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Extraction and characterization of essential oil of garlic (Allium Sativa L.)

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International Journal of Chemical Studies 2021; 9(1): 1455-1459
P-ISSN: 23498528
E-ISSN: 23214902
IJCS 2021; 9(1): 1455-1459
© 2021 IJCS
Received: 12-10-2020
Accepted: 23-11-2020
Nilesh Dehariya
Department of Agricultural and
Food Engineering, Indian
Institute of Technology
Kharagpur, West Bengal, India
Proshanta Guha
Department of Agricultural and
Food Engineering, Indian
Institute of Technology
Kharagpur, West Bengal, India
Rakesh Kumar Gupta
Department of Agricultural and
Food Engineering, Indian
Institute of Technology
Kharagpur, West Bengal, India
Corresponding Author:
Nilesh Dehariya
Department of Agricultural and
Food Engineering, Indian
Institute of Technology
Kharagpur, West Bengal, India
Extraction and characterization of essential oil of
garlic (Allium sativa L.)
Nilesh Dehariya, Proshanta Guha and Rakesh Kumar Gupta
The essential oil was extracted from garlic powder by soxhlet extraction method using ethanol as a
solvent. The yield of essential oil was influenced by extraction time and temperature. The maximum
extraction yield was 16.55% under treatment- T7 (50 °C for 4 hours). The density and refractive index of
the oil was 0.875 (g/ml) and 1.52 respectively. The oil is light yellowish in colour with a pungent odour.
The maximum TOAC (12.01 mM α tocopherol per ml of essential oil) was found under T3 treatment.
Essential oil was analyzed by gas chromatographymass Spectrometry (GC-MS). The major chemical
compound were: diallyl disulfide (48.42%), allyl methyl trisulfide (7.27%), trisulfide, di-2 propenyl
(3.46%), and daillyl sulfide (7.64%). The results revealed that T7 was the best treatment among all
treatments. This indicates the feasibility of garlic oil production at a commercial scale for culinary and
medical utilization.
Keywords: Garlic essential oil, chemical composition, refractive index, TOAC, Allium sativum
1. Introduction
Allium sativum L., commonly known as garlic, belongs to the onion family, lilliaceae. Garlic
was likely originated in Central Asia and it has been in use throughout the world for both
culinary and medicinal purposes [1, 2]. The garlic oil, rich in sulfureted organic compounds,
contains a variety of sulfides such as diallyl disulfide and dilly trisulfide [3-7]. It is used not only
as a flavoring agent, food preservative but also in the prevention and treatment of several
illnesses [8, 9]. In the pharmaceutical industry, it is much used due to its anticarcinogenic,
antithrombotic and antiplatelet aggregation properties. The regular consumption of garlic oil
can reduce blood pressure, prevent heart disease including atherosclerosis, high cholesterol
and cancer [10]. Recent biological and pharmacological research [11-21] confirms these medicinal
properties showing that garlic oil has an antibiotic, antioxidant, anti-viral, anti-fungal,
antimicrobial, anticarcinogenic and immunomodulatory effect and garlic can be used to
prevent nausea, diarrhea, ease coughs and even in treatment in conditions such as malaria and
cholera. It is an immune system enhancer [22]. Some studies have found lower rates of certain
types of cancer in people who use it regularly.
Being the second largest producer of garlic, India maintains surplus quantify most of the times
that remains unutilized. India provides 5.2% of the total world production followed by China
with 80% share in the global market. The other major producers are Bangladesh and Egypt
followed by Korea, Russia and others. In India Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Orissa,
Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra are the main states where garlic is grown commercially with an
average yield of 6-8 tonnes/ha. Madhya Pradesh is the leading garlic producing state with the
production of 4.24 lakh tones accounting to about 26.25% of total Indian production and a
yield of 7.86 tonnes/ha.
In India, due to lack of poor post-harvest handling practices, suitable storage, processing
facilities, heavy losses are incurred both in terms of quality and quantity. This may be
attributed to respiration, transpiration and microbiological spoilage. Though garlic is produced
abundantly and consumed as such, little efforts have so far been made to produce garlic
essential oil from garlic powder. Garlic is a semi perishable commodity and nearly 30% of the
crop is wasted due to respiration and microbiological spoilage during storage [23], which needs
to be addressed. Therefore, it is important to diversify its utility forms.
