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Hybrid CNN-SVM classifier for efficient
depression detection system
Afef Saidi,Slim Ben Othman, Slim Ben Saoud
Advanced Systems Lab - Tunisia Polytechnic School, University of Carthage, BP 743 - 2078 - La Marsa, Tunisia,,
Abstract— Depression is a serious debilitating mental
disorder affecting people from all ages all over the world. The
number of depression cases increases annually in a continuous
way. Due to the complexity of traditional techniques based on
clinical diagnosis, there is a need for an automatic detection
system of the depression. In this paper we present a novel audio-
based approach to automatically detect depression using hybrid
model. This model combines convolutional neural networks
(CNN) and support vector machines (SVM), where SVM takes
the place of the fully connected layers in CNN. In this proposed
model, the features are automatically extracted using CNN and
the classification is done using the SVM classifier. This approach
was evaluated using DAIC-WOZ dataset provided by AVEC
2016 depression analysis sub-challenge. Experimental results
showed that our hybrid model achieved an accuracy of 68%
which outperform the CNN model (58.57%). Compared to the
previous audio-based works using the same DAIC-WOZ dataset,
our work showed a significant improvement in terms of accuracy,
precision and recall.
Keywords— Depression , CNN, SVM, hybrid model,
According to the World Health Organization (WHO),
depression is a common mental illness which affect about 300
million people worldwide (4.4% of the world’s population)
[1]. The number of affected people by depression is in a
continuing increase [2]. A large number of these people
abstain from seeking treatment either due to the high costs or
to a lack of awareness for the signs of depression.
Traditional methods for depression diagnostic usually are
based on clinical interviews that require an extensive
assistance of experts and the active involvement of the
depressed people [3].Therefore, several research efforts are
seeking for the development of an automated detection system
for depression. These approaches are based on machine
learning which rely on feature engineering for its success.
In this paper we propose a novel approach to classify whether
a person is depressed or not using only audio data. This
approach presents an alternative solution based on hybrid
CNN-SVM model to improve the classifier’s performance. In
this hybrid model, CNN works as a trainable feature extractor
and SVM performs as a classifier.
In order to evaluate the performance of such approach a
comparison between the proposed hybrid CNN-SVM model
and CNN model is investigated in this paper.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: A related work
for the depression detection is reviewed in section 2. The basic
concepts of CNN, SVM and our proposed hybrid CNN-SVM
model for depression detection are introduced in Section 3.
The experimental evaluation of our proposed approach and the
results are given in Section 4. Finally, conclusions are
presented in Section 5.
Some studies have investigated depression detection by means
of hand-crafted features. These features are the key success of
the traditional classifiers where the features are manually
extracted from raw data. The design of these features is often a
tedious task as it needs the test and selection to obtain a good
accuracy [4].
Tasnim et al. [5] explored the depression detection using
different machine learning algorithms (Random Forests, SVM,
Gradient Boosting Trees, Deep Neural Network) and the
acoustic features in voice. A set of 2268 audio features was
extracted from AVEC 2013 dataset. These features were
reduced to 791 features using Principal Component Analysis
(PCA). Using these features for classification task, it was
found that deep neural network gives the best results. While
for regression task, the best results were given by Random
Forest. In [1], Stepanov et al. aimed to extract features from
different modalities (speech, text, video) to estimate the
depression severity. The obtained results showed that
comparing to other modalities, behavioral characteristic
features extracted from speech gives the lowest mean absolute
error (MAE). The work in [3] explored two approaches for
feature extraction for the depression detection based on hand-
crafted features (statistic features) and CNN model. For
depression detection and severity estimation, both techniques
outperform the previous works.
On the other hand, other approaches have relied on deep
neural networks models to extract features. This technique
aims to extract the most discriminative features from the input
data in an implicit and automatic way.
In [6], Acharya et al. presented a depression detection model
using EEG signal and CNN model. The evaluation of the
proposed approach using EEG signals from the left and right
hemisphere achieved respectively accuracies of 93.54% and
95.49 %. Despite the fact that using EEG signal for depression
detection may give high performance, the process of data
collection and processing can be tedious and complex. Also,
considering that relevant insights may be afforded from audio
data [5] other researches have used it to detect depression.
