Conference Paper

Folding-Based Compression Of Point Cloud Attributes

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... Some powerful models, such as PointNet-style architectures [28] and neural network-based 3D to 2D projection [29], have been successfully used to compress attributes. However, existing learning-based methods are still not as effective as G-PCC, the current state-of-the-art method. ...
... However, existing learning-based methods are still not as effective as G-PCC, the current state-of-the-art method. [30] Combination of predictive coding and Haar Wavelet transform [31] Graph Fourier transform [9] Combination of graph transform and discrete cosine transform [32] Combination of block-based prediction and graph transform [33] Three fine-grained correlation representations [34] Combination of 3D-block-based prediction and transform coding [35] Graph Fourier transform based on normalized graph Laplacian [36] Combination of Hierarchical transform and arithmetic coding [7] Graph transform with optimized Laplacian sparsity [37] Stationary Gaussian process [38] Joint optimized graph transform and entropy coding [48] Learning-based PCAC Sparse-PCAC [26] Deep-PCAC [28] Folding-based compression of point cloud attribute [29] Lvac [39] Tree structure initial encoding [40] CARNet [41] To address this challenge, we propose a novel learning-based approach called PCAC-GAN. Our method uses a GAN that consists of sparse convolution layers to compress 3D point cloud attributes. ...
... Sheng et al. [28] proposed an end-to-end deep lossy compression framework called Deep-PCAC, which directly encodes and decodes attributes without the need for voxelization or point projection. Quach et al. [29] explored folding-based compression techniques that fold a 2D grid onto point clouds and use an optimization mapping method to map point cloud attributes onto the folded 2D grid. Isik et al. [39] focused on compressing the parameters of the volume function and used a coordinate-based neural network to represent the function within each block. ...
Learning-based methods have proven successful in compressing geometric information for point clouds. For attribute compression, however, they still lag behind non-learning-based methods such as the MPEG G-PCC standard. To bridge this gap, we propose a novel deep learning-based point cloud attribute compression method that uses a generative adversarial network (GAN) with sparse convolution layers. Our method also includes a module that adaptively selects the resolution of the voxels used to voxelize the input point cloud. Sparse vectors are used to represent the voxelized point cloud, and sparse convolutions process the sparse tensors, ensuring computational efficiency. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first application of GANs to compress point cloud attributes. Our experimental results show that our method outperforms existing learning-based techniques and rivals the latest G-PCC test model (TMC13v23) in terms of visual quality.
... In other words, f is an injective function that maps the point-space domain to a pixel-space domain, which ensures that the quality measure can be mapped into a proper distance metric (e.g., Euclidean, Wasserstein, etc). In this work, we use the transformation proposed by Quach et al. [28], which has two main stages. In the first stage, the method uses a deep neural network to find a parametric function to fold a 2D grid onto a 3D point cloud. ...
... The second stage consists of an optimal mapping of the attributes of the original PC the 2D grid. More details about this folding method can be found in the original paper [28]. ...
... It is worth noticing that Quach's folding algorithm [28] used in the first step of feature map extraction (see Fig. 1) can be flexibly applied to point cloud patches to better adapt to local geometric complexity. After folding the PC, the feature map can be rapidly computed via DRLBP since this operator does not increase in the computational complexity over the traditional LBP while is rotation and viewpoint invariant. ...
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Methods for (PC) quality assessment customarily perform local comparisons between corresponding points in the “degraded” and pristine PCs. These methods often compare the geometry of the degraded PC and the geometry of the reference PC. More recently, a few methods that use texture information to assess the PC quality have been proposed. In this work, we propose a full-reference Point Cloud Quality Assessment (PCQA) metric that combines both geometry and texture information to provide an estimate of the PC quality. We use a projection technique that represents PCs as 2D manifolds in the 3D space. This technique maps attributes from the PCs onto the folded 2D grid, generating a pure-texture 2D image (texture maps) that contains PC texture information. Then, we extract statistical features from these texture maps using a multi-scale rotation-invariant texture descriptor named the Dominant Rotated Local Binary Pattern (DRLBP). The texture similarity is computed by measuring the statistical differences between reference and test PCs. The geometrical similarities are computed using geometry-only distances. Finally, the texture and geometrical similarities are fused using a stacked regressor to model the PC visual quality. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms several state-of-the-art methods. An implementation of the metric described in this paper can be found at
... This is similar to the concept of UV texture maps (Catmull, 1974) in Computer Graphics except that here we seek to recover such a parameterization from a point cloud. In this context, Quach et al. (2020a) propose a folding based approach for point cloud compression illustrated in Alternatively, attributes can be directly mapped onto a voxel grid. Alexiou et al. (2020) extend convolutional neural networks used for geometry compression to attribute compression. ...
... Deep learning based methods handle the irregularity of the geometry by using a 3D regular space (voxel grid) (Alexiou et al., 2020), by mapping attributes onto a 2D grid (Quach et al., 2020a) or with the use of point convolutions to define CNNs that operate directly on the points (Sheng et al., 2021). Note that such point convolutions can often be seen as graph convolutions with the topology of the graph built from the point cloud geometry and its neighborhood structure. ...
... Numerous approaches have explored the use of 2D images for point cloud attribute compression (Mekuria et al., 2017;Zhang et al., 2017;MPEG, 2020b). Specifically, Quach et al. (2020a) has explored a deep learning based approach for mapping attributes from each point to a 2D image using a FoldingNet (Yang et al., 2017). This presents the advantage of enabling the use of any image processing or image compression method. ...
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Point clouds are becoming essential in key applications with advances in capture technologies leading to large volumes of data. Compression is thus essential for storage and transmission. In this work, the state of the art for geometry and attribute compression methods with a focus on deep learning based approaches is reviewed. The challenges faced when compressing geometry and attributes are considered, with an analysis of the current approaches to address them, their limitations and the relations between deep learning and traditional ones. Current open questions in point cloud compression, existing solutions and perspectives are identified and discussed. Finally, the link between existing point cloud compression research and research problems to relevant areas of adjacent fields, such as rendering in computer graphics, mesh compression and point cloud quality assessment, is highlighted.
