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The Effects of Workplace Loneliness on Work Engagement and Organizational Commitment: Moderating Roles of Leader-Member Exchange and Coworker Exchange


Abstract and Figures

This study aims to examine the effect of workplace loneliness on work engagement and organizational commitment and the moderating role of social relationships between an employee and his or her superior and coworkers in such mechanisms. Workplace loneliness decreased employees’ engagement with their jobs and, as such, decreased engagement had a positive relationship with organizational commitment. Also, the negative influence of workplace loneliness on work engagement was found to be moderated by coworker exchange, and employees’ maintenance of positive social exchange relationships with their coworkers was verified to be a major factor for relieving the negative influence of workplace loneliness.
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The Effects of Workplace Loneliness on Work Engagement and
Organizational Commitment: Moderating Roles of
Leader-Member Exchange and Coworker Exchange
Hyo Sun Jung 1, Min Kyung Song 2and Hye Hyun Yoon 2,*
Citation: Jung, H.S.; Song, M.K.;
Yoon, H.H. The Effects of Workplace
Loneliness on Work Engagement and
Organizational Commitment:
Moderating Roles of Leader-Member
Exchange and Coworker Exchange.
Sustainability 2021,13, 948.
Received: 10 December 2020
Accepted: 13 January 2021
Published: 18 January 2021
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1Center for Converging Humanities Kyung Hee University, Seoul 02447, Korea;
2Department of Culinary Arts and Food Service Management, Kyung Hee University, Seoul 02447, Korea;
This study aims to examine the effect of workplace loneliness on work engagement and
organizational commitment and the moderating role of social relationships between an employee and
his or her superior and coworkers in such mechanisms. Workplace loneliness decreased employees’
engagement with their jobs and, as such, decreased engagement had a positive relationship with
organizational commitment. Also, the negative influence of workplace loneliness on work engage-
ment was found to be moderated by coworker exchange, and employees’ maintenance of positive
social exchange relationships with their coworkers was verified to be a major factor for relieving the
negative influence of workplace loneliness.
workplace loneliness; work engagement; organizational commitment; leader-member
exchange; coworker exchange; deluxe hotel
1. Introduction
Workplace loneliness does harm to an organization as well as its employees [
]. In an
organization, employees perform their jobs amid diverse and complex interpersonal rela-
tionships, and if they fail to bear such relationships in a basic social dimension, they will be
apt to feel loneliness [
]. Even though workplace loneliness is an important issue prevalent
within an organization, it has drawn little attention in the area of human resources man-
agement. Workplace loneliness is an essentially unique emotion that employees experience
within their workplace, and increased competition within the workplace makes it more and
more difficult for them to establish genuine social relationships [
]. Social relationships are
very important in human life [
], and individuals spend most of their time in their work-
places [
], but there has been restricted research that has investigated workplace loneliness
and negative performance. Rokach [
] noted that a lonely (solitary) employee experiences
pain due to little respect from his or her coworkers or superiors and, as a result, thinks that
he or she has been left alone and makes a relatively negative evaluation of himself or her-
self. In addition, Lam and Lau [
] observed that those who feel lonely in their workplaces
have low social skills, have a low level of perception about social risks, and concentrate
more on negative social information than positive social information [
] and, therefore,
are very likely to perceive threats rather than opportunities. In research performed thus
far, loneliness was mentioned mostly in a clinical or individual dimension [
]. Moreover,
a focus was made on the nature of the phenomenon of loneliness itself and an approach
to it in terms of organizational climate was disregarded. In particular, whereas ordinary
loneliness accompanies a wider range of relationships, including diverse interpersonal
relationships in ordinary life, workplace loneliness is based on work situations, is not a
psychological feeling or state, may be easily affected by work situations, and, therefore,
is all the more important [
]. Thus far, however, research on workplace loneliness has
Sustainability 2021,13, 948.
Sustainability 2021,13, 948 2 of 14
been very scarce, and, in this respect, the researcher judged that relevant research should
be further developed.
In particular, in order to obtain a sustainable development with a competitive edge,
deluxe hotels need to attract and maintain high quality employees in the present situation
where competition grows fierce [
]. Typical problems inherent in the hotel industry
include long work hours, irregular and inflexible work schedule, and weekend duties [
Furthermore, a hotel job pays poorly, involves a narrow range of duties, and requires
intensive emotional labor [
]. For this reason, policies are needed that improve hotel
employees’ social relationships and mitigate their feeling of loneliness at the workplace.
Therefore, an interesting working environment can be a good method used by an organi-
zation to attract and maintain employees [
], and this study will provide meaningful
suggestions by verifying the influence of a climate of loneliness in an organization. Hence,
obtaining knowledge about the causes and outcomes of workplace loneliness will be an
important issue for both workers and researchers. From a viewpoint of workplace flexibil-
ity, efforts to promote hotel employees’ social relationship and manage their feelings of
loneliness can facilitate sustainable growth of the hotel industry.
In consideration of the facts that people currently spend more time in their workplaces
than in any other domain of life and that workplace loneliness has a negative effect on
job performance, this study aims to examine the effect of workplace loneliness on work
engagement and organizational commitment and the moderating role of social relationships
between an employee and his or her superior and coworkers in such mechanisms (
Figure 1
Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 15
by work situations, and, therefore, is all the more important [10]. Thus far, however, re-
search on workplace loneliness has been very scarce, and, in this respect, the researcher
judged that relevant research should be further developed.
In particular, in order to obtain a sustainable development with a competitive edge,
deluxe hotels need to attract and maintain high quality employees in the present situation
where competition grows fierce [11,12]. Typical problems inherent in the hotel industry
include long work hours, irregular and inflexible work schedule, and weekend duties [13].
Furthermore, a hotel job pays poorly, involves a narrow range of duties, and requires in-
tensive emotional labor [14,15]. For this reason, policies are needed that improve hotel
employees’ social relationships and mitigate their feeling of loneliness at the workplace.
Therefore, an interesting working environment can be a good method used by an organi-
zation to attract and maintain employees [16,17], and this study will provide meaningful
suggestions by verifying the influence of a climate of loneliness in an organization. Hence,
obtaining knowledge about the causes and outcomes of workplace loneliness will be an
important issue for both workers and researchers. From a viewpoint of workplace flexi-
bility, efforts to promote hotel employees’ social relationship and manage their feelings of
loneliness can facilitate sustainable growth of the hotel industry.
In consideration of the facts that people currently spend more time in their work-
places than in any other domain of life and that workplace loneliness has a negative effect
on job performance, this study aims to examine the effect of workplace loneliness on work
engagement and organizational commitment and the moderating role of social relation-
ships between an employee and his or her superior and coworkers in such mechanisms
(Figure 1).
Figure 1. A proposed model of workplace loneliness, work engagement, organizational commitment, leader-member
exchange (LMX), and coworker exchange (CWX).
2. Literature Review and Conceptual Model
2.1. Workplace Loneliness, Work Engagement, Organizational Commitment, Leader-Member
Exchange (LMX), and Coworker Exchange (CWX)
Figure 1.
A proposed model of workplace loneliness, work engagement, organizational commitment, leader-member
exchange (LMX), and coworker exchange (CWX).
