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Phase Separation of Nonionic Surfactant Aqueous Solution in Standing Surface Acoustic Wave for Submicron Particle Manipulation



Acoustic manipulation of submicron particles in a controlled manner has been challenging to date because of the increased contribution of acoustic streaming which leads to fluid mixing and homogenization. This article describes the patterning of submicron particles and the migration of their patterned locations from pressure nodes to antinodes in non-ionic surfactant (Tween 20) aqueous solution at a conventional standing surface acoustic wave field with the wavelength of 150 µm. Phase separation of the aqueous surfactant solution occurs when they are exposed to acoustic waves probably due to the “clouding behavior” of non-ionic surfactant. The generated surfactant precipitates are pushed to the pressure antinodes due to the negative acoustic contrast factor relative to water. Comparing with the mixing appearance in pure water media, acoustic radiation force dominant patterning behavior of submicron particles with a diameter of 300 nm is readily apparent in the aqueous solution with 2% volumetric concentration of Tween 20 surfactant, thanks to the suppression effect of acoustic streaming at inhomogeneous fluids. These submicron particles are first pushed to acoustic pressure nodes and then are migrated to antinodes where the surfactant precipitates stay. More attractively, the migration of acoustically patterned locations is not only limited to submicron particles and it also occurs to micrometer sized particles at solutions with higher surfactant concentrations. These findings open up a novel avenue for the controllable acoustic manipulation.
Lab on a Chip
Devices and applications at the micro- and nanoscale
ISSN 1473-0197
Volume 21
Number 4
21 February 2021
Pages 619–786
Pengfei Niu, Wei Pang et al.
Phase separation of a nonionic surfactant aqueous
solution in a standing surface acoustic wave for
submicron particle manipulation
... Piezoelectric and electrostatic are the two most feasible approaches to probe the mechanical domain. [160][161][162] Nevertheless, as the most significant and mature photonic platform [163][164][165] and many demonstrations in sensing applications, [166][167][168][169] silicon does not exhibit a piezoelectric effect and is not effectively guide acoustic modes. Many existing realizations of light-sound coupling are built on unconventional material platforms. ...
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Optomechanical sensing based on the coupling between mechanical motions and optical resonances has attracted huge interest in sensor applications due to its small footprint, high sensitivity, low detection limit, and electromagnetic immunity. Optomechanical sensors that detect from mechanical motion at µm scale to molecular vibration at nm scale have found various applications such as force, inertia, acoustic, chemical, and thermal sensing, etc. In this review, we provide an overview of the recent progress of optomechanical sensors. Three development fields of optomechanical sensors are reviewed, which are passive optomechanical sensors, electro-optomechanical sensing platforms, and molecular vibration sensing schemes. The sensor configurations, applications, and integrations are described. In the end, we also provide our perspectives on the future development directions of optomechanical sensors.
The utilization of acoustic fields offers a contactless approach for microparticle manipulation in a miniaturized system, and plays a significant role in medicine, biology, chemistry, and engineering. Due to the...
Particles, ranging from submicron to nanometer scale, can be broadly categorized into biological and non‐biological types. Submicron‐to‐nanoscale bioparticles include various bacteria, viruses, liposomes, and exosomes. Non‐biological particles cover various inorganic, metallic, and carbon‐based particles. The effective manipulation of these submicron to nanoparticles, including their separation, sorting, enrichment, assembly, trapping, and transport, is a fundamental requirement for different applications. Acoustofluidics, owing to their distinct advantages, have emerged as a potent tool for nanoparticle manipulation over the past decade. Although recent literature reviews have encapsulated the evolution of acoustofluidic technology, there is a paucity of reports specifically addressing the acoustical manipulation of submicron to nanoparticles. This article endeavors to provide a comprehensive study of this topic, delving into the principles, apparatus, and merits of acoustofluidic manipulation of submicron to nanoparticles, and discussing the state‐of‐the‐art developments in this technology. The discourse commences with an introduction to the fundamental theory of acoustofluidic control and the forces involved in nanoparticle manipulation. Subsequently, the working mechanism of acoustofluidic manipulation of submicron to nanoparticles is dissected into two parts, dominated by the acoustic wave field and the acoustic streaming field. A critical analysis of the advantages and limitations of different acoustofluidic platforms in nanoparticles control is presented. The article concludes with a summary of the challenges acoustofluidics face in the realm of nanoparticle manipulation and analysis, and a forecast of future development prospects.
