
Triangulation: Establishing the Validity of Qualitative Studies

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Triangulation is a method used by qualitative researchers to check and establish validity in their studies by analyzing a research question from multiple perspectives. This 3-page fact sheet presents five types of triangulation. Written by Lisa A. Guion, David C. Diehl, and Debra McDonald , and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, August 2011. This is a major revision of : Guion, Lisa. 2002. “Triangulation: Establishing the Validity of Qualitative Studies”. EDIS 2002 (6).

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... que a validade interna existe quando uma conclusão é logicamente obtida.Contudo, seu posicionamento quanto à validade externa vai além das concepções de capacidade de generalização ou extrapolação dos resultados e de verificação dos resultados com relação a serem verdadeiros e confiáveis(Guion;Diehl;MCdonald;2011;Hamilton, 2020). Isso se deve ao fato de que ele também vislumbra a possibilidade de mudanças no contexto social, ou seja, faz uso das teorias e métodos científicos para apontar a possibilidade de novas formas de práticas sociais, distintas da realidade atual(Hamilton, 2020;Torlig;Resende Junior;Fujihara;Demo; Montezano, 2022). ...
... que a validade interna existe quando uma conclusão é logicamente obtida.Contudo, seu posicionamento quanto à validade externa vai além das concepções de capacidade de generalização ou extrapolação dos resultados e de verificação dos resultados com relação a serem verdadeiros e confiáveis(Guion;Diehl;MCdonald;2011;Hamilton, 2020). Isso se deve ao fato de que ele também vislumbra a possibilidade de mudanças no contexto social, ou seja, faz uso das teorias e métodos científicos para apontar a possibilidade de novas formas de práticas sociais, distintas da realidade atual(Hamilton, 2020;Torlig;Resende Junior;Fujihara;Demo; Montezano, 2022). ...
... que a validade interna existe quando uma conclusão é logicamente obtida.Contudo, seu posicionamento quanto à validade externa vai além das concepções de capacidade de generalização ou extrapolação dos resultados e de verificação dos resultados com relação a serem verdadeiros e confiáveis(Guion;Diehl;MCdonald;2011;Hamilton, 2020). Isso se deve ao fato de que ele também vislumbra a possibilidade de mudanças no contexto social, ou seja, faz uso das teorias e métodos científicos para apontar a possibilidade de novas formas de práticas sociais, distintas da realidade atual(Hamilton, 2020;Torlig;Resende Junior;Fujihara;Demo; Montezano, 2022). ...
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Este estudo investiga o uso de métodos de pesquisa qualitativa em gestão por professores de um programa de pós-graduação de uma universidade pública brasileira. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas, e os dados foram examinados por meio de Análise Temática. Para a interpretação dos resultados, foram definidas quatro categorias de forma fluida e flexível, a fim de alcançar maior profundidade e engajamento com os dados: (i) rigor e relevância, (ii) objetividade e subjetividade, (iii) ética na pesquisa qualitativa e (iv) espaços e disputas acadêmicas. Os resultados revelam divergências e preconceitos em determinadas áreas da gestão. Observou-se que os entrevistados possuem visões diferentes sobre o valor das abordagens qualitativas e sobre as características necessárias para a construção do conhecimento científico. Este trabalho visa contribuir para o avanço da pesquisa qualitativa em Administração e refletir sobre seu significado e praticidade. Além disso, destaca as dificuldades enfrentadas pela academia em valorizar os métodos qualitativos na pesquisa gerencial.
... These memos consisted of preliminary interpretations and analytical impressions of the data and were used along with the notes when generating preliminary thematic patterns and initial themes. This step also involved investigator triangulation (Guion et al., 2011): three interviews were coded separately by the authors who also developed a list of preliminary thematic patterns separately. Codes and preliminary thematic patterns were compared in a consensus session, which allowed for confirming the preliminary findings. ...
... Quotations illustrating the final themes were used to enhance the study's dependability and confirmability. To enhance study credibility, investigator triangulation during the coding process (Guion et al., 2011) along with continuous discussions throughout the data analysis process were used. ...
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Although a growing body of literature has focused on the experience of young people with migration experience with Swedish sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services, there is a lack of deep qualitative exploration. The study aims to explore the encounters of young people with migration experience with SRH services and their understandings of factors that affect their use of these services. The findings of this study were drawn from 18 interviews conducted between October 2021 and May 2023 in Southern Sweden. A combination of convenient and snowball sampling strategies was used. Participants included in the study self-identified as Middle Eastern, migrated to Sweden, and were aged between 17 and 26. Data were analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis approach. Three themes were generated during the analysis. The first SRH services: dual perceptions and experiences shows how participants had ambivalent perceptions of SRH services, mainly the youth clinic. Some perceived the youth clinic as a stigmatized place associated with shame and SRH concerns like unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, while others viewed the youth clinic as a safe space. The negative perceptions along with the difficulties with accessing the youth clinic contributed to low service use. The second Sexuality education: an eye-opener or a joke? reflects participants’ both positive and negative experiences and attitudes when receiving sexuality education in schools. The third SRH information: beyond formal services and education captures participants’ ways of accessing SRH information that go beyond information provided at the traditional SRH services and sexuality education in schools. These sources include the family, friends, and the internet. The study points to the need for multicomponent strategies to improve the accessibility of SRH services and draws attention to the importance of challenging norms related to Swedishness in sexuality education to foster the engagement of youth with migration experience and ensure their sexual citizenship.
... Investigator triangulation is important in qualitative research since it contributes to the credibility of findings (Guion et al., 2011). Alongside the primary coding of Dagmar Stockman, Steps 1-4 were repeated for half of the interviews by a research assistant, Emma Dhaenens, a female graduate clinical psychology student with an interest in qualitative research. ...
... Therefore, having only one perspective that is in responsible for the entire data analysis process might affect the results. However, the current study addressed this issue by paying particular attention to issues related to reflexivity and triangulation of the data by multiple individuals with diverse experiences and perspectives (Guion et al., 2011;Tufford & Newman, 2012). ...
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Studies have shown that experiencing adult sexual violence affects female and male survivors’ sexuality in multiple ways, including leading to decreased sexual satisfaction, increased sexual dysfunction, changes in sexual frequency, and increased sexual risk behavior. The available evidence, however, fails to capture how female and male survivors learn to manage these challenges and even experience empowerment. Therefore, the aim of the current study is to utilize qualitative interview data to shed light on survivors’ postassault sexuality experiences. A sample of four male and 10 female adult sexual violence survivors completed a semistructured interview about the psychosocial impact of sexual violence on their lives. A reflexive thematic analysis revealed that coping with postassault challenges in sexuality was characterized by a process of becoming aware of their own sexual needs and trying to communicate these to their partners. This was demonstrated to be an ongoing and nonlinear process. Respondents explained how they alternately and simultaneously utilized different approaches to understand their needs with some survivors’ experiences reflecting eventual empowerment with regard to their sexuality. The current study illustrates the importance of assessing survivors’ sexual experiences following an assault and supporting them in managing the sexual challenges they are faced with in an adaptive way that could facilitate future sexual empowerment.
... Second, this study is focused on the different perspectives of FOH and BOH restaurant managers. As stated in several studies, to accurately document, analyze, and discuss someone's perspective, a qualitative approach is necessary, as these perspectives can rarely be measured, counted, or quantified [29,53,54]. This qualitative approach involves several key steps, which were followed in this study: (1) gathering information (semi-structured interviews), (2) asking open-ended questions, and (3) analyzing the data to form themes or categories [29]. ...
... This process was repeated several times following each interview, with many themes being deleted, reworded, restructured, and created [60]. Two researchers individually analyzed the interview data and then compared the final analyses to establish their validity, adopting a theory triangulation approach [54]. The researchers then reconciled and discussed the themes until an agreement on the central themes addressing the primary research questions was reached [53]. ...
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This qualitative study explored and compared the perceptions, attitudes, and motivations towards restaurant food waste mitigation among front-of-house (FOH) and back-of-house (BOH) restaurant managers. Semi-structured, one-on-one interviews were conducted with FOH (n = 6) and BOH (n = 7) managers at restaurants in the southeast of the United States. The findings indicated that the participants were highly aware of restaurant food waste and its contribution to food waste; furthermore, they displayed negative sentiments towards it. Additionally, most participants’ awareness was heightened upon acquiring foodservice management positions. Cost reduction was found to be the primary motivation to reduce food waste among most participants; however, most BOH participants were highly motivated by an appreciation for and involvement with the food itself. Guided by the Upper Echelons Theory, the findings provide insight into the underlying cognitive base and values behind restaurant managers’ perceptions, attitudes, and motivations towards restaurant food waste mitigation. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed in detail.