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Extraction of essential oil is a major food processing
operation in the food industry for utilization of this surplus
garlic in terms of value addition and income generation and
thereby minimize wastage.
There are different methods for extraction of essential oil. In
this study, the essential oil was extracted by soxhlet extraction
method using ethanol as a solvent. This study had four
objectives: 1) Optimization of a process parameter, 2)
Determination of physical properties, 3) To find out chemical
composition of the extracted oil, 4) Evaluation of antioxidant
2. Materials and Methods
Fresh garlic (local variety) was procured from Tech market,
IIT Kharagpur and during the experiments, all the samples
were stored in our lab at appropriate conditions (dark, 27 ºC).
The garlic cloves were cut into two equal-size manually by
stainless steel knife with the utmost care and immediately
kept into the oven at 60˚C to dry for 48 hours and the powder
was made by mechanical tools.
2.1. Extraction of Essential Oil
The solvent extraction method was conducted with a soxhlet
extractor using commercial ethanol at different temperature of
50, 60 and 70°C for 2, 3 and 4 hours. The combination of
temperature and time were determined in a preliminary set of
experiments. Three replicates were carried out for all nine
treatments to reduce the error. Garlic powder was used (10g)
at 1:20, sample to solvent ratio. The oil was obtained after the
solvent was evaporated by placing over a water bath
(LABARD, LI-WBPR-14A) for about 2-3 hours under
reduced temperature (50°C) and refluxing at 70°C to remove
any excess solvent [2]. The extracted garlic oil was stored in a
refrigerator at 4°C for subsequent physico-chemical analyses.
2.2. Antioxidant Activity
The total antioxidant capacity (TAOC) of the essential oil
samples was measured as previously described [24]. Briefly,
40µl of essential oil was mixed with a reagent solution (0.6 N
sulphuric acid, 28 mM sodium phosphate, and 4 mM
ammonium molybdate) in an Eppendorf tube in the ratio of
1:100 (v/v) and the tubes were capped and incubated at 95°C
for 90 minutes. The addition of essential oil to the reagent
solution caused discoloration after incubation. This indicates
the scavenging capacity of essential oil. Samples were cooled
at room temperature and absorbance was measured at 695 nm
using a spectrophotometer (Epoch 2, BioTek, U.S.A.). All
determinations were performed in duplicate. TAOC of the
samples were expressed as equivalents of mM-αtocopherol
per ml of essential oil and was calculated as follows:
A= €CL
A= Absorbance
€= Extinction co-efficient (4×103 M-1 cm-1)
C= Concentration (molar)
L= Path length (1 cm)
2.3. Chemical Composition
The volatile oil extracted from garlic powder was subjected to
GC-MS analysis as previously described [25-32]. A GC-MS
(Thermo Scientific, Trace 1300), GC (TRACE-GC ULTRA)
and MS (POLARISQ) instrument was used to study the
composition of extracted essential oil. This instrument was
operated in the electron impact (EI) mode set at electron
energy 70eV and a scan range of 0.00 amu100 amu, with a
scan rate of 3.0 scans per second. DB-5MS column of 30 m
length with 0.25 mm inner diameter was used. Helium gas
(99.99%) was used as a carrier at a constant flow rate of 1 ml
min-1 on the column head. The temperature of the injector
was set at 250 ◦C and the temperature of the ion source was
set at 230 ºC. The temperature of the GC oven was
programmed to be 50 ºC initially and was programmed to
increase at a rate of 5 ºC/min to a final temperature of 260 ºC.
The sample was prepared by diluting the essential oil in a
ratio of 1:10 with methanol and 1.0 µl volume of sample was
injected into the instrument with a split ratio of 30:1.
The obtained mass spectra were thoroughly screened and
individual components of essential oils were quantified by
relative peak percent area. Identification of each quantified
components was done by comparing their mass fragmentation
pattern with components stored in the spectrometer database
using NIST mass spectral library (Version 2014).