Small-sized, high-sensitivity, and low-cost sensors are required for gas-sensing applications because of their critical role in environmental monitoring, clinic diagnosis, process control, and anti-terrorism. Given the rapid developments in micro-fabrication and microelectromechanical system (MEMS) technologies, film bulk acoustic resonator (FBAR) gas sensors have received increased research attention because of their improved working frequency and reliability. This chapter discusses the state-of-the-art and recent developments in FBAR gas sensors. The sensing mechanism and limitations of these sensors are summarized. Recent progress in the development of four major aspects of FBAR gas sensors, namely, FBAR gas sensors using different sensing materials, FBAR gas sensors used in electronic noses, system integration of FBAR gas sensors, and FBAR gas sensors used as micro-GC detectors, is reviewed. The potential future of FBAR sensors used in flexible electronics is also discussed.
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Acoustofluidic devices becomes one of the emerging and versatile tools for many biomedical applications. Most of the previous acoustofluidic devices are used for cells manipulation, and the few devices for cell phenotyping with a limitation in throughput. In this study, an enhanced tilted-angle (ETA) acoustofluidic device is developed and applied for mechanophenotyping of live cells. The ETA Device consists of an interdigital transducer which is positioned along a microfluidic channel. An inclination angle of 5° is introduced between the interdigital transducer and the liquid flow direction. The pressure nodes formed inside the acoustofluidic field in the channel deflect the biological cells from their original course in accordance with their mechanical properties, including volume, compressibility, and density. The threshold power for fully converging the cells to the pressure node is used to calculate the acoustic contrast factor. To demonstrate the ETA device in cell mechanophenotyping, and distinguishing between different cell types, further experimentation is carried out by using A549 (lung cancer cells), MDB-MA-231 (breast cancer cells), and leukocytes. The resulting acoustic contrast factors for the lung and breast cancer cells are different from that of the leukocytes by 27.9% and 21.5%, respectively. These results suggest this methodology can successfully distinguish and phenotype different cell types based on the acoustic contrast factor.
The mechanical properties (compressibility or deformability) of cells are closely related to their death, migration, and differentiation. Accurate separation and manipulation of bioparticles based on these mechanical properties are still a challenging in the field of acoustofluidics. In this work, based on surface acoustic waves (SAW) and divergent microchannels, we developed a new method for separating and detecting particles or cells with different compressibility. The difference in acoustic radiation force (Fr) caused by compressibility are gradually amplified and accumulated by decreasing the flow velocity, and they are finally reflected in the particle migration distance. During the transverse migration process, the alternating dominance of the acoustic radiation force and the Stokes resistance force (Fs) drives the particles to create three typical migration patterns: intermittent migration, compound migration, and near-wall migration. In the present tilted SAW device, a 91% separation success rate of ∼10 μm polystyrene (PS) and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) particles can be achieved by optimizing the acoustic field input power and the fluid velocity. The application potential of the present divergent microchannel is validated by separating the myelogenous leukemia cell K562 and the natural killer cell NK92 that have similar densities and sizes (∼15 μm) but different compressibility. The results of this work are expected to provide valuable insights into the acoustofluidics separation and detection of the cells that are with different compressibility.
Over the past few decades, acoustofluidics, one of the branches of microfluidics, has rapidly developed as a multidisciplinary cutting edge research topic, covering many biomedical and bioanalytical applications. Acoustofluidics usually utilizes acoustic pressure and acoustic streaming effects to manipulate liquids and bioparticles. Acoustic manipulation using acoustic radiation force has been widely studied; however, with the recent development of new piezoelectric devices that enable faster acoustic streaming, particle manipulations using drag force induced by acoustic streaming have attracted more attention. Despite many review articles on acoustic radiation force-based acoustophoresis, acoustic streaming is less frequently covered. Here, we review the recent development of microscale acoustic streaming, especially high-frequency transducer-induced high-speed streaming, confinement and programed streaming, and acoustic streaming tweezers, which combine the acoustic radiation force and drag force to tackle the size limitations of conventional acoustic manipulations. A brief review of acoustic streaming theory and its generation is summarized. Recent progress in applying acoustic streaming for fluidic handling and bioparticle manipulations is reviewed. Representative applications of micro acoustic streaming are provided, and the key issues in these applications are analyzed. Finally, the future prospects of micro acoustic streaming in bioanalytical and biomedical applications are discussed.
