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Integrating sustainability and remanufacturing strategies by remanufacturing quality function deployment (RQFD)

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Abstract and Figures

The objective of this paper is to ensure remanufacturing by considering the possible design, material and process changes. A novel remanufacturing quality function deployment (RQFD) was developed to bring out the possible changes to the existing product. To accomplish the above objective, RQFD phase I (voice of customer to engineering metrics) and RQFD phase II (engineering metrics to components of case product) were developed. Based on the results, the improvements options in design, process and materials were identified. The sustainability performance for the original and modified design was identified to understand the environmental benefits achieved through the proposed method. The proposed method has been applied to brake caliper components. The practical applications of the research are expected to help the manufacturers of brake calipers to minimize negative impacts on the environment, energy conservation and natural resources and are safe for stakeholders and are economically sound.
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Environment, Development and Sustainability (2021) 23:14090–14122
1 3
Integrating sustainability andremanufacturing strategies
byremanufacturing quality function deployment (RQFD)
K.E.K.Vimal1· JayakrishnaKandasamy2 · AngelAcevedoDuque3
Received: 26 April 2020 / Accepted: 29 December 2020 / Published online: 9 January 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. part of Springer Nature 2021
The objective of this paper is to ensure remanufacturing by considering the possible
design, material and process changes. A novel remanufacturing quality function deploy-
ment (RQFD) was developed to bring out the possible changes to the existing product. To
accomplish the above objective, RQFD phase I (voice of customer to engineering metrics)
and RQFD phase II (engineering metrics to components of case product) were developed.
Based on the results, the improvements options in design, process and materials were iden-
tified. The sustainability performance for the original and modified design was identified
to understand the environmental benefits achieved through the proposed method. The pro-
posed method has been applied to brake caliper components. The practical applications of
the research are expected to help the manufacturers of brake calipers to minimize negative
impacts on the environment, energy conservation and natural resources and are safe for
stakeholders and are economically sound.
Keywords Quality function deployment (QFD)· Remanufacturing quality function
deployment (RQFD)· Sustainability· Life cycle analysis (LCA)· End of life (EoL)· 6R
Al Aluminum
CaCO3 Calcium carbonate
CO Carbon monoxide
CO2 Carbon dioxide
* Jayakrishna Kandasamy
K. E. K. Vimal
Angel Acevedo Duque
1 Department ofMechanical Engineering, National Institute ofTechnology, Patna, Bihar800005,
2 School ofMechanical Engineering, Vellore Institute ofTechnology, Vellore, TamilNadu632014,
3 Faculty ofBusiness andAdministration, Universidad Autonoma de Chile, Pedro de Valdivia, 425,
Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... There are numerous circular economy strategies being utilized to cater sustainable decommissioning requirements in the industry [38]. Since this review focused on complex system decommissioning, principles such as Remanufacturing [39][40][41][42][43][44][45], Reusing and Repurposing [10-13, 46, 47] and Recycling [9,48] appeared the most in the studies. ...
... A method to measure the marginal cost of durability of wind turbines were presented by Pasquali et al. [58] to evaluate the cost against the durability when designing, which will support decommissioning options. Vimal et al. [43] introduced a novel methodology called "Remanufacturing Quality Function Deployment (RQFD)" to corelate circular economy design principles with customer needs using quality function deployment to support circular design and end-of-life practices. ...
Conference Paper
The Circular Economy aims to replace the current linear “cradle to grave” product life cycle approach with a more circular “cradle to cradle” approach which is driven by design or “circular design”. This is done by circulating the product components back at the end of life through circular design strategies such as reuse, repurpose, remanufacturing and recycling aiming to maintain as much of their embedded value as possible. For complex systems (e.g., Aircraft), the end of life is typically the decommissioning stage during which they are withdrawn from service. In this paper, we conduct a systematic literature review to synthesize the current approaches to solve the problem of decommissioning complex systems in the context of circular economy. We identify current practices and methods can be divided into reactive approaches, barriers and enablers towards a proactive approach, and tools to support a proactive approach. In addition, the review reveals that the problem of decommissioning can be approached from two perspectives: the product and the designer. Five dimensions are identified under these two perspectives. Under the product perspective, (1) Customized designing of complex system according to the local ecosystem, (2) Designing for inter industry repurposing and (3) Designing universal components. Under the designer perspective, (4) Guidelines for selecting decommissioning options for complex systems at the design stage and (5) Evolving designer thinking towards circular design.
