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Cognitive behaviour therapy-based early intervention and prevention programme for anxiety in South African children with visual impairments



Background: Anxiety is the most common psychological difficulty reported by youth worldwide and may also be a significant problem for children with visual impairments. Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) interventions have proven to be successful in treating childhood anxiety; however, mostly these are not suitable for children with visual impairments, as the materials used are not sufficiently accessible to this population. Objectives: The present study was motivated by the dearth of research on this topic and aimed to examine the effects of a specifically tailored, group-based, universally delivered, CBT intervention for anxiety in children with visual impairments and to examine the influence of three predictor variables (i.e. age, gender and level of visual impairment) on prevention effects. Method: A randomised wait-list control group design with pre-, post- and follow-up intervention measures was employed. The final sample of 52 children (aged 9–14) with varying degrees of visual impairment received the anxiety intervention. Participants were followed over a course of 10 months during which their anxiety symptoms were assessed quantitatively at four time points (T1–T4). Results: The results indicated that the anxiety intervention did not significantly decrease symptoms of anxiety within the intervention groups. However, the intervention appeared beneficial for girls, younger children and legally blind participants. Conclusion: This study demonstrated how CBT interventions can be adapted for use in children with visual impairments. Results obtained provide a foundation upon which future updated anxiety intervention programmes can be built, meeting the need for further research in this area.
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African Journal of Disability
ISSN: (Online) 2226-7220, (Print) 2223-9170
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Lisa Visagie1
Helene Loxton1
Leslie Swartz1
Paul Stallard2
1Department of Psychology,
Faculty of Arts and Social
Sciences, Stellenbosch
University, Stellenbosch,
South Africa
2Department for Health,
Faculty of Humanies and
Social Sciences, University of
Bath, Claverton Down, Bath,
United Kingdom
Corresponding author:
Helene Loxton,
Received: 31 Aug. 2020
Accepted: 26 Nov. 2020
Published: 29 Jan. 2021
How to cite this arcle:
Visagie, L., Loxton, H.,
Swartz, L. & Stallard, P.,
2021, ‘Cognive behaviour
therapy-based early
intervenon and prevenon
programme for anxiety in
South African children with
visual impairments’, African
Journal of Disability 10(0),
a796. hps://
© 2021. The Authors.
Licensee: AOSIS. This work
is licensed under the
Creave Commons
Aribuon License.
Childhood anxiety is common, with most anxiety being functional and beneficial, providing
motivation and preventing excessive risk-taking. However, for a number of children, anxiety has
a negative effect and interferes so significantly in their daily functioning, or is so developmentally
inappropriate, that the diagnosis of an anxiety disorder may be warranted (Campbell 2003). If
left untreated, anxiety symptoms persist and increase in severity (Prinzie et al. 2014; Weems &
Silverman 2013) placing children at risk for depression, substance abuse, higher suicide ideation,
illicit drug dependence, higher rates of school drop-out and unemployment in late adolescence
and adulthood (Ahlen et al. 2012; Bittner et al. 2007; Donovan & Spence 2000; McLoone,
Hudson & Rapee 2006; Stallard 2010; Stallard et al. 2007).
Children with physical disabilities are more prone than their non-disabled peers to the
development of psychological difficulties (including anxiety) (Gullone 1996; Ollendick,
Matson & Helsel 1985), and a particular high-risk group are children with visual impairments
(Visagie et al. 2013). Despite this increased risk, children with visual impairments have been
neglected in previous fear and anxiety research. The last international study on this research
topic was conducted by Weimer and Kratochwill (1991) in America more than two decades ago.
Given their increased ‘risk’, it is important to develop appropriate interventions to equip
visually impaired children with the necessary skills and strategies to manage anxiety symptoms
when they arise.
Background: Anxiety is the most common psychological difficulty reported by youth
worldwide and may also be a significant problem for children with visual impairments.
Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) interventions have proven to be successful in treating
childhood anxiety; however, mostly these are not suitable for children with visual impairments,
as the materials used are not sufficiently accessible to this population.
Objectives: The present study was motivated by the dearth of research on this topic and
aimed to examine the effects of a specifically tailored, group-based, universally delivered,
CBT intervention for anxiety in children with visual impairments and to examine the influence
of three predictor variables (i.e. age, gender and level of visual impairment) on prevention
Method: A randomised wait-list control group design with pre-, post- and follow-up
intervention measures was employed. The final sample of 52 children (aged 9–14) with varying
degrees of visual impairment received the anxiety intervention. Participants were followed
over a course of 10 months during which their anxiety symptoms were assessed quantitatively
at four time points (T1–T4).
Results: The results indicated that the anxiety intervention did not significantly decrease
symptoms of anxiety within the intervention groups. However, the intervention appeared
beneficial for girls, younger children and legally blind participants.
Conclusion: This study demonstrated how CBT interventions can be adapted for use in
children with visual impairments. Results obtained provide a foundation upon which future
updated anxiety intervention programmes can be built, meeting the need for further research
in this area.
Keywords: anxiety; prevention; cognitive behaviour therapy; visual impairment; South Africa;
children; schools-based interventions; efficacy.
Cognive behaviour therapy-based early intervenon
and prevenon programme for anxiety in South African
children with visual impairments
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Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is a well-established,
highly researched, evidence-based intervention for the
treatment and prevention of anxiety (Silverman, Pina &
Viswesvaran 2008; Walkup et al. 2008). However, despite
CBT’s encouraging outcomes, less than one quarter of
children who experience anxiety difficulties receive
treatment (Korkodilos 2016; Lawrence et al. 2015; Merikangas
et al. 2010), and of those who do, many will terminate
treatment prematurely (Pina et al. 2003; Wergeland et al.
2015), fail to respond (Rey, Marin & Silverman 2011) or
continue to experience recurrent difficulties despite
treatment (Last et al. 1996). A potential strategy to overcome
these limitations, and manage the high prevalence of anxiety
and its negative consequences, is to place greater focus on
anxiety prevention (Johnston, Kemps & Chen 2018).
Prevention programmes aim to reduce the incidence or onset
of mental health disorders by reducing risk factors and
developing protective factors to prevent the development of
these disorders (World Health Organization 2004).
