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Carbon Footprint on Denim Manufacturing


Abstract and Figures

Carbon footprint, also called carbon profile, defines the overall amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with a product throughout the entire supply chain, from raw materials to end-of-life recovery and disposal. Electricity production in power plants, heating with fossil fuels, transport operations, other industrial and agricultural processes, among others, cause these emissions. Indicators such as the global warming potential (GWP) are used to quantify the carbon footprint. As defined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, GWP is an indicator that reflects the relative effect of a GHG in terms of climate change considering a fixed time period, such as 100 years (GWP100). The GWP for different emissions can then be added together to give a single indicator that expresses the overall contribution of these emissions to climate change. Denim garments are the most popular clothing worldwide; many countries are taking measures to reduce carbon emissions through the use of organic cotton, environmentally friendly methods of manufacturing, and optimized denim manufacturing. Carbon credits have been adopted by denim manufacturers; this helps them to achieve overall goals of carbon emissions. This chapter explains the concept of carbon footprint in denim manufacturing and describes case studies, difficulties facing the industry, and optimized denim manufacturing techniques that reduce the carbon footprint.
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Carbon Footprint on Denim Manufacturing
Aravin Prince Periyasamy and Gopalakrishnan Duraisamy
Introduction ....................................................................................... 2
Concept of the Carbon Footprint .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Evaluation of the Carbon Footprint ........................................................... 4
Product Life Cycle .. . ............................................................................. 5
Raw Material Procurement .. . ................................................................ 5
Manufacturing ................................................................................. 6
Spinning ....................................................................................... 8
Coloration of Denim and Fabric Formation .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Garmenting and Washing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Consumer Use and Disposal .................................................................. 12
Calculating the Carbon Footprint .. .............................................................. 13
Functional Unit ................................................................................ 13
System Boundaries for the Carbon Footprint .. .............................................. 13
Production Phase .............................................................................. 13
Climate Change .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 14
Interpretation and Conclusion of Results ........................................................ 15
Challenges ..................................................................................... 16
Conclusion and Further Outlook .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 16
References .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 17
Carbon footprint, also called carbon prole, denes the overall amount of carbon
dioxide and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with a product
throughout the entire supply chain, from raw materials to end-of-life recovery and
A. P. Periyasamy (*)
Departmental of Material Engineering, Faculty of Textile Engineering, Technical University
Liberec, Liberec, Czech Republic
G. Duraisamy
Department of Fashion Technology, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
#Springer International Publishing AG 2018
L. M. T. Martínez et al. (eds.), Handbook of Ecomaterials,
disposal. Electricity production in power plants, heating with fossil fuels, trans-
port operations, other industrial and agricultural processes, among others, cause
these emissions. Indicators such as the global warming potential (GWP) are used
to quantify the carbon footprint. As dened by the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change, GWP is an indicator that reects the relative effect of a GHG in
terms of climate change considering a xed time period, such as 100 years
(GWP100). The GWP for different emissions can then be added together to
give a single indicator that expresses the overall contribution of these emissions
to climate change. Denim garments are the most popular clothing worldwide;
many countries are taking measures to reduce carbon emissions through the use
of organic cotton, environmentally friendly methods of manufacturing, and
optimized denim manufacturing. Carbon credits have been adopted by denim
manufacturers; this helps them to achieve overall goals of carbon emissions. This
chapter explains the concept of carbon footprint in denim manufacturing and
describes case studies, difculties facing the industry, and optimized denim
manufacturing techniques that reduce the carbon footprint.
Carbon footprint · Carbon credit · Denim manufacturing · Environmental
impacts · Global warming potential · Sustainability
Carbon footprint is the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused directly or
indirectly by an individual or organization during production of products [1]. It is
mostly expressed as a carbon dioxide (CO
) equivalent or tons of CO
[2]. When
driving a car, the engine burns fuel, which creates a certain amount of CO
; that
amount depends on fuel consumption and distance travelled. Using heat to boil oil or
using electricity, gas, or coal generates CO
. The production of foods and goods also
emits some quantities of CO
. The carbon footprint is the sum of all CO
induced by the activities in each time frame. CO
is calculated based on fuel
consumption. The next is to add the CO
emission to the carbon footprint. Other
greenhouse gases (GHGs) such as methane might be emitted and ozone can be
depleted because of human activities. Other GHGs are also taken into account in the
carbon footprint. They are converted to an amount of CO
and referred to as
equivalent CO
an amount that would cause the same effects on global warming.