... Opinion No. 1283/6 of the Labor Directorate establishing that due to the labor effects of the quarantine, these were considered to be force majeure or fortuitous events, which would lead to a suspension of the reciprocal obligations of the employment relationship, freeing the parties from the reciprocal obligations imposed on them by the employment contract, that is, employer: to grant the agreed work and pay the remuneration; and the worker: to assist in providing the agreed services. Excluded from the effects of the fortuitous event or force majeure are those indispensable and essential tasks for the population determined by the competent authority (Vimal et al., 2021). Therefore, Law 21.227 is decreed, which authorizes access to unemployment insurance benefits in exceptional circumstances applicable to cases of temporary closure of companies as a result of decisions of the authority, agreements to suspend the employment contract and agreements for the temporary reduction of working hours, it was provided that the worker would receive income from unemployment insurance. ...
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La crisis económica que ha producido la pandemia del Covid-19 en América Latina ha generado, de manera muy marcada, aumentos considerables en las tasas de desempleo, esto aunado al desgaste de los servicios que ofrecen los Estados a la población y la mala implementación de práctica de políticas públicas de carácter laboral y de protección social, lo que ha tenido un impacto considerable en generar mayores brechas para la incorporación y atención de las personas en situación migratoria, vulnerando así derechos humanos fundamentales. Metodológicamente es un estudio documental, descriptivo, transversal, con un diseño no experimental. Entre sus principales conclusiones, se señala que luego de los efectos adversos generados por la pandemia de Covid-19, los Estados requieren de un compromiso responsable para poner en práctica políticas públicas laborales de protección social, sin ningún tipo de discriminación o exclusión de la población migrante para que estas políticas logren una efectividad verdadera e inclusiva.
... En este marco, las organizaciones están sujetas al mismo proceso de aprendizaje, las diferencias se ven marcadas de acuerdo al nivel de conocimientos, comprensión del proceso, transferencia de conocimientos e integración del proceso de aprendizaje en la toma de decisiones y la planificación estratégica Aunque el concepto es bastante innovador, apuntala hacia una metodología desarrollada que deben tener las organizaciones, amparadas en los plantes y políticas que deben tener los gobiernos a escala local, regional y nacional con vinculación internacional (Ullah, F., Wu, Y., Mehmood, K., Jabeen, F., Iftikhar, Y., Acevedo-Duque, Á., & Kwan, H. K. 2021). Se trata de que, los espacios educativos superiores encuentren en este modelo que englobe la forma dinámica que debe haber, acompañada de la reflexión permanente hacia los ecosistemas preexistentes en las áreas aledañas, buscando promover desde la educación virtual nuevas realidades que favorezcan a todos los actores involucrados (Vimal, K. E. K., Kandasamy, J., & Duque, A. A. 2021). ...