Prevention programmes are usually conceptualised by their
intended focus, either indicated (targeted to participants
displaying sub-clinical or mild symptoms of disorder),
selective (targeted to participants identified as being at
risk of developing a particular disorder) or universal
(targeted towards whole populations regardless of risk
status) (Liddle & Macmillan 2010; Mrazek & Haggerty 1994;
World Health Organization 2004). Universally delivered
CBT-based anxiety prevention programmes have shown
very positive results; however, they have focused primarily
on children without disabilities (see Johnston et al. 2018
for an overview). The most well-known CBT group-based
anxiety prevention programmes are Kendall’s (1990) Coping
Cat programme and Barrett’s (2005) FRIENDS programme.
Although CBT-based anxiety intervention programmes have
reported promising outcomes, these programmes are not
suitable for children with visual impairments, as much of
their content relies on visual presentation or representations
(i.e. printed worksheets, cartoons, pictures and video-
material). To the researchers’ knowledge, there is currently
no anxiety intervention programme tailored to meet
the specific needs of children with visual impairments.
Considering the given factors and the notion that children
with visual impairments are possibly more prone to the
development of anxiety (Visagie et al. 2013), the researchers
and colleagues (Visagie 2016; Visagie, Loxton & Silverman
2015; Visagie et al. 2017) developed and implemented
a specifically tailored CBT-based anxiety intervention
programme (Positive and Motivating programme – PAM)
for South African visually impaired children.
This article aims to overcome gaps in the childhood anxiety
literature and presents preliminary results obtained from the
implementation of the PAM programme. The objective was
to examine the effects of a specifically tailored, group-based,
universally delivered, CBT intervention for anxiety in
children with visual impairments and to examine the
influence of three predictor variables (i.e. age, gender and
level of visual impairment) on outcomes.
Research methods and design
A specifically tailored CBT-based anxiety intervention
(PAM programme) for South African children with visual
impairments was evaluated in two special schools (School 1
and School 2). The study was set up as a randomised
wait-list control group design with pre-, post- and follow-up
intervention measures. Participants were randomly assigned
to either an immediate intervention group (IIG) or a delayed
intervention group (DIG) at their school.
All assenting children for whom written parental consent
was granted took part. Inclusion criteria required participants
to be in grades 4 to 7 (aged between 9 and 14 years), be able
to read and write (braille or print) and have no other disability
apart from their visual impairment. All children who met
inclusion criteria received the PAM programme regardless of
their anxiety status (universal prevention).
A final sample of 52 middle-childhood (mean age = 11.46,
standard deviation [SD] = 1.4) girls (n = 24, 46.15%) and boys
(n = 28, 53.85%) participated in the study and were followed
over a period of 10 months.
Participants attended two special schools (School 1 and
School 2). These are the only two schools that specifically
cater for children who have visual impairments in the
Western Cape Province of South Africa – the province where
the study was undertaken. The two schools are approximately
110 km apart and differ widely in terms of their geographical
location and the availability of resources. The impact of
apartheid and its policies have caused severe economic,
social and spatial disparities amongst various racial groups
in South Africa and this is especially evident at School 1. This
school was historically a school for Black children under the
Bantu or Black Education Act (Act no. 47, 1953) (Union of
South Africa 1953), and still today children who attend this
school are primarily from disadvantaged communities, with
approximately 85% – 90% living below the poverty line, with
their parents unemployed and receiving disability grants,
and the majority of children receiving government child
grants (personal communication, School Psychologist at
School 1). The socio-economic circumstances of children at
School 2 are similar, as approximately 70% of learners are
black or Coloured1 and an estimated 55% of children live in
poverty and receive government child grants (personal
communication, School Psychologist at School 2). The socio-
economic situation of these children is in keeping with
the general situation in South Africa, where over half of
the households in South Africa live below the poverty
line (Budlender 2018). However, despite children having
similar socio-economic backgrounds, School 2 is situated in a
more secure and affluent geographical location. In addition,
1.We use terminology in current South African equity legislaon. We do not believe
that these categories have any genec or scienc basis, but the categories have
social meaning in contemporary South Africa.
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because School 2 was historically a school for white children
(under the Bantu Education Act) (Union of South Africa 1953),
the school has better infrastructure and facilities. Please note
that the racial terms used in this article are controversial in
South Africa and have been referred to for the purpose of
reporting descriptions between racially different South
African communities that exist as a result of the country’s
political past. These terms are not used with the intention to
be discriminatory.
Visual impairment
Participants had varying degrees of visual impairment and
were categorised as legally blind (n = 17) or partially sighted
(n = 34) (data were missing for one participant). Children
categorised as legally blind either had no measurable light
perception or had a very limited degree of light perception
and experienced difficulties functioning in unfamiliar
environments without assistance and could not read printed
Intervenon groups
After assenting to participate, the 52 participants were
randomly assigned to either an IIG or DIG at their respective
school. During data analysis, the IIGs from School 1 and
School 2 were combined to form one IIG, and the DIGs from
School 1 and School 2 were combined to form one DIG. The
combined IIG included 27 participants (15 boys, 12 girls)
with a mean age of 11.44 (SD = 1.47); and the combined DIG
included 25 participants (13 boys, 12 girls) with a mean age of
11.58 (SD = 1.35).
Participants (N = 52) were assessed on four separate occasions.
The time line below describes these four assessments for both
the IIG and DIG (T1 = Base-line, Time 1):
Time 1 (T1) Pre-intervention assessment for the IIG
Pre-waitlist assessment for the DIG
Time 2 (T2) Immediate 1 week post-intervention
assessment for the IIG
Post-waitlist assessment for the DIG
Time 3 (T3) • 3-month follow-up intervention assessment
for the IIG
Immediate 1-week post-intervention
assessment for the DIG
Time 4 (T4) 3-month follow-up assessment for the IIG.
On each occasion two standardised measures were completed:
The Revised Child Anxiety and Depression 30-Item Scale
(RCADS-30) (Chorpita, Moffitt & Gray 2005; Sandín et al.
2010) is a self-report measure, which assesses anxiety and
depression symptoms across six domains: social phobia,
separation anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic
disorder, generalised anxiety disorder and major depressive
disorder. Participants are asked to rate the frequency with
which symptoms occur on a 4-point Likert scale ranging
from ‘never’ (scored 0) to ‘always’ (scored 3). A total scale
score is obtained by summing the scales’ 30 items yielding a
total score of between 0 and 90.
