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Direct and Indirect Communication
in Multi-Human Multi-Robot Interaction
Jayam Patel Student Member, IEEE, Tyagaraja Ramaswamy, Zhi Li, and Carlo Pinciroli Member, IEEE
Abstract—How can multiple humans interact with multiple
robots? The goal of our research is to create an effective interface
that allows multiple operators to collaboratively control teams of
robots in complex tasks. In this paper, we focus on a key aspect
that affects our exploration of the design space of human-robot
interfaces — inter-human communication. More specifically,
we study the impact of direct and indirect communication on
several metrics, such as awareness, workload, trust, and interface
usability. In our experiments, the participants can engage directly
through verbal communication, or indirectly by representing
their actions and intentions through our interface. We report
the results of a user study based on a collective transport task
involving 18 human subjects and 9 robots. Our study suggests
that combining both direct and indirect communication is the best
approach for effective multi-human / multi-robot interaction.
Index Terms—Multi-human multi-robot interaction, multi-
robot systems
Multi-robot systems are envisioned in scenarios in which
parallelism, scalability, and resilience are key features for
success. Scenarios such as firefighting, search-and-rescue,
construction, and planetary exploration are typically imagined
with teams of robots acting intelligently and autonomously
[1]. However, autonomy is only part of the picture — human
supervision remains necessary to assess the correct progress of
the mission, modify goals, and intervene in case of unexpected
faults that cannot be handled autonomously [2].
Significant work has been devoted to interfaces that allow
single human operators to interact with multiple robots. These
interfaces typically enable intuitive interaction for specific
tasks, such as navigation [3], dispersion [4], and foraging [5].
As the complexity of the tasks involved increases, however, the
amount of information, the number of robots, and the nature
of the interactions is likely to exceed the span of apprehension
of any individual operator [6]. For this reason, it is reasonable
to envision that, in future missions with multi-robot systems,
multiple operators will be involved.
One immediate advantage of multiple operators is the oppor-
tunity to partition a large autonomous system in smaller, more
manageable parts, each assigned to a dedicated operator. A
more interesting insight is that cooperative supervisory control
can exploit individual differences among operators. These
include diversity in cognitive abilities and in the way operators
interact with automation. In this context, the main factors are
(i) the ability to focus and shift attention flexibly, (ii) the ability
The authors are with the Department of Robotics Engineering, Worces-
ter Polytechnic Institute, MA, USA. Email: {jupatel, tramaswamy,
zli11, cpinciroli}@wpi.edu
to process spatial information, and (iii) prior experience with
gaming interfaces [7]. Cooperative supervision that embraces
these factors will be extremely effective.
However, the presence of multiple operators introduces new
and interesting challenges. These include ineffective coopera-
tion among the operators [8], unbalanced workload [9], [10],
and inhomogeneous awareness [11], [12], [13]. Neglecting
these challenges produces an undesirable phenomenon: the
out-of-the-loop (OOTL) performance problem, caused by a
lack of engagement in the task at hand, of awareness of its
state, and of trust in the system and other operators [14], [15].
In this paper, we study the impact of inter-human communi-
cation on several metrics, such as awareness, workload, trust,
and interface usability. Although inter-human communication
has been studied extensively [16], it has sparsely been investi-
gated in the context of multi-robot systems, and, to the best of
our knowledge, no study exists that focuses on mobile teams
of robots.
For the purposes of our work, we categorize communica-
tion in two broad types: direct and indirect. In our exper-
iments, direct communication includes verbal and gesture-
based modalities, and we define it as an explicit exchange
of information among human operators. In contrast, we define
indirect communication as an exchange of information that oc-
curs implicitly, through the mediation of, e.g., a graphical user
interface. Which elements of the graphical user interface foster
efficient indirect communication is a key research question we
study in this paper.
This work offers two main contributions:
1) From the technological point of view, we present a
graphical user interface for multi-robot control, with
features designed to support information-rich indirect
communication among human operators. To the best of
our knowledge, this interface is the first of its kind, in that
it enables effective interaction between multiple humans
and multiple mobile robots in a complex scenario;
2) From the scientific point of view, we study the impact
that direct and indirect communication have both in the
design of novel interfaces and in the performance of the
interaction these interfaces produce.
