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Parent-map: analysis of parental contributions to evolved or engineered protein or DNA sequences

  • MaiBo Biotech
Parent-map: analysis of parental contributions to evolved
or engineered protein or DNA sequences
Damien Marsic1
1Porton Biologics, 388 Xinping Street, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu 215021, China
DOI: 10.21105/joss.02864
Editor: Charlotte Soneson
Submitted: 18 November 2020
Published: 23 January 2021
Authors of papers retain
copyright and release the work
under a Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International
License (CC BY 4.0).
Parent-map analyzes protein or DNA sequences which are derived from one or multiple parent
sequences, and shows parental contributions as well as dierences from relevant parents. Orig-
inally developed to analyze capsid protein sequences obtained by directed evolution, parent-
map can be used in any case where variant sequences are to be compared to parent sequences
from which they are derived. Parent-map detects sequence shuing as well as substitutions,
insertions and deletions, and displays results in user-friendly formats. Parent-map is an open-
source, platform-independent Python 3 script, available as a Bioconda package as well as a
Windows program.
Source code:
Python package:
Bioconda recipe and package:
Windows installer:
Statement of need
Adeno-associated virus (AAV) capsid directed evolution projects typically generate multiple
enriched variant sequences after 2 to 5 rounds of selection starting from complex capsid
libraries. For libraries developed from a single parental serotype, through random peptide
insertion at a specic position or surface loop diversication in well-dened variable regions
for example, a single multiple alignment of all enriched variant sequences against the parent
sequence conveniently shows how each variant diers from the parent. However, when more
than one parental sequence is involved, such as when dierent libraries are mixed together, or
when a library design involves DNA shuing from several parents, such alignments can quickly
become illegible, particularly when the complete capsid gene is sequenced. In such cases, in
the absence of appropriate software tools, each variant needs to be separately aligned against
all possible parents, a time-consuming and cumbersome process. An added diculty in the
case of shued libraries is that, because of high sequence homology between parents, multiple
regions will share sequence identities with more than one parent, complicating attempts at
comprehensively dening the variant sequences in terms of parental contributions. To date,
SALANTO (Herrmann et al., 2019) seems to be the only relevant publicly available software.
However, it only applies to shued libraries, and its user-friendliness is limited as it requires
the user to perform a multiple sequence alignment beforehand, and to further process the
data manually after analysis. The software described in this article, parent-map, provides a
user-friendly and comprehensive solution. It can be used with sequences derived from any
Marsic, D., (2021). Parent-map: analysis of parental contributions to evolved or engineered protein or DNA sequences. Journal of Open Source
Software, 6(57), 2864.
type of library, or even with naturally-occurring mutants or rationally engineered variants. It
is not limited to protein sequences. It only requires one le containing the variant sequences
to be analyzed, and one le containing parental sequences, without any prior manipulation. It
generates a set of ve les covering most end-users’ needs, in directly usable formats. Finally,
although it was developed to address a need in the eld of AAV capsid directed evolution,
parent-map can be used whenever protein or DNA sequences, whether originating from natural
evolution, directed evolution or rational design, are to be compared with one or more possible
parental sequences.
Parent-map was written under Python 3.7 as both a command-line interface (CLI) and a
graphical user interface (GUI) application, by allowing parser modules argparse and Gooey to
coexist within a single le (the GUI will start if no argument is present, while any argument
will cause parent-map to start in CLI mode). A parent-map Python package was created and
uploaded to the Python Package Index (PyPI) according to packaging instructions. A parent-
map Bioconda (Grüning et al., 2018) recipe based on the PyPI package was written and
submitted according to instructions. A stand-alone Windows executable and its installation
program were created using respectively PyInstaller and Inno Setup. The documentation was
written using Sphinx.
Parent-map is a platform-independent Python script that generates a set of ve output les
from two input les. Input le names and options can be entered as arguments at launch time,
resulting in parent-map running in CLI mode, or within the GUI, which starts if parent-map
is launched without arguments. This exibility allows parent-map to be deployed in a variety
of settings, as a simple desktop application or even as a bioinformatics pipeline component.
The rst input le contains the variant sequences, typically the most frequent or the most
enriched sequences obtained at the completion of a directed evolution experiment. The other
input le is a set of potential parental sequences to the variant sequences. The most useful
les generated by parent-map, particularly in the case of variants derived from DNA shuing,
are parental contribution maps (le names ending in –par.txt and –par.html, the latter being
a colorized version of the former). Instead of all possible combinations, the simplest map
that can accurately describe the variant is shown, using as few parents and as few fragments
as possible. Other output les include a statistics le summarizing the variant sequences
main features, a sequence denition le comprehensively dening each variant in terms of its
parents, and an alignment le showing how variants dier from their common parent.
