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Personalized Treatment Application in Integrative Oncology

  • Medical center Integrative medicine Sofia
KEY WORDS: personalized
cancer treatment, circulating tumor
cells, chemo sensitivity test,
autonomic muscular test
Hundreds of billions USD/Euro are invested in the field of oncology,
especially for new chemical agents elaboration and radiotherapy
equipment in the latest decades. Statistical assessment of mortality
rate deviation for the period 1975 - 2010 is close to 0 %.(1)
Figure1. Morbidity and mortality from cancer for the period
1975-2010 in the US: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 2014
Standardized mortality rate due to the oncology diseases as per
100 000 persons (divided by cancer location and annual number of
patients) according to data, published by Bulgarian Cancer
Register for the period 1980 - 2012 is changed as follows: male
mortality year - persons year persons;
female mortality year - persons, year
persons. For the above mentioned period it means that the male
mortality rate is increased by 30 % and the female mortality is
increased by 12 % in Bulgaria.(2)
Scientific data lead to the conclusion, that both oncology
morbidity and treatment effectiveness still remain unresolved.
Standard approach to the oncology patients reveals permanently
deepening medical, social and economic problems all over the
world. Unsatisfactory treatment results in oncology patients are
direct consequence from the conventional medical concepts as
- The fact, that oncology disease is not local, but systematic
health problem has been ignored.
- The quality of life in treated patients is not a priority.
- Difficult access to the new alternative methods of treatment.
- Lack of personalized oncology treatment.
German oncologist Josef Issels, who is a pioneer in the field of the
integrative oncology states:Cancer treatment will stay in
deadlock because of outdated perceptions used.
The concept, that pathogenesis and etiology must be taken into
consideration is one of the main rules leading to the most effective
treatment. Symptomatic treatment has never been optimally. To
gain best results must be treated the reasons for the diseases.
Issels has believed that cancer is a systemic disease requiring a
holistic therapy. Such kind of treatment is directed not only to the
cancer location but to the overall organism recovery. Thus the
significant long term results can be expected.(3)
The dogmatic perceptions for the local approach in the treatment
of oncology patients lose ground in the last decade. A number of
studies conclude the conventional methods must be combined
with the complementary and alternative once. Integrative
oncology uses both conventional and complementary medicine to
meet the needs of individual patients and to focus on the whole
person. The core principles of integrative oncology include
individualization, holism, dynamism, synergism and collaboration.
Recent tendency that each oncology patient should be cured with
individual manner is ignored by the conventional medicine. The
statement one size fits all the satisfied therapeutic results
cannot be expected.(4) All these facts lead to the bad clinical
results. (5)
Unsatisfactory treatment results in oncology sparkled more and
more oncologists to focus on a new opportunity to improve the
effectiveness of treatment. A new strategy, called Individualized
Cancer Therapy (ICT) has acquired popularity. The main aim and
perspective of ICT is to get significant progress in the next primary
directions: metastatic treatment, tumor cell chemo resistance and
toxicity reduction. Individualized therapy in oncology patients is
used by increasing number of oncologists due to the necessity of
better curative results. (5,6,7).
Personalized Approach and Chemosensitivity Tests
The main priority for oncologists in this new ICT strategy proved
use of chemo sensitivity tests. Drug sensitivity compare anticancer
activities of candidate drugs on surgically removed samples or
The last 35 years statistical data show that the conventional treatment results are not relevant to the patients' survival rate
improvement. The concept of standard oncology demonstrates a lot of disadvantages, which remarkably limit the therapeutic
Recently a new approach appears to be more interesting: the so called Personalized Treatment. Hopefully, this is going to be
the basics for achievement of better curable results.
Molecular biology advancement has given the possibility of personalized treatment to be implemented. The use of chemo
sensitivity tests gives the opportunity for anticancer drugs to be tested and each patient to be treated under personal
Another option for testing of anticancer drugs, food supplements and tumor sensitivity are Autonomic Muscular Tests (AMT). The
American physician Dr. Omura has elaborated and patented the AMT, which has exposed outstanding opportunities for drugs
Since 2012 we have started to use chemo sensitivity test for circulating tumor cells (CTC) and modified version of Dr. Omura's
This article reflects our initial experience in usage of personalized approach in the treatment of cancer patients.
