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Pain Severity and Interference in Different Parkinson’s Disease Cognitive Phenotypes

Taylor & Francis
Journal of Pain Research

Abstract and Figures

Introduction Chronic pain is prevalent in idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (PD) with many individuals also experiencing cognitive deficits negatively impacting everyday life. Methods In this study, we examine differences in pain severity and interference between 113 nondemented individuals with idiopathic PD who were statistically classified as having low executive function (n=24), low memory function (n=35), no cognitive deficits (n=54). The individuals with PD were also compared to matched non-PD controls (n=64). Results PD participants with low executive function reported significantly higher pain interference (p<0.05), despite reporting similar pain severity levels compared to other phenotypes. These differences remained statistically significant, even after accounting for important confounders such as anxiety and depression (p<0.05). Discussion Pain interference in those with lower executive function may represent a target for psychosocial interventions for individuals with pain and PD.
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Pain Severity and Interference in Different
Parkinson’s Disease Cognitive Phenotypes
This article was published in the following Dove Press journal:
Journal of Pain Research
Yenisel Cruz-Almeida
Samuel J Crowley
Jared Tanner
Catherine C Price
Pain Research & Intervention Center of
Excellence, University of Florida,
Gainesville, FL, USA;
Department of
Clinical and Health Psychology, University
of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA;
Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases,
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Introduction: Chronic pain is prevalent in idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (PD) with many
individuals also experiencing cognitive decits negatively impacting everyday life.
Methods: In this study, we examine differences in pain severity and interference between
113 nondemented individuals with idiopathic PD who were statistically classied as having
low executive function (n=24), low memory function (n=35), no cognitive decits (n=54).
The individuals with PD were also compared to matched non-PD controls (n=64).
Results: PD participants with low executive function reported signicantly higher pain
interference (p<0.05), despite reporting similar pain severity levels compared to other
phenotypes. These differences remained statistically signicant, even after accounting for
important confounders such as anxiety and depression (p<0.05).
Discussion: Pain interference in those with lower executive function may represent a target
for psychosocial interventions for individuals with pain and PD.
Keywords: Parkinson’s disease, pain, cognitive function, proles, phenotypes
Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease (PD) affects at least 1.5 million people in the United
States leading to disabling motor and non-motor impairments. Cognitive decits are
common in PD with patients experiencing problems across several domains.
Chronic pain is also commonly reported by this population compared to age-
matched non-PD peers
with pain being a signicant source of disability that
often precedes motor symptoms.
Pain is a multidimensional experience made up of interacting sensory, motor,
cognitive and emotional components. In regards to cognition, chronic pain sufferers
often present with executive function decits (see
for a meta-analysis) and acute
experimental pain reduces executive function abilities in healthy, pain-free
Pain inhibition and modulation is associated with prefrontal cor-
tical regions,
while executive dysfunction in PD is caused in part by dysfunction
in cortico-striatal loops involving frontal regions.
These similarities suggest that
individuals with PD and executive difculties may also experience more interfer-
ence in their daily activities due to pain because of decreased function in prefrontal
brain regions needed for pain inhibition.
The aim of this brief report was to compare self-reported pain severity and
interference among individuals with PD shown in separate studies to have reduced
executive or episodic memory function relative to cognitively healthy individuals
with PD and non-PD peers.
We compared pain severity and interference across
Correspondence: Catherine C Price
Tel +1 352-273-5929
Email cep23@phhp.u.edu
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three statistically derived clusters of PD cognitive pheno-
types (PD Executive, PD Memory, and PD Cognitively
Well). Based on known shared neural substrates of pain
modulation and PD pathophysiology, we hypothesized
individuals with PD and low performance in executive
function tasks would experience signicantly greater pain
severity and pain interference compared to other patterns
of cognitive functioning after controlling for relevant PD
and pain-related variables.