... Triangulation provides validity to research, especially qualitative studies (Guion, Diehl, & McDonald, 2011). The data I collected came from interviews, field notes from on-campus chapels and classes, and recorded prayer samples. ...
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... Research findings were obtained using triangulation, encompassing survey, interviews and observation. Triangulation is the use of several research methodologies when examining an issue affording an opportunity to combine qualitative method with quantitative (Guion, 2002). Furthermore, it ensures authenticity, credibility, validity and robustness of results and could mitigate researcher bias as Denzin (1978) advocates for use of multiple sources of evidence. ...
The dawn of the 21st century brought with it changes and new challenges. This study singled out the challenges faced by secondary schools in Kenya in their effort to integrate information and communication technology in their financial accounting systems using five selected counties in North Rift Region as a case. The theoretical framework adopted for this study was derived from the systems theory of organizations which reflected Kast and Rozenweig (1985) view of organizations. The objective of the study was to establish the technical challenges that hinder integration of information and communication technology into the accounting systems of secondary schools. This was one of the objectives of a study titled "Integration of ICT into Secondary School Financial Accounting systems in North Rift region of Rift Valley, Challenges and Prospects." The study targeted 1200 schools in the north rift. Out of this 60 schools were purposively selected together with principals of the same schools. Data from respondents were collected from surveys using designed questionnaires, interviews, observations and documentation analysis. Interpretive (qualitative) research methodology and generic qualitative research design were adopted. The data obtained was subjected to descriptive analysis and presented in tables and percentages and bar graphs. The study found significant technical challenges which included; lack of technical support and low internet connectivity among others. The study made recommendations including intervention by; government through MOEST to provide financial assistance to schools to embrace technology in financial management.
... The research process was therefore not influenced by this researcher's bias. This bias was also mitigated by creating and maintaining an audit trail and keeping a reflexive journal throughout the process (Guion et al., 2011). In the other strategy, a transparent methodology that explained in detail, the data analysis process and the limitations of the study were shared to ensure confirmability. ...
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The phenomenon of Illegal Gold Mining (IGM) activities in Ghana has had a detrimental impact on the country's ecosystem, posing a threat to socio-economic development. Despite numerous measures implemented by successive governments to curb this menace, no viable solution has been found. Even the utilisation of the military as a last resort strategy to enhance previous approaches has not yielded the anticipated outcomes, as the issue persists. This study aims to assess the role of the military in addressing IGM in Akwadum, located within the Abuakwa Municipality of the Eastern Region of Ghana. Grounded in the theories of Securitization and Civil-Military Relations, the study investigates how the Ghanaian government has characterized IGM as a national security concern and examines the interaction between the military and members of the mining community, with an emphasis on maintaining a balanced relationship that prevents maltreatment and ensures effective enforcement operations. By employing a qualitative phenomenological approach, the study utilised questionnaires and unstructured interviews to gather data from 37 respondents from diverse backgrounds, including military and national security personnel, local community leaders, government officials, environmentalists, academics, CSOs and subject matter experts. The findings indicated that while military interventions have served as a deterrent to some extent, the desired outcomes have not been realised. Furthermore, the study identified shortcomings in the current deployment of the military to combat IGM activities, especially the lack of a holistic strategy for the anti-IGM effort. The study also highlights the potential advantages of integrating advanced technologies, such as drones and satellite imagery to enhance operational efficiency in combating IGM. Additionally, the research underscores the significance of collaboration among stakeholders, particularly the involvement of local communities in decision-making processes, to foster trust in achieving sustainable outcomes. The implications of this study are that it establishes an empirical foundation for redefining the role of the military in the IGM endeavor and provides actionable recommendations to enhance the efficiency and ethical behavior of the military in combating IGM.
... The research process was therefore not influenced by this researcher's bias. This bias was also mitigated by creating and maintaining an audit trail and keeping a reflexive journal throughout the process (Guion et al., 2011). In the other strategy, a transparent methodology that explained in detail, the data analysis process and the limitations of the study were shared to ensure confirmability. ...
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The phenomenon of IGM activities in Ghana has had a detrimental impact on the country's ecosystem, posing a threat to socio-economic development. Despite numerous measures implemented by successive governments to curb this menace, no viable solution has been found. Even the utilisation of the military as a last resort strategy to enhance previous approaches has not yielded the anticipated outcomes, as the issue persists. This study aims to assess the role of the military in addressing IGM in Akwadum, located within the Abuakwa Municipality of the Eastern Region of Ghana. Grounded in the theories of Securitization and Civil-Military Relations, the study investigates how the Ghanaian government has characterized IGM as a national security concern and examines the interaction between the military and members of the mining community, with an emphasis on maintaining a balanced relationship that prevents maltreatment and ensures effective enforcement operations. By employing a qualitative phenomenological approach, the study utilised questionnaires and unstructured interviews to gather data from 37 respondents from diverse backgrounds, including military and national security personnel, local community leaders, government officials, environmentalists, academics, CSOs and subject matter experts. The findings indicated that while military interventions have served as a deterrent to some extent, the desired outcomes have not been realised. Furthermore, the study identified shortcomings in the current deployment of the military to combat IGM activities, especially the lack of a holistic strategy for the anti-IGM effort. The study also highlights the potential advantages of integrating advanced technologies, such as drones and satellite imagery to enhance operational efficiency in combating IGM. Additionally, the research underscores the significance of collaboration among stakeholders, particularly the involvement of local communities in decision-making processes, to foster trust in achieving sustainable outcomes. The implications of this study are that it establishes an empirical foundation for redefining the role of the military in the IGM endeavor and provides actionable recommendations to enhance the efficiency and ethical behavior of the military in combating IGM.
... In the third phase, parallel themes between parental dyads from different families were identified and discussed until consensus was reached among two additional authors (L.V. and M.V.S.). This process of investigator triangulation allowed enhancing the validity of the study [36]. The final list of subordinate (e.g., "preventing the inheritance") and superordinate (e.g., "concerns regarding the other children") themes reflected patterns of convergence across different dyads, based on unique aspects of each parent's and couple's experiences. ...
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Objectives: Germline genetic testing is increasingly being integrated into pediatric oncology and a large number of families are interested. Current research on the psychological impact of germline genetic testing is limited by a main focus on individual outcomes in parents or children and little is known about its impact at the family level. Our study addresses that limitation by exploring parents’ lived experiences of how their family—as a whole—is affected by germline genetic testing for cancer predisposition. Methods: In six families who opted for germline genetic testing in the context of cancer predisposition, both parents of six ill children (five boys) with an average age of 9.67 years (SD = 3.77 years) were interviewed individually (N = 12). Germline genetic testing was performed by exome sequencing followed by analysis of a panel of childhood cancer predisposition genes in pediatric cancer patients and their parents. Their experiences were elicited through semi-structured interviews and the data were analyzed using Multi Family Member Interview Analysis. This qualitative study was conducted at Ghent University Hospital in Belgium. Results: The findings demonstrated that while germline genetic testing was generally viewed as a valuable and straightforward step in the child’s oncology trajectory, parents found it difficult to distinguish its impact from the overwhelming stressors of their child’s cancer diagnosis and treatment. However, parents recognized that the testing also significantly affected various family-level processes. Five main themes were identified: talking about germline genetic testing, being together matters (more), differences in coping with germline genetic testing between partners, feelings of guilt and mutual forgiveness, and concerns about the future health of the family. Conclusions: Given the expanded use of germline genetic testing in pediatric oncology, it is critical for clinicians to address the family-level impacts of germline genetic testing. Although families are affected by these issues, they often do not raise them due to the overwhelming challenges posed by the cancer diagnosis and treatment. Proactively addressing these themes could improve the support provided to families undergoing germline genetic testing for cancer predisposition.
... In-depth Interviews (IDIs) and content analysis have been used to collect qualitative data. In-depth interviews are excellent tools for the interviewer to deeply explore the respondent's feelings and perspectives on a subject by using open-ended, discovery-oriented questions (Guion et al., 2011). Considering this a total of 20 IDIs have been conducted among the police officers and service revivers from Bangladesh police. ...
