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Abstract and Figures

This paper presents the latest developments of the Satellite Dynamics Toolbox dedicated to the modeling of large flexible space structures. The satellite is considered as a flexible multi-body system with open or closed loop kinematics chains of flexible bodies. Each body (platform, reaction wheels, booms, antenna, solar panels, ...) is modeled as a substructure in which each sizing parameters can be declared as a varying or uncertain parameter. The whole model is thus fully compatible with the MATLAB robust control toolbox to perform sensitivity analysis and pointing performance budget at the preliminary design phase level. INTRODUCTION Attitude control synthesis during preliminary design phase of large spacecraft fitted with various flexible appendages, like large Earth observation satellites, requires accurate model to perform pointing performance budget in response to external and internal disturbances. The later ones, due for instance to local mechanisms like SADM (Solar Array Driving Mechanism) or unbalances in reaction wheel actuators, can excite the flexible modes of the solar panels and induce resonance phenomena in the whole spacecraft as consequence. 1 The resonance frequencies and magnitudes depend on the mass/inertia ratios between the spacecraft main body and the solar array. Finally this mass/inertia ratio depends also on the angular configuration of the solar array with respect to the main body and thus requires to simultaneously consider the 3 attitude degrees-of-freedom. From the modeling point of view, the challenge consists in deriving the simplest model required to capture the 3-axes dynamics interactions between: • the flexible modes of the overall spacecraft structure derived by sub-structured model approach and depending both on the angular configuration of the solar array and the attitude control system, • the local mechanisms with their associated disturbances, while taking into account the parametric uncertainties and variations. Such a model requires a multi-body/flexible-body system approach. Many modeling tools for multi-body systems are available nowadays. They are often based on EULER-LAGRANGE equations and they generally take into account non-linear terms to describe the rigid motion in most of the cases and more rarely to include the non-linear deformations of the flexible bodies. The effect * Prof, ISAE-SUAPERO, 10 av. Edouard 1 of parametric variations can then be captured using several linearizations of the non-linear model on a given grid in the parametric space, followed by an interpolation of the linear models. However this approach results time-consuming and the exact parametric dependency is lost. For space applications , the linear model assumption is commonly adopted during preliminary design phase and is valid considering the very small and slow motions for attitude control studies. The Satellite Dynamic Toolbox (SDT) was developed to efficiently derive an LPV (Linear Parameter Varying) model of the dynamic behavior of flexible multi-body systems with the objective to be fully compatible with the MATLAB robust control toolbox to perform worst-case analyses and control design.
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(Preprint) AAS 20-161
Daniel Alazard
, Francesco Sanfedino
This paper presents the latest developments of the Satellite Dynamics Toolbox
dedicated to the modeling of large flexible space structures. The satellite is con-
sidered as a flexible multi-body system with open or closed loop kinematics chains
of flexible bodies. Each body (platform, reaction wheels, booms, antenna, solar
panels, ...) is modeled as a substructure in which each sizing parameters can be
declared as a varying or uncertain parameter. The whole model is thus fully com-
patible with the MATLAB robust control toolbox to perform sensitivity analysis
and pointing performance budget at the preliminary design phase level.
Attitude control synthesis during preliminary design phase of large spacecraft fitted with vari-
ous flexible appendages, like large Earth observation satellites, requires accurate model to perform
pointing performance budget in response to external and internal disturbances. The later ones, due
for instance to local mechanisms like SADM (Solar Array Driving Mechanism) or unbalances in
reaction wheel actuators, can excite the flexible modes of the solar panels and induce resonance
phenomena in the whole spacecraft as consequence.1The resonance frequencies and magnitudes
depend on the mass/inertia ratios between the spacecraft main body and the solar array. Finally this
mass/inertia ratio depends also on the angular configuration of the solar array with respect to the
main body and thus requires to simultaneously consider the 3 attitude degrees-of-freedom.
From the modeling point of view, the challenge consists in deriving the simplest model required
to capture the 3-axes dynamics interactions between:
the flexible modes of the overall spacecraft structure derived by sub-structured model ap-
proach and depending both on the angular configuration of the solar array and the attitude
control system,
the local mechanisms with their associated disturbances,
while taking into account the parametric uncertainties and variations.
Such a model requires a multi-body/flexible-body system approach. Many modeling tools for
multi-body systems are available nowadays. They are often based on EUL ER -L AG RA NG E equa-
tions and they generally take into account non-linear terms to describe the rigid motion in most of
the cases and more rarely to include the non-linear deformations of the flexible bodies. The effect
Prof, ISAE-SUAPERO, 10 av. Edouard Belin, 31055 Toulouse, France.
Ass. Prof., ISAE-SUAPERO, 10 av. Edouard Belin, 31055 Toulouse, France.
of parametric variations can then be captured using several linearizations of the non-linear model
on a given grid in the parametric space, followed by an interpolation of the linear models. However
this approach results time-consuming and the exact parametric dependency is lost. For space ap-
plications, the linear model assumption is commonly adopted during preliminary design phase and
is valid considering the very small and slow motions for attitude control studies. The Satellite Dy-
namic Toolbox (SDT) was developed to efficiently derive an LPV (Linear Parameter Varying) model
of the dynamic behavior of flexible multi-body systems with the objective to be fully compatible
with the MATLA Brrobust control toolbox to perform worst-case analyses and control design.
Starting from the Satellite Dynamics Toolbox (SDT) User Guide,2this paper summarizes the
TITOP (Two-Input Two-Output Ports) framework used to synthesize LPV models for any configura-
tion of open or closed kinematic chain of flexible bodies. An overview on the developed MATL ABr
-SIMULINKrinterface is finally given together with an illustration of its features.
Rb= (O, xb,yb,zb): Main body (hub B) reference frame. Ois a reference point on the main
body. xb,yb,zbare unit vectors.
Ra= (P, xa,ya,za): Appendage Areference frame. Pis the appendage’s anchoring point on
the hub. xa,ya,zaare unit vectors.
B: Hub’s (B) centre of mass.
A: Appendage’s (A) centre of mass.
G: Overall assembly’s centre of mass B+A.
Pa/b : Direction cosine matrix of the rotation from frame Rbto frame Ra, that
contains the coordinates of vectors xa,ya,zaexpressed in frame Rb.
aP: Inertial acceleration (vector) of body Bat point P.
ω: Angular speed (vector) of Rbwith respect to the inertial frame.
¨xP: acceleration twist at point P:¨xP= [aT
Fext : External forces (vector) applied to B.