Chr. Damyanov*
MD, Medical Center, Integrative Medicine, Sofia, Bulgaria *Corresponding Author
Vl. Pavlov
Medical Center, Integrative Medicine, Sofia, Bulgaria
Iv. Maslev
MD, Medical Center, Integrative Medicine, Sofia, Bulgaria
Volume-7 | Issue-1 | January-2018 | PRINT ISSN No 2250-1991
blood samples for circulating tumor cell (CTC), and those
anticancer drugs showing the best responses are selected for use
in succeeding treatments.
Since 1950 clinical trials have developed for in vitro and in vivo
chemo sensitivity assessment. In vitro tests include cytological and
cytochemical drug response evaluation. Most frequently used in
vivo test is Sub renal Capsule Assay (SRC)(5,8)
Initial clinical results were assessed in 1970 when a number of
clinical trials had completed. Practical possibilities of chemo
sensitivity test in terms of drugs and methods administration were
proved. Significant correlation between the test and clinical results
was observed in about 80% of the publications. Increased survival
rate was established in less then 25  35% of clinical reports
despite this improved treatment effectiveness (5,8).
Clinically the test usage was limited by the tumor cells ability to
express its potential for chemo resistance, biological behavior of
tumor and metastases and some technological problems. (5,9,10)
The progress of molecular biology has provided an excellent
possibilities for optimal individualized treatment in oncology
Theoretical basics for modern genetics use is the fact that there are
specific gene aberrations in different cancer types. Thus, it is
possible the anti-tumor drugs sens itivity and tumor cells
polymorphism to be detected.(5)
Primari ly the molecu lar biology advantages increased the
pharmaceutical industry implementation. A lot of drugs were
developed and inculcated  the so called target therapy. That kind
of therapy could not replace a standard one, but a number of
genetic tests were prepared and clinically applied.
Tumor genetics studies give the options the genetic differences,
biologic behavior and the aggressiveness of the primary tumor
and its metastases to be explored.(10).
If we pay attention and testing only the primary tumor chemo
sensitivity possibly its metastases and the disease overall might be
in a progress. The molecular analysis of isolated circulating tumor
cells in the blood now can be done. In that way the metastases
chemo resistance also can be determined and the personalized
treatment will be easily administrated. Moreover, the circulating
tumor cells testing gives an option for sensitivity detection also to
the natural biologics. (11)
Increasing number of laboratories currently propose such kind of
tests in their service list. Research Genetic Cancer Center
(RGCC) in Greece and Biofocus are the most popular European
genetic laboratories.(11)
D-r James Forsythe has represented his 5-years experience at
chemo sensitivity test (RGCC) usage in combination with IPT
treatment in oncologic patients at the 11 Annual International
IPT/IPTLD Integrative Cancer Care Conference. The survival rate for
450 patients (G 4) was 59 % for a 33 months exploration
We have started to use chemo sensitivity test for circulating tumor
cells of German laboratory Biofocus since 2012. The test was
administered in 105 patients who were in G3-4 stage and after
failure of chemotherapy and radiation.
Initial results have showed a success in the detection of circulating
tumor cells and good correlation with the treatment results in
above 80 % of cases. After the 10th IPT procedures there is no
significant difference in terms of effectiveness with patients who
have not been tested, but in the first 3-4 weeks chemo resistance
was not reported.
The main issue is that the test is too expensive. The price limits of
widely test administration in patients who need long term
treatment, but the resistance could be expected at the same time.
The molecular biology development gives us a new hope and
perspective for the improved oncology treatment effectiveness
despite we currently cannot use the test as a basic one.
Autonomic Muscular Test (АМТ) and Personalized Treatment
Application in Integrative Oncology
Autonomic Response Testing (ART) is a diagnostic method, which
is basically used in the kinesiology. ART is a biofeedback enhanced
physical exam which uses changes in muscle tone as primary
The muscle reaction of Autonomic Nerve System (ANS) is explored
in order different functional disorders to be established or drugs
and food supplements to be selected. The methodology is used by
spe ciali sts, working in the field of integra tive medicin e,
acupuncture, naturopaths, holistic dentists and veterinaries.
AMT is known by various names (terms) Autonomic Response
Testing, Neuromodulation Technique, Nutrition
Response Testing and Bi-Digital O-Ring Test.
