the problems, adaptative strategies, challenges for and needs of Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte communities. It was drawn from triangulation of methods and analysis of multiple (primary and secondary) data sources. The needs of communities were raised through online roundtables with community members, representatives of NGOs, designers, architects and researchers. Analysis of the roundtables was conducted collaboratively by the researchers through online tools, including Affinity Mapping, and 5 Whys. The findings point out the needs of communities clustered in 6 major themes, five of which indicate potential areas in which participatory design can play a meaningful role and need to be further investigated.
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Design for Resilience: Mapping the Needs of
Brazilian Communities to Tackle COVID-19
Mariana Fonseca Braga a * | Eduardo Romeiro Filho b
Rosângela Míriam L.O. Mendonça c | Lorena Gomes Ribeiro de Oliveira c
Haddon Galvão Guimarães Pereira d
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page 374
Fonseca Braga, M., Romeiro Filho,
E., Mendonça, R. M. L. O., Oliveira,
R. G. L. & Pereira, H. G. G. (2020).
Design for Resilience: Mapping the
Needs of Brazilian Communities to
Tackle COVID-19 Challenges.
Strategic Design Research Journal.
Volume 13, number 03, September
– December 2020. 374-386. DOI:
1.1. COVID-19
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page 375
Fonseca Braga, M., Romeiro Filho,
E., Mendonça, R. M. L. O., Oliveira,
R. G. L. & Pereira, H. G. G. (2020).
Design for Resilience: Mapping the
Needs of Brazilian Communities to
Tackle COVID-19 Challenges.
Strategic Design Research Journal.
Volume 13, number 03, September
– December 2020. 374-386. DOI:
1.2. Informal-settlement communities
!1! !ABAB&(! 
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1.3. Participatory design for community resilience
  !   :   !             
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page 376
Fonseca Braga, M., Romeiro Filho,
E., Mendonça, R. M. L. O., Oliveira,
R. G. L. & Pereira, H. G. G. (2020).
Design for Resilience: Mapping the
Needs of Brazilian Communities to
Tackle COVID-19 Challenges.
Strategic Design Research Journal.
Volume 13, number 03, September
– December 2020. 374-386. DOI:
%    !! 4   !1!    
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page 377
Fonseca Braga, M., Romeiro Filho,
E., Mendonça, R. M. L. O., Oliveira,
R. G. L. & Pereira, H. G. G. (2020).
Design for Resilience: Mapping the
Needs of Brazilian Communities to
Tackle COVID-19 Challenges.
Strategic Design Research Journal.
Volume 13, number 03, September
– December 2020. 374-386. DOI:
A *!!N4!!!4(
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page 378
Fonseca Braga, M., Romeiro Filho,
E., Mendonça, R. M. L. O., Oliveira,
R. G. L. & Pereira, H. G. G. (2020).
Design for Resilience: Mapping the
Needs of Brazilian Communities to
Tackle COVID-19 Challenges.
Strategic Design Research Journal.
Volume 13, number 03, September
– December 2020. 374-386. DOI:
*4   
!!!  :!6! !
Table 1: Belo Horizonte (BH) online roundtable
Roundtable role Gender Related Community / Role
Participant 1 Male Community A / NGO representative and community member
Participant 2 Male Community A / NGO representative
Participant 3 Female Community B / Kindergarten teacher, community member and volunteer
Participant 4 Male Community B / NGO representative and community member
Mediator Female Lancaster University / Research Associate
Time moderator Male UFMG / Master student
Observer 1 Male UFMG / Professor
Observer 2 Female UEMG / Professor
Observer 3 Female UEMG / PhD candidate
Table 2: Rio de Janeiro (RJ) online roundtable
Roundtable role Gender Related Community / Role
Participant 5 Female Community C / Nurse, doula and community member
Participant 6 Female Community D / Journalist and community member
Participant 7 Male Community D / NGO representative and community member
Participant 8 Female Community D / Educational project founder and community member
Participant 9 Female Community E / Social movement representative and community member
Mediator Female Lancaster University / Research Associate
Time moderator Male UFMG / Master student
Observer 2 Female UEMG / Professor
Observer 3 Female UEMG / PhD candidate
Note: informal-settlement community E refers to an occupied building in RJ. The notes regarding this informal
settlement specifically are identified as ‘RJ (building)’ on the maps (results).