This study was part of a federally funded investigation
focused on cognitive function and PD, in cooperation with
the University of Florida’s Center for Movement Disorder
and Neurorestoration, with approval of the University of
Florida’s Institutional Review Board, and in compliance
with the Declaration of Helsinki. Participants with PD
were recruited through movement disorder clinic referrals
and advertisements to local MDC support groups afliated
with the movement disorder clinic. Idiopathic PD was con-
rmed by a fellowship-level movement disorder specialist,
using UK Parkinson’s Disease Society Brain Bank Clinical
Diagnostic Criteria.
Individuals with early, mild to mod-
erate PD with a Hoehn and Yahr scale
score between
1 and 3 were included. The predominant motor PD pheno-
type; ie, tremor dominant vs postural instability-gait dif-
culty was assessed clinically based on the rst presenting
symptom or predominant symptomatology on initial and
subsequent exams (and also of primary concern to the
patient). Non-PD participants were recruited through 1)
mailings to demographically similar individuals in two
counties, 2) community iers, and 3) free community mem-
ory screenings. Exclusion criteria included other neurode-
generative disorders, signicant disease that could limit
lifespan, major psychiatric disorder, or dementia deter-
mined from structured telephone interview and medical
record review. Depression and apathy were not exclusion
criteria due to high prevalence in PD.
Participants in the
current study provided informed consent and are a subset of
participants also reported in a separate manuscript investi-
gating PD cognitive phenotypes and brain structure.
Clinical Measures
Measures were administered using standardized and vali-
dated methods as previously reported by our group and
While on-medication, participants completed
neuropsychological testing, as well as measures of 1) PD
symptom severity (ie, Unied Parkinson’s Disease Rating
Scale (UPDRS
); 2) pain severity and interference (ie, the
Brief Pain Inventory (BPI)
); 3) disease comorbidity (ie,
Charlson Comorbidity Scale
); and 4) depression (ie, the
Geriatric Depression Scale; GDS
). Medications were
reverted to a common metric and compared for dopami-
nergic (Levodopa Equivalency Dose; LED
), and antic-
holinergic levels.
Raters blinded to diagnosis double
scored and double entered all data.
Cognitive Measures and Cognitive
The methods for deriving the cognitive phenotypes is
described elsewhere.
Cognitive phenotypes were derived
from executive function and episodic memory measures
including WAIS-III Letter-Number Sequencing and Digit
Symbol tests,
Stroop Color-Word Test color-word trial,
Trail Making Test Part B,
Hopkins Verbal Learning Test,
Revised delay and recognition discrimination measures,
and WMS-III Logical Memory delay recall.
The cluster
analysis yielded three distinct cognitive phenotypes: 1)
participants with the lowest performance across processing
speed and executive tasks (PD Executive); 2) participants
with the lowest performance in learning and memory tasks
(PD Memory); and 3) participants with relatively normal
performance across all measures (Cognitively Well). The
nal cluster solution underwent internal and external vali-
dation procedures.
Statistical Analyses
The empirically derived clusters were reconrmed relative
to a previous report
and compared across demographic
and health-related measures using a one-way analysis of
variance (ANOVA) for normally distributed, Kruskal–
Wallis ANOVAs for non-normally distributed continuous
variables, and chi-square tests for nominal variables.
Demographic and disease-related characteristics signi-
cantly different across clusters at a p<0.100 were included
as covariates in subsequent analyses. First, an ANCOVA
compared pain severity between cognitive phenotypes and
non-PD peers with age, sex, and years of education as
covariates. PD phenotypes were also considered for differ-
ences in disease duration and motor severity. A second
ANCOVA compared pain interference between cognitive
phenotypes and non-PD peers, but with pain severity added
as a covariate. Where the omnibus analysis was signicant,
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post-hoc analyses compared the groups with a Bonferroni
correction for multiple comparisons. Finally, these analyses
were repeated with GDS as an additional covariate due to
the established association between depression and both
chronic pain
and executive function.
A p<0.05 was
considered statistically signicant.
