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Behavior of Underground Tunnel under Strong Ground Motion

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The design of the tunnel demands an adequate analysis to access the possible damage to the tunnel under different conditions of loading. A huge amount of research studies has already been reported by many investigators, over the performance of the tunnel under static loading conditions. However, their performance under dynamic loading is still very rare. The present paper discusses the response of the tunnel under varying levels of seismic loading. The finite element analysis has been used to understand the behavior of underground tunnel under three different earthquakes input motions, i.e., 0.3g, 0.5g, and 0.7g, in addition to varying load from the superstructure constructed over it. The study has been performed using the finite element software OPTUM G2. The thickness of the tunnel lining has been kept constant as 250 mm, which is widely accepted in many tunneling projects. The cross-section and diameter of the tunnel adopted in the study are 50m x 54m and 6.35m respectively with 18m of depth of overburden. An Elasto-plastic constitutive material model has been used to model the tunnel lining and the surrounding soil. As the seismic intensity increases, it prompts the catastrophic change in the behavior of tunnel. The magnitude of the earthquake for which the tunnel is being designed must be considered based on past earthquake history of the region. This paper highlights the behavior of tunnel lying in the northern region of India.

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... Tunnels are studied using a variety of experimental, analytical, and computational techniques, with numerical analysis methods becoming more common as computer efficiency improves. These approaches make it easier to analyze tunneling issues based on various features and loading kinds (Shah et al., 2020;Zaid et al., 2019;Shahin et al., 2011;Pakbaz et al., 2005;and Mroueh et al., 2003). Among numerical techniques like the finite element method (FEM), the finite difference method (DFM), the discrete element method (DEM), and others, the 2D FEM is commonly the most used technique for analyzing tunnel stability (Negro et al., 2000;Muniz et al., 2004). ...
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The tunnels are one of the most significant infrastructures for facilitating mobility in mountainous terrain. It has several benefits, including shortening distances, time, and ease of transportation. To make it easier, developed countries create several tunnels close to each other. Engineers face the necessity of building these new tunnels near existing ones; this infrastructure must be safe. In this paper, for this numerical study, we used the OptumG2 software to analyze the position of a new tunnel created in six locations: bottom, top, left (two places at 12 m and 32 m), and right (two places at 12 m and 32 m) by the finite element method. This study was analyzed using two criteria: the equivalent of Drucker Prager and Mohr Coulomb. We are interested in the total field of the displacement, the vertical displacement of the model, the displacement, bending moment, shear, and normal force of the concrete lining. The findings of this numerical analysis using the Drucker Prager and Mohr Coulomb behaviors to determine the ideal locations for building a new tunnel next to an existing one show that the new bottom tunnel might have a significant influence on the stability of the existing tunnel. It was also observed that the maximum displacement present when we add a new tunnel at the bottom meets the Drucker-Prager criteria.
... At this time, there are several ways to forecast surface settling brought on by tunnel construction, including as, the airy stress function approach [8][9][10][11][12], the stochastic medium theory [13][14][15], the empirical formula method [16][17][18][19], the elastic strain method [20][21][22][23], and the numerical modelling method [24][25]. Numerous parameters and many loading types are typically analyzed for tunneling difficulties using the numerical method [26][27][28][29][30]. For tunnelling, the procedures and technologies depend on groundwater levels, the application for which the tunnel is being used, the location, geotechnics, geology, length, form, and diameter of the tunnel, among other criteria. ...
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The tunnels offer a workable method for creating transportation and utility infrastructure in metropolitan regions. Sometimes we need more than one tunnel in the same place. However, building of the new tunnels inevitably causes settlements and ground displacements, threatening nearby constructions or the old tunnels. In this paper aims to investigate to control the settlement of the soil after the excavation, and the effects of new tunnel on the old tunnel. The study illustrates the importance of the positions of the new tunnels and their effects on the old one. Results show that, the building of a new tunnel below an existing one is the worst location. We note that in order to preserve and protect an existing tunnel, we build new tunnels to the left or right of the existing tunnel, while maintaining a safe distance between the two tunnels.