Since 1964 the Muscle Test is elaborated by Dr. George
Goodheart, who is chiropractic. He has developed diagnostic
system commonly known as Applied Kinesiology. It gives the
opportunity muscle reaction to be tested in order to gain
diagnostic and clinical results.(11)
German physician Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt has developed and
enriched the practical use of kinesiology and has given the term
Autonomic Muscular Test. Since 1980 he has improved his
systematic model and has applied AMT for diagnostics and
treatment of chronic diseases. Theoretically, this model is based on
the understanding that human body's physiological response is a
result from the physical phenomena bio-resonance.(12)
In 2002 Dr. Leslie S. Feinberg has proposed a new AMT model and
concept which is based on the theory for informative medicine.
In 1993 . Dr. Yoshiaki Omura patented his Bi-Digital O-Ring Test
(new AMT version) which is used for diagnostics and treatment of
chronic and cancer diseases.(15)
Figure 2. Bi-Digital O-Ring test
Dr. Omura is a general practitioner and cardiologist with more
than 50 years long outstanding practice. He is the president and
founder of International College of Acupuncture & Electro
Th era peu t ics and i n ter nat ion a l med ica l ass o cia tio n
International Bi-Digital O-Ring Test Medical Association and
also Director of Heart Disease Research Foundation. After 1993
he has published a lot of articles focused on the diagnostics and
treatment of cancer diseases.(15)
The information is taken from: Bi-Digital O-Ring Test (BDORT) The
Bi-Digital O-Ring Test is applicable for the following topics: drugs
selection and dosage, assessment of sensitivity to foods and food
su ppl e men ts, ev alu ati o n ele ctro mag n eti cel d i mpa c t,
acupuncture points location, and energetic meridians location.
Volume-7 | Issue-1 | January-2018 | PRINT ISSN No 2250-1991
The practical results from the application of Bi-Digital O-Ring Teast
for diagnosis and treatment of a cancer have reported in number
of publications and international annual symposia. (16,17,20,23)
In several clinical studies Dr. Omura has shown the possibilities for
tumor diagnostics in earliest stage  when the contemporary
diagnostic methods are unable to establish it. Dr. Omura has
suggested the test to be administered regularly for 3 to 7 years in a
raw, when the test is positive in oncology patients. Dr. Omura
states Bi-Digital O-Ring Test provides 90% effectiveness.
There is another Dr. Omuras patented technique - "Selective Drug
Uptake Enhancement Method" Its potential is different way drugs,
immune-stimulants and food supplements to be selected.
According t o Usi ng BDORT te st drugs, foo ds and fo od
supplements can be selected. We havent found any written data
for testing of anticancer agents. (15,18,19)
physician Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran method  Bio-magnetic Pairs
Quite surprisingly to us detection of magnetic imbalance by the
method of Dr. Goiz in different areas of the body, which is done
with magnetic pairs may be replaced by which is used verbal
communication with the ANS in. AMT completely correspond to
the theory Bioresonance phenomenon in which the ANS answer
may also include a variety of energetically informattive sources,
including verbal (audio frequency) option in.(24)
Our research for the use of bio-magnetic therapy in patients with
chronic diseases has pointed our interest to incorporate Dr Goizs
AMT version for tumor sensitivity establishment. We currently use
Dr Goizs AMT to determine anticancer scheme for the IPT
AMT methodology:
A relaxed patient has lied in comfortable position on couch.
Patients feet are placed outside the couch. A contact with the ANS
has occurred by verbal stimulation.
Figure 3. AMT initial positioning
The patients response is relaxation only for one of the legs. That
reaction means we have a positive reaction to the given
Figure 4. AMT positive response
We assess the muscle relaxation qualitatively  it might be very
good, good and mild. That assessment gives an information
about the chemo sensitivity.
Lack of muscle relaxation means that thereaction is negative and
there is chemoresistance to the tested drug.
Figure 5. AMT negative response
Test time duration is about 15-20 min. For the chemo sensitivity
registration we fill in a specific blank.
At the same time in some patients we have used the test for
circulating tumor cells chemosesitivity. It allows both tests results
to be compared. No significant differences were established until
now. The treatment results in patients cured by IPT and tested by
AMT or test for circulating tumor cells chemosesitivity practically
were the same. A punctual statistical analysis for the AMT usage
could be done in the near future.