During the Industrial Revolution, textile manufacturers were neither conscious of
nor bothered by the effects of textile production on the environment, and so they
disposed of chemicals into nearby rivers and water bodies. As a result, environmen-
talism and social consciousness emerged. As a starting point, consumers started to
think of new ways to dispose of, recycle, and reuse clothes. Consumers became
aware of how clothing is produced and in turn of the impact of the process on the
environment, which paved the way to a meticulous lifestyle. Companies reacted to
this lifestyle by providing eco-labels to inform consumers that they care and are
2 A. P. Periyasamy and G. Duraisamy
concerned with sustainability. Over the past decade, environmental issues
(e.g., global warming) have been spotlighted by global society, which has an impact
on other aspects of manufacturing, too. Henceforth, manufacturers enlarged produc-
tion of sustainable products rather than disposable ones. This chapter assesses the
life cycle of denim jeans, as we know that denim is a noteworthy part of the fashion
industry because of its popularity. According to a report from Cotton Inc., U.S.
consumers generally own seven pairs of denim at one time [3]. Life cycle assessment
is a detailed analysis of a product that elaborates the entire lifespan of a product, from
bers to retail. Consequently, this encompasses the production of raw materials and,
in the case of denim, the development process for denim garments, logistics, their
use; it ends with denims reuse, recycling, and disposal. Depending on consumer
behavior, a products use phase and end-of-life disposal phasecritical stages in a
products life cycleare modied. The environment affects each stage of the
manufacturing phase of denim, such as energy and water usage, CO
and waste [4,5].
Concept of the Carbon Footprint
The concept of the carbon footprint revolves around transportation and heating
issues. The fabric gives off a large amount of CO
and other footprint content.
Regarding U.S. Energy Information Administration, the textile industry is the fth
largest contributor to the carbon footprint content within many countries [6]. The
textile industry is large and it produces many GHGs. Textile production is estimated
to produce around 60 billion kg of fabric. The amount of energy and water needed to
produce a boggle of fabric includes 1074 billion kWh of electricity or 132 million
metric tons of coal and 69 trillion L of water. Textiles, including clothing,
accounted for nearly 19.8 tons of total CO
emissions. Therefore it is necessary to
study how to estimate the carbon footprint of a fabricin this case, to consider the
embodied energyof the fabricbecause that gives an idea about the energy
consumption during each process. To estimate the embodied energy, it is important
to know the type of bers used to make the fabric, because that gives an idea about
the energy required to manufacture the bers and yarn. In general, the carbon
footprint varies a lot for different types of bers, so the energy required to produce
them also varies. Next, we have to determine the energy required to spin the yarn into
a fabric, because once a ber has been converted to lament, the amount of energy
needed to convert the lament into a fabric is consistent. Many factors must be
considered for natural bers: preparation of the eld in which the plant was grown,
weed control, pesticide use, and harvesting method; these are major factors in
determining cost. Just 1 ton of nitrogen fertilizer emits about 7 tons of CO
Synthetic bers are mainly made from fossil fuels, and a very large amount of an
energy is needed to take oil from the ground; the energy needed to create synthetic
ber is much higher than that needed to create natural ber [68]. However, denim is
made from many textile bersnamely, cotton, polyester, lyocell, and polyurethane.
Choosing natural bers has two major benets:
Carbon Footprint on Denim Manufacturing 3
They can be easily degraded by microorganism and by other attacks, so the CO
content will be released, whereas man-made bers do not easily release content;
instead, they release some heavy metals, recycling them requires a high cost, and
an estimated 3 tons of CO
emissions produce 1 ton of material to be burned.
Sequestering carbons is the process by which CO
in the upper atmosphere is
absorbed by plants on the Earth and is stored as carbon in biomass. For example,
jute absorbs 2.8 tons of carbon/year.
Substituting organic bers for conventionally grown bers is little better because
it only uses less energy for production, has fewer costs, and emits a slightly smaller
amount of CO
gas. A study found that natural bers emit 43% less GHG than the
conventionally grown bers, and organic bers use 63% of energy used for farming,
which is much less than that used for farming conventional bers. Another study also
stated that in long-term controlled trials, organic farming gave about 100400 tons of
carbon/year; this helps to reduce GHGs present in the environment [13]. The main
thing lies in handling the organic matter; organic matter in soil is based on carbon,
and increasing the amount of organic matter directly relates to carbon sequestration.
Organic farming also helps to reduce environmental impacts and enhance social
responsibility. Organic farming can eliminate the use of synthetic fertilizers and
pesticides, which cause series problems, and can save larges amounts of water,
which can be used instead for irrigation. It also ensures a safe mode of living.
Organic agriculture is being closely examined; studies found that it is a climate
change tool that can be used to ght against global warming. The energy required to
weave different types of ber into fabric is same, since the processing method is
same for nylon, wool, cotton, and polyester [6,7].
Evaluation of the Carbon Footprint
A signicant phase in determining the denim life cycle (see Fig. 1) is GHG emission;
laundering and drying are the main determinants the life cycle of a garment.
