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There is a consensus among researchers that information systems brought and continue to bring a fourth revolution in organisations around the world. These systems made an immense contribution by incorporating various functions into one system, thus enhancing the capabilities of organisations with minimum work effort. Correctional facilities have also made the break to add information systems in prisons for better decision-making. This study utilised literature review to critically examine the use of information systems within the correctional facilities in African countries with a view to determine how the resultant records from the system are managed. Findings reveals that information systems used in prisons have simplified the flow of information and the records management functions in correctional facilities in some African countries. However, the majority of correctional facilities in countries such as South Africa are still using the traditional method of records management mostly because of financial constraints and lack of support from the government. The study recommends that correctional facilities should consider exploring the possibility of benchmarking and collaborating with other key sectors for effective implementation of information systems and management of resultant records.
Prison breakthrough: use of information systems in
correctional facilities
Lungelo Sanele Mbatha
University of Zululand
Lungile P. Luthuli
University of Zululand
Tlou Maggie Masenya
Durban University of
Received: 26 April 2020
Revised: 06 July 2020
Accepted: 22 September 2020
There is a consensus among researchers that information systems brought and continue to bring a
fourth revolution in organisations around the world. These systems made an immense contribution
by incorporating various functions into one system, thus enhancing the capabilities of
organisations with minimum work effort. Correctional facilities have also made the break to add
information systems in prisons for better decision-making. This study utilised literature review to
critically examine the use of information systems within the correctional facilities in African
countries with a view to determine how the resultant records from the system are managed.
Findings reveals that information systems used in prisons have simplified the flow of information
and the records management functions in correctional facilities in some African countries.
However, the majority of correctional facilities in countries such as South Africa are still using the
traditional method of records management mostly because of financial constraints and lack of
support from the government. The study recommends that correctional facilities should consider
exploring the possibility of benchmarking and collaborating with other key sectors for effective
implementation of information systems and management of resultant records.
Keywords: information systems, correctional facilities, records management, prisons, Africa
1. Introduction and background
Correctional facilities serve as institutions of incarceration that are responsible for detaining
individuals that have been found guilty of a criminal offense, and as facilities that house a large
number of prisoners and provide other programmes (Muntingh 2010). They are basically facilities
that keep prisoners in confinement until they have finished their sentence. Each and every prisoner
thus has a record or file containing his or her personal information and in which their behaviours
are recorded while in prison. Furthermore, correctional facilities have various departments and
programmes that support its working functions and these facilities rely on records management to
keep track of records from different departments. Record-keeping in correctional facilities is
important to ensure that no person may be held in a prison without a proper record of their doings
and to ensure that the right people are admitted and released at the right time. Records keeping is
thus a fundamental activity of administration as, according to the International Records
Management Trust (1999), there can be no rule of law and accountability without records
management. Therefore, when a prisoner is admitted to a correctional facility, the administration
must record important information such as identification information, photographs and
fingerprints, warrant information authorising admission, cell and block allocation, as well as
Volume 53, 2020
ISSN: 1012-2796
©SASA 2020
Lungelo Sanele Mbatha, Lungile P Luthuli & Tlou Maggie Masenya
reasons for arrest. Such information is managed through a records management system which
could either be manual or automated. However, many correctional facilities are using the manual
system of managing their information instead of information systems.
According to Oye and Inuwa (2015:13) the term information system is specific application
software that is used to store data records in a computer system and automates some of the
information processing activities of the organization. In a general sense it is a system of people,
data records and activities that process the data and information in organization and it includes the
organization’s manual and automated processes. In a narrower sense Barnwal, Pathak and Pathak
(2012:35) aver that this technology (information systems) provides convenient means to keep
record of details of individuals and their association with different programs in the prison. They
also help with the sharing of information with different departments within the prison which in
turn help in proper rehabilitation of prisoners.