2. Literature Review and Conceptual Model
2.1. Workplace Loneliness, Work Engagement, Organizational Commitment, Leader-Member
Exchange (LMX), and Coworker Exchange (CWX)
Ernst and Cacioppo [
] observed that workplace loneliness was a feeling experienced
by employees when their social desires were not satisfied, and Wright et al. [
] noted
that workplace loneliness was pain occurring due to a lack of interpersonal relationships
of good quality among members in a work environment. In addition, Russell, et al. [
Sustainability 2021,13, 948 3 of 14
asserted that workplace loneliness was employees’ subjective perception about what was
insufficient in their social relationships. Most research on workplace loneliness emphasizes
that it affects individual and organizational performance very negatively [
]. Work
engagement refers to a mental state of employees that is energetic, devoted, and full
of vitality when participating in their jobs [
] and when they have high engagement,
employees feel all the more happy and spend relatively more time in the organization [
In addition, organizational commitment means an employee accepts the organization’s
goals and values and makes considerable efforts to achieve them [
]. It is also the extent
to which an individual identifies with a specific organization and commits to it [
]. LMX
(leader-member exchange) and CWX (coworker exchange), used as moderating variables in
this study are concepts based on social exchange theory. LMX is a very important theoretical
basis for explaining the relationship between a superior and his or her subordinates in an
organization [
]. When a positive pattern of exchange in relationships is formed between
a superior and his or her subordinates, employees develop very positive attitudes toward
their jobs [
]. Furthermore, CWX shows the quality of relationships formed as a result of
interaction with coworkers by an employee as a member of an organization [28].
2.2. Relationship between Workplace Loneliness and Work Engagement
Research on workplace loneliness and employee engagement is very scarce. As
the only relevant research thus far, Öge et al. [
] noted that workplace loneliness and
engagement had a negative relationship and when an employee did not feel loneliness
any longer, they became more positive about his or her job and felt engaged to the extent
that he or she lost count of time. In addition, although they did not research employees,
Zhang et al. [
] asserted that loneliness reduced social participation, and Park et al. [
also noted that social participation decreased loneliness; in other words, there is a negative
correlation between participation and loneliness. When burnout is defined as exhausted
participation in daily work by a generalized theory on engagement [
], Gerstein et al. [
explained that an employee felt lonely when he or she had the severest burnout, and
Fernet et al. [
] asserted that loneliness perceived by an employee in an organization had
a very close relationship with burnout. In the same vein, happiness is a positive, emotional
response to work, and workers’ sense of happiness weakens because of loneliness they
feel at workplace [
]. Garg and Anand [
] said that workers’ emotional commitment is
lowered when they feel lonely at the workplace. Therefore, based on the existing empirical
evidence from previous studies, we propose that workplace loneliness reduces employee
engagement. The following hypothesis is posited:
Hypothesis 1 (H1). Workplace loneliness is negatively associated with employee engagement.
2.3. Relationship between Work Engagement and Organizational Commitment
Previous studies have suggested that employee engagement can be an attitudinal fac-
tor that enhances commitment within an organization. A study of different organizations
verified that a highly engaged employee is very important for achieving useful business
performance [
]. Albdour and Altarawneh [
] asserted that when an employee had
high job performance capabilities and work engagement, they came to have normative
and emotional engagement with the organization, and Hanaysha [
] identified that work
participation affected employees’ level of engagement. Mills and Fullagar [
] suggested
that employee engagement plays a significant role in increasing occupational commitment.
Kim et al. [
] observed that work engagement focused on the relationship between an
employee and his or her tasks and that commitment emphasized the relationship between
an employee and organization, adding that the two had a very positive relationship. In
addition, Walden et al. [
] asserted that when an employee came to have engagement
with their job, commitment to the organization increased as well. Cao et al. [
] also noted
that when an employee experienced engagement and a high level of commitment to an
organization, he or she developed strong faith in the organization’s goals and values and
Sustainability 2021,13, 948 4 of 14
made considerable efforts and willingly accepted sacrifices for the organization. Conse-
quently, positive psychological conditions of employees, such as their engagement, can
increase their commitment to organizations. Therefore, the following hypothesis is posited:
Hypothesis 2 (H2). Employee engagement is positively associated with their commitment.
2.4. Relationship between Workplace Loneliness and Organizational Commitment
Wright [
] noted that in the case that an organization’s employees did not feel intimacy
and the need for social relationships, their organizational commitment and the possibility
for them to find satisfactory relationships decreased, adding that organizational loneliness
had a negative correlation with organizational commitment. In addition, Yilmaz [
] found
that loneliness perceived by an employee in an organization was an important factor
for determining his or her organizational commitment, and psychological support was
necessary in order to increase commitment when he or she felt lonely. Erdil and Erto-
sun [
] explained that the loneliness that an employee felt in an organization negatively
affected organizational commitment, and Ayazlar and Güzel [
] also observed that when
an employee had no friends to share opinions with and no social relationships, he or she
came to negatively predict organizational commitment. In other words, the existence of
a social companion in an employee’s workplace was an important factor for inducing
their commitment to the organization. Erkan and Mithat [
] argued that the loneliness an
employee perceived in an organization was a considerable predictor of they will toward
the organization and negatively affected organizational commitment. Promsri [
] said
that the loneliness an employee experienced in an organization and work engagement and
commitment to the organization had a negative correlation, and Ozcelik and Barsade [
suggested that an employee felt a sense of alienation due to loneliness in their workplace,
which, in turn, decreased emotional commitment. From a similar perspective, Morri-
son [
] noted that whether or not there was a companion in an employee’s workplace
did not directly affect organizational commitment, but it had an indirect influence through
job satisfaction. Ellingwood [
] asserted that when there were more opportunities for
friendship in an employee’s workplace, they more actively participated in and became
more committed to the organization. Garg and Anand [
] argued that individuals and
organizations interact closely, and emotionally committed employees identify themselves
with the organization by actively participating in organizational activities and through their
will of pursuit. Loneliness can be seen as a state that lacks such close interactions, and thus,
shows a negative correlation with employees’ organizational commitment. Heinrich and
Gullone [
] demonstrated that loneliness affected individuals’ emotional and cognitive
attitude, and their immersion. Lawler [
] suggested that employees’ positive emotion
that derives from interactions with other people significantly stimulates their positive
immersion in other individuals or organizations, but a negative emotion has negative
impact on immersion. That is, individuals who feel lonely at workplace focus more on
negative information than on positive information, and this leads to the lack of social
interactions or immersion with the organization [
]. Therefore, the following hypothesis
is posited:
Hypothesis 3 (H3). Workplace loneliness is negatively associated with employees’ commitment.
2.5. Moderating Effects of LMX and CWX
Social exchange theory proposes that the quality of relationships between an employee
and his or her superior and coworkers [
] affects job attitude and organizational
performance. An employee’s coworkers and superior constitute a very important part of
the social environment of the workplace [
]. In particular, support from a supervisor or
coworkers is an essential job resource for relieving negative experiences in an organiza-
tion [
] and is a motivating force that makes an employee engage with their job [
]. As
part of research that dealt with workplace loneliness and exchange relationships with a
Sustainability 2021,13, 948 5 of 14
superior and coworkers, Gable and Berkman [
] noted that a lonely employee mostly
disregarded or ended meaningful relationships in the workplace and tended to evade the
process of maintaining positive relationships. In addition, followers who prefer loneli-
ness make negative evaluations of other persons, are reluctant to communicate with their
leaders, and fear risks in social exchanges [
]. Furthermore, Wright et al. [
] asserted
that loneliness depended on an inability to form interpersonal relationships that led an
employee to be obsessed with social opportunities.
