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Effectiveness of chiropractic manipulation versus sham manipulation for recurrent headaches in children aged 7–14 years - a randomised clinical trial

  • Chiropractic Knowledge Hub
  • Basel Academy for Quality and Research in Medicine
  • Chiropractic Knowledge Hub

Abstract and Figures

Background To investigate the effectiveness of chiropractic spinal manipulation versus sham manipulation in children aged 7–14 with recurrent headaches. Methods Design : A two-arm, single-blind, superiority randomised controlled trial. Setting : One chiropractic clinic and one paediatric specialty practice in Denmark, November 2015 to August 2020. Participants : 199 children aged 7 to 14 years, with at least one episode of headache per week for the previous 6 months and at least one musculoskeletal dysfunction identified. Interventions : All participants received standard oral and written advice to reduce headaches. In addition, children in the active treatment group received chiropractic spinal manipulation and children in the control group received sham manipulation for a period of 4 months. Number and frequency of treatments were based on the chiropractor’s individual evaluation in the active treatment group; the children in the control group received approximately eight visits during the treatment period. Primary outcome measures: ‘Number of days with headache’, ‘pain intensity’ and ‘medication’ were reported weekly by text messages, and global perceived effect by text message after 4 months. A planned fixed sequence strategy based on an initial outcome data analysis was used to prioritize outcomes. ‘Number of days with headache’ and ‘pain intensity’ were chosen as equally important outcomes of highest priority, followed by global perceived effect and medication. The significance level for the first two outcomes was fixed to 0.025 to take multiplicity into account. Results Chiropractic spinal manipulation resulted in significantly fewer days with headaches (reduction of 0.81 vs. 0.41, p = 0.019, NNT = 7 for 20% improvement) and better global perceived effect (dichotomized into improved/not improved, OR = 2.8 (95% CI: 1.5–5.3), NNT = 5) compared with a sham manipulation procedure. There was no difference between groups for pain intensity during headache episodes. Due to methodological shortcomings, no conclusions could be drawn about medication use. Conclusions Chiropractic spinal manipulation resulted in fewer headaches and higher global perceived effect, with only minor side effects. It did not lower the intensity of the headaches. Since the treatment is easily applicable, of low cost and minor side effects, chiropractic spinal manipulation might be considered as a valuable treatment option for children with recurrent headaches. Trial registration, identifier NCT02684916 , registered 02/18/2016 – retrospectively registered.
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R E S E A R C H Open Access
Effectiveness of chiropractic manipulation
versus sham manipulation for recurrent
headaches in children aged 714 years - a
randomised clinical trial
Susanne Lynge
, Kristina Boe Dissing
, Werner Vach
, Henrik Wulff Christensen
and Lise Hestbaek
Background: To investigate the effectiveness of chiropractic spinal manipulation versus sham manipulation in
children aged 714 with recurrent headaches.
Methods: Design: A two-arm, single-blind, superiority randomised controlled trial.
Setting: One chiropractic clinic and one paediatric specialty practice in Denmark, November 2015 to August 2020.
Participants: 199 children aged 7 to 14 years, with at least one episode of headache per week for the previous 6
months and at least one musculoskeletal dysfunction identified.
Interventions: All participants received standard oral and written advice to reduce headaches. In addition, children in the active
treatment group received chiropractic spinal manipulation and children in the control group received sham manipulation for a
period of 4 months. Number and frequency of treatments were based on the chiropractors individual evaluation in the active
treatment group; the children in the control group received approximately eight visits during the treatment period.
Primary outcome measures: Number of days with headache,pain intensityand medicationwere reported weekly by text
messages, and global perceived effect by text message after 4 months. A planned fixed sequence strategy based on an initial
outcome data analysis was used to prioritize outcomes. Number of days with headacheand pain intensitywere chosen as
equally important outcomes of highest priority, followed by global perceived effect and medication. The significance level for
the first two outcomes was fixed to 0.025 to take multiplicity into account.
Results: Chiropractic spinal manipulation resulted in significantly fewer days with headaches (reduction of 0.81 vs. 0.41, p= 0.019,
NNT = 7 for 20% improvement) and better global perceived effect (dichotomized into improved/not improved, OR = 2.8 (95% CI:
1.55.3), NNT = 5) compared with a sham manipulation procedure. There was no difference between groups for pain intensity
during headache episodes. Due to methodological shortcomings, no conclusions could be drawn about medication use.
(Continued on next page)
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* Correspondence:
Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of
Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M, Denmark
Nordic Institute for Chiropractic and Clinical Biomechanics, Campusvej 55,
5230 Odense M, Denmark
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
Lynge et al. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies (2021) 29:1
(Continued from previous page)
Conclusions: Chiropractic spinal manipulation resulted in fewer headaches and higher global perceived effect, with only minor
side effects. It did not lower the intensity of the headaches.
Since the treatment is easily applicable, of low cost and minor side effects, chiropractic spinal manipulation might be considered
as a valuable treatment option for children with recurrent headaches.
Trial registration:, identifier NCT02684916, registered 02/18/2016 retrospectively registered.
Keywords: Ηeadache, Chiropractic, Children, Manipulation, Adolescents, Effectiveness, Clinical trial
Recurrent paediatric headache is common with annual
prevalence rates ranging from approximately 5% among 3-
year-olds to more than half of the population around puberty
[1]. Recurrent headaches affect quality of life in children and
are known to interfere with school performance [2,3], social
life among peers and family [2], and participation in play and
sports [4]. Children with recurrent headaches also report
higher levels of stress and depression compared with chil-
dren without headache [3]. Importantly, suffering from re-
current childhood headache can be a precursor to potentially
severe headache syndromes later in life [5].
Paediatric headaches can be complex and are often asso-
ciated with co-morbid conditions [6,7] and the aetiology is
diverse, including familial disposition [8], psychological fac-
tors [9,10], nutrition [11], socioeconomic factors [7,12]
and more. Trauma to the head or neck, as well as pro-
longed static postures, have also been associated with head-
acheinchildren[1315]. Thus, a biomechanical element
may be involved in the aetiology and therefore, spinal ma-
nipulation has been suggested as a treatment for headaches.
There is some evidence for the effectiveness of spinal ma-
nipulation in adults with chronic headache [16,17]. Spinal
manipulation is not uncommon for children with headache,
as it is the presenting symptom for 1120% of school-aged
children and adolescents in chiropractic practice [1820].
Nevertheless, with the exception of one small study where
the children only received a single manipulative treatment
[21], which is not common practice [16,22], there has not
been any formal investigation into the effectiveness of
spinal manipulation for children with recurrent headache.
Given the potentially severe consequences of recurrent
headaches in childhood and the risk of lifelong trajectories
of pain, safe and effective management needs to be identi-
fied. Adverse events following spinal manipulation appear
to be very rare [23] and the risk to be less than after taking
medication, which is often prescribed for painful condi-
tions [24]. Therefore, this approach calls for investigation.
The aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of
chiropractic spinal manipulation versus sham manipula-
tion in children aged 714 with recurrent headaches.
Trial design
This was a two-arm, single-blind, superiority random-
ized controlled trial. The protocol of the study has been
published elsewhere [25].
Between November 2015 and August 2019, we recruited
participants for this trial through the Danish School In-
formation Network, local newspapers, television, social
media and radio. The children had to be 714 years old,
to have experienced at least one episode of headache per
week for the previous 6 months and to have at least one
musculoskeletal dysfunction in the spine, pelvis and/or
temporomandibular joint, identified by the investigating
chiropractor. Exclusion criteria were examination find-
ings requiring immediate referral, contraindications to
spinal manipulation, previous treatment for headache
within the last 3 months and failure to report pre-
randomisation baseline data.
The study took place at two clinics in Northern
Denmark: one chiropractic clinic and one paediatric spe-
cialty practice. Screenings and treatments were adminis-
tered in both clinics by the same investigating
chiropractor with 34 years of experience in private
Pre-randomisation data collection
Before screening, eligible children and their parents an-
swered three questions each Sunday for 4 weeks via a
text message on their cell phone (Short Message System,
SMS). The questions regarded number of days with a
headache, intensity of headaches and number of pills
taken for headache during the previous week. In
addition, a pre-treatment questionnaire including the
characteristics of the childs headache problem, lifestyle,
previous trauma, previous treatment, family history of
headache and general health was completed and
returned by mail. Details have been reported in the
protocol [25].