Our treatment effectiveness was improved by 10% after the AMT
implementation in our practice although patients clinical profile
has got very complicated. These preliminary data should not be
considered as statistically significant.
The administration of AMT demonstrates some advantages  low
price, easy to be done and possibility to be used frequently.
Recently we appoint a control test at each 3 weeks during the IPT.
Thus we monitor the anticancer drug used. Thereby we determine
the anticancer drug chemosensitivity permanently. There is a clear
correlation between the test results and subjective state of
patients. We can react immediately by changing the drugs scheme
especially in complicated patients when the chemo resistance is
expected in initial 3-4 weeks.
Having received the first positive data from the AMT use we has
begun to appoint this Dr. Goizs verbal (audio) test also for
oncology diseases diagnostics. The second step is to estimate the
ANS reply to the specific points of magnetic imbalance. Finally we
perform a version of Dr Omuras test and look for the ANS
response for the tumor type by placement a histological material
onto the patients hand or palm.
Volume-7 | Issue-1 | January-2018 | PRINT ISSN No 2250-1991
Our experience in using AMT for diagnostics has given us some
positive results but definitive conclusions cannot be reported
The role of pathogenesis and etiology of oncology diseases is
neglected in the last decades. The conventional oncology
perception that one size fits all doesnt work but the patients
access to the innovations in oncology is seriously limited. That is
the main reason for the lack of treatment results improvement.
Personalized approach in oncology treatment is in the initial
period. Increasing number of integrative and conventional
oncologists who are interested to that methodology.
Molecular biology advancements have given the possibility for
usage of a number of chemo sensitivity tests. They have exposed
outstanding opportunities for the treatment improvement.
Insufficient scientific data, price and some technological problems
significantly limited its administration. Currently the use of chemo
sensitivity test for circulating tumor cells is predominant interest
and clinical application mainly among physicians practicing
Integrative Oncology. Remarkable interest was observed to the
Autonomic Muscular Test elaborated but American physician Dr
Omura. He has patented his own methodology for drugs, food
supplements and immunostimulants selection which can be used
in the treatment of cancer. The test is not expensive and easy to be
Initial results from the application of AMT in the treatment of
cancer in our practice are promising and give us hope for
improving performance. Still limited experience and lack of
meaningful statistical data does not allow us at this stage for
definitive conclusions.
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Volume-7 | Issue-1 | January-2018 | PRINT ISSN No 2250-1991
... The recorded information discs are placed on the receiver of SWG-A towers, and a bottle of water for homeopathic transfer is placed on the transmitter. The procedure lasts 30 minutes with correction of the magnetic imbalance, and the result is controlled by an autonomous muscle test (49). The scalar information transfer of biomagnetic therapy is not inferior to the effectiveness of static magnet therapy, and has the advantage of accessibility and reduced duration of the treatment procedure. ...
... The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes and is performed once a week. We perform an autonomous muscle test (also called neuromodulation test) at each procedure to assess the effectiveness and the individual duration of treatment (49). The effectiveness of the treatment is also monitored with standard tests used in oncology. ...
... The recorded information discs are placed on the receiver of SWG-A towers, and a bottle of water for homeopathic transfer is placed on the transmitter. The procedure lasts 30 minutes with correction of the magnetic imbalance, and the result is controlled by an autonomous muscle test (49). The scalar information transfer of biomagnetic therapy is not inferior to the effectiveness of static magnet therapy, and has the advantage of accessibility and reduced duration of the treatment procedure. ...
... The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes and is performed once a week. We perform an autonomous muscle test (also called neuromodulation test) at each procedure to assess the effectiveness and the individual duration of treatment (49). The effectiveness of the treatment is also monitored with standard tests used in oncology. ...
... In order to select the medicaments and supplements prior to and during the treatment we used modification of Prof. Omura muscle testing [15]. ...
... The experience acquired so far by us in applying the two diagnostic methods indicated a similar performance in 80% to 90 % of the cases. Thus using both diagnostic tests allows us to prepare individualised therapeutic programmes for the patients treated to the clinic [15]. ...
... Treatment schedules and protocols (temperature, treatment duration, electric-supportive and others) need to be customized [19][20][21] and cooperative ways (personalized medicine) [22][23][24][25][26]. ...