Maximal energy is required to wash, dry, and iron denim garments. Throughout
the total life cycle, laundry accounts for 4050% of GHG emissions due to energy
inputs. Machine drying is among the highest energy users producing GHG emis-
sions. The use of renewable or nuclear power for laundering reduces GHG emissions
in a garments life cycle. Hand-washing and dry cleaning require very little energy
and therefore result in few GHG emissions. GHG emissions can change according to
the region and the customers behavior. Studies of denim garments reveal that
laundry is done more frequently than is necessary, which increases total GHG
emissions [6,9,10].
4 A. P. Periyasamy and G. Duraisamy
Product Life Cycle
Raw Material Procurement
Cotton is the main raw material for denim [11]. At times, synthetic materials are used
to regulate additional properties such as comfortable t and durability. One of the
most accepted natural bers used worldwide is cotton. A total of 3% of cultivated
land is used to produce cotton. According to a previous study, natural bers are
environmental friendly, unlike synthetic bers [12]. Each ber is different, with its
own sustainability challenges in the production process that cannot be disregarded.
In general, cotton is a natural ber that is grown, not manufactured (see Fig. 2).
Pesticides and fertilizers are required to achieve the expected quality of cotton,
therefore, even though it is environmentally friendly, it also consumes a large
quantity of water [13].
Fig. 1 Phases of a denim life cycle (reprinted from Periyasamy et al. [6] with the kind permission
of Elsevier Publication)
Carbon Footprint on Denim Manufacturing 5
Based on a data sheet published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the
Organic Consumers Association; cotton is the most toxic crop in the world. Cotton
uses more than 25% of all the insecticides and 12% of all the pesticides applied
worldwide [14,15]. The majority of these insecticides are considered to be the most
toxic chemicals in the world. A total of 729 tons of water are required to produce
1 kg of raw cotton [1618]. It also contributes to global warming potential (GWP),
not only with CO
but also other gases such as N
O and CH
. GWP for cotton
cultivation is 53% of CO
, 45% of N
O, and 2% of CH
[19]. Because of the
aforementioned environmental and health issues, most denim brands are committing
to using organic cotton materials [20,21]. As for synthetic materials, polyester and
polyurethane are the most used in denim manufacturing. Although the manufactur-
ing of these bers requires less water and land, it has other effects on the environ-
ment. In general, synthetic polymers are obtained from nonrenewable resources (e.
g., fossil fuels), and the production of these bers requires an enormous amount of
energy, causing higher GHG emissions (see Fig. 3). Environmental problems in
waste management, such as nonbiodegradability, pose various health and toxicolog-
ical threats that are also negative impacts of the production of synthetic bers [22].
Manufacturing is the process whereby textile bers are converted into yarn, then into
the fabric, and nally into garments (three-dimensional structures). Figure 4shows a
Fig. 2 Life cycle analysis studies of denim made with natural bers.
Fig. 3 Life cycle analysis studies of denim made with synthetic bers
6 A. P. Periyasamy and G. Duraisamy
Fig. 4 Production life cycle for denim (Reprinted from Periyasamy et al. [6] with the kind
permission of Elsevier Publication)
Carbon Footprint on Denim Manufacturing 7
map of each process, which is explained in relation to denim manufacturing with
respect to the inputs and outputs (emission of waste) of the production chain for a
products life cycle.
In general, different process (e.g., opening, carding, combing, drawing, roving, spin-
ning, and winding) are carried out using cotton and other bers to form a yarn,
requiring a large amount of energy [22,23]. The results of the study conducted by
us of GHG emissions with respect to yarn manufacturing from blowroom to yarn
winding from the spinning industry in Coimbatore, India, are shown in Figs. 5and 6.
Among the process, ring spinning machine, rotor spinning machine and winding
machine consume the largest energy, which is nothing but largest GHG emission
Coloration of Denim and Fabric Formation
Denim fabrics have twill structures obtained through a weaving process (see Fig. 7).
Whenever the process of warping is completed, the warp sheets must undergo a
30 29
12 97643
Ring spinning
GHG emission during yarn formation (%)
Ring yarn
Fig. 5 Greenhouse gas emissions during ring yarn manufacturing. SSP supplementary spinning
processes, AF administrative facilities
8 A. P. Periyasamy and G. Duraisamy
sizing process; the sizing box contains natural or synthetic sizing agents such as
polyvinyl alcohol or carboxymethyl cellulose [24,25]. The temperature is high
during the process of coloration. Hence, carbon is engendered during this process
through the generation of steam. A GHG emission study was conducted in the India-
based denim industry, and the results are plotted in Fig. 8, which shows the GHG
emissions during the weaving preparatory process. Among the various process in
Rotor spinning SSP Carding Blowroom Drawing AF
GHG emission during yarn formation (%)
Rotor Yarn
Fig. 6 Greenhouse gas emissions during rotor formation. SSP supplementary spinning processes,
AF administrative facilities
Fig. 7 Typical denim
Carbon Footprint on Denim Manufacturing 9
this phase, dyeing and sizing supply 70%; supplementary process (air compression,
lighting) cause 19%; warping, 5%; and other preweaving processes such as drawing
in and denting, 4%. As far as denim fabrics are concerned, only the warp yarns are
dyed. The warp sheets of denim are generally colored with indigo and sulfur dyes.