Acoustic tweezers based on surface acoustic waves (SAWs) have raised great interest in the fields of tissue engineering, targeted therapy, and drug delivery. Generally, the complex structure and array layout design of interdigital electrodes would restrict the applications of acoustic tweezers. Here, we present a novel approach by using bisymmetric coherent acoustic tweezers to modulate the shape of acoustic pressure fields with high flexibility and accuracy. Experimental tests were conducted to perform the precise, contactless, and biocompatible cluster manipulation of polystyrene microparticles and yeast cells. Stripe, dot, quadratic lattice, hexagonal lattice, interleaved stripe, oblique stripe, and many other complex arrays were achieved by real-time modulation of amplitudes and phase relations of coherent SAWs to demonstrate the capability of the device for the cluster manipulation of particles and cells. Furthermore, rapid switching among various arrays, shape regulation, geometric parameter modulation of array units, and directional translation of microparticles and cells were implemented. This study demonstrated a favorable technique for flexible and versatile manipulation and patterning of cells and biomolecules, and it has the advantages of high manipulation accuracy and adjustability, thus it is expected to be utilized in the fields of targeted cellular assembly, biological 3D printing, and targeted release of drugs.
We demonstrate a sawtooth-based metasurface approach for flexibly orienting acoustic fields in a microfluidic device driven by surface acoustic waves (SAW), where sub-wavelength channel features can be used to arbitrarily steer acoustic fringes in a microchannel. Compared to other acoustofluidic methods, only a single travelling wave is used, the fluidic pressure field is decoupled from the fluid domain's shape, and steerable pressure fields are a function of a simply constructed polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) metasurface shape. Our results are relevant to microfluidic applications including the patterning, concentration, focusing, and separation of microparticles and cells.
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We present three-dimensional measurements of particle-size-dependent acoustophoretic motion of microparticles with diameters from 4.8 μm down to 0.5 μm suspended in either homogeneous or inhomogeneous fluids inside a glass-silicon microchannel and exposed to a standing ultrasound wave. To study the crossover from radiation force dominated to streaming dominated motion as the particle size is decreased, we extend previous studies to long timescales, where the particles smaller than the crossover size move over distances comparable to the channel width. We observe a particle-size-dependent particle depletion at late times for the particles smaller than the crossover size. The mechanisms behind this depletion in homogeneous fluids are rationalized by numerical simulations which take the Brownian motion into account. Experimentally, the particle trajectories in inhomogeneous fluids show focusing in the bulk of the microchannel at early times, even for the particles below the critical size, which clearly demonstrates the potential to manipulate submicrometer particles.
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The acoustic radiation force, originating from ultrasonic standing waves and utilized in numerous cell oriented acoustofluidic applications, is dependent on the acoustic contrast factor which describes the relationship between the acousto-mechanical properties of a particle and its surrounding medium. The acousto-mechanical properties of a cell population are known to be heterogeneously distributed but are often assumed to be constant over time. In this paper, we use microchannel acoustophoresis to show that the cell state within a cell population, in our case living and dead cells, influences the mechanical phenotype. By investigating the trapping location of viable and dead K562, MCF-7 and A498 cells as a function of the suspension medium density, we observed that beyond a specific medium density the viable cells were driven to the pressure anti-node while the dead cells were retained in the pressure node. Using this information, we were able to calculate the effective acoustic impedance of viable K562 and MCF-7 cells. The spatial separation between viable and dead cells along the channel width demonstrates a novel acoustophoresis approach for binary separation of viable and dead cells in a cell-size independent and robust manner.
