Promoting health and well-being for older adults is a priority among many jurisdictions worldwide. Canada’s population is aging and becoming increasingly diverse; one axis of a diverse aging population is aging members of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and two-spirit (LGBTQ2S+) communities. We sought to examine the lived experiences of older LGBTQ2S+ people in Canada to understand the barriers and facilitators to healthy aging among members of these communities. A total of 10 focus groups were held in 10 cities from across Canada. Sixty-one older LGBTQ2S+ people (Mean age = 67) participated in the study. Data were analyzed using a constructivist grounded theory approach. Through analysis, we identified themes related to the importance of community capacity, resources, resilience, and personal histories in shaping aging experiences. The findings highlight the importance acknowledging diverse sexual and gender identities and the role of the life course in developing and implementing approaches that promote healthy aging.