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Experimental investigation of yearly energy loss through a heat recovery ventilator unit in Newfoundland


Abstract and Figures

Nowadays the demand for energy-efficient houses is increasing in order to reduce heating and cooling demand, to save energy used in houses. A mechanical induced ventilation system, also known as heat recovery ventilator (HRV) is required in all houses constructed after the year 2000. An HRV unit can contribute to increase energy efficiency and to reduce greenhouse gases emission by recovering heat from the inside of the house and delivering preheated fresh air to the house. Such a mechanical ventilator also leads to losses. This paper presents an energy consumption and logged heat loss data of a heat recovery ventilator unit in Newfoundland. MATLAB and Microsoft Excel are used to do all calculations and detailed analysis. The logged data shows that the cost of running an HRV in Newfoundland for a year in a house could be as high as $484 per year with an unknown air quality improvement.
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Experimental investigation of yearly energy loss through a heat
recovery ventilator unit in Newfoundland
Rabbani Rasha
Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Applied
Science, Memorial University
St. John’s, Canada
M. Tariq Iqbal
Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Applied
Science, Memorial University
St. John’s, Canada
Abstract Nowadays the demand for energy-efficient houses
is increasing in order to reduce heating and cooling demand, to save
energy used in houses. A mechanical induced ventilation system,
also known as heat recovery ventilator (HRV) is required in all
houses constructed after the year 2000. An HRV unit can contribute
to increase energy efficiency and to reduce greenhouse gases
emission by recovering heat from the inside of the house and
delivering preheated fresh air to the house. Such a mechanical
ventilator also leads to losses. This paper presents an energy
consumption and logged heat loss data of a heat recovery ventilator
unit in Newfoundland. MATLAB and Microsoft Excel are used to
do all calculations and detailed analysis. The logged data shows that
the cost of running an HRV in Newfoundland for a year in a house
could be as high as $484 per year with an unknown air quality
Keywords heat recovery ventilator, thermal comfort, energy
consumption, and loss analysis with simulation.
Energy requirements for space heating have increased and
most of the space heating source is fossil fuel based. So, the
researchers have focused on finding alternative energy source
as well as the best practice of using energy efficiently. One of
the possible and successful options is to improve the existing
energy systems integrated with heat recovery ventilation
(HRV), also recognized as mechanical ventilation heat
recovery (MVHR). A typical heat recovery unit can extract
about (60 -95) % of residual heat and contribute to increasing
the energy efficiency of the buildings [1]. This unit has been
used not only in the residential sector but also in the industry
since last two decades, as the total 26 % of industrial energy
is still wasted as hot gas or fluid in many countries of the
world [2]. In terms of industrial use, this system is normally
called waste heat recovery unit due to the huge amount of air
exchange between two sources at various temperatures. The
earliest study of mechanical ventilation system with heat
recovery unit of building has been done in Denmark and the
result showed that mechanical ventilation with heat pump
recovery is useful in terms of reduction in mite populations
in mattresses and carpets [1].
Nazoroff et al. [3] studied the mechanical ventilation
system with a counter-flow heat recovery unit to find out the
effectiveness of this type of system, using energy-efficient
control technique. They demonstrated that this kind of system
might satisfy the energy conservation goal and able to meet
the indoor air quality of the house by following the strategy
of building tight houses at an affordable cost. Apart from the
advantages, this system has a major disadvantage because it
consumes a large amount of electrical power as an input that’s
why in some cases, it mentioned that household’s electricity
consumption is increased. To resolve and recover the energy
loss, researchers have emphasized to build a system that can
integrate with heat recovery unit [4]. Nguyen et al. [5] have
studied the overall performance of mechanical ventilation
heat pump system with heat recovery by using forced
ventilation. They used four types of different system to
recover the sensible heat during ventilation process and the
systems are no heat recovery, separate sensible heat recovery,
single heat recovery as integration of heating ventilation, and
double heat recovery with heat pump. Their result concluded
that the most efficient and energy-saving system was
integrated mechanical double heat recovery system for
maintaining the air quality of indoor space. An advanced
mechanical ventilation heat recovery (MVHR) unit with the
help of heat pump was developed by Riffat and Gillott [6].
