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Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 93 (2021) 104060
Available online 3 December 2020
0022-1031/© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
A creative destruction approach to replication: Implicit work and sex
morality across cultures
Warren Tierney
, Jay Hardy III
, Charles R. Ebersole
, Domenico Viganola
Elena Giulia Clemente
, Michael Gordon
, Suzanne Hoogeveen
, Julia Haaf
, Anna Dreber
Magnus Johannesson
, Thomas Pfeiffer
, Jason L. Huang
, Leigh Ann Vaughn
Kenneth DeMarree
, Eric R. Igou
, Hanah Chapman
, Ana Gantman
, Matthew Vanaman
Jordan Wylie
, Justin Storbeck
, Michael R. Andreychik
, Jon McPhetres
, Culture & Work
Morality Forecasting Collaboration
, Eric Luis Uhlmann
INSEAD, Singapore
Oregon State University, United States of America
University of Virginia, United States of America
The World Bank
Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
Massey University, New Zealand
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Michigan State University, United States of America
Ithaca College, United States of America
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, United States of America
University of Limerick, Ireland
Brooklyn College CUNY, United States of America
Queens College CUNY, United States of America
Faireld University, United States of America
Durham University, United Kingdom
Many Institutions
Theory testing
Implicit social cognition
Work values
How can we maximize what is learned from a replication study? In the creative destruction approach to repli-
cation, the original hypothesis is compared not only to the null hypothesis, but also to predictions derived from
multiple alternative theoretical accounts of the phenomenon. To this end, new populations and measures are
included in the design in addition to the original ones, to help determine which theory best accounts for the
results across multiple key outcomes and contexts. The present pre-registered empirical project compared the
Implicit Puritanism account of intuitive work and sex morality to theories positing regional, religious, and social
class differences; explicit rather than implicit cultural differences in values; self-expression vs. survival values as
a key cultural fault line; the general moralization of work; and false positive effects. Contradicting Implicit
Puritanism’s core theoretical claim of a distinct American work morality, a number of targeted ndings repli-
cated across multiple comparison cultures, whereas several failed to replicate in all samples and were identied
as likely false positives. No support emerged for theories predicting regional variability and specic individual-
differences moderators (religious afliation, religiosity, and education level). Overall, the results provide evi-
dence that work is intuitively moralized across cultures.
This paper has been recommended for acceptance by Joris Lammers.
* Corresponding authors at: INSEAD, Organisational Behaviour Area, 1 Ayer Rajah Avenue, 138676, Singapore.
E-mail addresses: (W. Tierney), (E.L. Uhlmann).
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Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
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Received 24 September 2018; Received in revised form 12 September 2020; Accepted 13 September 2020
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 93 (2021) 104060
The present initiative aimed to assess the robustness, generality, and
cultural boundedness of prior ndings on Implicit Puritanism, an ac-
count of the role of the United States’ cultural and religious history on
the moral intuitions of contemporary Americans (Poehlman, 2007;
Uhlmann, Poehlman, & Bargh, 2008, 2009; Uhlmann, Poehlman, Tan-
nenbaum, & Bargh, 2011). The theory of Implicit Puritanism draws on
research on automatic and unconscious social cognition (Banaji, 2001;
Greenwald & Banaji, 1995; Haidt, 2001; Nisbett & Wilson, 1977) and
cross-disciplinary scholarship on America’s religious roots (Baker, 2005;
de Tocqueville, 1840/1990; Landes, 1998; Lipset, 1996) to form testable
empirical predictions about national differences in intuitive work and
sex morality. According to the theory, a history of Puritan-Protestant
inuence has led traditional work and sex values to implicitly
permeate U.S. culture, shaping the moral intuitions and unconscious
reactions of even non-Protestant and less religious Americans. In
contrast to cultural frameworks focused on East-West differences (e.g.,
Nisbett, Peng, Choi, & Norenzayan, 2001; Oyserman, Coon, & Kem-
melmeier, 2002) or comparisons between Western, Educated, Industri-
alized, Rich, and Democratic (WEIRD) and non-WEIRD populations
(Henrich, Heine, & Norenzayan, 2010), Implicit Puritanism focuses on
cultural variability within Western societies. The implicit values of
Americans— as elicited via moral scenarios, mindset manipulations, and
priming paradigms— are contrasted with those of individuals from
ostensibly similar Western societies with different religious histories (e.
g., Canada, Australia, or the United Kingdom).
Employing what we term a “creative destruction” approach to
replication, we leveraged the complex set of experimental results and
cultural differences hypothesized by Implicit Puritanism to further pre-
specify alternative results predicted by competing accounts of work and
sex morality. A number of these alternative frameworks posit that reli-
gious, regional, and social class differences are more important than
national differences. Another perspective argues that cultural differ-
ences in the relevant values are explicit and conscious rather than im-
plicit and nonconscious. Yet another competing theory proposes that
implicit orientations towards work and sexuality are consistent across
cultures, perhaps due to common evolutionary roots. In addition to
directly replicating the original study designs (Simons, 2014), this
initiative strategically included new measures and samples— permitting
not only a comparison of the original theoretical predictions (Poehlman,
2007; Uhlmann et al., 2008, 2009, 2011) with the null hypothesis of no
condition or group differences, but also tests of further ideas. We were
then able to examine which theory best accounts for the results across
multiple key outcomes and contexts. The goal, in the specic case of
work morality across cultures but also more generally, was to identify
ways to maximize the generativity and information gain from a repli-
cation initiative.
1. Creative destruction in science
The scientic community’s shaken faith in original effects that do not
emerge in a single direct replication (same method, new observations;
Simons, 2014) has been documented in the context of a prediction
market (Dreber et al., 2015). More generally, debate and discussion
regarding replications centers largely on the existence or nonexistence
of a given nding, as opposed to testing competing predictions of pos-
itive effects against one another. Consider, however, that a replication
could broaden its scope beyond the original design and theorizing,
including further measures and conditions testing additional ideas
(Brainerd & Reyna, 2018). Large scale replications can and should be
leveraged to simultaneously test multiple competing and complemen-
tary ideas that operate in the same theoretical space (Tierney et al., in
The inspiration is Schumpeter’s (1942/1994) concept of the “gale of
creative destruction” in a capitalistic economy, the “process of industrial
mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from
within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new
one.” Schumpeter characterizes capitalism as a cyclical process through
which outmoded products, approaches, and organizations are destroyed
and supplanted by stronger ones. The destruction is both healthy and
necessary for improved institutions to emerge. The notion of creative
destruction or a “Schumpeter’s gale” has a clear parallel in natural se-
lection in evolutionary biology. In the Origin of Species, Darwin (1872)
noted that “extinction of old forms is the almost inevitable consequence
of the production of new forms.”
For too long, psychological theories have been sheltered and pro-
tected from disconrmation, rather than subjected to the type of sur-
vival pressures Darwin outlined. Historically, approximately 1% of
articles published in the elds of psychology and marketing are direct
replications of prior work (Bozarth & Roberts, 1972; Hubbard & Arm-
strong, 1994; Makel, Plucker, & Hegarty, 2012). Most of the research
questions examined in the many thousands of papers published yearly
are only ever pursued by the original laboratory, who are biased to
conrm their own theories (Berman & Reich, 2010; Greenwald, Prat-
kanis, Leippe, & Baumgardner, 1986; Kuhn, 1962; Manzoli et al., 2014;
Mynatta, Dohertya, & Tweneya, 1977). The recent movement to reex-
amine published ndings suggests replication rates of 36% in psychol-
ogy (Open Science Collaboration, 2015), 11–25% in biomedicine
(Begley & Ellis, 2012; Prinz, Schlange, & Asadullah, 2011), 61% in
experimental economics (Camerer et al., 2016), 70% in experimental
philosophy (Cova et al., 2018), and 62% for behavioral experiments
published in elite journals (i.e., Science and Nature; Camerer et al.,
2018). Yet it is also worth considering what is left in the wake of a gale of
failed replications. The original theory has been cast into doubt, but has
a new, stronger theory emerged in its place?
In the creative destruction approach to replication, the original hy-
pothesis is compared not only to the null hypothesis, but also to pre-
registered (Van’t Veer & Giner-Sorolla, 2016; Wagenmakers, Wetzels,
Borsboom, van der Maas, & Kievit, 2012) predictions derived from
multiple additional theories (Tierney et al., in press). This may involve
administering new measures, adding further conditions, and testing new
populations in addition to the original ones (what Brainerd & Reyna,
2018, refer to as a Registered Report plus or RR+approach). Which
theoretical framework best accounts for the variance in outcomes is then
rigorously assessed. This may lead to the conclusion that multiple
complementary theories are needed to fully explain the phenomenon
under study (Jussim, Coleman, & Lerch, 1987).
The aim is to provide critical tests (Kahneman & Klein, 2009; Laka-
tos, 1970; Mayo, 2018; Mellers, Hertwig, & Kahneman, 2001; Platt,
1964; Popper, 1959/2002) that maximize the yield of scientic
knowledge from the investigation. The present effort complements
broader calls to engage in “theory pruning” by testing competing the-
ories against one another (Aguinis, Pierce, Bosco, & Muslin, 2009;
Kluger & Tikochinsky, 2001) in order to reduce the dense theoretical
landscape of the sciences (Hambrick, 2007; Leavitt, Mitchell, & Peter-
son, 2010). As previous commentators have noted, “one has a much
greater likelihood of making important knowledge advances to theory
and practice if the study is designed so that it juxtaposes and compares
competing plausible explanations of the phenomenon being investi-
gated” (Van de Ven & Johnson, 2006, p. 814), and “The greatest sci-
entic value emerges when at least two models are specied
representing competing conceptualizations and one emerges the stron-
gest” (Vandenberg & Grelle, 2008).
2. Implicit puritanism
Scholars across elds have traced aspects of contemporary U.S. cul-
ture to the nation’s history of religious migration (Baker, 2005; de
Tocqueville, 1840/1990; Lipset, 1996; Schafer, 1991; Voss, 1993).
Among the New England region’s earliest European settlers were devout
Puritan-Protestants eeing religious persecution in England. Although
eventually dwarfed numerically by settlers seeking economic opportu-
nities, these early colonists had a disproportionate inuence on the
W. Tierney et al.
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 93 (2021) 104060
cultural values of the emerging nation. This is analogous to founder
effects in organizations (Schein, 1990; Weeks, 2004) and biology (Mayr,
1942, 1954; Thompson, 1978): the earliest members of a group may
strongly impact the characteristics and behaviors of later generations of
members. Consider for instance that the Southern culture of honor in the
United States can be traced back to settlement from herding commu-
nities in the United Kingdom, where a reputation for violent retribution
served as a deterrent against theft of one’s ock (Nisbett & Cohen,
Historical patterns of religious migration may be one reason why the
United States today remains deeply religious and traditional despite
sharing in the economic growth that has contributed to the seculariza-
tion of other Western countries (Inglehart, 1997; Inglehart & Welzel,
2005). The values of contemporary Americans with regards to sexuality,
suicide, divorce, and abortion resemble prior generations much more so
than in ostensibly similar nations such as the United Kingdom, Canada,
and Australia. A related legacy of America’s Puritan-Protestant heritage
may be a distinctive orientation towards work (Poehlman, 2007; Uhl-
mann et al., 2008, 2009, 2011). Although most of the world’s faiths
moralize sexuality, Calvinist Protestantism is distinctive in the religious
signicance accorded to everyday labor. Theologian John Calvin
believed that material wealth accumulated meritoriously through hard
work indicated that a person was among God’s chosen (Weber, 1904/
1958). Other national cultures encourage long work hours out of secular
concerns such as duty to family or country; the Protestant work ethic is
truly special in linking work to divine salvation.
These unique historical and religious roots hold continuing relevance
in part due to the unconscious internalization and operation of pervasive
cultural mores. Dual process models propose that in addition to explicit,
deliberatively endorsed attitudes and beliefs, people also have implicit,
automatic associations that they may not consciously recognize
(Gawronski & Bodenhausen, 2006; Greenwald & Banaji, 1995). Whereas
explicit beliefs are at least somewhat responsive to logical argumenta-
tion, automatic associations are ingrained by the broader culture or
other environmental conditioning (Banaji, 2001; Gregg, Seibt, & Banaji,
2006). As a result, implicit associations and explicit beliefs can diverge
sharply (Nosek, 2005). For instance, even individuals who deliberately
reject pernicious stereotypes about Black criminality nonetheless asso-
ciate Black targets with crime more so than White targets (Correll, Park,
Judd, & Wittenbrink, 2002; Greenwald, Oakes, & Hoffman, 2003).