... The tunnels may be studied using different experimental, analytical, and numerical methods. Because of better com puter efficiency, the numerical technique is commonly used to analyze tunneling problems for various properties and differ ent loading types [4][5][6][7][8]. ...
Purpose. To understand the effect of fissured material on tunnels. These infrastructure tunnels must be safe in all respects, including construction, materials, and more. One of the challenges which engineers face is the need to consider material types as well as fissured material. As a result, in order to ensure the safety of the tunnel, it is important for us to anticipate possible precipitation, displacements, stresses and strains caused by the construction of tunnels in fractured environments. Methodology. The OPTUMG2 software was used for thisnumerical study, the tunnel was modeled applying the hypothesis of two-dimensional plane deformation with the use of the finite element method, which is used to model continuous media. The Mohr-Coulomb criterium was considered to simulate the elastoplastic nonlinear behaviour of this model. Findings. The ndings demonstrate that the orientation of weakness planes can have a major impact on tunnel stability. Thus, it was observed that 45, and 60 for angle 1, and 110, and 135 for the second angle 2 present the most critical situations. The influence of fissured material (soil) on civil engineering projects such as tunneling should be taken into consideration. Originality. The tunnels stability is determined by the measuring of the displacement (settlement), stresses, and deformation, under the effect of the fissured material in the environment. In this paper we simulated a model with various crack angles. As for the orientation of plane, for the angl3e 1 the values are changed to 0, 20, 45, 65, and 90, the second angle 2 was changed from 110, 135, 155, 175, to 180. Practical value. The number of tunnels and infrastructure projects is constantly increasing. This is because they are important for the development of countries and for accelerating economic growth, shortening distances and travel time by linking urban areas that have natural obstacles such as mountains. We found that the orientation planes can have a major impact on tunnel stability. Thus, it was observed that 45, and 60 for first angle, and 110, and 135 for the second angle present the most critical situations.
... The tunnels may be studied using different experimental, analytical, and numerical methods. Because of better com puter efficiency, the numerical technique is commonly used to analyze tunneling problems for various properties and differ ent loading types [4][5][6][7][8]. ...
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Purpose. To understand the effect of fissured material on tunnels. These infrastructure tunnels must be safe in all respects, including construction, materials, and more. One of the challenges which engineers face is the need to consider material types as well as fissured material. As a result, in order to ensure the safety of the tunnel, it is important for us to anticipate possible precipi tation, displacements, stresses and strains caused by the construction of tunnels in fractured environments. Methodology. The OPTUMG2 software was used for this numerical study, the tunnel was modeled applying the hypothesis of twodimensional plane deformation with the use of the finite element method, which is used to model continuous media. The MohrCoulomb criterium was considered to simulate the elastoplastic nonlinear behaviour of this model. Findings. The findings demonstrate that the orientation of weakness planes can have a major impact on tunnel stability. Thus, it was observed that 45, and 60° for angle α 1 , and 110, and 135° for the second angle α 2 present the most critical situations. The influence of fissured material (soil) on civil engineering projects such as tunneling should be taken into consideration. Originality. The tunnel's stability is determined by the measuring of the displacement (settlement), stresses, and deformation, under the effect of the fissured material in the environment. In this paper we simulated a model with various crack angles. As for the orientation of plane, for the angl3e α 1 the values are changed to 0, 20, 45, 65, and 90°, the second angle α 2 was changed from 110, 135, 155, 175, to 180°. Practical value. The number of tunnels and infrastructure projects is constantly increasing. This is because they are important for the development of countries and for accelerating economic growth, shortening distances and travel time by linking urban areas that have natural obstacles such as mountains. We found that the orientation planes can have a major impact on tunnel stability. Thus, it was observed that 45, and 60° for first angle, and 110, and 135° for the second angle present the most critical situations.