The excess dye is removed only after washing it in water after dyeing, which causes
water pollution and wastewater. During indigo dyeing, sodium hydrosulte is added
to reduce the indigo dyes is nothing but, this chemical reaction makes indigo to the
soluble form, therefore, it is possible to carry out the dyeing process [2528]. The
reduced indigo dyes are normally yellow; it turns to blue when exposed to atmo-
spheric air as a result of oxidation [29]. Therefore the dyeing and sizing processes
require steam energy, which contributes 96% of GHG emissions of the total emis-
sions in this phase.
GHG emissions during the weaving process (for denim fabric) were studied in the
denim weaving industry located near Coimbatore, India. The results are plotted in
Fig. 9, showing that the weaving machines, air compressor, and air conditioners
contribute 85% of GHG emissions. However, the air compressor alone contributes
29% of GHG emissions; in general, compressed air is the heart of air-jet looms.
However, these emissions can be reduced to some extent by properly maintaining the
Dyeing and Sizing
Other pre-weaving process
GHG emission during weaving preparation (%)
Fig. 8 Greenhouse gas emissions from the weaving preparation department with respect to
different operations
10 A. P. Periyasamy and G. Duraisamy
Garmenting and Washing
Garment manufacturing,also known as the cut-make-trim stage, is the nal stage
in the denim supply chain. Various operations such as spreading, cutting, sewing,
heat pressing, ironing, and packaging are involved in this process. An important
aspect in the denim supply chain is the logistical activities during the production
stages, from raw materials to nished denim, which are usually situated in diverse
places and countries. Transportation of goods is not only involved in manufacturing;
when a product is completed it has to be sent to wholesalers, retailers, distribution
centers, and shops using different kinds of transportation (e.g., by road, ship, or air)
that all consume various amounts of energy and emit various levels of CO
. Freight
transport is estimated to produce 8% of CO
emissions. In reference to LCA,
transportation is a massive factor in products reaching consumers, and it consumes
a huge amount of oil and gas, the prices of which increase progressively, thereby
increasing transport costs. Diminishing the amount and distance of transport of
goods has a signicant effect; this is popularly known as green logistics,which
ensures the management of a green supply chain [3033].
Weaving machines
Air Compressor
Air Condition
GHG emission during weaving preparation (%)
Fig. 9 Greenhouse gas emissions during the weaving process
Carbon Footprint on Denim Manufacturing 11
Based on the results from the garmenting process presented in Fig. 10, sewing,
washing, and pressing consume the largest amounts of energy, together contributing
about 82% of total GHG emissions. However, the washing/drying process includes
the compressor inputs, belly washing machine, steam generation, and administrative
facilities, whereas the sewing process includes illumination, compressors, and
administrative facilities.
Consumer Use and Disposal
Today, well-meaning people who truly want to protect the environment can be
passionate about what should be done with waste, which they may consider to be
a generic material. Use of the LCA process is geared toward the consumer and is no
longer within the manufacturers control (e.g., passing valued garments on to family,
friends, or charity; re-selling or recycling) and varies among and within regions and
cultures. This phase encourages consumers to buy only when needed and to take care
of clothes to prolong their lifespan. However, most denim clothing is washed in
water every 2 weeks and then disposed of in a landll after 1 year. Most companies
put much emphasis on the care of denim. The main motto at the disposal stage
ensuring recycling and donating in order to reduce the amount of waste going to
542 2 2 2 1
Washing and drying
Inspection & Checking
Pattern printing
GHG emission during garmenting and washing (%)
Fig. 10 Greenhouse gas emissions of the garmenting and further washing process
12 A. P. Periyasamy and G. Duraisamy
landllshelps to positively affect the environment. The most commonly known
waste management strategies are the 3 Rs: reduce, reuse, and recycle; these generally
save energy and money, reduce GHG emissions and global climate change, and,
most important, helps to sustain the environment for future generations. The mean-
ing of recycle is to collect and process materials that are considered trash and turn
them into new products. Recycling saves resources and uses less energy than does
the production of new items. A few companies have recently extracted ber from old
denim (considered trash) for technical applications such as insulation for homes and
civic buildings [6].
Calculating the Carbon Footprint
To calculate the carbon footprint, several data have been considered, for example,
the type and origin of the ber; ber loss during ginning, spinning, and other
process; type of weave structure; weaving machines; sizing (add on a percentage);
type of dyes; depth of shade; desizing (percentage loss), marker efciency during the
cutting process; sundry efciency; chemicals used in and type of washing; weight of
the packaging material; and mode of transport with respect to the entire supply chain.
Functional Unit
The functional units are the items to be analyzed in a study. Therefore, for this study
the functional unit is the production of one pair of jeans with a medium stonewash,
weighing 570 g. The details of the functional units are listed in Table 1.