... Also, it also helped in understanding their own project monitoring in the construction projects as well as eliciting their recommendations regarding how to improve the process, procedures and techniques of monitoring. Among all different types of interviews, including, structured interviews, unstructured interviews and semi-structured interviews (Guion, Diehl, & McDonald, 2011;Myers & Newman, 2007;Alenezi et al., 2015, Tarhini et al., 2015c,d, El-Masri et al., 2015, the latter was used to collect the required data from the interviewees for this study. The length of each interview was about 60 minutes. ...
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Construction projects in developing countries have the priority among other projects as they are considered safe investments in an unpredictable market. Due to this prioritization, it has become increasingly important that such projects are managed in accordance with internationally accepted management best practice. Project managers of construction projects in developing countries face difficulties in effectively monitoring the progress of projects they are responsible for due to many variables. The purpose of this study is to investigate the causes of delays in the construction projects that were covered in the considered literature and conduct qualitative research to investigate their relevance by interviewing project managers of actual projects in Lebanon. Based on the literature review and from the recommendations recorded during interviews, the researcher aims to create a set of guidelines that will improve the manner in which project managers can adapt to, discover and deal with project delays. These guidelines can be utilized as an early warning system concerning delays in construction projects.
... McDonald (30], in-depth interviews are most appropriate for situations in which the researcher wants to ask open-ended questions that elicit indepth information from relatively few people (as opposed to the survey, which tends to be more quantitative and is conducted with large numbers of people). To collect and explore detailed information about the trend, and patterns of Omo River flooding, lower Omo Valley downstream pastoral and agro-pastoral communities' livelihood system, and their vulnerability to the effects of disastrous events, as well as mode of adaptation in the past and today twelve (12) interviewees were identified through purposive sampling method. ...
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Even though the government has invested huge resources upstream of the Omo River basin, it has not adequately considered either the rights of the Lower Omo ValleyValley downstream vulnerable pastoral and agro-pastoral communities or the induced flooding disaster risk that it poses on the live and livelihood system of the villagers. The crisis unfolded because of the Gibe III dam, which induced disaster for the Dassenech people. Such an effect disrupts the entire subsistence economy and livelihood system of the Lower Omo Valley Dassenech communities, not only food security severely threatened their survival system and transboundary regional peace and security as well. This destruction of pastoral and agro-pastoral livelihoods swiftly produced major humanitarian disasters including recurrent occurrences of flooding and drought in the area, with widespread conditions of starvation, disease, and spiral interethnic armed conflict in the tri-nation border region as groups desperately compete for vanishing resources. Mitigation and compensation measures related to the dam’s impacts are wholly inadequate, even undermining the existing subsistence livelihood, impoverished socio-economic, and politically vulnerable and marginalized pastoral and agro-pastoral villagers of the Dassenech.
... Kiekvieno interviu trukmė svyravo nuo 1 iki 1,5 valandos. Kokybinio tyrimo patikimumui užtikrinti buvo taikomi tiriamųjų bei tyrimo duomenų trianguliacijos ir saturacijos principai [15]. Tyrime dalyvavo 13 slaugytojų, atrinktų tikslinės atrankos būdu: 4 dirbo vaikų intensyviosios terapijos skyriuose (VITS), 3 − Vaikų ligų skyriuje, 3 − pirminės sveikatos priežiūros centre (PSPC) su šeimos gydytojais, o 3 teikė namų slaugos paslaugas. ...
Vaiko, kuriam atliekama dirbtinė plaučių ventiliacija (DPV), priežiūra yra sudėtingas procesas, reikalaujantis specializuotų techninių intervencijų ir ekspertinių žinių. Nuo DPV priklausomą vaiką išleidus slaugyti į namus, pagrindinė atsakomybė už gyvybinių funkcijų stebėjimą, kvėpavimo funkcijos užtikrinimą, visavertę mitybą, pas­laugų koordinavimą tenka šeimai. Slaugytojas tampa svarbiu paramos šaltiniu šeimoms, slaugančioms vai­kus, kuriems DPV atliekama namuose. Nepriklausomai nuo to, ar slaugytojas dirba ligoninės skyriuje, šeimos gydytojo kabinete, ar teikia ambulatorines slaugos pas­laugas namuose, jis atlieka neįkainojamą vaidmenį, da­lindamasis savo profesinėmis žiniomis ir įgūdžiais, kur­damas pasitikėjimu grįstus santykius su šeima, į vaiko priežiūros procesus įtraukdamas tėvus, juos mokydamas, teikdamas emocinę paramą bei dalindamasis svarbia informacija su šeimos nariais, bendradarbiaudamas su kitais tarpdalykinės komandos specialistais, kad kartu užtikrintų priežiūros kokybę. Straipsnyje pristatomas kokybinis tyrimas, kurio tikslas − atskleisti slaugytojų, dirbančių su šeimomis, slaugančiomis nuo DPV priklau­somus vaikus namuose, patirtį ir pateikti apibendrintus duomenis. Tyrimo patikimumui užtikrinti buvo taikomi tiriamųjų trianguliacijos ir saturacijos principai. Duome­nys iš tyrimo dalyvių buvo surinkti naudojant giluminį pusiau struktūruotą interviu. Tyrime dalyvavo 13 skir­tingų profesinių specializacijų slaugytojų: vaikų inten­syviosios terapijos, bendrosios praktikos, bendruomenės slaugytojai; skirtinguose rajonuose ir skirtingose sveika­tos priežiūros įstaigose (universitetinėje ligoninėje, ra­jonų pirminės sveikatos priežiūros centruose, socialinių paslaugų centruose) dirbančios slaugytojos, teikiančios paslaugas šeimoms, namuose slaugančioms nuo DVP priklausomus vaikus. Tyrime atsiskleidė, kad šeimos kelias link slaugomo vaiko vyksta etapais, kuriuose slau­gytojas yra pagrindinis paramos šaltinis. Stebėdamas šeimų patiriamus sunkumus, slaugytojas jaučia kaltę dėl teikiamos paramos ribotumo, tarpdalykinio bendradar­biavimo trūkumo. Darbas su vaikais, kuriems namuose atliekama DPV, reikalauja nuolatinės slaugytojo emocijų, kalbos, veiksmų kontrolės ir kompetencijų, kurių trūksta. Slaugytojų vaidmenų neaiškumas, specializuotos vaiko slaugos kompetencijų ir efektyvios komunikacijos trū­kumas, patiriamas stresas ir emocinė įtampa yra pagrin­diniai veiksniai, trukdantys užtikrinti laiku teikiamas ir kokybiškas paslaugas šeimoms, slaugančioms vaikus, kuriems namuose atliekama DPV.
... The recorded interview was first transcribed. Transcription, according to Guion et al. (2011) is creating verbatim text of the interview by writing out each question and the interviewee's response and it also includes the interviewer's side notes which were not in the recorded audio. The researcher analysed the transcript and come up with codes which assisted in further analysis of the data. ...
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Consumption of Video on Demand (VoD) content in Kenya has been on the rise for the past few years fuelled mainly by good internet connectivity and availability of hand-held mediated communication devices. Consumption of this kind of content spiked during Covid-19 Pandemic due to containment measures which restricted movement of people. The study looked, in details, at the role played by the Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB) in this new frontier of media regulation. The study focused on aspects of regulation such as strategies employed or that are still at the formulation stage to regulate the sector, the current regulatory frameworks that Kenya is implementing in reference to the sector and various VoD platforms operating in the country, both local and foreign and their monetization models. The researcher adopted a mixed method, combining survey and in-depth interview to generate both quantitative and qualitative data. For the Survey, a sample size formula calculator was used to achieve a sample of 357 film producers from a target population of 5,000. A management representative from respondent for KFCB was selected using purposive sampling to be interviewed for insights on the research topic. The research engaged a two-way ANOVA technique and the results summarized and analysed in terms of types of regulations, policy and strategy frameworks engaged and monetization models. Being a study on media regulation, the Authoritarian Theory of mass media was used. The findings of this research will be significant in informing policy, not only in Kenya, but also within the African continent where such audio-visual regulatory challenges are a commonplace. The harmonization of content regulation in Africa debate is running concurrently with the narrative of creating a borderless Africa under the aegis of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). In view of this, this research will help Kenya, the region’s economic hub, to craft a strong memorandum to table at AfCFTA and argue its case on why harmonized content regulation is important in the wake of the envisaged borderless and digitized continent. Monetization models highlighted will help operating VoD platforms and aspiring start-ups in Kenya to ascertain the best monetization model to adapt in order to reap maximum commercial benefits from the business. To scholars, this research will help in unearthing new knowledge in the world of audio-visual content regulation in the era of internet. The study recommends an urgent need for review of the existing VoD regulatory policies to be in tandem with the changing regulatory environment fuelled by the internet and a robust engagement with key stakeholders that KFCB regulates. The study also recommends further research on the interconnectedness of consumption of VoD content by young people and cultural imperialism. The research concludes by highlighting legislative gaps in the current laws on film regulation in Kenya to match the changes brought by VoD consumption.
