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Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Inhibitory Study Of Cassava Leather Ethanol Extract As Natural
Antimicrobial In Reducing
Salmonella Sp
. And
Escherichia Coli
Contamination Chicken Meat (
Gallus Domesticus
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1751 (2021) 012048
IOP Publishing
Inhibitory Study Of Cassava Leather Ethanol Extract As
Natural Antimicrobial In Reducing Salmonella Sp. And
Escherichia Coli On Contamination Chicken Meat (Gallus
D Sartika 1 ) , S Astuti 2 ), R Iswandari 3)
1,2) Lecturer at the Department of Agricultural Product Technology, Faculty of Agriculture,
University of Lampung
Jl. Prof. Soemantri Brojonegoro No. 1 Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35145
3) Student of the Department of Agricultural Industry Technology , Faculty of Agriculture,
University of Lampung
Email: dewikincai@gmail.com1 , sussi_astuti@yahoo.com 2, riaiswandari718@gmail.com3
Abstract: Chicken meat is a food product that is damaged easily and it's a good medium for
microbial growth. Therefore, it is needed a way to reduce the contamination of microbial
pathogens . Cassava leather is a byproduct that contains an active compounds and it has a
natural antimicrobial function to reduce pathogenic microbe contaminant . This study to
determine the presence of natural antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli and
Salmonella sp. in chicken meat. The research was conducted using single factor with 7
treatment in Completely Randomized Block Design as many as 5 replications. Seven
treatments of this research one positive control treatment (amoxicillin), and one treatment as
control (96% ethanol). The results is cassava ethanol extract able to inhibit of Escherichia coli
with the inhibitory diameter of 10.08 mm and Salmonella sp. with an inhibitory diameter
diameter of 9.17 mm at a concentration extract of 100%, by extract concentrations of 80%,
60%, 40%, and 20%, with each inhibitory diameter 8.98 mm, 8.67 mm, 8.62 mm, 8.45 mm
against Escherichia coli and 8.58 mm, 8.22 mm, 7.73 mm, 7.56 mm against Salmonella sp .
The best concentration of cassava ethanol extract as a natural antimicrobial in chicken meat
was 100% with total decrease to Escherichia coli 5.8 x 107cfu / g (69.05%) and total decrease
of Salmonella sp by 4.0 x 107 cfu / g (41.17%).
Keywords : Antimicrobial, Cassava leather , Chicken meat.
1. Introduction
Chicken meat is a source of animal protein which is widely consumed by people compared to beef.
This is supported by BPS data (2016), an increase in chicken meat production in Indonesia from 2014
to 2016 , respectively, 1,544,378 tons, 1,628,307 tons, and 1,689,584 tons . Meanwhile, the amount
of beef production in 2014 - 2016 was 438.77 thousand tons, 523.93 thousand tons and 583.14
thousand tons. In addition to its high nutritional value, chicken meat is a perishable livestock product
(rotten), so it becomes an excellent medium for microbial growth and acts as a carrier for several types
of diseases that are harmful to humans or called Foodborne diseases . Foodb o r ne disease occurs
when a person consumes food or drinks contaminated by pathogenic microorganisms such as
Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli , Coliform , and Salmonella sp [19].
Men sequence studies Setiowati et al.[22], the percentage of chicken meat samples from traditional
markets in Indonesia yan g positively contaminated with Salmonella sp. and E. coli is 10.06%. In
Indonesia, especially in Malang, it is known that 3 out of 36 samples of fresh chicken carcass samples
were detected positively contaminated by Salmonella sp. (Primajati, 2011). The results of research by
Sartika et al. [19], showed the high contamination of Salmonella sp. which was identified in chicken
meat in traditional markets and modern markets in Bandar Lampung with high levels of
contamination, namely 3.30 x 10 8 cfu / g in traditional markets and 3.27 x 10 8 cfu / g in modern
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1751 (2021) 012048
IOP Publishing
markets. Referring to SNI-7388 [4] that the maximum limit of Salmonella sp contamination on
chicken meat must be negative, the data above shows that chicken meat in traditional and modern
markets does not meet quality standards. This bacterial infection in animals or humans can lead to a
disease called salmonellosis (Serbeniuk, 2002). Salmonellosis epidemic in the world causes acute
gastroenteritis or diarrhea (1.3 billion people) and death (13 million people) (Portillo, 2000). More
than 50% of the causes of diarrhea outbreaks in the world are caused by food contaminated with
Salmonella sp. (Milliotis and Bier, 2003 ).
Chicken infected with Salmonella sp. from the environment can spread these pathogenic bacteria
contamination through feces. Then the feces will re-pollute the surrounding environment such as soil
and water. Transmission of Salmonella sp. from the environment to animals, humans or food causing
food borne diseases and water borne diseases (Bell and Kyriakides, 2002). Contamination of
Salmonella sp. most often occurs in chicken, because hens infected with Salmonella sp. transovarially
( through the ovaries) and can transmit these bacteria through livestock products. According to
Soeparno [23], microbial contamination occurs through the surface of the meat during the meat
preparation process, namely the process of cleavage of carcass (carcass cutting), cooling, freezing,
refreshing frozen meat, manufacturing of processed meat products, preservation, packaging, storage,
and marketing. Poor sanitation causes pathogenic microbial contamination to increase , one of which
is Salmonella sp. [25].
According to Hariyadi [9], Salmonella sp. is an indicator of food safety . This is because all serotypes
of Salmonella sp. which is known in the world is pathogenic, so the presence of these bacteria in food
is considered a health hazard. Salmonella sp. causes a disease commonly referred to as salmonellosi s .
Salmonellosis is zoonotic meaning that it can be transmitted from animals to humans. Salmonella sp.
transmitted to humans through foodstuffs originating from livestock infected by these bacteria [25].
The quality of chicken meat can be tested from a biological perspective to see the level of
contamination of E. coli bacteria , because E. coli bacteria are used as an indicator of the sanitation of
a processed product derived from meat or beverages [20]. Microbial contamination in foodstuffs is the
result of direct or indirect contamination with microbial pollution sources, such as soil, air, water, dust,
digestive tract and respiratory tract of humans and animals. Based on SNI No. 01-7388-2009 of 2009
concerning the maximum limit of microbial contamination in food, the number of Escherichia coli
bacteria is 1 x 10 1 cfu / g.
The pathogenic microbial contamination test is an important indicator to determine the quality of
processed chicken meat that is fit for consumption. The presence of pathogenic microbes in meat is
very likely to occur, because the high nutrient content in chicken meat is a good medium for the
growth and reproduction of microorganisms (Yulistiani, 2010). The simple and traditional processing
of chicken meat is also very possible for pathogenic bacteria contaminants (Raza et al ., 2012).
Therefore, efforts are needed to reduce microbial contamination to meet food safety levels in chicken
Some efforts that can be made to control the damage and development of microbes are storing chicken
meat at a cold temperature of 5 o C, and preserving it with chemicals or natural ingredients that have
antimicrobial properties [21]. B ome merchants seek to preserve meat chicken by giving some
chemical compounds such as borax as a preservative d may block the growth of bath teri pathogens.
The provision of these chemicals is not justified by the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM)
because it can endanger the health of consumers.
Cassava peel is an agricultural residue that is found in abundance in various regions in Indonesia,
including in Lampung. So far, this cassava peel has not been utilized optimally by the community,
even though this cassava peel can be used as a raw material for making natural antimicrobials . The
content of phenolic compounds, flavonoids, cyanides and tannins in cassava peels acts as a natural
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1751 (2021) 012048
IOP Publishing
antimicrobial [27]. Levels of HCN (cyanide acid) in cassava peels range <50-250 ppm, the safe limit
for HCN levels justified by FAO for consumption is <50 ppm. Based on Atma (2013), the HCN level
of Manalagi cassava is 19.5 ppm, which means it is safe for consumption. Therefore, research is
needed to determine the effectiveness of cassava peels as an antimicrobial to reduce contamination in
chicken meat contaminated with Salmonella sp. and E. coli . This study aims to determine the
inhibitory power of cassava peel extract against Salmonella sp. and Escherichia coli on chicken meat
and to determine the best concentration of cassava peel extract in reducing contamination of
Salmonella sp. and E s cherichia coli on chicken.
