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Environment, Development and Sustainability (2021) 23:14090–14122
1 3
Integrating sustainability andremanufacturing strategies
byremanufacturing quality function deployment (RQFD)
K.E.K.Vimal1· JayakrishnaKandasamy2 · AngelAcevedoDuque3
Received: 26 April 2020 / Accepted: 29 December 2020 / Published online: 9 January 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. part of Springer Nature 2021
The objective of this paper is to ensure remanufacturing by considering the possible
design, material and process changes. A novel remanufacturing quality function deploy-
ment (RQFD) was developed to bring out the possible changes to the existing product. To
accomplish the above objective, RQFD phase I (voice of customer to engineering metrics)
and RQFD phase II (engineering metrics to components of case product) were developed.
Based on the results, the improvements options in design, process and materials were iden-
tified. The sustainability performance for the original and modified design was identified
to understand the environmental benefits achieved through the proposed method. The pro-
posed method has been applied to brake caliper components. The practical applications of
the research are expected to help the manufacturers of brake calipers to minimize negative
impacts on the environment, energy conservation and natural resources and are safe for
stakeholders and are economically sound.
Keywords Quality function deployment (QFD)· Remanufacturing quality function
deployment (RQFD)· Sustainability· Life cycle analysis (LCA)· End of life (EoL)· 6R
Al Aluminum
CaCO3 Calcium carbonate
CO Carbon monoxide
CO2 Carbon dioxide
* Jayakrishna Kandasamy
K. E. K. Vimal
Angel Acevedo Duque
1 Department ofMechanical Engineering, National Institute ofTechnology, Patna, Bihar800005,
2 School ofMechanical Engineering, Vellore Institute ofTechnology, Vellore, TamilNadu632014,
3 Faculty ofBusiness andAdministration, Universidad Autonoma de Chile, Pedro de Valdivia, 425,
Providencia, Santiago, Chile
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