Developing Teachers: The Challenges of Lifelong Learning
... Isso acontece tanto em estudos de aula com professores em serviço (Quaresma e Ponte, 2021), como em estudos de aula realizados na formação inicial de professores (e.g, Magnusson et al., 2021;Martins et al., 2023). Contudo, são poucos os trabalhos que investigam explicitamente a forma como são desenvolvidas dinâmicas de colaboração entre futuros professores e professores durante o estudo de aula realizado na formação inicial e que características assumem essas dinâmicas, uma vez que existem relações hierárquicas entre os participantes, o que entra em choque com o princípio de igualdade usualmente sublinhado na literatura sobre colaboração docente (e.g, Boavida e Ponte, 2002;Day, 1999). Para além disso, a colaboração é frequentemente encarada como um processo que decorre sem incidentes e sobre a qual não é feita referência às complexidades que acarreta. ...
... De acordo com Boavida e Ponte (2002), para que tal se verifique, os participantes devem trabalhar em conjunto, não numa relação hierárquica, mas numa base de igualdade de forma a promover ajuda mútua e a atingir objetivos do interesse de todos. Day (1999) vai ao encontro desta ideia e distingue colaboração de cooperação. Enquanto numa dinâmica de cooperação as relações de poder e os papéis dos participantes não são questionados, uma dinâmica de colaboração exige negociação entre os participantes, tomada de decisões conjunta, comunicação e aprendizagem mútua. ...
... Lesson study enables to encourage collaboration between teachers (Quaresma & Ponte, 2021), but also between prospective teachers conducted in initial training (Magnusson et al., 2021). However, there are few studies that explicitly investigate how collaborative dynamics develop among prospective teachers and teachers during lesson study, as there are hierarchical relationships between participants, contrary to the principle of equality in collaboration usually highlighted by the literature (Boavida & Ponte, 2002;Day, 1999). Thus, it is interesting to consider questions such as: Can prospective teachers and teachers effectively establish collaborative relationships during lesson study? ...
Pretendemos contribuir para o conhecimento sobre as dinâmicas colaborativas promovidas num estudo de aula realizado na formação inicial de professores. Analisamos um estudo de aula realizado com futuras professoras de Matemática e suas professoras supervisora e cooperante. A investigação é qualitativa e os dados foram recolhidos por meio de observação e de entrevistas individuais. Os resultados mostram que o estudo de aula realizado promoveu dinâmicas colaborativas por meio da discussão e partilha de ideias para alcançar objetivos comuns. No desenvolvimento dessas dinâmicas ocorreram situações críticas que influenciaram a dinâmica do grupo, a qual se revelou positiva.
... Teachers play a central role in the educational process, serving as the most valuable asset within schools. Standing at the interface of knowledge, skills, and values dissemination (Day, 1999), teachers are instrumental in shaping the connection between themselves and students. The relationship between teachers and students is pivotal in transmitting knowledge, skills and values to the students. ...
... The reflective account of my own school experience exposes a distressing incident that left a long-term impact on my perception of education and teachers (Day, 1999). The incident of involving corporal punishment on being failure in answering a question not only stresses the punitive nature of teaching practised over three decades ago but also raises questions about the relevance and efficacy of such disciplinary measures. ...
... This incident vividly reflects that teachers then were not so aware of the feelings and emotions of the students (Kaplan, 2018;Hargreaves, 1998;Keller & Becker, 2021) and they were quite indifferent with the students' needs and interest as well (Waller, 1965). Teachers did not seem to have been sensitive to the emotion of the students (Kaplan, 2018;Chen, 2019) and the fact that relationship between teacher and students can have long-lasting impact on students' learning (Day, 1999;Mainhard et al., 2018). They aimed to impart quality education to the students ignoring the fact that teacher-students relationship (Day, 1999), the way teachers express their feelings and emotions to the students (Keller & Becker, 2021), significance of addressing students' needs and interests (Kaplan, 2018), inspiring the students to learn (Timoštšuk & Ugaste, 2012) etc. are the pivotal factors in the endeavor of imparting quality education. ...
Student-teacher relationship is crucial in the process of imparting quality education which requires teachers to understand the emotional needs, interests, and, realities of the students. This auto-hermeneutic study was carried out with an objective of finding whether the teachers in the past and now are aware of the emotional needs, interests, and realities of the students in the context of Nepal. The study was conducted reflecting my own experiences as a school student, school teacher, and guardian of a school going boy. Analysing the three representative stories used as the primary information, the study concluded that there seems no substantial shift in the teachers’ attitudes and behavior in the Nepalese classrooms. Teachers appear to be insensitive regarding the emotional dynamics of teacher-student relationships in the Nepalese context. Thus, it is imperative to follow a holistic approach to teacher professional development that includes not only the transfer of content knowledge but also the cultivation of empathetic and emotionally aware educators.
... Whichever way teachers' CPD is looked at (Mitchell, 2013;Sachs, 2016) and analysed regarding how it occurs (Day, 2002;Nóvoa, 2017), there does seem to be a consensus as to it being a process (Day, 2002;Sandholtz, 2002;Evans, 2008;Mitchell, 2013;Sachs, 2016;Alves, 2020). The case of change within the personal or professional sphere, on the one hand, and a relevant contribution to innovation and change within a broader, social context, on the other, is defended by Evans (2008) and Sachs (2016) who bases herself on Evans's views (Evans, 2002(Evans, , 2008 of professional development, by recalling that it is an important process within a wider agenda of raising standards and increasing societal growth by improving education policies and practices. ...
... Whichever way teachers' CPD is looked at (Mitchell, 2013;Sachs, 2016) and analysed regarding how it occurs (Day, 2002;Nóvoa, 2017), there does seem to be a consensus as to it being a process (Day, 2002;Sandholtz, 2002;Evans, 2008;Mitchell, 2013;Sachs, 2016;Alves, 2020). The case of change within the personal or professional sphere, on the one hand, and a relevant contribution to innovation and change within a broader, social context, on the other, is defended by Evans (2008) and Sachs (2016) who bases herself on Evans's views (Evans, 2002(Evans, , 2008 of professional development, by recalling that it is an important process within a wider agenda of raising standards and increasing societal growth by improving education policies and practices. ...
... Examining the bigger picture, this vision could be central to understanding how teachers look at their professional development (namely in the context of transnational mobility projects) and how they actively participate, organise, manipulate and build their learning generated through their teaching organisation. It has been argued that reflection should be at the core of teachers' critical thinking and professional development while looking at all aspects of practice (Day, 2002). In effect, becoming and being a teacher involves having the need for place and time to allow and develop self-knowledge and self-construction (Nóvoa, 2017). ...
For several years, the European Commission has been investing in transnational mobility projects, namely Erasmus+, for the continuing professional development of teaching and non-teaching staff of schools for the sole purpose of improving the quality of education, as well as to establish networks of communications where teachers and schools can share their best practices and experiences. Although necessarily nestled in a proactive and positive school culture, these projects also have an impact on teachers professionally, but also on a personal level. This article therefore aims at studying how these international teacher professional development experiences change teachers' biographies and their narrative expressions and possibly transform how they identify themselves personally, as European citizens, and professionally as European teachers. Empirical data collected through a multiple case study in Portugal appears to confirm that a considerable shift in professional and personal identity occurs through the participation of Erasmus+ KA1 projects for teacher professional development.
... A aprendizagem profissional docente, concebida como fenômeno dinâmico, permanente, pessoal e socialmente constituído na interação entre professores e mediante o confronto e a modificação de ideias e da reinterpretação de experiências (Flores, 2004), envolve aprendizagens relacionadas ao campo disciplinar, ao ensino em sala de aula e de aspectos relacionados à gestão do ensino, elementos do contexto profissional, entre outros processos intrínsecos à docência (Day, 2001;Richit, 2021). Nessa direção, as práticas profissionais vivenciadas pelo professor ao longo da carreira contribuem para o seu processo de formação (Zeichner, 1993) e, portanto, para o seu desenvolvimento profissional (Guskey, 2002;Richit, 2023), pois propiciam aprendizagens de distinta natureza e em diferentes dimensões da docência Tomkelski, 2020). ...