*!!4:! * 4 
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page 379
Fonseca Braga, M., Romeiro Filho,
E., Mendonça, R. M. L. O., Oliveira,
R. G. L. & Pereira, H. G. G. (2020).
Design for Resilience: Mapping the
Needs of Brazilian Communities to
Tackle COVID-19 Challenges.
Strategic Design Research Journal.
Volume 13, number 03, September
– December 2020. 374-386. DOI:
?    !!?  !  4      !  1 
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Figure 1. Theme 1: news arrival - sources of information, means of communication and impact on
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E., Mendonça, R. M. L. O., Oliveira,
R. G. L. & Pereira, H. G. G. (2020).
Design for Resilience: Mapping the
Needs of Brazilian Communities to
Tackle COVID-19 Challenges.
Strategic Design Research Journal.
Volume 13, number 03, September
– December 2020. 374-386. DOI:
Figure 2. Theme 2: prevention.
Figure 3. Theme 3: diagnosis and treatment.
Figure 4. Theme 4: support (public sector, institutions and other organisations).
page 381
Fonseca Braga, M., Romeiro Filho,
E., Mendonça, R. M. L. O., Oliveira,
R. G. L. & Pereira, H. G. G. (2020).
Design for Resilience: Mapping the
Needs of Brazilian Communities to
Tackle COVID-19 Challenges.
Strategic Design Research Journal.
Volume 13, number 03, September
– December 2020. 374-386. DOI:
Figure 5. Areas of challenges.
Figure 6. Needs related (a) to themes 1, 2, 3 and (b) to themes 4, 5, 6.
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E., Mendonça, R. M. L. O., Oliveira,
R. G. L. & Pereira, H. G. G. (2020).
Design for Resilience: Mapping the
Needs of Brazilian Communities to
Tackle COVID-19 Challenges.
Strategic Design Research Journal.
Volume 13, number 03, September
– December 2020. 374-386. DOI:
+!  ! 
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page 383
Fonseca Braga, M., Romeiro Filho,
E., Mendonça, R. M. L. O., Oliveira,
R. G. L. & Pereira, H. G. G. (2020).
Design for Resilience: Mapping the
Needs of Brazilian Communities to
Tackle COVID-19 Challenges.
Strategic Design Research Journal.
Volume 13, number 03, September
– December 2020. 374-386. DOI:
* T  
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page 384
Fonseca Braga, M., Romeiro Filho,
E., Mendonça, R. M. L. O., Oliveira,
R. G. L. & Pereira, H. G. G. (2020).
Design for Resilience: Mapping the
Needs of Brazilian Communities to
Tackle COVID-19 Challenges.
Strategic Design Research Journal.
Volume 13, number 03, September
– December 2020. 374-386. DOI:
&!)!"& 3KEEFD1E;K
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page 385
Fonseca Braga, M., Romeiro Filho,
E., Mendonça, R. M. L. O., Oliveira,
R. G. L. & Pereira, H. G. G. (2020).
Design for Resilience: Mapping the
Needs of Brazilian Communities to
Tackle COVID-19 Challenges.
Strategic Design Research Journal.
Volume 13, number 03, September
– December 2020. 374-386. DOI:
)$*!*7 ADABAB
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page 386
... Policies that provide access to basic and key services (i.e. health, education, etc), which are harder for disadvantaged communities to attain have not addressed the digital divide (Fonseca Braga et al., 2020, 2021. Moreover, tackling the pandemic requires a global effort in science and technology development, economic and social cooperation as well as coordination. ...
... Conversations encompassed: sources of information, communication means and impacts on routine; prevention; diagnosis and treatment; support, and change. The analysis of these conversations was conducted through design methods such as affinity and mind mapping (for details about these please see Fonseca Braga et al., 2020;Fonseca Braga et al., 2021) that identified and synthesised communities' problems, adaptive strategies, needs and the related areas of challenges regarding each topic through crossreference. Finally, maps showing communities' problems, challenges, adaptative strategies and needs and their interrelations during and beyond the pandemic were made and validated with participants through a third roundtable that enabled reflection, further discussion, and sense-making in a participatory process (please see Fonseca Braga et al., 2020 for further information on these specific maps). ...