... The first approach projects irregular structures onto regular ones, facilitating the processing of irregular point cloud inputs. For example, Quach et al. [42] trained a lossy folding network to map 3D attributes onto 2D grids, compressing them with video codecs. The second approach uses autoencoder frameworks with 3D dense convolutions for attribute compression. ...
... YUV), respectively. Previous works on learning-based attribute compression, such as [42], [44]- [46], [48], [49], [67], compared their methods with earlier versions of the G-PCC test model, such as TMC13v6 or TMC13v14, whose compression performance lags behind TMC13v23 significantly, did not strictly follow the MPEG CTCs, or used a very limited subset of the MPEG test datasets. Therefore, the proposed method is the first to significantly surpass G-PCC TMC13v23 under the MPEG CTCs on two large MPEG datasets. ...
We propose an end-to-end attribute compression method for dense point clouds. The proposed method combines a frequency sampling module, an adaptive scale feature extraction module with geometry assistance, and a global hyperprior entropy model. The frequency sampling module uses a Hamming window and the Fast Fourier Transform to extract high-frequency components of the point cloud. The difference between the original point cloud and the sampled point cloud is divided into multiple sub-point clouds. These sub-point clouds are then partitioned using an octree, providing a structured input for feature extraction. The feature extraction module integrates adaptive convolutional layers and uses offset-attention to capture both local and global features. Then, a geometry-assisted attribute feature refinement module is used to refine the extracted attribute features. Finally, a global hyperprior model is introduced for entropy encoding. This model propagates hyperprior parameters from the deepest (base) layer to the other layers, further enhancing the encoding efficiency. At the decoder, a mirrored network is used to progressively restore features and reconstruct the color attribute through transposed convolutional layers. The proposed method encodes base layer information at a low bitrate and progressively adds enhancement layer information to improve reconstruction accuracy. Compared to the latest G-PCC test model (TMC13v23) under the MPEG common test conditions (CTCs), the proposed method achieved an average Bjontegaard delta bitrate reduction of 24.58% for the Y component (21.23% for YUV combined) on the MPEG Category Solid dataset and 22.48% for the Y component (17.19% for YUV combined) on the MPEG Category Dense dataset. This is the first instance of a learning-based codec outperforming the G-PCC standard on these datasets under the MPEG CTCs.
... Recently, several studies [13][14][15][16] have proposed applying advanced deep learning techniques to lossy point cloud attribute compression. In [13], a folding network is introduced to project 3D attribute signals to 2D planes. ...
... Recently, several studies [13][14][15][16] have proposed applying advanced deep learning techniques to lossy point cloud attribute compression. In [13], a folding network is introduced to project 3D attribute signals to 2D planes. The authors in [15] propose an autoencoder neural network to map attributes to a latent space, followed by encoding the latent vector using a hyperprior/auto-regressive context model. ...
Recent advancements in point cloud compression have primarily emphasized geometry compression while comparatively fewer efforts have been dedicated to attribute compression. This study introduces an end-to-end learned dynamic lossy attribute coding approach, utilizing an efficient high-dimensional convolution to capture extensive inter-point dependencies. This enables the efficient projection of attribute features into latent variables. Subsequently, we employ a context model that leverage previous latent space in conjunction with an auto-regressive context model for encoding the latent tensor into a bitstream. Evaluation of our method on widely utilized point cloud datasets from the MPEG and Microsoft demonstrates its superior performance compared to the core attribute compression module Region-Adaptive Hierarchical Transform method from MPEG Geometry Point Cloud Compression with 38.1% Bjontegaard Delta-rate saving in average while ensuring a low-complexity encoding/decoding.
... While G-PCC and V-PCC have been explored and evaluated in numerous research papers, the JPEG Pleno codec was developed only recently and therefore it is still not yet known how it compares to these standards in terms of subjective visual quality. Following recent advances in learning-based point cloud coding [13][14][15][16][17][18], the JPEG Pleno Point Cloud Call for Proposals [19] was launched with the goal of standardizing a point cloud codec based on deep learning techniques. As a result, a solution with joint coding of geometry and color [20] in a learning-based architecture based on a convolutional autoencoder was selected as the first version of the verification model (VM). ...
... Due to the rise of learning-based methods for point cloud coding, recent studies have included such solutions in subjective experiments to assess how this specific type of distortion affects human perception. A first study conducted a crowdsourced evaluation [37] of G-PCC, V-PCC, and two learning-based methods [15,16]. The same author also used a learning-based coding tool [18] and G-PCC in an evaluation [38] with both a flat screen and a light field monitor. ...
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The recent rise in interest in point clouds as an imaging modality has motivated standardization groups such as JPEG and MPEG to launch activities aiming at developing compression standards for point clouds. Lossy compression usually introduces visual artifacts that negatively impact the perceived quality of media, which can only be reliably measured through subjective visual quality assessment experiments. While MPEG standards have been subjectively evaluated in previous studies on multiple occasions, no work has yet assessed the performance of the recent JPEG Pleno standard in comparison to them. In this study, a comprehensive performance evaluation of JPEG and MPEG standards for point cloud compression is conducted. The impact of different configuration parameters on the performance of the codecs is first analyzed with the help of objective quality metrics. The results from this analysis are used to define three rate allocation strategies for each codec, which are employed to compress a set of point clouds at four target rates. The set of distorted point clouds is then subjectively evaluated following two subjective quality assessment protocols. Finally, the obtained results are used to compare the performance of these compression standards and draw insights about best coding practices.
... Learning-based approaches have attracted extensive attention recently. Quach et al. [15] folded 3D point cloud attributes onto the 2D grids and then directly applied the conventional 2D image codec for compression. Fang et al. [16] designed an MLP-based entropy model to approximate the probability of RAHT coefficients. ...
... Recently, SparsePCAC [19] was developed to process the sparse tensor under the variational autoencoder structure for efficient attribute representation. Unfortunately, despite the technical progress provided by these learning-based PCAC solutions, the lossy compression efficiency is still inferior to the latest G-PCC, not to mention that some of them are exceptionally complex for practical application [15,17,18]. ...