... Nessa direção, as práticas profissionais vivenciadas pelo professor ao longo da carreira contribuem para o seu processo de formação (Zeichner, 1993) e, portanto, para o seu desenvolvimento profissional (Guskey, 2002;Richit, 2023), pois propiciam aprendizagens de distinta natureza e em diferentes dimensões da docência Tomkelski, 2020). Essas aprendizagens envolvem a área disciplinar, o ensino em sala de aula, os processos de aprendizagens dos alunos e suas dificuldades, elementos do contexto social e cultural de atuação, as finalidades da educação e mudanças na prática (Day, 2001;Richit, 2021). Laura Desimone, ao examinar os componentes do desenvolvimento profissional docente, afirma que esse processo circunscreve uma base robusta de conhecimento do conteúdo, envolve aprendizagem profissional ativa, é colaborativo, precisa estar alinhado aos currículos e políticas relevantes e, também, pressupõe tempo suficiente de aprendizagem para os participantes (Desimone, 2009(Desimone, , 2011. ...
... Ao assumirmos a perspectiva teórica da aprendizagem como um processo interativo e dinâmico (Clandinin, 1986;Borko, 2004), compreendemos que o envolvimento do futuro professor em distintas atividades relacionadas ao ensino, incluindo a própria atividade de ensinar, oportuniza-lhe a concretizar aprendizagens profissionais sobre vários aspectos da docência e da dinâmica escolar. As experiências espontâneas de aprendizagem profissional e as atividades planejadas e concretizadas nesse processo promovem o crescimento individual do professor (ou futuro professor) e do grupo, favorecem mudanças na qualidade do ensino e, assim, promovem o desenvolvimento profissional docente (Day, 2001;Richit, 2021). Fullan (1995) esclarece que as aprendizagens profissionais dos professores são concretizadas desde as primeiras experiências profissionais, alargando-se para toda a trajetória profissional dos professores em vista da natureza dinâmica e complexa dos contextos em que atuam. ...
... Through the exchange, confrontation, modification of ideas, and reinterpretation of experiences (Flores, 2004), teachers engage in learning processes that encompass various aspects. These include disciplinary knowledge, classroom teaching and management, elements of the professional context, and other intrinsic facets of the teaching profession (Day, 2001;Richit, 2021). It is important to note that the professional practices teachers encounter throughout their careers play a crucial role in their continuous development and ongoing formation (Zeichner, 1993). ...
... Consequently, these experiences contribute significantly to their professional growth (Guskey, 2002;Richit, 2023), as they provide diverse and multifaceted learning opportunities across different dimensions of teaching Tomkelski, 2020). The scope of these learning experiences encompasses a wide array of subjects, such as disciplinary knowledge, classroom teaching methods, understanding students' learning processes and their challenges, grasping the social and cultural context of educational practice, defining educational goals, and embracing transformative changes in their pedagogical approaches (Day, 2001;Richit, 2021). Laura Desimone's exploration of the components of teacher professional development highlights the essential factors that underpin this process. ...
... Both spontaneous experiences of professional learning and structured activities embedded in this process serve to foster individual growth among teachers (or prospective teachers) and promote collective advancement. Moreover, these experiences facilitate positive changes in the quality of teaching, thereby nurturing the trajectory of professional development (Day, 2001;Richit, 2021). Fullan (1995) elucidates that teachers' professional learning is an ongoing process that begins with their earliest professional experiences and continues throughout their entire career due to the dynamic and intricate nature of the educational contexts in which they operate. ...
... To allow professional development proceed successfully, it should be a continuous process and contributing to the general improvement of education (Bredeson, 2002). The purpose of PD programs should be both to enable and support teachers to provide the best possible instruction so that they become excellent by gaining competence, confidence, commitment and a sense of the joy of teaching (Anderson, 2001;Day, 1999;Day & Sachs, 2004). ...
... Additionally, Day (1999) views professional development as an amalgam of all natural learning experiences and conscious and planned activities, offers a broader understanding of the nature of the professional learning process. This wide definition emphasizes the deliberate nature of the learning process and highlights the necessity for participants to recognize and understand "natural learning" experiences as a component of the learning process. ...
This study aimed to examine faculty members' perceptions and practices regarding teachers' professional development in enhancing instructional quality at the University of Gondar, Ethiopia. To achieve this purpose, a qualitative research approach using a descriptive case study design was utilized. Data were collected from teachers, department heads, the education quality assurance office coordinator, a dean, and the leader of the higher diploma program, of the university through semi-structured interviews, observations, and focus group discussions. Data analysis was conducted through interpretative methods emphasizing narrative description. The findings revealed that teachers hold misconceptions about professional development and exhibit reluctance to engage in professional development activities, such as workshops and meetings. Additionally, the level of academic dialogue among teachers was found to be insufficient, leading to the dichotomization of faculty into 'old' and 'new' categories, which negatively impacted their commitment to professional development initiatives. To address these challenges, it is recommended that teachers cultivate a sense of responsibility and intrinsic motivation toward their professional development while fostering collaborative relationships. Furthermore, the Ministry of Education is urged to redesign and develop professional development training programs that avoid, if not reduce, the one-size-fits-all and top-down approaches currently prevalent in professional development initiatives.
... Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is critical for maintaining and enhancing teachers' skills and knowledge. Day (1999) highlights the importance of lifelong learning and the role of CPD in supporting teachers to engage in continuous improvement. CPD provides regular opportunities for learning and collaboration, which are essential for developing interdisciplinary competence (Day, 1999). ...
... Day (1999) highlights the importance of lifelong learning and the role of CPD in supporting teachers to engage in continuous improvement. CPD provides regular opportunities for learning and collaboration, which are essential for developing interdisciplinary competence (Day, 1999). Reflective practice and professional learning communities (PLCs) are key components of effective CPD, fostering an environment where teachers can reflect on their experiences and learn from their peers (DuFour & Eaker, 1998;Sch€ on, 1983). ...
In the context of rapidly evolving educational landscapes, enhancing the interdisciplinary competence of primary and secondary school teachers is essential to effectively address emerging pedagogical challenges. This paper aimed to map new trends and the possibility of interdisciplinary competence of primary and secondary school teachers. For this purpose, a systematic review was conducted. The resulting sample was further selected according to PRISMA guidelines, with screening and eligibility process conducted based on the inclusion criteria defined concerning the research objective. This research consisted 20 studies. The findings revealed a growing interest in this field from 2019–2023. Furthermore, the research methods were mainly qualitative research, followed by mixed research. Interdisciplinary competence of primary and secondary school teachers mainly consists of pedagogical knowledge of the relevant disciplines (PCK), pedagogical skills, communication and cooperation skills, teachers’ non-cognitive factors. The strategies for cultivating teachers’ interdisciplinary competence included professional teacher development programs, teacher cooperation models, teacher community operation, administrative support, and flexible management. Future research can focus on administrative reform, cooperation models, cognitive differences among teachers from various disciplines, the relationship between interdisciplinary competence and non-cognitive factors, as well as the construction of interdisciplinary learning platforms.
... The director himself must also promote an organizational culture that aligns with evaluation and quality education of the special education school unit. The findings regarding giving and receiving feedback are in line with the literature on conditions for professional learning in which it is known that peer feedback is crucial for teachers' learning (Day, 1999;Fullan, 2006). Teachers may have also developed wishful thinking as a result of completing the self-assessment process (Van Diggelen et al., 2013). ...
... Additionally, it appears likely that having teachers repeat the self-assessment process will increase the precise scores. Repetition will also help teachers acquire new information and comprehension and may be a necessary requirement for their professional development (Day, 1999). ...
Total quality management (TQM) is regarded as the fundamental basis for properly organizing educational activities and initiatives that improve the educational organization throughout its entirety. The purpose of this paper is to uncover to which extent the application of the principles of TQM can be used as a competitive advantage for the educational policy of special education school units. This is accomplished by assessing the main TQM criteria, which are, as stated in the European Excellence Model EFQM, leadership, human resources, collaborations and resources, processes, and strategies and policies. The study’s findings highlight the importance of the quality standards of the EFQM Excellence Model for the organizational strategy of Greek special education school units. Specifically, the findings reveal that self-evaluation of the leader and human resources, the collaborations with stakeholders, and the implementation of benchmarking techniques are key TQM performance indicators in Greek special education school units.
... Professionalism is a socially constructed agreement regarding the norms of being and behaving professionally (Day 1999). Professions are continually subject to societal scrutiny, leading to a constant evolution of the markers that define professionalism (Evetts 2003). ...
... The need for judicious compliance is enforced by the term 'policy' in the curriculum documents which sanctioned the belief that it was mandated by the government (Drake & Sherin, 2009). In line with the conclusion reached by Day (1999) it becomes clear that teachers are not likely to take ownership of a reform unless voice is constructed through a heightened awareness of collaboration and agency. Even though curriculumimposed decisions did not align with teachers' expressed realities, they felt compelled to comply. ...