Text,B : External torques (vector) applied to Bat point B.
FB/A: Force (vector) applied by Bon A.
TB/A,P : Torque (vector) applied by Bon Aat point P.
WB/A,P : Wrench applied by Bon Aat point P:WB/A,P = [FT
B/A,P ]T.
B: Hub’s static dynamics model expressed at point B.
mB: Hub’s Bmass.
B: Inertia tensor 3×3of Bat point B.
P(s): Appendage’s dynamic model at point P.
mA: Appendage’s mass.
A: Inertia tensor 3×3of Aat point A.
τP B : Kinematic model between points Pand B:
:τP B =13(
P B)
P B): Skew symmetric matrix associated with vector
P B: if
P B =
P B)iRi
0z y
y x 0
Na: Number of appendages.
If there is a flexible appendage, we add the following definitions:
N: Number of flexible modes.
η: Modal coordinates’ vector.
ωi:ith flexible mode’s angular frequency.
ξi:ith flexible mode’s damping ratio.
li,P :ith flexible mode’s vector of modal participations (1×6), expressed at point Pin the
frame Ra.
LP: Matrix N×6of the modal participation factors expressed at point P: (LP=
1,P ,lT
2,P ,· · · ,lT
N,P ]T).
If there is a revolute joint between the appendage and the hub, we add the following definitions:
ra: Unit vector along the revolute joint axis: ra= [xrayrazra]T
θ: Revolute joint’s angular acceleration.
Cm: Revolute joint’s torque.
General definitions:
AB : vector from point Ato point B.
[X]Ri:X(model, vector or tensor) expressed in frame Ri.
dt |Ri= 0 : Derivative of vector vwith respect to frame Ri.
uv: Cross product of vector uwith vector v(uv= (u)v)
u.v: Scalar product of vector uwith vector v(u.v= [u]T
Ri[v]Ri,∀ Ri)
s: LA PL ACE’s variable.
1n: Identity matrix n×n.
0n×m: Zero matrix n×m.
AT: Transpose of A.
diag(ωi): Diagonal matrix N×N: diag(ωi)(i, i) = ωi,i= 1,· · · , N.
G1I(s) : Inversion of channels numbered in the vector of indices Iin the square system G(s)
(see appendix 2).
GI,J(s) : Sub-system of G(s)from inputs indexed in vector Jto outputs indexed in vector I
Summary of the SDT
The objective is to compute the inverse dynamic model, that is the relation between the 6 com-
ponents of the wrench Wext,B = [FT
ext TT
ext,B]Tof the resulting external force and torque ap-
plied to the satellite at its center of mass B(input) and the 6 components of the acceleration twist
¨xB= [aT
ωT]Tof point B(output). The satellite is assumed to be composed of a rigid main body
or hub Bwith one or several flexible appendage Aiconnected to the base at points Pi(see Fig. 1).
The model can also take into account a revolute joint at the point Pibetween the appendage and the
main body. Then the 6×6inverse dynamic model is augmented by a new channel corresponding to
the transfer between Ti, the torque applied around the i-th joint axis by a mechanism (for instance a
SADM) and the angular acceleration ¨
θiinside the i-th joint.
Text,B Rb
Figure 1. Sketch of a Spacecraft composed of a rigid base and several dynamic appendages.
In the case of a single appendage A, the block diagram representation of this model is depicted
in the Figure 2 where (see2for a detailed nomenclature):
PRa(s) = 16
(Ais the center of mass
of appendage Aand [ra]Ra= [xra, yra, zra,]Tis a unit vector along the revolute joint axis
expressed in the appendage frame Ra),
PRa(s) = [DA
i=1 lT
i,P li,P s2
(li,P ,ωi,ξiare, respectively: the modal
participation factors at point P, the frequencies and the damping ratios of the Nflexible
modes of body A),
P]Ra= [τAP ]T
A]Ra[τAP ]Ra(τAP is the kimematic model between
points Aand P),
the notation MA
Ra(s) stands for the inversion of the 7-th channel in the system MA
(see also appendix 2),
Pa/b is the Direction Cosine Matrix (DCM) of the rotation from frame Rbto frame Ra.
a/b 03×3
a/b #
P B τP,B
Pa/b 03×3
Figure 2. The block diagram representation of the inverse dynamic model
Rb(s) of the system composed of a main body Bwith a flexible appendage
Aconnected to the main body at the point Pthrough a revolute joint. Cmis the
driving torque around the joint axis. ¨
θis the angular acceleration inside the joint.
the inverse dynamic model [MB+A
Rb(s) of the composite B+Acan be transported to any
reference point Oof the main body B(then denoted [MB+A
the obtained model can be parameterized according to
σ4= tan θ
where θis the angular configuration (in radian) of the revolute joint3,4 (see also appendix
1). Such a model, denoted [MB+A
Rb(s, σ4)is an LPV (Linear Paremetric Variant) model
valid for a whole revolution of the appendage (θ[π, +π]or σ4[1,1]) and is fully
compatible with the tools of the MATLA BrRobust Control Toolbox.
Summary of the TITOP model approach
The TITOP approach allows to extend the previous framework to any kind of open kinematics
chains (or tree-like structures) of flexible bodies, i.e.: systems where an intermediate body can be
flexible. In the approach described in the previous section, a flexible body is modeled by a singe port
model and thus can only be located at the ends of the chain (as the leaves of the tree-like structure).
The flexible substructure Aconnected to the parent substructure Pat the point Pand to the child
substructure Cat point Cis depicted in Fig. 3. The double-port or TITOP (Two-Input Two-Output
Port) model DA
P,C (s), proposed in,5, 6 is a linear dynamic model between 12 inputs:
the 6 components in Raof the wrench WC/A,C =FC/A
TC/A,C applied by the child sub-
structure Cto Aat point C,
the 6 components in Raof the acceleration twist ¨
ωP(time-derivative of the twist)
of point P,
and 12 outputs:
the 6 components in Raof the acceleration twist ¨
ωCof point C,
the 6 components in Raof the wrench WA/P,P =FA/P
TA/P,P applied by Ato the parent
substructure Pat point P,
and can be represented by the block-diagram depicted in Fig. 4.
Undeformed link
at equilibrium
Figure 3. The flexible sub-structure Ain the structure.
P C (s)
Figure 4. Block-diagram of the TITOP model DA
P,C (s) of A.