... It is possible to predict ground settlements caused due to construction of second tunnel by using equations given by Peck, O'Reilly & Fresh, and Mair et al, along with various modifications. The distribution of the surface, subsurface settlements along the current tunnels was found to be broader than for single tunnels [27][28][29][30][31][32]. Due to the presence of the first tunnel, the degree of volume loss caused by the newly formed tunnel system is increased. ...
... Considering the complexities in a problem, numerical method of analysis have become a favourable tools to study the behavior of underground structure under static as well as dynamic loading conditions [8][9][10][11][12][13]. The stabilization of tunnels by different types of reinforcement has been checked over the time and analysed following numerical methods [14][15][16]. ...
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For the past few decades, large scale urbanization has limited the space for the commencement of new infrastructural projects. Therefore, the modern construction industry has utilized the surface above the underground tunnel opening for construction purposes. This put a need to stabilize these underground structures due to construction above them. The present numerical study has been carried out using GeoStudio 2016 to understand the problem. The 2D Numerical model replicating the Delhi metro phase 3 tunnel projects at a standard depth of 10 m. The tunnel has a circular cross-section with a diameter of 5 m and a concrete lining of 30 cm thick. The overburden of the superstructure has been varied upto 3rd floor of the building (G + 3 building load) and the corresponding response of the tunnel has been observed at different locations (crown, spring-line and invert). Later, the ground has been stabilized by incorporating micropiles as vertical reinforcement within the footing of superstructure. It has been concluded that the micropile can stabilize the tunnel and the superstructure to a different extent. The micropiling results in the redistribution of moment in the tunnel lining with a part of the moment in the crown section getting transferred to the invert.
... It is possible to predict ground settlements caused due to construction of second tunnel by using equations given by Peck, O'Reilly & Fresh, and Mair et al, along with various modifications. The distribution of the surface, subsurface settlements along the current tunnels was found to be broader than for single tunnels [27][28][29][30][31][32]. Due to the presence of the first tunnel, the degree of volume loss caused by the newly formed tunnel system is increased. ...
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Tunnels are a major underground structure used for transporting passengers, water, wastewater, etc. Design of a tunnel/twin tunnel requires fixing the spacing between tunnels, assessment of hazards to surface structure due to tunnelling and protection measures, etc. Experimental, numerical, analytical methods or a combination of the above techniques are used to design and investigate the stability under static and dynamic conditions. Ground settlement due to tunnel construction, the spacing between the tunnels, the tunnel response during earthquake loading, influence of alignment, etc., have been reviewed and summarized from the past published literature. A summary of the different design criteria for twin tunnels is reviewed and presented here. The present paper will be helpful for engineers and researchers working in this area.
... Thus these double arch tunnels save times by making distances shorter which in result declining the fuel usage of vehicles contributing to of pollutions. Since the start of underground tunnels, safety problems in tunnel construction have received much interest [10]. A significant number of operating tunnels, indeed, have different security issues resulting from the design constraints of geological conditions and other factors [11]. ...
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Major earthquakes will cause multi-hazard issues for tunnels. Yet, advantages associated with it in terms of sustainability, time, land and fuel saving have made tunnels a vital option in modern cities. Double-arch tunnels are generally accepted for their effective and economical solutions as they have significant advantages in adjusting to the characteristics of the region and environmental safety. Experimental, numerical and analytical studies had been conducted by the researchers to understand its static and dynamic behavior. In the present study, authors have categorized and critically summarized the researches on double arch tunnel. It is essential for platform of higher research and development in this field.
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Underground structures have recently gained importance all over the world. Successfully completed these projects are based on careful and realistic design, one that is neither optimistic, conservative, and considerate. It is the need of the moment. This article presents a comparative study of media design, such as Terzhagi's load theory. Quantitative methods for rock mass quality (Q), and rock mass assessment on Bieniawski and RS2 Numerical modeling. The results showed that the final support measures such as casting, thickness, rocky dome, length, the frequency, and requirements of steel support are better. Based on engineering reasoning and analytical methods, PSAs for tunnels have been obtained.