Using the meta-theoretical tenets of social constructivism and the conceptual framework of Stephen Ball (2003), this qualitative study investigated teachers’ perceptions and practices in highly regulated reform policy contexts. Data capture involved semi-structured inter¬views and observations conducted over the period of a school year. Findings revealed that accountability and performativity measures that are aligned with the current reform have increased the complexity of teachers’ practices, intensified labour and heightened their need for compliance. The data revealed a dissonance between the perceptions of policy bureaucrats and teachers in relation to the efficacy of statistical goals within the paradigm of performativity However, the main factor that motivated teachers’ compliance and conformity hinged on the creation of a favourable impression and an appeasement of external agents. The central position of this article, how¬ever, holds that suppressing teachers’ professional judgement leads to the neglect of crucial learning goals such as learner motivation and critical thinking which are crucial aims of schooling. English teachers are best placed to support this type of learning, but it is doubtful whether silenced teachers can raise critical learners. Keywords: Teacher accountability; performativity; teacher compliance; teacher judgement; teacher voice.
... Onderzoek van Saatcioglu et al. (2011) Day, 1999;Guskey, 2000;Tienken & Achilles, 2003 (Placklé et al., 2020;Van Schaik, 2020;De Jong, 2021;Hagedoorn et al., 2023). Teamleden kunnen immers met en van elkaar leren door feedback en coaching. ...
Mbo-onderwijsteams verkeren in een unieke positie om de onderwijskwaliteit te verbeteren. Dit onderzoeksproject richtte zich op het bestuurlijk vermogen van mbo-instellingen. Twee onderzoeksvragen stonden centraal:
Welke bestuurlijke strategie en handelingskader bevorderen de professionalisering van onderwijsteams in mbo-instellingen?
Hoe en in welke mate is het organisatie-sociaalkapitaal van invloed op de relatie in onderzoeksvraag 1?
In samenwerking met Deltion College en SOMA College hebben ECBO en TIAS via een casestudy kennis ontwikkeld over de versterking van het bestuurlijk handelingsrepertoire in relatie tot professionaliseringsprocessen. Het onderzoek is gefinancierd door NRO ( Nationaal Regie-orgaan onderwijsonderzoek)
Focus van het onderzoek
De focus lag op het bestuurlijke niveau en de interacties binnen de bestuurlijke gemeenschap (CvB, directie, staf). De studie heeft inzicht gegeven in welk(e) bestuurlijke strategie en -handelingskader de professionalisering van onderwijsteams bevorderen.
... His life-changing event demonstrated his willingness to adapt and dedication to ongoing professional development (Beauchamp & Thomas, 2009). This is consistent with current viewpoints on the development of teachers, which highlight the fluidity of teaching beliefs and values and the significance of reflective adaptation to changing educational environments (Day, 1999). ...
This study uses a narrative inquiry method, focusing on the transformation journey of a pre-service EFL teacher named Brandon (pseudonym), to explore the complex process of professional identity construction and reconstruction for pre-service teachers to teach EFL from a teaching practicum. The study gathered information about critical events that shaped Brandon's professional identity through semi-structured interviews and diaries before and during his teaching practice. Using an innovative "story constellation" approach, the research creates a three-dimensional narrative, weaving together temporal, personal, social, and contextual aspects. This exploration of Brandon's journey illuminates the core tenets of effective language teaching, including adaptability, empathy, continuous learning, and a student-centred approach, thereby gaining a deeper understanding of the (re)construction of EFL teachers' professional identities. This study widens knowledge of EFL teachers' pre-teaching professional experiences and offers important implications for teacher education programs.
... Professional development also requires teachers to adapt to the changing environment and maintain teaching standards. Teachers ensure their professional development by improving their own learning and practices (Day, 1999;Hişmanoglu, 2010). ...
This action research was designed to examine the professional development program (PDP) of lecturers and the effects of the program’s processes on educational administrators and lecturers. The study involved 2 administrators and 10 lecturers from an English preparatory school at a private university in Istanbul. During the program, to gather insights into the achievements, challenges, and suggestions related to the program, semi-structured one-on-one interviews and focus group discussions were conducted with administrators and lecturers, alongside the use of reflective journals and observation forms. Content analysis was employed to analyze the data. Education administrators believe that the PDP enhanced internal communication within the organization, provided insights into organizational functioning, fostered the adoption of student-centered teaching methods, and contributed to the personal development of lecturers through self-criticism and increased self-confidence. Lecturers highlighted benefits such as experience sharing, critical thinking enhancement, student-centered teaching integration, and improved teaching skills. Time management is a common challenge for both administrators and lecturers, with the added concern among lecturers about being perceived as ineffective by students during teaching observations. In light of the findings, it is recommended to tailor activities to lecturers’ needs, offer a flexible program structure, and provide support mechanisms to help lecturers cope. Future research might involve larger samples and explore emotional states and challenges independently.
... Therefore, it is regarded as vital for improving educational standards, as teachers must continuously update their knowledge and skills to enhance their teaching and students' learning experiences in educational contexts (Hargreaves & Fullan, 1992). In addition to adapting to change, teachers are expected to serve as role models for lifelong learning, demonstrating dedication and enthusiasm towards ongoing education, as their primary responsibility is to cultivate effective learning habits in their students (Day, 1999). Within this context, CPD activities are expected to provide significant opportunities for intellectual, social, and emotional engagement with concepts, resources, and peers, both within and beyond the realm of teaching for teachers (Little, 1993). ...
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) has been one of the cornerstones of quality assurance and improvement practices as monitored by accrediting agencies. With many studies reporting inefficiency of traditional CPD methods, institutions are in pursuit of forming their new CPD agendas that are context sensitive. With this in mind, this case study reports the findings of a newly launched CPD program in an effort to integrate teacher autonomy into CPD at the School of Foreign Languages of a Turkish university. Specifically, the program offered the instructors four CPD activities to select from after analyzing previous semesters’ feedback forms, conducting an extensive literature review, and consulting to the institution’s CPD coordinators to determine the feasible CPD methods. Teacher trainer observation (TTO), peer observation (PO), self-reflection (SR), and teacher exchange (TE) were offered as alternative CPD activities. Data were collected from 123 instructors during the two terms when the system was implemented. Data analysis was conducted based on CPD documents of instructors’ selected activities, thematic analysis of interviews regarding the implementation of the new system and the patterns found in the document analysis. The findings showcased SR was the most preferred activity during both semesters whereas TTO was not selected at all. Among those who completed a CPD activity in both semesters, about half of them tried out a new method while the other half selected the same method for both semesters. The thematic analysis provided insights into these patterns and instructors’ perceptions towards the integration of autonomy into CPD activities.
... Professional development is a 'relatively young "science" within education' (Sparks and Loucks-Horsley, 1989, p.54) and has emerged as an area of study and research over the last few decades. Many journals and books dedicated to this area has been extensively written and some of these include those by Sparks and Loucks-Horsley (1989), Guskey (1998Guskey ( , 2000, Elliot (1991), Fullan and Hargreaves (1992), Fullan (1993), Darling-Hammond (1994), and Day (1999). These writings are recognized as some of the early works which have contributed to the emergence of various but almost similar definitions of professional development. ...
Fractional, or part-time teachers, commonly referred to as 'tutors,' have long been integral to higher education worldwide. Today as more and more universities are switching their educational modes to online and hybrid teaching and learning, a consequence of post Covid-19, the necessity to hire more online fractional academic staff has become even greater. However, for decades their role is often neglected, and they frequently lack the support required to fulfil their teaching responsibilities effectively. In the context of Malaysia, to date very limited empirical finding is available that investigates the support needs of fractional academic staff teaching online. The study reported in this paper is part of a larger study on higher education professional development among adjunct faculty. Understanding the needs of one of the largest faculties can offer valuable insights for enhancing the quality of online education. The main purpose of the study was to explore the support needs of fractional academic staff teaching online as perceived by the tutors themselves. The study adopted a mixed-method research design, utilizing questionnaire for quantitative approach followed by focus-group discussion as the qualitative approach. To understand if tutors were significantly more interested in one form of support to another, a Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA analysis was used. As for data obtained through focus-group discussion, thematic analysis was applied to identify most important and least important topics. The findings of the study revealed that fractional staff teaching online required four support needs, namely, professional support which included continuous online training programmes and seminars, structured operations and organizations that provide well-defined job descriptions related to their teaching roles, better recognition for their valuable contributions as well as better facilities by providing equitable workspace facilities. This study has crucial implications that suggest a need for a more inclusive and supportive approach to managing and developing fractional academic staff, particularly those involved in online education.