System Boundaries for the Carbon Footprint
The life cycle of denim jeans from the beginning to the end includes raw materials
extraction, fabric formation, coloration, garment manufacturing, transportation,
retailing, and distribution.
Production Phase
In the production process, the raw material (ber) undergoes many processes during
the conversion to nished product. The number of processes during the production
phase affects the impact on the environment; more processes leads to a larger effect.
The different processes involved in making the nal products are, for example, yarn
formation, fabric formation, coloration, garment manufacturing, and the nishing
Carbon Footprint on Denim Manufacturing 13
Climate Change
One of the major concerns of twenty-rst century is the change in climatic condi-
tions. The textile industry is a major polluting industry that has drawn attention to
changes in climatic conditions, which have resulted in global warming, increased sea
levels, and drastic weather conditions. Increases in the consumption of clothing (i.e.,
textiles) have greatly affected climate changes. Throughout the production of denim,
from the beginning to the nished product, a large amount of carbon is emitted,
which initiates climate change. These changes will affect human health and the
ecosystem, and they increase year by year. This study focuses on the GWP and
measures the emission of CO
and other GHGs into the environment. GHG emission
is inevitable in textile production; as a result it increases the system temperature (i.e.,
ecosystem), causes health hazards to humans and animals, and damages the entire
ecosystem. Changes in climatic conditions with respect to the different phase of
denim production (expressed as kilograms and percentages) are shown in Fig. 11.
Consumers have the greatest impact on climate change; GHG emissions may
increase when consumers use warm water to wash clothes and use a dryer to dry
them; this affects climatic conditions. However, these can be reduced when clothes
are washed with cold water and the dryer is used less often. Therefore, increased CO
emissions are due to factors such as washing with warm water, using a dryer,
washing weekly, and using a conventional washing machine.
In general, washing only after wearing 10 times is a suggestion to strongly reduce
carbon emissions. However, in order to heat the drum to dry jeans, the dryer must use
steam or gas, and a huge amount of energy is required for this purpose. This is
commonly known as the latent heat of vaporization. For example, wet jeans
weighing 2 kg after washing require 1.4 kWh of energy to dry [3436].
Table 1 Functional units for carbon footprint analysis
Functional unit Mens bottom (36-inch waist)
Material 98% cotton, 2% Lycra
Raw material Cotton (from India)
Dye Indigo blue
Finishing Medium stone wash with 3-D nish
Weight of jeans 570 g (~ 20 oz)
Year of production 2015
LCA conducted 2016
Consumer phase India
ISO ISO 14040
ISO International Organization for Standardization, LCA life cycle analysis
14 A. P. Periyasamy and G. Duraisamy
Interpretation and Conclusion of Results
The main focus of an environmental analysis is the LCA. As restrictive eco-stan-
dards are introduced more often, the carbon footprint could be one of the criteria
used to evaluate the environmental changes and caused by the global warming and
cooling potentials. The main aim of this chapter was to assess the carbon footprint of
any product, calculating the energy used to process them from yarn to garment. In
producing a pair of jeans, the fabric production and consumer care stages have the
largest impact on climatic conditions, because of the number of processes that use
resources. Water bodies create nutrient-rich runoff water, which is damaged by the
use of fertilizers and pesticides, which generally affects the oxygen content in the
water, which thereby affects aquatic systems.
Fabric production
Cut & Make
Transport and Retail
Consumer Phase
End of life
emission (kg)
Fig. 11 Climate changes with respect to the different phases of denim production. Fiber cultivation
to harvesting for cotton and chips for ber for Lycra; fabric production spinning, sizing, dyeing, and
Carbon Footprint on Denim Manufacturing 15
This study identies hidden facts about the production of denim as they relate to the
carbon footprint and manufacturing. It drives choices to the consumer, who must
choose products based on their environmental impacts. However, this study can also
help to improve consumer awareness. The promotion of sustainable denim is a key
position of retailershence the increase in eco-design depends on consumer aware-
ness and preferences. When compared with rural people, urban people are more
aware of the environmental impact of their clothing [6,7]. When we discuss
environmental impacts with denim manufacturers, they suggest that the consumer
phase of the denim life cycle has the biggest impact on the carbon footprint. Hence it
is necessary to educate consumers regarding the selection of the clothes they wear
every day; this will change the environmental impact of denim [7,10,23,35].