2. Materials And Methods
Materials and Tools
The main materials used in the study is the white part of peel cassava Manalagi obtained from the
District of Batang Nuban , East Lampung District , meat chicken, cultures of Salmonella sp . , and E.
coli cultures . While the auxiliary materials used are 70% alcohol, 96% ethanol, Mac Conkey Agar
(MCA), aquadest, aluminum foil, cotton , filter paper , disc paper , Nutrient Agar (NA) , Nutrient
Broth (NB), XLD and BPW as well as other materials for microbiological analysis. The tools used in
the study were scales, trays, ovens, vacuum rotary evaporators , petri dishes, test tubes, autoclaves,
incubators , colony counters , drop pipettes, micrometers, Erlenmeyer, Beaker glass, measuring cups,
tablets, and other analysis tools.
Research methods
The study was conducted to find the best concentration of cassava peel extract as an antimicrobial
against Salmonella sp. and Echerichia coli . Each experiment used a single factor with 7 treatments in
a Completely Randomized Design (RAKL) with 5 replications. Seven treatments with 5 levels of
concentration of cassava peel extract, namely K 1 (10 0%), K 2 ( 8 0%), K 3 (60% ), K 4 (40%), K 5
(20%), one control treatment. positive K + (amoxicillin), and one treatment as a control (96%
ethanol). The data were analyzed for similarity of variance with the Bartlett test to determine the
homogeneity of the data. After the data is homogeneous, then the data is analyzed with variance
fingerprints to obtain a variety of error estimators and to determine whether there is an effect between
treatments. To find out the difference between treatments, an advanced test was carried out using the
Least Significant Difference ( LSD ) test at the 5% level [24]. As supporting data, a quantitative test of
saponins, tannins and HCN was carried out.
3. Results and Discussion
Ethanol Extract of Cassava Bark
The results showed that from 500 g of dry cassava peel powder extracted with 96% ethanol solvent by
maceration method, the yield was 10% concentrated extract, had dark brown characteristics and had a
distinctive aroma of cassava peels. Maceration is a process of extraction of the mplisia using a solvent
with several times shaking or stirring at room temperature (Ditjen POM, 2000). The advantage of
extraction by maceration is that the workmanship and equipment used is simple, while the
disadvantages are that it takes a long time to process, requires a lot of solvent and less perfect
extraction (Tiwari et al ., 2011
The dried implisia are powdered with the aim of increasing the surface area of the raw material. The
wider the surface area, the faster the raw material will dry and the greater the contact with the solvent
so that the desired active compound is more easily extracted. The choice of ethanol solvent is
because ethanol is a universal solvent that can attract compounds that are soluble in non-polar
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1751 (2021) 012048
IOP Publishing
solvents . Secondary metabolite compounds that act as antimicrobials have non-polar properties so that
they can be dissolved in non-polar solvents ( Gunawan et al., 2008 ).
Active Compounds Ethanol Extract of Cassava Bark
The results showed that the ethanol extract of cassava peel had secondary metabolite compounds
which functioned as antimicrobials. This is evidenced by quantitative tests on tannins, saponins, and
HCN compounds. The levels of active compounds in the ethanol extract of cassava peels can be seen
in Table 1.