... This paper expands into key design capabilities that were not addressed in prior related work (Fonseca Braga et al., 2020;Fonseca Braga et al., 2021) and that we consider crucial to supporting the 'making' of dialogic practices and policies necessary to build or enhance community resilience. We understand that informal-settlement communities have been playing a critical role in mitigating the pandemic impacts in their territories. ...
... It should also identify, engage, and strengthen the capacity of local communities to learn from local vulnerabilities, social risks, and impacts of disasters and transform positively towards improving community welfare [64]. The local community must design mitigation in COVID-19 to define its problems, challenges, and adaptation funds to mitigate COVID-19, and build community resilience [65]. ...
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This article aims to examine the existing current studies in urban community resilience related to the pandemic (COVID-19 Pandemic) and to raise a sense of urgency in future research for the model building of urban community resilience during the next pandemic if any. Our review is based on 47 articles considered eligible following inclusion and exclusion criteria after identifying, screening, and prioritizing the title and abstract of 703 records. The insights are organized by three indicators that affect community resilience. The first is the urban community’s vulnerabilities during a particular pandemic. Second, the types of community organizations in dealing with the impact of the pandemic. Third, key dimensions to build community resilience. We draw some intriguing takes for future research that needs to focus on community resilience after the pandemic cases have hit the ground, as a need to draw lessons for the new normal and future challenges and to examine the social learning and transformation process to establish community resilience.
Background Community engagement and involvement (CEI) was crucial for the COVID-19 pandemic response, particularly among the urban poor in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs). However, no evidence synthesis explores how CEI can benefit public health emergencies. Objective We conducted a systematic scoping review of the CEI with an emphasis on stakeholder identification, accountability mapping, the support system, and the engagement process among urban poor populations in LMICs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods We searched eleven databases, including PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and CINAHL, following the PRISMA-2020 guidelines to find articles published between November 2019 and August 2021. PROSPERO registration No: CRD42021283599. We performed the quality assessment using a mixed-method appraisal tool. We synthesized the findings using thematic framework analysis. Results We identified 6490 records. After the title and abstract screening, 133 studies were selected for full-text review, and finally, we included 30 articles. Many stakeholders were involved in COVID-19 support, particularly for health care, livelihoods, and WASH infrastructure, and their accountability mapping by adopting an interest – influence matrix. This review emphasizes the significance of meaningful CEI in designing and implementing public health efforts for pandemic management among urban slum populations. The interest – influence matrix findings revealed that specific community volunteers, community-based organizations, and civil society organizations had high interest but less influence, indicating that it is necessary to recognize and engage them. Conclusion Motivation is crucial for those with high influence but less interest, such as corporate responsibility/conscience and private food supply agencies, for the health system’s preparedness plan among urban populations.
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Purpose To survey healthcare workers (HCW) on availability and use of personal protective equipment (PPE) caring for COVID-19 patients in the intensive care unit (ICU). Materials and method A web-based survey distributed worldwide in April 2020. Results We received 2711 responses from 1797 (67%) physicians, 744 (27%) nurses, and 170 (6%) Allied HCW. For routine care, most (1557, 58%) reportedly used FFP2/N95 masks, waterproof long sleeve gowns (1623; 67%), and face shields/visors (1574; 62%). Powered Air-Purifying Respirators were used routinely and for intubation only by 184 (7%) and 254 (13%) respondents, respectively. Surgical masks were used for routine care by 289 (15%) and 47 (2%) for intubations. At least one piece of standard PPE was unavailable for 1402 (52%), and 817 (30%) reported reusing single-use PPE. PPE was worn for a median of 4 h (IQR 2, 5). Adverse effects of PPE were associated with longer shift durations and included heat (1266, 51%), thirst (1174, 47%), pressure areas (1088, 44%), headaches (696, 28%), Inability to use the bathroom (661, 27%) and extreme exhaustion (492, 20%). Conclusions HCWs reported widespread shortages, frequent reuse of, and adverse effects related to PPE. Urgent action by healthcare administrators, policymakers, governments and industry is warranted.