Their findings showed that this type of system is less
expensive with less maintenance and air change per hour
(ACH) compiled with the ASHRAE standards to provide
fresh and quality indoor air. Manz et al. [7] did both the
experiment and numerical simulations in order to evaluate the
performance for single-room ventilation unit with
regenerative mechanical ventilation heat recovery. The result
reported that it is possible to obtain the temperature
efficiencies up to 78% at lower electrical energy input. Also,
this unit can exchange the inside and outside air efficiently at
the highest comfort level. In cold climate country or artic
region where the seasonal difference is more, it is not easy to
maintain and balance of indoor air quality by using traditional
heat recovery unit because of the continuous moisture
problems and the tendency of outside air drops below the
freezing point.
To mitigating this issue, extensive research has been going
on worldwide. Kragh et al. [8] have made an innovative
mechanical ventilation heat recovery system. It is determined
that this type of system can defrost itself without taking
additional input energy in cold or arctic climates with high
heat recovery efficiency and accomplished to defrost below
the freezing point. The temperature efficiency at freezing
condition and the overall system efficiency was about 88%
and 85% respectively. Cuce and Riffat [9] did experimental,
theoretical, simulation analysis with thermodynamic
performance assessment of heat recovery systems. They also
discussed the way of integrating this unit with mechanical
ventilation system and the running cost of the fans of this unit
to overcome the pressure loss of it. It indicated that this unit
can diminish the energy consumption for heating, cooling,
and ventilation in order to make the energy-efficient house.
Lu et al. [10] demonstrated a crossflow, plastic film type heat
recovery unit to attain the optimal performance of it. The
research ended with few conclusions like pressure drop
increases with air flow rate and decreases with film thickness,
film vibration enhances the heat transfer rate of this system,
and the effectiveness of this type of heat exchanger varies
from 0.65 to 0.85 with increasing the airflow rate. However,
maintaining higher air quality in the house causes increasing
ventilation loss. That is why researchers have been trying to
develop new design of heat recovery ventilation system.
Hviid and Svendsen [11] have constructed a state-of-the-art
passive ventilation system with heat recovery unit and
cooling for temperature changes. The result showed that the
pressure drops, and heat transfer efficiency was about 0.37 Pa
and 75.6% respectively for the respective air flow rate 560
 
. Persily et al. [12] discussed an air to air heat exchanger
in order to acquire the recovery efficiency of a typical house,
equipped with heat recovery ventilator unit. The recovery
efficiency relied on the fan speed of an HRV and it mentioned
around (50-60) % of heat recovery efficiency without taking
the losses in fan power as well as the heat conduction through
the metal case of the heat exchanger.
It is likely to save the energy to reduce the mismatch
between energy and demand as well as to put less pressure on
using conventional energy. Research showed that it is
possible to save energy from HVAC system, using the heat
recovery unit. Ke and Yanming [13] focused a study on
estimating the applicability of heat recovery ventilator
employing various sites in China. This study revealed that
double heat exchanger instead of single heat exchanger
ventilation system should be able to adapt the requirement of
energy recovering through ventilation system in the climate
as mentioned above zones. Cost and payback analysis of this
type of system are important in order to make this system
more affordable and familiar to people. The overall cost of
this heat recovery system completely relies on the technology
that they have. The payback period normally varies from a
couple of years to 15 years, and their lifespan is mostly
greater than 30 years [1]. Among the various heat recovery
technologies, mechanical ventilation with heat recovery is
more efficient in terms of cost and the amount of recovered
energy. Tommerup and Svendsen [14] mentioned that
mechanical ventilation with heat recovery can be installed for
approximately 30  
however, from the literature
search it was found that the operational cost of air to air heat
recovery system is quite high due to the running electrical
cost of fans of this system.
From the literature search, it is found that heat recovery
unit with mechanical ventilation plays an essential role in
order to make energy efficient with low energy consumed.
This system can contribute significantly to reduce the heating
demand of the house, as the waste heat or exhaust heat of
occupied space is used to preheat the incoming air for
enhancing thermal comfort. Most of the researchers have
performed and did a cost analysis of different types of
mechanical ventilation heat recovery system. In our research,
we discussed the energy consumption and heat loss scheme
of a heat recovery unit in a house for 12 months period. No
such study has been done for Newfoundland, Canada.
