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Advances in genetic technologies result in improved diagnosis of mismatch repair deficiency in colorectal and endometrial cancers

  • Manchester Gentre for Genomic Medicine St Mary’s Hospital, Manchester

Abstract and Figures

Background Testing cancers for mismatch repair deficiency (dMMR) by immunohistochemistry (IHC) is a quick and inexpensive means of triaging individuals for germline Lynch syndrome testing. The aim of this study was to evaluate tumour dMMR and the prevalence of Lynch syndrome in patients referred to the Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine, which serves a population of 5.6 million. Methods Tumour testing used IHC for MMR proteins with targeted BRAF and MLH1 promotor methylation testing followed by germline mutation and somatic testing as appropriate. Results In total, 3694 index tumours were tested by IHC (2204 colorectal cancers (CRCs), 739 endometrial cancers (ECs) and 761 other), of which 672/3694 (18.2%) had protein loss, including 348 (9.4%) with MLH1 loss. MLH1 loss was significantly higher for 739 ECs (15%) vs 2204 CRCs (10%) (p=0.0003) and was explained entirely by higher rates of somatic MLH1 promoter hypermethylation (87% vs 41%, p<0.0001). Overall, 65/134 (48.5%) patients with MLH1 loss and no MLH1 hypermethylation or BRAF c.1799T>A had constitutional MLH1 pathogenic variants. Of 456 patients with tumours showing loss of MSH2/MSH6, 216 (47.3%) had germline pathogenic variants in either gene. Isolated PMS2 loss was most suggestive of a germline MMR variant in 19/26 (73%). Of those with no germline pathogenic variant, somatic testing identified likely causal variants in 34/48 (71%) with MLH1 loss and in MSH2/MSH6 in 40/47 (85%) with MSH2/MSH6 loss. Conclusions Reflex testing of EC/CRC leads to uncertain diagnoses in many individuals with dMMR following IHC but without germline pathogenic variants or MLH1 hypermethylation. Tumour mutation testing is effective at decreasing this by identifying somatic dMMR in >75% of cases.
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Evans DG, etal. J Med Genet 2021;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/jmedgenet-2020-107542
Original research
Advances in genetic technologies result in improved
diagnosis of mismatch repair deficiency in colorectal
and endometrialcancers
D Gareth Evans ,1,2 Fiona Lalloo,2 Neil AJ Ryan,3,4 Naomi Bowers,2 Kate Green,2
Emma R Woodward ,1,2 Tara Clancy,2 James Bolton,5 Rhona J McVey,5
Andrew J Wallace,2 Katy Newton,6 James Hill,6 Raymond McMahon,5
Emma J Crosbie 3,4
Cancer genetics
To cite: Evans DG, Lalloo F,
Ryan NAJ, etal. J Med Genet
Epub ahead of print: [please
include Day Month Year].
Additional material is
published online only. To view,
please visit the journal online
(http:// dx. doi. org/ 10. 1136/
jmedgenet- 2020- 107542).
For numbered affiliations see
end of article.
Correspondence to
Professor Emma J Crosbie,
Division of Cancer Sciences,
The University of Manchester,
Manchester M13 9WL, UK;
emma. crosbie@ manchester.
ac. uk
Received 25 October 2020
Revised 17 December 2020
Accepted 23 December 2020
© Author(s) (or their
employer(s)) 2021. Re- use
permitted under CC BY.
Published by BMJ.
Background Testing cancers for mismatch repair
deficiency (dMMR) by immunohistochemistry (IHC) is a
quick and inexpensive means of triaging individuals for
germline Lynch syndrome testing. The aim of this study
was to evaluate tumour dMMR and the prevalence of
Lynch syndrome in patients referred to the Manchester
Centre for Genomic Medicine, which serves a population
of 5.6 million.
Methods Tumour testing used IHC for MMR proteins
with targeted BRAF and MLH1 promotor methylation
testing followed by germline mutation and somatic
testing as appropriate.
Results In total, 3694 index tumours were tested by
IHC (2204 colorectal cancers (CRCs), 739 endometrial
cancers (ECs) and 761 other), of which 672/3694
(18.2%) had protein loss, including 348 (9.4%) with
MLH1 loss. MLH1 loss was significantly higher for 739
ECs (15%) vs 2204 CRCs (10%) (p=0.0003) and was
explained entirely by higher rates of somatic MLH1
promoter hypermethylation (87% vs 41%, p<0.0001).
Overall, 65/134 (48.5%) patients with MLH1 loss and
no MLH1 hypermethylation or BRAF c.1799T>A had
constitutional MLH1 pathogenic variants. Of 456 patients
with tumours showing loss of MSH2/MSH6, 216 (47.3%)
had germline pathogenic variants in either gene. Isolated
PMS2 loss was most suggestive of a germline MMR
variant in 19/26 (73%). Of those with no germline
pathogenic variant, somatic testing identified likely
causal variants in 34/48 (71%) with MLH1 loss and in
MSH2/MSH6 in 40/47 (85%) with MSH2/MSH6 loss.
Conclusions Reflex testing of EC/CRC leads to
uncertain diagnoses in many individuals with dMMR
following IHC but without germline pathogenic variants
or MLH1 hypermethylation. Tumour mutation testing is
effective at decreasing this by identifying somatic dMMR
in >75% of cases.
Colorectal cancer (CRC) and endometrial cancer
(EC) are two of the most common malignancies in
humans. They are both characterised by having a
relatively high rate of mismatch repair deficiency
(dMMR) and similar germline rates (3%) of
pathogenic variants in MMR genes.1 CRC is the
third most common cancer in men and women.2
EC is the most common gynaecological cancer in
high- income countries, and its incidence is rising
rapidly.3 Although environmental causes such
as diet (CRC) and obesity (particularly EC)4 and
decreased parity (EC) are major contributors to
incidence, a significant minority of both cancers
(3%) are caused by Lynch syndrome (LS).1 5 LS is
an inherited susceptibility to malignancies associ-
ated with dMMR. Around 1 in 280 of the general
population is heterozygous for a pathogenic variant
in an MMR gene, MLH1, MSH2 (including dele-
tions of EPCAM), MSH6 or PMS2 (path_MMR),
the vast majority of whom are undiagnosed.5–8
Path_MMR heterozygotes have an averaged risk to
age 70 years of EC, CRC and ovarian cancer (OC)
of 35%, 46% and 11%, respectively,9 although
these vary by gene with lower risks of PMS2. These
likelihoods are substantially higher than those of
the general population for EC (3%), CRC (4%)
and OC (1%).10
Since the discovery of the MMR genes in 1993–
1994, germline testing has been targeted towards
those most likely to have an inherited pathogenic
variant. The Amsterdam criteria were developed
in 1991,11 primarily to select high- risk families,
therefore requiring a substantial family history of
CRC. While 45%–60% of index cases in families
fulfilling criteria are path_MMR variant carriers,12
the criteria have low sensitivity.13 14 The addition
of other characteristic tumours of LS, such as EC,
OC and urothelial cancers,15 add little to either the
detection rate12 or sensitivity.13 14 The less restric-
tive Bethesda guidelines were developed in 1997,16
which improved sensitivity but resulted in many
more samples being tested without detection of
all path_MMR variants.13 14 17 18 More recently,
the concept of universal testing of CRC has gained
ground18–22 and is now recommended national
guidance in a number of countries for CRC.20 21
This is also gaining traction for EC23 and is now
recommended by the National Institute for Health
and Care Excellence in the UK.24
We have evaluated our prescreening strategy
with immunohistochemistry (IHC) in Lynch-
related cancers from 2000 to 2020 and, more
latterly, the impact of somatic next- generation
sequencing (NGS) of tumours in individuals
on January 16, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright. Med Genet: first published as 10.1136/jmedgenet-2020-107542 on 15 January 2021. Downloaded from
2Evans DG, etal. J Med Genet 2021;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/jmedgenet-2020-107542
Cancer genetics
with protein loss on IHC in tumours but without a germline
Individuals referred to the regional genetics department in
Manchester with an LS- related cancer and concerns about the
possibility of LS provided consent for tumour and, if necessary,
germline analysis. The great majority of evaluated patients had
CRC or EC and were selected based on early age at diagnosis
or fulfilling Bethesda guidelines or Amsterdam criteria. Occa-
sional cases were tested as deceased first- degree relatives of clin-
ically unaffected index patients. In addition, 500 women from
the Proportion of Endometrial Tumours Associated with Lynch
Syndrome (PETALS) study with sequential EC were also included
(15/NW/0733).25 Generally, individuals fulfilling Amsterdam
criteria did not undergo prescreening and went straight to germ-
line path_MMR analysis.