... Planned professional development procedures can potentially enhance teachers' knowledge and competence and are conducive to student achievement and learning (Alexandrou et al., 2005). Professional development refers to the naturally occurring learning/ teaching experiences and also deliberate and preordained activities whose ultimate function is to benefit the individual (teacher) directly or indirectly, which enhance the efficiency and quality of education in the classroom (Day, 1999, Uştuk & Çomoğlu, 2019. Language teachers' professional development draws upon two significant drives, i.e., external and internal. ...
Given the complex and multi-faceted nature of teaching and learning English in general and in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) contexts in particular and the ever-increasing integration of technology into second language curricula, it is incumbent upon EFL teachers to reflect on their teaching processes to incorporate new technological software and applications into their classrooms. In addition, a dearth of empirical and conceptual studies can be found in the literature on knowledge sharing and its relationship with teachers' professional development and self-efficacy. Accordingly, the study investigated a structural model of EFL teachers' knowledge sharing, professional development, and self-efficacy. About 83 EFL teachers in ten language schools were selected based on convenience sampling as the study's participants. Three questionnaires were used to collect the quantitative data, which were analyzed through descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation coefficient test, multiple regression, and path analysis. The findings revealed a significant relationship between EFL teachers' knowledge sharing on Google Meet and their professional development. A significant relationship was found between EFL teachers' professional development and their self-efficacy. It was also confirmed that EFL teachers' professional development mediates the relationship between knowledge sharing and their self-efficacy. The effectiveness of training teachers to use online technology is discussed.
... According to Hargreaves and Fullan (1992), CPD is required for teachers in order to consistently advance their knowledge and abilities in order to improve their teaching techniques and students' learning possibilities. Besides coping with the transition, a teacher's primary responsibility is to create lifelong learners in their students, so in addition to adjusting to change, he or she must show commitment to and enthusiasm for ongoing learning (Day, 1999). ...
This research investigated the high school EFL teachers’ continuous professional development
target needs, reflections, and challenges. Further, the target needs of the EFL teachers were analyzed by
adapting Hutchinson and Waters’ model (1987). The data were collected using a test, a questionnaire
(consisting of five parts), and an interview; these were administered to 20 high school EFL teachers. A test
was administered to identify EFL teachers' present situation and difficulties, and questionnaire parts 1, 2,
and 4 dealt with the EFL teachers' difficulties, needs, and purposes in the program. Moreover, these were
used to identify EFL teachers’ target needs centered on their lacks, necessities, and wants to function in the
target situation effectively. Parts 3 and 5 concerned high school EFL teachers' reflections and challenges in
the professional development program they are involved in. Additionally, interviews were conducted with
the high school EFL teachers to gather data and examine in-depth the results of the target needs, reflections,
and challenges. The results suggested that high school EFL teachers have different views of their lacks,
wants and necessities. The findings also demonstrated that the high school EFL teachers felt that the
current professional development program practiced in their school was never conducted to help EFL
teachers develop their profession. Finally, the results revealed that high school EFL teachers face various
challenges in the current program they are taking. Therefore, the professional development program should
be revised according to EFL teachers’ target needs, reflections, and challenges.
Keywords: EFL Teachers, Continuous Professional Development, Target Needs, Reflection, Challenges
... In our examining collaboration as one of the professional competencies of teachers, we draw on the works of Day (1999Day ( , 2012, who notes the following on the development of teacher professionalism: "Teachers' thinking and actions are the product of the interplay between their life histories, their current developmental stage, the classroom and school environment, and the broader social and political context in which teachers work" (Day, 1999, p. 6). ...
Context: Collaboration as one of the forms of professional practice of vocational teachers, which can be of benefit to VET schools (technical secondary schools and vocational secondary schools) and the whole segment of upper secondary education, has not been studied in the Czech Republic. Approach: The aim of this paper is to find out how teachers of vocational subjects and practical teaching evaluate collaboration with the school management and with each other in the schools. Based on a secondary analysis of data from the Czech School Inspectorate (CSI), we observe the rate and the intensity of cooperation between vocational teachers and school management and with each other in public VET schools and private VET schools. Findings: Beginning vocational teachers are more likely to work with school management to improve the educational process than teachers in later stages of their careers. In private VET schools, vocational teachers express a greater rate of cooperation with school management and among themselves than in public VET schools established by the region, but public VET school teachers show more intensive cooperation. Conclusion: Our findings are among the first results mapping vocational teachers' collaboration in the Czech Republic and our conclusions support the presumption of the differences of vocational teachers' collaboration between the schools.
... In fact, teacher professional development is an issue prevalent among EFL teachers in other contexts. This is supported by Craft (2000), Day (1999), Craft (2000), Diaz-Maggioli (2004), Guskey (2002), and Kennedy (2005) who maintain that TPD programs do not consider teachers' real needs and fail to provide ongoing support through practical, on-site activities, and hence, the training is unlikely to lead to meaningful changes in teachers' practices or behaviors. That is, Teacher Professional Development (TPD) programs are intended to enhance educators' skills, knowledge, and instructional practices. ...
... In fact, teacher professional development is an issue prevalent among EFL teachers in other contexts. This is supported by Craft (2000), Day (1999), Craft (2000), Diaz-Maggioli (2004), Guskey (2002), and Kennedy (2005) who maintain that TPD programs do not consider teachers' real needs and fail to provide ongoing support through practical, on-site activities, and hence, the training is unlikely to lead to meaningful changes in teachers' practices or behaviors. That is, Teacher Professional Development (TPD) programs are intended to enhance educators' skills, knowledge, and instructional practices. ...
This article explores the current state of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) education in Morocco, identifies key challenges, and proposes strategies for improvement. Through a mixed-methods approach involving surveys and interviews with EFL teachers and students, the study highlights issues such as inadequate teacher training, out-dated curricula, and limited access to resources. The findings suggest that professional development for teachers, curriculum reform, integration of technology, and student-centred teaching approaches are crucial for enhancing EFL education in Morocco. The article concludes with practical recommendations and a call for policy support.
... The professional development of teachers is the primary mechanism that can equip teachers to address the complexities of the modern era. Day (2002) discussed the teacher professional development in terms of the individual, group, and institutional growth of teachers' social and professional lives (Bayram & Canaran, 2020;Gyamfi et al., 2023). In this connection, Maggioli (2004) characterized PD as a career-long phase in which teachers gain knowledge to improve their skills and competence to meet students' needs and their professional status. ...
Effective leadership and management are vital for educational institutions to create high-quality environments for faculty members and to facilitate efficient teaching and learning. Therefore, this qualitative study aimed to investigate the perception of university directors and principals regarding provision of professional development opportunities for faculty members and the effectiveness of these opportunities. A total of seven directors and principals from different divisions & campuses of University of Education, Lahore were selected as a sample for the study using a purposive sampling technique. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to gain in-depth information from the directors and principals. Thematic analysis was used to analyze data after transcription. Researchers explored consensus among directors and principals regarding professional development opportunities offered by University of Education & their perceived effectiveness. Based on the findings, induction training and adequate funding from the higher education regulatory bodies such as the Government of Pakistan, HEC, and PHEC are required for the improvement in offering and tailoring these PD opportunities, which could eventually aid in faculty members' professional advancement.
... The outcome of which may well be an increasing number of registered nurses obtaining certification in their chosen nursing specialty. Day (1999) suggested that only those institutions that are "concerned about the lifelong development of all their members" can develop lifelong learners (p. 20). ...
A legislatively regulated and self-regulating profession, such as nursing, holds its members (registered nurses) accountable to the public it serves for the continuous development of the competencies they profess to hold. A requirement for competency is lifelong learning and can be evidenced through certification. In this paper, the interrelationship of lifelong learning, certification, and registered nursing practice is examined. Strategies used to support certification through a lifelong learning approach are described.
... The DigCompEdu guidelines outlined by the European Commission [9] delineate key skills areas to be cultivated, and it is necessary for teachers to have the ability to plan and implement the use of digital technologies in the learning and teaching process effectively [10], namely: a) for professional development; b) to create and share resources for learning; c) management of the use of technologies in the teaching and learning process; d) to make improvements in assessment; e) promote the adoption of technologies among students as part of the learning strategy; f) promote skills necessary to promote digital skills. Also, teachers will be able to achieve educational goals if they are fit and prepared for the profession, always maintaining the spirit of constant improvement [11] with professional growth being an inevitable and continuous process of learning [12]. The ICT and virtual environments has created opportunities for sustaining and enhancing cooperation, interaction, and knowledge growth, thereby enriching the potential for collaborative learning within teams [13]. ...
