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In order to give overpartition analogues of Rogers-Ramanujan type theorems for the ordinary partition function, Andrews defined the so-called singular overpartitions. Singular overpartition function C‾k,i(n) counts the number of overpartitions of n in which no part is divisible by k and only parts ≡±i(modk) may be overlined. Andrews also proved two beautiful Ramanujan type congruences modulo 3 satisfied by C‾3,1(n). Later on, Aricheta proved that for an infinite family of ℓ, C‾3ℓ,ℓ(n) is almost always divisible by 2. In this article, for an infinite subfamily of ℓ considered by Aricheta, we prove that C‾3ℓ,ℓ(n) is almost always divisible by arbitrary powers of 2. We also prove that C‾3ℓ,ℓ(n) is almost always divisible by arbitrary powers of 3 when ℓ=3,6,12,24. Proofs of our density results rely on the modularity of certain eta-quotients which arise naturally as generating functions for the Andrews' singular overpartition functions.
To appear in Journal of Number Theory
Abstract. In order to give overpartition analogues of Rogers-Ramanujan
type theorems for the ordinary partition function, Andrews defined the so-
called singular overpartitions. Singular overpartition function Ck,i(n) counts
the number of overpartitions of nin which no part is divisible by kand only
parts ≡ ±i(mod k) may be overlined. Andrews also proved two beautiful Ra-
manujan type congruences modulo 3 satisfied by C3,1(n). Later on, Aricheta
proved that for an infinite family of `,C3`,`(n) is almost always divisible by 2.
In this article, for an infinite subfamily of `considered by Aricheta, we prove
that C3`,`(n) is almost always divisible by arbitrary powers of 2. We also
prove that C3`,`(n) is almost always divisible by arbitrary powers of 3 when
`= 3,6,12,24. Proofs of our density results rely on the modularity of certain
eta-quotients which arise naturally as generating functions for the Andrews’
singular overpartion functions.
1. Introduction and statement of results
Beginning with the paper [7], Corteel and Lovejoy introduced and developed
the theory of overpartitions. An overpartition of nis a non-increasing sequence of
natural numbers whose sum is nin which the first occurrence of a number may be
overlined. Thus the eight overpartitions of 3 are 3,3,2 + 1,2 + 1,2 + 1,2 + 1,1 +
1+1,1 + 1 + 1. In order to give overpartition analogues of Rogers-Ramanujan
type theorems for the ordinary partition function with restricted successive ranks,
Andrews [2] defined the so-called singular overpartitions. Andrews’ singular over-
partition function Ck,i(n) counts the number of overpartitions of nin which no
part is divisible by kand only parts ≡ ±i(mod k) may be overlined. For example,
C3,1(4) = 10 with the relevant partitions being 4,4,2 + 2,2 + 2,2+1+1,2 + 1 +
1,2+1+1,2+1+1,1+1+1+1,1 + 1 + 1 + 1. For k3 and 1 ik
2, the
generating function for Ck,i(n) is given by
where (a;q):=
(1 aqj). Andrews proved the following Ramanujan-type
congruences satisfied by C3,1(n): For n0,
C3,1(9n+ 3) C3,1(9n+ 6) 0 (mod 3).
Date: March 31, 2020, Revised: November 11, 2020.
1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 05A17, 11P83.
Key words and phrases. Singular overpartitions; Eta-quotients; modular forms; arithmetic
Numerous other congruences for Andrews’ singular overpartitions are obtained by
many authors, see for example [1, 5, 6, 11].
In [6], Chen, Hirschhorn and Sellers studied the parity of Ck,i(n). They showed
that C3,1(n) is always even and that C6,2(n) is even (or odd) if and only if n
is not (or is) a pentagonal number. Recently, Aricheta [3] studied the parity of
C3`,`(n). He proved that C3`,`(n)b`(n) (mod 2), where b`(n) denotes the number
of partitions of ninto parts none of which are multiples of `. He then used the
density result of Gordon and Ono [8] regarding b`(n) to prove a density result
about C3`,`(n) modulo 2 for an infinite family of `. More precisely, represent any
positive integer `as `= 2αmwhere the integer α0 and mis positive odd. Assume
further that 2αm. Then Aricheta proved that the set {nZ0:C3`,`(n)0
(mod 2)}has arithmetic density 1.
In this article, we study the arithmetic densities of C3`,`(n) modulo arbitrary
powers of 2 and 3 when `=p·2α, where pis a prime. Let kbe a fixed positive
integer. In a recent paper, Barman and Ray [4] prove that C3·2α,2α(n) is almost
always divisible by 2kand 3kfor α= 0, that is, the sets {nZ0:C3,1(n)0
(mod 2k)}and {nZ0:C3,1(n)0 (mod 3k)}have arithmetic density 1. Very
recently, we [14] prove the same for C3·2α,2α(n) when α= 1,2. In this article we
prove that, for all α1 satisfying 2αp, the set {nZ0:C3p·2α,p·2α(n)0
(mod 2k)}has arithmetic density 1. To be specific, we prove the following result.
Theorem 1.1. Let kbe a fixed positive integer. Then for all α1and all prime
psatisfying 2αp,C3p·2α,p·2α(n)is almost always divisible by 2k, namely,
#0< n X:C3p·2α,p·2α(n)0 (mod 2k)
X= 1.
