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Anaba et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
Ehiaghe L. Anaba1*, Adekunle O. George2 and Adebola O. Ogunbiyi2
1Department of Medicine, Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria.
2Department of Medicine, University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Article Received on 13/12/2019 Article Revised on 03/02/2019 Article Accepted on 24/02/2019
Vitiligo is an important skin disease having a major
impact on quality of life (QOL) of patients,[1,2] many of
whom feel distressed and stigmatized by their
condition.[3,4] Vitiligo patients experience various
degrees of psychosocial impairment and psychiatric
morbidity with resultant altered QOL despite the fact that
the condition does not lead to a severe physical
Various factors have been documented in vitiligo to
affect QOL; the mere presence of the vitiligo lesions,[5]
vitiligo lesions on visible parts of the body like the face
and hands,[2] age,[2,4] gender,[2,6] family history of
vitiligo,[7] marital status,[2,8] duration of disease.[7]
location[1] and severity of vitiligo.[2,8,9-11,12] Vitiligo
causes emotional pain, low self-esteem, poor body
image, depression, suicidal ideation and self-harm.[3,9]
Difficulty with sexual relationships especially in patients
who have their lesions in the genital area is reported by
vitiligo patients.[10-12] Vitiligo patients tend feel more
stigmatized than patients with other skin disorders.[13,14]
Vitiligo patients are treated regularly in the dermatology
clinics in Nigeria.[15] However, QOL studies in Nigerian
vitiligo patients are few. The objective of this study
therefore, is to assess the QOL of people living with
vitiligo and to determine the clinical (location, severity,
class of vitiligo) and socio-demographic factors (age,
sex, marital status, level of education) that affect the
QOL in the patients in this center using the dermatology
life quality index (DLQI) questionnaire and the general
health questionnaire (GHQ-12).
This was a Prospective comparative study conducted
over a one year period at the University College Hospital
(UCH) Ibadan Dermatology Outpatient Clinic. Ethical
clearance was given for the study by the research and
ethics committee of the hospital. Permission to use the
DLQI was obtained from Finlay AY its developer.
The QOL of 57 vitiligo patients was compared with the
QOL of 57 controls (non-skin disease patients) using the
GHQ-12. The QOL items on the DLQI of 42 newly
diagnosed vitiligo patients was compared with that of 15
SJIF Impact Factor 4.897
Research Article
ISSN 2394-3211
ejpmr, 2019,6(3), 495-504
*Corresponding Author: Anaba L. Ehiaghe
Department of Medicine, Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria.
Background: In Nigeria, vitiligo is prevalent with a consequent impairment of quality of life. However, studies on
quality of life impairment, the clinical and socio-demographic factors which impair this quality of life are few.
Aims and Objectives: To determine quality of life of the adult vitiligo patients, the socio-demographic factors
(age, sex, marital status, level of education) and the clinical characteristics (location, severity, class of vitiligo) that
could impact on their quality of life. Also, to compare quality of life in newly diagnosed vitiligo patients to patients
who were already being treated. Methodology: This was a cross-sectional study, over a one year period. The QOL
of 57 adult patients (42 newly diagnosed and 15 follow up) was assessed using the Dermatology Life Quality Index
(DLQI) and the General Health Questioonnaire-12 (GHQ-12). Also, the QOL of 57 controls was assessed using the
GHQ-12. These patients were clinically assessed and a study protocol was used. Data was analyzed using SPSS 16.
Results: Quality of Life was found to be impaired, mean DLQI score was 5.7 ± 6.8. Quality of life comparisons
between the newly diagnosed and the follow up respondents did not reveal any statistically significance difference
(P=0.581). Embarrassment, choice of clothing, problems with work and friendship were the main items of QOL
impairment on the DLQI. Significant association was not found between gender, age at presentation, level of
education and QOL impairment. Marital status was significantly associated with QOL impairment. Conclusion:
Vitiligo significantly impairs QOL irrespective of when patients are diagnosed. In each patient‟s treatment
modality, QOL should be taken into consideration.
KEYWORDS: Vitiligo, Quality of Life, Nigeria, Marital Status.
Anaba et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
vitiligo patients already attending the clinic. Also, the
effect of clinical and socio-demographic factors on QOL
in the 42 new patients was studied. Sample size was
calculated using the formula for comparing means of two
samples.16 Fifty seven age, gender and level of education
matched controls who attend the eye clinic for refraction,
who did not have vitiligo or other skin lesions and had no
recognizable mental illness were recruited into the study.
A detailed history was obtained and physical
examination performed on each new vitiligo patient. A
proforma which had been developed for this study and
has items on sociodemographic characteristics (sex, age,
level of education, marital status), clinical history of
vitiligo (duration of vitiligo, age at onset of vitiligo,
family history of vitiligo, activity/spreading of lesions)
and findings on physical examination (clinical type of
vitiligo, severity, visibility of lesions) was used for this
Classification of vitiligo in this study was based on the
Nordlund‟s classification; vulgaris, segmental, acral,
acrofacial and focal.[17] The extent/severity of vitiligo
was based on the rule of nine.[18]
Two instruments; the Dermatology Life Quality Index
(DLQI)[19] and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ)-
12[19] were used in the assessment of QOL.
The DLQI an instrument for the measurement of QOL in
skin disease patients has ten questions covering
symptoms and feelings, daily activities, leisure, work and
school, personal relationships and treatment over the
previous one week. Each question has four possible
responses: „„not at all,‟‟ „„a little,‟‟ „„a lot,‟‟ or „„very
much,‟‟ with scores of 0, 1, 2, and 3, respectively. „„Not
relevant‟‟ is also scored as 0, giving a maximum score of
30 and a minimum of 0. The higher the score, the greater
the level of impairment of QOL.[19,21] The DLQI scores
are interpreted as follows; scores of 0-1 mean no effect
on the patient‟s life, 26 mean a small effect, 712,
moderate effect, 1318 very large effect and 19- 30
extremely large effect on patient‟s QOL.[22]
The GHQ-12 is an instrument of well-being
measurement.[20] The GHQ measures common mental
health problems of depression, anxiety, somatic
symptoms and social withdrawal.[20] The GHQ allows
simple comparison between studies of assessment of
wellbeing and detects minor non-psychotic psychiatric
The GHQ-12 which has twelve questions was chosen for
this study due to its brevity, ease of use and time
consideration. Each question has four possible answers
ranging from, not at all to much more than usual with
scores of 0,1,2,3 respectively. Scores range from 0 to 36.
Scores greater than fifteen (15) shows evidence of stress
and greater than twenty (20) suggests severe problems
and psychological stress. A score of above 3 is usually
used as the cut off score implying psychological
Vitiligo patients filled out both the DLQI and GHQ-12
while controls filled out only the GHQ-12 questionnaire.
