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How Our Homes Impact Our Health: Using a COVID-19 Informed Approach to Examine Urban Apartment Housing

  • Toronto Metropolitan University

Abstract and Figures

Purpose The COVID-19 global health crisis is undeniably a global housing crisis. Our study focuses on quality of life in urban mid- and high-rise apartment housing, the fastest growing housing types in many cities around the world. This housing typology presents unique challenges relating to connection to nature, daylight and fresh air. Design/methodology/approach This multi-disciplinary literature review analyzes more than 100 published papers from peer-reviewed sources from environmental psychology, building science and architecture relevant to quality of life in high-rise housing, as well as more than 40 recent newspaper and magazine articles about the possible impacts of COVID-19 on housing. We identify synergies between passive design strategies and health-promoting architecture or “restorative environmental design” principles. Findings Post-pandemic, health-promoting apartment housing design must prioritize (1) window placement and views that support stress recovery and restoration; (2) lighting levels based on spaces that can satisfy multiple uses and users; (3) bedrooms designed for restful sleep that contribute to circadian regulation; (4) living rooms with better indoor air quality, with a focus on natural ventilation; (5) access to nature, through the purposeful design of balconies and (6) unit sizes and layouts that enable physical distancing and prevent crowding. Originality/value We identify new social and environmental design priorities in the form of evidence-based design principles to inform and promote healthy and restorative living environments for residents in apartment housing.
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How our homes impact our health:
using a COVID-19 informed
approach to examine urban
apartment housing
Terri Peters
Architectural Science,
Faculty of Engineering Architecture and Science, Ryerson University,
Toronto, Canada, and
Anna Halleran
Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
Purpose The COVID-19 global health crisis is undeniably a global housing crisis. Our study focuses on
quality of life in urban mid- and high-rise apartment housing, the fastest growing housing types in many cities
around the world. This housing typology presents unique challenges relating to connection to nature, daylight
and fresh air.
Design/methodology/approach This multi-disciplinary literature review analyzes more than 100
published papers from peer-reviewed sources from environmental psychology, building science and
architecture relevant to quality of life in high-rise housing, as well as more than 40 recent newspaper and
magazine articles about the possible impacts of COVID-19 on housing. We identify synergies between passive
design strategies and health-promoting architecture or restorative environmental designprinciples.
Findings Post-pandemic, health-promoting apartment housing design must prioritize (1) window placement
and views that support stress recovery and restoration; (2) lighting levels based on spaces that can satisfy
multiple uses and users; (3) bedrooms designed for restful sleep that contribute to circadian regulation; (4) living
rooms with better indoor air quality, with a focus on natural ventilation; (5) access to nature, through the
purposeful design of balconies and (6) unit sizes and layouts that enable physical distancing and prevent
Originality/value We identify new social and environmental design priorities in the form of evidence-based
design principles to inform and promote healthy and restorative living environments for residents in apartment
Keywords Apartment housing, COVID-19, Daylight, Wellbeing, Health, Restorative environmental design,
Social sustainability, Views, Physical distancing, Circadian lighting, Thermal comfort, Balcony design
Paper type Research paper
1. Introduction
As cities around the world continue to densify, high-rise apartment housing will remain a
dominant residential housing typology in urban environments. Due to COVID-19 city
shutdowns and quarantines which began in many countries in early 2020, people have been
spending far more time than usual in their homes; thus it is paramount that occupant well-
being and health become a priority in residential design. Restorative environmental design
(RED) is a theory from environmental psychology that the built environment around us can
help us recover from stressors and replenish our resources depleted by concentration and
distractions using nature (Kaplan, 1995). As currently designed, high-density urban housing
does not offer restorative experiences for residents, but by critically rethinking some
How our homes
impact our
This research received funding from Ryerson Universitys Deans Research Fund Undergraduate
Research Experience Award Summer 2020.
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available on Emerald Insight at:
Received 13 August 2020
Revised 29 November 2020
30 November 2020
Accepted 30 November 2020
Archnet-IJAR: International
Journal of Architectural Research
© Emerald Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/ARCH-08-2020-0159
parameters, there could be great improvements in quality of life in this housing typology. Our
homes could become environments that improve our well-being, comfort, quality of life and
mental and physical health. Studies show that people spend more time at home than we
perhaps realize. For example, even pre-COVID-19, before working from home was the norm,
and when schools and workplace were open, urban dwellers in Toronto Canada spent a
surprising amount of time at home. The Canadian Human Activity Pattern Survey
(administered from 1996 to 1997), conducted 2,381 resident interviews in four major Canadian
cities; it found that Toronto residents spend on average 16.1 h/day indoors at home (Leech
et al., 2002). Examining apartment housing through a post-COVID-19 lens, it is alarming to
consider how the number of hours residents spend indoors at home must have grown due to
pandemic related city shutdowns. The pandemic has acted as a catalyst for discussions
concerning the health-promoting qualities of our homes, shining light on a topic of great
importance that must be addressed.
This paper addresses both the primary and secondary impact of the stay at home
protocols. i.e. social distancing and social isolation as it impacts on the psychological and
physical health of residents and the changing and multiple use and time of homes under such
provisions. The lens restorative design provides strategies for improving quality of life in
apartment housing, by reconsidering the design of windows, views and access to nature
within the home. This multi-disciplinary literature review resulted in findings relating to the
importance of window views, the need for variability and variety in lighting levels based on
new uses, daylight for circadian regulation and environmental design that promotes well-
being and comfort. Inspired by the potentials for improving apartment housing during and
after the COVID-19 crisis, we have determined architecturally relevant strategies for
integrating restorative environmental design into mid- and high-rise apartment housing to
improve resident quality of life in the city during and following a pandemic.
2. Background: apartment housing and the city
As a housing typology, mid-rise and high-rise urban apartment housing have certain inherent
challenges, and many of these are worsened by the impacts of COVID-19 on apartment living.
Unlike in single-family detached homes or low-rise townhouses, apartment housing design
must consider additional programmatic elements that seem at odds with the heightened
awareness of hygiene and physical distancing such as elevators and elevator waiting areas,
shared staircases, garbage and recycling rooms, underground parking areas, shared lobbies,
shared laundry rooms, balcony access and proximity to other balconies and often exercise
rooms and common roof decks. Within dwellings, compared to other urban housing forms,
small unit sizes, daylight from a single facade, poor quality and resident control over indoor
air quality (IAQ) and thermal comfort are the norm and potentially pose serious concerns for
occupant health and well-being (Andargie et al., 2019). As residents are increasingly spending
the majority of their time at home, the ability of their apartments to support resident mental
health and well-being also becomes critical. To create a sense of restoration in apartment
housing, the focus should be on the quality of dwellings, with more attention to placement of
windows, qualities of views and access to nature. Numerous studies demonstrate that
daylight and access to nature have positive impacts on health and well-being at home (Veitch
and Galasiu, 2012). While these are challenging to retrofit into an existing design, they should
certainly be prioritized in new housing. Post-pandemic, daylight quantity and quality in
apartment housing could prove to be a great starting point for design innovation and act as a
preventative therapy in restorative design for future pandemics (see Plate 1).
