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Abstract and Figures

Purpose A higher creative potential has been reported in narcoleptic patients and linked to lucid dreaming. The aim of the present study was to explore the role of narcolepsy symptoms (presence and severity) in predicting creativity. Patients and Methods Sixty-six consecutive type 1 narcolepsy patients (mean age 38.62 ± 17.05, 31 females) took part in this study. Creative achievement in different life domains and creative beliefs were assessed by a self-reported questionnaire and a scale measuring the creative self, respectively; creative performance was measured through a divergent thinking test (generation of alternative original solutions to an open problem). Results We found a key effect of hypnagogic hallucinations in modulating creative behaviour. We therefore tested at first whether hypnagogic hallucinations could interact with specific mental states associated with creativity and in particular mind wandering, a factor associated with both creative performance and achievement. Secondly, we verified if hypnagogic hallucinations could influence the definition of creative identity in type 1 narcolepsy patients, which in turn could predict their creative achievement and creative performance. Results showed that spontaneous mind wandering influenced creative achievement through a moderation effect of sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations. Moreover, sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations indirectly influenced, through creative identity, both creative achievement and performance (fluency score). Conclusion Our results highlight the role of hypnagogic hallucinations in triggering the process of mind wandering which leads to greater creative success. In addition, this symptom affects creative identity in narcolepsy, leading in turn to higher creative success and creative potential of narcoleptic patients.
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Creativity in Narcolepsy Type 1: The Role of
Dissociated REM Sleep Manifestations
This article was published in the following Dove Press journal:
Nature and Science of Sleep
Anita D’Anselmo
Sergio Agnoli
Marco Filardi
Fabio Pizza
Serena Mastria
Giovanni Emanuele
Giuseppe Plazzi
Department of Biomedical and
Neuromotor Sciences (DIBINEM),
University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy;
Marconi Institute for Creativity (MIC),
Bologna, Italy;
Department of Electrical,
Electronic, and Information Engineering
“Guglielmo Marconi”, University of
Bologna, Bologna, Italy;
IRCCS Istituto
delle Scienze Neurologiche di Bologna,
Bologna, Italy;
Université de Paris and
Univ Gustave Eiffel, LaPEA, Paris, France;
Department of Biomedical, Metabolic
and Neural Sciences, University of
Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy
Purpose: A higher creative potential has been reported in narcoleptic patients and linked to
lucid dreaming. The aim of the present study was to explore the role of narcolepsy symptoms
(presence and severity) in predicting creativity.
Patients and Methods: Sixty-six consecutive type 1 narcolepsy patients (mean age 38.62
± 17.05, 31 females) took part in this study. Creative achievement in different life domains
and creative beliefs were assessed by a self-reported questionnaire and a scale measuring the
creative self, respectively; creative performance was measured through a divergent thinking
test (generation of alternative original solutions to an open problem).
Results: We found a key effect of hypnagogic hallucinations in modulating creative
behaviour. We therefore tested at rst whether hypnagogic hallucinations could interact
with specic mental states associated with creativity and in particular mind wandering,
a factor associated with both creative performance and achievement. Secondly, we veried
if hypnagogic hallucinations could inuence the denition of creative identity in type 1
narcolepsy patients, which in turn could predict their creative achievement and creative
performance. Results showed that spontaneous mind wandering inuenced creative achieve-
ment through a moderation effect of sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations.
Moreover, sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations indirectly inuenced, through
creative identity, both creative achievement and performance (uency score).
Conclusion: Our results highlight the role of hypnagogic hallucinations in triggering the
process of mind wandering which leads to greater creative success. In addition, this symptom
affects creative identity in narcolepsy, leading in turn to higher creative success and creative
potential of narcoleptic patients.
Keywords: narcolepsy type 1, creativity, hypnagogic hallucinations, daydreaming, mind
“I did not sleep but wandered
in that limbo where objects change shape, the mysterious
tracts that separate waking from sleep”
Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
Narcolepsy type 1 (NT1) is a chronic neurological disorder characterised by
excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), with rapid access into REM sleep at sleep
onset. Naps can occur several times during the day and are frequently characterized
by dreaming with recall of the dream content.
NT1 patients also experience
Correspondence: Giuseppe Plazzi
IRCCS Istituto delle Scienze
Neurologiche di Bologna, Via Altura N°3,
Bologna 40139, Italy
Tel +39 051 4966929
Fax +39 051 4966176
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clinical phenomena related to wake/REM sleep dissocia-
tion, including cataplexy, sleep paralysis, hypnagogic/hyp-
nopompic hallucinations and REM sleep behaviour
disorder (ICSD-III).
Given the features of abnormal REM sleep manifestation
in narcolepsy, with privileged access to sleep and dreaming,
a recent study assessed whether lucid dreaming (the phenom-
enon of being aware of dreaming during the dream) could
inuence creative abilities.
The authors showed that nar-
colepsy patients have a higher creative potential compared to
controls, both in terms of creative prole and of creative
achievement. Moreover, narcoleptic patients showed an
overall better creative performance in an objective test that
evaluated creative abilities, in particular, they scored higher
in an integrative task (measuring ideas’ originality) and
tended to achieve better scores in a divergent task (measuring
the ability to produce multiple ideas) compared to controls.
Finally, sleep paralysis, hypnagogic/hypnopompic hallucina-
tions, REM sleep behaviour disorder and lucid dreaming
were associated with a more highly creative prole, suggest-
ing that the privileged access to REM sleep could provide
a gateway to creativity.
Anecdotally sleep-related hallucinations, eeting per-
ceptual experiences generally characterized by vivid per-
ceptions occurring at sleep/wake transitions and vice
versa, have been related to the creative process in several
The most famous is probably the story of
August Kekulè, which describes how the hypnagogic
image of a swirling snake biting its tail and this vision
allowed him to discover the structure of benzene.
Although it has long been debated whether sleep-related
hallucination is a phenomenon similar to REM or NREM
sleep mentation, hypnagogic phenomena are usually char-
acterized by narrative plots and bizarre elements similar to
contents of REM sleep.
