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UpGrade: An Open Source Tool to Support A/B Testing in
Educational Software
Steven Ritter, April Murphy,
Stephen E. Fancsali
Carnegie Learning, Inc.
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
{sritter, amurphy, sfancsali}
Vivek Fitkariwala, Nirmal Patel
PlayPower Labs
Ahmedabad, India
{vivek, nirmal}
J. Derek Lomas
Delft University of Technology &
PlayPower Labs
Delft, The Netherlands
This paper describes a new, open source tool for A/B testing
in educational software called UpGrade. We motivate
UpGrade’s approach, describe development goals and
UpGrade’s software architecture, and provide a brief
overview of working within UpGrade to define and monitor
experiments. We conclude with some avenues for future
research and development.
Author Keywords
Field experimentation; A/B testing; Educational
Simon's 1967 address at the Presidents Institute at Princeton
University [4] described "learning engineers" as
"professionals in the design of learning environments" who
work (with university faculty in the context of Simon's
address) to "design and redesign learning experiences" and
encouraged a collaborative, experimental approach to
improving learning outcomes and "increasing learning
effectiveness." IEEE’s Industry Connections Industry
Consortium on Learning Engineering (ICICLE) describes
the emerging discipline of learning engineering as “a process
and practice that applies the learning sciences using human-
centered engineering design methodologies and data-
informed decision making to support learners and their
development” [2]. Researchers and practitioners of the
emerging discipline tend to have expertise at the intersection
of computer, learning, and data science(s), and the rise of
large-scale educational technology platforms provides a
variety of means by which both human-centered design
methodologies and data-informed decision making can be
applied to improve learning.
An important set of methodologies for making data-informed
decisions involves field testing instructional improvements,
which can be done at large scale on widely deployed
educational technology platforms. Specifically, the ability to
field test instructional improvement via randomized
experiments or A/B tests represents an especially important
opportunity for learning engineers to use rigorous, evidence-
based approaches to improve outcomes more rapidly than by
way of a traditional research cycle. Building on emerging
needs and requirements for deploying large-scale A/B tests
within their own learning platforms, Carnegie Learning
partnered with PlayPower Labs to develop UpGrade, a free
and open-source A/B testing framework designed to support
randomized field testing in educational software. This
framework provides a way for learning engineers to engage
with improving learning experiences at scale, and takes into
account a variety of constraints and requirements imposed
upon educational platform developers, especially, but not
limited to, those imposed by the realities of school-based
learning in K-12 and other institutional settings.
UpGrade is unique from widely-available A/B testing
systems, including general platforms like Optimizely,
Launch Darkly, PlanOut, and others, which represent a mix
of commercial and open source solutions, and A/B testing
systems deployed in some educational contexts (e.g., the E-
TRIALS Testbed on the ASSISTments platform [1]).
Specifically, UpGrade addresses several concerns that are
not well satisfied by current off-the-shelf products but which
are important to educational software, particularly when such
software is used in institutional settings. One such concern is
the ability to assign groups of students to condition as a block
(e.g., classes, schools, districts), to ensure, for instance, that
students in the same class receive consistent experimental
features, especially when experiments are intended to test
often substantively different approaches to providing
instruction and practice on the same topics. Issues
concerning group random assignment are addressed by Ritter
et. al. [3].
In what follows, we begin by briefly describing an example
experiment that manifests some of the key experimental
design issues that UpGrade was designed to address, though
UpGrade is capable of handling more and less complex
designs. Next, we consider a set of development goals for
UpGrade for its initial implementation as well as its overall
architecture. Then we describe experimental conditions and
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the lifecycle of an experiment before turning to the
practicalities of defining and monitoring A/B tests with
UpGrade. We conclude with some directions for future
research and development as well as a call for collaborators
and platform developers seeking to build learning
engineering capacity by integrating UpGrade into their
UpGrade (and this paper) focuses on features that are of
importance in educational software, but there are no
particular barriers to using UpGrade to support A/B testing
within other kinds of software. UpGrade can be used to A/B
test user interface elements, layout, messaging and any other
aspects of the user’s experience that is controlled by
software.To start, we describe a hypothetical experiment that
manifests several key issues that UpGrade is designed to
In educational software, it is common for activities to be
presented sequentially (as in Figure 1). These activities could
be chapters in an ebook, interactive exercises, videos, test
questions, among other possibilities. In some systems, all
students would receive the same sequence; in others, the
sequence might vary for different students. In some systems,
students pick the activity they are to work on; in others, the
system will pick the activity for the student.
Figure 1. A sequence of five educational activities.
