Experiment FindingsPDF Available

The effects of swimming on the whole body



Learning and improving the basic elements of swimming, adapted to the age and mental and physical possibilities of the subjects
Dominteanu Teodora
Associate Professor Ph.D.
Academy of Economic Studies
Department of Physical Education and Sport
Domain: Varia
Key words: swimming, effects, prophylaxis
Sports in general and swimming in particular has several effects:
- swim develops positive character traits such as determination, courage, perseverance,
patience, willingness to overcome difficulties;
- edge educational climate develops sportsmanship , ethics sporting life (getting used to
the order and discipline, respect and help each other, that positively on the educational plan);
- swimming should be studied as a social phenomenon, it may be a component of leisure,
to be exploited to the full, well-organized and created conditions swimming development in
modern life.
Swimming is an activity of resistance that is acquired through repetition, the "art of
breathing in water", the main beneficiary is the cardiovascular system. Swimming influence on
cardiovascular activity by accelerating the cardiac contractions, increased blood pressure and
venous pressure and by increasing cardiac volume. This influence, coupled with the effect of
movements performed during swimming leads la develop heart muscle, respectively auricles and
ventricles. Strengthening the heart muscle favorably influence the activity of the heart and
circulation in general. The rest, decreases systolic and diastolic pressure increases, differentiated
improves blood pressure and increases the elasticity of the vessels. Under the influence of
swimming morphological changes occur in the composition and blood chemistry.
Swimming training develops all the basic functions of the body, but has a major influence
on the respiratory system. From this point of view, the pool can be considered as one of the most
effective breathing exercises. It can be recommended to develop respiratory all athletes,
regardless of their specialty sports, particularly by developing respiratory muscles and back
muscles, having influence on the correctness of breath and posture. Increased request of all
muscle groups by making swimming movements with breathing intensified and water pressure
on the body, leading to a substantial development of the respiratory muscles, increasing
respiratory capacity and pulmonary ventilation, achieving a voluntary apnea and chest
expansion. Promotes horizontal movements of inspiration and expiration is required for the
diaphragm and abdominal muscles to overcome water pressure. Swimming contribute to the
chest, vital capacity development ensures high compared to other sports. Thus, swimming
provides a substantial improvement in respiratory rate.
Newbie and place new problems, including that of being able to maintain body balance
swimming position in terms of execution for forward movement, limb movement coordination
performed the same purpose and coordination of movements with respiratory movements.
Regarding the sense of balance and body position, an important role is the vestibular analyzer.
Viewed from the point of view of functional adaptation, the fact that swimming is carried
horizontally (used for a long time, during sports activity) can produce significant changes
osteoarticular system: joints being released to body weight, working light - thus explaining it
increases in height, as sought by practicing swimming. Musculoskeletal develops through a
proportional increase in indices of physical development. By favoring swimming water correct
position of the head and the body, associated with symmetrical and cyclical movements, leading
to a correct attitude of the body.
Issue spine body weight associated with enhanced activity of the respiratory muscles
have a prophylactic and therapeutic effect in combating strains spine. Swimming movements
specific technical procedures increase the mobility of the spine, while strengthening the muscles
around the trunk. Practicing swimming and muscular changes. Movements lacking big
contractions, develops muscle spindle. It is perhaps the only sport that all muscle groups are used
proportionately. As enriching experience driving in water forming specific qualities such as
water sense "a general softness" a good joint mobility and muscle relaxation capacity. Swimming
contribute to the development and maintenance of life processes, and the body becomes
harmonious development by engaging in swimming the entire muscular system. The shoulders
are broad, well developed chest contains the lungs, the muscles are long and proportional, giving
a good performance at work, muscles are adaptable to any kind of activity.
Metabolism is required by a high caloric intake and metabolic energy production
processes become more economical by systematic training pool. Heat loss in turn causes a
substantial increase in burning tissue, enhancing overall metabolism, which is manifested by
increased appetite. By swimming stimulates the functions of the endocrine glands, especially the
thyroid gland tissue by accelerating combustion. This result justifies the prescribed therapeutic
swimming in obesity, the metabolism is slowed down.