Remark 1.2.Let kbe a fixed positive integer. If we take p= 2 in Theorem 1.1,
then for all α2, we have that C3·2α,2α(n) is almost always divisible by 2k. In
[4, 14], the same has been proved for C3·2α,2α(n) when α= 0,1. Hence, C3·2α,2α(n)
is almost always divisible by 2kfor all α0.
Remark 1.3.Let `=p·2α. To find the density of {nZ0:C3`,`(n)0 (mod 2)},
Aricheta used the condition 2αpto apply [8, Theorem 1] of Gordon and Ono.
Interestingly, we also need the condition 2αpin Theorem 1.1. However, we
need this condition to prove the modularity of cetain eta-quotients appearing in
the proof of Theorem 1.1.
We next study the divisibility of Andrews’ singular overpartitions by powers of
3. In the following theorem we find the arithmetic density of the set {nZ0:
C3·3·2α,3·2α(n)0 (mod 3k)}when α= 0,1,2,3.
Theorem 1.4. Let kbe a fixed positive integer. Then for each α,0α3,
C3·3·2α,3·2α(n)is almost always divisible by 3k, namely,
#0< n X:C3·3·2α,3·2α(n)0 (mod 3k)
X= 1.
It should be noted that only a few results analogous to Theorem 1.1 and Theorem
1.4 are known for the overpartition function. In fact Mahlburg [10] conjectured
that the overpartition function is almost always divisible by arbitrary powers of
2, which is still open. The generating function of the overpartition function is a
modular form of half-integral weight. The coefficients for such functions are poorly
understood, and conjectures such as this are considered to be difficult with present
techniques. However, our proofs rely on the fact that, for certain values of αand p,
the generating functions for C3p·2α,p·2α(n) are modular forms of integral weights,
and this allows us to use the Serre’s Theorem regarding divisibility of the coefficients
of such functions.
We also prove that the eta-quotient which arises naturally as generating function
for C3·3·2α,3·2α(n) is not a modular form if α4. Therefore, we couldn’t find the
density of the set {nZ0:C3·3·2α,3·2α(n)0 (mod 3k)}if α4.
2. Preliminaries
In this section, we recall some definitions and basic facts on modular forms and
eta-quotients. For more details, see for example [13, 9].
2.1. Spaces of modular forms. We first define the matrix groups
SL2(Z) := a b
c d:a, b, c, d Z, ad bc = 1,
Γ0(N) := a b
c dSL2(Z) : c0 (mod N),
Γ1(N) := a b
c dΓ0(N) : ad1 (mod N),
Γ(N) := a b
c dSL2(Z) : ad1 (mod N),and bc0 (mod N),
where Nis a positive integer. A subgroup Γ of SL2(Z) is called a congruence
subgroup if Γ(N)Γ for some N. The smallest Nsuch that Γ(N)Γ is called
the level of Γ. For example, Γ0(N) and Γ1(N) are congruence subgroups of level
Let H:= {zC: Im(z)>0}be the upper half of the complex plane. The
2(R) = a b
c d:a, b, c, d Rand ad bc > 0
acts on Hby a b
c dz=az +b
cz +d. We identify with 1
0and define a b
c dr
ar +bs
cr +ds, where r
sQ∪ {∞}. This gives an action of GL+
2(R) on the extended
upper half-plane H=HQ∪ {∞}. Suppose that Γ is a congruence subgroup of
SL2(Z). A cusp of Γ is an equivalence class in P1=Q∪ {∞} under the action of Γ.
The group GL+
2(R) also acts on functions f:HC. In particular, suppose
that γ=a b
c dGL+
2(R). If f(z) is a meromorphic function on Hand `is an
integer, then define the slash operator |`by
(f|`γ)(z) := (det γ)`/2(cz +d)`f(γz).
Definition 2.1. Let Γ be a congruence subgroup of level N. A holomorphic func-
tion f:HCis called a modular form with integer weight `on Γ if the following
(1) We have
faz +b
cz +d= (cz +d)`f(z)
for all zHand all a b
c dΓ.
(2) If γSL2(Z), then (f|`γ)(z) has a Fourier expansion of the form
(f|`γ)(z) = X
where qN:= e2πiz/N .
For a positive integer `, the complex vector space of modular forms of weight `
with respect to a congruence subgroup Γ is denoted by M`(Γ).
Definition 2.2. [13, Definition 1.15] If χis a Dirichlet character modulo N, then
we say that a modular form fM`1(N)) has Nebentypus character χif
faz +b
cz +d=χ(d)(cz +d)`f(z)
for all zHand all a b
c dΓ0(N). The space of such modular forms is denoted
by M`0(N), χ).
2.2. Modularity of eta-quotients. In this paper, the relevant modular forms are
those that arise from eta-quotients. Recall that the Dedekind’s eta-function η(z) is
defined by
η(z) := q1/24(q;q)=q1/24
(1 qn),
where q:= e2πiz and zH. A function f(z) is called an eta-quotient if it is of the
f(z) = Y
where Nis a positive integer and rδis an integer.
We now recall two theorems from [13, p. 18] on modularity of eta-quotients. We
will use these two results to verify modularity of certain eta-quotients appearing in
the proof of our main result.
Theorem 2.3. [13, Theorem 1.64] If f(z) = Qδ|Nη(δz)rδis an eta-quotient such
that `=1
δrδ0 (mod 24)
δrδ0 (mod 24),
then f(z)satisfies
faz +b
cz +d=χ(d)(cz +d)`f(z)
for every a b
c dΓ0(N). Here the character χis defined by χ(d) := (1)`s
where s:= Qδ|Nδrδ.