Socio-dermographic characteristics (age, sex, level of
education) of controls were obtained using a proforma.
Data was analysed using SPSS version 16.[20]
Quantitative variables were summarized using means,
median, standard deviation and range while frequencies
and proportions were used for categorical variables. The
agreement between two scales for assessment of quality
of life, the DLQI and GHQ-12 was assessed using
Cronbach‟s alpha. The relationship between two
quantitative variables was tested using the Pearson‟s
correlation coefficient when data was normally
distributed and the Spearman‟s correlation analysis when
not normally distributed. Comparison of mean quality of
life scores was done using t-test and analysis of variance
for comparing 2 or 3 groups respectively. When not
normally distributed the Mann Whitney U test and
Kruskal Wallis tests were used respectively. Associations
between qualitative variables were tested using the chi
square test. The level of significance was at 5%.
The DLQI and GHQ-12 questionnaires were validated by
studying a sub sample of each group (12 patients with
vitiligo and 12 of the control group). The instrument was
re-administered after about two weeks of initial
interview. Internal consistency and reliability (to assess
extent to which items comprising each scale measures
the same construct) was assessed by the Cronbachs‟
alpha statistics.[16] and item-total correlations. A value
of >0.70 for the former and >0.30 for the latter were
conventionally considered acceptable.
Test-retest reliability was determined by an intra-class
correlation coefficient (ICC) of individual patient scores
2 week apart. Construct validity was examined by means
of correlations of scales for DLQI with relevant scales of
the GHQ-12.
A total of 42 new vitiligo patients were attended to
during the study period, 21 males and 21 females. The
mean age of the patients was 43.1 ± 18.8 years. An equal
number of respondents had their age at onset between 18
29 years and 30 39 years. The commonest area of
onset was the face/scalp. Vitiligo was active in 48.7% of
the patients. Level of education was tertiary in 64.3%,
secondary in 19%, primary in 9.5% and no formal
education in 7.1%. Majority of the respondents (63.4%)
presented after their 1st year of onset. Only 2.4% had a
family history of vitiligo, 33.3% reported self-
medication, 42.9% had hospital treatment and 73.8% of
respondents were asymptomatic. Treatment for other
medical conditions was reported in 40.5%; hypertension
Anaba et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
in 52.9%, diabetes mellitus in 11.8%, respiratory
diseases in 17.7%. The distribution of the socio- demographic variables is shown in table 1.
Table 1: Distribution Of Socio-Demographic Variables.
Total (n=42)
Age at presentation (years)
18 29
30 39
40 49
50 59
Marital status
Single never married
Currently married
Age at onset of vitiligo (years)
0 9
10 17
18 29
30 39
Area of onset
Anterior trunk
Lower limb
Upper limb
Clinical characteristics are shown in table 2. Using the
“rule of nine”, 71.4% of respondents had a vitiligo
severity of <9%. Leukotrichia was absent in all the
respondents. Majority had their vitiligo in a
visible/exposed part of the body. Re-pigmentation was
reported in 54.5% of patients. Half of the adults had
acrofacial vitiligo.
Table 2: Distribution Of Clinical Variables.
Total (n=42)
Actual severity score
1 3
4 9
Visibility (lesion in exposed parts)
Classification of vitiligo
Analysis of the control group is shown in table 3. The
mean age of the control group was 40.5 ± 16.5 with a
range of 18-80 years. Males constituted 56.1% of the
respondents in this group. Most persons (57.9%) were
currently married, 38.6% were single and 3.5% were
widowed. Level of education was tertiary in 68.4%,
secondary in 15.8%, primary in 10.5% and no formal
education in 5.3%.
Anaba et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
Table 3: Demographic Distribution of Control
Age (years)
18 19
20 29
30 39
40 49
50 59
GHQ-12 score
No impairment
The DLQI and GHQ-12 scales were validated by
assessment of their internal consistency using the
Cronbach‟s alpha. The Cronbach‟s alpha for the
dermatology scale (10 items) was 0.79 and for the GHQ-
12 scale (12 items) 0.89. The correlation coefficient for
the test-retest reliability analysis of the GHQ-12
instrument was high at 0.805 while that for the DLQI
was fair at 0.511.
There was no impairment of QOL in 98.2% of the
control group while QOL was impaired in 61.9% of the
newly diagnosed and in 66.7% of the old vitiligo
In the new patients; the mean GHQ-12 score was 10.6 ±
6.2, with the highest and lowest scores being 30 and 1
respectively and the mean DLQI score was 4.2 ± 4.6,
with the highest and lowest scores being 16 and 0
respectively. For the old patients; mean GHQ-12 score
was 12.3 ± 7.5 with the highest and lowest scores being
30 and 7 respectively. The mean DLQI score was 5.7 ±
6.8 with the highest and lowest scores being 21 and 0
The quality of life comparisons between control and new
patients showed a statistically significant difference. The
median GHQ-12 score for control respondents was 7,
while that for the new vitiligo patients was 9. This was
significant at P=0.001. Quality of life comparisons
between the new and the old vitiligo patients did not
reveal any statistically significance difference, P=0.581
(median DLQI score was 2 in both groups).
A mild effect on QOL was observed in 26.7% of old
patients and in 31.0% of new patients. Moderate
affectation of QOL was reported in 26.7% of old patients
and in 23.8% of new patients. Large to extremely large
effects was seen in 13.3% of old patients and in 30.9% of
new patients. See figure 1.
Figure 1: Specific Level of Qol Impairment Using The Dlqi.
The responses to the individual items on the DLQI scale
are shown in figure 2 for newly diagnosed and old cases.
Amongst the newly diagnosed; on the 1st item, 16.7% of
persons reported varying degrees of itchiness, pain or
stinging sensation over the last one week.
Embarrassment or self-consciousness was reported in
61.9% of respondents. Interference with going to the
market or farm was reported in 38.1% of persons. Of all
respondents, 47.6% reported influence on the choice of
clothes worn due to the vitiligo and the same percentage
reported effects on social or leisure activities.
Interference with sports was reported in 38.0%. The
proportion of persons that reported interference with
work or study by the vitiligo was 95.2%. Affectation of
relationship with friends, partner or relatives was seen in
47.6%. Sexual difficulties due to vitiligo were seen in
26.2%. Problems with treatment were reported in 26.2%.
Amongst the old patients; on the first item, 80% of the
respondents said their skin had not been itchy at all. On
the second item on embarrassment or self-consciousness,
73.3% of the patients had various degrees of affectation.