In this research, section 2 will present the HRV
components and operation, section 3 will describe the
methodology and experimental setup. Calculation method,
simulation results with discussion will be discussed
respectively, and the paper will end with a conclusion.
Heat recovery ventilation (HRV) is an energy-efficient
appliance and plays a significant role to maintain the indoor
air quality of the house. It also contributes to making an
energy-efficient house by incorporating the HVAC system.
This system provides cost-effective and environmentally
friendly energy to mitigate energy consumption and the
operating cost of the building [15]. This type of system
consists of fans, filters, airtight insulated casing, heat
exchanger or core, drain, sensors with controllers, and inlets
and exhaust passage. The air streams can flow in cross flow or
counter flow directions. In our research, a crossflow type HRV
was used that is showed by figure 1. The working principle of
this system is simple as stale air from indoor passes through
the core and exchange the heat with fresh air that comes from
outside. After taking the heat, the incoming air gets heated and
then this preheated fresh air directly goes to the indoor space
to provide the excellent quality air in order to continue the
highest level of thermal comfort for the occupants. Finally, the
exhaust air goes outside by releasing its heat. Thus, a heat
recovery unit works efficiently to exchange the indoor and
outdoor air. When heat is transferred from the exhaust to the
outdoor air stream during the heating season, condensation
can form inside the heat exchange core. For this reason, drain
pans are located inside the HRV to collect any water buildup,
and the HRV is connected to a sanitary drain [16].
Fig. 1. A typical heat recovery unit [17]
Our selected house was in St. John’s, NL, Canada with latitude
(47.56 °N) and longitude (52.71 °W). A heat recovery
ventilator (HRV) was installed there. The model of the HRV
was VENMAR AVS CONSTRUCTO 1.5 with dimensions
(height: 419 mm, width: 768 mm, depth: 438mm). The main
objective of it is to provide comfortable, healthy fresh air for
the building’s occupants. However, the problem is the heat
loss of it. So, we built an experimental set up that is showed
by the figure (2), with the help of HRV, data logger, computer
and so on to find out the amount of yearly heat loss through
HRV. The working principle of this set up is modest like
during the winter the inlet air fan takes the outside air and in
the same time the exhaust air from room exchange heat with
this incoming air to make preheated and fresh air for the room.
After that, this incoming air goes directly to room and the
exhaust air directly goes into environment by releasing the
heat. The temperature sensor LM 35 sense both the
temperature of incoming air and exhaust air. The temperature
data are amplified with the amplifier that has gain 13.42. Then
the amplified data are logged by the national instrument data
logger (Model: USB 1208LS). Finally, these logged data were
displayed in the Laptop, running with MATLAB code. The
block diagram of this operation procedure is shown in figure
To calculate the heat loss through heat recovery ventilator,
we logged the monthly inlet and outlet temperature difference
data by using MATLAB. We set up the data logger like a way
that can log data per minute. So, it can log about 525600 data
in one year. The diameter of inlet and outlet air duct
connected to HRV is 0.1524 meter. We also measured the air
velocity through the duct using anemometer and got around
.These parameters were used to calculate the flow
rate through the duct. We used several equations to get heat
loss as well as the flow rate. These equations are as follows,
Heat loss through,        (1)
Where, flow rate, =  =   
= 
Density of air, = 
Specific heat of air,    
 Temperature difference of inlet and exhaust air of HRV
After putting all values in equation (1), we calculated the heat
loss of the heat recovery ventilator per minutes. We took
44640 data for January, March, May, October, and
December. Also, we took 43200 data for April, September,
November and 40320 for February. It is evident that we
turned off the HRV for June, July, and August so for these
three months the heat loss through HRV is equivalent to zero.
All the necessary graphs are shown in the result and
discussion section. Here, the heat recovery ventilator also
consumes electricity over the year to run its motor.
The electricity consumption of the HRV is calculated using
equation (2),
Electrical energy consumption=Power*24*273 (2)
Here, power of the HRV is measured using the Kill a Watt
device. Kill a Watt is an electrical device that can be used to
measure volt, current, power, and frequency of any electrical
equipment’s. Our measured power of the HRV is 110 Watt.