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La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general analizar las competencias digitales y la sostenibilidad organizacional desde la enseñanza de la geohistoria mundial en las universidades privadas de Maracaibo. Estuvo basada en los aportes teóricos de Almada, C. (2014), Baca (2015), Forni y De Grande (2020), Gómez del Castillo y Gutiérrez (2015), Levano-Francia, Guillén-Aparicio, Tello-Cabello y Collantes-Inga, Z. (2019) Sabri, S. y Sabri-Matanagh, S. (2024), así como la UNESCO (2008). La metodología del presente estudio posee un enfoque cualitativo, basado en el método fenomenológico, teniendo como población a cuatro actores sociales de diferentes casas de estudios superiores de la urbe marabina, seleccionados bajo algunos criterios establecidos, acordes a los propósitos del presente trabajo. Además, se contó en el proceso con diversas fases, así como con suficiente evidencia científica, para demostrar que los hallazgos alcanzados fueron producto de la prolongada observación e interacción con el objeto de estudio y, posteriormente, la ejecución del análisis objetivo y con conciencia reflexiva para intentar comprender, interpretar y comunicar las realidades sociales. Los resultados permiten confirmar que, aun cuando los docentes han estado trabajando en afianzar las competencias digitales, mucho es el camino que debe darse desde la sostenibilidad organizacional, intentando acercarse a metodologías del nuevo mileno más próximas a los nuevos paradigmas, así como a ofrecer respuestas a la Agenda 2030. Las consideraciones finales permiten inferir que al emplear los principios del Desarrollo Sustentable, se consolidaría una nueva generación de profesionales de diversas especialidades que tengan como base el uso eficiente de los recursos, los modelos de enseñanza que integren el uso de recursos sostenibles, considerando para ello los acontecimientos a escala mundial, con un enfoque holístico y transversal que defina a los ciudadanos críticos del mañana.
... "I consider that the restaurant industry has challenges to adapt to the new models 9 of collaborative economy as an example I consider that it is necessary to improve service policies, they still lack a lot in the sense that they are not being symmetrical with users and I also consider that it is necessary to legalize them at least as in other countries that have already started with the protection of users and consumers". Key informant 002 (Vimal, K. E. K., Kandasamy, J., & Duque, A. A. 2021). ...
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The current global health and economic crisis caused by COVID-19 has opened the possibility of adopting new business cooperation models to adapt to the challenges presented by the environment, one of them is the so-called collaborative economy which is managing to consolidate an economic concept with a market value of more than 100 million euros, unlike Mexico, these schemes are hardly appreciated in the restaurant industry. Based on the grounded theory and with the objective of analyzing whether entrepreneurs recognize the concept of what the collaborative economy represents from a perspective of support for the benefit of the changes that have occurred in the industry, we have examined 4 representative CEOs of organizations positioned in the gastronomic sector of Sinaloa-Mexico. The methodology used is qualitative with a naturalistic approach and the main findings are that gastronomic companies with a vision in the collaborative economy develop a more inclusive and sustainable business model to benefit society since they combine social development and economic growth.
... The integration of product life cycle considerations is another key theme. Vimal et al. propose Remanufacturing Quality Function Deployment (RQFD) to identify design, material, and process changes for improved sustainability and stakeholder safety [27]. However, Wang et al. caution that incorporating taxation on remanufactured products may not always enhance sustainability due to potential economic and environmental drawbacks [28]. ...
The manufacturing and remanufacturing sectors are increasingly embracing sustainability as a critical aspect of their operations. However, existing sustainability frameworks often fall short of capturing the multifaceted nature of sustainability and addressing uncertainties. To address these limitations, this paper proposes a novel holistic sustainability assessment framework specifically tailored for remanufacturing systems. By integrating economic, environmental, and social dimensions, the framework provides a comprehensive approach to decision-making under uncertainty. The framework incorporates a flexible weighting scheme, allowing customization based on organizational priorities, and addresses uncertainties through stochastic optimization techniques. The applicability and effectiveness of the framework are demonstrated through case studies in diverse industries, including consumer electronics, automotive, and industrial machinery remanufacturing. Sensitivity analyses provide insights into the robustness of the framework and the impact of varying sustainability indicator weights, uncertain parameter distributions, and environmental regulations. The proposed framework offers a valuable tool for remanufacturing companies, enhancing their sustainability performance and navigating the complexities of uncertain operating environments.
