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Use of a Managed Solitary Bee to Pollinate Almonds: Population Sustainability and Increased Fruit Set


Abstract and Figures

Osmia spp. are excellent orchard pollinators but evidence that their populations can be sustained in orchard environments and their use results in increased fruit production is scarce. We released an Osmia cornuta population in an almond orchard and measured its population dynamics, as well as visitation rates and fruit set at increasing distances from the nesting stations. Honeybees were 10 times more abundant than O. cornuta. However, the best models relating fruit set and bee visitation included only O. cornuta visitation, which explained 41% and 40% of the initial and final fruit set. Distance from the nesting stations explained 27.7% and 22.1% of the variability in initial and final fruit set. Of the 198 females released, 99 (54.4%) established and produced an average of 9.15 cells. Female population growth was 1.28. By comparing our results with those of previous O. cornuta studies we identify two important populational bottlenecks (female establishment and male-biased progeny sex ratios). Our study demonstrates that even a small population of a highly effective pollinator may have a significant impact on fruit set. Our results are encouraging for the use of Osmia managed populations and for the implementation of measures to promote wild pollinators in agricultural environments.
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Use of a Managed Solitary Bee to Pollinate Almonds:
Population Sustainability and Increased Fruit Set
Jordi Bosch 1, *, Sergio Osorio-Canadas 2, Fabio Sgolastra 3, * and Narcís Vicens 4
Citation: Bosch, J.;
Osorio-Canadas, S.; Sgolastra, F.;
Vicens, N. Use of a Managed Solitary
Bee to Pollinate Almonds: Population
Sustainability and Increased Fruit Set.
Insects 2021,12, 56.
Received: 26 November 2020
Accepted: 8 January 2021
Published: 11 January 2021
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1Centre for Research on Ecology and Forestry Application, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain
2Departamento de Ecología de la Biodiversidad, Instituto de Ecología,
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, AP 70-275, 04510 Mexico City, Mexico;
3Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari, Alma Mater Studiorum Universitàdi Bologna,
Viale Fanin 42, 40127 Bologna, Italy
4Diputacióde Girona, Servei de Medi Ambient, 17004 Girona, Spain;
*Correspondence: (J.B.); (F.S.)
Simple Summary:
Methods to rear Osmia bees to pollinate fruit trees have been developed in various
parts of the world. These bees are excellent pollinators but evidence that their populations can
be sustained in orchards and their use results in increased fruit production is scarce. We released
an Osmia cornuta population at one end of an almond orchard. Then, we surveyed the pollinators
visiting the almond flowers and measured fruit set in trees located at increasing distances from the
nesting stations. We found that fruit production was higher in the trees that received more Osmia
visits. Importantly, this result was obtained against a strong background of honeybees, which were
10 times more abundant than Osmia. The Osmia population obtained at the end of the flowering
period was 1.28 larger than the population initially released. Our study demonstrates that Osmia
populations can be sustained in orchard environments and that even a small population of a highly
effective pollinator may have a significant impact on fruit set. Our results are encouraging for the
use of Osmia populations and for the implementation of measures to promote wild pollinators in
agricultural environments.
Osmia spp. are excellent orchard pollinators but evidence that their populations can be
sustained in orchard environments and their use results in increased fruit production is scarce. We
released an Osmia cornuta population in an almond orchard and measured its population dynamics,
as well as visitation rates and fruit set at increasing distances from the nesting stations. Honeybees
were 10 times more abundant than O. cornuta. However, the best models relating fruit set and bee
visitation included only O. cornuta visitation, which explained 41% and 40% of the initial and final
fruit set. Distance from the nesting stations explained 27.7% and 22.1% of the variability in initial
and final fruit set. Of the 198 females released, 99 (54.4%) established and produced an average of
9.15 cells. Female population growth was 1.28. By comparing our results with those of previous
O. cornuta studies we identify two important populational bottlenecks (female establishment and
male-biased progeny sex ratios). Our study demonstrates that even a small population of a highly
effective pollinator may have a significant impact on fruit set. Our results are encouraging for the use
of Osmia managed populations and for the implementation of measures to promote wild pollinators
in agricultural environments.
pollination service; Osmia cornuta;Apis mellifera; population dynamics; managed pollinators;
crop pollination
1. Introduction
Approximately three-quarters of the world’s crops benefit from animal pollination [
and a significant part of this pollination service is provided by wild pollinators [
]. How-
Insects 2021,12, 56.
Insects 2021,12, 56 2 of 11
ever, the current context of agricultural intensification, characterized by low crop diversity,
increased crop field size, loss of semi-natural habitats, and increased pesticide use is clearly
detrimental to pollinator abundance and diversity [
]. As a result, wild pollinators are
notoriously scarce in many agricultural landscapes [
]. For this reason, the general
perception is that wild pollinator populations are insufficient to provide adequate levels
of pollination in intensively farmed areas, and populations of managed pollinators are
usually introduced to enhance pollination services.
Fruit trees are highly dependent on pollinator visitation because they bloom for a
short period of time in spring when weather conditions are often suboptimal for insect
activity and because most cultivars are self-incompatible. For this reason, honey bee
hives are usually introduced in orchards at a rate of 2–6 hives per ha, with each hive
containing several thousands of foragers [
]. However, honey bees are only fully
active at temperatures above 12–14
C [
]. In addition, because they have long foraging
ranges [
], and are highly generalist foragers, they often visit other flower species [
Finally, honey bees are not very effective fruit tree pollinators, mainly due to their low visit
legitimacy (many of the visits result in no contact between the bee and the stigmas; [
These shortcomings, along with the risks associated with relying on a single species, have
prompted the search for alternative pollinators, and methods to manage various Osmia
species as orchard pollinators have been developed in different parts of the world [
These Osmia species are only active for a couple of months in spring and fly under marginal
weather conditions [
]. In addition, they have short foraging ranges [
] and show a
strong preference for fruit tree pollen [
]. Finally, Osmia visit legitimacy on fruit
three flowers is close to 100%, and fruit set in flowers receiving a single visit is similar to
fruit set in hand-pollinated flowers [
]. For these reasons, population densities
recommended for orchard pollination with Osmia spp. are as low as 1250–2000 bees per ha
(with a 1.6 male/female ratio) [
]. However, even if the pollinating effectiveness of Osmia
spp. has been amply documented, evidence that the use of Osmia populations results in
increased fruit production is still scarce [11,23,37,38].
The use of a managed pollinator is only sustainable if population levels can be main-
tained from year to year. Ideally, populations should be able to grow on site during the
flowering period of the target crop. If this is not possible, population losses can be compen-
sated by rearing populations under artificial conditions, as done with bumblebee colonies
used for crop pollination [
]. However, attempts to mass-rear Osmia populations under ar-
tificial conditions have not been successful [
]. Therefore, to ensure the sustainability of
Osmia spp. as managed pollinators it is essential to understand the dynamics of populations
introduced in orchards. There are various factors potentially limiting the growth of Osmia
populations released in orchards. These factors include: (a) Winter mortality (some of the
cocoons introduced in the orchard contain individuals that are either dead or too weak to
emerge); (b) low female establishment (some of the females that have successfully emerged
out of their cocoon may be predated, too weak to start nesting activities, or disperse and
nest away from the release site); (c) low fecundity (nesting females provision a low number
of cells and therefore lay few eggs); (d) progeny mortality (a part of the progeny does not
reach the adult stage due to either developmental failure or parasitism); (e) male-biased
progeny sex ratio (nesting females produce a high proportion of males, which are less
costly to produce than females [42]).