After putting this value in equation (2), the total electricity
consumption of the HRV is 720 kWh excluding the summer
months June, July and August as in these months the
windows of the house were open for natural air circulation to
maintain the air quality of the house. That is why the HRV
was turned off for these months. So, the total HRV losses are
found by the equation (3),
Total HRV losses= HRV losses + electrical energy
consumption (3)
Here, we got the HRV losses 2508 kWh from equation (1) for
the whole year and electrical energy consumption of HRV
720 kWh from equation (2) excluding the summer months.
So, the total HRV loss (2508+720) =3228 kWh per year. That
Fig. 2. Experiment set up of HRV
Fig. 3. Block diagram of the experiment procedure
is a very significant heat loss. Cost of that will be about
(3228*0.15) = $484 per year.
After logging the temperature difference data for one year,
we calculated the energy loss as well as the power
consumption of the HRV. After that, we analyzed these data
through proper way and plotted using Microsoft Excel. Fig.
4. shows the monthly heat loss of the heat recovery unit. From
the result, it can be said that the heat loss was high in winter
because the need of heating load is comparatively higher in
winter months than the summer months. The total yearly heat
loss was found 2508 kWh with highest value 402 kWh in
Fig. 4. Monthly HRV energy loss
Fig. 5. demonstrates the heat loss of the HRV throughout the
whole year. The heat recovery unit was turned off in summer
months. That is why the accumulated loss in summer is zero.
As the temperature difference of incoming and exhaust air is
high in extreme cold months, so the heat loss from HRV was
high in those months. From the analysis, it is noticeable that
the maximum value of heat loss was 1134 W in December,
when it was very cold outside.
Fig. 5. HRV heat loss of per minute
Fig. 6. offers the BE opt software analysis with heat recovery
losses annually. Building Engineering Optimization (BE opt)
is thermal modeling software that can be used to find out the
different thermal loads of the selected house. For this software
requirement, various house parameters with physical
properties of the appliances are given as an input in this
software. Among these loads, Mechanical ventilation unit
(2010, HRV, 70%), specified as a fraction of ASHRAE
standard 62.2 is mentioned in this software. The result showed
that the total amount of energy loss from this software is 700
kWh, but from the experimental result, the value was obtained
2508 kWh. Simulation error and the wrong selection of HRV
properties are responsible for these discrepancies.
Relative humidity of the house from BE opt is shown by the
fig. 7. As the thermal comfort and indoor air quality are the
matter, we kept the controller knob in the comfort zone in
winter and in the summer the knob was placed in summer
mode. The relative humidity comfort zone range was (30-60)
%. In the user guide, it is mentioned that humidity level should
not be selected below 30 % to avoid the excessive dryness in
the air. This dryness makes the discomfort for the occupants.
From the fig. 7, it is concluded that the relative humidity is
reached at the highest level at 70 % in summer and maintained
within the comfort zone during the winter. The result showed
a good agreement with the literature.
Fig. 6. HRV loss from BE opt software
Fig. 7. Relative humidity of the house from BE opt software
In this research, yearly power consumption and heat loss
analysis of a heat recovery ventilator were done
experimentally in a cold climate area’s house. Electrical
energy consumption of the HRV was calculated 720 kWh per
year with constant running fan. A simple calculation approach
is used to find out the heat loss of the HRV annually. The total
amount of heat loss is obtained around 2508 kWh. As the
heating energy demand is high in winter months, so the HRV
loss followed the same trend with the highest heat loss amount
402 kWh in December. Heat recovery ventilator is a useful
part in order to make the house more energy-efficient, energy
savings and proper utilization of energy. Though the system
has enormous advantages in various sectors in especially in
domestic buildings for their potential of saving energy and
mitigating greenhouse gas emissions in the environment, it
has certain amount of cost including power consumption as an
input, maintenance and operation cost and the labor cost for
making the condensation water vapor pan empty. In a nutshell,
it can be said that a house with heat recovery ventilator
enhanced indoor air quality but there is an associated cost that
could be as high as $484 per year.
The authors would like to thank Memorial university for
supporting this research. In addition, The authors would like
to thank NSERC for supporting the research as well.