The aim of the present study is to explore creativity
mechanisms in NT1 patients, focusing on whether symptom
presence, frequency and course inuence creative perfor-
mance and achievements. Moreover, we explored, for the
rst time in NT1 patients, mind wandering (MW) and day-
dreaming (DD), two processes that have been associated with
MW is an uncontrolled (spontaneous) or
intentional (deliberate) attentional shift from the ongoing
task towards internal thoughts unrelated to the task (mem-
ories, prospective thoughts) while DD refers to thoughts
immersed in fantasy and mental imaginings.
The study addresses two specic research questions: i)
whether hypnagogic hallucinations can inuence creative
achievement and creative performance through the inter-
action with specic mental states associated with creativity
(and in particular MW); and ii) whether hypnagogic hal-
lucinations can inuence the denition of the personality
of these patients, investigating their creative self-beliefs,
namely the self-beliefs to solve problems requiring think-
ing and creative functioning, i.e., creative identity. Since
creative self-beliefs are one of the most important predic-
tors of creative performance and achievement, we
expected that through this inuence hypnagogic hallucina-
tions could indirectly predict creative achievement and
creative performance of these patients.
Sixty-six NT1 patients (mean age 38.62 ± 17.05, 31
females) were consecutively recruited at the Outpatient
Clinic of the Center for Narcolepsy of the Department of
Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences of the University of
Bologna during routine follow-up evaluations. Inclusion
criteria for NT1 patients were age ≥ 18 years and absence
of comorbid neurologic and/or psychiatric disorders. All
patients fullled the current diagnostic criteria for NT1
(International Classication of Sleep Disorders 3rd edi-
tion, ICSD-3) presenting mean sleep-onset latency ≤8
min with at least two sleep-onset REM periods
(SOREMP) on the Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT),
video-documented cataplexy, and reduced/undetectable
cerebrospinal uid hypocretin-1 (CSF hcrt-1) levels.
Mean age at diagnosis was 19.46 ± 12.13 years, mean
disease duration was 18.98 ± 10.54 years, and mean duration
of education was 12.47 ± 3.41 years (range 5–18 years).
Six patients (9%) were drug naïve/drug free, while 60
patients (91%) were on pharmacological treatment at the
time of evaluation (36 (60%) patients on pharmacological
monotherapy and 24 (4%) on pharmacological polyther-
apy). The study was carried out in accordance with the
principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by
the local ethics committee (Comitato Etico Indipendente di
Area Vasta Emilia Centro - CE-AVEC - Prot. N.66930).
All participants provided written informed consent.
Materials and Procedure
All participants lled in questionnaires on sleepiness, NT1
symptoms’ presence and severity, creative achievement,
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D’Anselmo et al Dovepress
creative identity, MW and DD (Italian versions of all
questionnaires have been used).
The Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) was used to
assess “trait” sleepiness and the Karolinska Sleepiness
Scales (KSS) was used to assess momentary “state”
NT1 symptoms’ presence and severity
were assessed with the Narcolepsy Severity Scale (NSS),
which provides three separate symptom scores: i) sleep
paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations (SP-H), ii) exces-
sive daytime sleepiness and night-time sleep (EDS-NS)
and iii) cataplexy (CATA).
Creative achievement has been evaluated with the crea-
tive activity and accomplishment checklist (CAAC).
The CAAC version used in this study consists of 40 items
that cover activities in three domains: artistic, technologi-
cal, and everyday.
Participants had to checkmark two
responses that best described the frequency with which
they performed the activity within their working environ-
ment and outside of it, respectively.
The Short Scale of the Creative Self (SSCS) has been
used to obtain information on creative self-efcacy (CSE)
and creative personal identity (CPI).
Deliberate and spontaneous mind wandering (MW–D
and MW-S, respectively) were assessed with self-report
scales in which higher scores indicate a greater tendency
to engage in MW.
Finally, daydreaming was assessed
with the Daydreaming Frequency Scale (DDFS).
Creative Performance
Creative performance has been assessed with the
Alternative Uses Task (AUT).
The AUT is a measure
of divergent thinking ability, which has been shown to be
a reliable indicator of creative potential.
During the task,
participants are requested to generate as many uncommon/
original uses as they can for six common objects (e.g.,
a book, a chair) randomly presented. Each picture is dis-
played for three minutes, during which the participant can
type responses.
Patients’ responses were evaluated for originality by
two independent raters blind to the participants’ status
and study aims. Each response received a score rating
from 1 (not at all original) to 5 (highly original) (for
a detailed description of the task we refer the reader to
the paper by Agnoli et al).
The average originality
score and the uency score (number of responses pro-
duced) were considered as an indicator of creative abil-
ity or potential.
All participants completed a computerized version of the
AUT. The task was run on a computer with a 15.4-inch
monitor using E-Prime software (Psychology Software
Tools Inc., Pittsburgh, PA, United States). At the begin-
ning and at the end of the experimental session partici-
pants lled in an electronic version of the KSS; upon
completing the AUT participants lled in the question-
naires (ESS, CAAC, SSCS, MW–D and MW–S, DDFS
and the NSS). Questionnaires’ order of presentation was
randomised to counterbalance order effects. See
Supplementary methods for a detailed description of
Materials and Procedure.
Statistical Analysis
Paired sample t-test was used to compare differences
between KSS score before and after the AUT in order to
account for a possible effect of sleepiness on test outcome.
Questionnaires’ internal consistency was calculated by
Cronbach’s α coefcient for NSS, CAAC, SSCS, MW–D,
MW–S and DDFS.
Interrater reliability for originality in the AUT was
calculated and in case of marked discrepancies in ratings
(if the score between the two raters differed by 3 or more
points on the scale used from 1 to 5), raters reviewed and
assigned scores by consensus.
Pearson correlations were used to assess the
relationship between indexes of creativity (creative
achievement, AUT uency and AUT originality), ques-
tionnaires’ score (SSCS, MW–D and MW–S and DDFS)
and clinical data (NSS, ESS, disease duration and age at
To assess whether NT1 symptoms interact with mind
wandering (MW) in the prediction of creative achievement
and creative performance, we conducted three hierarchical
multiple regression analyses including four blocks of vari-
ables (Table 1). Variables scores were centred using the
sample mean prior to be entered into the regression ana-
lysis. In the rst step, SP-H was entered; in the second
step, MW-S and MW-D were entered; in the third step, the
interaction between MW-S and SP-H was entered; in the
fourth step, we included the interaction between MW-S
and SP-H. In the three hierarchical multiple regression
analyses, the criterion variables were, respectively: crea-
tive achievement, AUT uency, and AUT originality.