Urban densification is occurring globally, creating a concentration of apartment housing
in urban centers. For example in Toronto, Canada, 29.4% of the citys population live in
apartment buildings with five or more storeys (Government of Canada, 2017). Restorative
environmental design could serve a dual function, both replenishing peoples stress and
promoting well-being and also helping to address climate change and the need to meet
ambitious new energy efficiency goals. Many of the strategies for human health and well-
being utilize passive design strategies like operable windows for natural ventilation that
result in low-environmental impact thereby also promoting environmental sustainability
(Peters, 2017). The application of biophilic design principles that connect people with nature
also play a role in restorative environments (Kellert et al., 2008).
2.1 Healthy housing
The current pandemic is not the first time that architecture has had to respond to disease
through design innovations, and it will not be the last. In 1800s New York, the Tenement
House Acts were created as a solution to squalid conditions in tenement housing. The Acts
upgraded standards of safety, ventilation and health in dwellings and resulted in the
implementation of the dumbbellhousing design, which featured a central light well to
increase ventilation and daylighting throughout the home (Arbuckle, 2016;Giacobbe, 2020).
The 1918 Spanish Flupandemic following the first World War led to the formation of public
health regulations and in countries like Canada the establishment of a federal Department of
Health. Furthermore, until antibiotics were widely available, visiting a sanatorium was a
common treatment to combat tuberculosis. For instance, the Paimio Sanatorium (1933) by
Alvar Aalto was integrated into a forested landscape in Finland, providing ample natural
views, open daylight balconies and nearby walking paths to patients. At this time, daylight
and exercise were prescribed as state-of-the-art treatment to patients. In future, perhaps some
of the design principles of sanatoriums will become the new basis of design for all buildings,
where light and air are at the center of health-promoting architecture. It may be that
postCOVID-19 housing will share similar goals and place health and wellness at the forefront,
building on the rising acceptance of the WELL building rating system and other advances in
this direction (International WELL Building Institute, 2018).
3. Methods, literature review
This paper analyzes results of a literature review that identified and evaluated relevant peer-
reviewed studies relating to COVID-19 and apartment housing from multiple disciplines
including architectural design, environmental psychology, building science, engineering,
Plate 1.
Urban apartment
housing in downtown
Toronto, Canada
(Authors, 2020)
How our homes
impact our
urban planning and health. The study included relevant government publications, news
articles and magazine articles to gain an up-to-date understanding of COVID-19 and its
implications on architectural design. The findings are architecturally relevant design
recommendations for restorative apartment housing in the context of COVID-19. Several
challenges were encountered throughout this literature review. In selecting papers for
analysis, we found it challenging to use key word searches as terminology varied between
disciplines. We noticed that often in building science or engineering journals multi-unit
residential buildings (MURB) were used to describe this housing type, while often in social
sciences and humanities journals, apartment housing, multi-storey apartment buildings or
high-rise residential towers were terms used. Occasionally relevant papers were also
categorized as multiple-unit housing, rental housing, social housing or condominium
housing. Another challenge was that the articles that we included varied in their study
location, and therefore their culture and political climate. For example, results from
residential daylighting studies in Hong Kong that examine occupant preferences may not be
applicable to its Canadian residential counterparts due to specific societal norms and cultural
preferences. Furthermore, as there is limited published research on COVID-19 and housing,
there was a general uncertainty in applying recommendations, as we, like the rest of the
world, do not know how COVID-19 will continue to evolve. It should also be noted that
because COVID-19 has progressed differently from country to country, our interpretation of
how the results from studies completed in other countries relation to Canada and may not
always be relevant in all contexts. Additionally, this study did not focus on housing for
accessibility, for affordability or for people recovering from illness. Future studies could
examine these issues and how they relate to apartment housing through a postCOVID-19 lens
as they are highly relevant.
4. Findings and discussion
The current pandemic poses opportunities for change in the design world as existing social
and political issues in contemporary architecture and housing have been brought to attention.
It is crucial that resident quality of life be a focus in housing design. We identified seven areas
of intersection between state-of-the-art housing research, restorative environmental design
and studies relevant to COVID-19 for mid- and high-rise apartment housing (see Figure 1).
Figure 1.
Area of intersection
between research
(Authors, 2020)
4.1 Window views, spatial variety and privacy
Windows in dwellings are necessary for inhabitant comfort and health, perhaps even more so
during a pandemic. The quality of the view to the exterior is of great importance when
activities outside are limited and is fundamental to a dwellings ability to provide a sense of
restoration to inhabitants. Attention restoration theory (ART) explores how fatigue caused
by directed attentionor concentration on tasks using emotional energy can be mitigated or
replenished through an environments ability to support recovery by creating spaces that do
not require great amounts of directed attention (Kaplan, 1995,2001). Environments which
support soft fascination, enabling the mind to reflect on unresolved thoughts that have the
ability to deprive more critical attentional resources, offer a source of relief and restoration
(Basu et al., 2019;Kaplan, 1995). For example, studies have found that looking outside
throughout a day provides micro-restorative experiences, which have the capability to
provide restorative qualities of nature to occupants within their home (Kaplan, 2001). In a
time where individuals are not able to leave their dwellings as freely as they have become
accustomed, the value of a view to the outdoors is essential to residentswellness. Natural
window views and nature experiences are shown to enhance well-being through
physiological calming and improved focus, mood and resident satisfaction (Kaplan, 2001;
Talbot and Kaplan, 1991;Ulrich et al., 1991;Veitch and Galasiu, 2012). Nature is being capable
of holding ones interest and attention, proving to reduce fatigue and stress while restoring
the mind and body (Kaplan, 1995). In a time where anxiety and loneliness are on the rise, the
benefits of the natural environment become central to the well-being of residents in apartment
In urban apartment buildings, direct views to green landscapes may not be possible, but
research has shown that a clear view of the sky can also be restorative. In a study exploring
peoples perceptions of apartment window views, views with maximum amounts of sky are
perceived as most restorative (Masoudinejad and Hartig, 2020). Furthermore, in an
investigation of the relationship between neighborhood satisfaction and perceptions of
naturalness and openness, findings indicate that openness, which is understood as
unobstructed, open spaces is the most important factor in overall neighborhood
satisfaction (Hur et al., 2010). In apartment housing, city views into other buildings are
often the norm, whereas we must consider that having all available views blocked by adjacent
buildings make views less capable of restoration, satisfaction, well-being, comfort and soft
fascination to residents. With this knowledge, urban densification must be managed, and
apartment housing views and surroundings must be considered in the design process.
As a result of COVID-19, privacy, individual space and the relationship between the
individual and the family and the family and the neighborhood have changed (Nielsen, 2020).
The theory of prospectrefuge (Appleton, 1975) purports that people naturally prefer varied
environments that include places where they can see activities but cannot be easily
overlooked by others. Windows that provide residents with a lookoutview of the city street
or greenspace, act as a source of prospect (Hwang and Lee, 2018). The feeling of refuge can be
achieved in spaces where the resident feels a sense of retreat and security within their home. It
can be expected that privacy within the home will become more crucial as people spend more
time at home. Windows that supply both prospect and refuge conditions through balcony
spaces, shading devices, operable louvers, automatic blinds and vertical screens will become
valuable as a determinant of residentsperceptions of liveability within the city. For many
reasons, designers must prioritize window views and spatial variety throughout the design
process as it is proven to support occupant health, wellness, stress reduction and restoration.