... The researcher triangulated the data in this study by conducting indepth interviews and analyzing field notes, observations, and reflexive journals. Triangulation helps assure the researcher of the accuracy of the research data, provides a clearer understanding of the phenomenon, and exhibits the unique findings of a study (Guion et al., 2011). ...
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Domestic violence is a common issue worldwide, though its occurrence against male victims often receives less attention. This study explored the recovery experiences of male domestic violence survivors using a qualitative phenomenological approach to understand the essence of the recovery experience. Six participants aged 25–40 were selected through purposive sampling. The criteria for inclusion encompassed male survivors who had reached the final stage of recovery and had ended their abusive relationships at least 6 months prior. This “final stage of recovery” denotes a phase where survivors have successfully dealt with the consequences of domestic violence, empowering them to progress positively in their lives. Data were collected from the six participants across three interview sessions, each lasting 90 min. Reflexive journals and field notes from the interviews were also used as data. Interview transcripts, documentation, and observations were translated into English and subsequently analyzed. The data were analyzed using Moustakas’s eight data analysis steps. Six major themes were identified from this study: (1) lost of hope and giving up, (2) affected mental health, (3) letting go and moving on, (4) spiritual assistance, (5) support from family and friends, and (6) self-transformation. These themes were then divided into two parts—recovery processes and recovery contributors—to demonstrate the essence of the men’s recovery experience from domestic violence. The results provided insights into understanding Malaysian men’s recovery experience from domestic violence. Implications of this study for the helping professions and future research are discussed.
... The great benefit of using a recorder is that every detail is captured and later transcribed into helpful text. Guion, Diehl & McDonald (2011) claim, that methodological triangulation is vital, as it entails employing a combination of qualitative research methods to investigate a particular event. Validity is established if the conclusions derived from each of the methods are consistent. ...
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This study set out to examine the pedagogical practices of the Grade 11 Business Studies teachers in the context of current 21st century. The study further looked at the constraints the Business Studies teachers come across in their quest to develop 21st-century skills and deep knowledge of the subject in their learners. The literature on pedagogy for the subject Business Studies was reviewed to give foundation to the current study. The study was guided by the constructivist theory which elucidates how knowledge is constructed in the human mind. For this research, a qualitative methodology was adopted, because of its explorative and flexible ability. The study was conducted in two mainstream schools in the Johannesburg North District. The data generation process was obtained through document analysis, semi-structured interviews and classroom observations with four grade 11 Business Studies teachers. The overall findings of the research indicate that the pedagogical practices of Business Studies teachers are in disagreement with those recommended by the curriculum designers cited in the Business Studies CAPS document. Teacher centered pedagogy seems to be the most employed mode of instruction used to teach Business Studies in grade 11 classes regardless of the proposal made by curriculum designers and global education specialists of a shift from the teacher centered to learner-centered approach with learning outcomes of deeper learning. The findings also indicated that teachers are unaware of the highly demanded 21st century skills and deep knowledge learners need for survival in the 21st-century business world. Also, teachers do not prepare for deep learning lessons that would have resulted in the acquisition of deeper knowledge and 21st-century skills, because they were either ignorant or lacked knowledge on how to design deep learning lessons. The findings also revealed that teacher participants in the study struggled to appropriately integrate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) when teaching the subject Business Studies. The findings of the research also show the constraints Business Studies teachers experience in their quest to teach the subject for the current century. These constraints included ever-increasing workload, shortage of teaching resources, teaching in overcrowded classrooms and limited teaching time. Proper recommendations were suggested to the Department of Basic Education such as organizing extensive training program, conferences and district level workshops for Business Studies teachers in secondary schools to be equipped with skills on how to employ trending learner-centered teaching methods in the classrooms and engage in discussions on emerging issues related to teaching the subject.
... Therefore, to assure reliability and validity, Elisabeth L. de Moor and team of experts first looked together at 15 narratives to create a shared understanding of the purpose and focus of coding. Throughout the open coding process, each narrative was independently coded by two coders and was then cross-checked by having the coders discuss their codes to ensure narratives were coded consistently and reliably (Guion et al., 2011;Polkinghorne, 2007). The coding duos rotated throughout the process, so that there could be no drift between coder duos. ...
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Mental illness and identity are related, with issues in identity contributing to the development of psychopathology and vice versa. However, little work has examined how mental illness and identity can become interwoven (i.e., mental illness identity). Mental illness identity may be particularly important during adolescence, as this life phase is marked by the salience of identity and an increase in psychopathology. In the present study, we conducted a qualitative examination of the high point, low point, turning point, and psychopathology-related narratives of 69 Dutch adolescents (Mage = 16.5, 75.4% female, 15.9% male, 8.7% other). The participants were diagnosed with a mood, anxiety, and/or eating disorder, and the majority of them (82.6%) were in treatment at the time of the study. We found that adolescents’ mental illness identity could take different forms and that these forms may be more adaptive or maladaptive depending on the context of each adolescent’s life. Furthermore, mental illness identity was related to several factors within adolescents (e.g., sense of agency) and their environment (e.g., stigma). These findings contribute to our understanding of adolescent mental illness identity and may be used to improve the treatment of their internalizing problems.
... Triangulation of data is a data collection process that mixes different data and pre-existing sources (Sugiyono, 2015). In addition, triangulation is the process of confirming and validating the findings by examining a study subject from several perspectives (Guion et al., 2011). In this study, we cross-check data from teachers' perceptions of numeracy, observation, and documentation. ...
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The new curriculum which is the Merdeka Curriculum is designed to help students develop the numeracy skills they need to succeed in the twenty-first century. The success of elevating students’ numeracy skills depends on teachers’ perception of numeracy as it would impact their teaching method in mathematics learning. This study aimed to explore teachers’ perceptions of numeracy in mathematics learning in the Merdeka curriculum. A case study and purposive methodology sampling were employed in this qualitative research method. The subjects are six classroom teachers in one public elementary school in Kebumen Regency, Central Java. The research data were collected by interviews, observations, and documentation. It was analyzed by interactive technique done by collecting data, data reduction, data presentation, and pull conclusion. This study realized it was essential to build numeracy skills from early grades. They had a fair understanding of how important it is to prepare for the national assessment. However, they were missing a crucial point in which the focus on numeracy was to improve the quality of mathematics learning, yet teachers had a misunderstanding and did numeracy drills as a separate part of mathematics learning. Teachers were unaware of “AKM Kelas” and how helpful it could be to help them to teach at the right level. This study’s findings contributed to stakeholders to reflect and conduct intensive workshops for teachers to escalate their performance in designing learning environments that enrich students’ numeracy skills.
... Recognising the limitations of any single data source, triangulation to enhance the validity of findings was employed. However, it is important to note that each source of data may introduce its unique bias, potentially influencing the integrated results (Guion et al., 2011). By juxtaposing interview data with organisational documents, we sought to offer a balanced view, mitigating the impact of subjective biases through the incorporation of diverse perspectives. ...
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This research project aimed to explore the issue of gender and racial inequality within the London Ambulance Service through the lens of Pierre Bourdieu’s concepts, such as field, capital, habitus, and symbolic violence. The findings of the study highlighted how existing structures, gendered practices, and racial biases shaped the career experiences of women and employees from Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) backgrounds. By conducting in-depth interviews with 23 individuals working at the London Ambulance Service, this research revealed dynamics across different aspects of the organisation. The competitive nature of the ambulance service created an environment where certain cultural capital was highly valued but predominantly held by men. Consequently, those lacking capital faced disadvantages in their advancement. Furthermore, leadership practices reinforced norms that hindered efforts towards equality while subjecting minorities to heightened scrutiny and penalising behaviour among women. The study also found that the recruitment and promotion process perpetuated biases favouring traits traditionally associated with masculinity and leadership styles. Additionally, these processes framed women and BAME employees' capabilities as deficiencies. Exclusionary social networks concentrate decision-making power within dominant groups sharing privileged backgrounds and conforming to normative values. However, it is important to note that this study also sheds light on how women and BAME employees employ approaches to gain leadership capital by regulating their identity performance and leveraging support networks among peers who share experiences. These strategies help counterbalance their exclusion from privileges typically associated with proximity to identities. However, managing one’s identity constantly takes a toll on well-being. This highlights the necessity for reforms rather than relying solely on individual negotiations. The research illustrates how Bourdieu’s theoretical concepts can help us better understand the dynamics of inequality within public service organisations. It suggests that by disrupting barriers and going beyond surface-level diversity initiatives, we can bring about cultural change. Conducting research could provide valuable insights into how complex identities contribute to the experiences of minority women facing compounded symbolic violence. Ultimately, this study emphasises the significance of approaches that challenge structures by acknowledging diverse capabilities and promoting inclusive cultures.