On the third item, interference with going to the market
and on the fourth item, influence on the type of clothes
Anaba et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
worn 40% gave a positive response. Interference with
social or leisure activities was reported in 33.3% of
respondents. On the aspect of sports, to varying degrees,
the life of 26.7% of respondents was affected by vitiligo.
On the seventh item, affectation of work or study, the
quality of life in 93.3% of respondents was not affected.
Relationship with friends, partner or relatives was
affected in 40%. Sexual difficulties was reported by
20%. On the tenth item, 26.7% reported impairment of
QOL by treatment of vitiligo.
The relationship between the DLQI and variables is
shown in tables 4a and 4b. Amongst the newly diagnosed
cases, significant associations were found for age, history
of spreading, marital status, and visibility of vitiligo At
P=0.008, the age was significantly associated with the
DLQI with a spearman‟s coefficient of -0.404. All other
variables were not significantly associated (level of
education, severity, gender, re-pigmentation, class of
Amongst the old cases, no significant associations were
found with the socio-demographic and vitiligo related
variables. The socio-demographic variables tested
included age, gender, marital status, tribe and
educational status. The vitiligo related variables tested
include the age at onset, duration before presentation,
family history, a history of re-pigmentation, history of
spreading, visibility of lesion, class of vitiligo and
severity of vitiligo.
Figure 2: Distribution of Responses To The Individual Items on The Dlqi Scale.
This study revealed an impairment of quality of life in
majority of the vitiligo patients compared to controls.
Also, median QOL score was significantly different
between the vitiligo patients and the controls. The
presence of lesions on the skin which had a great colour
difference from the normal skin, uncertainty about the
nature of the lesions with queries from friends, family
and passersby may have been responsible for this
impairment in QOL. In India, Sangma et al found a
similar difference QOL between vitiligo patients and
However, there was no difference in median QOL scores
between the newly diagnosed and the old vitiligo
patients. This result shows that, the duration of the
presence of vitiligo lesions have no effect on QOL
impairment. Rather it is the presence of the vitiligo
lesions which impaired QOL. This result of lack of
influence of duration of lesion on QOL is in keeping
with the report from Holland25 but at variance with the
report from Korea, where a long duration of vitiligo
lesions negatively impacted on QOL.[7] Other studies
have also shown QOL of vitiligo patients to be
negatively impaired by the mere presence of vitiligo.[5,26]
The highest score on the DLQI questionnaire was 16 out
of a possible maximum score of 30 in these vitiligo
patients. This high score may have been as a result of the
long time it takes for lesions to re-pigment, frequent
clinic attendance or problems of drug procurement. A
similar high score was reported by Sangma et al their
study of vitiligo and QOL impairment.[24]
Looking at the level of impairment of QOL of patients as
classified by Hongbo et al,[22] >60% of both old and
newly diagnosed patients had impaired QOL. This study
shows that QOL is impaired in a lot of vitiligo patients
though the level of impairment was mostly mild/
moderate. This mild/ moderate level of QOL impairment
was an unexpected finding in this study; more so, as
majority of the patients in this study had their lesions in
exposed areas of the body. Vitligo patients tend to be
self-conscious and embarrassed by their lesions
especially when the de-pigmented lesions contrast with
dark coloured skin as in this study. This study is in
consonance with studies from Korea and India, where a
similar mild QOL impairment in vitiligo patients was
Anaba et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
All items on the DLQI were negatively affected by
vitiligo and there were also differences in QOL
impairment between newly diagnosed and old cases.
Itchiness/soreness of the skin was not a major item of
impairment of QOL in this study because most of the
patients were asymptomatic. Vitiligo is mainly an
asymptomatic skin lesion with occasional itch or
soreness from sun burn.[28]
Embarrassment or self-consciousness as a result of
having vitiligo was a major item that impacted
negatively on QOL. The old patients were even more
embarrassed than the new patients. Vitiligo lesions are
very striking against the background of a dark coloured
skin. Most patients would have been starred at and asked
questions by friends and relations about the colour
change of their skin with resultant embarrassment and
self-consciousness. Similar reports of embarrassment as
a result of having vitiligo have been documented by
other authors.[2,13,14] Patients in these studies were found
to be embarrassed because they were starred at and
frequently asked questions regarding their skin lesions.
On the item on interference with going to the market,
about 40% of both old and new patients reported an
interference with market attendance. One lady, a shop
owner had actually closed her shop because she had
vitiligo and refused to be seen outside her house. This
interference with market attendance is due to lesions
being present on exposed parts of the body with its
attendant comments and questions. Also, patients may
fear stigmatization since the spotted lesions are similar to
that of leprosy. The old patients seem to also be worse
off in this item. Stigmatization and avoidance of public
places like the market has also been documented by other
authors.[3,4,14] Patients in these studies reported being
subjected to rude remarks and starred at.
On the item of influence of vitiligo on choice of clothes
worn, more than 40% of both old and new patients
reported an influence on choice of clothes worn and this
influence was worse in the old old patients. Patients
would have had to wear clothes which cover their lesions
to prevent comments being passed on their lesions or
being starred at. These patients were specifically asked if
they would wear clothes which reveal their body parts
and they were not willing to. Lesions on exposed skin
would be quite striking against the background dark
coloured skin. A similar influence of vitiligo on choice
of clothing was reported in Belgium, though they did not
compare their new patients with old patients.[25] Also, the
Belgian patients had to choose clothes which would
protect them from UV rays because their depigmented
lesions were susceptible to sunburn and this was
inconveniencing to the patients.
Social or leisure activities item was affected by vitiligo
in both new patients and old patients although the effect
is little. Only a minority had a severe affectation and they
were mainly old patients. Social or leisure activities may
have been little affected because, these activities are
carried out with friends and relations who usually are the
support group of patients. Also, these friends and
relations usually show more understanding of the disease
process and will not probably stigmatize the patient.
Other reports on the influence of vitiligo on social or
leisure activities have the same conclusions as in this
study. In Belgium, where the DLQI was used as in this
study, social or leisure activities was slightly negatively
affected by the presence of vitiligo.[25] A previous study
from this center using a self-designed questionnaire,
reported interference of vitiligo with social life.[29] The
authors of this study came to the conclusion that, this
affectation of social life was due to unkind remarks from
strangers and being starred at.[29]
Participation at sporting activities does not appear to be
much affected by having vitiligo from this study as it
was observed in about one third of the patients. This
study did not specifically lookout for how many people
participate in sporting activities. It is not known if this
low report of influence of vitiligo on sporting activities is
due to a low participation in sporting activities. Sporting
activities usually involved dressings which expose the
extremities leading to exposure of lesions. Exposure of
lesions leads to embarrassment which would impair
QOL. Participation at sporting activities was similarly,
minimally affected by having vitiligo in Belgium.[25] This
study did not however report how many of the patients
participated in sporting activities.