Because the predictors showed important intercorrelations,
we controlled for multicollinearity.
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To test whether the SP-H symptom could indirectly
inuence creative achievement and creative performance
through its inuence on the denition of the creative self
we tested an indirect effect model (PROCESS macro for
SPSS) on the three indexes of creativity (creative achieve-
ment, AUT uency, and AUT originality);
a Bootstrap
with 5.000 samples was used to derive condence interval
for indirect effects. All indirect effect analyses included
SP-H and DD as predictor variables and creative personal
identity as mediator variable in the relationship between
SP-H and the creativity index (creative achievement, u-
ency, or originality). Because of the possible overlap
between the SP-H symptom and the process of daydream-
ing we controlled for the effect of this latter variable in the
Data are available from the corresponding author upon
reasonable request.
State sleepiness, as measured by the KSS, did not change
during the AUT task (KSS pre = 3.27 ± 1.81, post = 3.44
± 1.89; p = 0.08). The internal consistency of scales
ranged between 0.73 (acceptable) and 0.94 (excellent);
the interrater reliability calculated for the AUT task was
good (Cohen’s κ = 0.66). Demographic, clinical, neuro-
physiological data and questionnaires scores are reported
in Tables 2 and 3.
Correlations Analysis
Results of correlation analyses are reported in Table 4.
Creative achievement was positively correlated to uency
and originality. Moreover, creative success and uency in
AUT were positively correlated with both indicators of
creative identity, CSE and CPI. Originality in AUT was
Table 1 Hierarchical Multiple Regression on Creative Achievement and Creative Performance (Fluency and Originality scores)
Cr. Achievement Fluency Originality
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
SP-H 0.19 0.18 0.25 0.24 0.24 0.23 0.26 0.27 0.17 0.12 0.17 0.16
MW-S 0.02 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.08 0.10 0.05 0.02 0.02
MW-D 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.16 0.15 0.18 0.24 0.23 0.23
MW-S × SP-H 0.38** 0.36 0.14 0.34 0.24 0.21
MW-D × SP-H 0.03 0.24 0.04
0.02 0.01 0.12 0.10 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.06 0.04
0.04 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.06 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.00
F2.43 0.87 3.12* 2.46* 3.23 1.30 1.24 1.12 1.64 1.33 1.83 1.44
ΔF2.43 0.12 9.53* 0.02 3.23 0.38 1.06 1.03 1.64 1.18 3.16 0.03
df 63 61 60 59 53 51 50 49 53 51 50 49
Notes: Step 1: SP-H; Step 2: MW-S and MW-D; Step 3: MW-S × SP-H; Step 4: MW-S × SP-H. Numbers in the rst four rows represent standardized regression coefcients;
*p<0.05, ** p < 0.01
Abbreviations: SP-H, sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations; MW-S, mind wandering spontaneous; MW-D, mind wandering deliberate.
Table 2 Demographic, Clinical and Neurophysiological
Characteristics of Patients
Mean ± SD Range
Demographic data N=66
Male/female 31/35
Age, y 38.62±17.05 18–76
Education, y 12.47±3.41 5–18
Clinical characteristics
Age at onset, y 19.46±12.13
Disease duration, y 18.98±10.54
BMI 29.95±5.12
BMI category
Neurophysiological data
MSLT_sl, min 4.71±3.35
. 3.61±1.35
Biochemical data
CSFHcrt-1, pg/mL (n = 66) 56.15±1 -
HLA DQB1*0602 positivity 66
Medication used
Stimulants 13
Sodium oxybate 23
Antidepressant 13
Stimulants plus sodium oxybate 11
No medication 6
Note: HLA DQB1*0602 = positivity for human leukocyte antigen.
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; MSLT-sl, mean sleep latency at MSLT;
SOREMPs, sleep-onset REM periods at MSLT; CSFHcrt-1, cerebrospinal uid hypo-
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D’Anselmo et al Dovepress
positively correlated with CPI and with factor EDS-NS of
the NSS. The two indicators of creative personal identity
were correlated positively with the total NSS score and
with factor SP-H. CSE correlated positively also with
factor CATA of the NSS and CPI correlated positively
with the duration of the disease. The mental processes of
MW-S and MW-D were both correlated positively with the
process of DD and they were both correlated with the total
score of the NSS and with factor SP-H and EDS-NS of
this scale. Finally, MW-D and DD were both negatively
correlated to the age of onset of the disease: more in detail,
a lower age of onset of the disorder correlated with
a higher level of MW-D and DD.
Hierarchical Multiple Regressions
Variance ination factors showed that the three models
were exempt from multicollinearity (variance ination
factors < 10).
In the rst hierarchical multiple regression analysis
(on creative achievement), neither the introduction of
SP-H (step 1) nor the introduction of MW-S and MW-
D (step 2) produced signicant changes in the regression
model. The introduction of the interaction between MW-
S and SP-H in step 3 produced instead a signicant
change in the model. Finally, step 4, introducing the
interactions between MW-D and SP-H, did not show
any signicant increase of the explained variance in
the model.
To explain the interaction between MW-S and SP-H
observed in the regression model a simple slopes analysis
was performed aimed at exploring a possible moderation
of SP-H on the relationship between MW-S and creative
achievement. This analysis showed that the positive link
between MW-S and creative achievement was signicant
only for low levels of SP-H (ß=0.09, SE=0.04, p=0.02),
but not for medium (ß=0.02, SE=0.03, p=0.42) or high
levels (ß=−.05, SE=0.03, p=0.13) of this moderator (see
Figure 1).
Thus, the link between MW-S and creative achieve-
ment was moderated by SP-H, revealing that in NT1
patients the association between mind wandering and crea-
tive achievement is related to specic levels of this symp-
tom. In particular, the mental state of spontaneous mind
wandering appears to inuence creative achievement in
NT1 only if it is associated with low levels of the SP-H
symptom; on the contrary, at medium and high levels of
the symptom this association was not observed.
In the second hierarchical multiple regression analysis
(on the uency scores) the main effect of SP-H in step 1
and the main effects of MW-S and MW-D in step 2 were
not signicant in the prediction of uency score. The
introduction of the interactions between MW-S and SP-H
in step 3 and between MW-D and SP-H in step 4 showed
no signicant effect on the uency score.