2.4 Removal of Milky Emulsion and Excess Solvent
Since the milled substrate showed a tendency to agglomerate
during extraction, optimal particle size was determined in a
preliminary set of experiments as the smallest that did not
cause perceptible agglomeration problems and this size was 1-
3 mm. Some essential oil extracted with milky emulsion (Fig.
1) was centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 5 minutes by a high-speed
refrigerated research centrifuge RC 4100 F. By this, the
milky emulsion stuck around the surface of the bottle and
clean essential oil including solvent was separated by pipet,
then placed in a water bath for removing excess solvent.
Fig 1: Essential oil + Solvent+ Emulsion
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Yield of Garlic Oil
The yield of garlic essential oil changed with the process
temperature, and time (Table 1). The best treatment for this
research work was T7 (50°C for 4 hour). The maximum
extraction yield was 16.55% (db) among the nine treatments.
By optimizing the process parameter, the best combination of
the parameters were found to be 4 hours and 50°C. These
parameters can be ideal one to obtain the maximum yield at a
commercial level. Thus, in the present study much higher oil
yield was obtained compare to that reported by Ali Rafe et al.
2014 [33]. They found that maximum yield were 5.5, 6 and 7%
for steam distillation, solvent method and SCF-CO,
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Table 1: Extraction yield %
Time (h)
Temperature (°C)
Yield (%)
3.2. Physical properties
The Physical examination of the extracted oil was conducted
and presented in Table 2. The properties were moisture
content, density, refractive index, appearance and odour. The
moisture content of the peeled garlic cloves was (63.14±1%).
The density and refractive index were 0.875±1 (g/ml) and
1.52 at room temperature which falls within the range of
volatile oil in general. The appearance of extracted oil was
light yellowish and it had pungent odour.
Table 2: Physical properties of extracted garlic essential oil
Moisture content (%)
Density (g/cm3)
Refractive index
Light yellow
Oil yield (%)
3.3. Chemical Composition of Extracted Oil
The essential oil compositions were determined by GC-MS.
The qualitative and quantitative differences of compounds are
presented in Table 3. The total ion chromatogram of garlic
essential oil is shown in Fig. 3. The major compounds in the
extracted oil were diallyl disulfide (48.42%), allyl methyl
trisulfide (7.27%), trisulfide, di-2 propenyl (3.46%) and
daillyl sulfide (7.64%). There was some loss of volatile
compounds of essential oil, may be during oven drying of
garlic slices. Indeed these chemical compounds covered more
than 85% of GC profile. Sulfide compound was dominated
among all compounds. This result is slightly different from
other authors (Douiri et al. 2013) [34] who reported that garlic
essential oil obtained by Clevenger hydrodistillation
contained diallyl disulfide (16.0%) and allyl methyl trisulfide
(10.9%). Similarly, Rao et al. 2007 [35] have analyzed six
geographical varieties of essential oils extracted by steam
distillation from fresh garlic grown in India and found that
diallyl disulfide (27.146.8%) and diallyl trisulfide (19.9
34.1%) dominated in the oil followed by allyl methyl
trisulfide (8.318.2%) and allyl methyl disulfide (4.412.0%).
It can be expected that this oil may be commercialized for
medicinal purposes in view of its reported prophylactic and
curative profile.
Table 3: Results of GC-MS analyses of extracted oil
RT (min)
Composition %
Fig 2: Total ion chromatogram of the garlic essential oil (peak assignments are given in table)
3.4. Antioxidant capacity
The total antioxidant capacity of essential oil was analyzed
for each treatment and presented in Fig. 2. The maximum
total antioxidant capacity was 12.018 mM α tocopherol per ml
of essential oil for T3 treatment (70 °C for 2 hours). The
results indicate that for a specific duration of time with every
10 °C rises in temperature there was an increase in
antioxidant activity. It may be due to phenolic compound and
the sulfur compound was more active at 70 °C temperature as
compare to 50 °C and 60 °C temperature or these compound
may be extracted more at 70 °C.
