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Research Policy 50 (2021) 104147
Available online 8 January 2021
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Evaluating impact from research: A methodological framework
M.S. Reed
, M. Ferr´
, J. Martin-Ortega
, R. Blanche
, R. Lawford-Rolfe
, M. Dallimer
J. Holden
Thriving Natural Capital Challenge Centre, Department of Rural Economies, Environment & Society, Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), Peter Wilson Building, Kings
Buildings, West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JG
School of Earth & Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, United Kingdom
Division of Media, Communication and Performing Arts, School of Arts, Social Sciences and Management, Queen Margaret University, Queen Margaret University Way,
Musselburgh EH21 6UU, United Kingdom
School of Earth & Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, United Kingdom
School of Geography, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, United Kingdom
Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD), 42 Rue Scheffer, 75116 Paris, France
Centre for Rural Economy and Institute for Agri-Food Research and Innovation, School of Natural and Environmental Sciences, Newcastle University, Agriculture
Building, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, United Kingdom
Background: Interest in impact evaluation has grown rapidly as research funders increasingly demand evidence that their investments lead to public benets.
Aims: This paper analyses literature to provide a new denition of research impact and impact evaluation, develops a typology of research impact evaluation designs,
and proposes a methodological framework to guide evaluations of the signicance and reach of impact that can be attributed to research.
Method: An adapted Grounded Theory Analysis of research impact evaluation frameworks drawn from cross-disciplinary peer-reviewed and grey literature.
Results: Recognizing the subjective nature of impacts as they are perceived by different groups in different times, places and cultures, we dene research impact
evaluation as the process of assessing the signicance and reach of both positive and negative effects of research.
Five types of impact evaluation design are identied encompassing a range of evaluation methods and approaches: i) experimental and statistical methods; ii) textual,
oral and arts-based methods; iii) systems analysis methods; iv) indicator-based approaches; and v) evidence synthesis approaches.
Our guidance enables impact evaluation design to be tailored to the aims and context of the evaluation, for example choosing a design to establish a body of research
as a necessary (e.g. a signicant contributing factor amongst many) or sufcient (e.g. sole, direct) cause of impact, and choosing the most appropriate evaluation
design for the type of impact being evaluated.
Conclusion: Using the proposed denitions, typology and methodological framework, researchers, funders and other stakeholders working across multiple disciplines
can select a suitable evaluation design and methods to evidence the impact of research from any discipline.
1. Introduction
Interest is growing rapidly in the evaluation of non-academic bene-
ts or “impacts” (see Section 3 for denition) arising from research, as
funders and Governments around the world increasingly seek evidence
of the value of their research investments to society (Edler et al., 2012;
Oancea, 2019). The growth of research over the past few decades has
outstripped available public funding in many countries, leading to dis-
cussions about how to get best value from research, particularly basic
research which may not have immediate application (Boreman, 2012).
The Global Financial Crisis of 2007/8, further intensied discussions
about how to measure the quality of research and how to evaluate its
societal value, to provide public research funding agencies with
evidence to justify budgetary requests to governments. The drive to
evaluate the societal impact of research is exemplied by the assessment
of non-academic impact by the UK’s Research Excellence Framework in
2014 and 2021 (REF; the system for assessing the quality of research in
UK higher education institutions), and the growing trend to evaluate
research impact at national scales around the world (Box 1).
In this paper, we refer to evaluation as the process of collecting and
interpreting data to assess the signicance, reach and attribution of
impacts from research. We refer to evidence as the communication or
“demonstration” of impact based on robust evaluation. However,
dening the benets of research is a highly subjective process, and a
benet for one group in one place, time and culture, may be perceived as
damaging the interests of others (e.g. other groups, future generations or
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: mark.reed@sruc.ac.uk (M.S. Reed).
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Research Policy 50 (2021) 104147
the environment). The diversity of benets and perceptions of benets
arising from research presents a major methodological challenge for
evaluating and evidencing impact claims (as an illustration, 3709
unique impact pathways were identied from the 6679 case studies
submitted to REF2014; Grant, 2015). In the face of such diversity, there
can be no single process or checklist for evaluating and evidencing
impact. Rather, methods need to be adapted to the unique impacts,
pathways and contexts associated with research on a case-by-case basis.
There is no shortage of methods for evaluating research impact (Alla
et al., 2017; Reed, 2018). The challenge therefore lies in choosing the
most appropriate methods in an evaluation design that is suited to a
given impact and context. Guidance from the realms of evidence-based
policy/practice and research-informed international development typi-
cally follows a hierarchy of methods, based implicitly on their assumed
accuracy and minimization of bias (e.g. Gertler et al., 2011; HM Trea-
sury, 2011; USAID, 2011). Randomised controlled trials sit at the top of
this notional hierarchy, followed by quasi-experiments, mixed methods
and qualitative methods. Implicit in this hierarchy is the idea that
quantitative measures are superior to qualitative approaches. This hi-
erarchy may be valid in the evaluation of some types of impact in certain
contexts, for example where it is possible to isolate and evidence the sole
cause (e.g. an intervention based on research) of any given effect (the
However, it is increasingly clear that the relationship between
research and societal impact is far more indirect, non-linear, and com-
plex than many evaluation frameworks allow (Bornmann, 2012; UNEG,
2013). Indeed, it is rare for an impact in any domain to be solely
attributable to a single research project or output. More commonly,
impacts arise from a body of knowledge that may include hundreds or
even thousands of strands of research, some of which may stretch back
several decades (Morris et al., 2011). Moreover, effects from research
are often mediated by many other enabling factors (e.g. new incentives,
economic volatility or changing attitudes) without which the impacts
would not have been possible. Furthermore, pathways to impact (the
knowledge exchange or engagement activities that facilitate impacts;
UKRI, 2018), are often littered with unintended positive or negative
consequences Alvarez et al., 2010), time lags (Morris et al., 2011; San-
jari et al., 2014), lack of researcher control over the implementation of
recommendations (Rau et al., 2018), ethical challenges (Sanjari et al.,
2014), spillover effects and knowledge creep (Peneld et al., 2014) and
that makes evaluation difcult. Even when these factors are taken into
account, few evaluations of research impact draw on the latest literature
or are aware of the full range of evaluation options available (Stem et al.,
As a result, many evaluations of research impact are not able to
capture the multifaceted, complex and long-term benets arising from
research, and so can lack credibility and potentially offer few lessons to
enhance future practice in research or impact domains (Cartwright and
Hardie, 2021; Woolcock, 2013). In response to these challenges, there
have been calls for research impact evaluation to draw on mixed
methods approaches (Gaunand et al., 2015), triangulating evidence
from multiple sources to demonstrate rigour (Reed, 2018).
Evaluating and evidencing impact is harder for some research dis-
ciplines than others. The impact agenda aligns well with the norms and
practices of some (especially more applied) disciplines and the intrinsic
motivations of certain researchers, legitimising their investment of time
and energy in the pursuit of impact (Watermeyer, 2019). However, there
is evidence that other researchers (especially from arts, humanities and
pure science disciplines), whose work may have no obvious or concrete
application or immediate/obvious public interest, are concerned by
expectations that their work should generate impact, and feel that their
academic freedom is under threat from the increasing evaluation (and
especially metricisation) of impact (Chubb et al., 2017; Bulaitis, 2017;
Chubb and Reed, 2018). With this in mind, it is important to emphasise
that rather than legitimizing a narrowing and instrumentalization of
impact through evaluation, we seek to provide a holistic and adaptive
framework within which to think critically about a diverse range of
impacts from research from any discipline.
In this paper we attempt to tackle some of the key challenges of
evaluating and evidencing impacts arising from research. We do so by
proposing a comprehensive research impact evaluation typology and
methodological framework, based on an analysis of evaluation frame-
works from multiple disciplines. Methodological frameworks currently
available are not well adapted for application beyond the disciplines
within which they were originally developed. By comparing impact
evaluation frameworks from different research elds, we hope to enable
researchers, funders and other stakeholders, to easily select (and where
relevant integrate) the most appropriate methods for evaluating and
evidencing the impact of research. Our analysis makes a theoretical
contribution by providing new and universally applicable denitions of
research impact and impact evaluation in a eld that is dominated by
discipline-specic and technocratic denitions. We make a methodo-
logical contribution by proposing the rst typology of research impact
evaluation designs, which we use as the basis for a wider methodological
framework to guide rigorous impact evaluations in any discipline.
2. Denitions: What is research impact evaluation?
2.1. What is research impact?
A number of denitions of research impact have been developed,
primarily in technical documents guiding research assessments (e.g.