An “alternative activity” experiment looks like Figure 2:
randomly-selected students are assigned to receive Activity
2 with probability p, and students are assigned to receive
Activity 2a with probability 1 - p. Activity 2 and Activity 2a
are intended to serve the same educational function. For
example, in an eBook application, Activity 2a might be an
alternative book chapter. The alternative might be
completely different or it may differ in only some details
(such as one particular diagram). The goal of the experiment
is to see whether students learn better from the original or the
revised chapter.
Educational content sometimes builds on earlier-presented
content. For example, Activity 4 (Chapter 4) in our eBook
might reference the material presented in Chapter 2 in a way
that requires the student to have received the corresponding
version of that chapter. Figure 2 illustrates this situation. A
student randomly assigned to see Activity 2a must also see
the coordinated Activity 4a. This type of coordination is
managed by UpGrade via what we call “experiment sites.”
Many students will complete Activity 2 (e.g., reading
Chapter 2 in our hypothetical eBook) and never revisit it.
However, some students might go back and reread Chapter 2
or redo the activity, perhaps months later in preparation for a
test. Suppose that an experiment is running when the student
initially reads the chapter, but the experiment has concluded
by the time the student goes back to review. Should the
student receive the same version of the chapter or activity
that they saw the first time? The answer will likely vary
depending on both the type of changes and the extent of
changes to the chapter or activity. But, at least in some cases,
we would want the chapter to be consistent upon every
encounter. To achieve this, the experimental condition must
persist, even after the experiment is over. We call the goal to
provide individual students with a consistent experience over
time individual consistency.
Figure 2. An alternative activity experiment.
In a classroom setting, if the teacher wishes to provide
whole-group instruction to the class, and the control and
experimental versions of the eBook are fundamentally
different, then it would be disruptive to both teachers and
students if half the class got the control version of the eBook
and half got the experimental version. Since teachers
commonly teach multiple classes on the same topic, it would
be most convenient for them if the students in all of their
classes received the same version of the eBook. The goal to
provide common experiences to groups of students is called
group consistency, and UpGrade supports group random
assignment (see [3]).
There are cases where it is impossible to satisfy both
individual and group consistency. For example, if students in
Class A are assigned the control eBook and those in Class B
are assigned the experimental textbook, which version of
Activity 2 should a student receive if they start in Class A
and then transfer to Class B? Consistent resolution of these
kinds of anomalies and flexibility for researchers to
determine what resolution is appropriate are major functions
of UpGrade.
We set out to develop UpGrade according to a set of
requirements and goals that we think will maximize the
usefulness of the platform for educational technology
developers working in school-based instructional and similar
settings while still maintaining flexibility for broader use-
cases. UpGrade runs as a web service separate from the
application with which it is integrated (see Figure 3).
Developers may host their own UpGrade server, or
companies may host servers as a service for educational
software developers.
Since educational data can be sensitive, UpGrade stores only
anonymized identifiers for students, teachers, classes,
schools and other sensitive information.
Figure 3. UpGrade architecture. Upgrade operates as a
separate web service from the educational application and the
data portal. Researchers work directly with UpGrade to define
experiment parameters. Educational software queries
UpGrade to determine conditions for individual students.
UpGrade allows simple data analysis sufficient for monitoring
experiment progress, researchers can also use the UpGrade
Data Portal to export data for more detailed analysis.
Educational software, particularly that used in schools,
responds to yearly (or semester-long) educational cycles.
Content and features that might be highly relevant at the
beginning of the year may be much less relevant as the school
year proceeds. For this reason, experiment designs to be
targeted at a particular classroom or school need to be closely
coordinated with that classroom or school’s curriculum
progress. With UpGrade, an experiment can be targeted at a
larger set of classes or schools, with the expectation that, due
to variation in sequencing and pacing, some students will
“see” the experiment while others will not.
In order to promote the development of a learning
engineering community, UpGrade is free and open source.
Within UpGrade, every experiment is given a unit of
assignment. If the unit of assignment is individual, then
group membership information is irrelevant. If the unit of
assignment is group, then the researcher can specify the
group type (e.g., class, teacher, school, district), and
UpGrade will assign conditions on a group basis.
For group-randomized designs, researchers can direct
UpGrade to make decisions about conflicts between
individual and group consistency through the use of the
“Consistency Rule.” This rule can take on three values:
Group: Under this rule, the priority is that all students in a
group have a common experience, even if it means that some
students may have an inconsistent experience. UpGrade may
exclude a group from the experiment, if it is not possible to
keep the group consistent, potentially sacrificing statistical
Individual: Under this rule, the priority is that individual
students have a consistent experience, even if that experience
differs from the rest of the class (or group).
Experiment: Under this rule, the student’s experience is
guided by whether the experiment is running. During the
period where the experiment is active, students will receive
the experience appropriate to the group assignment, even if
it violates individual consistency. This rule is most
appropriate when the manipulation may not be evident to
students and when the researcher believes that prior
experience will not affect the student’s experience in an
experimental condition.