Without drawing any moral comparison between racism and religion, a
similar divergence may come into play with regard to Americans’ work
and sex morality. Even non-Protestant and non-religious Americans
may, by virtue of their exposure to U.S. culture, unconsciously absorb
associations based in traditional Puritan-Protestant values. At times,
these associations lead contemporary Americans to show some of the
same tendencies as the Puritan colonists. This includes intuitively con-
demning sexual promiscuity, lauding individuals who work in the
absence of any material need to do so, and working harder on an
assigned task when thoughts about religion are accessible.
The theory of Implicit Puritanism further expects Americans to link
work and sex values together in an overarching ethos. Although many
faiths draw an association between sexual restraint and divine purity,
Protestantism is distinct in also placing work in the realm of the divine.
Via the principle of cognitive balance (Greenwald et al., 2002; Heider,
1958), their mutual link with divine salvation forges a unique connec-
tion between Puritan sex values and the Protestant work ethic in the
minds of Americans. As a result, thoughts or judgments related to hard
work activate inferences and values related to sexuality, and vice versa.
Implicit Puritanism theory thus seeks to bridge prior cultural ana-
lyses of the United States (de Tocqueville, 1840/1990; Lipset, 1996)
with theoretical and empirical work on implicit social cognition as
applied to unconscious cultural stereotyping (Greenwald & Banaji,
1995) and principles of cognitive balance (Greenwald et al., 2002).
Research in the social cognitive tradition suggests that because cultural
stereotypes are ingrained and operate unconsciously, they often affect
the judgments and behaviors of consciously egalitarian and consciously
inegalitarian individuals to similar degrees. Critically to Implicit Puri-
tanism theory, because the effects of the Puritan-Protestant heritage of
the U.S. are held to be pervasive and unconsciously transmitted, de-
mographic differences based on consciously endorsed religion (i.e.,
whether the person is a Protestant or not) and explicit religiosity (i.e.,
devout faith vs. atheism) should not emerge. All that should matter
when it comes to exhibiting the predicted effects, for instance of subtly
priming concepts related to religion (Poehlman, 2007; Uhlmann et al.,
2011), is whether the person is an American or not. The absence of any
moderating effects of self-reported religion or religiosity in past empir-
ical studies thus goes hand in hand with a lack of evidence of conscious
awareness (e.g., on probe questions), in supporting the original theo-
rizing (Poehlman, 2007; Uhlmann et al., 2009, 2011). Such null effects
are also broadly consistent with research on social tuning (Sinclair,
Dunn, & Lowery, 2005; Sinclair, Lowery, Hardin, & Colangelo, 2005)
and cultural transmission (Boyd, Richerson, & Henrich, 2011), which
highlight the automatic and unreective processes via which beliefs can
become pervasive in a community.
3. Key empirical evidence
The primary empirical support for Implicit Puritanism stems from a
series of studies comparing the responses of Americans and non-
Americans to experimental manipulations. Although far from an
exhaustive list of all the evidence consistent with Implicit Puritanism in
American moral cognition, these novel experimental ndings represent
critical building blocks of the theory (Poehlman, 2007; Uhlmann et al.,
2009, 2011), capturing the unique predictions that distinguish Implicit
Puritanism from alternative accounts of American values (e.g., Fisher,
1989; Hofstede, 2001; Inglehart & Welzel, 2005; Lipset, 1996).
3.1. Moralization of needless work
Two of these key studies examined the moralization of work in the
absence of any material need, what Snir and Harpaz (2009) refer to as
“work devotion” (Poehlman, 2007; Uhlmann et al., 2009). In the rst of
these experiments, participants read about a postal worker who won the
lottery and either retired early or stayed-on-the job, and was either
relatively young (23 years of age) or comparatively older (46 years) at
the time. Americans, but not Mexicans, particularly praised a young
person who continued to work at a low-ranked job despite becoming a
multi-millionaire (henceforth referred to as the “Target Age and Need-
less Work Effect”). A follow-up experiment demonstrated that intuitive
processes underlie this pattern of judgments. American participants read
about two potato peelers who shared a winning lottery ticket. One
retired young, and the other continued working in the restaurant
kitchen. Following on prior research on rational-experiential framing
(Epstein, 1998), participants were asked for both their “intuitive, gut
feeling” and “most rational, objective” response as to which of the two
was the better person. Americans signicantly preferred the target who
persisted in needless work, but only in an intuitive mindset. When it
came to their logically reasoned beliefs, Americans seemed to realize
their gut feelings lacked justication (we will refer to this as the “Intu-
itive Mindset Effect”).
3.2. Linking work with salvation
Another key experiment used a priming paradigm (Bargh, 2014;
Bargh, Chen, & Burrows, 1996; Srull & Wyer, 1979) to examine whether
traditional Puritan-Protestant values operate outside of conscious
awareness. Prior empirical studies suggest that direct activation of
concepts can inuence downstream judgments and behaviors absent any
mediation by conscious intentions (see Weingarten, Hepler, Chen,
McAdams, Yi, & Albarracín, 2016, for a meta-analysis). A priming
manipulation was therefore employed to test the hypothesized implicit
W. Tierney et al.
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 93 (2021) 104060
link between work and divine salvation in American minds (Uhlmann
et al., 2011). Participants from the United States and Canada rst
completed a sentence unscrambling puzzle in which either words rep-
resenting salvation (e.g., redeem, divine, heaven) or similarly valanced
concepts unrelated to religion (e.g., owers, rainbow, happiness) were
subtly embedded. After completing one of the two versions of the
scrambled-sentences task, all participants were presented with an
anagram task framed as a work assignment. American, but not Canadian
participants responded to activation of religious concepts with improved
work performance (i.e., greater number of anagrams solved; we will
refer to this as the “Salvation Prime Effect”).
3.3. Linking work and sex values
The nal study key to the theory of Implicit Puritanism provides
evidence of the hypothesized link between work and sex morality in
American moral cognition. This experiment adapted a false memory
paradigm from cognitive psychology (Barrett & Keil, 1996) to examine
the tacit inferences drawn about social targets. American participants
read a series of vignettes about women and men who either upheld or
violated traditional sex or work values (Poehlman, 2007; Uhlmann et al.,
2009). In one scenario, a high school (secondary school) student named
Ann was described as either sexually promiscuous or abstinent. In both
conditions, Anne scored poorly on her history quiz. After a brief dis-
tractor task, participants were tested on their memory of the vignettes.
Embedded among the memory items were target statements that were in
fact false (i.e., did not reect the information provided). Yet at the same
time, they represented inferences owing from the assumption that a
good person is both sexually restrained and hard-working, whereas a
bad person is neither. As hypothesized, Americans falsely remembered
sexually promiscuous individuals as lazy, and vice versa. For example,
when Anne was promiscuous, participants were signicantly more likely
to misremember her having failed to study hard for the quiz. (This
overall pattern of results, obtained across four such scenarios, is
henceforth referred to as the “Tacit Inferences Effect”).
Across each of these investigations, individual differences in religi-
osity and religion (of particular interest, whether the research partici-
pant was a Protestant or not) did not signicantly moderate the effects.
Not only devout American Protestants, but also members of other reli-
gious faiths and even atheists appear to moralize work and sexuality in a
manner consistent with the faith of the early Puritan-Protestant colo-
nists. This is consistent with the idea that such beliefs are implicitly
absorbed from the broader culture context of the United States (Boyd
et al., 2011; Sinclair et al., 2005), rather than deliberatively chosen
through a process of careful reection. This streak of Implicit Puritan-
ism, the original research suggests, coexists with the multifold other
inuences on American culture over the centuries.
4. Alternative accounts of work and sex morality
Consistent with the creative destruction approach to replication
(Tierney et al., in press), rather than re-examine the predictions of Im-
plicit Puritanism theory in isolation, we will leverage the same data
collections to simultaneously test other theories. Some of these alter-
native accounts of work and sex morality are competing, or in other
words formulate predictions in direct opposition to those tested in the
original research (Poehlman, 2007; Uhlmann et al., 2009, 2011). Others
are potentially reconcilable with the original theorizing, positing
individual-differences or demographic moderators that might coexist
with the basic patterns of effects core to Implicit Puritanism.
4.1. False positives
The false positives perspective adopts a skeptical stance towards the
original studies, which were conducted prior to the crisis of condence
and subsequent methodological reforms in the eld of psychology
(Nelson, Simmons, & Simonsohn, 2018). Like most research in-
vestigations conducted before 2011, they were underpowered to detect
the reported effects (Fanelli, 2010; Ioannidis, 2005) and the analyses
were not pre-registered (Van’t Veer & Giner-Sorolla, 2016; Wagen-
makers et al., 2012). In addition, one key experiment— the salvation
prime study— relied on nonconscious priming methods (Bargh et al.,
1996; Srull & Wyer, 1979), which have been subject to a wave of
replication failures (e.g., Caruso, Shapira, & Landy, 2017; Doyen, Klein,
Pichon, & Cleeremans, 2012; Harris, Coburn, Rohrer, & Pashler, 2013;
Klein et al., 2014; McCarthy et al., 2018; O’Donnell et al., 2018; Olsson-
Collentine, Wicherts, & van Assen, in press; Pashler, Coburn, & Harris,
2012; Pashler, Rohrer, & Harris, 2013; Rohrer, Pashler, & Harris, 2015).
Thus, the original Implicit Puritanism ndings may simply reect false
positive effects (Simmons, Nelson, & Simonsohn, 2011). It may not be
the case that needless work elicits intuitive admiration, religion primes
hard work, and work and sex morality are implicitly linked— either in
the United States or in other societies. If the original effects are false
positives, effect sizes should be negligible across cultures, and variability
across locations (e.g., different laboratories, regions, and nations)
should not exceed what would be expected based on chance (Klein,
Vianello, Hasselman, et al., 2018, 2014; McCarthy et al., 2018; Olsson-
Collentine, et al., in press).
4.2. Religious differences
Another possibility is that the original effects hold only for some
Americans, but not others. It seems straightforward that traditional
Puritan-Protestant moral attitudes towards work and sexuality would be
most evident among individuals who are themselves devout, practicing
Protestants. That an implicit association is pervasive in a culture does
not preclude individual differences, such that people who deliberatively
endorse the association show its effects most strongly (Gawronski &
Bodenhausen, 2006; Nosek, 2005). Notably, U.S. Protestants and Cath-
olics exhibit important differences in the tendency to behave imper-
sonally at work, including on indirect and implicit measures (Sanchez-
Burks, 2002, 2005; Sanchez-Burks & Lee, 2007).
Although the original research on Implicit Puritanism obtained no
support for religion and religiosity as moderators of the reported effects,
methodological limitations warrant caution. First, the original studies
relied on relatively small samples, and may have failed to detect the
signal of important moderators amid the noise caused by imprecise es-
timates. Second, only a single-item assessment of religiosity was used,
making it impossible to calculate the reliability of the measure. The
present replications therefore used a validated multi-item measure of
religiosity (Koenig & Büssing, 2010) and collected thousands rather than
hundreds of participants to allow for more condent conclusions.
4.3. Regional differences
A wealth of evidence indicates that variability within different re-
gions of a society can be just as meaningful as cross-national compari-
sons (Cohen & Varnum, 2016; Muthukrishna et al., 2020). Historical
patterns of rice cultivation, which requires high levels of cooperation,
predict contemporary endorsement of collectivism within China (Tal-
helm et al., 2014), and U.S. states vary in their individualism and tight
adherence to norms (Harrington & Gelfand, 2014; Vandello & Cohen,
1999). Regions of Japan settled under frontier conditions are charac-
terized by levels of individualism comparable to those in the United
States (Kitayama, Ishii, Imada, Takemura, & Ramaswamy, 2006). And as
noted earlier, Northern and Southern U.S. states differ dramatically in
their norms regarding insult-based violence (Nisbett & Cohen, 1996).
Inuential historical scholarship proposes that four major regions of
the United States were shaped in distinct ways by migration from
different populations within Great Britain, or “Albion” (Fisher, 1989).