Conclusion and Further Outlook
The carbon footprints associated with large universities have a major impact on the
environment for our society. Globalization is inevitable and unavoidable in the
present world economic situation. Many industries are affected positively or nega-
tively by the globalization trend. Sustainability has become an essential attribute of
todays textile and clothing industry, the process of transforming the textile industry
into more sustainable one is very sensitive, needs a lot of knowledge, skills and com-
mitment. Sustainable apparel products can be dened as a part of the growing design
philosophy and trend of sustainability, the goal of which is to create a system which
can be supported indenitely in terms of environmentalism and economic responsi-
bility. Conventional textile production is one of the most polluting industries on the
planet. The World Bank estimates that the textile industry is responsible for as much
as 20 percent of industrial pollution in our rivers and land. Environmental impacts
occur throughout the production chain and most attention is paid to water consump-
tion, chemical use, and waste and greenhouse gas emissions. The textile industry has
taken several initiatives to reduce its environmental impact and improve economic
The textile and apparel industries are notorious for their excessive contribution of
waste and pollution to our environment. The unsustainable practices trends of poorly
designed, raw materials selection, processing, manufacturing, and disposing of
apparel product is a major contributing factor to this problem. The responsibility
for ensuring sustainable work environment is reecting from all most sides i.e.,
producers, consumer, buyer, government, nongovernmental agencies. The ongoing
global competition for cleaner and lower price, women work environment and wage
have increased to the satisfactory level for some countries. Hence, growing aware-
ness and leading them towards sustainable practices in the textile and clothing
business for a greener world. Part of the problem is that in todays complex global
supply chains, where clothing is produced worldwide, the consumer has become
further and further removed from producers and the origin of products. Despite the
16 A. P. Periyasamy and G. Duraisamy
textile and fashion industrys challenges, fashion can become more sustainable and
people involved in the apparel supply chain can benet. But in order to create an
economically sustainable fashion industry we need to rethink the way we design,
produce, consume and dispose of fashion, we need to redress fashion, so to speak.
The solution to the problem lies in understanding the real costs of producing fashion.
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18 A. P. Periyasamy and G. Duraisamy
Fashion changes, but denim is here to stay. It is a popular field of fashion despite the periodical changes. Currently, denim is not just a garment, but a fabric for an entire lifestyle. The sad fact is that denim is one of the biggest contributors to pollution from the fashion industry. Currently, the focus is on environmental friendly fashion. Even so, denim industries are still a fast-growing part of the fashion market. The difficulties that lie beneath the vast denim industry range from massive amounts of secondhand trash, unsaleable stock and denim waste that must be processed again. Repurposing denim waste into attractive things, on the other hand, is only a minor portion of the sustainable process. The future of denim is also promising to owe to innovations. Denim continues to be revived throughout the fashion cycle in order to generate new fashion trends. Today's buzzwords are sustainability and recycling, and everyone involved in the apparel supply chain, from manufacturers to customers, is striving to make this a reality. New technologies are being developed to recycle denim fibres while maintaining their quality. Government support has also expanded to include many solid waste management programmes, landfill reduction through reuse and recycling, and environmental laws and regulations. There are many options available to denim enthusiasts today such as Advanced and organic denim, less polluting fabric dyeing and washing processes, zero water technologies, oxygen and ozone washes, recycling processes, eco-denim projects. This chapter focuses on the different sustainability aspects that can be followed in each and every phase of denim product lifecycle, i.e. from raw material to disposal phase and also focuses on the recent studies in the area of sustainable denim development.KeywordsDenimSustainabilityPhases of denim lifecycleDenim technologiesDenim washingDenim careUpcyclingRepurposing of denim
Cotton jeans with huge market demand have a great potential negative impact on the ecological environment, especially in terms of climate change and water depletion. Given the complexity and difficulty of carbon and water footprints assessment in the textile sector due to the plethora of material varieties and life cycle processes involved, previous researchers have embraced process modularity (i.e., decompose life cycle processes into components) as an auxiliary technique. Although modularity enhances overall flexibility and assessment efficiency, a holistic view is missing for the comprehensive consideration of both product production and consumption processes. Moreover, extant studies only take a limited or even a single manufacturing process as a case demonstration, rather than examining the applicability of the modular method throughout the product life cycle. It is therefore unclear how the interaction and assembly of different process modules will unfold when multiple stages are involved. Accordingly, this study extended the research boundary to the whole life cycle of textile products, and verified the feasibility and practicality of the method with a computational case study of a pair of cotton jeans. The results showed that the total impacts of carbon footprint, water scarcity footprint, water eutrophication footprint and water ecotoxicity footprint were 90.37 kg CO2 eq, 13.74 m³ H2O eq, 1.67 × 10⁻² kg PO4³⁻ eq and 112.41 m³ H2O eq respectively; and finishing, cotton cultivation and laundering processes were major contributors to these environmental impacts. The study also demonstrated how different cotton jeans parameter values from the life cycle affect the carbon and water footprints through sensitivity analysis. Furthermore, based on the decomposed modules, 12 common use patterns in China were discussed, which confirmed the superiority of the modular method without recalculation from scratch. The scenario analysis revealed that a combination of top loader machine washing and line drying once a month without ironing for cotton jeans within a two-year lifespan was the most promising alternative. The results obtained in this study can provide methodological and technical guidance for follow-up research and application. In the future, other product categories and impact indicators can be integrated into the modular method.