... Para la obtención de los resultados se utiliza la triangulación de datos, por su capacidad para fortalecer la credibilidad y fiabilidad de los resultados. Al combinar las perspectivas obtenidas se pueden identificar patrones y discrepancias, lo que permite una comprensión más completa y profunda del fenómeno estudiado (Flick, 2004), especialmente relevante en investigaciones sociales y de comportamiento, donde las múltiples percepciones del fenómeno requieren variedad de enfoques para ser plenamente entendidas (Guion et al., 2011). ...
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El fenómeno conocido como disonancia ludonarrativa emerge como un elemento singular que plantea un dilema contradictorio al jugador y conduce a la toma de ciertas prevenciones sobre la coherencia y la inmersión. Esta investigación pretende contribuir a la comprensión de la funcionalidad de este componente y a determinar su utilidad como herramienta propia del videojuego, partiendo de la creencia de que puede convertirse tanto en un desafío como en una oportunidad para los diseñadores, permitiendo enriquecer la experiencia del jugador. La metodología empleada ofrece una mejor comprensión de este fenómeno desde el punto de vista de las partes implicadas a través de dos técnicas: en primer lugar, focus group con jugadores y, seguidamente, entrevistas semi-estructuradas a desarrolladores, investigadores académicos y periodistas especializados. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la disonancia debe ser tratada como un recurso que permite alcanzar unas finalidades estéticas y jugables determinadas.
... Berdasarkan Patton (2002), triangulasi merupakan penggunaan beberapa metode atau sumber data pada penelitian kualitatif untuk mengembangkan sebuah pemahaman yang komprehensif terkait sebuah fenomena (Carter et al., 2014). Triangulasi merupakan metode yang digunakan bagi peneliti kualitatif untuk memeriksa dan memastikan validitas dari penelitian mereka (Guion, 2002). ...
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Public-rented flats, which are intended for low-income society, have characteristics which are different from other type of public housing. Based on past literatures, there are 9 characteristics which are public-housing/residential unit’s specifications, supporting facilities, public facilities, surrounding facilities, social environment, household character, location, owner, and funding which are associated with the residents’ satisfaction towards public housing. Other than the issue of public-rented flats’ characteristics, some researches have also suggested changing the institutional and financial scheme of management unit of public-rented flats (MUPRF), especially the ones in DKI Jakarta Province. Therefore this initial research is conducted to identify the characteristic variables of public-rented flats that affect the choice of changing the institutional and financial scheme for the MUPRF. This research is a qualitative research using triangulation analysis based on 3 sources of data which are past literatures, regulations and interviews. According to the triangulation analysis the characteristics that affects the choice of changing the institutional and financial scheme for the MUPRF are public facilities, surrounding facilities, household character, and funding. Abstrak Rumah susun sederhana sewa (rusunawa) yang diperuntukan untuk masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah (MBR) memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda dengan unit hunian perumahan rakyat lainnya. Berdasarkan studi literatur terdapat 9 variabel karakteristik perumahan rakyat yaitu spesifikasi perumahan rakyat/unit rumah tinggal, fasilitas pendukung, fasilitas umum, fasilitas lingkungan, lingkungan sosial, karakter rumah tangga, lokasi, pemilik dan pembiayaan yang diasosiasikan terhadap kepuasan penghuni pada perumahan rakyat. Selain isu terkait karakteristik perumahan rakyat, terdapat beberapa literatur yang mengusulkan perubahan kelembagaan dan finansial pada unit pengelola rumah susun (UPRS), khususnya di Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Oleh karena itu penelitian awal ini akan mengidentifikasi variabel-variabel karakteristik yang dapat mempengaruhi pemilihan skema-skema kelembagaan dan finansial pada UPRS. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisis triangulasi yang diperoleh dari 3 sumber data yaitu dari studi literatur, perundang-undangan dan wawancara. Berdasarkan hasil analisis triangulasi didapatkan variabel karakteristik perumahan rakyat yang mempengaruhi pemilihan skema-skema kelembagaan dan finansial pada UPRS adalah fasilitas umum, fasilitas lingkungan, karakter rumah tangga dan pembiayaan pembangunan.
... Following Charmaz's [61] (2017) To ensure the trustworthiness and rigor of the study, each member of the research team (Social Workers) independently read and re-read the texts multiple times to ensure a triangulated analysis [64] (Graneheim & Lundman, 2004). In instances of disagreement during the analysis, the authors engaged in discussions until a consensus was reached [65] (Guion et al., 2011). ...
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Child neglect, recognized as the most prevalent form of child maltreatment with profound repercussions on children's development, has received limited scholarly attention compared to abuse. The current study addresses this shortfall with a qualitative research investigation involving 10 multicultural focus groups of youths aged 12 to 15. The research examined how young individuals identify signs of child neglect and discern whether formal and informal sources of assistance may be relied upon to assist in addressing this issue. Through qualitative-thematic analysis, three primary themes emerged: (1) Characteristics of neglected children, (2) challenges in identifying child neglect, and (3) official and unofficial sources to appeal for assistance when child neglect is identified. This study's insights concern peers' recognition of signs indicating neglect in children and their perspectives on potential assistance.
... Following Charmaz's [61] (2017) To ensure the trustworthiness and rigor of the study, each member of the research team (Social Workers) independently read and re-read the texts multiple times to ensure a triangulated analysis [64] (Graneheim & Lundman, 2004). In instances of disagreement during the analysis, the authors engaged in discussions until a consensus was reached [65] (Guion et al., 2011). ...
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Child neglect, recognized as the most prevalent form of child maltreatment with profound repercussions on children's development, has received limited scholarly attention compared to abuse. The current study addresses this shortfall with a qualitative research investigation involving 10 multicultural focus groups of youths aged 12 to 15. The research examined how young individuals identify signs of child neglect and discern whether formal and informal sources of assistance may be relied upon to assist in addressing this issue. Through qualitative-thematic analysis, three primary themes emerged: (1) Characteristics of neglected children, (2) challenges in identifying child neglect, and (3) official and unofficial sources to appeal for assistance when child neglect is identified. This study's insights concern peers' recognition of signs indicating neglect in children and their perspectives on potential assistance.
... To enrich the understanding of the data, an auditor (the second author) was invited to challenge the themes and subthemes the first author constructed. This method is called triangulation of researchers (Guion, Diehl, & McDonald, 2011;Yardley, 2008). The auditor additionally challenged the extent to which the analysis was conducted systematically and transparently (Yardley, 2008). ...
Increasing evidence shows that survivors of sexual violence frequently expe- rience relationship difficulties following their victimization. Little is known regarding how couples which formed post-assault cope with the impact of the prior assault. Hence, the aim of the current study was to gain insight into post-assault formed couples’ experiences in coping with the impact of sexual violence. To this end, an interview study was conducted with five female survivors and their male partners who began their romantic relation- ship post-assault. A dyadic phenomenological interview analysis revealed that sexual victimization is a dyadic stressor but is not always considered as such by the couple. In addition, disclosure is described as a potential bond- ing experience. Flexibility and creativity from both partners are required as they adapt to the post-assault impact. In addition, meaningful communica- tion and considering the perspective of one’s partner seemed to be key to dyadically cope successfully. The current study also identified challenges couples had to manage, including caregiver burden and role confusion. Results suggest that interventions supporting couples in their continuous efforts toward mutual understanding can foster trust and growth.
... From GT, selective coding was implemented to establish the central categories that represented the main theme of the research (Strauss & Corbin, 2008). Regarding the Triangulation technique, it was employed Methodological triangulation to increase the in-depth understanding of the phenomenon under investigation as well as to ensure the validity of the results (Guion, 2002). ...