Suppose that fis an eta-quotient satisfying the conditions of Theorem 2.3 and
that the associated weight `is a positive integer. If f(z) is holomorphic at all of
the cusps of Γ0(N), then f(z)M`0(N), χ). The following theorem gives the
necessary criterion for determining orders of an eta-quotient at cusps.
Theorem 2.4. [13, Theorem 1.65] Let c, d and Nbe positive integers with d|N
and gcd(c, d) = 1. If fis an eta-quotient satisfying the conditions of Theorem 2.3
for N, then the order of vanishing of f(z)at the cusp c
24 X
gcd(d, δ)2rδ
gcd(d, N
3. Proof of Theorem 1.1
Here αis a positive integer and pis a prime. The generating function for
C3p·2α,p·2α(n) is given by
We note that η(3p·2α+3z) = qp·2αQ
n=1(1 q(3p·2α+3 )n) is a power series of q. Let
Aα,p(z) =
(1 q(3p·2α+3)n)2
(1 q(3p·2α+4)n)=η2(3p·2α+3 z)
Then using binomial theorem we have
α,p(z) = η2k+1 (3p·2α+3 z)
η2k(3p·2α+4z)1 (mod 2k+1 ).
Define Bα,p,k(z) by
Bα,p,k(z) = η(3p·2α+4 z)η(9p·2α+3 z)2
η(24z)η(3p·2α+3z)η(9p·2α+4 z)A2k
Modulo 2k+1, we have
Bα,p,k(z)η(3p·2α+4 z)η(9p·2α+3 z)2
η(24z)η(3p·2α+3z)η(9p·2α+4 z)
=qp·2α1 (q3p·2α+4 ;q3p·2α+4 )(q9p·2α+3 ;q9p·2α+3 )2
(q24;q24 )(q3p·2α+3 ;q3p·2α+3 )(q9p·2α+4 ;q9p·2α+4 )!.(3.3)
Combining (3.1) and (3.3), we obtain
C3p·2α,p·2α(n)q24n+p·2α1(mod 2k+1).(3.4)
In the following lemma, we prove that Bα,p,k(z) is a modular form for certain values
of α, p and k.
Lemma 3.1. Let pbe a prime and αbe a positive integer satisfying 2αp. Then
Bα,p,k(z)M2k1Γ0(9p·2α+5 ), χfor all k2α, where the character χis given
by χ= (2α+2k
·(α+2)32k+1 p2k+1
Proof. From (3.2) we have
Bα,p,k(z) = η(3p·2α+4 z)η(9p·2α+3 z)2
η(24z)η(3p·2α+3z)η(9p·2α+4 z)A2k
=η(3p·2α+3z)2k+1 1η(9p·2α+3z)2
η(3p·2α+4z)2k1η(24z)η(9p·2α+4 z).
We now calculate the level of the eta-quotient Bα,p,k(z) by using Theorem 2.3.
Thus, the level of Bα,p,k(z) is equal to 9p·2α+4 ·m, where mis the smallest positive
integer such that
9p·2α+4m2k+1 1
3p·2α+3 +2
9p·2α+3 2k1
3p·2α+4 1
24 1
9p·2α+4 0 (mod 24).
m9·2k3p·2α+10 (mod 24).
Therefore, if k2, then m= 2 and the level of the eta-quotient is 9p·2α+5.
The cusps of Γ0(9p·2α+5) are represented by fractions c
dwhere d|9p·2α+5 and
gcd(c, d) = 1. For example, see [12, p. 5]. By Theorem 2.4, we find that Bα,p,k(z)
is holomorphic at a cusp c
dif and only if
gcd(d, 3p·2α+3)2
3p·2α+3 (2k+1 1) + gcd(d, 3p·2α+4 )2
3p·2α+4 (1 2k)
+ 2gcd(d, 9p·2α+3 )2
9p·2α+3 gcd(d, 24)2
24 gcd(d, 9p·2α+4)2
9p·2α+4 0.
Equivalently, if and only if
L:= 6G2
1·(2k+1 1) + 3G2
2·(1 2k)+4G2
where G1=gcd(d, 3p·2α+3)
gcd(d, 9p·2α+4), G2=gcd(d, 3p·2α+4 )
gcd(d, 9p·2α+4), G3=gcd(d, 9p·2α+3 )
gcd(d, 9p·2α+4), and
G4=gcd(d, 24)
gcd(d, 9p·2α+4), respectively.
In the following table, we find all the possible values of L.
d|9p·2α+5 G1G2G3G4L
1,2,3,4,6,8,12,24 1 1 1 1 9 ·2k3p·2α+1
p, 2p, 3p, 4p, 6p, 8p, 12p, 24p1 1 1 1/p 9·2k3·2α+1/p
9,18,36,72 1/3 1/3 1 1/3 2k+ 8/3
9p, 18p, 36p, 72p1/3 1/3 1 1/3p2k+ 8/3
2α+4,2α+5 ,3·2α+4,3·2α+5 1/2 1 1/2 21α1.53p·21α
p·2α+4, p ·2α+5,3p·2α+4,3p·2α+5 1/2 1 1/2 21α/p 1.53·21α/p
2r,3·2r: 4 rα+ 3 1 1 1 23r9·2k3p·
p·2r,3p·2r: 4 rα+ 3 1 1 1 23r/p 9·2k3·
9·2r: 4 rα+ 3 1/3 1/3 1 23r/3 2k+ 8/3p·
9p·2r: 4 rα+ 3 1/3 1/3 1 23r/3p2k+ 8/3
9·2α+4,9·2α+5 1/6 1/3 1/2 21α/3 1/6p·21α/3
9p·2α+4,9p·2α+5 1/6 1/3 1/2 21α/3p1/621α/3p
Using the given condition 2αp, we now find that L0 for all d|9p·2α+5 and for
all k2α. Hence, Bα,p,k(z) is holomorphic at every cusp c
d. Now, from Theorem
2.3 we find that the weight of Bα,p,k(z) is `= 2k1. Also, the associated character
for Bα,p,k(z) is given by χ= ( 2α+2k
·(α+2)32k+1 p2k+1
). Finally, Theorem 2.3 yields
that Bα,p,k(z)M2k1Γ0(9p·2α+5 ), χfor all k2α.