The standard pathway for non- Amsterdam criteria tumours
was an initial test for dMMR using IHC of the MMR proteins.
If there was loss of MLH1, the samples were tested for
MLH1 promoter hypermethylation and the BRAF c.1799T>A
(p.Val600Glu) pathogenic variant. Positive results for either of
these are indicative of a somatic mutation of MLH1. All individ-
uals with MLH1 loss, samples and wild type for BRAF and nega-
tive for promoter hypermethylation, as well as all sole PMS2
or MSH2/MSH6 loss, underwent germline lymphocyte testing
where this was possible. BRAF c.1799T>A (p.Val600Glu) was
suspended for EC once it was known this screen was not sensi-
tive (0/23 tested were positive for c.1799T>A (p.Val600Glu).26
IHC for the four MMR proteins was performed in the MFT
clinical pathology laboratory using the automated Ventana
BenchMark ULTRA IHCISH staining module and the OptiView,
3diaminobenzidine V.5 detection system (Ventana Co, USA)
according to standard clinical protocols.25 The proportion of
stained tumour epithelial component/intensity of staining was
scored by two expert independent observers using tumour
stroma as internal control and as described elsewhere.27 28 Only
tumours with complete loss of protein expression were reported
as dMMR (not those with patchy loss).
Methylation analysis
Reflex MLH1 methylation testing was performed on tumours
showing loss of MLH1 protein on IHC. Purified DNA was
amplified with bisulfite- specific primers in triplicate. A region of
the MLH1 promoter containing four CpG dinucleotides whose
methylation status is strongly correlated with MLH1 expression
was sequenced using a pyrosequencer (PSQ 96MA). Two inde-
pendent scientists interpreted the pyrograms. ‘Hypermethyla-
tion’ described >10% mean methylation across the four CpG
dinucleotides on two of three replicate analyses. A proportion
of MLH1 hypermethylation cases underwent reference standard
germline MMR sequencing to exclude coexisting path_MLH1
variants, usually when they had a significant family history. In
addition to methylation, analysis testing was carried out for the
BRAF c.1799T>A (p.Val600Glu) variant.
Germline analysis
DNA was extracted from 2 to 5 mL lymphocyte blood
(EDTA anticoagulant) using Chemagic DNA blood chemistry
(CMG-1097- D) on an automated PerkinElmer Chemagic 360
Magnetic Separation Module and a JANUS Integrator four- tip
Automated Liquid handling platform. DNA was eluted into 400
μL buffer. Extracted DNA samples were measured for DNA
yield, concentration and quality using a Nanodrop ND-8000
spectrophotometer. MMR genes MLH1, MSH2 and MSH6 were
amplified using long- range PCR followed by NGS using Illumina
SBS V.2 2×150 bp and Illumina MiSeq to analyse the coding
region, flanking sequences to ±15 bp and known splicing vari-
ants (minimum 100× coverage depth) of MLH1, MSH2 and
MSH6.25 Variant identification and calling was via an in- house
bioinformatic pipeline. Reported sequence changes and regions
with <100× coverage were retested via Sanger sequencing using
BigDye V.3.1. Copy number analysis to detect large genomic
rearrangements affecting the MMR genes was performed using
MLPA MRC- Holland probe mixes: P003- D1 MLH1/MSH2
and P072- C1 MSH6. Variant nomenclature followed Human
Genome Variation Society guidelines (http://www. hgvs. org/
vamomen) using reference sequences: LRG_216, t1(MLH1);
LRG_218, t1(MSH2); LRG_219, t1(MSH6). Exons were
numbered consecutively starting from exon 1 as the first trans-
lated exon for each probe mix. Cases with PMS2 protein loss,
normal MLH1 methylation and no path_MLH1/MSH2/MSH6
variant underwent path_PMS2 analysis at the regional specialist
Yorkshire and North East Genomic Laboratory which included
Figure 1 Study flowchart diagram. Note: germline testing was done
for MLH1, MSH2 and MSH6 in cases and PMS2 in select cases. Were a
path_MMR was detected in a gene not consistent with the IHC loss, this
is shown in brackets below the result. *The majority of these samples
were Amsterdam criteria II positive. #One sample had constitutional MLH1
hypermethylation. EC, endometrial cancer; CRC, colorectal cancer; IHC,
immunohistochemistry; MMR, mismatch repair; path_, pathogenic variant.
on January 16, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright. Med Genet: first published as 10.1136/jmedgenet-2020-107542 on 15 January 2021. Downloaded from
Evans DG, etal. J Med Genet 2021;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/jmedgenet-2020-107542
Cancer genetics
Somatic tumour analysis
Tumour specimens were assessed by specialist pathologists. All
tissues were formalin- fixed and paraffin- embedded according to
local clinical protocols. Tissue blocks with the greatest tumour
content (>70%) were chosen for DNA extraction. Tumour
was either microdissected from 5×10 µm unstained sections or
cored from tissue blocks, depending on tumour content. Non-
malignant adjacent tissue was selected for comparative consti-
tutional microsatellite instability (MSI) analysis. MMR genes
MLH1, MSH2 and MSH6 were analysed as components of a
somatic panel including PTEN, TP53, APC, POLD1 and POLE
using a custom NGS approach based on a Qiagen GeneRead
amplicon based enrichment. PMS2 was not assessed due to the
difficulties with pseudogenes and high copy number variant rate.
Formal loss of heterozygosity (LOH) analysis was not part of the
initial panel but was introduced with microsatellite repeats after
12 months, but did not include LOH for PMS2.
Differences between values were tested by a two- tailed Fisher’s
χ2 test.
A total of 3694 index cases aged 8–91 years at diagnosis had
a tumour (figure 1 and table 1) prescreened with tumour IHC
of MMR proteins with 672 (18%) showing loss of at least one
protein (table 2). CRC (n=2204 mean age 50.8 years) and EC
(n=739 mean age=61 years) were by far the most frequently
tested, and further analysis was largely confined to those two
tumour types (online supplemental figure 1A,B). However,
we also tested 761 other cancers and benign tumours (mean
age=50, table 1).
A total of 211 patients with CRC underwent germline MMR
testing without an IHC prescreen with 123 (58%) demonstrating
Table 1 Tumour samples tested, age at diagnosis, IHC loss and path_MMR rate
IHC (n) Age range (median) IHC loss % IHC loss Path_MMR with loss %
Colorectal cancer 2204 14.5–91 (50.8) 422 19.15 155 7.03
Colorectal polyps 244 8.4–82 (54) 8 3.28 3 1.23
Endometrial cancer 739 183 24.76 44 5.95
Genetics service 239 16–79 (51) 28 11.7
PETALS 500 (65) 16 3.2
Gastric cancer 58 17–79 (48) 5 8.62 0 0.00
Ovarian cancer 261 16–89 (49) 27 10.34 8 3.07
TCC/kidney 13 32–61 (45) 3 23.08 1 7.69
Non- melanoma skin cancer 29 37–75 (57) 12 41.38 3 10.34
Cholangiocarcinoma 20 32–76 (50) 5 25.00 0 0.00
Pancreas 13 37–71 (53) 1 7.69 0 0.00
Brain 12 9–84 (48) 4 33.33 1 8.33
Breast 15 33–74 (49) 0 0.00 0 0.00
Small bowel including ampulla 21 29–72 (48) 1 4.76 0 0.00
Unknown primary 19 26–71 (40) 0 0.00 0 0.00
Oesophagus 16 21–61 (51) 1 6.25 0 0.00
Other 30 0 0.00 0 0.00
Total 3694 672 215
TCC urinary tract; others include cervix (n=4), prostate (n=4), sarcoma (n=3), melanoma (n=3), thyroid (n=2) and lung (n=2).
IHC, immunohistochemistry; MMR, mismatch repair; path_, pathogenic variant; PETALS, Proportion of Endometrial Tumours Associated with Lynch Syndrome; TCC, transitional
cell carcinoma.