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Fig 3: Effect of temperature and time on total antioxidant capacity
4. Conclusions
This study has demonstrated that there is a significant impact
of temperature and time on the yield of essential oil. The best
parameters are 4 hours and 50°C for obtaining the maximum
yield. These parameters can be considered as an ideal one for
commercial production. The physical properties i.e. moisture
content, density, refractive index, appearance and odour were
within the range of essential oil. The refractive index of
extracted oil can be used for its identification from other
edible oil sources. These properties indicates the feasibility of
garlic oil production for commercial purposes. The extracted
oil was found to be a very good antioxidant and it can not
only be used for food preservation but also for prophylactic
and therapeutic uses. The principal chemical compounds
detected were: diallyl disulfide (48.42%), allyl methyl
trisulfide (7.27%), trisulfide, di-2 propenyl (3.46%), and
daillyl sulfide (7.64%). Sulfide compound dominated among
the all compounds. It can be expected that this oil can be
commercialized for medicinal and culinary purposes.
5. Acknowledgements
The authors are grateful to the Indian Institute of Technology
Kharagpur for financial assistance, infrastructure and facilities
to conduct the research. They are also thanks to Dr. D. K.
Swain, Prof. S. L. Srivastava, Mr. Sujosh Nandi, Mr. Jagan
Kartik S, Ms. Mitali Madhumita and Ms. Kalyani Hemraj
Burde, of Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, IIT
Kharagpur for their continued support.
6. COI Statement: The authors declared that they have no
conflict of interest
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... A volatile oil made from garlic is called garlic oil. It is typically made through the maceration or steam distillation of cloves of garlic and includes a range of sulfides such as diallyl disulfide (DAD) and dially trisulfide (DAT) (Dehariya et al., 2021). Memory impairment is becoming a common problem today especially with the increase in life stresses (Lin et al., 2021). ...
Full-text available
Background: Scopolamine induced toxicity has been linked to impaired learning and memory, lipid peroxidation, oxidative stress and impairment of cholinergic transmission resulting in brain injury; which are synonymous with features of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. Garlic oil has been found to be a possible therapeutic intervention. Its antioxidant and anticholinesterase activity were evaluated in scopolamine-induced brain toxicity in Wistar rats. Methods: The animals were grouped into seven groups (n=5). Group I (Normal Control) was given 1mL/kg distilled water for 14days P.O, Group II was treated with 90 mg/kg garlic oil for 14days P.O while Group III was treated with 2 mg/kg scopolamine IP daily for 14 days. Group IV was co-administered garlic oil (90mg/kg) orally and scopolamine 2mg/kg IP daily for 14 days. Group V had garlic oil orally at 90mg/kg for 7 days after 14 days of scopolamine. Group VI had donepezil at 3mg/kg orally co-administered with scopolamine at 2mg/kg IP daily for 14 days, Group VII 3mg/kg donepezil was administered orally for 7 days after 14 days of scopolamine. Elevated plus maze (EPM), was used to assess memory and learning. Thereafter, the rats were anesthetized using diethyl ether and the frontal cortices of the brain were harvested, homogenized and centrifuged. The supernatant was used to assay for dopamine, and malondialdehyde (MDA). The frontal cortices of the animals' brains were subjected to histomorphological analyses. Results: Scopolamine significantly decreased (p<0.05) learning and memory while increasing MDA levels. Brain dopamine levels, and transfer latency in EPM were significantly reduced (p< 0.05) and neurodegenerative changes were seen in the brain. All these were significantly reversed in the garlic-oil treated groups. Conclusions: According to this study, garlic oil has antioxidant and anticholinesterase activities and may have therapeutic benefits against scopolamine-induced toxicity and diseases related to loss of memory. All articles published in this journal are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
... The cinnamon bark, ginger rhizomes, turmeric rhizomes, and garlic cloves were manually diced to pieces, air-dried for 7 d at ambient temperature, and then blended into fine powder. As previously detailed by Dehariya et al. (2021), They were peeled, diced, and homogenized in water (40% w/v) and loaded into a cooking unit for hydrodistillation in a Clevenger-type apparatus. The extracted EO was dehydrated and stored in sealed glass vials below 18 °C. ...