Yang et al. [7] proposed a hybrid framework for the
classification and estimation of depression from audio, video
and text descriptors. This framework is based on the fusion of
DCNN-DNN models. The evaluation of the proposed model
using the development and test set achieved respectively a
MAE with 2.477, 4.359 which are better than the baseline
results. The authors in [8] suggested an audio-based method
for depression classification named DepAudioNet. This
method combined CNN and Long Short-Term Memory
(LSTM) to capture the short term and long-term temporal and
spectral correlations of the audio representation. Experimental
results showed that the suggested approach achieved a
superior result to the baseline (1.2× improvement in F1-score).
In this section, we first briefly introduce our approach.
Then we present the theory of CNN and SVM classifiers.
Lastly, we describe our proposed hybrid CNN–SVM model
for the depression detection.
A. Approach overview
While other researches focus on semantic features in the
audio signals to predict depression [9], this work addresses the
detection of depression from acoustic features in speech (such
as pitch, rhythm, intensity, articulation, etc.).
To analyze acoustic features of speech, a first step is the
segmentation of the person's speech. This step allows to
remove silence, noise and other speakers.
In order to extract acoustic features in speech, there are some
hand-crafted methods such as Mel-frequency cepstral
coefficients (MFCCs), chroma vectors, zero crossing rate, etc.
These techniques extract short-term and mid-term audio
features. However, these features provide lower level
representations of speech [10]. Hence, some features in the
speech of depressed subjects can be not detected.
Unlike these methods, spectrograms provide a high-level
representation of speech. In this work we aim to represent the
audio data via a spectrogram which will be fed as input to
CNNs as it requires images.
To obtain these spectrograms, a short-time Fourier transform
(STFT) is performed on the segmented audio data. This will
result on a matrix representation of a spectrogram where the
frequency and time are represented in the vertical and
horizontal axis, respectively. The frequency intensity at a
particular time is represented by a value in the matrix.
After this data preprocessing, the input data (spectrograms) is
given to CNN as an automatic feature extractor.
SVM was used instead of the fully connected layers as a
classifier. It received the extracted features from CNN as a
feature vector to perform the classification.
The overall process of our proposed approach is detailed in
Fig. 1.
Fig. 2 (b) shows the general workflow of our proposed
approach to detect the depression. This approach is compared
with the baseline model (a) based on CNN.
Fig. 1. Block diagram of our approach
Fig. 2. Workflow of the baseline model (a) , (b) General workflow of the
proposed approach
B. Convolutional Neural Networks
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) is composed of
two parts: an automatic feature extraction part and a
classification part.
A typical architecture of CNN consists mainly of three types
of layers [11].
• Convolution layers: in this layer a convolution operation
to the input data is done using convolution kernels
(filters) resulting a feature map.
• Pooling layers: the goal of this step is to keep as much
relevant features as possible while reducing the spatial
dimensions of the input for the next convolutional layer.
The most used pooling functions are Max and Average
(max / avg pooling).
• Fully connected layers: it converts the 2D feature maps
into a 1D feature vector after several iteration of
convolution and pooling. This vector will classify the
extracted features.
As shown in Fig. 3, the architecture of the CNN model used in
this work consists of 7 layers: 2 convolutional layers (CV)
with max-pooling (MP) and 3 fully connected layers (FC).
The CNN architecture was inspired from the work in [12].
Each input is an image with a dimension of 513x125 which
represent 4 seconds of audio.
The two convolution layers consists of 32 filters of size 3x3
resulting in a 32 feature maps after each layer followed by a
ReLU activation function.
To reduce the dimensionality of the feature maps, each
convolution layer is succeeded by a max-pooling layer
respectively with (4x3) filter, (1x3) stride and (1x3) filter,
(1x3) stride.
Subsequently, three dense layers followed by a dropout layer
of 0.5 are used. These dense layers have respectively 512, 256
and 512 neurons.
At last, to predict whether the output class is depressed or not
depressed a softmax function is utilized.