Table 2 IHC loss and germline path_MMR detection rates in all index samples tested
All Tested (n) IHC loss % Tested germline (n) Germline PV % Germline
MLH1 loss 3694 348 9.42 191 66* 34.55 63 MLH1, 3 PMS2
PMS2 loss alone 3694 33 0.89 26 19 73.08 19 PMS2
MSH2 loss 3694 198 5.36 166 90 54.22 79 MSH2, 11 MSH6
MSH6 loss 3694 215 5.82 176 102 57.95 51 MSH6, 51 MSH2
Either MSH2 or MSH6 3694 291 7.88 239 130 54.39 79 MSH2, 51 MSH6
Any loss 3694 672 18.19 456 215 47.15
MSH6 loss alone 3694 53 1.43 73 38 52.05 38 MSH6
Tested (n) Positive (n)
MLH1 loss hypermethylation 268 167† 62.3 57 1 1.75 MLH1
MLH1 loss BRAF c.1799T>A 181 45 24.86 11 3 27.3
No loss 3022 0 0 329 19 5.78 5 MLH1, 7 MSH2, 3
MSH6, 4 PMS2
*This rose to 65/134 (48.5%) unmethylated samples.
†One patient with colorectal cancer had germline MLH1 methylation.
EC, endometrial cancer; IHC, immunohistochemistry; PV, pathogenic variant.
on January 16, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright. Med Genet: first published as 10.1136/jmedgenet-2020-107542 on 15 January 2021. Downloaded from
4Evans DG, etal. J Med Genet 2021;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/jmedgenet-2020-107542
Cancer genetics
a pathogenic variant (56 MLH1, 59 MSH2 and 8 MSH6). Simi-
larly, 24 women with EC fulfilling Amsterdam criteria went
direct to germline testing, of whom 19 (79%) had a path_MMR
(4 MLH1, 10 MSH2, 4 MSH6 and 1 PMS2).
Of the 672 tumours with dMMR IHC loss in prescreened
samples (table 2), loss of MLH1 was most common (9.4%)
with 7.9% having loss of either MSH2 or MSH6 or both. There
were 215 path_MMR present in 456 lymphocyte samples tested
(47.4%–63 MLH1, 79 MSH2, 51 MSH6 and 22 PMS2). The
relatively low detection rate of only 34.5% for those with MLH1
loss is partially explained by screening of 57 samples showing
MLH1 methylation of which only one had a path_MLH1 germ-
line variant (26 samples from PETALS and 31 clinical samples
were tested). The patient with a germline MLH1 had a caecal
tumour aged 45 and met Amsterdam criteria. Thus, the true
rate of MLH1 promoter methylation- negative samples in this
group was 65/134 (48.5%). The highest detection rates of path_
MMR were for those with PMS2 loss alone (73%) and MSH6
loss alone (58%). Overall 12/22 (54.5%) with a PMS2 germline
path_MMR had a large rearrangement.
Table 3 shows the dMMR tumours and the pathogenic vari-
ants detected for CRC and EC, respectively. Overall, 2204 index
CRCs underwent IHC and 422 (19.1%) showed dMMR with the
highest proportion demonstrating MLH1 loss (10%). For EC,
183/739 (24.8%) samples were dMMR with 15% demonstrating
MLH1 loss. Both overall dMMR rates (p=0.001) and MLH1
loss rates (p=0.0003) were significantly higher in EC, although
the difference is entirely driven by MLH1 loss. MLH1 promoter
hypermethylation rates were much higher in EC at 87% (95/109)
compared with only 41% (67/163) in CRC (p<0.0001). BRAF
c.1799T>A was identified in only 26.5% (45/170) dMMR CRC
samples, compared with 41% (67/163) with MLH1 promoter
hypermethylation (p=0.005). BRAF testing was of no value in
EC and was abandoned for the PETALS study.25 The difference
in path_MMR variant rates between CRC and EC was most
striking for MSH6 with pathogenic variants identified in 24/44
(54.5%) cases of EC compared with 21/155 (13.5%) for CRC
(p<0.0001). Equally, MLH1 variants were more common in
CRC with 61/155 (39%) pathogenic variants compared with
2/44 (0.5%) in EC (p<0.0001).
A subset of samples with EC and CRC still underwent full
germline testing despite no IHC loss. This was in general because
of a strong family history, and it remains routine practice to
test all Amsterdam criteria cases regardless of IHC loss.27 For
CRC, 13/74 (17.6%) Amsterdam criteria and 5/102 (4.9%) non-
Amsterdam criteria cases tested positive for a path_MMR despite
normal IHC. However, for EC, only 1/120 (0.83%) tested posi-
tive for a path_MSH6 and nil in other MMR genes. The higher
figures for CRC may be because these are more common, and a
sporadic tumour without IHC loss could explain at least some of
these false negative results. Sensitivity for IHC loss in CRC was
155/173 (89.6%) and that for EC was 44/45 (97.8%), although
these figures might drop further if all samples with retained IHC
staining were tested.
The results of somatic analysis are shown in table 4 for
CRC and EC, respectively. In seven cases with IHC loss, the
Table 3 IHC loss and germline path_MMR detection rates in CRC and EC index samples tested
Colorectal Number tested IHC loss %
Number tested
Germline path_
MMR % Germline path_MMR
MLH1 and PMS2 loss 2204 171 7.8 104 40‡ 38.5% 37 MLH1, 3 PMS2
MLH1 loss alone 2204 51 2.3 33 24‡ 72.7% 24 MLH1
PMS2 loss alone 2204 25 1.1 21 14 66.7% 14 PMS2
MSH2 and MSH6 loss 2204 81 3.7 76 54 71.0% 48 MSH2, 6 MSH6
MSH2 loss alone 2204 45 2.0 32 8 25.0% 8 MSH2
MSH6 loss alone 2204 41 1.9 30 15 50.0% 15 MSH6
Either MSH2 or MSH6 2204 175 7.9 140 77 55.0% 56 MSH2, 21MSH6
Any loss 2204 422 19.1 298 155 52.0%
Tested (n) Positive (n)
MLH1 loss hypermethylation 163 67* 41.1 23 1 4.3% MLH1
MLH1 loss BRAF c.1799T>A 170 45 26.5 11 3 27.3%
No loss 1782 0 0.0 176 18† 10.2% 4 MLH1, 7 MSH2, 3
MSH6, 4 PMS2
MLH1 and PMS2 loss 739 108 14.6% 43 2† 4.6% 2 MLH1
MLH1 loss alone 739 4 0.5 4 0 0%
PMS2 loss alone 739 7 0.95 5 5 100.0% 5 PMS2
MSH2 and MSH6 loss 739 32 4.3 29 16 55.2% 12 MSH2, 6 MSH6
MSH2 loss alone 739 2 0.3 2 1 50% 1 MSH2
MSH6 loss alone 739 30 4.1 30 18 60.0% 18 MSH6
Either MSH2 or MSH6 739 64 8.7 61 37 60.7% 24 MSH6, 13 MSH2
Any loss 739 183 24.8 113 44 38.9%
Tested (n) Positive (n)
MLH1 loss hypermethylation 109 95 87.2 32 0 0.0%
MLH1 loss BRAF c.1799T>A Not systematically
No loss 556 0.0 120 1 0.8% 1 MSH6
*One patient with CRC had germline MLH1 methylation, #13/74 (17.6%) Amsterdam criteria, 5/102 (4.9%) non- Amsterdam.
†This rose to 2/15 unmethylated samples.
‡This rose to 63/114 (55.3%) of unmethylated samples.
CRC, colorectal cancer; EC, endometrial cancer; IHC, immunohistochemistry; MMR, mismatch repair; path_, pathogenic variant.
on January 16, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright. Med Genet: first published as 10.1136/jmedgenet-2020-107542 on 15 January 2021. Downloaded from
Evans DG, etal. J Med Genet 2021;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/jmedgenet-2020-107542
Cancer genetics
individuals were deceased and a germline path_MMR was found
on somatic testing and confirmed in normal tissue material.