On the item on if having vitiligo has prevented them
from working or studying almost all the newly
diagnosed patients had problems with going to work
because of having vitiligo while this was a problem in a
negligible proportion of old patients. Problems with
going to work as a result of having vitiligo seems to be
dependent on how long patients have had their lesions.
The old patients don‟t appear to have a problem with
going to work, probably because they and their
colleagues over time had become used to their lesions.
The new patients appear to be severely affected by
having vitiligo. This may be because of being questioned
by colleagues about the sudden appearance of de-
pigmented lesions. This is especially as the vitiligo
lesions would be quite striking against their dark skin.
A study on the effect of vitiligo on willingness to go to
work by other authors revealed a minimal effect similar
to that of the old patients in this study.[25] This study was
in Caucasians in whom vitiligo lesions are not so
striking. It is not known if this contributed to the minimal
effect on these Caucasians. In a Nigerian study of
psychosocial problems in patients with vitiligo, patients
were found to be unwilling to go to work because their
relationship with fellow workers was impaired by
vitiligo.[29] The colleagues of these patients may have
avoided them due to fear of developing the lesions
following physical contact with the patients.
Anaba et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
When asked if having vitiligo had affected their
relationship with their friends and relations; about one
third of the old and new patients reported some
affectation of their relationships. Two young men
reported losing their partners because they had vitiligo
and were not willing to start any other relationships until
their lesions were gone.
Majority of the vitiligo patients in this study had no
relationship problems because of having vitiligo. In the
few patients who had relationship problems, it seems to
be a major problem. Problems with relationships may not
have been a major problem in this study because Nigeria
is a closely knit society where friends and relations serve
as support group of patients. A similar minimal negative
effect of vitiligo on social relationships has previously
been documented in Belgium and Nigeria.[25,29]
Vitilgo from this study does not seem to cause sexual
difficulty in the majority of patients and this is
independent of how long patients have had the lesions.
Majority of the patients may not have had difficulties in
their sexual relationships, as the lesion in most patients
in this study was not extensive and mostly extragenital.
In the few patients who have sexual difficulty as a result
of having vitiligo, this was not a major problem. This
study shows that embarrassment is major item affecting
QOL of these vitiligo patients. This may be the reason
for the sexual difficulty in the few patients affected. Also
it is hypothesized, that, with the long duration of lesions,
patients may begin to lose self-confidence and feel
Vitiligo has been noted in other studies to have a variable
effect on the sexual life of patients.[1,10,29] A previous
study from Nigeria reported no effect of vitiligo on
patient‟s sexual life.[29] Morales-Sanchez et al following
their study, concluded that, vitiligo does affect the sexual
life of patients especially if the lesions are located in the
genital area.[1] A study specifically comparing QOL
impairment in women who had vitiligo with no genital
lesions to women who had no vitiligo revealed impaired
sexual satisfaction especially with increasing body
surface area involvement.[10] These different studies
point out the sexual difficulties that vitiligo patients
encounter irrespective of the location of the vitiligo
On the question of “how messy treatment was or how
much time is taken up by treatment”, the newly
diagnosed patients in this study were not yet on
treatment, this may be the reason for the minimal report
of problems with treatment. However, the old patients
reported impairment on this item. The main modality of
treatment in this center is PUVASOL (topical meladinine
and sunlight exposure). The process of this treatment
modality could be inconveniencing. This may be the
reason for this high report of problems with treatment
amongst the old patients, most of who were on treatment.
Problems with treatment regimens for vitiligo has been
documented as in this study to affect QOL and this effect
was not in a lot of patients.[25]
There was a significant association between age and
QOL impairment, with QOL worse with increasing age.
Older age is usually associated with more self-
consciousness and a need to look good. This is the age
that needs to go out to work and interact with colleagues;
this may be the reason for the worse QOL with
increasing age. This study was also a dermatology clinic
based study, with patients concerned enough about their
skin to seek specialist treatment. The result of this study
is at variance with that in other studies. In some studies
age had no influence on QOL impairment in vitiligo[8,27]
and in others a younger age was associated with QOL
The males in this study had a worse QOL compared to
the females though it was not statistically significant.
This was an unexpected finding. The reason for the
worse QOL in the males is not known as the general
opinion with no documentary evidence in Nigeria is that,
males are usually not as self-conscious as females. Both
males and females had lesions in exposed parts. This
result is at variance with other studies on QOL
impairment and gender in vitiligo patients, where QOL
in females is reported to be worse.[4,6,24,30,31] In Iran
where pigmentary changes could be obvious as in
Nigeria, more females had QOL impairment.[4] This is
despite this country being a country where the dress code
of females involves being all covered up. In India,
gender had no impact on QOL impairment.[27]
Single patients in this study had a significantly worse
QOL of life compared to the married patients. The single
patients may have had a worse QOL because of
embarrassment from having vitiligo with consequent
social inhibition and embarrassment. Also, patients in the
age range 18-39 years made up more than half of the
study population; this is the age range for marriage and
starting relationships. It is difficult to explain why the
QOL impairment in married people was not as low as
that of the single patients. We hypothesize that, it may be
because they already had their spouses and did not need
to start new relationships.
Studies on QOL, marital status and vitiligo have different
results. A similar report of a worse QOL in single
patients has been reported following a study of the effect
of vitiligo on sexual relationships.[2] In Iran, they found
the married women to have a worse QOL compared to
the single females.[8] The authors of the Iranian study
gave a cultural reason for their study result. In Iran, the
single females are all covered up and nobody sees their
lesions unlike the married females who have to expose
their lesions to their husbands. Also, these women face
the threat of divorce from their husbands unlike the
married men.
Anaba et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
Level of education was not found to significantly affect
QOL of patients in this study. This study shows that
QOL impairment by vitiligo is independent of level of
education. This is probably due to the fact that, people‟s
emotions and feelings have nothing to do with their level
of education. These patients will still be starred at,
questioned about their lesions and embarrassed
irrespective of their level of education. In Iran and India,
a similar lack of influence of level of education on QOL
impairment was reported.[8,27] However, in Korea, a
higher level of education was associated with a worse
History of re-pigmentation following treatment was not
found to be significantly associated with QOL
impairment. The extent of the lesions, number of lesions
and degree of depigmentation (hypopigmentation or
complete depigmentation) may have been responsible for
this insignificant difference in QOL impairment. Also,
these were all new patients, majority of them not yet on
treatment. Those on treatment had only just started. A
study comparing patients whose lesions have completely
re-pigmented with newly diagnosed patients is needed, to
ascertain the true impact of re-pigmentation on QOL.