Lynge et al. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies (2021) 29:1 Page 2 of 13
After a four-week pre-treatment period, verifying at least
four episodes of headache, a screening for inclusion/ex-
clusion was done by the investigating chiropractor. This
included standard neurologic and orthopaedic examin-
ation, as well as examination for biomechanical dysfunc-
tions in the spine, pelvis and temporomandibular joints.
Upon receipt of the signed consent form, participating
children were randomised with 1:1 allocation using ran-
dom block size with the software nQuery Advisor [26]by
the data manager at the Nordic Institute for Chiropractic
and Clinical Biomechanics. Group assignment was noted
in opaque envelopes and sent to the project clinics.
After completing the four-week pre-treatment period
and confirmed as eligible for inclusion at the screening
visit, all participants and their parents received oral and
written advice believed to be beneficial to headache pa-
tients in general, regarding regular sleep, diet and exer-
cise. After this the randomisation envelope was opened
by the investigating chiropractor and the trial period of
4 months began.
At all the visits, the participantsparents were present
during a short interview where information about side
effects and trauma experienced since the previous visit
was collected by the chiropractor. The parents would
then leave the room, and after examining the child, ei-
ther the chiropractic spinal manipulation or the sham
manipulation was administered.
The chiropractic spinal manipulation treatment was
directed at specific, individually identified dysfunctions
of one or more joints in the spine, pelvis and/or tem-
poromandibular joints. A high-velocity, low-amplitude
thrust, resulting in an audible cavitation, was given to
improve the function of the joint. The treatment has
been described in detail in the study protocol [25]. All
treatments were modified to fit the age and size of the
child as well as individual spinal characteristics. To re-
flect daily clinical practice, the number and frequency of
treatments, as well as the joints treated, were based on
the chiropractors individual evaluation at each visit
throughout the 4 months treatment period.
The sham manipulation treatment followed a previ-
ously validated protocol, developed by Chaibi et al. [27].
Placement of the child was similar to the placement in
the chiropractic spinal manipulation group, but low-
amplitude, low-velocity gentle pushes in a broad non-
specific contact away from the spinal column were given
with no resulting cavitation. In addition to the protocol
previously established by Chaibi et al., a de-activated ac-
tivator ([28] on the chiropractors
own arm would produce a click-noise in connection
with the cervical treatment to resemble the sound of the
audible joint cavitation in the chiropractic spinal ma-
nipulation group. The children in this group should re-
ceive approximately eight visits with increasing intervals
during the 4 months participation period to resemble a
common course of care in a chiropractic practice. The
ideal schedule was 2 visits the first week, 1 visit/week
the following 2 weeks, 1 visit every other week for 4
weeks and finally the last two visits 4 weeks apart, but it
could be modified to the parentsconvenience.
Post-intervention treatment
Children in the chiropractic spinal manipulation treat-
ment group who reported little or no effect, or a worsen-
ing of their headache after treatment were offered a
consultation with the paediatrician. Children in the sham
manipulation group who reported little or no effect, or a
worsening of headache after the trial period were offered
free chiropractic care, similar to the care delivered in the
spinal manipulation group. After the four-month post-
trial treatment period, parents received a final text mes-
sage, identical to the one they received after participating
in the trial regarding the effect of the treatment.
Throughout the study period, the parents together with
their participating children answered the same weekly
text messages as they had during the pre-randomisation
1. How many days has <childs name> had a
headache this week? Choose a number between 0
and 7.
2. How will you rate the pain on a scale from 0-10,
where 0 is no pain and 10 is the worst pain you can
3. How many pills for headache has < childs name>
taken this week? 0: none, 1: 1-4, 2: more than 4
The parents sent the answers using the reply function,
and the answers were automatically registered and
stored in a database. At the end of the 4 months of treat-
ment, all participating families received a final text mes-
sage including three questions to be answered in
collaboration between parents and child:
1. How satisfied is <childs name> with participation
in this trial on a scale from 0-10, where 0 is the
worst and 10 is the best you can imagine?
2. How has the headache changed since <childs
name> started the treatment at the chiropractor? 1.
almost gone/disappeared; 2. much better; 3. slightly
Lynge et al. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies (2021) 29:1 Page 3 of 13
better; 4. same; 5. a little worse; 6. much worse; 7.
worse than ever.
3. In this trial there have been two groups. Do you
think that <childs name< was in group 1, who had
standard chiropractic treatment or in group 2, that
DID NOT have standard chiropractic treatment
(please answer 1 or 2)?
To estimate the effect of the intervention, we consid-
ered the average values during the pre-treatment period
and the final 4 weeks of the study period (Weeks 1417)
for the three variables based on the weekly SMS ques-
tions. The final outcomes were then given by the change
scores, i.e. the difference between these average values.
A fourth outcome was the global perceived effect (GPE)
based on the SMS (question #2) after 4 months.
Sample size
A sample size calculation was conducted when the data
collection was completed for 50 children in each treat-
ment group [29]. This was based on weekly headache
days, and details were reported in the study protocol [25].
A sample size of 100 children in each group was indicated
to detect a difference of 20% in mean change score be-
tween groups with a power of 80% and a significance level
of 5%. Calculations were performed in nQuery Advisor
[26]. Allowing for a 20% drop-out rate, the aim for inclu-
sion was 240 children. However, as drop out was very rare,
inclusion was terminated after 199 children.
Blinding the chiropractor was obviously not possible. Al-
location was concealed from the participants and their
parents and blinding was further attempted by including
a sham manipulation, closely resembling the active treat-
ment, including the clicking sound. At the end of the
treatment period, participating children and their par-
ents received a text message asking which group they
believed the child had participated in.
Initial outcome analysis
Due to a lack of experience with the four potential out-
comes in a population of children suffering from head-
ache and with an SMS-based data collection based on
responses from children and their parents, we did not
know whether they were measured in a reliable manner
and whether they would show a population variation
suitable to be used as an outcome in an RCT. For ex-
ample, we could not exclude that there would be little
variation in some of the intended outcomes across chil-
dren, or that we observed associations with baseline vari-
ables which were lower than expected and/or difficult to
explain. Such insights were needed to make an informed
prioritisation of the outcome variables. Therefore, we
conducted an interim outcome data analysis to avoid po-
tential misjudgments [30,31].
That interim analysis was performed blinded to inter-
vention status to provide information about the distribu-
tion of the four outcome variables in our population and
guide the final prioritisation of outcome measures. The
results of this analysis were discussed among the authors
and the resulting decision report was approved by all au-
thors before analyses of effects were initiated. The statis-
tical report and the final decision report can be found in
the Additional File 1.
The following main conclusions were drawn in the re-
port. Since some participants did not follow the instruc-
tions to cluster the number of medications in their SMS
responses and report the actual number, data on medi-
cation use could only be analysed in a reliable manner
by identifying the presence/absence of use each week.
Consequently, the corresponding primary outcome vari-
able was now the change in the proportion of weeks
with medication use. As many children did not report
any intake of medication in the pre-treatment phase, the
statistical report also suggested a sensitivity analysis,
which only included children with at least 2 weeks with
medication in the pre-treatment phase.
The vast majority of participants reported a pain in-
tensity of 0 in the weeks with no days of headache, in
line with our expectation. However, it turned out that
this led to a high variation in pain intensity over time for
many children. Hence, the definition of the four-week
pain scores was changed for intensity to take only weeks
with at least 1 day of headache into account. Rather than
illustrating the average intensity, this reflects the inten-
sity of the headaches when present. In addition, two fur-
ther intensity definitions were suggested to be included
in the sensitivity analyses: the original definition and the
average over the last available 4 weeks with headache,
but maximally going back 7 weeks from the end of the
treatment period. Lastly, the statistical report suggested
the inclusion of an analysis of lower percentiles of the
change scores, instead of means, as a sensitivity analysis
to cover the scenario of only a few children benefiting
from the intervention.
Based on the above, number of days with headache
and pain intensitywere chosen as equally important
outcomes of highest priority, followed by GPE and then
medication. The significance level for the first two out-
comes was fixed to 0.025 to take multiplicity into ac-
count within the planned fixed sequence strategy.