... Product and process innovations, which introduce new nutrients and enhance the shelf life of sustainable food and packaging, are also designed to reassure consumers in terms of ethics and attention to the environment, climate and biodiversity. growing awareness of environmental pressures is influencing consumers' decision-making processes (White, 2009;imeneo et al., 2021;ross & Milne, 2021;laganà et al., 2022). in line with improving the quality of bakery products, bakery companies are adopting sustainable actions as a strategic approach to enhance their capacity for innovation under favorable social and environmental conditions (Vimal et al., 2021). this encourages bakery companies to seek cost-efficient resources, such as dietary supplement ingredients, which not only offer health benefits to society but also contribute to higher revenue, fostering sustainable revenue generation for the companies. ...
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In response to the growing demand for healthier food options, food industries are setting high expectations for their products. Integrating consumer opinions in innovating bakery products with new dietary ingredients is vital for the success of bakery businesses. This study aimed to assess the eating habits and preferences of 180 customers of baked goods selected through systematic sampling. Data were analyzed using the Chi-square test of independence and descriptive analyses. Bread consumption frequency was significantly correlated with age, education and family size. Urban consumers preferred cookies, "Difo Dabo" ("Abesha Dabo"), cake and white bread. When purchasing baked goods, consumers prioritized quantity, taste, price, size and nutritional value. Females, the young, those with education beyond secondary level and larger family sizes prioritized price, while the young, higher-income individuals and those with higher education gave more preference to nutritional value. A higher preference for nutritious and organic ingredients was observed among younger, higher-income and more educated customers. They also held a positive perception of the health effects of nutrients in baked foods. The study’s findings provide insights for bakery businesses, guiding innovation through the incorporation of dietary supplements.
... Several instances of its deployment beyond just the renewable domain exist as well, examples including Tortorella et al's 2021 analysis of the implementation of Healthcare 4.0 across hospitals [38], quantification of efforts at mastication of food items [39], evaluating smart universities [40] and even in estimating the designs of crowdsourcing platforms [41]. In the sustainability sector as well, naturally, QFD again finds a wide range of usagefrom ensuring remanufacturing by considering design, changes in material, and potential usages [42] to very similar domains of applications like Babar and Ali's enhancement of EV market competitiveness using a hybrid Fuzzy-QFD application in 2021 [43]. ...
... Some papers focus on key factors influencing firms' decision to conduct remanufacturing, including core quality (Denizel et al., 2010;Vedantam & Iyer, 2021), subsidies (Gong et al., 2021;Zhu et al., 2019), remanufacturing costs , and consumer strategic behavior (Kleber et al., 2018;Zhang & He, 2019). A series of literature explores enterprise decision-making issues in the presence of remanufacturing, such as core acquisition (Cai et al., 2014;Mitra, 2016;Yang et al., 2016), design choice (Hu et al., 2022;Vimal et al., 2021), pricing strategies (Ke et al., 2018;Wu et al., 2020;Xiong & Li, 2013), production planning and control (Cao et al., 2021;Zhang et al., 2022). Part of studies highlight the core acquisition for remanufacturing, involving collecting EOL products (Meng et al., 2017;Ramirez et al., 2020), or used products (Agrawal, 2016;Zerang et al., 2018;Li et al., 2020). ...
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Remanufacturing strategies contribute to green and sustainable production management plans, promising significant reductions in environmental impact as well as substantial production cost savings. Limited by some practical conditions, in addition to remanufacturing end-of-life (EOL) products, producers may also collect used products that are not completely scrapped for remanufacturing. Remanufacturing EOL and used products play an essential role in reducing the pressure of waste management. In the presence of secondary market, we explore and compare a durable-goods producer’s decision-makings by establishing models of remanufacturing EOL and used products, respectively. Analytical results show that remanufacturing used products is more conducive to producers to start remanufacturing, and beneficial to the development and maturity of the remanufacturing industry. Remanufacturing EOL or used products affects the secondary market; however, the latter has a greater effect. In addition, the comparison and analysis based on a case data show that the total enterprise profits, consumer surplus, and environmental performance of remanufacturing used products are higher than those of remanufacturing EOL products.