Information systems are essential for the effective management of any correctional system, and
this is true for two critical reasons. Firstly, to meet human rights obligations to ensure that there
are adequate records of prisoners detained to make sure that individual prisoners are not lost in the
system. Secondly, correctional facility systems with weak information systems are poorly placed
in terms of being able to review or monitor the overall profile of the prisoner population. Without
such information, any attempt at strategic planning and reform efforts, including the design of
adequate alternatives to imprisonment, would be impossible (Chin 2010:94). Information systems
have undoubtedly simplified some prison functions; however, there is still a knowledge gap in
terms of managing the record resulting from such a system.
2. Problem statement
The overarching problem is that majority of correctional facilities in Africa still rely primarily on
the traditional system of record-keeping for managing records, and they are struggling to manage
records resulting from such systems. Furthermore, as observed by Ahishayike, Taremwa and
Omulo (2017:46), the majority of correctional facilities in developing countries still depend on
manual systems to create, store and retrieve information on prisoners. A manual system is time
consuming as it takes very long to complete a single transaction; and there are issues concerning
the loss of records, data redundancy and the security of records. The continuous use of the
traditional system by correctional facilities is also highlighted by Kathuria and Porporino (2015:2)
who assert that most corrections and prison systems in developing nations have not yet been able
to join the information age and they continue to rely on traditional paper-driven, resource-
intensive, unreliable, insecure and difficult to access information. Manzar (2014:3) and Arends
(2016) highlight a common issue which has been identified particularly in South Africa, which is
the delay in parole for prisoners that leads to them being imprisoned for longer than they should
because of maladministration and system. There have been other records management issues that
have shown a need for automated systems in correctional facilities, Clarke (2009) asserts that the
Arizona jail facility had to pay millions in jury awards, settlements and legal fees in lawsuits
involving prisoners’ deaths due to medical neglect. Poor medical and health records management
Lungelo Sanele Mbatha, Lungile P Luthuli & Tlou Maggie Masenya
and understaffing were therefore identified as the major causes of the breakdown in medical
Evans (2015) also identifies a case where a prisoner was accidentally freed from prison due to a
record keeping error, and it was discovered after a week that a mistake had been made in handling
the prisoner’s records that had led to him being allowed to walk free. The researchers thus sought
to examine literature information systems that have been implemented in correctional facilities
with the purpose of determining their impact in the prison environment from a records
management perspective. This study aspires to highlight the importance of information systems
from a records management point of view and how these systems have simplified records keeping
in the correctional environment. The following objectives were formulated to address this research
To examine the role of information systems in correctional facilities.
To determine types of information systems used for records management functions within
correctional facilities and their impact.
To establish the impact of information systems on records management in correctional
3. Literature review
According to Kathuria and Porporino (2015:4), management information systems have made
considerable strides in correctional facilities over the last several decades. Virtually every modern
correctional facility has implemented some form of information system, and over time, many of
these systems have undergone some process to upgrade both hardware and software. These
systems are the information backbone of correctional services and make prison management
effective, and they provide ease of retrieval of not just important descriptive information such as
population counts, decision-making within correctional facilities, risk classification of offenders,
assignment to needs-based rehabilitation programmes, monitoring implementation of new
policies, and important planning and strategic analysis (Kathuria & Porporino 2015:4). According
to Brenman, Wells and Carr (2013:1), a precondition of effective management support in the
prison setting is having access to accurate, high-quality data that can be presented in the
appropriate formats. For most correctional facilities, this requires an information system that is
adequate to support all routine inmate-processing activities.
3.1 The role of information systems in correctional facilities
Wahome (2011:6) states that information systems serve as a link between the functions of an
organisation, and assist the management to evaluate and improve performance, and increase data
processing and storage capabilities. These systems have the capacity to reduce data redundancy
and inconsistency while increasing accuracy of the data; for example, they can calculate the
prisoners release date based on sentence length (Wahome 2011:8). Information systems also allow
prisoners’ records to be stored in a central database with frequent backups to ensure that data is
secure and can be easily recovered in case it gets lost. The systems are able to record and monitor
Lungelo Sanele Mbatha, Lungile P Luthuli & Tlou Maggie Masenya
any actions performed by the user with regard to creating, editing or terminating records and can
be arranged to control and restrict access to ensure the security of information. These systems can
also assign a number to each prisoner making them easily identifiable. The prison IS interface thus
allows the user to access other prisoner information using their specific details, which allows much
quicker response time when dealing with critical incidents or information requests at regional or
head office level, rather than constantly having to go through piles of paper records (Kathuria &
Porporino 2015:6).