Our experimental evaluation is based on a study that involved
18 operators, grouped in teams of 2, and 9 real mobile robots
involved in an object transport scenario. This paper takes
advantage of our previous work on multi-granularity [17] inter-
face design, in which we showed which interaction modalities
[18] and which graphical elements of a user interface [19]
provide the best performance in a multi-operator setting.
arXiv:2102.00672v1 [cs.RO] 1 Feb 2021
The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II we discuss
relevant literature on human-robot communication. In Sec. III
we present the design of our interface. In Sec. IV we introduce
the user study, and discuss our main findings in Sec. V. We
conclude the paper in Sec. VI.
Granularity of control. Over the last two decades, HRI re-
search on mobile multi-robot systems has focused on identify-
ing suitable interfaces and investigating methods to effectively
interact the robots. One of the key aspects of these interfaces
is control granularity [2], [20], and it generally includes
robot-oriented, team-oriented, and environment-oriented con-
trol. In robot-oriented control, the operator interacts with a
single robot, either statically predetermined or dynamically
selected [21], [22], [23], [24], [25]. Team-oriented control
allows an operator to assign a goal to a groups of robots as if
the group were a single entity [26], [27], [28]. Environment-
oriented control occurs when the operators modifies the en-
vironment, typically using augmented or mixed reality, to
influence the behavior of the robots or to indicate goals [29],
[2], [17], [18], [19]. These control modalities are typically
studied with a single operator in mind.
Human-robot communication. Research on communica-
tion has mostly focused on the relationship between a human
operator and one or more robots. The distinction we consider
in this paper between direct and indirect communication is
a common aspect of human-robot communication modali-
ties [30], [31]. Notable works include direct human-robot com-
munication through natural language conveyed verbally [32]
and non-verbal communication through social cues [33], facial
expressions [34] and eye gaze [35], [36]. Lakhmani et al.
[37] presented a method for direct communication between
an operator and a robot in which communication can be
either directional or bidirectional. In directional communi-
cation, only the robot can send information to the operator.
In bidirectional communication, the operator and the robot
can send information to each other. The authors reported that
the operator performed better with directional communication
as compared to bidirectional communication. Indirect com-
munication has been studied in several contexts, including:
(i) a human operator attempting to infer the behavior of
the robots [38], [39], and (ii) robots attempting to predict
the actions of the human-in-the-loop [40], [41], [42], [43].
Che et al. [44], compare the effects of direct and indirect
communication between a human and a robot in a navigation
task. In this work, the human acts as a bystander and the
robot must navigate around the human. The robot can either
indirectly predict the human’s direction of movement and
navigate around, or can directly notify the human about its
intentions of moving in a direction. The authors reported
that the combination of indirect and direct communication
positively impacts the humans performance and trust.
Conflicts among multiple operators. To the best of our
knowledge, analogous studies in communication that focus
on multiple human operators are currently missing. The most
notable works in multi-human multi-robot interaction concern
inter-operator conflict in scenarios in which the operators do
not communicate. A conflict might arise when multiple oper-
ators wish to control the same robot or specify incompatible
goals. If communication is not possible, pre-assigning robots
among operators is a possible solution. Lee et al. [45] compare
the performance of two scenarios: in one, the operators control
robots from a shared pool of robots; and the other, the oper-
ators have disjoint assigned pools. The operators can engage
with robots in a robot-oriented fashion and manipulate one
robot at a time. Lee et al.’s findings show that the performance
of the operators is better when they can manipulate robots from
the assigned pools. Their performance drops when they control
robots from the shared pool, due to the risk of specifying
conflicting goals for the same robots. In a similar vein, You
et al. [46] study a scenario in which two operators control
separate robots, and with them push physical objects from one
place to another. You et al. divide the environment into two
regions, with a operator-robot pair assigned to each region and
limited the operator from moving from one region to another.
No conflicts are possible in this case.
Novelty. In this paper, we take inspiration from the three
research strands discussed above, and combine them in a
coherent study. We investigate whether an interface that offers
multiple granularity of control can enable the operators to
decide when and how to control the robots, and study the
role that communication has in the design of such interface
and in the way the operators collaborate. To the best of
our knowledge, this study is the first to study these research
questions together.
A. System Overview
Our overall system, schematized in Fig. 1, consists of a
mixed-reality (MR) interface, a team of 9 Khepera IV robots,1
a Vicon motion tracking system,2and ARGoS [47], a fast
and modular multi-robot simulator. The MR interface enables
an operator to interact with the robots, displaying useful
information on actions and intentions of robots and other
operators. The Khepera IV are differential-drive robots that
we programmed to perform behaviors such as navigation and
collective object transport. ARGoS acts as the software glue
between the MR interfaces, the robots, and the Vicon.