This work extends the multiscale structure originally developed for point cloud geometry compression to point cloud attribute compression. To losslessly encode the attribute while maintaining a low bitrate, accurate probability prediction is critical. With this aim, we extensively exploit cross-scale, cross-group, and cross-color correlations of point cloud attribute to ensure accurate probability estimation and thus high coding efficiency. Specifically, we first generate multiscale attribute tensors through average pooling, by which, for any two consecutive scales, the decoded lower-scale attribute can be used to estimate the attribute probability in the current scale in one shot. Additionally, in each scale, we perform the probability estimation group-wisely following a predefined grouping pattern. In this way, both cross-scale and (same-scale) cross-group correlations are exploited jointly. Furthermore, cross-color redundancy is removed by allowing inter-color processing for YCoCg/RGB alike multi-channel attributes. The proposed method not only demonstrates state-of-the-art compression efficiency with significant performance gains over the latest G-PCC on various contents but also sustains low complexity with affordable encoding and decoding runtime.
... Recently, several studies [10][11][12] have been proposed to apply advanced deep learning techniques to lossy point cloud attribute compression. A folding network to project 3D attribute signals to 2D planes is proposed in [10]. ...
... Recently, several studies [10][11][12] have been proposed to apply advanced deep learning techniques to lossy point cloud attribute compression. A folding network to project 3D attribute signals to 2D planes is proposed in [10]. The authors in [12] proposed an auto-encoder neural network to map attributes to a latent space and then encode the latent vector using a hyper prior/auto-regressive context model. ...
In recent years, several point cloud geometry compression methods that utilize advanced deep learning techniques have been proposed, but there are limited works on attribute compression, especially lossless compression. In this work, we build an end-to-end multiscale point cloud attribute coding method (MNeT) that progressively projects the attributes onto multiscale latent spaces. The multiscale architecture provides an accurate context for the attribute probability modeling and thus minimizes the coding bitrate with a single network prediction. Besides, our method allows scalable coding that lower quality versions can be easily extracted from the losslessly compressed bitstream. We validate our method on a set of point clouds from MVUB and MPEG and show that our method outperforms recently proposed methods and on par with the latest G-PCC version 14. Besides, our coding time is substantially faster than G-PCC.
... Neural networks have been adopted for geometry compression with some success but are still in the early phase for attribute compression. Recently, there has been an increase in learning-based point cloud attribute compression methods [42]- [46]. In [44], the attribute is compressed by representing them as samples of a vector-valued volumetric function which is modeled by neural networks. ...
... In [44], the attribute is compressed by representing them as samples of a vector-valued volumetric function which is modeled by neural networks. Authors in [42] introduced a deep learning method for mapping 3D attributes to 2D images and take advantage of a 2D codec to encode the generated im-age. This mapping method, however, introduces distortion and high complexity. ...
In recent years, we have witnessed the presence of point cloud data in many aspects of our life, from immersive media, autonomous driving to healthcare, although at the cost of a tremendous amount of data. In this paper, we present an efficient lossless point cloud compression method that uses sparse tensor-based deep neural networks to learn point cloud geometry and color probability distributions. Our method represents a point cloud with both occupancy feature and three attribute features at different bit depths in a unified sparse representation. This allows us to efficiently exploit feature-wise and point-wise dependencies within point clouds using a sparse tensor-based neural network and thus build an accurate auto-regressive context model for an arithmetic coder. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first learning-based lossless point cloud geometry and attribute compression approach. Compared with the-state-of-the-art lossless point cloud compression method from Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG), our method achieves 22.6% reduction in total bitrate on a diverse set of test point clouds while having 49.0% and 18.3% rate reduction on geometry and color attribute component, respectively.
... For lossless geometry coding, deep neural networks have been used to improve entropy modeling [87]. Also, DPCC for attributes has been explored by interpreting point clouds as a 2D discrete manifold in 3D space [140]. Closely related to our study, the behavior and performance of DPCC methods has been investigated in [78]. ...
... In the previous parts, we have discussed deep learning approaches to compress geometry [141,142,180,182,168,126] and attributes [140,22] of points clouds. Specific approaches have also been developed for sparse LIDAR point clouds [87,29]. ...
Point clouds are becoming essential in key applications with advances in capture technologies leading to large volumes of data.Compression is thus essential for storage and transmission.Point Cloud Compression can be divided into two parts: geometry and attribute compression.In addition, point cloud quality assessment is necessary in order to evaluate point cloud compression methods.Geometry compression, attribute compression and quality assessment form the three main parts of this dissertation.The common challenge across these three problems is the sparsity and irregularity of point clouds.Indeed, while other modalities such as images lie on a regular grid, point cloud geometry can be considered as a sparse binary signal over 3D space and attributes are defined on the geometry which can be both sparse and irregular.First, the state of the art for geometry and attribute compression methods with a focus on deep learning based approaches is reviewed.The challenges faced when compressing geometry and attributes are considered, with an analysis of the current approaches to address them, their limitations and the relations between deep learning and traditional ones.We present our work on geometry compression: a convolutional lossy geometry compression approach with a study on the key performance factors of such methods and a generative model for lossless geometry compression with a multiscale variant addressing its complexity issues.Then, we present a folding-based approach for attribute compression that learns a mapping from the point cloud to a 2D grid in order to reduce point cloud attribute compression to an image compression problem.Furthermore, we propose a differentiable deep perceptual quality metric that can be used to train lossy point cloud geometry compression networks while being well correlated with perceived visual quality and a convolutional neural network for point cloud quality assessment based on a patch extraction approach.Finally, we conclude the dissertation and discuss open questions in point cloud compression, existing solutions and perspectives. We highlight the link between existing point cloud compression research and research problems to relevant areas of adjacent fields, such as rendering in computer graphics, mesh compression and point cloud quality assessment.
... Generally, they follow the VAE framework of image compression but in different point cloud representations to perform the attribute compression, such as the point-based PointNet series [5,6] architecture in [7] (Deep-PCAC), voxel-based 3D dense convolutions in [8] and sparse convolution in [9] (SparsePCAC). Specially, Quach et al. [10] builds a mapping between 3D point clouds and 2D grids, and utilizes the existing image compression method to encode and decode the 2D grids. However, the performance of these learning-based solutions still lags behind that of traditional G-PCC. ...
... However, since PointNet series networks used feature extraction function max() at the cost of information loss, its final compression performance was unsatisfactory. Quach et al. [10] proposed learning a neural network(NN)-based bidirectional mapping between a 3D point cloud and a 2D grid, and then used conventional image codec to encode the generated 2D grid. For every single point cloud, it overfitted the mapping function. ...