Table 1. Content of the active compound of cassava peel ethanol extract
Active Compounds
Amount (mg / L)
Cassava bark ethanol extract had higher levels of tannins of 583.26 mg / L . Tannins have
antibacterial activity because they can bind to bacterial cell walls, inhibit growth and protease activity
( Monalisa, 2011 ). Tannin levels obtained from the results of the study can provide antimicrobial
effects against E. coli and Salmonella sp . . According to Buck (2001), tannins can directly enter and
penetrate into cells by means of passive diffusion, then interact with proteins in the peptidoglycan
layer, causing damage to the cell wall. This will then cause the bacteria to undergo lysis due to high
osmotic pressure from within the cell. Kusuma's research [14] states that the ethanol extract of
banana peels can inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli because it is suspected that there are levels of
active compounds including tannins that give an antimicrobial effect. However, according to Permadi
(2010), it is stated that the b above is safe for the tannin content in food ingredients according to the
ADI value, which is 560 mg / L body weight / day , the results showed that the tannin content from the
ethanol extract of cassava peels was 583 mg / L slightly above. safety limit. The effect caused by
tannins is to cause a bitter taste in food ingredients . This compound is carcinogenic when consumed
in excessive amounts and continuously, so it must be reduced before consumption by cooking.
Tannins are volatile compounds that easily evaporate during cooking, so that their levels decrease (
Chrissanty, 2011) .
Cassava bark ethanol extract had higher levels of saponins of 8280 mg / L . The levels can provide
antimicrobial efficacy against E. coli and Salmonella sp .. M ccording Ami ( 1994), saponins have
molecules that can draw water or hydrophilic and can dissolve fat molecules or lipophilic so as to
reduce the surface tension of the cells that ultimately lead to the destruction of bacteria (Istiana, 2005).
The main effect of saponins on bacteria is the release of proteins and enzymes from the cells. Saponins
are antimicrobial by damaging cell membranes. The damage to the membrane causes important
substances to leave the cell and can also prevent the entry of important materials into the cell. If the
function of the cell membrane is damaged, it will result in cell death (Monalisa et al ., 2011). Through
this mechanism, it is suspected that saponins in cassava peel extract have antimicrobial properties that
can inhibit the growth of E.coli and salmonella sp . . Saponins are characterized by their bitter taste
and their ability to dissolve red blood cells. Saponins dissolve in water to form foam like soap scum,
this is because saponins have amphiphilic properties. The glycoside bonds in saponins are quite stable,
but can be broken down chemically by strong acids in water (Sudarma 2014).
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1751 (2021) 012048
IOP Publishing
The ethanol extract of cassava peels has an HCN level of 10.60 mg / L. The results of Atman's [3]
study showed that Manalagi cassava had HCN levels of 19.5 ppm. According to Lenny (2006), a sam
cyanide (HCN ) are toxic so that cyanide entry into the cell structure of Staphylococcus aureus and
poisoning that disrupts metabolic processes in cells and even cell death. Levels of HCN (cyanide acid)
in cassava peels range <50-250 ppm. The safe limit for HCN levels for consumption according to the
FAO is <50 ppm. Based on the results of the study, the HCN level of Manalagi cassava peel was 10.60
ppm, which means it is safe for consumption.
Antimicrobial Activity of Cassava Bark Ethanol Extract
Based on the research results, the ethanol extract of the cassava peel showed the formation of a clear
zone around the disc paper on both E.coli and Salmonella sp. . The results of measuring the diameter
of the inhibitory power of bacteria can be seen in Table 2.
Table 2. Diameter of inhibition of ethanol extract of cassava peel, amoxicillin, and ethanol 96%
against E s cherichia coli and Salmonella sp.
Test bacteria
Inhibition diameter ± sd
Escherichia coli
K 1
10.08 ± 0.58 a
K 2
8.98 ± 0.28 b
K 3
8.67 ± 0.28 bc
K 4
8.62 ± 0.32 cd
K 5
8.45 ± 0.23 de
1.69 ± 0.84 f
K +
12.84 ± 0.30 g
Salmonella sp.
