
Ethnic Identity, Gender and Life Cycle in North Catalonia

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... Os discursos analisados nesta secção evidenciam o papel que as mulheres desempenham no processamento da etnicidade e do nacionalismo, ou da identidade étnica e da identidade nacional, temática que tem vindo a adquirir uma relevância particular nas Ciências Sociais, entre as quais a Antropologia (por exemplo, Borneman 1992;O'Brien 1994;Wilson e Donnan 1998a). É no texto de Floya Anthias e Nira Yuval-Davies (1994) que se encontra, entretanto, a reflexão mais sistematizada sobre o tema. ...
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Este livro aborda as modalidades de construção da identidade nacional em duas localidades situadas em lados opostos da fronteira luso-espanhola no rio Guadiana. O principal objetivo é contribuir para o estudo da identidade portuguesa. Os objetos mais precisos da investigação etnográfica em que se baseia o trabalho apresentado são as festas, incluindo as taurinas, a alimentação e os estereótipos nacionais. As semelhanças e dissemelhanças de facto entre as populações em estudo também são objeto de descrição e análise, mas a atenção centra-se no ponto de vista dos habitantes, nos seus discursos.
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Based on anthropological field-work among Slav-speakers in the Florina area, this article focuses on informal cultural language-based practices, such as code-switching and the telling of jokes. The analysis tries to decode the implicit social and cultural meanings of these practices and explores to what extent these data can improve our understanding of the relationship between language, ethnicity and power. The ethno-texts presented here focus on the tension between the use of the local vernacular and standard Greek and reveal a profound tension between official compliance and its symbolic reversal. I explore to what extent this tension can be read as a symbolic resistance to cultural hegemony and under what circumstances such resistance can be also understood as a way of constructing ethnic identity. At a broader level the paper aims to advance the debate in two critical areas of anthropological inquiry: the tension between domination and resistance and the concept of cultural intimacy.
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Bringing together a wealth of scholarship which provides a unique integrated approach to identity, The Archaeology of Identity presents an overview of the five key areas which have recently emerged in archaeological social theory: * gender * age * ethnicity * religion * status. This excellent book reviews the research history of each areas, the different ways in which each has been investigated, and offers new avenues for research and exploring the connections between them. Emphasis is placed on exploring the ways in which material culture structures, and is structured by, these aspects of individual and communal identity, with a particular examination of social practice. Useful for social scientists in sociology, anthropology and history, under- and postgraduates will find this an excellent addition to their course studies.