Initial somatic MMR testing in the first 40 CRC samples did not
include an analysis of LOH, and thus many variants were only
monoallelic. Overall, 15/20 monoallelic CRC samples did not
have a formal LOH analysis. However, in EC, 17/18 tumours
showed at least one somatic variant with 13/18 (72%) biallelic.
Four tumours had a single variant at low allele frequency (MSH2
c.2458+1G>A (5.04%), MSH2 c.1003dupA (9.5%), MSH6
c.3261delC (10.1%) and MSH6 c.718C>T (13.2%)), which
precluded a sensitive LOH analysis. Of the 183/739 (24.7%)
EC samples showing IHC loss, 95 (52%) were explained by
MLH1 promoter methylation; 44 (24%) had a germline path_
MMR; and 17 (9.3%) showed evidence of somatic involvement
of the relevant gene. This leaves only 27/183 (14.7%), but six
samples did not undergo germline testing and three did not have
promoter methylation with MLH1 loss. Most of the remainder,
bar 1, did not have tumour somatic testing. Assuming the same
detection rates for somatic testing as in the 18 EC samples, this
would leave no more than 3 of 183 (1.6%) unexplained and
only 3/739 (0.4%) of the whole IHC prescreened cohort. Of
the 422/2204 (19.15%) CRC samples showing IHC loss, 67
(15.9%) were explained by MLH1 promotor methylation; 155
(36.7%) had a germline path_MMR; and 65 (15.4%) showed
evidence of somatic involvement of the relevant gene. This
leaves 135/422 (32%), but 73 samples did not undergo germline
testing as patients were deceased and 17 did not have promoter
methylation with MLH1 loss.
We have reported IHC tumour prescreening in 3694 tumour
samples, which, to our knowledge, is the largest such series in the
literature. Although IHC does not have 100% sensitivity,12–14 it
has the advantage of identifying the relevant likely genes involved
and allows targeted MLH1 promotor methylation in a lower
number of samples than MSI testing. We have previously shown
that for EC, in particular with the higher rates of involvement of
MSH6 (55% in the present study), MSI is significantly less sensi-
tive (58%) with IHC detecting 100% of 16 path_MMR.25 The
high proportion of MSH6 in EC is confirmed in other studies
with 5/9 (55.5%) in a US universal testing study.29 An Austra-
lian study limiting testing to ECs<60 found 10/22 (45.4%) of
those with path_MMR had a path_MSH6.30 The study confirms
the utility of MLH1 promotor methylation particularly for EC
with 87% of MLH1 loss being explained. This is similar to the
86.3% in a meta- analysis of 29 studies with 1159 showing loss of
MLH1.31 Although MLH1 promoter methylation is less useful in
CRC, it is still superior to BRAF testing. The significantly higher
rates of promoter methylation in EC seem to account entirely for
the higher rates of MLH1 loss. As methylation is a mechanism
that is used to coordinate menstruation in the endometrium,32
we propose that there is increased opportunity for regions in
the DNA to be erroneously methylated, which may explain
increased promoter methylation of MLH1 in EC.
The current study has confirmed the high predictive value of
isolated loss of PMS2 and, to a lesser extent, MSH6,33 although
isolated MLH1 loss was also quite specific with 73% being caused
by a germline path_MMR. We have also shown the importance
of somatic MMR testing in cases with IHC loss unexplained by
either MLH1 promotor methylation or a germline path_MMR.
Somatic bilalleic path_MMRs are found in a high proportion of
these cases. Of the 284 patients with non- methylated MMR loss
in a joint Ohio and Icelandic cohort, 157 had a germline path_
MMR, (55%) and 92 (32.4%) had probable biallelic (double)
somatic variants.33 They concluded that 19 (6.7%) were unex-
plained and 17 had incorrect IHC. While we demonstrated this
well in EC, it was less well shown in CRC. This may be due to
low neoplastic cell counts that preclude a sensitive assessment
of LOH. Recutting tumour FFPE sections for higher neoplastic
content may well overcome this issue. Furthermore, some IHC
loss may be spurious (an overcall) and reanalysis or assessment
of MSI in those that still remains with unexplained IHC loss
may resolve the issue. For EC we have shown that <1% of cases
undergoing IHC are left with an unresolved diagnosis. In reality,
‘Lynch’ like syndrome, which was thought to be due primarily
to missed path_MMR or another inherited mechanism, appears
to be a relatively uncommon situation once somatic testing has
been performed especially in EC.
Although there was a low rate of path_MMR in patients with
tumours with MLH1 loss on IHC and promoter methylation as
a prescreen, we have previously demonstrated that 4/71 (5.6%)
individuals with CRC and germline pathogenic variants in
MLH1 had evidence of promoter methylation.27 Three of these
four fulfilled Amsterdam criteria did not have an IHC prescreen
(they were tested after path_MMR was found); therefore,
overall MLH1 promotor methylation still left a >10% chance of
a germline path_MMR. Similarly, those with Amsterdam criteria
who had proficient MMR tumour on IHC also had a path_
MMR rate above 10%. As such, we would still recommend that
those with CRC fulfilling Amsterdam criteria undergo germline
Table 4 NGS somatic analysis on CRC and EC with IHC loss
IHC loss Number Hypermethylation Germline from tumour Germline negative blood Somatic No cause found Cause of IHC loss found
Colorectal somatic testing
MLH1/PMS2 47 0/46 4 MLH1* 43 30 MLH1 13 34/47 (72%)
10/34 monoallelic
MSH2/MSH6 38 nt 4
2 MSH6
2 MSH2
34 27
8 MSH6
19 MSH2
7 31/38 (82%)
10/38 monoallelic
Endometrial somatic testing
MLH1/PMS2 5 0/5 0 5 4 MLH1 1 4/5 (80%)
3/5 double somatic†
MSH2/MSH6 13 nt 0 13 7 MSH6
6 MSH2
0 13/13 (100%)
10/13 double somatic
For CRC: 13 MLH1 loss no cause found 2/3 MSH1 double somatic PTEN, 1 POLD1.
7 MSH2 loss no cause found 4/5 MSS? Overcall: 1 MSH double somatic PTEN.
*One mosaic low level 16% VAF missed on germline testing found after tumour somatic c.1975C>T p.(Arg659Ter) MLH1.
†Most samples with monoallelic variants had allele frequencies of <10%, which precludes LOH analysis.
CRC, colorectal cancer; EC, endometrial cancer; IHC, immunohistochemistry; LOH, loss of heterozygosity; NGS, next- generation sequencing; VAF, variant allele frequency.
on January 16, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright. Med Genet: first published as 10.1136/jmedgenet-2020-107542 on 15 January 2021. Downloaded from
6Evans DG, etal. J Med Genet 2021;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/jmedgenet-2020-107542
Cancer genetics
path_MMR testing irrespective of the IHC or MLH1 promoter
methylation result. The same may not be true for EC with the
much higher rates of MLH1 promoter methylation and low rate
of pathogenic germline variants in those tested with proficient
Our results show the value of a combined tumour somatic
and germline test after IHC loss. This can especially be seen
in the population- based PETALS study where the 3.2% detec-
tion rate for germline path_MMR in EC is similar to that seen
in unselected CRC. By combining a tumour somatic approach
with germline testing in 500 ECs, this comprehensive testing
left just 1.9% (2/106) MMR deficient tumours unexplained by
a path_MMR variant/epigenetic silencing.25 As such, only 2/500
(0.4%) were left still in the Lynch- like category after testing. A
similar mainstreaming approach for CRC as well as EC would
leave far fewer with an uncertain diagnosis, and only those
with a path_MMR or unexplained IHC would need referral to
genetics. Unfortunately, we cannot be certain the results would
be as good in CRC based on our analysis as this did not involve
LOH analysis for many samples, but others have found a high
rate of double somatic events in CRC.33 While families can be
reassured when double somatic events account for IHC loss this
will still leave some where the age of the patient or family history
requires ongoing management as Lynch- like. Testing of benign
colorectal polyps is quite specific but does not have a high yield,
although it can detect germline path_MMR in individuals with
strong family histories suggestive of LS.