The CNN model was trained with a batch size of 64 and using
adadelta optimizer.
Fig. 3. CNN architecture
C. Support Vector Machines
SVM is a binary classification algorithm (for binary
classification problems) and a form of linear classifiers. It can
solve problems with small samples due to its ability of
generalization [13].
The principle of SVM is to find a linear separator of two data
classes or hyperplane with the maximum width (also called
margin) using a nonlinear transformation Φ (equation 1). This
margin is the distance between the separation boundary and
the closet data points. These latter are called support vectors,
they are used for the determination of the hyperplane (Fig. 4).
This transformation was carried out by kernel functions like:
• Linear kernel
• Polynomial kernel
• Sigmoid kernel
• RBF kernel (Radial Basis Function)
ƒ(x) = WT Φ(x) + b (1)
- W ϵ Rn,
- b ϵ R,
- Φ(x) is a feature map.
As the performance of SVM model depends on its hyper-
parameters among them the kernel choice, in our work we
used the Grid search method to find the best combination of
these hyper-parameters to build our SVM model.
Fig. 4. Principle of SVM
D. Hybrid CNN-SVM model
In this section, we describe the architecture of our
depression detection system based on hybrid CNN-SVM (Fig.
After the training of CNN, the fully connected layers are
replaced by SVM classifier to perform classification. SVM
take the outputs from CNN's hidden units as a feature vector
for the training step. The classification step is performed by
SVM on the test set using the automatically extracted features.
The process of the CNN-SVM combined model can be
summarized as follows:
1. The input data is fed to the CNN classifier for the
2. A feature vector can be automatically extracted, after
the training of CNN.
3. The fully connected layers of CNN are replaced by
SVM classifier which will be trained using the
automatically extracted feature vectors.
4. In the test step, a given input map is delivered to
CNN to obtain a test feature vector.
5. The classification is done by SVM classifier using
the given test feature vector.
Fig. 5. Architecture of the hybrid CNN-SVM model for depression detection
To assess the effectiveness of our proposed depression
detection system, we perform our experiments on the DAIC-
WOZ dataset.
In this section we will introduce the dataset, experimental
protocols, and discuss the obtained results.
A. Dataset
DAIC-WOZ database is a part of the corpus Distress
Analysis Interview Corpus (DAIC). It was compiled by USC
Institute of Creative Technologies and provided as part of the
2016 Audio/Visual Emotional Challenge and Workshop
(AVEC 2016) [14]. It was designed as a support for the
diagnostic of psychological distress conditions, such as
anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.
This database provides audio, video recordings and psychiatric
questionnaire responses (PHQ-8) in text format.
It contains audio recordings of 189 participants. These
participants undergo clinical interviews conducted by a virtual
interviewer named Ellie. The range of each interview is
between 7-33 minutes.
The dataset was split into 3 sets: training set (107 subjects,
57%), validation set (35 subjects, 19%) and test set (47 subjects
,25%). However, the provided test set is not labelled. Thus, we
used the validation set for the test.
Some interview clips of participants are troubled and cannot
be segmentable because of volume levels, proximity to the
interviewer, etc. This result in a total of 122 subjects (38
depressed and 84 non depressed).
B. Results
We carried our experimental studies so that we could
explore the efficiency of our classification technique based on
hybrid CNN-SVM for depression detection.
All experiments in this study were conducted on a laptop
computer with Intel Core (TM) i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz,
and NVIDIA GeForce MX 150.
The dataset used in this work introduce a classification bias
resulted from data imbalance between depressed and non-
depressed samples. The number of non-depressed subjects is
about three times larger than that of depressed ones.
To overcome this issue, the spectrograms of each participant
were cropped into 4 second slices. Then, participants were
randomly sampled in equal proportion from each class
(depressed, not depressed).
Fig. 6 exhibits an example of spectrogram of a depressed and
non-depressed subject.
Fig. 6. Spectrograms (in grayscale) of a depressed subject (left) and non-
depressed subject (right)
CNN model was trained on 40 randomly selected audio
segments from 31 participants in each category (depressed /
not depressed). The resulting data used for the training and test
sets is presented in table 1.