4.2 Designing variety in visual and thermal comfort and adaptable floor plans
As the home becomes a more multi-functional space that is required to facilitate working and
schooling environments, as successfully as it enables entertainment, cooking and rest,
How our homes
impact our
a variety of lighting and thermal comfort levels throughout the home which support these
new functions must be considered. A review of studies investigating occupant comfort in
apartment housing found that poor thermal conditions and IAQ greatly affect occupant
health and productivity (Andargie et al., 2019). Our homes are likely to remain spaces for
learning and working in the near future, so we must start acknowledging that these spaces
will need to support productivity and health.
There are few design guidelines and no standardized metrics for daylighting levels
developed specifically for apartment housing (Kesik et al., 2019). However, there are some
recent studies that examine occupant preferences. A recent study in Singapore found that the
threshold of resident daylight satisfaction varies depending on room use (Jakubiec et al.,
2019). Lighting levels deemed satisfactory were measured at 175 lux in kitchens, 150 lux in
living rooms and 200 lux in bedrooms. Far more research needs to be carried out in this area,
to find out what light levels are desirable in each room and how location, climate and culture
impact preferences. As people are spending more time within their homes than ever before, it
follows that daylighting in the home will become a fundamental parameter in resident
satisfaction. In a recent study in Hong Kong, 55% of participants reported feeling satisfied
with the daylighting conditions in their kitchens and considered unit size as a more important
design parameter (Siu-Yu Lau et al., 2010). Yet, it should be noted that 47% of those
participants spent less than 15 min in their kitchens daily. This has likely changed drastically
since that study. As our kitchens and dinner tables have replaced restaurants, bars and coffee
shops, people will inevitably be spending more time cooking and dining at home. While
daylight quality may not have been a priority preCOVID-19, it can be expected that in
postCOVID-19 times, people will desire optimal light conditions not just in their kitchen but
throughout their entire home.
Apartment layouts that can be adapted to be used in many ways will become essential to
the perceived liveability of apartment housing in postCOVID-19 design. More research in
flexible design systems with enough flexibility and convince is necessary. Australian design
office Woods Bagot have developed a modular system, AD-APT, that includes a series of
adjustable walls and screens to divide an open-plan apartment unit to accommodate many
activities (Bahadursingh, 2020). Due to mandatory quarantine, American architectural office
SO-IL have worked to update current apartment designs to reflect pandemic anxiety. The
office proposed changes to the designs of the the kitchen, dining room and living room as
separated rooms; bedrooms that are spaced out throughout the apartment supporting
acoustic buffering and the creation of larger home office spaces and larger exterior
greenspaces (Chayka, 2020). Residential design has already begun adapting to COVID-19,
and it is predicted that these changes will continue to increasingly impact our homes and the
way we live.
4.3 Circadian regulation: bedrooms designed for sleep
As people may be confined to small apartment units for much of the day, due to shelter-in-
place orders, it is important that window design supports the regulation of occupants
circadian rhythms. Routines have shifted and ongoing stresses and anxieties heightened by
the COVID-19 crisis, and so many peoplesability to sleep well at night has been affected
(Weikle, 2020). Studies of the nonvisual impacts of lighting in residential settings prove that a
higher daily light dose contributes to better sleep quality and circadian regulation
(Torrington and Tregenza, 2007;Veitch and Galasiu, 2012). Designing apartment units to
have ample daylight exposure on at least two facades will help allow for the regulation of
circadian rhythm as well as potentially offering opportunity for cross ventilation (Kesik et al.,
2019). There is no need for bedrooms to have floor to ceiling glazing. Instead, bedrooms
should provide lower window to wall ratios and feature operable windows for regulation of
thermal comfort and natural ventilation that support restful sleep (Kesik et al., 2019).
Additionally, it is important that nonbedroom spaces promote alertness and resident physical
activity which support restoration and result in better resident mental health and sleeping
patterns. In a recent study on youth mental health, findings suggest that higher restorative
qualities and improved mental health are associated with more physical activity and social
cohesion (Dzhambov et al., 2018). It could be that reports of poor mental health, reduction in
social interactions and the lack of physical activity created by city shutdowns due to
COVID-19 are contributing to peoplespoor sleeping patterns during the pandemic. Recent
studies of sleep and cognition have shown that disrupted sleep in times of crisis is an
evolutionary effect; where fear keeps us on high alert of possible threats (Weikle, 2020). Sleep
is important as a way of regulating our emotions and strengthening our immune systems, so
it is critical in these times of crisis that healthy sleeping habits are maintained. Improved
residential lighting can enhance the physical well-being and quality of life of residents by
supporting the sleep-wake diurnal cycle (Torrington and Tregenza, 2007). Exposure to
gradual dawning through window daylighting can improve quality of sleep and morning
alertness (Veitch and Galasiu, 2012). Bedrooms must be designed so that windows can be
closed off for darkness throughout the nighttime hours and allow adequate daylight
throughout the day.
Another consideration for bedroom design is that in small apartment units there is often
not enough space for rooms that allow for a variety of activities to occur. This is especially
true in shared units, where residents likely are spending more time in their bedrooms during
the pandemic. Increased time spent in the bedroom not sleeping, but perhaps watching
movies on laptops or scrolling through social media on cell phones, can be problematic for
resident well-being. Residential sleep studies prove that disruptive exposure to prebedtime
fluorescent light within the bedroom can disrupt sleep, increase nighttime alertness, decrease
melatonin and shift circadian rhythms (Rahman et al., 2017). While residents spend more time
in their apartments throughout the day due to city pandemicrelated shutdowns, it is
important that the bedroom remain a place for rest. Spatial variety is important. Just as the
bedroom should be designed for sleep, shared spaces like living rooms should support
alertness and other experiences to allow environments for entertainment, socializing and
other leisure pursuits.
There are several environmental design parameters that can be optimized for sleep. Noise
can be an annoyance that prevents restful sleep. Some studies suggest that implementing
redundant air-sealed triple glazed windows in apartment housing could be an approach to
mitigate exterior city noise pollution, improve thermal comfort and increase security, which
may result in restful sleep (Race, 2019). In a residential daylighting study, small adaptations
including painting walls white, moving occupant activities into spaces closer to windows and
deterring spaces without windows from being used as dwellings are suggested to support the
regulation of the human circadian clock (Gochenour and Andersen, 2009). Post- pandemic
architecture that integrates sustainable, lasting solutions that promote resident health and
well-being through restorative bedroom design and spaces for restful sleep must be
4.4 Restorative spaces to support positive social interactions
A recent review concluded that social interaction and mental health are among the primary
topics of concern in high-rise residential buildings (Kalantari and Shepley, 2020). Now more
than ever as many people are spending the majority of their time indoors at home, it is critical
to keep these concerns in mind when thinking of ways to improve the liveability of apartment
housing. Some effects of COVID-19 on the noninfected population include loneliness, reduced
productivity, unhealthy sleeping and eating habits, obesity and loss of human to human
interactions (Salama, 2020). Figure 2 illustrates how design can respond to the effects of
COVID-19 on the noninfected population or those self-isolating. By improving the quality of
How our homes
impact our
the spaces in which we live, we have the opportunity to tackle many of these issues.