In the third hierarchical multiple regression analysis
(on the originality scores), the main effect of SP-H in
step 1 and the main effects of MW-S and MW-D in step
2 were not signicant in the prediction of originality. The
introduction of the interaction between MW-S and SP-H in
step 3 and between MW-D and SP-H in step 4 showed no
signicant effect on the originality score. Results of the
hierarchical multiple regression analyses are shown in
Table 1.
Indirect Effect Analysis
In the rst indirect effect analysis creative achievement
was included as outcome variable. The model showed that
SP-H was positively associated with creative personal
identity = 0.35, t = 2.28, p= 0.03), in addition creative
personal identity was also positively associated with crea-
tive achievement = 0.02, t = 2.60, p= 0.02). While the
direct effect of SP-H on creative achievement was not
statistically signicant = 0.01, t = 0.54, p = 0.59), the
indirect effect exerted through creative personal identity
Table 3 Questionnaires’ Scores
Mean ± SD Range α
ESS 10.69±4.65 1–24
BDI 8.55±7.90 0–33
Moderate (> 18), n (%) 5 (7.58%)
Severe (> 29), n (%) 3 (4.55%)
SP-H 3.41±3.66 0–14 0.79
EDS-NS 12.48±6.11 0–27 0.81
CATA 5.41±3.95 0–13 0.73
NSS 21.30±10.31 1–46 0.83
CAAC 1.58±0.34 1.00–2.66 0.93
Fluency 26.30±12.23 8–55
Originality 2.27±0.31 1.45–3.05
CSE 21.38±4.99 8–3 0.87
CPI 17.58±4.68 5–25 0.87
MW-S 3.14±1.66 1–7 0.90
MW-D 3.53±1.73 1–7 0.91
DDFS 15.63±11.22 0–48 0.94
Abbreviations: ESS, Epworth sleepiness scale; BDI, Beck Inventory Scale; SP-H,
sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations; EDS-NS, excessive daytime sleepiness
and nighttime sleep; CATA, cataplexy; NSS, narcolepsy severity scale total score;
CAAC, creative achievement; CSE, creative self-efcacy; CPI, creative personal
identity; MW-S, mind wandering spontaneous; MW-D, mind wandering deliberate;
DDFS, daydreaming.
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Table 4 Descriptive Statistics and Correlations Among the Study Variables
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 CAAC _
2. Fluency 0.439** _
3. Originality 0.387** 0.249 _
4. CSE 0.411** 0.349* 0.216 _
5. CPI 0.391** 0.459** 0.271* 0.792** _
6. MW-S 0.104 0.095 0.160 0.127 0.115 _
7. MW-D 0.111 0.158 0.244 0.180 0.184 0.689** _
8. SP-H 0.160 0.221 0.178 0.309* 0.253* 0.409** 0.278* _
9. EDS-NS 0.156 .070 0.299* 0.112 0.132 0.329** 0.287* 0.339** _
10. CATA 0.058 0.017 .022 0.272* 0.231 0.178 0.132 0.268* 0.355** _
11. NSS 0.172 0.040 0.232 0.280* 0.256* 0.408** 0.319** 0.658** 0.848** 0.688** _
12. DDFS 0.202 0.112 0.150 0.139 0.208 0.639** 0.576** 0.183 0.174 0.017 0.173 _
13. ESS .087 .031 0.119 .068 .059 0.145 0.059 0.100 0.516** 0.253* 0.440** .080 _
14. Disease duration 0.201 0.139 0.178 0.253 0.334* 0.022 .074 .100 0.136 .043 0.030 .225 0.029 _
15. Age at onset .130 .063 0.064 .144 .075 .158 .263* 0.013 0.188 0.213 0.195 .431** 0.207 0.082
Mean 1.58 26.30 2.27 21.38 17.58 3.14 3.53 3.41 12.48 5.41 21.30 15.63 10.69 18.98 19.46
SD 0.34 12.23 0.31 4.99 4.68 1.66 1.73 3.66 6.11 3.95 10.31 11.22 4.65 10.54 12.13
Notes: *p<0.05, **p<0.01.
Abbreviations: CAAC, creative achievement; CSE, creative self-efcacy; CPI, creative personal identity; MW-S, mind wandering spontaneous; MW-D, mind wandering deliberate; SP-H, sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations; EDS-
NS, excessive daytime sleepiness and night-time sleep; CATA, cataplexy; NSS, narcolepsy severity scale total score; DDFS, daydreaming; EES, Epworth Sleepiness Scale.
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Nature and Science of Sleep 2020:12
D’Anselmo et al Dovepress
emerged as statistically signicant (ß= 0.09, SE= 0.05,
95% CI = 0.01, 0.21). DD did not turn out to be signi-
cantly associated either with creative achievement =
0.01 t = 1.13, p = 0.26) or to creative personal identity
(ß = 0.06 t = 1.28, p = 0.20). Finally, the total effect of SP-
H on creative achievement, which included the indirect
effect through creative personal identity, was not signi-
cant = 0.01, t = 1.26, p= 0.21) (Figure 2). This model
revealed that a higher frequency of SP-H does not exert
a direct inuence on creative achievement, but it does
through an indirect effect via creative personal identity,
which in turn leads to higher creative achievement. DD
instead did not emerge as a signicant variable in these
In the second indirect effect analysis uency in the
AUT task was included as outcome variable. The model
showed that SP-H was positively associated with creative
personal identity (ß = 0.38, t = 2.38, p = 0.02), in addition
creative personal identity was positively associated with
uency (ß = 1.18, t = 3.28, p = 0.00). The direct effect of
SP-H on uency was not statistically signicant (ß = 0.25,
t = 0.56, p = 0.58), while the indirect effect exerted
through creative personal identity was statistically signi-
cant = 0.13, SE = 0.06, 95% CI = 0.03, 0.26). Again,
DD emerged to be not signicantly associated either with
uency = −.01, t = −.11, p = 0.91) or with creative
personal identity (ß = 0.08, t = 1.53, p = 0.13). Finally, the
total effect of SP-H on uency, which included the indirect
effect through creative personal identity, was not signi-
cant = 0.69, t = 1.52, p = 0.13). Again, this analysis
showed that whereas the frequency of SP-H does not
directly inuence the ability to produce many alternative
ideas (i.e., uency in the AUT), it indirectly affects this
ability via its inuence on dening creative personal iden-
tity (see Figure 3).