Proof of Theorem 1.1. For a fixed α1, it is enough to prove Theorem 1.1 for all
k2α. For given any positive integer m, applying a deep theorem of Serre [13, p.
43], if f(z)M`0(N), χ) has Fourier expansion
f(z) =
then there is a constant a > 0 such that
#{nX:c(n)6≡ 0 (mod m)}=OX
(log X)a.
This yields
#{0< n X:c(n)0 (mod m)}
X= 1.(3.5)
Now, if 2αp, then from Lemma 3.1 we have Bα,p,k(z)M2k1Γ0(9p·2α+5 ), χ
for all k2α. Hence, the Fourier coefficients of Bα,p,k(z) are almost always
divisible by m= 2k. We now complete the proof of the theorem by using (3.4).
4. Proof of Theorem 1.4
The generating function for C3·3·2α,3·2α(n) is given by
C3·3·2α,3·2α(n)qn=(q3·2α+1 ;q3·2α+1 )(q32·2α;q32·2α)2
(q;q)(q3·2α;q3·2α)(q32·2α+1 ;q32·2α+1 )
For α0, let
Aα(z) =
(1 q(32·2α+3)n)3
(1 q(33·2α+3)n)=η3(32·2α+3 z)
Then using binomial theorem we have
α(z) = η3k+1 (32·2α+3z)
η3k(33·2α+3z)1 (mod 3k+1 ).
Define Dα,k(z) by
Dα,k(z) = η(32·2α+4 z)η(33·2α+3 z)2
η(24z)η(32·2α+3z)η(33·2α+4 z)A3k
Modulo 3k+1, we have
Dα,k(z)η(32·2α+4 z)η(33·2α+3 z)2
η(24z)η(32·2α+3z)η(33·2α+4 z)
=q3·2α1 (q32·2α+4 ;q32·2α+4 )(q33·2α+3 ;q33·2α+3 )2
(q24;q24 )(q32·2α+3 ;q32·2α+3 )(q33·2α+4 ;q33·2α+4 )!.(4.3)
Combining (4.1) and (4.3), we obtain
C3·3·2α,3·2α(n)q24n+3·2α1(mod 3k+1).(4.4)
We now study the modularity of the eta-quotient Dα,k(z) in the following lemma.
Lemma 4.1. Let α0be an integer. For a fixed k1, let χαdenote the character
·(2α+6)33k+1 +2
). We have
(1) D0,k M3k0(1728), χ0)for all k1.
(2) D1,k M3k0(1728), χ1)for all k1.
(3) D2,k M3k0(1728), χ2)for all k2.
(4) D3,k M3k0(3456), χ3)for all k2.
Furthermore, Dα,k(z)is not a modular form if α4.
Proof. As before, using Theorem 2.3 we find that the levels of the eta-quotients
D0,k(z) and D1,k (z) are equal to 1728 for all k1. Also, if α2 then the
level of Dα,k(z) is equal to 33·2α+4 for all k1. Again, Theorem 2.3 yields
that the weight of the eta-quotient Dα,k(z) is 3kand the associated character is
χα= (2α+3k
·(2α+6)33k+1 +2
We now first prove that Dα,k(z) is not a modular form if α4. If α2 then
Theorem 2.4 yields that Dα,k(z) is holomorphic at a cusp c
dif and only if
Q:= 6gcd(d, 32·2α+3 )2
gcd(d, 33·2α+4)2(3k+1 1) + 2 gcd(d, 33·2α+3)2
gcd(d, 33·2α+4)2(2 3k)
+ 3gcd(d, 32·2α+4 )2
gcd(d, 33·2α+4)232·2α+1 gcd(d, 24)2
gcd(d, 33·2α+4)210.
If we take d= 27 then we find that
9(3k+1 1) + 2(2 3k) + 3
91 = 8
for all α4. Hence, Dα,k (z) is not a modular form if α4.
We next consider the remaining four values of α, namely α= 0,1,2,3. We prove
that for each of these values of α,Dα,k(z) is a modular form. Putting α= 1 in
(4.2) we have
D1,k(z) = η(288z)η(432z)2
1(z) = η(144z)3k+11η(288z)
Now, D1,k is an eta-quotient with N= 1728. As before, the cusps of Γ0(1728) are
represented by fractions c
dwhere d|1728 and gcd(c, d) = 1. By Theorem 2.4, we
find that D1,k(z) is holomorphic at a cusp c
dif and only if
gcd(d, 144)2
144 (3k+1 1) + gcd(d, 432)2
432 (2 3k)
+gcd(d, 288)2
288 gcd(d, 24)2
24 gcd(d, 864)2
864 0.