For example, by providing outdoor and indoor communal living spaces that support physical
distancing, we can provide safe spaces for passive and active social interactions. Increasing
thermal comfort and IAQ will result in improvements in occupant health and productivity
(Andargie et al., 2019). Providing indoor and outdoor space for comfortable, physically distant
exercise, in combination with desirable apartment lighting designs that support sleep, can
help regulate resident circadian rhythms.
In a study investigating benefits of natural and urban environments, physiological
measurements and reports from participants found that recovery from stress is faster and
more complete when subjects are exposed to natural environments (Ulrich et al., 1991).
Results indicated that natural environments established a positive emotional state, positive
changes in physiological activity levels and sustained attention. It is imperative that
architects and designers prioritize natural views, so that optimal recovery environments can
be established at a time where stress and anxiety are prevalent. Daylighting can provide a
multitude of benefits to individuals well-being, comfort and mental and physical health,
whether you are fighting an illness or during everyday living.
4.5 Natural ventilation and thermal comfort at home
There is evidence that the spread of COVID-19 accelerated in areas where high temperature
and humidity levels were ideal for airborne transfer (Bate, 2020). Knowing this, poor thermal
comfort in housing that places individuals at high risk must be addressed for health and also
for comfort and well-being. In a study of social housing buildings in Toronto, results
indicated that residents who live in buildings with the highest amount of exterior glazing
report higher thermal discomfort (Vakalis et al., 2019). It was also found that residents who
reported thermal discomfort experienced a higher frequency of health issues. In a recent
thermal dynamic simulation study, it was proven that apartments exposed to higher amounts
Figure 2.
environmental design
responses to the effects
of COVID-19
(Authors, 2020)
of solar radiation due to floor level, orientation and high glazing ratios exceed daylighting
requirements and are at higher risk for overheating during the summer months (Nebia and
Tabet Aoul, 2017). Further, a review of studies which investigated occupant comfort in
apartment housing, thermal conditions and IAQ are reported to be the most important factors
to maintain occupant comfort within MURBs (Andargie et al., 2019). To ensure year-round
thermal comfort, apartment design must consider the implications of facade design and high
window-to-wall ratios.
Another dimension to consider is that in the context of COVID-19, access to daylight,
nature and thermal comfort have become privileges linked to status. Socioeconomic status is
a powerful predictor of disease, disorder, injury and mortality (Goodman and Conway, 2016),
and COVID-19 has forced people to acknowledge issues of systemic inequality, due to the
highly contagious form of the virus. There is a new realization that strangershealth is
affecting peoples own health, and it is time to re-evaluate all living environments to ensure
that all individuals have homes that support healthy living. An Australian study examining
energy use, indoor thermal comfort and health in social housing found that many dwellings
exceeded healthy CO
levels; 42% of dwellings reported mold, 32% of participants suffered
from allergies and 54% reported health problems (Haddad et al., 2019). The COVID-19 crisis
could be an opportunity to make significant changes to apartment housing standards so that
healthy living conditions are available to all individuals, decreasing the likelihood that people
of low socioeconomic status will develop chronic diseases.
The availability of natural ventilation and operable windows could be simple passive
strategies to make indoor spaces more comfortable and healthier. COVID-19 has created a
sense of mistrust in building ventilation and mechanical systems. For example, it was
reported in the news that 45 residents of a high-rise apartment building in Calgary, Canada
contracted COVID-19; however, the cause of the outbreak remains unknown (Pike, 2020). In
early April, 2020, an outbreak of COVID-19 occurred in a small restaurant in Guangzhou,
China. Scientists concluded that the virus-containing particles were spread throughout the
restaurant through the air-conditioning system (Blackwell, 2020). Overreliance on active
heating and cooling systems, in buildings with minimal operable windows, has caused a great
dependence on active building systems. In a residential window study, findings suggest that
the concentration of CO
is the best predictor of window opening behavior (Jian et al., 2011).
Operable windows are critical to gaining residentstrust in their homes by maintaining ideal
IAQ, thermal comfort and ventilation.
4.6 Connection to nature
As residents spend more time at home, balconies have become an unexpected new venue for
socialization, protest and celebration (Maiztegui, 2020). Balconies that may have gone unused
in the past have become important spaces of community, offering a semi-public place to look
out, communicate with neighbors and engage with nature. In a post-occupancy evaluation of
balconies, findings indicated that residents prefer balconies with parapets and glass wall
enclosures as they afford better views, improve resident mood and provide a perception of
greater spaciousness (Xue et al., 2016). Further, a recent comprehensive literature review
found links between balcony types and indoor environmental quality and energy
consumption. The study found that open balconies led to improved thermal comfort, IAQ,
visual comfort and acoustic comfort (Ribeiro et al., 2020). Conversely, glazed balconies often
resulted in overheating problems contributing to decreased air infiltration rates and reduced
daylighting conditions of adjoining living spaces. Thus, it is necessary to consider the
implications of climate when determining the ideal balcony design. In an occupant survey
and interview study of thermal comfort in multi-storey apartment buildings in the subtropics,
it was found that natural ventilation and outdoor private living spaces such as balconies
determine residentsperceptions of liveability (Kennedy et al., 2015). It can be assumed that
How our homes
impact our
these factors will become more critical to resident satisfaction in postCOVID-19 housing.
Access to private balconies in housing for the elderly, especially within high-rise residential
buildings, has been shown to significantly improve resident morale (Lawton and Nahemow,
1979). For balconies to be successful outdoor spaces, they should be large enough that people
can comfortably fit a table and chairs, to sit and enjoy the view. Another issue to consider is
that typically balconies protrude from building façades and shade units below (Peters et al.,
2020). However, depending on climate, the level of enclosure and shading should vary. A new
consideration with COVID-19 physical distancing regulations in place is that balcony designs
must support physical distancing between apartment units.
As a response to the pandemic, biophilic design is likely to increase in popularity as visual
engagement with nature reduces anxiety and improves mental health (Crosbie, 2020). As
exposure to nature is recognized as being capable of providing restorative experiences
(Kaplan, 2001), small scale urban farming may become more popular since gardening has
proven to improve mental health (Makhno, 2020). While most urban apartment buildings
have a lack of outdoor green spaces; sunrooms and balcony spaces for urban farming may be
used to facilitate nature experiences (Nielsen, 2020). Thus, urban residentsconnection to
nature must be stronger to support resident wellness and health (see Figure 3).
4.7 Appropriate unit sizes and layouts that support physical distancing
Around the world, national health guidelines have advocated minimum distances for
physical distancing based on the estimated spread of COVID-19, but surprisingly countries
have imposed different regulations. These guidelines are a result of both cultural differences
and scientific research, Figure 4 illustrates these discrepancies. The United Kingdoms Sage
research committee suggests that when people are one meter apart from carriers of
COVID-19, they are between two and ten times more likely to contract the virus, compared to
a two meter distance (Shukman, 2020). Research shows that the greater the distance between
individuals the lesser the likelihood of disease transmission.