Cognitive Phenotypes
The nal sample included 113 individuals with PD and 60
non-PD peers; of the original recruitment sample, eight
participants (3 PD, 5 non-PD) did not complete the BPI
and thus were not included here. The three cognitive phe-
notypes consisted of 1) participants with the lowest perfor-
mance across processing speed and executive tasks (PD
Executive, N=24); 2) participants with the lowest perfor-
mance in episodic memory tasks (PD Memory, N=35);
and 3) participants with normal performance across all
measures (PD Cognitively Well, N=54). Neuropsychology
scores are provided (Supplementary Table 1). Groups dif-
fered signicantly in years of education (Executive < Non-
PD), disease duration (Memory < Executive), UPDRS Part
II (Cognitively Well < Executive), depressive symptom
severity (Executive < Non-PD), and anticholinergic burden
(Non-PD < Cognitively Well; Supplementary Table 2).
Pain Differences - Cognitive Phenotypes
After controlling for age, sex, disease duration, and educa-
tion, there were no signicant cluster differences in the
BPI pain severity subscale with participants across all
clusters reporting mild pain ratings. However, clusters
differed signicantly in the BPI pain interference subscale
after controlling for these covariates. Post-hoc tests with
Bonferroni correction showed that the PD Executive clus-
ter reported signicantly higher pain interference than
Cognitively Well phenotype (p=0.01) and non-PD peers
(p<0.01, Supplementary Tables 3 and 4, Figure 1).
Findings did not change signicantly after controlling for
GDS score (Supplementary Table 5).
Individuals with PD who showed more difculty on work-
ing memory and inhibitory function tests reported higher
levels of pain interference than individuals with PD and no
cognitive difculties, as well as higher interference than
non-PD peers. Yet, each PD group reported similar pain
severity even after accounting for important PD and pain-
related covariates including depression. These ndings are
consistent with the existing literature supporting an asso-
ciation between chronic pain and impaired executive func-
tion (see meta-analysis by Berryman et al, 2014
), with
greater levels of pain usually associated with greater levels
of executive impairment. The association between pain
and cognition in PD was also reported by Okada and
colleagues (2016), who found decreased amplitudes of
pain-related somatosensory evoked potentials and
impaired attention and memory in individuals with PD.
Some prior research, however, did not nd an association
between executive functioning and pain. Engels and col-
leagues (2016) reported that mood, and not any measured
cognitive construct, was a signicant predictor of pain in
individuals with PD. However, this study did not assess
pain interference directly,
and this is consistent with the
similar pain severity across the clusters in the present
Associations between executive function and pain inter-
ference are theoretically consistent with neurophysiology.
Prefrontal brain regions are crucial for both executive func-
tion and pain inhibition and modulation, and the prefrontal
cortex changes in persons with PD.
Individuals with
PD show more activity in cingulate and precuneus regions
during painful stimulation compared to age-matched non-
PD peers,
and individuals with PD and persistent pain
have thinner prefrontal and frontal cortex than individuals
with PD and no persistent pain.
Alterations to frontal lobe
integrity (outside of atrophy alone) may account for our
observed differences in pain interference without signicant
Figure 1 Brief Pain Inventory pain severity and pain interference across the
cognitive phenotypes. *Statistically signicant differences across groups.
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differences in pain severity; there are known neuroanatomi-
cal differences in the processing of pain severity versus its
perception of interference.
Frontal regions are highly
interconnected with subcortical regions involved in pain
and emotional regulation for appropriately
directing behavior.
Study limitations include the sample size, homogeneous
sample from a diversity and geographic standpoint and
reliance upon self-report measures of pain versus experi-
mental measures of pain response. Additionally, all testing
was conducted on-dopaminergic medication in order to
achieve the best test performance. We encourage future
research examining off-medication pain and cognitive pro-
les, as well as interactions between pain, cognition, and
motor presentation. Strengths include the well-characterized
cohort of individuals and considerations of two common
cognitive complaints (reduced attention and memory) in
relation to pain. Our study provides initial evidence for the
association between frontal function (working memory, inhi-
bition) cognitive symptoms in PD and the self-report of pain
interference. Pain interference is a core component of
health-related quality of life in assessing pain treatments,
representing an important domain that should be targeted for
psychosocial interventions in persons with PD. Future long-
itudinal studies are needed to decipher the directionality of
these ndings and the neurobiological substrates accounting
for the high pain interference in individuals with PD and
executive function. Such multifactorial approach may also
lead to development of evidence-based pain treatments that
are tailored to individuals’ cognitive proles.