The Penn State Worry Questionnaire for Children (PSWQ-C)
(Chorpita et al. 1997) is an 11-item questionnaire, which
assesses the tendency to engage in excessive generalised and
uncontrolled worry. Respondents are asked how often each
item applies to them by indicating answer options on a
4-point Likert scale ranging from ‘never true’ (scored 0) to
‘always true’ (scored 3). A total scale score is obtained by
summing the scales’ 11 items yielding a score between 0 and
33, with higher scores indicating a greater tendency to worry
(Muris, Meesters & Gobel 2001; Stallard et al. 2014).
Intervenon protocol and materials
The PAM programme (Visagie 2016) is a brief CBT-based
early intervention and prevention programme for anxiety,
specifically tailored to meet the needs of visually impaired
children between the ages of 9 and 14 years. Participants
received 10 PAM group sessions over the course of
5 weeks. Sessions were delivered twice weekly and lasted
approximately 45 min. Sessions were delivered in either
English or Afrikaans depending on the children’s language
of schooling (English at school 1 and Afrikaans at school 2).
During the programme, children participate in activities,
which teach coping skills and problem-solving techniques,
thereby helping them to deal more effectively with anxiety.
Activities teach skills to identify feelings; to learn to relax,
to identify unhelpful thoughts and replace them with more
helpful thoughts (cognitive restructuring), how to face and
overcome daily problems and challenges and how to illicit
family and peer support (Barrett, Lowry-Webster & Turner
1999; Stallard et al. 2007; Visagie 2016). The programme
uses a tangible soft toy dog (named PAM) with a collar and
eight symbolic charms to represent key anxiety management
skills. Charms include the following: (1) a heart, a reminder
that feelings come from your heart; (2) a hat, a reminder that
thoughts come from your head; (3) a butterfly, a reminder of
how the body reacts to anxiety (i.e. the butterflies in your
tummy); (4) a noodle, a reminder to use relaxation strategies
to help the body relax (like a cooked noodle); (5) a musical
note, a reminder to do things, which help you to relax and
make you feel good (e.g. listen to music, sing a song, play a
game, etc.); (6) a shoe, a reminder of the steps to take to face
and solve your problems; (7) a star, a reminder to reward
yourself for trying your best; and (8) a hand, a reminder to
reach out for others when you need help. The format of
the programme included large and small group work
sessions, role plays, games, stories, activities and quizzes
(more information pertaining to the programme’s content
can be attained on request).
The 10 sessions of the PAM programme were delivered by
the first author with a research facilitator present. The
first author is a registered counselling psychologist with
ample experience and knowledge relating to developmental
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psychology and CBT. Research facilitators had at least an
honours degree in psychology and had completed a CBT
module as part of their academic work. The first author
trained and familiarised the facilitators as to the content of
the programme. Although they were not required to deliver
any sessions individually, they facilitated smaller groups
within the larger group with the first author present to
provide guidance. Each research facilitator received a copy
of the PAM programme manual. The manual describes the
goals and strategies for each session, the desired outcomes
and the specific activities that are to be completed in each
session. To reinforce and generalise sessions, homework
tasks were assigned to each session and participants were
required to bring completed homework activities to the next
Data collecon procedures
Participants were asked to complete three separate measures,
the first being a biographical questionnaire, which was only
completed at T1, as well as the RCADS-30 and the PSWQ-C
(these measures are described in more detail here). The
first author and two research facilitators (two postgraduate
psychology students) administered the measures in groups
at the two identified special schools. Measures were available
in English or Afrikaans depending on the children’s language
of schooling (English at School 1 and Afrikaans at School 2).
Data collection took place in classroom settings at both
schools, where participants sat at desks and completed the
measures themselves. Data collection was conducted in a
manner that accommodated all participants’ specific visual
needs (Visagie & Loxton 2014). Questionnaires were read
aloud to participants to ensure that questions were correctly
understood. Participants were informed that all questionnaire
responses were confidential. Participants indicated their
answers using their braille machines or enlarged versions of
the questionnaires (42.00 cm × 59.40 cm). If a participant
required extra attention, one of the researchers assisted him
or her individually to complete their questionnaires. Upon
completion of the questionnaires, all participants were
encouraged to ask any questions that they may have had.
At T2, after all 10 PAM sessions had been delivered to the
IIG, the anxiety status of all participants (N = 52) (IIG and
DIG) was assessed. Data collection procedures occurred
similarly to those at T3; after delivering all 10 PAM sessions
to the DIG the anxiety status of all participants (n = 52)
(IIG and DIG) was reassessed. Data collection once again
occurred, as with T1 and T2. At T4, 3 months after delivering
the PAM programme to the DIG, the anxiety status of all
participants (N = 52) (IIG and DIG) (that in effect was at
3-month follow-up for the DIG and 6-month follow-up for
the IIG) was again assessed.
Data analysis
The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS for
Windows version 23.0) (IBM 2015) was used to calculate
descriptive and non-parametric statistics. A series of repeated
measures of analyses of variance (ANOVA’s) were conducted
to compare reports of anxiety within the IIG and DIG across
time (T1–T4) and differences between the IIG and DIG at
each of the four times of testing were explored using one-way
ANOVA. These between-group and within-group effects are
reported here.
Ethical consideraon
Permission to conduct the study was obtained from the
Western Cape Education Department in South Africa
(Reference: 20130507-10635). Ethical approval from
Stellenbosch University Research Ethics Committee: Human
Research (Humaniora) (HS888/2013) was also obtained.
After the two special schools consented to the study, parents
were informed of the project via an information sheet and
consent form, which they were asked to sign and return.
Parental consent was granted for 59 out of a possible 83
children (71%). After enrolment three participants (n = 3)
withdrew from the study and one participant (n = 1) moved
to a different school. The remaining 55 participants were
followed over a period of 10 months. However, at the time of
data analysis, the data of 52 participants could be used. This
was because of the necessary exclusion of participants (n = 3)
from data analysis as a result of one measurement (T1, T2
or T3) being missing.