In this study, we released a population of the European species Osmia cornuta in an
almond orchard. Almond pollination is particularly challenging because almonds bloom
very early in the year (February-March) and have an unusually high bearing capacity (as
many as 40% of the flowers may bear fruit) [
]. We measured female establishment and
population growth, as well as flower visitation rates and fruit set at increasing distances
from the nesting site. Our first objective was to assess whether the O. cornuta population
had an impact on fruit production. Given the short foraging range of O. cornuta, we
expected fruit set to be negatively correlated to distance from the nesting site. Our second
objective was to establish whether the O. cornuta population could be increased on site
Insects 2021,12, 56 3 of 11
and, by comparing our results with those of previous studies, to identify the main factors
limiting population growth.
2. Materials and Methods
The study was conducted in an almond orchard in Vila-Seca (Tarragona, NE Spain). The
orchard measured 0.5 ha and had 5 rows of the main cultivar Ferragnes intermixed with
4 rows of the pollinizer cultivar Cristomorto (both cultivars are self-incompatible) (Figure A1).
Each row had 16 trees. The orchard was located within a matrix of farmland, including cereal
fields, fallow land, and a mixture of olive, carob, and hazelnut orchards. There were no honey
bee hives in the orchard or its surroundings (at least within a 500 m radius).
In early February 1992, prior to almond bloom, we set up 3 nesting stations for
O. cornuta at one edge of the orchard (Figure A1). Nesting stations were made with wooden
boxes with the front side open held 1.5 m above the ground on four metal fence posts.
Each station contained 15 perforated solid wood blocks with 25 inserted paper straws
(length: 15 cm; inside diameter: 8 mm). On 22 February, before the orchard started to
bloom, we placed 198 females and 360 males (M/F sex ratio: 1.8) within their cocoons in
open cardboard boxes inside the nesting stations. These cocoons had been wintered at 4
since October 1991.
To determine the number of females that established at the nesting stations, we
inspected each nesting cavity with an otoscope. This was done at night, when females were
roosting inside their nests, seven times during the nesting period (approximately twice
a week).
During peak bloom, we conducted pollinator counts on the central row of Ferragnes.
An observer slowly walked around each tree and noted all pollinators seen visiting the
flowers. Total observation time was 10 h and 40 min (40 min ×16 trees).
To assess fruit set (% of flowers that set fruit) at increasing distances (0–80 m) from the
O. cornuta nesting shelters, we marked all trees in 3 Ferragnes rows (48 trees), including
the row used in the pollinator counts (Figure A1). Before bloom we tagged 4 branches on
each tree and counted the number of flower buds on each branch (
mean ±SE = 264.4 ±1.6
flower buds per branch). In April, we counted the number of initiated fruits on each branch
(initial fruit set). Following the natural fruit drop, fruits were counted again in June when
they had reached their final size (final fruit set).
To obtain a measure of maximum potential fruit set, we marked 5 additional Ferragnes
trees (Figure A1) on which we tagged 4 branches and counted flower buds as described
above. These trees were checked daily and newly opened flowers were hand-pollinated
with Cristomorto pollen. Initial and final fruit set was assessed as described above.
After petal fall, when O. cornuta nesting activity had ceased, we removed nesting
materials and kept them in the laboratory. In September, when development was com-
pleted, we pulled out paper straws and analyzed the contents of each nest. We quantified
the number of male and female offspring produced (female cocoons are typically larger
than male cocoons and are found in the inner cells of the nest [
]). We also recorded
offspring mortality.
Statistical Analysis
Initial and final fruit set were analyzed separately. To analyze whether fruit set
declined with distance from the O. cornuta nesting stations, we used Linear Mixed Models
(LMMs) with a tree as a random factor. We considered a linear relationship (model with
distance as the only explicative variable) and a quadratic relationship (model with distance
and distance
). We then used a model inference approach [
] to select the best-fit model
based on AICc values using maximum likelihood criteria. Models with
AICc < 2 were
considered equal to the best model [
]. We then run a LMM model with REML to obtain
unbiased parameter estimates. We calculated a likelihood-ratio-based R
of the best models
as a measure of explanatory power.
Insects 2021,12, 56 4 of 11
To analyze whether fruit set was related to O. cornuta and/or A. mellifera visitation,
we conducted a model selection procedure with LM models, testing all possible explana-
tory variable combinations through a multi-model inference approach with the ‘dredge’
function (‘MuMin’ package, [
]). We again selected the best models based on AICc values.
Following model selection, we used a model averaging procedure (with averaged variable
coefficients) based on AICc. This was done with the ‘model.avg’ function (‘MunMin’ pack-
age), which yields model-averaged estimates of variable coefficients and p-values for each
explanatory variable. Conditional average and full average approaches yielded almost
identical results. We show only conditional average results. Finally, we calculated the
of the best models (containing significant explanatory variables) as a measure
of explanatory power.
Percent initial and final fruit set were arcsin-transformed. The distribution of residuals
was visually inspected for homoscedasticity and the normality assumption was tested with
the Shapiro test. All analyses were conducted with the ‘nlme’ [
] and MuMin packages in
R [47]. All means are followed by standard error (SE).
3. Results
Maximum temperatures during the days following the release of the O. cornuta popu-
lation (22 February) ranged between 14 and 18
C. The first females engaged in nesting
activities were observed on 28 February. Of the 198 females released, 182 emerged out of
their cocoons (91.9 % winter survival). The maximum number of females established in the
nesting stations was counted on March 3 (99 females; 54.4% of the emerged females).
We recorded 1114 pollinators visiting the almond flowers. Although there were
no hives in sight, the most frequent pollinator was, by far, Apis mellifera (74.1% of the
visits recorded), followed by O. cornuta (7.3%). Other visitors included various flies
(16.2%), hoverflies (4.11%, Eristalis tenax,Eupeodes sp.), and wild bees (1.1%, Andrena
nigroaenea,Andrena sp., Eucera sp., Bombus terrestris,Xylocopa violacea). Most (70.4%) O.
cornuta visitation occurred within 30 m from the nesting stations (Figure 1). Apis mellifera
visitation followed an irregular pattern across the orchard and tended to be higher towards
the two ends of the orchard (Figure 1).
Insects 2020, 11, x 5 of 13
3. Results
Maximum temperatures during the days following the release of
the O. cornuta population (22 February) ranged between 14 and 18 °C.
The first females engaged in nesting activities were observed on 28 Feb-
ruary. Of the 198 females released, 182 emerged out of their cocoons
(91.9 % winter survival). The maximum number of females established
in the nesting stations was counted on March 3 (99 females; 54.4% of
the emerged females).
We recorded 1114 pollinators visiting the almond flowers. Alt-
hough there were no hives in sight, the most frequent pollinator was,
by far, Apis mellifera (74.1% of the visits recorded), followed by O. cor-
nuta (7.3%). Other visitors included various flies (16.2%), hoverflies
(4.11%, Eristalis tenax, Eupeodes sp.), and wild bees (1.1%, Andrena ni-
groaenea, Andrena sp., Eucera sp., Bombus terrestris, Xylocopa violacea).
Most (70.4%) O. cornuta visitation occurred within 30 m from the nest-
ing stations (Figure 1). Apis mellifera visitation followed an irregular
pattern across the orchard and tended to be higher towards the two
ends of the orchard (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Number Apis mellifera and Osmia cornuta individuals recorded visit-
ing almond flowers at increasing distances from the O. cornuta nesting sta-
Almond bloom was over by 23 March. At that time, O. cornuta fe-
males that were still alive foraged mostly on Diplotaxis erucoides (Bras-
sicaceae), a common weed in the surroundings of the orchard. By 29
March O. cornuta nesting activity had ceased. The number of nests pro-
duced was 203. These nests contained 253 female and 653 male cells.