With increasing severity of lesions, there was an
increasing worsening of QOL although; this association
was not statistically significant. Increased severity of
lesion may have been associated with a worsening of
QOL because increased area of body involvement would
influence the clothes worn with attendant problems of
how to cover the lesions, affect social life and cause
more embarrassment of the patients. Also, patients with a
large body area involvement are more likely to be starred
at and stigmatized. A similar report a similar worsening
of QOL with increasing severity of lesions has been
documented in other studies.[2,6,10,11] However Narahari et
al in India and Hedayat et al in Iran in their studies
reported no influence of the severity of vitiligo on QOL
impairment in their cohort of patients.[4,27] They opined
that, the DLQI did not reflect the true QOL impairment
in their patients.[27]
Visibility of lesions meaning lesions on exposed parts of
the body, was significantly associated with QOL
impairment. Visible lesions are likely to attract
comments from people and also these lesions will not be
easy to cover up with clothes. The consequent
embarrassment and limitation in the type of clothes worn
would have led to more QOL impairment. A similar
impairment of QOL due to the visibility of lesions of
vitiligo especially in patients whose lesions were in
visible parts e.g the face, hands has been reported.[2,3] In
Iran however, visibility of lesions was not associated
with QOL impairment.[8] Iran is a country where the
mode of dressing involves complete coverage of body
parts especially in females. This may be the reason for
this lack of effect of visibility of lesions on QOL
There was no significant association between type of
vitiligo and QOL impairment. However, looking at the
different classes of vitiligo, acral and segmental vitiligo
impaired QOL more than vulgaris or focal vitiligo. Acral
vitiligo occurs in only visible parts of the body unlike
vulgaris which can occur in body parts that a patient can
cover. This may be the reason for this difference in QOL
impairment between the different types of vitiligo. This
study shows that there can be intra class variation in
QOL impairment in vitiligo and that patients with acral
vitiligo are especially affected. There were no other
studies comparing QOL between different classes of
vitiligo. In Holland, however, patients with universal
vitiligo were found to have a worse QOL compared to
other severities of vitiligo.[32]
History of spread of lesions of vitiligo at presentation to
the clinic, was significantly associated with QOL
impairment. Spread of lesion results in increased body
surface involvement with consequent more
embarrassment and social inhibition. Also, choice of
clothes becomes limited as patients need to wear clothes
that do not reveal their lesions. Patients live in fear of
how extensive their lesions will be and this is usually not
predictable. There was no study specifically correlating a
history of spread of vitiligo with QOL impairment to
compare this study with.
Duration of vitiligo was not significantly associated with
impairment of QOL in both old and new patients.
Duration of lesions and the number of times patients
attended clinic was not a problem to the patients in this
study. The reason for this is not known but may have
been because patients felt that they were in a specialist
clinic where their lesions would be cured. This study
result is similar to that reported in Holland where a study
of 119 vitiligo patients revealed no relationship between
disease duration and QOL in vitiligo patients.[25] A study
in Korea of QOL of one hundred and thirty three vitiligo
patients came to a contrary conclusion.[7] They found that
long duration of disease and frequent visits to the clinic
negatively impacts on QOL.[7] The authors thought that it
was the chronicity of the disease which led to the poor
There was no significant association between age at
onset and QOL impairment. It did not matter at what age
vitiligo started, rather what was important to these
patients was that they had vitiligo. There was no study to
compare the influence of age at onset of vitiligo on QOL
Vitiligo significantly impairs QOL and this QOL
impairment is irrespective of whether patients are newly
diagnosed or not. Level of QOL impairment was mostly
mild to moderate. All items on the DLQI were affected
by vitiligo with differences in level of impairment
between newly diagnosed and old patients.
Anaba et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
Embarrassment or self-consciousness, choice of clothing,
social interactions, problems with work and friendship
were the main items that impaired QOL. Significant
association was not found between gender, level of
education, history of re-pigmentation, class of vitiligo,
age at onset, duration of disease, number of visits to
clinic and QOL impairment. Marital status, age at
presentation, severity of lesions, visibility of lesions, and
history of spread of lesion were significantly associated
with QOL impairment.
The number of patients to study were few.
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5. Quandt SA, Schulz MR, Vallejos QM, Feldman SR,
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7. Kim DY, Lee JW, Whang SH, Park YK, Hann S,
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12. Nogueira LSC, Zancanaro PCQ, Azambuja RD.
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13. Walker C, Papadopoulos L. Psychodermatology:
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... in Nigeria to evaluate QOL in vitiligo subjects using general Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) and the general health questionnaire-12 indicates that vitiligo causes a significant impact on the QOL of affected patients. [12] However, there is a newer validated disease specific instrument for estimating QOL in Vitiligo developed by Lilly et al. [13] Vitiligo Quality of Life (VitiQoL) with questions covering three principal factors including: Stigma, participation limitation, and behavior. ...
... [4,5,18,19] However, other studies had reported no impact of gender on QOL of vitiligo subjects. [12,20,21] The observed positive correlation between disease severity (as measured by VASI) and QOL was in keeping with results of similar studies. [4,5,20,22] This may be attributed to the fact that an increased body surface area affected, including the exposed body parts, reflects an increased disease severity and ultimately a poorer outcome on QOL. ...
... This is expected, since cosmetic issues are more of concern to the youth; as they are been faced with numerous challenges such as peer pressure, being unequally considered, lack of respect, occupational struggles, and challenging social or emotional relationships. [4,12,26] Duration of vitiligo lesions <1 year and >4 years showed better QOL, which may be due to higher hopes for successful treatment in the early course of the disease or the patient getting used to the disease haven been with it for a while. This is similar to findings by Hedayat et al. [4] The finding of poorer QOL in those with progressive disease is in keeping with reports from similar studies. ...
Background: Vitiligo is an acquired pigmentary disorder of the skin and mucous membranes which manifests as white macules and patches due to selective loss of melanocytes. This condition can affect the patients’ psychology, leading to an impairment of quality of life (QOL). Recently, much attention is been given to the emotional and psychological issues in the affected subjects. Aim of the Study: This was to assess the QOL impairment among Nigerian patients with vitiligo using a disease‑specific quality of life index questionnaire (VitiQoL). Materials and Methods: Seventy seven adults aged 18 years and above with vitiligo attending the Dermatology Clinic of a tertiary health center were included in this cross‑sectional study. The QOL was assessed using the vitiligo quality of life questionnaire (VitiQoL). Disease severity was assessed using Vitiligo Area Severity Index (VASI). Results: The mean age of the study participants was 38.97 ± 13.2 years, comprising of 32 (41.6%) and 45 (58.4%) females. Almost half of the vitiligo patients belong to the lower socioeconomic class, 37 (48.1%). The mean age of first onset of vitiligo was 33.5 ± 14.84 years, with 32 (41.6%) of the participants having age of first onset between 24 and 42 years. The mean VitiQoL score was 30.51 ± 15.74 (range 3–64). There was a significant relationship between VASI score and VitiQoL (P = 0.036, r = 0.517). Other factors such as age, gender, socioeconomic status, disease activity, family history of vitiligo, duration of the disease and educational attainment were significantly associated with VitiQoL score (P < 0.05). Conclusion: QOL is impaired significantly in Nigerian patients with vitiligo. Focusing on patient’s QOL is an essential aspect in the management of patients with vitiligo.