Scores on the Revised Child Anxiety and
Depression 30-Item Scale and Penn State
Worry Quesonnaire for Children
Overall, results indicate that mean base-line scores on the
RCADS-30 and PSWQ-C for both groups (IIG and DIG)
were slightly higher when compared with post-intervention
(T3) scores. At baseline, participants in the IIG (n = 27)
reported a mean total RCADS-30 score of 27.77 and a mean
total PSWQ-C score of 12.84, whilst participants in the DIG
(n = 25) reported a mean total RCADS-30 score of 34.52 and
a mean total PSWQ-C score of 15.32. These initial mean
scores were lower than expected and fell below the clinical
range on the RCADS-30 of mean scores greater than or
equal to 49. At T3, participants in the IIG (n = 27) reported a
mean total RCADS-30 score of 26.99 and a mean total
PSWQ-C score of 11.29, whilst participants in the DIG
(n = 25) reported a post-intervention (T3) total mean
RCADS-30 score of 29.43 and total mean PSWQ-C score of
12.64. Four participants (n = 4) displayed elevated anxiety
scores at baseline, and at post-intervention (T3) only one
participant (n = 1) reported anxiety symptoms which fell
within the clinical range. This participant was brought to
the attention of the school psychologist for further follow-
up. Tables 1 and 2 present the means and SD for the IIG
(n = 27) and DIG (n = 25) on the RCADS-30 and PSWQ-C
from T1 to T4, respectively.
Overall 2 (groups) × 4 (time points) ANOVAs were performed
on the total scores of the RCADS-30 and PSWQ-C for the IIG
(n = 23) and DIG (n = 22) separately. The multivariate main
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effects for time on both these measures were non-significant
for both the IIG and DIG on either the RCADS-30:
(F[3, 20] = 0.481, p = 0.699 [IIG]: F[3, 19] = 1.202, p = 0.336
[DIG]) or PSWQ-C: (F[3, 20] = 1.538, p = 0.235 [IIG]:
F(3, 19) = 1.408, p = 0.271 [DIG]).
Within group and between eects
Results of the multivariate main effects for time were not
significant for both the IIG and DIG on either the RCADS-30
(F[3, 20] = 0.481, p = 0.699 [IIG]: F(3, 19) = 1.202, p = 0.336
[DIG]) or the PSWQ-C (F[3, 20] = 1.538, p = 0.235 [IIG]:
F(3, 19) = 1.408, p = 0.271 [DIG]). There were no significant
between group effects.
Total group eects
When taking the statistical sample as a whole (N = 52) into
account, there was a significant decline in the total worry
score on the PSWQ-C from pre- (T1) to post- (T3) test
(F[1, 51] = 4.436, p = 0.040). Results on the RCADS-30 for the
total sample (N = 52) from T1 to T3 were non-significant
(F[1, 51] = 2.347, p = 0.132). Effects on the six sub-scales of
the RCADS-30 from T1 to T3 were also non-significant
(F[6, 46] = 1.080, p = 0.388).
Eects of predictor variables
When considering the variables of age (younger 9–11-year-
old vs. older 12–14-year-old children), gender (girls vs. boys)
and level of visual impairment (legally blind vs. partially
sighted), the following was noted:
In terms of age, there was a significant interaction between
time and age for younger children (n = 30) on the RCADS-30
(F[1, 29] = 11.771, p = 0.002). Thus, the younger participants’
mean score at T3 (M = 24.85) was significantly lower than at
T1 (M = 32.68). Multivariate repeated measures ANOVA’s
were also performed on the six subscale scores of the
RCADS-30. There was a significant multivariate main effect
for the younger participants (F[6, 24] = 2.976, p = 0.026).
Post hoc comparisons with Bonferroni adjustments
indicated significant reductions on the major depression
(p = 0.001) and obsessive compulsive disorder (p = 0.003)
subscales. Results on the PSWQ-C relating to age were non-
Anxiety scores on the RCADS-30 and worry scores on the
PSWQ-C for boys (n = 28) and girls (n = 24) were also
compared. Results on the RCADS-30 were non-significant for
both boys and girls). However, results on the PSWQ-C were
significant for girls with (F[1, 23] = 13.411, p = 0.001) with the
mean score at T3 (M = 11.67) being significantly lower than at
T1 (M = 15.77).
Total mean scores on the RCADS-30 and PSWQ-C for the
legally blind (n = 17) and partially sighted (n = 34) groups
were also compared. There was a significant interaction
between time and vision for legally blind participants on
the RCADS-30 (F[1, 16] = 7.845, p = 0.013). Thus, for the
legally blind group the mean score at T3 (M = 24.22) was
significantly lower than at T1 (M = 31.41). Multivariate
repeated measures ANOVA’s were also performed on the
six subscale scores of the RCADS-30 with a significant
effect for the legally blind group (F[6, 11] = 4.55, p = 0.048).
Post hoc comparisons with Bonferroni adjustments
indicated that for the legally blind group the mean score on
major depression at T3 (M = 3.24) was significantly
(p = 0.016) lower than at T1 (M = 4.74), and the mean score
on obsessive compulsive disorder at T3 (M = 3.88) was
significantly (p = 0.014) lower than at T1 (M = 6.79). Results
on the PSWQ-C were non-significant.
TABLE 1a: Means and standard deviaons for the total score on the Revised
Child Anxiety and Depression 30-Item Scale for the immediate intervenon
group (n = 27) and delayed intervenon group (n = 25) from T1 to T4.
Time (Time)
IIG (n = 27) DIG (n = 25)
Means SD Means SD
T1 27.77 11.31 34.52 13.76
T2 29.45 13.94 31.75 8.84
T3 26.99 16.64 29.43 11.93
Source: Visagie, L.S., 2016, ‘Development, implementaon and evaluaon of a cognive
behavioural therapy based intervenon programme for the management of anxiety
symptoms in South African children with visual impairments’, PhD dissertaon, Department
of Psychology, Stellenbosch University. hps://
Note. T4 = follow-up and there were only 45 parcipants – IIG (n = 23) and DIG (n = 22).
IIG, immediate intervenon group; DIG, delayed intervenon group; SD, standard deviaon.
TABLE 2a: Means and standard deviaons for the total score on the Penn State
Worry Quesonnaire for Children for the immediate intervenon group (n = 27)
and delayed intervenon group (n = 25) from T1 to T4.
Time (Time)
IIG (n = 27) DIG (n = 25)
Means SD Means SD
T1 12.84 5.95 15.32 5.91
T2 11.31 5.97 14.33 6.31
T3 11.29 6.44 12.64 4.79
Source: Visagie, L.S., 2016, ‘Development, implementaon and evaluaon of a cognive
behavioural therapy based intervenon programme for the management of anxiety
symptoms in South African children with visual impairments’, PhD dissertaon, Department
of Psychology, Stellenbosch University. hps://
Note. T4 = follow-up and there were only 45 parcipants – IIG (n = 23) and DIG (n = 22).
IIG, immediate intervenon group; DIG, delayed intervenon group; SD, standard deviaon.
