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In this report we explain the methodology and initial findings of the project ‘Mapeando el Coronavirus en Wallmapu’, a crowdsourced mapping project that aims to monitor and analyze the impact of the pandemic in Wallmapu, recording community health and solidarities initiatives, and instances of political violence and extractivist activities.
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Peru's response to Covid-19 has favored large-scale mining interests while constraining livelihood possibilities for artisanal and small-scale miners. Large-scale mining has been offered opportunities to reinforce its role in territorial governance and been freed of certain regulatory requirements. In this essay we identify a significant risk that the response to Covid-19 facilitates authoritarian forms of government as a legitimate form of rule.
Tironi guía la L4 de CIGIDEN como investigador responsable
  • Dr
Dr. Tironi guía la L4 de CIGIDEN como investigador responsable. Artículo accessible en: