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Radical radiotherapy for paediatric solid tumour metastases: An overview of current European protocols and outcomes of a SIOPE multicenter survey


Abstract and Figures

Purpose/objective About 20% of children with solid tumours (ST) present with distant metastases (DM). Evidence regarding the use of radical radiotherapy of these DM is sparse and open for personal interpretation. The aim of this survey was to review European protocols and to map current practice regarding the irradiation of DM across SIOPE-affiliated countries. Materials/methods Radiotherapy guidelines for metastatic sites (bone, brain, distant lymph nodes, lung and liver) in eight European protocols for rhabdomyosarcoma, non-rhabdomyosarcoma soft-tissue sarcoma, Ewing sarcoma, neuroblastoma and renal tumours were reviewed. SIOPE centres irradiating ≥50 children annually were invited to participate in an online survey. Results Radiotherapy to at least one metastatic site was recommended in all protocols, except for high-risk neuroblastoma. Per protocol, dose prescription varied per site, and information on delineation and treatment planning/delivery was generally missing. Between July and September 2019, 20/27 centres completed the survey. Around 14% of patients were deemed to have DM from ST at diagnosis, of which half were treated with curative intent. A clear cut-off for a maximum number of DM was not used in half of the centres. Regardless of the tumour type and site, conventional radiotherapy regimens were most commonly used to treat DM. When stereotactic radiotherapy was used, a wide range of fractionation regimens were applied. Conclusion Current radiotherapy guidelines for DM do not allow a consistent approach in a multicentre setting. Prospective (randomised) trials are needed to define the role of radical irradiation of DM from paediatric ST.
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Original Research
Radical radiotherapy for paediatric solid tumour
metastases: An overview of current European protocols
and outcomes of a SIOPE multicenter survey
Sophie C. Huijskens
, Petra S. Kroon
Lorenza Gandola
, Stephanie Bolle
Candan D. Abakay
, Aikaterini Alexopoulou
, Jelena Bokun
Marzanna Chojnacka
, Alexandre Escande
, Jordi Giralt
John H. Maduro
, Henry Mandeville
, Anna Mussano
Aleksandra Napieralska
, Laetitia Padovani
, Giovanni Scarzello
Beate Timmermann
, Line Claude
, Enrica Seravalli
, Geert O. Janssens
Department of Radiation Oncology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Department of Oncology, University College London Hospitals, London, UK
Paediatric Radiotherapy Unit, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, Italy
Department of Radiation Oncology, Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France
Oncologie Radiotherapie, Institut de Cance
´rologie de l’Ouest, Nantes, France
Department of Radiation Oncology, Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey
Department of Radiation Oncology, Athens General Children’s Hospital, Athens, Greece
Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, Belgrado, Serbia
Department of Radiation Oncology, Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center-Institute, Warsaw, Poland
Department of Radiation Oncology, Oscar Lambret Comprehensive Cancer Center, Lille, France
Department of Radiation Oncology, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, Spain
Department of Radiation Oncology and Radiotherapy, Heidelberg University Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany
Department of Radiation Oncology, University Medical Center Groningen/Groningen Proton Center, Groningen, The Netherlands
Department of Radiotherapy, Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, UK
Department of Radiation Oncology, Citta della Salute e della Scienza, Torino, Italy
Department of Radiation Oncology, Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology Gliwice
Branch, Gliwice, Poland
Department of Radiation Oncology, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Marseille, France
Department of Radiation Oncology, Veneto Institute of Oncology, Padua, Italy
Department of Particle Therapy, University Hospital Essen, West German Proton Therapy Centre Essen (WPE), West
German Cancer Center (WTZ), German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), Essen, Germany
Department of Radiation Oncology, Centre Leon Berard, Lyon, France
Princess Ma
´xima Center for Paediatric Oncology, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Received 30 June 2020; received in revised form 22 October 2020; accepted 7 December 2020
*Corresponding author: Department of Radiotherapy, University Medical Center Utrecht, Heidelberglaan 100, HP: Q.02.2.314, Utrecht, 3584
CX, The Netherlands.
E-mail address: (P.S. Kroon).
0959-8049/ª2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Available online at
journal homepage:
European Journal of Cancer 145 (2021) 121e131
Soft-tissue sarcoma;
Ewing sarcoma;
Renal tumours;
Stage IV;
Abstract Purpose
objective: About 20% of children with solid tumours (ST) present with
distant metastases (DM). Evidence regarding the use of radical radiotherapy of these DM is
sparse and open for personal interpretation.
The aim of this survey was to review European protocols and to map current practice
regarding the irradiation of DM across SIOPE-affiliated countries.
methods: Radiotherapy guidelines for metastatic sites (bone, brain, distant lymph nodes,
lung and liver) in eight European protocols for rhabdomyosarcoma, non-rhabdomyosarcoma soft-
tissue sarcoma, Ewing sarcoma, neuroblastoma and renal tumours were reviewed. SIOPE centres
irradiating 50 children annually were invited to participate in an online survey.
Results: Radiotherapy to at least one metastatic site was recommended in all protocols, except for
high-risk neuroblastoma. Per protocol, dose prescriptionvariedpersite,andinformationondelin-
eation and treatment planning/delivery was generally missing.
Between July and September 2019, 20/27 centres completed the survey. Around 14% of patients
were deemed to have DM from ST at diagnosis, of which half were treated with curative intent. A
clear cut-off for a maximum number of DM was not used in half of the centres. Regardless of the
tumour type and site, conventional radiotherapy regimens were most commonly used to treat DM.
When stereotactic radiotherapy was used, a wide range of fractionation regimens were applied.
Conclusion: Current radiotherapy guidelines for DM do not allow a consistent approach in a multi-
centre setting. Prospective (randomised) trials are needed to define the role of radical irradiation of
DM from paediatric ST.
ª2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY
license (
1. Introduction
Advanced treatment strategies for localised paediatric
solid tumours (ST) result in overall survival rates between
60% and 95% [1e5]. However, around 20% of children
present with distant metastases. Improvement in out-
comes for these patients has been limited and achieving
cure remains challenging. Depending on histology, sur-
vival rates are around 35% (range 5e95%) and are mainly
obtained by advances in systemic therapy [4e9].
Whole lung irradiation has been included in pro-
tocols for Ewing sarcoma (ES), rhabdomyosarcoma
(RMS) and unfavourable renal tumours [8,9]. However,
there is little evidence supporting radiotherapy to other
metastatic sites: only a few papers have shown radio-
therapy to be effective for local control [10e15].
Offering patients with oligometastases a potentially
curative treatment, aiming to delay progression and
improve quality of life, is gaining importance in adult
radiation oncology [16e19]. In contrast to common
adult cancers, intensified systemic regimens without
radiotherapy offer some chance of cure for children and
adolescents with distant metastasis due to the increased
sensitivity of paediatric tumours and the plasticity of
normal tissues to recover easily from high-dose therapy
Stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy is increas-
ingly used in adult patients with oligometastatic disease,
producing good local control with limited toxicity
[16,17]. This technique requires accurate
immobilization, localization imaging and precise treat-
ment planning and delivery systems. It enables hypo-
fractionation with highly conformal dose distributions
and sparing of adjacent normal tissues. This approach
allows smaller margin sizes and larger doses in fewer
fractions compared to conventionally fractionated
radiotherapy [20]. In paediatrics, concomitant irradia-
tion of the primary tumour and all metastatic sites with
a conventional fractionation regimen becomes chal-
lenging with an increasing number of metastatic sites
since a prolonged treatment session demands enormous
compliance of the child, as well as enough machine and
anaesthesia capacity. On the other hand, hypofractio-
nation radiotherapy on metastatic sites allows irradia-
tion of a larger number of metastases within a daily
acceptable time slot while respecting the overall treat-
ment time, making it a more attractive alternative to
conventional radiotherapy.
