Introduction: Rectourethral fistula (RUF) is a rare and debilitating condition. Spontaneous closure is rarely
effective, and appropriate management regarding the timing of repair and surgical approach remains
debateable. This paper presents a case of a 14 year old mentally challenged male patient suffering over 6
months from RUF and advised surgery, but reluctant to undergo.
Material & Methods: This is case study method. Considering the patient’s morbid condition, as an alternative
the author who is a senior YPV healer started healing treatment using advanced YPV protocols to improve and
cure his RUF condition.
Results: Within 7 days of healing, the severity of the incontinence reduced as observed by the soiling of the bed.
Healing continued for 1 month, and the child recovered fully with no urinary incontinence and no recurrence
noticed during subsequent yearlong follow up.
Conclusion: Yoga Prana Vidya is an effective alternative modality of conservative management of urinary
fistula where other conservative measures failed and where the surgery had to be avoided due to the comorbid
condition and reluctance of the child.
Key words: Urinary Fistula, Rectourethrofistula, Pneumaturia, Faecaluria, Pelvic collection, Urinary