... 3,4 Skin diseases have been variously documented to result in the impairment of quality of life of patients. [5][6][7][8] Studies of QoL in LP patients are few compared to studies in acne and vitiligo 7-10 and when QoL was compared between skin diseases, LP was found to impair QOL more than having a scar. 6 The few studies of QoL in LP have been mostly of oral and vulvar LP. [11][12][13][14] In these studies, lichen planus was found to result in depression, anxiety, stress and sexual difficulties. ...
... Skin diseases have been variously documented to result in the impairment of the quality of life of patients. 5,6 However, studies of QoL have been few in LP patients especially in those who have cutaneous LP unlike oral and vulval LP. [11][12][13][14] In these studies, lichen planus was found to result in depression, anxiety, stress and sexual difficulties. [11][12][13][14] Quality of life was impaired in almost all of the patients in this study, and this was in consonance with the study by Sawant et al and Lopez-Jornet et al who also had QoL impairment in almost all of their LP patients. ...
... The only other studies where QoL in LP was assessed using the DLQI had varying QoL impairment severity reports making comparison difficult. 13,15 13,5 The silence in Sawant et al study may be due to this ambiguity in the severity of affectation of QoL. 15 The specific items of the DLQI that were found to be impaired were embarrassment, a need to wear clothes to cover the lesions and social activities. The lesions of LP in this study were mostly cutaneous and on visible parts of the body. ...
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Background: Lichen planus is a darkly pigmented skin disease that impairs the quality of life of patients. The effect of lichen planus on patient's quality of life (QoL) is not widely documented. The study's objective was to determine QoL impairment of LP patients, determine what aspect of QoL is impaired, and correlate clinical and sociodemographic characteristics with QOL impairment. Methodology: This was a cross-sectional descriptive study conducted from February 2018 to January 2019 at the outpatient dermatology clinic of the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria. All consecutive newly diagnosed LP patients who gave their consent were recruited into the study. Socio-demographic data and QoL (using the dermatology life quality index, DLQI) was documented. The hospital's ethical committee gave ethical approval for the study. The patients were clinically examined. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS version 22. The level of significance of all tests was set at 5%. Results: Quality of life was impaired in 95.5% of the patients. The mean DLQI score was 10±6.7. The minimum DLQI was one and the highest 24. Quality of life was mildly, moderately and severely impaired in 38.01%, 23.81% and 38.01% respectively. Pruritus was significantly associated with QoL impairment. Feelings of embarrassment (54.5%), itchy skin (54.5%), interference with being in public (54.5%), social life (50%) and having to deliberately choose clothes to cover the LP lesions (61.1%) were the main items impaired in the DLQI instrument. Conclusion: Lichen planus affects QoL of patients negatively. The items of impairment are feelings of embarrassment, social functioning and choice of clothing.
... 7 Various factors have been documented to affect the QOL of vitiligo patients. These factors include; anatomical location of lesions, 5,[8][9][10][11] difficult sexual relationships. 12-14 female gender 5,11,15,16 and a younger age, 5,9,16 Other factors are; marital status, 5,8,17 severity of vitiligo, 5,8,16 and level of education. ...
... These factors include; anatomical location of lesions, 5,[8][9][10][11] difficult sexual relationships. 12-14 female gender 5,11,15,16 and a younger age, 5,9,16 Other factors are; marital status, 5,8,17 severity of vitiligo, 5,8,16 and level of education. [7][8][9]16 A study of willingness to pay and QOL in patients with vitiligo, revealed that vitiligo patients especially women were willing to pay to get rid of their vitiligo. ...
... These factors include; anatomical location of lesions, 5,[8][9][10][11] difficult sexual relationships. 12-14 female gender 5,11,15,16 and a younger age, 5,9,16 Other factors are; marital status, 5,8,17 severity of vitiligo, 5,8,16 and level of education. [7][8][9]16 A study of willingness to pay and QOL in patients with vitiligo, revealed that vitiligo patients especially women were willing to pay to get rid of their vitiligo. ...
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Background: Studies on the QOL of Vitiligo patients are few in Nigeria with consequent limited reports of the relationship between QOL and vitiligo. Also, the VitiQoL has not been used in Nigerian studies. The objective of this study, therefore, was to determine the QOL of Vitiligo patients using the VitiQoL to determine the socio-demographic and clinical factors which impair QOL and the QOL items affected by vitiligo. Methods: This was a prospective cross-sectional study of 29 newly diagnosed vitiligo patients over a one year period at the skin clinic of the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital following ethical approval. Patients were clinically evaluated, clinical and socio-demographic characteristics were documented using a questionnaire designed for the study. Quality of life was assessed using two instruments; the VitiQoL and the DQLI. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) IBM version 22 was used for data analysis and p<0.05 was considered significant for all statistical tests. Results: The mean vitiQoL was 37.4±24.4, the lowest and highest vitiQoL were 0 and 84. QOL was impaired in 96.6% and the severity of impairment was mild, moderate and severe in 27.6%, 24.1% and 44.8% respectively. The items of impairment on the vitiQoL were embarrassment (55.5%), bother (55.2%), frustration (55.2%), people's perception (40.9%), and worry about spread (75.9%). Conclusion: The VitiQOL is a reliable instrument for assessing QOL in vitiligo and the main item impacted is stigmatization. Social and clinical factors are independent of QOL impairment.
