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Should I stay, or should I go? self-legitimacy
of attorneys in an authoritarian state
Yulia Khalikova
&Anton Kazun
Accepted: 15 December 2020/
#The Author(s) 2021
In non-democracies, lawyers face various constraints ranging from the absence
of acquittals or violations of their clients’rights to threats and criminal pro-
ceedings against them. Yet, we know little about the working conditions of
attorneys’in authoritarian regimes, and what influences their desire to remain in
the profession. Using a survey of attorneys in Russia, our study demonstrates
which factors impact the desire to stay in the profession and how self-
legitimacy influences these choices. We find that the frequency of violations
of their clients’rights by law enforcement agencies undermines self-legitimacy
of attorneys. In turn, this increases the attorneys’willingness to leave the
profession, which is mitigated by two factors. First, attorneys with closer
contacts with their colleagues in the regional bar associations are less willing
to leave the bar for other career options. Second, when such associations
actively exclude their members for violations of professional ethics, bona fide
attorneys are more willing to stay. Lastly, we find that the expressed desire of
leaving the profession transforms into actual voluntary leave in the following
year. These findings have important implications, as attorneys do not only
defend their clients but can also influence the political regime, either through
the mobilisation of law or engaging into collective actions with their
*Yulia Khalikova
Anton Kazun
Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences, University of Bremen and Jacobs
University Bremen, UNICOM-Building, Haus 9, Mary-Somerville-Str. 9, 28359 Bremen,
International Centre for the Study of Institutions and Development, HSE University, Myasnitskaya
Str. 18, 101000 Moscow, Russia
Published online: 19 January 2021
Crime, Law and Social Change (2021) 75:373–395
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
The profession of attorney is complex and requires high qualifications, which, in
addition to high levels of performance and education, calls for adherence to strict
standards of professional ethics [1–3]. Under a specific ‘social contract’[4], attorneys
strictly follow standards set by ethics codes in exchange for the trust of society which,
in turn, provides attorneys with money and reputation. But what if the trust between
society and attorneys is destroyed? What happens if attorneys stop considering their
jobs as useful and legitimate?
This study advances our understanding of the impacts of political regime on legal
professionals and especially their desire to stay in the profession. This topic is espe-
cially crucial for authoritarian regimes where the rule of law is not always respected and
thus negatively impacts the attorneys’work. In the absence of independent courts [5],
attorneys have to face the harsh realities of authoritarian governance when interacting
with the judiciary and law enforcement agencies. In such settings, the defendants’
rights are often violated throughout all stages of criminal proceedings [6–8], and what
is typically considered a routine professional activity for lawyers can turn into a real
war with the political regime.
In the meantime, we know very little of legal professionals in authoritarian states.
What makes attorneys continue their work and what, on the contrary, forces them to
leave their profession? It is especially important as attorneys can have an impact not
only on their clients by representing them, but also on the (criminal) justice system in
general and, in specific cases, on the political regime [9]. Attorneys routinely use the
law in courts to challenge the state, but can also engage in collective actions with their
colleagues [10]. Focusing on Russia and following literature on the self-legitimacy of
professional groups, we analyse which factors influence the attorneys’(advokaty)
departure from the legal profession in an imperfect law enforcement system. We base
our analysis on a survey of attorneys in 35 regions of the country and on regional level
data obtained from government agencies.
Russia is a good case for examining why attorneys want to leave their profession for
two reasons. First of all, Russia belongs to a larger group of countries that can be
classified as a competitive authoritarian regime [11]. These states have duality in
governance where constitutional and administrative regimes co-exist in one paradigm
[12,13]. Such duality is also pronounced in the legal sphere including courts and law
enforcement agencies [14–16], where the system performs well for routine cases, but
not for high-stakes or politically sensitive ones [17]. While being independent of the
government, the community of attorneys operates within the existing system of coop-
eration between judges and law enforcement agencies [18]. Institutionally, this makes
them the weakest professional group in the legal domain [19], but the only one that has
to resist the obvious violations of the rule of law continuously.
Secondly, the law enforcement system in Russia is characterised by a high degree of
heterogeneity [20,21] due to high levels of socio-economic and political diversity
among the regions [22–24]. For example, violations of the rights of defendants by
judges or law enforcement officers such as prosecutors, investigators, or the police,
might be frequent in one region of the country while non-existent in the others. This
pronounced regional variation allows us to compare regions based on our variables of
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interest, namely the frequency of violations of defendants’rights by law enforcement
agencies, and the frequency of attorneys’departures from the profession.
We begin by revisiting the literature on why attorneys leave their profession
focusing on self-legitimacy, which is internal confidence in the moral validity of their
professional power. Next, we provide background information on attorneys and the
criminal justice system in Russia. Later sections describe our data, hypotheses, and
methods. Firstly, we hypothesise that direct experience with violations of the rights of
defendants undermines attorneys’self-legitimacy, which in turn increases their desire to
leave the profession. Secondly, attorneys with stronger ties to their colleagues are more
inclined to stay in the profession. Finally, the frequency of disbarment by the regional
chamber of attorneys for violations of professional and ethical standards can decrease
attorneys’readiness to change the profession. We test these hypotheses on a survey of
attorneys and public data from the Ministry of Justice and the Russian Federal State
Statistics Service using regression analysis. In the last section, we discuss the contri-
bution of our results to an understanding of self-legitimacy of attorneys in this
unfavourable institutional environment.
Reasons for leaving the profession: Why focus on self-legitimacy?
It is not easy to leave the profession of an attorney because it entails a large amount of
time and resources invested in passing the bar. However, it does indeed occur regularly.
Scholarship mostly describes this phenomenon in the context of job satisfaction [25].
