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Analysis of Changes in the Natural and Climatic Conditions of the Functioning of the Construction Industry (Operation of Buildings and Structures) in the Region

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Materials Science Forum
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The manifestations of climatic changes on the territory of the south of the European part of Russia are considered. The estimates for the changes in the seasonal and annual average, maximum and minimum air temperatures, in the seasonal and annual sum of precipitation, daily maximum precipitation as well as the dynamics of the number of their extreme values in different climatic zones of southern Russia and in different seasons are obtained. Possible effects of climate change on the functioning of the construction industry in different climatic zones of the region are considered.
Analysis of Changes in the Natural and Climatic Conditions
of the Functioning of the Construction Industry
(Operation of Buildings and Structures) in the Region
B.A. Ashabokov1,2,a, A.V. Shapovalov2,b and A.A. Tashilova2,c*
1Institute of Informatics and problems of regional management of KBSC of RAS,
37A In. Armand str., Nalchik, 360051, Russia
2High-Mountain geophysical institute, 2 Lenin Ave., Nalchik, 360030, Russia,,
Keywords: climate change, the south of the European territory of Russia, climatic zones, time
series, air temperature, precipitation, extremes, construction, buildings.
Abstract. The manifestations of climatic changes on the territory of the south of the European part
of Russia are considered. The estimates for the changes in the seasonal and annual average,
maximum and minimum air temperatures, in the seasonal and annual sum of precipitation, daily
maximum precipitation as well as the dynamics of the number of their extreme values in different
climatic zones of southern Russia and in different seasons are obtained. Possible effects of climate
change on the functioning of the construction industry in different climatic zones of the region are
Climate warming becomes a factor that can have a significant impact on the environment, on the
functioning of economic sectors and other areas of activity. In recent years, the world has witnessed
the largest natural disasters in recent history (floods, droughts, abnormally high temperatures, high
winds, forest fires and others). These phenomena are not the result of an accidental confluence of
circumstances. The growth of destructive force of dangerous natural phenomena observed in recent
years is natural and in the future such catastrophes will be more frequent [3, 6, 10, 11]. The reason
for this trend in the dynamics of these phenomena is climate warming, which, as studies show, is
accelerating [4, 5, 7]. In this regard, the urgency of addressing such problems as the analysis and
forecast of climate change and its consequences, the search for ways to adapt various spheres of
human activity to these changes and reduce the risks associated with dangerous natural phenomena
is increasing and addressing these problems is currently being given great attention [8, 12, 13]. This
applies to the construction industry and, it should be noted, in the context of modern climate change
and rapid socioeconomic changes, the problems of the buildings and structures exploitation have
become extremely topical. The 5-th IPCC Report (2014) notes that "... the fact of climate warming
is unquestionable, and many of the changes observed since the 1950s had no precedents over tens to
thousands of years" [16]. The Climate Doctrine of the Russian Federation states that climate change
is one of the most important international problems of the 21st century, which goes beyond the
scientific problem [9].
Results and Discussion
The study of the regional climate is an important component of understanding modern global
climate change. Climatic features of the south of the European territory of Russia (ETR) are caused
by a number of factors, the main ones of which are the Caucasian mountains. According to the
nature of the relief, the territory of the North Caucasus is usually divided into three zones: the plain
(<500 m above the sea level (asl)), the foothills (500-1000 m asl), the mountain (> 1000 m asl) and
high-mountainous (> 2000 m asl). Series of air temperature and precipitation (50-years) at 20
meteorological stations in the south of Russia were used to estimate the changes in precipitation and
Materials Science Forum Submitted: 2018-05-13
ISSN: 1662-9752, Vol. 931, pp 1031-1036 Accepted: 2018-05-28
doi:10.4028/ Online: 2018-09-20
© 2018 Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland
All rights reserved. No part of contents of this paper may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of Trans
Tech Publications Ltd, (Research Gate for subscription journals-08/02/24,08:40:02)
... The tendency of growth in the number of DPh (avalanches, mudflows, breaks of glacial lakes, etc.) is noted also in the North Caucasus, in particular, in the vicinity of the Mt. Elbrus (KBR) [2], which is explained, and there are also changes in temperature condition of the region [3][4]. ...
... Observations of snow cover begin during the autumn period from the moment of appearance of the first (temporary) snow cover and continue before its total disappearance during the spring period. According to works [3,4] for the last 50-60 years, in the south of the European territory of Russia (except for a mountain part), increase in average decade height of snow cover by 0.35 cm/10 years with the maximum growth rate of height of snow cover in a foothill zone was observed. Since 1976 there was a considerable shift of the beginning of appearance of snow cover towards later dates (+3 days/10 years) and the small shift of the end of a descent of snow cover to late dates for 0.7 days/years. ...
... According to [2,4], the sharp retreat of glaciers since the late 90s of the 20th century was due to a significant increase in summer temperatures by 0.43 °C/10 years [3,4]. An ...
... Очевидно, что решение этих проблем требует проведения исследований изменений климата и их последствий для различных сфер деятельности, формулировки задач адаптации отраслей экономики к из- УСПЕХИ СОВРЕМЕННОГО ЕСТЕСТВОЗНАНИЯ № 9, 2022   ФИЗИКО-МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ (25.00.30)  менениям климата и разработки методов их решения, разработки методов снижения рисков, связанных с экстремальными погодными явлениями и т.д. [12][13][14]. ...