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Relative humidity (%)
In this paper, a comprehensive review on building applications of heat recovery systems is presented. The review is given as a clear and understandable summary of the previous works. The review covers detailed description of heat recovery systems with working principle and system components, current typical heat recovery technologies including the building applications, theoretical, experimental and simulation works carried out for different heat recovery technologies and findings from thermodynamic performance assessment. Moreover, environmental impacts of heat recovery systems are evaluated. Future scenarios for heat recovery technologies including some recommendations are also considered in the study. It is concluded from the results that the heat recovery systems are very promising to mitigate the fuel consumption amounts of buildings. Therefore, they can remarkably contribute in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere.
Recently, there is growing demand for energy saving technologies in buildings due to global warming and environmental impact issue. As a result to this, energy-efficient technologies are becoming more popular amongst researchers and designers. In this regards, to fulfil energy conservation demands, researchers have focused on the development of advance heat or energy recovery with energy-efficient ventilation system. The aim of this paper is to review heat or energy recovery technologies for building applications. The reviews were discussed according to the concept and classification of heat or energy recovery based on types and flow arrangement. The developments of these technologies in integrated energy-efficient system such as mechanical and passive ventilation, air conditioning, dehumidification and photovoltaic panel have also been presented.
A room-size, residential air-to-air heat exchanger was tested for effectiveness of heat recovery. The experiments were conducted in a small (16.6 m3), wood frame building, the Test Chamber, on the roof of a laboratory building. The Test Chamber is a controlled and instrumented structure for which we have the ability to predict within 1% the heat loss rate over a 6-h nighttime period. With the heat exchanger installed and operating in the Test Chamber, the heat recovery efficiency was determined by comparing the actual heat loss to that expected due to the mechanically induced ventilation. The heat exchanger recovered almost 50% of the heat contained in the outgoing air flow. Additional experiments quantified effects of fan power consumption and heat conduction through the case of the device. By considering these effects, we determined that the heat exchanger itself works at an efficiency less than the manufacturer's claim. Conducting the experiments in a real building has provided insights and evaluations not possible in an indoor laboratory.
An energy research house in Maryland was found to have radon concentrations far in excess of recommended guidelines. A mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery was installed in this house to test its effectiveness as an energy-efficient control technique for indoor radon. Radon concentration was monitored continuously for 2 weeks under varying ventilation conditions [0.07–0.8 air changes per hour (ach)] and radondaughter concentrations were measured by grab-sample techniques about nine times daily during this period. At ventilation rates of 0.6 ach and higher, radon-daughter levels dropped below guidelines for indoor concentrations. Comparison with other studies indicates that indoor radon buildup may be a problem in a considerable portion of houses characterized by their low infiltration rates. The use of mechanical ventilation systems with air-to-air heat exchangers may offer a practical, cost-effective and energy-efficient means of alleviating not only the radon problem specifically but also the general deterioration of indoor air quality in many houses designed or retrofitted to achieve low infiltration.
It is a common problem to choose the most appropriate heat exchanger configuration for heat recovery. In this study, a new model has been developed for determining the area and type of the most appropriate waste heat recovery heat exchanger for maximum net gain. A non-dimensional E number has been defined based on known technical and economic parameters such as the life-time, unit area cost of the heat exchanger, lower heating value of the fuel, overall heat transfer coefficient of heat exchanger, boiler efficiency, operation time per year, heat exchanger effectiveness, ratio of heat capacities, annual variation of the temperature of fluids supplied to the heat exchanger and present worth factor. The non-dimensional E numbers has been demonstrated in graphical forms as a function of NTU and ratio of heat capacities and corresponding heat exchanger area giving maximum net gain can easily be obtained from these graphs. The best heat exchanger type and its area can be determined comparing net gains or effectiveness of heat exchangers at NTUmax. Application of the new method has been given with a case study as a sample calculation.