... Mas há igualmente que ter presente o carácter fundamental do autoconhecimento do professor e do desenvolvimento dos seus recursos e capacidades próprias -ou seja, a dimensão do desenvolvimento do professor como pessoa. Dentro dessa complexidade que permeia o desenvolvimento profissional, Estevam (2015) tomando Day (1999) como aporte teórico, considera o desenvolvimento profissional como um processo que envolve inúmeras "experiências de aprendizagem espontânea". Os professores assumem um papel de promotores de transformação, tanto na perspectiva individual quanto coletiva, ao renovarem e expandirem sua influência no ensino. ...
Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar, por meio das narrativas (auto)biográficas, as trajetórias formativas e de desenvolvimento profissional de professores de matemática que ensinam probabilidade e estatística no Ensino Médio. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa de abordagem (Auto)biográfica, composta por um corpus de oito narrativas, em que os professores de matemática narram as suas trajetórias formativas e de desenvolvimento profissional. Essas narrativas foram produzidas a partir de um curso de extensão, intitulado Práticas Pedagógicas em Educação Estatística em nível de formação continuada na modalidade de ensino a distância (EaD). A estratégia de análise toma como suporte o software IRaMuTeQ, com base nas análises de similitude e da Classificação Hierárquica Descendente (CHD). A análise lexicográfica do corpus textual das narrativas propiciou quatro categorias: indícios identitários do educador estatístico, desafios postos pelo ensino remoto, experiências e desafios no ensino da estatística, e espaços de formação e constituição docente como eixos de análise. Os resultados revelam ressignificação de práticas em sala de aula para o ensino da estatística, a influência familiar para a profissão docente, a importância dos espaços virtuais de aprendizagem, e além disso, apresentam dois indícios da identidade do educador estatístico: compromisso com o redimensionamento das práticas pedagógicas e compartilhamento das análises reflexivas sobre as experiências obtidas ao longo do processo formativo.
... Digital tools are important in the production, sharing, teaching and learning of information. Some of the benefits of digital tools are offering a flexible learning opportunity for students of all ages, making the learning process independent of time and place, and offering learners the opportunity to learn at their own pace (Day, 2002;Trilling & Fadel, 2009;Van Laar et al., 2017). For learners to take advantages of these benefits effectively and efficiently, teachers are supposed to have high levels of digital competences for the production and delivery of contents as well as assessment. ...
The purpose of this study is to examine the perceptions of college students towards digital competencies and how they evaluate their level of competency. The participants were 20 students (10 males and 10 females) learning English as a foreign language (EFL) at the School of Foreign Languages of a private university in İstanbul, Türkiye. Data were collected via a socio-demographic questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. Inductive Thematic Analysis approach was utilized to determine the themes that occurred in the qualitative data. To achieve this, Braun and Clarke’s (2006) six-step procedure was followed. The results revealed themes such as 1) skills for digitalization, 2) ownership of digital tools, 3) positive attitudes towards digital competencies in language education, 4) needs related to assessment, communication, interaction, resources, information, lessons and teachers and finally, 5) differences between before and after distance education in terms of digital competencies.
... The features of effective CPD are categorized differently (see Adey, 2004;Guskey, 2000;Day, 1999), yet there is consensus throughout the reviews of it. According to Whitehouse (2011), there are six main components of an effective CPD: identifying the requirements of the learners, employing external expertise, being subject-specific, collaborative, and sustainable. ...
It is a fact that teachers worldwide are aiming at one thing and one thing only: students’ success. To this end, teachers must continue learning and developing their skills. It is necessary to engage in self-evaluation through some activities, which include collaboration, interaction and reflection. One way of achieving this is to have peer observations, which enable teachers to focus on a ‘problematic area’ of their teaching with a colleague. However, teachers often perceive peer observations negatively as they resonate with institutional observations. This study aims to investigate EFL instructors’ value systems, emotions, and reflections on paired peer observation in higher education. For this purpose, eight EFL instructors at a foundation university in Turkey were interviewed about their existing beliefs, attitudes, and values. Then, the pairs observed each other and were again interviewed to explore the changes in their value systems and to study the emotions that emerged in each step of the process, which constitutes a gap in the literature. Finally, they were asked to write reflective essays to examine the impact of observing each other on their reflectivity and professional development. Findings indicate a change in instructors’ existing beliefs on the ideal partner and an increase in their willingness to continue doing paired peer observations as they increase collegiality between the partners and enhance their motivation and self-efficacy. Also, the participants' negative emotions towards peer observation were quickly replaced with positive ones once the observation happened. An unexpected finding is that the participants found giving feedback to their partners harder than receiving feedback. The suggested ground rules to have a smooth observation activity can be implemented.
... In instruction-based mentoring, mentors tend to believe that novice teachers steadily improve their teaching although their experiences include periods of growth, stagnation, and even regression (Yufu, 2009). When novice teachers encounter difficulties, the mentor and the mentees may perceive these experiences negatively if they believe that progress should be always linear (Day, 1999). Researchers pointed out the problem that mentors tend to speak excessively because the relationship between mentors and mentees is inevitably asymmetrical due to the unbalance of their position and experience (Schein, 2009;Wakimoto, Kariyado, Yaegashi, Mochizuki, & Nakahara, 2013). ...
This study pursues interventions by mentors in different mentoring phases. The mentoring refers to Engeström’s (2011. From design experiments to formative interventions. Theory & Psychology, 21(5), 598–628) formative intervention to promote the self-directed development of novice teachers. This study involved data obtained from the preliminary survey, fieldwork experiences, and interviews with mentees during teacher training. The survey data were descriptively analysed for the close-ended question and thematically coded using an inductive approach. The fieldwork and interview data were thematically analysed. This study uncovered themes with supporting subthemes to identify mentors’ activities addressed during the mentoring process: designing a class, determining teaching methods, and reviewing a class. The themes for these processes were setting the direction for self-directed problem-solving, collaboratively clarifying unclear and ambiguous aspects of the teaching method, assessing good instructions and providing clues for further growth, and designing an opportunity for learning in dialogic communication and mutual negotiation. Mentor training opportunities are needed for experienced teachers to pursue the intervention that supports the self-directed development of novice teachers. This is a unique study to explore interventions that meet the needs of novice teachers according to mentoring phases, in certain contexts.
... School Heads play a key role in the delivery of quality education and instruction. The impact of the changing economic, social, and knowledge contexts on the education service has caused a move, then from the traditional post-war model of the autonomous professional (Day, 1999). Thus, school heads must continue emptying their own cup so they can fill it with the new learning, strategies, principles, and techniques that would lead them to produce quality teachers who could provide quality education to globally competitive students. ...
The advent of 21st century education and the emerging trends of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (FIRE) call for the education sector to develop new ways and means to improve the education system of the Philippines. Hence, the study aims to generate a theory relative to the characterization of the acclaimed 21st century public secondary school heads in the Province of Cebu, Philippines. This study utilized the Glaserian grounded theory design with 18 participants composed of teachers, students, and public school district supervisors. After thorough data collection and analysis, the study has generated a grounded theory explicating the seven attributes of school head who can successfully navigate the school operations and efficiently address the challenges in the 21st century environment. These attributes include the acquisition of a globally competitive mindset, being a lifelong learner, an effective communicator and collaborator, a sound and impartial decision maker, a dignified instructional leader, being strategic and resilient, and transformative.
... Generally speaking, it appears that professionalism relates to what is required and expected from the personnel in any job (Day, 1999). In addition, as shown by Hoyle, "professionalism can be defined as the policies and methods used by staff members in a particular profession to improve position, income and situation" (Hoyle 1967, as cited in Evans, 2008. ...
... Besides coping with the advancement in the education system, teachers need to be role models for their learners, which is only possible if they focus on their continuous learning and development (Day, 1999). That is true that many students see their teachers as good role models, especially when teachers are smart and well-equipped. ...