It must be a priority to consider how to support physical distancing of at least
two meters between residents to establish comfort and safety within shared dwellings.
YouGov, a British online survey, found that 31% of adults have experienced mental or
physical health issues due to the quality of living conditions within their homes during
lockdown (Sansom, 2020). Furthermore, the survey indicated that 30,000 Britons have
spent city lockdowns in one-room dwellings. There is considerably more research required
as to how apartment housing can be designed to create more generous spaces that allow
physical distancing in units.
Figure 3.
Physical distancing
guidelines based on
(Authors, 2020)
Figure 4.
Physical distancing
between partners and
roommates living in
one- and two-bedroom
apartments at The
Yards proves to be
challenging (Redrawn
and analyzed by
Authors, 2020)
How our homes
impact our
The new normal created by COVID-19 involves physical distancing, working from home
and engagement with the virtual world (Salama, 2020). Residents who live in apartment
housing have many concerns as they adapt the way they live in their apartment buildings
during the pandemic. An issue with living in apartment housing during COVID-19 is trying
to adopt all of those kinds of protective measures that you can, in a situation that you may not
have full autonomy and control over(Bergen, 2020). In future, apartment residents will likely
remain cautious when touching surfaces including handrails, elevator buttons, door handles
and laundry machines and when interacting with neighbors. Landlords across Canada have
announced similar strategies for how they will be dealing with containing the spread of
COVID-19 in their buildings. Common tactics include increasing the cleaning of frequently
used spaces, closing communal spaces, decreased occupancy of elevators and laundry rooms
and fewer building visitors (Bruce, 2020). However, there has been much less conversation
surrounding how roommates in shared apartments will self-isolate in such small units as
spacious hallways, multiple washrooms in units and multiple communal living spaces are
luxuries only provided in expensive apartment buildings. Designing flexible housing that can
support self-isolation within shared units will become critical in containing the spread of
COVID-19 or future pandemics.
Similar to restaurants, which have adapted to allow for larger circulation spaces and
seating arrangements that support physical distancing, consideration for shared and
congregate housing must become more flexible, so that distancing between roommates can
safely occur. The Canadian Federal Health guidelines require people that test positive for
COVID-19 to self-isolate, maintain a two-meter distance from others, stay in separate
bedrooms from partners or children and use a separate bathroom, if possible (Stueck, 2020).
While these guidelines may be attainable in single family homes, in shared apartment
housing, these health and safety protocols may prove to be challenging. The Yards is a
typical 28-storey apartment building, completed in 2013 by Wallman Architects, in
downtown Toronto. Through the analysis of a one-bedroom and two-bedroom unit floor
plans, it is clear that physical distancing between partners, families or roommates is
impractical. As one-bedroom apartments are commonly occupied by two people, both one-
and two-bedroom unit types will be impacted. Typically a one-bedroom unit has one
bathroom, the hallway is too narrow for two people to use at once, and the kitchen and living
room can only be comfortably occupied by one person at a time. These issues make both
units inadequate for physical distancing between roommates, partners or families. It should
be noted that these are quite expensive units and would not be considered affordable
COVID-19 notwithstanding, providing daylit living spaces is crucial to resident quality of
life in apartment housing. Even if single units are much smaller, it can be expected that
having ones own space will be in high demand during post-COVID-19 times. This may result
in minimum size requirements for apartment units and required physical distancing
capabilities within apartment building communal spaces. Furthermore, COVID-19 may cause
an increase in mid-rise apartment development as people may prefer living in buildings that
do not require elevator use.
As currently designed, most urban apartment housing is not very resilient. Passive
survivability is defined by a buildings ability to maintain critical life-supporting conditions
for occupants in times where power, heating fuel or water are unavailable for an extended
period (Wilson, 2005). Specifically, this concept can be applied to apartment housing when
considering how high-rise residential buildings may maintain thermal comfort throughout a
power outage or for example, how residents get to their unit on the 26th floor when the
elevators are not working. Apartment design must support passive survivability as climate
change continues to cause more frequent and severe weather events. Considering the
COVID-19 pandemic, providing at least two bathrooms in shared apartments and designing
apartments that support physical distancing from others should become an additional
principle in passive survivability. COVID-19 will not be the last pandemic to disrupt the way
we live, so apartment housing must be designed to be more resilient.
5. Architectural design recommendations
Upgrading standards of apartment living conditions to support occupant health and wellness
will require social, economic and political changes. By utilizing restorative environmental
design principles to inform apartment housing design, apartment housing can provide better
living conditions that support inhabitant health and well-being.
The following design recommendations for restorative apartment housing in the context
of COVID-19 are based on the research findings. We have identified recommendations based
on new build and renovation projects. Architects and designers must prioritize the following
to enable living environments which support resident health and wellness:
5.1 Window views, spatial variety and privacy
(1) Window design in dwellings should provide unobstructed views of the sky and
nature. These views are proven to enhance well-being by promoting physiological
calming, improving focus, enhancing mood, increasing resident satisfaction and
aiding in recovery from illness.
(2) A variety of prospectrefuge conditions within apartment units are necessary.
Windows should allow residents an interesting lookoutview; for example, a view
over a city street or greenspace. The concept of refuge can be achieved when people
have a space of sanctuary and retreat within their home.
5.2 Designing variety in visual and thermal comfort and adaptable floor plans
(1) The home has become a multi-functional space that must facilitate working,
schooling, exercising, cooking, socializing and screen-based entertainment.
Daylighting, indoor air quality and thermal comfort recommendations normally
reserved for learning and office environments that support productivity now become
relevant in apartment units.
(2) Apartment layouts that can be adapted to be used in a variety of ways is essential to
support the changing role of the home. New buildings should focus more attention on
acoustic separation between rooms and for home-office spaces.
5.3 Circadian regulation: bedrooms designed for sleep
(1) Small adaptations including moving occupant activities into spaces closer to
windows and designing all occupied areas to have glazing to outdoors can support
the regulation of the human circadian clock.
(2) Bedrooms should not have floor-to-ceiling glazing and should provide operable
windows for thermal comfort and natural ventilation which support restful sleep.
How our homes
impact our
(3) Provide nonbedroom spaces that promote alertness and resident physical activity
support restoration resulting in improved resident mental health and sleeping
5.4 Restorative spaces to support positive social interactions
(1) Shared common spaces within apartment buildings that support physical distancing
enhance social interactions among residents and support restoration. For example,
amenities could include shared roof terraces, exterior courtyards and communal
lounge rooms designed to support physical distancing.
(2) Daylight must be better considered in residential building design as resident mood
and social behavior is greatly influenced by daylight exposure within and outside of
the home.
5.5 Natural ventilation and thermal comfort at home
(1) Operable windows in living and cooking spaces are critical in maintaining
comfortable indoor air quality and thermal comfort. This promotes occupant
comfort, productivity and health within apartment housing.
(2) Retrofitting underperforming housing must be addressed. Poor thermal comfort
conditions can place vulnerable populations at high risk in apartment housing.