Total data
Training set
Test set
After the CNN training, a feature vector with 512 values was
obtained. This feature vector was fed as input to SVM
classifier for the training and testing phase.
Table 2 displays the test accuracies of CNN and hybrid CNN-
SVM on depression detection using DAIC-WOZ dataset.
Experimental results showed that our proposed model based
on hybrid CNN-SVM for depression detection achieved an
accuracy of 68% which outperforms the baseline CNN
classifier (58.57 %).
The combination of CNN and SVM's advantages allow to
achieve good results on depression detection while saving
both time and effort in the feature extraction step.
Accuracy (%)
Table 3 and table 4 provide the prediction performance of both
the baseline CNN model and our hybrid model through the
confusion matrix table. This latter identifies the number of
subjects (depressive and not depressive) correctly and wrongly
For the baseline CNN model, 241 depressed subjects are
correctly classified as depressed and 87 not depressed subjects
are correctly classified as not depressed.
On the other hand, with the hybrid CNN-SVM model, 199
depressed subjects are correctly classified as depressed and
182 not depressed subjects are correctly classified as not
Not depressed
241 (TP)
193 (FP)
Not depressed
39 (FN)
87 (TN)
TP: true positive, FP: false positive, TN: true negative, FN: false negative
199 (TP)
98 (FP)
Not depressed
81 (FN)
182 (TN)
The performance of our proposed model is further evaluated
by a comparison with other previous works. All these previous
works are audio-based approaches that have used the same
dataset (DAIC-WOZ database). In this evaluation, we employ
other metrics than accuracy such as precision, recall and F1-
The comparison of our approach for depression detection with
the previous related works is illustrated in table 5.
In terms of accuracy, our hybrid CNN-SVM model as well as
our CNN model outperforms results reported in [5] with SVM,
Random Forest and Gradient Boosting Tree (GBT) classifiers.
However, in this work the accuracy obtained using Deep
Neural Network (DNN) classifier is better than ours.
There are other metrics to evaluate the performance of the
built model more accurately especially in the case of
unbalanced dataset. Among these metrics, the precision, recall
and F1-score [15]. These metrics takes into consideration the
false positives (FP) and false negatives (FN) which are type I
error and type II error respectively.
Regarding the precision, which measure the correctly
classified depressed subjects from all the predicted depressed
cases, our CNN model is better than [16], [5] and [8]
respectively with 1.25×, 1.1 and 1.6×. Moreover, our hybrid
model is better than these works respectively with 1.5×, 1.2×
and 1.9×. This indicates that a significant part of depressed
subjects has been correctly classified as depressed. Thus,
proving the effectiveness of our approach.
Likewise, in terms of recall, which measures the correctly
classified depressed cases from all the actual depressed cases,
our CNN-SVM model is better than SVM, Random Forest,
GBT and DNN classifiers used in [5] respectively with 1.2×,
1.1×, 1.2× and 1.3×.
Overall, considering the F1-score , which is the harmonic
mean of the precision and recall, it can be seen that the F1-
score of both the CNN and our proposed model achieved high
values compared to the works in [16] and [8].
• Random
• 57.92
• 60.19
• 58.40
• 74.65
• 0.50
• 0.52
• 0.54
• 0.49
• 0.58
• 0.60
• 0.58
• 0.56
In this work, we have proved the applicability and the
efficiency of the combined CNN-SVM model on depression
detection using DAIC-WOZ database. In this hybrid model,
the CNN was used to automatically extracting features and the
SVM for depression detection (depressed/ not depressed).
Comparing to the baseline CNN model, our proposed
approach gives a better accuracy result with 68 %. This hybrid
model offers not only the automatic feature extraction using
the CNN, but also improved the classification accuracy
through the combination of the SVM classifier.
Compared to the previous audio-based approaches, our
proposed model achieved better results.
The performance of our proposed approach can be further
improved by increasing the training samples or some fine
tuning of the model’s parameters.
In the future, we intend to improve the accuracy of our model
by testing other architectures and to develop implementation
approach based on embedded systems.
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