The nervous system is also affected in turn by swimming in refreshing or calming.
Recreational swimming has a role in balancing the functions of the cortex, thereby helping to
regulate nerve processes required people mentally. Specialized medical statistics show that
swimmers presents the lowest percentage neurodegenerative disorders. Water, its qualities,
exerts a strong tonic effect on the nervous system, a phenomenon that underlies the
recommendation swimming nervous asthenia, mental disorders and neurodegenerative. Mood it
creates movement in the aquatic environment favorably influences the psyche. Another positive
influence of swimming is to improve motor coordination and the development of a sense of
rhythm. A favorable effect on nervous system function and simultaneously acting on stimulating
blood circulation and sunlight you have. Sunlight, especially ultraviolet rays, helps synthesize
vitamin D, especially important for young body. Vitamin D prevents rickets, children specific
disease characterized by disturbances in the overall growth in the bone.
In general, it is better to start the sport at the age of 5, 6 years, but it is possible to start
from 3-4 years and even earlier, children are active, responsive and flexible. By practicing
swimming is generally strengthens the physical body by requiring smooth muscles, joints and
skeletal system. Virtually all diseases can be at least partially addressed by practicing swimming,
but significant improvements were observed in asthma (and other respiratory diseases), diabetes
(insulin decreases) in bone diseases (especially column) and even heart disease. Pronounced
feeling good, comfort is enhanced by the exclusion of unpleasant implications sweating that
occurs in outdoor exercise. At the same time, the activity in which the mind acts on swimming,
helping him to relax.
Tempering body
Tempering body provides faster adaptation of the children to temperature changes of the
environment without negative influences. Also tempering has influence on children's character,
creating their mental states conducive to the development of will, discipline, overcoming
hardships, etc. The use of environmental-friendly actions in the systematic procedures that the
association of water with other natural factors contribute to increasing overall body strength,
achieving tempering temperature changes and humidity. The body accommodates water
temperature because thermoregulation. In swimming thermoregulation is required not only
because the water is usually a lower temperature than air (hence the only swimmer body), but
mostly because its thermal conductivity, which is much higher than air (water is better heat
conductive than air).
Low water temperatures lead to heat loss and thermoregulation mechanism triggers the
body's defense reactions. By enhancing metabolic processes increases circulation and breathing
capacity. Resistance to cold and heat differ from one individual to another. Tempering is a
complex process that has a great influence on children's body. In this respect, an important role
in water temperature that exercise active influence on blood vessels. Favorable water
temperature is 23-24°C. The cold water produces a constriction of the blood vessels which
results in less heat yield environment. Along with this phenomenon, the body begins to produce
heat, which leads to the next stage in a dilation of capillaries, so better peripheral circulation.
This increased release of heat is always about improving exchanges occurring tissue. If the water
activity is prolonged, there is a further period of vasoconstriction, which leads to the occurrence
of shivering. This is the sign that the processes of failure and no longer producing heat balance
symptom which should be paid attention to working with children, to prevent shivering. At the
same time, try to extend the duration of lessons, they result in high thermals and thereby
contribute to the hardening. Water temperature is always lower than the body, the body to adapt
to the environment, will spend extra energy. Under the influence of cold water, gas exchange is
increasing. Cold water causes some changes in the composition of blood, extremely important
element for normal functioning of the circulation and respiration. Swimming in cold water, the
number of red blood cells decreases, increases white blood cells and hemoglobin (pigment that is
fixed oxygen to be transported to cells) increases. All these changes are adaptive responses to the
body. Blood vessels also suffer important changes: in the beginning there is a restriction on their
size (vasoconstriction) that occurs swimmer's body from excessive heat loss.
Inactivity in water of 17°C causes a loss of about 2 calories per minute in a moderate
swimming water 17-21°C, causing the loss of 9.5 calories per minute swim faster, reaches the
loss of approx. 12 calories. Calories needed for the movement of cold water swimming and
habituation is achieved by increasing overall metabolism. A hardened body means a resistance to
cold, heat, wind, rain, and various other factors. This quenching is through training and any
training, you must follow certain rules. A hardened body is more resistant to disease, especially
in cold weather, and is thus capable of greater efficiency in sports training. Swimming set up a
hardening process, as is done in varying conditions of temperatures of water and air. Equilibrium
is established between the body and the environment ensures the normal life or activity of any
living being is held under permanent influence of the environment. Swimmers are generally
more resistant. By swimming ability improves body thermoregulation and body swimmer
reaches such a degree of versatility that cold sensations pass in a few minutes, feeling the
fullness of his forces even a water cooler.