Professional development (PD) is an on-going learning process in which teachers are engaged to boost their teaching knowledge and improve their teaching skills. Better teaching, eventually, may lead to better student learning and high-quality educational system. In the Saudi Arabian context, this study was designed to investigate school English teachers’ attitudes towards professional development, whether they have positive, neutral, or negative views on PD. To that aim, more than 400 English teachers who are currently working at schools in Saudi Arabia were invited to participate in the research by doing a questionnaire, which has 23 closed-ended questions, over a five-point scale. The questionnaire statements were then categorized according to three factors for better results. The three dimensions were the importance of professional development to English teachers, teachers’ autonomy towards PD according to their needs, and the role of school to encourage teachers to do more PD activities. The study results showed that teachers strongly agree that professional development is important to them. Moreover, four more teachers were invited to a semi-structured interview. They were asked eight questions about professional development, and they all confirmed that professional development is so important to them, and the results showed that those four teachers have positive views about PD regardless of the obstacles they encounter and the frustration they sometimes have due to the lack of appreciation from some schools and employers. Therefore, this study is based on mixed-research methods using both qualitative and quantitative data simultaneously and integrating the obtained findings to address the research question. It is hoped that not only the teachers who participated in the research could benefit from it, but teachers in Saudi Arabia and schools all around the globe as well. Three major implications were suggested from the results of this study which are raising teachers’ awareness of the importance of professional development, designing professional development activities that are relevant to teachers’ needs, and showing more appreciation from schools and employers to teachers who pursue professional development.
... Ao analisarmos o segundo núcleo de significação, pudemos observar que os conceitos de DPD definidos por Day (1999) e por Heideman (1990) e Perrenou (1999) deixam claro que a "adaptação como núcleo central do DPP" é compreendida como perspectiva que visa a instituir o controle sobre a formação humana, no sentido de adequá-la a pretensos imperativos postos de forma externa -de produção e de consumo. Para realizar esse intento, restringe-se o sentido da experiência formativa, tomada, nessa perspectiva, como a ação de treinar, em situações cotidianas, os conhecimentos obtidos na escola, nas competências e nas habilidades. ...
Neste artigo, discorremos acerca dos conceitos, das definições e dos modelos referentes ao Ciclo da Carreira Docente (CCD), buscando discutir se há diferença entre este e o Desenvolvimento Profissional Docente (DPD). Ainda, explanaremos sobre a questão do ciclo relacionado ao tempo de carreira docente, fazendo uma análise sobre o processo de inserção do profissional neste âmbito, discutindo a relação entre a idade cronológica e a idade de ingresso no mundo do trabalho. Para tanto, estabelecemos um paralelo entre a pesquisa de Huberman (1992) e de outros autores, e consideramos que o CCD estudado não é algo fechado, mas aponta para possibilidades de se pensar e estudar a carreira docente, sendo que um professor, independentemente do tempo de atuação como questão central para definir a sequência normativa, pode vivenciar outra fase da carreira, aliada às condições objetivas do trabalho.
... The correlation between performance in reading and professional development activities, such as university courses and marking or scoring sessions, can be explained by their role in helping teachers to better understand the particular challenges associated with the academic success of Canadian allophone students and in enhancing their existing capabilities to interact more effectively and provide vital feedback to meet the needs of this student population (i.e., students whose first language differs from the language of instruction) (Armand et al., 2008;Beacco et al., 2016;Cenoz & Gorter, 2014;Clement & Vandenberghe, 2000;Day, 1999;Hargreaves & Fullan, 1992;Moreira, 1996). Reading achievement was shown in this study to be better among Canadian allophone students born in Canada who experienced an easier integration in school and had earlier access to the language of instruction since their birth in the host country (Armand et al., 2008). ...
p>This study examines the impact of teachers’ professional development on Canadian allophone students’ learning and reading performance levels. We used the data from the Pan-Canadian Assessment Program 2016 involving Grade 8/Secondary II Canadian allophone students (N = 2,244) and teachers in French and English Language Arts (N = 598). Our correlation results show that Canadian allophone students’ reading achievement was positively associated with teachers’ professional development activities such as academic pursuits (e.g., university courses) and marking or scoring sessions. The correlations also demonstrate that teachers’ professional practice of curriculum development had a positive influence on the learning levels of Canadian allophone students who were born in Canada, while teachers’ participation in professional learning communities had a positive effect on Canadian allophone students who were not born in Canada.</p
... Teorias de desenvolvimento profissional, como as propostas por Christopher Day e John Sachs, oferecem uma base teórica robusta para entender como apoiar e aprimorar a formação docente. Day (1999) destaca que o desenvolvimento profissional eficaz deve ser contínuo, sistemático e integrado à prática diária dos professores. Ele enfatiza a importância de um aprendizado reflexivo e colaborativo, onde os professores possam refletir sobre suas práticas, compartilhar experiências e construir conhecimento conjuntamente. ...
Este artigo tem como objetivo examinar o Desenvolvimento Profissional Docente (DPD) em clubes de ciências. Inicialmente, definimos o conceito de DPD e destacamos sua importância na formação de professores de ciências. Em seguida, exploramos as diferentes categorias de artigos relacionados ao tema, incluindo pesquisas empíricas, revisões de literatura e estudos de caso. Cada categoria contribui para uma compreensão mais ampla do DPD em clubes de ciências, fornecendo insights sobre estratégias de desenvolvimento profissional, desafios enfrentados pelos professores e impacto na prática pedagógica. Ao longo dos anos, observamos uma tendência crescente de interesse no DPD, acompanhada por mudanças nas abordagens de formação de professores e padrões de avaliação. No entanto, ainda há lacunas a serem preenchidas, especialmente em relação à implementação de práticas eficazes de DPD e sua sustentabilidade a longo prazo. A análise temporal revela uma evolução significativa no campo, mas também destaca a necessidade contínua de pesquisa e desenvolvimento nessa área vital da educação científica.
... Esto incluye experiencias de aprendizaje concebidas para beneficiar directa e indirectamente a individuos, grupos de individuos y a la propia escuela como organización. A su vez, los docentes pueden revisar, renovar y desarrollar continuamente su compromiso como agentes de cambio (Day, 1999). En este sentido, Garcia y Miranda (2017, p. 2213) destacan: "la escuela es el local más apropiado y colaborativo para el desarrollo profesional docente. ...
Comprender las escuelas en su papel de enseñanza y aprendizaje, implica entenderlas como espacios donde los docentes pueden desarrollarse profesionalmente. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar las prácticas de liderazgo pedagógico de directores y coordinadores pedagógicos que apoyan el desarrollo profesional docente en escuelas con buen desempeño escolar, en un contexto socioeconómico medio y con diferentes niveles de complejidad en la gestión escolar. Se realizó un estudio de caso múltiple en tres escuelas de Sao Paulo. La recolección de datos incluyó entrevistas en profundidad, grupos focales, observación no participante, shadowing y recopilación de documentos solicitados y no solicitados. Como resultados, se encontraron siete prácticas principales de liderazgo pedagógico relacionadas directa e indirectamente con el desarrollo profesional docente. La complejidad de la gestión escolar influye en estas prácticas, que son llevadas a cabo, por 14 factores distribuidos en cinco dimensiones: alumno, profesor, coordinación pedagógica, organización escolar y política educativa.
... Pre-service teachers are expected to take up innovative technologies and teaching methods. To achieve good teaching performance, pre-service teachers need to constantly enrich their knowledge and thus, lifelong learning is necessary (Day, 2002). Pre-service teachers are expected to have a wealth of subject and pedagogical knowledge to support their future teaching. ...
The development of pre-service teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) has attracted wide attention among scholars and teacher educators worldwide. However, few studies have explored pre-service teachers' TPACK in the context of teaching contest. To fill the research gap, this study interviewed three pre-service English teachers who participated in competitive teaching contest to uncover the influence of the teaching contest on their TPACK development. Findings suggested their TPACK was greatly developed through observations of role models, instructional design practice, peer collaboration, expert feedback, and self-reflection. Finding of the study enriched people's understanding of TPACK theory and provide valuable suggestions for pre-service teachers, university teacher training programs, and teacher educators to improve pre-service teachers' TPACK.
... Destaca-se uma evolução positiva do relacionamento interpessoal dos alunos uma vez que, ao longo desta segunda sessão, houve aprendizagem colaborativa dos alunos ao serem capazes de aceitar diferentes sugestões e tomar decisões conjuntas e com a aprovação de todos os elementos do grupo (Day, 1999). O grupo em questão revelou ainda conhecimentos sobre as diferentes uma espetada com as quatro frutas e foi registá-la ao quadro da sala (Figura 18). ...