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Acupuncture is widely used for bone disease treatments in China. However, it needs to cope with modern medicine. This editorial provides new acupuncture approaches in modern medicine.
... Entering into new era, we should promote acupuncture study and clinical application in a systematic way. Treatment schedules and protocols (temperature, treatment duration, electric-supportive and others) need to be customized [19][20][21] and cooperative ways (personalized medicine) [22][23][24][25][26]. ...
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Acupuncture is widely used for bone disease treatments in China. However, it needs to cope with modern medicine. This editorial provides new acupuncture approaches in modern medicine.
... The opportunities given by АМТ are of prior consideration when we define the chemosensitivity of cytostatic agents in use with IPT. The above mentioned advantages of the test made ATM a leading method in our decision making process in cancer patients' treatment [9]. ...
... The opportunities given by АМТ are of prior consideration when we define the chemosensitivity of cytostatic agents in use with IPT. The above mentioned advantages of the test made ATM a leading method in our decision making process in cancer patients' treatment [9]. ...
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The current presentation displays chronologically our summarized and updated results of more than 12 years of the accumulated experience of integrative oncology application in our medical practice. Based on our concept of systemic approach, we have created treatment protocol for cancer patients with leading method of administering Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT). For the past 12 years period we treated more than 1100 cancer patients, greater part of which (94%) were patients with advanced metastatic tumors (Т2-Т4) and more than 80% of them experienced failure of previous conventional treatment for cancer with chemo-and radiotherapy. The achieved treatment results demonstrated remission in about 80% of the patients, and were presented in our earlier publications. In search for new opportunities of improvement of our treatment efficiency since April 2018, we created treatment method which includes combination of IPT with Biomagnetic therapy with magnetic pairs. (IPT & BMP). Until August 2019 this specific treatment has been applied to 33 cancer patients with advanced metastatic tumors (Т2-Т4) in which 19 out of 23 (82%) experienced failure of previous standard treatment. Twenty-three patients have completed their treatment and were followed up by us. Out of them, 5 patients (21%) have achieved complete remission, and 17 patients (74%) have achieved stabilization. The average remission period is 10 months up till now. Registered failed treatment is present in only one case. Illustrating the opportunities of the new method, we present herewith two new cases with the results of complete clinical remission. In our opinion, the results are an illustration of the opportunities of the Integrative oncology, and the need for change in the concept for cancer patients' treatment.
Aims Cancer is a high-mortality disease (9.6 million deaths in 2018 worldwide). Given various anticancer drugs, drug selection plays a key role in patient survival in clinical trials. Methods Drug Sensitivity Testing (DST), one of the leading drug selective systems, was widely practiced for therapeutic promotion in the clinic. Notably, DSTs assist in drug selection that benefits drug responses against cancer from 20-22% to 30-35% over the past two decades. The relationship between drug resistance in vitro and drug treatment benefits was associated with different tumor origins and subtypes. Medical theory and underlying DST mechanisms remain poorly understood until now. The study of the clinical scenario, sustainability and financial support for mechanism and technical promotions is indispensable Results Despite the great technical advance, therapeutic prediction and drug selection by DST needs to be miniature, versatility and cost-effective in the clinic. Multi-parameters and automation of DST should be a future trend. Advanced biomedical knowledge and clinical approaches to translating oncologic profiles into drug selection were the main focuses of DST developments. With a great technical stride, the clinical architecture of the DST platform was entering higher levels (drug response testing at any stage of cancer patients and miniaturization of tumor samples). Discuss The cancer biology and pharmacology for drug selection mutually benefit the clinic. New proposals to reveal more therapeutic information and drug response prediction at genetic, molecular and omics levels should be estimated overall. Conclusion By upholding this goal of non-invasive, versatility and automation, DST could save the life of several thousand annually worldwide. In this article, new insights into DST novelty and development are highlighted.