As noted by Kathuria and Porporino (2015:7), information systems are able to frequently produce
automated counts and monitoring reports on a regular basis and can also be automatically
scheduled to provide automated alerts, which mean they can remind the officials if a prisoner has
been scheduled for a court appearance, medical appointment, transfer or a family visit.
Correctional facilities can effectively manage the progress of a prisoner all the way through their
sentence and after their release by using management information systems (Kathuria & Porporino
2015:7). These automated systems are more secure, reliable, fast and user friendly, and will go a
long progressive way in alleviating challenges associated with manual processing. Information
systems also provide much better information security, availability, accessibility and advanced
tools to manage all types of biometric information, as noted by Abeng and Adesola (2012:66). It
is therefore evident that these systems play a significant role in correctional facilities in terms of
managing records, data capturing and collection, storage, information processing and the
distribution of information. The efficiency of information systems is thus very influential for
prisoner records as they ensure that records are safe, accurate and easy to access which in turn
ensures justice for prisoners as well accountability and transparency for the correctional facility. It
was further noted that in most prisons, only senior managing officers had access to a PC and e-
mail. However, even where PCs were available, prisoner records were main-trained in a manual
database” (TAPSCOTT 2006:18). Again it was noted that, system presents complications when
it comes to tracking an offender's progress and when linking information from other parts of the
prison (TAPSCOTT 2006:18).
3.2 Information systems used in correctional facilities
For effective records management functions in correctional facilities, information systems need to
be developed to ensure that correctional and prison records are properly stored and well managed.
However, they may differ in design specifications, they have a common function, which is to
manage the flow of information and storage. The following are types of information systems used
in correctional facilities:
3.2.1 Integrated Prison Management System
The integrated prison management system (IPMS) was introduced in India by the government of
Jharkhand as a means to improve the administration functions of the correctional facilities and to
enhance the efficiency, transparency and productivity in terms of security and monitoring. The
IPMS is secure and has developed the maintenance of correctional records and searching
operations, and has simplified the processing of electronic prisoner records, thereby decreasing
Lungelo Sanele Mbatha, Lungile P Luthuli & Tlou Maggie Masenya
paper records and ensuring high-speed services with low costs at greater efficiency. Nevertheless,
the system has its own limitations such as that access by the government is not easy because the
system is centralised. Moreover, according to Ahishayike, Taremwa and Omulo (2017:148), the
IPMS is not programmed to trace records concerning visitation activities in the facility which
might be needed in future for investigation or reference purposes.
3.2.2 Prison Management System (PRISM)
PRISM is an initiative developed by Goa electronics limited, a company in India, from May 2008
to February 2009, and it was implemented to provide a system that would ensure efficiency in all
aspects of prison management and connectivity across all facilities in order to foster administrative
efficiency (Manzar 2014:1). As noted by Manzar (2014:6), the system was introduced as it would
overcome the manual system where information, numbers, figures and calculations are concerned
and would also support the prison staff by enhancing efficiency in records keeping and
administrative work. It is an efficient Information and Communication Technology (ICT) system
for prison management and administration with the purpose of ensuring a simplified and effective
mechanism for the benefit of the prisoners and prison department. It was implemented to also bring
forth a system that would provide absolute transparency in the working functions, ensuring precise
implementation of rules and laws, as well as simplifying the readiness of data for relevant
authorities in order to facilitate reliability and precision in decision-making. PRISM is installed in
five different facilities in Goa, all of them networked jointly with additional video-conferencing
for all the correctional facilities, and the technology of the system comprises of hardware, software
and platform elements (Manzar 2014:5). It is designed to provide up-to-date and current
information on every aspect concerned with the management of the correctional facility such as
personal property of prisoners, visitation movements, medical and mental health information,
reason for arrest and case information, parole, remission, furlough, and prisoner movement and
transportation (Manzar 2014:5). PRISM is also designed to have a centralised database with
around-the-clock availability in all government offices, prisons and judicial lockups and is
accessible to all employees. PRISM significantly enhanced the administration across all facilities
as it facilitated the accurate, correct and timely networking of data, and significantly reduced time-
consuming errors in records and registers of prison-related activities. Moreover, it minimised
paperwork, while ensuring immediate and effective accuracy of data calculation (Manzar 2014:9).