Australian Research Council, 2017; Research England, 2019) or within
narrow disciplinary contexts (e.g. Halse and Mowbray, 2011; Neider-
man et al., 2015; Alla et al., 2017). Alla et al. (2017) reviewed 108
research impact denitions, noting the tendency to discuss rather than
dene impact, and called for greater conceptual clarity on impact (their
denition was tailored specically for use in health policy contexts).
There are problems with many of the existing denitions of research
impact. For example, they tend to restrict their focus to certain types of
beneciary leading to the exclusion of others (e.g. Research England’s
(2019) anthropocentric focus on “economy, society and/or culture” to
the apparent exclusion of environmental impacts, non-human bene-
ciaries and future generations). They also typically combine denitions
of impact with typologies, listing examples of types of impact as (part of)
their denition (e.g. Nutley et al. (2007) and Morton (2015) dene
impact as changes in: “awareness, knowledge and understanding; ideas,
attitudes and perceptions; and policy and practice as a result of
research”). Temporal dimensions of impact are rarely considered; as
Brewer (2011, p.256) noted, impact “varies over time and can change,
positively or negatively, at the one-point snapshot whenever it is
measured”. It is also worth considering how the signicance of past
events can be revised as contexts change and the importance of an event
becomes clearer, and hence evaluations of impact may always have to be
considered provisional e.g. insights from the philosophy of history
suggest that views of the signicance of past events change repeatedly
based future events, and hence historical signicances can never be
xed once and for all (Danto, 1962).
The most widely used denitions rarely explicitly recognise the
subjectivity associated with determining who benets from research and
how, and the extent to which research can be shown to have made a
necessary or sufcient contribution towards the benet. Impact is in the
eye of the beholder; a benet perceived by one group at one time and
place may be perceived as harmful or damaging by another group at the
same or another time or place. These value judgements and assumptions
are implicit in most denitions of research impact, which are rarely
unpacked (the word “impact” could refer to positive or negative effects
of research, but the implicit focus is on benets (Australian Research
Council, 2017; Research England, 2019; Samuel and Derrick, 2015). A
researcher aspiring to achieve one impact may discover unexpected
alternative benets or unintended negative consequences. As such, there
is a normative assumption underpinning the “impact agenda” that
M.S. Reed et al.
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research should seek positive and not negative impacts. This focus on
seeking positive outcomes matches perceptions of impact evaluators
who were interviewed by Samuel and Derrick (2015) as part of the
REF2014 process, which showed most viewed impact as an “outcome”
that they would dene as a “change” or “difference” that was con-
ceptualised by some as the “nal” outcome and by others as a series of
secondary or intermediary outcomes that may ultimately lead to the
nal outcome. As such, our denition recognises and makes explicit this
normative dimension of impact as benet.
Finally, denitions of research impact rarely consider the nature or
level of attribution between research and impact, which can vary
considerably. The causal relationship between research and impact can
be: i) necessary, implying that a body of research was necessary to
generate the impact but could not alone have caused the impact (i.e. the
research was a signicant contributing factor amongst other causes but
was not sufcient alone to generate the impact); or ii) sufcient,
implying that a body of research alone was sufcient to generate the
impact. A “body of research” could range from a body of evidence within
a single project or programme to a body of work by a single researcher or
group or a wider body of research by multiple authors and teams on a
given topic. We distinguish between necessary and sufcient causation
on the basis of literature from philosophy (e.g. Mackie, 1974), law (e.g.
Greene and Darley, 1998; Braham and Van Hees, 2009), and mathe-
matics (e.g. Pearl, 1999; Tian and Pearl, 2000), which has been applied
in contexts as broad as epidemiology (e.g. Parascandola and Weed,
2001), genetics (Moss, 1981) and international development (Mayne,
As such, the task of any impact evaluation is to establish whether or
not there is a causal relationship between research and impact,
providing evidence that the research was necessary (at least) or suf-
cient (at best). Necessary and sufcient cause can be established in a
number of ways. Counterfactual causation is demonstrated by showing
that it is plausible that the research led to the impact and that the impact
would not have been possible without the research. Additive causation is
demonstrated by showing a dynamic relationship between research and
impact variables, such that one varies with the other. Generative
causation is demonstrated by showing the mechanism or process that
causes the research to generate impact. Each of these types of cause and
effect relationship may be demonstrated probabilistically, for example
using experimental design and statistics, or through triangulation,
where multiple sources of evidence are compared to infer a likely rela-
tionship (Pawson, 2013). The extent to which sufcient or necessary
causation is required in any evaluation will depend on the context, with
high risk or controversial claims typically requiring a higher burden of
proof, for example where impact claims (such as the efcacy of a
medical treatment) could lead to harm if later disproven. In these con-
texts, evaluations require signicant research investment (for example,
commissioning randomised controlled trials).
Building on these considerations, we dene research impact as
demonstrable and/or perceptible benets to individuals, groups, orga-
nisations and society (including human and non-human entities in the
present and future) that are causally linked (necessarily or sufciently)
to research.
2.2. What is research impact evaluation?
Although by denition (see previous section) the impact agenda fo-
cuses on benets, it is clear that there may be a variety of perspectives
that may challenge whether or not research led to unquestionably
benecial outcomes. It is therefore essential that the process of impact
evaluation looks even-handedly at these different perspectives to pro-
vide researchers with formative feedback that can enable them to learn
from mistakes, identify and hopefully reduce negative outcomes during
the pathway to impact and build capacity for more responsible research
and innovation (Scriven, 1991; Patton, 1996; Joly et al., 2017). If this is
not possible, then an impact evaluation needs to represent the diversity
of perspectives on the outcomes of the research, whether positive or
negative, based on the same ethics that govern the research process
We therefore dene research impact evaluation as the process of
assessing the signicance and reach (dened later in this section) of both
positive and negative effects of research. Impact may be evaluated over
different time horizons, at different social scales (from individuals to
society), spatial scales (from local to international) and across multiple
domains (including social, economic, environmental, health and well-
being, and cultural). In addition to these ultimate impact domains, there
are a range of intermediary domains where impacts can occur, including
understanding/awareness, attitudinal change, behaviour change and
decision-making, policy and capacity building (based on Reed’s (2018)
impact typology).
Our approach focuses on evaluating impact: i) on individuals and
organisations (including funders) who may be engaging directly with
research, who are the object of research, or are being targeted in other
ways as beneciaries of a research project; and ii) those indirectly
affected by research. We are interested in how these individuals or or-
ganisations learn, think, behave and benet (or are compromised or
harmed) as a result of their engagement with research. As such, evalu-
ation of impact must go beyond the measurement of outcomes to more
nuanced assessments of tacit and implicit effects of research that may
need to be accessed indirectly and evaluated in qualitative terms. Based
on the denition of impact above, it is clear that impact evaluation is not
only concerned with identifying ultimate, end-of-pipe impacts (e.g.
economic or health and wellbeing benets), but also the range of in-
termediate impacts that occur on the pathway to impact (e.g. under-
standing/awareness, behaviour change and policy).
Signicance and reach are the two most commonly used criteria to
assess impact from research (as used, for example, in the UK’s Research
Excellence Framework). The signicance of an impact can be dened as
the magnitude, or intensity of the effect of research on individuals,
groups or organisations (after Alvarez et al. (2010) and Research En-
gland (2019)). The reach of an impact can be dened as the number,
extent or diversity of individuals, groups or organisations that benet
from research (after Douthwaite et al. (2003) and Research England
(2019)). Reach can be understood in two ways. First, scaling-out refers
to an impact spreading socially (from one individual, community,
organisation or interest group to another) and/or spatially (e.g. from the
farm to the catchment level, or from one state or country to another).
Second, scaling-up and scaling-down refer to an impact reaching a
higher or lower institutional or governance level, for example, from
inuencing individual behaviour change and changing policy mecha-
nisms (e.g. regulation) to inuencing the policy frameworks within
which those mechanisms sit. Alternatively, scaling-up could range from
changing individual perceptions, to social learning (where ideas spread
through social networks to become situated in Communities of Practice
or social units; c.f. Reed et al., 2010). To take another example,
scaling-up could range from informal changes in individual professional
practice to changes in codes of conduct, professional guidance or
organisational practice. These processes can operate in reverse, where
impacts scale-down from higher to lower institutional or governance
levels, for example evidence-based policies, operationalised through
regulation, may lead to individual behaviour change. These two di-
mensions of reach are linked in the sense that scaling-up an impact to
higher institutional levels increases the probability of more widespread
adoption of ideas, practices and other changes that reach new bene-
ciaries at wider social or spatial scales.