Undercooling in the summer, overheating in the winter and high window-to-wall
ratios are primary causes of thermal discomfort, resulting in reports of olfactory
discomfort and increased health issues (Vakalis et al., 2019).
5.6 Connection to nature
(1) Balconies have become even more popular amenities for socialization, protest and
celebration that offer a window into public life. Their role in postCOVID-19 apartment
housing is crucial, and thus peoples preferences for balconies and outdoor spaces
that can be used year-round should be considered as priorities. Balconies must be
designed to support daylighting within units and must enable physical distancing
between balcony neighbors.
(2) Exterior public spaces must be generously sized to accommodate buffer zones that
allow people to feel comfortable in social settings that enable physical distancing.
(3) The application of biophilic design should increase as nature restoration can produce
a multitude of benefits for residents through improvements in mental and physical
5.7 Appropriate unit sizes and layouts that support physical distancing
(1) Provide spaces, especially within dwellings, that support physical distancing of at
least two meters between individuals. This will likely mean re-examining apartment
layouts by providing more than one bathroom in larger units and more generous
living room spaces. This applies to shared apartment units but also responds to the
need for physical distancing in family occupied units if one person in a family
becomes ill.
(2) Apartment design must promote passive survivability by utilizing passive design
strategies to maintain life-supporting conditions. For example, providing operable
windows for residents to maintain environmental indoor quality, limiting building
height to decrease reliance on elevators and providing multiple bathrooms in shared
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Terri Peters can be contacted at:
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... Knowing the fact that in addition to many aspects of life worldwide being impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic, architecture and home designs have been influenced as well. It is asserted by Peters and Halleran (2020) that unquestionably, the global housing crisis brought on by COVID-19 is also a global health issue, and the term "New Normal" has gained popularity as a way to characterise the projected changes in human life that will result from COVID-19's effects (Alraouf, 2021). Bearing this in mind, finding out how such impacts have changed architects' perspective when designing the future home in a country like Iran and how residents in the houses feel about the required aspects for such a crisis motivated this research to both shed the light on the phenomenon and to investigate its diverse aspects. ...
... In a study, Peters and Halleran (2020) looked at the quality of life in urban mid-and high-rise apartment housing and discovered that post-pandemic housing design needs to pay attention to a variety of factors, including window placement and views to support stress recovery, lighting levels, bedrooms designed for restful sleep, living rooms with better indoor air quality and access to nature, and lastly unit sizes and layouts that enable physical distancing and preoccupation with other things. ...
... The results of this survey could be considered from two angles; one the one hand, the residents in high-rise buildings presented their own concerns as well as the challenges and issues they face when residing in such buildings through pandemics; on the other hand, the architects pronounced the trendy and new demands offered and required by the clients when designing new buildings or even as for renovating the current buildings to bring adaptability in reaction to pandemics. Peters and Halleran (2020) detail that mid-rise and high-rise apartment buildings suffer from various intrinsic challenges, which are even exacerbated by the COVID-19 influences on apartment living. The largest challenge identified in this research was improper ventilation and the problem with the HVAC system (Pinheiro & Luís, 2020). ...
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The COVID-19 humanitarian situation is unparalleled, and there can be no return to the "old normal." According to reports, the COVID-19 Pandemic is now a significant public health issue that could have an influence on people's quality of life as well as environmental sustainability and social responsibility, as well as architecture and home designs. Bearing this in mind, this qualitative research was conducted to (1) to explore the extent to which the architects apply innovative strategies to fit the needs for the homes in the post-Pandemic era, and (2) to explore the architectural needs and wants of the residents in the post-Pandemic era. To fulfill these, semi-structured interviews were used to collect the data. A total of eight architects and ten residents living in apartment buildings were recruited by purposive sampling. The interviews were processed using thematic analysis. It was reported by majority of the architects that the most important innovative strategies to fit the needs for the homes in the post-Pandemic era are independent buildings, energy-related design changes, more human-centered design concepts, green open spaces, and advanced technology. As for residents, their architectural needs and wants in the post-Pandemic era were HVAC system, green open spaces, inappropriate designs, and lack of self-sufficient strategies. Further discussion on the findings have been reported in this research.
... They also enhance urban biodiversity, improve air quality, and address climate change, contributing to overall human and environmental health [7,48]. The 2020 lockdowns in countries like Spain, Italy, and France showcased the potential of balcony spaces for social engagement, highlighting the importance of these micro-spaces for mental well-being [49,50]. ...
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This study examines the critical role of elevated urban spaces in fostering urban resilience and enhancing public well-being in the post-pandemic era. Through a detailed literature review and contextual analysis, the research explores how these spaces address the evolving needs for social interaction, public health, and mental wellness in urban design. Focusing on London, with comparisons to international examples such as Singapore, the study presents findings from sixty-six semi-structured walk-along interviews conducted at the Sky Garden and Crossrail Place Roof Garden. Data analysis reveals both the challenges and guiding principles for designing resilient elevated urban spaces. Key areas for improvement include accessibility, circulation, aesthetic integration, and management strategies. The findings emphasise the value of these green spaces in densely populated cities, as they provide vital recreational areas that support the mental and physical health of residents. This research offers a structured framework for embedding elevated green spaces into high-density urban environments, enhancing both resilience and liveability. The study delivers actionable insights for urban planners and policymakers, outlining a nuanced approach to designing sustainable, adaptable green spaces.
... Several published studies analyze how the designed environment can help diminish the risks of COVID-19 transmission [5,[19][20][21][26][27][28][29][30][31][32]. The proposals, however, are offered as ideas or spatial diagrams that avoid considering economic issues, skip the difficulties that might arise through design practice implementation, and play no role in inspiring new approaches. ...
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During the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of housing in controlling the spread of the virus was limited, as policies primarily focused on short-term measures such as lockdowns and social distancing. As the pandemic recedes, a shift has occurred towards restructuring the environment to confront future health crises better. This research thoroughly evaluates existing literature and housing complexes. It recommends that future projects prioritize several key features: ample exposure to natural environments, opportunities for growing food, encouragement of casual social interactions, inclusion of communal spaces, and provision of areas for exercise to help reduce the risks of contagion and alleviate the mental health impacts on residents. Based on research conducted during and after the pandemic, current recommendations for housing often provide generalized suggestions or propose ideal layouts through diagrams. This approach can be unrealistic from both spatial and economic perspectives and fails to inspire or stimulate creativity. This paper, by contrast, reviews and analyzes historical housing projects while critically examining three case studies that have the potential to inspire future designs. The goal is to provide officials, architects, and stakeholders with a series of practical possibilities and guidelines that contribute to the post-COVID home design process by making it more health-conscious and fostering the creation of new types of neighborhoods that can significantly impact the planning of cities in California.
... The details of residential spaces, such as estate density, affordable housing provision, and an appropriate layout and density of community and social services [39,47,48] should be thoughtfully considered. Restorative residential environments are possible [49]. ...