Lam and Lau [
] suggested that workplace loneliness had a negative relationship
with LMX and organizational member exchange (OMX) and mentioned that the higher the
LMX, the lower the negative effect of workplace loneliness on organizational citizenship
behaviors became; in other words, LMX had an important moderating role. They also
asserted that a lonely employee negatively judged and distrusted his or her leader. Chen
et al. [
] observed that a lonely employee was lacking in capabilities to become a member
of a group and did not make efforts to improve such a condition, adding that LMX
increased as workplace loneliness decreased. Anand and Mishra [
] found that the stronger
an employee’s exchange relationship with their superior, the lower the negative effect of
workplace loneliness on emotional exhaustion became, and asserted that the relationship
between loneliness and emotional exhaustion was very strong in an employee with a
low level of LMX. Therefore, a lonely employee who does not trust his or her leader and
coworkers much is likely to have a negative opinion about the leader’s roles and intentions,
compared to an employee who is not lonely. In other words, such a negative psychological
process is highly likely to be offset by a strong social exchange relationship. Based on such
previous research, it can be inferred that an employee’s positive relationship with his or
her coworkers and superior may relieve the negative influence of workplace loneliness.
Even though workplace loneliness decreases an employee’s engagement and commitment,
the negative influence of loneliness may be minimized if he or she maintains positive
exchanges or relationships with their superior and coworkers. The following hypotheses
are therefore proposed:
Hypothesis 4 (H4).
LMX moderates the effects of workplace loneliness on engagement and
organizational commitment.
Hypothesis 5 (H5).
CWX moderates the effects of workplace loneliness on engagement and
organizational commitment.
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Sample and Data Collection
Data for use in this study were collected in 2018 from employees working for the
food and beverage departments of deluxe hotels located in Seoul. A deluxe hotel was
defined as a five-star hotel with at least 200 rooms. A total of 10 hotels, whose human
resources personnel had approved of the survey, were selected. Because it was realisti-
cally impossible to obtain consent from all employees, convenience sampling was used.
Furthermore, employees voluntarily participated in the survey. They were anonymously
surveyed and made aware that the answers would be confidentially managed. A total
of 400 questionnaires were distributed to 10 deluxe hotels by the researcher. The size
of the sample was determined in proportion to the population. The average number of
employees in 22 deluxe hotels located in Seoul was 500, and the appropriate size of the
sample was judged to be 400, given a percentage error of 5%. A total of 311 questionnaires
were collected. Among them, 292 questionnaires were used for the final analysis. The
employees were 42.8% male and 57.2% female. 50.0% of the employees were between 30
and 39 years. Most had a university degree (57.5%), and 84.2% had been with a deluxe
hotel for less than 10 years. Also, their job positions were back of house (54.1%) and front
of house (45.9%).
Sustainability 2021,13, 948 6 of 14
3.2. Instrument Development
The questionnaire consisted of six parts. The first part contained questions about the
participants’ demographic information (e.g., gender, age, education level, tenure). The
second part requested employees to rate their overall recognition of workplace loneliness.
To measure employees’ perceptions of workplace loneliness, this study adapted Wright
et al.’s [
] multi-item scales. The conflict management climate was measured through
12 items using a 7-point scale: “How much do you agree or disagree with these statements?”
(1: strongly disagree to 7: strongly agree). The third and fourth parts focused on employee
engagement and commitment. Employee engagement was measured with 5 items using
a 7–point scale based on those developed by Schaufeli et al. [
]. Also, organizational
commitment was measured by five items developed by Allen and Meyer [
] and Mayer
and Schoorman [
]. The fifth and sixth parts focused on LMX and CWX. LMX was
measured using five items developed by Borchgrevink and Boster [
]. Respondents’
CWX was evaluated using five items developed by Sherony and Green [
]. As Brislin [
specified, the questionnaire written in English was translated into Korean through reverse
translation by a research worker fluent in both languages.
3.3. Data Analysis
The researcher employed the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and
the Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS) programs for the analysis of the study data.
The SPSS program was used for demographic analysis, reliability analysis, and correlation
analysis of the measurement items. In order to examine the validity of the measurement
items, the researcher employed the AMOS program. The hypotheses were verified using
a two-step approach. The validity of the measurement items was identified through
confirmatory factor analysis, assessment of composite construct reliability (CCR), and
calculation of average variance extracted (AVE). The hypotheses were identified through
structural equation modeling and multi-group analysis. In addition, in order to verify the
mediating effect of engagement, the researcher employed bootstrapping and the Aroian
version of the Sobel test.
4. Results
4.1. Measurement Model
The researcher identified convergent validity, discriminant validity, and nominal
validity in order to verify the validity of the measurement items. Table 1shows the result
of confirmatory factor analysis on the theorized five-factor model (workplace loneliness,
work engagement, organizational commitment, LMX, and CWX). The analysis showed
that the study model had an excellent fit (
= 856.650; df = 454;
/df = 1.887; GFI = 0.821;
NFI = 0.905; CFI = 0.957; RMSEA = 0.058). The researcher reviewed factor loading (0.7 or
higher), AVE (0.5 or higher), and CCR (0.7 or higher) in order to verify convergent validity,
and all were found to satisfy their appropriate standards [
]. In addition, the square
root (correlation) of each of the measurement items was smaller than the AVE, and the AVE
was greater than the average shared variance (ASV) and maximum shared variance (MSV),
whereby discriminant validity was verified (Table 2).
Table 1. Confirmatory factor analysis and reliability analysis.
Construct Standardized
Estimate t-Value Corrected Item-Total
CCR aCronbach’s
Workplace loneliness 0.963
WL1I often feel abandoned by co-workers
when I am under pressure at work.0.905 fixed *** 0.897 0.982
WL2I often feel alienated from my co-workers 0.911 24.113 *** 0.903
I feel myself withdrawing from the people
I work with 0.918 24.594 *** 0.908
Sustainability 2021,13, 948 7 of 14
Table 1. Cont.
Construct Standardized
Estimate t-Value Corrected Item-Total
CCR aCronbach’s
WL4I often feel emotionally distant from the
people I work with 0.906 23.733 *** 0.897
WL5I often feel isolated when I am with my
co-workers 0.908 23.879 *** 0.899
WL6I experience a general sense of emptiness
when I am at work 0.894 22.888 *** 0.886
WL7I have social companionship/fellowship
at work 0.899 23.255 *** 0.893
I feel included in the social aspects of work
0.896 23.008 *** 0.888
WL9There is someone at work I can talk to
about my day to day work problems if I need to
0.886 22.334 *** 0.876
WL10 There is no one at work I can share
personal thoughts with if I want to 0.925 25.191 *** 0.916
I have someone at work I can spend time
with on my breaks if I want to 0.927 25.368 *** 0.919
WL12 I feel part of a group of friends at work 0.922 24.912 *** 0.913
Work engagement 0.936
WE1I really “throw” myself into my job 0.814 fixed 0.842 0.949
WE2At my work, I feel bursting with energy 0.967 20.456 *** 0.892
WE3I am proud on the work that I do 0.777 14.486 *** 0.814
WE4I get carried away when I am working 0.854 16.571 *** 0.862
WE5I am highly engaged in this job 0.968 20.483 *** 0.887
Organizational commitment 0.925
OC1Working at my organization has a great
deal of personal meaning to me 0.907 fixed 0.876 0.953
OC2I find that my values and the
organization’s values are very similar 0.909 23.391 *** 0.878
OC3I care about the fate of this organization 0.886 21.893 *** 0.865
OC4 I am proud to tell others I work at
my organization 0.885 21.832 *** 0.860
OC5 I feel a strong sense of belonging to
my organization 0.890 22.127 *** 0.868
Leader-member exchange 0.917
LMX1 My working relationship with my
supervisor is better than average 0.804 fixed 0.758 0.907
LMX2I feel close to my supervisor 0.802 14.162 *** 0.762
LMX3 My supervisor and I see things the
same way 0.799 14.096 *** 0.753
LMX4 I speak often with my supervisor about
job-related issues 0.843 15.126 *** 0.787
LMX5 My supervisor and I speak with each
other about issues not related to work 0.820 14.577 *** 0.771
Coworker exchange 0.923
CWX1 My coworker understands my job needs
0.846 fixed 0.810 0.930
CWX2 I feel close to my coworkers 0.849 16.966 *** 0.808
CWX3 My coworker would personally use
his/her power to help me solve my
work problems
0.844 16.792 *** 0.806
CWX4My working relationship with
coworkers is extremely effective 0.870 17.695 *** 0.832
CWX5I always know how satisfied my
coworker is with what I do 0.853 17.100 *** 0.818
CCR = composite construct reliability; Standardized estimate =
= 856.650 (df = 454) p< 0.001;
/df = 1.887; goodness of
fit index (GFI) = 0.821; normed fit index (NFI) = 0.905; Tucker Lewis index (TLI) = 0.953; comparative fit index (CFI) = 0.957; incremental fit
index (IFI) = 0.957; root square error of approximation (RMSEA) = 0.058; root mean square residual (RMR) = 0.059; *** p< 0.001.