The state space representation of such a TITOP model DA
P,C (s) is detailed in5and requires data
(frequencies ωj, damping ratios ξj, modal participation factors lj,p at point P, modal shapes ϕj,C
P C (s)
Figure 5. Connection of the substructures P,A,C.
at point Cof the flexible modes and the kinematic model τCP ) which can be directly extracted
from the NASTRANranalysis output file assuming the sub-structure Ais clamped at point Pand
free at point C. The TITOP model embeds, in the same minimal state-space realization, the direct
dynamic model (transfer from acceleration to force) of the substructure Aat the point Pand the
inverse dynamic model (transfer from force to acceleration) of Aat the point C.
The connection of Ato the parent substructure Pat point Pand the child substructure Cat point
Ccan be modeled just by feedback connections of the TITOP models of the various sub-structures
according to Fig. 5.
Furthermore, hDA
P,C i1I(s)denotes the model where the channels numbered in the index vec-
tor Iare inverted (according to the procedure described in appendix 2). This channel inversion
operation is very useful to analyze the dynamics of the link Afor various boundary conditions:
clamped at Pand clamped at C:
P C 1[1:6] (s)
free at Pand free at C:
P C 1[7:12] (s)
WA/P,P ¨
free at Pand clamped at C:
P C 1(s) ¨
The analytical TITOP model of a beam was used in7to co-design the 3-axis attitude control laws
and the boom linking the deployable reflector to the main body of an Earth-observation satellite. An
extension to NINOP (N-port model) was proposed in8, 9 to model a solar array composed of several
panels. Channel inversion operation can be used to model closed kinematics chain of flexible bodies
as it was highlighted in6on the four bar mechanism.
A MATL AB r/SIMULINKrlibrary of elementary components was developed to build the model
of a whole spacecraft using such a substructure approach (Figure 6, left). All the input ports and
outputs of the various blocks take into account the 6 degrees of freedom. The main basic blocks are:
multi-port rigid body,
analytical multi-port models for simple bodies like beams, plates, spinning wheels (see Figure
TITOP model for complex flexible bodies designed using NASTRAN/PATRAN. The names
of the .f06 and .bdf files and the node numbers corresponding to the connection ports can
be specified in the dialog box (see Figure 6, right).
TITOP model of revolute joints,
DCM associated to a rotation around a given axis and parameterized for a whole rotation
([π, +π]).
Figure 6. The SDT library (left) and an example of dialog box (right).
m, Iw, Irw
WA/.,P Ra
1-port model of a spinning wheel
ρ, E, ν, Iz, Iy, ξ
WA/.,P Ra
2-port model of a flexible beam
ρ, E, ν
Multi-port model of a flexible plate
Figure 7. Analytical models of simple bodies.
All the parameters specified in the dialog boxes can be declared as varying parameters (using
ureal syntax) in such a way that an LPV of the whole system can be obtained thank to the function
ulinearize. Then robust control design and parametric sensitivity analysis can be performed.
This example shows how to perform in TITOP framework the co-design of a 3-axis attitude
controller and of a 2-part boom which links a large deployed reflector to the main body of a
large Earth observation satellite (see Figure 8 and7for more details). The TITOP models of the
2 uniform booms can be parameterized according to the thickness tand the perimeter pof the
square cross-section. Thus, these 2 sizing parameters are included in the set of the decision vari-
ables of the optimal control problem. The 3-axis attitude controller is structured and decentralized:
K=diag(Kx(s), Ky(s), Kz(s)). Finally the angular configuration θof the solar array SA w.r.t.
to the main body Bis considered as an uncertain parameter varying in the range [π, +π]. The
co-design of the booms (tand p) and of the 3-axis attitude controller (K) can be expressed as an
optimization problem:
t, bp}= arg min
K, t[t, t],p[p, p]ρ(l1+l2)t p
| {z }
boom mass
such that:
θ[π, π]kW1(s)TText,B δ θ (s,K, t, p,θ)k1: worst-case disturbance rejection for a given
frequency-domain template 1/W1(s)on the transfer function from orbital disturbing torques
Text,B to the pointng error δθ,
θ[π, π]kW2(s)Tnδ θm(s,K, t, p,θ)k1: worst-case stability margin for a given frequency-
domain template 1/W2(s)on the output sensitivity function.
C1C2(s,[t, p])
P1C1(s,[t, p])
Text,B Rb
R(r,tan θ
4)RT(r,tan θ
Figure 8. The structured model of a large Earth observation flexible satellite for
attitude control and boom mechanical co-design.
The various tools presented in this paper and some tutorials can be downloaded at:
Further developments will be focused on the non-linear terms in order to develop a very general tool
which can be used to model aerospace systems where non-linear terms cannot be neglected. In this
category some examples can be cited: spinning-satellites with flexible booms or helicopter rotor
with flexible blades (inclusion of centrifugal force terms), pointing systems embedded in strato-
spheric balloons (gravity terms to be taken into account).
We thank all the people that have contributed to the development of the Satellite Dynamics Tool-
box, more particularly CHRISTELLE CUMER, from ONERA, Toulouse, France.
Let us define Pa+θ/a as the DCM between the appendage frame Ra+θafter a rotation of θaround
ra-axis and the initial appendage frame Ra, i.e. (for a given vector v):
Pa+θ/a =Pr/a
cos θsin θ0
sin θcos θ0
0 0 1
Pr/a =Pra
0 1 0
0 0 1
Pra= [ker([ra]T
Ra) [ra]Ra].
It is possible to define an LPV (Linear Parameter Varying) model of the system valid θ
[π, +π], using the new parameter σ4= tan θ
4[1,1]. Indeed, the trigonometric relations:3
cos θ=(1 + σ2
(1 + σ2
4)2,sin θ=4σ4(1 σ2
(1 + σ2
define the block diagram representation of Pa+θ/a depicted in Figure 9 where the varying parameter
σ4can be declared using the MATLA B function ureal of the Robust Control Toolbox. Then, the
MATLA B function ulinearize allows to compute an LFT representation of the system and gives
access to all the tools of the Robust Control Toolbox.
Let us consider a square (same number of inputs and outputs) linear system G(s) = Dm×m+
Cm×n(s1nAn×n)1Bn×mwith order nand mchannels (i.e. minputs and moutputs).
Single channel inversion: the system corresponding to the inversion of the i-th channel of the
system G(s) (i[1, m]) is denoted G1i(s) and can be characterized by the following state-space
realization (equation (1)).