The authors would like to acknowledge Dr Andrew
Ahn for his initial ideas and early discussions of this
work, Katie Rodriguez for her excellent work as
a study coordinator, and colleagues within the
Norman Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases who
help make work on PD possible at our institution. This
work was supported in part by funding from NIH/
NINDS (R01NS082386 to Dr Catherine Price) and
NIH/NIA (K01AG048259, R01AG059809,
R01AG067757 to Dr Cruz-Almeida supporting her
All authors report no conict of interest.
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... Eenzelfde heterogeniteit wordt gevonden in studies die meer in detail kijken naar de relatie tussen klinische pijnrapportage en diverse cognitieve functies. Hierbij wordt een afname in diverse cognitieve functies, waaronder geheugenfuncties, gerelateerd aan een afname in klinische pijnrapportage 46 49 , maar wordt een afname in executieve controlefuncties gerelateerd aan zowel een afname 50 als een toename in pijnrapportage 46 51 , alsmede aan een toegenomen mate van interferentie door de pijn 52 . Tevens vinden sommige studies helemaal geen relatie tussen het cognitieve functioneren en pijnrapportage. ...
Cognitieve stoornissen kunnen de beleving van pijn veranderen en de diagnostiek en behandeling bemoeilijken. In deze review wordt vanuit een interdisciplinair perspectief de epidemiologie van pijn bij cognitieve stoornissen en de stand van zaken besproken, en samengevat waar de kennishiaten nog liggen. Dit wordt gedaan vanuit vier domeinen, namelijk 1) biologie en neuropathologie, 2) beoordeling en assessment, 3) behandeling en management, en 4) contextuele factoren zoals organisatie en opleiding. De kennishiaten bij deze 4 domeinen zijn: 1) (Biologie): Hoe verandert de pijnervaring en de uiting van pijn bij de verschillende vormen van cognitieve stoornissen? Wat zijn de oorzaak en de gevolgen van pijn in deze groepen? 2) (Assessment): Hoe herkennen, beoordelen en meten we pijn goed, als zelfrapportage niet betrouwbaar is? 3) (Behandeling): Welke behandelingen voor pijn zijn effectief? Hoe kun je die goed interdisciplinair uitvoeren? Hoe zorgen we voor goede implementatie van pijn meten en pijnbehandeling? Vooral ook van niet-farmacologisch behandelen, hoe kunnen we observaties tussen verschillende disciplines, of tussen familie en zorgverleners, beter communiceren zodat herkenning van pijn, en monitoring/evaluatie van behandeling wordt verbeterd? 4) (Contextueel): Wat kunnen we in het onderwijs doen om meer begrip, kennis en vaardigheden op dit gebied te ontwikkelen?
... Pain is strictly related to other non-motor symptoms, including fatigue, daytime sleepiness, depression, and sleep disorders (Ozturk et al. 2017). Patients with PD that displayed depressive symptoms had significantly higher pain severity and pain interference scores than controls without depressive symptoms (Cruz-Almeida et al. 2020). The NMS scale showed a correlation between pain and attention/memory (Okada et al. 2016) which is in line with our findings. ...
Full-text available
Axial postural abnormalities and pain are two main determinants of poor quality of life in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). Indeed, a detailed characterization of pain and other non-motor symptoms in patients with axial postural abnormalities has not been provided yet. The aim of this study is to assess the phenomenology of pain and other non-motor symptoms in PD patients with Pisa syndrome and camptocormia compared to PD patients without axial postural abnormality. Forty-five PD participants were equally distributed in three groups: patients with Pisa syndrome (PS), patients with Camptocormia (CC), and patients without postural abnormalities (PD). Pain characteristics were assessed by Kings Parkinson's Pain Scale (KPPS), brief pain inventory (BPI), and numeric pain rating scale (NRS). All participants completed clinical assessments by non-motor symptom scale (NMSS), and movement disorder society Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) parts II-III. Patients with and without axial postural abnormalities showed one or more types of pain, being fluctuation, nocturnal, chronic, and musculoskeletal the most frequently reported in Pisa Syndrome and camptocormia. PD group compared with PS and CC groups showed differences in the KPPS, NMSS, BPI pain severity and interference, and NRS total scores. No significant differences were found between PS group compared with CC group with exception of the NMSS total scores. PD patients with Pisa syndrome or camptocormia have a higher burden of musculoskeletal, chronic and fluctuation pain than PD patients without axial postural abnormalities, suggesting different etiologies of pain and possible different treatments.