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Point clouds are widely used as representations of 3D objects and scenes in a number of applications, including virtual and mixed reality, autonomous driving, antiques reconstruction. To reduce the cost for transmitting and storing such data, this paper proposes an end-to-end learning-based point cloud attribute compression (PCAC) approach. The proposed network adopts a sparse convolution-based variational autoencoder (VAE) structure to compress the color attribute of point clouds. Considering the difficulty of stacked convolution operations in capturing long range dependencies, the attention mechanism is incorporated in which a non-local attention module is developed to capture the local and global correlations in both spatial and channel dimensions. Towards the practical application, an additional modulation network is offered to achieve the variable rate compression purpose in a single network, avoiding the memory cost of storing multiple networks for multiple bitrates. Our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art compression performance compared to other existing learning-based methods and further reduces the gap with the latest MPEG G-PCC reference software TMC13 version 14.
... A novel system for compressing point cloud attributes using DL is proposed in (Quach et al., 2020a). A 2D parameterization of the point cloud can be acquired by mapping the attributes from a point cloud onto a grid, making it possible to employ 2D image processing algorithms and compression tools. ...
... A 2D parameterization of the point cloud can be acquired by mapping the attributes from a point cloud onto a grid, making it possible to employ 2D image processing algorithms and compression tools. Inspired by (Yang et al., 2018), where the model is trained on a dataset to learn how to fold a 2D grid onto a 3D point cloud, instead, the method (Quach et al., 2020a) employs the folding network as a parametric function that maps an input 2D grid to points in 3D space. However, the lossy 3D-to-2D mapping introduces distortion for reconstruction and causes the low accuracy of the folding in geometrically complex parts of the point cloud. ...
With the rapid growth of multimedia content, 3D objects are becoming more and more popular. Most of the time, they are modeled as complex polygonal meshes or dense point clouds, providing immersive experiences in different industrial and consumer multimedia applications. The point cloud, which is easier to acquire than mesh and is widely applicable, has raised many interests in both the academic and commercial worlds.A point cloud is a set of points with different properties such as their geometrical locations and the associated attributes (e.g., color, material properties, etc.). The number of the points within a point cloud can range from a thousand, to constitute simple 3D objects, up to billions, to realistically represent complex 3D scenes. Such huge amounts of data bring great technological challenges in terms of transmission, processing, and storage of point clouds.In recent years, numerous research works focused their efforts on the compression of meshes, while less was addressed for point clouds. We have identified two main approaches in the literature: a purely geometric one based on octree decomposition, and a hybrid one based on both geometry and video coding. The first approach can provide accurate 3D geometry information but contains weak temporal consistency. The second one can efficiently remove the temporal redundancy yet a decrease of geometrical precision can be observed after the projection. Thus, the tradeoff between compression efficiency and accurate prediction needs to be optimized.We focused on exploring the temporal correlations between dynamic dense point clouds. We proposed different approaches to improve the compression performance of the MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) V-PCC (Video-based Point Cloud Compression) test model, which provides state-of-the-art compression on dynamic dense point clouds.First, an octree-based adaptive segmentation is proposed to cluster the points with different motion amplitudes into 3D cubes. Then, motion estimation is applied to these cubes using affine transformation. Gains in terms of rate-distortion (RD) performance have been observed in sequences with relatively low motion amplitudes. However, the cost of building an octree for the dense point cloud remains expensive while the resulting octree structures contain poor temporal consistency for the sequences with higher motion amplitudes.An anatomical structure is then proposed to model the motion of the point clouds representing humanoids more inherently. With the help of 2D pose estimation tools, the motion is estimated from 14 anatomical segments using affine transformation.Moreover, we propose a novel solution for color prediction and discuss the residual coding from prediction. It is shown that instead of encoding redundant texture information, it is more valuable to code the residuals, which leads to a better RD performance.Although our contributions have improved the performances of the V-PCC test models, the temporal compression of dynamic point clouds remains a highly challenging task. Due to the limitations of the current acquisition technology, the acquired point clouds can be noisy in both geometry and attribute domains, which makes it challenging to achieve accurate motion estimation. In future studies, the technologies used for 3D meshes may be exploited and adapted to provide temporal-consistent connectivity information between dynamic 3D point clouds.
... He et al. proposed a method to obtain projection maps and edge features to predict the quality of PCs. Freitas et al. proposed a projection metric based on deep learning [24] based on the folding-based projection method proposed by Quach et al. [25]. In this paper, we propose a method following the latter approach. ...
... This approach achieves competitive performance compared to traditional methods like RAHT-RLGR [44] but falls short when compared to the stateof-the-art MPEG G-PCC reference software TMC13 [43]. Quach et al. introduced a novel compression technique based on folding-net, which projects 3D point clouds onto 2D grids and vice-versa, thereby enabling the use of traditional 2D image codecs for compression [20]. However, the folding process may introduce additional distortion, resulting in unsatisfactory compression performance. ...
The evolution of 3D visualization techniques has fundamentally transformed how we interact with digital content. At the forefront of this change is point cloud technology, offering an immersive experience that surpasses traditional 2D representations. However, the massive data size of point clouds presents significant challenges in data compression. Current methods for lossy point cloud attribute compression (PCAC) generally focus on reconstructing the original point clouds with minimal error. However, for point cloud visualization scenarios, the reconstructed point clouds with distortion still need to undergo a complex rendering process, which affects the final user-perceived quality. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end deep learning framework that seamlessly integrates PCAC with differentiable rendering, denoted as rendering-oriented PCAC (RO-PCAC), directly targeting the quality of rendered multiview images for viewing. In a differentiable manner, the impact of the rendering process on the reconstructed point clouds is taken into account. Moreover, we characterize point clouds as sparse tensors and propose a sparse tensor-based transformer, called SP-Trans. By aligning with the local density of the point cloud and utilizing an enhanced local attention mechanism, SP-Trans captures the intricate relationships within the point cloud, further improving feature analysis and synthesis within the framework. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed RO-PCAC achieves state-of-the-art compression performance, compared to existing reconstruction-oriented methods, including traditional, learning-based, and hybrid methods.
... Due to the complexity of PC processing, there is a dearth of post-processing research on the specific attribute artifact problem. For other PC processing tasks, some studies have attempted to convert PCs into projected images [35] or voxels [36][37][38] for representations, to facilitate handling by convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Nevertheless, such conversion methods are often accompanied by the loss of spatial information. ...
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As a compression standard, Geometry-based Point Cloud Compression (G-PCC) can effectively reduce data by compressing both geometric and attribute information. Even so, due to coding errors and data loss, point clouds (PCs) still face distortion challenges, such as the encoding of attribute information may lead to spatial detail loss and visible artifacts, which negatively impact visual quality. To address these challenges, this paper proposes an iterative removal method for attribute compression artifacts based on a graph neural network. First, the geometric coordinates of the PCs are used to construct a graph that accurately reflects the spatial structure, with the PC attributes treated as signals on the graph’s vertices. Adaptive graph convolution is then employed to dynamically focus on the areas most affected by compression, while a bi-branch attention block is used to restore high-frequency details. To maintain overall visual quality, a spatial consistency mechanism is applied to the recovered PCs. Additionally, an iterative strategy is introduced to correct systematic distortions, such as additive bias, introduced during compression. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method produces finer and more realistic visual details, compared to state-of-the-art techniques for PC attribute compression artifact removal. Furthermore, the proposed method significantly reduces the network runtime, enhancing processing efficiency.
... The training RD loss function is also adapted to include distortion terms for geometry and color. Quach et al. [38] proposed a PC attribute coding solution using a learningbased folding operation. Assuming an already decoded PC geometry, the proposed solution uses a neural network that learns a function for folding a 2D grid onto the decoded PC geometry, then maps the PC attributes onto the 2D grid, which can be coded with a regular 2D image codec. ...
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Efficient point cloud coding has become increasingly critical for multiple applications such as virtual reality, autonomous driving, and digital twin systems, where rich and interactive 3D data representations may functionally make the difference. Deep learning has emerged as a powerful tool in this domain, offering advanced techniques for compressing point clouds more efficiently than conventional coding methods while also allowing effective computer vision tasks performed in the compressed domain thus, for the first time, making available a common compressed visual representation effective for both man and machine. Taking advantage of this potential, JPEG has recently finalized the JPEG Pleno Learning-based Point Cloud Coding (PCC) standard offering efficient lossy coding of static point clouds, targeting both human visualization and machine processing by leveraging deep learning models for geometry and color coding. The geometry is processed directly in its original 3D form using sparse convolutional neural networks, while the color data is projected onto 2D images and encoded using the also learning-based JPEG AI standard. The goal of this paper is to provide a complete technical description of the JPEG PCC standard, along with a thorough benchmarking of its performance against the state-of-the-art, while highlighting its main strengths and weaknesses. In terms of compression performance, JPEG PCC outperforms the conventional MPEG PCC standards, especially in geometry coding, achieving significant rate reductions. Color compression performance is less competitive but this is overcome by the power of a full learning-based coding framework for both geometry and color and the associated effective compressed domain processing.
... The improvements in PCC performance are achieved with the addition of features that include sequential training, the inclusion of focal loss, and a more efficient architectural implementation with the addition of residual blocks and deeper transforms, progressively increasing channels as the resolution decreases. In [29], the same authors propose an approach to compressing PC attributes. It treats the PC as a discrete 2D manifold in 3D space. ...
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The rapid growth on the amount of generated 3D data, particularly in the form of Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) point clouds (PCs), poses very significant challenges in terms of data storage, transmission, and processing. Point cloud (PC) representation of 3D visual information has shown to be a very flexible format with many applications ranging from multimedia immersive communication to machine vision tasks in the robotics and autonomous driving domains. In this paper, we investigate the performance of four reference 3D object detection techniques, when the input PCs are compressed with varying levels of degradation. Compression is performed using two MPEG standard coders based on 2D projections and octree decomposition, as well as two coding methods based on Deep Learning (DL). For the DL coding methods, we used a Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) reference PC coder, that we adapted to accept LiDAR PCs in both Cartesian and cylindrical coordinate systems. The detection performance of the four reference 3D object detection methods was evaluated using both pre-trained models and models specifically trained using degraded PCs reconstructed from compressed representations. It is shown that LiDAR PCs can be compressed down to 6 bits per point with no significant degradation on the object detection precision. Furthermore, employing specifically trained detection models improves the detection capabilities even at compression rates as low as 2 bits per point. These results show that LiDAR PCs can be coded to enable efficient storage and transmission, without significant object detection performance loss.
... Freitas et al. proposed a deep learning based projection metric [51]. They projected the point cloud from 3D to 2D by folding-based projection method [52]. ...
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Recently, point clouds have emerged as a promising research direction for representing 3D visual data in various immersive applications, including augmented reality, self-driving cars and so on. The research on point cloud quality assessment (PCQA) has received significant attention. Although there are various objective PCQA models, their generalization can not satisfy the requirement of practical applications. Obviously, various factors should be considered comprehensively in the PCQA model. The dependence of data and the pertinence of features limit the improvement of the generalization of the PCQA models. Extracting features from different types of point clouds and research directions is also a challenge. To overcome this limitation, we propose a multi-level features model (MFPCQA) that segregates the basic features from the point cloud data into a pool. Then, the extracted basic features are sorted and combined to generate the advanced features, which are more closely related to quality, obtaining a multi-level feature structure. Finally, an efficient quality regressor maps these advanced features to point cloud quality. It is worth noting that, according to different application scenarios, our proposed MFPCQA has carried out detailed experiments on two conditions of whether it can take advantage of the distortion type. Extensive experiments on several publicly available subjective point cloud quality datasets and different distortion type datas validate that our proposed MFPCQA can compete with state-of-the-art full-reference, reduced-reference quality assessment models. The proposed MFPCQA significantly improves the generalization of quality assessment algorithms.
... Additionally, 2D encoders usually require regular-size input images, which are typically much smaller than the point cloud size for mini-batch training. Existing methods, such as the cropping method in [41] and the folding method in [52], have been used to maintain consistent input sizes across samples, but they distort the whole perception and introduce extra distortions. To address these issues, our work calls upon the HVS-based multi-scale representation of point clouds. ...