Statistical analyses
All analyses were performed and presented to all authors
for interpretation blinded for intervention status and
two alternative conclusions were formulated before the
concealment was broken. Baseline characteristics are
Lynge et al. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies (2021) 29:1 Page 4 of 13
reported as frequencies in each treatment arm for binary
and categorical variables, and as means for continuous
variables. To illustrate the spread of the data, means are
supplemented with 10th and 90th percentiles. With re-
spect to previous examinations, previous treatments and
reasons for school absence due to illness, the frequencies
for the most common category are reported.
The distribution of the primary outcomes in each
treatment group is illustrated by dot plots. Intervention
effects are assessed by the difference in mean values be-
tween the two intervention groups. They are supple-
mented by t-test-based 95% confidence intervals, p-
values and Cohens d (standardized mean difference be-
tween groups) as a measure of effect size. In addition,
we present adjusted p-values based on a linear regres-
sion model with one covariate in addition to treatment.
That covariate was the baseline level for each of the
change scores, and the number of days with headache at
baseline for GPE. According to the protocol, an adjust-
ment for additional baseline characteristics was planned
in case they showed a correlation of at least 0.3 with the
outcome variable. However, no such characteristic was
identified. The multiplicity implied by considering four
primary outcomes was taken into account by applying a
fixed sequence strategy according to the prioritisation
resulting from the initial outcome data analyses. Signifi-
cance levels of 0.025 for the first two primary outcomes
and 0.05 for the two remaining were used and applied to
the adjusted p-values.
For the three change scores, a responder analysis was
conducted, reporting the proportion in each group with
20, 25, 50 and 75% improvement compared with base-
line. The number needed to treat (NNT) to reach a 20%
improvement is also reported. In order to decide
whether to refer the child to a paediatrician after the
follow-up period, GPE was dichotomised into improved
or same or worse[25]. The same dichotomisation was
used to calculate NNT and this also allowed calculation
of an odds ratio.
Side effects and satisfaction with care are analysed as
secondary outomes (the latter not mentioned in the
study protocol). In addition, course of treatment and the
parentsguess about treatment group are reported by
group. Results for the pre-specified secondary outcomes,
headache status and GPE after 8 and 12 months, will be
presented in a subsequent manuscript.
Aligned with the protocol, sensitivity analyses were per-
formed with missing values imputed based on multiple
imputation (described in detail in Additional File 2). In
addition, the sensitivity analyses according to the initial
outcome data analysis report were performed.
The study is reported according to the CONSORT
guidelines [32] and a CONSORT check list is included
as Additional File 3.
STATA v.16.0 (StataCorp, College Station, Tx, USA)
was used for all analyses.
All parents were required to give written informed con-
sent allowing their child to participate in this study and
they were informed orally and in writing that participation
in the trial was voluntary and that parents could withdraw
their child from the trial at any time with no negative con-
sequences for the child. All participants were treated ac-
cording to the Declaration of Helsinki [33].
The project was approved by the Regional Committee
on Health Research Ethics for The North Denmark Re-
gion (#N-20150025) and data were handled according to
the General Data Protection Regulations [34]. The trial
was registered with (Identifier:
NCT02684916) [35].
Recruitment and dropouts
The inclusion period lasted from November 1st 2015 to Sep-
tember 2nd 2019. Of the 253 children screened, 199 (79%)
children were eligible for inclusion. Of these, 99 were rando-
mised to the intervention group, and 100 to the control
group. Five children dropped out during the four-month trial
period for reasons unrelated to treatment (Fig. 1).
In some children, the weekly SMS data were missing
for some weeks or single items were missing. Hence the
averages used to compute change scores were based on
less than 4 weeks for some individuals. Details are given
in Additional File 4.
Patient characteristics at baseline
There were more girls (57%) than boys in the cohort
and the mean age at baseline was 10.8 years. The mean
pain intensity at baseline was 6.0 and the vast majority
of children had taken non-prescriptive medicine at some
point, most often 13 times per month, but only 4% had
taken prescriptive medicine. Approximately half of the
children had been seen by a general practitioner for their
headache, but only one-fifth had received treatment for
their headache, most often by a chiropractor. Approxi-
mately three-quarters of the children reported previous
trauma to the head and/or neck, and headache was by
far the primary reason for absence from school due to
illness. The majority of the children were physically ac-
tive during leisure time and had a sufficient amount of
sleep. Baseline distribution of age, sex and the outcomes
are shown in Table 1and further details are presented
in Additional File 5, Supplementary Table 1.
Headache characteristics at baseline
Approximately half the children had experienced recur-
rent headaches for 1 to 3 years, most often a few days
Lynge et al. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies (2021) 29:1 Page 5 of 13
per week, but 13% suffered from headache almost every
day. An episode of headache lasted typically from 2 to
12 h per day and the onset varied over day and night.
The typical region of onset varied across children, but
headache was often located at the forehead. The most
predominant co-occurring symptoms were nausea,
dizziness, light and sound sensitivity (5361%). Neck
pain (48%) and the use of computer/tv (51%) were the
activities most often thought to cause headache, whereas
sleeping was the main activity easing the headache
(83%). Further details are presented in Additional File 5,
Supplementary Table 2.
Fig. 1 Consort flowchart
Table 1 Baseline values of sex, age and outcome measures. Additional baseline characteristics are shown in Additional File 5,
Supplementary Table 1
Intervention group (N= 99) Control group (N= 100)
Sex, boys, n (%) 45 (45%) 40 (40%)
Age (mean, SD) 10.9 (2.1) 10.7 (2.0)
Number of days/week
(mean, SD) 2.8 (1.4) 2.8 (1.5)
Pain intensity
(NRS) (mean, SD) 5.2 (1.4) 5.3 (1.4)
(mean, SD) 0.5 (0.3) 0.4 (0.4)
within a 4-week period at baseline,
proportion of weeks with medication use
Lynge et al. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies (2021) 29:1 Page 6 of 13
Analysis of primary outcomes
Table 2and Figs. 2and 3describe the results for the pri-
mary outcomes.
Number of days
In both treatment groups, we observed a substantial
variation in the change in number of days with a ten-
dency to more substantial improvements in the interven-
tion group (Fig. 2). On average, children reported fewer
days with headache after the four-month follow up in
both groups compared with baseline, however the mean
reduction in number of days with headache was twice as
high for children in the intervention group compared
with the control group (0.81 vs. 0.41), which was statisti-
cally significant (Table 2). The effect size (Cohensd)
was 0.32. From the responder analysis, illustrated in
Fig. 3, it can be seen that about one-third of the children
displayed more than a 50% improvement with response
being more frequent in the intervention group. The
NNT to reach 20% improvement was 7.
Regarding intensity of headache, we can observe a reduc-
tion over time for many children in both groups (Fig. 2).
The mean reduction was almost equal between the two
groups (0.53 vs. 0.52) and the difference was not statisti-
cally significant (Table 2). The effect size (Cohensd)was
0.01. In the responder analysis illustrated in Fig. 3,less
than a third of the children showed an improvement of at
least 20%. The difference between the groups was of negli-
gible magnitude. The NNT to reach 20% improvement
was 50.
Global perceived effect
As illustrated in Fig. 2, improvement in GPE was more
frequent in the intervention group. The mean score was
3.2 in the intervention group and 2.6 in the control
group. The difference in mean scoring was significant
with a value of 0.61, corresponding to a Cohensdof
0.67 (Table 2). When dichotomised, 43.4% reported im-
provement in the intervention group and 22.0% in the
control group, resulting in an odds ratio of 2.8 (95% CI:
1.55.3). The number needed to treat was 5.
As illustrated in Fig. 2, intake of medicine went up or
down to a similar degree in both groups, resulting in
small reductions on average (Table 2). There was no sta-
tistically significant difference detected between groups
(0.10 vs. 0.03). Cohens d was 0.20. In the responder ana-
lysis seen in Fig. 3, both groups showed an almost equal
improvement, resulting in an NNT of 40 to reach 20%
Secondary outcomes
In the intervention group, 84% of the children reported
side effects following at least one consultation and in the
control group it was 75%. Side effects reported were
mild in nature, most often soreness, headache and fa-
tigue, and they were typically of short duration (02 h).