An additional consideration with respect to consistency is
what to do when the experiment is over. The “Post
Experiment Rule” determines this. Researchers can choose
to “continue” the student’s experience (keep them in
condition), “revert” to the default behavior or transfer all
students to a single condition (presumably the “winning”
condition with the best learning outcomes).
To run an experiment, at least two conditions must be made
available (the control is often the existing behavior).
Generally, this involves software development, web
programming and/or design of media. Running an
experiment also requires someone to design the
characteristics of the experiment: the unit of assignment, the
eligible users to participate in the experiment, the number of
participants required, start and end dates, etc. In many
organizations, these two functions will be performed by
different individuals (or even different departments).
UpGrade allows these two functions to proceed
independently. UpGrade enables design of the experiment
independent of implementing the experiment conditions (and
either can proceed the other), but the experiment cannot be
delivered until both tasks are completed.
To manage the experiment lifecycle, experiments progress
through (at most) seven states:
Inactive: The experiment has not yet started. Students are not
assigned to experiment conditions, and students using the
software will not see any experimental variants. Experiment
design and/or development may still be underway.
Preview: UpGrade provides a way to manually assign
“demo” students to condition. This is intended to be used to
test or preview an experiment without assigning real
students. Note that these students can persist, even after the
experiment is running. This status simply enables previewing
assignment before the experiment officially starts.
Scheduled: The experiment is designed and developed and is
set to automatically launch at a specified time and date but
has not yet started.
Enrolling: The experiment is running. Students are assigned
to and continue working according to condition. We use the
term “enrolling” instead of “running” since students may
continue to experience the experimental conditions after the
experiment stops enrolling.
Enrollment Complete: The experiment has collected enough
data to be analyzed (at least by the original design). Students
who have been assigned to a condition will continue to be
presented experiences corresponding to their condition (so
the experiment continues to collect data).
Cancelled: This is an abnormal termination state, to be used
in cases where the experimental condition(s) are buggy or
clearly educationally ineffective. Under this status, students
will not be receive an experimental condition, even if they
are in a group that has been assigned a condition or if they
have previously experienced the experimental condition
themselves. Cancelling an experiment can violate both
individual or group consistency.
Archived: An archived experiment is one that is completed
and no longer supported. In archived status, the code in the
user-facing app that supported the experimental conditions
should not be expected to be present. Archived status is
permanent; experiments cannot transition to any other status.
Consistent with the idea that the researcher defining
experiment parameters may not be the programmer or web
developer implementing experimental conditions, UpGrade
provides an easy to use web-based interface for defining
experiments (Figure 4).
Figure 4. User interface for defining major experiment
conditions and parameters. The researcher can set status, unit
of assignment, consistency and post-experiment rules and
ending criteria.
Educational applications can provide UpGrade with
metadata specifying the metrics they collect on students.
See, for example, the Center for Open Science’s
preregistration platform:
This allows researchers to link these metrics to specific
experiments. Metrics can be simple (e.g., “total time spent
using the app”) or grouped. Grouped metrics allow multiple
measure for different components of the app (e.g., “time for
Activity 1” separate from “time for Activity 2”). Monitored
metrics provide a real-time view of experiment progress.
These metrics might be sufficient to determine the
effectiveness of an intervention, but data export functionality
allows student condition data to be linked with application
data outside of UpGrade for more sophisticated analyses.
Having described design goals and features of UpGrade, we
look forward to expanding the learning engineering
community of UpGrade users and contributors. We are
considering, for future releases, providing APIs so that
educational applications can provide user-defined
experiments (e.g., teachers could compare variants with their
students), ways to use UpGrade’s knowledge of
experimental design to facilitate analysis and publication
(e.g., integration with e2icoach,
automatic preregistration of
output of experimental design data for more
sophisticated statistical models), expanded experiment
designs (e.g., within-subject and factorial designs) and
related functionality like feature flagging.
Source code for UpGrade is available,
and additional
information about the platform will be available at If you are interested in using or
contributing to UpGrade, please contact
This work was supported by grants from the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation and Schmidt Futures.
[1] Neil T. Heffernan and Cristina L. Heffernan. 2014. The
ASSISTments Ecosystem: Building a platform that
brings scientists and teachers together for minimally
invasive research on human learning and teaching. Int.
J. Artif. Intell. Educ. 24, 470-497.
[2] Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(IEEE). 2020. Home – ICICLE. Retrieved July 31,
2020 from
[3] Steven Ritter, April Murphy, and Stephen E. Fancsali.
2020. Managing group random assignment in
UpGrade. Submitted to Proceedings of the First
Workshop on Educational A/B Testing at Scale (at
Learning @ Scale 2020).
[4] Hebert A. Simon. 1967. The job of a college president.
Educational Record 48, 68-78.