The religious values of the Pilgrims and Puritans most strongly inu-
enced the New England region, English gentry played an important role
W. Tierney et al.
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 93 (2021) 104060
in the plantation culture of the South, Quakers shaped the industrial
culture of the Midwest, and Scotch-Irish migration contributed to the
ranch culture of the American West. In contrast to the theory of Implicit
Puritanism, the regional folkways perspective predicts that Puritan-
Protestant moral intuitions should manifest themselves primary in the
New England states, the U.S. region most inuenced by Puritan
In the original research (Poehlman, 2007; Uhlmann et al., 2009,
2011) regional comparisons within the United States based on state of
origin yielded only null results, yet were based on small samples of
participants and potentially underpowered to detect real differences.
Another limitation of the original investigations is that the U.S. samples
were recruited primarily, although not exclusively, from the New En-
gland region. Several experiments were conducted with undergraduates
at Yale university, most of whom were studying outside their home state,
in contrast to a state school which would be attended mostly by locally
based individuals. Nonetheless, these Yale students had at a minimum a
few months of exposure to New England culture, if not several years or
more. Such samples make it more difcult to tease apart the effects of
regional cultural mores and those of the broader U.S. culture. Although
perhaps doubtful, one cannot rule out the possibility that Yale students
from other areas of the U.S. only exhibited Implicit Puritanism due to
their recent exposure to New England culture.
The replications therefore recruited large samples of respondents
from both the New England states and other U.S. states to allow for a
fairer test of regional variability. The “Albion’s seed” hypothesis sug-
gests the effects outlined by Implicit Puritanism theory should be
conned largely to the New England region, rather than characteristic of
the nation as a whole. This is again in contrast to the theory of Implicit
Puritanism, which proposes that traditional Puritan-Protestant work and
sex morality characterizes U.S. culture in general– i.e., not only New
England but all the U.S. states and regions. Implicit Puritanism is
postulated to have seeped into the broader American culture, not just
New England culture (Poehlman, 2007; Uhlmann et al., 2009, 2011).
Further, rather than being conditioned in a matter of months, the un-
derlying associations with work and sexuality are thought to be social-
ized from a relatively early age (Poehlman, 2007; Uhlmann et al., 2009,
2011), again similar to cultural stereotypes of groups (Banaji, Baron,
Dunham, & Olson, 2008; Baron & Banaji, 2006; Dunham, Baron, &
Banaji, 2006, 2008, 2016). Our large-sample replications provided
much greater power to detect regional differences than in the original
studies, providing direct tests of the opposing predictions of the Implicit
Puritanism and regional folkways accounts of American values.
4.4. Social class differences
Experimental, survey, and archival research converges in identifying
profound differences in values and cognitive tendencies based on social
class (Cohen & Varnum, 2016). Relative to high socioeconomic status
(SES) persons from the same society, low-SES individuals are more likely
to take into account situational constraints when forming judgments of
others; valorize steadfastness in the face of adversity and obedience to
authorities over personal agency; and are more relational and family-
oriented (Snibbe & Markus, 2005; Stephens, Fryberg, & Markus, 2011;
Stephens, Fryberg, Markus, Johnson, & Covarrubias, 2012; Varnum, Na,
Murata, & Kitayama, 2012). Such demographic differences have been
observed not only within the United States, but also other cultures,
among these Italy, Poland, the Ukraine, Russia, and Japan (Grossmann
& Varnum, 2011; Kohn, 1969; Kohn et al., 2002; Kohn, Naoi, Schoen-
bach, Schooler, & Slomczynski, 1990).
In surveys, working class people generally report viewing work as a
job and means to an end— to them, the purpose of work is to earn wages
to support themselves and their family. In contrast, middle and upper-
class respondents are more likely to see work as an end unto itself and
in the context of a long-term career (Argyle, 1994; Corney & Richards,
2005; King & Bu, 2005; Williams, 2012; cf. Adigun, 1997). This suggests
that within any given culture, indices of social class (i.e., educational
attainment and income) should be associated with intuitively moralizing
needless work, as in the Target Age and Needless Work effect, and
Intuitive Mindset effect. The social class perspective makes no strong
predictions for the Tacit Inferences or Salvation Prime effects. However,
the strong version of the theory, in which social class differences
exclusively drive moral cognition, anticipates null ndings. The litera-
ture on class differentiation in human societies provides no basis to
hypothesize an implicit link between work and sex values, or an auto-
matic association between work and divine salvation.
4.5. Self-expression values
Cross-national data from the World Values Survey identies two
primary dimensions of culture: 1) traditional vs. secular-rational values,
and 2) survival vs. self-expression values (Inglehart, 1997; Inglehart &
Welzel, 2005). Traditional societies emphasize the importance of reli-
gious faith and absolute standards for morality, and people tend to be
opposed to divorce, euthanasia, and abortion; in secular societies, fewer
people self-identify as devoutly religious and such practices are more
socially acceptable. In cultures high in self-expression values, in-
dividuals pursue their own individual happiness and personal fulll-
ment, whereas in survival cultures economic security is the overriding
High national scores on self-expression values tend to be associated
with “work devotion,” in other words perceiving work to be an enjoy-
able pursuit above and beyond money, whereas survival values are
linked to “work investment,” or seeing work as a means of earning a
living (Snir & Harpaz, 2009). There are no major differences between
the United States and other nations in the English-speaking cultural
cluster in terms of self-expression values (Inglehart & Welzel, 2005).
This leads to a predicted pattern of cross-national similarities and dif-
ferences in results that deviates sharply from the Implicit Puritanism
perspective. Based on their scores on self-expression values, participants
from the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia should all intu-
itively moralize work, and to similar degrees. In contrast, participants
from survival-oriented societies, such as India, should view work ar-
rangements as instrumental and therefore not valorize needless work.
The Inglehart and Welzel (2005) cultural framework provides no reason
to expect the Tacit Inferences or Salvation Prime effects to emerge in any
4.6. Explicit American Exceptionalism
Another distinct possibility is that the originally hypothesized cul-
tural differences in work and sex values (Poehlman, 2007; Uhlmann
et al., 2009, 2011) are in fact more explicit than implicit. Such deep-
seated cultural beliefs may have a strong intuitive component, in that
associated judgments appear suddenly in consciousness without much
subjective experience of deliberation (Haidt, 2001). However, they
could still be introspectively accessible and consciously reportable. As
noted earlier, the results of cross-national surveys such as the World
Values Survey (Inglehart & Welzel, 2005), Hofstede’s classic study of
IBM employees (Hofstede, 2001), and GLOBE survey (Dorfman, Hanges,
& Brodbeck, 2004), already capture the strikingly religious and tradi-
tional values of the United States. Comparisons of societal institutions
and work practices provide converging evidence of American excep-
tionalism (Baker, 2005; Landes, 1998; Lipset, 1996). The valorization of
long work hours in America, and conservative views on sexuality, may
be reected in emotional gut responses that are fully verbalizable and
Notably, many Americans explicitly endorse the Protestant work
ethic (PWE) on self-report scales, agreeing to items like “Most people
who don’t succeed in life are just plain lazy” (Furnham, 1989; Katz &
Hass, 1988; Mirels & Garrett, 1971). The PWE correlates with attitudes
towards social groups such as the unemployed, Black Americans, and the
W. Tierney et al.
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 93 (2021) 104060
obese; as well as views on policies such as afrmative action and welfare
(Furnham, 1982, 1989; Katz & Hass, 1988; Sidanius & Pratto, 1999).
However, this prior scholarship does not directly predict that such
complex ideologies will operate unconsciously in the manner suggested
by research on implicit social cognition (Bargh, 2014; Bargh et al.,
1996). Americans are perhaps exceptional in intuitively lauding in-
dividuals who engage in needless work (Target Age and Needless Work
effect and Intuitive Mindset effect), and may intuitively infer that hard-
working individuals are sexually chaste and vice versa (Tacit Inferences
effect), all judgments owing from their explicit endorsement of the
Protestant work ethic. However, merely priming words related to reli-
gion will not necessarily have the same impact on downstream judg-
ments and behaviors (e.g., Salvation Prime effect).
Importantly, prior scholarship in elds such as sociology, political
science, and cultural history identies consciously self-reported cultural
differences in values, but is largely silent on whether or not traditional
American values further operate unconsciously. The Explicit American
Exceptionalism alternative theory tested here, in which traditional work
and sex values are observable in consciously self-reported judgments,
but not on implicit indicators, is suggested by the recent wave of repli-
cation failures for nonconscious priming effects (Caruso et al., 2017;
Doyen et al., 2012; Harris et al., 2013; Klein et al., 2014; McCarthy et al.,
2018; O’Donnell et al., 2018; Olsson-Collentine, et al., in press; Pashler
et al., 2012; Pashler et al., 2013; Rohrer et al., 2015). In other words, the
Explicit American Exceptionalism account places great stock in earlier
multi-disciplinary work on U.S. cultural mores, which relied heavily on
high powered cross-national surveys (e.g., Baker, 2005; Lipset, 1996;
Schafer, 1991), and has little faith in small sample experiments on im-
plicit priming (Bargh, 2014; Bargh et al., 1996; Poehlman, 2007; Uhl-
mann et al., 2011). However, that religious and work values may be
prime-able in experimental settings and exert unconscious inuences on
judgments and behaviors does not challenge the work of Lipset (1996),
Baker (2005), and other scholars of U.S. exceptionalism in elds outside
of psychology.
4.7. General moralization of work and sex
A nal possibility is that the key experimental effects outlined earlier
(Poehlman, 2007; Uhlmann et al., 2009, 2001) may be exhibited not
only by Americans, but members of other cultures as well. Historically,
moralization and regulation of sexual behavior is characteristic of most
religious faiths and societies (Foucault, 1978; Gruen & Panichas, 1997;
Peiss, Simmons, & Padgug, 1989). A general distaste for individuals who
under-contribute to work tasks is suggested by research on costly pun-
ishment of defectors and free riders (Dreber, Rand, Fudenberg, &
Nowak, 2008; Jordan, Hoffman, Bloom, & Rand, 2016), and may have
evolutionary roots. The original Implicit Puritanism studies provide
preliminary evidence of cross-cultural differences, but with samples too
small to draw strong conclusions. Higher powered tests may be neces-
sary to detect the implicit moralization of work and sex across human
Notably, neither the original studies nor the present replication
initiative examined whether moral intuitions related to work and
sexuality are potentially useful in identifying social targets with strong
moral identities (Aquino, Freeman, Reed II, Lim, & Felps, 2009; Aquino
& Reed II, 2002). Sexually restricted and hard-working individuals may
or may not actually be more “moral” on other dimensions— such as
empathy, generosity, fairness, or trustworthiness— and the strength of
such relationships could also vary by culture (Weeden & Kurzban,
2013). Even if there is an ecological relationship between traditional
Puritan morality and ethical behavior more generally, it is likely to be
far from perfect, and also imperfectly aligned with social inferences and
perceptions (Moon, Krems, & Cohen, 2018). The original Implicit Pu-
ritanism studies dealt with social judgments, not social reality. The
present replications sought to reproduce the original results, and also
test for alternative patterns in social judgments predicted by competing
theories. The potential general moralization of work and sexuality
across cultures is one of these alternative possibilities. The validity or
rationality of such inferences is a fascinating question that will have to
be left to follow-up research.
5. Overview of the present investigations
These novel data collections used the creative destruction approach
to replication to further our theoretical understanding of moral values
related to work and sexuality. A set of key effects originally predicted by
the theory of Implicit Puritanism, but potentially explicable under other
frameworks, were systematically re-examined. The replications
occurred across six nations (United States, United Kingdom, Australia,
Republic of Ireland, Canada, and India), oversampling the particularly
relevant New England region of the United States. As in the original
research (Poehlman, 2007; Uhlmann et al., 2011), data were collected
both online and in research laboratories.