In the third indirect effect analysis originality in the
AUT task was included as outcome variable. The model
showed that while SP-H was positively associated with
creative personal identity = 0.38, t = 2.38 p = 0.02),
creative personal identity was not associated with origin-
ality (ß = 0.02, t = 1.54, p = 0.13). The direct effect of SP-
H on originality was not statistically signicant = 0.01,
t = 0.62, p = 0.54), likewise DD was not signicantly
associated either with originality = 0.00, t = 0.56, p =
0.58) or with creative personal identity (ß = 0.08, t = 1.53,
p = 0.13). This analysis showed that SP-H has not effect
(either direct or indirect) on originality.
A main nding that emerges from our study is that hypna-
gogic hallucinations play an important role in predicting
Figure 1 Moderating effect of sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations (SP-H)
on spontaneous mind wandering (MW-S) in the prediction of creative achievement
Figure 2 Path diagram of the mediation model showing that SP-H was positively
associated with CPI, which was also positively associated with CAAC.
Unstandardized β regression coefcients are reported (*p < 0.05). The values
without parentheses represent the total effect, while the value inside the parenth-
eses represents the direct effect of SP-H on CAAC.
Figure 3 Path diagram of the mediation model showing that SP-H was positively
associated with CPI, which was also positively associated with AUT uency.
Unstandardized β regression coefcients are reported (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01).
The values without parentheses represent the total effect, while the value inside
the parentheses represents the direct effect of SP-H on uency.
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NT1 patients’ creative achievement, through its interaction
with the mental state of MW.
In line with scientic literature in the eld of creativity,
our results show a relationship between creative achieve-
ment and creative performance in a divergent thinking
Further, a relation has been found among creativity
aspects and CSE, which could be considered one of the
best predictors of creative achievement and creative
Our study showed that a relationship between narco-
leptic symptoms and creativity emerged in the domain of
self-perception of creativity. A positive association was
found indeed between creative self-efcacy and creative
personal identity and the severity of the disease (as mea-
sured by the NSS scale), in particular with SP-H factor.
A link between the course of the disease and MW-S and
MW-D is also supported by the positive correlation
between these mental states and the NSS. The correlation
is signicant especially for the factor SP-H and excessive
daytime sleepiness, suggesting that NT1 symptomatology
could stimulate the process of MW. Consistent with these
results, we also found a negative correlation between the
age of onset of the disease and the process of MW and
DD: a lower age at the onset of narcolepsy may lead to
a greater development of these mental processes.
The hierarchical multiple regression analysis revealed
that a greater level of creative success was achieved when
MW-S interacted with a low level of SP-H, whereas at
medium and high levels of this symptom, no interactive
effect emerged. According to studies showing the effect of
exposure to external stimuli in affecting the occurrence of
MW episodes, also low frequency of hypnagogic halluci-
nations could thus represent a triggering mechanism for
MW in NT1 patients.
The result showing that the
spontaneous form of MW interacted with hypnagogic hal-
lucinations emerges to be consistent with this explanation.
Whereas deliberate MW is a mental state deliberately
activated by a person, spontaneous MW is usually trig-
gered by external, involuntary cues. Hypnagogic halluci-
nations could therefore represent a mechanism that,
independently form the patient’s decision, can trigger, if
at low levels, the train of thoughts characterizing the mind
wandering state.
Whereas SP-H interacts with spontaneous MW tenden-
cies, in predicting creative achievement, no interactive
effect emerged in the prediction of creative performance
in terms of uency and originality in the AUT. Even if
creative achievement and creative performance are
commonly associated constructs, they capture distinct ele-
ments of the creative phenomenology. Creative achievement
refers to the creative success achieved by a person during
her/his lifetime, creative performance as measured in the
present study captures instead the divergent thinking ability
to generate a multitude of original ideas, a measure of an
individual’s creative potential. It is worth highlighting that
NT1 patients experience the phenomenon of hypnagogic
hallucinations during their life in the course of several
years, and they probably turn this symptomatology into an
advantage, which can therefore represent a favourable con-
text for achieving in different creative activities.
Furthermore, our indirect effect analysis showed that
SP-H exerted an indirect effect through the creative perso-
nal identity both on creativity achievement and on the
creative performance (in the uency index but not in
originality score in the AUT). SP-H emerged therefore to
inuence, even if indirectly, the creative behaviour
through its effect on the creative identity of the patients.
These results suggest that in narcoleptic patients there is
an association between self-perception of creativity and
hypnagogic phenomena. Intriguingly, we found that crea-
tive personal identity was positively associated with the
duration of the disease. This suggests that a longer course
of disease can affect the beliefs to be creative and conse-
quently to succeed in several creative activities.
Our results further extend the results of a recent study
showing a positive association among symptoms (sleep
paralysis, hypnagogic hallucinations, lucid dreaming and
REM sleep behaviour disorder) and a higher creative prole
evaluated in narcoleptic patients.
In the study of Lacaux et al
this greater creative prole highlighted in subjects with nar-
colepsy has been explained in relation to frequent lucid
dreams reported by narcoleptic patients and to their higher
ability to recall dreams content compared to controls.
the same way as lucid dreaming has a positive impact on
creativity in normal subjects, and in narcoleptic patients, our
study showed that also hypnagogic hallucinations may posi-
tively predict creativity in narcolepsy, exerting an indirect
effect through creative personal identity.
Regarding drug therapy, at the time of the test the
majority of patients (91%) were on pharmacological treat-
ment, with more than half of them being treated with
sodium oxybate. In literature, it is reported that when on
medication a reduction of dream recall frequency can
occur and that sodium oxybate may decrease sleep paraly-
sis and hypnagogic hallucinations.
Nevertheless, we
found similar scores in creative success and creative
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performance between patients treated and untreated with
sodium oxybate, with a positive effect of this drug for
sleepiness and cataplexy but not for sleep paralysis and
hallucinations (Supplementary material, Table S1).
Some limitations should be acknowledged. First, our
study did not include a control group. However, we aimed
at addressing the mechanisms underlying creativity in NT1.
Second, our sample of patients is not homogeneous as
regards the age range and the age at onset of the disease,
a variety that however allowed the analysis of the impact of
disease duration on creativity features and mechanisms.
