The design of the tunnel demands an adequate analysis to access the possible damage to the tunnel under different conditions of loading. A huge amount of research studies has already been reported by many investigators, over the performance of the tunnel under static loading conditions. However, their performance under dynamic loading is still very rare. The present paper discusses the response of the tunnel under varying levels of seismic loading. The finite element analysis has been used to understand the behavior of underground tunnel under three different earthquakes input motions, i.e., 0.3g, 0.5g, and 0.7g, in addition to varying load from the superstructure constructed over it. The study has been performed using the finite element software OPTUM G2. The thickness of the tunnel lining has been kept constant as 250 mm, which is widely accepted in many tunneling projects. The cross-section and diameter of the tunnel adopted in the study are 50m x 54m and 6.35m respectively with 18m of depth of overburden. An Elasto-plastic constitutive material model has been used to model the tunnel lining and the surrounding soil. As the seismic intensity increases, it prompts the catastrophic change in the behavior of tunnel. The magnitude of the earthquake for which the tunnel is being designed must be considered based on past earthquake history of the region. This paper highlights the behavior of tunnel lying in the northern region of India.