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Background: Vitiligo is an acquired pigmentary disorder of the skin and mucous membranes which manifests as white macules and patches due to selective loss of melanocytes. This condition can affect the patients' psychology, leading to an impairment of quality of life (QOL). Recently, much attention is been given to the emotional and psychological issues in the affected subjects. Aim of the study: This was to assess the QOL impairment among Nigerian patients with vitiligo using a disease-specific quality of life index questionnaire (VitiQoL). Materials and methods: Seventy seven adults aged 18 years and above with vitiligo attending the Dermatology Clinic of a tertiary health center were included in this cross-sectional study. The QOL was assessed using the vitiligo quality of life questionnaire (VitiQoL). Disease severity was assessed using Vitiligo Area Severity Index (VASI). Results: The mean age of the study participants was 38.97 ± 13.2 years, comprising of 32 (41.6%) and 45 (58.4%) females. Almost half of the vitiligo patients belong to the lower socioeconomic class, 37 (48.1%). The mean age of first onset of vitiligo was 33.5 ± 14.84 years, with 32 (41.6%) of the participants having age of first onset between 24 and 42 years. The mean VitiQoL score was 30.51 ± 15.74 (range 3-64). There was a significant relationship between VASI score and VitiQoL (P = 0.036, r = 0.517). Other factors such as age, gender, socioeconomic status, disease activity, family history of vitiligo, duration of the disease and educational attainment were significantly associated with VitiQoL score (P < 0.05). Conclusion: QOL is impaired significantly in Nigerian patients with vitiligo. Focusing on patient's QOL is an essential aspect in the management of patients with vitiligo.
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Introduction and objective: Vitiligo is a chronic autoimmune skin disease caused by the destruction of melanocytes. Although quality of life (QOL) in vitiligo has been studied in different countries, it has not yet been investigated in Mexico. The aim of this study was to assess the QOL of Mexican patients with vitiligo. Material and method: We conducted a cross-sectional study at the research unit of Centro Dermatológico Dr. Ladislao de la Pascua in Mexico City. We included adults with vitiligo and excluded those with other pigmentation disorders or a neurological or psychiatric disorder. Patients on psychoactive medications were also excluded. All the patients were administered the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI), a vitiligo-specific quality of life instrument (the VitiQoL), and the Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories. Results: We studied 150 patients with vitiligo (103 women [68.7%] and 47 men [31.3%]). The median (interquartile range) age was 38 (20) years. The mean (SD) scores on the DLQI and VitiQoL were 5.2 (5.4) and 32.1 (22.7) out of total possible scores of 30 and 90, respectively. The correlation between questionnaire scores was 0.675 (P <.001). Patients with genital involvement scored significantly worse on the VitiQoL than those without lesions in this area (43.95 [28.4]) vs 28.98 [20.08], P <.001). The prevalence of depression and anxiety was 34% and 60%, respectively. Conclusion: Vitiligo has a minimal impact on the QOL of our patients. QOL was worse in patients with genital lesions.
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Vitiligo is a chronic depigmenting disorder of multifactorial eti-ology affecting 0.5% to 1% of the population. The white mac-ules characteristic of vitiligo have been shown to have a profound impact on quality of life (QOL) in affected individuals. 1,2 The goal of this cross-sectional study was to determine the lo-cation(s) of vitiligo lesions that has the greatest effect on QOL. Methods | All patients enrolled in the Dallas Vitiligo Registry (DVR) at the University of Texas Southwestern (UTSW) Medical Center from April 2013 to August 2015 were reviewed. The DVR was approved by the UTSW Medical Center institutional review board and all patients gave informed consent. They were not compensated for their participation. A total of 184 patients were examined. It was determined that a total sample size of 184 would provide 80% power with a type 1 error of .05. The location of each affected area of skin was documented and the total body surface area affected as well as the vitiligo area severity index was calculated. Each participant also completed the VitiQoL, a vitiligo-specific QOL instrument. 3 The VitiQoL contains 16 questions divided into 3 domains: participation limitation, stigma, and behavior. Questions in the participation limitation domain include those asking about the pa-tient's ability to perform daily activities and social and leisure activities. Stigma includes questions about embarrassment and worrying about what others are thinking about the patient. Behavior includes questions on grooming practices and how viti-ligo affects the choice of clothing worn by the patient. Results | The mean (SD) age of participants was 40.3 (17.2) years and the male to female ratio was 1.4:1. Race and eth-nicity were self-reported. Results are as follows: 60 (33%) participants were white, non-Hispanic, 50 (27%) Hispanic, 32 (17%) black, and 42 (23%) Asian. VitiQol results are shown in the Table. A Wilcoxon rank sum test comparing QOL in patients with exposed (hands, neck, face) vs nonex-posed lesions revealed that patients with hand involvement had worse quality of life in all domains than patients without hand involvement (stigma: median [range], 19 [0-30] vs 16 [0-30]; P = .04; participation: 10 [0-42] vs 5.5 [0-42]; P = .03; behavior: 9 [0-18] vs 7 [0-17]; P = .02; total: 39 [0-94] vs 31 [0-93]; P = .01). The only other significant result was a single QOL domain (behavior) for those with neck involvement vs those without neck involvement (median [range], 9 [0-18] vs 7 [0-18]; P = .04).
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Background: Vitiligo is a multi-factorial pigmentary skin disorder. Recently, the importance of emotional and psychological issues is proposed in incidence, progression, relapse and remission of vitiligo. There are limited studies conducted in developing countries, which assess life quality of patients with vitiligo. The aim of this study was the application and evaluation of a disease-specific quality of life index in Iranian patients, for the first time. Methods: This cross-sectional biphasic study was conducted on 25 patients as a pilot and another 173 patients as the main study group, in Razi Hospital, Tehran, Iran, 2013-2014. Persian version of Vitiligo Quality of Life index (VitiQoL) was developed with backward-forward method. Based on the pilot study, the validity and reliability were assessed. The Vitiligo Area and Score Index (VASI), VitiQoL, and their relationship, demographic and clinical characteristic of patients were measured. Results: The Mean and standard deviation of the VitiQoL score was 30.5 ± 14.5 (range 0-60 in Persian version). There was a significant relationship between VASI score and VitiQoL (p = 0.015, r = 0.187). Confirmatory factor analysis revealed three important factors within VitiQoL: participation limitation, stigma, and behavior. In subscale analysis based on behavior factor, female patients had poorer quality of life (p = 0.02). Concomitant psychiatric problems, e.g. anxiety and depression, were not associated with QOL; however, they were near to being meaningful (p = 0.06, r = 0.14). Conclusion: VitiQoL is a valid index in estimating life quality of vitiligo patients and has proper relation to disease severity. Focusing on patient's life quality is an important entity in the management of vitiligo patients; relevant supportive group-based consultations and therapies are also important arms when approaching vitiligo.
In vitiligo, areas of skin lose their colour and become completely white. These white areas, which are often irregular like islands on a map, usually stand out against the normal skin around them, and are very obvious in individuals with a naturally pigmented (brown or black) skin, or in white-skinned people with a tan. People with vitiligo can become very embarrassed and withdrawn, not wanting to go out or to meet people; as a result, the quality of their day-to-day life can suffer. Vitiligo affects between 0.5% and 2% of the population and treatment does not work very well. This study from South Korea looked at what factors to do with vitiligo most affected patients’ quality of life. It was a large study involving more than 1,100 adults from 21 different hospitals. Patients filled in a detailed questionnaire called the Skindex-29 questionnaire and members of the study team examined the patients’ skin. From the questionnaire results, what concerned patients most were whether the vitiligo was going to get worse and whether it was a serious condition. They were also concerned about how loved ones felt about it, and over half the patients felt depressed about their condition. Involvement of large areas of the body, or areas of the body that other people could easily see, particularly affected quality of life. Vitiligo is far from just a cosmetic problem: over a third of patients were affected emotionally even if the areas of vitiligo were normally covered up.