The literature on the use of a stereotactic approach
with hypofractionation in paediatrics is limited to a
small number of retrospective reports, which demon-
strate feasibility and good local control [21e27]. How-
ever, the radiobiological effect of a higher dose per
fraction and the associated late effects are still unclear.
The purpose of this study is to map the recommended
practice on metastatic site irradiation in ongoing Euro-
pean protocols and to report the outcome of a survey
across SIOPE-affiliated countries of the current practice
of radiotherapy for metastases from paediatric ST.
S.C. Huijskens et al. / European Journal of Cancer 145 (2021) 121e131122
2. Materials and methods
2.1. European protocols applied across SIOPE-affiliated
To evaluate the current radiotherapy guidelines for
children presenting with metastatic disease, European
protocols for RMS and non-rhabdomyosarcoma soft-
tissue sarcoma (STS), ES, neuroblastoma (NBL) and
renal tumours were analyzed. Details regarding the
recommended radiotherapy procedures for metastatic
sites within these protocols were evaluated and stratified
by anatomical site (bone, brain, distant lymph nodes,
lung and liver). The total dose (Gy), dose per fraction,
number of fractions (fx) and the calculated equivalent
dose in 2 Gy fractions (EQD2) using an a/bratio of 3
for late effects and 10 for tumour tissue [28] were eval-
uated. Recommendations on delineation and margins
for the metastatic sites were collected.
2.2. Survey
To document the current practice of radiotherapy for
metastases from paediatric ST across SIOPE-affiliated
countries (,
an online survey with 44 questions was designed with
SurveyMonkey (SurveyMonkey Inc., San Mateo,
California, USA). The survey included multiple-choice,
dichotomous and open-ended questions.
2.2.1. Participants
The European Union Joint Action on Rare Cancer
(JARC) project mapped more than 230 paediatric
radiotherapy centres [29]. Centres irradiating at least 50
children annually were invited to complete the study-
related survey sent by email with a web link.
2.2.2. Population and tumour characteristics
Each department was asked to estimate the number of
children irradiated annually and the number presenting
with metastatic disease from RMS, STS, ES, NBL and
renal tumours. The treatment intent was categorised as
either palliative or curative (aiming to cure the patient
by giving a radical radiotherapy dose at the metastatic
site(s)). Metastatic disease was further stratified by the
treatment site: bone (spine and non-spine), brain, distant
lymph nodes, lung and liver. Numbers and information
on radiotherapy with curative intent for each site were
2.2.3. Imaging characteristics
For delineation and planning purposes, participants
were asked to indicate the imaging modalities used per
tumour type and site. As computed tomography (CT)
imaging is always needed for planning, the question
focussed on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and
positron emission tomography (PET), and specifically
for NBL patients iodine-123-metaiodobenzylguanidine/
single-photon emission computed tomography (mIBG/
2.2.4. RT characteristics
Questions on radiotherapy planning for metastatic sites
paid special attention to the use of a conventional or a
stereotactic technique. A conventional technique was
described according to ICRU 62/83 guidelines [30,31],
using a D
<107% and V
>99% for the planning
target volume (PTV) and fraction doses 2.0 Gy. For
stereotactic techniques, D
doses up to 140% were
commonly used with fraction doses above 2.0 Gy [32].
No distinction between conventional and stereotactic
techniques was made for the use of clinical target vol-
ume (CTV) margins. Participants indicated whether this
patient cohort was treated within a local, national or
international protocol. Additionally, specific doses and
fractionation schemes were collected and stratified by
the primary tumour site. Questions on immobilization
and position verification were asked.
2.2.5. Future steps
A request was made for future ideas concerning radio-
therapy with curative intent to metastatic sites from ST.
3. Results
3.1. Protocols
Eight European protocols on paediatric ST and their
radiotherapy procedures for primary metastatic disease
are listed in Table 1.
For RMS, the European paediatric Soft-tissue Sar-
coma Study Group (EpSSG) FaR-RMS (Frontline and
Relapsed RhabdoMyoSarcoma) protocol [33] is due to
open in 2020. In this protocol (version 1.0; dd 10-2019),
patients with unfavourable metastatic disease will be
randomised to receive, or not to receive, radiotherapy to
all sites of metastases, where feasible. Site-specific dose
and delineation guidelines for metastatic disease were
For non-rhabdomyosarcoma STS, the EpSSG
NRSTS-2005 protocol (version 1.1; dd 09-2009) was
evaluated [34]. Although primarily for non-metastatic
patients, radiotherapy for bone, brain, lymph nodes,
lung and liver metastases at diagnosis in patients with
extra-renal rhabdoid tumours was included.
For ES, the ‘Radiotherapy Guidelines’ document
(version 2.0; dd 01-2017) from the Euro Ewing-2012
protocol [35] described whole lung irradiation for pul-
monary metastatic disease. In contrast to the Euro-
Ewing-2008 protocol, Euro-Ewing 2012 gave no further
guidelines for brain and other extrapulmonary sites.
For metastatic NBL, the SIOPEN (International So-
ciety of Paediatric Oncology European Neuroblastoma
Group) HR-NBL2 protocol, opened in 2020, did not
S.C. Huijskens et al. / European Journal of Cancer 145 (2021) 121e131 123
Table 1
Recent and current clinical protocols describing radiotherapy procedures for primary metastatic disease from solid tumours with curative intent.