Full-reference (FR) point cloud quality assessment (PCQA) has achieved impressive progress in recent years. However, as reference point clouds are not available in many cases, no-reference (NR) metrics have become a research hotspot. Existing NR methods suffer from poor generalization performance. To address this shortcoming, we propose a novel NR-PCQA method, Point Cloud Quality Assessment via Domain-relevance Degradation Description (D3^3-PCQA). First, we demonstrate our model's interpretability by deriving the function of each module using a kernelized ridge regression model. Specifically, quality assessment can be characterized as a leap from the scattered perceptual domain (reflecting subjective perception) to the ordered quality domain (reflecting mean opinion score). Second, to reduce the significant domain discrepancy, we establish an intermediate domain, the description domain, based on insights from subjective experiments, by considering the domain relevance among samples located in the perception domain and learning a structured latent space. The anchor features derived from the learned latent space are generated as cross-domain auxiliary information to promote domain transformation. Furthermore, the newly established description domain decomposes the NR-PCQA problem into two relevant stages. These stages include a classification stage that gives the degradation descriptions to point clouds and a regression stage to determine the confidence degrees of descriptions, providing a semantic explanation for the predicted quality scores. Experimental results demonstrate that D3^3-PCQA exhibits robust performance and outstanding generalization ability on several publicly available datasets. The code in this work will be publicly available at
... In computer vision, point clouds may be used as a method for mapping high-dimensional shapes into lower-dimensioned space. We emulate the work of Quach et al (Quach, Valenzise, and Dufaux 2020) and treat the point clouds as static representations analagous to manifolds in three dimensional space. This captures a geometrical representation of packet data which we use for cluster analysis. ...
The use of voice-over-IP technology has rapidly expanded over the past several years, and has thus become a significant portion of traffic in the real, complex network environment. Deep packet inspection and middlebox technologies need to analyze call flows in order to perform network management, load-balancing, content monitoring, forensic analysis, and intelligence gathering. Because the session setup and management data can be sent on different ports or out of sync with VoIP call data over the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) with low latency, inspection software may miss calls or parts of calls. To solve this problem, we engineered two different deep learning models based on hidden representation learning. MAPLE, a matrix-based encoder which transforms packets into an image representation, uses convolutional neural networks to determine RTP packets from data flow. DATE is a density-analysis based tensor encoder which transforms packet data into a three-dimensional point cloud representation. We then perform density-based clustering over the point clouds as latent representations of the data, and classify packets as RTP or non-RTP based on their statistical clustering features. In this research, we show that these tools may allow a data collection and analysis pipeline to begin detecting and buffering RTP streams for later session association, solving the initial drop problem. MAPLE achieves over ninety-nine percent accuracy in RTP/non-RTP detection. The results of our experiments show that both models can not only classify RTP versus non-RTP packet streams, but could extend to other network traffic classification problems in real deployments of network analysis pipelines.
... Like previous works (Zhang et al., 2014;Cohen et al., 2016;de Queiroz and Chou, 2016;Thanou et al., 2016;de Queiroz and Chou, 2017;Pavez et al., 2018;Chou et al., 2020;Krivokuća et al., 2020), both V-PCC and G-PCC compress geometry first, then compress attributes conditioned on geometry. Neural networks have been applied with some success to geometry compression (Yan et al., 2019;Quach et al., 2019;Guarda et al., 2019a,b;Guarda et al., 2020;Tang et al., 2020;Quach et al., 2020a;Milani, 2020Milani, , 2021Lazzarotto et al., 2021), but not to lossy attribute compression. Exceptions may include (Quach et al., 2020b), which uses learned neural 3D → 2D folding but compresses with conventional image coding, and Deep-PCAC (Sheng et al., 2021), which compresses attributes using a PointNet-style architecture, which is not volumetric and underperforms our framework by 2-5 dB (see Figure 12B and Supplementary Material). ...
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We consider the attributes of a point cloud as samples of a vector-valued volumetric function at discrete positions. To compress the attributes given the positions, we compress the parameters of the volumetric function. We model the volumetric function by tiling space into blocks, and representing the function over each block by shifts of a coordinate-based, or implicit, neural network. Inputs to the network include both spatial coordinates and a latent vector per block. We represent the latent vectors using coefficients of the region-adaptive hierarchical transform (RAHT) used in the MPEG geometry-based point cloud codec G-PCC. The coefficients, which are highly compressible, are rate-distortion optimized by back-propagation through a rate-distortion Lagrangian loss in an auto-decoder configuration. The result outperforms the transform in the current standard, RAHT, by 2–4 dB and a recent non-volumetric method, Deep-PCAC, by 2–5 dB at the same bit rate. This is the first work to compress volumetric functions represented by local coordinate-based neural networks. As such, we expect it to be applicable beyond point clouds, for example to compression of high-resolution neural radiance fields.
... However, these volumetric methods result in huge memory and computational cost due to 3D convolutions. In addition, some researchers [31] projected a point cloud into collections of images. But the projecting transformation introduces unnecessary quantization artifacts. ...
Geometry-based point cloud compression (G-PCC) can achieve remarkable compression efficiency for point clouds. However, it still leads to serious attribute compression artifacts, especially under low bitrate scenarios. In this paper, we propose a Multi-Scale Graph Attention Network (MS-GAT) to remove the artifacts of point cloud attributes compressed by G-PCC. We first construct a graph based on point cloud geometry coordinates and then use the Chebyshev graph convolutions to extract features of point cloud attributes. Considering that one point may be correlated with points both near and far away from it, we propose a multi-scale scheme to capture the short and long range correlations between the current point and its neighboring and distant points. To address the problem that various points may have different degrees of artifacts caused by adaptive quantization, we introduce the quantization step per point as an extra input to the proposed network. We also incorporate a graph attentional layer into the network to pay special attention to the points with more attribute artifacts. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attribute artifacts removal method for G-PCC. We validate the effectiveness of our method over various point clouds. Experimental results show that our proposed method achieves an average of 9.28% BD-rate reduction. In addition, our approach achieves some performance improvements for the downstream point cloud semantic segmentation task.