To this aim, we modified ARGoS by replacing its simulated
physics engine with a new plug-in that receives positional data
from the motion capture systems. In addition, we created plug-
ins that allow ARGoS to communicate directly with the robots
for control and debugging purposes. These plug-ins create a
feedback loop between the robots and the environment which
allows us to programmatically control what the robots do and
sense as an experiment is running. Thanks to this feature
of our setup, the MR interfaces, once connected to ARGoS,
can both retrieve data and convey modifications made using
the control modalities offered by the interfaces. To make this
possible, ARGoS also translates the coordinates seen by the
MR interface with those seen by the Vicon and viceversa.
Fig. 1: System overview.
When an operator defines a new goal position for the robots
or the objects present in the system, the MR interface transmits
the goal to ARGoS. The latter converts the request into motion
primitives and transmits them to the robots. Finally, the robots
execute the primitives. At any time during the execution, the
operators can interfere with the system by defining new goals
for the robots. This feature is particularly important when
robots temporarily misbehave due to faults or noise.
B. Operator Interface and Control Modalities
The interaction between the operators and the robots hap-
pens through the MR interface installed on an Apple iPad. We
implemented the MR interface with Vuforia,3a software de-
velopment kit for mixed-reality applications. Vuforia provides
a functionality to recognize and track physical objects with
fiducial markers. We integrated Vuforia with the Unity Game
Engine4for visualization. Fig. 2 shows a screenshot of the
view through the app running on an iPad.
The MR interface recognizes objects and robots through
unique fiducial markers applied to the each entity of interest.
The interface overlays virtual objects on the recognized fidu-
cial markers. The operator can move these virtual objects using
a one-finger swipe and rotate them with a two-finger twist. The
operator can also select multiple robots (for, e.g., collective
motion) by drawing a closed contour. The manipulation of
robots and objects occurs in three phase: start, move, and
end. The start phase is initiated when the operator touches the
handheld device. Once the touch is detected, the move phase
Fig. 2: Screenshot of the MR interface running on an iPad. The
black arrow was added in this picture to indicate the position
of the origin marker. This marker is used by Vuforia to identify
the origin of the environment.
(a) Object recognition (b) New Goal Defined
(c) Robots approach and push (d) Transport complete
Fig. 3: Object manipulation by interaction with the virtual
object through the interface. The dotted black arrow indicates
the one-finger swipe gesture used to move the virtual object
and the red dotted arrow indicates the two-finger rotation
is executed as long as the operator is performing a continuous
motion gesture on the device. The end phase is triggered
when the operator releases the touch. After the completion
of the end phase, the interface parses the gesture and acts
accordingly, e.g., sends the final pose of a selected object to
ARGoS. The interface enables three interaction modalities:
object-oriented (a special case of the environment-oriented
modality), robot-oriented, and team-oriented, explained in the
rest of this section.
Object-oriented Interaction. The interface overlays a vir-
tual cuboid on objects equipped with a fiducial marker (see
(a) Robot recognition (b) New robot position
Fig. 4: Robot manipulation by interaction with the virtual
robots through the interface. The dotted black arrow indicates
the one-finger swipe gesture to move the virtual robot and the
arrowhead color indicates the moved virtual robot.
Fig. 3a). The dimensions and textures of the virtual objects
match the dimensions and textures of the fiducial markers. The
operators can differentiate between virtual cuboids using these
similarities while simultaneously moving multiple objects. The
operators can move these virtual objects using a one-finger
swipe and rotate it with a two-finger twist (see Fig. 3b).
If two or more operators simultaneously want to move the
same virtual object, then the robots transport the object to the
last received position. Fig. 3c and Fig. 3d show the robots
transporting the object.
Robot-oriented Interaction. The interface overlays a vir-
tual cylinder on the recognized robot tags (see Fig. 4a). The
dimensions and colors of the virtual cylinder are identical
to the dimensions and colors of the fiducial marker on the
robot. Operators can differentiate between different virtual
cylinders using these colors while controlling multiple robots
at once. The operators can use a one-finger swipe to move the
virtual cylinders to denote a desired position for the robots
(see Fig. 4b). If multiple operators simultaneously want to
move the virtual cylinder, then the robot considers the last
received request. If the robot is performing collective object
transport, then other robots in the team pause their operation
until the selected robot reaches the desired position. If the
robot is part of an operator-defined team, then the other robots
are not affected by the position change. The robot control can
also be used to manually push the object.