Parent-map can be tested using the provided variant and parent sample les, based on available
literature describing evolved and rationally designed AAV capsid variants. Variants AAV-DJ
(Grimm et al., 2008), AAV2.5T (Excoon et al., 2009), NP84 (Paulk et al., 2018) and
OLIG001 (Powell et al., 2016) are derived from shued DNA libraries. Variants AAV-F
(Hanlon et al., 2019), AAV-PHP.B (Deverman et al., 2016), 7m8 (Dalkara et al., 2013)
and rAAV2-retro (Tervo et al., 2016) are derived from peptide insertion libraries. Variants
SCH2, SCH9 (Ojala et al., 2018), LI-A and LI-C (Marsic et al., 2014) are derived from more
complex rationally designed libraries. Variants AAV2i8 (Asokan et al., 2010) and AAV2-sept-
Y-F (Petrs-Silva et al., 2011) were rationally designed. Using default settings, parent-map
correctly identies single parental contributions from AAV9 for variants AAV-F and AAV-
PHP.B, single parental contributions from AAV2 for variants 7m8, rAAV2-retro, LI-A, LI-C,
AAV2-sept-Y-F, and multiple parental contributions from AAV2, AAV8 and AAV9 for AAV-
DJ, from AAV2 and AAV5 for AAV2.5T, from AAV2, AAV3B and AAV6 for NP84, from
Marsic, D., (2021). Parent-map: analysis of parental contributions to evolved or engineered protein or DNA sequences. Journal of Open Source
Software, 6(57), 2864.
AAV2, AAV6, AAV8 and AAV9 for OLIG001, SCH2 and SCH9, and from AAV2 and AAV8
for AAV2i8. Parent-map also correctly detects peptide insertions FVVGQSY for AAV-F and
TLAVPFK for AAV-PHP.B, both at position 588, and peptide insertions LALGETTRPA for
7m8 and LADQDYTKTA for rAAV2-retro, both at position 587. Finally, parent-map correctly
identies substitutions A to T at position 457 for AAV-DJ and at position 582 for AAV2.5T,
substitutions K to E at 532 and R to G at 585 for NP84, E to K substitution at 532 and
unmatched H at 726 for OLIG001, substitutions I to T at 240 and V to I at 718 for 7m8,
substitutions N to D at 382 and V to I at 718 for rAAV2-retro, the 14 and 4 substitutions for
LI-A and LI-C respectively, as well as the 7 Y to F substitutions at 252, 272, 444, 500, 700,
704 and 730 for AAV2-sept-Y-F.
A comprehensive description of parent-map is provided in the documentation.
We thank Yan Chen and Oleksandr Kondratov for testing parent-map and providing valuable
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... Protein sequence features were computed using Parent-map [25]. The three-dimensional capsid structure model was rendered by Pymol [26] using data (PDB ID 7KP3) obtained from VIPERdb [27]. ...
Full-text available
Retinal diseases are an important focus of in vivo gene therapy, for which adeno-associated virus is a preferred vector. Intravitreal injection is a highly desirable delivery route because it is much simpler, safer and inexpensive than the main alternative subretinal injection. However, existing capsids have low efficiency, require high doses and are susceptible to neutralization by antibodies that are present in the vitreous. Using AAV5 as starting material, we applied a combination of directed evolution and rational design to develop PT1, a novel AAV capsid capable of efficiently transducing the retina after intravitreal injection. The most striking property of PT1 is its remarkable ability to evade preexisting neutralizing antibodies, thanks to its multiple mutations spread over large areas of the capsid surface, disrupting several epitopes. Our results suggest that PT1 has a strong potential as a useful candidate capsid for human retinal gene therapy.
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Adeno-associated virus (AAV) capsid libraries have generated improved transgene delivery vectors. We designed an AAV library construct, iTransduce, that combines a peptide library on the AAV9 capsid with a Cre cassette to enable sensitive detection of transgene expression. After only two selection rounds of the library delivered intravenously in transgenic mice carrying a Cre-inducible fluorescent protein, we flow-sorted fluorescent cells from brain and DNA sequencing revealed two dominant capsids. One of the capsids, termed AAV-F, mediated transgene expression in the brain cortex over 65-fold (astrocytes) and 171-fold (neurons) higher than the parental AAV9. High transduction efficiency was sex-independent, sustained in two mouse strains (C57BL/6 and BALB/c) making it a highly useful capsid for CNS transduction of mice. Future work in large animal models will test the translation potential of AAV-F.