Figure 9. The block diagram representation of Pa+θ/a parameterized with σ4= tan θ
Figure 10. Inversion of the i-th channel of G.
Let Jbe the vector of indices form 1to mwithout i:J= [1,· · · , i 1, i + 1,· · · , m]. It is assumed
that D(i, i)6= 0. Then let us denote fi=1
D(i,i)and define:
AfiB(:, i)C(i, :) [B(:,J)fiB(:, i)D(i, J)fiB(:, i)]
C(J,:) fiD(J, i)C(i, :)
fiC(i, :)  D(J,J)fiD(J, i)D(i, J)fiD(J, i)
fiD(i, J)fi
In e
G1i(s), the i-th inverted channel appears on the last channel, it is thus required to re-order the
channels using the vector of indices K= [1,· · · , i 1, m, i + 1,· · · , m 1] and then:
G1i(s) = e
K,K(s) (1)
Let uand ybe the input and output vectors of G, this inversion can be represented by the block
diagram depicted in Figure 10.
Multi channel inversion: Let Ibe the vector (with qcomponents) of indices corresponding to the
channels to be inverted. The successive inversion of the qchannels in G(s) is denoted:
G1I(s) = hhG1I(1) 1I(2) i···i1I(q)(s) .(2)
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... A unique user-friendly tool able to incorporate all possible plant configurations (dictated by the particular mission) is then needed to control engineers in order to shortcut this process, synthesize robust control strategies and fast validate system stability and performance. With this philosophy in mind, the Satellite Dynamics Toolbox library (SDTlib) (Alazard and Sanfedino (2020); Sanfedino et al. (2023b)) was conceived in order to build a complex multi-body spacecraft in the Two-Input Two-Output Port (TITOP) formalism (Alazard et al. (2015)) as a Linear Fractional Transformation (LFT) (Zhou et al. (1995)) model by analytically including any uncertain and variable physical parameter. By having a look to Fig. 1 To overcome the innovation gap of the Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) design process between research and industrial practice a benchmark of industrial relevance has been developed and is presented. ...
... A unique user-friendly tool able to incorporate all possible plant configurations (dictated by the particular mission) is then needed to control engineers in order to shortcut this process, synthesize robust control strategies and fast validate system stability and performance. With this philosophy in mind, the Satellite Dynamics Toolbox library (SDTlib) (Alazard and Sanfedino (2020); Sanfedino et al. (2023b)) was conceived in order to build a complex multi-body spacecraft in the Two-Input Two-Output Port (TITOP) formalism (Alazard et al. (2015)) as a Linear Fractional Transformation (LFT) (Zhou et al. (1995)) model by analytically including any uncertain and variable physical parameter. By having a look to Fig. 1, structural components coming from analytical models or numerical Finite Element Model (FEM) analysis (imported from NASTRAN) can be directly connected together with ...
... However, this model cannot be easily put in a minimal form given the formulation of the equations, contrary to the simplified model. Tools like those used in [19] and [20] could help achieving minimal or nearly minimal representations. ...
... While it is straightforward to obtain a minimal model for a single-axis satellite with one flexible mode, more representative models with projections of flexible modes on different axes are difficult to obtain in a minimal form. Specific modelling tools or procedures at least to get closer to minimality could be helpful to go towards an industrialization of the toolbox, for instance [19]. ...
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During the development of a new attitude control system for ambitious satellite missions, the validation & verification phase represents a large part of the process. One difficulty is to detect worst case configurations. In such cases, when applicable, µ-analysis [1] offers a nice additional tool to be used before launching the Monte Carlo simulation campaign, but does not provide any quantification of the probability of occurrence of the identified worst-cases. A control system can then be invalidated on the basis of unlikely events. Probabilistic µ-analysis was introduced in this context 20 years ago to bridge the gap between the two techniques. It has been used for the first time in [2] in the challenging context of validation of launcher thrust vector control systems. But it appeared to be computationally very expensive. At that time indeed, no practical tool offering both good reliability and reasonable computational time was available, making this technique hardly usable in an industrial context. After the preliminary work of [3,4], strong improvements have been achieved by ONERA supported by ESA and CNES to develop the STOchastic Worst-case Analysis Toolbox (STOWAT). With the help of this new Matlab toolbox, probabilistic µ-analysis may now be considered as a very good candidate for integration in the aerospace V&V process in a near future, finding its place between Monte Carlo simulations – useful for quantifying the probability of sufficiently frequent phenomena – and worst-case μ-analysis – relevant for detecting extremely rare events. Recently tested on a series of AOCS benchmarks of increasing complexity [5,6,7], the most recent version of the toolbox is now evaluated for the first time on a more challenging and realistic attitude control problem. The analysis focuses both on the normal mode (MNO) and on the orbit control mode (MCO) of the CNES MicroCarb mission [8,9]. The paper compares and discusses the results which have been obtained with different V&V techniques, critically assessing the advantages of the innovative method with respect to more classical procedures. [1] C. Roos. Systems Modeling, Analysis and Control (SMAC) toolbox: an insight into the robustness analysis library. Proceedings of the IEEE CACSD Conference, Hyderabad, India, 2013. [2] A. Marcos, S. Bennani, C. Roux. Stochastic µ-analysis for launcher thrust vector control systems. Proceedings of the EuroGNC Conference, Toulouse, France, 2015. [3] A. Falcoz, D. Alazard, C. Pittet. Probabilistic µ-analysis for system performances assessment. Proceedings of the 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, 2017. [4] S. Thai, C. Roos, J.M. Biannic. Probabilistic µ-analysis for stability and H∞ performance verification. Proceedings of the ACC, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2019. [5] J.M. Biannic, C. Roos, S. Bennani, F. Boquet, V. Preda, B. Girouart. Advanced probabilistic µ-analysis techniques for AOCS validation. European Journal of Control, 62 (2021), pp. 120-129. [6] C. Roos, J-M. Biannic, and H. Evain. A new step towards the integration of probabilistic µ in the aerospace V&V process. Proceedings of the EuroGNC Conference, Berlin, Germany, 2022. [7] F. Somers, S. Thai, C. Roos,[ J-M. Biannic, S. Bennani, V. Preda, and F. Sanfedino. Probabilistic gain, phase and disk margins with application to AOCS validation. Proceedings of the IFAC ROCOND Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, 2022. [8] Arnaud Varinois and al., “MICROCARB: A micro-satellite for atmospheric CO2 monitoring”, 4S 2016 [9] Genin, F. and Viaud, F. “An innovative control law for Microcarb microsatellite”, 32nd annual AAS Guidance and Control Conference, 2018
... The use-case is a satellite composed of a central rigid body, and a flexible solar panel. The dynamic model is obtained under LFT representation with the Satellite Dynamics Toolbox -Library (SDTlib) [17]. A controller was synthesized similarly to [18]. ...