The desire to leave the profession is connected to differences in the social background
[26], high levels of dissatisfaction [27], the size of entry cohorts to the legal profession
[28], and economic difficulties [29]. The organisational environment can both increase
stress and reduce it, making relations with colleagues [30] and levels of involvement in
the work of a law firm, such as the degree of professional duties in respondents’lives
[31], very important. Other reasons for leaving the profession are the glass ceiling
connected with gender inequality [28,32–34]andthelackofflexibilityforfamily
commitments [27,35,36].
Apart from these reasons, many lawyers quit their practice voluntarily to pursue
careers in other fields, such as academia, government or corporate affairs, which do not
require them to be practicing bar members [37]. For example, in Russia, attorneys
invest an additional four to five years of legal education, internship and the bar exam
before receiving their status. However, lawyers without this status can still practice law
in all areas except criminal law.
Another prominent part of the scholarship on job satisfaction and departure from the
profession is research on self-legitimacy, which so far has mostly been applied to law
enforcement officers or judges. Usually, it shows how an individual within a particular
professional group is related to the group’s activity, measured through survey ques-
tionnaires. For instance, self-legitimacy is measured via feelings of authority and
knowledge to perform the job, and the right to exercise one’spower[38,39], as well
as the importance of explaining their decisions to citizens [39]. More specifically, it
transfers to the trust in the professionals’moral eligibility to exercise power [40], and
the belief that the use of their professional skills, in some cases including force, is
governed by professional rather than selfish goals. Such performance should also be
375Should I stay, or should I go? self-legitimacy of attorneys in an...
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supported by other members of the professional group and the public. Hence, the two
most common factors used to measure self-legitimacy are public trust and a feeling of
professional integrity, which shows how an individual perceives his or her colleagues
to behave [40,41].
What makes self-legitimacy important is that it is closely connected to the quality of
professional services provided by members of the group. When the feeling of self-
legitimacy is lost, professionals cannot fully fulfil their duties [42]. In the context of
prisons, for example, high levels of self-legitimacy influence the efficiency and pro-
fessionalism of correctional officers that in turn positively affects the implementation of
tasks in prison, guards’relations with prisoners, and the maintenance of order [38].
Taking the example of police officers, Nix and Wolfe [43] show that negative coverage
of the police in the media influences public perceptions of the police and thus
undermines self-legitimacy of police officers. Following that, Noppe [44] shows that
police officers with lower levels of self-legitimacy use force more often compared to
officers with higher levels of self-legitimacy.
Although self-legitimacy is essential for law enforcement officers who must be
prepared to use weapons in certain circumstances [45], we argue that the same
conclusions can be applied to attorneys. Indeed, without the belief that their work is
valuable and necessary, especially in repressive and often unfair trials, attorneys cannot
fulfil their duties of representing clients and protecting them from the flawed justice
As a consequence, constraints imposed by the authoritarian political regime, most
visibly violations of the rights of attorneys and their clients throughout various stages of
criminal justice proceedings can and do impact attorneys’self-legitimacy and, in turn,
their desire to change the profession. However, there is little empirical research on
possible connections between such violations by judges or law enforcement officers
and attorneys’departures from the profession, since most scholarship on the legal
profession is conducted in democracies. Only a few studies [46,47] are directly focused
on attorneys’struggles of maintaining independence from law enforcement in author-
itarian countries. Nevertheless, it is important to understand why attorneys stay in their
profession under such circumstances, especially when their collective actions can
contribute to the democratisation and the development of the rule of law [48,49].
Background: Legal profession in Russia and attorneys
In Russia, there is no monopoly of advocates, and two groups can represent clients’
interests in courts –advokaty (in the future we will call them attorneys) and other legal
professionals (iuristy). To litigate a criminal case, one must be qualified as an attorney,
whereas for non-criminal cases the only requirement is to be a mentally competent
adult (see [50]).
In this paper, we focus only on attorneys due to the following reasons. Attorneys in
Russia constitute a particular professional group with high entry costs. To become an
attorney, one has to hold a diploma in law with more than two years of professional
postgraduate experience and pass a bar exam. Hence, having attorney status means that
an individual has invested a certain amount of time and resources into obtaining it.
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Since only attorneys can represent clients in criminal cases, they are the only part of
the legal community that deals with the repressive governmental system daily. Legal
professionals handling only non-criminal cases have different problems and do not
have to enter into confrontation with law enforcement officers or judges. However, the
focus of this paper on attorneys does not imply that our study analyses the experiences
of those professionals who handle criminal cases only. On average, Russian attorneys
handle 56 cases a year, 27 out of which are non-criminal.
Asstudiesofattorneysshow[51], their community is very heterogeneous in terms of
work experience and professional ethics. Thus, the same status unites both relatively honest
attorneys and those who focus mainly on personal gains and are ready to partake in corrupt
deals. As a consequence, the same professional status unites a wide range of professionals.
Additionally, we focus on the role of professional self-regulatory associations. Each
attorney is a member of one of the Regional Chambers of Attorneys (RCA). The
Ministry of Justice regularly collects statistics on them, allowing us to access the data
needed for our research. For non-attorneys, there is no requirement of qualification or
registration, and thus no reliable data on them is available [52,53]. On the contrary, the
work of attorneys is regulated by two main acts –the 2002 Federal Law No 63 ‘On
Legal Practice and Advocacy in the Russian Federation’(Federal Law) and the 2003
Code of Attorneys’Professional Ethics (the Code).
Regional chambers are self-regulatory institutions, and their leadership is elected
directly by the chamber members. Among other tasks, RCAs have jurisdiction over
disbarment procedures connected to various reasons, including violations of the Code.
Among possible disciplinary sanctions are reprimand, warning, or disbarment (art. 18
of the Code). Russian regions differ in socio-economic development and the conditions
that lawyers have to operate within. Whereas some regional chambers of attorneys
strictly monitor compliance with professional ethics and punish violators, others are
significantly less strict. This variation allows dishonest or underqualified lawyers to
enter the profession in the first place and later stay in it, when a chamber does not
strictly control the quality of its members’work.