The main objective of the research is to analyse the impact it has on the use of socio-affective strategies employed by university students to gain confidence and reduce foreign language anxiety when performing monologues. The participants of the study were students of Basic English at a language centre from a southeast Mexican university. The following investigation has a quantitative focus the online questionnaire technique was applied and employed a Likert scale, qualitative with the implementation of students’ diaries and semi-structured interview. The methodological design adopted an action research approach. It was divided in four stages planning the intervention of the problematic situation in the classroom, Action the intervention by applying socio-affective strategies and monologues, observe the changes done by the critical intervention and reflect about the results of the whole process. The outcomes were that English Basic students reduced their levels of Foreign Language Anxiety.
... In a similar vein, Guion, Diehl, and McDonald (2011) defined environmental triangulation as a type of triangulation that employed multiple research locations, settings, and other pertinent environmental variables, such as the time, day, or season. The goal was to determine whether environmental factors may have affected the collected research data. ...
... It estimates both the difficulty of test items and the ability of individuals to take the test, ensuring onedimensionality and measurement invariance, which allows for fair comparisons across different groups (Rasch, 1960). On the other hand, the SOLO (Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome) taxonomy, developed by John Biggs and Kevin Collis, is a framework for evaluating the complexity of students' learning outcomes [10][11][12][13][14]. It progresses through five levels: prestructural, uni-structural, multi-structural, relational, and extended abstract, each representing increasing complexity and depth of understanding [15]. ...
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This qualitative multiple case study investigates the experiences and strategies of National Qualifying Examination for School Heads (NQESH) passers in their preparation for, administration of, and coping with challenges before, during, and after the exam. The study addresses three research questions: (1) What are the experiences of NQESH passers in the preparation and administration of the examination? (2) How do the NQESH passers cope with the challenges they encountered before and during the examination? (3) What insights and recommendations can the NQESH passers share with aspiring school leaders who plan to take the examination in the future? This study used a qualitative multiple-case study design with three cases of teachers, school heads, and academic heads, utilizing interviews for data collection. The cross-case analysis identified several themes: Comprehensive and Structured Preparation, Balancing Multiple Responsibilities, and Support Systems and Motivation. Passers emphasized setting priorities and time management, seeking social support and encouragement, and mental and emotional resilience. Structured preparation and time management, understanding strengths, continuous learning and professional development, and commitment, patience, and self-motivation were crucial. The study contributes to educational leadership by providing practical recommendations for aspiring school leaders, such as structured preparation, continuous learning, and fostering commitment and self-motivation, to enhance their readiness for the NQESH examination.
... A major strength of this study is the triangulation of documents and key informant interview data to respond to the research questions [74]. A potential limitation to the study is the nonexhaustive nature of the document analysis, which may suggest biased selectivity [75]. ...
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Background Several youth staying at emergency youth shelters (EYSs) in Toronto experience poorly coordinated care for their health needs, as both the EYS and health systems operate largely in silos when coordinating care for this population. Understanding how each system is structurally and functionally bound in their healthcare coordination roles for youth experiencing homelessness (YEH) is a preliminary step to identify how healthcare coordination can be strengthened using a system thinking lens, particularly through the framework for transformative system change. Methods Forty-six documents, and twenty-four semi-structured interviews were analyzed to explore how the EYS and health systems are bound in their healthcare coordination roles. We continuously compared data collected from documents and interviews using constant comparative analysis to build a comprehensive understanding of each system’s layers, and the niches (i.e., programs and activities), organizations and actors within these layers that contribute to the provision and coordination of healthcare for YEH, within and between these two systems. Results The EYS and health systems are governed by different ministries, have separate mandates, and therefore have distinct layers, niches, and organizations respective to coordinating healthcare for YEH. While neither system takes sole responsibility for this task, several government, research, and community-based efforts exist to strengthen healthcare coordination for this population, with some overlap between systems. Several organizations and actors within each system are collaborating to develop relevant frameworks, policies, and programs to strengthen healthcare coordination for YEH. Findings indicate that EYS staff play a more active role in coordinating care for YEH than health system staff. Conclusion A vast network of organizations and actors within each system layer, work both in silos and collaboratively to coordinate health services for YEH. Efforts are being made to bridge the gap between systems to improve healthcare coordination, and thereby youths’ health outcomes.
... Open ended questions (Questions 7,9,11,17,19 -Supplementary Materials) generated themes which were analysed through investigator triangulation to reduce observer and experimenter biases (Guion et al. 2011). Open coding identified themes, with both investigators generating a set of main themes from their analysis. ...
... In a research study, various techniques are employed to establish credibility. Credibility is the extent to which the research results are reliable and the researcher's findings are validated (Guion et al., 2011). Billups (2014) associated credibility with aligning study findings with the truth. ...
... Thus, the researcher maintained the chain of evidence which played a big role to avoid biasness in the study. The researcher checked and established validity by analyzing research questions whereby one instrument complemented another for the aim of ensuring the study findings are reliable (Guion, Diehl & McDonald, 2002). In this regard the researchers employed the following strategies: first, several methods in data collection were used; namely, interview, focus group discussion and documentary review. ...
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The study employed a qualitative approach using a case study design. The study was conducted at Dar es Salaam Region. Purposive and convenient sampling strategies were used to sample the respondents. The study involved a total of 49 respondents including 7 principals and 42 tutors. The data were collected through interview, focus group discussion, observation and documentary review. The major findings revealed that principals perceived the appraisal as potential since helped them to monitor tutors, conversely, tutors perceived the appraisal as useless since they are practiced in a bias basis. Also, many tutors indicated unawareness about strategies used to appraise them. It was further found that the principals and tutors have never attended any training concerning performance appraisal. From the findings, the study recommended that the government through the ministry of education has to formulate a specific policy to govern and enforce the colleges’ directors and principals on appropriate proceedings to appraise tutors’ work performance in private teachers’ colleges.
... Recognizing this, the current study endeavors to introduce a novel methodology for validating result quality. This involves the utilization of triangulation procedures, as proposed by Guion (2002). Furthermore, the study incorporates sub-assessments to examine the coherence of responses. ...
This study focuses on evaluating the quality of competency transfer through various assessment methods and results, considering diverse stakeholder perspectives. The research aims to introduce an innovative approach for validating assessment outcomes, leveraging predicted sub-measurements, and transforming Boolean parameters' symbols into a binary coding system. This transformation simplifies the validation process by employing logical equations. The study's sample involves the adaptation of a competency transfer model, which combines internal parameters with the novel logical assessment method. The research findings indicate that the binary 2x system effectively simplifies quantitative and qualitative data representation within the validation process. This system facilitates the early detection of potentially ambiguous results, enabling the creation of validation procedures grounded in organizational cultural dimensions, outcomes, reports, and assessments. The proposed Quality Assessment Model (QAM) serves as a powerful tool for prediction, enhancing the quality of both quantitative and qualitative data outcomes. This approach generates distinct values, precise predictive measurements, and valuable result quality suitable for informed decision-making in various contexts. Ultimately, the study contributes to the advancement of assessment methodologies, enabling stakeholders to make more accurate and reliable judgments based on the quality of competency transfer.
... Supplementary secondary data was collected from firms' websites, public presentations and documents, social media accounts, and other media sources. The use of multiple data sources enables a deeper understanding of the cases (Yin, 2018) and allows for data triangulation to increase the validity of the study (Guion et al., 2011). ...
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Systems change can help to address sustainability challenges and interventions at deep leverage points of a system can be applied to do so. By studying 9 sustainable entrepreneurial businesses, this paper looked at how entrepreneurial firms used their business to intervene at deep leverage points to facilitate systems change. We then proposed how deep leverage points can be operationalized by developing an approach for sustainable business model innovation and how entrepreneurs can consciously target leverage points when designing their business models to influence sustainable systems change.
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This study used an interview and questionnaire to investigate the claim that the Moroccan teachers of English tend to focus on accuracy more than fluency with the secondyear baccalaureate classes in public secondary schools. In fact, ignoring fluency-oriented communicative activities in second year classes is likely to go unnoticed because students sit for a final standardized test (the National Exam) that does not test the oral performance of learners (speaking and listening skills). To test the hypothesis, eleven teachers were interviewed and forty-six others answered a questionnaire. The data gathered are analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively using graphs, tables and description. Eventually the study results seem to indicate that there is a tendency to favor accuracy over fluency in practice. Grammar teaching and gapfilling exercises are still common practice in the second-year baccalaureate classes. Accuracy appears to be important even with speaking skill wherein fluency is sought especially under the Standard Based Approach that the Moroccan Ministry of Education recommends. The paper concluded with some recommendations to the relevant authority.
