
Smart City: Concept, Models, Technologies, Standardization

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The digital transformation problems of modern urban economy are considered. Their relevance for Ukrainian cities is caused by the fact that there are already a significant number of "smart cities" in the world, which are comfortable for their residents and for the management of urban services. The outlined problem for Ukraine is that a complex scenario of intellectualization and digital transformation of Ukrainian cities has not been formed yet. Unresolved problems and challenges that hinder the digital transformation of Ukrainian cities, namely the lack of municipal information networks, are described. Areas of further research are outlined, in particular, the statistical study of "smart cities", which is based on the collection and application of large data for this purpose, as well as the implementation of foreign experience in the Ukrainian realities of the economy. The digital transformation of cities is reviewed as a change of existing business models of urban services, the creation of smart mobility, smart resource consumption. An infographic unity of resources, services and management systems should be created in order to coordinate the actions of related structures and services in case of emergencies and unforeseen situations. This involves increasing technological literacy for different segments of the urban population. Three models of "smart cities" are proposed, the successful operation of each depends on investment, their rational management, as well as improving the level of digital skills of the population. The manufacturability of urban infrastructure should be based on megatrends in the field of information technology, namely: mobility, social communications, cloud technologies, big data and predictive analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence, cybersecurity technology, the Internet of Things. These technologies are end-to-end for the whole set of technological solutions developed for "smart" cities. The scenario of development of "smart city" from the technological point of view is described; its basic components are: smart physical infrastructure; smart digital infrastructure; digital platforms; integrated digital platforms. The idea of building a digital duplicate, which is an accurate reflection of the real city in digital reality - the information comes to it from various sensors, monitoring systems and resource counters. The received experience of functioning can be translated into reality if it is successful, or to refuse it. All this is done at minimal cost, time savings and without harm to the real city. It is concluded that: information and communication technologies in the field of housing and communal services ensure the reliability and security of urban systems and resource efficiency; the formation of "smart cities" in Ukraine is limited by the lack of technical base for the creation of information technology platforms; a roadmap for the digital transformation of the national economy has not been developed.

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... Аналіз останніх досліджень і публікацій, в яких започатковано розв'язання даної проблеми і на які спирається автор. Темі smartспеціалізації регіонів та розвитку міст присвячено чимало наукових доробків вітчизняних науковців, серед яких варто відмітити Захарової О. В., Федоренко Н. А. [14], Єршової О. Л., Бажан Л. І. [15], Богуна М. М. [16], Каленюк І. [17], Цимбал Л. І., Унінець І. М. [18] та інших. Із закордонних дослідників тема smart-міст досліджувалася у працях Lоngwоrth N. [9], Artyushina A., Wernick A. [12], Djakona V. [17], Angelidou M. [19] та інших. ...
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У статті розглянуто передумови функціонування і розвитку smart міст, зокрема фактори міграції та урбанізації населення; визначено та охарактеризовано вплив глобальних трендів технологізації, інтелектуалізації, диджиталізації на сталий розвиток міст через економічний, соціальний та екологічний фактори. На основі дослідження динаміки розвитку глобального ринку smart міст у світі, вивчено успішний досвід реалізації концепції smart cities у різних країнах світу та Європи. З позиції людського капіталу, як ключового ресурсу smart міст та цілей сталого розвитку, обґрунтована авторська гіпотеза щодо поєднання концепції Smart Cities з концепцією Learning Cities та їх інтеграції у політику управління людським капіталом на місцевому рівні. Обґрунтована потреба у формуванні виваженої політики smart управління у містах для забезпечення їх успішного розвитку та зростання за рахунок високої якості людського капіталу.