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The tunnels are one of the most important constructions that shorten the time and facilitate the transition between difficult places such as highlands and mountains. It is one of the reasons countries grow economically. The tunnels must be safe in all situations. The engineer must take into consideration the quality of the soil and rock in the place of excavation, the appropriate method of excavation, the location of the tunnel, and the materials used, as well as the design of the tunnel without forgetting the appropriate shape of the tunnel. In this paper, we simulated the model with various shapes ("seven shapes") by using the finite element method Optum G2 software. The stability research for the various tunnel shapes was carried out by examining soil settlements, horizontal, vertical displacement, shear, normal forces, and a bending moment of the lining concrete of these shapes.
A column is an important component of a structure. Given the potential for catastrophic failure and the relatively low ratio of cost to additional load bearing capacity, it has been found that to make the column safe, much larger dimensions than required, are provided to account for all the loading conditions. However, if the cross section of the column is properly adjusted according to the requirement, then much economy may be achieved. The use of Special Shaped reinforced concrete columns (SSCs) with L-, T-, and + -shaped cross-sections is a breakthrough in this context. This paper presents a procedure that allows the construction of simplified axial load—bending moment interaction diagrams for the SSCs for practical design applications. In the proposed methodology, the analysis of Special Shaped Columns is carried out based on principles of equilibrium and strain compatibility equivalent to that of conventional RC columns. The method determines the interaction diagrams for the Special Shaped Reinforced Concrete (RC) short columns under axial load combined with uniaxial and biaxial bending. The reliability of the obtained charts is verified by the use of a computer analysis program.
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The Masonry infills in RCC structures have become quite common in construction however their effect of initial stiffness is not considered generally. The adversity or the potential of progressive collapse can be studied only by considering the effect of infills in the structure. During the collapse of a structure, the properties of infills also affect the potential or gravity of collapse. In this study a G + 8 storey structure with cellular light weight concrete masonry block were modelled as diagonal strut by equivalent diagonal strut approach in order to consider the effect of masonry infill in the structure. By GSA guidelines columns susceptible to more damage were removed. The critical columns were assessed by demand capacity ratio by P-M curve. By P-M interaction curve the structure with corner column removal and short side column scenario exhibited more critical columns.The critical column in the structure were removed and assessed by displacement coefficient method of Push over analysis in FEM software ETABS. The total energy capacity of short side column removal structure was found to be 21% greater than corner column removal structure and the effect of damage of corner column removal structure were much higher than the short end column removal structure.
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Tunnels are the lifeline of modern civilization. With the ongoing scarcity of open ground space, the demand for underground tunnels has increased many folds. Stability of tunnels is influenced by many natural and manmade activities. Earthquake is one of the fiercest natural calamities, and like every other structure, tunnels are prone to be affected by it. Past studies show that tunnels in rocks are more stable than in soils during earthquake, but the studies have ignored the weathering of rock with the passage of time. Weathering of rock has a significant effect on its properties, and hence, the stability of tunnel is affected by it during an earthquake event. The present study aims to analyze the stability of underground rock tunnel affected by weathering phenomenon. An arch tunnel, surrounded by basalt rock material undergone weathering, is subjected to four different earthquake events of the past. The rock is modeled using Mohr–Coulomb criteria in a finite element-based software Abaqus. 2Dplanestain modeling has been considered for the present study. The absorbing boundary condition has been applied for the earthquake analysis. The stability of tunnel is analyzed by determining the deformation at different depth of overburden. The results of the paper conclude that as the depth of overburden increases, the range of deformation at different locations reduces, thus showing the effect of lithostatic condition. Also, the deformation increases as the weathering stage of the rock increases for each magnitude of earthquakes. The results also show that as the depth of overburden increases, the weathering has significant effect on the tunnel stability. Finally, it is concluded that the overburden depth does not have much effect on the stability of tunnel under the event of minor earthquakes while the overburden depth proved to be of greater significance in case of major earthquake events.