TABLE 1b: Means and standard deviaons for the total score on the Revised
Child Anxiety and Depression 30-Item Scale for the immediate intervenon
group (n = 27) and delayed intervenon group (n = 25) from T1 to T4.
Time (Time)
IIG (n = 23) DIG (n = 22)
Means SD Means SD
T4 27.91 15.16 29.41 12.75
Source: Visagie, L.S., 2016, ‘Development, implementaon and evaluaon of a cognive
behavioural therapy based intervenon programme for the management of anxiety
symptoms in South African children with visual impairments’, PhD dissertaon, Department
of Psychology, Stellenbosch University. hps://
Note. T4 = follow-up and there were only 45 parcipants – IIG (n = 23) and DIG (n = 22).
IIG, immediate intervenon group; DIG, delayed intervenon group; SD, standard deviaon.
TABLE 2b: Means and standard deviaons for the total score on the Penn State
Worry Quesonnaire for Children for the immediate intervenon group (n = 27)
and delayed intervenon group (n = 25) from T1 to T4.
Time (Time)
IIG (n = 23) DIG (n = 22)
Means SD Means SD
T4 11.04 7.02 12.41 7.25
Source: Visagie, L.S., 2016, ‘Development, implementaon and evaluaon of a cognive
behavioural therapy based intervenon programme for the management of anxiety
symptoms in South African children with visual impairments’, PhD dissertaon, Department
of Psychology, Stellenbosch University. hps://
Note. T4 = follow-up and there were only 45 parcipants – IIG (n = 23) and DIG (n = 22).
IIG, immediate intervenon group; DIG, delayed intervenon group; SD, standard deviaon.
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The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of a
specifically tailored CBT-based programme (PAM programme)
on participant-reported symptoms of anxiety.
The PAM programme did not lead to post intervention
reductions in self-reported anxiety and worry scores on the
RCADS-30 and PSWQ-C. These non-significant results may
relate to the fact that base-line anxiety symptoms were
unexpectedly low. The overall mean score within each group
virtually remained unchanged from T1 to T4.
A second aim of the present study was to examine the effects
of the predictor variables of age, gender and level of visual
impairment. Younger (9–11-year-olds) and legally blind
participants reported significant reductions in anxiety scores
on the RCADS-30 from pre- (T1) to post- (T3) test. Girls also
reported a significant reduction in worry scores on the
PSWQ-C. Thus, although there were no overall effects, it
appears that the PAM programme may be beneficial for
girls, younger participants (aged 9–11) and legally blind
children. Results relating to the legally blind group are
particularly noteworthy, as children with severe visual
impairments have been identified as a high-risk group
(Loxton, Visagie & Ollendick 2012; Visagie et al. 2013, 2015).
It is also encouraging to note the effects relating to a decrease
in symptoms of major depression for younger (age 9–11-year-
olds) and legally blind children. These results are important
as it has been noted that some larger scale depression
prevention studies have recently found non-significant
universal effects (Herman et al. 2009; Rowling & Kasunic
2006; Stewart 2008; Taylor et al. 2014).
The absence of an overall effect could be masked by two
factors. Firstly, the sample size is small resulting in reduced
statistical power to detect small differences. Secondly, initial
levels of anxiety were unexpectedly low and, with the
exception of four participants, all were in the ‘normal’ range
at base-line. Thus, the groups could not be expected to differ
substantially after implementation of the PAM programme.
This is a limitation of universal approaches and raises the
question of whether it is worth the time and money to offer
a programme to a whole group of children if the majority are
not anxious (Rose, Miller & Martinez 2009). According to a
public health universal approach, even small effects can be
meaningful, as decreasing the distribution of symptoms in
the population by even a small amount may often correspond
to a reduction in the occurrence of overall cases of disorder
(Andrews, Szabo & Burns 2002; Mychailyszyn et al. 2012).
Another limitation relates to the lack of multiple-informants
for data collection. Previous studies have noted non-significant
results post-intervention on participant self-reports, however,
when considering other anxiety measures (e.g. diagnostic
interviews and parent or teacher reports) significant
intervention effects were noted (Bernstein et al. 2005, 2008;
Ginsburg 2009; Nauta et al. 2003; Urao et al. 2016; Wood et al.
2009). This may have also been the case in this study, but
because additional teacher reports to assess intervention
outcomes were not returned, these sources of data could not be
A further limitation relates to the absence of a control group
to assess for possible changes being the result of the natural
passing of time (i.e. maturation). This would have been ideal,
but as a result of the target population already being so
limited in size, the inclusion of a control group was not
feasible. This would have decreased numbers of participants
in the IIG and DIG even further.
Lastly, it may also be that significant effects may present
with ensuing time as children become more adept at using
their newly learnt anxiety management skills (Mostert &
Loxton 2008).
Our results indicate that the PAM programme did not bring
about a significant decrease in symptoms of anxiety within
a group of visually impaired children. However, our results
suggest that the PAM programme may be more beneficial
for girls, younger participants (aged 9–11) and legally blind
The present study is the first of its kind to evaluate the effects
of a specifically tailored CBT-based anxiety intervention
programme for children with visual impairments. This
population has been grossly neglected in previous child
anxiety research, and despite limited results our study
provides an insight into how traditional CBT interventions
can be adapted for use with this group. Participants
perceived the PAM programme to be enjoyable and helpful,
as was evident from their enthusiasm and impromptu
responses throughout programme sessions. Results obtained
from this study provide a good foundation upon which
future up-dated anxiety intervention programmes can be
built. Thus, continued research in the area of anxiety
intervention and prevention for this population should be
The authors would like to thank Prof. Wendy Silverman
(Yale University) for her invaluable comments and insights
during the process of completing this research; Mr. Henry
Steel for his assistance with the statistical analysis; Jacqueline
Gamble for her technical support and editing of the text; and
most importantly, the school principals, school psychologists
and the participants at the two schools for their willingness
to help and participate, as without them this study would not
have been possible.
This study is based on a PhD dissertation by the first author,
Lisa Visagie, titled: ‘Development, implementation and
evaluation of a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy based
intervention programme for the management of anxiety
symptoms in South African children with visual impairments’,
Page 7 of 8 Original Research
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submitted at Stellenbosch University in 2016. Portions of
the text of the article are taken from the dissertation, available
for free download at:
Compeng interests
The authors declare that they have no financial or personal
relationships that may have inappropriately influenced them
in writing this article.