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The COVID-19 pandemic represents a massive global health crisis. Because the crisis requires large-scale behaviour change and places significant psychological burdens on individuals, insights from the social and behavioural sciences can be used to help align human behaviour with the recommendations of epidemiologists and public health experts. Here we discuss evidence from a selection of research topics relevant to pandemics, including work on navigating threats, social and cultural influences on behaviour, science communication, moral decision-making, leadership, and stress and coping. In each section, we note the nature and quality of prior research, including uncertainty and unsettled issues. We identify several insights for effective response to the COVID-19 pandemic and highlight important gaps researchers should move quickly to fill in the coming weeks and months.
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The informal settlements of the Global South are the least prepared for the pandemic of COVID-19 since basic needs such as water, toilets, sewers, drainage, waste collection, and secure and adequate housing are already in short supply or non-existent. Further, space constraints, violence, and overcrowding in slums make physical distancing and self-quarantine impractical, and the rapid spread of an infection highly likely. Residents of informal settlements are also economically vulnerable during any COVID-19 responses. Any responses to COVID-19 that do not recognize these realities will further jeopardize the survival of large segments of the urban population globally. Most top-down strategies to arrest an infectious disease will likely ignore the often-robust social groups and knowledge that already exist in many slums. Here, we offer a set of practice and policy suggestions that aim to (1) dampen the spread of COVID-19 based on the latest available science, (2) improve the likelihood of medical care for the urban poor whether or not they get infected, and (3) provide economic, social, and physical improvements and protections to the urban poor, including migrants, slum communities, and their residents, that can improve their long-term well-being. Immediate measures to protect residents of urban informal settlements, the homeless, those living in precarious settlements, and the entire population from COVID-19 include the following: (1) institute informal settlements/slum emergency planning committees in every urban informal settlement; (2) apply an immediate moratorium on evictions; (3) provide an immediate guarantee of payments to the poor; (4) immediately train and deploy community health workers; (5) immediately meet Sphere Humanitarian standards for water, sanitation, and hygiene; (6) provide immediate food assistance; (7) develop and implement a solid waste collection strategy; and (8) implement immediately a plan for mobility and health care. Lessons have been learned from earlier pandemics such as HIV and epidemics such as Ebola. They can be applied here. At the same time, the opportunity exists for public health, public administration, international aid, NGOs, and community groups to innovate beyond disaster response and move toward long-term plans.
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In the wake of community coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) transmission in the United States, there is a growing public health concern regarding the adequacy of resources to treat infected cases. Hospital beds, intensive care units (ICUs), and ventilators are vital for the treatment of patients with severe illness. To project the timing of the outbreak peak and the number of ICU beds required at peak, we simulated a COVID-19 outbreak parameterized with the US population demographics. In scenario analyses, we varied the delay from symptom onset to self-isolation, the proportion of symptomatic individuals practicing self-isolation, and the basic reproduction number R0 . Without self-isolation, when R0 = 2.5, treatment of critically ill individuals at the outbreak peak would require 3.8 times more ICU beds than exist in the United States. Self-isolation by 20% of cases 24 h after symptom onset would delay and flatten the outbreak trajectory, reducing the number of ICU beds needed at the peak by 48.4% (interquartile range 46.4–50.3%), although still exceeding existing capacity. When R0 = 2, twice as many ICU beds would be required at the peak of outbreak in the absence of self-isolation. In this scenario, the proportional impact of self-isolation within 24 h on reducing the peak number of ICU beds is substantially higher at 73.5% (interquartile range 71.4–75.3%). Our estimates underscore the inadequacy of critical care capacity to handle the burgeoning outbreak. Policies that encourage self-isolation, such as paid sick leave, may delay the epidemic peak, giving a window of time that could facilitate emergency mobilization to expand hospital capacity.