Robot Team Selection and Manipulation. Operators can
draw a closed contour with a one-finger continuous swipe to
select robots enclosed in the shape (see Fig. 5a). The interface
draws the closed contour in red color to show the area of
selection (see Fig. 5b). The interface displays a cube, hovering
at the centroid of the created contour, to represent the team
of robots (see Fig. 5b). The operators can move this cube
with a one-finger swipe to define a desired location for the
team to navigate (see Fig. 5d and Fig. 5d). Each operator
can create only one custom team at a time and the interface
deletes all previous selections. If a robot is part of multiple
teams defined by multiple operators, then the robot moves to
the latest location.
C. Collective Transport
We used a finite state machine to implement our collective
transport behaviour. The finite state machine is executed
(a) Robot team selection (b) Robot team creation
(c) Robot team manipulation (d) Robot team re-positioned
Fig. 5: Robot team creation and manipulation. The dotted
black arrow indicates the one-finger swipe gesture to move
the virtual cube for re-positioning the team of robots.
Fig. 6: Collective transport state machine.
independently by each robot, using information from the Vicon
and the MR mediated by ARGoS. Fig. 6 shows the state
machine, along with the conditions for state transition. We
define the states as follows:
Reach Object. The robots navigate to the object upon
receiving a desired position from the operator. The robots
arrange themselves around the object. The state ends when
all the robots reach their chosen positions.
Approach Object. The robots face the centroid of the object
and start moving towards it. The state ends when all the robots
are in contact with the object.
Push Object. The robots orient themselves in the direction
of the goal position and start moving when all robots are facing
that direction. The robot in the front of the formation maintains
a fixed distance from the object allowing all the robots to stay
in the formation. The state transitions to Approach Object if
Fig. 7: Transparency features in the mixed-reality interface.
The black arrow indicates the text-based log. The red arrow
indicates the Robot Panel. The green arrow indicates the on-
robot status. The orange arrow indicates the object panel.
Fig. 8: Shared awareness demonstrated using four mixed-
reality interfaces.
the formation breaks. The state ends when the object reaches
the desired position.
Rotate Object. The robots arrange themselves around the
object and move in a circular direction to rotate the object.
The state transitions to Approach Object if the formation
breaks. The state ends when the object achieves the desired
D. Information Transparency
We designed our interface to provide a rich set of data about
the robots, the task progress, and other operators’ actions.
We studied the effectiveness of these features in previous
work [19], assessing how they contribute to making the system
more transparent [48] for the operators. The interface is shown
in Fig. 7.
To foster shared awareness, when an operator manipulates a
virtual object, the action is broadcast to the other interfaces in
real-time, making it possible for every operator to see what is
being done by other operators. Fig. 8 shows the image of four
mixed-reality interfaces demonstrating this shared awareness
The information is organized into a set of panels, updated
in real time whenever robots and operators perform actions
that modify the state of the system and progress of the tasks
in execution. The interface offers the following information
•Small ‘on-robot’ panels that follow each robot in view to
convey their current state and actions. These panels are
updated when operators assign new tasks to the robots. In
case of faults, this panel displays an error message that
helps to identify which robot has malfunctioned.
•A robot panel (on the left side of the screen) that
graphically indicates functional and faulty robots. The
robots currently engaged in a task are displayed with
specific color shades. The panel also displays a blinking
red exclamation point in case a robot acts in a faulty
•A text-based log (on the top-left of the screen) that
notifies the operators about other operators’ interactions
with robots and objects. The interface updates the log
every time other operators manipulate any virtual object.
The log stores the last three actions and discards the rest.
•An object panel (on the right side of the screen) that
provides information regarding the objects that are being
manipulated the interface user and the other operators.
The panel also highlights the object icon corresponding
to the object being moved by the robots. Additionally, the
interface offers the option of selecting an object icon to
lock it for future use. An operator can lock the object by
tapping the lock icon. This changes the color of the lock
to blue, signifying the lock. An operator can select only
one object at a time. The interface of the other operators
highlights the lock with a red icon.
A. Communication Modes and Hypotheses
This study aims to investigate the effects of direct and
indirect communication on multi-human multi-robot interac-
tion. The consider three modalities of communication: direct,
indirect, and mixed (the combination of direct and indirect).
We based our experiments on three main hypotheses.
H1: Mixed communication (MC) has the best outcome com-
pared to the other communication modalities in terms
of situational awareness, trust, interaction score and task
H2: Operators prefer mixed communication (MC) to the other
H3: Operators prefer direct communication (DC) over indirect
communication (IC).