Thus, focusing on attorneys is justified for the following reasons. They comprise a
distinct and clearly defined professional group united by their shared status, but still
maintaining differences due to regional specifics, education, personal background and
other factors. Additionally, we can access unique data on attorneys, since each one has to
be a member of the RCA. Following up, the RCAs monitor the activity of attorneys, at
least in terms of ethical proceedings and disbarment procedures. Given the additional
focus of our paper on the role of (regional) professional organisations, we can test whether
more frequent communication with the RCA and colleagues from the region impact
attorneys’self-legitimacy and, in turn, their desire to leave (or stay in) the profession.
The criminal justice system in Russia: A threat to attorneys’
In 2017, the rate of acquittals in criminal cases heard in Russian courts was 0.3% [54].
Such a low level of non-guilty verdicts is also known as the ‘accusatory bias’[55,56]
and is common among many countries of the former Soviet Union [57]. When it comes
to Russia, the acquittal rate is continuously decreasing. The reason behind this is a
377Should I stay, or should I go? self-legitimacy of attorneys in an...
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performance evaluation system that considers any not guilty verdict as evidence of the
low quality of law enforcement work. Detailed analysis of this phenomenon is outside
of the scope of this paper (see [18,58]), but we will focus on several significant
consequences of such a system.
First, the absence of acquittals can be achieved only through regular violations of the
rights of defendants [59,60]. If there is even a slight chance of acquittal, the law
enforcers will opt to close criminal investigation before the trial phase. If it has already
made it to trial, then a defendant has virtually no chances of getting an acquittal. When
there is not enough evidence, law enforcement officers can resort to intimidation,
violence or falsification of evidence.
Second, such a system inflicts severe damage to the reputation of an attorney, who
is, to some extent, helpless in these circumstances. According to recent studies [19,55],
in a system where the accusatory bias prevails, attorneys can expect only some
mitigation of judgement, such as a suspended sentence or lower sentence duration.
Following these arguments, it is expected that throughout their careers, attorneys will
have only a few not guilty verdicts. According to our survey, only 31% of Russian
attorneys with more than 15 years of experience have never received a non-guilty
verdict. Given this, society does not see attorneys as professionals who can help them
to counter the criminal justice system. Similarly to China [46], law enforcement officers
do not consider attorneys as full and equal partners in the justice system.
In this framework, the primary professional activities of attorneys are considered by
law enforcement agencies as a direct threat to their careers. Titaev and Shkliaruk [61]
describe that an unexpected acquittal means punishment ranging from depriving of
bonuses to possible dismissals for other actors in the criminal justice system. As a
consequence, not only defendants’but also attorneys’rights can be violated by law
enforcement. For example, Kazun and Yakovlev [10] demonstrate that law enforce-
ment officers initiate criminal cases against lawyers.
To summarise, the existing system in Russia indeed impacts the work of attorneys.
Being the only professional group that can litigate criminal cases, attorneys face harsh
realities of the criminal justice system daily. In doing so, they have to resist the pressure
from judges and law enforcement agencies who often resort to procedural and physical
violations of the rights of defendants to achieve guilty verdicts. In the absence of not-
guilty verdicts, both society and members of other legal communities do not consider
attorneys’work as important. This can negatively impact self-legitimacy of attorneys,
and increase their desire to pursue different career paths. Despite that, even in the
circumstances more extreme than in modern Russia, there are still some individuals
who continue to work under authoritarian regimes. This part is outside the scope of this
paper, but more insights come from a diary of a human rights’advocate in the USSR
[62], research on lawyers in China [63] or LGBT rights in Singapore [64].
Hypotheses, data, and methods
Our research design combines individual-level and group-level (based on the regions of
Russia) data. For individual level, we use data from a survey of Russian attorneys
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conducted in 2014 with the support of the Russian Federal Bar Association. The survey
includes responses of 3317 attorneys from 35 out of 85 regions in Russia (see Tables 1,
2and 3for more details). As each attorney in Russia is registered by one of the
Regional Chamber of Attorneys, access to them was provided by the RCAs who
distributed printed questionnaires. The response rate was about 20–25%, which coin-
cides with similar studies conducted in the US context [65].
Our sample corresponds to the general population of attorneys by gender and age,
but contains biases regarding regional representation and professional organisation
(Table 3). To overcome this, we have weighted our survey data by the region of the
respondent. Additionally, we control for the type of legal organisation each respondent
works at.
We also use the answers about the perceived level of income in the region to
control for the financial conditions of an attorney’s work. For regional-level, we use
publicly available data on regional population, the total number of attorneys and
disbarment numbers retrieved from the websites of the Ministry of Justice of the
Russian Federation and the Federal State Statistics Centre.
Hypotheses and operationalisation of variables
Research on self-legitimacy has mostly been focused on police and prison officers. Still, we
argue that these findings can also be applied to attorneys, who constitute a close professional
group with a self-governing mechanism. Additionally, we know little about self-legitimacy
in countries with authoritarian rule and what makes attorneys continue their work in such
conditions. We provide an operationalisation of our variables in Table 4.
To begin with, we construct self-legitimacy on two levels. The first is public trust
[40], which we measure using a survey question about attorneys’perceived feelings of
mistrust towards lawyers from the general population (mistrust). The second deals with
the perceived integrity of other members of the professional group. It can be measured
using the perceived sense of moral standing among other members of the profession
[38], self-discipline [66], belief that decisions are taken fairly and honestly [42,66], and
audience legitimacy [67]. In our study, we use the survey’s question measuring the
general belief that the legal profession is an example of an honest and ethical one to
measure perceived integrity (honesty).