There were no serious side effects reported. Details are
reported in Additional File 5, Supplementary Table 3.
As seen in Fig. 4, most children were quite satisfied
with participation in the trial, but children in the inter-
vention group were on average more satisfied than chil-
dren in the control group. The difference was
statistically significant (p< 0.001) with a mean of 7.9 ver-
sus 6.8 for the intervention and the control group, re-
spectively. Cohens d was 0.49.
Course of treatment and guessing of treatment group
We intended to expose the children to treatment for 17
weeks and this was achieved in the intervention group,
with a median of 16.8 weeks and little variation (10th
90th percentile: 15.717.7). The median time was
smaller in the control group (15.0) with a more substan-
tial variation (12.318.6). There was, however, a distinct
difference in the number of consultations, with a median
of 11 in the intervention group and 7 in the control
group. This reflects a difference in the time scheduling
of the consultations. In the control group, we reached
the intended gap of 14 days between consultations quite
precisely with a median of 14 days, whereas in the inter-
vention group the median was 9 days.
At the four-month follow up, 62% in the intervention
group and 59% in the control group guessed the correct
randomisation group.
Table 2 Results on the four primary outcomes
Control Intervention
Outcome N Mean N Mean Difference in mean (95% CI) p-value p-value** Cohens d***
Number of days per week* 97 0.41 96 0.81 0.40 (0.77; 0.05) 0.027 0.019 0.32
Intensity (NRS)* 93 0.53 90 0.52 0.01 (0.43; 0.46) 0.958 0.930 0.01
GPE 98 3.24 96 2.63 0.61 (0.88; 0.36) < 0.001 < 0.001 0.67
Medicine*# 97 0.03 96 0.10 0.07 (0.16; 0.03) 0.165 0.279 0.20
Nnumber of children, CI confidence interval, NRS numerical rating scale, GPE global perceived effect (1 = almost gone to 7 = worse than ever)
*change scores from baseline to follow up; **adjusted p-value; ***standardi zed mean difference between groups; # proportion of weeks with medication use
Lynge et al. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies (2021) 29:1 Page 7 of 13
Fig. 2 Change in the four primary outcomes by treatment group. The size of the symbols is proportional to the number of children
Lynge et al. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies (2021) 29:1 Page 8 of 13
Sensitivity analyses
Using different definitions of outcomes - as suggested in
the initial outcome data analysis report - did not change
the results, except for the case of using the original def-
inition for pain intensity. In this case, the results trended
towards those observed for number of days with head-
ache, as we expected from our considerations in the ini-
tial outcome data analysis (Additional File 5,
Supplementary Table 4). The handling of missing values
did not seem to affect the results (Additional File 2,
Supplementary Tables 56). We did not perform ana-
lyses of percentiles, as the analysis of mean values gave a
clear picture.
Principal findings
This is the first large-scale randomised clinical trial in-
vestigating the effectiveness of chiropractic spinal ma-
nipulation in the treatment of recurrent headaches in
children. Chiropractic spinal manipulation resulted in
Fig. 3 Responder analysis, including NNT, for the three continuous outcomes
Lynge et al. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies (2021) 29:1 Page 9 of 13
significantly fewer days with headaches and better GPE
when compared with a validated sham manipulation
procedure. There was no difference between groups for
pain intensity during headache episodes.
Previous literature
This positive effect is in line with results seen in studies
of adult populations for migraine [36] and cervicogenic
headaches [17,37], whereas the results for tension type
headaches are favorable but less conclusive [16,17]. Also
in trials in adults, effects of manual therapy were more
pronounced for frequency of headache than for pain in-
tensity [16,22].
However, the results presented in this article do not
distinguish between headache types in the children. Fur-
thermore, it should be noted, that the effect of placebo
is possibly larger for children than adults [38], and thus
larger effects are needed to demonstrate differences be-
tween treatment and sham interventions.
Strengths and weaknesses
The use of an adaptive design [2931] allowing for the
prioritisation of the primary outcomes based on an in-
terim analysis might be considered unorthodox. How-
ever, due to the uncertainty about the measurement
properties of the outcomes included, we believed this
step to be necessary in order to avoid misjudgments in
the priority of outcomes. Actually, the interim analysis
led to a down-grading of the outcome medication, which
otherwise would probably have been given a higher pri-
ority. The interim analysis was pre-planned, blinded for
any information about the treatment status of the par-
ticipant, and performed by an independent statistician,
and thus the scientific standard was not compromised.
The process was transparent, and the reports are pub-
lished in the supplementary material.
This study has several strengths. The good compliance
and the large sample size resulted in more precise esti-
mates and can facilitate subsequent hypothesis-
generating subgroup analyses; utilising weekly SMS text
messages as a headache diary reduces recall bias and has
been shown to be an efficient and reliable method to
collect frequent data [39,40]; and there has been a
structured recording of side effect/adverse event. The
blinding appeared to be effective because the observed
difference in belief between groups is understandable
due to the better outcome in the treatment group likely
to have fostered a belief that they received the active
treatment [41].
The treatment was individualised with attention to any
specific biomechanical dysfunction the child might have
had, rather than a standardised treatment given to all. This
reflects clinical reality and is likely to make potential rec-
ommendations easier to translate into common practice.
We regard having the same, highly experienced chiro-
practor treating both groups as a way to reach similarity
of the clinical encounter across groups, with the only ex-
ception being the chiropractic spinal manipulation [42]
instead of the sham manipulation. However, we cannot
exclude deviations from this optimal scenario due to
lack of blinding. Using a highly experienced chiropractor
may also question the transferability of results, but using
an expertise-based approach can prove to be a strength
for the community to subsequently trust and embrace
the findings [43]. Future studies must determine the
level of expertise needed to obtain similar results.
Fig. 4 Proportion of children satisfied with participation in the trial as reported by their parents
Lynge et al. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies (2021) 29:1 Page 10 of 13
On average the control group had nearly the intended
number of eight consultations over a 16-week period
and the intended gap of 14 days between consultations
on average, whereas the active treatment group received
on average 11 consultations. This is clearly above our
expectations for the active treatment group and is due to
the fact, that the treatment was pragmatic, i.e. based on
the childrens signs and symptoms at each visit, and
therefore these could not be precisely planned and did
not follow a predefined protocol. On the other hand, the
control children followed the predefined pattern of visits
to the extent that the parentsand the clinicians sched-
ules allowed. It cannot be excluded that the favorable re-
sults for patients in the active treatment group are
partially due to obtaining more attention - both in quan-
tity and quality. However, the control group actually re-
ceived an unusually high level of quantitative attention
compared to patients not included in this study, such
that the effect of additional attention may be limited.
Unfortunately, medication use could not be evaluated in
this study due to difficulties interpreting the responses as
described in the decision report. Future studies should at-
tempt better ways to include use of medication since the
risk of Medication Overuse Headache increases with age
[8] and the use of over-the-counter painkillers is worry-
ingly high in adolescence, primarily due to headache [44].
Considering the significant consequences of paediatric
headache and the lack of effective and safe pharmaco-
logical treatment [1,3,38], non-pharmacological treat-
ments such as spinal manipulation could be attractive
alternatives [45]. The positive results from this study
combined with the low risk of adverse events should en-
courage clinicians and policy-makers to consider spinal
manipulation for children with recurrent headaches.
Unanswered questions and future research
The most important next step is investigating of the
long-term effect. One-year follow-up is being completed
for the present study and will be reported in a later art-
icle. The difference in effect of treatment between GPE
(NNT = 3) and frequency (NNT = 7), and the lack of ef-
fect on intensity, might imply that frequency and pain
intensity alone do not adequately capture improvement
as experienced by the children. This indicates that there
are elements of improvement which are not captured by
the investigated outcomes. Before future trials of ma-
nipulation or other types of treatment for paediatric
headaches are initiated, qualitative studies should inves-
tigate further which outcomes are important to children.
Furthermore, considering the complexity of childhood
headaches and the large individual differences in re-
sponse to treatment observed in this study, it is
important to identify potential treatment effect modifiers
to target treatment efficiently.
We found that children with recurrent headaches who
received chiropractic spinal manipulation experienced
fewer days with headaches compared with children re-
ceiving sham manipulation. We could not detect a rele-
vant difference in pain intensity between the groups.