Site Tumour type Protocol Case Dose in Gy
Fx Dose/Fx EQD2
Margin Note
Bone RMS RMS-2005 e30 20 1.5e1.8 27e34.6 28.8e35.4 Depending on the site,
age and volume
Far-RMS-2019 Favourable metastatic disease
(Modified Oberlin Prognostic
Score of 1) [46]
41.4 23 1.8 39.7 40.7 GTV-CTV 5
e10 mm þCTV-PTV
local standard of care
Single phase
Exceptional cases of bulky
macroscopic residual metastatic
41.4 (þ9) 23 (þ5) 1.8 48.4 49.6 Two phase or SIB
STS NRSTS-2005 e25.2 14 1.8 24.2 24.8 GTV-CTV
margin for PTV
Entire bone (APPA)
ES Ewing-2008 e45 eee e If available and feasible:
Ewing-2012 eeeeee
NBL HR-NBL1 eeeeee
HR-NBL2 eeeeee
Renal Umbrella-2016 e30e30.6 10e17 1.8e3 29.4e36 30.1e32.5
Brain RMS RMS-2005 -eeeee
Far-RMS-2019 Pre-treatment tumour volume
20 cc and diameter <3cm
18e20 1 18e20 75.6 42 Target volume
delineation according to
local standard of care
24 3 8 52.8 36 SRT
30 5 6 54 40 SRT
Pre-treatment tumour volume
>20 cc and diameter >3cm
30 10 3 36 32.5 Whole brain
STS NRSTS-2005 Boost in patients 3 lesions <
3 years
21.6 (þ10.8) 12 (þ6) 1.8 20.7e31.1 21.2e31.9 Boost margin 0e1 cm Whole brain (boost with
ES Ewing-2008 Isolated metastases (þboost if 1
or 2 lesions with maximum
diameter 2e3cm)
30 (þ20) 15 (þ10) 2 30e50 30e50 Whole brain (þSRT)
Ewing-2012 eeeeee
NBL HR-NBL1 eeeeee
HR-NBL2 eeeeee
Renal Umbrella-2016 IM (þboost for macroscopic
residual disease)
15 (þ10.8) 10 (þ6) 1.5e1.8 13.5e27.6 14.4e28.3 Whole brain (þSIB)
HI (þboost for macroscopic
residual disease)
25 (þ10.8) 14 (þ6) 1.8 24.2e34.6 24.8e35.4 Whole brain (þSIB)
lymph nodes
RMS RMS-2005 e30 20 1.5e1.8 27e34.6 28.8e35.4 Depending on the site,
age and volume
Far-RMS-2019 e41.4 23 1.8 39.7 40.7 Target volume
delineation according to
local standard of care
Single phase
STS NRSTS-2005 e19.8 11 1.8 19 19.5 GTV-CTV
margin for PTV
ES Ewing-2008 eeeeee
Ewing-2012 eeeeee
NBL HR-NBL1 eeeeee
S.C. Huijskens et al. / European Journal of Cancer 145 (2021) 121e131124
HR-NBL2 eeeeee
Renal Renal eeeeee
Lung RMS RMS-2005 e15 10 1.5 13.5 14.4 Whole lung
Far-RMS-2019 e15 10 1.5 13.5 14.4 Target volume
delineation according to
local standard of care
Whole lung (APPA)
STS NRSTS-2005 <12 months 10.5 7 1.5 9.5 10.1 CTV-PTV 1e2 mm Whole lung
12 months 15 10 1.5 13.5 14.4 Whole lung
ES Ewing-2008 14 years 15 2 Fx/day 1.25 12.8 14.1 Whole lung (APPA)
>14 years 18 12 1.5 16.2 17.3 Whole lung (APPA)
Ewing-2012 14 years 15 10 1.25 12.8 14.1 CTV-PTV 1 cm Whole lung (APPA)
>14 years 18 12 1.5 16.2 17.3 Respiratory-gated
radiotherapy can be
NBL HR-NBL1 eeeeee
HR-NBL2 eeeeee
Renal Renal IM (þboost for macroscopic
residual disease)
12 (þ10-13) 8 1.5 10.8 11.5 Whole lung (þSBRT
HI (þboost for macroscopic
residual disease)
15 (þ15-20) 10 1.5 13.5 14.4 Whole lung (þSBRT
Liver RMS RMS-2005 e30 20 1.5e1.8 27e34.6 28.8e35.4 Depending on the site,
age and volume
Far-RMS-2019 eeeeee
STS NRSTS-2005 <12 months 15 10 1.5 13.5 14.4 Whole liver (if diffusely
12 months 19.8 11 1.8 19 19.5 Whole liver (if diffusely
ES Ewing-2008 e-----
Ewing-2012 e-----
NBL HR-NBL1 eeeeee
HR-NBL2 eeeeee
Renal Renal IM (þboost for macroscopic
residual disease)
14.4 (þ10.8) 8 (þ6) 1.8 13.8e24.2 14.2e24.8 Whole liver (þSIB/
HI (þboost for macroscopic
residual disease)
20e25.2 (þ16.2) 11 (þ9) 1.8 19.0e34.6 19.5e35.4 Whole liver (þSIB/
Details adapted from recent and current clinical protocols for Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS, EpSSG-RMS-2005 and Far-RMS-2019), Soft Tissue Sarcoma (STS, EpSSG-NRSTS-2005), Ewing Sarcoma
(ES, EWING-2008 and 2012), Neuroblastoma (NBL, HRNBL-1 and 2 QUARTET), Renal tumours (SIOP-RTSG UMBRELLA 2016).
Other abbreviations: IM: intermediate risk histology, HI: High risk histology, (E)SRT: (extracranial) stereotactic radiotherapy, SIB: simultaneous integrated boost, SBRT: stereotactic body
S.C. Huijskens et al. / European Journal of Cancer 145 (2021) 121e131 125
recommend systematic radiotherapy of distant metastatic
sites [36], in line with the earlier HR-NBL1 protocol.
Since June 2019, paediatric renal tumour patients are
registered in the SIOP-Renal Tumour Study Group
2016) [37]. For both intermediate- and high-risk histology
subgroups, radiotherapy is advocated for bone, brain,
lung and liver metastases. Unresected residual metastases
or the area of macroscopic incomplete resection of me-
tastases may be boosted by a stereotactic technique or by
using a simultaneous integrated boost (SIB).
In summary, radiotherapy to at least one metastatic
site was recommended in all protocols, except for HR-
NBL2. Dose prescription varied per site. Recommen-
dations for treatment planning and delivery techniques
were sporadic. Protocols mentioned that metastatic site
radiotherapy can be considered by local multidisci-
plinary teams and treated according to local expertise
and practice. Discussion with the study coordinator is
recommended for complex cases.
3.2. Survey
3.2.1. Participants
Twenty-one of 27 centres (78%) from nine countries
responded. One did not complete the survey and was
excluded (resulting NZ20).
3.2.2. Patient selection
Within the twenty radiotherapy departments, an esti-
mated number of 2524 paediatric patients (median per
centre 90, range 50e450) were treated annually.
Approximately 14% (NZ357) presented with meta-
static disease, of which half (NZ181) were treated with
curative intent (Fig. 1). Regardless of the tumour type,
over 65% of the radiotherapy centres agreed that pri-
mary metastatic disease could be irradiated with cura-
tive intent. Poor prognosis was the major reason not to
offer potentially curative radiotherapy (Fig. 2). Half of
the centres did not define a maximum number of met-
astatic lesions, while 13% of the centres did not irradiate
with curative intent when more than one lesion is pre-
sent. If the number of sites would be a limiting factor at
presentation, reconsideration of radiotherapy after
neoadjuvant chemotherapy was mentioned by 75%.
3.2.3. Imaging characteristics
MRI-guided metastatic target volume delineation was
done nearly exclusively for CNS lesions, and commonly
for bone, distant lymph nodes and liver lesions (Fig. 3).
Lung lesions are defined by a CT-scan often combined
with a PET-scan. For NBL, the mIBG/SPECT is used to
define all kind of metastases. Five centres (25%) re-
ported an MRI-scanner within the radiotherapy
department and scanned patients in the radiotherapy
treatment position. Fifteen centres perform their MRI-
scans within the radiology departments and usually
not (12 out of 15 centres) in the radiotherapy treatment
3.2.4. Treatment planning
As illustrated in Fig. 4, all photon radiotherapy de-
partments (NZ19) use at least a conventional planning
technique. Twelve radiotherapy departments (63%) also
use stereotactic planning techniques and fractionation
schemes, in particular for brain metastases. Deciding
between conventional and stereotactic approaches
depended on reasons including the number of lesions,
volume size and dose constraints for organs at risk. Six
out of 20 departments, four in France, used a stereo-
tactic technique according to an institutional or a na-
tional protocol [38,39], yielding varying dose
prescriptions (16e50 Gy) and fractionation schemes
(1e7 fractions), depending on the primary tumour type,
metastatic site, as well as radiotherapy department.