Offspring mortality was 7.1%. Most of this mortality was due to un-
known causes (5.3%), and the rest to parasitism by the cleptoparasitic
mite Chaetodactylus osmiae (1.8%). The live female population recovered
was 241, and the live male population 601 (M/F sex ratio: 2.5).
Both initial and final fruit set significantly declined with distance
from the O. cornuta nesting stations (Figure 2). The quadratic model
provided the best fit, with distance explaining 27.7% of the variability
in initial fruit set and 22.1% of the variability in final fruit set (Table 1).
Importantly, the random factor tree also had a strong effect on fruit set
(initial: 38.7%; final: 37.1%). The linear models yielded similar results
(Table A1 and Figure A2 in Appendix A). Final fruit set was strongly
related to initial fruit set (Pearson’s r = 0.88; p < 0.0001; Figure 3).
Figure 1.
Number Apis mellifera and Osmia cornuta individuals recorded visiting almond flowers at
increasing distances from the O. cornuta nesting stations.
Almond bloom was over by 23 March. At that time, O. cornuta females that were
still alive foraged mostly on Diplotaxis erucoides (Brassicaceae), a common weed in the
surroundings of the orchard. By 29 March O. cornuta nesting activity had ceased. The
number of nests produced was 203. These nests contained 253 female and 653 male cells.
Offspring mortality was 7.1%. Most of this mortality was due to unknown causes (5.3%),
and the rest to parasitism by the cleptoparasitic mite Chaetodactylus osmiae (1.8%). The live
female population recovered was 241, and the live male population 601 (M/F sex ratio: 2.5).
Insects 2021,12, 56 5 of 11
Both initial and final fruit set significantly declined with distance from the O. cornuta
nesting stations (Figure 2). The quadratic model provided the best fit, with distance
explaining 27.7% of the variability in initial fruit set and 22.1% of the variability in final
fruit set (Table 1). Importantly, the random factor tree also had a strong effect on fruit
set (initial: 38.7%; final: 37.1%). The linear models yielded similar results (Table A1 and
Figure A2 in Appendix A). Final fruit set was strongly related to initial fruit set (Pearson’s
r = 0.88; p< 0.0001; Figure 3).
Insects 2020, 11, x 6 of 13
Figure 2. Initial (A) and final (B) fruit set (% of flowers setting fruit in April and June, respectively) at
increasing distances from the Osmia cornuta nesting shelters. Each dot represents a branch. Broken
lines indicate mean fruit set in hand-pollinated trees (five trees; four branches per tree). The gray
bands represent 95% confidence intervals.
Figure 3. Relationship between initial (April) and final (June) fruit set (% of
flowers setting fruit). Each dot represents a branch. The gray band represents
the 95% confidence interval.
Table 1. Output of Linear Mixed Model (LMM) relating initial fruit (A) and final fruit set (B) to dis-
tance from the Osmia cornuta nesting shelters. Parameter- (t) and p-values are provided for the best-
fitted models based on AICc selection. R2m and R2c are the marginal and conditional R2 of the best-
fitted models.
A. Initial Fruit Set B. Final Fruit Set
t-Value p-Value t-Value p-Value
(Intercept) 25.27 <0.0001 22.63 <0.0001
Distance 3.33 <0.0001 2.85 0.0001
Distance2 2.12 0.0395 1.75 0.0857
2m: 0.28; R2c: 0.67 R2m: 0.22; R2c: 0.59
The best models analyzing the effect of O. cornuta and A. mellifera
visitation on fruit set included only O. cornuta visitation, which ex-
plained 41% of the initial fruit set and 40% of the final fruit set (Table 2;
Figure 4). Even then, the levels of fruit set obtained across the orchard
Figure 2.
Initial (
) and final (
) fruit set (% of flowers setting fruit in April and June, respectively)
at increasing distances from the Osmia cornuta nesting shelters. Each dot represents a branch. Broken
lines indicate mean fruit set in hand-pollinated trees (five trees; four branches per tree). The gray
bands represent 95% confidence intervals.
Table 1.
Output of Linear Mixed Model (LMM) relating initial fruit (A) and final fruit set (B) to
distance from the Osmia cornuta nesting shelters. Parameter- (t) and p-values are provided for the
best-fitted models based on AICc selection. R
m and R
c are the marginal and conditional R
of the
best-fitted models.
A. Initial Fruit Set B. Final Fruit Set
t-Value p-Value t-Value p-Value
(Intercept) 25.27 <0.0001 22.63 <0.0001
Distance 3.33 <0.0001 2.85 0.0001
Distance22.12 0.0395 1.75 0.0857
R2m: 0.28; R2c: 0.67 R2m: 0.22; R2c: 0.59
Insects 2020, 11, x 6 of 13
Figure 2. Initial (A) and final (B) fruit set (% of flowers setting fruit in April and June, respectively) at
increasing distances from the Osmia cornuta nesting shelters. Each dot represents a branch. Broken
lines indicate mean fruit set in hand-pollinated trees (five trees; four branches per tree). The gray
bands represent 95% confidence intervals.
Figure 3. Relationship between initial (April) and final (June) fruit set (% of
flowers setting fruit). Each dot represents a branch. The gray band represents
the 95% confidence interval.
Table 1. Output of Linear Mixed Model (LMM) relating initial fruit (A) and final fruit set (B) to dis-
tance from the Osmia cornuta nesting shelters. Parameter- (t) and p-values are provided for the best-
fitted models based on AICc selection. R2m and R2c are the marginal and conditional R2 of the best-
fitted models.
A. Initial Fruit Set B. Final Fruit Set
t-Value p-Value t-Value p-Value
(Intercept) 25.27 <0.0001 22.63 <0.0001
Distance 3.33 <0.0001 2.85 0.0001
Distance2 2.12 0.0395 1.75 0.0857
2m: 0.28; R2c: 0.67 R2m: 0.22; R2c: 0.59
The best models analyzing the effect of O. cornuta and A. mellifera
visitation on fruit set included only O. cornuta visitation, which ex-
plained 41% of the initial fruit set and 40% of the final fruit set (Table 2;
Figure 4). Even then, the levels of fruit set obtained across the orchard
Figure 3.
Relationship between initial (April) and final (June) fruit set (% of flowers setting fruit).
Each dot represents a branch. The gray band represents the 95% confidence interval.
Insects 2021,12, 56 6 of 11
The best models analyzing the effect of O. cornuta and A. mellifera visitation on fruit
set included only O. cornuta visitation, which explained 41% of the initial fruit set and 40%
of the final fruit set (Table 2; Figure 4). Even then, the levels of fruit set obtained across the
orchard were lower than those obtained in the five hand-pollinated trees (initial fruit set:
2.0; final fruit set: 36.9
1.8%) (Figure 2), indicating that pollination services could
still be increased.
Table 2.
Output of LM model averaging relating initial (A) and final (B) fruit set to Osmia cornuta and
Apis mellifera visitation. Estimated coefficients and their p-values are provided. Adjusted R
of the
best-fitted model (containing only O. cornuta visitation as predictor variable) are provided.
(A) Initial Fruit Set.
Estimate SE Adjusted SE zValue Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 0.5545 0.028 0.031 17.62 <2e16
O. cornuta 0.0099 0.003 0.003 3.08 0.002
A. mellifera 0.0004 0.001 0.001 0.39 0.689
Adjusted R2: 0.44
(B) Final Fruit Set
Estimate SE Adjusted SE zValue Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 0.489 0.043 0.046 10.63 <2e16
O. cornuta 0.009 0.003 0.003 2.70 0.007
A. mellifera 0.001 0.001 0.001 1.17 0.241
Adjusted R2: 0.36
Insects 2020, 11, x 7 of 13
were lower than those obtained in the five hand-pollinated trees (initial
fruit set: 57.8 ± 2.0; final fruit set: 36.9 ± 1.8%) (Figure 2), indicating that
pollination services could still be increased.