The original Implicit Puritanism studies adhered to pre-2011 stan-
dards for experimental research, in that studies were not pre-registered
and sample sizes were moderate (Nelson et al., 2018). Indeed, histori-
cally only 8% of studies in the eld of psychology have achieved 80%
power to detect the reported effects (Stanley, Carter, & Doucouliagos,
2018). In the replication initiative, planned sample sizes totaled many
times those of the original experiments, allowing for more precise effect
size estimates as well as better powered tests of potential moderators—
such as regional variation within the United States, as well as individual
differences in religion and religiosity. This allowed us to empirically
adjudicate between the Implicit Puritanism, false positives, religious
differences, regional variability, social class, self-expression values,
explicit American moral exceptionalism, and general moralization ac-
counts of work and sex values. We considered both the strong version of
each theory, in which its predictions hold to the exclusion of all others,
as well as whether multiple theories in combination best explained the
All measures and manipulations in this research are disclosed,
and sample sizes were determined in advance. The complete study
materials are provided in Supplements 1–2, the preregistered analysis
plan in Supplement 3 and, and the datales at
(Study 1:, Study 2: Our
hope is that this initiative will not only shed novel light on cultural
values, but also serve as a model for future efforts to assess the repli-
cability of published ndings and explanatory power of competing
6. Study 1
This large-scale online data collection attempted to replicate the
target age and needless work effect, intuitive mindset effect, and tacit
inferences effect (Poehlman, 2007; Uhlmann et al., 2009) across four
nations. A professional survey rm, PureProle, was used to recruit
large samples from the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia,
while sampling as evenly as feasible from the constituent regions of each
country with the exception of oversampling from the theoretically
important New England region of the United States. Amazon’s
The ultimate origins of cultural values related to work and sexuality are
difcult to test empirically. Adaptive pressures may have led human groups to
regulate sexual behavior, engage in costly punishment of free riders, and confer
status on over-contributors to group efforts. Such morally charged reactions
could also reect more proximal inuences such as a society’s history of eco-
nomic activity (Talhelm et al., 2014) or religious migrations (Fisher, 1989;
Lipset, 1996). Far more tractable is assessing what values predominate in a
society, explicitly and implicitly, and whether they can be situationally acti-
vated or primed. These individual-level outputs, predicted based on the ex-
pected inuence of past events on present day social cognition, are the focus of
the present research.
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Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 93 (2021) 104060
Mechanical Turk (Buhrmester, Kwang, & Gosling, 2011; Paolacci,
Chandler, & Ipeirotis, 2010) was used to collect data from further groups
of Indian and USA participants (see also Uhlmann, Heaphy, Ashford,
Zhu, & Sanchez-Burks, 2013). This online microwork website provided
an efcient means of recruiting English speakers from both a survival-
oriented society (India) and personal fulllment-oriented society (U.
S.) in order to test the self-expression values hypothesis.
Notably, we held methods and materials constant across these pop-
ulations to allow for direct replication (Simons, 2014). One can also
make iterative modications to the materials across research sites,
assessing mediating states each time, in an effort to achieve psycho-
logical rather than methodological equivalence (Fabrigar, Wegener, &
Petty, in press; Schwarz & Strack, 2014; Stroebe & Strack, 2014).
However, in the original studies the theoretical underlying processes are
nonconscious and were inferred rather than measured (Poehlman, 2007;
Uhlmann et al., 2009, 2011), seriously complicating such an approach.
As the original studies sampled some of the same populations (e.g., USA,
UK, and Canadian participants) without modications across sites, the
present replication initiative did the same. Future research using a
creative destruction approach to replication may prioritize either
methodological or psychological equivalence.
6.1. Methods
6.1.1. Participants
PureProle sample. The professional survey rm PureProle was used to
recruit participants (total N =4098) from Australia (24.67%), the
United Kingdom (23.43%), and the United States (51.90%) while
oversampling the New England states (Maine, Vermont, New Hamp-
shire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut; 47.58% of the USA
sample). Thus, the PureProle sample was split more or less equally
between Australia, the U.K., USA New England states, and USA non-
New-England states.
Amazon Mechanical Turk sample. MTurk was used to collect data from a
further 2036 Indian (49%) and USA (51%) participants. The MTurk data
collection in the USA had a smaller percentage of respondents from the
New England region (only 4.3%), limiting our ability to test regional
Demographic information for each major sample for Study 1 is
summarized in Table S14-1 in Supplement 14.
6.1.2. Design
The three experiments appeared in counterbalanced order, with
assignment to condition within each study randomized. The Lottery
Winner study featured a 2 (work status: retired or continues working) x
2 (age: 23 years or 46 years) x participant nationality between-subjects
design. The Intuitive Mindset study included a within-subjects factor
comparing participants’ preferences in the intuitive framing and logical
framing conditions, with participant nationality a between-subjects
factor. The Tacit Inferences study had two between-subjects condi-
tions manipulating whether targets uphold or violate traditional mo-
rality, with participant nationality again serving as the second between-
subjects factor. At the end of the study, after exposure to the manipu-
lations and completing the dependent measures, all participants lled
out individual differences and demographic measures.
6.1.3. Materials and procedure
In all of the present data collections, we employed a variety of
safeguards to maintain data quality. The cover page for all our online
experiments included a captcha item to avoid contamination by bots,
and we further screened out participants with duplicate GPS co-
ordinates. For the MTurk data collections for Study 1 we recruited only
participants with a 99% acceptance rate and >1000 hits approved.
Finally, we excluded participants with <5 years of English experience or
who failed an instructional manipulation check from all analyses (see
Supplements 3 and 10).
Lottery winner study. Participants read a vignette about Sarah, a postal
worker who wins the lottery and either decides to retire immediately or
to continue in her job. Depending on the experimental condition, she
was either 23 or 46 years of age. Participants provided their assessment
of Sarah’s moral character (1 =very bad, 7 =very good).
Intuitive mindset study. Participants were presented with a scenario
about Robert and John, two potato peelers who shared a winning lottery
ticket. Robert immediately chose to retire young, whereas John
continued working peeling potatoes. In the intuitive mindset frame,
participants were asked for their “intuitive, gut feeling” as to whom is
the better person (1 =Robert is a much better person than John, 7 =John is
a much better person than Robert). In the logical mindset frame, they were
asked for their “rational, objective judgment” to the same question
(Epstein, 1998).
Tacit inferences study. In this experiment, participants were rst
informed that “You will rst read stories, then answer some questions
about what you remember about the content of the stories” (Barrett &
Keil, 1996). They then read four vignettes, each featuring a target person
who either conforms to or transgresses traditional work or sex morality.
The two scenarios in which the protagonist clearly violates or upholds
traditional sex norms also contain ambiguous information about the
person’s work ethic. At the same time, the two scenarios in which the
protagonists clearly exhibit a strong work ethic or not further contain
ambiguous information about her or his sexual behavior.
For example, participants read about a character name Julia, who
either worked long hours at her job or was unemployed and not actively
looking for a job. In both conditions the vignette went on to indicate that
Julia attended a local party and stayed overnight. Participants were then
presented with a set of distractor questions prompting open-ended
written responses (e.g., “Do you think the author of the story was
older than 30 or younger than 30?”). Finally, they were tested on their
recall of the scenario using eight true/false questions. Embedded among
seven ller true/false items was the critical target item, “Julia slept with
the host of last week’s party.” An intuitive link between work and sex
morality is reected in falsely remembering the vignette as stating that
Julia had sex only in the condition in which she was previously
described as lazy.
The following measures were administered after the key manipula-
tions and dependent measures.
Religiosity. Our multi-item measure of religiosity was the Duke Univer-
sity Religion Index (DUREL; Koenig & Büssing, 2010), a validated ve-
item measure widely used across elds. Example items include “My
religious beliefs are what really lie behind my whole approach to life”
and “In my life, I experience the presence of the Divine (i.e., God)” (1 =
denitely not true, 5 =denitely true of me). Also included was the single
item religiosity item from the original Implicit Puritanism studies
(Poehlman, 2007; Uhlmann et al., 2019, 2011), which simply states “I
consider myself to be” and provides a numeric scale ranging from 1 (not
at all religious) to 7 (very religious). Responses on the numeric scale
effectively complete the statement in the initial question—for instance,
choosing “7” indicates “I consider myself to be… very religious.”
Protestant work ethic (PWE). The PWE scale from Katz and Hass (1988)
is an 11-item questionnaire including statements such as “A distaste for
hard work usually reects a weakness of character” and “Most people
who don’t succeed in life are just plain lazy” (1 =strongly disagree, 6 =
strongly agree).
W. Tierney et al.
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 93 (2021) 104060
Demographics. Participants completed demographic measures including
their religion (Protestant, Catholic, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, atheist,
agnostic, other), religious denomination within Protestantism if appli-
cable (Adventist, Anabaptist, Anglican, Baptist, Calvinist, Lutheran,
Methodist, Pentecostal, other), place of worship if any, political orien-
tation (1 =very progressive/left-wing, 7 =very conservative/right-wing),
political party identication (free response), gender, age, ethnicity,
country and state/region they are currently primarily based in, country
of birth, country of citizenship, years spent in the United States, state of
origin with the USA if relevant, years of experience with the English
language, occupation, income, personal educational level, and educa-
tion level of most highly educated parent.
Awareness probe. In contrast to the priming paradigm used in Study 2
below, participants’ level of awareness of the manipulations (e.g., target
work behavior or age) should not theoretically interfere with the effects
in Study 1. However, an exploratory free response item asked “What do
you think this survey was about?”
Attention check. An instructional attention check told participants to
“please select strongly disagree” and provided a scale ranging from 1
(strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). Participants who failed this check
were excluded from all analyses.
6.2. Results
Mixed models were conducted using the condition values as the xed
effect, while using the region as the random effect. Thereafter, F sta-
tistics were derived from the ANOVA produced by these models.
6.2.1. Needless work study: MTurk sample
A 2 (target age: 23 or 46 years) x 2 (target works vs. retires) ANOVA
revealed a statistically signicant main effect of target age, F(1, 2029) =
4.43, p =.04, d = − 0.093, main effect of work status, F(1, 2032) =
220.53, p <.001, d =0.65, and two-way interaction between age and
work status, F(1, 2027.3) =4.596, p =.03, d =0.095 (see Table 1). The
target received more moral praise when she continued working
compared to when she retired, and when she was older rather than
young. Further, reactions to a lottery winner who continued working vs.
retired depended on her age.
Although target age and work status interacted signicantly,
unpacking this interaction revealed a markedly different pattern of re-
sults than in the original Implicit Puritanism research. As per the pre-
registered analysis plan, the key effect of primary interest for the
replication was the main effect of target age (23 years or 46 years)
within the target works condition. Contrary to the original research
(Poehlman, 2007; Uhlmann et al., 2009) the young target who
continued to work did not receive more favorable moral evaluations
than an older target who continued to work, F(1, 1013.74) =0.035, p =
.851, d = − 0.012. Instead, the two-way interaction was driven by the
effect of target age within the retires condition, such that the younger
retiree was rated more negatively than the older retiree, F(1, 1009.91)
=8.871, p =.003, d = − 0.187.
We next examined potential moderating effects of country, focusing
again on the pre-registered key effect of interest (i.e., target age effect
within the target works condition). A 2 (23 or 46 years) x 2 (India vs.
USA) ANOVA revealed no signicant interaction, F(1, 1018) =0.268, p
=.605, d = − 0.032, indicating no evidence of moderation by participant
nation. Further, testing for the key effect separately by country (USA and
India) revealed no effect of target age within the works condition in
either the India sample, F(1, 492.32) =0.058, p =.81, d =0.022, or USA
sample, F(1, 523) =0.3, p =.584, d = − 0.048. New England region
likewise failed to moderate the effect of target age within the works
condition, F(1, 1018) =0.678, p =.411, d =0.052.
Finally, we examined theoretically relevant individual differences
moderators. Neither the single item measure of religiosity, F(1, 999) =
0.001, p =.979, d = − 0.002, nor the DUREL religiosity scale F(1, 1018)
=0.251, p =.616, d =0.031, nor participant education level F(1,
985.95) =1.716, p =.191, d = − 0.083, nor the Protestant Work Ethic F
(1, 1012.15) =0.167, p =.683, d =0.026, nor self-reported religion
(Protestant or not) F(1, 1016.62) =3.4, p =.065, d =0.116, moderated
moral judgments of a target who works based on her age.
6.2.2. Needless work study: PureProle sample
A 2 (target age) x 2 (work status) ANOVA revealed a nonsignicant
main effect of target age, F(1, 4079) =3.50, p =.06, d = − 0.056, a
statistically signicant main effect of work status, F(1, 4082) =423.24,
p <.001, d =0.367, and a signicant interaction between age and work
status, F(1, 4077) =16.15, p <.001, d =0.125. With the exception of the
main effect of age not reaching statistical signicance, this overall
pattern paralleled the results reported above for the MTurk sample (see
Table 1). Unpacking the target age * work status interaction, the young
target who stayed on the job after winning the lottery received similar
evaluations to the older target who continued to work, F(1, 2052.56) =
1.887, p =.17, d =0.061. Instead, the two-way interaction was driven
by a target age effect within the retires condition, with the younger
retiree rated signicantly less favorably than the older retiree, F(1,
2019.88) =17.675, p <.001, d = − 0.1871.