3.2.5. Treatment delivery
A thermoplastic mask and vacuum mattress were
routinely used by all centres depending on the anatom-
ical location (Fig. 5). Position verification was done
either by correcting for rotation and translation (>70%
for both conventional and stereotactic techniques) or
translation only (approximately 20%). Offline correc-
tions were used in a limited number of departments for
conventional techniques only (Fig. 5).
For photon delivery, rotational intensity-modulated
radiation therapy (IMRT) was most commonly used
(85% of the centres, regardless of the lesion site), fol-
lowed by conventional IMRT (on average 41%). For
proton delivery, a pencil beam scanning technique, with
either a uniform dose beam or intensity-modulated
proton therapy was equally reported by the four proton
Fig. 1. Overview of the estimated annual numbers of paediatric
patients receiving radiotherapy at the 20 participating centres,
categorized as either non-metastatic (grey) or metastatic (blue/
yellow). From the latter category, around 50% is treated with
palliative (blue) or curative (yellow) intent. (For interpretation of
the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred
to the Web version of this article.)
S.C. Huijskens et al. / European Journal of Cancer 145 (2021) 121e131126
3.2.6. Future steps
All participants expressed concerns about the current lack
of well-defined guidelines in protocols for metastatic
disease, in particular selection criteria for hypofractio-
nation, and dose prescription per tumour type, margin
size and metastatic site. Furthermore, all participants are
in favour of cooperative research groups conducting
(randomised) trials for irradiation of metastatic sites.
4. Discussion
This study describes a subset of European protocols and
clinical practice of radical radiotherapy for metastatic
sites in childhood ST across twenty major European
departments. It shows significant variation in protocol
recommendations and reported practice.
The overall survival of metastatic paediatric ST can
range between 5% and 95%, mainly depending on his-
tology, site and number of metastases [40,41]. In contrast
to adults with stage IV disease, no randomised trials have
been completed to demonstrate the role of radiotherapy
to metastases in children [16e18]. However, the current
FaR-RMS trial includes a randomisation to evaluate
this. Patients with unfavourable metastatic disease will
be randomised to receive loco-regional radiotherapy
only versus radiotherapy to all metastatic sites where
feasible. However, further details or criteria for this
feasibility are lacking in the protocol. So far, evidence for
radiotherapy is limited to a small number of retrospec-
tive analyses [10e14]. Nevertheless, most survey re-
spondents are in favour of potentially curative metastatic
radiotherapy, with some disagreement on the maximum
number of metastatic sites, taking into account that with
an increasing number of metastases, prognosis worsens
[40e42]. The exact number of lesions does not play a key
role in current European protocols [33e37]. Whether the
number should be used as a cut-off for curative radio-
therapy is uncertain, as high-resolution imaging tech-
niques are of higher possibility to demonstrate more
smaller lesions. With an increasing number of visible
metastases, the feasibility of conventional radiotherapy
will become more challenging. On the other hand, a
stereotactic technique with a limited number of fractions
may facilitate full treatment respecting the overall
treatment time.
In adults, the current radiotherapy approach for
multifocal metastatic disease has a strong focus on ste-
reotactic techniques with hypofractionation [16e18]. In
general, carcinomas require a much higher biological
dose than paediatric embryonal tumours to achieve local
control. Given the higher incidence and the longer
experience of biologically effective dose calculations,
dose and fractionation schemes are well developed for
the vast majority of adult tumours [43]. Similar radio-
biological data for children, balancing the lower doses
needed to obtain disease control and the higher age-
dependent risk of normal tissue toxicity by the use of
hypofractionation regimens, are lacking. The latter be-
comes even more important when thinking of hypo-
fractionation with protons [44].
This survey shows that conventionally fractionated
rotational IMRT is currently the main technique for the
radical irradiation of metastatic disease in children
regardless of any tumour type. Also in the literature,
evidence for hypofractionated stereotactic radiotherapy
in children is limited. Some studies showed the feasi-
bility of a stereotactic technique, with varying dose and
fractionation schemes [26,39,45]. Local control rates
ranged from 50 to 85% at a median follow-up of 2 years,
with no acute or severe late toxicities observed
[26,39,44]. Casey et al. retrospectively evaluated the in-
dications for a radiotherapy dose and fractionation
schedule with curative intent of 49 bone metastases in
RMS and ES patients [12]. Hypofractionation with
3.0e8.0 Gy per fraction was utilized in 10/49 bone le-
sions only, conventional normofractionation in 34/49
bones and hyperfractionation with 1.5 Gy twice per day
in 5/49 bones. The use of mild hypofractionation resul-
ted in a similar local control.
All respondents mentioned that large prospective
registration studies are needed to understand tumour
Fig. 2. Potential limiting factors for radiotherapy with curative intent on metastatic sites (x-axis) (left). Focussing on the number of
metastatic sites, centres indicated whether they use a maximum number of candidate lesions or not (right).
S.C. Huijskens et al. / European Journal of Cancer 145 (2021) 121e131 127
control and side-effects on different tissues after non-
conventional fractionation regimens. In France, a na-
tional prospective study considering a stereotactic
approach in children was started in 2013 and included
48 patients so far [38]. Fifteen patients underwent
hypofractionation radiotherapy for brain, lung or spinal
lesions during first-line treatment. The stereotactic
approach was feasible and safe for all patients, but more
follow-up is needed to evaluate middle-term and long-
term toxicity [38]. Without any further results from
these prospective trials, prescribed doses to metastases
in the biologic range of the primary tumour dose are
recommended [12]. In addition to registration studies,
dosimetric studies investigating a range of dose and
fractionation schedules for different metastatic sites and
related constraints could lead to a better understanding
of the feasibility of hypofractionation and the dose
distribution in healthy surrounding tissues in children.
Our survey has certain limitations. It relied on re-
spondents’ knowledge and experience, and questions
were answered on how participating radiation oncolo-
gists (would) act in specific situations. Since some of the
cases described in this survey are relatively rare, to
ensure a minimum of clinical experience, only centres
irradiating at least 50 children annually were invited to
participate [29]. All participants irradiated at least one
Fig. 3. Percentages of centres indicating which imaging modalities were used to define (and delineate) the target volume for a metastatic
site, such as bone, brain, lymph nodes, lung and liver. Abbreviations: PET,Positron Emission Tomography;MRI,Magnetic Resonance
Imaging and MIBG/SPECT:iodine-123-metaiodobenzylguanidine/single-photon emission computed tomography.
Fig. 4. Percentages of departments using conventional only (in blue), stereotactic only (in yellow) or both techniques (in green) for
metastatic disease categorised by site and per primary tumour (between brackets (N)Znumber of centres that indicated to irradiate with
curative intent) Abbreviations: RMS,rhabdomyosarcoma; STS,soft-tissue sarcoma; ES,Ewing sarcoma; NBL,neuroblastoma and R,renal
tumours. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
S.C. Huijskens et al. / European Journal of Cancer 145 (2021) 121e131128
patient of the type being surveyed (median 6, range
1e37), annually. Although smaller centres were not
invited for the survey, this study reflects on current
radiotherapy practices applicable to the whole paediat-
ric radiotherapy community.