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Modern modelling, analysis and robust control techniques aim to tackle parametric uncertainties as early as possible in the design of the GNC/AOCS of space systems. However, it is most often necessary to only consider a subset of the uncertain parameters to ensure the tractability of the model, and the choice is generally based on the experience of the engineer. This paper investigates the field of global sensitivity analysis to identify the most influential parameters more systematically , and more generally to improve the reliability and the efficiency of the V&V phase. The selected methods are applied to a simple satellite benchmark to capture the influence of the parameters , including their interaction effects, on the H-infinity norm. It is shown that the Morris and variance-based methods are able to rank the parameters in a complementary way, as the former is computationally cheaper while the latter quantifies the impact of each parameter on the variance of the norm. Finally, it is shown how the results of the sensitivity analysis can support the trade-off between accuracy and computation time when using mu-analysis to estimate the worst-case performance. Sensitivity analysis may also support plant identification and optimization-based methods, such as control/structure co-design, by allowing to make an informed choice on which parameters to prioritize.
... A unique user-friendly tool able to incorporate all possible plant configurations (dictated by the particular mission) is then needed to control engineers in order to shortcut this process, synthesize robust control strategies and fast validate system stability and performance. With this philosophy in mind, the Satellite Dynamics Toolbox library (SDTlib) (Alazard and Sanfedino (2020); Sanfedino et al. (2023b)) was conceived in order to build a complex multi-body spacecraft in the Two-Input Two-Output Port (TITOP) formalism (Alazard et al. (2015)) as a Linear Fractional Transformation (LFT) (Zhou et al. (1995)) model by analytically including any uncertain and variable physical parameter. By having a look to Fig. 1 propulsion and analytical optical models. ...
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To overcome the innovation gap of the Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) design process between research and industrial practice a benchmark of industrial relevance has been developed and is presented. This initiative is driven as well by the necessity to train future GNC engineers and the GNC space community on a set of identified complex problems. It allows to demonstrate the relevance of state-of-the-art modeling, control and analysis algorithms for future industrial adoption. The modeling philosophy for robust control synthesis, analysis including the control architecture that enables the simulation of the mission, i.e. the acquisition of a high pointing space mission, are provided.
... The model used to obtain the MPC controller has been derived via the Satellite Dynamics Toolbox (see [1,2,7,29,30]). The impact of considering the structural dynamics of the solar panels, along with the development of the full nonlinear model, is also given in [33]. ...
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This chapter presents a 3-axis robust model predictive control algorithm for a flexible spacecraft during pointing maneuvers. The spacecraft’s linear system dynamics are affected by parametric model uncertainties and exogenous disturbances. In order to mitigate the effect of pointing jitters on image-capturing quality, the proposed controller creates a tube as a sequence of invariant polytopic sets, with the aim of ensuring pre-imposed bounds on the state trajectories of the system.
... All substructure models derived for simple (i.e. beams and plates) or complex (FEM models of 3D industrial bodies) geometries and mechanisms have been integrated in a MATLAB/Simulink environment using the Satellite Dynamics Toolbox library (SDTlib), a collection of ready-to-use blocks that allows rapid prototyping of complex multi-body systems for space applications [9] [10]. The resulting spacecraft model is then ready for robust control synthesis and robust stability and performance assessment by using the MATLAB routines available in the Robust Control Toolbox [11]. ...
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With the development of the next generation of Earth observation and science Space missions, there is an increasing trend towards highly performing payloads. This trend is leading to increased detector resolution and sensitivity, as well as longer integration time which directly drive pointing requirements to higher stability and lower line-of-sight (LOS) jitter [1]. Such instruments typically come with stringent pointing requirements and constraints on attitude and rate stability over an extended frequency range well beyond the attitude control system bandwidth, by entailing micro-vibration mitigation down to the arcsecond (arcsec) level or less [2]. Micro-vibrations are defined in [3] as low-level vibrations causing a distortion of the LOS during on-orbit operations of mobile or vibratory parts. However, in order to guarantee high pointing performance, it is necessary to entirely characterise the transmission path between the micro-vibration source and the payload. The earlier the model is available, the easier it is to meet the stringent pointing requirements, by designing appropriate control strategies. The main difficulties encountered in Space system characterisation are both the impossibility to correctly identify the system on ground due to the presence of gravity and the consideration of all possible system uncertainties. Several uncertainties are in fact determined by: manufacture imperfections of structures and mechanisms, evolution of the system during the mission (i.e. material exposition to Space environment, mass and inertia variation due to ejected ergol), misknowledge of sensors/actuator dynamics. Uncertainty quantification is the preliminary step to be accomplished before designing robust control laws which provide a certificate on the closed-loop system stability and performance. The increased need in pointing performance together with the use of lighter and flexible structures directly come with the need of a robust pointing performance budget from the very beginning of the mission design. An extensive understanding of the system physics and its uncertainties is then necessary in order to push control design to the limits of performance and constrains the choice of the set of sensors and actuators. An analytical methodology to model all flexible elements and mechanisms of a scientific satellite and its optical payload in a multi-body framework is presented. In particular the Two-Input Two-Output Ports approach is used to propose novel models for a reaction wheel assembly including its imbalances and two kinds of actuators to control the line-of-sight: an FSM and a set of PMAs. This approach allows the authors to assemble a complex industrial spacecraft where detailed finite element models can be easily included as well. All these feature are available in the Satellite Dynamics Toolbox Library (SDTlib) [4]. Since in this framework an uncertain Linear Parametric-Varying system can be directly derived by including all possible configurations and uncertainties of the plant, two novel robust active control strategies are proposed to mitigate the propagation of the microvibrations to the LOS error. A first one consists in synthesising an observer of the LOS error by blending the low-frequency measurements of the LOS directly provided by a CCD camera and the accelerations measured in correspondence of the most flexible optical elements (primary and secondary mirrors of a space telescope) together with the accelerations measured on a passive isolator placed at the base of the payload. An FSM then uses this information to mitigate the pointing error. In order to obtain even tighter micro-vibration attenuation, a second stage of active control was proposed as well. This strategy consists in measuring the accelerations of the payload isolator and actuating six PMAs attached to the same isolator. Thanks to this double-stage active control strategy, the propagation of the micro-vibrations induced by the RWs and SADMs is finely reduced on a very large frequency band. In particular, a reduction of the pointing error to 10 arcsec is guaranteed at