... Findings may have potential clinical value for appreciating pain intensity and pain disability patterns in older adults, as recent studies show that individuals experiencing executive dysfunction, but not memory dysfunction, are more likely to experience pain disability. 24 The current investigation examined the relationships between a cognitive screening test total score and executive function and memory composite scores in a group of middle-aged and older adults with knee pain with or at risk for osteoarthritis (OA). In prior studies, individuals with reduced executive function have shown increased interference from chronic pain independent of pain intensity 24 as well as relationships between neuronal pathways of pain modulation, memory, and executive function. ...
Objectives: Chronic pain, cognitive deficits, and pain-related disability are inter-related. The prevalence of chronic pain and undiagnosed cognitive difficulties in middle age and older adults is increasing. Of the cognitive systems, executive function and episodic memory are most relevant to chronic pain. We examined the hypothesis that cognitive screening composite scores for executive function and memory would negatively associate with pain intensity and pain disability in a group of middle aged and older adults with knee pain, with or at risk for osteoarthritis. Methods: A total of 120 adults (44 M/76 W), average age of 59 years participated in the study. Demographic, health history, clinical pain, and cognitive measures were completed. Relationships between pain intensity, pain disability, and the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) total and composite scores were examined with relevant covariates in the model. Results: MoCA raw scores ranged from 13 to 30 with a mean score of 23.9. Pain intensity was negatively associated with overall MoCA total, and executive function and memory composite scores. Pain disability over the previous six months was negatively associated with executive function while pain disability over the past 48-hours was not associated with executive function. Conclusions: The current study demonstrates associations between pain metrics and cognitive domain scores within a common cognitive screening tool.
... Findings may have potential clinical value for appreciating pain intensity and pain disability patterns in older adults, as recent studies show that individuals experiencing executive dysfunction, but not memory dysfunction, are more likely to experience pain disability. 24 The current investigation examined the relationships between a cognitive screening test total score and executive function and memory composite scores in a group of middle-aged and older adults with knee pain with or at risk for osteoarthritis (OA). In prior studies, individuals with reduced executive function have shown increased interference from chronic pain independent of pain intensity 24 as well as relationships between neuronal pathways of pain modulation, memory, and executive function. ...
Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a common progressive joint disease with increasing prevalence. There are inconsistent findings on the concordance between radiograph derived Kellgren-Lawrence (KL) scores and pain measures. We have previously reported that dispositional traits predict sensory sensitivity and psychosocial functioning. This study aims to determine whether consideration of a measure of dispositional trait, affect balance style (ABS), improves the congruence between KL scores and clinical and experimental pain. Adults between 45 and 85 years with knee pain with or at risk for osteoarthritis and who self-identified as non-Hispanic Black (NHB) or non-Hispanic white (NHW) were recruited and enrolled in the study. Participants completed a health assessment and quantitative sensory testing (QST). Data collected included sociodemographics, knee radiographs, clinical pain and function, and affect. Punctate temporal summation and pressure pain threshold were assessed on the most painful knee. ABS was determined and protective traits (health/low) and vulnerable traits (reactive/depressive) identified. Unadjusted and adjusted regression analyses with and without dispositional trait groups were completed using SAS (9.4). A total of 218 individuals, 57.8 ± 8.0 years of age, 63.6% women, and 48.2% NHB were included. Participants with vulnerable dispositional traits reported higher clinical pain (p <0.0001) and lower experimental pain thresholds (p<0.05) than those with protective traits regardless of KL score. Dispositional traits and KL scores were predictive of all clinical pain measures (p<0.0001) and knee punctate temporal summation (p<0.0001) in regression models adjusted by age, sex, and ethnicity/race. Improvements in R2 were noted across all models with inclusion of dispositional traits. Previous findings between knee radiographs and clinical and experimental pain are mixed; consideration of dispositional traits may clarify incongruences. Further investigation is needed to determine if dispositional traits may serve as a key factor to elucidate the convoluted relationships between pathology and clinical pain experience. Grant support from NIH/NIA Grants R01AG054370 (KTS); R37AG033906 (RBF) and UF CTSA Grant UL1TR001427 and UAB CTSA Grant UL1TR001417 from the NIH Center for Advancing Translational Sciences.