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Healthy City policies are often enforced based on expert assessments, which calls for research on the presence and occurrence of mismatches between experts’ and public opinions. Additionally, the unique challenges in small and midsized cities (SMCs) are often ignored. In this study, we compared the values of experts and the public on achieving a healthy SMC. A survey with both experts and public participants was conducted. An explorative factor analysis (EFA) and fuzzy synthetic evaluation (FSE) were adopted to identify the key factors and their importance hierarchy. Both the experts and the public highlight the importance of Environmental Quality and Governance/Service (EQ). More attention could be given to public participation and urban form to reflect the public’s perceptions better, as they prioritized these factors more than the experts did. Both similarities and mismatches between experts and the public were revealed in this study, indicating that more studies are necessary to understand heterogeneous values and achieve mutual understanding. Thus, public participation and involvement are recommended to construct a Healthy City for more comprehensive benefits. Our results also offer valuable insights from the public to plan Healthy Cities in the future, avoiding reactive decision making.
Bu araştırmanın amacı; COVID-19 pandemisi sürecinde bireylerin müstakil bahçeli konutlara taleplerini tespit etmektir. Araştırma materyalini COVID-19’un yoğun olarak yaşandığı 2020-2021 yıllarında Erzurum kenti örneğinde satın alınan/kiralanan müstakil bahçeli konutlar, ev sahibi/kiracılara uygulanan anket formları, COVID-19 ve müstakil bahçeli konutlarla ilgili literatürler oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın yöntemini etüt, veri toplama, analiz ve değerlendirme aşamaları oluşturmaktadır. 2020-2021 yıllarında Erzurum kentinde müstakil bahçeli konut alan/kiralayan bireylere uygulanan anketlere istatiksel analizler yapılmıştır. Anket verilerinden elde edilen bulgulara göre; katılımcıların %68,6’sının müstakil bahçeli ev almaları/kiralamalarında COVID-19 pandemisinin etkisinin olduğu, %75,7’sinin pandemiden önce müstakil bahçeli ev satın almayı/kiralamayı düşünmediği anlaşılmıştır. Araştırmada, COVID-19 pandemisinin bireylerin müstakil bahçeli konutlara talebinin artış gösterdiği sunucuna varılmıştır.
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many individuals and families to work from home (WFH), a condition where employees perform their role from home instead of in an office environment, hence increasing the need for appropriate home workspaces and improved work-life balance. In Malaysia, the terrace house represents the most prevalent housing type for Malaysian middle-income families, but its space limitation, lack of natural lighting and ventilation, and rigid planning provide challenges for accommodating WFH requirements. This study intends to investigate the impact of working from home (WFH) on the spatial design of Malaysian terraced houses. By using qualitative case study method, this study explores such an impact on nine double-storey terraced houses located in Shah Alam and Puncak Alam townships. The terraced type of selection involved modified and unmodified conditions ranging from the link, intermediate, end lot and corner units. Further, the respondents are the homeowners, characterized as a nuclear family which belongs to a middle-class group of higher educational sectors that is compatible with the nature of WFH. Through interview and house observation, this study applied content analysis and comparative study as analytical methods. The findings suggest that the success of WFH in terraced houses is determined by the notion of ‘dedicated shared workspace’, which is influenced by lifestyle preferences, spatial perception and spatial proximity. Such a condition indicates a reconciliation between dedicated and shared spaces, where it provides specificity within an integrated space and promotes commonality in individuality, which is beneficial for the development of a particular organization, in this case, household growth.
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The use of balconies in tropical climates holds the potential to block direct solar radiation, thereby reducing energy consumption for cooling and enhancing visual comfort. However, balconies may also diminish daylight availability within the room, affecting occupants’ satisfaction and well-being. From a building performance perspective, balcony design is not always trivial and can affect building performance in multiple domains. The complexity in trade-offs of balcony design is evident in the literature, as scientific papers have scarcely explored the effects of the use of balconies on the building performance considering a multi-objective approach. Therefore, the main objective of this thesis was to provide balcony design recommendations to improve daylight, thermal, and energy performance of mixed-mode office buildings. A reference model representing a high-rise mixed-mode office building and possible variations of geometric parameters of balconies were defined based on a database of office buildings located in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. A parametric analysis was used to evaluate the effects of balcony and building design parameters on the reference model’s performance. A multi-objective assessment was performed through building performance simulations (BPS) for daylight, thermal and energy performance, using reliable software tools to assess different balcony design scenarios. To improve accuracy, computer fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations validated with wind tunnel experiments were used to generate wind pressure coefficient data, and daylight experiments were developed to validate the daylight simulations. The trade-offs of balcony design were assessed for daylight availability and visual comfort, as well as for natural ventilation, thermal and energy performance. The results were cross-analysed for daylight, thermal, and energy performance and recommendations for balcony design were tailored to each façade orientation and thoughtfully combined with the glazed door width. An optimal combination, featuring a 3-meter-wide glazed door and a 2-meter-deep balcony, proved beneficial for all façade orientations across all floor levels. However, the choice of parapet type should align with the balcony's location, which is directly correlated with the room's depth. This balcony design combination ensures optimal levels of daylight availability and improves visual comfort by up to 14%, enhancing thermal and energy performance within the room by up to 40%. The results of this research study pioneer in providing balcony design recommendations and offer valuable information for building designers, highlighting that balconies should not be designed solely as decorative façade elements or spaces for building services. Additionally, the methods developed in this research can be applied by researchers/designers to their own case studies.
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Balconies are an ancient architectural archetype that are being increasingly considered in multi-family buildings of high-density cities. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of the impacts of balcony types on the indoor environmental quality (IEQ) and energy consumption of dwellings. Of the reviewed studies, 69% were published during the last decade, making it evident that awareness of the positive impact of balcony spaces is continuously increasing. The literature review allowed us to identify three balcony spaces according to their morphology and their boundary system: open balcony (OB), glazed balcony (GB), and eliminate balcony (EB). It was concluded that these balcony types produce relevant impacts in four factors that contribute to the indoor environmental quality: thermal comfort, indoor air quality, visual comfort, and acoustic comfort. Practical design recommendations and constraints were provided according to distinct climatic conditions and building technologies. This review also explored the assessment methodologies used for the optimization of the balconies on the design process. The literature highlighted the lack of a comprehensive study about the impact of balconies in mild and Mediterranean climates, as well as the knowledge limitations concerning the balance between the impacts on IEQ factors.
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Rapid global urbanization has led to a construction boom in high-rise buildings, and this trend seems unlikely to change in the foreseeable future. But what are the social, psychological, and behavioral effects of living and working in high-rise environments? Researchers have only just begun to gather systematic empirical data about the positive and negative effects of high-rises for their human occupants. Many of the existing studies are limited in scope, and some provide conflicting results, so it is important to consider the body of research literature as a whole. The current review provides a broad and systematic evaluation of high-rise post-occupancy studies, in order to assess the state of our current knowledge, determine if provisional conclusions can be drawn from the existing research, and identify vital areas for future investigations. The overview suggests that certain negative psychological and social impacts have been consistently associated with high-rise environments, particularly for lower-income populations. At the same time, however, the literature provides evidence that many of these impacts can be reduced or eliminated through responsible design innovation.