These data illustrate the contribution swimming physiology quenching processes of the
body, processes aimed at increasing the overall resilience of the human body to improve the
health of the population. Swimming is considered as an active factor in the therapeutic and
curative complex functional therapy, rehabilitation. Has major effects on cardio -respiratory
system, neuromuscular , mentally and neurovegetative (in warm water 28°-32°C, plants,
minerals, etc.).
Means of treatment in various diseases
Immediate or lasting changes produced in the body after swimming practice, is the
support for understanding the principles underlying the recommendation as a means of treatment,
“functional therapy “, various diseases. As a therapeutic tool hardening associated with natural
(sun, air, water), swimming contributes to better health and harmonious development of the
body. Favorable influences which seawater exert on the human body is not only due to its
cooling effect. They come together in action with the sun warming, rhythmic massage performed
by hitting the waves, swimming activation traffic way or the contrast between body temperature
and that of sea water, which is beneficial to the body.
Subsequently, the range of these influences has widened more favorable due to the fact
that modern medicine has deepened since then and this aspect of therapeutics, from the
standpoint of recent acquisitions of technique and experimental study. Thus, it has been found
that many of these influences are due to multiple ions which it contains sea water, in particular,
those of sodium, potassium, magnesium and iodine. Through skin ions mentioned are likely to
reach body fluids. This absorption of ions, the dialogue between body and seawater decreases
considerably when the water temperature is low. The existing salt (iodine, sulfur, chlorine,
phosphorus, iron) in sea water or in natural lakes, they enter the body through the skin,
promoting bone growth and the improvement of the body functions.
Along with medical gymnastics, swimming helps to correct biases spine back swimming
is recommended to correct kyphosis, bras helps to correct scoliosis. Generally, swimming,
notwithstanding the peculiarities of techniques, stretching the spine, strengthens the muscles of a
side of the column, thus contributing to the position vicious. Movements in these cases is
running slowly, focusing on technique and not strength. Even in more advanced cases of spinal
deviations, swimming bring important improvements by stimulating respiration, which not
infrequently is uncomfortable. An early and prolonged treatment ensures success.
Very good results are obtained by practicing swimming in cases of muscular atrophy and
other physical deformities remaining after some nervous system diseases , acquired soon after
birth or in early childhood , and in particular the consequences of infantile paralysis (for
reeducation legs atrophied muscles regains vigor). Successful treatment depends on immediate
commencement of swimming, catching the body. Swimming in warm water (above 24 ° C) fails
to overcome muscle spasm that causes abnormal postures and movements, by activating blood
circulation it helps develop weak muscles, retrain also limited joint movements from stiffening.
Swimming is particularly useful for people with disabilities. Due to buoyancy, disabled people
can perform certain movements in the water that are impossible in other situations, and they are
very helpful. Where can practice doctors prescribe swimming strongly, as a curative factor in
various diseases of the musculoskeletal and nervous system.
Foremost among the objectives listed remains influence on the psyche of the child.
Gaining the confidence of small (and not only) ill treatment success factor increases when the
child feels he mastered water, favorably influences nervous system indispensable for successful
healing. Swimming good effects in some internal diseases and in particular in the respiratory and
circulatory disorders apparatus. All cases in which the normal functioning of the lungs is
impeded (organic or functional lesions) can be treated and by practicing swimming. The effects
of this treatment can be followed by controlling vital capacity and voluntary apnea, which grow
from one lesson to another. It is recognized today swimming favorable action in combating
varicose (dilated veins), decreasing venous pressure element that plays an important role in the
occurrence of this disease.
People with low blood pressure, tired, fatigue feel refreshing after a swimming session.