B. Task Description
We designed a gamified scenario in which the operators
must instruct the robots to transport objects to target areas.
Fig. 9: User study experiment setup.
The environment had 6 objects (2 big objects and 4 small
objects), and the operators received points according to which
objects were successfully transported to their target. The big
objects were worth 2 points each and the small objects were
1 point each, for a total of 8 points.
The operators, in teams of 2, had a maximum of 8 minutes
to accrue as many points as possible. The operators could
manipulate big objects with any kind of interaction modality
(object-oriented, team-oriented, robot-oriented); small objects,
in contrast, could only be manipulated with the robot- and
team-oriented modalities. The operators were given 9 robots
to complete the game.
Fig. 9 shows the initial positions of the objects and the
robots. All the participants had to perform the task four times
with a different communication modalities as follows:
•No Communication (NC): The operators are not allowed
to communicate in any way;
•Direct Communication (DC): The operators can com-
municate verbally and non-verbally, but the interfaces do
not broadcast information.
•Indirect Communication (IC): The operators can com-
municate indirectly through the transparency features of
the interface, but are not allowed to talk, use gestures, or
infer from body language what other operators are doing;
•Mixed Communication (MC): The complete set of
communication modalities is allowed for both operators.
C. Participant Sample
We recruited 18 students from our university (11 male, 7
females) with ages ranging from 20 to 30 (M= 24.17,SD =
2.68). No participant had prior experience with our interface,
our robots, or even the laboratory layout.
D. Procedures
Each session lasted approximately 105 minutes. We ex-
plained the study to the participants after signing a consent
form, and gave the participants 10 minutes to play with the
interface. We randomized the order of the tasks in an attempt
to reduce the influence of learning effects.
•Did you understand your teammate’s intentions? Were
you able to understand why your teammate was taking a
certain action?
•Could you understand your teammate’s actions? Could
you understand what your teammate was doing at any
particular time?
•Could you follow the progress of the task? While
performing the tasks, were you able to gauge how much
of it was pending?
•Did you understand what the robots were doing? At
all times, were you sure how and why the robots were
behaving the way they did?
•Was the information provided by the interface clear to
Fig. 10: Questionnaire on the effect of the inter-operator
communication modalities we considered in our user study.
E. Metrics
We recorded subjective measures from the operators and
objective measures using ARGoS for each game. We used the
following scales as metrics:
•Situational Awareness: We measured situational aware-
ness using the Situational Awareness Rating Technique
(SART) [49] on a 4-point Likert scale [50];
•Task Workload: We used the NASA TLX [51] scale on
a 4-point Likert scale to compare the perceived workload
in each task;
•Trust: We employed the trust questionnaire [52] on a
4-point Likert scale to assess trust in the system;
•Interaction: We used a custom questionnaire on a 5-point
Likert scale to quantify the effects of communication.
The interaction questionnaire had the questions reported
in Fig. 10
•Performance: We measured the performance achieved
with each communication modality by using the points
earned in each game.
•Usability: We asked participants to select the features
(text log, robot panel, object panel, and on-robot status)
they used during the study. Additionally, we asked them
to rank the communication modalities from 1 to 4, 1 being
the highest rank.
F. Results
We analyzed the data using the Friedman test [53] and
summarized the results based on the significance and the
mean ranks. Table I shows the summarized results along with
relationship ranking between the communication modes. We
formed the rankings for each scale using the mean ranks of the
Friedman test. We categorized the relationship as significant
for p < 0.05 and marginally significant for p < 0.10.
Fig. 11 shows the usability results, i.e., the percentage
of operators that used a particular feature to complete a
specific task. Fig. 12 shows how the participants ranked the
communication modalities.
TABLE I: Results with relationships between communication
modes. The relationship are based on mean ranks obtained
through Friedman’s Test. The symbol ∗denotes significant
difference (p < 0.05) and the symbol ∗∗ denotes marginally
significant difference (p < 0.10). The symbol −denotes
negative scales and lower ranking is a good ranking.