Equivalently, if and only if
P:= 6gcd(d, 144)2
gcd(d, 864)2(3k+1 1) + 2gcd(d, 432)2
gcd(d, 864)2(2 3k)
+ 3gcd(d, 288)2
gcd(d, 864)236 gcd(d, 24)2
gcd(d, 864)210.
In the following table, we find all the possible values of P. We use MATLAB to
prepare the table.
d|1728 gcd(d,144)2
12, 24
1 1 1 1 16 ·3k36
27,54,108,216 0.1111 1 0.1111 0.0123 2.2222
9, 18, 36, 72 1 1 1 0.1111 16 ·3k4
32, 64, 96, 192 0.2500 0.2500 1 0.0625 4 ·3k0.7500
16, 48 1 1 1 0.2500 16 ·3k9
288, 576 0.2500 0.2500 1 0.0069 4 ·3k+ 1.2500
144 1 1 1 0.0278 16 ·3k1
432 0.1111 1 0.1111 0.0031 2.5556
864, 1728 0.0278 0.2500 0.1111 0.0007 0.1389
Since P0 for all d|1728 and for all k1, we have that D1,k(z) is holomorphic
at every cusp c
d. Hence, Theorem 2.3 yields that D1,k(z)M3k0(1728), χ1) for
all k1. This completes the proof of the lemma when α= 1.
The proof goes along similar lines when α= 0,2,3, and so we omit the details
for reasons of breviety. This completes the proof of the lemma.
Proof of Theorem 1.4. Throughout the proof we assume that α3. Without loss
of generality we assume that k2. From Lemma 4.1 we know that Dα,k(z) is a
modular form. Hence, (3.5) yields that the Fourier coefficients of Dα,k(z) are almost
always divisible by 3k. Now using (4.4) we find that C3·3·2α,3·2α(n) is almost always
divisible by 3k. This completes the proof of the theorem.
5. Concluding remarks
Let kbe a fixed positive integer. In this article we have found the arithmetic
density of the set {nZ0:C3`,`(n)0 (mod 2k)}for an infinite family of `.
But the arithmetic density of the set {nZ0:C3`,`(n)0 (mod 3k)}is known
only for a few values of `till date. In this paper, we have found the density of
{nZ0:C3`,`(n)0 (mod 3k)}when `= 3,6,12,24, and the same is already
known for `= 1,2,4, see for example [4, 14]. Since Dα,k is not a modular form
if α4, therefore, using the method used in this article, it won’t be possible to
find the density of the set {nZ0:C3`,`(n)0 (mod 3k)}when `= 3 ·2αand
α4. It would be interesting to study this problem for an infinite family of `.
[1] Z. Ahmed and N. D. Baruah, New congruences for Andrews’ singular overpartitions, Int.
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Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam, India,
PIN- 781039
Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam, India,
PIN- 781039
... In this section, we prove Theorem 1.3 by using a deep result of Ono and Taguchi on nilpotency of Hecke operators. The following theorem is a generalization of the result of Ono and Taguchi [20,Theorem 1.3], which was used by Archita, Ajit and Rupam (see [3,4,29].) Theorem 5.1. Let n be a non-negative integer and k be a positive integer. ...
... In [20,Theorem 1.3], Ono and Taguchi stated the above result for the space of cusps forms; however they put a remark after the theorem, which ensure that we can use their result for modular forms. This result has already been used for modular forms by the authors in [3,4,29]. ...
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Let B(n) B_{\ell}(n) denote the number of \ell-regular bipartitions of n. In 2013, Lin \cite{Lin2013} proved a density result for B4(n).B_4(n). He showed that for any positive integer k, B4(n)B_4(n) is almost always divisible by 2k.2^k. In this article, we improved his result. We prove that B2αm(n)B_{2^{\alpha}m}(n) and B3αm(n)B_{3^{\alpha}m}(n) are almost always divisible by arbitrary power of 2 and 3 respectively. Further, we obtain an infinities families of congruences and multiplicative formulae for B2(n)B_2(n) and B4(n)B_4(n) by using Hecke eigenform theory. Next, by using a result of Ono and Taguchi on nilpotency of Hecke operator, we also find an infinite families of congruences modulo arbitrary power of 2 satisfied by $B_{2^{\alpha}}(n).
... In this section, we prove Theorem 1.3 by using a result of Ono and Taguchi on nilpotency of Hecke operators. The following theorem is a generalization of the result of Ono and Taguchi [14,Theorem 1.3], which was used by Archita et al. [2] (see [3,22]). Theorem 5.1. ...
... In [14, Theorem 1.3], Ono and Taguchi stated the above result for the space of cusp forms; however they put a remark after the theorem, which ensure that we can use their result for modular forms. This result has already been used for modular forms in [2,3,22]. ...
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A partition of n is called a t-core partition if none of its hook number is a multiple of t. In 2019, Hirschhorn and Sellers (Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 1 (2019) 51–55) proved a parity result for 3-core partitions a3(n)a_3(n). In this article, we prove density results for a3(n)a_3(n), that is, a3(n)a_3(n) is almost always divisible by an arbitrary power of 2 and 3. Further, by using a result of Ono and Taguchi (Int. J. Number Theory 1 (2005) 75–101) on nilpotency of Hecke operators, we deduce that a3(n)a_3(n) is divisible by arbitrary powers of 2. Moreover, by employing Radu and Sellers approach (Int. J. Number Theory 7 (2011) 2249–2259), we obtain an algorithm and new congruences modulo 3 for a3(n)a_3(n). Furthermore, by applying dissection formulas, we obtain new infinite families of Ramanujan type congruences for a3(n)a_3(n) which are divisible by 2.