Attorneys in Russia face frequent procedural violations and very few non-guilty
verdicts. Such conditions could negatively impact their self-legitimacy. To account for
this, we use a survey question of how often in the last three years each respondent have
encountered violations of their clients’rights by judges and law enforcement, including
prosecutors, investigators, police and prison officers. We create an index for each respon-
dent (violations of rights index) by grouping responses to these six sub-questions and
calculating the mean for each respondent. We thus formulate the following hypothesis:
&H1. Frequent violations of the rights of defendants by judges and law-enforcement
undermine the professional self-legitimacy of attorneys.
The Law on Attorneys and Advocacy envisages four main forms of practicing: bureaus of attorneys,
attorneys offices, colleges of attorneys, and legal consultancy offices. The last two unite dozens of attorneys,
while the first two are usually organised by experienced attorneys with their own clients’base.
379Should I stay, or should I go? self-legitimacy of attorneys in an...
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Feelings of mistrust towards the legal profession from the population and dishonesty
within the legal community itself make it harder for attorneys to fulfil their duties and
may contribute towards their desire to leave the profession. We have already touched
upon other factors, such as dissatisfaction with salary or work-life balance, as well as
Table 1 Description of regions in the sample, numbers of attorneys in each region and in our sample, and
calculated weights to use in the analysis
N region abbreviation # attorneys # (sample) weights
1 Stavropolskii krai STAVR 1618 372 0.206
2 Respublika Tatarstan TAT 1243 337 0.174
3 Samarskaya oblast SAM 1670 281 0.280
4 Moskva (gorod) MSK 8963 275 1.538
5 Kurganskaya oblast’JUR 332 214 0.073
6 Krasnoyarskii krai KRSNYRSK 983 197 0.237
7 Nizhegorodskaya oblast’NZH 1201 184 0.311
8 Chelyabinskaya oblast’CHE 1094 101 0.519
9 Leningradskaya oblast’LO 1046 97 0.514
10 Vologodskaya oblast’VLGD 438 94 0.223
11 Ul’yanovskaya oblast’ULYAN 483 92 0.246
12 Kirovskaya oblast’KIR 398 79 0.236
13 Tumenskaya oblast’TYUM 752 59 0.595
14 Ivanovskaya oblast’IVAN 357 54 0.318
15 Respublika Mordoviya MOR 286 52 0.255
16 Kaliningradskaya oblast’KLNG 567 50 0.538
17 Astrakhanskaya oblast’ASTR 541 49 0.514
18 Omskaya oblast’OMSK 640 48 0.651
19 Respublika Adygeya ADYG 304 45 0.309
20 Respublika Chuvashiya CHUV 329 45 0.335
21 Krasnodarskii krai KRSNDR 3674 44 4.024
22 Respublika Marii-El MARI 230 43 0.252
23 Moskovskaya oblast’MO 5323 42 5.830
24 Respublika Kareliya KAR 230 42 0.252
25 Khanty-Mansiiskii krai KHNT-MNS 564 42 0.618
26 Novosibirskaya oblast’NSK 1121 41 1.330
27 Permskii krai PERM 1005 41 1.192
28 Ryzan’skaya oblast’RYAZ 493 41 0.585
29 Yaroslavskaya oblast’YRSLV 511 40 0.606
30 Kemerovskaya oblast’KEM 787 39 0.934
31 Tverskaya oblast’TVE 452 39 0.536
32 Respublika Udmurtiya UDM 638 38 0.826
33 Sverdlovskaya oblast’SVE 1927 35 2.494
34 Respublika Buryatiya BUR 424 32 0.604
35 Khabarovskii krai KHAB 616 32 0.877
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Table 2 Operationalisation of variables
Variable Operationalisation Responses
Dependent variables
Honesty ‘The profession of a lawyer in Russia is an
example of honest,
law-abiding and ethical conduct’
0 - absolutely disagree; 1 -
rather disagree; 2 -
absolutely agree; 3 -
rather agree
Mistrust ‘Russians who have no legal education often
mistrust lawyers’
Readiness to quit ‘I am prepared to leave the profession if I find a
job with a higher
salary but not in the legal field’
Left voluntarily Attorneys who revoked their license voluntarily to
the total number
of attorneys leaving the bar in the same region
Independent variables
Violations of rights Individual-level index constructed using
responses to the question:
‘How often in your region for the last three
years have you
encountered violations of your clients’rights
by: judges, prosecutors,
investigators from the Investigative
Committee, investigators from the
Ministry of Internal Affairs, other
representatives of the MIA,
members of the Federal Penitentiary Service’.
Responses to these
sub-questions were
grouped together for
each respondent and
calculated to get a mean.
Bar ties Individual-level index constructed using
responses to the question:
‘How often in the last year have you taken part
in various professional
events held by the Regional Chamber of
Attorneys?’, with five sub-questions
identifying types of activities (conferences,
workshops on legal topics,
cultural and sport events, informal meetings,
professional holidays)
Responses were groups to
calculate the mean
Type of legal organization Dummy variables for four types of legal
organisations, where respondents
are basing their work at (college of attorneys,
bureau of attorneys, attorney’s
office, and legal consultancy)
Control variables
Gender: f emale
Education: legal Type of first university degree received 0 –not law school;
1–law school
Bar experience Number of years a respondent has worked as an
Perceived income Log of perceived income in the region for (1)
experienced attorneys;
and (2) early-career attorneys
381Should I stay, or should I go? self-legitimacy of attorneys in an...
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the desire to pursue a career in other directions, which significantly affect the desire to
leave the legal profession. However, these factors might be of lesser importance in
autocracies. We believe that due to constant communication with the judicial and law
enforcement systems, attorneys in non-democracies are more dependent on their self-
legitimacy, which might increase their desire to leave the profession.
We test this assumption using a survey question that asks the respondent’sreadiness
to leave the profession if they were to find a job with a higher salary, but outside of the
legal field (readiness to quit). However, the job is not limited to earning money only,
but entails a system of values and responsibility before the public. Leaving the
profession for another job indicates that professional values are not that important,
after all. Following this line of argument, we expect that:
&H2. Attorneys with low levels of self-legitimacy are more inclined to leave the
In line with the existing scholarship, we assume that the organisational environment
and professional associations play an important role. When professional socialisation is
either weak or absent, attorneys who do not have a strong professional network have to
rely on themselves in decision-making [68] or follow the behaviour observed among
other attorneys [69].