Attributes Relationship χ2(3) p-value
Instability of Situation−NC>IC>DC>MC∗9.000 0.029
Complexity of Situation−not significant 2.324 0.508
Variability of Situation−IC>NC>MC>DC∗9.303 0.026
Arousal IC>NC>MC>DC∗6.371 0.095
Concentration of Attention IC>NC>DC>MC∗17.149 0.001
Spare Mental Capacity not significant 5.858 0.119
Information Quantity MC>DC>IC>NC∗15.075 0.002
Information Quality MC>DC>IC>NC∗15.005 0.002
Familiarity with Situation not significant 6.468 0.101
Mental Demand−not significant 2.226 0.527
Physical Demand−not significant 2.165 0.539
Temporal Demand−not significant 3.432 0.330
Performance−not significant 0.412 0.938
Effort−not significant 1.450 0.694
Frustration−not significant 4.454 0.216
Competence not significant 4.740 0.192
Predictability MC>IC>DC>NC∗10.626 0.014
Reliability MC>IC>DC>NC∗8.443 0.038
Faith MC>IC>DC>NC∗9.451 0.024
Overall Trust MC>IC>DC>NC∗∗ 6.633 0.085
Accuracy not significant 1.891 0.595
Teammate’s Intent DC>MC>IC>NC∗19.610 0.000
Teammate’s Action MC>DC>IC>NC∗13.810 0.003
Task Progress MC>DC>IC>NC∗9.686 0.021
Robot Status not significant 0.811 0.847
Information Clarity not significant 5.625 0.131
Points Scored not significant 0.808 0.848
TABLE II: Ranking scores based on the Borda count. The gray
cells indicate the leading scenario for each type of ranking.
Borda Count NC DC IC MC
Based on Collected Data Ranking
(Table I)
18 34 33 45
Based on Preference Data Ranking
(Fig. 12)
18 49 41 72
We used the Borda count [54] to quantify all the derived
rankings based on data and preference to find an overall
winner. We also inverted the ranking of the negative scales
for consistency. Table II shows the results.
Fig. 11: Feature Usability.
Fig. 12: Task Preference.
Table I shows that mixed communication (MC) has the best
information quality and quantity, leading to the best awareness
and trust. However, with more information, the operators
experienced greater instability of situation and variability of
situation (see the SART Subjective Scale section of Table I).
The participants indicated mixed communication as the best
choice in both the data and their expressed preference (see
Table II), confirming the hypotheses H1 and H2.
Direct communication (DC), compared to indirect commu-
nication (IC), had better information quality and quantity, lead-
Fig. 13: Task performance for each communication mode.
Fig. 14: Learning effect in the user study.
ing to better awareness. However, similar to mixed communi-
cation, the operators experienced greater instability of situation
and variability of situation. Although trust is higher in indirect
communication, operators prefer direct communication. The
Borda count for preference data shows direct communication
ranks better than indirect communication, supporting hypoth-
esis H3.
However, in the absence of direct communication, the oper-
ators concentrated more on the task, leading to a higher level
of arousal and better trust (see Trust Subjective Scale section
of Table I). Although indirect communication provides more
diverse and more visually augmented information, operators
relied on direct communication when working as a team.
We also observed operators directly communicating either
at the start of the task, to define a strategy, or near the
end of the task, to coordinate the last part of the task. One
reason can be familiarity of information. Humans are more
familiar with direct communication. The participants were new
to the interface and were unable to use it as effectively as
communicating directly. This raises another research question
and a potential future study on comparing the effects of mixed
communication on novice operators and on expert operators.
Our experiments did not detect a substantial difference
in performance across communication modes. However, we
hypothesize that this lack of difference is because of the
learning effect across the trials each team had to perform.
Fig. 13 represent the points earned for each communication
mode and Fig. 14 shows the learning effects as the increase
in objective performance in order of the performed task.
We presented a study on the effects of inter-operator
communication in multi-human multi-robot interaction. We
concentrated on two broad types of communication: direct,
whereby two operators engage in an exchange of information
verbally or non-verbally (e.g., with gestures, body language);
and indirect, whereby information is exchanged through a
suitably designed interface. We presented the design of our
interface, which offers multi-granularity control of teams of
In a user study involving 18 participants and 9 robots,
we assessed the effect of inter-operator communication by
comparing direct, indirect, mixed, and no communication.
We considered metrics such as awareness, trust, workload
and usability. Our results suggest that allowing for mixed
communication is the best approach, because it fosters flexible
and intuitive collaboration among operators.
In future work, we will study how training affects commu-
nication. In comparing direct and indirect communication, we
noticed that our novice participants preferred direct to indi-
rect communication. Our experience as online videogamers
leads us to hypothesize that novice users heavily lean on
verbal communication due to a lack of experience with the
information conveyed by the interface. As the experience of
the operators increases, we expect direct communication to
become more sporadic and high-level. At the same time, more
expert users might request advanced features to further make
indirect communication more efficient.
This work was funded by an Amazon Research Award.
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