Figure 4. Relationship between Osmia cornuta visitation and initial (A) and final (B) fruit set (% of
flowers setting fruit in April and June, respectively). Each dot represents a tree. Gray bands represent
95% confidence intervals.
Table 2. Output of LM model averaging relating initial (A) and final (B) fruit set to Osmia cornuta and Apis
mellifera visitation. Estimated coefficients and their p-values are provided. Adjusted R2 of the best-fitted model
(containing only O. cornuta visitation as predictor variable) are provided.
(A) Initial Fruit Set.
Estimate SE Adjusted SE z Value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 0.5545 0.028 0.031 17.62 <2e16
O. cornuta 0.0099 0.003 0.003 3.08 0.002
A. mellifera -0.0004 0.001 0.001 0.39 0.689
Adjusted R2: 0.44
(B) Final Fruit Set
Estimate SE Adjusted SE z Value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 0.489 0.043 0.046 10.63 <2e16
O. cornuta 0.009 0.003 0.003 2.70 0.007
A. mellifera -0.001 0.001 0.001 1.17 0.241
Adjusted R2: 0.36
4. Discussion
Our first objective was to assess whether the O. cornuta population
had an impact on almond production. Most of the O. cornuta observed
were recorded within 30 m from the nesting stations. Although Osmia
females are able to locate their nest from distances as far as 500–1800 m
[28,29], populations established in orchards concentrate most of their
foraging within 50 m of the nesting sites [23,30]. The negative relation-
ship between fruit set and distance from the nesting stations closely
paralleled the distribution of O. cornuta across the orchard. The contri-
bution of O. cornuta to pollination service was further confirmed by the
analysis identifying O. cornuta visitation (but not A. mellifera visitation)
as a significant predictor of initial and final fruit set. This result is re-
markable given that A. mellifera visitation was 10 times higher than O.
cornuta visitation. Apis mellifera is consistently reported as the dominant
pollinator species in commercial orchards (e.g., [11,12,48]). However,
its contribution to pollination service is strongly limited by its low per-
Figure 4.
Relationship between Osmia cornuta visitation and initial (
) and final (
) fruit set (% of
flowers setting fruit in April and June, respectively). Each dot represents a tree. Gray bands represent
95% confidence intervals.
4. Discussion
Our first objective was to assess whether the O. cornuta population had an impact
on almond production. Most of the O. cornuta observed were recorded within 30 m
from the nesting stations. Although Osmia females are able to locate their nest from
distances as far as 500–1800 m [
], populations established in orchards concentrate
most of their foraging within 50 m of the nesting sites [
]. The negative relationship
between fruit set and distance from the nesting stations closely paralleled the distribution
of O. cornuta across the orchard. The contribution of O. cornuta to pollination service was
further confirmed by the analysis identifying O. cornuta visitation (but not A. mellifera
visitation) as a significant predictor of initial and final fruit set. This result is remarkable
given that A. mellifera visitation was 10 times higher than O. cornuta visitation. Apis
mellifera is consistently reported as the dominant pollinator species in commercial orchards
Insects 2021,12, 56 7 of 11
(e.g., [
]). However, its contribution to pollination service is strongly limited by its
low per-visit pollination effectiveness on fruit tree flowers [
]. Our results are limited
to a single orchard and a single year. However, they are in line with a previous study that
found a significant impact of O. cornuta visitation on final seed-set in a pear orchard in
which A. mellifera was 7 times more abundant [
]. These results are also in agreement with
studies showing yield increases in orchards pollinated with other Osmia species [
Our study also shows that initial fruit set (commonly used as a proxy of pollination service)
is a good predictor of final fruit set in almonds.
Our second objective was to establish whether the O. cornuta population could be
increased on site, and to identify the main factors limiting population growth. We released
198 females of which 182 emerged out of their cocoons (8.1% winter mortality). This winter
mortality is similar to values obtained in other O. cornuta populations managed for orchard
pollination (Table 3). Of the 182 females that emerged, 99 (54.4%) established in the nesting
stations. Failure to establish can be caused by lack of vigor of emerging females [
predation [
], and dispersal of pre-nesting females [
], but attributing a relative
weight to each of these three factors is not easy. At any rate, the percent establishment
obtained in our study was similar to values obtained with other O. cornuta populations
released in orchards (Table 3). The 99 females that established in the nesting stations
produced 906 cells (an average of 9.15 cells/female). This fecundity is again close to
fecundity in other O. cornuta populations released in orchards (Table 3). Of these 906 cells,
253 contained female progeny (2.6 M/F sex ratio). This is considerably higher than that
the sex ratio of the population released (1.8), but similar to sex ratios obtained from other
O. cornuta populations released in orchards (Table 3). Developmental mortality (5.3%)
and parasitism (1.8%) were also similar to mortality levels obtained in previous studies
(Table 3). Ultimately, the female population recovered was 1.28 times larger than the
female population released, providing evidence that Osmia populations can be sustained
in orchard environments ([26] and references therein, [54]).
Table 3.
Population parameters of Osmia cornuta populations released in orchards. All means
followed by standard error (SE).
This Study Other Studies 7
Winter mortality 18.1% 5.5 ±0.7 (n= 8)
Female establishment 254.4% 50.7 ±5.1 (n= 14)
Fecundity 39.2 9.8 ±0.9 (n= 10)
Progeny sex ratio 42.6 2.5 ±0.18 (n= 12)
Developmental mortality 55.3% 8.5 ±0.9 (n= 15)
Parasitism 61.8% 1.6 ±0.4 (n= 17)
Individuals that did not emerge out of their cocoons;
Proportion of emerged females that established at the
nesting stations provided;
Number of eggs laid;
Proportion of progeny that died from
unknown causes; 6Proportion of progeny that died from cleptoparasitism; 7[21,23,53,5558].
The results of Table 3allow us to identify two important bottlenecks in the dynamics
of O. cornuta populations managed for orchard pollination. The first one occurs in the
establishment phase, during which the effective female population is reduced by ca. 50%.
Previous studies have shown that Osmia establishment can be enhanced by releasing
populations within their natal nests, rather than as loose cocoons [
]. This result is
probably mediated by olfactory nest cues that enhance the tendency of females to re-nest in
their natal nesting site (philopatry; [
]). In relation to this, an olfactory attractant similar to
that developed for Osmia lignaria [
] could potentially enhance establishment of O. cornuta
populations released in orchards. The second important bottleneck is the production of a
male-biased sex ratio. In O. cornuta, the sex ratio of populations trap-nested in semi-natural
areas is 1.5
0.06 (n= 4 populations) [
], a figure that closely matches the theoretically
optimal sex ratio based on male and female body weights (1.7) [
]. However, progeny
sex ratios obtained from populations released in orchards are consistently higher (ca. 2.5;
Table 3). In other words, in populations nesting in orchards, a considerable fraction of the
Insects 2021,12, 56 8 of 11
parental investment is devoted to the production of surplus males. The causes underlying
these differences in sexual allocation are unclear, but a greater proportion of female cells
in managed populations could be obtained by increasing the diameter [
], or the
length [
] of the nesting cavities offered in orchard operations. A more balanced sex
ratio (closer to 1.7) would increase the reproductive and pollinating potential of populations
recovered from orchards.