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Nanoacoustic fields are a promising method for particle actuation at the nanoscale, though THz frequencies are typically required to create nanoscale wavelengths. In this work, the generation of robust nanoscale force gradients is demonstrated using MHz driving frequencies via acoustic‐structure interactions. A structured elastic layer at the interface between a microfluidic channel and a traveling surface acoustic wave (SAW) device results in submicron acoustic traps, each of which can trap individual submicron particles. The acoustically driven deformation of nanocavities gives rise to time‐averaged acoustic fields which direct suspended particles toward, and trap them within, the nanocavities. The use of SAWs permits massively multiplexed particle manipulation with deterministic patterning at the single‐particle level. In this work, 300 nm diameter particles are acoustically trapped in 500 nm diameter cavities using traveling SAWs with wavelengths in the range of 20–80 µm with one particle per cavity. On‐demand generation of nanoscale acoustic force gradients has wide applications in nanoparticle manipulation, including bioparticle enrichment and enhanced catalytic reactions for industrial applications.
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Directed-assembly by standing surface acoustic waves (SSAWs) only requires an acoustic contrast between particles and their surrounding medium. It is therefore highly attractive as this requirement is fulfilled by almost all dispersed systems. Previous studies utilizing SSAWs demonstrated mainly reversible microstructure arrangements from nanoparticles. The surface chemistry of colloids dramatically influences their tendency to aggregate and sinter; therefore, it should be possible to form permanent microstructures with intimate contact between nanoparticles by controlling this property. Dispersed silver nanoparticles in a microfluidic channel were exposed to SSAWs and reversibly accumulated at the pressure nodes. We show that addition of chloride ions that remove the polyacrylic capping of the nanoparticles trigger their sintering and the formation of stable conducting silver microstructures. Moreover, if the destabilizing ions are added prior to nanoparticle assembly while continuously streaming the dispersion through the acoustic aperture, the induced aggregation leads to formation of significantly thinner microstructures, which are (for the first time) unlimited in length by the acoustic apparatus. This new approach overcomes the discrepancy between the need for organic dispersants to prevent unwanted aggregation in the dispersion, and the end product's requirement for intimate contact between the colloidal particles.
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Tissue engineering has offered unique opportunities for disease modeling and regenerative medicine; however, the success of these strategies is dependent on faithful reproduction of native cellular organization. Here, it is reported that ultrasound standing waves can be used to organize myoblast populations in material systems for the engineering of aligned muscle tissue constructs. Patterned muscle engineered using type I collagen hydrogels exhibits significant anisotropy in tensile strength, and under mechanical constraint, produced microscale alignment on a cell and fiber level. Moreover, acoustic patterning of myoblasts in gelatin methacryloyl hydrogels significantly enhances myofibrillogenesis and promotes the formation of muscle fibers containing aligned bundles of myotubes, with a width of 120–150 µm and a spacing of 180–220 µm. The ability to remotely pattern fibers of aligned myotubes without any material cues or complex fabrication procedures represents a significant advance in the field of muscle tissue engineering. In general, these results are the first instance of engineered cell fibers formed from the differentiation of acoustically patterned cells. It is anticipated that this versatile methodology can be applied to many complex tissue morphologies, with broader relevance for spatially organized cell cultures, organoid development, and bioelectronics. Ultrasound standing waves are used to preorganize myoblast populations within collagen‐based hydrogels for the engineering of anisotropic skeletal muscle tissue. The acoustic cell patterning directs myoblast fusion and differentiation to generate oriented myotubes bundled into aligned muscle fibers; a physiologically relevant tissue morphology that yields anisotropic tensile mechanics and enhanced myofibrillogenesis.
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Acoustic standing waves offer an excellent opportunity to trap and spatially manipulate colloidal objects. This noncontact technique is used for the in situ formation and patterning in aqueous solution of 1D or 2D arrays of pH‐responsive coacervate microdroplets comprising poly(diallyldimethylammonium) chloride and the dipeptide N‐fluorenyl‐9‐methoxy‐carbonyl‐D‐alanine‐D‐alanine. Decreasing the pH of the preformed droplet arrays results in dipeptide nanofilament self‐assembly and subsequent formation of a micropatterned supramolecular hydrogel that can be removed as a self‐supporting monolith. Guest molecules such as molecular dyes, proteins, and oligonucleotides are sequestered specifically within the coacervate droplets during acoustic processing to produce micropatterned hydrogels containing spatially organized functional components. Using this strategy, the site‐specific isolation of multiple enzymes to drive a catalytic cascade within the micropatterned hydrogel films is exploited.