Children receiving chiropractic spinal manipulation also
reported higher self-rated improvement than children
receiving sham manipulation. Unfortunately, medication
data were unreliable and therefore no conclusions could
be drawn on this.
Consequently, since the treatment is easily applicable,
of low cost and with no or only mild side effects, chiro-
practic spinal manipulation might be considered as a
valuable treatment option for children with recurrent
Supplementary Information
The online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi.
Additional file 1. The results of the initial outcome data analysis and
the resulting decision report.
Additional file 2. Tables showing results following imputation of data.
Additional file 3. Full reporting check list including page numbers.
Additional file 4. Flowchart of SMS-reports.
Additional file 5. Additional information in tables.
GPE: General Perceived Effect; NNT: Numbers Needed to Treat;
NRS: Numerical Rating Scale; SMS: Short Message Service
We would like to acknowledge Suzanne Capell for providing professional
proofreading service.
SL and LH conceived the idea; SL, LH and HWC designed the study; SL
collected the data; KBD and WV performed the data analyses; SL and LH
prepared the draft manuscript; all authors participated in the interpretation
of data; all authors read and approved the final manuscript.
The study was primarily funded by the Foundation for Chiropractic Research
and Postgraduate Education (Grant no 09/2518). The Danish Migraine and
Headache Society also made a financial contribution. The funding bodies did
not have any influence on the study design; in the collection, analysis, and
interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; or in the decision to
submit the article for publication. All authors had full access to all data
(including statistical reports and tables) in the study and can take
responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data
Availability of data and materials
Relevant anonymised data are available from the corresponding author on
reasonable request.
Lynge et al. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies (2021) 29:1 Page 11 of 13
Ethics approval and consent to participate
All parents were required to give written informed consent allowing their
child to participate in this study and they were informed orally and in
writing that participation in the trial was voluntary and that parents could
withdraw their child from the trial at any time with no negative
consequences for the child. All participants were treated according to the
Declaration of Helsinki [33].
The project was approved by the Regional Committee on Health Research
Ethics for the Region of Northern Denmark (#N-20150025) and data were
handled according to the General Data Protection Regulations [34]. The trial
was registered with (Identifier: NCT02684916) [35].
Consent for publication
Competing interests
LH, WV and HWC are supported partly by the Foundation for Chiropractic
Research and Postgraduate Education; SL, HWC and KBD are in private
practice, treating the patients in question. No other relationships or activities
that could appear to have influenced the submitted work.
Author details
Private Chiropractic Practice, Vivaldisvej 6, 9700 Broenderslev, Denmark.
Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of
Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M, Denmark.
Institute for Chiropractic and Clinical Biomechanics, Campusvej 55, 5230
Odense M, Denmark.
Basel Academy, Steinenring 6, 4054 Basel, Switzerland.
Private Chiropractic Practice, Enghavevej 2, 5800 Nyborg, Denmark.
Received: 10 August 2020 Accepted: 14 December 2020
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Lynge et al. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies (2021) 29:1 Page 13 of 13
... A recent randomized controlled trial (RCT) investigating the effect of chiropractic manipulation in 199 children aged 7-14 years with recurrent headaches demonstrated a significant reduction of number of days with headache and a better global perceived effect (GPE) in the chiropractic manipulation group compared to a sham manipulation group [12]. However, potential modifiers for the effectiveness of chiropractic manipulation of children with recurrent headaches have never been identified. ...
... The intervention group received chiropractic manipulation, a high-velocity, low-amplitude thrust resulting in an audible cavitation directed at specific, individually identified, dysfunctions of one or more joint(s) in the spine, pelvis and/or temporomandibular joint. All treatments were modified to fit age, size, and the individually identified dysfunctions of each child, as were the number of treatments [12]. ...
... The GPE was assessed on a 7-point scale with low values indicating a favorable outcome. The average numbers were 2.62 and 3.24 for the chiropractic manipulation group and the sham group respectively, i.e., the chiropractic manipulation improved the GPE on average by 0.62 [12]. These two outcomes were included in the present secondary analysis. ...
Full-text available
Background A recent randomized controlled trial (RCT) investigating the effect of chiropractic manipulation in 199 children aged 7–14 years with recurrent headaches demonstrated a significant reduction of number of days with headache and a better global perceived effect (GPE) in the chiropractic manipulation group compared to a sham manipulation group. However, potential modifiers for the effectiveness of chiropractic manipulation of children with recurrent headaches have never been identified. The present study is a secondary analysis of data from that RCT and will investigate potential effect modifiers for the benefit of chiropractic manipulation for children with headache. Methods Sixteen potential effect modifiers were identified from the literature and a summary index was prespecified based on clinical experience. Relevant variables were extracted from baseline questionnaires, and outcomes were obtained by means of short text messages. The modifying effect of the candidate variables was assessed by fitting interaction models to the data of the RCT. In addition, an attempt to define a new summary index was made. Results The prespecified index showed no modifying effect. Four single variables demonstrated a treatment effect difference of more than 1 day with headache per week between the lower and the upper end of the spectrum : intensity of headache ( p = 0.122), Frequency of headache ( p = 0.031), sleep duration ( p = 0.243), and Socioeconomic status ( p = 0.082). Five variables had a treatment effect difference of more than 0.7 points on the GPE scale between the lower and the upper end of the spectrum : Frequency of headac he ( p = 0.056), Sport activity ( p = 0.110), Sleep duration ( p = 0.080), History of neck pain ( p = 0.011), and Headache in the family (0.050). A new summary index could be constructed giving highest weight to History of neck pain and Headache in the family and Frequency of headache . The index suggests a difference of about 1 point in GPE between low and high values of the index. Conclusion Chiropractic manipulation offers a moderate benefit for a broad spectrum of children. However, it cannot be excluded that specific headache characteristics, family factors, or a history of neck pain may modify the effect. This question must be addressed in future studies. Trial registration : (Albers et al in Curr Pain Headache Rep 19:3–4, 2015), identifier NCT02684916, registered 02/18/2016—retrospectively registered.
... To improve our knowledge about children with recurrent headaches we will take advantage of a population sampled for a randomized controlled trial (RCT) investigating the effectiveness of chiropractic spinal manipulation in children aged 7-14 with recurrent headaches [20,21]. This study collected extensive baseline information on more than 200 children and therefore a detailed description of these children will be reported regarding headache characteristics, co-morbidity, trauma, and physical activity. ...
... There were 283 children eligible for the pre-screening data collection period, 30 children did not fulfill the inclusion criteria for the screening process and were therefore excluded, and hence, the baseline cohort consisted of 253 children, with 44% boys and a median age of 11 [21]. Descriptive information about the cohort can be found in the "total" column of Tables 2 and 3. ...
Full-text available
Background Headaches in children are poorly described and diagnosing can be challenging. Objectives are: (1) to describe headache characteristics and child characteristics, (2) to explore whether data can suggest a more diverse way to categorize headaches than traditionally. Methods Baseline data for a clinical trial included a questionnaire and a physical screening. Children's characteristics and detailed description of headache symptoms were provided. Children were classified for migraine or tension-type-headache based on questionnaire data reported by children and parents. This required to apply slightly modified classification criteria and a “non-classifiable” group was added. Severity and symptoms, related to the migraine versus tension type distinction, were investigated to define a migraine-tension-type-index. Results 253 children were included. Mean pain intensity was 5.9/10. Over 2/3 of the children had headache for > 1 year, and > 50% for several days/week. Half of the children were non-classifiable, 22% were classified as migraine and 23% as tension-type headache. A migraine-tension-type-index was constructed and describes a continuous spectrum rather than two distinct groups. Conclusions Children with recurrent headaches are often severely affected. A questionnaire-based classification appeared feasible to distinguish between migraine and tension-type headaches in children but leaving many children unclassified. A migraine-tension-type-index can be generated allowing to regard the traditional distinction as a continuum (including mixed headache), and potentially serving as an instrument to improve headache management. Trial registration, identifier NCT02684916.