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The research for mitigating excessive deformation occurring on important underground defence and civil structures is not new. The purpose then was to use the underground facilities to provide protection against air or surface blasts. Today countries have bombs and missiles which have the precision and capability to penetrate and destroy such underground structures. Urban tunnels are highly susceptible to destruction under such attacks. With the effect of different loading conditions, collapses of tunnels are highly perilous and life threatening. In the present study we have dealt with the deformation behaviour of tunnels in rock subjected to impact loading through drop hammer testing where impact load is simulated. A detailed investigation is carried out to determine critical factors controlling fracture and deformations in the structural integrity. The present investigation is focused on the effect of cover depth and impact energy causing settlement to the shallow tunnels. Also the analysis is carried out for different rock masses of varying strength and failure of the tunnel is computed along the tunnel length.
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The presence of geological structures such as faults, joints, and dykes has been observed near excavation boundaries in many rockburst case histories. In this paper, the role of discontinuities around tunnels in rockburst occurrence was studied. For this purpose, the Abaqus explicit code was used to simulate dynamic rock failure in deep tunnels. Material heterogeneity was considered using Python scripting in Abaqus. Rockbursts near fault regions in deep tunnels under static and dynamic loads were studied. Several tunnel models with and without faults were built and static and dynamic loads were used to simulate rock failure. The velocity and the released kinetic energy of failed rocks, the failure zone around the tunnel, and the deformed mesh were studied to identify stable and unstable rock failures. Compared with models without discontinuities, the results showed that the velocity and the released kinetic energy of failed rocks were higher, the failure zone around the tunnel was larger, and the mesh was more deformed in the models with discontinuities, indicating that rock failure in the models with discontinuities was more violent. The modeling results confirm that the presence of geological structures in the vicinity of deep excavations could be one of the major influence factors for the occurrence of rockburst. It can explain localized rockburst occurrence in civil tunnels and mining drifts. The presented methodology in this paper for rockburst analysis can be useful for rockburst anticipation and control during mining and tunneling in highly stressed ground.
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Underground facilities used for a wide range of civil and military applications such as transportation, storage, and water and sewage conveyance etc. to name a few. These structures can get damaged by the constant overburden loads and litho-static pressure of high rise buildings and apartments. Load - deformation assessment of these tunnels is important in designing damage resistant strategic as well as civilian structures. The fracture behaviour and the damage resistance of the geologic materials under severe loading conditions depend on various factors such as strength, density, static and dynamic response. Due to heavy loading, structures experience high strain-rate and there is an apparent increase of the dynamic strength when geo-materials such as soft and weathered rock / synthetic rock are subjected to high strain-rate. From a practical point of view, when designing underground excavations in rocks, the goal is to minimize stress concentration problems, create a stress field as uniformly distributed as possible in the excavation of underground structures so that the optimum support systems is provided without compromising the safety of the structure. Therefore, the strength augmentation of geo-materials has drawn enormous concern in structural design under different loading condition.
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This paper concerns a study of the interaction between tunneling in soft soils and adjacent structures. Analysis is performed using a full three-dimensional finite element model, which takes into consideration the presence of the structure during the construction of the tunnel. The soil behavior is assumed to be governed by an elastic perfectly-plastic constitutive relation based on the Mohr–Coulomb criterion with a non-associative flow rule. The paper is composed of three parts. The first part describes the numerical model used in this study, the second part concerns a full three-dimensional analysis of the construction of a shallow tunnel close to a two level building. The last part includes comparison between the full 3D analysis and a simplified approach, which neglects the influence of the presence of the structure in the determination of the tunneling-induced ground movement.
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The liquefaction of soils under earthquake loadings has always been a main concern for geotechnical engineering practices. As an earthquake causes the ground to liquefy, the effective stress and hence the shear strength of the soil decreases sharply, and large deformations happen in the area. This phenomenon occurs only rarely when the liquefaction occurs at a large depth. However, deformations increase extensively when this layer is located in shallow depths near the ground level. In this case super structures and also underground structures may be severely damaged. The tunnels which are constructed in this layer may be affected by the liquefaction as well. In this condition the liquefaction may cause settlement in the ground, deformation in the tunnel shield, buoyancy in the underground buildings, reduction in bearing capacity and increases in lateral spread and pore pressures. In this paper the FLAC software has been used to model the pore pressure changes during earthquakes that lead to soil liquefaction. The studies thus far have been focused on the impact of the soil liquefaction on the tunnels constructed in this area. According to the studies, the buoyancy and uplifting forces due to liquefaction have major effects on the behavior of underground structures. Increasing the soil parameters such as friction angle and damping ratio causes the liquefaction effects on the tunnel to decrease, and increasing the geometric parameters such as tunnel diameter and location depth causes these effects to increase.