5. Conclusions
Our study demonstrates that even a small population of a highly effective pollinator
may have a significant impact on crop pollination service and fruit set. Our results are
encouraging not only for the use of Osmia spp. as managed pollinators but also for the
implementation of measures to protect wild pollinator communities in orchard environ-
ments. In addition to Osmia spp., various species of Andrena,Eucera and Bombus are highly
effective fruit tree pollinators [
]. In the current scenario of pollinator declines,
agri-environmental measures to enhance wild populations of these valuable pollinators
could have important economic returns in terms of enhanced pollination service and
fruit yields.
Supplementary Materials:
The following are available online at
0/12/1/56/s1, dataset. Table S1: Fruit set vs. Distance; Table S2: Osmia vs. fset row1.
Author Contributions:
J.B., conceived the research. J.B., S.O.-C., and N.V. conducted the study.
S.O.-C. analyzed the data. J.B., S.O.-C., N.V., and F.S. wrote the manuscript. J.B. secured funding.
All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
This study was supported by the DGICYT (project AGR. 91-0988-CO3) and the Spanish
MEC (FPI grant to NV).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Data are available in the Supplementary Materials.
We are grateful to J. Calzadilla and M. A. Escolano for their help with field work
and nest analysis.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Appendix A
Table A1.
Output of Linear Mixed Model (LMM) relating initial fruit (A) and final fruit set (B) to
distance from the Osmia cornuta nesting stations considering a linear fit. R
m and R
c are the marginal
and conditional R2of the best-fitted models.
(A) Initial Fruit Set
t-Value p-Value
(Intercept) 32.03 <0.0001
Distance 4.73 <0.0001
R2m: 0.24; R2c: 0.66
(B) Final Fruit Set
t-Value p-Value
(Intercept) 29.22 <0.0001
Distance 4.31 0.0001
R2m: 0.19; R2c: 0.59
Insects 2021,12, 56 9 of 11
Insects 2020, 11, x 10 of 13
Table A1. Output of Linear Mixed Model (LMM) relating initial fruit (A) and final fruit set (B) to
distance from the Osmia cornuta nesting stations considering a linear fit. R
m and R
c are the marginal
and conditional R
of the best-fitted models.
(A) Initial Fruit Set
t-Value p-Value
(Intercept) 32.03 <0.0001
Distance 4.73 <0.0001
m: 0.24; R
c: 0.66
(B) Final Fruit Set
t-Value p-Value
(Intercept) 29.22 <0.0001
Distance 4.31 0.0001
m: 0.19; R
c: 0.59
Figure A1. Structure of the study orchard and location of the Osmia cornuta
nesting stations.
Figure A2. Initial (A) and final (B) fruit set (% of flowers setting fruit in April
and June, respectively) at increasing distances from the Osmia cornuta nesting
shelters. Each dot represents a branch. Broken lines indicate mean fruit set in
hand-pollinated trees (5 trees; 4 branches per tree). The gray bands represent
95% confidence intervals.
1. Klein, A.-M.; Vaissière, B.E.; Cane, J.H.; Steffan-Dewenter, I.; Cunningham, S.A.; Kremen, C.; Tscharntke,
T. Importance of pollinators in changing landscapes for world crops. Proc. R. Soc. B 2007, 274, 303–313.
Figure A1. Structure of the study orchard and location of the Osmia cornuta nesting stations.
Insects 2020, 11, x 10 of 13
Table A1. Output of Linear Mixed Model (LMM) relating initial fruit (A) and final fruit set (B) to
distance from the Osmia cornuta nesting stations considering a linear fit. R
m and R
c are the marginal
and conditional R
of the best-fitted models.
(A) Initial Fruit Set
t-Value p-Value
(Intercept) 32.03 <0.0001
Distance 4.73 <0.0001
m: 0.24; R
c: 0.66
(B) Final Fruit Set
t-Value p-Value
(Intercept) 29.22 <0.0001
Distance 4.31 0.0001
m: 0.19; R
c: 0.59
Figure A1. Structure of the study orchard and location of the Osmia cornuta
nesting stations.
Figure A2. Initial (A) and final (B) fruit set (% of flowers setting fruit in April
and June, respectively) at increasing distances from the Osmia cornuta nesting
shelters. Each dot represents a branch. Broken lines indicate mean fruit set in
hand-pollinated trees (5 trees; 4 branches per tree). The gray bands represent
95% confidence intervals.
1. Klein, A.-M.; Vaissière, B.E.; Cane, J.H.; Steffan-Dewenter, I.; Cunningham, S.A.; Kremen, C.; Tscharntke,
T. Importance of pollinators in changing landscapes for world crops. Proc. R. Soc. B 2007, 274, 303–313.
Figure A2.
Initial (
) and final (
) fruit set (% of flowers setting fruit in April and June, respectively)
at increasing distances from the Osmia cornuta nesting shelters. Each dot represents a branch. Broken
lines indicate mean fruit set in hand-pollinated trees (5 trees; 4 branches per tree). The gray bands
represent 95% confidence intervals.
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... Entretanto, algumas espécies nidicam acima do solo, em cavidades pré-existentes tanto naturais, como em rachaduras e buracos escavados por larvas de besouro (Coleoptera) em galhos e troncos mortos, quanto articiais, como brechas em portas, janelas e outras estruturas de madeira eitas pelo homem (Figura 2b,c,d). Esse comportamento tem permitido o uso de ninhos-armadilha para atrair e induzir a ocupação por essas abelhas, normalmente com a intenção de estudos da biologia reprodutiva e conservação (Krombein, 1967;Jesus: Garóalo, 2000;Buschini;Wol, 2006;Schlindwein, 2009;Drumond;Morato;Azevedo, 2023), e mais recentemente tentativas de uso na polinização de cultivos agrícolas (Magalhães;Freitas, 2013;Oliveira et al., 2014;Sazan et al., 2014;Lourenço et al., 2019), porém ainda sem o desenvolvimento de técnicas de criação e manejo que permita um uso comercial como aquele feito em outras partes do mundo com abelhas solitárias que também nidicam em ninhos-armadilha (Bosch;Kemp, 2001;Bosch et al., 2021;Schmolke;Galic;Hinarejos, 2023). ...
... Entretanto, algumas espécies nidicam acima do solo, em cavidades pré-existentes tanto naturais, como em rachaduras e buracos escavados por larvas de besouro (Coleoptera) em galhos e troncos mortos, quanto articiais, como brechas em portas, janelas e outras estruturas de madeira eitas pelo homem (Figura 2b,c,d). Esse comportamento tem permitido o uso de ninhos-armadilha para atrair e induzir a ocupação por essas abelhas, normalmente com a intenção de estudos da biologia reprodutiva e conservação (Krombein, 1967;Jesus: Garóalo, 2000;Buschini;Wol, 2006;Schlindwein, 2009;Drumond;Morato;Azevedo, 2023), e mais recentemente tentativas de uso na polinização de cultivos agrícolas (Magalhães;Freitas, 2013;Oliveira et al., 2014;Sazan et al., 2014;Lourenço et al., 2019), porém ainda sem o desenvolvimento de técnicas de criação e manejo que permita um uso comercial como aquele feito em outras partes do mundo com abelhas solitárias que também nidicam em ninhos-armadilha (Bosch;Kemp, 2001;Bosch et al., 2021;Schmolke;Galic;Hinarejos, 2023). ...
... Eles se tornaram conhecidos a partir da publicação do livro de Karl V. Krombein onde o autor apresentou essas estruturas que construiu com pedaços de madeira seca de pinheiro (Pinus strobus L.) e utilizou como artifício para obter a nidicação de 75 espécies de vespas predatórias e 43 espécies de abelhas dos EUA e estudar vários aspectos do comportamento e ecologia desses insetos, como competição, arquitetura dos ninhos, correlação entre tamanho e sexo, alimento larval, dentre outros (Krombein, 1967). Desde então, a ideia dos ninhos-armadilha vem sendo adaptada e utilizada ao redor do mundo em estudos com os mais diversos objetivos, do monitoramento de espécies de abelhas e vespas, sazonalidade populacional, estratégias de nidicação até, mais recentemente, o criatório de espécies de abelhas solitárias do hemisério norte para uso na polinização agrícola (Buschini;Wol, 2006;Bosch et al., 2021;Schmolke;Galic;Hinarejos, 2023). ...