To sum up, our study highlights the role of hypnagogic
hallucinations in dening both creative success and crea-
tive performance of narcoleptic patients by interacting
with patients’ mental states leading to higher creativity
as well as by inuencing their creative identity. On the
one hand, this symptom could represent the mechanism
that triggers the process of mind wandering and that leads
to greater creative success. On the other hand, it can dene
patients’ creative identity, which in turn can lead to higher
creative success and creative potential.
Informing patients about these ndings could be useful in
order to increase awareness of their creative potential. In this
way, patients could learn how to manage some symptoms
and turn them into their advantage in everyday life.
We are indebted to all the patients participating in this
study, most notably the Italian Association of Narcolepsy
(AIN onlus) patients. Without their contributions, this
study would not have been possible. We also thank
Cecilia Baroncini for editing the English text.
Giuseppe Plazzi participated in advisory boards for and
received personal fees from UCB, Jazz pharmaceuticals,
Bioprojet and Idorsia, outside the submitted work. The
authors report no other potential conicts of interest for
this work.
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... The authors considered this privileged access to REM sleep as a possible explanation for the higher scores in convergent and divergent thinking in narcoleptic subjects. A more recent study with type 1 narcolepsy patients, reported a key effect of hypnagogic hallucinations to modulate creative behavior [29]. These results highlighted the role of hypnagogic hallucinations in triggering the process of mind wandering, which led to a greater creative success. ...
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Background: The relationship between sleep and creativity is a topic of much controversy. General benefits of napping have been described not only in sleep-deprived individuals and in shift workers, but also in people with sufficient night sleep. However, only few studies have investigated the relationship between nap and creativity. Methods: Forty-two native German speakers (29 females, mean age = 24 years, SD = 3.3 years) took part in two experimental sessions (i.e., baseline and intervention). In both sessions, divergent and convergent verbal and figural creativity tasks were administered at the same time of the day. While the baseline session was identical for all the participants, in the second session participants were randomized into either a sixty-minute nap or a sixty-minute rest group. Results: No significant group differences were found for neither divergent nor convergent creativity thinking tasks, suggesting that the interventions had similar effects in both groups. Interestingly, the analysis of the pooled data (i.e., pooled nap and rest groups) indicated differential effects of figural versus verbal creativity tasks, such that significant post-intervention improvements were found for the figural, but not for the verbal divergent and convergent thinking tasks. Conclusions: While further studies are needed to confirm these findings, to the best of our knowledge, such a dissociation between performance of verbal and figural creativity tasks after nap/rest interventions has not been described to date.
... There have been reports that these techniques may also lead to SP [35]. Previous studies also showed that both LDs and SP are connected to creativity [36][37][38][39]. Further, both phenomena are connected to supernatural and extraordinary experiences. ...
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Background: Sleep paralysis and lucid dreams are two states of consciousness that are connected to REM sleep but are defined by higher awareness in contrast to regular REM sleep. Despite these similarities, the two states differ widely in their emotional tone and their perceived controllability. This review aims to summarize the current research containing sleep paralysis and lucid dreams. However, given the sparsity of the research, one single topic cannot be chosen. Methods: Articles containing both lucid dreams as well as sleep paralysis were searched for in the following databanks: MEDLINE, Scopus, Web of Science, PsycInfo, PsycArticles, and PSYNDEX. Further, citations of the found papers were examined. Results: 10 studies were included in the review. Most of the studies were surveys, but there was also a case study, a randomized trial, and an observational EEG study. The numbers of participants ranged from a single participant in the case study to 1928 participants in a survey. The main findings were that correlations between sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming were positive and significant in most of the studies. Conclusions: There is a connection between lucid dreaming and sleep paralysis. However, research is still very limited and diverse in the methodologies used. Future research should build standardized methods for examining the two phenomena.
... On the other hand, narcolepsy patients are reported to have strong points. They have higher creative potential [3] associated with hypnagogic hallucination, which interacted the specific mental states of spontaneous mind wandering [4]. ...
Since the first description of narcolepsy at the end of the 19th Century, great progress has been made. The disease is nowadays distinguished as narcolepsy type 1 and type 2. In the 1960s, the discovery of rapid eye movement sleep at sleep onset led to improved understanding of core sleep-related disease symptoms of the disease (excessive daytime sleepiness with early occurrence of rapid eye movement sleep, sleep-related hallucinations, sleep paralysis, rapid eye movement parasomnia), as possible dysregulation of rapid eye movement sleep, and cataplexy resembling an intrusion of rapid eye movement atonia during wake. The relevance of non-sleep-related symptoms, such as obesity, precocious puberty, psychiatric and cardiovascular morbidities, has subsequently been recognized. The diagnostic tools have been improved, but sleep-onset rapid eye movement periods on polysomnography and Multiple Sleep Latency Test remain key criteria. The pathogenic mechanisms of narcolepsy type 1 have been partly elucidated after the discovery of strong HLA class II association and orexin/hypocretin deficiency, a neurotransmitter that is involved in altered rapid eye movement sleep regulation. Conversely, the causes of narcolepsy type 2, where cataplexy and orexin deficiency are absent, remain unknown. Symptomatic medications to treat patients with narcolepsy have been developed, and management has been codified with guidelines, until the recent promising orexin-receptor agonists. The present review retraces the steps of the research on narcolepsy that linked the features of the disease with rapid eye movement sleep abnormality, and those that do not appear associated with rapid eye movement sleep.
This paper introduces a new dynamic theoretical framework for understanding the role of individual differences (IDs) as necessary mechanisms in the creative process: the Individual Differences HOListic (IDHOL) model. First, through a series of questions, some micro- and macro dynamics in which IDs participate as organizers of the creative process are explained. The IDHOL model essentially explains where and when IDs can influence the creative process by considering three layers of influence, each of them representing a possible level of analysis for the study of IDs in creativity research: the psycho-biological layer, the context layer, and the creative states layer. This model is intentionally used to show that individuals can only be considered central to the study of a creative process if they are viewed as holistic entities, and that their idiosyncratic influences in the process can only emerge because of the interactive dynamics with the various places (contexts) and moments (states) necessary to the process. Finally, based on the structure of the IDHOL model, some research guidelines are given for structuring the study of variation in creative dynamics by outlining selected experimental examples from the author’s work of how the study of IDs can be included in the creativity research agenda.