... From the 18 studies included in the descriptive synthesis that explored the effectiveness of spinal manipulation in paediatric populations, one was focused on AIS [59], two on asthma [49,56], four on back/neck pain [57, 63, [74], two on headache [52,77], six on infantile colic -excessive crying / behaviours [53,58,68,71,85,92], one on infantile colic -sleeping disturbances [58] and one on torticollis [70]. Only 14 of the 62 included research articles provided supporting evidence (e.g., references to other papers) of psychometric properties for the outcome measures being utilised in the research evaluations and none of the articles provided actual psychometric values for reliability, validity and responsiveness, to suggest the selected outcome measure was a suitable tool to measure effectiveness of treatment. ...
... Headache A single systematic review exploring the effectiveness of spinal manipulation for improving impairments related to headache in children and adolescents [104], was included and indicated inconclusive results. Two included RCTs [52,77] (Table 5). ...
Full-text available
Abstract Purpose To i) identify and map the available evidence regarding effectiveness and harms of spinal manipulation and mobilisation for infants, children and adolescents with a broad range of conditions; ii) identify and synthesise policies, regulations, position statements and practice guidelines informing their clinical use. Design Systematic scoping review, utilising four electronic databases (PubMed, Embase, CINHAL and Cochrane) and grey literature from root to 4th February 2021. Participants Infants, children and adolescents (birth to
... Chiropraktische Manipulationen an der Wirbelsäule zur Therapie kindlicher Kopfschmerzen wurden in einer Studie mit einer Scheinmanipulation verglichen und zeigten einen positiven Effekt auf die Kopfschmerzhäufigkeit und unbedeutende Nebenwirkungen [85]. Darüber hinaus existieren Fallberichte, die eine Wirkung nahelegen [86,87] [93,94]). ...
Full-text available
In Germany, headache is one of the illnesses that most frequently leads to health impairments and to consultation with physicians. Even in children, headache is often associated with restricted activities of daily life. Nevertheless, the level of care for headache disorders is disproportionate to the medical needs. As a result, patients regularly use complementary and supportive therapeutic procedures. This review shows the procedures currently used for primary headache in childhood and adulthood, the methodological approaches and existing scientific evidence. The safety of the therapeutic options is also classified. These methods include physiotherapy, neural therapy, acupuncture, homeopathy, phytotherapy and the intake of dietary supplements. For children and adolescents with headaches, there are studies in the field of dietary supplements for coenzyme Q10, riboflavin, magnesium and vitamin D, which indicate specific effects in the reduction of headaches.
... Eine Übersichtsarbeit zur Anwendung von manueller Therapie fand lediglich eine RCT, die bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Verdacht auf zervikogenen Kopfschmerz keine Wirksamkeit nachweisen konnte [31]. Demgegenüber zeigte eine aktuellere RCT an fast 200 Kindern mit wiederkehrenden Kopfschmerzen unter einer chiropraktischen Behandlung im Vergleich zu einer Scheinbehandlung signifikant weniger Kopfschmerztage [24]. Um dieses Verfahren abschließend bewerten zu können, sind weitere Studien nötig. ...
Pain that persists or recurs over a period of at least 3 months in childhood and adolescence is referred to as chronic pain. The primary localization of pain changes according to age: abdominal pain is more common at a younger age, headache is more common in adolescents and later back pain as well as muscle and joint pain. In the multimodal and interdisciplinary treatment of chronic pain, complementary procedures can expand the treatment spectrum. This article provides an overview of the existing evidence that for childhood and adolescence can at best be evaluated as readily understandable. In addition, the experiences of two children's hospitals show that complementary medicine can be used as a low-threshold and easily implemented therapy.
Complementary therapies are used to treat many pediatric symptoms and health conditions, and chiropractic care is one of the most commonly used forms of complementary therapies by children and adolescents. Research studies have investigated the evidence behind and safety of chiropractic care in pediatrics with various musculoskeletal and non-musculoskeletal conditions. There are limited data with a range of findings and often no definite conclusion. Despite the paucity of evidence of benefits of chiropractic care in children, the considerations around safety, and the differing opinions regarding pediatric chiropractic practice inside and outside the field, many pediatric patients visit chiropractors, and chiropractors often care for pediatric patients. Pediatric health care providers should discuss the use of all complementary therapies with patients, so guidance can be optimal with a focus on promoting health and safety.
Objective: This systematic review aims to examine effects of nonpharmacologic treatment options for pediatric tension-type headache patients as well as evaluate current results from these treatment options. Background: Headache is a worldwide problem among both adults and children, with tension-type headache among the most common. Methods: Eighteen relevant studies were found using PubMed and evaluated in this review. These include therapy programs, biofeedback, alternative medicine, strength exercise, physical therapy, mindfulness therapy, and psychotherapy. Results: Several nonpharmacologic treatment methods showed improvement in pediatric headache patients, with few reported adverse effects. This suggests that nonpharmacologic treatment is safe for use and might have an effect in most cases. Conclusion: No single intervention has been proven superior to another, and some studies would need replication with a control group to confirm the findings. This study illustrates the variety of nonpharmacologic treatment options and the importance of future research on this topic.
Background: Research is supporting thoracic spine manipulation (TSM) as an intervention in treating adhesive capsulitis (AC) when coupled with physical therapy interventions. Purpose: To investigate whether TSM improves AC outcomes when combined with physical therapy interventions. Method: A double-blinded, randomized, controlled trial with 40 patients assigned into two groups. The experimental group (EG) received physical therapy intervention and TSM; the control group (CG) had physical therapy with sham manipulation. Both groups received interventions biweekly for 12 weeks. Outcomes included Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI), scapular upward rotation, and shoulder passive range of motion conducted at baseline, after 1 session, 6 and 12 weeks. Results: Both groups improved significantly after 6 and 12 weeks in pain, disability (p = 0.01 for both; d = 1.53 and 1.46, respectively), scapular upward rotation, shoulder flexion (p = 0.02 for both; d = 2.2 and 0.92, respectively), abduction (p = 0.04; d = 0.07), and external rotation (p = 0.03; d = 0.7). However, CG showed no significant improvement in pain or disability after one session (p = 0.14 and p = 0.16, respectively; d = 0.46 for both). Between groups, results favored EG significantly in pain, disability, scapular upward rotation, shoulder flexion, and abduction (p = 0.02, p = 0.01, p = 0.02, p = 0.05, and p = 0.04, respectively) at 6 weeks (d = 0.81, d = 0.87, d = 0.67, d = 0.64, and d = 0.69, respectively). Conclusion: The results suggest that adding TSM yielded superior clinical benefits when compared to physical therapy interventions in AC patients. Nevertheless, it is imperative to acknowledge a specific limitation in our study is the omission of passive internal rotation assessment. This aspect represents a notable constraint in our research. Clinical trial registry number: Pan African clinical trial registry "PACTR202303495421928".
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Objectives To describe if there has been a change in the reporting of adverse events associated with spinal manipulation in randomised clinical trials (RCTs) since 2016. Design A systematic literature review. Data sources Databases were searched from March 2016 to May 2022: MEDLINE (Ovid), Embase, CINAHL, ICL, PEDro and Cochrane Library. The following search terms and their derivatives were adapted for each platform: spinal manipulation; chiropractic; osteopathy; physiotherapy; naprapathy; medical manipulation and clinical trial. Methods Domains of interest (pertaining to adverse events) included: completeness and location of reporting; nomenclature and description; spinal location and practitioner delivering manipulation; methodological quality of the studies and details of the publishing journal. Frequencies and proportions of studies reporting on each of these domains were calculated. Univariable and multivariable logistic regression models were fitted to examine the effect of potential predictors on the likelihood of studies reporting on adverse events. Results There were 5399 records identified by the electronic searches, of which 154 (2.9%) were included in the analysis. Of these, 94 (61.0%) reported on adverse events with only 23.4% providing an explicit description of what constituted an adverse event. Reporting of adverse events in the abstract has increased (n=29, 30.9%) while reporting in the results section has decreased (n=83, 88.3%) over the past 6 years. Spinal manipulation was delivered to 7518 participants in the included studies. No serious adverse events were reported in any of these studies. Conclusions While the current level of reporting of adverse events associated with spinal manipulation in RCTs has increased since our 2016 publication on the same topic, the level remains low and inconsistent with established standards. As such, it is imperative for authors, journal editors and administrators of clinical trial registries to ensure there is more balanced reporting of both benefits and harms in RCTs involving spinal manipulation.