Lipid oxidation is a normal process in living muscles, but is escalated post-mortem due to the loss of inherent antioxidant defense, which causes quality deterioration of meat. This study investigates the effects of essential oil (EO) supplementation added to the drinking water of broiler chicken on physical properties, antioxidants and lipid oxidation in Pectoralis major during frozen storage. Two hundred one day-old chicks of arbo acre were allocated to 5 groups; control (T1) and the groups supplemented with: Allium sativum (T2), Curcuma longa (T3), Zingiber officinale (T4) and Cinnamomum zeylanicum (T5) at the level of 300ml/L into drinking water throughout a 49-day study. Thereafter, birds were slaughtered and breast meat excised for assessments during a 28-day storage period at 40C using standard procedure. The results show that cooking loss of Pectoralis major from T1 birds was not significantly (P>0.05) different from that of T4, and were significantly higher than those of T2, T3 and T5 birds. Meat from T5 birds showed the lowest drip lossThe results for total antioxidant activity are not similar among sampling days. In general, control group showed inferior values, but T2 and T4 had greater values on day 0 and 28. The rate of lipid peroxidation increased with time; however, EOs administration markedly reduced the peroxidation rates compared to controls. The catalase activity of breast meat was significantly declined from day fourteen, but was enhanced as an effect of essential oil consumption especially in group T5 at 21 and 28 days. . Supplementation of garlic, turmeric and cinnamon essential oils to broiler chickens increased glutathione peroxidase in breast meat on days 21 and 28, while turmeric EO enhanced superoxide dismutase upto 7 days. In conclusion, essential oils are valuable supplements for broiler chickens and potent in enhancing meat quality and prolong the shelf life.
... and allyl methyl disulfide (4.4-12.0%) as the main components (Rao et al., 1999, Dehariya et al., 2021. The allyl polysulfides present in the oil have shown antifungal (Motsei et al., 2003;Ledezma et al., 2006), antibacterial (Mnayer et al., 2014;Ross et al., 2001;Benkeblia, 2004), antimicrobial (Tsao and Yin, 2001;Kim et al., 2004, Ashraf et al., 2019, acaricidal (El-Zemity et al., 2006), antiparasitic (Zenner et al., 2003;Ayaz et al., 2008), nematicidal (Abbas et al., 2009), antiviral (Romeilah et al., 2010) and insecticidal (Douiri et al., 2013;Park and Shin 2005;Chaubey, 2013) properties. ...
The aim of the study was to find out the variation in oil yield and chemical composition of Allium sativum (garlic) oil in various clonal selections during 2022. The garlic oil was obtained from fourteen clonal selections of A. sativum by hydrodistillation method and their chemical composition was determined by GC-FID and GC-MS. Analysis of the bulbs of different clonal selections collected from IARI, New Delhi showed the presence of 0.12 to 0.24% oil, based on a fresh weight basis. GC-FID and GC-MS analysis showed that the oils were rich in the allyl polysulfide group of compounds and contained diallyl trisulfide (50.77-74.87%), diallyl disulfide (6.66.18-84%), ally methyl trisulfide (0.52-13.33%), diallyl tetrasulfide (4.27-39.07%) as major compounds. Methyl-2-propenyldisulfide (0.04-1.16%), and allylsulfide (0.83-1.14%) were identified as minor compounds in the oils. The analysis showed tremendous variation in the oil content and the major compounds of the garlic clonal selections. These results suggest that high garlic oil-bearing clonal selections can be used to produce garlic oil with abundant sulfide compounds which can be used as the source of diallyl trisulfide and diallyl tetrasulfide compounds.
... Fresh and matured garlic (Allium sativum), turmeric (Curcuma longa), ginger (Zingiber officinale), and cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) were procured from spices vendors in Ado-Ekiti; a tropical rainforest agro-ecological zone in the south-western part of Nigeria. They were diced, air-dried, blended, and thereafter soaked with distilled water (40% w/v) and essential oils of garlic, turmeric, ginger, and cinnamon were extracted using steam distillation (Dehariya et al., 2020). The same distillation procedures were used across all the herbs. ...