As a proxy for the influence of the organisational environment, we create an
individual level index measuring the extent of connections to their regional chamber
of attorneys (bar ties index). For this, we use a survey question on the frequency of
attending professional events, including conferences, research workshops, cultural or
sports events, informal meetings, and professional holidays. Following that, we assume
that the organisational environment influences attorneys’self-legitimacy and thus their
desire to change their profession, leading to the following hypothesis:
Table 2 (continued)
Variable Operationalisation Responses
Demand (regional) ‘In your opinion, how has the demand for legal
services in your region
changed over the last five years?’
Regional level
Readiness to quit (2014) Regional level variable calculated using responses
to ‘readiness to quit’question
# attorneys Number of attorneys registered in the region at the
end of the reporting year (2014)
Attorneys per capita The ratio of attorneys to population of a region
(per capita)
# attorneys disbarred Number of attorneys disbarred (2014)
# attorneys disbarred due
to ethical violations
Number of attorneys disbarred due to violations of
ethical conduct (2014)
Unethics2out The ratio of a number of attorneys disbarred due
to violations of ethics to
the total number of attorneys disbarred by the
RCA in 2014
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Table 3 Summary statistics for variables used in main analysis (weighted and imputed data)
Statistic N Mean St. Dev. Min Max
Dependent variables
Honesty 3317 0.696 0.460 0 1
Mistrust 3317 0.480 0.500 0 1
Readiness to quit 3317 0.260 0.439 0 1
Left voluntarily (2015) 35 0.665 0.139 0.316 0.911
Independent variables
Year born 3317 1970 11.353 1928 1995
Gender: female 3317 0.435 0.496 0 1
Education: legal 3317 0.217 0.412 0 1
Years of working as an attorney 3317 10.913 8.948 -1 58
Age 3137 43.553 11.364 19 86
Perceived demand for lawyers 3317 −0.191 0.774 −11
Bar ties (index) 3317 1.137 0.860 0.000 3.000
Violations of rights (index) 3317 1.604 0.808 0 3
Perceived violations by:
Judges 3317 1.307 0.998 0 3
Prosecutors 3317 1.427 1.025 0 3
Investigative Committee 3317 1.681 1.002 0 3
Investigators, Ministry of Internal Affairs 3317 1.855 0.958 0 3
Other officers at MIA 3317 1.910 1.005 0 3
Federal Penitentiary Service 3317 1.443 1.080 0 3
Participates in regional bar associations’events:
Assemblies and conferences 3317 0.804 1.110 0 3
Research workshops 3317 0.955 1.193 0 3
Culture and sport 3317 0.635 1.061 0 3
Informal meetings 3317 1.950 1.217 0 3
Professional holidays 3317 1.344 1.217 0 3
Type of legal organisation:
College of attorneys 3317 0.729 0.445 0 1
Bureau of attorneys 3317 0.028 0.165 0 1
Attorney’s office 3317 0.197 0.398 0 1
Legal consultancy 3317 0.059 0.235 0 1
Perceived income in the region (log):
For experienced attorneys 3317 11.040 0.881 0.693 16.118
For early-career attorneys 3317 9.796 0.757 6.908 13.816
Regional level:
# attorneys in the region (2014) 35 1734.252 2366.4 231 9137
# attorney disbarred (2014) 35 46.468 40.220 2 150
# attorneys disbarred for violations of ethical code
35 5.255 6.000 0 21
Ratio of disbarred for violations of ethics to all
disbarred (2014)
35 0.127 0.084 0.000 0.300
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&H3. Attorneys with closer and more frequent interaction with colleagues have
higher levels of self-legitimacy and are less prone to leave the profession.
Given regional differences, we also want to test the influence of regional variation in
disbarment practices on readiness to leave the profession. Here, we assume that by
excluding members who violate ethical standards, a professional organisation can
sustain the desired levels of quality within the professional group. Disbarment improves
the quality of services provided by the group and thus the attorneys’self-legitimacy
who believe they are surrounded by honest colleagues [70]. Moreover, the failure of
professional organisations to punish unethical misconduct provides a bad example to
other members of the group and lowers the quality of services [71,72].
Thus, we assume that reasonable levels of controlling the quality of the legal profession
can benefit the professional community and lower the outflow of professionals. To measure
this, we construct a variable measuring the proportion of attorneys being disbarred for
violations of professional and ethical conduct (unethics2out). For these purposes, we
consider an attorney to be disbarred for unethical behaviour if they were disbarred due to
one of the following events (art 17 of the Federal Law N 63): 1) inadequate performance of
professional duties; 2) violation of the Code of professional ethics; 3) non- or unsatisfactory
performance of the Chamber of Attorneys’rulings.
Among the lawyers deprived of the
attorney status (on average 46 in each chamber per year), 12.7% are disbarred for violations
of professional and ethical conduct. However, the proportion of attorneys being disbarred for
violations of professional and ethical conduct (unethics2out) varies from 0 to 30% in
different regions. Hence, the hypothesis is as follows:
&H4. There will be a lower desire to leave the profession in regions where attorneys are
disbarred due to violations of professional ethics more frequently than for other reasons.
Last but not least, we want to test whether the expressed attitudes about the possibility of
leaving the profession transform into real acts of departures from the law. In the absence
of longitudinal data, we can test this hypothesis only indirectly. We match survey
responses about readiness to leave their profession for better-paid jobs outside of the
law with regional statistics on the number of attorneys who voluntarily revoked their
status in the year following the survey (left voluntarily) (2015). Here, we expect that:
Other reasons, which we considered to be not of ethical nature, are the following: submitting incorrect or
false personal information to the Chamber before sitting for an exam; failure to inform the RCA of a chosen
legal form of professional activity within 4 months after passing the bar.