... We therefore investigated the associations of major and day-to-day interpersonal discrimination with pain interference in a sample of adults with chronic pain. Given that pain interference evaluations are affected by negative emotionality [7,17], cognitive functioning [18,19], and perceived social support [6,20], we also assessed the extent to which discrimination is associated with pain interference above and beyond shared variance with neuroticism, anxiety and depressive symptoms, cognitive functioning, and objective and subjective measures of social isolation. ...
Objective: To examine the extent to which self-reported experiences of discrimination are associated with pain interference among men and women with chronic non-cancer pain. Methods: Data are from the Study of Midlife in the United States (MIDUS) Refresher Cohort. The analytic sample consisted of 207 adults with chronic pain (54.2 ± 12.8 years; 53.6% female) who completed the Major Experiences of Discrimination and Everyday Discrimination scales. Regression analyses examined cross-sectional relations between discrimination and pain interference. Results: On average, the level of pain interference was moderate in the sample (M = 3.46, SD = 2.66; observed range 0 - 10). Approximately a third of respondents reported at least one major discriminatory event in their lifetime, while 22% reported 3 or more discriminatory lifetime events. Everyday discrimination scores averaged 14.19 ± 5.46 (observed range 0 - 33). Adjusting for sociodemographics, physical health, cognitive and psychological factors, social isolation, and loneliness, everyday discrimination was associated with increased pain interference (B = .099; 95% confidence interval [CI], .02 to .17). Conclusion: These findings add weight to the importance of day-to-day experiences of interpersonal discrimination by documenting independent associations with functional interference in adults with chronic pain.
Background Current literature regarding morphological gray matter atrophy in chronic pain is mixed, inhibiting our ability to understand neurological mechanisms of chronic pain. The inconsistent findings may be due to the presence of subgroups within the older adult chronic pain population that differ in gait performance, as gait and gray matter have been previously associated. These gait subgroups, however, have been inadequately characterized in prior work and have not been compared across gray matter measures. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify and characterize gait subgroups within the older adult chronic pain population, and to evaluate differences in gray matter measures between subgroups. Methods The present study was a secondary analysis of the Neuromodulatory Examination of Pain and Mobility Across the Lifespan (NEPAL) study. A subset of older participants (n = 40) completed assessments to evaluate psychological status, cognitive abilities, pain characteristics, and spatiotemporal gait performance using an instrumented gait mat. Gray matter measures were obtained from a T1-weighted anatomical scan using Freesurfer's recon-all function. Results After data reduction, a hierarchical cluster analysis identified three gait clusters: A Normal Gait cluster (n = 12), a Shuffle Gait cluster (n = 15), and an Unsteady Gait cluster (n = 13). Clusters differed in gait velocity, stride length, step width, double support percentages, and stride length variability. The Shuffle Gait cluster exhibited reduced gray matter volumes in the cerebellum, caudate, putamen, and pallidum, as well as a worse pain severity when compared to the Normal Gait cluster (p < 0.05). The Shuffle Gait cluster also had less gray matter in the cerebellum and caudate when compared to the Unsteady Gait cluster (p < 0.05). Conclusions Our results confirm the existence of gait subgroups among the older adult chronic pain population and gray matter differences observed between groups support the need for the consideration of subgroups within this population for future pain, mobility, and aging studies.