low frequency approximatively 1 rad/s) with a progressive reduction of the jitter until 40 marcsec for higher frequencies where micro-vibration sources act. This application finally allows the authors to demonstrate the interest of the proposed modelling approach, that is able to finely capture the dynamics of a complex industrial benchmark by including all possible uncertainties in a unique LFT model. This modular framework, which permits to easily build and design a multi-body flexible structure, is in fact conceived in order to perfectly fit with the modern robust control theory. In this way the authors demonstrate how to push the control design to the limits of achievable performance, which is fundamental in the preliminary design phases of systems with very challenging pointing requirements. The present work synthesises the results obtained in an ESA Open Invitations to Tender initiative “Line of Sight Stabilization Techniques (LOSST)” performed together with Thales Alenia Space, Cannes, France (Contract NO. 1520095474 / 02) [5]. [1] C. Dennehy, O. S. Alvarez-Salazar, Spacecraft Micro-Vibration: A Survey of Problems, Experiences, Potential Solutions, and Some Lessons497 Learned, Technical Report NASA/TM-2018-220075, NASA, 2018. [2] A. J. Bronowicki, Vibration isolator for large space telescopes, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 43 (2006) 45–53. [3] A. Calvi, N. Roy, E. Secretariat, ECSS-E-HB-32-26A Spacecraft Mechanical Loads Analysis Handbook, Technical Report, ESA, 2013. [4] Alazard, Daniel, and Francesco Sanfedino. "Satellite dynamics toolbox for preliminary design phase." 43rd Annual AAS Guidance and Control Conference. Vol. 30. 2020. [5] Sanfedino, F., Thiébaud, G., Alazard, D., Guercio, N., & Deslaef, N. (2022). Advances in fine line-of-sight control for large space flexible structures. Aerospace Science and Technology, 130, 107961.
... In this way not only a structure/control co-design is possible, but system performance is robustly guaranteed. Where an analytical model of the structure is sufficient to describe the various spacecraft sub-components, a dependency from the design parameters can be captured in a minimal LFT model (built in SDTlib [4]). In this approach the control/structure co-design problem is solved in a unique iteration by using the non-smooth techniques available in the Robust Control community. ...
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The widespread approach for Multi-Disciplinary Optimization (MDO) problems adopted in the Space industry generally follows a sequential logic by neglecting the interconnection among different disciplines. However, since the optimization objectives in the different fields are often conflicting, this methodology can fail to find global optimal solutions. By restricting the analysis to just structure and control fields, the common hierarchy is to preliminary define the structure by optimizing the physical design parameters and then leave the floor to the control optimization. This process can be iterated several times before a converging solution is found and control performance is met. Especially for large flexible structures, the minimization of the structural mass corresponds in fact to an increase in spacecraft flexibility, by bringing natural modes to lower frequencies where the interaction with the Attitude Control System (ACS) can be critical, especially in the presence of system uncertainties. Modern MDO techniques nowadays represents a tool to enhance the optimization task by integrating in a unique process all the objectives and constraints coming from each field. Two kinds of architectures can be distinguished in the MDO framework: monolithic and distributed. In a monolithic approach, a single optimization problem is solved, while in a distributed architecture the same problem is partitioned into multiple sub-problems containing smaller subsets of the variables and constraints. The development in the last decade of structured H∞ control synthesis opened the possibility of robust optimal co-design of structured controllers and tunable physical parameters. In fact, Linear Fractional Transform (LFT) formalism allows one to embed in the dynamic model tunable physical parameters treated as parametric uncertainties. In addition, thanks to these techniques, particular properties can be imposed on the controller, such as internal stability or performance respecting a frequency template, in the face of all the parametric uncertainties of the plant. This point is particularly important for aerospace applications where requirements are generally challenging and structural uncertainty, coming for example from an imperfect manufacturing or assembly, cannot be neglected. It has to be said that these techniques do not guarantee a global optimal solution of problem, so a good first guess can enhance the quality of the result. Alazard et al. [1] demonstrated how this multi-model methodology implemented in H∞ framework can be enlarged to include integrated design between certain tunable parameters of the controlled system and the stabilizing structured controller. There exist as well in literature a large class of problems where coupling between structure and control is considered unidirectional. This means that the objective function of the structural sub-problem depends only on the structural design parameters while the control criterion depends on both structural and control design parameters. A partition of the structure and controller design variables is desirable for practical implementation when the impact of the controller variables on the structural objective is relatively small. A strategy in this case is to solve the system-level problem as a nested optimization one, as in the BIOMASS test case [2]. For the present study both monolithic and distributed architectures are investigated on a real benchmark, the ENVISION spacecraft preliminary design. In particular, the problem formulation in the multi-body Two-Input Two-Output Ports (TITOP) [3] modelling approach allows the author to easily define an MDO problem by including all possible system uncertainties from the very beginning of the spacecraft design. In this way not only a structure/control co-design is possible, but system performance is robustly guaranteed. Where an analytical model of the structure is sufficient to describe the various spacecraft sub-components, a dependency from the design parameters can be captured in a minimal LFT model (built in SDTlib). In this approach the control/structure co-design problem is solved in a unique iteration by using the non-smooth techniques available in the Robust Control community. When the complexity of a structure cannot be handled with a simple analytical model (i.e. finer Finite Element Model (FEM) are necessary to ensure representativeness), a distributed architecture will be preferred. A nested optimization process is in fact necessary when a FEM software such as NASTRAN has to be interfaced with the control synthesis/analysis tools available within MATLAB/SIMULINK. In this case, the strategy is to iteratively optimize an inner H∞ control problem, which depends on both control and structural design variables, and the structural design themselves tare optimized by an outer global optimization routine. The aim of this paper is finally to contribute to the evolution of industrial practice in control/structure co-design, by proposing a unified and generic approach based on a well-posed modelling problem that integrates both design parameters and parametric uncertainties in a unique representation. The advantage offered by this framework is dual: to shortcut the unnecessary iterations among different fields of expertise and to speed up the validation and verification process by directly producing a robust preliminary design. References [1] Alazard, D. et al. Avionics/Control co-design for large flexible space structures. (2013) In: AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GNC) Conference, 12 August 2013 – 22 August 2013 (Boston, United States). [2] Falcoz, A., Watt, M., Yu, M., Kron, A., Menon, P. P., Bates, D., ... & Massotti, L. (2013). Integrated Control and Structure design framework for spacecraft applied to Biomass satellite. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 46(19), 13-18. [3] Alazard, D., Perez, J. A., Cumer, C., & Loquen, T. (2015). Two-input two-output port model for mechanical systems. In AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference (p. 1778).