The system has simplified records keeping across different prison functions; for example, the
prisoner reforms module can effectively produce a complete history sheet of all programmes in
which the prisoner participated. Moreover, the prisoner’s medical management module is
efficiently keeping records on the medical history of the prisoners as well as the history of
medication. The system significantly enhanced transparency with regard to the information made
available to prisoners resulting in prisoners being able to access instant information on wages
earned, prisoner’s personal property, personal cash as well as information for parole, furlough, bail
and transfer applications (Manzar 2014:10).
Lungelo Sanele Mbatha, Lungile P Luthuli & Tlou Maggie Masenya
3.2.3 Web-based Records Management System
A web-based records management system was designed for the Kisoro prison in Uganda after it
was discovered that there was a need for a computerised system that would manage the circulation
of critical information and prisoner records. previously, the Kisoro prison has been using the paper-
based system which caused many delays in the retrieval of information as some of the information
was misplaced and lost. This was therefore a clear indication that there was a need for a web-based
system that would keep and retrieve information (Ahishayike, Taremwa & Omulo 2017:153). The
web-based records management system was designed using a database management system known
as the relational database management system (RDMS) because of its ease and ability to store,
retrieve and manipulate different data types (Ahishayike, Taremwa & Omulo 2017:153). The
system stores prisoner information such as personal details, crime committed, cell number, health
status, sentence length and time served, and allows the administrator to perform various
manipulations on the records stored in the database, such as to compile new records, view, and
edit records, and erase records that are no longer necessary. Furthermore, the system offers six
interfaces or operations, which are the login operation, the operations after successful login, the
add information operation, the view available information operation, the update equipment
operation and the system verification operation. The system also contains a variety of system
manipulations known as CRUD, which are create or add information, read or view information,
update or edit information, and delete information (Ahishayike, Taremwa & Omulo 2017:154).
However, all the forms for inputting information have JavaScript, which does not allow the
administrator to submit duplicate information and save empty forms in the database (Ahishayike,
Taremwa & Omulo 2017:155). Therefore, a web-based records management system is very user-
friendly because of its simple user interfaces, and it significantly reduces data redundancy because
it does not allow duplicate information. Furthermore, the web-based records management system
facilitates decision-making by the prisoner management because records and other actionable
information can be retrieved much quicker and with less effort, and it can be accessed at any
location provided there is an internet connection. The system also fortifies the safety and security
of prison records as user authentication is required to access information in the system database,
and it records all the actions of the user that is logged on at that present moment, which makes it
easier to identify if information has been tampered with (Ahishayike, Taremwa & Omulo 2017:
3.2.4 Offender Management Information System
Offender Management Information System (OMIS) is a web-based electronic data management
system developed by Namibian correctional and prison services that allow correctional officials to
electronically store and retrieve important prisoner details from the day they are admitted to the
day they finish their sentence. OMIS was implemented across 13 facilities in the country from July
2013 and the entire population of the facility in Namibia is currently on the system, and this
population currently stands at about 4 500 prisoners. The system is structured in a modular format,
and there are 11 core modules provided by the system, which are admission, reception and
assessment, health records management, case management, rehabilitation activities, institutional
incidents, visits, transfers, pre-release sentence changes and release (Kathuria & Porporino
Lungelo Sanele Mbatha, Lungile P Luthuli & Tlou Maggie Masenya
2015:8). OMIS therefore represents an affordable solution to address the information needs of
correctional systems in any developing country (Kathuria & Porporino 2015:3).