O Pensamento Computacional (PC) é uma capacidade matemática reconhecida na literatura da especialidade como essencial no processo de resolução de problemas. Neste artigo apresentamos uma proposta para desenvolver o PC no 4.º ano de escolaridade do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico português, através do modelo de Ensino Exploratório. Implementaram-se três sessões, com o objetivo de desenvolver o PC dos alunos e colmatar as suas dificuldades de relacionamento interpessoal. Durante as sessões, planificadas com base neste modelo de ensino, os alunos resolveram em grupo e de forma colaborativa tarefas que envolveram conceitos matemáticos, como a orientação espacial, recolha, organização e análise de dados e a interpretação e modelação de situações com a multiplicação no sentido combinatório. Estas sessões promoveram a incorporação de tarefas que permitiram o desenvolvimento das cinco dimensões do PC e a superação das dificuldades de relacionamento interpessoal, além de contribuir para o aprofundamento dos conhecimentos matemáticos mencionados.
... Öğretmen adaylarının yaşam boyu öğrenme algılarının yüksek olması, ülkenin yaşam boyu öğrenen bir toplum olması adına olumlu bir gelişme olduğu söylenebilir. Çünkü öğretmenlik mesleği sürekli değişimin ve gelişimin gerekliliğine işaret etmekte ve her zaman öğrenmeyi gerektirmektedir (Day, 1999). Longworth ve Davies (1996) de öğretmenlerin yaşam boyu öğrenmelerinin yüksek düzeyde olmasının önemli olduğunu, öğretmenlerin kendi yaşam boyu öğrenmelerinin desteklenmesi ve yönlendirilmesini öğrenciye yansıtacağı, öğrencilerini de kendisinin gelişmeler ve yenilikler doğrultusunda geliştirip ilerleyebileceğini belirtmiştir. ...
Araştırmanın amacı öğretmen adaylarının akademik okuryazarlıklarına ve yaşam boyu öğrenmelerine ilişkin algılarını belirlemek ve akademik okuryazarlık algılarıyla yaşam boyu öğrenme eğilimleri arasındaki ilişkiyi ortaya koymaktır. Nicel araştırmalardan ilişkisel tarama modelindedir. Araştırmada uygun örnekleme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemi 2022-2023 eğitim-öğretim yılında Ege Bölgesi'ndeki bir kamu üniversitesindeki eğitim fakültesinde farklı bölümlerde öğrenim gören gönüllü 359 öğretmen adayıdır. Veriler google form aracılığıyla dijital ortamda toplanmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak "Kişisel Bilgi Formu", "Akademik Okuryazarlık Ölçeği" ve "Yaşam Boyu Öğrenme Eğilimleri Ölçeği" kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucunda öğretmen adaylarının akademik okuryazarlık algıları ve yaşam boyu öğrenme eğilimlerinin yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir. Öğretmen adaylarının bilgi kullanımı boyutuna ilişkin algılarının diğerlerinden daha düşük olduğu görülmüştür. Öğretmen adaylarının akademik okuryazarlık algılarıyla yaşam boyu öğrenme eğilimleri arasında yüksek düzeyde pozitif ve anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Öğretmen adaylarının akademik okuryazarlık algılarının artması yaşam boyu öğrenme eğilimlerini oldukça arttırdığı söylenebilir. Ayrıca öğretmen adaylarının akademik okuryazarlıkları, yaşam boyu öğrenme eğilimlerindeki toplam varyansın % 40'ını açıklamaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Akademik okuryazarlık, yaşam boyu öğrenme eğilimleri, öğretmen adayları, ilişkisel tarama modeli. ABSTRACT The aim of the study is to determine pre-service teachers' perceptions of their academic literacy and lifelong learning and to explore the relationship between their perceptions of academic literacy and their lifelong learning tendencies. In this quantitative research in the relational survey model, convenience sampling method was used. The sample of the study consisted of 359 volunteer pre-service teachers studying in different departments at the faculty of education of a public university in the Aegean Region in the 2022-2023 academic year. Data were collected digitally through a google form. "Personal Information Form", "Academic Literacy Scale" and "Lifelong Learning Dispositions Scale" were used as data collection tools. As a result of the study, it was determined that pre-service teachers' academic literacy perceptions and lifelong learning dispositions were high. It was observed that pre-service teachers' perceptions of the "use of knowledge" dimension were lower than the others. A highly positive and significant relationship was found between pre-service teachers' academic literacy Buca Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2024, sayı 59, ss. 709-725
... Öğretmen adaylarının yaşam boyu öğrenme algılarının yüksek olması, ülkenin yaşam boyu öğrenen bir toplum olması adına olumlu bir gelişme olduğu söylenebilir. Çünkü öğretmenlik mesleği sürekli değişimin ve gelişimin gerekliliğine işaret etmekte ve her zaman öğrenmeyi gerektirmektedir (Day, 1999). Longworth ve Davies (1996) de öğretmenlerin yaşam boyu öğrenmelerinin yüksek düzeyde olmasının önemli olduğunu, öğretmenlerin kendi yaşam boyu öğrenmelerinin desteklenmesi ve yönlendirilmesini öğrenciye yansıtacağı, öğrencilerini de kendisinin gelişmeler ve yenilikler doğrultusunda geliştirip ilerleyebileceğini belirtmiştir. ...
Araştırmanın amacı öğretmen adaylarının akademik okuryazarlıklarına ve yaşam boyu öğrenmelerine ilişkin algılarını belirlemek ve akademik okuryazarlık algılarıyla yaşam boyu öğrenme eğilimleri arasındaki ilişkiyi ortaya koymaktır. Nicel araştırmalardan ilişkisel tarama modelindedir. Araştırmada uygun örnekleme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemi 2022-2023 eğitim-öğretim yılında Ege Bölgesi’ndeki bir kamu üniversitesindeki eğitim fakültesinde farklı bölümlerde öğrenim gören gönüllü 359 öğretmen adayıdır. Veriler google form aracılığıyla dijital ortamda toplanmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak “Kişisel Bilgi Formu”, “Akademik Okuryazarlık Ölçeği” ve “Yaşam Boyu Öğrenme Eğilimleri Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucunda öğretmen adaylarının akademik okuryazarlık algıları ve yaşam boyu öğrenme eğilimlerinin yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir. Öğretmen adaylarının bilgi kullanımı boyutuna ilişkin algılarının diğerlerinden daha düşük olduğu görülmüştür. Öğretmen adaylarının akademik okuryazarlık algılarıyla yaşam boyu öğrenme eğilimleri arasında yüksek düzeyde pozitif ve anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Öğretmen adaylarının akademik okuryazarlık algılarının artması yaşam boyu öğrenme eğilimlerini oldukça arttırdığı söylenebilir. Ayrıca öğretmen adaylarının akademik okuryazarlıkları, yaşam boyu öğrenme eğilimlerindeki toplam varyansın % 40’ını açıklamaktadır.
... Established on a sound basis through a three-way meeting, this long-term relationship provided an authentic context where pre-service teachers could take active roles such as volunteers and part-time assistants during their early intensive fieldwork, which nourished their autonomy (Darling-Hammond, et al. 2002;Darling-Hammond, 2010;Lampert, 2010) within an authentic setting (Caprano et al., 2010) in collaboration with a mentor (Glazer & Hannafin, 2006). The pre-service teachers in the Teachers' Society highly appreciated the opportunity to work alongside a master, a time-honored way to learn (Day, 1999;Flores, 2006;Izadinia, 2016;Zeichner, 1995). Although the modeling in apprenticeships is considered a powerful intervention for decades (Darling-Hammond, 2010;Zeichner, 1995;, the concept often breaks down when an apprentice is arbitrarily assigned to a mentor, resulting in possible tensions, struggles, and conflicts (Bradbury & Koballa, 2008;Hobson et al., 2009;Jasper et al., 2014;Manderstedt, et al., 2022;Rhoads et al., 2013;Ruich, et al., 2020). ...
... Professional development (PD 1 ) is any activity educators engage in that is intended to enhance the quality of education in the classroom (Day, 1999). Teachers' need for accessible, high-quality, and technology-based PDs has led to the proliferation of online PD courses (Dede et al., 2009;Mohammadi, 2023). ...
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are increasingly popular for teachers’ professional development (PD). Understanding why teachers take MOOCs and how this relates to course completion could help identify underserved needs in teachers’ professional learning. In the current study, we explored this question, as well as potential gaps between intention to complete the course and actual completion. Using a sample of 3,212 participants in four PD MOOCs, we applied topic modeling to open-ended and Likert-style data to identify teachers’ motivations. The results show that most participants had intrinsic or professional motivations, but a subgroup of participants had prosocial motivations, namely, they wanted to support their students. In a set of logistic regression predicting course completion, we found that participants with intrinsic motivations were less likely to complete a course and participants with prosocial motivations were more likely to do so even after controlling for their initial intention. Our study contributes to the field by, first, identifying an underexplored group of learners, the prosocial learners. More research is needed to better understand this group. We also found that among teachers taking MOOCs, intrinsic motivations were associated with lower levels of engagement, contrary to findings in other populations, making a contribution to motivation theory as well as online learning practice. We concluded that the motivation-engagement relationship is more complex than previously thought, and recommend researchers continue examining this association to understand this discrepancy. Finally, we suggest practitioners take learners’ a-priori motivations into account when designing MOOCs, as these could be important for course engagement.