Sustainability 2021,13, 948 8 of 14
Table 2. Correlation analysis and discriminant validity tests.
Construct 1 2 3 4 5 AVE Mean ±SD
1. Workplace loneliness 1 0.076 0.069 0.168 0.087 0.815 3.71 ±1.34
2. Work engagement 0.276 1 0.461 0.288 0.259 0.773 4.61 ±0.97
3. Organizational commitment 0.263 0.679 1 0.233 0.129 0.801 4.14 ±1.17
4. Leader-member exchange 0.410 0.537 0.483 1 0.252 0.661 3.33 ±0.80
5. Coworker exchange 0.296 0.509 0.360 0.502 1 0.726 3.63 ±0.93
Note: AVE = Average variance extracted; Grey shaded types are significant at p< 0.01; Italic type are presented in squared correlation;
SD = standard deviation.
4.2. Structural Equation Modeling
The hypotheses of this study were analyzed using structural equation modeling.
Table 3
shows the result of the analysis with structural equation modeling and represents
standardized path coefficients and t-values of all relationships. The model’s fit was rela-
tively good (
= 527.359; df = 206; p< 0.001; GFI = 0.835; NFI = 0.930; CFI = 0.956; RMSEA
= 0.079). Hypothesis 1, which stated that an employee’s workplace loneliness negatively
affects work engagement (
0.284; t=
4.543; p< 0.001), was supported. This result is
consistent with that of Öge et al. [
]; when an employee feels lonely in an organization,
the possibility of him or her doing work engagement in organization decreases. In addition,
Hypothesis 2, which stated that an employee’s engagement positively affects organiza-
tional commitment (
= 0.653; t= 11.698; p< 0.001) was also supported. Such a result was
consistent with those of others already verified; multiple studies [
] report the result
that an employee’s organizational commitment was increased by their work engagement.
Nonetheless, the negative relationship between an employee’s workplace loneliness and
organizational commitment was rejected (
0.085; t=
1.657; p> 0.05). This study
did not identify a direct causal relationship between an employee’s loneliness and orga-
nizational commitment, which was in contrast with the results of previously performed
multiple studies [4,20,48], but consistent with the result of research by Chan and Qiu [68],
where workplace loneliness had no correlation with organizational commitment. Although
a direct relationship between workplace loneliness and organizational commitment was
not clarified, an indirect relationship between workplace loneliness and organizational
commitment was expected from the mediating role of engagement, given Hypotheses 1
and 2. In order to verify this, the researcher made an evaluation of such a relationship based
on the method by Baron and Kenny [
] and found that workplace loneliness negatively
affected organizational commitment through engagement (
0.158; p< 0.05). The Sobel
test also showed the importance of engagement, supporting its mediating effect (Z-score
5.263, p< 0.05) [
]. Therefore, an employee’s engagement completely mediated the
negative relationship between workplace loneliness and organizational commitment.
Tables 4and 5show the result of the verification of whether LMX and CWX, as social
exchange relationships, play a moderating role in the influential relationship between
workplace loneliness and engagement and commitment. The researcher performed analysis
by differentiating the subjects into a group with high LMX and CWX and another one
with low LMX and CWX, based on their average values, and verifying the moderating
effect with the difference in the degrees of freedom between the unconstrained model
and the metric invariance model. According to the analysis result, LMX did not have a
significant moderating effect on the influence of workplace loneliness on engagement and
commitment. Therefore, Hypothesis 4 was rejected.
Sustainability 2021,13, 948 9 of 14
Table 3. Structural estimates model.
Hypothesized Path (Stated as Alternative Hypothesis) Standardized Coefficients t-Value Results
H1() Workplace loneliness work engagement 0.284 4.543 *** Supported
H2(+) Work engagement organizational commitment 0.653 11.698 *** Supported
) Workplace loneliness
organizational commitment
0.085 1.657 Not supported
Goodness-of-fit statistics χ2(206) = 527.359 (p< 0.001)
χ2/df = 2.560
GFI = 0.835
NFI = 0.930
CFI = 0.956
RMR = 0.066
RMSEA = 0.079
Note: (1) GFI = goodness of fit index; NFI = normed fit index; CFI = comparative fit index; RMR = root mean-square residual; RMSEA = root
mean square error of approximation; *** p< 0.001. (2) Mediating role of work engagement. Indirect effect: Workplace loneliness
organizational commitment. Point estimate:
0.158 (
< 0.05); bias-corrected bootstrap 95% CI:
Aroian version of the Sobel test: Z = 5.263 (p< 0.05).
Table 4. Moderating effects of employees’ leader-member exchange (LMX).
High-LMX (N= 148) Low-LMX (N= 144) Unconstrained
(df = 412)
(df = 413)
(df = 1)
Coefficients t-Value Standardized
Coefficients t-Value
loneliness work
0.111 1.207 ns 0.208 2.307 * 783.293 783.861 0.568 ns
0.052 0.747 ns 0.087 1.040 ns 783.293 783.392 0.099 ns
Note: χ2/df = 1.901; GFI = 0.783; NFI = 0.891; TLI = 0.938; CFI = 0.945; IFI = 0.945; RMSEA = 0.060; * p< 0.05, ns Not significant.
Table 5. Moderating effects of employees’ coworker exchange (CWX).
High-CWX (N= 154) Low-CWX (N= 138) Unconstrained
(df = 412)
(df = 413)
(df = 1)
Coefficients t-Value Standardized
Coefficients t-Value
loneliness work
0.158 2.064 * 0.441 3.978 ** 781.272 785.319 4.047 *
0.037 0.593 ns 0.107 1.022 ns 781.272 782.390 2.118 ns
df = 1.896; GFI = 0.786; NFI = 0.895; TLI = 0.940; CFI = 0.947; IFI = 0.947; RMSEA = 0.060; * p< 0.05, ** p< 0.01,
Not significant.
Nonetheless, CWX had a significant moderating effect on the influence of workplace
loneliness on work engagement. The negative influence of organizational loneliness on
work engagement was significantly greater in a group with low CWX than in a group
with high CWX. In other words, when an employee’s positive interaction with his or her
coworkers is insufficient, the negative relationship between workplace loneliness and work
engagement becomes stronger. Therefore, Hypothesis 5 was partially supported. This
was a result similar to that of the research by Lam and Lau [
], where an employee’s close
social exchange relationships with their team members decreased the negative effect of
workplace loneliness.