... This result has been used for proving congruences for certain partition functions. (For example see [1], [3], [11], [22] etc.) In this paper, we observe that the eta-quotient associated to b 3 (n) is a modular form whose level is in the list of Ono and Taguchi. ...
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A partition of a positive integer n is said to be t-core if none of its hook lengths are divisible by t. Recently, two analogues, a t (n) and b t (n), of the t-core partition function, c t (n), have been introduced by Gireesh, Ray and Shivashankar [9] and Bandyopadhyay and Baruah [2], respectively. In this article, we prove the lacunarity of b t (n) modulo arbitrary powers of 2 and 3 for t = 3 α m where gcd(m, 6)=1. For a fixed positive integer k and prime numbers p i ≥ 5, we also study the arithmetic density of b t (n) modulo p k i where t = p a1 1 · · · p am m. We further prove an infinite family of congruences for b 3 (n) modulo arbitrary powers of 2 by employing a result of Ono and Taguchi on the nilpotency of Hecke operators. We also study the arithmetic density of b 2 (n) and deduce an infinite family of congruences for b 2 (n) modulo 2.
... In [3], Barman and the author affirm a conjecture of Naika and Gireesh by proving that C 3,1 (12n + 11) ≡ 0 (mod 144) for all n ≥ 0. Later Barman and the author [4] studied the distribution for C 3,1 (n) and proved that C 3,1 (n) is almost always divisible by 2 k and 3 k for any positive integer k. This result was recently studied for more general class of singular overpartition C 3k,k (n) for some k by Singh and Barman [9,10]. ...
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Andrews introduced the partition function Ck,i(n){\overline{C}}_{k, i}(n), called singular overpartition, which counts the number of overpartitions of n in which no part is divisible by k and only parts ±i(modk)\equiv \pm i\pmod {k} may be overlined. We study the parity and distribution results for Ck,i(n),{\overline{C}}_{k,i}(n), where k>3k>3 and 1ik21\le i \le \left\lfloor \frac{k}{2}\right\rfloor . More particularly, we prove that for each integer 2\ell \ge 2 depending on k and i, the interval [,(3+1)2]\left[ \ell , \frac{\ell (3\ell +1)}{2}\right] (\Big (resp. [21,(31)2])\left[ 2\ell -1, \frac{\ell (3\ell -1)}{2}\right] \Big ) contains an integer n such that Ck,i(n){\overline{C}}_{k,i}(n) is even (resp. odd). Finally we study the distribution for Cp,1(n){\overline{C}}_{p,1}(n) where p5p\ge 5 is a prime number.
... In [3], Barman and the author affirm a conjecture of Naika and Gireesh by proving that C 3,1 (12n + 11) ≡ 0 (mod 144) for all n ≥ 0. Later Barman and the author [4] studied the distribution for C 3,1 (n) and proved that C 3,1 (n) is almost always divisible by 2 k and 3 k for any positive integer k. This result was recently studied for more general class of singular overpartition C 3k,k (n) for some k by Singh and Barman [10,11]. ...
Andrews introduced the partition function Ck,i(n)\overline{C}_{k, i}(n), called singular overpartition, which counts the number of overpartitions of n in which no part is divisible by k and only parts ±i(modk)\equiv \pm i\pmod{k} may be overlined. We study the parity and distribution results for Ck,i(n),\overline{C}_{k,i}(n), where k>3k>3 and 1ik21\leq i \leq \left\lfloor\frac{k}{2}\right\rfloor. More particularly, we prove that for each integer 2\ell\geq 2 depending on k and i, the interval [,(3+1)2]\left[\ell, \frac{\ell(3\ell+1)}{2}\right] (\Big(resp.\ [21,(31)2])\left[2\ell-1, \frac{\ell(3\ell-1)}{2}\right] \Big) contains an integer n such that Ck,i(n)\overline{C}_{k,i}(n) is even (resp.\ odd). Finally we study the distribution for Cp,1(n)\overline{C}_{p,1}(n) where p5p\geq 5 be a prime number.
... Then Aricheta proved that C 3k,k (n) is almost always even for all such positive integers k. In a very recent paper [12], we have proved that, for all α ≥ 1 and primes p satisfying 2 α ≥ p, C 3p·2 α ,p·2 α (n) is almost always divisible by arbitrary powers of 2. ...
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Andrews introduced the singular overpartition function C‾k,i(n) which counts the number of overpartitions of n in which no part is divisible by k and only parts ≡±i(modk) may be overlined. In this article, we study the divisibility properties of C‾4k,k(n) and C‾6k,k(n) by arbitrary powers of 2 and 3 for infinite families of k. For an infinite family of k, we prove that C‾4k,k(n) is almost always divisible by arbitrary powers of 2. We also prove that C‾6k,k(n) is almost always divisible by arbitrary powers of 3 for an infinite family of k. Using a result of Ono and Taguchi on nilpotency of Hecke operators, we find infinite families of congruences modulo arbitrary powers of 2 satisfied by C‾4⋅2α,2α(n) and C‾4⋅3⋅2α,3⋅2α(n).