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This paper addresses the conceptual and theoretical aspects of developing a “smart society” through the proliferation of the smart city concept. It examines the intelligent integration of information and communication technologies for monitoring and managing urban infrastructure. The study notes that smart cities encompass data collection and analysis, good governance, consumer efficiency, and environmental sustainability. Both European and American approaches to structuring smart city systems are elucidated. The research establishes that smart city components typically include smart governance, smart living, smart people, smart environment, smart economy, and smart transportation. A brief overview of industrial revolutions is provided. In the realm of public management, understanding the conceptual foundations of a smart city aligns with a component-based approach, wherein specific smart elements are proposed and implemented. However, this approach does not resolve issues related to coherent, substantive development of the smart city concept in conjunction with human values and humanistic principles. The article emphasizes that from a public management perspective, it is crucial to combine the implementation of the smart city concept with concepts of smart specialization, sustainable development, green transition, and multi-level governance. This integration necessitates the development of coordinated public policy measures, the formation of appropriate public management mechanisms, and the implementation of inclusivity principles. The study concludes that the substantive content of practical smart city models in formulating public policies and smart city development strategies should be based on an instrumental approach. In this approach, “smart” technologies, “smart” systems, and “smart” ecosystems are viewed and positioned as means to achieve socially important goals. This should be done on the principles of human-centricity, digital and technological humanism, ensuring human freedom and rights, and preserving the essence of humanity.
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The article examines international experience, practices and approaches to the construction of the "Smart City" development concept, its functional content and components. It was determined that the "smart city" as a trend of the last decade is a city that integrates green areas into the urban space and in which traditional systems work as a single coordinated mechanism, and as a result more effectively due to the use of advanced technologies. It was found that a modern smart city due to global urbanization and migration, the spread of environmental awareness, rapid technogenic progress at the global level, intellectualization, digitalization, and the growth of the population of cities, should primarily take into account economic, ecological, and social factors, with further actualization of the issue of healthy progress environment, promoting entrepreneurship and providing a high standard of living for the population. The research highlights the key characteristics of a "Smart city" – automation of routine functions, efficiency of territory use, cost savings, rational use of natural resources, quick response to environmental challenges, etc. The theoretical and categorical vision of the definition of "Smart City" according to the vision of international organizations is systematized. On the basis of the proposed revision, it is determined that today, despite the ambiguity of approaches to the development and implementation of the "Smart City" concept, the leading countries of the world and their individual cities are actively engaging digitalization processes in their own economy in order to use the opportunities of powerful own development. Therefore, the justification of the need to conduct this study was carried out in order to ensure the successful progress of the cities of Ukraine and their rapid reconstruction. Since it has been found out that currently domestic technologization mostly begins with the use of individual innovations to solve the most pressing problems facing cities.
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Modern information technologies in the world are developing at a very fast pace and gradually cover all spheres of human life. This greatly facilitates and improves a person's life, fills it with new meaning. This is how smart cities are built in developed countries. These are approaches to the management of urban infrastructure, where innovations and breakthrough information technologies allow citizens not only to use resources economically, but also to actively participate in the life and development of their own city. This allows to form a strategy for a successful and competitive future of the city. To date, the concept of a smart city for Ukraine is not the most relevant due to the fact that the country is in the active phase of the war. However, in order to speed up the country's recovery processes in the post-war period, one should reasonably approach the choice of the development strategy that will become the basis for restoring the Ukrainian economy in the near future. A deeper study of the essence of the concept of a smart city has led to the conclusion that this approach can be saving for the weakened economy of Ukraine and create conditions for its future rapid development. The paper considers the content of the concept of a smart city and its evolution over time. It has been established that the main components of the successful implementation of the concept of a smart city are the economy, mobility, environment, human capital, life potential and management. The essence of each of the six selected components is detailed. Based on a study of the goals, content and best practices for implementing the concept of a smart city within such developed cities of the world as New York, Amsterdam, Barcelona and Shanghai, the features of the functioning of successful smart cities in the world are determined. The most successful smart city projects are given, which can become guidelines for the restoration of Ukrainian cities. Taking into account the current global trends in the construction of smart cities and taking into account the Ukrainian geopolitical specifics, the key directions for the restoration of Ukrainian cities in the post-war period are formulated. These areas include security, infrastructure, mobility, healthy life, information and ecology.