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As is shown in previous reports, arginine vasopressin (AVP), as one of the most important hormones within circulation in human beings, is of great clinically significance given that it could maintain the body fluid balance and vascular tone. However, the laboratory measurements AVP in daily clinical practice are shown to be difficult and with low accuracy. Concerning on this notion, it is unpractical to use the serum levels of AVP in diagnosing multiple diseases. On the other hand, another key serum biomarker, copeptin, is confirmed as the C-terminal of the AVP precursor which could be released in equal amounts with AVP, resultantly making it as a sensitive marker of arginine vasopressin release. Notably, emerging recent evidence has demonstrated the critical function of copeptin as a clinical indicator, especially in the diagnosis and prognosis of several diseases in diverse organs, such as cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and pulmonary disease. In addition, copeptin was recently verified to play an important role in diagnosing multiple acute diseases when combined it with other gold standard serum biomarkers, indicating that copeptin could be recognized as a vital disease marker. Herein, in the current review, the functions of copeptin as a new predictive diagnostic and prognostic biomarker of various diseases, according to the most recent studies, are well summarized. Furthermore, the importance of using copeptin as a serum biomarker in diverse medical departments and the impact of this on improving healthcare service is also summarized in the current review.
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Background: Headache is one of the most common pain symptoms in childhood having a negative impact on many aspects of the lives of affected children, both short-term and long-term. Therefore, it is important to document safe and effective treatment options. Chiropractic spinal manipulation is a commonly used treatment option for these patients, although there are no randomized clinical trials documenting the effectiveness of this in pediatric headache. However, there is moderate evidence for effectiveness of spinal manipulation for adults with tension-type and cervicogenic headaches.This paper describes the protocol for a two-armed randomized superiority clinical trial aiming to investigate the effectiveness of chiropractic manipulation versus sham manipulation in the treatment of recurrent headache in children aged 7-14. Methods: Children with weekly headaches for at least six months will be included if they have indications for chiropractic manipulation. The participants will be randomized to either chiropractic manipulation or sham manipulation. Both children and parents will be blinded for allocation. There will be 100 children in each arm and they will answer weekly text messages four weeks prior to treatment and during a four months treatment period. Potential primary outcomes are weekly number of headaches, intensity of headache, medication use and global perceived effect. Secondary outcomes include side-effects and headache status after one year.An initial outcome data analysis will be performed to inform the choice of primary outcome (adaptive design). Intervention effects will be reported as the difference in mean values between the two treatment arms, Cohen's effect size and numbers needed to treat. Discussion: A major strength of this study is its pragmatic nature, where the active treatment group receives chiropractic manipulation according to their individual needs, while both groups continue their use of medication for headache according to their pre-trial habits. Other strengths include an elaborate sham procedure and the weekly outcome reports, reducing recall bias.If it is possible to develop effective treatment for headache in children, a life course of recurring problems may be altered with potential positive implications for both individuals and society. Trial registration:, identifier NCT02684916.
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Migraine is a frequent and very disabling disease, especially at pediatric age. Despite this, there are few controlled data on the prophylactic treatment of primary headaches in this category of age. Given that the recently introduced calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) inhibitors (CGRP-r) are still limited to adulthood, there is no drug with exclusive indication for migraine treatment in pediatric age. This raises several limitations in terms of adherence and effectiveness of the therapy. Moreover, the scenario is complicated by placebo response, which is larger in children and adolescents than in adults and often leads to an improvement in the attack frequency even in absence of any active pharmacological treatment. Our aim was to investigate the real evidence concerning the prophylactic therapy of pediatric migraine by reviewing the clinical studies published between 2010 and 2019.
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Purpose of Review In the context of new efforts to formulate more comprehensive diagnostic and treatment processes for chronic pain conditions, this review aims to provide an overview of some of the most salient developments in the diagnosis and clinical treatment of pediatric chronic pain and to delineate the current and future role of clinical pediatric psychologists in these efforts. Recent Findings The acceptance and promotion of the multidisciplinary approach to pediatric pain management has had an especially significant impact on the field of pediatric psychology. Though chronic pain was historically conceptualized as a biomedical problem, psychology is increasingly viewed as a routine, integral, and component part of treatment. With this evolving biopsychosocial paradigm, pediatric psychology is poised to help shape the development of this field, contributing to emerging conceptual and diagnostic frameworks via consultation, research, clinical care, and education. Summary This review discusses the role of pediatric psychologists as collaborators in emerging diagnostic and assessment frameworks, leaders in pain-related research, drivers of clinical care, and educators for providers, patients, and the lay public. With increased opportunities to enhance the conceptualization and treatment of pediatric pain, pediatric psychologists have an important role to play in reducing the prevalence and persistence of pediatric pain.
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Adaptive designs can make clinical trials more flexible by utilising results accumulating in the trial to modify the trial's course in accordance with pre-specified rules. Trials with an adaptive design are often more efficient, informative and ethical than trials with a traditional fixed design since they often make better use of resources such as time and money, and might require fewer participants. Adaptive designs can be applied across all phases of clinical research, from early-phase dose escalation to confirmatory trials. The pace of the uptake of adaptive designs in clinical research, however, has remained well behind that of the statistical literature introducing new methods and highlighting their potential advantages. We speculate that one factor contributing to this is that the full range of adaptations available to trial designs, as well as their goals, advantages and limitations, remains unfamiliar to many parts of the clinical community. Additionally, the term adaptive design has been misleadingly used as an all-encompassing label to refer to certain methods that could be deemed controversial or that have been inadequately implemented.We believe that even if the planning and analysis of a trial is undertaken by an expert statistician, it is essential that the investigators understand the implications of using an adaptive design, for example, what the practical challenges are, what can (and cannot) be inferred from the results of such a trial, and how to report and communicate the results. This tutorial paper provides guidance on key aspects of adaptive designs that are relevant to clinical triallists. We explain the basic rationale behind adaptive designs, clarify ambiguous terminology and summarise the utility and pitfalls of adaptive designs. We discuss practical aspects around funding, ethical approval, treatment supply and communication with stakeholders and trial participants. Our focus, however, is on the interpretation and reporting of results from adaptive design trials, which we consider vital for anyone involved in medical research. We emphasise the general principles of transparency and reproducibility and suggest how best to put them into practice.
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Placebo and nocebo effects are embodied psycho-neurobiological responses capable of modulating pain and producing changes at different neurobiological, body at perceptual and cognitive levels. These modifications are triggered by different contextual factors (CFs) presented in the therapeutic encounter between patient and healthcare providers, such as healing rituals and signs. The CFs directly impact on the quality of the therapeutic outcome: a positive context, that is a context characterized by the presence of positive CFs, can reduce pain by producing placebo effects, while a negative context, characterized by the presence of negative CFs, can aggravate pain by creating nocebo effects. Despite the increasing interest about this topic; the detailed study of CFs as triggers of placebo and nocebo effects is still lacked in the management of musculoskeletal pain. Increasing evidence suggest a relevant role of CFs in musculoskeletal pain management. CFs are a complex sets of internal, external or relational elements encompassing: patient’s expectation, history, baseline characteristics; clinician’s behavior, belief, verbal suggestions and therapeutic touch; positive therapeutic encounter, patient-centered approach and social learning; overt therapy, posology of intervention, modality of treatment administration; marketing features of treatment and health care setting. Different explanatory models such as classical conditioning and expectancy can explain how CFs trigger placebo and nocebo effects. CFs act through specific neural networks and neurotransmitters that were described as mediators of placebo and nocebo effects. Available findings suggest a relevant clinical role and impact of CFs. They should be integrated in the clinical reasoning to increase the number of treatment solutions, boosts their efficacy and improve the quality of the decision-making. From a clinical perspective, the mindful manipulation of CFs represents a useful opportunity to enrich a well-established therapy in therapeutic setting within the ethical border. From a translational perspective, there is a strong need of research studies on CFs close to routine and real-world clinical practice in order to underline the uncertainty of therapy action and help clinicians to implement knowledge in daily practice.