K 1
9.17 ± 0.42 a
K 2
8.58 ± 0.30 b
K 3
8.22 ± 0.33 bc
K 4
7.73 ± 0.29 cd
K 5
7.56 ± 0.43 d e
1.45 ± 0.88 f
K +
15.60 ± 0.22g
Note: Numbers followed by the same letter indicate that they are not different
real at the level of α 5%
K 5 = 20% concentration of cassava peel ethanol extract
K 4 = 40% concentration of cassava peel ethanol extract
K 3 = 60% concentration of cassava peel ethanol extract
K 2 = 80% concentration of cassava peel ethanol extract
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1751 (2021) 012048
IOP Publishing
K 1 = concentration of 100% cassava peel ethanol extract
K = Control (96% ethanol)
K + = Positive control (amoxicillin)
The concentration of 100% ethanol extract of cassava peels had the largest diameter of inhibition
against the growth of E. coli and Salmonella sp . (Table 4). According to Pradana (2013) in Saraswati
(2015), based on the diameter of the inhibitory power formed, antibacterial activity is classified into
four groups, namely weak (diameter of inhibition power <5 mm), medium (diameter of inhibition
power between 5-10 mm), strong (diameter resistance between 10-20 mm), and very strong (diameter
of resistance> 20 mm). The ethanol extract of cassava peels has different inhibitory effects on
Escherichi a coli and Salmonella sp. so that a further test was carried out to see the significant
differences resulting from each of the extract concentrations against the two tested bacteria.
The results of the LSD further test at the 5% level indicated that the extract concentration Cassava peel
ethanol concentration was 100% significantly different from other treatments in the Escherichia coli
bacteria . The concentrations of 80%, 60% and 40% were not significantly different in the tested
bacteria, but were significantly different from the concentrations of 100% and 20%. Positive control
(amoxicillin) showed the largest diameter of inhibition compared to the other five extract
The diameter of inhibition formed at a concentration of 100% was classified as moderate antimicrobial
with a diameter of 10.08 mm of inhibition against E. coli . The 80% concentration of the ethanol
extract of cassava peels has an inhibitory capacity of 8.98 mm in diameter . At a concentration of 60%
inhibition diameter is formed at 8.67 mm. P there is a concentration of 40%, a diameter of 8.62 mm is
formed . S edangkan extract concentration ethanol cassava peel the lowest was 20% at 8:45 mm . has
the smallest diameter of inhibition compared to other extract concentrations
The results of the LSD further test at the 5% level on the diameter of inhibition of Salmonella sp.
showed that the ethanol extract concentration of cassava peels was 100% significantly different from
other treatments. The concentrations of 80%, 60% and 40% were not significantly different in the
tested bacteria, but were significantly different from the concentrations of 100% and 20%. The
diameter of the inhibitory power formed in Salmonella sp test bacteria was classified as moderate (
9.17 mm ) at a concentration of 100% . A concentration of 80% of the ethanol extract of cassava peels
had a diameter of inhibition of 8.58 mm. The diameter of inhibition was formed 8.22 mm at a
concentration of 60%. P there is a concentration of 40% to form a diameter of inhibition of 7.73 mm. S
edangkan extract concentration ethanol cassava peel the lowest was 20% at 7:46 mm has a diameter of
inhibitory most smaller than the concentration of other extracts. Concentrations of 80%, 60%, 40%
and 20% of the ethanol extract of cassava peels are classified as antimicrobials with moderate activity.
Amoxicillin as a positive control has stronger antimicrobial activity than the ethanol extract of cassava
peels, however, the continuous use of commercial antibiotics such as amoxicillin causes bacteria to
become resistant. Control (96% ethanol) showed the smallest inhibition results, namely <2 mm against
Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp.
These results are in accordance with the research conducted by Kusuma [14] that 96% ethanol does
not provide an antimicrobial effect on Escherichia c oil. The results of this study are in line with the
results of Hartari's [10] research , which states that rubber cassava peel extract has antimicrobial
activity that can inhibit the growth of Vibrio, sthapylococus aureus , E. coli and Salmonella sp . Gram
negative bacteria such as Salmonella sp are generally more resistant to antimicrobial compounds than
Gram positive bacteria [6]. This is related to the multilayered structure of the Gram negative bacterial
cell wall , composed of several layers, namely lipopolysaccharide, p eptidoglycan, and lipoprotein
[6]. E. coli is a Gram negative bacteria which is more sensitive to the activity of antimicrobial
compounds. The cell wall structure of Gram positive bacteria consists of thick peptidoglycan which
provides rigidity to maintain cell integrity. When there is damage to the cell wall or there are obstacles
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1751 (2021) 012048
IOP Publishing
in its formation, lysis of bacterial cells can occur so that the bacteria immediately lose their ability to
form colonies and are followed by bacterial cell death (Morin and Goman, 1995). The effect of the
ethanol extract of cassava peels is thought to inhibit cell wall assembly and interfere with the
incorporation of the glyan chain so that it is not connected or completely bound to the cell wall
peptidoglycan, causing a weak structure and causing bacterial death.