Indoor space requires heating, cooling and ventilating for maintaining human occupant space to a comfortable level. Heat pump system is now widely used since it has the capabilities of providing both cooling and heating with a single unit. Ventilation, which exhausts the contaminated indoor air and brings in the fresh outdoor air is essential for maintaining pleasant indoor air quality. Ventilation, however, causes energy loss since air-conditioning is necessary to change the state of outdoor air to that of indoor. When outdoor air is introduced into the interior space, it must be cooled or heated to bring it to the indoor space condition. In this work, three methods of recovering sensible heat during heating and ventilation process of heat pump have been studied experimentally. Those methods are by a separate sensible heat exchanger, introduction of indoor air to the evaporator (single heat recovery), and finally a combination of fore-mentioned two methods (double heat recovery). An air-source heat pump system with none, single and double heat recovery capabilities has been built and tested in two constant-temperature and constant-humidity thermal chambers that simulate the indoor and outdoor environments. From the experiment performed under standard heating condition with a ventilation ratio of 23.1%, coefficient of performance for none, sensible heat exchanger, single and double heat recoveries were 2.88, 3.20, 3.18 and 3.28, respectively. Double heat recovery heat pump that has the ventilation and double heat recovery functions integrated into a single unit showed the best COP performance.
Heat recovery of air ventilation is a means of energy conversation in buildings. In the present paper, a plastic film heat recovery ventilator that works under cross-flow mode was developed. The thin film vibrates when airflow passes through the channels, which enhances heat exchange performance. Experiments, as well as theoretical analyses, were carried out to study the performance of such a unit. Results show that the effectiveness of the heat exchanger varies from 0.65 to 0.85 with airflow rate and the pressure drop is less than 20.0 Pa. Film vibration induced by airflow can improve heat transfer. The extent of the enhancement is proportional to film vibration intensity that increases with airflow rate while decreases with film thickness.
AbstractA core element in sustainable ventilation systems is the heat recovery system. Conventional heat recovery systems have a high pressure drop that acts as blockage to naturally driven airflow. The heat recovery system we propose here consists of two separated air-to-liquid heat exchangers interconnected by a liquid loop powered by a pump ideal as a component in a heat recovery system for passive ventilation systems. This paper describes the analytical framework and the experimental development of one exchanger in the liquid-loop. The exchanger was constructed from the 8 mm plastic tubing that is commonly used in water-based floor-heating systems. The pressure loss and temperature exchange efficiency was measured. For a design airflow rate of 560 L/s, the pressure loss was 0.37 Pa and the efficiency was 75.6%. The experimental results agree well with the literature or numerical fluid calculations. Within the analytical framework, the total heat recovery of two liquid-coupled exchangers was calculated to be in the range 64.5–75.4%, depending on the parasitic heat loss in the experimental setup. The total pressure drop of the heat recovery system is 0.74 Pa. Moreover, preliminary improvement calculations promise a future total efficiency of 80% with a pressure drop of 1.2 Pa.
A large potential for energy savings exists in the Danish residential building stock due to the fact that 75% of the buildings were constructed before 1979 when the first important demands for energy performance of building were introduced. It is also a fact that many buildings in Denmark face comprehensive renovations in the coming years and in connection with this renovation process energy-saving measures can be implemented relatively inexpensive and cost effective. This opportunity should be used to insure the buildings in the future as far as energy consumption is concerned. This paper gives a short account of the technical energy-saving possibilities that are present in existing dwellings and presents a financial methodology used for assessing energy-saving measures. In order to estimate the total savings potential detailed calculations have been performed in a case with two typical buildings representing the residential building stock and based on these calculations an assessment of the energy-saving potential is performed. A profitable savings potential of energy used for space heating of about 80% is identified over 45 years (until 2050) within the residential building stock if the energy performances are upgraded when buildings are renovated.
In the past two decades, increased urbanization and industrialization have caused a tremendous rise of the energy consumption of buildings in China, and a corresponding need is to save this energy. Energy recovery ventilation systems can save substantial amounts of HVAC energy by recovering otherwise wasted energy from the exhaust air to precondition intake air. In China, the minimum global heat recovery efficiency is prescribed by a national design standard, i.e., GB50189-2005, for the heat recovery equipment in public buildings. Because of the local climate differences between southern and northern regions in China, the fractions of sensible and latent heat in per unitary flow rate of fresh air are different from each other in the regions, so is the global effectiveness of a heat recovery system. Considering four different climate zones in China, the annual composition of energy consumption of fresh air for per unitary flow rate is evaluated by employing the testing data of climatic parameters in the eight selected cities. An investigation on the choice of heat exchangers for the energy savings in buildings with little moisture emissions is carried out, and the analysis gives the applicability of air-to-air heat exchangers in China for different operations in order to copy with the prescribed by the standard.