Authors’ contribuons
L.V., H.L., L.S. and P.S. conceived of the presented idea,
developed the theory and performed the computations and
verified the analytical methods. H.L. and L.S. supervised the
findings of this work. All authors discussed the results and
contributed to the final manuscript.
Funding informaon
The financial assistance of the National Research Foundation
(NRF), South Africa, as well as the Fulbright scholarship
programme, towards this research is hereby acknowledged.
Data availability statement
The authors confirm that the data supporting the findings
of this study are available within the article and its
supplementary materials. For full information please see
Visagie (2016).
Opinions expressed and conclusions arrived at are those of
the authors and are not necessarily to be attributed to the
NRF or the Fulbright scholarship programme.
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... Finally, the wider context of uncertainty and changing restrictions related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic likely contributed considerably to the variability in our outcomes. At baseline, our participants' average score on anxiety and depression symptoms was below clinical range, and similar to comparable South African samples (Visagie, Loxton, Swartz, & Stallard, 2021) but higher than samples recruited in schools in the United Kingdom ((Stallard et al., 2014)-for example mean total RCADS-30 = 12.89). This indicates, as we anticipated, that in this LMIC context and peri-pandemic, where vulnerability factors are high, many young adolescents may be experiencing some anxiety and depression symptoms, demonstrating the need for mental health promotion interventions. ...
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Objective Mental health disorders affect many children in South Africa, where vulnerability is high, and treatment is limited. We sought to determine the feasibility and acceptability of a universally delivered classroom‐based programme for the promotion of mental health in young adolescents. Method We pilot tested an 8 session, cognitive‐behavioural therapy‐based programme, 4 Steps To My Future (4STMF) in two schools. Participants were grade 5 learners (n = 222; Meanage = 10.62 (Standard deviation = 0.69)). 4STMF was delivered in class time by trained psychology postgraduates. Feasibility (rates of parental opt‐out, child assent, assessment completion at baseline and follow‐up, programme completion, session attendance and programme fidelity), acceptability (teacher feedback and focus groups with learners), as well as demographic data and data on a battery of a psychological measures were collected at baseline, postintervention and at one‐month follow‐up. Results Most eligible learners at both schools agreed to participate (85% – school 1; 91% – school 2) with more than 80% completing postintervention measures. Learner session attendance and programme fidelity were high. Teachers rated facilitators highly on confidence, preparedness, enthusiasm and classroom management and observed children to be enjoying the programme. Focus group data suggest that learners liked the programme, could recall the content and had shared some of the content with their family. An exploratory analysis of outcomes showed significant pre–post differences on self‐esteem at school 1 and on emotion regulation at school 1 and school 2, maintained at follow‐up. Conclusions This pilot study has shown that 4STMF can acceptably and feasibly be delivered, at classroom level, as a universal school‐based prevention programme to young adolescent learners in South African primary schools. The programme could fit in with school context, could be delivered by nonspecialists, showed significant improvements on self‐esteem and emotion regulation and was liked by the learners.
... Unrecognized and untreated anxiety symptoms in ECD have the potential to influence the way children interact with their peers, family, and community members [9,10]. Additionally, anxiety symptoms could persist and become more severe, placing children at risk for academic difficulties and school dropout [9,11] as well as the development of anxiety disorders and depression, suicide ideation, unemployment, and substance use disorders later in life [12,13]. However, there is a paucity of literature exploring anxiety during early childhood within the South African context. ...
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Background Early childhood experiences such as trauma, exposure to violence, and poverty can significantly contribute to childhood anxiety, which is viewed as the most common mental health issue among children. In South Africa, there is no uniform tool to screen for anxiety during early childhood. This study aims to develop a tool to screen for anxiety in children aged 4 to 8 years, which could be utilized by preschool and foundation phase teachers to aid in the early identification of childhood anxiety. Objective The overall objective of this study is to explore understanding and perceptions of childhood anxiety among teachers, parents, and experts and to develop a tool to screen for anxiety in children aged 4 to 8 years. Methods This project will use a mixed method design that will consist of 4 stages. Stage 1 will consist of a scoping review. In Stage 2, data will be collected via semistructured interviews with 60 participants, including parents, teachers, and experts, and will be thematically analyzed. Stage 3 will consist of 20 experts and the researcher collaboratively formulating the proposed screening tool in the form of an e-Delphi component. Once the tool is refined, it will be piloted in Stage 4 with 20 teachers, and data will be analyzed with the Shapiro-Wilk test to test for normality. Additionally, factor analysis will be done to refine and restructure the tool as necessary. Results This project was funded from April 2020 to December 2021. Data collection began in September 2022 and is projected to conclude in December 2022 for the qualitative component. The e-Delphi component is expected to be carried out from March to November 2023. Ethical approval was obtained from the Biomedical Research Ethics Committee in November 2021. Conclusions Anxiety in early childhood has been linked to various repercussions in adolescence and adulthood, such as school dropout, substance abuse, anxiety disorders, depression, and suicide ideation. Therefore, identifying the presence of anxiety earlier on and providing the necessary referral services could aid in reducing the negative consequences of unidentified and untreated anxiety in early childhood. International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID) PRR1-10.2196/37364
... There is convincing evidence, predominantly from high-income countries (HICs), that psychological treatments, including Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), are effective in treating anxiety and depression [21][22][23][24][25]. CBT-based programmes for CYP with anxiety have been widely used in individual and group-based contexts [26]. There is emerging evidence of the effectiveness of CBT-based approaches in these populations in LMICs [27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35]. Paradoxically, in these countries, there is also a lack of trained clinicians, particularly in the most deprived areas, where the vulnerability factors for developing mental health problems are highest [1,9,10]. ...
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Background Mental health problems often emerge during middle childhood and adolescence. In South Africa, and in the context of high rates of poverty, violence, and adversity, many children are at a considerable risk for developing mental health problems. Access to and costs of mental health services preclude treatment for most. There is evidence that universal school-based prevention programmes are effective in well-resourced settings. However, little is known about the feasibility and acceptability of such programmes in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), including South Africa. Methods This is a feasibility pilot study of 4 Steps To My Future (4STMF), a Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) school-based programme for young adolescents in the Western Cape, South Africa. This eight-session intervention will be delivered to children in grade 5 (aged 10–13 years approximately) attending two public government-run schools in the Western Cape, South Africa. We aim to enrol approximately 224 children in grade 5. We will randomise which school receives the intervention first and the other will be a delayed intervention group. We will train individuals with a post-graduate degree in psychology to facilitate the programme. We will collect demographic data on participants as well as data on primary (feasibility measures) and secondary outcomes (mental health and well-being measures). We will collect data at baseline, post-intervention, and at 1-month follow-up. Discussion This pilot study will provide data on the acceptability and feasibility of delivering a universal school-based prevention programme in South African schools. The study will provide preliminary data to inform the design of a full-scale randomised controlled trial (RCT) of a universal school-based mental health programme aimed at preventing mental health problems. Trial registration This trial is registered with the Pan African Clinical Trial Registry ( ) database, with unique identification number for the registry: PACTR202004803366609. Registered on 24 April 2020.