The results of measurements of the clear zone area of the ethanol extract of cassava peels against
Salmonella sp and E. coli are presented in Figure 1.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 1. Area of inhibition of cassava peel ethanol extract against Salmonella sp . (a), the area of
inhibition of the ethanol extract of cassava peels against E. coli (b), the area of inhibition of the
activity of amoxicillin and ethanol 96% (c)
The best concentration on the inhibition of growth of bacteria E.coli and Salmonella sp . is the ethanol
extract of cassava peels with a concentration of 100%. The 100% concentration of cassava peel
ethanol extract had levels of tannins of 583.26 mg / L and saponins of 8280 mg / L with inhibition
diameter of 10.08 mm and 9.17 mm, respectively. Ami's research results (2016) show that cherry
bark has saponin levels of 823 0 ppm and tannins of 1783 ppm have antibacterial activity against
Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus with a diameter of inhibition of 11 mm.
Tannins have antibacterial activity by precipitating protein, activating enzymes and destroying the
function of genetic material [22]. Disrupted cell permeability causes cells to be unable to carry out
activities so that their growth is inhibited or even dies ( Ami, 2016 ). Secondary metabolites such as
tannins, saponins and HCN are able to damage microbial cells by preventing permeability of the
cytoplasmic membrane, causing leakage of intracellular materials, then denaturing protein proteins and
activating enzymes. In addition, antimicrobial compounds can also break peptidoglycan cross-links by
penetrating the cell walls, causing leakage of cell nutrients due to damage to hydrophobic bonds.
Damage to the membrane results in inhibition of activity and biosynthesis of specific enzymes
required in the process of cell metabolism [6].
According to Prescott (2005) , the difference in the diameter of the inhibitory power formed is due to
the sensitivity level of the test organism, the difference in diffusion rate of antibacterial compounds
and the concentration of antibacterial compounds. This causes a large difference in the diameter of the
inhibitory power formed against the two bacteria. The bacteria Escherichia coli more sensitive to the
compound antibacterial contained in the peel extract of cassava compared to the bacteria Salmonella
sp . However Thus , the ethanol extract of cassava peel effect which does not differ much in inhibiting
the growth of Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp.
Positive control (amoxicillin) showed the largest diameter of inhibition compared to the other five
extract concentrations. This is because amoxicillin is a commercial antibiotic that contains high
antimicrobial compounds. Amoxicillin is a type of antibiotic that has a broad spectrum, stable acid,
semi-synthesis, including the Penicillin class (β-lactam antibiotic) which is effectively used to treat
Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial infections in humans and animals by inhibiting bacterial
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1751 (2021) 012048
IOP Publishing
cell wall synthesis [12]. The 100% extract concentration has the largest area of inhibition compared to
other concentrations due to the nature of the extract that is still pure, so that the high levels of active
compounds are able to provide optimal antimicrobial effectiveness without dilution with the addition
of distilled water. According to Reveny (2011), the average diameter of the inhibitory power formed
from antibacterial compounds increases with increasing extract concentration. This is because one of
the factors that influence the work of antimicrobial compounds is the concentration of the substance.
The higher the concentration of the substance the greater the inhibitory effect because the more active
substances are contained therein.
Total Bacteria Decrease Test in Chicken Meat
The results showed that the addition of cassava peel ethanol extract reduced E.coli and Salmonella sp.