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Sleep paralysis (SP) is a mixed state of consciousness and sleep, combining features of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep with those of wakefulness. The exact cause of SP is unknown, and its prevalence varies among the studies. We aim to identify SP's global prevalence, the affected population's characteristics, and the SP's clinical picture. We searched three databases (PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science (WoS)) using a unique search strategy to identify eligible studies. All observational studies identifying the prevalence or frequency of sleeping paralysis were included. No exclusions are made based on country, race, or questionnaire. The analysis was performed using the latest version of R software (R Core Team, Vienna, Austria). The analysis included 76 studies from 25 countries with 167,133 participants. The global prevalence of SP was 30% (95% CI (22%, 39%)). There were similar frequencies of isolated SP and SP (33%, 95% CI (26%, 42%), I2 = 97%, P <0.01; 31%, 95% CI (21%, 43%), I2 = 100%, P = 0, respectively). A subgroup analysis showed that the majority of those who experienced SP were psychiatric patients (35%, 95% CI (20%, 55%), I2 = 96%, P <0.01). The prevalence among non-psychiatric patients was among students (34%, 95% CI (23%, 47%), I2 = 100%, P = 0). Auditory and visual hallucinations were reported in 24.25% of patients. Around 4% had only visual hallucinations. Meta-regression showed no association between the frequency of SP and sex. Publication bias was detected among the included studies through visual inspection of funnel plot asymmetry. Our findings revealed that 30% of the population suffered from SP, especially psychiatric patients and students. The majority of SP cases lacked associated hallucinations, while a noteworthy proportion experienced combined visual and auditory hallucinations.
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The starting reasoning and promoting switch from intuitive system 1 to deliberate system 2 for provoking creative thinking is lacking feasible model, especially during the global pandemic. We established a visible, trainable and learnable (VTL) model with digital technique to promote this dual switch for creative thinking. This study was registered this project in Chinese clinical trial registry(Registration number: ChiCTR2200065100; Date of registration: 10–27,2022). Considering the education equity for each class, we performed this study in formal college classes utilizing a self-controlled study by testing the related indicators. We performed the VTL model and evaluated the related indicators in questionnaire from students who entered University in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2018 in the same major and with the same knowledge background. And we found that this model helped students to get the positive effect of other psychological processes on starting human reasoning. What’s more, this model promoted social factors to provoke the switch from intuitive system 1 to deliberate system 2 in students’ reasoning. With this model, students had a better performance in the innovative initiative and a better master the content in the class, and also offered significantly more problem-solving solutions. Finally, digital technique also accelerated internal switch. This VTL model with digital technologies could significantly promote the dual switching, especially during COVID-19 pandemic. Graphical Abstract
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The creativity of an advertisement campaign is one of the most relevant predictors of its success. Past research has highlighted the relevance of domain-specific experience in enhancing creativity, but the results are controversial. We explored the role of work experience, in terms of number of years spent in the advertisement domain, in various forms of creativity expressed within this specific working domain. We hypothesized a mediator role of experience in the relationship between the individual’s creative potential, as measured through a series of divergent thinking tasks, and creative achievement in the advertisement domain. Moreover, considering the importance of personality in creative achievement, we also explored the influence of the openness-to-experience on advertisers’ creative achievement. A range of measures assessing creative achievement, openness, and divergent thinking abilities in terms of fluency and originality were administered to a group of professionals in the advertisement domain. The results demonstrate a crucial role for experience in the connection between originality and creative achievement. Moreover, our findings extend previous studies by showing that fluency and openness are significant predictors of creative achievement in the advertisement environment. These results emphasize the importance of canalizing the advertiser’s divergent thinking abilities through appropriate routes provided by working experience, raising important implications for future explorations of domain-specific creative achievement within an individual differences framework. Final indications for future developments are provided, with a special emphasis on the replication of these findings in various work domains and in various cultural contexts.
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Some studies suggest a link between creativity and rapid eye movement sleep. Narcolepsy is characterized by falling asleep directly into rapid eye movement sleep, states of dissociated wakefulness and rapid eye movement sleep (cataplexy, hypnagogic hallucinations, sleep paralysis, rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder and lucid dreaming) and a high dream recall frequency. Lucid dreaming (the awareness of dreaming while dreaming) has been correlated with creativity. Given their life-long privileged access to rapid eye movement sleep and dreams, we hypothesized that subjects with narcolepsy may have developed high creative abilities. To test this assumption, 185 subjects with narcolepsy and 126 healthy controls were evaluated for their level of creativity with two questionnaires, the Test of Creative Profile and the Creativity Achievement Questionnaire. Creativity was also objectively tested in 30 controls and 30 subjects with narcolepsy using the Evaluation of Potential Creativity test battery, which measures divergent and convergent modes of creative thinking in the graphic and verbal domains, using concrete and abstract problems. Subjects with narcolepsy obtained higher scores than controls on the Test of Creative Profile (mean ± standard deviation: 58.9 ± 9.6 versus 55.1 ± 10, P = 0.001), in the three creative profiles (Innovative, Imaginative and Researcher) and on the Creative Achievement Questionnaire (10.4 ± 25.7 versus 6.4 ± 7.6, P = 0.047). They also performed better than controls on the objective test of creative performance (4.3 ± 1.5 versus 3.7 ± 1.4; P = 0.009). Most symptoms of narcolepsy (including sleepiness, hypnagogic hallucinations, sleep paralysis, lucid dreaming, and rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder, but not cataplexy) were associated with higher scores on the Test of Creative Profile. These results highlight a higher creative potential in subjects with narcolepsy and further support a role of rapid eye movement sleep in creativity.