In addition, our protocol review and survey focussed
on radiotherapy procedures with curative intent for
metastatic disease at primary diagnosis and makes no
recommendations for radiotherapy on metastatic sites in
the context of salvage or palliation. The role of radio-
therapy to metastatic sites as part of a salvage approach
at the time of disease relapse is best discussed on an
individual basis within a multidisciplinary team or by
contacting experts in the field. In the context of pallia-
tion, hypofractionation radiotherapy with a variety of
fractions and doses can easily be applied mainly
depending on the tumour type, site and life expectancy.
The next step towards further consensus is to set up a
radiotherapy working group for ST with primary met-
astatic disease to discuss the total- and fraction dose-
related issues per site, age group and per disease cate-
gory, and tackling issues like normal tissue tolerance
and biologically effective dose calculations. To
understand tumour control and side-effects, taking into
account the potential variables, large registries are
In conclusion, the present study reviewed the radio-
therapeutic approach for metastatic sites in current
European paediatric ST study protocols. A survey
across SIOPE-affiliated centres unveiled consistencies
and differences regarding patient selection and treat-
ment characteristics. A collaboration of experts from
leading paediatric radiotherapy departments is needed
to reach consensus on the local approach of metastatic
sites. This is essential to set up prospective (randomised)
trials to generate more evidence on the first-line radio-
therapy to metastatic sites in stage IV disease.
Authors contributions
Study concepts: P.S. Kroon, E. Seravalli, G.O. Janssens.
Study design: P.S. Kroon, E. Seravalli, G.O.
Data acquisition: All co-authors.
Quality control of data and algorithms: S.C.
Huijskens, P.S. Kroon, G.O. Janssens.
Fig. 5. Details regarding immobilization devices (upper panel) and position verification methods (lower panel) used for conventional (left
bar) and stereotactic (right bar) planning techniques indicated per metastatic site. The number between the brackets indicates the number
of centres reporting the use of conventional and/or stereotactic planning techniques.
S.C. Huijskens et al. / European Journal of Cancer 145 (2021) 121e131 129
Data analysis and interpretation: S.C. Huijskens, P.S.
Kroon, G.O. Janssens.
Statistical analysis: NA.
Manuscript preparation: S.C. Huijskens, P.S. Kroon,
E. Seravalli, G.O. Janssens.
Manuscript editing: All co-authors.
Manuscript review: All co-authors.
Funding and role of the funding source
Stichting Kinderen Kankervrij [project no. 343].
KiKa (Children Cancer Free) foundation, grant
number 343 and title: Towards optimization of radio-
therapy techniques for metastatic lesions in children
stage IV disease.
The funding source had no role in the study design,
collection, analysis and interpretation of data, writing of
this manuscript or the decision to submit the article for
Conflict of interest statement
None declared.
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... In patients with residual tumors, the availability of on-board functional imaging (DWI, ADC) may help to individualize the treatment fractions [17][18][19][20]. Although rarely integrated in current pediatric protocols, a comprehensive local approach including adiotherapy to metastatic sites in children, in line with tackling oligometastatic disease in adults, is an interesting option for upcoming study protocols [25]. Therefore, in our opinion assessing the added value of MRgRT is essential to understand for which indications this technology should be introduced/used. ...
... In contrast to adults, low patient numbers, complex and postoperative target volumes like Wilms' tumors and rhabdomyosarcoma, elongated field sizes as observed in Hodgkin lymphoma and the lack of well-established hypofractionation regimens to treat primary or oligometastatic disease, hamper the easy implementation of MRgRT in the field of pediatric oncology [25,26]. In addition, technical advances are clearly needed in order to make MRgRT more attractive for the pediatric patient population. ...
... A response rate of 71% is comparable to response rates in other publications based on survey results like e.g. Huijskens [25]. Therefore, it is considered sufficient to roughly estimate the added value of MRgRT for pediatrics. ...
Full-text available
Background and purpose Magnetic resonance guided radiotherapy (MRgRT) has been successfully implemented for several routine clinical applications in adult patients. The purpose of this study is to map the potential benefit of MRgRT on toxicity reduction and outcome in pediatric patients treated with curative intent for primary and metastatic sites. Materials and methods Between May and August 2020, a survey was distributed among SIOPE- and COG-affiliated radiotherapy departments, treating at least 25 pediatrics patients annually and being (candidate) users of a MRgRT system. The survey consisted of a table with 45 rows (clinical scenarios for primary (n=28) and metastatic (n=17) tumors) and 7 columns (toxicity reduction, outcome improvement, PTV margin reduction, target volume daily adaptation, online re-planning, intrafraction motion compensation and on-board functional imaging) and the option to answer by ‘yes/no’ . Afterwards, the Dutch national radiotherapy cohort was used to estimate the percentage of pediatric treatments that may benefit from MRgRT. Results The survey was completed by 12/17 (71% response rate) institutions meeting the survey inclusion criteria. Responders indicated an ‘expected benefit’ from MRgRT for toxicity/outcome in 7% (for thoracic lymphomas and abdominal rhabdomyosarcomas)/0% and 18% (for mediastinal lymph nodes, lymph nodes located in the liver/splenic hilum, and liver metastases)/0% of the considered scenarios for the primary and metastatic tumor sites, respectively, and a ‘possible benefit’ was estimated in 64%/46% and 47%/59% of the scenarios. When translating the survey outcome into a clinical perspective a toxicity/outcome benefit, either expected or possible, was anticipated for 55%/24% of primary sites and 62%/38% of the metastatic sites. Conclusion Although the benefit of MRgRT in pediatric radiation oncology is estimated to be modest, the potential role for reducing toxicity and improving clinical outcomes warrants further investigation. This fits best within the context of prospective studies or registration trials.
... A recent survey across leading European paediatric radiotherapy centres unveiled both consistencies and differences regarding the radiotherapy approach with curative intent on metastatic sites, especially regarding patient selection and treatment characteristics [4]. A growing interest in hypofractionation was noticed, but prescription doses and fractionation schedules are currently mainly based on local experience and institutional protocols [4]. ...
... A recent survey across leading European paediatric radiotherapy centres unveiled both consistencies and differences regarding the radiotherapy approach with curative intent on metastatic sites, especially regarding patient selection and treatment characteristics [4]. A growing interest in hypofractionation was noticed, but prescription doses and fractionation schedules are currently mainly based on local experience and institutional protocols [4]. ...
... Moreover, in current European paediatric solid tumour protocols, hypofractionation is sporadically recommended [5][6][7][8]. Across the respondents of the survey, an urgent need for consensus on the total and fraction dose per site, age group and disease category was expressed [4]. ...
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Background and purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the feasibility of hypofractionated schedules for metastatic bone/bone marrow lesions in children and to investigate dosimetric differences to the healthy surrounding tissues compared to conventional schedules. Methods: 27 paediatric patients (mean age, 7 years) with 50 metastatic bone/bone marrow lesions (n=26 cranial, n=24 extra-cranial) from solid primary tumours (neuroblastoma and sarcoma) were included. The PTV was a 2 mm expansion of the GTV. A prescription dose of 36 and 54 Gy EQD2α/β=10 was used for neuroblastoma and sarcoma lesions, respectively. VMAT plans were optimized for each single lesion using different fractionation schedules: conventional (30/20fx, V95%≥99%, D0.1cm3≤107%) and hypofractionated (15/10/5/3fx, V100%≥95%, D0.1cm3≤120%). Relative EQD2 differences in OARs Dmean between the different schedules were compared. Results: PTV coverage was met for all plans independently of the fractionation schedule and for all lesions (V95% range 95.5-100%, V100% range 95.1-100%), with exception of the vertebrae (V100% range 63.5-91.0%). For most OARs, relative mean reduction in the Dmean was seen for the hypofractionated plans compared to the conventional plans, with largest sparing in the 5fx (<43%) followed by the 3fx schedule (<40%). In case of PTV overlap with an OAR, a significant increase in dose for the OAR was observed with hypofractionation. Conclusions: For the majority of the cases, iso-effective plans with hypofractionation were feasible with similar or less dose in the OARs. The most suitable fractionation schedule should be personalised depending on the spatial relationship between the PTV and OARs and the prescription dose.