Contamination in chicken meat. This is evidenced by a decrease in the number of E. coli and
Salmonella sp. In chicken meat after adding 100% ethanol extract of cassava peel that has been diluted
with 0.85% NaCl physiological solution, so that the concentration of the ethanol extract of cassava
peels becomes 10%. The results of the average calculation of E. coli and Salmonella sp . obtained
from total colony measurements five times. The results of total reduction test for E. coli and
Salmonella sp. On chicken meat using ethanol extract of sin gkong skin can be seen in Table 3
Table 3 . The test results of total reduction of E. coli and Salmonella sp. On chicken meat used the best
concentration of ethanol extract of cassava peel (100%)
Average (colony / g)
Total drop (colonies/g)
Total decline (%)
adding the
After adding
the extract
Escherichia coli
8.4 x 10 7
2.6 x 10 7
5.8 x 10 7
Salmonella sp.
1.0 x 10 8
6.2 x 10 7
4.0 x 10 7
The results of total reduction test for E. coli and Salmonella sp . in chicken meat using the best extract
(100% concentration) shows that the total average of E. coli before the addition of the ethanol extract
of cassava peels is 8.4 x 10 7 cfu / g, after adding the total extract of E. coli becomes 2.6 x 10 7 cfu / g .
Total Salmonella sp test on chicken meat was 1.0 x 10 8 cfu / g, and 6.2 x 10 7 cfu / g after giving the
ethanol extract of cassava peel. The ethanol extract of cassava peel can reduce E.coli contamination by
69.05% and 41.17% in Salmonella sp. The reduction in pathogenic microbial contamination in
chicken meat is due to the presence of antimicrobial compounds in the ethanol extract of cassava peels
which hinders the peptidoglycan synthesis process so that the bacterial cell wall bonds become weak,
causing lysis. As a result of lysis of bacterial cells, the cell wall does not function to maintain shape
and protect bacteria that have a higher osmotic pressure. Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp are Gram
negative bacteria which are more sensitive to antimicrobial compounds so they are more prone to lysis
(Jawetz et al ., 2001).
Secondary metabolite compounds found in the ethanol extract of cassava peels include tannins,
saponins, and HCN which function as antimicrobials so they can have a reduction effect on E.coli and
Salmonella sp contamination in chicken meat. This is because secondary metabolites are able to block
cell wall biosynthesis by inhibiting the work of enzymes in synthesizing different components of the
cell wall. Secondary metabolite compounds can affect the integrity of the bacterial membrane.
Antimicrobials affect protein synthesis, act as destroyers of ribosomal units, bind to 50S units and
prevent translation and bind to 30S units causing translation errors, producing toxins and affecting
proteins. Antimicrobial compounds will affect the function of DNA replication and repair, inhibiting
the enzymes gyrase, topoisomerase and N-methyltransferase. In the end, antimicrobial compounds
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1751 (2021) 012048
IOP Publishing
interfere with intermediate metabolism by inhibiting enzymes in the biosynthesis of different
substances so that bacterial growth is low (Berdy, 2005).
4. Conclusion
1. The ethanol extract of cassava peels has antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli and
Salmonella sp in chicken meat . The ethanol extract of cassava peel is able to inhibit the growth of
Escherichia coli with an inhibitory power diameter of 10.08 mm (moderate antibacterial activity)
and has an antimicrobial ability against Salmonella sp . with an inhibitory power diameter of 9.17
mm (moderate antibacterial activity) at a concentration of 100% cassava peel ethanol extract. The
extract concentrations were 80%, 60%, 40%, and 20%, respectively 8.98 mm in diameter, 8.67 mm,
8.62 mm, 8.45 mm against Escherichia coli and 8.58 mm, 8.22 mm, 7.73 mm, 7.56 mm
respectively. Salmonella sp .
2. The best concentration of ethanol extract of cassava peel as a natural antimicrobial in chicken
meat is 100% with a total reduction of Escherichia coli of 5.8 x 10 7 cfu / g (69.05%) and a total
reduction of Salmonella sp of 4.0 x 10 7 cfu / g (41.17%) ) with dilution using a physiological
solution of 0.85% NaCl so that the extract concentration becomes 10% . .
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