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Gender-based discrimination remains a pervasive issue despite gender equality being recognised as a fundamental human right. In Southeast Asia, where over two hundred and forty million Muslims reside, the challenge of gender discrimination continues to affect women, although Islam serves as the predominant religion. This study examines the policy and legal reforms adopted by Islamic nations in Southeast Asia-Specifically Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, Thailand (Southern Thailand), and the Philippines-in their effort to combat gender discrimination. This research mainly aims to assess the effectiveness of these reforms in addressing both legal frameworks and cultural practices that contribute to the marginalisation of women. Through qualitative analysis of policy documents, legal texts, official reports and academic reports, this study explores the reforms in key sectors such as employment, healthcare, family law, and political representation. Key findings highlight significant reforms, such as Brunei's national action plan for women's empowerment, Malaysia's comprehensive public sector measures for gender equality, Indonesia's gender mainstreaming policies, and Thailand's legal protections against gender discrimination. Despite these efforts, the study reveals persistent challenges, including limited political representation of women, cultural barriers, and inconsistent enforcement of legal reforms. The findings indicate that while progress has been made, the full realisation of gender equality requires continued legal reform, stronger policy implementation, and greater societal transformation. This research contributes to the broader discourse on Islamic legal perspectives and policy-making, offering insights into the intersection of religion, law, and gender equality. The study also provides recommendations for enhancing legal frameworks to achieve greater gender equity in the region.
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This research investigates the challenges faced by students in completing academic reports, particularly in anthropology, sociology, and education. Despite the growing importance of quality academic writing, students often struggle with proper documentation, leading to incomplete or inaccurate reports. A key gap identified is the lack of a systematic approach to understanding these issues, especially in the context of methodological challenges in academic reporting. The study employs a qualitative method with an inductive approach, utilizing documentation techniques and content analysis. Data was collected from various sources, including published and unpublished academic documents such as theses, dissertations, research papers, and books. Triangulation through peer discussions and document analysis ensured the reliability and validity of the findings. The research identifies common issues in academic reporting, including difficulties in structuring research and presenting findings clearly. It also highlights the role of proper documentation in enhancing the quality of academic work. The study recommends that academic institutions implement structured writing workshops and emphasize proper documentation techniques. Additionally, students should be trained in effective research methodologies and document handling. This research has significant implications for improving academic writing practices and methodologies in higher education, ultimately enhancing the quality of scholarly work.
Background Physiotherapy entry-level programs are designed to equip graduates with the skills required to be autonomous practitioners. Innovative teaching methods, such as role-play simulation, are designed to support students' transition into practice. This study aimed to investigate whether a simulated patient experience could influence student confidence when facilitating behavioural change using a shared decision-making approach. Method A mixed methods design comprising online pre- and post-surveys of student physiotherapists at one UK higher education institution, followed by an invitation to participate in a follow-up semi-structured focus group. Pre- and post-simulation surveys were completed in addition to the Modified Satisfaction with Simulation Experience (MSSE) survey. Likert scale data were treated as numeric variables with the median and Interquartile (IQR) range calculated for combined responses across potential answers. Focus groups included semi-structured questions with thematic analysis generating themes. Results All 39 respondents “Strongly Agreed” that they were satisfied with the simulated experience, which could be transferred to clinical practice (5, IQR 4–5). The stimulation developed both confidence (5, IQR 4–5) and developed participants’ perception of their shared decision-making skills (4, IQR 4–5). Three key emergent themes from the focus groups included (1) Bridging the gap between clinical practice, (2) Authenticity, and (3) Psychological safety. Conclusion The simulated role-play patient experience improved the confidence and participants’ perception of their ability to use shared decision-making to facilitate behavioural change. Themes from the semi-structured interviews suggested increased authenticity and psychological safety during the task, which could bridge the gap between theoretical teaching and clinical practice.
Arranging safe and secure child care is necessary for parents of dependent children to maintain their participation in the labor force. This article uncovered the extreme version of work–childcare conflict faced by low‐income mothers. The constant, underlying threat of the loss of income and unsafe conditions for children influences child care and work, hindering their ability to move out of poverty even when employed. This qualitative study uses interview and focus group data collected from low‐income mothers in Colorado, Georgia, and Massachusetts from 2009 to 2020 to explore the obstacles as well as the strategies for finding and keeping child care. The data are the mother's voices as they describe their experiences negotiating care arrangements while working or looking for work. Factors that contributed to this extreme version of work–childcare conflict included: difficult conditions at work and mixed experience relying on care from family and friends. Also uncovered were problems affording paid care and utilizing public vouchers, which may undermine assistance programs. Child care from schools, family, and public programs were greatly diminished during the Covid‐19 pandemic, further exacerbating work–childcare conflict for low‐income mothers. Policy implications and the effects of the pandemic on childcare arrangements were also considered.
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This study will assess the impact of the outreach programs that are implemented by the Community Affairs Development Division (CADD) of the Taguig City Police Station as relates to peace and order, intelligence collection, image of the police, effectiveness at resolution of crimes among many others. Several reasons are cited for conducting studies like the above ones and these include evaluation of the effectiveness of programs and the establishment of areas that require improvements. Information was collected from barangay officials, CADD personnel, and their auxiliary members using a quantitative research design comprised of surveys, interviews, and focus group discussions. It was discovered that outreach benefited the police reputation, intelligence gathered, the ability to solve crimes, in general, the maintenance of public order, through stronger police-community partnerships and raised sentiments of safety. Nevertheless, the shortcoming of the program was also commended just as much as very poor communication between the police and the community members and very few of they in intelligence gathering. In accordance with the query of the effectiveness of the programs, there was no statically significant difference between the categories of the respondents, both showing that programs are helpful. But resources, which have been identified to be challenged in the CADD outreach programs, relate to resource management, diversity of skills, communication with partner agencies, and availability of the venue, allocation of the budget, financial support on constant basis, and inter-agency cooperation to name the few. In this context, the report on 'Partnerships between Law Enforcement and Local CADD Agencies' observes, The CADD outreach programs have greatly reduced the problem in relation to the concerns of both public safety and the relation of the law enforcement agency with the community. There will be improved diversification of skills and competence levels, effective utilization of the resources, good communication means, and proper housing. All this with increased budget allocations, regular financial help and strengthening links with other agents.
Introduction Indoor Air Pollution (IAP) from biomass fuel is one of the major health threats globally. There is limited data on community awareness and perceptions of health conditions associated with IAP in urban informal settlements in sub-Saharan Africa. We explored community perceptions of IAP-associated health conditions, risk behaviors, and potential interventions to reduce IAP in urban informal settlements. Methods We used purposive sampling to recruit participants from households located in Mwanza urban informal settlements. We conducted 16 In-depth Interviews (IDIs), two Focused Group Discussions (FGDs), and four Key Informant Interviews (KIIs). Obtained data were then transcribed, translated, coded and analyzed thematically with Dedoose qualitative data analysis software. Results Majority of participants were unaware of the health conditions associated with IAP. Participants perceived biomass fuel from charcoal as a safe fuel compared to other known fuels (firewood and gas). Indoor biomass fuel use for cooking and use of rubber and plastic materials for fire lighting were the commonly practices and risk behaviors for IAP. Moreover, poverty is what guides the choice of fuel use for cooking. Conclusion Participants awareness health effects of biomass fuel was low, strategies to reduce poverty and health promotion on the health effects of IAP are urgently needed in the Mwanza urban informal settlements.
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The background of this study is the influence of storytelling method to the development of students' speaking and vocabulary and students' perspectives related to the process of how they understand the storytelling material conveyed by the teacher. The objectives of the study are (1) To find out students' perceptions of the storytelling method in English class. (2) What benefits do the obtain after storytelling method applied? This study used qualitative research. Qualitative research is used in the literature as a data analysis and can also obtain results that can be adjusted based on the environment. Qualitative research can also use people as a source of research, therefore qualitative is chosen as material to assist the research being carried out by researchers. This study also used field surveys as a basic research instrument of a research that is being processed to obtain satisfactory results. The findings of this study (1) most students agree that storytelling learning is able to make students improve the quality of students' pronunciation, to be better. students view that storytelling is effective because it uses acceptable and well-implemented methods that make students feel entertained. (2) There are several ways for students to improve their pronunciation, by practicing before the lesson starts and coming to the front of the class to tell their friends. (3) Students also feel that learning storytelling is effective in adding more vocabulary, and also understand more about English.