With regard to the moderating effects of nation, there was no sig-
nicant difference between the USA and the other two countries
(Australia & UK), F(1, 2061) =0.303, p =.582, d =0.024, the USA vs.
Australia, F(1, 1547) =0.299, p =.585, d =0.028, or the USA vs U.K., F
(1, 1572) =0.123, p =.725, d =0.018. Further, the target age and
needless work effect was not signicant within the USA sample, F(1,
1055.87) =1.959, p =.162, d =0.086, Australia sample, F(1, 487) =
0.086, p =.77, d =0.027, or UK sample, F(1, 514) =0.266, p =.606, d
=0.046. New England region again failed to emerge as a moderator F(1,
2045.35) =0.002, p =.97, d =0.001. The individual differences mea-
sures likewise failed to moderate, among these the single item measure
of religiosity, F(1, 2048.17) =0.482, p =.488, d =0.031, DUREL reli-
giosity scale, F(1, 2056.41) =0.308, p =.579, d =0.025, Protestant
religion, F(1, 2048.9) =1.067, p =.302, d =0.046, education level, F(1,
1938.1) =0.436, p =.509, d = − 0.03, and PWE scores, F(1, 2054.24) =
3.486, p =.062, d =0.082.
6.2.3. Intuitive mindset study: MTurk sample
A within-subjects ANOVA comparing intuitive and deliberative re-
sponses as to whom was the better person revealed a signicant overall
Table 1
Moral judgments of a lottery winner who works vs. retires and is relatively young or older.
India MTurk USA MTurk USA PP
Australia PP UK PP
Young Older Young Older Young Older Young Older Young Older
Works 5.86
Retires 4.90
Note: Numbers in parentheses represent standard errors.
PP denotes PureProle sample.
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Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 93 (2021) 104060
effect F(1, 2033.89) =27.38, p <.001, d =0.232. Specically, partic-
ipants expressed a preference for the worker over the retiree that was
stronger on the intuitive mindset item than on the rational mindset item.
A signicant interaction between country (USA vs. India) and intu-
itive vs. rational responses emerged, F(1, 2031.84) =45.027, p <.001, d
=0.2977, such that the intuitive mindset effect was stronger among
American participants than Indian participants (Fig. 1). The difference
between intuitive and rational responses was clearly observed in the
USA sample, F(1, 1033.77) =76.019, p <.001, d =0.543, but not the
India sample, F(1, 998) =1.105, p =.293, d = − 0.067. New England
region did not moderate the results, F(1, 2033.61) =2.009, p =.156, d
= − 0.0623.
Self-identied religion (Protestant or not), F(1, 2029.61) =0.263, p
=.608, d =0.023 did not moderate the effect. However education level,
F(1, 1975.39) =5.006, p =.025, d = − 0.101 did signicantly moderate
the results, such that less educated participants were more likely to
demonstrate the intuitive mindset effect, directionally contrary to the
expectations of the social class perspective. Highly religious individuals,
as assessed by both the single-item measure, F(1, 1994.13) =22.807, p
<.001, d = − 0.214 and DUREL scale, F(1, 2031.75) =24.758, p <.001,
d = − 0.221, were signicantly less likely to exhibit a difference between
their intuitive and rational responses, directly opposite to the pre-
dictions of the religious differences perspective. Contrary to any of the
theories tested, endorsement of the PWE negatively predicted exhibiting
the intuitive mindset effect, F(1, 2033.71) =10.17, p =.001, d =
−0.141. As discussed below, the moderating effects of education, reli-
giosity and PWE endorsement in the MTurk sample did not replicate in
the PureProle sample.
6.2.4. Intuitive mindset study: PureProle sample
A signicant intuitive mindset effect again emerged in the Pure-
Prole sample, F(1, 4085.04) =72.542, p <.001, d =0.267. However,
as seen in Fig. 1, country (USA vs. UK or Australia) did not moderate the
effect, F(1, 4083.99) =0.322, p =.57, d =0.018. Further, examining
each country separately, an intuitive mindset led to more favorable
judgments of a target who continued to work not only in the US, F(1,
2117.49) =40.965, p <.001, d =0.278, but also in the UK, F(1, 956.66)
=7.338, p =0.007, d =0.175, and Australia, F(1, 1010) =27.352, p <
.001, d =0.329. New England region again failed to moderate the re-
sults, F(1, 4085.82) =0.904, p =.342, d = − 0.03. The single item
religiosity measure, F(1, 4071.75) =0.299, p =.584, d = − 0.017,
DUREL religiosity scale, F(1, 4085.06) =0.147, p =.701, d = − 0.012,
self-identication as a Protestant, F(1, 4062.19) =0.079, p =.778, d =
−0.009, and the PWE, F(1, 4084.25) =0.931, p =.335, d = − 0.031,
failed to emerge as signicant moderators. In contrast, education level
did signicantly moderate the intuitive work morality effect, F(1,
3866.82) =13.355, p <.001, d =0.118, such that more educated
participants were more likely to exhibit a difference between their
intuitive and logical judgments. Note that the direction of moderation
was directly opposite to that in the MTurk sample, such that these results
are extremely mixed and equivocal, providing no overall support for the
social class perspective.
6.2.5. Tacit inferences study: MTurk sample
An overall condition effect emerged such that when the target upheld
(violated) traditional work morality, she/he was falsely remembered as
upholding (violating) traditional sexual morality, and vice versa, F(1,
2029.13) =89.11, p <.001, d =0.42. Further, a signicant interaction
with country emerged, such that this tacit inferences effect was stronger
among American participants than Indian participants, F(1, 2027.21) =
24.882, p <.001, d =0.222 (Fig. 2). Although there was a signicant
between-country difference, the tacit inferences effect was statistically
signicant not only in the USA, F(1, 1031.8) =103.8, p <.001, d =
0.632, but also India, F(1, 997.03) =10.02, p =.002, d =0.201. In other
words, the effect was present in both comparison countries, but rela-
tively larger in one nation (US) than in the other (India). New England
region did not moderate the results, F(1, 2023.45) =0.015, p =.902, d
= − 0.006.
The single item measure of religiosity, F(1, 1985.01) =1.168, p =
.28, d = − 0.049, and whether the participant was of the Protestant faith
or not, F(1, 2023.45) =1.674, p =.196, d =0.058, did not moderate the
tacit inferences effect in the MTurk sample. However, the DUREL reli-
giosity scale, F(1, 2024.49) =5.718, p =.017, d = − 0.106, and Prot-
estant Work Ethic scale, F(1, 2024.67) =10.143, p =.001, d = − 0.142,
did signicantly moderate the effect. Surprisingly, more religious par-
ticipants on the DUREL scale, and individuals who explicitly endorsed
the PWE, were signicantly less likely to exhibit false memories
consistent with an intuitive link between work and sex morality. These
results are inconsistent with any of the theories considered here, and as
noted below failed to replicate in the PureProle sample.
6.2.6. Tacit inferences study: PureProle sample
An overall condition difference supporting the tacit inferences effect
again emerged, F(1, 4085) =308.506, p <.001, d =0.550. Comparing
the USA vs. both other countries combined (UK and Australia) did not
Fig. 1. Intuitive vs. rational evaluations across samples. Higher numbers reect
more favorable moral judgments of a lottery winner who continues working
rather than retiring. As seen in the gure, the intuitive mindset effect is present
in all samples except for the Indian sample, where intuitive and rational eval-
uations are similar. Error bars represent standard errors.
Fig. 2. Tacit inferences across cultures. Higher means in Condition 1 than
Condition 2 reect false memories consistent with linking traditional work and
sex morality. As seen in the gure, participants from all samples made such tacit
inferences. Error bars represent standard errors.
W. Tierney et al.
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 93 (2021) 104060
reveal a signicant difference, F(1, 4071.27) =0.961, p =.327, d =
0.031. More ne-grained comparisons between the USA and UK, F(1,
3078) =0.012, p =.911, d =0.034, and USA and Australia F(1, 3130) =
2.137, p =.144, d =0.053, were also not statistically signicant. The
tacit inferences effect was signicant within the USA, F(1, 2121) =
181.655, p <.001, d =0.585, Australia, F(1, 1007) =53.227, p <.001,
d =0.46, and UK, F(1, 951.6) =78.326, p <.001, d =0.575, when the
samples were tested separately (Fig. 2). New England region was not a
signicant moderator of false memories consistent with an implicit link
between work and sex morality, F(1, 4069.72) =0.069, p =.793, d =
The individual differences measures, including the single item
measure of religiosity, F(1, 4067) =0.393, p =.531, d =0.020, the
DUREL scale, F(1, 4081) =0.29, p =.59, d =0.017, Protestant religion,
F(1, 4058.1) =1.193, p =.167, d =0.044, and the PWE scale, F(1,
4079.51) =3.102, p =.078, d = − 0.0552, did not moderate the tacit
inferences effect in the PureProle sample. Notably, this fails to replicate
the initial evidence of moderation by religiosity (DUREL) and PWE
scores in the MTurk sample.
6.3. Discussion
The results of this rst set of replications conrm a number of the
original experimental effects (Poehlman, 2007; Uhlmann et al., 2009,
2011), yet at the same time depart in theoretically informative ways
from the original research. One original effect, specically the moder-
ating role of target age in judgments of needless work, failed to replicate
across four nations (India, USA, Australia, and the United Kingdom) and
is identied as a likely false positive. At the same time, a pre-registered
secondary effect of interest in this “lottery winner” paradigm, the simple
main effect of working vs. retiring on judgments of moral goodness,
emerged robustly across samples and nations (see Table 1 and Supple-
ment 7). Although neither Americans nor members of several compar-
ison cultures appear to be sensitive to the age of a lottery winner who
decides to retire vs. continue working (contrary to the Implicit Puri-
tanism account), people across a number of cultures do appear to
morally praise needless work (consistent with the General Moralization
of Work account).
Of further theoretical interest was the extent to which positive re-
actions to needless work are especially strong in an intuitive rather than
deliberative mindset. Consistent with the original research, American
participants praised needless work more strongly when asked for their
intuitive gut reaction rather than their more deliberative response.
Inconsistent with the theory of Implicit Puritanism, however, not only
Americans but also participants from the United Kingdom and Australia
exhibited this intuitive work morality effect, while Indian participants
did not. This cross-national pattern of results is highly inconsistent with
the claim of a unique American work morality, and could reect the
greater intuitive moralization of work in self-expression cultures (USA,
UK, Australia) relative to survival-oriented cultures (India). A more
nuanced interpretation is that Indian participants strongly moralized
work both intuitively and deliberatively, such that a difference in
evaluations based on mindset was unlikely to emerge. Indeed, in a pre-
registered secondary analysis, a preference for the worker over the
retiree emerged robustly across mindsets and cultures (Supplement 7).
Scores consistently above the neutral scale midpoint of 4, indicating a
preference for needless work, support the General Moralization of Work
account. Thus, larger-scale research including a greater number of so-
cieties characterized by self-expression and survival values (Inglehart,
1997; Inglehart & Welzel, 2005) will be needed before drawing strong
conclusions. We also cannot rule out that the study materials were
psychologically nonequivalent between the Western and Indian pop-
ulations in some unintended manner, or that some other confound in
measurement led to the lack of differences in intuitive and deliberative
judgments in the India sample (Fabrigar et al., in press; Milfont & Klein,
2018; Poortinga, 1989; van de Vijver & Leung, 2010).
Another interesting cross-national pattern emerged with regards to
the tacit inferences drawn from ambiguous scenarios. As in the original
experiment, U.S. participants falsely remembered individuals who had
violated work values as having also violated traditional sexual mores,
and vice versa. However, contrary to the Implicit Puritanism and
Explicit American Exceptionalism accounts, such false recollections
likewise emerged robustly in the India, U.K., and Australia samples. The
effect was statistically signicant but diminished in the India sample
(see Fig. 2). MTurk respondents in India are more likely to hold a uni-
versity degree (86.4% of the sample, as shown in Table S14-1) than the
general population, potentially articially attenuating cultural differ-
ences. However, the presence of the tacit inferences effect across all
samples is most consistent with the pre-registered predictions of the
General Moralization of Work account.
Finally, no consistent evidence was found for regional differences
within the USA (i.e., New England vs. other parts of the country), or the
expected moderating effects of Protestantism, religiosity, and education
level. In those few cases where an individual-differences factor signi-
cantly moderated the effect, the direction of moderation was more often
opposite to rather than consistent with theoretical expectations. Thus,
we consider the Social Class, Regional Differences, and Religious Dif-
ferences accounts unsupported by this rst cross-national data collection
in the replication initiative.