The level of sophistication of OMIS is thus realised in the fact that it stores, retrieves and analyses
more complex data elements that can then generate other summary information. For example, after
collecting some basic information about the prisoner, the system produces a brief but informative
profile for each prisoner who is admitted. The system is able to instantly retrieve information for
prisoners who are re-admitted, for sentence calculation and determination of possible conditional
release dates, generating a profile of current and past criminal history, tracking of prisoners as they
are moved from one facility to another, chronological recording of health-related interventions,
the frequency and nature of institutional incidents and digital storage of relevant case management
reports, and a record of involvement in programmes and other rehabilitative activities (Kathuria &
Porporino 2015:7).
3.2.5 The integrated inmate management system
The integrated inmate management system was proposed as a conceptual design by the Department
of Correctional Services in response to their ICT challenges in South African correctional facilities
in 2015. This came after the general report of 2015/16 stated that the Department of Correctional
Services records for incarceration, rehabilitation and care were not reliable when compared to the
evidence provided. Therefore, this called into question the credibility of crucial indicators such as
the number of inmates who had escaped, died or been injured in an assault (Makou, Skosana &
Hopskins 2017), and the details pertaining to admission, detention, incarceration, corrections and
release into society. It was also programmed to run across the 243 correctional facilities across the
country with approximately 160 000 inmates movement from admission to release from custody.
According to the Parliamentary Monitoring Group (PMG) (2015), the system should also manage
basic healthcare and developmental programmes, as well as visitations and visitor profiling. It is,
however, unclear whether the integrated inmate management system was successfully
implemented or not. However, according to the service delivery model (2019) implemented by the
Department of Correctional services, there is a system that is currently under way which will
address issues pertaining to the paper-based environment in correctional facilities in South Africa.
3.2.6 Prison inmate information system
The prison inmate information system has been proposed for Nigerian prisons because of the issues
associated with the manual system of records management. The system is expected to provide an
easier way of computing prisoners’ records, for reliable storage of data, easy access to and retrieval
of information for authorised users, and to provide high security for prisoner records. The software
has features for adequate registration of prisoners on the day of jailing and the day of discharge.
Furthermore, the system allows the user to search and view reports of both current and discharged
prisoners, and it is more secure and flexible, and it provides more user feedback, reduces the
workload, prevents erroneous data and provides more functionality than the current manual system
(Oye & Inuwa 2015:10).
Lungelo Sanele Mbatha, Lungile P Luthuli & Tlou Maggie Masenya
3.2.7 Computerised inmate information system
According Akpojaro and Omogbhemhe (2017:131), the computerised inmate information system
has also been proposed for Nigerian prisons and it was designed to manage and integrate all
prisoners’ data into a single integrated system to be presented in a digital format. The system was
developed using ASP.NET for the web contents, C# for the logic, and SQL for the implementation
of the database that stores and manages the inmates’ records. The system enhances the overall
efficiency of inmates’ information management in Nigerian prisons and can easily be accessed.
The system also provides prison officials with an interface application for registering prisoners’
information, provides a database file for storing prisoners’ information, allows information about
a particular prisoner to be conveniently retrieved from the database if the need arises, provides a
higher level of security which requests user authentication to allow access to any information in
the system, and generates reports of successful operations (Akpojaro & Omogbhemhe 2017:135).
4. The impact of information systems on records management
Information systems have transformed the working environment and brought forth a change in
terms of transparency and efficiency in records management. These systems have made an
immense contribution by incorporating various functions into one system thus enhancing the
capabilities of organizations with minimum work effort. With regards to the information systems
that have been reviewed, it can be seen that correctional facilities are starting to migrate from the
manual system of managing information and moving towards an automated approach.
Manzar (2011:9) asserts that records management became easier after the prison management
system (PRISMS) initiative was implemented. The 23 functions based modules developed under
PRISMS have helped streamline and manage efficiently all these major activities. For instance,
the prisoner’s reforms module has helped generate a complete history sheet of all reform activities
undergone by the prisoner from the beginning of their sentence. In addition, the prisoners’ medical
management module is efficiently helping to keep records concerning the medical history of the
prisoner, history of medication, and health status (Manzar 2011:9).