3. Methods
We analysed existing theoretical and methodological frameworks for
impact evaluation from a range of elds, using an adapted Grounded
Theory Analysis (Strauss and Corbin, 1997) to develop robust denitions
of research impact and impact evaluation and a novel methodological
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framework, including a new typology of research impact evaluation
designs. To do this, we started by using a narrative review of
cross-disciplinary peer-reviewed literature to identify a wide range of
evaluation frameworks and methods that could be used to evaluate
impact from research. We also considered grey literature from the
non-academic realm. Grey literature included documentation capturing
the way in which governmental departments and agencies,
non-governmental organizations and other organisations evaluate their
own impact, and impacts more broadly within their sector, including the
evaluation of actual or likely benets as well as negative impacts (e.g.
the assessment of environmental, economic or social impacts of policies
as part of the policy appraisal process). Unlike systematic reviews or
meta-analyses, a narrative literature review is an expert-based “best-e-
vidence synthesis” of key literature; it does not seek to capture all
literature (Baumeister and Leary, 1997). Greenhaulgh et al. (2018)
argue that such methods may be more appropriate than systematic ap-
proaches for reviews that aim to pursue a broad overview via expert
synthesis of literature, and where it is harder to identify specic
outcome measures, as is the case here.
Given the wide range of frameworks and methods that can be
adapted to evaluate impact from almost every discipline, the goal was to
generalize across this literature (rather than to provide an exhaustive list
of frameworks and methods) to identify a comprehensive list of
distinctive types of impact evaluation. We sought to illustrate the
breadth of methods available to operationalise each type of evaluation
and show how different approaches and methods can be used to evaluate
different types of impact. Google Scholar (for peer-reviewed literature
and books) and Google (for grey literature) were searched by two co-
authors with the keywords “impact”, “evaluation”, “monitoring”,
“research”, and “framework”, reading until theoretical saturation was
reached in the categories that emerged (see adapted Grounded Theory
Analysis approach below). Despite early criticism of the reliability of
Google Scholar (Falagas et al., 2008), more recent analyses have shown
strong correlations between citation counts in Google Scholar, Web of
Science and Scopus, with Google Scholar consistently returning the
highest percentage of citations across subject areas (Martin-Martin et al.,
2018a), with signicant coverage deciencies in Web of Science and
Scopus (Martin-Martin et al., 2018b). Subsequent to this, further
searches were performed for arts-based methods, which were
under-represented in the search results, using “arts and humanities” and
“arts-based methods” in combination with the previous search terms.
Following an adapted Grounded Theory Analysis approach (Strauss and
Corbin, 1997), open coding of literature was used to identify emergent
themes, continuing to read individual texts until theoretical saturation
was reached for each theme. Axial coding was then used to organize
themes into theoretical constructs that informed the development of the
typology and methodological framework for research impact
4. A research impact evaluation typology
The methods for evaluating impacts are as numerous and diverse as
the research and impacts they seek to evaluate. There is no “gold stan-
dard” method, checklist or standard process. Rather than attempting to
lay out a prescriptive methodology for impact evaluation, this section
reviews different evaluation designs. We distinguish between ap-
proaches and methods for evaluation design. Table 1 identies ve
different types of evaluation design from the literature, within which a
range of methods (e.g. experimental) and approaches (e.g. logic model)
are then nested. While the rst three types of evaluation design consist
of related evaluation methods, the last two consist of related approaches
to impact evaluation. These approaches may draw on any of the methods
covered in the rst three types, but they do so in distinctive ways that
provide higher order insights based on a theory-driven or systematic
synthesis of insights from those methods. As with any choice of method
or approach in research, this will be inuenced by the ontology,
epistemology and theoretical perspective of the choice-maker (Moon
and Blackman, 2014). For example, experimental and statistical evalu-
ation designs are more likely to arise from a realist (ontology), objective
(epistemology) and positivist (theoretical) perspective, whereas textual,
oral and arts-based evaluation designs are more likely to arise from a
relativist (ontology), subjective (epistemology) and constructivist,
interpretivist or post-modern (theoretical) perspective.
Two key theoretical constructs emerged from the analysis of litera-
ture, and these are conceptualised in Fig. 1 as two continua along which
research impact evaluations can be arranged or categorised:
•Evaluation designs with a summative focus on achieving,
evidencing and claiming impacts and being accountable (referred to
as external evaluation by Richards, 2008) versus a design with a
more formative focus on ongoing monitoring, learning, adaptation
and taking epistemic responsibility for the generation of impact
(referred as internal evaluation by Richards (2008).
•Evaluation designs that provide evidence that a body of research was
a necessary (e.g. an important contributing factor) or sufcient (e.
g. sole attribution) cause of impact (see Section 2.1).
Fig. 1 shows how the ve different types of impact evaluation design
that emerged from the literature (covered in the next section) were
categorised in relation to these two continua, leading to the typology.
Experimental and statistical methods and evidence synthesis approaches
tend to be used in summative mode, and textual, oral and arts-based
methods, systems analysis methods and indicator-based approaches
are used in either summative or formative mode. There are evaluation
designs that can help disentangle the contribution research has made
towards an impact as one of a range of different factors (demonstrating
that research was “necessary” to cause impact), and designs that are
typically used to demonstrate sole, direct attribution between research
and impact (demonstrating that research was “sufcient” to cause
impact). The position of evaluation designs in Fig. 1 is approximate, and
necessarily generalised (given the diversity of methods and approaches
that can be used within each evaluation design) to illustrate how the
different designs are typically used in practice. As such, Fig. 1 shows
how the evaluation designs in the typology are arranged from more
formative approaches that establish the contribution research makes as
a necessary cause of impact (bottom left) to more summative approaches
that establish research as a sufcient cause of impact (top right).
Each type of impact evaluation design takes a different approach to
establishing attribution between research (cause) and impact (effect)
(see Section 2.1 for a discussion of the different types of causality used to
classify evaluation designs in Table 1). Each type gives rise to different
forms of evidence, ranging from testimonials and other forms of quali-
tative evidence to statistical inferences and other forms of quantitative
evidence. Some types of evaluation design have distinct epistemological
and/or disciplinary roots (e.g. experimental or arts-based methods), but
are not restricted to evaluating impacts from this sort of research (e.g.
experimental methods could be used to evaluate impacts arising from
arts and humanities research, and arts-based methods could be used to
evaluate impacts arising from experimental research). The rest of this
section reviews each type of impact evaluation in turn, considering some
of the key advantages and limitations associated with each.
4.1. Experimental and statistical methods
Experimental and statistical methods for impact evaluation typically
provide evidence of research as a sufcient cause of impact. This is often
done by inferring counterfactual causation, based on the difference be-
tween two otherwise identical cases, one that is manipulated and the
other that is controlled giving rise to evidence of cause and effect (see
Table 1). Traditionally, experimental and statistical methods have
dominated impact evaluation, and in many elds (e.g. in medical trials
and many international development programmes) are still considered
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Table 1
Typology of research impact evaluation designs.
Type of
research impact
Examples of commonly used
methods and approaches
Characteristics Approach to establishing
attribution between research
and impact
Examples of type of evidence Types of impact
typically evaluated
and statistical
Statistical modelling,
longitudinal analysis,
econometrics, difference-in-
difference method, double
difference method, propensity
score matching, instrumental
variable, analysis of
distributional effects,
experimental economics
Typically used in summative
mode, ex ante and/or ex-post,
to infer the extent to which
research is a sufcient cause
of impact (often showing sole
and/or direct attribution
from research to impact)
Counterfactual causation
based on the difference
between two otherwise
identical cases (cases include
individuals, sites,
environments/contexts), one
that is manipulated and the
other that is controlled giving
rise to evidence of cause and
effect. Additive causation may
be inferred from correlation
between cause (dependant
variables) and effect
(independent variables) or
statistical difference between
effect before/after or with/
without an intervention
(cause), controlling where
possible for confounding
effects, and quantifying the
extent to which effects can be
attributed to multiple causes
•Improvements in water quality
based on improved regulation
arising from research
•Reduced morbidity and
mortality amongst patients
receiving new treatment based
on research compared to
control group
•Monetary benets arisen from a
change on asset management
practices in nancial
organisations informed by
•Optimization in the choice of
policy instrument to promote a
specic land management
technique, informed by
•Numbers of companies,
employment or new roles in the
•Numbers of (or prots from)
new commercial products or
spin-out companies
•Improvements in indicators of
social cohesion or social
mobility, within a dened
•Time, money, ecosystem
variables, or lives saved as a
result of new evidence-based
•Health and
•Other forms of
and behaviour
Contribution analysis,
knowledge mapping, Social
Network Analysis, Bayesian
networks, agent-based
models, Dynamic System
Models, inuence diagrams,
Participatory Systems
Mapping, Bayesian Updating
Can be used in formative or
summative mode, usually ex-
post or during a pathway to
Additive causation based on
tracing links between causes
and effects along causal chains
or pathways to impact
•A signicant contribution made
by research to the solution of a
previously intractable problem
•Increase and strengthening of
the number of nodes or
connections in a social network
following a participatory
•Understanding of how a group
of actors relate to each other
and act
•Other forms of
and behaviour
•Capacity building
Textual, oral
and arts-
Testimonials, ethnography,
participant observation,
qualitative comparative
analysis, linkage and
exchange model, interviews
and focus groups, opinion
polls and surveys, other
textual analysis e.g. of focus
group and interview data,
participatory monitoring and
evaluation, empowerment
evaluation, action research
and associated methods,
aesthetics, oral history, story-
telling, digital cultural
mapping, (social) media
analysis, poetry and ction,
music and dance, theatre
Used either in formative
mode to enable beneciaries
to engage and shape feedback
that then enhances impact, or
in summative mode, ex-post,
to assess the extent to which
research contributed to
Causation is inferred by
building a case (sometimes
generative and sometimes
jointly with beneciaries) that
triangulates multiple sources
of evidence to create an
evidence-based, credible
argument for research being a
necessary cause of impact.