The digital era has had a profound impact on all aspects of society, particularly on the digital generation - individuals who were born and raised during this era of rapid scientific and technological advancements. Referred to as Gen Z, this generation differs from previous generations, such as Generation X and Generation Y, in terms of their lifestyles and individual and social expectations. Failing to comprehend the unique lifestyles and expectations of Gen Z could pose significant challenges when making decisions that affect their lives. This study employs transcendental phenomenology (TPh) and in-depth one-on-one interviews to examine the experiences and interpretations of high school students, specifically Gen Z, regarding formal educational practices. The study sheds light on Gen Z's expectations for their teachers, curriculum, school administration, and School Counselling Service (SCS). The findings have important implications for Gen Z and offer recommendations for policy and practice.
Child neglect is considered the most prevalent type of child maltreatment, yet it is the type least studied partly due to a lack of clear and united definition. As schools are a critical setting in children’s lives, teachers are essential actors in identifying child neglect. The limited available literature points to gaps in teachers' knowledge and insecurity about the topic. Thus, the current study tries to untangle how child neglect is perceived and identified by three groups within the educational setting: teachers, prospective teachers, and pupils. Twenty-five focus groups with a total of 151 Arab and Jewish Israeli participants were conducted. Inductive thematic analysis revealed two main themes. The first theme of knowledge and understanding of child neglect refers to recognizing neglectful lack of actions of neglect and those responsible for it. The second theme focused on identifying child neglect within the educational setting and the barriers to recognition. The study findings generally show that participants had a reasonable familiarity with the concept of child neglect and its typologies. Participants did not give special focus to the academic aspects when describing child neglect but did identify, uniquely, the school setting as a possible source of neglect. Participants described common ways for recognizing child neglect, focusing on children's behavior and attitudes. Surprisingly, only small differences were found between the perspectives of teachers, prospective teachers, and pupil participants, and between Arabs and Jews. The study findings and implications for the education setting and education training are discussed.
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The increase in the number of juvenile delinquents in Nigeria especially Benin Metropolis can be dangerous for the future of adolescents. One of the factors causing this as inferred in this study is parents. This study therefore aims to determine the relationship between Quality of Parenting and Juvenile Delinquency. The design of this study was descriptive. Analysis of the study was carried out using the Chi-square test. The number of samples in this study was 123 juvenile delinquents and 5 officials at the Children Correctional Center, Benin City. The study adopted the total number of population as its sample which is 123 juvenile delinquents thus no sample technique was used. While the 5 officials were purposively selected out of 7 officials. The dependent variable was juvenile delinquency. The parameters for measuring Quality of Parenting were parenting styles, parents’-child communication, family structure and parents’ socio-economic status. The two parameters were significantly related to juvenile delinquency especially parenting styles and family structure. In conclusion, there is a significant relationship between Quality of Parenting and Juvenile Delinquency.
Little is known about how telephone crisis support workers are impacted by frequent empathic engagement with callers in crisis, including those who are suicidal. This is the only known qualitative study to specifically examine the impact of their role on telephone crisis support workers' psychological wellbeing and functioning. Eighteen telephone crisis support workers participated in semi-structured interviews, providing detailed accounts of the impact of the role on their wellbeing and functioning. Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis of interview data resulted in four key themes. Results suggest that telephone crisis support workers' motivations, background, personal help-seeking and coping practices are likely to impact their experiences of psychological wellbeing and functioning in relation to empathic engagement with callers in crisis. Telephone crisis services should seek to integrate an understanding of workers' experiences into the provision of training, supervision and support strategies to optimize workers' wellbeing and functioning.
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Bu alışmanın konusu nitel bir araştırma deseni olan etnografi ile ilgilidir. Alan yazında etnografi olarak kullanılan bu çalışma deseni Türkçe’de “kültür analizi” olarak ifade edilebilmektedir. Bireyler ya da toplumsal grupların kültürlerini inceleyen bu betimsel tür, kültürün insanların toplumsal davranışları üzerindeki etkisine odaklanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada etnografi araştırma deseni üzerine literatür taramasına dayalı betimsel bir tarama yapılmıştır. Araştırmada etnografinin ne ifade ettiği, nasıl bir araştırma deseni olduğu, etnografik çalışmaların avantaj ve dezavantajlarının neler olabileceği hakkında ayrıntılı bir inceleme yapılarak bilgi verilmiştir. Etnografi, kültür ve toplum çalışmalarında, eğitim bilimleri, sağlık ve klinik çalışmalarında tercih edilen bir araştırma desenidir. Etnografi yorumlayıcı paradigmaya dayalı olmakla birlikte anlama, yorumlama, öğrenme ve keşfetme amaçlarını taşımaktadır. Bu bakımdan etnografik çalışmalar, bir topluluk ya da kültüre dair sosyal anlamlar, kültürel ilişkiler ve yaşam tarzının anlaşılması ve yorumlanmasında tercih edilebilmektedir. Çalışmada etnografi, bir veri toplama yöntemi ya da aracı değil, bir araştırma deseni olarak sunulmuştur. İnsan topluluklarına ait kültürü betimlemeyi amaçlayan bu araştırma deseninin tarihsel kökeni kültürel antropolojiye dayanmaktadır. Etnografik çalışmalar ötekileştirilen ve yabancılaştırılan bazı sosyal grupların keşfedilmeyen yönlerini ortaya çıkarabilmekte, alan yazına yeni, çeşitli ve farklı bulgular yansıtabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada etnografinin kavramsal, uygulama yönleri hakkında bilgiler verilerek alan yazına destek ve katkı sunmak amaçlanmıştır.
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This study evaluated students’ perceptions about providing feedback and identified their preferred feedback methods. The study design comprised quantitative and qualitative approaches to ensure a better understanding of students’ perceptions and increase the study’s validity. A structured questionnaire was distributed in five higher education institutions (HEIs) in Oman, followed by a focus group discussion (FGD). A total of 614 students responded to the questionnaire. The quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and the qualitative data were analyzed using thematic text analysis. It was observed that although students understand the importance of feedback, they feel that the methods can be improved. Furthermore, HEIs did not share the outcomes with the students, and therefore, students believed that HEIs were not considering their comments. Whilst students preferred anonymous online surveys, they believed that inperson meetings would be even more useful. This paper looked at how the educational well-being of students in Oman can be improved through the development of methods of seeking feedback from institutions. Additionally, this result can be applied worldwide to improve feedback mechanisms.
Family needs and concerns within the critical care context have been thoroughly explored from the quantitative perspective utilizing the Critical Care Family Needs Inventory (CCFNI). Nursing interventions have been designed on the basis of the findings from these studies. However, while the CCFNI would seem to encompass all the possible needs of families with a critically ill loved one, at no time were the family members themselves consulted at length in regard to the development of the instrument, or in any subsequent validation studies. Individual reality generates the variables that are measured in a needs analysis, and the family member experiences encompass dimensions that are not easily assessed by quantification. In fact the unique experiences of family members underpin their perception of need. Methodological triangulation formed the basis for this study to determine the degree of confirmation (or otherwise) between family member respondents to the CCFNI (n = 105) and those participating in an interview (n = 26) designed to explore needs and experiences. The qualitative data served the purpose of completeness by providing a more contextual representation of needs and therefore greater depth of understanding of the whole construct. The results indicate that, while there were many areas of convergence between the two samples, there were also areas of diveregence. Two major needs emerged from the interviews that are not represented on the CCFNI: the need of family members to provide reassurance and support to the patient; and their need to protect (others as well as the patient). A more complete understanding of family needs was obtained through the contextualization of their experiences.
To explore various types of triangulation strategies and to indicate when different types of triangulation should be used in research. Reviews included literature on triangulation and multimethod strategies published since 1960 and research books specifically focusing on triangulation. Triangulation is the combination of at least two or more theoretical perspectives, methodological approaches, data sources, investigators, or data analysis methods. The intent of using triangulation is to decrease, negate, or counterbalance the deficiency of a single strategy, thereby increasing the ability to interpret the findings. The use of triangulation strategies does not strengthen a flawed study. Researchers should use triangulation if it can contribute to understanding the phenomenon; however, they must be able to articulate why the strategy is being used and how it might enhance the study.