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As abelhas do gênero Centris apresentam a peculiaridade de usarem óleos florais na alimentação das crias e construção dos ninhos. Por essa razão, são os principais polinizadores nas Américas e Caribe das plantas produtoras de óleos florais, sejam cultivadas ou não. Apesar de algumas espécies de Centris aceitarem nidificar em ninhos-armadilha, esse recurso tem sido utilizado basicamente para estudos científicos, e poucas foram as iniciativas de criar e manejar racionalmente essas abelhas para uso na polinização agrícola, como é feito com outras espécies de abelhas solitárias ao redor do mundo. Aqui, no entanto, abordamos em detalhes técnicas de manutenção, multiplicação e manejo da abelha Centris (Heterocentris) analis (Fabricius, 1804) que permitem, além do criatório racional, a exploração comercial dessa abelha para polinização na agricultura.
... Here, honeybee hives were proved to be insufficient in large acreages planted in eastern and southern Spain (Bosch et al., 1992), making inadequate pollination a key cause, together with frost damage, drought and poor soils, of low production of almond in this area (Vargas and Romero 1987). On these trees, Osmia bees are known to be very efficient pollinators (Bosch et al. 2021), at least partially because almonds bloom very early (February-March) and because these bees are often the only ones on flight along with honeybees (Westrich 1989). While Osmia bee management was initiated in Spain almost 40 years ago (Asensio 1984), studies on reproductive success of these bees were confined to the North-Eastern part of the country (Bosch et al. 2021 and references therein). ...
... Furthermore, the cocoon of O. latreillei lacks the silky outer layer typical of O. cornuta or O. tricornis (Bosch et al. 2001) and most of brood cells partitions were made from mud (as typical in O. cornuta and O. tricornis) and not chewed leaves (typical in O. latreillei) (Westrich 1989). Hence, while the data analysis was carried out without distinguishing the species (e.g.: Groulx et al. 2001), we can at least suggest that O. cornuta (which has a strong preference for Rosaceae as a pollen source and was proven to be an excellent almond pollinator (Westrich 1989;Bosch et al. 2021)) was likely the most abundant species in the studied area during our investigation. ...
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Wild bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) play an important role as pollinators of many crops and managed populations of Osmia spp. (Megachilidae), through the installation of trap-nests, proved to be efficient in several fruit orchards. In order to optimize the trap-nest protocols, it is necessary to understand which environmental factors play a major role in the reproductive success of these bees. Here, we studied how climate, land use and vegetation affect nest occupation rate (OR, i.e. total number of colonized tunnels/total number of tunnels in the trap-nest), brood productivity (BP, i.e. total number of brood cells built in a completed nest tunnel) and parasitism rate (PR, i.e. total number of parasitized brood cells/BP) in Osmia bees nearby almond orchards in South-East Spain, a largely understudied Mediterranean area. We found that the summer solar radiation positively influenced all three parameters, while spring solar radiation positively affected OR and BP, and negatively PR. Higher abundance of pastures and forests compared with crops increased OR, though not BP, and reduced PR. Vegetation evenness and diversity of dominant plant species also positively affected OR and BP, while they were unimportant for PR. OR was not affected by climate, but BP increased with maximum temperature in the warmest month and decreased with temperature annual range. PR also increased with high temperature, as well as with precipitation. Arid conditions limited OR and BP and boosted parasitism. Overall, it seems that Osmia bees nearby almond field in this area would benefit from trap-nest installation in well solar-radiated, hot and humid sites with a diverse vegetation. Since we have also found a negative association between PR and BP in nests with at least one parasitized cell, environmental conditions which improve productivity will also likely reduce parasitism in these bees. Implications for insect conservation: Optimization of trap-nesting protocols for maintaining abundant Osmia populations is crucial to an effective use of these bees as managed pollinators. In our study we suggest that trap-nests locations should be chosen also taking into account a number of local climatic and habitat factors, given their importance in affecting key traits of reproductive success in these solitary bees.
... Species of the Osmia genus are generalists, pollinating over 150 plant species [21,22], thus positively influencing the quantity and quality of crops. This is why they have been successfully used for many years to pollinate various crops, such as orchards [23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31], rapeseed [32], blackcurrant [23], and strawberries [33]. Recent reports show that mason bees are also used to pollinate forest orchards of European seed trees-Tilia cordata Mill. ...
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Osmia bicornis L. is a widespread and valued pollinator species. It is considered to be easy to breed, provided that the nesting material in which the bees build their nests is of sufficient quality and quantity. The aim of this study was to test several different types of nesting materials: reeds and commercial structures, including wood, MDF (Medium Density Fibreboard), plastic, paper or polystyrene. The highest levels of nest cavity occupancy were found in reeds (90%) and grooved MDF (over 80%). We have shown that maintaining mason bee colonies in polystyrene leads to reproductive losses (occupancy only 2% of nesting holes). Mason bees built the most cells in MDF (8.02 cells/hole) and wood (7.34 cells/hole), slightly fewer in plastic (6.83 cells/hole) and reeds (6.74 cells/hole), and the fewest in paper (3.67 cells/hole). The most cocoons per nest were obtained from reed (average 5.47), MDF (4.84) and plastic (4.74). We observed the highest mortality in plastic (2 larvae/hole), and the lowest in reeds (0.92 larvae/hole). In nests made of wood, MDF and paper, large nesting losses were caused by the migration of Ch. osmiae mites along and through the nest holes. The most hygienic nesting material turned out to be reed and plastic forms.
... Paradoxically, this agricultural expansion has been accompanied by a growing demand for crop pollination (Potts et al. 2016). Management of crop pollination is mainly organised by movement of honey bee hives (Gemill-Herren et al. 2020), even if additional bee species were recently domesticated (Bosch et al. 2021). The estimated number of honey bee colonies worldwide is up to 101.6 million (FAO 2021), representing a 47% augmentation compared to 1990. ...
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The expansion of entomophilous crops over the last decades has been accompanied by a growing demand for managed honey bee colonies to provide pollination service. The massive introduction of honey bee in agro-ecosystems has raised concerns about a negative effect on wild bee communities. Here we assess following a standardised sampling the relation between honey bee abundance and wild bee abundance/species richness in six pollinator dependent crops across 201 sites in four different regions in Morocco and during two consecutive years. We also evaluate how multi-croping can modulate the impact of honey bee on wild bees. Our results show that wild bee abundance and richness were not influenced by honey bee abundance regardless of the crop. The response of wild bees to honey bee did not vary between monoculture fields and fields with additional marketable plants. These findings suggest that the current Moroccan agro-ecosystems are not experiencing a strong competition between wild and honey bees and they might co-exist even in the absence of additional habitat plants. However, the effect of honey bee on wild bees remains context-dependent, and we therefore urge caution when generalizing the results.
... However, exposure to both compounds, even at the lowest insecticide concentration, resulted in negative population growth rates. These findings agree with the documented relatively low population returns of managed Osmia populations in agricultural environments (Bosch and Kemp, 2002;and references therein;Bosch et al., 2021;Monzón et al., 2004;Pitts-Singer et al., 2018). As mentioned, the main bottlenecks affecting population growth in our study, were female establishment success and nesting period duration. ...