... Finally, a small study by Sangthawan et al. was reviewed; it was not found in our primary literature search but was identified from a prior systematic review [40] . This study evaluated 20 patients who received radiation to residual mIBG-positive sites of disease. ...
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Aim: Neuroblastoma has a variable outcome depending on age, stage, and molecular pathology. Distant metastatic disease is the central feature of high-risk disease. Recommendations for irradiating persistent metastatic deposits with curative intent after systemic therapy vary. It is unclear to what extent this practice may improve local control or survival. This study systematically reviewed the evidence for skeletal metastatic site irradiation and made evidence-based recommendations for clinical practice. Methods: We systematically reviewed the literature on radical radiotherapy of persistent metastases after chemotherapy. The aim was to determine whether a position could be taken regarding metastatic site irradiation in combined modality treatment protocols aiming for a cure and whether recommendations could be formulated. Results: The initial search yielded 445 results. After the title and abstract review, 13 full papers were retrieved. Ten papers were found suitable for data extraction. One additional paper was identified. All 11 were graded as Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine Step 4 in quality; there was no high-level evidence. There are suggestions of benefit for skeletal site irradiation in high-risk neuroblastoma; however, there is no certainty, and it was not possible to recommend a particular treatment policy. Conclusion: We recommend that consideration is given to a randomised evaluation of the benefits of radiotherapy to a limited number of residual post-induction-chemotherapy metastatic sites in good responders. This practice could be incorporated as an amendment to existing trials.
... Not surprising, hypoxic tumor subvolumes have been correlated with tumor evasion signatures such as tumoral immune escape, proliferation, mutational status and stemness [23,24,27]. In general, cancer stem cells represent a tumor subpopulation responsible for tumor metastasis and resistance to radiotherapy, ultimately leading to tumor relapse [28][29][30]. ...
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Background The microscopic tumor extension before, during or after radiochemotherapy (RCHT) and its correlation with the tumor microenvironment (TME) are presently unknown. This information is, however, crucial in the era of image-guided, adaptive high-precision photon or particle therapy. Materials and methods In this pilot study, we analyzed formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tumor resection specimen from patients with histologically confirmed squamous cell carcinoma (SCC; n=10) or adenocarcinoma (A; n=10) of the esophagus, having undergone neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy followed by resection (NRCHT+R) or resection (R)]. FFPE tissue sections were analyzed by immunohistochemistry regarding tumor hypoxia (HIF-1α), proliferation (Ki67), immune status (PD1), cancer cell stemness (CXCR4), and p53 mutation status. Marker expression in HIF-1α subvolumes was part of a sub-analysis. Statistical analyses were performed using one-sided Mann-Whitney tests and Bland-Altman analysis. Results In both SCC and AC patients, the overall percentages of positive tumor cells among the five TME markers, namely HIF-1α, Ki67, p53, CXCR4 and PD1 after NRCHT were lower than in the R cohort. However, only PD1 in SCC and Ki67 in AC showed significant association (Ki67: p=0.03, PD1: p=0.02). In the sub-analysis of hypoxic subvolumes among the AC patients, the percentage of positive tumor cells within hypoxic regions were statistically significantly lower in the NRCHT than in the R cohort across all the markers except for PD1. Conclusion In this pilot study, we showed changes in the TME induced by NRCHT in both SCC and AC. These findings will be correlated with microscopic tumor extension measurements in a subsequent cohort of patients.
Cancer in childhood represent 1% of all the new diagnosed cancers. About 30% of children with cancer receive radiation therapy, representing about 600 to 700 patients per year in France. As a consequence, paediatric cancers with synchronous metastasis is a very rare situation in oncology, with usually poor standard of care. However, considerable efforts are made by paediatric oncology scientific societies to offer trials or treatment consensus despite these rare situations. The article proposes to synthesize the radiotherapy management of both primary tumour and synchronous metastasis in the most "common" childhood or adolescent cancers.
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Importance Complete metastatic ablation of oligometastatic prostate cancer may provide an alternative to early initiation of androgen deprivation therapy (ADT). Objective To determine if stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) improves oncologic outcomes in men with oligometastatic prostate cancer. Design, Setting, and Participants The Observation vs Stereotactic Ablative Radiation for Oligometastatic Prostate Cancer (ORIOLE) phase 2 randomized study accrued participants from 3 US radiation treatment facilities affiliated with a university hospital from May 2016 to March 2018 with a data cutoff date of May 20, 2019, for analysis. Of 80 men screened, 54 men with recurrent hormone-sensitive prostate cancer and 1 to 3 metastases detectable by conventional imaging who had not received ADT within 6 months of enrollment or 3 or more years total were randomized. Interventions Patients were randomized in a 2:1 ratio to receive SABR or observation. Main Outcomes and Measures The primary outcome was progression at 6 months by prostate-specific antigen level increase, progression detected by conventional imaging, symptomatic progression, ADT initiation for any reason, or death. Predefined secondary outcomes were toxic effects of SABR, local control at 6 months with SABR, progression-free survival, Brief Pain Inventory (Short Form)–measured quality of life, and concordance between conventional imaging and prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA)–targeted positron emission tomography in the identification of metastatic disease. Results In the 54 men randomized, the median (range) age was 68 (61-70) years for patients allocated to SABR and 68 (64-76) years for those allocated to observation. Progression at 6 months occurred in 7 of 36 patients (19%) receiving SABR and 11 of 18 patients (61%) undergoing observation (P = .005). Treatment with SABR improved median progression-free survival (not reached vs 5.8 months; hazard ratio, 0.30; 95% CI, 0.11-0.81; P = .002). Total consolidation of PSMA radiotracer-avid disease decreased the risk of new lesions at 6 months (16% vs 63%; P = .006). No toxic effects of grade 3 or greater were observed. T-cell receptor sequencing identified significant increased clonotypic expansion following SABR and correlation between baseline clonality and progression with SABR only (0.082085 vs 0.026051; P = .03). Conclusions and Relevance Treatment with SABR for oligometastatic prostate cancer improved outcomes and was enhanced by total consolidation of disease identified by PSMA-targeted positron emission tomography. SABR induced a systemic immune response, and baseline immune phenotype and tumor mutation status may predict the benefit from SABR. These results underline the importance of prospective randomized investigation of the oligometastatic state with integrated imaging and biological correlates. Trial Registration Identifier: NCT02680587
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Aims: Cancer remains a leading cause of death in children and adolescents in the developed world. Despite advances in oncological management, rates of primary treatment failure remain significant. Radiation of recurrent or metastatic disease improves survival in adults but there is little data to support clinical decision making in the paediatric/teenage and young adult population. Materials and methods: We present a retrospective case series of 14 patients treated with stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy or stereotactic radiosurgery at The Royal Marsden Hospital from September 2011 to December 2015. Eligible patients were aged <25 years, with Lansky/Karnofsky performance status ≥60 with confirmed relapsed or metastatic tumour in fewer than three sites. Follow-up was in accordance with standard clinical care and included regular outpatient review and radiological surveillance. Local control, progression-free survival and overall survival are presented. Results: Data for 14 patients with 18 treated lesions were included. The median patient age was 15 years (range 5-20 years). Nine patients were treated for local recurrence and five for metastatic lesions. All patients had already undergone multiple previous treatments. Eleven patients had undergone previous radiotherapy. The median interval between the completion of initial radiotherapy and reirradiation was 29.0 months (range 0.2-49.5 months). The median follow-up was 3.4 years (range 0.28-6.4 years). The 1-year local control rate was 78.6% and the 2-year local control rate was 57.1%. Overall median survival was 58.4 months (95% confidence interval 33.8-82.9 months). Cumulative biologically effective doses (BED) over 200 Gy were associated with late toxicity (P = 0.04). Conclusion: Radical doses of short-course hypofractionated radiotherapy can achieve excellent local control and may contribute to the prolongation of overall survival. There is a need for prospective trials exploring the use of ablative radiotherapy in metastatic disease in paediatric/teenage and young adult patients in order to establish safe and effective treatment schedules.