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У монографії обґрунтовано теоретико-методологічні основи та розроблено практичні рекомендації щодо формування безпеки сталого розвитку регіонів і територіальних громад України, її зміцнення на засадах інклюзивного зростання. Розроблено теоретико-методологічний базис та обґрунтовано науково-практичні підходи до зміцнення безпеки сталого розвитку регіонів і територіальних громад на засадах інклюзивного зростання, а саме розширення фіскального простору інклюзивного розвитку регіонів; диверсифікації розвитку сільських територій; обґрунтування організаційно-економічних засад сталого розвитку розумного міста; сталого розвитку туристично-рекреаційної та спортивно-оздоровчої сфер регіонів як важливих напрямів зміцнення національної безпеки в умовах пандемії COVID-19. Видання рекомендоване науковій спільноті, керівникам, управлінцям, менеджерам усіх рівнів та іншим зацікавленим особам. The monograph substantiates the theoretical and methodological foundations and develops practical recommendations for the formation of security for the sustainable development of regions and territorial communities of Ukraine, its strengthening on the basis of inclusive growth. A theoretical and methodological basis was developed and scientific and practical approaches to strengthening the security of the sustainable development of regions and territorial communities based on the principles of inclusive growth, namely the expansion of the fiscal space for the inclusive development of regions, were substantiated; diversification of the development of rural areas; substantiation of the organizational and economic foundations of the sustainable development of a smart city; sustainable development of tourism, recreation and sports and health spheres of the regions as important areas of strengthening national security in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. The publication is recommended to the scientific community, leaders, managers, managers of all levels and other interested persons.
At present, with the continuous development of big data technology, the artificial intelligence industry is having an increasingly extensive and deep impact on human production and life. Out of concerns about the possible abuse of artificial intelligence technology and the possible abuse of highly intelligent robots, How to make legal adjustments to the development of the artificial intelligence industry has also begun to be concerned by the legal profession. In this regard, the purpose of this article is to study the economic laws and regulations for the development of artificial intelligence industry based on big data. This article first discusses the development status of our country’s artificial intelligence industry under big data, and summarizes the main problems existing in contemporary our country’s artificial intelligence industry. Then, through the method of questionnaire survey, to understand some citizens’ understanding and views on the artificial intelligence industry and its related economic laws and regulations. According to the survey and research results, this article defines a new logical main line “big data technology-artificial intelligence industry-economic regulations” from the perspective of big data and based on the “technology-system” analysis framework. Next, this article conducts value evaluation and system selection at the level of economic law, and specializes in “differentiated regulation” of development plans, taxation and taxation, financing, competition, consumer protection and many other financial law systems. The experimental results show that the new framework proposed in this paper promotes the healthy development of the artificial intelligence industry and the realization of the adjustment goals of economic law, promotes the deepening of the theory of industrial law and the cross-study of “technology and economic law”, and its support for the artificial intelligence industry has increased by 30%, it provides an important reference for the development of the artificial intelligence industry’s economic laws and regulations.
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Smart cities that make broad use of digital technologies have been touted as possible solutions for the population pressures faced by many cities in developing countries and may help meet the rising demand for services and infrastructure. Nevertheless, the high financial cost involved in infrastructure maintenance, the substantial size of the informal economies, and various governance challenges are curtailing government idealism regarding smart cities. This review examines the state of smart city development in developing countries, which includes understanding the conceptualisations, motivations, and unique drivers behind (and barriers to) smarty city development. A total of 56 studies were identified from a systematic literature review from an initial pool of 3928 social sciences literature identified from two academic databases. Data were analysed using thematic synthesis and thematic analysis. The review found that technology-enabled smart cities in developing countries can only be realised when concurrent socioeconomic, human, legal, and regulatory reforms are instituted. Governments need to step up their efforts to fulfil the basic infrastructure needs of citizens, raise more revenue, construct clear regulatory frameworks to mitigate the technological risks involved, develop human capital, ensure digital inclusivity, and promote environmental sustainability. A supportive ecosystem that encourages citizen participation, nurtures start-ups, and promotes public–private partnerships needs to be created to realise their smart city vision.
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Social networking concepts have been applied to several communication network settings, which span from delay-tolerant to peer-to-peer networks. More recently, one can observe a flourish of proposals aimed at giving social-like capabilities to the objects in the Internet of Things. Such proposals address the design of conceptual (and software) platforms, which can be exploited to easily develop and implement complex applications that require direct interactions among objects. The major goal is to build techniques that allow the network to enhance the level of trust between objects that are "friends" with each other. Furthermore, a social paradigm could definitely guarantee network navigability even if the number of nodes becomes orders of magnitude higher than in the traditional Internet. Objectives of this article are to analyze the major opportunities arising from the integration of social networking concepts into the Internet of Things, present the major ongoing research activities, and point out the most critical technical challenges.
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