Sustainability 2021,13, 948 10 of 14
5. Discussion and Implications
This study dealt with workplace loneliness, a very important but underestimated
phenomenon thus far. Our research supports the position that workplace loneliness is
harmful to both employees and their organizations. To this end, this study investigated
the link between workplace loneliness, engagement, and commitment and looked at the
moderating role of exchange relationships between an employee and his or her superior
and coworkers in such causal relationships. The evidence derived from the result of tests
performed on data collected from employees at deluxe hotels in Seoul using the study
model supported all proposed hypotheses, excluding Hypotheses 3 and 4. According to
the result of this study, workplace loneliness decreased employees’ engagement with their
jobs and, as such, decreased engagement had a positive relationship with organizational
commitment. Such a study result shows that, as we proposed, workplace loneliness has a
considerable negative influence on work engagement. In addition, the negative influence
of workplace loneliness on work engagement was found to be moderated by CWX, and
employees’ maintenance of positive social exchange relationships with their coworkers was
verified to be a major factor for relieving the negative influence of workplace loneliness. In
other words, the relationship between workplace loneliness and engagement was relatively
weaker in employees with high CWX.
This study contributes to the existing literature in different ways. First, this study
verified the organic causal relationships between hotel employees’ workplace loneliness
and work engagement and organizational commitment. Thus far, there has been no empiri-
cal research on such relationships in hotel employees. Therefore, this study is judged as
contributing to increasing existing knowledge on workplace loneliness because it employed
the variable of loneliness, rarely studied in the area of workplaces, as an independent vari-
able. Second, although discussion on workplace loneliness is on the increase compared to
in the past, there is almost no empirical research on the outcomes of workplace loneliness.
Thus far, loneliness among individuals has been perceived as important, and its negative
influence has been emphasized in areas like psychology and sociology, but research on
loneliness in the job environment has been relatively underestimated. From the perspective
of change-oriented behaviors, this study examined the outcomes of workplace loneliness,
thereby identifying engagement and commitment as resulting variables related with loneli-
ness, which is consistent with the view that workplace loneliness triggers a few negative
results. Therefore, this study stressed loneliness as an important element for explaining an
employee’s engagement and commitment, and it will contribute to the human resource
management-related literature. Third, this study explored the mediating role of social
exchange relationships on workplace loneliness from the perspective of social exchange
theory. In detail, this study discovered a process mechanism that may moderate the effect
of CWX on workplace loneliness and engagement. In addition, this study identified en-
gagement as a medium that connects workplace loneliness and commitment. This result
will provide meaningful academic suggestions in that it identified that loneliness indirectly
affects commitment through engagement, and workplace loneliness may be moderated by
an employee’s positive relationship with coworkers as social exchange relationships.
This study’s practical suggestions are as follows: It is important for every company to
understand an employee’s demands and maintain his or her job satisfaction at a high level,
but in the hotel industry, human resources are particularly important, and, in this respect,
maintaining a competitive advantage in a hotel is crucial. In particular, for the sustainable
development of the hotel business, retaining and retaining excellent employees will be
very meaningful in improving performance. Furthermore, loneliness perceived by hotel
employees may do great harm to organizational efficiency because such loneliness is closely
related with the essence of their job. Hence, the results of this study provide many useful
implications for the management of employees. In particular, it was verified that controlling
loneliness was important to an organization. Moreover, the importance of an employee’s
exchange relationships with coworkers in the formation of the link between loneliness and
engagement was re-verified. Then, what can be done to minimize employees’ experience of
Sustainability 2021,13, 948 11 of 14
loneliness? Diverse activity and training programs aimed at improving social relationships
need to be provided on an organizational level. So that employees can have organic social
relationships with their coworkers, places for social and emotional exchange should be
provided, and such places should be developed further to benefit the organization on a long-
term basis. Such activities involve club activities, the mentor/mentee system for voluntary
exchange between an employee and his or her superior and seniors, and provision of
other opportunities for them to grow socially. In addition, it is important to encourage
employees to participate in team activities and to satisfy their social needs by providing
social connections, so that they can form meaningful relationships in the workplace. In
addition, another meaningful policy is to provide opportunities for employees to socialize
outside their workplace. Furthermore, by forming an organizational climate of helping
each other, an organization will be able to alleviate its employees’ loneliness. It should also
take appropriate measures to satisfy psychological desires of those under affected social
relationships. In particular, an organization’s practices and climate are very closely related
with organizational performance, and it is important for an employee to clearly perceive
his or her organization’s environmental characteristics and climate. Because such practices
form employees’ perceptions of their organizational atmosphere and affect their collective
behaviors and organizational performance, an organization should have its employees
know that it is making efforts to prevent their loneliness on an organizational level, thereby
inducing them to positively perceive their organizational climate [71].
There are a few limitations that readers should keep in mind with regard to the results
of this study. Such limitations will present the direction of future research. The sample
selected in this study provides beneficial characteristics and advantages, making clear the
focus of the study, but, on the contrary, such unique characteristics of the sample make
it difficult to generalize the study results. If the study model is tested in a more general
setting than the current one, more generalized universal results will be obtained. Further,
additional research in other work environments will be conducive to better identifying and
making clear the relationship between the study variables. In addition, the measurement
items of this study were measured under the self-reporting method, and, therefore, the
subjects were able to respond in the way they thought desirable and able to make judgments
based on their subjective views. Future research should complement this study through
evaluation using more objective measurement tools. This study employed organizational
commitment as a final dependent variable, but future research should use additional
variables in order to evaluate organizational performance. In addition, more research is
necessary to investigate the relationship between diverse independent variables that can
affect workplace loneliness and dependent variables.
Author Contributions:
The authors contributed equally to this work. All the authors contributed to
the conceptualization, formal analysis, investigation, methodology, writing of the original draft, and
review and editing. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
This work was supported by a grant from Kyung Hee University in 2016 (KHU-20160686).
Institutional Review Board Statement:
Ethical review and approval were waived for this study,
because although it was a human study, it was observational, and the research design did not involve
ethical issues.
Informed Consent Statement:
Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement:
Data sharing not applicable. The data are not publicly available due to
participants privacy.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... It describes how people are treated unfairly and discriminated against in the job because of their gender, race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, handicap, and socioeconomic standing. Workplace inequality has been linked to bad outcomes for employees' performance, job happiness, mental health, and productivity, according to recent study (Jung et al., 2021). According to Kessler, perceived discrimination is one of the major life events that affects health and wellbeing. ...
... Workplace inequality affects employees globally, affecting their performance, job happiness, mental health, and productivity due to unfair treatment based on gender, race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, handicap, and socioeconomic standing. Due to such type of inequalities and mistreatment performance of employee effect negatively (Jung et al., 2021). ...