This study was to determine the effectiveness of the 21stmisE workshop in improving the TPACK of elementary school teachers. A quantitative research with a pre-test and post-test control group design was employed. The 21stmisE workshop involved 60 elementary school teachers from Surakarta, Indonesia. The sampling technique was carried out by stratified purposive sampling. The instruments included test, questionnaire, and peer-teaching assessment sheets. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, independent sample t-test, and normalized gain. The results showed that the 21stmisE workshop was effective in fostering the TPACK of elementary school teachers. This was proven by an increase in n-gain scores which reached 0.76 (high category). The effectiveness of the 21stmisE workshop in promoting TPACK can be used as a recommendation that the 21stmisE workshop is one of the programs that can improve the quality of elementary school teachers in teaching science. Thus, it can be used as a tool to develop the professionalism of elementary school teachers in a sustainable manner. Policymakers, both principals and education offices at various levels, can continue to motivate teachers under their auspices to participate in this kind of workshop.
Cet article s’intéresse aux motifs d’engagement des enseignants au sein de deux dispositifs prescrivant des formes de travail conjoint à l’intérieur même de la classe (le « Plus de maîtres que de classes » et un dispositif de co-enseignement dans onze écoles rurales montagnardes ardéchoises à classe unique). En mobilisant la théorie de l’acteur-réseau, nous analysons les différentes étapes des processus de traduction qui ont conduit les enseignants à s’engager dans la mise en œuvre de ces dispositifs. Il apparait alors, au-delà des traductions locales opérées par les acteurs, que l’engagement de ces derniers repose sur une pluralité d’intérêts en faveur d’un co-enseignement et sur les effets de paris adjacents plus ou moins contraignants opérés.
This study introduces the Professional Development Evaluation Scale (ProDES), a tool that has been developed to evaluate the impact of professional development as it relates to participants' Learning and Use of New Knowledge and Skills, Organisational Support, Student Learning Outcomes, and reactions. Grounded in Guskey’s (2000) framework for evaluating Professional Development, ProDES was developed with data from five study groups in Turkey and underwent refinement across four factors. Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses confirmed the scale's structure, accounting for 62.72% of the total variance, with robust fit indices. Within this, ProDES demonstrated high internal consistency and test-retest reliability, with significant correlations validating its effectiveness. The scale's high internal consistency and test-retest reliability ensure that it can be used to make evidence-informed decisions that can foster more effective and supportive professional development activities. As a result, by identifying which professional development initiatives lead to improvements, those associated with professional development can use resources more efficiently, leading to enhanced school and system-wide improvements. Moreover, the use of ProDES can also help schools and education systems track progress over time, making ProDES an invaluable tool for continuous improvement and strategic planning.
This research investigated the high school EFL teachers’ continuous professional development target needs, reflection and challenges. Further, the target needs of the EFL teachers were analyzed by adapting Hutchinson and Waters’ model (1987). The data were collected using a test, questionnaire (consisted of five parts), and interview; these were administered to 20 high school EFL teachers. A test was administered to identify EFL teachers' present situation and difficulties, and questionnaire parts 1, 2 and 4 dealt with the EFL teachers' difficulties, needs and purposes in the program. Moreover, these were used to identify EFL teachers’ target needs centered on their lacks, necessities, and wants to function in the target situation effectively. Parts 3 and 5 concerned high school EFL teachers' reflection and challenges in the professional development program they are involved in.Additionally, interviews were conducted with the high school EFL teachers to gather data to examine in-depth results of the target needs, reflections and challenges. The results suggested that the high school EFL teachers have different views of their lacks, wants and necessities. The findings also demonstrated that the high school EFL teachers reflected that the current professional development program practicing in their school was never conducted to help EFL teachers develop their profession. Finally, the result revealed that high school EFL teachers face various challenges in the current program they are taking. Therefore, the professional development should be revised according to EFL teachers’ target needs, reflections and challenges.
This paper aims to unveil opportunities for promoting teacher ethics through quality school-based professional development (S-BPD) programmes to improve teachers’ ethical conduct in Tanzanian primary schools.
This qualitative study uses an institutional ethnography design. The data were collected through interviews, focus group discussion, observation and documentary review. Data analysis was guided by Braun and Clarke’s (2006) framework of thematic analysis.
Opportunities to promote teacher ethics drew on quality S-BPD programmes. These opportunities include interactions with morally committed teachers, introduction of the civic and moral subject, prevalence of teacher misconduct, ideal school leadership and development and access to affordable technology.
Practical implications
The study provides useful insights into how to reshape teachers’ ethical competences and to link theory and practice in teaching. Moreover, the study suggests school-based solutions to the problem of resource scarcity for teachers to retool their professional competences.
The opportunities revealed are critical for promoting teacher ethics through quality S-BPD programmes in primary schools because teacher ethics is learned. The study offers insights into how to improve teacher ethics in primary schools. It concludes that internalising these opportunities as a whole is vital, as they have the potential to promote teacher ethics in Tanzanian public primary schools.
Agir en tant que médiateur culturel est une compétence professionnelle attendue des enseignants québécois et des artistes appelés à intervenir auprès des élèves. Or, plusieurs se disent peu outillés pour exercer ce rôle. C’est afin d’aider les enseignants et les artistes dans leur rôle de médiateur culturel que nous avons mis en place une recherche-action qui poursuivait l’objectif général d’offrir une formation en éducation esthétique, une approche utilisée aux États-Unis pour soutenir les actions en médiation culturelle. La formation, constituée de six rencontres, visait à diffuser auprès des participants ce qu’est l’éducation esthétique et à les amener à expérimenter en classe des activités basées sur celle-ci. Nous avons suivi huit participants (deux enseignants, six artistes) afin de décrire l’influence de l’éducation esthétique sur leur compréhension de leur rôle de médiateur culturel et sur leur pratique professionnelle. Les données, de nature qualitative, ont été collectées par des entretiens semi-dirigés, un compte rendu de chacune des rencontres, un journal de bord et les activités créées par les participants. L’analyse thématique a permis de dégager deux principaux résultats : la formation en éducation esthétique a confirmé et enrichi la pratique professionnelle des participants, et a modifié, pour certains, la représentation qu’ils se font de leur rôle de médiateur culturel.
Bu araştırmanın amacı, beden eğitimi öğretmenlerinin mesleki adanmışlık ve mesleki profesyonellik düzeylerini belirleyerek, aralarındaki ilişkiyi incelemektir. Araştırmanın örneklemini Bolu ili ve ilçelerinde görev yapan 142 beden eğitimi öğretmeni oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada ilişkisel tarama modeli kullanılmıştır. Verilerin toplanmasında kişisel bilgi formu, Öğretmenlik Mesleğine Adanmışlık Ölçeği ve Öğretmenlerin Mesleki Profesyonellik Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Verilerin çözümlenmesinde frekans, yüzde, çarpıklık ve basıklık testleri, Levene testi, bağımsız gruplar t testi, tek yönlü varyans analizi ve Pearson korelasyon testinden yararlanılmıştır. Araştırma bulguları incelendiğinde beden eğitimi öğretmenlerinin mesleğe adanmışlık ve mesleki profesyonellik düzeylerinin yüksek seviyede olduğu belirlenmiştir. Mesleğe adanmışlık ve mesleki profesyonellik ölçeklerinden elde edilen puanlar cinsiyet, eğitim seviyesi ve mesleki kıdeme göre karşılaştırıldığında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farka rastlanmamıştır. Ayrıca, beden eğitimi öğretmenlerinin, mesleğe adanmışlık düzeyleri görev yapılan okul türüne göre anlamlı olarak farklılaşmazken, mesleki profesyonellik ölçeğinin sadece kişisel gelişim alt boyutunda ortaokulda görev yapan beden eğitimi öğretmenleri lehine istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark elde edilmiştir. Ayrıca, beden eğitimi öğretmenlerinin mesleğe adanmışlıkları ile mesleki profesyonellikleri arasında pozitif yönde yüksek seviyede anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmuştur.
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