... -пшеница: хлеб (x 11 ), хлебобулочные изделия (x 12 ), мука (x 13 ), крупа (x 14 Можно заметить, что перерабатывающая отрасль производит 45 видов продуктов. ...
The purpose of the work is to analyze the problem of adaptation of various fields of activity to climate change, to formulate the tasks of adapting the agro-industrial complex (AIC) and to analyze the features of information support and methods for solving the tasks of its adaptation plan, to develop a method for solving one of the tasks of this plan the formation and coordination of target indicators of the development of the agro-industrial complex. To solve the above problems, the results of the analysis of climate change in the territory of the North Caucasus, the model for optimizing the functioning of the “crop industry—processing industry” system, developed to form and agree on target indicators for the development of the regional agro-industrial complex, were used. It is noted that at the regional level it is not advisable to limit adaptation to climate change only to agriculture, this problem at this level should be considered for the “agriculture—processing industry” system, taking into account the relationship between its elements, the goals of adapting this system to climate change are formulated. The formulations of the tasks of the adaptation plan for the regional agro-industrial complex are given, the approach to solving the problem of forming and coordinating the target indicators of the agro-industrial complex is outlined, some calculation results are given. The main results of the work are: the formulation of the tasks of adapting the agro-industrial complex to climate change, the model for optimizing the functioning of the “crop industry—processing industry” system, developed to solve the problem of forming and coordinating target indicators for the development of the regional agro-industrial complex.KeywordsClimate changeAgro-industrial complexObjectives of the adaptation planFormation and coordination of target indicators
Conference Paper
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The article provides brief information on the history of the development of hail suppression works in the USSR and the Russian Federation, the main provisions of the currently used Russian automated rocket technology to prevent hail, the characteristics of a modern anti-hail protection system, including the radar parameters of seeding objects (hailstorms), the average annual number of seeding objects, the consumption of rockets and glaciogenic agents for seeding objects of different hail categories, the results of assessing the physical effectiveness of long-term protection against hail, the main problems and prospects for further improvement of rocket technology.
The data of 19 weather stations for 1961-2011 on total and maximum daily precipitation for the plain (<500 m above the sea level), foothill (500-1000 m), and mountain (1000-2000 m) zones of the south of European Russia are used for analyzing the precipitation regime, investigating its trends, revealing the extremes, and making conclusions on zonal seasonal and annual variations in precipitation.
Annual and seasonal series of temperature values are analyzed using the data of Akhty, Teberda, and Terskol weather stations (the height above the sea level is >1000 m) for 1961-2013 as well as from 1976 to 2013 in order to reveal changes in the mountain climate in the period of contemporary global warming. Mean values, standard deviations, norms, and anomalies of annual and seasonal values of temperature as well as the rate of their variation in the mentioned periods are obtained. It is found that the temperature rise is observed in all seasons and for the year as a whole at the mountain weather stations except Terskol station. According to the results of studying temperature variability, Akhty and Teberda weather stations were united into the group “mountain weather stations” with the subsequent averaging of climatic variables. Terskol weather station was singled out as an independent high-mountain weather station.
Specific features of the extreme summer heat of 2010 in the European part of Russia are analyzed against the background of global and regional climate changes taking into account antropogenic influences and natural anomalies related, in particular, to the El Niño/La Niña phenomena. The tendencies of the characteristics of the activity of blocking anticyclones (blockings) responsible for the formation of drought regimes and the increase in the fire hazard at midlatitudes are estimated in connection with climate changes.
It is demonstrated that the results of the climate modeling cannot be directly used to forecast the regional climate changes on the territory of the Russian Federation for one-three decades due to the strong influence of the natural long-period climatic variability associated with the processes in the ocean-atmosphere system in the North Atlantic. A model is proposed of the temperature variations in the regions of the Russian Federation including the variations of the global temperature and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index. An empirical dynamic-stochastic model with external radiation impacts is used for the global temperature. Different scenarios of concentration variations of the radiation-active atmospheric components and NAO are considered. It is demonstrated that depending on the accepted hypothesis concerning the type of the expected NAO variations (natural fluctuations or the result of anthropogenic impacts) and on the scenario of concentration variations of the sulfate aerosols and methane, the average annual temperature variations on the territory of the Russian Federation between 2007 and 2030 may amount from 0.81 to 1.90°C. The estimates of temperature variations for the main physiographic regions of the Russian Federation are obtained.
A brief characterization of observed climatic changes in surface temperature is presented for the globe and the Russian Federation. In accordance with this characteristic, observed changes are indicative of global warming, most pronounced after the 1970s. The skill in simulating a global climate in the 20th century by modern climate models is analyzed. It is shown that climate models satisfactorily reproduce the fields of long–term means, the seasonal cycle, and tendencies of changes in some meteorological objects, whereas their interannual variability (after removal of the trend) is not virtually simulated by the models. An approach to constructing a strategic forecast of forthcoming climatic changes in the Russian Federation for the next decades is discussed, and recommendations on its using are formulated. A variant of a probabilistic strategic forecast of air temperature for the 30-year period of 2008–2037 over Russia is proposed.
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