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This paper aims to examine how workplace inequality effect employee performance of Academia of South Punjab, Pakistan; exploring the mediation role of perceived discrimination and moderating role of work social support and workplace resilience. The targeted population for this research comprised the 470 employees (faculty) in the academia of South Punjab in Pakistan. These participants included a diverse range of faculty members from numerous academic fields, offering a complete view of the impact of workplace inequality in the academic sector. As per the research, workplace inequality effects the employee performance. Workplace inequality is a serious and pervasive issue, affecting both employee productivity and ability to design job responsibilities. This study delves into intricate dynamics of workplace inequality, and analyzes the impact of workplace inequality on employee performance by examining the moderating role of work social support and resilience. The negative impacts of inequality are exacerbated by perceived discrimination, which causes disengagement and reduces desire for proactive efforts such as employee performance. Moreover, the study also examines how the impact of work social support and resilience can influence results. Receiving emotional and practical help from colleagues and supervisors at work, known as workplace social support, can decrease the negative effects of inequality and discrimination by lowering stress levels and fostering a more inclusive atmosphere. Resilience, as a characteristic of individuals, helpsemployees to recover from obstacles, reducing the impact of stress and encouraging a proactive approach to adapting work duties in challenging circumstances. This research highlights the importance of addressing workplace inequity and establishing supportive work atmosphere in order to enhance both employee performance and their efficiency
... While the hypothesized moderating role of LMX was not supported, the significant direct effect of LMX on PI underscores the importance of leader-employee relational exchanges. This result aligns with previous studies (Han & Bai, 2020;Jung et al., 2021), highlighting that LMX's moderating influence may depend on contextual factors, such as hierarchical structures prevalent in Islamic banking. ...
... Though it reported significant direct effect of LMX on PI. In this way, this study is an addition to a group of studies (such as those by Jung et al., 2021;Han & Bai, 2020) who reported an insignificant effect of LMX on certain relationships. Thus, the study cautions in assuming LMX as a contingency variable for all relationships universally. ...
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This study investigates the mediating role of perceived inclusion in the relationship between perceived authentic organizational behavior (AOB) and psychological capital, while examining the moderating influence of leader-member exchange (LMX) on the link between perceived AOB and perceived inclusion. Employing a quantitative, cross-sectional design, data were gathered from employees of Islamic banks across six major cities in Pakistan (N=254). Using structural equation modeling (SEM) in AMOS, we tested a moderated mediation model. Results indicated that perceived AOB positively influenced psychological capital through perceived inclusion, which served as a significant mediator in this relationship. However, the moderating effect of LMX on the AOB-inclusion relationship was not supported. This study addresses a notable gap in the literature by examining antecedents of psychological capital, focusing specifically on AOB, rather than the extensively studied construct of authentic leadership. Grounded in social exchange and LMX theories, this research contributes novel insights by applying a moderated mediation model within the distinct context of Islamic banking in Pakistan, offering implications for understanding organizational behavior and employee well-being in culturally specific work settings.
... These components might be helpful or harmful, according to the author. Employee performance can improve when favorable factors are present, but it can also drop when negative situations are present (Jung et al., 2021). Recent research highlights the crucial role of employees in achieving organizational goals, as they contribute to the success and growth of the organization through their various tasks and responsibilities. ...
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This study aims to examine how workplace inequality effect job crafting of Academia of South Punjab, Pakistan: exploring the mediation role of psychological stress and moderating role of work social support and workplace resilience. The primary method for gathering data in this study was a survey questionnaire, utilizing a quantitative research approach. The targeted population for this research comprised the 470 employees (faculty) in the academia of South Punjab, Pakistan. As per the research, workplace inequality effects job crafting. Moreover, the study has revealed that psychological stress plays a mediating role between job crafting and workplace inequality. In addition to this study contributes to the existing literature by highlighting the role of work social support and resilience as moderator. This study delves into intricate dynamics of workplace inequality, and analyzes the impact of workplace inequality by examining the role of psychological stress. The negative impacts of inequality are exacerbated by psychological stress, which causes disengagement and reduces desire for proactive efforts such as job crafting. The purpose of this research is to examine how workplace inequality effect job crafting in academics of South Punjab, Pakistan, using psychological stress as the mediator, while work social support and workplace resilience as moderators. With regard to the academia, which is a self-governing field with various duties and ranks, it is obvious that the risk of workplace disparities is quite high due to the differences in decision making, resource or scope, and acknowledgement. This research aims to investigate the complicated linkages between workplace inequality on job crafting in an academic setting. By researching how employees negotiate and redefine their positions in the face of perceived disparities and unequal treatment with employees at their workplaces. This study hopes to find ways that improve employee well-being, create equity, and drive organizational efficiency. The study's findings are expected to provide useful insights for academia and practitioners, as well as concrete suggestions on how to establish inclusive cultures in which employees can thrive and excel. Moreover, this research highlights the importance of addressing workplace inequality and establishing supportive working atmosphere in order to enhance job crafting. The research provides a full structure for understanding and dealing with the different consequences of inequality in organizational settings, with a focus on psychological stress as mediator, and work social support, and workplace resilience as moderating role.
... Employees with greater workplace loneliness are less likely to have an emotional commitment to the organization [18]. Moreover, workplace loneliness is intimately associated with work, affecting work status and causing considerable damage to organizational effectiveness [19]. Consequently, employees' behavior at work is significantly influenced by the emotional changes they experience in the workplace. ...
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Drawing on the implantation of organizational sustainable strategies, enterprises can effectively manage and recycle resources, reduce resource waste, improve market competitiveness, better respond to changes in the market and environment, and create long-term economic benefits. Although a large number of prior studies have emphasized the importance of improving sustainability and proposed various strategies and practical approaches, relatively few studies have explored the inhibitors of sustainability. Against such a research background, this study differs from previous research that has simply focused on ways to increase sustainability; we instead explore negative variables that reduce sustainability. We assess the variable that reduces organizational sustainability, that is, work withdrawal behavior that reduces employees’ enthusiasm for their jobs, hinders employee performance, causes financial losses, and limits organizational growth and sustainability. This directly affects the organization’s long-term growth and sustainability goals and damages the organization’s overall sustainability image. Therefore, understanding the reasons behind this behavior is important. This study examines how coworker incivility leads to work withdrawal behavior and validates relevant research models. Data from 294 Chinese SME employees show that coworker incivility positively affects workplace loneliness and work withdrawal behavior. Workplace loneliness mediates the impact of coworker incivility on work withdrawal behavior, while resilience negatively moderates these relationships. Based on these findings, this study offers recommendations for reducing work withdrawal behavior and improving workplace environments and employee mental health.
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The objective of the study is to highlight the strategic role of different intangible assets like sustainability practices in driving commitment from workers. The study utilizes Intellectual capital-based view theory to explain the role of sustainability practices in driving organizational cultural values, or long-term relationships among the firm and its stakeholders - customers, allies, and suppliers. The company in general is gaining competitive advantages in being useful to the society where it does business. A survey is used to collect data from automobile industry. This industry is chosen based on their higher carbon foot prints. The results of the survey presented important clues and specific pattern in the first instance. Further structural equation modeling (SEM)-based approach is used to test the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. The results assure the indirect influence of soft practices on employee commitment in the organization. This study provides useful insights into the impact of sustainability practices on the human capital management in the organization. After the data analysis it was concluded that sustainability practices have a mediating effect on employee behavior and they influence the organizational commitment of an employee.
Background Returning to work (RTW) is a crucial aspect of recovery for patients with breast cancer (BC), which indicates restored normalcy, financial stability, functional abilities, and an improved quality of life. However, associated factors related to not RTW among patients with BC remain unclear. In this study, we examined associated factors of not RTW among patients with BC. Methods A cross-sectional study and convenience sampling were conducted in two hospitals in Indonesia to recruit eligible participants. Factors related to not RTW were collected and included symptoms of distress, loneliness, anxiety/depression, perceived social support, and frailty. A logistic regression model was performed to explore associated factors of not RTW. Findings In total, 250 patients with BC were included in this study, and 148 of them experienced not RTW. Anxiety, loneliness, frailty, and social support emerged as significant factors associated with not RTW. BC patients who had a higher anxiety level (odds ratio [ OR]: 5.30; 95% confidence interval [CI] [2.16, 12.98]), had high loneliness ( OR: 3.15, 95% CI [1.29, 7.67]), or were frail ( OR: 2.53; 95% CI [1.07, 5.98]) had a higher risk of not RTW. BC patients with lower social support ( OR: 5.65; 95% CI [1.81, 17.63]) had a higher risk of not RTW. Conclusion/Applications to Practice Occupational health professionals can offer early counseling, health education, and support strategies to patients with BC, assisting their preparations in terms of both physical and psychological functions for successfully RTW.