Ahishayike, Taremwa and Omulo (2017:148) state that the integrated prison management system
(IPMS) is a secure system that has modernized the management and maintenance of prison records,
and it also facilitates efficient electronic processing of prisoner records. Ahishayike, Taremwa and
Omulo (2017:148) further assert that the prison management and visitor management system are
able to capture and store information and records in a central database where information is safe
and easily retrievable when needed.
Compared to the manual system that was previously used, the offender management information
system (OMIS) provides digital storage of records concerning admission, health management,
rehabilitation and prison visits. The OMIS provides a brief and informative profile for each
prisoner who is admitted and stores relevant case management reports and records of the
programmes and other rehabilitative activities. The OMIS allows all prisoners to have their own
basic profile which is an electronic file that shows their photograph for identification purposes as
well as a summary of all descriptive information. Furthermore, the OMIS has tabs for other various
Lungelo Sanele Mbatha, Lungile P Luthuli & Tlou Maggie Masenya
modules that provide layers of information on the offender such as reception and assessment,
health, and case management (Kathuria & Porporino 2015:7).
According to Barnwal, Pathak and Pathak (2012:36) the integrated prison management system
helps to ensure availability of data in digital form for preservation, analysis and reporting, and the
information that is provided by the system is crucial as it facilitates better planning, timely and
informed decision making for officials. The records kept by the system play a pivotal role with
regards to the proper planning and management of correctional and rehabilitation programs.
It is quite evident that, information systems have an advantageous contribution in correctional
facilities from a records management perspective and that they have simplified recordkeeping from
the tedious and time consuming approach to the simple and efficient approach. The electronic
approach requires less human effort and physical records storage, which saves space and
minimizes the risk of damaging and misplacing records.
5. Conclusion and recommendations
Literature revealed a number of difficulties associated with the manual system of records
management in some correctional facilities in Africa, with common challenges including
maladministration, data redundancy, the need for physical space for storage and time-
consumption, all of which have a negative effect on the records management function. This
underscored the need to implement information systems in order to tackle the majority of the
challenges that have been identified by most correctional facilities that still rely on the manual
system. These systems have been regarded as an effective way of collecting, storing, analysing
and presenting information, and contributed towards progressive transformation in most
correctional facilities in African countries and throughout the world. Although it is quite possible
that a number of correctional facilities in African countries have successfully implemented
information systems, in South Africa there is absence of evidence that suggest if these systems
have been successfully implemented or not, however absence of evidence is not the evidence of
absence and more research needs to be done.
The study therefore suggests that information systems should also be implemented in correctional
facilities in South Africa in order to address a number of issues associated with ineffective records
management. However, the study recommends that a research that looks specifically at how
information system impact records management, the policies that govern records management in
correctional facilities and the security and safety of records stored in information systems in South
African correctional facilities should be conducted. For effective implementation of information
systems and on the extent of their application, it is recommended that correctional facilities should
consider exploring the possibility of benchmarking and collaborating with other key sectors using
automated records management systems to improve the tracking system as well as the
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Within the field of social reintegration and re-education, this paper presents an educational experience carried out at the Iquitos Penitentiary Center, Lima, Peru, with the aim of providing an introduction to informatics to 25 inmates who volunteered to take part in the project. Twenty students and a teacher from the Scientific University of the South also in Peru, were responsible for initiating the transmission of knowledge from the university to inmates, with the collaboration and participation of the penitentiary coordinator. The main objectives of the case study were to validate both the suitability of the CS unplugged proposal and the adaptability of the L2T2L pedagogic strategy to the transmission of knowledge to adults, specifically penitentiary inmates. This strategy had been originally designed to transmit informatics knowledge from university to primary school. The validity and effectiveness of the experience was assessed using surveys. Results confirm that inmates achieved a good level of understanding when endeavoring to resolve most of the CS unplugged assignments designed for them. It was also seen that L2T2L is adaptable and valid for different scenarios other than those for which it was initially designed. Indeed, it was proven to be valid for transmitting knowledge to the prison population. Finally, it should be pointed out that the experience is easily replicable and that it brings an opportunity to introduce informatics into education programs in prisons, something which can contribute enormously to social reintegration and re-education, facilitating the subsequent reentry of inmates into the community once their period of imprisonment has ended.