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Although Rock Mechanics addresses many of the rock mechanics issues which arise in underground mining engineering, it is not a text exclusively for mining applications. This new edition has been completely revised to reflect the notable innovations in mining engineering and the remarkable developments in the science of rock mechanics and the practice of rock engineering that have taken place over the last two decades.
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Due to seismic events, such as earthquakes, the elastic waves propagate through a medium. The impact of these waves on underground structures is to provide dynamic forces and moments that may affect the stability of underground structures. The aim of this paper is to analyse the effects of seismic loads on the stability of horseshoe tunnels. As a case study, the stability state of the main access entry to C1 coal seam of Tabas collieries in Iran are analyzed using Phase2 software in static and dynamic states. It is often assumed that the effect of earthquakes on underground structures such as tunnels is negligible but the results of this study show that the stress caused by seismic loads can be harmful to the tunnel stability. It is concluded that the stress and displacement balance of forces around the tunnel are adversely affected and due to redistribution of these forces that create undue concentration in some areas, instability occurs in the tunnel. The paper also concludes that increasing the stiffness of the support system can increase the effect of the seismic loads. The analysis provided in this paper together with the conclusions obtained can serve as useful tools for the tunnel design engineers, especially in areas susceptible to seismic phenomena.
Conference Paper
The stability analysis of rock tunnels of different shape and depth of overburden, under static loading has been presented in this paper. The effect of weathering of rock has also been taken into consideration. Tunnels has been assumed in uniform rock mass of weathered Basalt rock. The finite element model has been developed and analyzed using finite element code Abaqus. A 42m x 42m 2D rock model has been developed and 7m diameter of the tunnel has been excavated though it. The depth of tunnel has been varied having overburden as 5m, 10m, and 17.5m at the tunnel crown. The stability analysis has been carried out by observing the deformation at the interface of lining and rock mass. From the present study, it may be concluded that arch-shaped tunnels are more stable in comparison to circular and horseshoe shape. Moreover, as the depth of overburden increases on the tunnel stability has been improved relatively.
Metro underground tunnels are strategic elements in transportation and utility networks in any metropolitan city and their importance makes their vulnerability to earthquakes a very sensitive issue. A large earthquake would not only cause loss of human lives but can also damage lot of other pertinent infrastructure. In order to reduce the potential loss of serviceability, it is essential to reduce the possible risk associated and the effects of damage. Underground structures cannot be treated as completely exempt to the effects of ground shaking, as demonstrated by the recent Kobe earthquake of 1995, Chi–Chi earthquake of 1999, and Niigata earthquake of 2004, where several underground structures suffered severe damage. Earlier work in this area suggests that various authors have presented explicit expressions for axial force, shear force and bending moment developed in the RC liners of tunnels. Some numerical studies were also undertaken. In this paper, an attempt has been made to simulate the case of Delhi metro underground tunnels through PLAXIS 2D and study their response to 1991 Uttarkashi earthquake of lower Himalaya and then conduct some parametric study. The response so obtained has been compared with the available closed form solutions. Damping plays a significant role in seismic analysis. Analysis shows that forces in RC liners reduce with increase in damping. Similarly, displacements, both in soil and RC liners, decrease with increase in damping. Amplification in horizontal acceleration occurs due to reduction in damping ratio. The effect of horizontal component of 1991 Uttarkashi earthquake was found to be more critical than the vertical component, though of course the influence of vertical component was also found to be significant. It has therefore been realized that seismic response of metro underground tunnels to the both horizontal as well as vertical component of earthquake should be considered in design.