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Existing recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) serotypes for delivering in vivo gene therapy treatments for human liver diseases have not yielded combined high-level human hepatocyte transduction and favorable humoral neutralization properties in diverse patient groups. Yet, these combined properties are important for therapeutic efficacy. To bioengineer capsids that exhibit both unique seroreactivity profiles and functionally transduce human hepatocytes at therapeutically relevant levels, we performed multiplexed sequential directed evolution screens using diverse capsid libraries in both primary human hepatocytes in vivo and with pooled human sera from thousands of patients. AAV libraries were subjected to five rounds of in vivo selection in xenografted mice with human livers to isolate an enriched human-hepatotropic library that was then used as input for a sequential on-bead screen against pooled human immunoglobulins. Evolved variants were vectorized and validated against existing hepatotropic serotypes. Two of the evolved AAV serotypes, NP40 and NP59, exhibited dramatically improved functional human hepatocyte transduction in vivo in xenografted mice with human livers, along with favorable human seroreactivity profiles, compared with existing serotypes. These novel capsids represent enhanced vector delivery systems for future human liver gene therapy applications.
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Directed evolution continues to expand the capabilities of complex biomolecules for a range of applications, such as adeno-associated virus vectors for gene therapy; however, advances in library design and selection strategies are key to develop variants that overcome barriers to clinical translation. To address this need, we applied structure-guided SCHEMA recombination of the multimeric adeno-associated virus (AAV) capsid to generate a highly diversified chimeric library with minimal structural disruption. A stringent in vivo Cre-dependent selection strategy was implemented to identify variants that transduce adult neural stem cells (NSCs) in the subventricular zone. A novel variant, SCH9, infected 60% of NSCs and mediated 24-fold higher GFP expression and a 12-fold greater transduction volume than AAV9. SCH9 utilizes both galactose and heparan sulfate as cell surface receptors and exhibits increased resistance to neutralizing antibodies. These results establish the SCHEMA library as a valuable tool for directed evolution and SCH9 as an effective gene delivery vector to investigate subventricular NSCs.
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No adeno-associated virus (AAV) capsid has been described in the literature to exhibit a primary oligodendrocyte tropism when a constitutive promoter drives gene expression, which is a significant barrier for efficient in vivo oligodendrocyte gene transfer. The vast majority of AAV vectors, such as AAV1, 2, 5, 6, 8 or 9, exhibit a dominant neuronal tropism in the central nervous system. However, a novel AAV capsid (Olig001) generated using capsid shuffling and directed evolution was recovered after rat intravenous delivery and subsequent capsid clone rescue, which exhibited a >95% tropism for striatal oligodendrocytes after rat intracranial infusion where a constitutive promoter drove gene expression. Olig001 contains a chimeric mixture of AAV1, 2, 6, 8 and 9, but unlike these parental serotypes after intravenous administration Olig001 has very low affinity for peripheral organs, especially the liver. Furthermore, in mixed glial cell cultures, Olig001 exhibits a 9-fold greater binding when compared with AAV8. This novel oligodendrocyte-preferring AAV vector exhibits characteristics that are a marked departure from previously described AAV serotypes.Gene Therapy advance online publication, 15 September 2016; doi:10.1038/gt.2016.62.
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Methodologies to improve existing AAV vectors for gene therapy include either rational approaches or directed evolution to derive capsid variants characterized by superior transduction efficiencies in targeted tissues. Here we integrated both approaches in one unified design strategy of "virtual family shuffling" to derive a combinatorial capsid library whereby only variable regions on the surface of the capsid are modified. Individual sub-libraries were first assembled in order to pre-select compatible amino acid residues within restricted surface-exposed regions to minimize the generation of dead-end variants. Subsequently, the successful families were interbred to derive a combined library of ~8×10(5) complexity. Next-Gen sequencing of the packaged viral DNA revealed capsid surface areas susceptible to directed evolution, thus providing guidance for future designs. We demonstrated the utility of the library by deriving an AAV2-based vector characterized by a 20-fold higher transduction efficiency in murine liver, now equivalent to that of AAV8.Molecular Therapy (2014); doi:10.1038/mt.2014.139.