... Krombein's book, where the author presented these structures made with pieces o dried pine wood (Pinus strobus L.) and used them as a tool to induce nesting behavior in 75 species o predatory wasps and 43 species o bees in the United States, studying various aspects o their behavior and ecology, such as competition, nest architecture, correlation between size and sex, larval ood, among others (Krombein, 1967). Since then, the idea o trap nests has been adapted and used around the world in studies with various objectives, rom monitoring bee and wasp species, population seasonality, nesting strategies, to more recently, rearing solitary bee species rom the northern hemisphere or use in crop pollination (Buschini and Wol, 2006;Bosch et al., 2021;Schmolke et al., 2023). ...
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Bees of the genus Centris have the peculiarity of using floral oils for feeding their offspring and building their nests. For this reason, they are the main pollinators in the Americas and the Caribbean of plants that produce floral oils, whether cultivated or not. Although some species of Centris accept nesting in trap nests, this resource has been primarily used for scientific studies, and few initiatives have been taken to rear and manage these bees rationally for use in agricultural pollination, as is done with other species of solitary bees around the world. Here, however, we address in detail techniques for the maintenance, multiplication, and management of the bee Centris (Heterocentris) analis (Fabricius, 1804), which allow, in addition to rational rearing, the commercial exploitation o this bee for pollination in agriculture.
... Managed honey bees are increasingly being introduced into agricultural landscapes to enhance pollination services in many regions of the world (Bosch et al., 2021;Evans et al., 2021;Geslin et al., 2017;Stern et al., 2001). This is particularly important for insect pollinatordependent crops in monocultural landscapes and regions with reduced wild pollinator populations (Da Silva, 2018;Kambach et al., 2013;Klein et al., 2007). ...
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Shea (Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaertn) is a fruit tree of domestic and industrial importance in arid and semi‐arid regions of Sub‐Saharan Africa. Fruit set is largely dependent on insect pollination but recent studies have revealed a pollen deficit. The introduction of managed bees into orchards is an effective approach for enhanced pollination services in temperate climates. However, there is limited information to guide the adoption of this practice in agroforestry parklands. This study investigated the effect of managed honey bee colonies (Apis mellifera) on fruit yield of shea in six parklands across three regions of Ghana. Tree proximity to the apiary had a detectable effect on fruit set within a 500 m range of the apiary. Proximity of shea trees to apiary was significantly related to number of immature fruit set but not number of mature fruits. Fruit weight and size were not significantly related to distance from apiary or pollination treatment. This implies that the introduction of beekeeping has the potential to address shea pollination deficit at least within a 500 m range of the apiary. Further studies are needed to determine the optimal hive density per acreage of shea parkland to maximise pollination services.
... Approximately 35% of all plants and 75% of food crops depend on pollination (Das et al. 2018). Globally, pollination accounts for annual costs ranging from $235 to $577 billion USD in the agriculture trade (Latreille) in orchards, and O. cornifrons (Radoszkowski) in almonds (Vinchesi et al. 2018;Kratschmer et al. 2020;Bosch et al. 2021;Wilson et al. 2021). ...
Solitary bees are in constant decline due to climate change, pesticide toxicity, and habitat loss. Provision of nesting sites is an important conservation strategy. Various factors affect bee nesting, including parasitism, entrance orientation, nesting substrate type, and diameter. This study explored the impact of nesting substrate, cavity diameter, and entrance orientation on solitary bee nesting preferences. Additionally, it investigated the influence of landscape type and seasonality on bee nesting efficiency which is the ability of a bee to successfully establish nest. Trap nests were placed at eight locations, representing five landscapes (forest, desert, agriculture, peri-urban, and urban). These trap nests had five different nesting substrates (bamboo reeds, wooden blocks, wooden logs, mud blocks, and paper tubes). At each location, four traps were set in all directions. The results showed maximum cavity occupation in south-facing nests. Peri-urban landscapes were the most favored for nesting, followed by forests. Solitary bees primarily preferred bamboo reeds for nesting, with peak occupation from April to June. Bees favored cavities with 6- and 8-mm entrance diameters, while wasps occupied smaller diameters (< 5 mm). Overall, bee species occupied fewer nests compared to parasitic wasps. Future research should explore brood chamber numbers and species-specific nesting preferences for bees, along with the impact of cavity microclimate on bee growth.
... In addition, a higher diversity and abundance of wild bees resulted in enhanced fruit set in apple orchards [12]. The use of managed solitary bees like Osmia can increase fruit set in almond orchards, where a small population ensured effective pollination even though domesticated bees were 10 times more abundant [16,17]. The carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua L) is an underutilized crop with descending trends regarding production volumes, yet it represents an excellent model of a heat-and drought-resistant crop, grown in dry areas with practically no inputs [18,19]. ...
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As the current climate crisis intensifies, drought resistant crops are becoming more important due to their ability to withstand the increasingly hotter and drier summers. Such crops are valuable for pollinators as they provide food resources for wild and managed species. The carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua L.) represents an example of a heat- and drought- resistant crop, able to grow in dry areas with practically no inputs. The current study assessed over two growing seasons the diversity of wild bees and other pollinators relying on carob flowers, as well as the contribution of animal pollination to carob production. Carob flowers were subjected to two treatments: Open pollination, where inflorescences were left untreated, and wind pollination, where inflorescences were bagged in a mesh during blooming. Weekly observations during blooming showed that Apis mellifera was the most frequent floral visitor followed by wild bees and wasps. Carob flowers were visited by at least 10 different wild bee species. Open-pollinated flowers produced significantly more pods, with the benefit ranging from 4 to 16 times higher production, depending on the region. Open pollination led to pods with greater weight, length and number of seeds compared to pods derived from wind pollination. The results of the current study highlight the importance of animal pollination to carob production, as well as the significance of carob trees to wild bee conservation.
... Records from 8 populations nesting in semi-natural sites (Márquez et al., 1994;Taséi and Picart, 1973) and 4 populations nesting in urban areas (Kratschmer et al., 2020) also reflect the strong affinity (55-99% and 45-60%, respectively) of O. cornuta for fruit tree pollen. Osmia females nesting in orchards have a short (50-100 m) foraging range (Monzón et al., 2004;Biddinger et al., 2013;Bosch et al., 2021), which further explains the lack of effect of landscape composition on pollen choice by this species. ...
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Differences in pollination effectiveness (PE) among pollinators have been widely documented. However, the morphological and behavioural traits underlying these differences have been less investigated. We used single-visit pollen deposition to apple flowers to explore the relationship between pollinator traits and PE. Our objectives were to determine which morphological and behavioural traits promote PE and to establish whether effective pollinators shared similar traits. For each flower visit we recorded duration, flower handling behaviour (top-working vs. side-working: flower visited from the top or from the side, respectively) and resource collected (pollen vs. nectar). For each pollinator species we measured body size, tongue length, hair density and hair length. PE depended on flower handling behaviour (top visitors were more effective than side visitors) and was positively correlated with body size and visit duration, but not with hairiness. We found large differences in PE among 11 pollinator species. The mean number of pollen grains deposited per visit ranged from 201.5 (Apis mellifera) to 833.7 (Andrena flavipes). In general, solitary bees (Andrena, Eucera, Osmia) were more effective than social bees (Bombus, Apis). Dipterans and beetles (Eristalis, muscoid flies, Tropinota, Oxythyrea) showed high to intermediate levels of PE. All effective pollinators were top-workers, but otherwise did not necessarily share similar traits. We conclude that there are different ways to be an effective pollinator. Our results provide a mechanism to explain the positive relationship between pollinator diversity and pollination service and can be used to predict PE in bowl-shaped flowers. Our approach can be easily adapted to other flower-pollinator systems.