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The present numerical analysis has been taken up to observe the response of the newly constructed unlined tunnel over the settlement and stress criteria due to the dead weight of the superstructure. The tunnel has been analyzed for three different types of rock-mass and the overburden has been varied from ground floor to 3rd floor of a building. The 2D elasto-plastic analysis has been carried out using the finite element module SIGMA/W of the software package GeoStudio 2016. The Mohr-Coulomb Constitutive model has been considered for the analysis of rock mass. The three rock-masses considered in the present study are, Phyllitic Quartzite, Quartzitic Phyllite, and Migmatic Gneiss. The numerical model has 25m x 25m cross-section to represent the rock-mass. The profile of the tunnel is circular having 5m diameter. The study has been confined to observe the behavior of the tunnel due to the increase of the overburden load of the superstructure. The rock-mass has been simulated in both the dry and saturated condition to determine the most critical state. The influence of the cover depth of the tunnel has also been studied by varying the distance of the crown of tunnel from the ground surface for four variables such as 2.5m, 5m, 7.5m and 10m. It has been concluded that the deformation of the tunnel is maximum in the case of Magmatic Gneiss rock in dry condition. The Magmatic Gneiss also demonstrate a curious behavior with maximum settlement in the dry condition. Moreover, the influence of the cover depth is observed in all the three different types of rock-mass, and concluded that with increase in the cover depth the deformation decreases.
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Due to scarcity of land and rapid growth in urban population tunnel construction is increased in past decades. Many tunnels are being constructed in Himalayan region for safety and faster travel. The analysis has been carried out for the stability of different shapes of tunnels constructed in Himalayan region. Four different shapes, i.e., arch, circular, horse-shoe, and rectangular are considered in this study. Three Himalayan rocks, Quartzitic Phyllite, Phyllitic Quartzite, and Migmatic Gneiss, are considered. The Mohr-Coulomb elasto-plastic model has been considered for the elastic-plastic behavior of rocks. The finite element software Abaqus has been utilized for carrying out the Blast analysis of tunnel. For blast analysis, CONWEP model has been adopted in the present study. The blast analysis under 100kg TNT has been carried out in all the shapes of tunnel for each rock. Model of the tunnel has 70m x 70m cross-section and 11-meter of diameter. In comparison between the rocks, Migmatic Gneiss experiences maximum deformation and Quartzitic Phyllite experiences minimum deformation. The tunnel constructed in Migmatic Gneiss rock having Arch shape cross-section has maximum deformation of 0.279mm. And the rectangular shape tunnel constructed in Quartzitic Phyllite rock experiences minimum deformation when subjected to a blast loading. The paper concludes that, the tunnels constructed in Quartzitic Phyllite are the safest as compared to other rock tunnels. The Migmatic rock tunnels having circular shape are more stable are compared to other cross-section tunnels in Migmatic rock. The Quartzitic Phyllite, and Phyllitic Quartzite rock tunnels having rectangular shape of cross-section are more stable in comparison to arch, circular and horse-shoe shape of cross-section.
An apparatus has been developed to model the excavation of a tunnel in the laboratory. With this apparatus, 2D model tests are carried out to investigate the surface settlement and the earth pressure brought about by the tunneling. Finite element analyses using an elastoplastic subloading tij model are also conducted. The influence of volume loss on the surface settlement and the earth pressure, due to the shallow tunnelling, is illustrated based on the model tests and the corresponding numerical analyses. It is revealed that the surface settlement troughs and the earth pressure distributions around shallow tunnels depend on both the volume loss and the crown drift of the tunnel. The effect of the interaction between the tunneling and existing nearby foundations is also demonstrated in this paper. For existing foundations, the building loads control the surface settlements and the zone of deformation during the tunnel excavation. The behavior of the foundations depends on the deformation mechanism of the ground during the tunnel excavation. The induced axial force and bending moments in the piles of a piled raft are investigated numerically, and it is shown that the axial force changes due to the stress relaxation of the ground. Bending moments are induced in the piles at a lower value of soil cover due to the differential settlement of the piled raft.