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El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la industria de Administradores de Fondos de Pensiones (AFP) en Honduras y su impacto en el sistema económico y la Población Económicamente Activa (PEA) de la país. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación, se utilizó un enfoque transversal, utilizando fuentes bibliográficas y datos estadísticos de entidades gubernamentales hondureñas. El estudio se centra en el examen datos proporcionados por estas instituciones gubernamentales para analizar el comportamiento económico generado por los AFP. Los resultados revelan un crecimiento en las inversiones y en la generación de empleo para PEA, lo que indica un impacto positivo en la economía del país.
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Ecodesign consists of integrating environmental considerations into the product development process by means of practices that involve the use of methods, techniques, tools, and guidelines. However, many published practices do not incorporate important environmental issues, often resulting in a product development process that is ineffective from an ecodesign standpoint. This paper's aim is threefold: (i) Identifying environmental and operational criteria and determining weights to these criteria; (ii) assessing and selecting quality function deployment (QFD)-based ecodesign methods using environmental and operational criteria, and (iii) analyzing the practitioners' perception of the most suitable QFD-based method identified by the second aim. To that end, a comprehensive literature review of ecodesign practices based on QFD and its requirements was carried out, and a survey was conducted with environmental science and product development experts, whose answers enabled the prioritization of the characteristics those practices must meet from environmental and operational standpoints. Thereafter, a workshop was carried out with design engineers from an automotive company in Brazil. This study's findings indicate that many QFD-based ecodesign methods fail to consider the life cycle perspective, do not assess environmental impacts, and have not been tested before being published. Another finding from industry designers suggests that ecodesign methods should be easy to use and not time-consuming.
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Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) scores can act as an indicator for sustainability performance of organizations. This paper explores an empirical evidence for the relationship binding ESG scores and sustainability performances of firms. We observe and evaluate the ESG performance scores of 1820 firms globally for 5 years, from 2014 to 2018 on 10 major themes and over 400 different indicators, as listed by Thomson Reuters and is captured from the Bloomberg terminal data. We posit five hypotheses to check the relations binding ESG scores and the total sustainability performances of firms. A Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis and standard bootstrapping using Smart PLS 3.0 software is used, to observe the results and to evidence the direct and moderating effects among latent variables contributing to sustainability performances. We observe a significant and negative moderating effect of environmental, social and governance performances, independently over the all direct relations, considering their relationship to ESG performances. One of the major implications of this research is in the direction of assigning priorities, while considering environmental, social, and governance related themes in the implementation of any strategies or policies into practice.
Conference Paper
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Additive Manufacturing (AM) has become an enticing and rapidly growing manufacturing method for the production of components due to its unique advantages over conventional manufacturing (CM), including complex geometric capabilities and functional features. Sustainability concerns for AM products are still among the major technological challenges. A holistic sustainability analysis of such products covering the entire life cycle is lacking in the current literature. This paper presents the total life cycle sustainability analysis of AM products, through the recently established Product Sustainability Index (ProdSI) framework. A case study is presented with two iterations of AM product validating the ProdSI metrics for AM products.
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Green growth or environmentally sustainable economic growth is imperative in light of the current environmental crises and resource depletion. Malaysia is currently facing a conflict between economic growth and environmental conservation. Greening the economy could integrate the social quality, as a pillar of sustainable development, with economic and environmental priorities. Indeed, it may improve the human well-being while significantly reducing environmental scarcity. The problems of sustainability are becoming a global concern by many manufacturing companies especially in the automotive industry. Thus, this paper attempts to discuss on past literature on how green growth could improve the corporate sustainability performance. A research framework will be proposed to examine the relationship between green growth and corporate sustainability performance in the automotive industry.