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Aging is an inevitable process and represents the accumulation of bodily alterations over time. Depression and chronic pain are highly prevalent in elderly populations. It is estimated that 13% of the elderly population will suffer simultaneously from the two conditions. Accumulating evidence suggests than neuroinflammation plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of both depression and chronic pain. Apart from the common pathophysiological mechanisms, however, the two entities have several clinical links. Their management is challenging for the pain physician; however, both pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic approaches are available and can be used when the two conditions are comorbid in the elderly patients.
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There is a growing body of evidence that a higher level of cognitive inhibition is associated with lower experimental pain sensitivity. However, a systematic examination of the association between executive functions, which include not only inhibition but also updating and shifting, and experimental pain sensitivity is lacking. This study aimed to overcome this limitation by exploring the relationship between a range of executive functions and different measures of experimentally induced cold pain in healthy participants. In a group of 54 healthy participants (age 21–24 years), executive functions (EF) were investigated in a systematic manner following a well-established framework developed by Miyake and collaborators. The investigation included multiple tests of inhibition (Stroop, Stop-signal, and Left–right), updating (Keep-track, Letter-memory, and Spatial n-back), and set-shifting (Plus-minus, Number-letter, and Local–global). The cold pressor test was used to obtain measures of pain threshold (the first sensation of pain), sensitivity to pain (the moment when substantial pain was reported), and pain tolerance (the moment when pain became unbearable). Results showed no relationship between pain measures and measures of updating and shifting. All pain measures were related to Stroop interference inhibition score, but not to other two inhibition tasks. Further analyses confirmed the unique relationship between Stroop-type of inhibition and response to pain. We argue that there is a fundamental relationship between cognitive inhibition and pain experience, which relies on one’s ability to suppress automatic processes.
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Neuropsychiatric symptoms and pain are among the most common nonmotor symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD). The correlation between pain and PD has been recognized since its classic descriptions. Pain occurs in about 60% of PD patients, two to three times more frequent in this population than in age matched healthy individuals. It is an early and potentially disabling symptom that can precede motor symptoms by several years. The lower back and lower extremities are the most commonly affected areas. The most used classification for pain in PD defines musculoskeletal, dystonic, central, or neuropathic/radicular forms. Its different clinical characteristics, variable relationship with motor symptoms, and inconsistent response to dopaminergic drugs suggest that the mechanism underlying pain in PD is complex and multifaceted, involving the peripheral nervous system, generation and amplification of pain by motor symptoms, and neurodegeneration of areas related to pain modulation. Although pain in DP is common and a significant source of disability, its clinical characteristics, pathophysiology, classification, and management remain to be defined.
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Objective Pain and cognitive impairment are important clinical features in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). Although pain processing is associated with the limbic system, which is also closely linked to the cognitive function, the association between pain and cognitive impairment in PD is still not well understood. The aim of the study was to investigate the association between pain processing and cognitive impairment in patients with PD. Methods Forty-three patients with PD and 22 healthy subjects were studied. Pain-related somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) were generated using a thin needle electrode to stimulate epidermal Aδ fibers. Cognitive impairment was evaluated using the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), the Frontal Assessment Battery, and Japanese version of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA-J), and their correlation with pain-related SEPs was investigated. Results The N1/P1 amplitude was significantly lower in PD patients than the controls. N1/P1 peak-to-peak amplitudes correlated with the MMSE (r=0.66, p<0.001) and MoCA-J scores (r=0.38, p<0.01) in patients with PD. These amplitudes also strongly correlated with the domains of attention and memory in the MMSE (attention, r=0.52, p<0.001; memory, r=0.40, p<0.01) and MoCA-J (attention, r=0.45, p<0.005; memory, r=0.48, p<0.001), but not in control subjects. Conclusion A good correlation was observed between the decreased amplitudes of pain-related SEPs and an impairment of attention and memory in patients with PD. Our results suggest that pathological abnormalities of the pain pathway are significantly linked to cognitive impairment in PD.