Polyester is a synthetic material which is produced from the petroleum products. The various environmental impacts are associated with polyester from manufacturing to end of life. Therefore, the manufacturing of recycled polyester (rPET) is an important to process as concerned with environmental impact and also inevitable. The rPET has a wide scope of their potential applications similar to virgin polyester. Generally, life cycle assessment (LCA) technique investigates the environmental impacts of the particular products from its cradle to grave. Therefore, it helps to identify the critical phase which creates the maximum impact on the entire product life cycle. So, it is significant to understand the environmental impact of rPET, nevertheless, LCA on rPET is foreseeable. The data from the LCA can initiate preliminary steps to reduce the environmental burdens from the products, also it provides the detailed information on how it affects the ecosystem. In this chapter we discussed about the LCA on rPET, initially, the brief introduction will be provided about the present manufacturing techniques of rPET. Various issues associated with sustainability of rPET manufacturing, importance and methodology of LCA on rPET were explained in detail. Based on the LCA results, the important parameters with respect to the sustainability of rPET would be present in this chapter.
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In this research, polyvinylamine chloride (PVAmHCl) was used as a physical modification agent on regenerated cellulosic fabric such as modal by a pad-batch process. The modified modal samples were dyed with different reactive dyes containing various reactive groups. The dyeability of the modified modal samples with reactive dyes without electrolyte was significantly improved due to an increase in the ionic attraction between the reactive dyes and modified modal fabrics. It has been confirmed through zeta potential analysis, as well as the result of various fastness properties such as light, wash and rubbing fastness of polyvinylamine chloride pre-treated modal with different reactive dyes are similar to those of untreated modal fabric. Also, the tensile strength, flexural rigidity and crease recovery angle of pretreated sample were determined, out of that crease recovery angle and flexural rigidity of pretreated sample showing significant improvement. In this research, polyvinylamine chloride (PVAmHCl) was used as a physical modification agent on regenerated cellulosic fabric such as modal by a pad-batch process. The modified modal samples were dyed with different reactive dyes containing various reactive groups. The dyeability of the modified modal samples with reactive dyes without electrolyte was significantly improved due to an increase in the ionic attraction between the reactive dyes and modified modal fabrics. It has been confirmed through zeta potential analysis, as well as the result of various fastness properties such as light, wash and rubbing fastness of polyvinylamine chloride pre-treated modal with different reactive dyes are similar to those of untreated modal fabric. Also, the tensile strength, flexural rigidity and crease recovery angle of pretreated sample were determined, out of that crease recovery angle and flexural rigidity of pretreated sample showing significant improvement.
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This paper illustrates the application of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) to understand the green supply chain management (GSCM) practices relating to Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSME) in India. Path Analysis as a special case of SEM has been used here in seeing that the sample moment matrix of our multivariate data fails to be positive definite. Although the research in the area of GSCM has grown in recent years, the literature has yet to furnish an accepted explanation for why green practices are to be manifested in supply chain management given external and internal pressures. This research intends to study whether the greening scores measure a common construct called GSCM and whether external and internal pressures due to stakeholders have any influence on GSCM practices when differences are controlled for different types of MSME and different nature of industries of MSME in India. This study confirms and validates that the lower level of GSCM involvement of Indian MSME can be attributed to lack of the necessary external and internal pressures.
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This paper is to highlight on the awareness of green supply chain in Malaysia. Awareness and readiness of the Malaysian logistics players to practice green activities are very important to ensure sustainability in environmental management. The specific aims of this paper are to: (i) review the extent literature on green logistics and green supply chain and (ii) to identify the readiness of Malaysia logistics industry towards implementing green logistics and green supply chain. Statistical software, SPSS has been used to analyse the data from the constructed questionnaire. The findings will be particularly important in developing environmental readiness for logistics industry.
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Cellulosic regenerated fabric is dyed with reactive dyes require large amount of salt, which pollutes fresh water courses. Due to the hydrolysis of the dye, the dyeing effluent consists of large amount of hydrolyzed dye, and it requires high volume of water to remove the hydrolyzed dye in wash-off process. The Lyocell fabrics were dyed with reactive dyes using conventional method and pre-treating the fabric with Polyvinylamine Chloride (at 5 different concentrations). Pretreated samples were dyed without using salt as an electrolyte. Influence of pretreatment on K/S value, Wash fastness, rubbing fastness, Tensile strength. Flexural rigidity and Crease recovery were determined. It was found that pretreatment of Lyocell fabrics with Polyvinylamine Chloride increases the dye uptake and shows good wash fastness and rubbing fastness. There was a slight increase in crease recovery angle and flexural rigidity in pretreated sample. It is considered that Polyvinylamine Chloride is found to be effective for pretreatment in salt free dyeing of lyocell fabrics.