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This study investigated the effects of adding essential oils of garlic, ginger, turmeric, and cinnamon to drinking water on cardiac, hepatic, ne-phrotic, and splenic oxidative status of broiler chickens. A batch of 200 1-d old Arbo acre broiler chicks was administered with Control (Water: no additive), 30 ml/L of cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, or garlic essential oils in drinking water for 42 d. On day 43, three broiler chickens/replicates were sampled randomly, sacrificed, and eviscerated. The hearts, spleens, kidneys, and livers were excised and assayed for glutathione perox-idase, total antioxidant activity, catalase, superoxide dismutase, and lipid peroxidation using standard protocols. In spleen broiler chickens, all additive essential oils increased (P < 0.05) total antioxidant activity. Catalase, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase significantly increased (P < 0.05) in garlic, ginger, and turmeric essential oils except cinnamon. In kidney broiler chickens, lipid peroxidation was significantly reduced (P < 0.05) in all the additive essential oils. Garlic, cinnamon, and ginger essential oils increased (P < 0.05) catalase, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase in kidney broiler chickens. In liver broiler chickens, lipid peroxidation, and glutathione peroxidase were higher (P < 0.05) in cinnamon essential oil than other additive essential oils. Superoxide dismutase and catalase were higher (P < 0.05) in tur-meric essential oils. In heart broiler chickens, all the additive essential oils significantly decreased (P < 0.05) lipid peroxidation and increased (P < 0.05) total antioxidant activity. In conclusion, oral garlic, turmeric, and ginger essential oils supplementation did not reduce lipid peroxidation in spleen, whereas cinnamon essential oil caused lipid peroxidation in liver of broiler chickens.
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Dermestes maculatus accounts for about 71.5% of dried fish infestation in most of the producing areas with a substantial loss in both dry weight and nutritional value. The study aimed to evaluate the repellent effect of oils extracted from Garlic (Allium sativum), Coconut (Cocos nucifera), Ginger (Zingiber officinale), Jatropha (Jatropha curcas), and Neema (Azadirachta indica) on Dermestes maculatus larvae in smoke-dried Protopterus annectens. The extracted oils from each plant were applied to the fish at varying concentrations of 0.001, 0.004, 0.016, 0.064, and 0.256 ml/g fish in triplicates. Late instar larvae of D. maculatus were introduced into Kilner jars containing fish treated with these oils and repellency was monitored for 24 hrs. Repellency was highest (87%) in A. sativum oil and lowest (59%) in A. indica oil at the highest concentration (0.256 ml/g of fish) within 24 hrs. of exposure. Furthermore, an increasing trend in repellency was observed with increasing concentrations of oils from all the plants used. The order of repellency performance was A. sativum > C. nucifera > Z. officinale > J. curcas > A. indica, starting with the highest to the lowest. Therefore, this study demonstrates the repellent properties of the oils in offering effective protection against infestation and damage by D. maculatus, suggesting that the oils can be utilized in post-harvest preservation of smoke-dried fish.
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Dermestes maculatus accounts for about 71.5% of dried fish infestation in most of the producing areas with a substantial loss in both dry weight and nutritional value. The study aimed to evaluate the repellent effect of oils extracted from garlic (Allium sativum), coconut (Cocos nucifera), ginger (Zingiber officinale), Jatropha (Jatropha curcas), and neema (Azadirachta indica) on Dermestes maculatus larvae in smoke-dried Protopterus annectens. The extracted oils from each plant were applied to the fish at varying concentrations of 0.001, 0.004, 0.016, 0.064, and 0.256 ml/g fish in triplicates. late instar larvae of D. maculatus were introduced into Kilner jars containing fish treated with these oils and repellency was monitored for 24 hrs. Repellency was highest (87%) in A. sativum oil and lowest (59%) in A. indica oil at the highest concentration (0.256 ml/g of fish) within 24 hrs. of exposure. Furthermore, an increasing trend in repellency was observed with increasing concentrations of oils from all the plants used. The order of repellency performance was A. sativum > C. nucifera > Z. officinale > J. curcas > A. indica, starting with the highest to the lowest. Therefore, this study demonstrates the repellent properties of the oils in offering effective protection against infestation and damage by D. maculatus, suggesting that the oils can be utilized in post-harvest preservation of smoke-dried fish. IMPACT STATEMENT Smoked-dried fish, a vital source of animal protein and essential nutrients, significantly contributes to food security, employment, income, and foreign exchange, supporting sustainable development. however, a major challenge is the presence of Dermestes maculatus, a pervasive pest causing substantial losses in stored dry fish. This study focuses on the repellent effect of essential oils from selected plants known for their active ingredients, to combat D. maculatus infestation in smoked-dried Proptoterus annectens. The use of plant extracts as compared to chemicals presents a more sustainable and safe approach to preserving the nutritional value of fish products. our results suggest the use of essential oils as a recommended strategy for preventing and controlling insect infestation in smoked-dried fish.