Background Visual impairment (VI) presents a unique situation for adaptation with diverse socio-cultural and psychological consequences. However, the treatment of patients with visual impairment (PVI) in Nigeria is yet to embrace the biopsychosocial model thereby leaving huge unmet mental health needs. Aims The aim of the study was to determine the burden of anxiety disorders and stress symptoms in PVI and highlight its relationship with vision-related health status. Subjects and Methods This was a cross-sectional study involving 400 PVI using standard criteria. Screening for anxiety disorders and stress symptoms was done using the 21-item Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS). Diagnosis of anxiety disorders was confirmed using relevant modules of the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Inventory (MINI). The vision-targeted health status was measured using the 25-Item Visual Function Questionnaire (WHO-NEI-VFQ-25). Multivariate linear regression model was used to determine the potential predictors of general health and vision sub-scales of quality of life. Results The prevalence (95% confidence interval [CI]) of anxiety disorders and significant stress symptoms were 29.5% (25.1%–34.2%) and 34.5% (29.9%–39.4%), respectively. Vision-related quality of life scores in the domains of general health, general vision, ocular pain and mental health were significantly lower in participants with anxiety disorders when compared with those without ( P < 0.05). Conclusion The findings of this study support the thinking that the presence of significant anxiety and stress symptoms lower the quality of life of the visually impaired. This has implications for clinical practice in the areas of routine screening for psychiatric morbidities and integration of psychosocial care into ophthalmic care.
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Introduction Poor mental health in adolescence is associated with mental, physical and social problems in later life. Adolescence is, therefore, a critical time for promoting mental well-being and preventing mental illness, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, where adolescents are exposed to a multitude of risk factors for poor mental health. This review aimed to map the current use, effectiveness and cultural sensitivity of promotive/preventive adolescent mental health interventions in the region. Methods A combined scoping and systematic review was conducted using the Arksey and O’Malley framework through searches in MEDLINE, CINAHL, Global Health, PsycINFO and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, covering January 2000 to December 2021. Results This review identified 79 papers, related to 61 unique interventions. Only five universal, school-based programmes were identified; most studies targeted orphans or HIV positive adolescents. Psychosocial interventions—aimed at strengthening knowledge, expression and psychosocial skills—produced mixed results. Structural interventions were often community-based and had limited psychosocial programming. Those that focused on HIV prevention, gender equity and parenting also produced mixed results; evidence was strongest for economic-livelihood programmes. Few studies described cultural sensitivity in detail. Some explained how the intervention aligned with local worldviews/values; had context-specific content; were based on explorations of relevant concepts; or integrated spiritual/cultural practices. Conclusion Preventive/promotive interventions for adolescent mental health in sub-Saharan Africa are limited in terms of geographical spread, but broad in terms of intervention types. Targeted approaches reflect realities that adolescents in the region face in relation to socioeconomic deprivation, family disruption and poor physical health. Yet, universal interventions that focus on general well-being are limited and lack a consideration of contemporary developments in the region such as increased social media use, suicide and obesity. Economic livelihood interventions showed most consistent evidence of effectiveness. Future studies could do more to consider/report cultural sensitivity.
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Anxiety and depression are among the most common mental health issues experienced in childhood. Implementing school-based prevention programs during childhood, rather than adolescence, is thought to provide better mental health outcomes. The present meta-analysis aimed to investigate the efficacy of universal school-based prevention programs that target both anxiety and depression in children (aged 13 years or below), and examine three moderators (i.e., program type, primary target of program, and number of sessions) on prevention effects. PsycINFO, PubMED, and Google Scholar were systematically searched for relevant articles published up to and including January 2018. Fourteen randomised controlled trials, consisting of 5970 children, met eligibility criteria. Prevention programs led to significantly fewer depressive symptoms at post-program (g = 0.172) and at long-term follow-up periods (g = 0.180), but not at short-term follow-up. Programs were not found to prevent anxiety symptoms across any time point. Considerable heterogeneity was observed for all effects. Program type and length were found to moderate the relationship between prevention program and outcomes. Prevention programs were effective in preventing depressive symptoms at post-program and long-term follow-up, while no significant preventative effect on anxiety symptoms was observed. The FRIENDS Program and programs which contained a greater number of sessions showed beneficial effects on anxiety and depressive symptoms. Universal programs aimed at preventing both anxiety and depression in children are limited. Future research should investigate the long-term evaluation of school-based prevention programs for anxiety and depression in children.
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Background: As children's mental health problems become more complex, more effective prevention is needed. Though various anxiety and depression prevention programmes based on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) were developed and evaluated in Europe, North America, and Australia recently, there are no programmes in Japan. This study developed a CBT programme for Japanese children and tried to verify its effectiveness in reducing anxiety. Methods: A CBT-based anxiety prevention programme, 'Journey of the Brave', was developed to prevent anxiety disorders for Japanese children. Children from 4th through 6th grades (9-12 years old) in Japanese elementary schools and their parents (13 sample pairs) were the intervention group. For comparison purposes, 16 pairs were the control group. Ten weekly programme sessions and two follow-ups were conducted. Children's anxiety levels in both groups were evaluated by child and parent self-reports using the spence children anxiety scale (SCAS) three times: pre-programme (baseline), post-programme, and 3 months following the end of the programme. Results: At 3-month follow-up, no significant difference was shown between the intervention and control groups on children's SCAS scores in changes from baseline by using mixed-effects model for repeated measures analysis (SCAS-C: -8.92 (95 % CI = -14.12 to -3.72) and -3.17 (95 % CI = -8.02 to 1.66) respectively; the between group difference was 5.747 (95 % CI = -1.355 to -12.85, p = 0.062). On the other hand, significant reduction was shown in the intervention group on parents' SCAS (SCAS-P) scores in change from baseline -9.554 (95 % CI = -12.91 to -6.19) and 0.154 (95 % CI = -2.88 to 3.19) respectively; the between group difference was 9.709 (95 % CI = 5.179 to 14.23, p = 0.0001). Conclusion: These preliminary results suggest this anxiety prevention programme for Japanese children was partially effective from parents' evaluations. However, it is important to note that this study was conducted on a small sample with unbalanced groups at pre-intervention with no randomization. The positive results may require discounting due to the research limitations. A larger-scale study of the programme in elementary school classes to verify its effectiveness with a more rigorous research design is necessary. Trial registration: UMIN-CTR UMIN000009021.
