... Gender-specific recommendations Outreach activities [10,12,16,24,28,39,48,50,60,63,65,70,71,73,79,80] [2, 6,11,32,37,74,77] Promotion of computing through engagement: school visits, workshops, hackathons, summer camps, etc. Building female community [35,45,63,64,76,86,87] [ 2,5,7,32,36,37,47,58,78,84] Arranging networking opportunities for female students outside of classes Female-focused marketing [28,75] [2, 58,59] Including female-inclusivity in marketing activities and materials Gender talks [24,75] [ 27,32,34,58,84] Acknowledging gender issues in and outside of the class and presenting successful female speakers Diverse teaching staff [75] [ 4,34,36,47] Ensuring faculty diversity Female-only environment [50,87] Making female-only courses, events, and programs Targeted recruitment [38] [ 6,36] Having quotas for women Gender-inclusive materials [1,62] [ 37,52,69] Ensuring that educational materials are free from stereotypes and biases Inclusive environment [56,76] [ 4,8,13,36,58,81,84] Ensuring that the university has diversitysupporting policies, zero tolerance for discrimination; covering female needs, etc. Creation of a diversityfocused action group [7] Creating separate department responsible for diversity Faculty training [7,8,18,19,34,36,53,59,69] Educating teaching staff about genderinclusive tactics and principles in education Gender-neutral recommendations Industry collaboration [15,86] [ 27,37,47,59,77] Involving industry in education Gamification [3,38,44,66,67] [ 27,29] Using gamification in educational processes Mentoring [10,23,38,44,45,63,64,76,79,86] [ 4,7,8,19,27,32,36,37,52,53,58,77,78,84] ...