Table 3 (continued)
Statistic N Mean St. Dev. Min Max
Population (2014) 35 3,264,453 2,982,603 45,326 12,263,861
Ratio of attorneys to population per capita 35 0.530 0.738 0.220 6.707
# attorneys disbarred (2015) 35 51.302 50.398 5 197
# attorneys leaving voluntarily (2015) 35 31.473 23.404 2 82
Ration of leaving voluntarily to disbarred (2015) 35 0.665 0.139 0.316 0.911
384 Khalikova Y., Kazun A.
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Table 4 Results of regression analysis for Hypotheses 1 to 4 (N= 3317)
Dependent variable:
Honesty Mistrust Readiness to quit
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Honesty −0.481*** −0.463*** −0.464***
(0.087) (0.088) (0.088)
Mistrust 0.250*** 0.248*** 0.261***
(0.085) (0.085) (0.085)
Violations of rights −0.514*** 0.305*** 0.038 0.066 0.082
(0.052) (0.047) (0.054) (0.055) (0.056)
Closeness to the bar 0.228*** −0.044 −0.137*** −0.138***
(0.047) (0.043) (0.052) (0.052)
unethics2out −2.446**
Control variables:
Age −0.004 0.011** −0.003 −0.003 −0.002
(0.005) (0.005) (0.005) (0.005) (0.005)
Female 0.157*−0.258*** −0.204** −0.213** −0.217**
(0.080) (0.074) (0.087) (0.088) (0.088)
First education: law 0.034 0.100 0.082 0.093 0.094
(0.097) (0.090) (0.103) (0.103) (0.103)
Bar experience (years) −0.006 −0.034*** −0.015** −0.013*−0.012*
(0.006) (0.006) (0.007) (0.007) (0.007)
Ratio # attorneys to population 0.125 0.061 0.035 0.043 −0.834**
(0.085) (0.065) (0.070) (0.071) (0.381)
Respondent working in:
385Should I stay, or should I go? self-legitimacy of attorneys in an...
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Table 4 (continued)
Dependent variable:
Honesty Mistrust Readiness to quit
Bureau of attorneys 0.506 0.293 −1.318*** −1.389*** −1.355***
(0.317) (0.287) (0.383) (0.384) (0.385)
Attorney’soffice 1.004
*** 0.005 −0.793** −0.870*** −0.875***
(0.289) (0.260) (0.324) (0.324) (0.325)
Legal consultancy 0.476*−0.216 −0.319 −0.320 −0.314
(0.258) (0.230) (0.298) (0.297) (0.297)
College of attorneys 0.832*** 0.009 −1.122*** −1.151*** −1.159***
(0.271) (0.244) (0.308) (0.308) (0.308)
Perceived income in the region (log):
Experienced attorneys −0.169** * −0.192*** −0.138** −0.144** −0.126*
(0.061) (0.058) (0.067) (0.067) (0.068)
Early-career attorneys 0.390*** −0.009 −0.249*** −0.259*** −0.246***
(0.069) (0.065) (0.076) (0.076) (0.076)
Constant −1.349** 1.674*** 4.390*** 4.633*** 4.757***
(0.640) (0.593) (0.715) (0.722) (0.740)
Log Likelihood −1804.516 −1959.017 −1539.076 −1535.029 −1532.854
Akaike Inf. Crit. 3637.032 3946.034 3108.152 3102.058 3101.709
Note: *p<0.1;** p<0.05; *** p<0.01
386 Khalikova Y., Kazun A.
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&H5. Indicated (proclaimed) readiness to leave the profession coincides with actual
departures in the following year(s).
Dependent and independent variables
To test our hypotheses, we use several dependent variables - honesty,mistrust,readiness to
quit,andleft voluntarily. To construct the first three variables, we have created dichotomous
variables for the responses to the questions from the survey where ‘absolutely disagree’and
‘rather disagree’were coded as ‘0’and ‘rather agree’and ‘absolutely agree’–as ‘1’.Thelast
variable (left voluntarily) is constructed from the Ministry of Justice data as the proportion of
attorneys who revoked their attorney status voluntarily to the total number of attorneys
disbarred in 2015, which is a year following the year of the survey.
Independent variables measure the extent of the violations of the defendants’rights - as an
index (violations of rights index); the proportion of disbarred attorneys due to violations of
ethics (unethics2out), and the frequency of connections with the RCA (bartiesindex).
Our analysis also includes a set of control variables drawn both from the regional
and the individual levels. In all our models, we use individual-level variables derived
from the survey –age,gender, years of working as an attorney showing the respon-
dents’experience of working as attorneys in years, education showing whether the
primary education of a respondent is a law school or not; and a group level variable
measuring the proportion of attorneys to the population of a given region (attorneys per
capita). Additionally, we control for the type of organisation an attorney is working for,
each added as a dummy variable. In Model 6, we control for the perceived demand for
legal services (demand) measured on a regional level using survey responses to the
question of how the demand for attorneys’services has changed over the last five years.
Since some of our variables had many non-responses (NAs), sometimes up to 30%
of the total sample, we employed multiple imputations using Amelia package in R [73]
to complete the data using existing responses automatically. This process yields similar
results on regression models. Summary statistics is presented in Table 5.
To test our hypotheses, we use regression analysis on five models. Models 1 to 5 are
calculated using a standard logit regression as the dependent variables (honesty, mistrust,
readiness to quit) are binary, whereas to calculate Model 6 we used OLS regression.