Full-text available
Inherited retinal degenerative diseases are a clinically promising focus of adeno-associated virus (AAV)-mediated gene therapy. These diseases arise from pathogenic mutations in mRNA transcripts expressed in the eye's photoreceptor cells or retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), leading to cell death and structural deterioration. Because current gene delivery methods require an injurious subretinal injection to reach the photoreceptors or RPE and transduce just a fraction of the retina, they are suitable only for the treatment of rare degenerative diseases in which retinal structures remain intact. To address the need for broadly applicable gene delivery approaches, we implemented in vivo-directed evolution to engineer AAV variants that deliver the gene cargo to the outer retina after injection into the eye's easily accessible vitreous humor. This approach has general implications for situations in which dense tissue penetration poses a barrier for gene delivery. A resulting AAV variant mediated widespread delivery to the outer retina and rescued the disease phenotypes of X-linked retinoschisis and Leber's congenital amaurosis in corresponding mouse models. Furthermore, it enabled transduction of primate photoreceptors from the vitreous, expanding its therapeutic promise.
Adeno-associated viruses (AAV) are attractive templates for engineering of synthetic gene delivery vectors. A particularly powerful technology for breeding of novel vectors with improved properties is DNA family shuffling, i.e., generation of chimeric capsids by homology-driven DNA recombination. Here, to make AAV DNA shuffling available to a wider community, we present a robust experimental and bioinformatical pipeline comprising: (i) standardized and partially codon-optimized plasmids carrying 12 different AAV capsid genes; (ii) a scalable protocol including troubleshooting guide for viral library production; and (iii) the freely available software SALANTO for comprehensive analysis of chimeric AAV DNA and protein sequences. Moreover, we describe a set of 12 pre-made and ready-to-use AAV libraries. Finally, we demonstrate the usefulness of DNA barcoding technology to trace AAV capsid libraries within a complex mixture. Our protocols and resources facilitate the implementation and tailoring of AAV evolution technology in any laboratory interested in customized viral gene transfer.
Efficient retrograde access to projection neurons for the delivery of sensors and effectors constitutes an important and enabling capability for neural circuit dissection. Such an approach would also be useful for gene therapy, including the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders characterized by pathological spread through functionally connected and highly distributed networks. Viral vectors, in particular, are powerful gene delivery vehicles for the nervous system, but all available tools suffer from inefficient retrograde transport or limited clinical potential. To address this need, we applied in vivo directed evolution to engineer potent retrograde functionality into the capsid of adeno-associated virus (AAV), a vector that has shown promise in neuroscience research and the clinic. A newly evolved variant, rAAV2-retro, permits robust retrograde access to projection neurons with efficiency comparable to classical synthetic retrograde tracers and enables sufficient sensor/effector expression for functional circuit interrogation and in vivo genome editing in targeted neuronal populations. Video Abstract eyJraWQiOiI4ZjUxYWNhY2IzYjhiNjNlNzFlYmIzYWFmYTU5NmZmYyIsImFsZyI6IlJTMjU2In0.eyJzdWIiOiI4YzNlNWNlMWIwMjEwNTMwMmU0NzU5Zjg1OGZhN2VjNSIsImtpZCI6IjhmNTFhY2FjYjNiOGI2M2U3MWViYjNhYWZhNTk2ZmZjIiwiZXhwIjoxNjAxNjE0MDQwfQ.YVmq4cwk0azuhowd52k0q6T1kVVcY8vZUa-UKtfD1hJAVLXdnfPcAwbX3VtN-_WIs3W5cbJGPicHn9fUxEpdXBv9-E6fgNL8yu10U5FANEzOPs9DjPjadg3-vJATSHZSVpnCQ6iLkZvCnovrd_c0GD0aCoSF9j_-ruzbJjyWZqTP96GQed2MwjrkxVL-q8h0Y1qiS-uzAlrRGSzY4kQToICovBfAwo9FfAJ20SgpytbjK5n8rn1QJZBsMjCEH0z6hfPAO5YG0At7M7EL39xOSHI6Bl-EyVv1cKNiyIk75a1GyNNkHNsys49zNuyUXylF61tuX8-SdxYzAaDMzN7o8g (mp4, (84.44 MB) Download video
Recombinant adeno-associated viruses (rAAVs) are commonly used vehicles for in vivo gene transfer. However, the tropism repertoire of naturally occurring AAVs is limited, prompting a search for novel AAV capsids with desired characteristics. Here we describe a capsid selection method, called Cre recombination-based AAV targeted evolution (CREATE), that enables the development of AAV capsids that more efficiently transduce defined Cre-expressing cell populations in vivo. We use CREATE to generate AAV variants that efficiently and widely transduce the adult mouse central nervous system (CNS) after intravenous injection. One variant, AAV-PHP.B, transfers genes throughout the CNS with an efficiency that is at least 40-fold greater than that of the current standard, AAV9 (refs. 14,15,16,17), and transduces the majority of astrocytes and neurons across multiple CNS regions. In vitro, it transduces human neurons and astrocytes more efficiently than does AAV9, demonstrating the potential of CREATE to produce customized AAV vectors for biomedical applications.