... In [11], a co-design of a large satellite flexible structure has been carried out by applying LFR modelling and designing a robust reduced order H ∞ controller to meet pointing and mass requirements. This work paved the way for the development of a specific Satellite Dynamics Toolbox for preliminary design phases [16]. As for launchers, a lot of research has been carried out in the past years in Europe [10]: [13] has shown how LFRs can be applied to carry out structured singular value analysis on the VEGA launch vehicle and [15] has proven the possibility to carry out structured-H ∞ tuning with an LFR of a launch vehicle. ...
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In the design phase of a new launch vehicle, the stiffness budget analysis represents an essential task. Indeed, during its flight, the launcher is subject to significant external forces which may lead to instability. As a consequence, the stiffness of each item of the launch vehicle has a fundamental impact on the definition of the global bending modes’ parameters and on the fulfilment of the launch vehicle control stability requirements. In this context, this article focuses on a sensitivity analysis to the stiffness budget robustness, obtained by varying each item’s stiffness and computing the launch vehicle worst-case stability margins. The VEGA-E (Evolution) launcher has been considered as a benchmark for the activity under study. Indeed, this launcher is currently in the second development phase and lends itself well to this type of analyses that could lead to improvements in its design. The analysis proposed in this paper allows to graphically assess which parameters mostly affect the fundamental bending modes’ eigenfrequencies and shapes and to approximate the impact of stiffness budget changes in terms of launch vehicle performance in view of mass saving optimizations. A set of stiffness budget alternates has been considered and an uncertain Linear Fractional Representation (LFR) of the launch vehicle has been defined for each different design case. It is worth to underline that, since the slosh masses are not deterministically known by the Finite Element Model (FEM), the bending modes have been computed considering three different values slosh masses (minimum, nominal and maximum). Moreover, considering that the payload mass represents another factor that adds variability to the bending modes’ parameters, two different payload configurations (minimum and maximum) have been considered in the FEM model. With this set-up, the structural stiffness needs have been verified with respect to the control related requirements by examining all the considered data sets from the stability point of view. Since the stiffness variations mostly affect the bending modes, for each case taken under study a tuning of the bending filter has been performed using the structured H∞ technique. To fasten up computations, it has been assumed that the worst-case tuning condition is to be the least controllable design point according to the aerodynamic to thrust efficiency ratio. Results have shown that this strategy makes it possible to ease the controllability constraint in the stiffness budget optimization, allowing a possible improvement in terms of performance and guaranteeing at the same time the fulfilment of the required worst-case stability margins.
... Finally, in [11] a co-design of a large satellite flexible structure has been carried out by applying LFR modelling and by designing a robust reduced order H ∞ controller to meet pointing and mass requirements. This work paved the way for the development of a specific Satellite Dynamics Toolbox for preliminary design phases [16]. As for launchers, a lot of effort has been put in this direction in the past years [10]. ...
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In the design phase of a new launcher, particular attention must be paid to the modelling of the global bending modes, which denote the flexible behaviour of the launch vehicle. This system, in fact, represents a very complex structural environment from a design and control point of view. Indeed, during its flight phase, it is strongly impacted by several structural loads which can cause large oscillations and instability. For this reason, when designing a launch vehicle, one must bear in mind that a low structural mass is desired, but it can be the source of significant flexible body dynamics. This makes it clear that exists a strong correlation between the structural characteristics and the bending modes parameters. In this context, this article focuses on the definition of a high fidelity Linear Fractional Representation (LFR) of the global bending modes’ parameters which reconstructs all the dependencies of these parameters with the structural ones coming from the Finite Element Model (FEM). As a result, with this approach it is possible to model the FEM outcomes within the LFR of the launch vehicle itself and improve in this way the representativeness of the launcher model for GNC studies. This is a challenging task but with a high potential in terms of system understanding of the fundamental trade-offs. The activity illustrated in this paper has been carried out during the preliminary design of the VEGA E (Evolution) launcher, which has been therefore taken as object of study for the presented work. A Monte Carlo (MC) campaign of the launcher FEM model has been performed by scattering the mass and stiffness budgets, and the payload configurations. Then, the data obtained from the MC have been used to construct a high-fidelity LFR of the bending modes to be applied for both control design and verification purposes. The strength point of the LFR obtained with this approach is that its internal structure allows to model more closely the dispersions on the bending modes parameters, by explicitly displaying not only the correlations with trajectory effects but also the essential dependency on the structural and mass budget dispersions. Moreover, for this task special attention has been put on correctly modelling the slosh modes, in order to also provide a fully dispersed slosh-bending dynamic behaviour. To assess the outcome of this analysis in terms of stability in an agile and robust way, a structured H∞/H∞ problem has been defined for the tuning of the bending filter. At this purpose, the high-level stability requirements have been converted into low level H∞ requirements on the input sensitivity and input complementary sensitivity functions. The final goal of this activity is to obtain a larger robustness of such uncertainty models to payload variations and last-minute mission changes in order to improve the availability and flexibility in the missionization process. Finally, the developed methodologies also improve the consistency between the FEM models, the control design models and the high-fidelity time-domain simulators.
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We present an updated model for estimating the lander mechanical noise on the InSight seismometer SEIS, taking into account the flexible modes of the InSight lander. This new flexible mode model uses the Satellite Dynamics Toolbox to compute the direct and the inverse dynamic model of a satellite composed of a main body fitted with one or several dynamic appendages. Through a detailed study of the sensitivity of our results to key environment parameters we find that the frequencies of the six dominant lander resonant modes increase logarithmically with increasing ground stiffness. On the other hand, the wind strength and the incoming wind angle modify only the signal amplitude but not the frequencies of the resonances. For the baseline parameters chosen for this study, the lander mechanical noise on the SEIS instrument is not expected to exceed the instrument total noise requirements. However, in the case that the lander mechanical noise is observable in the seismic data acquired by SEIS, this may provide a complementary method for studying the ground and wind properties on Mars.
