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A Rare Case of Urinary Fistula: Successful conservative management by Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) Healing

  • Independent Researcher
  • Sri Ramana Trust


Abstract Introduction: Rectourethral fistula (RUF) is a rare and debilitating condition. Spontaneous closure is rarely effective, and appropriate management regarding the timing of repair and surgical approach remains debateable. This paper presents a case of a 14 year old mentally challenged male patient suffering over 6 months from RUF and advised surgery, but reluctant to undergo. Material & Methods: This is case study method. Considering the patient’s morbid condition, as an alternative the author who is a senior YPV healer started healing treatment using advanced YPV protocols to improve and cure his RUF condition. Results: Within 7 days of healing, the severity of the incontinence reduced as observed by the soiling of the bed. Healing continued for 1 month, and the child recovered fully with no urinary incontinence and no recurrence noticed during subsequent yearlong follow up. Conclusion: Yoga Prana Vidya is an effective alternative modality of conservative management of urinary fistula where other conservative measures failed and where the surgery had to be avoided due to the comorbid condition and reluctance of the child. Key words: Urinary Fistula, Rectourethrofistula, Pneumaturia, Faecaluria, Pelvic collection, Urinary infection ----------------
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... Published research articles in the literature show that YPV healing techniques have been applied to successfully heal various ailments like Dislocation of knee cap [2], Hodgkin lymphoma cancer [3], Nephrotic Syndrome [4], Epilepticus [5], Snakebite [6], Urinary Fistula [7], Hyperthyroidism [8], High Cervical disc prolapse [9], Cholesterol and asthma [10], Exostosis of ear [11], Heart Block [12], Diabetes [13], Eye issues [14], Skin allergies [15], Dermatitis [16] and many other difficult medical cases [17]. This paper presents a report of 6 skin ailments healed by different healers successfully using the Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) system of Healing protocols without any medical treatment. ...
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Introduction: Skin ailments are those diseases that affect the skin. They can be triggered either due to some bacteria or fungal infections or some dust or food allergies or imbalances in the digestive system causing eruptions or itching on the surface of the skin. Some skin ailments are also genetic in nature caused due to poor lifestyle and environmental conditions. Material and Method: This study uses the case study method by collecting data from multiple patients and recording their feedback. Results: The skin conditions treated in 6 cases were: Skin Infection, Folliculitis, Warts on the skin, Boils on the skin, Skin allergy, and Fungal moles using YPV healing protocols along with the practice of YPV Sadhana App component, with complete cure resulting after a few weeks of healing. The patients experienced complete cures after the respective healers healed the cases, without any medical intervention. Conclusion: It is observed that the no touch and no drug, distance healing Yoga Prana Vidya modality which is a holistic and integrated energy healing system has been effective in treating a variety of ailments including various skin issues. Further research using appropriate sample and methodology is recommended.
... Published research articles in the literature show that YPV healing techniques have been applied to successfully heal various ailments like Dislocation of knee cap [5], Hodgkin lymphoma cancer [6], Nephrotic Syndrome [7], Epilepticus [8], Snake bite [9], Urinary Fistula [10], Hyperthyroidism [11], High Cervical disc prolapse [12], Cholesterol and asthma [13], Exostosis of ear [14], Heart Block [15], Diabetes [16], Eye issues [17] and many other difficult medical cases. [18] Chakrams controlling the gastrointestinal system of the body : Fig 2. shows the major energy centres or chakrams. ...
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Introduction: Fatty Liver is a disease in which there is excess amount of fat stored in the liver. If the condition is not treated, it may lead to serious liver disease. This paper presents a case of a patient detected with non- alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) who was healed successfully using Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) system of Healing protocols without the use of any medicines. Material and Method: This is a detailed case study method analysing the pre and post healing medical reports of a 58-year-old male who was diagnosed with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, who approached Yoga Prana Vidya healers for distant healing. Results: After 2 months of daily healing, the test reports of the patient showed no signs of fatty liver. A follow up test report after 2 years of the healing intervention also showed normal liver. Conclusion: It is observed that Yoga Prana Vidya healing which is a no touch, no-drug healing modality, which includes distant healing, has been used effectively in the treatment of Non- alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). YPV both as an alternative and complimentary medicine has been known to have successfully healed thousands of patients suffering from various ailments. This case is one of its kind as the ailment was treated completely without any other medication. There is a great scope for further research on this topic with appropriate sample sizes.
... Thus, YPV is an integral approach addressing various conditions of a person holistically. Documented evidence suggests that YPV system effectively cured some difficult Medical cases [5] enabled Diabetes Management and Control [6] removal of heart block without surgery [7] management of PHN(postherpetic neuralgia) [8] treating Exostosis of ear without surgery [9] treatment of eyes and improving vision [10] lower blood cholesterol levels [11] speedy recovery of COVID 19 patients [12] controlling hypothyroidism [13] management of CVJ anomaly [14] and treatment of a rare case of urinary Fistula without surgery [15]. ...
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Healthy aging is a state of being and a concept that overlaps psychology and healthcare domains. A concern for most adults is how to successfully live through healthy aging. It has also aroused great interest in scientific community to conduct exploratory and interventional studies to identify factors contributing to healthy aging and recommend ways and means to achieve it. In this context it is observed that Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) is an integrated and holistic process of composite body-mind healing that represents explanations and techniques to promote and maintain healthy aging through light physical exercises, rhythmic yogic breathing, Yogic super brain asana, meditation, energy body healing and right diet thereby improving and sustaining composite health (mental, emotional and physical health) of adults of all ages. In the conclusion it maybe said that introducing YPV to children and youth from schooling/college stage will foster naturally healthy life in adulthood with minimal or no-disease life in old age. Keywords: Bio-field energy healing; Healthy diet; Successful Healthy aging of Adults; Yoga Prana Vidya System; YPV; Self-healing
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