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Purpose: The R2Pulm trial was conducted to evaluate the effect of busulfan-melphalan high-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem-cell rescue (BuMel) without whole-lung irradiation (WLI) on event-free survival (main end point) and overall survival, compared with standard chemotherapy with WLI in Ewing sarcoma (ES) presenting with pulmonary and/or pleural metastases. Methods: From 2000 to 2015, we enrolled patients older than 50 years of age with newly diagnosed ES and with only pulmonary or pleural metastases. Patients received chemotherapy with six courses of vincristine, ifosfamide, doxorubicin, and etoposide (VIDE) and one course of vincristine, dactinomycin, and ifosfamide (VAI) before either BuMel or seven courses of VAI and WLI (VAI plus WLI) by randomized assignment. The analysis was conducted as intention to treat. The estimates of the hazard ratio (HR), 95% CI, and P value were corrected for the three previous interim analyses by the inverse normal method. Results: Of 543 potentially eligible patients, 287 were randomly assigned to VAI plus WLI (n = 143) or BuMel (n = 144). Selected patients requiring radiotherapy to an axial primary site were excluded from randomization to avoid excess organ toxicity from interaction between radiotherapy and busulfan. Median follow-up was 8.1 years. We did not observe any significant difference in survival outcomes between treatment groups. Event-free survival was 50.6% versus 56.6% at 3 years and 43.1% versus 52.9% at 8 years, for VAI plus WLI and BuMel patients, respectively, resulting in an HR of 0.79 (95% CI, 0.56 to 1.10; P = .16). For overall survival, the HR was 1.00 (95% CI, 0.70 to 1.44; P = .99). Four patients died as a result of BuMel-related toxicity, and none died after VAI plus WLI. Significantly more patients in the BuMel arm experienced severe acute toxicities than in the VAI plus WLI arm. Conclusion: In ES with pulmonary or pleural metastases, there is no clear benefit from BuMel compared with conventional VAI plus WLI.
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Purpose To report a case series of 3 pediatric patients treated with Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) for lung metastases. Patients and methods Three patients (ages 9, 11, and 21) received SBRT for rhabdoid tumor, Ewing sarcoma, and Wilms tumor histologies, respectively. SBRT doses were 37.5–50 Gy in 3–5 fractions treating twelve lesions. Results Three patients (ages 9, 11, and 21) received photon SBRT for pulmonary metastases. The patients were as follows: 1) 21-year-old male with favorable histology Wilms tumor and 1 lesion treated, 2) 11-year-old female with Ewing sarcoma and 1 lesion treated for relapse after previous whole lung radiation (15 Gy), and 3) 9-year-old female with rhabdoid tumor of the left thigh with 10 lesions treated over a two-year period. Median dose delivered was 40 Gy (range, 37.5–50 Gy), delivered in a median of 4 fractions (range, 4–5) of a median of 10 Gy per fraction (range, 9.4–10 Gy). Within a minimum follow-up of 1.9 years (range 1.9–4 years), local control for all 13 treated metastases is 100% without any observed acute toxicities. One possible late toxicity (grade 2 rib fracture) developed 1.3 years following SBRT for treatment of a peripheral lesion (rhabdoid tumor) in an area of disease progression and was managed conservatively. Two patients are surviving 2.9 years (Wilms tumor) and 1.9 years (Ewing sarcoma) after SBRT, and one (rhabdoid tumor) expired 2 years after her final course (4 years after initial SBRT). Two patients (rhabdoid tumor and Ewing sarcoma) suffered disease progression outside of the treated lesions and one patient (Wilms tumor) is without evidence of disease and has not required whole lung irradiation or further systemic therapy. Conclusion SBRT appears effective and well tolerated for pediatric lung metastases, however further studies are warranted.
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Disparities in survival and long-term side-effects from paediatric cancer are observed across European Society for Paediatric Oncology (SIOPE)eaffiliated countries. The Joint Action on Rare Cancers (JARC) is a project supported by the European Union and member states aiming to formulate recommendations on rare cancers, including paediatric malignancies, to reduce inequalities and to improve health outcomes. Most paediatric cancers are treated by a combination of systemic agents, surgery and/or radiotherapy. Radiotherapy for children is becoming increasingly complex because of the growing availability of new modalities and techniques and the evolution in molecular biology. These added challenges have the potential to enhance disparities in survival and side-effects between countries, but also among centres in the same country. To tackle radiotherapy-related inequalities, representatives of SIOPE, European SocieTy for Radiotherapy and Oncology, Paediatric Radiation Oncology Society and Childhood Cancer InternationaleEurope defined 'standard' and 'optional' levels to deliver Good Clinical Practiceecompliant treatment in paediatric radiation oncology with a focus on patient-related care, education and training. In addition, more than 250 paediatric radiotherapy centres across the SIOPE-affiliated countries have been mapped. For a better understanding of resources in paediatric radiotherapy, JARC representatives are working on an online survey for paediatric radiation oncologists of each centre in SIOPE-affiliated countries. The outcome of this survey will give an insight into the strengths and weaknesses of paediatric radiotherapy across SIOPE-affiliated countries and can be relevant for European Reference Networks in terms of collaboration pathways and referrals in paediatric radiotherapy.
Oligometastatic disease has been proposed as an intermediate state between localised and systemically metastasised disease. In the absence of randomised phase 3 trials, early clinical studies show improved survival when radical local therapy is added to standard systemic therapy for oligometastatic disease. However, since no biomarker for the identification of patients with true oligometastatic disease is clinically available, the diagnosis of oligometastatic disease is based solely on imaging findings. A small number of metastases on imaging could represent different clinical scenarios, which are associated with different prognoses and might require different treatment strategies. 20 international experts including 19 members of the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology and European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer OligoCare project developed a comprehensive system for characterisation and classification of oligometastatic disease. We first did a systematic review of the literature to identify inclusion and exclusion criteria of prospective interventional oligometastatic disease clinical trials. Next, we used a Delphi consensus process to select a total of 17 oligometastatic disease characterisation factors that should be assessed in all patients treated with radical local therapy for oligometastatic disease, both within and outside of clinical trials. Using a second round of the Delphi method, we established a decision tree for oligometastatic disease classification together with a nomenclature. We agreed oligometastatic disease as the overall umbrella term. A history of polymetastatic disease before diagnosis of oligometastatic disease was used as the criterion to differentiate between induced oligometastatic disease (previous history of polymetastatic disease) and genuine oligometastatic disease (no history of polymetastatic disease). We further subclassified genuine oligometastatic disease into repeat oligometastatic disease (previous history of oligometastatic disease) and de-novo oligometastatic disease (first time diagnosis of oligometastatic disease). In de-novo oligometastatic disease, we differentiated between synchronous and metachronous oligometastatic disease. We did a final subclassification into oligorecurrence, oligoprogression, and oligopersistence, considering whether oligometastatic disease is diagnosed during a treatment-free interval or during active systemic therapy and whether or not an oligometastatic lesion is progressing on current imaging. This oligometastatic disease classification and nomenclature needs to be prospectively evaluated by the OligoCare study.