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We present a new methodology to derive a linear model of flexible multibody system dynamics. This approach is based on the two-port model of each body allowing the model of the whole system to be built just connecting the inputs/outputs of each body model. Boundary conditions of each body can be taken into account through inversion of some input–output channels of its two-port model. This approach is extended here to treat the case of closed-loop kinematic mechanisms. Lagrange multipliers are commonly used in an augmented differential-algebraic equation to solve loop-closure constraints. Instead, they are considered here as a model output that is connected to the adjoining body model through a feedback. After a summary of main results in the general case, the case of planar mechanisms with multiple uniform beams is considered, and the two-port model of the Euler–Bernoulli beam is derived. The choice of the assumed modes is then discussed regarding the accuracy of the first natural frequencies for various boundary conditions. The overall modeling approach is then applied to the well-known four-bar mechanism.
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The main objective of this study is to propose a methodology to build a parametric linear model of Flexible Multibody Systems for control design. This approach uses a combined Finite Element - State Space Approach based on component modes synthesis and double-port approach. The proposed scheme offers the advantage of automatic assembly of substructures, preserving the elastic dynamical behavior of the whole system. Substructures are connected following the double-port approach; i.e, through the transfer of accelerations and loads at the connection points, which take into account the dynamic coupling among them. In addition, parametric variations can be included in the model for accomplishing integrated control/structure design purposes. The method can be applied to combinations of chain-like or/and star-like flexible systems, and it is validated through its comparison with the assumed modes method for the case of a rotatory spacecraft.
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This paper proposes a novel dynamic model of a Reaction Wheel Assembly (RWA) based on the Two-Input Two-Output Port framework, already presented by the authors. This method allows the user to study a complex system with a sub-structured approach: each sub-element transfers its dynamic content to the other sub-elements through local attachment points with any set of boundary conditions. An RWA is modelled with this approach and it is then used to study the impact of typical reaction wheel perturbations on a flexible satellite in order to analyze the micro-vibration content for a high accuracy pointing mission. This formulation reveals the impact of any structural design parameter and highlights the need of passive isolators to reduce the micro-vibration issues. The frequency analysis of the transfer between the disturbance sources and the line-of-sight (LOS) jitter highlights the role of the reaction wheel speed on the flexible modes migration and suggests which control strategies can be considered to mitigate the residual micro-vibration content in order to fulfil the mission performances.
This article presents and validates a general framework to build a linear dynamic Finite Element-based model of large flexible structures for integrated Control/Structure design. An extension of the Two-Input Two-Output Port (TITOP) approach is here developed. The authors had already proposed such framework for simple beam-like structures: each beam was considered as a TITOP sub-system that could be interconnected to another beam thanks to the ports. The present work studies bodies with multiple attaching points by allowing complex interconnections among several sub-structures in tree-like assembly. The TITOP approach is extended to generate NINOP (N-Input N-Output Port) models. A Matlab toolbox is developed integrating beam and bending plate elements. In particular a NINOP formulation of bending plates is proposed to solve analytic two-dimensional problems. The computation of NINOP models using the outputs of a MSC/Nastran modal analysis is also investigated in order to directly use the results provided by a commercial finite element software. The main advantage of this tool is to provide a model of a multibody system under the form of a block diagram with a minimal number of states. This model is easy to operate for preliminary design and control. An illustrative example highlights the potential of the proposed approach: the synthesis of the dynamical model of a spacecraft with two deployable and flexible solar arrays.
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This paper proposes a double input output port transfer to model complex mechanical systems composed of several sub-systems. The sub-structure decomposition is revisited from the control designer point of view. The objective is to develop modelling tools to be used for mechanical/control co-design of large space flexible structures involving various substructures (boom, links of robotic arm,...) connected one to each other through dynamics local (actuated) mechanisms inducing complex boundary conditions. The double input output port model of each substructure is a transfer where accelerations and external forces at the connection points are both on the model inputs and outputs. Such a model : * allows to the boundary conditions linked to interactions with the other substructures to be externalized outside the model, * is defined by the only substructure own dynamic parameters, * allows to build the dynamic model of the whole structure by just assembling the double port models of each substructure. The principle is first introduced on a single axis spring-mass system and then extented to the 6 degress-of-freedom case. This generalization uses the clamped-free substructure dynamic parameters such as finite element softwares can provide.
This study presents the integrated control/structure design of a Large Flexible Structure, the Extra Long Mast Observatory (ELMO). The integrated design is performed using structured H\mathcal{H}_\infty control tools, developing the Two-Input Two-Output Port (TITOP) model of the flexible multi-body structure and imposing integrated design specifications as H\mathcal{H}_\infty constraints. The integrated control/structure design for ELMO consists of optimizing simultaneously its payload mass and control system for low-frequency perturbation rejection respecting bandwidth requirements.
This study presents a generic TITOP (Two-Input Two-Output Port) model of a substructure actuated with embedded piezoelectric materials as actuators (PEAs), previously modeled with the FE technique. This allows intuitive assembly of actuated flexible substructures in large flexible multi-body systems. The modeling technique is applied to an illustrative example of a flexible beam with bonded piezoelectric strip and vibration attenuation of a chain of flexible beams.
Space robotics has emerged as one of the key technology for on-orbit servicing or debris removal issues. In the latter, the target is a specific point of a tumbling debris, that the ≪ chaser ≫ satellite must accurately track to ensure a smooth capture by its robotic arm. Based on recent works by Aghili, an optimal capture trajectory is presented to match position and speed, but also acceleration of the target. Two controllers are simultaneously synthesized for the satellite and the arm, using the fixed-structure H ∞ synthesis. Their tracking performance is validated for the tumbling target capture scenario. The main goal is to efficiently track the optimal trajectory while using simple PD-like controllers to reduce computational burden. The fixed-structure H ∞ framework proves to be a suitable tool to design a reduced-order robust controller compatible with current space processors capabilities.
This article describes a general framework to generate linearized models of satellites with large flexible appendages. The obtained model is parameterized according to the tilt of flexible appendages and can be used to validate an attitude control system over a complete revolution of the appendage. Uncertainties on the characteristic parameters of each substructure can be easily considered by the proposed generic and systematic multibody modeling technique, leading to a minimal linear fractional transformation (LFT) model. The uncertainty block has a direct link with the physical parameters avoiding nonphysical parametric configurations. This approach is illustrated to analyze the attitude control system of a spacecraft fitted with a tiltable flexible solar panel. A very simple root locus allows the stability of the closed-loop system to be characterized for a complete revolution of the solar panel.