There are some limitations to the present study. We did not
perform MSI testing on all the samples with IHC and cannot
therefore make a direct comparison, although for EC, we have
previously shown reduced sensitivity of MSI.25 The selection
criteria for testing for CRC was stronger than for EC, and
therefore comparisons are likely to overestimate the contribu-
tion of IHC loss in CRC compared with the EC tested in this
study. Nonetheless, this is likely to strengthen further some of
the differences identified between CRC and EC. We also did
not typically prescreen individuals meeting Amsterdam criteria,
meaning that the detection rates for IHC loss and path_MMR
may be underestimated compared with studies that included
individuals meeting Amsterdam criteria. We would still test
patients meeting Amsterdam criteria even if they had hypermeth-
ylation of MLH1 as evidenced by the case presented here. Some
authors now advocate starting analysis with a tumour somatic
approach.33 It is certainly plausible that this will become more
mainstream and may reduce the requirement for a prescreen for
LS testing. However, given the high rate of copy number vari-
ants in LS (11%–46%)34 and especially in this study for PMS2
(54.5%), the sensitivity to detect these in tumour samples needs
to be fully validated first. PMS2 is known to be difficult to screen
in lymphocyte DNA, and therefore testing in stored non- frozen
tissue samples requires a bespoke approach.
In conclusion, we have undertaken prescreening of a very large
series of tumour specimens with IHC for dMMR. Detection
rates for germline path_MMR are similar to previous estimates.
We have shown the superiority of MLH1 promoter hypermeth-
ylation over BRAF testing and the higher utility in EC compared
with CRC. Furthermore, we have shown that somatic MMR
testing with NGS removes most patients from the ‘Lynch’-like
category with previously unexplained IHC loss.
Author affiliations
1Division of Evolution and Genomic Medicine, The University of Manchester,
Manchester, UK
2Clinical Genetics Service, Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine, North- West
Genomics Laboratory Hub, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester,
3Division of Cancer Sciences, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
4Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Manchester University NHS Foundation
Trust, Manchester, UK
5Department of Pathology, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester,
6Department of Surgery, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester,
Twitter Emma R Woodward @ER_Woodward and Emma J Crosbie @
Contributors DGE was principal investigator for the study and is its guarantor.
DGE and EJC designed the study and supervised its execution. DGE and EJC
wrote the manuscript. All authors contributed to the data collection, analysis and
interpretation; provided critical comment; edited the manuscript; and approved its
final version.
Funding NR was a Doctoral Medical Research Council (MRC) Research Fellow (MR/
M018431/1), DGE a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Senior Investigator
(NF- SI-0513-10076), EJC an NIHR Clinician Scientist (NIHR- CS-012-009), and their
work was supported through the NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Centre (IS-
BRC-1215-20007). This article presents independent research funded by the NIHR
and MRC. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of
the MRC, NHS, NIHR or the Department of Health.
Competing interests None declared.
Patient consent for publication Not required.
Ethics approval Informed consent was obtained from all subjects enrolled in the
PETALS study. No identifiable information is provided in the article and the advice of
the ethics committee was that this represented clinical audit/ service evaluation.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
Data availability statement Data are available upon reasonable request from
the corresponding author.
Supplemental material This content has been supplied by the author(s). It
has not been vetted by BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) and may not have
been peer- reviewed. Any opinions or recommendations discussed are solely those
of the author(s) and are not endorsed by BMJ. BMJ disclaims all liability and
responsibility arising from any reliance placed on the content. Where the content
includes any translated material, BMJ does not warrant the accuracy and reliability
of the translations (including but not limited to local regulations, clinical guidelines,
terminology, drug names and drug dosages), and is not responsible for any error
and/or omissions arising from translation and adaptation or otherwise.
Open access This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported (CC BY 4.0) license, which permits
others to copy, redistribute, remix, transform and build upon this work for any
purpose, provided the original work is properly cited, a link to the licence is given,
and indication of whether changes were made. See:https:// creativecommons. org/
licenses/ by/ 4. 0/.
D GarethEvans http:// orcid. org/ 0000- 0002- 8482- 5784
Emma RWoodward http:// orcid. org/ 0000- 0002- 6297- 2855
Emma JCrosbie http:// orcid. org/ 0000- 0003- 0284- 8630
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... It should be further considered that even larger studies underline the superiority of MLH1 promoter hypermethylation over BRAF testing; somatic analysis of mismatch repair genes helps to identify patients with MLH1 IHC loss but without germline alterations [34]. Even if the MLH1 methylation test by pyrosequencing is more technically labor-intensive than BRAF analysis, in our medical center, it is clearly more convenient to use the second approach (Algorithm 2 of Figures 4 and 5). ...
... accessed date 21 January 2022). It should be further considered that even larger studies underline the superiority of MLH1 promoter hypermethylation over BRAF testing; somatic analysis of mismatch repair genes helps to identify patients with MLH1 IHC loss but without germline alterations [34]. Even if the MLH1 methylation test by pyrosequencing is more technically labor-intensive than BRAF analysis, in our medical center, it is clearly more convenient to use the second approach (Algorithm 2 of Figures 4 and 5). ...
Full-text available
Several causes may lead to CRC, either extrinsic (sporadic forms) or genetic (hereditary forms), such as Lynch syndrome (LS). Most sporadic deficient mismatch repair (dMMR) CRC cases are characterized by the methylation of the MLH1 promoter gene and/or BRAF gene mutations. Usually, the first test performed is the mismatch repair deficiency analysis. If a tumor shows a dMMR, BRAF mutations and then the MLH1 promoter methylation status have to be assessed, according to the ACG/ASCO screening algorithm. In this study, 100 consecutive formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded samples of dMMR CRC were analyzed for both BRAF mutations and MLH1 promoter methylation. A total of 47 (47%) samples were BRAF p.V600E mutated, while MLH1 promoter methylation was found in 77 cases (77.0%). The pipeline “BRAF-followed-by-MLH1-analysis” led to a total of 153 tests, while the sequence “MLH1-followed-by-BRAF-analysis” resulted in a total of 123 tests. This study highlights the importance of performing MLH1 analysis in LS screening of BRAF-WT specimens before addressing patients to genetic counseling. We show that MLH1 analysis performs better as a first-line test in the screening of patients with LS risk than first-line BRAF analysis. Our data indicate that analyzing MLH1 methylation as a first-line test is more cost-effective.
... This enabled more families to benefit from diagnostic CPG testing [12,13]. In Manchester we have always tested the germline directly for Lynch syndrome in Amsterdam positive cases as both IHC and MSI miss sufficient numbers to leave a detection rate of 5-10% [14]. In February 2017 NICE recommended pre-screening all colorectal cancers with either MSI or IHC with additional testing for MLH1 methylation and BRAF V600E to rule out somatic involvement of MLH1. ...
Full-text available
In the 33 years since the first diagnostic cancer predisposition gene (CPG) tests in the Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine, there has been substantial changes in the identification of index cases and cascade testing for at-risk family members. National guidelines in England and Wales are usually determined from the National Institute of healthcare Evidence and these have impacted on the thresholds for testing BRCA1/2 in Hereditary Breast Ovarian Cancer (HBOC) and in determining that all cases of colorectal and endometrial cancer should undergo screening for Lynch syndrome. Gaps for testing other CPGs relevant to HBOC have been filled by the UK Cancer Genetics Group and CanGene-CanVar project (web ref. We present time trends (1990–2020) of identification of index cases with germline CPG variants and numbers of subsequent cascade tests, for BRCA1, BRCA2, and the Lynch genes (MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 and PMS2). For BRCA1/2 there was a definite increase in the proportion of index cases with ovarian cancer only and pre-symptomatic index tests both doubling from 16 to 32% and 3.2 to > 8% respectively. A mean of 1.73–1.74 additional family tests were generated for each BRCA1/2 index case within 2 years. Overall close to one positive cascade test was generated per index case resulting in > 1000 risk reducing surgery operations. In Lynch syndrome slightly more cascade tests were performed in the first two years potentially reflecting the increased actionability in males with 42.2% of pre-symptomatic tests in males compared to 25.8% in BRCA1/2 (p < 0.0001).
... Somatic MLH1 methylation status Methylation of the MLH1 promoter is the most common cause of MMRd and microsatellite instability (MSI) in both colorectal cancer and endometrial cancer and is routinely evaluated in tumors that show loss of MLH1 and PMS2 by IHC (41, 43,44). Tumors with MMRd secondary to MLH1 promoter methylation are thought to arise sporadically rather than in the setting of LS, with rare exceptions. ...