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Background: The pathophysiology of pain in Parkinson's disease (PD) is still poorly understood, although it is conceivable that supraspinal mechanisms may be responsible for pain generation and maintenance. Methods: We examined brain functional and anatomical changes associated with persistent pain in 40 PD patients, 20 with persistent pain and 20 without pain. We also examined 15 pain-free healthy participants of similar age, gender, and cognitive state as a control group. We assessed pain by the King's Parkinson's Pain Scale, the Visual Analogue Scale for pain, and the Leeds Assessment for Neuropathic Symptoms and Sign. All patients underwent structural, diffusion tensor imaging, and resting-state functional MRI. We compared clinical characteristics, whole-brain cortical thickness, subcortical volumes, diffusion tensor imaging scalar measures, and functional connectivity by network based statistics. Results: The group with PD and persistent pain showed significant thinning in the bilateral temporal pole, left-medial orbitofrontal cortex, bilateral superior and left-inferior parietal areas, pars orbicularis, and right superior frontal, posterior cingulated, and precentral cortex. There were no significant subcortical volume and white matter differences between PD subgroups. Functional MRI showed a decrease of brain activity in the left frontal inferior orbital in PD patients with persistent pain, with greater activity bilaterally in the cerebellum and in the right inferior temporal areas. Only PD patients with persistent pain showed an accumbens-hippocampus disconnection without white matter and subcortical alterations. Conclusions: We showed that persistent pain in PD is associated with supraspinal structural and functional changes. We also highlighted the contribution of frontal, prefrontal, and insular areas in nociceptive modulation and accumbens-hippocampus disconnection. © 2016 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society.
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Pain is an important nonmotor symptom of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Brain areas such as the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex play an important role in the processing of pain. Since these brain areas are also involved in cognitive functioning, for example, episodic memory and executive functions, respectively, we examined whether a relationship exists between cognitive functioning and spontaneous pain in PD. Methods . Forty-eight patients with PD and 57 controls participated. Cognitive functioning was measured by a comprehensive battery of neuropsychological tests. Both the sensory-discriminative aspect and the motivational-affective aspect of pain were assessed. Multiple linear regression analyses were performed to assess a relation between cognition and pain. Results . Cognition was related to neither the sensory nor the affective aspect of pain in our sample of PD patients. Variance in pain measures was primarily explained by symptoms of depression and anxiety. Discussion . The difference between the affective and the sensory aspect of pain might be due to the neuropathology of PD, which is mainly present in areas processing the affective aspect of pain. Pain treatment might improve when mood is taken into account. We provide several explanations for the lack of an association between pain and cognition.
Pain is a frequent but still neglected non-motor symptom of Parkinson's disease (PD). However, neural mechanisms underlying pain in PD are poorly understood. Here we explored whether the high prevalence of pain in PD might be related to dysfunctional descending pain control. Using fMRI we explored neural responses during the anticipation and processing of heat pain in 21 PD patients (Hoehn&Yahr I-III) and 23 healthy controls (HC). PD patients were naïve to dopaminergic medication in order to avoid confounding drug effects. Fifteen heat pain stimuli were applied to the participants' forearm. Intensity and unpleasantness ratings were provided for each stimulus. Subjective pain perception was comparable for PD patients and HC. Neural processing, however, differed between groups: PD patients showed lower activity in several descending pain modulation regions (dACC, sgACC, DLPFC) and lower functional connectivity between dACC and DLPFC during pain anticipation. PD symptom severity was negatively correlated with dACC-DLPFC connectivity, indicating impaired functional coupling of pain modulatory regions with disease progression. During pain perception PD patients showed higher MCC activity compared to HC, which also scaled with PD severity. Interestingly, dACC-DLPFC connectivity during pain anticipation was negatively associated with MCC activity during the receipt of pain in PD patients. This study indicates altered neural processing during the anticipation and receipt of experimental pain in drug-naïve PD patients. It provides first evidence for a progressive decline in descending pain modulation in PD, which might be related to the high prevalence of pain in later stages of PD.