In our first models, we model the effects of frequent violations of an attorney’s
clients’rights by law-enforcement on the attorney’s self-legitimacy (H1). As mentioned
above, we measure self-legitimacy via respondent’s beliefs that the legal profession is
an example of an honest one (Model 1), and a perceived feeling of mistrust from the
population (Model 2). In line with Hypothesis 1, frequent violations of clients’rights by
law enforcement officers undermines self-legitimacy of attorneys. On the one hand, it
decreases their belief in the honesty of the legal profession (for every one unit change in
violations of rights (index) the log odds of confidence in professional integrity de-
creases by 0.514). On the other hand, it increases perceptions of mistrust in the general
387Should I stay, or should I go? self-legitimacy of attorneys in an...
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population (for every one unit change in violations of rights (index) the log odds of
feelings of mistrust increase by 0.305).
Next, we are interested in how attorneys’self-legitimacy (H2) and their ties with
colleagues (H3) influence their desire to quit the profession. The results for Model 3
provide empirical support for Hypothesis 2, showing that attorneys with low levels of
self-legitimacy are more eager to leave the profession. In line with Hypothesis 3, Model
4 shows that attorneys with closer and more frequent interactions with their colleagues,
measured via their involvement in various types of activities of the RCA, have higher
levels of self-legitimacy and are less willing to leave the profession.
Keeping in mind regional heterogeneity in Russia and the self-governing nature of
regional chambers, we test their effects of their role in a disbarment procedure on the
attorneys’proclaimed desire to leave the profession (H4). Model 5 is built using a
regional level variable of the proportion of attorneys being disbarred due to violations
of professional, and ethical conduct to the total number of attorneys being disbarred. In
line with our previous models, we also include variables measuring self-legitimacy of
attorneys and their connections to their colleagues as additional controls.
Model 5 shows that frequent disbarments due to violations of ethical conduct
significantly lowers an attorney’s readiness to quit the profession (H5). By excluding
members of the community who violate ethical standards, regional chambers sustain
the desired quality of legal services. They also send important signals to two groups -
attorneys, who regain the belief that their profession is an honest one, and the public,
who may feel more trust towards attorneys. As our main independent variable of
interest (unethics2out) is a group-level variable that is the same for all respondents
from a given region, we add interaction effects of this variable to the ratio of attorneys
to the population in Model 5. This prevents our results from being skewed due to
regions having a higher number of attorneys in total or disbarred as compared to others.
Our findings demonstrate that violations of the defendants’rights by law enforce-
ment and control by professional associations have a direct influence on attorneys’self-
Table 5 Regression results analysis for H5. (N=35)
Dependent variable:
Left voluntarily
Readiness to quit (2014) 0.246*
# of attorneys to population per capita 0.010
Perceived demand for legal services (2014) 0.076
Constant 0.549***
Adjusted R20.141
Residual Std. Error 0.132 (df= 31)
F Statistic 2.858*(df = 3; 31)
Note: *p<0.1; ** p<0.05; *** p<0.01
388 Khalikova Y., Kazun A.
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legitimacy. Being surrounded by colleagues violating professional and ethical conduct
without any real repercussions on the one hand, and frequent violations of their clients’
rights by law enforcement on the other, significantly increases the attorneys’
proclaimed desire to leave the profession. But, more importantly, do such intentions
transform into real action?
In our final model, we test the hypothesis that proclaimed readiness to leave the
profession is connected with increased numbers of voluntary departures from the
profession in the following year (H5). We do not have any panel data to track the
respondents’change of attitudes and its transformation into real withdrawals from the
profession. Instead, we use regional level data from the Ministry of Justice on the
number of attorneys who voluntarily revoked their license in 2015 as our main
dependent variable (Table 2). We calculate this variable, left voluntarily, as a ratio of
a number of attorneys voluntarily revoking their licenses to a total number of attorneys
who left their status, either voluntarily or as a result of disciplinary proceedings in 2015.
The independent variable is constructed from responses to the survey on readiness to
leave the profession, generalised to a regional level.
Our findings show that in regions where attorneys were more willing to leave the
profession in 2014, there is indeed a higher outflow of attorneys in the following year
(2015) (Fig. 1). These results are significant when controlling for attorneys per capita and
the perceived demand for legal services generalised on a regional level. While we cannot
claim the causal relationship between expressed readiness to leave the profession of an
attorney and actual departures from the profession, we can prove a statistically significant
relationship between them. Graph 1 plots the results of our regression model, showing a
strong and positively associated relationship between our variables of interest.
Fig. 1 Visualisation of the regression model for the ratio of attorneys left voluntarily (2015) explained by the
proclaimed readiness to leave (2014)
389Should I stay, or should I go? self-legitimacy of attorneys in an...
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Limitations of this study
In this paper, we provide an analysis of self-legitimacy of attorneys working in non-
democratic countries, taking a case of Russia. Our paper has several shortcomings
related to incomplete data. Our analysis is based on a survey of Russian attorneys,
covering slightly less than half of the regions of the country. Other surveys on legal
professionals that we are aware of include Hendley’s[74] survey of the 2015 cohort of
law graduates from ten regions and Baird & Javeline’s[75] survey of lawyers working
outside of the criminal justice system in 12 Russian cities. However, there is no survey
of attorneys in Russia, apart from the one we base our study on. Even though it would
have been better to have data for all regions, it is simply impossible due to its
unavailability. Nevertheless, our survey is designed as a representative survey with
regions selected based on their representativeness of the whole country, and deviations
in socio-demographic characteristics from the Russian Federal Bar Association do not
exceed 3%. Thus, we believe we base our analysis on the best available data. We also
have employed an additional robustness check by weighting survey data to account for
regional representation. The results are stable for both original and weighted data.
As the survey was designed as an anonymous one, it would be impossible to conduct
another survey round with the same respondents. An access to such panel data would
have allowed us to make more reliable conclusions about the self-legitimacy of
attorneys and its influence on their desire to leave the profession. Here, once again,
we have to rely on the only available source of data, publicly available aggregated
statistics of the Russian Ministry of Justice, which does not allow us to consider the
career trajectories of individual attorneys.