... In recent times, divisibility of C 3ℓ,ℓ (n), C 4ℓ,ℓ (n) and C 6ℓ,ℓ (n) by 2 and 3 are studied for certain values of ℓ, see for example [2,3,4,15,16,17]. In this article we study divisibility of C 3ℓ,ℓ (n), C 4ℓ,ℓ (n) and C 6ℓ,ℓ (n) by primes p ≥ 5 using the theory of modular forms as developed by Serre [14]. ...
Andrews' (k,i)(k, i)-singular overpartition function Ck,i(n)\overline{C}_{k, i}(n) counts the number of overpartitions of n in which no part is divisible by k and only parts ±i(modk)\equiv \pm i\pmod{k} may be overlined. In recent times, divisibility of C3,(n)\overline{C}_{3\ell, \ell}(n), C4,(n)\overline{C}_{4\ell, \ell}(n) and C6,(n)\overline{C}_{6\ell, \ell}(n) by 2 and 3 are studied for certain values of \ell. In this article, we study divisibility of C3,(n)\overline{C}_{3\ell, \ell}(n), C4,(n)\overline{C}_{4\ell, \ell}(n) and C6,(n)\overline{C}_{6\ell, \ell}(n) by primes p5p\geq 5. For all positive integer \ell and prime divisors p5p\geq 5 of \ell, we prove that C3,(n)\overline{C}_{3\ell, \ell}(n), C4,(n)\overline{C}_{4\ell, \ell}(n) and C6,(n)\overline{C}_{6\ell, \ell}(n) are almost always divisible by arbitrary powers of p. For s{3,4,6}s\in \{3, 4, 6\}, we next show that the set of those n for which Cs,(n)≢0(modpik)\overline{C}_{s\cdot\ell, \ell}(n) \not\equiv 0\pmod{p_i^k} is infinite, where k is a positive integer satisfying pik1p_i^{k-1}\geq \ell. We further improve a result of Gordon and Ono on divisibility of \ell-regular partitions by powers of certain primes. We also improve a result of Ray and Chakraborty on divisibility of \ell-regular overpartitions by powers of certain primes.
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A partition of n is called a t-core partition if none of its hook number is divisible by t. In 2019, Hirschhorn and Sellers (Bull Aust Math Soc 1:51–55, 2019) obtained a parity result for 3-core partition function a3(n)a_3(n). Recently, Meher and Jindal (Arithmetic density and new congruences for 3-core 590 Partitions, 2023) proved density results for a3(n)a_3(n), wherein we proved that a3(n)a_3(n) is almost always divisible by arbitrary power of 2 and 3. In this article, we prove that for a non-negative integer α,\alpha , a3αm(n)a_{3^{\alpha } m}(n) is almost always divisible by arbitrary power of 2 and 3. Further, we prove that at(n)a_{t}(n) is almost always divisible by arbitrary power of pij,p_i^j, where j is a fixed positive integer and t=p1a1p2a2pmamt= p_1^{a_1}p_2^{a_2}\ldots p_m^{a_m} with primes pi5.p_i \ge 5. Furthermore, by employing Radu and Seller’s approach, we obtain an algorithm and we give alternate proofs of several congruences modulo 3 and 5 for ap(n)a_{p}(n), where p is prime number. Our results also generalizes the results in Radu and Sellers (Acta Arith 146:43–52, 2011).
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A partition of n is called a t-core partition if none of its hook number is divisible by t. In 2019, Hirschhorn and Sellers \cite{Hirs2019} obtained a parity result for 3-core partition function a3(n)a_3(n). Recently, both authors \cite{MeherJindal2022} proved density results for a3(n)a_3(n), wherein we proved that a3(n)a_3(n) is almost always divisible by arbitrary power of 2 and 3. In this article, we prove that for a non-negative integer α,\alpha, a3αm(n)a_{3^{\alpha} m}(n) is almost always divisible by arbitrary power of 2 and 3. Further, we prove that at(n)a_{t}(n) is almost always divisible by arbitrary power of pij,p_i^j, where j is a fixed positive integer and t=p1a1p2a2pmamt= p_1^{a_1}p_2^{a_2}\ldots p_m^{a_m} with primes pi5.p_i \geq 5. Furthermore, by employing Radu and Seller's approach, we obtain an algorithm and we give alternate proofs of several congruences modulo 3 and 5 for ap(n)a_{p}(n), where p is prime number. Our results also generalizes the results in \cite{radu2011a}.
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Andrews introduced the partition function C¯k,i(n), called singular overpartition, which counts the number of overpartitions of n in which no part is divisible by k and only parts ≡±i(modk) may be overlined. He also proved that C¯3,1(9n+3) and C¯3,1(9n+6) are divisible by 3 for n≥0. Recently Aricheta proved that for an infinite family of k, C¯3k,k(n) is almost always even. In this paper, we prove that for any positive integer k, C¯3,1(n) is almost always divisible by 2k and 3k.
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Andrews recently defined new combinatorial objects which he called (k, i)-singular overpartitions and proved that they are enumerated by Ck,i(n)\overline{C}_{k,i}(n) which is the number of overpartitions of n in which no part is divisible by k and only the parts ±i(modk)\equiv \pm i \pmod {k} may be overlined. Andrews further showed that C3,1(n)\overline{C}_{3,1}(n) satisfies some Ramanujan-type congruences modulo 3. In this paper, we show that for any pair (k, i), Ck,i(n)\overline{C}_{k,i}(n) satisfies infinitely many Ramanujan-type congruences modulo any power of prime coprime to 6k. We also show that for an infinite family of k, the value C3k,k(n)\overline{C}_{3k,k}(n) is almost always even. Finally, we investigate the parity of C4k,k\overline{C}_{4k,k}.