•Testimonials or statements
from end users (e.g. policy
makers) now applying a
modelling tool
•Testimonials from practitioners
explaining how they gained a
higher level of capability and
capacity handling daily work
thanks to a new guidance
(improved skills,
understanding, and condence
•Improvements in variables that
indicate the achievement of
goals set by a stakeholder or
other social group who co-
produced research (e.g. number
of community members having
acquired a particular skill)
•Changes of perception,
awareness or attitudes of a
social group as a result of
engaging with research
•Changes in culture, cultural
discourse or appreciation and
benet from cultural artifacts
and experiences
•All types
Theory of Change, Logical
Framework Analysis, Payback
Indicators-based approaches
use indicators to assess
Generative causation,
identifying causal processes in
•Change in pre-established
indicators set at the start of a
All types
(continued on next page)
M.S. Reed et al.
Research Policy 50 (2021) 104147
the “gold standard” (Khandker et al., 2009). This type of evaluation
typically compares treatment and control groups (e.g. using a Rando-
mised Control Trial), using statistics to analyse results (e.g. using the
difference-in-difference method). Where there are large populations (of
observed data), statistical methods can help identify biases and provide
quantitative assessments of the likelihood that impacts occurred and are
statistically related to a research intervention (Garbarino and Holland,
2009). Attribution between intervention and outcomes often rely on
pre-post assessments (i.e. comparison of outcomes before versus after
intervention implementation; Dimick and Ryan, 2014). New methods
have emerged to cope with time-dependant trends in outcomes that are
unrelated to interventions (e.g. the difference-in-difference method uses
a comparison group experiencing the same trends that is not exposed to
the intervention; Lance et al., 2014).
Experimental and statistical methods may be essential for high risk
and/or controversial studies, however they are often costly and time-
consuming to implement. As a result, less costly and time-consuming
methods have been developed to evaluate impact, for example using
quasi experimental designs in which space (a comparable situation or
territory without the intervention) is substituted for time. Examples
include the comparison-case approach or matching design (e.g. using
propensity score matching) (Dickson et al., 2017). Yet, it is often dif-
cult to nd a comparable case that represents the alternative state. There
are three other weaknesses associated with experimental and statistical
impact evaluation (Hewlett et al., 2017). First, the potential to replicate
and synthesise studies to provide reliable evidence of what works at
national or system levels to inform wider policy and practice is
compromised by a lack of common standards for collecting and
reporting data (Victora et al., 2011). Second, quantitative, metric-based
approaches to impact assessment have been criticized as oversimplifying
and so providing partial and/or misleading ndings (e.g. Bayley and
Phipps, 2017). For example, Australia’s Engagement and Impact
Framework (2017) allows higher education institutes to use up to eight
quantitative indicators to assess engagement with non-academics, and
two out of the four mandatory indicators are “cash support from
research end users” and “research commercialization income”. Eco-
nomic indicators such as these are a crude proxy for engagement, may or
may not be correlated to impacts and favour certain disciplines over
others (e.g. engineering over many other sciences, and design over many
other arts and humanities disciplines). Third, quantitative approaches
can be used to establish correlations that may be mistaken for cause and
effect without the use of additional methods to infer causality.
4.2. Systems analysis methods
Evaluation designs based on systems analysis are similar to evalua-
tions based on Theory of Change. However, they are typically used ex-
post to explore whether research was necessary to cause impact, by
disentangling the messy complexity of impacts that occur in complex
systems (compared to indicator-based approaches that are more often
used in impact planning). They tend to draw on a range of qualitative
and quantitative research methods to depict more complex cause-and-
effect relationships. They are able to capture the complex range of
other factors mediating impacts, to enable the generation of arguments
that the research made a signicant contribution to the impact, even if
direct and sole attribution is not possible.
For example, Reed et al. (2018) used a combination of Social
Network Analysis and qualitative interviews to map knowledge ows
through science-policy networks to attribute policy impacts to specic
research outputs. Research ndings were traced as they were commu-
nicated between members of the network, identifying which ndings got
into policy and practice (or not) and how the research ndings had been
transformed as they were translated for different audiences. Working
with another part of the same network, Chapman et al. (2009) used
Agent-Based Modelling to understand how target stakeholders were
likely to respond to different policy scenarios, to evaluate the social
processes through which impacts typically occurred in the study system
and guide ongoing impact generation activities (the outcomes of which
Table 1 (continued )
Type of
research impact
Examples of commonly used
methods and approaches
Characteristics Approach to establishing
attribution between research
and impact
Examples of type of evidence Types of impact
typically evaluated
Framework, other logic
progress towards anticipated
impacts. Any method may
then be used evaluate each
indicator. These frameworks
can be used in summative or
formative mode, typically ex
ante (but can be used ex-post),
to show the extent to which
research contributed
towards, or was a necessary
cause of, impact
chains from the generation of
research to the wider impacts
in the context of wider
supporting or mediating
factors and contexts
project that would be expected
to show change as impacts
occur, for example:
○ Number of farm advisors
adapting their discourse to
farmers, numbers of farmers
taking up the conservation
measure, hectares of land
restored, followed by
reduction in water pollution,
savings to water companies
and reductions in water bills
○ Access to health care, number
of individuals getting
immunized against a
particular disease, number of
individuals not contracting
the disease, followed by
reduction in the
predominance of the disease,
and savings in health
Meta-analysis, narrative
synthesis, realist-based
synthesis, rapid evidence
synthesis, systematic reviews
Used in summative mode, ex-
post, to infer sole attribution
or quantify the extent to
which research was a
sufcient cause of impacts
Causation based on the
systematic aggregation and
analysis of cause and effect
across multiple evaluations (of
any type) in different contexts
•Time, money or lives saved as a
result of new evidence-based
•Example of an actual product,
service or policy based on
evidence synthesis, with
evidence of benets for those
using the product/service or
affected by the policy
All types
M.S. Reed et al.
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were reported by Reed et al., 2018). Woolcott et al. (2019) built on
quantitative measures of social networks to build a methodological
framework based on human cultural accumulation theory, and used
interviews, questionnaires and focus groups to assess how interpersonal
as well as person-environment (including stored knowledge e.g. via
books and internet) interactions contributed to the accumulation of
memory within individuals and groups, leading to cultural change. As
such, in complex systems, they argued that research impact should be
seen as arising from the “cultural effects of societal interaction”, rather
than from individual researchers and research outputs, focussing on
“research impact as ‘our’ rather than ‘my’ impact”.
More broadly, systems models can provide detailed understanding of
causal links from research to impacts, and are particularly useful for
understanding complex, non-linear and unpredictable outcomes. As a
family of methods, systems models range from highly quantitative,
process-based models, to qualitative conceptual models (referred to
variously as mediated modelling, conceptual modelling and participa-
tory systems modelling). At the quantitative end of this spectrum are
process-based modelling methods, which can be used to estimate im-
pacts arising from evidence-based interventions in policy and practice.
For example, Ewen et al. (2000) developed a spatially distributed
process-based model of the full water cycle for integrated land and water
management, integrating new techniques for modelling ow and
transport of sediments and contaminants, to support decision making at
the catchment scale and inform policy related to the environmental
impacts of land erosion, pollution, climate change, and land use change
within river basins. At the qualitative end of this spectrum, Kenter et al.