The consumer phase of the life cycle is a term used to describe the progression of steps a customer goes through when considering, purchasing, using and maintaining a product (here it is jeans). The purpose of this chapter is to propose a rating model that measures the consumer phase of the life-cycle assessment (LCA) for denim, specifically during washing, drying and ironing of textile products. However, various consumer phase activities such as home laundering, pressing and drying were shown to be significantly responsible for environmental impacts. This chapter mainly focuses on the consumer phase of the life cycle, including the major denim producers, global market potentials, denim consumption per capita and consumer phase of the LCA. The consumer phase of the LCA was discussed according to the LCA report by Levi Strauss & Co. In it, they conducted studies in China, France, the United Kingdom and the United States to understand differences in washing, pressing and drying habits. Overall results showed that in the overall life cycle, the consumer phase alone consumes 37% of energy, which causes a huge impact on global climate change. This report also concluded that Americans use more water and energy to wash their jeans than do consumers in China, France and the United Kingdom.
The textile industry has one of the largest environmental impacts in the world. Owing to ecological concerns, it is necessary to find ways to reduce these environmental impacts. This is true of denim because it is made of cotton, which in most cases is a polluting crop dyed with indigo, a dye with a damaging degree of fixation which initiates huge ecological problems. Life-cycle assessments provide data from every stage of a product's life, from the cradle to the grave (i.e., from raw material extraction through cultivation, manufacturing, distribution, use, repair and maintenance, and disposal or recycling). These data can be considered one of the first ways to reduce environmental impacts. Therefore, it is important to know the life-cycle assessment of denim and how it affects the ecosystem. This chapter provides some ideas about the life-cycle assessment and its importance, the life cycle of denim, the life-cycle assessment tool, phases of the life-cycle assessment and a life-cycle assessment of denim with actual data.
The production of denim garments requires a number of processes such as spinning, colouration, weaving and garment finishing. However, there are several health and hazard issues associated with this industry; the hazards and risk involved are high compared with other manufacturing industries. This chapter will look at issues involving threats to the environment and the health hazards of the denim industry, from raw materials to finished products. It first provides an overview of pollution caused by the denim industry. Then it elaborates on health problems and hazards in the denim industry, with a case study. The effects of different chemicals on human health are discussed. Furthermore, it describes different types of denim processing with respect to health concerns. Finally, it describes the responsibilities of brands and designers, which help to save the environment as well as human lives.
Photochromism is a light-induced reversible change in colour defined as: ‘A reversible transformation in a chemical species between two forms having different absorption spectra brought about by photo-irradiation.’ This issue of Textile Progress provides a review of photochromism, the different methods for producing photochromic textiles, their properties, the measurement of kinetic colour changes, and their application in photochromic textiles. Photochromism can be utilised in a variety of textile products from everyday clothing to high-technology applications such as protective textiles, medical textiles, geo-textiles and sports textiles. Although photochromic materials have been used since 1960 to cut down the transmission of light through the lenses in sunglasses, there has been limited further development since that time due to technical difficulties not only in the application of photochromic colourants, but also with the measurement of kinetic colour-changing properties. Renewed interest in photochromic textiles has arisen due to improved commercial potential in particular for applications as photochromic nanofibres, in ‘smart’ textiles and in ‘smart’ clothing.
Accompanying the rapid growth of China’s population and economy, energy consumption and carbon emission increased significantly from 1978 to 2012. China is now the largest energy consumer and CO2 emitter of the world, leading to much interest in researches on the nexus between energy consumption, carbon emissions and low-carbon economy. This article presents the domestic Chinese studies on this hotpot issue, and we obtain the following findings. First, most research fields involve geography, ecology and resource economics, and research contents contained some analysis of current situation, factors decomposition, predictive analysis and the introduction of methods and models. Second, there exists an inverted “U-shaped” curve connection between carbon emission, energy consumption and economic development. Energy consumption in China will be in a low-speed growth after 2035 and it is expected to peak between 6.19–12.13 billion TCE in 2050. China’s carbon emissions are expected to peak in 2035, or during 2020 to 2045, and the optimal range of carbon emissions is between 2.4–3.3 PgC/year (1 PgC=1 billion tons C) in 2050. Third, future research should be focused on global carbon trading, regional carbon flows, reforming the current energy structure, reducing energy consumption and innovating the low-carbon economic theory, as well as establishing a comprehensive theoretical system of energy consumption, carbon emissions and low-carbon economy.
The enlightened consumer, knowing his/her rights, has become conscious of not only the performance of the textile and garments, but also the need for environmental protection and social responsibility while such materials are produced. This chapter explains the significance of environmental textile testing and how it transcends the specific category of performance textiles. It deals with various harmful effects of colorants under banned azo dyes and explains the method of estimation of such colorants. The concept of ecofriendly textile processing stresses the importance of speciality chemicals and finishing auxiliaries which are safe to the environment as well as the wearer. It highlights the methods of estimation of heavy metals and hazardous chemicals and also explains various ecolabels which can give assurance of quality and safety standards to the brands, retailers, and consumers.