Background: Vitiligo can negatively affect a patient's quality of life (QoL). A specific questionnaire has been developed and validated in the English language: the vitiligo-specific quality-of-life instrument (VitiQoL). The instrument was translated, culturally adapted and validated into Brazilian Portuguese (VitiQoL-PB). Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the QoL in adult patients through the VitiQoL and Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) and in pediatric patients through the Children's Dermatology Life Quality Index (CDLQI) in a sample of patients with vitiligo. Methods: Subjects were selected from a dermatological outpatient clinic and from a private practice in Porto Alegre. The QoL of pediatric patients was evaluated using the CDLQI questionnaire. In adult patients we used the VitiQoL-PB and the DLQI. Results: A strong correlation between the scores of the total VitiQoL and DLQI was observed (r = 0.81; p < 0.001). The factor that most contributed to the final score of VitiQoL was stigma. In our sample, women had higher scores than men (p < 0.05). Psychiatric problems were associated with lower QoL. In the pediatric population, the median score of the CDLQI was 3 (interquartile range 1.3-7.3). There was a statistically significant correlation between the child's age and the CDLQI score (rs = 0.41, p = 0.044). Conclusion: This study confirms that the VitiQoL is easy to administer and adds important information about the impact of vitiligo on a South American population. Stigmatization is very present in the disease. There are groups of patients that are more vulnerable, like women, patients with psychiatric diseases and adolescents.
Vitiligo is an acquired discoloration of skin and mucous membrane of great cosmetic importance affecting 1-4% of the world's population. It causes disfiguration in all races, more so in dark-skinned people because of strong contrast. Men, women, and children with vitiligo face severe psychological and social disadvantage. To assess the impact of the disease on the quality of life of patients suffering from vitiligo, also to ascertain any psychological morbidity like depression associated with the disease and to compare the results with that of healthy control group. Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD) are administered to 100 vitiligo patients presenting to the Dermatology OPD and 50 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. Results were analyzed and compared with that of control group. Findings are also correlated in relation to demographic and clinical profile of the disease. Statistical analysis is made to see the significance. Vitiligo-affected patients had significantly elevated total DLQI scores (P < 0.001) compared to healthy controls. There is increase in parameters like itch, embarrassment, social and leisure activities in the patient cohort than the control group. Patients of vitiligo are also found to be more depressed (P < 0.001) than the controls. Quality of life (QOL) in patients affected with vitiligo declined more severely, and also there is increase in incidence of depression than in the control group. These changes are critical for the psychosocial life of the affected people.
Vitiligo is a benign idiopathic depigmenting skin disease that can cause profound social embarrassment and psychological turmoil to the affected persons. There is alteration of skin colour and this can be confused with other skin diseases including leprosy, a disease with significant stigmatization even from biblical times. Dermatosis generally because of several myths in the African culture may have a significant impact on a patient\'s quality of life including the relationship to others, self-image and self-esteem. The extent to which vitiligo affects the emotional and psychological wellbeing of people affected especially in blacks need to be documented and addressed. Sixty patients with vitiligo in various parts of the body were subjected to an open ended questionnaire to show their perception of the attitude of others to their skin condition and how it affects their relationships with relatives, casual acquaintances and co-workers. Ninety percent of patients were embarrassed about their own lesions. People stared at them, avoided them, made rude remarks, gave derogatory names to their skin conditions and this affected their social interactions and outings. However family and sexual relationships were well preserved. The support of family members and attending physician can help affected people cope with vitiligo. Cosmetic cover will reduce the embarrassment of the patient. Some of the patients may need counselling and psychiatric consults. Health education on skin diseases to the general public will be useful in alleviating the stigmatization associated with skin diseases.
Abstract Introduction. Vitiligo has a major impact on sexual health due to the disfiguring skin lesions affecting self-image and self-esteem. However, this topic has not explored. Aim. To assess the impact of vitiligo on genital self-image, sexual function, quality of life in female patients. Methods. This cross-sectional study included 50 sexually active female patients with vitiligo and 25 normal females. All participants subjected to full history taking and examination, with assessment to the extent of vitiligo using vitiligo area scoring index (VASI) score, sexual function with the female sexual function index (FSFI), genital self-image with female genital self-image score (FGSIS) and quality of life with dermatology life quality index (DLQI) questionnaires. Main Outcome Measures. Correlation between VASI, FGSIS, FSFI and DLQI domains was determined using t-test and Pearson correlation. Results. This study revealed a negative correlation between the VASI score and sexual satisfaction. VASI and DLQI score was significantly correlated with AVFGSIS alone and with AVFSFI alone and with both AVFGSIS and AVFSFI (p<0.05). Conclusions. Sexual and psychological assessment of patients with vitiligo is imperative to improve outcomes and increase patients' compliance with treatment.
Background This paper reports on a 6-year study (April 2006 to April 2012) and a follow-up of a 9-month baseline survey of the pattern of dermatoses in Calabar, the capital of Cross River State in southern Nigeria. Prior to the time of this study, this region had not benefited from the services of a resident dermatologist for over a century.Methods Data on the age, gender, and diagnoses of 1307 consecutive new patients attending the relatively new dermatology clinic at the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital during the study period were obtained and analyzed. Most diagnoses were based on clinical findings but were supported by relevant laboratory investigations and histopathologic examinations when necessary.ResultsThe male : female ratio of patients was 1 : 1.5. The mean ± standard deviation age of the patients was 27.7 ± 17.2 years (range: 4 weeks to 84 years). A total of 1459 diagnoses were recorded; 143 patients had more than one dermatosis. Diagnoses were broadly divided into 10 groups. Allergic/hypersensitivity diseases represented the most common group (30.4%), followed by infections/infestations (28.9%). A comparison of this study with others from various geopolitical zones of Nigeria revealed some similarities. Dermatophytosis and acne were consistent reasons for visits to dermatologists in all zones.Conclusions Despite the wide spectrum of dermatoses observed, a small number of diseases account for a sizeable percentage of diagnoses. The pattern of dermatoses in Calabar is similar to that in other parts of the country. Climate and socioeconomic factors are synergistic in causing dermatoses that remain a major cause of morbidity in all age groups and both genders across Nigeria.