(2014) used conceptual models to trace the shared social and cultural
impacts of new policies based on research, considering environmental,
economic and social effects alongside deeper effects on transcendental
values and beliefs of affected populations. Sitting in the middle of the
spectrum are Dynamic Systems Models, fuzzy cognitive mapping and
Bayesian methods, which can integrate both qualitative information (e.
g. a relationship between two variables of unknown direction or
strength) and quantitative information (e.g. a regression equation).
Although more technically challenging, Bayesian methods are particu-
larly useful for quantifying the uncertainty arising from missing infor-
mation and are able to integrate multiple complex sub-models in
addition to qualitative information. By modelling beliefs elicited from
relevant experts about likely causal chains between research and impact,
Bayesian methods can be used to improve the clarity and precision of
likely impacts as part of an a priori effectiveness analysis and when in-
tegrated with monitoring data assess the relative contribution made by
research to impacts (e.g. Befani et al., 2017). Some evaluations, how-
ever, are based purely on qualitative data, as the next section shows.
Box 1
National research impact assessments around the world.
Horizon Europe has the most advanced programme of impact evaluation that has been
seen in any EU framework programme (Directorate-General for Research and
Innovation (Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, 2018). Across
Europe, Governments are incentivising the generation of impact through conditions
attached to research funding and through research evaluations, which increasingly
evaluate impact alongside research excellence. For example:
•UK: The UK’s Research Excellence Framework (REF) incorporated an evaluation of
impact using case studies which comprised 20% and 25% of total scores in 2014 and
2021 respectively. Impacts were evaluated in terms of their relative signicance and
reach, and unlike most other impact assessments elsewhere in Europe, Government
funding to Higher Education Institutes was then linked to the outcome. A recent
survey suggested 57% UK researchers held negative attitudes towards REF2021
(compared to 29% positive) (Weinstein et al., 2019)
•Netherlands: Since 2015, Dutch Universities have had to submit 3–5 page impact
narratives for each of their research units as part of their six-yearly Standard
Evaluation Protocol (VSNU/KNAW/NOW, 2014)
•Sweden: Since 2019, Swedish Research Council Strategic Research Centres have to
submit impact case studies for evaluation (based on a template derived from the
•Italy: Italy’s Research Quality Evaluation (VQR) evaluates technology transfer
activities in Italian Universities and Research Bodies (Rebora and Turri, 2013;
Geuna and Piolatto, 2016)bib122
•Spain: From 2019, the Spanish National Commission on the Evaluation of Research
Performance (CNAI) has provided monetary incentives to researchers who submit
“evidence of impact and inuence” of their research “on social and economic
matters” as part of their six-yearly individual research performance review (Spanish
Government, 2018)
•Norway: Norway’s Humeval exercise (2015–2017) assesses research at the unit of
research groups, and social sciences and environmental research institutes are
expected to submit impact case studies based on the UK’s REF model (Wr´
•Poland: Poland will soon follow suit with their own research impact assessment
planned for 2020 (Dziennik Ustaw Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej, 2018, 2019;
oblewska, 2017)
•Finland: in 2019 the Strategic Research Council agreed a set of funding principles
mandating impact assessment in all their programmes, requiring funded projects to
report impacts (as well as challenges encountered), which are given to external
evaluators who assess how well the programme has “solved the challenges facing
society and…how efcient this funding instrument is in promoting such research”,
including the promotion of public debate. Evaluation reports for the rst four
programmes are expected towards the end of 2020
Rest of the world:
•Hong Kong has broadly replicated the UK’s REF methodology in its 2020 Research
Assessment Exercise (University Grants Committee, 2017)
•Australia: Engagement and Impact Assessment was introduced as part of Excellence
in Research for Australia in 2018 (Australian Research Council, 2017)
•New Zealand: A 2019 review of the Performance Based Research Fund (PBRF)
examined options, costs and benets of introducing additional impact measures into
the PBRF, and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s 2019 position
paper on The Impact of Research called on research funders to articulate line-of-
sight to impact in all research funds and contracts and perform impact assessment
exercises, collecting impact data to common standards. It called on Universities to
support researchers to plan for and generate impact and “work with MBIE towards
systems that capture linkable data along the results-chain”.
•USA: The America Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in
Technology, Education, and Science (COMPETES) Reauthorization Act of 2010
highlighted that a ‘broader impacts criterion’ was crucial for National Science
Foundation funding and encouraged higher education and non-prot organisations
to take an institutional approach to achieving societal impacts and determining
their accountability (National Science Foundation, 2014; Bozeman and Youtie,
2017). In 2016, the National Science Foundation, National Institute of Health, US
Department of Agriculture, and US Environmental Protection Authority developed a
data repository for assessing the impact of federal research and development
investment (StarMetrics, 2016)
Fig. 1. Five types of impact evaluation designs categorized by the extent to
which they provide summative evidence versus formative feedback and the
extent to which they provide evidence of research as a sufcient (e.g. sole
attribution) or necessary (e.g. a signicant contributing factor amongst many)
cause of impact.
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4.3. Textual, oral and arts-based methods
Textual, oral and arts-based evaluation methods tend to build a case
that research was necessary to cause impact by triangulating multiple
sources of evidence to create a credible, evidence-based argument that
attributes impacts to research. All of these methods can be participatory,
engaging beneciaries and other stakeholders in the evaluation itself,
enabling these groups to engage and shape the evaluation, which then
has the potential to further enhance impact.
Textual and oral methods have a number of key advantages for
reecting impact (Hewlett et al., 2017). Referring to arts and culture
case studies in REF2014, Hewllett et al. (2017, p40) commented that,
“while reach [of impact] was largely presented as a quantitative mea-
sure, a qualitative layer of information about the type of engagement it
described also appeared vital. Little distinction can be made between
direct and indirect beneciaries when considering reach in purely sta-
tistical terms”. In many research settings, there are multiple lines of
evidence (and lines of argument) and other factors contributing towards
impact, and it can be difcult to isolate and collect data on all factors,
risks, and assumptions. However, qualitative data, for example from
interviews/testimonials and focus groups, can help explain and con-
textualise a project’s results, and create a rounded picture of the likely
impacts, considering economic, political, institutional and socio-cultural
factors (Dickson et al., 2017). In fact, compared to quantitative methods,
qualitative methods lead in some cases to a greater depth of under-
standing of how and why a research project was or was not effective and
how it might be adapted in future to make it more effective (Garbarino
and Holland, 2009).
Analysis of textual and oral data, when combined with quantitative
work as part of a case study, can furthermore help in the interpretation
of quantitative data and relationships, especially in terms of inferring
cause and effect. Using a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods in
the impact evaluation process can enhance the validity or credibility of
evaluation ndings, facilitate the development of a method, extend
comprehensiveness of evaluation ndings, and generate new insights
into evaluation ndings (Bamberger, 2012). Having said this, criticisms
faced by qualitative evaluations of textual and oral data include: the
difculty of generalizing from case-specic ndings; the risk of exces-
sive reliance on the opinion and perspective of the evaluator or those
providing testimonials; perceived bias arising from small sample sizes
where there is insufcient triangulation, and the inability to replicate or
validate ndings in quantitative terms; and the difculty of obtaining
standardized data allowing us to measure change over time or between
Qualitative Comparative Analysis attempts to overcome some of
these limitations by mixing qualitative and quantitative methods in a
case-based study (Rihoux and Ragin, 2008). It is particularly useful for
disentangling complex relationships where there are multiple causal
factors at play. Positive and negative cases of impact to be evaluated (e.
g. behaviour change versus offence caused by a public engagement
event) are identied and analysed with stakeholders. The group denes
a range of likely causal factors (e.g. the research versus a range of other
contextual factors) which are analysed using Boolean algebra to assess
the combination of causal factors most likely to lead to cases of negative
or positive impacts.
Arts-based methods may be used to evaluate impacts arising from
any discipline, and should not be seen as only relevant for the evaluation
of impacts arising from research in the arts and humanities. Although
they derive strongly from an arts and humanities context, we found
creative arts methods reported across a very wide range of disciplines
within social sciences, healthcare, anthropology, biodiversity and
environment settings. The use of arts-based methods in particular has
“grown from the desire of researchers to elicit, process and share un-
derstandings and experiences that are not readily or fully accessed
through more traditional eldwork approaches” (Greenwood, 2012:2).