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Objective: The emergence of presenteeism in the organizational environment can have significant negative consequences. A key point in this regard is that the quality of leader-member exchange can influence the increase or decrease of presenteeism. Additionally, organizational commitment has a meaningful relationship with presenteeism. Therefore, the present study aims to analyze the relationship between leader-member exchange and organizational presenteeism among university employees through the mediating role of organizational commitment. Method: To achieve this goal, a descriptive-correlational method was used based on structural equation modeling. The research population consisted of all 145 male and female employees of Malayer University, and due to their small number, a census method was used to select the samples. For data collection in this study, three questionnaires were used: Leader-Member Exchange, Organizational Presenteeism, and Organizational Commitment. For data analysis, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used in two software packages, SPSS version 23 and SMART PLS version 3. Results: The research findings showed that leader-member exchange has a significant negative path coefficient (-0.271) on organizational presenteeism, leader-member exchange has a significant positive path coefficient (0.585) on organizational commitment, and organizational commitment has a significant negative path coefficient (-0.286) on organizational presenteeism, all at the 0.01 level of significance. Additionally, the indirect effect of leader-member exchange on organizational presenteeism through the mediating role of organizational commitment is significant, with a Sobel test statistic of 2.627 at the 0.05 level of significance. Conclusion: Overall, the results of this study indicate that improving leader-member exchange as well as increasing organizational commitment can lead to a reduction in organizational presenteeism in an academic environment.
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The purpose of this study is to understand the role of professional isolation and work–family balance (WFB) as talent retention strategies, considering organizational commitment (OC) and the mediating role of job satisfaction (JS) among IT employees in the technological industry have been forced by their companies to telework. While previous research has examined the connections between professional isolation (PI), OC, WFB, and JS separately in the context of teleworking, this research proposes an integrative model examining the connections between all these work-related constructs and allowing for mediating and moderating effects. It focuses on IT employees in the technological industry forced to telework, a setting underexamined by previous literature. The final sample is composed of 294 teleworkers forced to work partly at home by their companies. Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was applied, and SmartPLS software was used to analyze the data and test the hypotheses. Our results indicate a positive and significant direct effect of WFB on JS and OC, a negative and significant effect of PI on JS and OC, and a positive and significant effect of JS on OC. Our results also indicate that JS mediates the relationship between WFB and OC and between PI and OC and that neither time spent teleworking nor gender moderates the association between PI and OC. Overall, our results suggest that while PI negatively affects OC, JS, and WFB are the most relevant determinants of OC in the context of teleworking. In addition, a complementary IPMA analysis reinforces this view by suggesting that WFB and JS are the most important factors in determining OC performance among IT employees working from home, while PI is not important. The originality of this article is the proposal of an integrative model examining the connections between JS, WFB, PI, and OC and allowing for mediating (JS) and moderating (gender and percentage of time teleworking) effects from a talent management perspective. Moreover, this study focuses on information technology companies and the situation of forced remote working, two settings that have been underexamined. The results could help companies with forced teleworking develop effective strategies to attract, develop, and retain top talent in the information technology industry in the post-pandemic era. It is important for practitioners to consider the interactions between diverse work-related dimensions and the mediating and moderating effects between them to efficiently implement talent management strategies and reinforce OC and, in turn, economic performance.
Workplace loneliness is an epidemic in the United States and a serious problem in organizations. The solution may seem obvious: create high‐quality interpersonal relationships. Employees, however, are not guaranteed to establish such relationships for a multitude of reasons. This raises the question: are there influences that would buffer against loneliness even in the absence of high‐quality interpersonal relationships? Addressing this issue, we propose that understanding loneliness in the workplace requires looking beyond one's relationships with people to consider other key elements of work life, such as an employee's relationship with their work and the organization. We hypothesize that work centrality and organizational identification substitute for high‐quality relationships with peers (conceptualized as team–member exchange, TMX). In a survey separating predictor variables and loneliness in time, we find that TMX is negatively associated with workplace loneliness and that work centrality acts as a substitute for TMX. Organizational identification does not substitute for TMX, and this finding is discussed. This paper contributes to the nascent body of work on workplace loneliness by investigating what factors contribute to workplace loneliness and whether relationships with abstract entities can provide a bond sufficient to substitute for interpersonal relationships.
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Liderler ve çalışanlar arasındaki ikili ilişkiye odaklanan lider-üye etkileşimi teorisi, liderle çalışan arasında yapıcı ve olumlu bir etkileşim kurulmasıyla işletmenin başarısını en üst seviyeye çıkarmayı amaçlamaktadır. İşletmelerde performans artışı ve verimlilik için istenilen bir durum olan işe adanmışlık ve örgütsel bağlılık davranışları da nitelikli bir lider-çalışan etkileşiminden geçmektedir. Lider-çalışan ilişkisinin kalitesi ne kadar yüksek olursa örgütsel bağlılık ve adanmışlık davranışları da ona göre şekillenerek artmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda bu çalışma, liderle çalışanları arasındaki ilişkinin çalışanların işe adanmışlığı ve örgütsel bağlılığı üzerindeki etkisini araştırmaya ve lider-üye etkileşimi ile örgütsel bağlılık ilişkisinde işe adanmışlığın aracı rolüne odaklanmaktadır. Araştırma, Kayseri Organize Sanayi Bölgesinde bulunan işletme çalışanlarına yapılmıştır. 339 çalışandan anket tekniği ile toplanan verilerin sonuçları; lider-üye etkileşiminin çalışanların işe adanmışlık ve bağlılık davranışları ile ilişkili olduğunu ve bu davranışları anlamlı ve pozitif bir şekilde etkilediğini ortaya koymuştur. Ayrıca Process Makro Model-4 ile test edilen işe adanmışlık davranışının, aracı rolü olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
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The study of leadership exchanges is extended by studying both leader-member exchanges (LMXs) and coworker exchanges (CWXs). Data from 110 coworker dyads were used to examine relationships between LMXs and CWXs and between exchange relationships and work attitudes. As predicted, the interaction between 2 coworkers' LMX scores predicted CWX quality for the coworker dyad. Also, after controlling for LMX, greater diversity in a worker's CWX relationships was negatively related to his or her organizational commitment but not job satisfaction. The quality of a worker's CWX relationships, however, did not moderate the relationship between CWX diversity and work attitudes.