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The highly contagious coronavirus and the rapid spread of COVID-19 disease have generated a global public health crisis, which is being addressed at various local and global scales through social distancing measures and guidelines. This is coupled with debates about the nature of living and working patterns through intensive utilisation of information and telecommunication technologies, leading to the social and institutional acceptability of these patterns as the ‘new normal.’ The primary objective of this article is to instigate a discourse about the potential contribution of architecture and urban design and planning in generating knowledge that responds to pressing questions about future considerations of post pandemic architecture and urbanism. Methodologically, the discussion is based on a trans-disciplinary framework, which is utilised for conceptual analysis and is operationalized by identifying and discoursing design and planning implications. The article underscores relevant factors; originates insights for areas where future research will be critically needed, through key areas: a) Issues related to urban dynamics are delineated from the perspective of urban and human geography, urban design and planning, and transportation engineering; b) Questions that pertain to socio-spatial implications and urban space/ urban life dialectics stem from the field of environmental psychology; and c) Deliberations about new environments that accommodate new living/working styles supervene from ethnographical and anthropological perspectives. The article concludes with an outlook that captures key aspects of the needed synergy between architectural and urban education, research, and practice and public health in a post pandemic virtual and global world.
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Over three million people live below the poverty line in Australia. Low-income households suffer from overheated or cold homes and experience problems associated with energy inefficiency and poor indoor environmental quality (IEQ), which ultimately affect residents’ quality of life, comfort, well-being, physical and mental health. These circumstances are the main drivers of a social challenge known as Energy Poverty (EP) when residents have difficulties in paying the electricity bills. EP needs to be addressed by i) implementing energy efficiency measures in social housing, ii) educating low-income families about energy saving practices and behaviours, iii) developing new energy policies. We investigated the level of EP in social housing located in New South Wales, Australia. Indoor thermal environment and air quality were monitored in 106 low-income households over the winter and summer periods 2018/2019. Questionnaire responses informed the real living conditions of participating families, including their medical history and behaviours concerning energy use. The information presented here will be used to investigate the possible evolution of IEQ and EP as a function of climate change and extreme weather events on housing and suggest countermeasures and target policies to benefit the vulnerable households and alleviating the EP level of the region.
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This paper presents a post-occupancy daylighting study within 17 residences in Singapore consisting of 35 participants. Each residence was visited, and a calibrated daylighting model was constructed and validated based upon 100's of individual illuminance measurements. A survey on subjective lighting quality was administered to each participant. The authors find that simulated annual climate-based daylight measures can be used to predict subjective lighting evaluations such as satisfaction with access to daylight, whether a space is perceived as dim or bright, and when overall daylighting levels are too low. Using the mean annual daylight level per sensor, at a spatial median illuminance threshold of 175 lx, more than 80% of people are predicted to be satisfied with access to daylight in kitchens; however, in bedrooms and living rooms, satisfaction with daylight was high even at low lighting levels. Kitchens can be identified as dim or bright and all residential space types can be identified as often underlit or not based upon median spatial values of annual sensor mean illuminance. Finally, the authors share reported reasons for dynamic window shading use in the residences studied-desire for privacy was found to be of similar importance to the direct sunlight, a difference from dynamic shading use in commercial spaces.
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As the concept of prospect-refuge defines a preferred environment, the spatial elements that provide good conditions for the catalyst of the theory have been extensively studied. The well-known architectural element of this theory is the window that optimizes visual openness to outdoor or enclosure from outdoor. The aim of this paper is to develop a design method for prospect-refuge condition by adjusting window design attributes. A parametric design model that measures spatial conditions and presents design alternatives for the window is proposed in two major phases. First, this paper explains a parametric model to generate design alternatives for a window according to its size, aspect ratio, location, and shape. In the second phase, the parametric algorithm is defined for the measurement of prospect-refuge with 3D visibility. As a result, we explore the impact of window design variables on average visibility and difference visibility of prospect and refuge area. Using the parametric design technology, the proposed method presents analytical techniques, considering spatial characteristics.
Conference Paper
Multi-unit residential buildings (MURB) represent more than one half of the new housing built in the USA and Canada. To date, the majority of daylighting research has focused on offices, but MURB have a number of environmental performance challenges and quality of life considerations specific to their housing typology. Daylight is typically not sufficient in these dwellings, as many units are small and single-aspect, with a deep floorplate and a balcony that shades the living spaces within and below. There are no established metrics or methods specifically aimed to aid in daylighting design for MURB. There is a need for increased understanding of daylighting in these buildings, and better methods and metrics to simulate daylight performance. New early stage climate-based daylighting modeling (CBDM) tools such as DIVA allow designers to predict daylight performance in buildings. These tools were developed with offices in mind, and have underlying assumptions such as work hours and occupancy during daylight, and a focus on productivity and minimum sufficient lighting for a task, that make them difficult to adopt for MURB. This paper emerged from a study of the influence of balcony typologies on daylighting and presents a selective literature review of existing assumptions around daylight simulations for MURB. Itidentifies which assumptions in current tools and methods are problematic, with the aim of leading to more relevant CBDM assumptions and tools for this building typology. Drawing on recent literature, published studies, and rules of thumb, this paper identifies MURB-specific challenges with current assumptions about daylight simulation and tests some alternatives to typical simulation parameters. The aim is to begin to create MURB-specific thresholds for parameters including target daylight illuminance, metrics, and simulation grid height.
The need to reduce the carbon footprint of the current stock of multi-unit residential buildings (MURBs) creates an opportunity to improve the indoor environmental quality (IEQ), particularly in buildings occupied by vulnerable populations. This investigation presents IEQ findings from an occupant survey of 180 suites across seven social housing MURBs. The results show many residents are reporting discomfort in all three categories of outcomes surveyed, thermal comfort, olfactory comfort and health symptoms. Residents in two of the seven buildings have higher thermal discomfort, and initial analysis suggests that higher glazing ratios may be a contributing factor. Windows are generally associated with higher solar gains and drafts, making them a good retrofit target for energy and IEQ gains. Resident interventions, such as use of fans or window air conditioning units, were not effective. Olfactory discomfort is another challenge for residents, 80% of whom reported discomfort on at least a weekly basis. Retrofits that exhaust odors from within the suite and limit inter-suite odor transfer could improve olfactory conditions. The buildings that have higher rates of olfactory and thermal discomfort also have higher frequency of health symptoms, warranting further investigation of interrelationships among the outcomes. Residents who report thermal discomfort more frequently report olfactory discomfort and experience more frequent health symptoms. Overall, these results are useful benchmarks of the current IEQ status of this type of building. Understanding the results is helpful for targeting retrofit strategies across multiple IEQ dimensions.
We investigated the extent to which the amount of sky and other contents affect expectations that window views will support psychological restoration in an urban context. The study involved 102 digital view images across which the amount of sky and other contents were varied systematically through manipulation of variables relevant to urban densification. University students (N = 212) rated images on restorative quality (being away, fascination), restoration likelihood, or preference. We aggregated the ratings for each variable for each image and used the images as cases in analyses. Amount of sky and presence of a window box with greenery had direct positive effects on restoration likelihood judgments, as well as indirect effects mediated by being away and fascination. Ground-level views with people and street trees evoked ratings similar to those for some views with sky, but the views judged most restorative and most liked were those with the most sky.