Dynamic 3D point cloud sequences serve as one of the most common and practical representation modalities of dynamic real-world environments. However, their unstructured nature in both spatial and temporal domains poses significant challenges to effective and efficient processing. Existing deep point cloud sequence modeling approaches imitate the mature 2D video learning mechanisms by developing complex spatio-temporal point neighbor grouping and feature aggregation schemes, often resulting in methods lacking effectiveness, efficiency, and expressive power. In this paper, we propose a novel generic representation called Structured Point Cloud Videos (SPCVs). Intuitively, by leveraging the fact that 3D geometric shapes are essentially 2D manifolds, SPCV re-organizes a point cloud sequence as a 2D video with spatial smoothness and temporal consistency, where the pixel values correspond to the 3D coordinates of points. The structured nature of our SPCV representation allows for the seamless adaptation of well-established 2D image/video techniques, enabling efficient and effective processing and analysis of 3D point cloud sequences. To achieve such re-organization, we design a self-supervised learning pipeline that is geometrically regularized and driven by self-reconstructive and deformation field learning objectives. Additionally, we construct SPCV-based frameworks for both low-level and high-level 3D point cloud sequence processing and analysis tasks, including action recognition, temporal interpolation, and compression. Extensive experiments demonstrate the versatility and superiority of the proposed SPCV, which has the potential to offer new possibilities for deep learning on unstructured 3D point cloud sequences. Code will be released at .
3-D point clouds facilitate 3-D visual applications with detailed information of objects and scenes but bring about enormous challenges to design efficient compression technologies. The irregular signal statistics and high-order geometric structures of 3-D point clouds cannot be fully exploited by existing sparse representation and deep learning based point cloud attribute compression schemes and graph dictionary learning paradigms. In this paper, we propose a novel p -Laplacian embedding graph dictionary learning framework that jointly exploits the varying signal statistics and high-order geometric structures for 3-D point cloud attribute compression. The proposed framework formulates a nonconvex minimization constrained by p -Laplacian embedding regularization to learn a graph dictionary varying smoothly along the high-order geometric structures. An efficient alternating optimization paradigm is developed by harnessing ADMM to solve the nonconvex minimization. To our best knowledge, this paper proposes the first graph dictionary learning framework for point cloud compression. Furthermore, we devise an efficient layered compression scheme that integrates the proposed framework to exploit the correlations of 3-D point clouds in a structured fashion. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework is superior to state-of-the-art transform-based methods in M -term approximation and point cloud attribute compression and outperforms recent MPEG G-PCC reference software.
With the growth of Extended Reality (XR) and capturing devices, point cloud representation has become attractive to academics and industry. Point Cloud Compression (PCC) algorithms further promote numerous XR applications that may change our daily life. However, in the literature, PCC algorithms are often evaluated with heterogeneous datasets, metrics, and parameters, making the results hard to interpret. In this article, we propose an open-source benchmark platform called PCC Arena. Our platform is modularized in three aspects: PCC algorithms, point cloud datasets, and performance metrics. Users can easily extend PCC Arena in each aspect to fulfill the requirements of their experiments. To show the effectiveness of PCC Arena, we integrate seven PCC algorithms into PCC Arena along with six point cloud datasets. We then compare the algorithms on ten carefully selected metrics to evaluate the quality of the output point clouds. We further conduct a user study to quantify the user-perceived quality of rendered images that are produced by different PCC algorithms. Several novel insights are revealed in our comparison: (i) Signal Processing (SP)-based PCC algorithms are stable for different usage scenarios, but the trade-offs between coding efficiency and quality should be carefully addressed, (ii) Neural Network (NN)-based PCC algorithms have the potential to consume lower bitrates yet provide similar results to SP-based algorithms, (iii) NN-based PCC algorithms may generate artifacts and suffer from long running time, and (iv) NN-based PCC algorithms are worth more in-depth studies as the recently proposed NN-based PCC algorithms improve the quality and running time. We believe that PCC Arena can play an essential role in allowing engineers and researchers to better interpret and compare the performance of future PCC algorithms.
In recent years, we have witnessed the presence of point cloud data in many aspects of our life, from immersive media, autonomous driving to healthcare, although at the cost of a tremendous amount of data. In this paper, we present an efficient lossless point cloud compression method that uses sparse tensor-based deep neural networks to learn point cloud geometry and color probability distributions. Our method represents a point cloud with both occupancy feature and three attribute features at different bit depths in a unified sparse representation. This allows us to efficiently exploit feature-wise and point-wise dependencies within point clouds using a sparse tensor-based neural network and thus build an accurate auto-regressive context model for an arithmetic coder. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first learning-based lossless point cloud geometry and attribute compression approach. Compared with the-state-of-the-art lossless point cloud compression method from Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG), our method achieves 22.6% reduction in total bitrate on a diverse set of test point clouds while having 49.0% and 18.3% rate reduction on geometry and color attribute component, respectively.
Geometry-based point cloud compression (G-PCC) can achieve remarkable compression efficiency for point clouds. However, it still leads to serious attribute compression artifacts, especially under low bitrate scenarios. In this paper, we propose a Multi-Scale Graph Attention Network (MS-GAT) to remove the artifacts of point cloud attributes compressed by G-PCC. We first construct a graph based on point cloud geometry coordinates and then use the Chebyshev graph convolutions to extract features of point cloud attributes. Considering that one point may be correlated with points both near and far away from it, we propose a multi-scale scheme to capture the short- and long-range correlations between the current point and its neighboring and distant points. To address the problem that various points may have different degrees of artifacts caused by adaptive quantization, we introduce the quantization step per point as an extra input to the proposed network. We also incorporate a weighted graph attentional layer into the network to pay special attention to the points with more attribute artifacts. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attribute artifacts removal method for G-PCC. We validate the effectiveness of our method over various point clouds. Objective comparison results show that our proposed method achieves an average of 9.74% BD-rate reduction compared with Predlift and 10.13% BD-rate reduction compared with RAHT. Subjective comparison results present that visual artifacts such as color shifting, blurring, and quantization noise are reduced.