Full-text available
The presence of variants of uncertain significance (VUS) in DNA mismatch repair (MMR) genes leads to uncertainty in the clinical management of patients being evaluated for Lynch syndrome (LS). Currently, there is no platform to systematically use tumor-derived evidence alongside germline data for the assessment of VUS in relation to LS. We developed INT²GRATE (INTegrated INTerpretation of GeRmline And Tumor gEnomes) to leverage information from the tumor genome to inform the potential role of constitutional VUS in MMR genes. INT²GRATE platform has two components: a comprehensive evidence-based decision tree that integrates well-established clinico-genomic data from both the tumor and constitutional genomes to help inform the potential relevance of germline VUS in LS; and a web-based user interface (UI). With the INT²GRATE decision tree operating in the backend, INT²GRATE UI enables the front-end collection of comprehensive clinical genetics and tumor-derived evidence for each VUS to facilitate INT²GRATE assessment and data sharing in the publicly accessible ClinVar database. The performance of the INT²GRATE decision tree was assessed by qualitative retrospective analysis of genomic data from 5057 cancer patients with MMR alterations which included 52 positive control cases. Of 52 positive control cases with LS and pathogenic MMR alterations, 23 had all the testing parameters for the evaluation by INT²GRATE. All these variants were correctly categorized as INT²GRATE POSITIVE. The stringent INT²GRATE decision tree flagged 29 of positive cases by identifying the absence or unusual presentation of specific evidence, highlighting the conservative INT²GRATE logic in favor of a higher degree of confidence in the results. The remaining 99% of cases were correctly categorized as INCONCLUSIVE due to the absence of LS criteria and ≥1 tumor parameters. INT²GRATE is an effective platform for clinical and genetics professionals to collect and assess clinical genetics and complimentary tumor-derived information for each germline VUS in suspected LS patients. Furthermore, INT²GRATE enables the collation of integrated tumor-derived evidence relevant to germline VUS in LS, and sharing them with a large community, a practice that is needed in precision oncology.
... In fact, genes involved in the mismatch repair pathway were exclusively implicated at the somatic level with LOH, while the MSH6 gene had a stop variant and a LOH. Biallelic somatic mutations of MMR genes have been observed in different types of cancers in the spectrum of Lynch-Muir-Torre syndrome [36,37]. These phenocopies usually have clinical-pathological characteristics similar to those of their hereditary counterparts. ...
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Personalized medicine aims to develop tailored treatments for individual patients based on specific mutations present in the affected organ. This approach has proven paramount in cancer treatment, as each tumor carries distinct driver mutations that respond to targeted drugs and, in some cases, may confer resistance to other therapies. Particularly for rare conditions, personalized medicine has the potential to revolutionize treatment strategies. Rare cancers often lack extensive datasets of molecular and pathological information, large-scale trials for novel therapies, and established treatment guidelines. Consequently, surgery is frequently the only viable option for many rare tumors, when feasible, as traditional multimodal approaches employed for more common cancers often play a limited role. Sebaceous carcinoma of the eyelid is an exceptionally rare cancer affecting the eye’s adnexal tissues, most frequently reported in Asia, but whose prevalence is significantly increasing even in Europe and the US. The sole established curative treatment is surgical excision, which can lead to significant disfigurement. In cases of metastatic sebaceous carcinoma, validated drug options are currently lacking. In this project, we set out to characterize the mutational landscape of two sebaceous carcinomas of the eyelid following surgical excision. Utilizing available bioinformatics tools, we demonstrated our ability to identify common features promptly and accurately in both tumors. These features included a Base-Excision Repair mutational signature, a notably high tumor mutational burden, and key driver mutations in somatic tissues. These findings had not been previously reported in similar studies. This report underscores how, in the case of rare tumors, it is possible to comprehensively characterize the mutational landscape of each individual case, potentially opening doors to targeted therapeutic options.
... For example, only 12 gliomas were tested by MMR IHC at a world-class cancer genetics center over a 20-year period. 13 The National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines consider LS screening in gliomas in general without recommending it. 14 A universal approach would, however, seem resource-and time-consuming for a very low detection rate. ...
Purpose: The Lynch syndrome (LS)-glioma association is poorly documented. As for mismatch repair deficiency (MMRd) in glioma, a hallmark of LS-associated tumors, there are only limited data available. We determined MMRd and LS prevalence in a large series of unselected gliomas, and explored the associated characteristics. Both have major implications in terms of treatment, screening, and prevention. Methods: Somatic next-generation sequencing was performed on 1,225 treatment-naive adult gliomas referred between 2017 and June 2022. For gliomas with ≥1 MMR pathogenic variant (PV), MMR immunohistochemistry (IHC) was done. Gliomas with ≥1 PV and protein expression loss were considered MMRd. Eligible patients had germline testing. To further explore MMRd specifically in glioblastomas, isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH)-wild type (wt), we performed IHC, and complementary sequencing when indicated, in a series of tumors diagnosed over the 2007-2021 period. Results: Nine gliomas were MMRd (9/1,225; 0.73%). Age at glioma diagnosis was <50 years for all but one case. Eight were glioblastomas, IDH-wt, and one was an astrocytoma, IDH-mutant. ATRX (n = 5) and TP53 (n = 8) PV were common. There was no TERT promoter PV or EGFR amplification. LS prevalence was 5/1,225 (0.41%). One 77-year-old patient was a known LS case. Four cases had a novel LS diagnosis, with germline PV in MSH2 (n = 3) and MLH1 (n = 1). One additional patient had PMS2-associated constitutional mismatch repair deficiency. Germline testing was negative in three MSH6-deficient tumors. In the second series of glioblastomas, IDH-wt, MMRd prevalence was 12.5% in the <40-year age group, 2.6% in the 40-49 year age group, and 1.6% the ≥50 year age group. Conclusion: Screening for MMRd and LS should be systematic in glioblastomas, IDH-wt, diagnosed under age 50 years.
... After the approval of pembrolizumab for patients with advanced dMMR/MSI-H solid tumor in 2017, the testing of dMMR/MSI-H has become a common diagnosis approach for cancer patients (Evans et al., 2021). If dMMR/MSI testing results are positive, germline testing will be recommended for the diagnosis of Lynch syndrome (LS), which is essential for the optimal care for cancer patients and their family members at risk (Yurgelun and Hampel, 2018). ...
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Lynch syndrome (LS) is a cancer-predisposing genetic disease mediated by pathogenic mutations in DNA mismatch repair (MMR) genes MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, and PMS2. Accumulating evidence demonstrates that there is significant biological heterogeneity across MMR genes. Compared to MLH1 and MSH2, PMS2 variant carriers have a much lower risk for LS-related cancers. Tumors in MLH1 and MSH2 variant carriers often display MMR deficiency (dMMR) and/or high microsatellite instability (MSI-H), two predictive biomarkers for immunotherapy efficacy. However, tumors in PMS2 variant carriers are largely microsatellite stable (MSS) instead of MSI. Therefore, the optimal management of cancer patients with LS requires the integration of disease stage, MMR gene penetrance, dMMR/MSI status, and tumor mutational burden (TMB). In this work, we presented a locally advanced lung cancer patient with dMMR/MSI-H/TMB-H tumor and selective loss of PMS2 by immunohistochemistry. Germline testing revealed a rare PMS2 splicing variant (c.1144+1G>A) in the proband and his healthy daughter. The diagnosis of LS was made based on genetic analysis of this variant and literature review. Given the incomplete penetrance of PMS2, the proband and the carrier received tailored genetic counseling. To reduce cancer risk, the proband received four cycles of nivolumab plus chemotherapy and achieved a disease-free survival of sixteen months.