Background: Tumour grade, tumour size, resection potential, and extent of disease affect outcome in paediatric non-rhabdomyosarcoma soft-tissue sarcoma (NRSTS), but no risk stratification systems exist and the standard of care is poorly defined. We developed a risk stratification system from known prognostic factors and assessed it in the context of risk-adapted therapy for young patients with NRSTS. Methods: In this prospective study, eligible patients enrolled in 159 hospitals in three countries were younger than 30 years, had a Lansky (patients ≤16 years) or Karnofsky (patients >16 years) performance status score of at least 50, and a new diagnosis of a WHO (2002 criteria) intermediate (rarely metastasising) or malignant soft-tissue tumour (apart from tumour types eligible for other Children's Oncology Group studies and tumours for which the therapy in this trial was deemed inappropriate), malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour, non-metastatic and grossly resected dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, undifferentiated embryonal sarcoma of the liver, or unclassified malignant soft-tissue sarcoma. Each patient was assigned to one of three risk groups and one of four treatment groups. Risk groups were: low (non-metastatic R0 or R1 low-grade, or ≤5 cm R1 high-grade tumour); intermediate (non-metastatic R0 or R1 >5 cm high-grade, or unresected tumour of any size or grade); or high (metastatic tumour). The treatment groups were surgery alone, radiotherapy (55·8 Gy), chemoradiotherapy (chemotherapy and 55·8 Gy radiotherapy), and neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (chemotherapy and 45 Gy radiotherapy, then surgery and radiotherapy boost based on margins with continued chemotherapy). Chemotherapy included six cycles of ifosfamide 3 g/m2 per dose intravenously on days 1-3 and five cycles of doxorubicin 37·5 mg/m2 per dose intravenously on days 1-2 every 3 weeks with sequence adjusted on the basis of timing of surgery or radiotherapy. The primary outcomes were event-free survival, overall survival, and the pattern of treatment failure. Analysis was done per protocol. This study has been completed and is registered with, NCT00346164. Findings: Between Feb 5, 2007, and Feb 10, 2012, 550 eligible patients were enrolled, of whom 21 were treated in the incorrect group and excluded from this analysis. 529 evaluable patients were included in the analysis: low-risk (n=222), intermediate-risk (n=227), high-risk (n=80); surgery alone (n=205), radiotherapy (n=17), chemoradiotherapy (n=111), and neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (n=196). At a median follow-up of 6·5 years (IQR 4·9-7·9), 5-year event-free survival and overall survival were: 88·9% (95% CI 84·0-93·8) and 96·2% (93·2-99·2) in the low-risk group; 65·0% (58·2-71·8) and 79·2% (73·4-85·0) in the intermediate-risk group; and 21·2% (11·4-31·1) and 35·5% (23·6-47·4) in the high-risk group, respectively. Risk group predicted event-free survival and overall survival (p<0·0001). No deaths from toxic events during treatment were reported. Nine patients had unexpected grade 4 adverse events (chemoradiotherapy group, n=2; neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy group, n=7), including three wound complications that required surgery (all in the neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy group). Interpretation: Pre-treatment clinical features can be used to effectively define treatment failure risk and to stratify young patients with NRSTS for risk-adapted therapy. Most low-risk patients can be cured without adjuvant therapy, thereby avoiding known long-term treatment complications. Survival remains suboptimal for intermediate-risk and high-risk patients and novel therapies are needed. Funding: National Institutes of Health, St Baldrick's Foundation, Seattle Children's Foundation, American Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities.
Hypofractionated radiotherapy is attractive concerning patient burden and therapy costs, but many aspects play a role when it comes to assess its safety. While exploited for conventional photon therapy and carbon ion therapy, hypofractionation with protons is only rarely applied. One reason for this is uncertainty in the described dose, mainly due to the relative biological effectiveness (RBE), which is small for protons, but not negligible. RBE is generally dose-dependent, and for higher doses as used in hypofractionation, a thorough RBE evaluation is needed. This review article focuses on the RBE variability in protons and associated issues or implications for hypofractionation.
Background: The oligometastatic paradigm suggests that some patients with a limited number of metastases might be cured if all lesions are eradicated. Evidence from randomised controlled trials to support this paradigm is scarce. We aimed to assess the effect of stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) on survival, oncological outcomes, toxicity, and quality of life in patients with a controlled primary tumour and one to five oligometastatic lesions. Methods: This randomised, open-label phase 2 study was done at 10 hospitals in Canada, the Netherlands, Scotland, and Australia. Patients aged 18 or older with a controlled primary tumour and one to five metastatic lesions, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group score of 0-1, and a life expectancy of at least 6 months were eligible. After stratifying by the number of metastases (1-3 vs 4-5), we randomly assigned patients (1:2) to receive either palliative standard of care treatments alone (control group), or standard of care plus SABR to all metastatic lesions (SABR group), using a computer-generated randomisation list with permuted blocks of nine. Neither patients nor physicians were masked to treatment allocation. The primary endpoint was overall survival. We used a randomised phase 2 screening design with a two-sided α of 0·20 (wherein p<0·20 designates a positive trial). All analyses were intention to treat. This study is registered with, number NCT01446744. Findings: 99 patients were randomised between Feb 10, 2012, and Aug 30, 2016. Of 99 patients, 33 (33%) were assigned to the control group and 66 (67%) to the SABR group. Two (3%) patients in the SABR group did not receive allocated treatment and withdrew from the trial; two (6%) patients in the control group also withdrew from the trial. Median follow-up was 25 months (IQR 19-54) in the control group versus 26 months (23-37) in the SABR group. Median overall survival was 28 months (95% CI 19-33) in the control group versus 41 months (26-not reached) in the SABR group (hazard ratio 0·57, 95% CI 0·30-1·10; p=0·090). Adverse events of grade 2 or worse occurred in three (9%) of 33 controls and 19 (29%) of 66 patients in the SABR group (p=0·026), an absolute increase of 20% (95% CI 5-34). Treatment-related deaths occurred in three (4·5%) of 66 patients after SABR, compared with none in the control group. Interpretation: SABR was associated with an improvement in overall survival, meeting the primary endpoint of this trial, but three (4·5%) of 66 patients in the SABR group had treatment-related death. Phase 3 trials are needed to conclusively show an overall survival benefit, and to determine the maximum number of metastatic lesions wherein SABR provides a benefit. Funding: Ontario Institute for Cancer Research and London Regional Cancer Program Catalyst Grant.