Conference Paper
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Efficient point cloud compression is fundamental to enable the deployment of virtual and mixed reality applications, since the number of points to code can range in the order of millions. In this paper, we present a novel data-driven geometry compression method for static point clouds based on learned convolutional transforms and uniform quantization. We perform joint optimization of both rate and distortion using a trade-off parameter. In addition, we cast the decoding process as a binary classification of the point cloud occupancy map. Our method outperforms the MPEG reference solution in terms of rate-distortion on the Microsoft Voxelized Upper Bodies dataset with 51.5% BDBR savings on average. Moreover, while octree-based methods face exponential diminution of the number of points at low bitrates, our method still produces high resolution outputs even at low bitrates. Code and supplementary material are available at .
Compression of point clouds has so far been confined to coding the positions of a discrete set of points in space and the attributes of those discrete points. We introduce an alternative approach based on volumetric functions, which are functions defined not just on a finite set of points, but throughout space. As in regression analysis, volumetric functions are continuous functions that are able to interpolate values on a finite set of points as linear combinations of continuous basis functions. Using a B-spline wavelet basis, we are able to code volumetric functions representing both geometry and attributes. Attribute compression is addressed in Part I of this paper, while geometry compression is addressed in Part II. Geometry is represented implicitly as the level set of a volumetric function (the signed distance function or similar). Experimental results show that geometry compression using volumetric functions improves over the methods used in the emerging MPEG Point Cloud Compression (G-PCC) standard.
Due to the increased popularity of augmented and virtual reality experiences, the interest in capturing the real world in multiple dimensions and in presenting it to users in an immersible fashion has never been higher. Distributing such representations enables users to freely navigate in multi-sensory 3D media experiences. Unfortunately, such representations require a large amount of data, not feasible for transmission on today’s networks. Efficient compression technologies well adopted in the content chain are in high demand and are key components to democratize augmented and virtual reality applications. The Moving Picture Experts Group, MPEG, as one of the main standardization groups dealing with multimedia, identified the trend and started recently the process of building an open standard for compactly representing 3D point clouds, which are the 3D equivalent of the very well-known 2D pixels. This paper introduces the main developments and technical aspects of this ongoing standardization effort.
Technical Report
TensorFlow [1] is an interface for expressing machine learning algorithms, and an implementation for executing such algorithms. A computation expressed using TensorFlow can be executed with little or no change on a wide variety of heterogeneous systems, ranging from mobile devices such as phones and tablets up to large-scale distributed systems of hundreds of machines and thousands of computational devices such as GPU cards. The system is flexible and can be used to express a wide variety of algorithms, including training and inference algorithms for deep neural network models, and it has been used for conducting research and for deploying machine learning systems into production across more than a dozen areas of computer science and other fields, including speech recognition, computer vision, robotics, information retrieval, natural language processing, geographic information extraction, and computational drug discovery. This paper describes the TensorFlow interface and an implementation of that interface that we have built at Google. The TensorFlow API and a reference implementation were released as an open-source package under the Apache 2.0 license in November, 2015 and are available at
In free-viewpoint video, there is a recent trend to represent scene objects as solids rather than using multiple depth maps. Point clouds have been used in computer graphics for a long time and with the recent possibility of real time capturing and rendering, point clouds have been favored over meshes in order to save computation. Each point in the cloud is associated with its 3D position and its color. We devise a method to compress the colors in point clouds which is based on a hierarchical transform and arithmetic coding. The transform is a hierarchical sub-band transform that resembles an adaptive variation of a Haar wavelet. The arithmetic encoding of the coefficients assumes Laplace distributions, one per sub-band. The Laplace parameter for each distribution is transmitted to the decoder using a custom method. The geometry of the point cloud is encoded using the well-established octtree scanning. Results show that the proposed solution performs comparably to the current state-of-the-art, in many occasions outperforming it, while being much more computationally efficient. We believe this work represents the state-of-the-art in intra-frame compression of point clouds for real-time 3D video.
Compressing attributes on 3D point clouds such as colors or normal directions has been a challenging problem, since these attribute signals are unstructured. In this paper, we propose to compress such attributes with graph transform. We construct graphs on small neighborhoods of the point cloud by connecting nearby points, and treat the attributes as signals over the graph. The graph transform, which is equivalent to Karhunen-Loève Transform on such graphs, is then adopted to decorrelate the signal. Experimental results on a number of point clouds representing human upper bodies demonstrate that our method is much more efficient than traditional schemes such as octree-based methods.
We introduce Adam, an algorithm for first-order gradient-based optimization of stochastic objective functions. The method is straightforward to implement and is based an adaptive estimates of lower-order moments of the gradients. The method is computationally efficient, has little memory requirements and is well suited for problems that are large in terms of data and/or parameters. The method is also ap- propriate for non-stationary objectives and problems with very noisy and/or sparse gradients. The method exhibits invariance to diagonal rescaling of the gradients by adapting to the geometry of the objective function. The hyper-parameters have intuitive interpretations and typically require little tuning. Some connections to related algorithms, on which Adam was inspired, are discussed. We also analyze the theoretical convergence properties of the algorithm and provide a regret bound on the convergence rate that is comparable to the best known results under the online convex optimization framework. We demonstrate that Adam works well in practice when experimentally compared to other stochastic optimization methods.
Conference Paper
Restricted Boltzmann machines were developed using binary stochastic hidden units. These can be generalized by replacing each binary unit by an infinite number of copies that all have the same weights but have progressively more negative biases. The learning and inference rules for these “Stepped Sigmoid Units ” are unchanged. They can be approximated efficiently by noisy, rectified linear units. Compared with binary units, these units learn features that are better for object recognition on the NORB dataset and face verification on the Labeled Faces in the Wild dataset. Unlike binary units, rectified linear units preserve information about relative intensities as information travels through multiple layers of feature detectors. 1.
Microsoft voxelized upper bodies - a voxelized point cloud dataset
  • Charles Loop
  • Qin Cai
  • Sergio O Escolano
  • Philip A Chou
Rectifier nonlinearities improve neural network acoustic models
  • Andrew L Maas
  • Y Awni
  • Andrew Y Hannun
  • Ng
Common test conditions for point cloud compression
  • Sebastian Schwarz
  • Gaelle Martin-Cocher
  • David Flynn
  • Madhukar Budagavi
Rectifier nonlinearities improve neural network acoustic models
  • maas
Common test conditions for point cloud compression
  • schwarz
PCC test model category 13 v3
  • mammou
Microsoft voxelized upper bodies - a voxelized point cloud dataset
  • loop