7. Study 2: methods
Our second study included both online and crowdsourced laboratory
replications of the salvation prime effect on work performance. The
original salvation prime experiment was conducted with lay adults
recruited from public areas in New York State in the United States and
Ontario, Canada (Poehlman, 2007; Uhlmann et al., 2011). The present
online data collection recruited adults from the United States, the United
Kingdom, and Australia via the survey rm PureProle. The laboratory
data collections strategically oversampled populations in New York state
to remain as faithful as possible to the original study in terms of region of
data collection, with materials administered in paper pencil format as in
the original experiment. Replication laboratories were recruited through
the last author’s professional network and the Study Swap platform
(, and relied on locally available sam-
ples of university undergraduates. Note that participant age and method
of data collection are not theoretically anticipated moderators of the
salvation prime effect, and that the original line of research on Implicit
Puritanism featured students and lay adult participants, and both paper-
pencil and online administration of priming paradigms (Poehlman,
2007; Uhlmann et al., 2009, 2011).
7.1.1. Participants
Online data was collected by the survey rm Pure Prole, and
included 514 (45.73%) USA based participants, 312 (27.76%) partici-
pants from the United Kingdom, and 298 (26.51%) participants from
Australia. The constituent regions of each country were sampled as
evenly as feasible, with the exception of again oversampling the New
England states (N =270, or 52.52% of the USA sample), in order to
compare their responses to participants from other USA regions (N =
244, or 47.48% of the USA sample).
The crowdsourced laboratory data collections in the northeastern
region of the United States included 95 participants from Ithaca College,
161 participants from the City University of New York, 208 participants
from the State University of New York, and 99 participants from Fair-
eld University. Data collections outside the U.S. included the Univer-
sity of Regina in Canada (N =91), and the University of Limerick in
Ireland (N =80). See Table S14–2 in Supplement 14 for an overview of
the demographics of the online and laboratory samples.
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Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 93 (2021) 104060
7.1.2. Design
The study employed a 2 (priming condition: salvation prime or
neutral prime) x participant nationality between-subjects design.
7.1.3. Materials and procedure
Participants completed two ostensibly unrelated puzzle tasks. The
rst was a scrambled-sentences task (Srull & Wyer, 1979) containing
either words related to salvation (e.g., redeem, divine, heaven) or simi-
larly valanced words unrelated to religion (e.g., owers, rainbow,
happiness). For instance, in the salvation prime condition the scrambled
sentence “coupons here phone redeem your” could be unscrambled to
read “redeem your coupons here,” after omitting the word “phone.”
Following on prior research using anagram performance as a work task
(Chartrand, Dalton, & Fitzsimons, 2007), participants then completed
an anagram challenge in which they attempted to derive as many words
four or more letters in length as possible out of four source words
(bimodal, igneous, answer, and curried).
Moderators. Subsequent to the manipulation and key dependent mea-
sures, participants completed the PWE scale (Katz & Hass, 1988) and
DUREL (Koenig & Büssing, 2010), as well as the single item religiosity
measure from the original experiment (Poehlman, 2007; Uhlmann et al.,
Demographics. Participants ll out a set of demographic items paral-
leling those from Study 1.
Awareness probe. A set of questions assessed awareness of the inuence
of the priming manipulation (Poehlman, 2007; Uhlmann et al., 2011;
adapted from Bargh & Chartrand, 2000). The numeric probe item asked
“Did the sentence unscrambling task inuence your performance on the
anagram task in any way?” (1 =no, 5 =not sure, 9 =yes). The subse-
quent free response item inquired “If yes, please explain how and why it
inuenced you in your own words.”
Attention check. Participants completed the same instructional attention
check as in Study 1. All participants who failed to follow the simple
instruction to “please select strongly disagree” on a Likert-type scale
were excluded from the analyses.
7.2. Results
7.2.1. PureProle sample
Overall, no signicant differences emerged in anagram performance
between the salvation prime and neutral prime conditions, F(1,
1120.58) =0.034, p =.854, d = − 0.011. Also unlike in the original
research, the priming manipulation did not interact with country: USA
vs other nation (UK & Australia) F(1, 1119.92) =0.01, p =.989, d =
0.001, USA vs UK, F(1, 820.98) =0.68, p =.41, d = − 0.0576, or USA vs
Australia, F(1, 804.37) =0.682, p =.409, d =0.058. The salvation
prime effect on task performance further failed to emerge in any of the
individual countries, including the United States, F(1, 507.73) =0.018,
p =.892, d = − 0.012, Australia, F(1, 298) =0.908, p =.341, d =
−0.111, and the United Kingdom, F(1, 312) =0.838, p =.361, d =
0.1036. New England region also did not moderate the results, F(1,
1124) =0.019, p =.89, d = − 0.0079.
Note that any signicant interactions between prime condition and
moderator measures must be interpreted in light of the absence of any
main effect of the primes. Whether the participant was of Protestant
faith did not interact with the priming manipulation to predict anagram
performance, F(1, 1112.72) =0.24, p =.625, d =0.029, the single item
measure of religiosity did not signicantly interact with prime condi-
tion, F(1, 1119.59) =3.553, p =.06, d = − 0.1127, scores on the DUREL
religiosity scale signicantly interacted with prime condition, F(1,
1119.95) =6.64, p =.01, d = − 0.154, and scores on the PWE scale
signicantly interacted with prime condition, F(1, 1117.55) =4.202, p
=.041, d = − 0.123. The directions of these latter two interactions were,
however, contrary to any of the present theories of work morality.
Specically, participants high in religiosity (DUREL) exhibited direc-
tionally but non-signicantly worse work performance in the salvation
prime condition relative to the neutral primes, F(1, 227) =3.043, p =
.082, d = − 0.232, with the least religious participants exhibiting
directionally but not signicantly better work performance in the sal-
vation prime condition, F(1, 265.86) =1.722, p =.191, d =0.161.
Similarly, participants who endorsed the Protestant Work Ethic per-
formed directionally but not signicantly worse on a subsequent work
task after being primed with salvation relative to neutral concepts, F(1,
177) =0.923, p =.338, d = − 0.144, whereas low-PWE participants
worked directionally but nonsignicantly harder in response to the
primes, F(1, 167.94) =0.059, p =.809, d =0.037.
7.2.2. Laboratory data collections
In the laboratory data collections, there was again no main effect of
the priming manipulation on work performance, F(1, 728.58) =0.269,
p =.604, d =0.038, or interaction between nation of data collection and
the experimental manipulation, USA vs. Republic of Ireland F(1,
637.15) =0.045, p =.831, d = − 0.017, USA vs. Canada F(1, 648.16) =
0.25, p =.617, d =0.0393. The salvation prime effect did not emerge
when the USA sample, F(1, 649.36) =0.165, p =.685, d =0.051, Re-
public of Ireland sample, F(1, 78) =0.166, p =.685, d =0.093, and
Canadian sample, F(1, 89) =0.06, p =.807, d = − 0.0525, were analyzed
separately. Regional differences (New England vs. other) were not tested
since USA laboratory data collections intentionally focused on the
northeastern United States (i.e., New York State and Connecticut).
The single-item measure of religiosity, F(1, 721.64) =2.375, p =
.124, d =0.115, DUREL, F(1, 727.19) =3.423, p =.065, d =0.137, and
PWE scale, F(1, 727.91) =0.012, p =.912, d = − 0.008 did not moderate
the results of the crowdsourced data collection in partner laboratories.
Unlike in the PureProle sample, in the laboratory data collections
Protestant religious faith interacted with the priming manipulation, F(1,
711.55) =5.764, p =.017, d = − 0.18. The pattern of the interaction was
directly contrary to the religious differences account, such that Protes-
tants performed signicantly worse on the work task in the salvation
prime condition relative to the neutral prime condition, F(1, 72.75) =
5.08, p =.027, d = − 0.5285, whereas non-Protestants worked direc-
tionally but nonsignicantly harder when primed with salvation, F(1,
636.78) =1.62, p =.204, d =0.1009.
7.3. Discussion
In contrast to the complex pattern of experimental and cross-national
results from Study 1, the priming replication (Study 2) returned null
effects and little to no reliable evidence of moderation. Whether the
experimental paradigm was administered electronically online, or in
paper-pencil format in more controlled conditions, played no apparent
role in the primary outcome. Implicitly activating religious concepts
such as redeem and divine had no reliable main effect on subsequent task
performance, either in the United States or in the other nations exam-
ined (UK, Australia, Canada, and the Republic of Ireland).
Sharply contradicting the predictions of the religious differences
account, in the online sample less religious participants were more likely
than religious participants to exhibit the salvation prime effect on work
performance. In the online sample, the direction of moderation from
endorsement of the Protestant Work Ethic was likewise precisely
opposite to what one might expect based on prior scholarship on work
morality (Weber, 1904/1958). However, these individual-differences
moderators failed to replicate in the laboratory data collections.
Further, a recent meta-analysis concluded that participants who are
more religious are more susceptible to the activation of religious con-
cepts (Shariff, Willard, Andersen, & Norenzayan, 2016), a pattern of
results opposite to that for DUREL religiosity scores in our online
W. Tierney et al.
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 93 (2021) 104060
investigation. Self-identication as a Protestant interacted with the
priming manipulation in the crowdsourced laboratory data collection, in
the direction contrary to the religious differences account, but this
interaction failed to replicate in the online sample. Overall, this decid-
edly mixed set of results calls for further pre-registered, cross-national
investigations of the role of individual religiosity and related ideologies
in responses to the temporary accessibility of religion (van Elk et al.,
2015). Subtly increasing the accessibility of religious concepts could
potentially inuence other dependent measures, such as moral judg-
ments and actions (Shariff et al., 2016; cf. Billingsley, Gomes, &
McCullough, 2018). However, despite a few caveats (see Supplements
11 and 12), the present results regarding salvation priming and work
productivity are most consistent with the false positives account.
8. Forecasting survey
Given the ndings from both Studies 1 and 2 are quite contrary to the
original theorizing (Poehlman, 2007; Uhlmann et al., 2009, 2011), an
interesting question is whether the replication results are predictable by
psychologists and other scholars. In a forecasting survey accompanying
the present project, independent scientists were provided with de-
scriptions of the competing theories and asked to try to predict the
replication effect sizes associated with each targeted effect. Two hun-
dred and twenty-one colleagues made predictions about the target age
and needless work effect, needless work main effect (works vs. retires) in
the same “postal worker” scenario, tacit inference effect, intuitive work
morality effect, and salvation prime effect, across each online sample for
which data was collected (MTurk: USA and India; PureProle: New
England U.S. states, non-New-England U.S. states, Australia, and United
Kingdom). For each targeted effect, we also asked forecasters to predict
the aggregated effect size across samples for four key theoretical mod-
erators: participant religious afliation (Protestant or not), religiosity
(DUREL score), Protestant work ethic endorsement, and education level.
Prior investigations demonstrate that scientists can anticipate simple
condition differences based on mere examination of study abstracts or
materials (Camerer et al., 2016; DellaVigna & Pope, 2018; Dreber et al.,
2015; Forsell et al., 2019). We examined, for the rst time, whether they
can likewise accurately predict empirical outcomes when the same
research paradigms are repeated in multiple cultural contexts. See htt
ps:// and Supplements, 4, 5, and 6 for the forecasting
survey pre-registered analysis plan, survey materials, and a detailed
report of the results. Summarizing briey, in our primary hypothesis
test, we found a statistically signicant positive overall association be-
tween realized and predicted effect sizes, β =0.157, p =.0005. The
Pearson correlation between the mean predicted effect size of each of the
48 effects replicated and the observed effect sizes was likewise signi-
cant, r =0.704, p <.0001. Thus, even when the pattern of results being
predicted is quite complex, the accuracy of scientic forecasters remains
a robust phenomenon (Landy et al., 2020; Tierney et al., in press).