Although still an emerging field, the use of technology as an avenue for the delivery of correctional psychology services and programs indicates that it is a viable option requiring additional empirical attention. The overarching goal of this chapter is to review the existing literature to provide a more structured framework for categorizing current research and technological innovation as well as to identify gaps in the field which require further investigation. Specific attention is paid to describing the four approaches to technology most applicable to correctional psychology (i.e., remote delivery, digitization, assistive technology, and virtual reality) and highlighting the challenges which appear to be negatively impacting progression in each of these. It is suggested that, while all four approaches present useful avenues for the progression of the field, empirical advances have been constrained by a number of challenges specific to each approach. The chapter concludes with a discussion of several important considerations which should be addressed by future research aimed at assisting with the conceptualization, development, implementation, and evaluation of technology within the correctional psychology context.KeywordsTechnologyCorrectional psychologyRemote deliveryForensic mental healthPrison digitization
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Most Prisons in the developing countries are still using the traditional system – pen and papers, to keep track of their records. This system takes long to finish a single transaction; this has led to loss of information of some cases (crimes files), insecurity and data redundancy. Similarly, some cases have been reported where some prison staff connives with clients (victims) to change and hide some information or files hence leading to compromising the evidence of the matter. This has consequently resulted in time wastage to handle cases, increased corruption and insecurity of important files hence making the whole process costly. Also when reports are needed especially about prisoners, it takes a long time and therefore makes it hard for Prison Management to take urgent decisions. This has created a lot of loopholes in the system because there is no tracking and/or monitoring of the information available in the different Departments and there are no security measures in place to safe guard the available information. This necessitated automating the system to make it more efficient and effective. There was close study of the existing manual file based system that was in use, it was compared to the proposed system. A prototype of a proposed system was developed to ease data access, security and retrieval for instant report production by the prison management. The prototype was developed using MySql database, PHP, CSS, JavaScript and HTML.
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Management Information System is flow-processing procedures based on computer data, and integrated with other procedures in order to provide information in a timely and effective manner to support decision-making and other management functions. This finding is also present when we consider that the number of contemporary business data and information exponential grow, and efficient business decision-making is possible only if the necessary information is fast, accurate and qualitative and managed by adequate staff but for the most cases not appropriate efficiency is the result of a lack of good management information systems. The rapid development of information technology coupled with the development of telecommunications technology has streamlined every area of life and human activity. Through good organization of this technology to achieve quality decision making at all levels of management from the top level to the lowest. Information technology in organizing the best and optimal database offers great opportunities for a quick and qualitative manipulation to raise the quality of preparation of decisions.
Application of hybrid hash message authentication code approach in biometrics information system design
  • E A Abeng
  • Adesola
Abeng, E.A. & Adesola. 2012. Application of hybrid hash message authentication code approach in biometrics information system design. Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 18(1&2): 59-66.
A conceptual design of information system for prison management in Nigeria
  • J Akpojaro
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Life interrupted hundreds of inmates consider legal action over parole delays. Daily maverick
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E-Governance innovations in state administration: A case study of Jharkhand prisons
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  • P Pathak
  • G S Pathak
Barnwal, S.K., Pathak, P. & Pathak, G.S. 2012. E-Governance innovations in state administration: A case study of Jharkhand prisons. Available at: n_a_Case_Study_of_Jharkhand_Prisons (accessed 31 October 2020).
Running an intelligent jail: A guide to development and use of a jail information system
  • T Brenman
  • D Wells
  • J Carr
Brenman, T., Wells, D. & Carr, J. 2013. Running an intelligent jail: A guide to development and use of a jail information system. Available at: (accessed: 22 October 2020).
Handbook for prison leaders: a basic training tool and curriculum for prison managers based on international standards and norms
  • V Chin
Chin, V. 2010. Handbook for prison leaders: a basic training tool and curriculum for prison managers based on international standards and norms. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
Arizona jails medical failures due to inadequate record keeping and understaffing
  • M Clarke
Clarke, M. 2009. Arizona jails medical failures due to inadequate record keeping and understaffing. Available at: (Accessed 27 May 2020).