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Garlic, Alliumsativum, is broadly used around the world for its numerous culinary and medicinal uses. Wild garlic, Allium vineale, has been used as a substitute for garlic, both in food as well as in herbal medicine. The present study investigated the chemical compositions of A. sativum and A. vineale essential oils. The essential oils from the bulbs of A. sativum, cultivated in Spain, were obtained by three different methods: laboratory hydrodistillation, industrial hydrodistillation, and industrial steam distillation. The essential oils of wild-growing A. vineale from north Alabama were obtained by hydrodistillation. The resulting essential oils were analyzed by gas chromatography-flame ionization detection (GC-FID) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Both A. sativum and A. vineale oils were dominated by allyl polysulfides. There were minor quantitative differences between the A. sativum oils owing to the distillation methods employed, as well as differences from previously reported garlic oils from other geographical locations. Allium vineale oil showed a qualitative similarity to Allium ursinum essential oil. The compositions of garlic and wild garlic are consistent with their use as flavoring agents in foods as well as their uses as herbal medicines. However, quantitative differences are likely to affect the flavor and bioactivity profiles of these Allium species.
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Garlic oil (GO) is behaves as a nutraceutical compound; however, its application is limited due to its pungency, undesirable aroma, low stability and solubility. The physicochemical properties of GO are certainly key parameters in the encapsulation process. Therefore, the aim of the current work was to study the effect of different extraction procedures such as solvent extraction, distillation method and supercritical fluid extraction (SCF) on the physicochemical properties of garlic oil. The yield of GO was influenced by extraction method and was approximately 5.5, 6 and 7% for steam distillation, solvent methods and SCF-Co2, respectively. The specific gravity was obtained as 0.894 g/cm3 and independent to the extraction method, while the viscosity was changed and more viscosity was obtained by SCF-Co2. The chemical analyses revealed 2.5 as the acid value, 1.27 for free fatty acids, 1.8 as the saponificacation value and 14.5 as the iodine value of GO by SCF-Co2.The results showed that the SCF-Co2 had minor quality and nutritional loss on the GO, and could be applied for special purposes such as encapsulation of garlic oil.
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For optimization of convective-cum-microwave dehydration process parameters, the experiments were planned in 3-factor Box-Wilson design using response surface methodology (RSM). The independent process variables for convective-cum-microwave drying process were i.e KMS concentration (0.1-0.5 %), drying air temperature (55-75 0 C) and microwave power level (810-1350 W).The moisture content of each samples was reduced to 39% +1% (wb) by convective drying followed by Microwave drying to safe moisture content of 6 % (wb). The dehydration process was optimized for minimum drying time, hardness, shrinkage ratio, specific energy consumption, non enzymatic browning; maximize rehydration ratio, colour (L-Value) and overall acceptability. The optimum conditions obtained by computer generated response surface, canonical analysis and contour plots interpretation were: 0.5 % KMS concentration, 59.41 0 C drying air temperature and 810W power level. The corresponding value obtained for drying time, hardness, shrinkage ratio, specific energy consumption, non enzymatic browning, rehydration ratio, color and overall acceptability was 165. respectively. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that, among the process variables the temperature had the most significant effect on all the selected responses.