At the same time, comparing the absolute differences between the
forecasted and realized effect sizes (Cohen’s d) for each original effect
underscores that this accuracy was less than perfect. Specically, fore-
casted effect sizes averaged across populations were signicantly
different from the realized effect sizes, aggregated for each key effect via
a random effect meta-analysis, for two of the ve key effects at the p <
.005 level (Benjamin et al., 2018) and for a third effect at the traditional
p <.05 level. For the needless work main effect (works vs. retires), mean
forecasts =0.3233, and meta analyzed realized effect size =0.6524,
with the difference between the two statistically signicant, p <.0001,
such that participants underestimated the replication effect size. Fore-
casters likewise believed the tacit inferences effect would be smaller
than it turned out to be, mean forecasts =0.3114, meta analyzed effect
size =0.5053, p =.0055. In contrast, for the target age moderating
needless work effect, participants systematically overestimated the ef-
fect size, mean forecasts =0.2461, meta analyzed realized effect size =
0.032, p <.0001, believing the effect would replicate when in fact it did
not. Forecasters expected a small but signicant overall salvation prime
effect, mean forecasts =0.0972, which did not emerge, meta analyzed
effect size =0.0104, but the difference between forecasted and realized
effect sizes was not statistically signicant, p =.9181. Finally, for the
intuitive work morality effect, mean forecasts =0.2520, were closely
aligned with the meta analyzed realized effect size =0.2568, with no
signicant difference between them, p =.954.
Overall, forecasters did quite well in anticipating the replication
outcomes, although they were less accurate in predicting absolute effect
sizes than their direction and relative ordering. Based on their pattern of
forecasted results, these independent scientists appear to have endorsed
the general moralization of work theoretical perspective, in that they
forecasted all the original effects would emerge and further would do so
across cultures (see Tables S6–3 and S6–7 in Supplement 6). For the
most part this facilitated successful forecasts, the general moralization of
work being the most empirically supported theory in this replication
initiative. The major exceptions are of course the salvation prime effects
and target age and needless work effects, which failed to replicate as
anticipated by the false positives account. Further research should
continue to examine the extent to which scientists are able to anticipate
cross-cultural replication results, ideally using a larger number of cul-
tural populations than the relatively small set sampled here, as well as
effects that exhibit greater heterogeneity across societies.
9. General discussion
This large-scale creative destruction replication initiative, which
involved over eight thousand participants from half a dozen nations,
systematically competed theories of culture and work morality against
one another. In addition to directly replicating a set of original experi-
mental effects central to the theory of Implicit Puritanism (Poehlman,
2007; Uhlmann et al., 2009, 2011), we included new measures and
populations facilitating novel conceptual tests of the predictions of the
Explicit American Exceptionalism, general moralization of work, self-
expression values, social class, religious differences, and regional folk-
ways accounts of work values.
The observed pattern of experimental and cross-national differences
and similarities severely undermines the original theory of Implicit Pu-
ritanism. In every instance, the targeted effect either failed to replicate
entirely, or unexpectedly replicated in multiple cultures when it had been
predicted to emerge only among Americans. Two original effects— spe-
cically, the moderating effect of target age on judgments of needless
work, and inuence of implicit salvation primes on work behavior—
failed to replicate in all populations examined and are identied as likely
false positives (Poehlman, 2007; Uhlmann et al., 2011). In contrast, the
main effect of moral praise for a lottery winner who continues to work,
and false memories consistent with an implicit link between work and sex
morality (Poehlman, 2007; Uhlmann et al., 2009), were robust across
cultures (India, the United States, Australia, and United Kingdom).
Finally, the effects of an intuitive mindset on moral judgments of needless
work replicated across the USA, Australia, and UK samples, but not the
India sample. The emergence of a number of key effects across a number
of different nations sharply contradicts Implicit Puritanism’s core theo-
retical claim of a unique American work morality.
Rather than leaving a theoretical void in the form of reduced con-
dence in the original ndings and the underlying ideas, these results
point in new theoretical directions. Specically, they provide initial
evidence that work behavior elicits strong moral intuitions across cul-
tures, and that the gap between intuitive and deliberative feelings about
work could be larger in wealthier societies. Personal religion (e.g.,
Protestant faith), degree of religiosity, socioeconomic status, and region
of the United States (e.g., historically Puritan-Protestant New England)
did not moderate any of the observed experimental effects, failing to
support the associated accounts of work values. More investigations
involving larger samples of countries, especially societies in which
survival rather than self-expression values are widely endorsed
W. Tierney et al.
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 93 (2021) 104060
(Inglehart, 1997; Inglehart & Welzel, 2005), and with varied historic
backgrounds and diverse workways (Sanchez-Burks & Lee, 2007) are
needed before drawing strong conclusions (Simons, Shoda, & Lindsay,
2017). At the same time, we believe the present investigation highlights
the feasibility and generative nature of the creative destruction
approach to replication, in identifying the most promising theories to
guide further empirical research.
9.1. A Bayesian multiverse analysis
A pre-registered ( Bayesian multiverse analysis
examined the consequences of different inclusion criteria, variable
operationalizations, and statistical approaches for the replication results
(see Haaf, Hoogeveen, Berkhout, Gronau, & Wagenmakers, 2020; Haaf
& Rouder, 2017; Rouder, Haaf, Davis-Stober, & Hilgard, 2019). Overall,
the results of the Bayesian multiverse are highly consistent with the
frequentist analyses reported earlier (see Supplement 9 for a more
detailed report). Strong evidence emerged that the tacit inference effect
and overall valorization of needless work (regardless of target age or
participant mindset) are true-positives and further present across sam-
ples. Although less strongly, the data also support an overall intuitive
mindset effect across all samples combined. Finally, strong evidence
emerged against the target age and needless work effect, and the salva-
tion prime effect. The latter remained unsupported even in those con-
ditions pre-specied as most favorable for priming effects, specically
controlled laboratory studies and excluding participants suspicious of
being inuenced or whom had failed to complete all the scrambled
sentences. The Implicit Puritanism model performed worse than the
winning model for all six original effects. The General Moralization of
Work and False Positives accounts were the best tting models overall,
depending on the effect in question. The Protestant work ethic was
found to positively predict the main effects of needless work (i.e.,
preference for worker over retiree regardless of target age or participant
mindset), but such judgments did not vary across cultures as predicted
by the Explicit American Exceptionalism account or any of the other
competing theories (see Furnham et al., 1993, and Leong, Huang, &
Mak, 2014, for evidence “Protestant” work ethic beliefs are broadly
applicable). Empirical estimates converged across the different uni-
verses of potential analyses (see Fig. S9–1 in Supplement 9). Effects that
were not replicated in the primary analyses were not supported under
any specication in the Bayesian multiverse, and replicable effects
found evidentiary support across many different specications.
9.2. False inferences in cross-cultural experiments
The present replication results highlight potential broader challenges
for producing robust and reliable cross-cultural experimental research
(Milfont & Klein, 2018). We dene an x-cultural experiment as a study
containing a manipulation (e.g., random assignment to condition A or
condition B) and sampling at least two distinct cultural populations (e.
g., university students in China and the United States). More broadly
than the typical concerns about false positive ndings (Open Science
Collaboration, 2015; Simmons et al., 2011), such cross-cultural in-
vestigations are open to false inferences about patterns of experimental
results across different human populations. In addition to the expected
condition differences failing to emerge (e.g., salvation prime effect,
target age and needless work effect), cross-cultural ndings may prove
over-robust, in other words emerging in societies where they were
theoretically expected not to (e.g., the tacit inferences effect and intui-
tive work morality effect replicating outside the United States). False
inferences could also involve concluding a phenomenon is culturally
bounded when it is fact universal, and mis-estimating the direction or
relative magnitude of an effect between two cultures, among other
empirical patterns.
At least two major features of an x-cultural experiment increase the
chances of drawing such false conclusions, relative to a simple two-
condition experiment in a single population. First, x-cultural studies
often rely on an interaction between membership in a cultural group and
an experimental manipulation as the key statistical test of the hypoth-
esized cultural difference. Between-subjects interaction tests are typi-
cally underpowered unless very large samples are recruited (Simonsohn,
2014; Smith, Levine, Lachlan, & Fediuk, 2002). The Open Science Col-
laboration’s Reproducibility Project: Psychology replicated 23 of 49
targeted studies (47%) whose key test was a main or simple effect, and
only 8 of 37 studies (22%) when the key test was an interaction. Second,
x-cultural experiments typically rely on small convenience samples and
attempt to generalize to broader cultures. For example, 100 participants
per location might be recruited from universities in New Haven, USA,
and Xiamen, China. Since societies are quite heterogeneous (Kitayama
et al., 2006; Muthukrishna et al., 2020; Nisbett & Cohen, 1996; Talhelm
et al., 2014), this approach may or may not capture central tendencies in
the United States and China.
In the present replication initiative a number of the experimental
condition differences emerged (i.e., tacit inferences effect, intuitive
work morality effect, needless work main effect), yet none of the original
condition x national culture interactions (Poehlman et al., 2007; Uhl-
mann et al., 2009, 2011) were obtained again. The Many Labs 2 crowd
initiative likewise failed to replicate previously reported interactions
between experimental manipulations and cultural populations, even
some considered well-established ndings (Klein et al., 2018). To guard
against such problems, future cross-cultural behavioral research should
seek to collect larger and more varied samples. Researchers might form a
network of laboratories and crowdsource data collections at multiple
sites in each nation (Cuccolo, Irgens, Zlokovich, Grahe, & Edlund, in
press; Moshontz et al., 2018), or partner with a survey rm to system-
atically sample respondents from different regions of the same country,
ideally achieving representative sampling.
Different cultural theories predict distinct patterns of empirical re-
sults, and some may be more subject to false inferences than others. In a
presence-absence pattern, an experimental effect is hypothesized to
emerge in one culture, but not in the other. Most of the original Implicit
Puritanism studies predicted and found such a pattern, for example an
implicit link between work and sex morality among Americans, but not
members of other cultures. In a reduced pattern, the effect is in the same
direction for both cultures, but diminished in some cultures relative to
others (e.g., varying degrees of loss aversion among members of
different nations; Arkes, Hirshleifer, Jiang, & Lim, 2010). Finally, in a
reversal pattern, the effects of an experimental manipulation are expected
to fully reverse between a focal culture and comparison culture. For
example, Gelfand et al. (2002) predicted and found that whereas
American participants were signicantly more disposed to accept posi-
tive than negative feedback, Japanese participants exhibited the oppo-
site pattern, accepting more personal responsibility for negative than for
positive feedback. We suggest that future theorizing on culture focus on
developing such reversal predictions, which rely on better powered
crossover interactions, and are less likely to be confounded by mea-
surement challenges than presence-absence patterns or reduced
9.3. The broader utility of the creative destruction approach
The present culture and work morality project is the rst of several
recent initiatives applying the creative destruction approach to repli-
cation to previously published ndings from our research group (see
Tierney et al., in press, for a review). Adding to the recent deluge of
failed replications of experimental behavioral ndings (e.g., Klein et al.,
2014, 2018; Open Science Collaboration, 2015), none of these replica-
tion studies succeeding in reproducing the original patterns of results.
However, unlike prior replication initiatives, we were able to obtain
positive evidence for alternative theoretical accounts (Supplement 13).
We believe this highlights the general utility of the creative
destruction approach to replication, which seeks to combine theory
W. Tierney et al.
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 93 (2021) 104060
pruning methods from the management literature (Leavitt et al., 2010),
with best practices from the open science movement in psychology such
as pre-registration (Van’t Veer & Giner-Sorolla, 2016; Wagenmakers
et al., 2012) to achieve critical tests (Mayo, 2018) of competing intel-
lectual ideas. Unlike traditional replication approaches, in which the
original nding is tested against the expectation of null effects, the
creative destruction approach seeks to identify the strongest theory
currently operating in a given intellectual space.
Of course, not all research topics and original ndings are well suited
for large-scale competitive theory testing. As discussed at greater length
by Tierney et al. (in press), the creative destruction approach is best
suited to mature research areas with substantial published evidence,
common methodological approaches, and well-developed theories that
make precise, bounded predictions distinct from those of other theories.
In contrast, traditional replications simply repeating the original method
are better suited to conrming or disconrming potential new break-
through ndings. Scientists should carefully allocate scarce replication
resources for maximum impact, leveraging the methods best suited to
the situation. It is our hope the present line of research contributes to a
Replication 2.0 movement, in which rather than solely probing the
reliability of past ndings, scientists also focus on replacing them with
new and improved accounts of human behavior.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
The rst three and last authors contributed equally. WT, J. Hardy,
CE, & EU designed the culture and work replication studies. WT, J.
Hardy, CE, LAV, KD, EI, HC, AG, MV, JW, JS, MA, JM, & EU served as
replicators. WT, J. Hardy, & CE carried out the frequentist statistical
analysis of the replication results. SH & J. Haaf designed, carried out,
and wrote the report of the Bayesian multiverse analysis of the results.