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Purpose To update findings of the 2000–2010 Bone and Joint Decade Task Force on Neck Pain and its Associated Disorders and evaluate the effectiveness of non-invasive and non-pharmacological interventions for the management of patients with headaches associated with neck pain (i.e., tension-type, cervicogenic, or whiplash-related headaches). Methods We searched five databases from 1990 to 2015 for randomized controlled trials (RCTs), cohort studies, and case–control studies comparing non-invasive interventions with other interventions, placebo/sham, or no interventions. Random pairs of independent reviewers critically appraised eligible studies using the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network criteria to determine scientific admissibility. Studies with a low risk of bias were synthesized following best evidence synthesis principles. Results We screened 17,236 citations, 15 studies were relevant, and 10 had a low risk of bias. The evidence suggests that episodic tension-type headaches should be managed with low load endurance craniocervical and cervicoscapular exercises. Patients with chronic tension-type headaches may also benefit from low load endurance craniocervical and cervicoscapular exercises; relaxation training with stress coping therapy; or multimodal care that includes spinal mobilization, craniocervical exercises, and postural correction. For cervicogenic headaches, low load endurance craniocervical and cervicoscapular exercises; or manual therapy (manipulation with or without mobilization) to the cervical and thoracic spine may also be helpful. Conclusions The management of headaches associated with neck pain should include exercise. Patients who suffer from chronic tension-type headaches may also benefit from relaxation training with stress coping therapy or multimodal care. Patients with cervicogenic headache may also benefit from a course of manual therapy.
Importance Migraine is one of the most common neurologic disorders in children and adolescents. However, a quantitative comparison of multiple preventive pharmacologic treatments in the pediatric population is lacking. Objective To examine whether prophylactic pharmacologic treatments are more effective than placebo and whether there are differences between drugs regarding efficacy, safety, and acceptability. Data Sources Systematic review and network meta-analysis of studies in MEDLINE, Cochrane, Embase, and PsycINFO published through July 2, 2018. Study Selection Randomized clinical trials of prophylactic pharmacologic treatments in children and adolescents diagnosed as having episodic migraine were included. Abstract, title, and full-text screening were conducted independently by 4 reviewers. Data Extraction and Synthesis Data extraction was conducted according to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis network meta-analysis guidelines. Quality was assessed with the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool. Effect sizes, calculated as standardized mean differences for primary outcomes and risk ratios for discontinuation rates, were assessed in a random-effects model. Main Outcomes and Measures Primary outcomes were efficacy (ie, migraine frequency, number of migraine days, number of headache days, headache frequency, or headache index), safety (ie, treatment discontinuation owing to adverse events), and acceptability (ie, treatment discontinuation for any reason). Results Twenty-three studies (2217 patients) were eligible for inclusion. Prophylactic pharmacologic treatments included antiepileptics, antidepressants, calcium channel blockers, antihypertensive agents, and food supplements. In the short term (<5 months), propranolol (standard mean difference, 0.60; 95% CI, 0.03-1.17) and topiramate (standard mean difference, 0.59; 95% CI, 0.03-1.15) were significantly more effective than placebo. However, the 95% prediction intervals for these medications contained the null effect. No significant long-term effects for migraine prophylaxis relative to placebo were found for any intervention. Conclusions and Relevance Prophylactic pharmacologic treatments have little evidence supporting efficacy in pediatric migraine. Future research could (1) identify factors associated with individual responses to pharmacologic prophylaxis, (2) analyze fluctuations of migraine attack frequency over time and determine the most clinically relevant length of probable prophylactic treatment, and (3) identify nonpharmacologic targets for migraine prophylaxis.
Background Several small studies have suggested that spinal manipulation may be an effective treatment for reducing migraine pain and disability. We performed a systematic review and meta‐analysis of published randomized clinical trials (RCTs) to evaluate the evidence regarding spinal manipulation as an alternative or integrative therapy in reducing migraine pain and disability. Methods PubMed and the Cochrane Library databases were searched for clinical trials that evaluated spinal manipulation and migraine‐related outcomes through April 2017. Search terms included: migraine, spinal manipulation, manual therapy, chiropractic, and osteopathic. Meta‐analytic methods were employed to estimate the effect sizes (Hedges’ g) and heterogeneity (I²) for migraine days, pain, and disability. The methodological quality of retrieved studies was examined following the Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool. Results Our search identified 6 RCTs (pooled n = 677; range of n = 42‐218) eligible for meta‐analysis. Intervention duration ranged from 2 to 6 months; outcomes included measures of migraine days (primary outcome), migraine pain/intensity, and migraine disability. Methodological quality varied across the studies. For example, some studies received high or unclear bias scores for methodological features such as compliance, blinding, and completeness of outcome data. Due to high levels of heterogeneity when all 6 studies were included in the meta‐analysis, the 1 RCT performed only among chronic migraineurs was excluded. Heterogeneity across the remaining studies was low. We observed that spinal manipulation reduced migraine days with an overall small effect size (Hedges’ g = −0.35, 95% CI: −0.53, −0.16, P < .001) as well as migraine pain/intensity. Conclusions Spinal manipulation may be an effective therapeutic technique to reduce migraine days and pain/intensity. However, given the limitations to studies included in this meta‐analysis, we consider these results to be preliminary. Methodologically rigorous, large‐scale RCTs are warranted to better inform the evidence base for spinal manipulation as a treatment for migraine.
Background: Psychological problems are increasing among adolescents, but little is known about the role of GPs in this area. Objectives: This study aims to investigate the frequency of GP consultations with a psychological diagnosis in adolescence and predictors for such help seeking. Methods: Nationwide longitudinal register-based study investigating GP consultations among adolescents aged 13-17 years (N = 123 516) in Norway. First, all GP consultations within the study population were identified from the national GP claims register for 2006-11. Second, adolescents with a first-time consultation with a psychological diagnosis at age 15-16 years were identified, and prior GP consultations, prior somatic diagnoses, parental education and GP and GP-practice characteristics were assessed as possible predictors for seeking help. Results: From age 13 to 17 years, 15.3% of girls and 13.0% of boys had ≥1 GP consultation with a psychological diagnosis. In total, 6.8% of girls and 4.8% of boys consulted a GP for the first time with a psychological problem at age 15-16 years. For both sexes, number of prior GP consultations and a prior diagnosis of headache and abdominal pain predicted consulting with an internalizing problem (depression, anxiety and stress). A prior headache diagnosis predicted consulting for behavioural problems. Psychological diagnoses were more often found among adolescents with lower parental education. There were only minor associations with GP characteristics. Conclusions: Norwegian adolescents often consult a GP and one in seven had a GP-diagnosed psychological problem at age 13-17. Policies to improve mental health care for adolescents should include strengthening of GP services.
Background context: The optimal number of visits for the care of cervicogenic headache (CGH) with spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) is unknown. Purpose: To identify the dose-response relationship between visits for SMT and chronic CGH outcomes; to evaluate the efficacy of SMT by comparison with a light massage control. Study design/setting: Two-site, open-label randomized controlled trial. Patient sample: Participants were 256 adults with chronic CGH. Outcome measures: The primary outcome was days with CGH in the prior 4 weeks evaluated at the 12- and 24-week primary endpoints. Secondary outcomes included CGH days at remaining endpoints, pain intensity, disability, perceived improvement, medication use, and patient satisfaction. Methods: Participants were randomized to 4 dose levels of chiropractic SMT: 0, 6, 12, or 18 sessions. They were treated 3 times per week for 6 weeks and received a focused light-massage control at sessions when SMT was not assigned. Linear dose effects and comparisons to the no-manipulation control group were evaluated at 6, 12, 24, 39, and 52 weeks. This study was funded by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (R01AT006330) and is registered at (NCT01530321). The authors declare no conflicts of interest. Results: A linear dose-response was observed for all follow-ups, a reduction of approximately 1 CGH day/4 weeks per additional 6 SMT visits (p<.05); a maximal effective dose could not be determined. CGH days/4 weeks were reduced from about 16 to 8 for the highest and most effective dose of 18 SMT visits. Mean differences in CGH days/4 weeks between 18 SMT visits and control were -3.3 (p=.004) and -2.9 (p=.017) at the primary endpoints, and similar in magnitude at the remaining endpoints (p<.05). Differences between other SMT doses and control were smaller in magnitude (p > .05). CGH intensity showed no important improvement nor differed by dose. Other secondary outcomes were generally supportive of the primary. Conclusion: There was a linear dose-response relationship between SMT visits and days with CGH. For the highest and most effective dose of 18 SMT visits, CGH days were reduced by half, and about 3 more days per month than for the light-massage control.