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Recently, Andrews defined the combinatorial objects which he called singular overpartitions and proved that these singular overpartitions, which depend on two parameters k and i, can be numerated by the function Ck,i(n) which gives the number of overpartitions of n in which no part is divisible by k and only parts ≡ ±i (mod k) may be overlined. He also proved that C3,1(9n + 3) ≡ C3,1(9n + 6) ≡ 0 (mod 3). Chen, Hirschhorn and Sellers then found infinite families of congruences modulo 3 and modulo powers of 2 for C3,1(n), C6,1(n) and C6,2(n). In this paper, we find new congruences for C3,1(n) modulo 4, 18 and 36, infinite families of congruences modulo 2 and 4 for C8,2(n), congruences modulo 2 and 3 for C12,2(n), C12,4(n), and congruences modulo 2 for C24,8(n) and C48,16(n). We use simple p-dissections of Ramanujan’s theta functions.
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In a very recent work, G. E. Andrews defined the combinatorial objects which he called {\it singular overpartitions} with the goal of presenting a general theorem for overpartitions which is analogous to theorems of Rogers--Ramanujan type for ordinary partitions with restricted successive ranks. As a small part of his work, Andrews noted two congruences modulo 3 which followed from elementary generating function manipulations. In this work, we prove that Andrews' results modulo 3 are two examples of an infinite family of congruences modulo 3 which hold for that particular function. We also expand the consideration of such arithmetic properties to other functions which are part of Andrews' framework for singular overpartitions. In the process, we provide surprising new results involving Ramanujan's continued fraction and use these to prove results related to the 5--dissections of the functions (q;q)φ(q)(q;q)_\infty \varphi(q) and (q;q)ψ(q2)(q;q)_\infty \psi(q^2) where φ(q)\varphi(q) and ψ(q)\psi(q) are two of Ramanujan's well--known theta functions.
Andrews introduced the partition function Ck,i(n)\overline {C}_{k, i}(n) , called the singular overpartition function, which counts the number of overpartitions of n in which no part is divisible by k and only parts ±i(modk)\equiv \pm i\pmod {k} may be overlined. We prove that C6,2(n)\overline {C}_{6, 2}(n) is almost always divisible by 2k2^k for any positive integer k . We also prove that C6,2(n)\overline {C}_{6, 2}(n) and C12,4(n)\overline {C}_{12, 4}(n) are almost always divisible by 3k3^k . Using a result of Ono and Taguchi on nilpotency of Hecke operators, we find infinite families of congruences modulo arbitrary powers of 2 satisfied by C6,2(n)\overline {C}_{6, 2}(n) .
Let A(n)\overline{A}_{\ell }(n) be the number of overpartitions of n into parts not divisible by \ell . In a recent paper, Shen calls the overpartitions enumerated by the function A(n)\overline{A}_{\ell }(n) as \ell -regular overpartitions. In this paper, we find certain congruences for A(n)\overline{A}_{\ell }(n), when =4,8\ell =4, 8, and 9. Recently, Andrews introduced the partition function Ck,i(n)\overline{C}_{k, i}(n), called singular overpartition, which counts the number of overpartitions of n in which no part is divisible by k and only parts ±i(modk)\equiv \pm i\pmod {k} may be over-lined. He also proved that C3,1(9n+3)\overline{C}_{3, 1}(9n+3) and C3,1(9n+6)\overline{C}_{3, 1}(9n+6) are divisible by 3. In this paper, we prove that C3,1(12n+11)\overline{C}_{3, 1}(12n+11) is divisible by 144 which was conjectured to be true by Naika and Gireesh.
Many authors have found congruences and infinite families of congruences modulo 2,3,4,18, and 36 for Andrews' defined combinatorial objects, called singular overpartitions, denoted by Cδ,i(n)\overline{C}_{\delta,i}(n), which count the number of overpartitions of n in which no part is divisible by δ\delta and only parts \equiv\pm i\Mod{\delta} may be overlined. In this paper, we find congruences for C3,1(n)\overline{C}_{3,1}(n) modulo 4, 6, 12, 16, 18, and 72; infinite families of congruences modulo 12, 18, 48, and 72 for C3,1(n)\overline{C}_{3,1}(n); and infinite families of congruences modulo 2 for C16,4(n)\overline{C}_{16,4}(n), C21,7(n)\overline{C}_{21,7}(n) and C28,7(n)\overline{C}_{28,7}(n). In addition, we find congruences for A5(n)\overline{A}_5(n) which represents the number of overpartitions where the parts are not multiples of 5.
Recently, Andrews defined the combinatorial objects which he called singular overpartitions and proved that these singular overpartitions, which depend on two parameters k and i, can be enumerated by the function which gives the number of overpartitions of n in which no part is divisible by k and only parts ≡ ±i (mod k) may be overlined. He also proved that . Chen, Hirschhorn and Sellers then found infinite families of congruences modulo 3 and modulo powers of 2 for , and . In this paper, we find new congruences for modulo 4, 18 and 36, infinite families of congruences modulo 2 and 4 for , congruences modulo 2 and 3 for , , and congruences modulo 2 for and . We use simple p-dissections of Ramanujan's theta functions.
The objective in this paper is to present a general theorem for overpartitions analogous to Rogers–Ramanujan type theorems for ordinary partitions with restricted successive ranks.