Exosomes, a form of extracellular vesicle, are an important precursor in regenerative medicine. Microfluidic methods exist to capture these sub-micrometer sized objects from small quantities of sample, ideal for multiple diagnostic applications. To address the challenge of extraction from large volumes, we use the visual access offered by microfluidic techniques to probe the physical mechanisms behind a method which is compatible with future upscaling. The sound wave actuated nano-sieve uses resonant modes in a packed bed of microparticles to exert trapping forces on nanoparticles. Here, we examine the role of the microparticle size, demonstrating better performance from 15 um particles than 7 um particles. When applied to biological samples, we demonstrate for the first time that a packed bed of these larger particles is capable of capturing exosomes and liposomes, the captured particles being on average 20 to 40 times smaller than the pores within the trapped bed.
Acoustic actuation is widely used in microfluidic systems as a method of controlling the behaviour of suspended matter. When acoustic waves impinge on particles a radiation force is exerted which can cause migration over multiple acoustic time periods, in addition the scattering of the wave by the particle will affect the behaviour of nearby particles. This interparticle effect, or Bjerknes force, tends to attract particles together. Here, instead of manipulating a dilute sample of particles, we examine the acoustic excitation of a packed bed. We fill a microfluidic channel with microparticles, such that they form a closely packed structure and then excite them at the particle’s resonant frequency. In this scenario, each particle acts as a source of scattered waves and, we show, these waves are highly effective at attracting nanoparticles onto the surface of the microparticles, and nanoparticle collection characterise the performance of this mechanically activated packed bed.
Suppression of boundary-driven Rayleigh streaming has recently been demonstrated for fluids of spatial inhomogeneity in density and compressibility owing to the competition between the boundary-layer-induced streaming stress and the inhomogeneity-induced acoustic body force. To understand the implications of this for acoustofluidic particle handling in the submicrometer regime, we here characterize acoustic streaming by general defocusing particle tracking inside a half-wavelength acoustic resonator filled with two miscible aqueous solutions of different density and speed of sound by adjusting the mass fraction of solute molecules. We follow the temporal evolution of the system as the solute molecules become homogenized by diffusion and advection. The acoustic streaming is suppressed in the bulk of the microchannel for 70–200 s, depending on the choice of inhomogeneous solutions. From confocal measurements of the concentration field of fluorescently labeled Ficoll solute molecules, we conclude that the temporal evolution of the acoustic streaming depends on the diffusivity and the initial distribution of these molecules. Suppression and deformation of the streaming rolls are observed for inhomogeneities in the solute mass fraction down to 0.1%.
Acoustophoresis, the movement of particles with sound, has evolved as a promising handling tool for micrometer-sized particles. Recent developments in thin film deposition technologies have enabled the reproducible fabrication of thin film piezoelectric materials for miniaturized ultrasound transducers. In this study, we combine both technologies and present the first implementation of a thin film Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT) transducer as actuation source for bulk acoustic wave (BAW) acoustophoresis. The design and fabrication process was developed for thin film BAW (TFBAW) devices. High-quality piezoelectric layers were produced using Solmates SMP-800 pulsed laser deposition (PLD) equipment which enables wafer-level batch fabrication. Results from simulations and experiments enabled the characterization of different designs and the prediction of the pressure field inside the TFBAW device. Moreover, the acoustic streaming field was analyzed to determine critical particle diameters for acoustophoresis. Operation conditions were identified for the acoustophoretic unit operations particle concentration and sorting. The TFBAW device was able to generate a high acoustic pressure amplitude of 0.55 MPa at a low peak input voltage of 0.5 V. Overall, this study demonstrates that TFBAW devices have the potential of a miniaturized, predictable and reproducible acoustic particle manipulation at a low voltage for lab-on-a-chip applications.