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Outbreak to pandemic In response to global dispersion of severe acute respiratory syndrome–coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), quarantine measures have been implemented around the world. To understand how travel and quarantine influence the dynamics of the spread of this novel human virus, Chinazzi et al. applied a global metapopulation disease transmission model to epidemiological data from China. They concluded that the travel quarantine introduced in Wuhan on 23 January 2020 only delayed epidemic progression by 3 to 5 days within China, but international travel restrictions did help to slow spread elsewhere in the world until mid-February. Their results suggest that early detection, hand washing, self-isolation, and household quarantine will likely be more effective than travel restrictions at mitigating this pandemic. Science , this issue p. 395
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Purpose Participatory action research can improve scientific knowledge and community capacity to address disaster resilience and environmental justice. Evidence from the literature suggests that resident participation enhances assessment of environmental risks, raises awareness and empowers residents to fight for equitable distribution of hazard and climate risk adaptations. Yet, risk assessment and urban planning processes still frequently operate within expertise-driven groups without significant community engagement. Such fragmentation results in part from a lack of appreciation for community expertise in built environment adaptations and educational tools to support resident involvement in the often technical built environment planning processes. Design/methodology/approach A participatory research and place-based education project was developed that enhanced co-learning between residents and researchers while collecting and analyzing local data on flood resilience in the built environment. Five research activities constitute the curriculum of resilience education on stormwater infrastructure: establishment of partnership agreement/memorandum of understanding, participatory GIS to identify flooding issues, water quality testing and health survey, stormwater infrastructure assessment and urban/landscape design. Partners included high school and college students, residents and environmental justice organizations. Findings Outcomes include a stakeholder-approved infrastructure assessment smartphone application, neighborhood maps of drainage issues, a report of water containments and neighborhood-scaled green infrastructure provisions and growth plans. Findings indicate that participatory research positively contributed to resilience knowledge of participants. Originality/value This paper outlines an interdisciplinary pedagogical strategy for resilience planning that engages residents to assess and monitor the performance of stormwater infrastructure and create resilience plans. The paper also discusses challenges and opportunities for similar participatory projects.
Responding to coastal hazards is a daily challenge for populations in low-lying coastal areas all over the globe. How local communities develop accommodating strategies for these hazards remains largely under-emphasized. Filling this knowledge gap is vital to connect the big picture science of sea-level rise with the adaptation needs and capabilities of affected communities. This paper contributes new understanding by presenting the results of original, mixed-methods research (a household survey and focus group discussions) that documents the accommodating strategies of communities and households in the Semarang Bay on northern Java. We find that participatory capacity and self-organization are key factors in enabling communities to live in unstable environments. Coastal hazards have become a normal element of live and are not perceived as severe risks. Rather than retreating or gaining permanent protection, people found ways to accommodate to and hence live with floods. This result adds an important dimension to contemporary theorization of responding to coastal hazards. Although the IPCC (2014) acknowledges ‘accommodating’ as one form of adaptation alongside ‘retreating’ and ‘protecting’, it tends to be overlooked as temporary and insubstantial compared with the latter responses. This research finds that accommodating strategies, such as informal loans, are effective means for people to maintain their livelihoods in hazard-affected coastal areas on a more substantial basis than recognized in much of the literature. We therefore argue that accommodating should be distinguished from both long-term adaptation and short-term coping and deserves elevated consideration by researchers examining hazard response modes among coastal populations.
Designers are increasingly involved in designing alternative futures for their cities, together with or self-organized by citizens. This article discusses the fact that (groups of) citizens often lack the support or negotiation power to engage in or sustain parts of these complex design processes. Therefore the “capabilities” of these citizens to collectively visualize, reflect, and act in these processes need to be strengthened. We discuss our design process of “democratic dialogues” in Traces of Coal–a project that researches and designs together with the citizens an alternative spatial future for a partially obsolete railway track in the Belgian city of Genk. This process is framed in a Participatory Design approach and, more specifically, in what is called “infrastructuring,” or the process of developing strategies for the long-term involvement of participants in the design of spaces, objects, or systems. Based on this process, we developed a typology of how the three clusters of capabilities (i.e., visualize, reflect, and act) are supported through democratic dialogues in PD processes, linking them to the roles of the designer, activities, and used tools.
In Designs for the Pluriverse Arturo Escobar presents a new vision of design theory and practice aimed at channeling design's world-making capacity toward ways of being and doing that are deeply attuned to justice and the Earth. Noting that most design—from consumer goods and digital technologies to built environments—currently serves capitalist ends, Escobar argues for the development of an “autonomous design” that eschews commercial and modernizing aims in favor of more collaborative and placed-based approaches. Such design attends to questions of environment, experience, and politics while focusing on the production of human experience based on the radical interdependence of all beings. Mapping autonomous design’s principles to the history of decolonial efforts of indigenous and Afro-descended people in Latin America, Escobar shows how refiguring current design practices could lead to the creation of more just and sustainable social orders.