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Objective: Nurse shortage is a critical problem for global healthcare services. It impacts the quality of clinical care. Work engagement is the core competence of hospitals, which indicates employee's positive attitude toward organization and work. This study aimed to explore the relationships among calling, organizational commitment, and work engagement. Methods: A cross-sectional study was designed, and 320 nurses from tertiary hospitals in China completed the questionnaires that included demographic information, calling scale, employee engagement scale, and organizational commitment scale. Pearson correlation was performed to test the correlations among calling, organizational commitment, and work engagement. Stepwise regression analyses were performed to explore the mediating role of organizational commitment. The bootstrap method was employed to confirm the mediating effect. Results: Nurses' work engagement score was at the medium degree, whereas calling and organizational commitment were in the medium to high level. The results revealed that calling, organizational commitment, work engagement, and each dimension were positively correlated with one another (r = 0.145-0.922, P < 0.01). The organizational commitment plays a partially mediating effect between calling and work engagement (β = 0.603 to 0.333, P < 0.01). Conclusions: The mediation effect of organizational commitment was verified, which provided a comprehensive understanding of how calling impacted work engagement. Moreover, administrators should not only promote interventions to increase work engagement but also pay attention to calling and organizational commitment so as to improve their work engagement. Taken together, increased level of work engagement is required in the current nursing field.
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Loneliness is an increasingly prevalent condition linking with enhanced morbidity and premature mortality. Despite recent proposal on medicalization of loneliness, so far no effort has been made to establish a model capable of predicting loneliness at the individual level. Here, we applied a machine-learning approach to decode loneliness from whole-brain resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC). The relationship between whole-brain RSFC and loneliness was examined in a linear predictive model. The results revealed that individual loneliness could be predicted by within- and between-network connectivity of prefrontal, limbic and temporal systems, which are involved in cognitive control, emotional processing and social perceptions and communications, respectively. Key nodes that contributed to the prediction model comprised regions previously implicated in loneliness, including the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, lateral orbital frontal cortex, ventromedial prefrontal cortex, caudate, amygdala and temporal regions. Our findings also demonstrated that both loneliness and associated neural substrates are modulated by levels of neuroticism and extraversion. The current data-driven approach provides the first evidence on the predictive brain features of loneliness based on organizations of intrinsic brain networks. Our work represents initial efforts in the direction of making individualized prediction of loneliness that could be useful for diagnosis, prognosis and treatment.
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Among older Chinese adults in the United States, depression is a common health problem. Using data from the first population-based survey of older Chinese Americans (N = 2,929) and applying negative binomial and ordinary least squares regression models, this study examines the relationship between social engagement (including cognitive activity and social activity) and sense of loneliness and hopelessness. Findings reveal that social engagement is significantly and negatively related to both loneliness and hopelessness after controlling for sociodemographic characteristics and health status. In addition, it is found that different aspects of social engagement present differential associations with sense of loneliness and hopelessness: Social activity is significantly associated with lower rate ratios of loneliness, whereas cognitive activity is significantly related to reduced levels of hopelessness. Our findings address the importance of engaging in cognitively stimulating and socially integrating activities in promoting psychological well-being for U.S. Chinese older adults.
This study meta-analytically examined 35 antecedents of turnover intention in the hospitality industry. Results based on 391 correlations from 144 independent studies indicated that work attitudes, job strains, and role stressors/interrole conflicts showed relatively large effects on turnover intention. Compared to the findings from previous meta-analyses in other industry contexts, burnout, role stressors/interrole conflicts, coworker support had stronger relationships with hospitality employees’ turnover intention. The results also showed some evidence of national cultures and job levels being the potential moderators of the relationships between turnover intention and its antecedents.
Purpose – This paper examines the detrimental effects of perceived knowledge hiding (KH) on loneliness and affective commitment within academic settings. It further investigates the influence of conscientiousness as a moderator. Design/methodology/approach – Using the cross-sectional survey methodology, the proposed moderated mediation model has empirically tested the effect of perceived KH on a sample of 300 students pursuing management education at a premier institute in India. Findings – The findings reveal that perceived KH affects the affective commitment of students toward the institution via loneliness. Moreover, conscientiousness moderates the mediating role of loneliness in a way that the relationship becomes strong with low levels of conscientiousness. Research limitations/implications – This study contributes to the literature of KH by empirically investigating its detrimental consequences. It further investigates the impact of personality moderator on the proposed relationships. The discussed framework is an early attempt to understand the phenomenon of KH among students, primarily from the perspective of a knowledge seeker. Practical implications – Awareness about the ill effects of the knowledge-hiding (KH) behavior of students and understanding the role of personality in this will help administrators in designing effective interventions for curbing the same. Social implications – Effective control of KH behavior will restrain its ill effects among management students (future workforce), thereby conserving societal resources spent on health and education. Originality/value – Empirical studies testing the direct and indirect consequences of KH are limited; hence, this study attempts to fill the gap. Keywords: Knowledge hiding, Loneliness, Institutional commitment, Conscientiousness, Knowledge seeker, Management education
This study aims to investigate the consequences of customer-employee exchage at work based on the social exchange theory. Moreover, it is to understand how the social exchange leads to employees’ prosocial service behaviors by investigating the mediating role of customer orientation. This study applied quantitative research design using cross-sectional survey approach by targeting frontline employees who had customer interactions in the full-service restaurant industry. The results present that the more employees have social exchange with customers, the more they tend to show customer service behaviors within and beyond their role requirements. In addition, customer-employee exchage leads to employees prosocial service behaviors indirectly by increasing the level of customer orientation. The theoretical and managerial implications are discussed in the study.
This study investigates workplace spirituality as a mediator between organizational justice/ethical climate and workplace deviant behavior/organizational citizenship behavior. Data was collected from 641 Indian employees employed at economy to luxury hotels. Workplace spirituality mediated organizational justice-organizational citizenship behavior link and ethical climate-workplace deviant behavior link. The implications can help hospitality professionals in creating an ethical work environment that embraces justice and spirituality for the well-being of employees, the organization, and the community at large. Hospitality managers can cultivate workplace spirituality by adopting a humanistic work environment. Hotel employers can give their employees the freedom to bring their physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual attributes to the workplace so that employees can realize the meaning and purpose of their work and their full potential as a person. The results can also aid hospitality professionals in formulating new policies by embracing spiritually sensitive services. The limitations and directions for future research are outlined.
Although previous literature has examined the relationship between workplace fun and work engagement, the construct of psychological capital is introduced in the context of tourism and hospitality to investigate the mediating and moderating roles in this relationship. This research aimed to discuss the effect of workplace fun on psychological capital and further examine psychological capital's mediating and moderating effects between workplace fun and work engagement. The survey data were taken from 331 front-line employees in customer service-oriented tourism and hospitality enterprises in Taiwan. The results showed that workplace fun has a significant positive effect on psychological capital. In addition, psychological capital plays a partial mediating role between workplace fun and work engagement. Moreover, psychological capital has a significant moderating effect between workplace fun and work engagement, namely, psychological capital can help to strengthen the relationship between workplace fun and work engagement. The implications and suggestions are discussed for tourism and hospitality operators.
The purpose of this study was to examine whether loneliness mediates the relationship between social engagement and depressive symptoms and to determine how age moderates the mediation effect. Data for this study came from the survey with community‐dwelling adults aged 18 and older in South Korea, from March to April 2017. The total of 1,017 respondents were drawn from three age groups (18–44, 45–64, or 65 and older). The mediating effect of loneliness was tested between each of three social engagement‐related variables (family network, friend network, and perceived community support) and depressive symptoms. The results showed age differences in mediation: the effect was most pronounced in the relationship of family network with loneliness for the older group, whereas the size of friend network significantly predicted loneliness for younger adults. Both younger and older groups felt less lonely when they had a higher level of perceived community support; the middle age group remained uninfluenced by the mediation effects. Our findings confirm that loneliness is one of the mechanisms by which social engagement exerts its effect on depressive symptoms. As the Korean society embraces its growing proportions of older adults, the results of the study provide implications for adaptive strategies for changing social engagement need and mental health associated with ageing.