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Background Childhood anxiety presents a serious mental health problem, and it is one of the most common forms of psychological distress reported by youth worldwide. The prevalence of anxiety symptoms amongst South African youth is reported to be significantly higher than in other parts of the world. These high prevalence rates become even more significant when viewed in terms of children with visual impairments, as it is suggested that children with physical disabilities may be more prone, than their non-disabled peers, for the development of psychological difficulties. Objectives The main aim of this study is to develop, implement and evaluate a specifically tailored anxiety intervention programme for use with South African children with visual impairments. Method A specifically tailored cognitive-behavioural therapy-based anxiety intervention, for 9–13 year old South African children with visual impairments, will be evaluated in two special schools. The study will employ a randomised wait-list control group design with pre- post- and follow-up intervention measures, with two groups each receiving a 10 session anxiety intervention programme. The main outcome measure relates to the participants’ symptoms of anxiety as indicated on the Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale. Conclusion If the anxiety intervention programme is found to be effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety, this universal intervention will lay down the foundation upon which future contextually sensitive (South African) anxiety intervention programmes can be built.
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Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent form of psychopathology in children. Anxiety disorders often begin early in life, involve great suffering, and predict psychiatric problems. Unfortunately, only a few children with anxiety disorders will receive effective treatment. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of FRIENDS for Life, an Australian school-based prevention programme, with children from Sweden. Participants were 50 children, and the impact of the programme was measured at three time points on the outcomes of anxiety, depression, and general mental health. Results showed a decrease in depressive symptoms and difficulties, and an increase in strengths, for those children receiving the programme. For those children at risk for anxiety receiving the programme, the results also showed a decrease in anxiety symptoms. Overall, the study suggests that FRIENDS for Life could be a promising intervention for Swedish children.
Introduction Anxiety is the most common psychological problem reported among children with visual impairments. Although cognitive behavior therapy interventions have proven successful in treating childhood anxiety, it is unclear whether they are suitable and accessible for children who have visual impairments. This study aimed to determine if and how traditional cognitive behavior therapy–based interventions could be adapted for use with this specific population by interviewing children with visual impairments themselves. Methods A qualitative research design was used. Sixteen children with visual impairments (aged 9 to 13 years) participated in two focus group interviews. Participants attended two special schools in the Western Cape, South Africa. Interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim, and content analysis was undertaken. Results Three primary themes emerged from the focus group data: (1) difficulties encountered by children with visual impairments; (2) existing coping strategies; and (3) insight into the concepts of feelings, thoughts and behaviors (central to cognitive behavior therapy). Discussion The emergent themes and their implications for the adaptation of a cognitive behavior therapy–based anxiety intervention are discussed. Implications for practitioners Results provide practitioners with guidelines to consider when using or adapting therapeutic techniques such as cognitive behavior therapy for children with visual impairments.
A national program to transform child and adolescent mental health services has been launched in England. It is called the ‘Child and Young People’s Improving Access to Psychological Therapies’ (CYP IAPT) program. Fundamental components of the program are the implementation of evidence-based psychological therapies for common mental health problems, service user participation, routine outcomes monitoring, and training for therapists, supervisors and managers. This chapter describes the design, implementation and planned evaluation of the CYP IAPT program.
Introduction The aim of the study presented here was to determine whether significant differences exist between the fear profiles of South African children in middle childhood (aged 8–13) with different levels of visual impairments and those of their sighted counterparts. Methods A differential research design was used, and a total of 129 assenting children from three schools in the Western Cape province of South Africa participated. This convenience sample included 67 children with various degrees of visual impairments (20 with severe impairments and 47 with moderate impairments), and 62 gender- and age-matched sighted children in the control group. All the children were administered a short demographic questionnaire and the South African Fear Survey Schedule for Children (FSSC-SA). Results The results of the FSSC-SA indicated that the most feared item for the children with visual impairments was “Fire– getting burned” and that of the sighted children was “getting HIV.” The 10 most common fears of both groups were related mainly to situations in which the possibility of danger and harm was present, with the majority of fears loading onto Factor I (fear of danger and death) of the FSSC-SA. Consistent with previous research, gender differences were apparent across the number, level, and pattern of fears, with the girls consistently reporting more fears than the boys. In addition, the severely visually impaired group reported more fears, a greater intensity of fears, and a more complex pattern of fears than their moderately visually impaired and sighted counterparts. Discussion These results are discussed in terms of possible influencing factors. Implications for practitioners The results of the study provide teachers, parents, and others who are involved in the day-to-day lives of children with visual impairments with a glimpse into the children's emotional worlds. They also provide a foundation upon which future intervention and treatment strategies may be built.
The study reported here examined the number, content, and intensity of fears of 42 visually impaired children, aged 5-18. All children were administered the Fear Survey for Children with and without Mental Retardation. To obtain a different perception of children's fears, the authors also asked residential child care counselors to complete the survey for the children. Although the children had many fears, there was little difference between the number of mild and severe fears. The children reported more fears of potentially physically dangerous and harmful situations than of psychologically harmful situations. The counselors' reports generally disagreed with the children's. Methodological implications of assessing fears in handicapped populations are presented, along with future research directions.
Although the experience of childhood fear has been deemed a common phenomenon, in some cases, children’s fears can become excessive and interfere with daily functioning and activities, and may thus warrant clinical attention. It is in cases such as these that reliable and valid methods to assess childhood fears are required. Although normative fear literature describes many effective modes of assessment, these methods are not accessible to all children, and certain accommodations are necessary when assessing the fears of children with visual impairments. This article provides a reflection on a case study where the fears of 67 South African children with varying degrees of visual impairment were assessed using the South African version of the Fear Survey Schedule for Children (FSSC-SA). Aspects relating to child-friendly procedure and accommodations are discussed.