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At the current alarming growth rate of the world's consumption, the linear economy model of creating products, using these products, and then disposing of them, with no consideration of the environmental, societal and economic impacts and consequences, is a flawed manufacturing approach that is unsustainable. Therefore, envisioning a future where nothing is wasted; a future where every “waste” becomes an asset, and no value goes unrecovered; a future where all products at the end of their primary use are recovered and either reused, remanufactured, or recycled for multiple generations, has become more than a reality, but a necessity. This emerging concept of circular economy, although gaining attention, lacks a technological perspective for effective implementation. This paper presents the principles of sustainable manufacturing to serve as the basis, and to provide the technological elements to ensure the creation of a circular economy. 6R-based technological elements are identified and shown as essential ingredients for achieving economic growth, environmental protection and societal benefits. Also presented is a case study with application that shows the life cycle cost benefits. An outlook for future research is then presented.
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With the amount of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) being generated every year and increasing at an accelerating rate, the management of electronic waste (e-waste) has become an important global issue. This article contains a literature survey and a practical study of five mobile phones. In the literature survey WEEE management approaches in the EU and China were evaluated to identify differences and commonalities in approach as well as the identification of the current best practices. Practical End-of-Life (EoL) treatment processes, including remanufacturing, reconditioning, repairing, recycling, repurposing, reusing and disposal of e-waste were all investigated and studied in context of mobile phones. In the phone disassembly exercise the component material, weight, joining method, possibility of re-attachment and damage of disassembly were identified and noted down for every removed component. This disassembly gave insight in how the WEEE management in the EU could be adapted to improve the amount of component recovery. A final suggestion is to implement an EU objective open-access component database where original equipment manufacturer (OEM) component data and updated component performance information can be found. This would improve the quality and identification of components and hence aid component recovery.
Purpose Sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) concepts have received immense attention in the recent past in both academia and industries. Especially, manufacturing industries in developing countries realize the importance of adopting sustainability concepts in their supply chain. The SSCM adoption has not been to the same level across different manufacturing sectors and hence a single implementation framework will not have the same effect across sectors. This paper aims to compare the adoption level of 25 SSCM practices across three major manufacturing sectors, namely, automobile, electronics and textile, in an emerging economy, India. Design/methodology/approach A questionnaire-based data collection technique is used to obtain adoption levels of each of the identified SSCM practices on a five-point Likert-type scale with “1” representing not considering presently to “5” indicating successful implementation. Second, a hypothesis is framed and tested to compare the adoption levels across sectors using a one-way single-factor ANOVA followed by a post hoc test by Tukey’s test. Findings The results derived suggest that though the industries across different sectors are in the course of adopting SSCM practices, the level of adoption is found to be not the same. The textile sector has adopted the least, and the electronic sector edges ahead of the automobile sector in terms of successful transformation to SSCM. Originality/value This study focuses on the differences and similarities in the adoption of policies in the automobile, electronics and textile sectors using statistical data analysis tools. A total of 25 individual practices are identified from existing literature and classified into six groups, namely, management, supplier, collaboration, design, internal and society, based on their similarities. Based on a detailed questionnaire survey with industrial experts in relevant fields as respondents, the adoption levels of practices are rated individually and categorically.
Remanufacture is one of the profitable means of product disposition. Design for Remanufacture (DfRem) plays a significant role in enhancing the remanufacturability of product, which further improves the efficiency and effectiveness of remanufacturing. Identification of key design factors that influence a product's remanufacturability is a big challenge in DfRem area because of difficulty in data collection. Because the failure mode is closely related to remanufacturing, a two-phase QFD model is proposed by extending the traditional quality function deployment (QFD) frame and reusing failure modes feedback from end-of-life (EOL) product. The comprehensive list of design factors of products is developed by literature review, which includes engineering characteristics and DfRem guidelines. For the fuzzy and imprecise information, the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is used to determine the weight of customer requirements translated from failure modes. Furthermore, the key engineering characteristics and design guidelines are identified based on the two-stage QFD model gradually. In order to overcome the difficulty of vagueness and imprecision expression of linguistic variables in implementing the two-phase QFD model, the triangle fuzzy numbers are integrated. Finally, a case study of the automotive engine crankshaft validates the feasibility of the method proposed. The main contribution of the proposed method lies in finding the DfRem improvement direction accurately based on the failure modes.