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Functional traits mediate the response of communities to disturbances (response traits) and their contribution to ecosystem functions (effect traits). To predict how anthropogenic disturbances influence ecosystem services requires a dual approach including both trait concepts. Here, we used a response–effect trait conceptual framework to understand how local and landscape features affect pollinator functional diversity and pollination services in apple orchards. We worked in 110 apple orchards across four European regions. Orchards differed in management practices. Low‐intensity (LI) orchards were certified organic or followed close‐to‐organic practices. High‐intensity (HI) orchards followed integrated pest management practices. Within each management type, orchards encompassed a range of local (flower diversity, agri‐environmental structures) and landscape features (orchard and pollinator‐friendly habitat cover). We measured pollinator visitation rates and calculated trait composition metrics based on 10 pollinator traits. We used initial fruit set as a measure of pollination service. Some pollinator traits (body size and hairiness) were negatively related to orchard cover and positively affected by pollinator‐friendly habitat cover. Bee functional diversity was lower in HI orchards and decreased with increased landscape orchard cover. Pollination service was not associated with any particular trait but increased with pollinator trait diversity in LI orchards. As a result, LI orchards with high pollinator trait diversity reached levels of pollination service similar to those of HI orchards. Synthesis and applications. Pollinator functional diversity enables pollinator communities to respond to agricultural intensification and to increase pollination function. Our results show that efforts to promote biodiversity provide greater returns in low‐intensity than in high‐intensity orchards. The fact that low‐intensity orchards with high pollinator functional diversity reach levels of pollination services similar to those of high‐intensity orchards provides a compelling argument for the conversion of high‐intensity into low‐intensity farms.
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Crop pollination generally increases with pollinator diversity and wild pollinator visitation. To optimize crop pollination, it is necessary to investigate the pollination contribution of different pollinator species. In the present study, we examined this contribution of honey bees and non‐ Apis bees (bumble bees, mason bees and other solitary bees) in sweet cherry. We assessed the pollination efficiency (fruit set of flowers receiving only one visit) and foraging behaviour (flower visitation rate, probability of tree change, probability of row change and contact with the stigma) of honey bees and different types of non‐ Apis bees. Single visit pollination efficiency on sweet cherry was higher for both mason bees and solitary bees compared with bumble bees and honey bees. The different measures of foraging behaviour were variable among non‐ Apis bees and honey bees. Adding to their high single visit efficiency, mason bees also visited significantly more flower per minute, and they had a high probability of tree change and a high probability to contact the stigma. The results of the present study highlight the higher pollination performance of solitary bees and especially mason bees compared with bumble bees and honey bees. Management to support species with high pollination efficiency and effective foraging behaviour will promote crop pollination.
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Pollination services provided by managed bees are essential for California almond (Prunus dulcis Mill.; Rosales: Rosaceae) production. Currently, pollination needs are met by rented or owned Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae; honey bee) colonies. Excessive demand on a challenged A. mellifera industry to provide strong colonies in early spring has caused sharp increases in rental prices over the past decade, inviting the consideration of alternative pollinators in addition to, or in place of, A. mellifera. Osmia lignaria Say (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae; the blue orchard bee) is an excellent pollinator of fruit and nut trees, but its pollination impacts when used in tandem with A. mellifera have yet to be evaluated in commercial almond orchards. A 2-yr study was conducted in California orchards to compare almond pollination and production using A. mellifera as sole pollinator to an alternative practice of adding O. lignaria as a co-pollinator with A. mellifera. Almond orchard managerial decisions, such as for pesticide use and irrigation intensity, vary between almond growing regions because of local climates. Therefore, both north-central and southern sites of California's San Joaquin Valley are represented. We compared bee visitation, nut set, and nut yield between orchards and between tree rows within orchards. Also, O. lignaria reproductive success was recorded to assure that these bees remained in the orchards as pollinators and to assess the ability to sustain these bees under regional orchard conditions. We demonstrated that augmenting large commercial almond orchards with O. lignaria can significantly increase nut set and sometimes nut yield in both regions evaluated.
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Agricultural intensification is one of the main causes for the current biodiversity crisis. While reversing habitat loss on agricultural land is challenging, increasing the farmland configurational heterogeneity (higher field border density) and farmland compositional heterogeneity (higher crop diversity) has been proposed to counteract some habitat loss. Here, we tested whether increased farmland configurational and compositional heterogeneity promote wild pollinators and plant reproduction in 229 landscapes located in four major western European agricultural regions. High-field border density consistently increased wild bee abundance and seed set of radish (Raphanus sativus), probably through enhanced connectivity. In particular, we demonstrate the importance of crop-crop borders for pollinator movement as an additional experiment showed higher transfer of a pollen analogue along crop-crop borders than across fields or along semi-natural crop borders. By contrast, high crop diversity reduced bee abundance, probably due to an increase of crop types with particularly intensive management. This highlights the importance of crop identity when higher crop diversity is promoted. Our results show that small-scale agricultural systems can boost pollinators and plant reproduction. Agri-environmental policies should therefore aim to halt and reverse the current trend of increasing field sizes and to reduce the amount of crop types with particularly intensive management.
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Damage confirmed Early studies of the impacts of neonicotinoid insecticides on insect pollinators indicated considerable harm. However, lingering criticism was that the studies did not represent field-realistic levels of the chemicals or prevailing environmental conditions. Two studies, conducted on different crops and on two continents, now substantiate that neonicotinoids diminish bee health (see the Perspective by Kerr). Tsvetkov et al. find that bees near corn crops are exposed to neonicotinoids for 3 to 4 months via nontarget pollen, resulting in decreased survival and immune responses, especially when coexposed to a commonly used agrochemical fungicide. Woodcock et al. , in a multicounty experiment on rapeseed in Europe, find that neonicotinoid exposure from several nontarget sources reduces overwintering success and colony reproduction in both honeybees and wild bees. These field results confirm that neonicotinoids negatively affect pollinator health under realistic agricultural conditions. Science , this issue p. 1395 , p. 1393 ; see also p. 1331
Significance Agricultural landscape homogenization is a major ongoing threat to biodiversity and the delivery of key ecosystem services for human well-being. It is well known that increasing the amount of seminatural cover in agricultural landscapes has a positive effect on biodiversity. However, little is known about the role of the crop mosaic itself. Crop heterogeneity in the landscape had a much stronger effect on multitrophic diversity than the amount of seminatural cover in the landscape, across 435 agricultural landscapes located in 8 European and North American regions. Increasing crop heterogeneity can be an effective way to mitigate the impacts of farming on biodiversity without taking land out of production.
The blue orchard bee, Osmia lignaria (Say), is a solitary bee that is an excellent pollinator of tree fruit orchards. Due to the annual rising costs of honey bee hive rentals, many orchardists are eager to develop management tools and practices to support O. lignaria as an alternative pollinator. Establishing O. lignaria pollination as a sustainable industry requires careful consideration of both bee and orchard management. Here, we test the effect of artificial nest box distribution on in-orchard propagation of O. lignaria in Utah commercial tart cherry orchards. Two nest box distributions were compared across three paired, 1.2-ha plots. One distribution, traditionally employed by O. lignaria consultants, included a centrally located tote for mass-nesting with smaller, surrounding 'satellite' nest boxes at orchard margins. The other distribution was composed of smaller, more equally distributed nest boxes throughout the 1.2-ha plots. Significantly higher propagation of O. lignaria was observed in the latter nest box distribution, although all treatments resulted in bee return exceeding the number of bees initially released. These findings provide support for the use of O. lignaria in tart cherry orchards, and demonstrate how simple changes to bee set-up and management can influence propagation efforts. © Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Entomological Society of America 2017. This work is written by US Government employees and is in the public domain in the US.