Action balancing the nervous system of blood vessel walls is applicable in the large group of
neurodegenerative disorders. We know that in all sports, swimming gives the lowest percentage
of vegetative disorders, because of this action. Activating blood circulation, prevents deposition
of fat swimming (cholesterol) in the blood vessel walls, thus combating arteriosclerosis,
therefore it is recommended to practice and age. Act favorably on people hypotensive active
metabolism. For easy exciting action, swimming is recommended in some disorders of endocrine
glands, thyroid insufficiency, the burnt body is slowed down, and the child has a developmental
delay psychophysics.
By practicing swimming obtained good results in obesity. It is recognized today that
restricting food or certain medications, taken in isolation, may not have lasting results, as long as
it is combined with physical exercise. Under this treatment is very effective swimming, driving
combustion in the body, normalizing the functions of endocrine glands (seriously affected in this
disease) contributing to decreased fat deposited on the abdomen, thighs and hips. The superiority
of the swimming to other natural culture media for this disease consists in the fact that, apart
from the effort made by the movement of the float, is also the amount of energy spent to
maintain the body temperature. In some disease states recovering after surgery on bones and
joints, constipation states. Swimming makes a real contribution to the treatment of the
Swimming in various disease indications we consider very useful for medical physical
culture instructors, parents and all those who want to train in this area, as handy puts an effective,
simple and pleasant treatment of various diseases.
Hygiene and recreational aspect of swimming
At the first signs of cold (bluish lips, shaking) recommended increasing exercise intensity
or out of the water continuing, if the air temperature permits, with exercises on land. If after
swimming lesson there is the possibility of making a hot shower, it will necessarily be followed
by a cold one, in order to prevent colds. It must be between water heated from the game or
prolonged exposure to the sun, for the rapid withdrawal of blood from the capillaries of the body
surface could affect the cardiovascular system, exposing children to the disease. Entering the
water will be at least 1-2 hours after a meal, as a significant amount of blood around the body is
concentrated in the digestive system for digestion. Scuba diving and water games made at greater
depths are not allowed until after a workout systematically to prevent inflammation of the ear
canal (otitis) that may occur in swimmers. All this purpose it is recommended that swimmers do
not wash with soap in the ears. Chemical action of soap mixed with water helps to dissolve the
waxy layer covering the skin very sensitive to the channel, allowing bacteria to attack.
Hygienic nature is demonstrated by the favorable effects on the human body as both
physical and mental development. As a recreational center, swimming is widespread due to its
accessibility to all ages (infants - elderly). Recreational character is satisfied that the practice of
not requiring special material efforts can be practiced in any lake, river or sea water. Water itself
is an attraction. Children love water, there shall organize games that go far beyond the
imagination of large. Water fishing, boating runs, surfing, water skiing site, walks with different
sailing boats or motors, are jumping into the water, diving, acrobatics.
The absence of gravity leads to relaxation and stress relieving effects of physical and
mental. The swimming is a means of entertainment that provides relaxation after work required
by an active rest and leisure useful organization. Swimming is practiced for the purpose of rest
and recovery. Body after a long work (school, work) needs a recovery period of rest to
strengthen health and to rebuild forces to resume work. In this direction we saw swimming
through multiple effects that they exert on the body by the action of natural environmental
factors, is particularly effective action.
Ardeleanu, Ghe., Tanasescu, I. - " Stages of physical development of children and youth ",
Medical Publishing House Bucharest, 1964;
Dominteanu, Teodora, - "How to be healthy ", Printech, Bucharest, 2009;
Dominteanu, Teodora, - "Guidelines for work -practical therapeutic swimming", Printech,
Bucharest, 2008;
Dragan, John - "Sports Medicine ", Medical Publishing House, Bucharest, 2002;
Ivan, Aurel - "Healthy human medicine ", Medical Publishing House, Bucharest, 1993;
Swimming can be considered a mainstream sport with great influence on improving
health and can be practiced at any age, from the first months of life up to old age, the ease with
which one can divide the effort. Thanks to the many changes that occur in the body and is
practiced hygienic conditions, swimming is one of the most comprehensive sports, he favors the
development of the qualities of strength, speed, skill, etc.
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