Research methods used in the arts and humanities aim to provide a
deeper and more nuanced understanding of human experience, meaning
and values (Coates et al., 2014). As such, they are able to provide “thick”
narratives of impact that highlight lived experience and meaning, and
attend to contextual factors (Boydell et al., 2012). Such a constructivist
approach towards building up accounts and understanding of bene-
ciaries’ experiences has distinct value for capturing impact. Further-
more, such approaches to impact evaluation typically infer causation by
jointly building a case with beneciaries that triangulates multiple
sources of evidence (including data collected by beneciaries) to create
a credible argument for a signicant contribution of the research to
In resisting binary thinking (van der Vaart et al., 2018), arts-based
methods have the capacity to capture meaning, implicit and ephem-
eral phenomena, and benets that are difcult to express and might
therefore pass unrecorded (Hewlett et al., 2017). Methods based on the
arts can be particularly useful for researching implicit and tacit impacts
that are difcult or impossible to conceptualise or articulate. It is well
known that some types of knowledge cannot easily be conveyed through
language, such as emotional, aesthetic and symbolic aspects of experi-
ence (Fraser and al Sayah, 2011; Dunn and Mellor, 2017). In these cases,
arts-based research methods can add value where more traditional tools
such as interviews or questionnaires fail to articulate impacts. This is
particularly important when working with (often vulnerable) pop-
ulations with limited verbal or written competence (van der Vaart et al.,
2018); arts-based methods enable “better access to the emotional, af-
fective, and embodied realms of life, cultivate empathy, and challenge
and provoke audiences to engage with complex and difcult social is-
sues” (Chamberlain et al., 2018).
Visual arts methods commonly used in impact evaluation include
photo elicitation (Harper, 2002; also known as photo voice (Wang et al.,
1998) and photo survey (Moore et al., 2008)), drawing (e.g. rich pictures
from soft systems methodology; Checkland, 2000), paintings (e.g. Gillies
et al., 2015) and collages (e.g. Gerstenblatt, 2013). Music, theatre and
dance may be used in participatory monitoring and evaluation, for
example in ethnotheatre evaluation data are translated into a play script,
which is performed, offering potential for further debate and insight
(Chamberlain et al., 2018). Fiction writing may be used as a method of
enquiry and analysis. For example, Sundin et al. (2018) used storytelling
to increase stakeholder engagement in environmental evidence syn-
thesis (see next section) and Kenter et al. (2014) used storytelling to
elicit implicit knowledge about the values people held for the natural
environment in research that sought to understand the social impacts of
The participatory nature of many textual, oral and arts-based eval-
uation methods means that people are engaged with research through an
action–reection cycle, enabling new understandings of the phenomena
under study to come to light (Fraser and al Sayah, 2011), often chal-
lenging perceptions and providing fresh perspectives (Daykin et al.,
2017). These methods emphasise plural perspectives from a multiplicity
of voices (Coemans et al., 2015) and promote “a form of understanding
that is derived or evoked through empathetic experience” (van der Vaart
et al., 2018 citing Eisner 2008). In addition to understanding impact at
new levels, arts-based methods in themselves provide a medium for
communicating the ndings of an evaluation in a powerful way (Coates
et al., 2014) and are often used to support dissemination, making project
reporting more engaging, accessible and relevant to those beyond pro-
fessional practice and academia (Daykin et al., 2017).
Participatory evaluation methods that generate textual and oral data
include transect walks (walking interviews) and matrix ranking
(Chambers, 2013). Van der Vaart et al. (2018) used creative workshops
about place, identity and community resilience to create an exhibition,
gaining multifaceted knowledge of factors leading to impacts (van der
Vaart et al., 2018). Others have used process tracing: a qualitative causal
inference method where participants score and rank the importance of
different possible causal factors for a given impact (Dickson et al., 2017).
Role playing games are another type of participatory approach that is
M.S. Reed et al.
Research Policy 50 (2021) 104147
often combined with art-based work, and can be used to test, for
example, policy impacts arising from research. For example, Garcia
et al. (2015) used role-playing games to engage ecosystem users and
academics in the co-design of a board-game that represented and
simulated socio-ecosystem functioning, in order to address issues
regarding decision processes between stakeholders and predict policy
impacts on ecosystem management.
Participatory methods that can be borrowed from anthropology and
ethnography include sensory ethnography (exploring subjective expe-
riences through interconnected senses (Crossick and Kaszynska, 2016),
and ‘Spirit of Place’ (capturing the intrinsic values of an environment
and why and how people connect to it emotionally; Chamberlain et al.,
2018). Many of the methods used in the wider ‘action research’ tradi-
tion, seek to challenge and sometimes overturn the typical power dy-
namics that exist between the evaluator and those being evaluated,
empowering supposed beneciaries to set the questions for the evalua-
tion and interpret the outcomes, rather than acting as passive research
subjects to an external evaluator (van der Vaart et al., 2018).
As a way of evaluating impact, textual, oral and arts-based methods
offer particular value in: creating new knowledge spaces (Byrne et al.,
2016); eliciting new perspectives on a theme or topic (Boydell et al.,
2012; Daykin et al., 2017; van der Vaart et al., 2018); overcoming or
challenging power imbalances (van der Vaart et al., 2018); facilitating
genuine knowledge exchange (Byrne et al., 2018); and eliciting evidence
on “sensitive” or “hard-to-verbalise topics” (van der Vaart 2018). In
doing so, this type of evaluation can generate unexpected data layers
(Greenwood, 2012) and enhance the communication of both research
and impact (Douglas and Carless, 2018).
4.4. Indicator-based approaches
Indicator-based approaches identify variables that indicate the
achievement of impacts. Indicators may be used prospectively during
planning as milestones and targets, and then retrospectively to see if
planned impacts were achieved. Indicators may be identied, organised
and evaluated in categories (e.g. see SIAMPI and DPSIR frameworks
below) or logical structures (e.g. logic models and Theory of Change).
Any method may then be used to evaluate each indicator (e.g. economics
and interviews are commonly used to evaluate benets arising from
seven stages of the research cycle in the Payback Framework). Similar to
systematic reviews (Section 4.5), which analyse evaluations carried out
using any method, theory of change and logic models are a type of
approach rather than a type of method.
A theory of change explains how, in theory, research might lead to
successive impacts, which can each be measured in turn, providing ev-
idence of clear causal chains from research to impact. Logic models
provide a common structure in which expected impacts are systemati-
cally measured to generate easily comparable case studies. For example,
the Payback Framework (Donovan and Hanney, 2011) organises mea-
surement of impact across seven stages and two interfaces that are
typically seen in the research cycle. Methods used to evaluate impact
across these stages and interfaces differ from project to project, ranging
from quantitative economics methods to qualitative interviews. Simi-
larly, the Fast Track Impact Planning Template (Reed et al., 2018) asks
for indicators and means of verication to evaluate the success of
engagement and progress towards impact, followed by an assessment of
risks to engagement and impact. Depending on the indicators identied,
impacts may be measured using very different methods in any given
application of the logic model.
As a type of impact evaluation, indicator-based approaches should be
seen as a way of identifying and ordering relevant methods in an eval-
uation, rather than as methods in their own right. They trace causal
chains from research to impact, based on an anticipated logic or a theory
of likely or desirable change. The closer that reality corresponds to what
was expected in theory at the outset, the stronger the case for assuming
the research contributed to the outcomes (Bamberger, 2012).
Indicator-based approaches may be used to provide evidence that
research was either sufcient or necessary to generate impact, but the
explicit consideration of risks and assumptions in both approaches make
them well suited to evaluating whether the research was a necessary
cause of impact in the context of other contributory/confounding fac-
tors. Although they tend to be used ex-ante to plan for impacts, they can
also be used in evaluation to compare actual impacts to those that were
A logic model (also, called logical framework, Julian et al., 1995) or
Theory of Change (Stachowiak, 2013) is typically developed at the start
of a research project, working back from the ultimate benets (in the
case of a Theory of Change) or working forwards from impact goals (in
the case of a logic model). It consists of mapping out the steps that would
be necessary to move from the planned research activities, to the gen-
eration of research outputs, intermediate outcomes, short-term impacts
and the ultimate benets that are sought (Alvarez et al., 2010). If the
links in the causal chain (also referred to as “programme theory”)
accurately enable the design of the pathway to impacts and reect the
impact delivery process, then it is possible to design an evaluation to
look for each of the causal links and measure indicators to infer whether
or not the research is making progress towards impact. For example, an
evaluation may assess whether or not capacity has been built and
awareness raised by the end of the rst year of a project, as envisaged in
its Theory of Change, by stress testing procedures or services or
surveying staff. Alternatively, national statistics may be used to monitor
indicators of malnutrition or morbidity in a project designed to enhance
the health of a population. A Theory of Change may be used to work out
with greater detail and exibility how the measurable targets and ob-
jectives in a logic model might be delivered in a given context (but it is
rare for a logic model to be based on a Theory of Change).