DV, EC, MG, AD, MJ, & TP designed, ran, analyzed, and wrote the report
of the forecasting study. J. Huang designed, carried out, and wrote the
supplement reporting the response effort analyses. Members of the
“Culture & Work Morality Forecasting Collaboration” lent their exper-
tise as forecasters, and are listed with full names and afliations in
Appendix 1. All authors collaboratively edited the nal project report.
Eric Luis Uhlmann is grateful for an R&D grant from INSEAD in
support of this research. Anna Dreber is grateful for generous nancial
support from the Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius Foundation (Svenska
Handelsbankens Forskningsstiftelser), the Knut and Alice Wallenberg
Foundation and the Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation
(Anna Dreber is a Wallenberg Scholar), and Anna Dreber and Magnus
Johannesson are grateful for a grant from the Swedish Foundation for
Humanities and Social Sciences.
Appendix 1. Names and afliations for the culture & work
morality forecasting collaboration
The following colleagues lent their time and expertise as forecasters:
Ajay T. Abraham, Seattle University
Matus Adamkovic, Institute of social sciences, CSPS Slovak Academy
of Sciences, and Institute of psychology, Faculty of Arts, University of
Jais Adam-Troian, College of Arts and Sciences, American University
of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE
Elena Agadullina, National Research University Higher School of
Handan Akkas, Ankara Science University, Department of Manage-
ment Information Systems
Dorsa Amir, Boston College
Michele Anne, University of Nottingham Malaysia
Kelly J. Arbeau, Trinity Western University
Mads N. Arnestad, BI Norwegian Business School, Department of
Leadership and Organization
John Jamir Benzon Aruta, De La Salle University
Mujeeba Ashraf, Institute of Applied Psychology, University of the
Punjab, Lahore
Ofer H. Azar, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Bradley J. Baker, University of Massachusetts
Gabriel Baník, University of Presov
Sergio Barbosa, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universidad
del Rosario
Ana Barbosa Mendes, ITEC, Faculty of Psychology and Educational
Sciences, KU Leuven, Belgium
Ernest Baskin, Saint Joseph’s University
Christopher W. Bauman, University of California, Irvine
Jozef Bavolar, Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice
Stephanie E. Beckman, The Chicago School of Professional
Theiss Bendixen, Department of the Study of Religion, Aarhus
Aaron S. Benjamin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Ruud M.W.J. Berkers, Max Planck Research Group: Adaptive Mem-
ory, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive & Brain Sciences, Leip-
zig, Germany
Amit Bhattacharjee, INSEAD
Samuel E. Bodily, Darden Business School, University of Virginia
Helena Bonache, Universidad de La Laguna
Vincent Bottom, Washington University School of Medicine in St.
Cameron Brick, University of Amsterdam
Neil Brigden, Bow Valley College and University of Alberta
Stephanie E. V. Brown, Texas A&M University
Jeffrey Buckley, Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, Athlone
Institute of Technology, Westmeath, Ireland and Department of
Learning, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Max E. Buttereld, Point Loma Nazarene University
Neil R.Caton, The University of Queensland
Zhang Chen, Department of Experimental Psychology, Ghent
Jessica F. Chen
Fadong Chen, School of Management, Zhejiang University
Irene Christensen, GUST University
Ensari E. Cicerali, Nisantasi University
Simon Columbus, University of Copenhagen
David J. Cox, GuideWell, Endicott College
Emiel Cracco, Department of Experimental Psychology, Ghent
Daina Crafa, CrafaLab, Interacting Minds Centre, Aarhus University
Jamie Cummins, Ghent University
Jo Cutler, The University of Birmingham
Zech O. Dahms, UW-Milwaukee, MBA
Alexander F. Danvers, University of Arizona
Liora Daum-Avital, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Ian G. J. Dawson, University of Southampton
Martin V. Day, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Philippe O. Deprez, Indiana University Southeast
Erik Dietl, Loughborough University
Eugen Dimant, University of Pennsylvania
onül Do˘
gan, University of Cologne
Artur Domurat, Centre for Economic Psychology and Decision Sci-
ences, Kozminski University, Warsaw, Poland
Terence D. Dores Cruz, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Christilene du Plessis, Singapore Management University
Dmitrii Dubrov, National Research University Higher School of
Esha Dwibedi, Virginia Tech
Christian T. Elbaek, Aarhus University, Department of Management
W. Tierney et al.
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 93 (2021) 104060
Mahmoud M. Elsherif, University of Birmingham
Thomas R. Evans, School of Psychological, Social and Behavioural
Sciences, Coventry University
Sarahanne M. Field, University of Groningen
Mustafa Firat, University of Alberta
e Francis, University of the Fraser Valley
Yoav Ganzach, Ariel University and Tel Aviv University
Richa Gautam, University of Delaware
Brian Gearin, University of Oregon
Sandra J. Geiger, University of Amsterdam
Omid Ghasemi, Macquarie University
Lorenz Graf-Vlachy, ESCP Business School
Lu Gram, Institute for Global Health, University College London
Dmitry Grigoryev, National Research University Higher School of
Rosanna EGuadagno, Center for International Security and Cooper-
ation, Stanford University
Andrew C. Hafenbrack, Michael G. Foster School of Business, Uni-
versity of Washington
Sebastian Hafenbr¨
adl, IESE Business School
Linda Hagen, University of Southern Califonia
David Hagmann, Harvard Kennedy School
Jonathan J. Hammersley, Western Illinois University
Hyemin Han, University of Alabama
Andree Hartanto, Singapore Management University
Renata M. Heilman, Babes-Bolyai University, Department of
Alexander P. Henkel, Open University of the Netherlands
Felix Holzmeister, Department of Economics, University of
Qian Huang, University of Miami
Tina S.-T. Huang, University College London
Barbora Hubena, Ministerstvo zdravotnictví ˇ
e republiky
Jeffrey R. Huntsinger, Loyola University Chicago
Hirotaka Imada, University of Kent
Michael J. Ingels
Tatsunori Ishii, Waseda University
Chitranjan Jain, Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani
Konrad Jamro, St. Bonaventure University
Kristin Jankowsky, University of Kassel
Steve M. J. Janssen, University of Nottingham Malaysia
Nilotpal Jha, Singapore Management University
Fanli Jia, Seton Hall University
Daniel Jolles, University of Essex
Bibiana Jozeakova, Olomouc University Social Health Institute,
Palacky University Olomouc, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Pavol Kaˇ
ar, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Pavol
Jozef ˇ
arik University in Koˇ
sice, Slovakia
Kyriaki Kalimeri, ISI Foundation, Turin, Italy
Jaroslaw Kantorowicz, Institute of Security and Global Affairs and
Department of Economics, Leiden University
Elena Kantorowicz-Reznichenko, Rotterdam Institute of Law and
Economics, Erasmus School of Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Matthias Kasper, Tulane University and University of Vienna
Edgar E. Kausel, Ponticia Universidad Cat´
Lucas Keller, Department of Psychology, University of Konstanz
Yeun Joon Kim, University of Cambridge
Minjae J. Kim, Boston College
Mikael Knutsson, Link¨
oping University
Olga Kombeiz, Loughborough University
Marta Kowal, Institute of Psychology, University of Wrocław, Wro-
cław, Poland
Tei Laine
Aleksandra Lazi´
c, University of Belgrade
Johannes Leder, University of Bamberg
Margarita Leib, University of Amsterdam
Carmel A. Levitan, Occidental College
Alex Lloyd, Royal Holloway, University of London
Ronda F. Lo, York University
Andrey Lovakov, National Research University Higher School of
Timo Lüke, TU Dortmund University
Albert L. Ly, Loma Linda University
Victor S. Maas, University of Amsterdam
Zoe Magraw-Mickelson, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit¨
at München
Elizabeth A. Mahar, University of Florida
James C. Marcus, Evidera
Melvin S. Marsh, Georgia Southern University
Abigail A. Marsh, Georgetown University
Chris C. Martin, Georgia Institute of Technology
Marcel Martonˇ
cik, Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Univer-
sity of Presov, Slovakia
ebastien Massoni, Universit´
e de Lorraine, Universit´
e de Strasbourg,
CNRS, BETA, Nancy, France
Theodore C. Masters-Waage, Singapore Management University
Akiko Matsuo, Tokai Gakuen University
Jens Mazei, TU Dortmund University
Randy J. McCarthy, Northern Illinois University
Smriti Mehta, UC Berkeley
Chanel Meyers, Whitman College
Ewa AureliaMiendlarzewska, Geneva Finance Research Institute,
University of Geneva
Philip Millroth, Department of Psychology, Uppsala University,
Marina Milyavskaya, Carleton University
Talya Miron-Shatz, Ono Academic College, Israel
Pooja D. Mistry
Karina Mitropoulou
Mao Mogami, New York University
David Moreau, School of Psychology and Centre for Brain Research,
The University of Auckland
Yuki Mori, Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu
Annalisa Myer, University of Virginia
Philip W. S. Newall, CQUniversity
Phuong Linh L. Nguyen, University of Minnesota
Annika S. Nieper, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Gustav Nilsonne, Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm University
Abigail L. Nissenbaum, Raindrop Games, PBC
Paweł Niszczota, Pozna´
n University of Economics and Business
Nurit Nobel, Stockholm School of Economics
Stephan Oelhafen, Bern University of Applied Sciences
Aoife O’Mahony, Cardiff University, U.K.
Mehmet A. Orhan, PSB Paris School of Business
Flora Oswald, The Pennsylvania State University
Tobias Otterbring, University of Agder
Philipp E. Otto, European University Viadrina
Mariola Paruzel-Czachura, University of Silesia in Katowice, Institute
of Psychology
Gerit Pfuhl, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Jessica M. Plourde, Fordham University
Madeleine Pownall, School of Psychology, University of Leeds
Anushree Prashant, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK, and GEMS
World Academy, Dubai, UAE
Marjorie L. Prokosch, Tulane University
John Protzko, University of California, Santa Barbara
Danka B. Puri´
c, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy,
Department of Psychology and Laboratory for Research of Individual
M. S. Rad, New School
Louis Raes, Tilburg University
Rima-Maria Rahal, Tilburg University
W. Tierney et al.
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 93 (2021) 104060
Liz Redford
Christopher M. Redker, Ferris State University
Niv Reggev, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Caleb J. Reynolds, Florida State University
Marta Roczniewska
Ivan Ropovik, Charles University, Faculty of Education, Institute for
Research and Development of Education & University of Presov, Faculty
of Education
Lukas R¨
oseler, Harz University of Applied Sciences, University of
Robert M. Ross, Macquarie University
Amanda Rotella, Department of Psychology, University of Waterloo,
Raluca Rusu
Michael Schaerer, Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore
Management University
William M. Schiavone, University of Georgia
Landon Schnabel, Stanford University and Cornell University
Brendan A. Schuetze, The University of Texas at Austin
Irene Scopelliti, City, University of London
Zeev Shtudiner, Ariel University
Deborah Shulman
Victoria Song, Fordham University
Tabea Springstein, Washington University in St. Louis
Eirik Strømland, University of Bergen
Kevin P. Sweeney, Western Kentucky University
Maria A. Terskova, National Research University Higher School of
Kian Siong Tey, INSEAD
Fransisca Ting, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Joshua M. Tybur, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Karolina Urbanska, Department of Psychology, University of
Paul Vanags, University of Oxford Brookes
Joseph A. Vitriol, Stony Brook University
Alisa Voslinsky, Department of Industrial Engineering and Manage-
ment, Sami Shamoon
Academic College of Engineering, Ashdod, Israel
Marek A. Vranka, Charles University
Lauren E.T. Wakabayashi, Loma Linda University
Hanne M. Watkins, UMass Amherst
Erin C. Westgate, University of Florida
Margaux N. A. Wienk, Department of Psychology, Columbia
Jan K. Woike, University of Plymouth, UK
Conny E.Wollbrant, University of Stirling
Amanda J. Wright, Washington University in St. Louis
Qinyu Xiao, University of Hong Kong
Alon Yakter, Tel Aviv University
Yurik Yang, Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia
Zhixu Yang, Purdue University
Siu Kit Yeung, The University of Hong Kong
Onurcan Yilmaz, Kadir Has University
Meltem Yucel, University of Virginia
Cristina Zogmaister, Universit`
a degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Ro’i Zultan, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Appendix 2. Supplementary data
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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