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In order to search for alternative control methods to synthetic pesticides, the potential of essential oils from Allium sativum (L.) (Alliaceae); was evaluated as fumigants against Callosobruchus maculatus (fab.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), a pest that attacks pulses during storage. Chickpea seeds were infested with 10 pairs of newly emerged weevils and, fumigated with 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4μl of essential oils of garlic/l of air. The essential oils of garlic were analyzed by GC-MS. The major components were trisulfide, di-2-propenyl and diallyl disulfide. Garlic essential oils significantly affected bruchid's fecundity (treated = 17-59 < control = 288-310), longevity (treated =1-3 < control = 2-13 days), fertility (treated= 0-62.96<controls =89.03-93.40%) and success rate (treated= 0 < control = 80-90%). The LC50 and LC99 (24h) were respectively 2.5 and 23.3μl/l of air for females and 2.56 and 46.07 μl/l for The fumigation of stored products against insect pests with garlic essential oils could be considered as an integrated pest management (IPM) tactic without risk for consumers and the environment.
The antiviral activity of hydro-distilled essential oils obtained from Allium cepa L. (bulbs), Allium sativum (bulbs), Cuminum cyminum (seeds), Corriandrum sativum (herb and seeds), Petroselinum sativum (herb) and Ocimum basilicum (herb) cultivated in Egypt against (HSV1) were tested by using cytopathicity (CPE) assay. African green monkey kidney (Vero) cell line (virus infected cells) were incubated with different levels of the seven essential oils[onion, garlic, cumin, coriander (herb and seeds), parsley and basil] 200, 500 and 1000μg/ml and the EC50 were 1060, 320, 400, 2045, 341, 386 and 615 μg/ml, respectively. On the other hand the antioxidant activity of essential oils against DPPH radical were determined in vitro by treated with different concentrations of 7 essential oils 25, 50, 75, 100, 200 μg/ml and the percentages of DPPH inhibition and EC50 were recorded. Chemical compositions of essential oils were examined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Onion, garlic, cumin, coriander (herb and seeds), parsley and basil essential oils were found to contain 33, 21, 20, 19, 24, 17 and 33 compounds, respectively.
Thirty-six different ecotypes of garlic, Allium sativum, formerly collected in Southern Italy and in other Mediterranean areas, were grown at the 'Chiancalata' (Matera, Italy) experimental farm. In the present paper morphological and productive characters of the selected clones are presented. The results of the yield and chemical analysis of the essential oils extracted from the garlic cloves as determined by GC and GC-MS are also discussed. The ecotypes Gravina 3 and Altamura 2 showed the highest productivity of bulbs, with a yield of 9 t ha-1. Plants of the Rose de Lautrec and Gravina 3 were the largest with a height of 84.0 and 89.4 cm, respectively. Diallyl trisulfide and diallyl disulfide were the two major volatiles found in the oils from all the selected garlic ecotypes. Their total amount ranges from 94 to 78 %, suggesting that the studied ecotypes are rich in allicin.
Air-, oven- and freeze-dried garlic bulbs were hydrodistilled and the resulting essential oils were analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and GC/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The highest yields were 0.6 and 0.5% (w/w) for freeze- and oven-dried samples, respectively. The essential oils were characterized by a high amount of sulfur compounds (84.3–98.9%) with diallyl trisulfide (37.3–45.9%), diallyl disulfide (17.5–35.6%) and methyl allyl trisulfide (7.7–10.4%) being the major components. Remarkable qualitative and quantitative differences between the investigated oils owing to the drying procedure were found and a set of marker components was established to differentiate between them.
Objective To assess in vitro antioxidant activity of the essential oil isolated from fresh rhizomes of garlic (Allium sativum) of the family Alliaceae in an yield of 0.2% (v/w).Methods2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), Nitrogen oxide scavenging, reducing power and β-carotene bleaching assays were conducted. BHT and gallic acid were kept as standards.ResultsIC50 values observed for DPPH and nitric oxide scavenging assays were 0.5 mg/mL and 50 μg/mL respectively. In reducing power assay absorbance increased linearly with increasing concentration of the oil, in β-carotene bleaching method also there is 84% bleaching in first one hour and it decreased to 45 % by the completion of second hour.Conclusions The results clearly indicate garlic essential oil is effective in scavenging free radical and has the potential to be powerful antioxidant.