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Background Lynch syndrome (LS) predisposes to endometrial cancer (EC), colorectal cancer, and other cancers through inherited pathogenic variants affecting mismatch-repair (MMR) genes. Diagnosing LS in women with EC can reduce subsequent cancer mortality through colonoscopic surveillance and aspirin chemoprevention; it also enables cascade testing of relatives. A growing consensus supports LS screening in EC; however, the expected proportion of test positives, and optimal testing strategy is uncertain. Previous studies from insurance-based healthcare systems were limited by narrow selection criteria, failure to apply reference standard tests consistently, and poor conversion to definitive testing. The aim of this study was to establish the prevalence of LS and the diagnostic accuracy of LS testing strategies in an unselected EC population. Methods and findings This was a prospective cross-sectional study carried out at a large United Kingdom gynaecological cancer centre between October 2015 and January 2017. Women diagnosed with EC or atypical hyperplasia (AH) were offered LS testing. Tumours underwent MMR immunohistochemistry (IHC), microsatellite instability (MSI), and targeted MLH1-methylation testing. Women <50 years, with strong family histories and/or indicative tumour molecular features, underwent MMR germline sequencing. Somatic MMR sequencing was performed when indicative molecular features were unexplained by LS or MLH1-hypermethylation. The main outcome measures were the prevalence of LS in an unselected EC population and the diagnostic accuracy of clinical and tumour testing strategies for risk stratifying women with EC for MMR germline sequencing. In total, 500 women participated in the study; only 2 (<1%) declined. Germline sequencing was indicated and conducted for 136 and 135 women, respectively. A total of 16/500 women (3.2%, 95% CI 1.8% to 5.1%) had LS, and 11 more (2.2%) had MMR variants of uncertain significance. Restricting testing to age <50 years, indicative family history (revised Bethesda guidelines or Amsterdam II criteria) or endometrioid histology alone would have missed 9/16 (56%), 8/13 (62%) or 9/13 (69%), and 5/16 (31%) cases of LS, respectively. In total 132/500 tumours were MMR deficient by IHC of which 83/132 (63%) had MLH1-hypermethylation, and 16/49 (33%) of the remaining patients had LS (16/132 with MMR deficiency, 12%). MMR-IHC with targeted MLH1-methylation testing was more discriminatory for LS than MSI with targeted methylation testing, with 100% versus 56.3% (16/16 versus 9/16) sensitivity (p = 0.016) and equal 97.5% (468/484) specificity; 64% MSI-H and 73% MMR deficient tumours unexplained by LS or MLH1-hypermethylation had somatic MMR mutations. The main limitation of the study was failure to conduct MMR germline sequencing for the whole study population, which means that the sensitivity and specificity of tumour triage strategies for LS detection may be overestimated, although the risk of LS in women with no clinical or tumour predictors is expected to be extremely low. Conclusions In this study, we observed that age, family history, and histology are imprecise clinical correlates of LS-EC. IHC outperformed MSI for tumour triage and reliably identified both germline and somatic MMR mutations. The 3.2% proportion of LS-EC is similar to colorectal cancer, supporting unselected screening of EC for LS.
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Purpose: Endometrial cancer (EC) is often the sentinel cancer in women with Lynch syndrome (LS). However, efforts to implement universal LS screening in EC patients have been hampered by a lack of evidence detailing the proportion of EC patients that would be expected to screen positive for LS. Methods: Studies were identified by electronic searches of Medline, Embase, Cochrane CENTRAL and Web of Science. Proportions of test positivity were calculated by random and fixed-effects meta-analysis models. I 2 score was used to assess hetero-geneity across studies. Results: Fifty-three studies, including 12,633 EC patients, met the inclusion criteria. The overall proportion of endometrial tumors with microsatellite instability or mismatch repair (MMR) deficiency by immunohistochemistry (IHC) was 0.27 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.25-0.28, I 2 : 71%) and 0.26 (95% CI 0.25-0.27, I 2 : 88%), respectively. Of those women with abnormal tumor testing, 0.29 (95% CI 0.25-0.33, I 2 : 83%) had LS-associated pathogenic variants on germline testing; therefore around 3% of ECs can be attributed to LS. Preselection of EC cases did increase the proportion of germline LS diagnoses. Conclusion: The current study suggests that prevalence of LS in EC patients is approximately 3%, similar to that of colorectal cancer patients; therefore our data support the implementation of universal EC screening for LS. Genetics in Medicine (2019) https://doi.
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Background Universal tumor testing for defective DNA mismatch repair (MMR) is recommended for all women diagnosed with endometrial cancer to identify those with underlying Lynch syndrome. However, the effectiveness of these screening methods in identifying individuals with Lynch syndrome across the population has not been well studied. The aim of this study was to evaluate outcomes of MMR immunohistochemistry (IHC), mutL homolog 1 (MLH1) methylation, and microsatellite instability (MSI) analysis among patients with endometrial cancer. Methods A complete systematic search of online databases (PubMed, EMBASE, MEDLINE, and the Cochrane Library) for 1990‐2018 was performed. A DerSimonian‐Laird random effects model meta‐analysis was used to estimate the weighted prevalence of Lynch syndrome diagnoses. Results The comprehensive search produced 4400 publications. Twenty‐nine peer‐reviewed studies met the inclusion criteria. Patients with endometrial cancer (n = 6649) were identified, and 206 (3%) were confirmed to have Lynch syndrome through germline genetic testing after positive universal tumor molecular screening. Among 5917 patients who underwent tumor IHC, 28% had abnormal staining. Among 3140 patients who underwent MSI analysis, 31% had MSI. Among patients with endometrial cancer, the weighted prevalence of Lynch syndrome germline mutations was 15% (95% confidence interval [CI], 11%‐18%) with deficient IHC staining and 19% (95% CI, 13%‐26%) with a positive MSI analysis. Among 1159 patients who exhibited a loss of MLH1 staining, 143 (13.7%) were found to be MLH1 methylation–negative among those who underwent methylation testing, and 32 demonstrated a germline MLH1 mutation (2.8% of all absent MLH1 staining cases and 22.4% of all MLH1 methylation–negative cases). Forty‐three percent of patients with endometrial cancer who were diagnosed with Lynch syndrome via tumor typing would have been missed by family history–based screening alone. Conclusions Despite the widespread implementation of universal tumor testing in endometrial cancer, data regarding testing results remain limited. This study provides predictive values that will help practitioners to evaluate abnormal results in the context of Lynch syndrome and aid them in patient counseling.
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Purpose: There are no internationally agreed upon clinical guidelines as to which women with gynecological cancer would benefit from Lynch syndrome screening or how best to manage the risk of gynecological cancer in women with Lynch syndrome. The Manchester International Consensus Group was convened in April 2017 to address this unmet need. The aim of the Group was to develop clear and comprehensive clinical guidance regarding the management of the gynecological sequelae of Lynch syndrome based on existing evidence and expert opinion from medical professionals and patients. Methods: Stakeholders from Europe and North America worked together over a two-day workshop to achieve consensus on best practice. Results: Guidance was developed in four key areas: (1) whether women with gynecological cancer should be screened for Lynch syndrome and (2) how this should be done, (3) whether there was a role for gynecological surveillance in women at risk of Lynch syndrome, and (4) what preventive measures should be recommended for women with Lynch syndrome to reduce their risk of gynecological cancer. Conclusion: This document provides comprehensive clinical guidance that can be referenced by both patients and clinicians so that women with Lynch syndrome can expect and receive appropriate standards of care.