The techniques and qualities of drug sensitivity testing (DST) for anticancer treatment grew rapidly in the past two decades worldwide. Much of DST progress came from advanced systems of technical versatility (faster, high-throughput, high-sensitive and smaller in tumor quantity). As the earliest drug selective system, biomedical knowledge and technical advances for DST are mutually supported. More importantly, many pharmacological controversies are resolved by these technical advances. With this technical stride, clinical landscape of DST was entering into a new phase (>500 samples per testing and extremely low quantity of tumor cells). As a forerunner of drug selection system, DST awaits new version that can adapt to complicated therapeutic situations and diverse tumor categories in the clinic. By upholding this goal of pathogenic and therapeutic diversity, DST could eventually cure more cancer patients by establishing high-quality drug selection systems. To smooth DST develop, it needs to increasingly understanding of cancer biology, pathology and pharmacology (cancer heterogeneity, plasticity, metastasis and drug resistance) with well-informative parameters before chemotherapy. In this Article, medicinal and technical insights into DST are especially highlighted.
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Cancer is the disease with a common pathological feature of unlimited growth. Aim of this perspective is to update current and future individualized cancer therapy methods and results, and give new directions for improvement. Present understanding and predictions of drug responses to tumor growth or metastases and anticancer drug toxicities to patients are not well-formed, but there are fundamentally four ways of receiving these types of information from tumors; (i) drug sensitivity testing; (ii) detection of tumor genetic, transcription and molecular information (bioinformatics) of cancer cells of patients, (iii) pharmacogenetics; (iv) individualized antimetastatic therapy.Individualized cancer therapy (ICT) has been designed to meet the requirement of selecting optimized anticancer drugs or treatment protocol in clinics and attracting increasing attention in the medical circle and will be important trend in the future. The survival of cancer patients can be improved by many existing specific strategies of ICT, including drug sensitivity testing, cancer molecular biomarker detections, cancer biomarker-oriented therapy, anticancer drug pharmacogenetics, cancer metastasis therapy, drug combinations and cost-effective of ICT.
More than 90% of cancer deaths are caused by cancer metastasis. Since cancer metastasis is the main cause of human deaths, so in this article more attention will be paid to it than ever before. Presently, clinical cancer chemotherapies have been targeting on primary tumors rather than on metastatic processes. Since the antimetastatic drugs are different from antiproliferative drugs and underinvestigated, cancer patients’ survival has been improved on a small scale now. To change this stalemate, this problem is reiterated by an analysis of the relationship between pathology, pharmacology and clinical therapy of neoplasm metastasis and it is suggested to improve the outcome of chemotherapy of cancer patients from different possible ways; e.g. to make more efforts to manufacture new types of antimetastatic drugs and optimize use of these drugs in clinics.
Our previous study indicates the principle that information on the molecular structure and its quantity will be transmitted bi-directionally through a red-spectrum soft laser beam when specific molecules are placed in the close vicinity of the laser beam. The method was immediately applied for diagnosing diseases or localizing specific substances, using the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test, in moving or stationary animals or human subjects at clearly visible distances, without directly contacting the subject. This principle was also applied for the microscopic Bi-Digital O-Ring Test to examine cellular structures and substances within the cell at the magnified focused projected plane. The method was further expanded to an electron-microscopic Bi-Digital O-Ring Test, where, instead of a light beam as a source of electromagnetic wave carrier, an electron beam was used. Thus, it was possible to study the ultra-fine structure of cells. During the past several years, the author has been experimenting with the question of whether, instead of using visible light in the microscopic Bi-Digital O-Ring Test, if much shorter wavelengths, such as X-ray with strong penetrating force through living tissue, are used as the carriers of molecular information, and if X-ray pictures of the body are evaluated by a similar method as in the microscopic Bi-Digital O-Ring Test, molecular information existing in the pathways of the X-ray through the body might be detectable or not. Our studies indicate that, using X-ray film with good picture quality taken of specific parts of the body, one can detect not only specific microbial infections, such as bacterial, viral, or spirochete (e.g., Lyme), and changes in local chemistry including blood chemistry such as glucose, total cholesterol, uric acid, in major arteries or the heart, but also potentially effective medication. Using the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test resonance phenomenon between a reference control substance and an identical substance or its electromagnetic field imprint, anatomical structures of the soft tissue, such as blood vessels, nerves, and muscles can be identified even when they are not visible on the X-ray film because of the masking effect of other tissues with high density or large volume of tissue. Similar findings were also found in the CAT Scan and MRI pictures of normal and abnormal organs of the body. In this paper, two examples of such analyses, i.e. X-ray films of one patient with adenocarcinoma of the colon and another patient with rheumatoid arthritis of the knee joint are shown.
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