Developing a logic model includes an identication of the different
beneciaries or users of the research output(s), assessments of risk (e.g.
internal and external factors that may inuence the delivery of each
outcome along the causal chain) and identication of assumptions
behind the causal links that have been inferred [ibid; Funnell and
Rogers, 2011; Douthwaite et al., 2011). The causal chain in a Theory of
Change is usually expressed visually using diagrams, whereas logic
models tend to be presented as tables (e.g. Logical Framework Analysis
or the Fast Track Impact Planning Template; Reed et al., 2018), and both
may also be turned into narrative. Theories of Change tend to focus more
on the multiple, potentially alternative links that can be made in the
causal chain from research to impact, whereas logic models tend to focus
more on activity and impact indicators (and their means of verication).
Both Theories of Change and logic models may be developed by a project
or research, or may be co-developed in collaboration with stakeholders.
For example, Participatory Impact Pathways Analysis enables re-
searchers and stakeholders to jointly describe a project’s theories of
action, develop logic models, create network maps and use them for
planning and evaluation (Alvarez et al., 2010).
One advantage to logic model approaches to impact evaluation is
their ability to standardise the collection of data in the creation of case
studies that are easily comparable. Similar to the Payback Approach
(described above), the ASIRPA method (Socio-economic Analysis of
Impacts of Public Agronomic Research) is based on standardized case
studies that combine three analytical tools: a chronology that underlines
the role of specic actors and the context; an impact pathway (there is
no chronology in the impact pathway) that describes the productive
conguration, the outputs, the intermediary stage and the impacts; and
a vector of impacts that scores the intensity of ve impact dimensions
(economic, health, political, social and environmental) (Joly et al.,
2015; Matt et al., 2017). Public Value Mapping (Bozeman and Sarewitz,
2011) identies the public value of policies and then tracks the evolu-
tion and impacts of policies as they lead to social outcomes.
Contribution analysis also takes a logic model approach, focusing on
tracing pathways to impact as a way of assessing the relative contribu-
tion of the research to the impact (Morton, 2015). It involves mapping a
M.S. Reed et al.
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pathway to impact, and identifying assumptions and risks for each stage
of the pathway. Impact indicators are identied to collect evidence for
each element of the pathway, and thus write a ‘contribution story’ that
considers various alternative explanations.
The Social Impact Assessment Methods for research and funding
instruments through the study of Productive Interactions project
(SIAMPI) developed an approach to contribution analysis that
acknowledged the complexity of attribution between research activities
and observed impacts. It focused specically on reecting the ‘produc-
tive interactions’ between actors, such as the researcher-stakeholder
interaction where knowledge is produced and valued that is both
scientically robust and socially relevant (Sanjari et al., 2014; Spaapen
and van Drooge, 2011). The Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response
(DPSIR) framework identies and monitors indicators within these
ve categories that are causally linked (OECD, 2001). In this framework,
impacts are generally negative outcomes, and so in impact evaluation,
the focus is on the effectiveness of the response to the negative impact.
Both Theories of Change and logic models typically involve the
identication of activity and impact indicators and criteria. Reed et al.
(2006) provided a list of attributes for designing indicators for use by
researchers and/or stakeholders that combine accuracy and ease of use.
Others have adapted SMART indicators from the management world to
suggest that impact indicators should be specic (capture the essence of
the desired result and able to pick up changes over the time), measurable
in either quantitative or qualitative terms; achievable (feasible in terms
of equipment, funding, competences and time), relevant (capture what
is to be measured accurately and consistently), and timely (able to
provide information in a timely manner) (Douthwaite et al., 2003). The
design of impact indicators follows two broad methodological para-
digms: i) an expert-led and top–down approach whereby indicators are
collected rigorously, scrutinized, and assessed often using statistical
tools (this top-down approach enables evaluators to present trends and
make comparisons, but such evaluations usually fail to engage local
communities); and ii) a community-based and bottom–up paradigm that
is rooted in an understanding of local context and local perceptions of
the environment and society, but that may be difcult to compare to
other contexts (Reed et al., 2006, 2008; Richards and Panl, 2011).
Alternatively, criteria-based approaches evaluate impacts against
pre-established, theory-driven criteria, designed to predict or explain
why impacts arise (Rau et al., 2018). For example, Mitchell (2019)
developed a survey approach in which data from publics and stake-
holders is collected to measure outcomes in different categories, rating
their usefulness (based on Likert scale answers to questions about
instrumental, conceptual and symbolic use) to create a numeric impact
index against which different case studies can be compared. A number of
others have proposed the “usability” of research as a key evaluation
criterion (Kirchhoff et al., 2013, Lemos, 2014), categorising research
according to the ways in which it can be used, for example conceptual
use, instrumental use and capacity-building (Meagher and Lyall, 2013.
Alternatively, based on criteria arising from participatory research with
researchers, Mårtensson et al. (2016) proposed that impact should be
evaluated in relation to the credibility of the underpinning research, its
contribution to society, the extent to which the research can be effec-
tively communicated and the extent to which it conforms to established
ethical and research quality standards.
4.5. Evidence synthesis approaches
While each of the preceding methods or approaches can be used as
part of a project cycle, evidence synthesis typically takes place at the
programme level and draws on bodies of work emerging from multiple
projects. Evidence synthesis is especially useful where there is appar-
ently contradictory evidence across a range of studies about the rela-
tionship between an intervention arising from research (e.g. a new
process or product) and impact (e.g. studies reporting positive, negative
or no association with outcomes that are valued as impacts). Evidence
synthesis is a process of carrying out a review of existing data, literature
and other forms of evidence with pre-dened methodological ap-
proaches, to provide a transparent, rigorous and objective assessment of
whether something arising from research is a sufcient cause of im-
pactful outcomes. Its use is now widespread across many sectors of so-
ciety in which research can be used to inuence and inform decision-
making (Game et al., 2018).
Efforts to improve the connections between policy decisions and
research evidence have resulted in a number of approaches to evidence
synthesis (Game et al., 2018), from meta-analysis to different forms of
narrative-based synthesis. Many of these can be broadly grouped under
the umbrella term of ‘systematic reviews’. The utility of systematic re-
views is well established across a broad range of research disciplines
(Victora et al., 2011; Game et al., 2018), including the medical and
public health sectors (Egger et al., 2003), development and humani-
tarian interventions (Mallett et al., 2012), and conservation and envi-
ronmental management (Pullin and Knight, 2001; Sutherland et al.,
2004). Systematic reviews locate information from the peer-reviewed
and grey literature, critically appraise methodologies and synthesise
ndings to deliver answers to research/practice/policy questions.
Indeed, by engaging stakeholders in the co-development of a search
protocol, as is recommended practice, the probability that review out-
comes are relevant enough to generate impact is increased. Stakeholder
condence in systematic reviews is enhanced by the fact that they follow
a transparent and repeatable protocol, and give an extensive account of
the available evidence. This approach minimises the incorporation of
bias into the review. For example, a conventional review may reect the
author(s)’ own opinions and can be based on a selection of literature that
is in itself potentially biased.
The methods for reviewing the literature, and for the subsequent
synthesis of evidence, under the broad family of systematic reviews, can
be very varied. One of the critiques of a full systematic review is that it is
time and labour intensive as it requires considerable consultation with
likely end-users and searching of unpublished and grey literature, often
by hand and often at geographically disparate locations. Further criti-
cisms include that the traditional format of a systematic review (and the
meta-analysis that is subsequently carried out on the data) is that it is
“mechanistic, driven more by concerns about reliability and replica-
bility than about adding to understanding of phenomena of interest”
(Slavin, 1995). As response to those criticisms, alternative ways of
synthesizing evidence have emerged in which some of the most rigid
principles of systematic reviews and meta-analysis are relaxed (Mallet
et al., 2012; Slavin, 1995). These alternative ways include: rapid evi-
dence assessments/synthesis, scoping reviews, systematic maps, semi or
exible systematic reviews and best-evidence synthesis and simply
following systematic and repeatable search strategies (Koricheva et al.,
2013). More ‘informal’ rapid reviews and “realist-based” synthesis have
also emerged. These often use broad inclusion criteria for evidence
(qualitative and quantitative) to facilitate comparison of impact evalu-
ation methods, develop a transferable theory, and attempt to provide
policy-makers with knowledge in response to time sensitive and
emerging issues (Victora et al., 2011; Saul et al., 2013; Pawson, 2002).
However, the lack of transparency and repeatability might render these
informal processes less useful for impact evaluation.
Systematic review approaches have also been developed which uti-
lise qualitative evidence (Noyes, 2010) and are centred predominantly
on exploring and progressing theoretical frameworks (Dixon-Woods
et al., 2006), investigating system complexity (Sheppard et al., 2017)
and placing research within its social context via meta-narratives
(Greenhalgh et al., 2005). A congurative systematic review is one
example (Gough et al., 2017). Such reviews set out to interpret and
understand a concept by conguring information and generating new
knowledge/perspectives and are largely concerned with identifying
patterns (Barnett-Page et al., 2009).
The methods used for data analysis as part of the review process
include congurative and aggregative approaches, or a combination of
M.S. Reed et al.
Research Policy 50 (2021) 104147
the two. Congurative methods aim to formulate ways of understanding
phenomena and their meaning/value, usually through the review of
qualitative data. Aggregative methods combine the (generally quanti-
tative) ndings of similar studies to judge the strength of a conclusion
and normally follow a more traditional statistical/meta-analytical
approach (Gough et al., 2017). Whereas classic quantitative aggrega-
tive reviews are likely to be meta-analysing similar forms of data,
congurative reviews are concerned with identifying patterns provided
by heterogeneity (Barnett-Page et al., 2009). As such, they are ideal for
synthesising evidence from different disciplines or methodologies. The
choice between them, or how they are combined, usually depends on
data quality and availability, which is often driven by the heterogeneity
in methods used by researchers to address the questions underpinning
the impact that needs to be evaluated.
The different variables measured, methods used and ways of
reporting outcomes is a signicant constraint preventing evidence syn-
thesis in systematic reviews. In response to this challenge, a number of
attempts have been made to develop standards of evidence in specic
domains. For example, the Alliance for Useful Evidence reviewed 18
standards of evidence currently used in UK social policy and called for
the creation of a single set of standards that could enable more effective
comparison between policy appraisals (Puttick, 2018). This is similar to
approaches to evidence in the medical research community (e.g. the use
of common outcome measures for chronic pain clinical trials enabling
ndings to be synthesised across studies in meta-analyses to inform
evidence-based medicine policy and practice; Turk et al., 2003) and
could in theory be applied to the generation of evidence for research
Regardless of the specic approach taken to the review, or to the
analysis of resultant data, one of the great strengths of following sys-
tematic approaches, is that reviews are updatable as new evidence be-
comes available. Thus, systematic approaches allow tracking, through
time, of the nature and pathways through which evidence travels
through the literature resulting in impact on wider society.
5. A methodological framework for research impact evaluation
In this penultimate section, we explain how the different types of
impact evaluation identied in the previous section t into a broader
methodological framework. Fig. 2 shows how research leads to possible
impacts via an impact plan and pathways to impact (in the case of
serendipitous impacts, the impact plan is missing but pathways can still
typically be traced). However, these possible impact claims may be
contested in terms of their signicance or reach, or on the basis of the
evidence that signicant or far-reaching impacts can be attributed to the
research. Therefore, for impacts to be considered demonstrable, an
impact evaluation needs to be designed (denoted by the grey box in
Fig. 2). Ideally evaluations can draw on monitoring that has been
designed to track progress towards planned impacts (however an eval-
uation can proceed in the absence of monitoring, drawing on alternative
sources of evidence). Monitoring can provide formative feedback that
can help adapt and rene pathways (the feedback loop in Fig. 2),
increasing the likelihood of delivering impacts. Various types of moni-
toring can be used as part of the evaluation process depending on the
nature and purpose of the impact evaluation.
In addition to monitoring
data (such as intervention outcome data), the evaluation may produce
other evidence (such as health economics evidence of cost savings
resulting from the intervention), which taken together demonstrate that
signicant and far-reaching impacts were derived from the research.
Table 1 identies ve types of evaluation design, and Fig. 2 suggests
that there are two key factors likely to inform the choice between these
evaluation designs. First the choice of evaluation design must be suited
to the context in which it is to be used, including the resources available
(some types of evaluation design, such as experimental methods, can be
time consuming and resource intensive), the scope of the evaluation (e.
g. in spatial or temporal scale or the range of linked systems to be
considered), the types of impact being evaluated (as noted in Table 1,
some types of evaluation design are suited to evaluating certain types of
impact), and the ontology and epistemology of the team selecting the
evaluation design (see introduction to Section 4). Based on the theo-
retical constructs that emerged from the analysis of literature (described
in the introduction to Section 4), the choice of evaluation design will
also reect the aims of the evaluation, for example the extent to which
the evaluate aims to provide summative versus formative feedback, or
provide evidence of necessary versus sufcient causal links between
research and impact. Evaluations are typically designed to establish
relationships between research and impacts along causal chains (which
often include the evaluation of knowledge exchange activities or path-
ways to impact). It can be possible to attribute impact to research
through long causal chains, however the strength of evidence for
research impact is only as strong as the weakest link in the chain. As a
result, attribution in long causal chains is often partial, indicating that
research may have been necessary amongst other factors or may have
only made a minor, contestable contribution to impact, give the range of
confounding factors at play at the end of a long causal chain.
6. Conclusion
With sufcient time and resources, there are now evaluation
methods that can be used to monitor and assess almost any impact
arising from research. Knowing what delivers impact (and what does
not) can help researchers and research evaluators anticipate challenges
and avoid using methods that are unlikely to work or that might lead to
unintended negative consequences. When things do not go according to
plan, evaluation ndings can give researchers ideas about how to get
things back on track or do things better next time. Whether for funders,
the media or the wider public, the process of evaluating impact often
enables researchers to communicate the value of research to wider
In this paper, we have provided new denitions of research impact
and impact evaluation informed by our analysis of the literature,
including a new way to conceive of reach as scaling up and/or out, that
can be applied in any disciplinary context. Based on these denitions, we
have sought to simplify the bewildering range of methods and ap-
proaches available into ve types of evaluation design that can be used
to guide the selection of relevant evaluation methods and approaches.
Like any typology, there are many alternative ways we could have
divided and named the types of evaluation we came across in the review.
As a typology of evaluation designs, it includes types of method (e.g.
experimental or arts-based) and types of approach (e.g. indicator-based
approaches or systematic review). Indicator-based and systematic re-
view approaches may be operationalised using any number of methods,
including methods from other parts of the typology. While this in-
troduces potential overlap between types, indicator-based and system-
atic review approaches are widely used in impact evaluation, and to
remove these from the typology to avoid potential overlap would
signicantly constrain the utility of the typology for identifying the most
relevant type of evaluation design for any given purpose or context.
This typology then formed the basis for a wider methodological
framework to guide anyone who needs to select a relevant evaluation
design and methods to causally link impacts to research and assess their
signicance and reach. There are almost as many evaluation methods
and approaches as there are impacts, and as researchers seek to
demonstrate new impacts, methods will continue to evolve. The audi-
ence for this paper is also diverse, and the needs of researchers may
Monitoring can be categorized as follows: i) surveillance monitoring is
about assessing long-term changes in conditions resulting from an activity; ii)
operational monitoring consists of implementing additional measure for cases
where there is risk of failure of not meeting initial directives; and iii) investi-
gative monitoring determines reasons to failure.
M.S. Reed et al.
Research Policy 50 (2021) 104147
differ substantially from those of funders and other stakeholders seeking
to evaluate impact. While we have sought to generalise as far as possible
through the construction of our typology and methodological frame-
work, to provide methods that can be used across contexts and for
different purposes, it is important to recognise the differences between
these groups, and how their contexts, perceptions and beneciaries are
likely to change over time. Although it is impossible to capture all
possible methods for evaluating impact, we hope that the examples
provided under each type of evaluation design will stimulate additional
reading and experimentation. Using the methodological framework
described in this paper, it should be possible for researchers, funders and
other stakeholders working across multiple disciplines to design more
effective evaluations to evidence the impact of research.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
M.S. Reed: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis,
Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing, Visualization, Project
administration. M. Ferr´
e: Writing - original draft, Writing - review &
editing. J. Martin-Ortega: Writing - original draft, Writing - review &
editing. R. Blanche: Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing.
R. Lawford-Rolfe: Writing - review & editing. M. Dallimer: Writing -
original draft, Writing - review & editing. J. Holden: Writing - review &
editing, Funding acquisition.
Declaration of Competing Interest
Professor Mark Reed is CEO of Fast Track Impact Ltd. All other
authors declare that they have no known competing interest.
The authors were supported by the Integrated Catchment Solutions
Programme (iCASP) funded by the UK Natural Environment Research
Council’s Regional Impact from Science of the Environment scheme
(grant NE/P011160/1).
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