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Background Major challenges in understanding the functional consequences of genetic risk factors for human disease are which tissues and cell types are affected and the limited availability of suitable tissue. The aim of this study was to evaluate tissue-specific genotype-epigenetic characteristics in DNA samples from both endometrium and blood collected from women at different stages of the menstrual cycle and relate results to genetic risk factors for reproductive traits and diseases. Results We analysed DNA methylation (DNAm) data from endometrium and blood samples from 66 European women. Methylation profiles were compared between stages of the menstrual cycle, and changes in methylation overlaid with changes in transcription and genotypes. We observed large changes in methylation (27,262 DNAm probes) across the menstrual cycle in endometrium that were not observed in blood. Individual genotype data was tested for association with methylation at 443,016 and 443,101 DNAm probes in endometrium and blood respectively to identify methylation quantitative trait loci (mQTLs). A total of 4546 sentinel cis-mQTLs (P < 1.13 × 10⁻¹⁰) and 434 sentinel trans-mQTLs (P < 2.29 × 10⁻¹²) were detected in endometrium and 6615 sentinel cis-mQTLs (P < 1.13 × 10⁻¹⁰) and 590 sentinel trans-mQTLs (P < 2.29 × 10⁻¹²) were detected in blood. Following secondary analyses, conducted to test for overlap between mQTLs in the two tissues, we found that 62% of endometrial cis-mQTLs were also observed in blood and the genetic effects between tissues were highly correlated. A number of mQTL SNPs were associated with reproductive traits and diseases, including one mQTL located in a known risk region for endometriosis (near GREB1). Conclusions We report novel findings characterising genetic regulation of methylation in endometrium and the association of endometrial mQTLs with endometriosis risk and other reproductive traits and diseases. The high correlation of genetic effects between tissues highlights the potential to exploit the power of large mQTL datasets in endometrial research and identify target genes for functional studies. However, tissue-specific methylation profiles and genetic effects also highlight the importance of also using disease-relevant tissues when investigating molecular mechanisms of disease risk. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (10.1186/s13148-019-0648-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
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The prevalence of Lynch syndrome (LS) varies significantly in different populations, suggesting that ethnic features might play an important role. We enrolled 3330 consecutive Chinese patients who had surgical resection for newly diagnosed colorectal cancer. Universal screening for LS was implemented, including immunohistochemistry for mismatch repair (MMR) proteins, BRAFV600E mutation test and germline sequencing. Among the 3250 eligible patients, MMR protein deficiency (dMMR) was detected in 330 (10.2%) patients. Ninety‐three patients (2.9%) were diagnosed with LS. Nine (9.7%) patients with LS fulfilled Amsterdam criteria II and 76 (81.7%) met the revised Bethesda guidelines. Only 15 (9.7%) patients with absence of MLH1 on IHC had BRAFV600E mutation. One third (33/99) of the MMR gene mutations have not been reported previously. The age of onset indicates risk of LS in patients with dMMR tumors. For patients older than 65 years, only 2 patients (5.7%) fulfilling revised Bethesda guidelines were diagnosed with LS. Selective sequencing of all cases with dMMR diagnosed at or below age 65 years and only of those dMMR cases older than 65 years who fulfill revised Bethesda guidelines results in 8.2% fewer cases requiring germline testing without missing any LS diagnoses. While the prevalence of LS in Chinese patients is similar to that of Western populations, the spectrum of constitutional mutations and frequency of BRAFV600E mutation is different. Patients older than 65 years who do not meet the revised Bethesda guidelines have a low risk of LS, suggesting germline sequencing might not be necessary in this population.
Background Patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) with mismatch repair-deficient (dMMR) tumours without MLH1 methylation or germline MMR pathogenic variants (PV) were previously thought to have Lynch syndrome (LS). It is now appreciated that they can have double somatic (DS) MMR PVs. We explored the clinical characteristics between patients with DS tumours and LS in two population-based cohorts. Methods We included patients with CRC from Ohio 2013–2016 and Iceland 2000–2009. All had microsatellite instability testing and/or immunohistochemistry (IHC) of MMR proteins, and MLH1 methylation testing when indicated. Germline next-generation sequencing was performed for all with dMMR tumours; tumour sequencing followed for patients with unexplained dMMR. Clinical characteristics of DS patients and patients with LS were compared. Results Of the 232 and 51 patients with non-methylated dMMR tumours in the Ohio and Iceland cohorts, respectively, 57.8% (n=134) and 45.1% (n=23) had LS, 32.8% (n=76) and 31.4% (n=16) had DS PVs, 6% (n=14) and 9.8% (n=5) were unexplained and 4.3% (n=10) and 13.7% (n=7) had incorrect IHC. Age of diagnosis for DS patients was older than patients with LS (p=3.73×10 ⁻⁴ ) in the two cohorts. Patients with LS were more likely to meet Amsterdam II criteria (OR=15.81, p=8.47×10 ⁻⁶ ) and have multiple LS-associated tumours (OR=6.67, p=3.31×10 ⁻⁵ ). Absence of MLH1/PMS2 was predictive of DS PVs; isolated MSH6 and PMS2 absence was predictive of LS in both cohorts. Conclusions Individuals with LS are 15× more likely to meet Amsterdam II criteria and >5× more likely to have multiple cancers as compared with those with DS tumours. Furthermore, isolated loss of MSH6 or PMS2 protein predicts LS.
Lynch syndrome is the most common hereditary form of colorectal carcinoma caused by a constitutional pathogenic mutation in a DNA mismatch repair gene. Identifying Lynch syndrome is essential to initiate intensive surveillance program for the patient and affected relatives. On behalf of the Australasian Gastrointestinal Pathology Society (AGPS), we present in this manuscript consensus guidelines for Lynch syndrome screening in patients with colorectal carcinoma. The goal of this consensus document is to provide recommendations to pathologists for diagnosis of Lynch syndrome with discussion of the benefits and limitations of each test. Universal screening for defective mismatch repair is recommended, in agreement with the recent endorsement of universal testing by the National Health and Medical Research Council in Australia and the New Zealand Ministry of Health. The value of evaluating defective mismatch repair is acknowledged not only for Lynch syndrome screening but also for therapeutic decision information in patient management. AGPS advocates appropriate government funding for the molecular tests necessary for Lynch syndrome screening (BRAF mutation, MLH1 methylation testing).
BACKGROUND Lynch syndrome (LS) is the most common hereditary cause of colorectal cancer (CRC) and endometrial cancer (EC). Screening of all CRCs for LS is currently recommended, but screening of ECs is inconsistent. The objective of this study was to determine the added value of screening both CRC and EC tumors in the same population. METHODS A prospective, immunohistochemistry (IHC)‐based screening program for all patients with newly diagnosed CRCs and ECs was initiated in 2011 and 2013, respectively, at 2 centers (primary and tertiary). Genetic testing was recommended for those who had tumors with absent mutS homolog 2 (MSH2), MSH6, or postmeiotoic segregation increased 2 (PMS2) expression and for those who had tumors with absent mutL homolog 1 (MLH1) expression and no v‐Raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B (BRAF) mutation or MLH1 promoter methylation. Amsterdam II criteria, revised Bethesda criteria, and scores from prediction models for gene mutations (the PREMM1,2,6 and PREMM5 prediction models) were ascertained in patients with LS. RESULTS In total, 1290 patients with CRC and 484 with EC were screened for LS, and genetic testing was recommended for 137 patients (10.6%) and 32 patients (6.6%), respectively (P = .01). LS was identified in 16 patients (1.2%) with CRC and in 8 patients (1.7%) with EC. Among patients for whom genetic testing was recommended, the LS diagnosis rate was higher among those with EC (25.0% vs 11.7%, P = .052). The Amsterdam II criteria, revised Bethesda criteria, and both PREMM calculators would have missed 62.5%, 50.0%, and 12.5% of the identified patients with LS, respectively. CONCLUSIONS Expanding a universal screening program for LS to include patients who had EC identified 50% more patients with LS, and many of these patients would have been missed by risk assessment tools (including PREMM5). Universal screening programs for LS should include both CRC and EC. Cancer 2018. © 2018 American Cancer Society.
BACKGROUND: While high-risk mutations in identified major susceptibility genes (DNA mismatch repair genes and MUTYH) account for some familial aggregation of colorectal cancer, their population prevalence and the causes of the remaining familial aggregation are not known. METHODS: We studied the families of 5,744 colorectal cancer cases (probands) recruited from population cancer registries in the USA, Canada and Australia and screened probands for mutations in mismatch repair genes and MUTYH. We conducted modified segregation analyses using the cancer history of first-degree relatives, conditional on the proband's age at diagnosis. We estimated the prevalence of mutations in the identified genes, the prevalence of and hazard ratio for unidentified major gene mutations, and the variance of the residual polygenic component. RESULTS: We estimated that 1 in 279 of the population carry mutations in mismatch repair genes (MLH1= 1 in 1946, MSH2= 1 in 2841, MSH6= 1 in 758, PMS2= 1 in 714), 1 in 45 carry mutations in MUTYH, and 1 in 504 carry mutations associated with an average 31-fold increased risk of colorectal cancer in unidentified major genes. The estimated polygenic variance was reduced by 30-50% after allowing for unidentified major genes and decreased from 3.3 for age <40 years to 0.5 for age {greater than or equal to}70 years (equivalent to sibling relative risks of 5.1 to 1.3, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Unidentified major genes might explain one-third to one-half of the missing heritability of colorectal cancer. IMPACT: Our findings could aid gene discovery and development of better colorectal cancer risk prediction models.