The seismic performance of large underground structures in soils, e.g., subway and highway tunnels, has been an important topic followed the damages of such structures in recent large earthquakes. The dynamic behavior of a subway station in saturated sandy deposit was investigated using the fully coupled dynamic Finite Element code DYNA Swandyne-II. A generalized plasticity model that can simulate both cyclic liquefaction and pressure dependency of soils was incorporated in the program to model the sandy deposit. A Mindlin beam element was also included and used to model the underground structure. The effects of vertical earthquake motions and the buried depth of the underground structure were analyzed. It is found that the effects of vertical motions depended on the characteristics of the excitations. It is also found that the increase in buried depth improved the safety of the underground structure against earthquake damage. A mitigation method against the floatation of underground structures using injection grouting was also studied and it was proved to be effective.
The use of underground structures such as tunnel for subways, highways, material storage, and sewage and water transport is increasing in developed countries. The safety of these facilities during operation in areas with seismic activities such as in Japan, Taiwan and Turkey in recent earthquakes has been questioned. Dynamic effects on these structures are in the form of deformations that they experience during earthquakes. In this paper, first latest methods on the subject are reviewed and then the interaction between the ground and tunnel lining during earthquake excitation is investigated by a finite difference computer program (CA2). Analysis show that a good agreement between analytical closed form and numerical solutions exist. According to the results obtained in this study some practical suggestion for using closed form solution are also given.
Underground facilities are an integral part of the infrastructure of modern society and are used for a wide range of applications, including subways and railways, highways, material storage, and sewage and water transport. Underground facilities built in areas subject to earthquake activity must withstand both seismic and static loading. Historically, underground facilities have experienced a lower rate of damage than surface structures. Nevertheless, some underground structures have experienced significant damage in recent large earthquakes, including the 1995 Kobe, Japan earthquake, the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake and the 1999 Kocaeli, Turkey earthquake. This report presents a summary of the current state of seismic analysis and design for underground structures. This report describes approaches used by engineers in quantifying the seismic effect on an underground structure. Deterministic and probabilistic seismic hazard analysis approaches are reviewed. The development of appropriate ground motion parameters, including peak accelerations and velocities, target response spectra, and ground motion time histories, is briefly described. In general, seismic design loads for underground structures are characterized in terms of the deformations and strains imposed on the structure by the surrounding ground, often due to the interaction between the two. In contrast, surface structures are designed for the inertial forces caused by ground accelerations. The simplest approach is to ignore the interaction of the underground structure with the surrounding ground. The free-field ground deformations due to a seismic event are estimated, and the underground structure is designed to accommodate these deformations. This approach is satisfactory when low levels of shaking are anticipated or the underground facility is in a stiff medium such as rock. Other approaches that account for the interaction between the structural supports and the surrounding ground are then described. In the pseudo-static analysis approach, the ground deformations are imposed as a static load and the soil-structure interaction does not include dynamic or wave propagation effects. In the dynamic analysis approach, a dynamic soil structure interaction is conducted using numerical analysis tools such as finite element or finite difference methods. The report discusses special design issues, including the design of tunnel segment joints and joints between tunnels and portal structures. Examples of seismic design used for underground structures are included in an appendix at the end of the report.
  • M Zaid
  • S Mishra
  • K S Rao
Zaid, M., Mishra, S. & Rao, K. S. Finite Element Analysis of Static Loading on Urban Tunnels. in IGC-2018 (2018).
Effect of Stratification on Underground Opening: A Numerical Approach
  • Ali Khan
  • M Sadique
  • M R Zaid
Ali Khan, M., Sadique, M. R. & Zaid, M. Effect of Stratification on Underground Opening: A Numerical Approach. in Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering vol. 34 133-142 (Springer, 2019).
Dynamic Analysis of Tunnels in Western Ghats of Indian Peninsula: Effect of Shape and Weathering
  • M Zaid
  • M R Sadique
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