Since some of the variables used in the analysis have missing values (sometimes up
to 20–30% of a total sample), we had to rely on multiple imputation techniques for
missing data. Hence, we provide models used for robustness checks for H1–4using
original data with missing values, which provide similar results.
Another critical factor is that our study does not focus on other reasons why
attorneys decide to leave the profession, which could be connected to income (although
we partially control this factor) or personal, not related to professional activity, reasons.
In some cases, attorneys may decide to revoke their license but still practice law (except
for criminal cases) as private practitioners. Moreover, there is little known about
lawyers working in the legal sphere without ever obtaining an attorney status. Accord-
ing to the report of the Institute for the Rule of Law [53], it is difficult to count the exact
number of private lawyers in Russia.
However, despite these limitations, our results are still stable when checked on
different types of models and variations of data. Thus, we hope that our study can serve
as a first step towards explaining factors contributing to the desire to leave the attorney
profession in Russia.
Our study shows that systemic violations of the rights of defendants by law enforce-
ment negatively influence the self-legitimacy of attorneys, which is measured via a
perceived public trust and a general belief in the honesty of the legal profession. In turn,
390 Khalikova Y., Kazun A.
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this predetermines the attorneys’readiness to leave the profession, which transforms
into real action with an increased number of attorneys revoking their licenses volun-
tarily in the following year(s). These effects, however, can be mitigated by stronger
connections to colleagues in their professional associations and an active role played by
the professional organisation in disbarring its members found in violation of profes-
sional behaviour.
This conclusion is crucial for our understanding of the conditions in which attorneys
have to fulfil their professional duties in countries with non-democratic regimes. In
non-democracies, attorneys often face various violations of theirs and their clients’
rights before, during and after the trial. As a consequence, attorneys have to enter into
‘fight’with representatives of the government while performing otherwise an ordinary
task of legal representation. Hence, such actions could in some cases end up with
collective action organised by the legal community aimed at a change of the political
regime [49,76–79].
Another possible consequence of the systemic outflow of attorneys influenced by
the frequency of violations by law enforcement agencies and judges is adverse selec-
tion. From one side, we would expect the strongest and most persistent attorneys who
are ready to resist the prosecution and judges when their clients’rights are violated to
stay in the profession. However, in such institutional settings, honest attorneys may be
more inclined to leave the profession, whereas those who do not object to the existing
situation will remain. In the long term, this could increase the polarisation of the
professional community and lead to an internal conflict between attorneys with con-
tradictory values, as has been seen in other countries [8,80]. A possible outcome of this
may be an inability to organise collective action and the risk of losing the independence
of the whole community [10].
Even though self-legitimacy is important for professionals regardless of the political
regimes they are working in, we argue that maintaining self-legitimacy in non-
democratic regimes becomes a critical factor in preserving the independence of the
legal profession. At the same time, it is essential to point out that in authoritarian states,
the threat to a lawyer’s legitimacy is much higher due to regular violations of the rights
of defendants by judges and law enforcement officers who undermine the faith of
lawyers in the significance of their work.
In this article, we have analysed only one of the most significant consequences of
attorneys’loss of self-legitimacy, but it is probably not the only one. Other studies
demonstrate that this could lead to a decrease in the quality of legal services or
opportunistic behaviour [42,43]. In Russia, there are ‘pocket attorneys’[55] who are
appointed by the state for defendants without other legal representation, and their work
is mainly to benefit the state officials and not the defendant [19].
Our study contributes to the scholarship on the professional activity of attorneys. In
our analysis, we apply the concept of self-legitimacy that has been predominantly used
in studies on law-enforcement officers to a new professional group, i.e. attorneys. As
our paper shows, self-legitimacy plays a role as important for attorneys as for law-
enforcement officers. Secondly, we analyse the problem of attorneys leaving their
profession in the context of imperfect institutional settings by showing how systematic
violations of the rights of defendants by law enforcement can negatively impact
391Should I stay, or should I go? self-legitimacy of attorneys in an...
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Besides, our study is the first one to our knowledge to analyse the influence of
professional associations (regional chambers of attorneys) and their disciplinary proce-
dures for violations of ethical conduct on the readiness of attorneys to stay in the
profession. Active exclusion of dishonest and unethical members of the chambers, at
least in part, keeps bona fide attorneys from leaving. The lack of control and punish-
ment over the behaviour of attorneys by the professional organisation provides a bad
example to other members of the group. Namely, it shows that any behaviour is
tolerated and professional standards do not apply in most cases, which in turn gives
rise to dishonesty and unethical behaviour. Thus, professional associations of attorneys
and their willingness to punish their members for violations of ethics play an important
role in sustaining the quality of services provided by the professional group.
Acknowledgements We are grateful to Andrei Yakovlev for his valuable comments on the paper, and
Ekaterina Khodzhaeva, Yulia Shesternina, Ekaterina Moiseeva, and KirillTitaev from the Institute for the Rule
of Law at the European University in Saint Petersburg for preparing survey instruments and polling attorneys.
This project would have been impossible without the organisational support of the Federal Chamber of
Lawyers, represented by its President Yuri Pilipenko, Anastasia Potapova and Alexander Krokhmalyuk, and
the heads of the regional chambers of advocates. We are also grateful to all the attorneys who took part in our
survey. We would like to thank the participants of the colloquium of the Research Centre for East European
Studies atthe University of Bremen and the Development of RussianLaw Conference 2018 in Helsinki, Lauren
McCarthy and two anonymous reviewers for their comments. All mistakes and errors are entirely our own.
Availability of data and material Data used in this article is available upon request.
Funding This work was supported within the framework of the Basic Research Program at the National
Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) and by the Russian Academic Excellence Project ‘5–
100’. Yulia Khalikova received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 713639.
Compliance with ethical standards
Conflict of interests The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Code availability Data was collected and analysed using SPSS and RStudio software, replication code for
recoding of variables, and empirical analysis is available upon request.
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which
permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give
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