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Objective Narcolepsy type 1 widely affects the architecture of sleep with frequent fast transition to REM sleep at both nighttime and daytime sleep onset. The occurrence of repeated sleep onset REM periods over the Multiple Sleep Latency Test offers a unique opportunity to identify EEG patterns predictive of successful dream recall after short periods composed of only REM or NREM sleep. It also permits to disentangle state‐ from trait‐like differences in dream recall, by using a within‐subjects design. Methods A consecutive series of 115 first‐diagnosed drug‐free adult narcolepsy‐type 1 patients underwent Multiple Sleep Latency Tests and were asked after each nap opportunity if they had or had not a dream experience. Scalp EEG power and a specific index of cortical activation (delta/beta power ratio), obtained from naps of 43 patients with both presence and absence of dream recall in the same sleep stage, were compared separately for REM and NREM sleep. Results Successful dream recall was associated with an increased EEG desynchronization in both REM and NREM over partially overlapping cortical areas. Compared to unsuccessful recall, it showed (1) lower delta power over centro‐parietal areas during both stages, (2) higher beta power in the same cortical areas during NREM, and (3) lower values in the delta/beta ratio during NREM in most scalp locations. Interpretation A more activated electrophysiological milieu in both REM and NREM sleep promotes dream recall, strengthening the notion that the parietal areas are crucial not only in generating dream experience, as shown in brain‐damaged patients, but also in the memory processing leading to recall.
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Mind wandering (MW) refers to the shift of attention away from a primary task towards thoughts unrelated to the task. Here we show that significant new insight into the dynamics of this process can be gained by using pupillometry. Participants performed a monotonous vigilance task which was intermixed with task-irrelevant verbal cues. At fixed times, we interrupted them and asked what they were thinking about immediately prior to the probe and what had triggered their thought. We observed pupil dilation after the presentation of verbal cues reported to have triggered MW, compared with other verbal cues with similar emotional content. Thus, MW is associated with pupil dilation. We also analysed the pupil-constriction response to the task-stimuli (vertical and horizontal bars, to be categorized as targets and non-targets for the vigilance task), and found that this was unchanged during MW. We conclude that pupil size provides an index of MW, objective and covert and that this may be exploited in further studies to understand whether and how MW affects the processing of sensory stimuli.
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Recent research on individual differences in mind wandering have shown that two different forms, spontaneous and deliberate, can be distinguished and measured with the Mind Wandering-Spontaneous (MW-S) and the Mind Wandering-Deliberate (MW-D) scales. In this study we tested whether the psychometric properties of Italian versions of these scales replicated across two common administration methods (paper-and-pencil and online survey). We also investigated their construct validity with respect to other self-report measures of MW and daydreaming, and measures of attentional control (AC). These measures were completed by 123 psychology students using the paper-and-pencil versions and by 165 online participants. The factor structure of the MW scales and their correlations with the other measures were replicated almost perfectly across administration methods. A confirmatory factor analysis performed on data from 270 community participants further supported the replicability of the factor structure of the MW and AC scales. Albeit moderately correlated, the MW-S and the MW-D scales showed discriminant validity, since the former had significantly higher correlations with the other MW and AC measures, but not with daydreaming. These findings further supported the distinctiveness of the two forms of MW and suggested that in correlational studies the administration method is unlikely to affect results. 3
Narcolepsy is a chronic, debilitating neurological disorder of sleep-wake state instability. This instability underlies all narcolepsy symptoms, including excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), symptoms of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep dysregulation (ie, cataplexy, hypnagogic/hypnopompic hallucinations, sleep paralysis), and disrupted nighttime sleep. Several neurotransmitter systems promote wakefulness, and various neural pathways are involved in regulating REM sleep-related muscle atonia, providing multiple targets for pharmacologic intervention to reduce EDS and cataplexy. Medications approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of EDS in narcolepsy include traditional stimulants (eg, amphetamines, methylphenidate), wake-promoting agents (eg, modafinil, armodafinil), and solriamfetol, which mainly act on dopaminergic and noradrenergic pathways. Sodium oxybate (thought to act via GABAB receptors) is FDA-approved for the treatment of EDS and cataplexy. Pitolisant, a histamine 3 (H3)-receptor antagonist/inverse agonist, is approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for the treatment of narcolepsy with or without cataplexy in adults and by the FDA for the treatment of EDS in adults with narcolepsy. Pitolisant increases the synthesis and release of histamine in the brain and modulates the release of other neurotransmitters (eg, norepinephrine, dopamine). Antidepressants that inhibit reuptake of serotonin and/or norepinephrine are widely used off label to manage cataplexy. In many patients with narcolepsy, combination treatment with medications that act via different neural pathways is necessary for optimal symptom management. Mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics, and abuse potential are important considerations in treatment selection and subsequent medication adjustments to maximize efficacy and mitigate adverse effects in the treatment of patients with narcolepsy.
Even if mind wandering (MW) and mindfulness have traditionally been intended as separate and antithetical constructs, the roles of these 2 mental states on creative behavior were jointly explored in this article. In particular, MW was analyzed in light of a recent approach suggesting a differentiation between deliberate and spontaneous MW, whereas mindfulness was analyzed by distinguishing its 5 different constitutional dimensions: observing, acting with awareness, describing, nonreactivity, and nonjudging. The influence on creativity of these 2 mental states was analyzed using a sample of 77 undergraduate students both on a performance index (i.e., originality) and on a self-report index (i.e., creative achievement). Results showed that MW and mindfulness dimensions predicted creative behavior both alone and in combination, suggesting a complex interdependence between these 2 mental states within the creative thinking process. In particular, the critical importance of distinguishing between deliberate and spontaneous MW was revealed by a final path analysis, which revealed the opposite effects of these 2 dimensions on originality and creative achievement. That is, deliberate MW positively predicted creative performance, whereas spontaneous MW was negatively associated with such performance. Moreover, the nonreactivity and awareness dimensions of mindfulness, the latter in interaction with deliberate MW, emerged as main predictors of response originality. Finally, the describing facet of mindfulness predicted creative achievement both directly and indirectly through an interaction with deliberate MW. The implications emerging from the adoption of a multi-dimensional approach to the analysis of MW and mindfulness in the study of creativity are discussed herein.
Objective /Background: Cataplexy is the pathognomonic symptom of narcolepsy type 1 (NT1). Since it is considered difficult to be directly observed or documented by clinicians, its diagnosis relies mainly on history taking. Our study aimed at testing the feasibility of a standardized video recording procedure under emotional stimulation to document cataplexy in the diagnostic work-up of suspected hypersomnia of central origin. Patients/Methods Two-hundred-eight consecutive patients underwent the diagnostic work-up and reached the final diagnosis of NT1 (n=133), idiopathic hypersomnia or narcolepsy type 2 (IH/NT2 group, n=33), or subjective excessive daytime sleepiness (sEDS group, n=42). All subjects underwent a standardized video recording procedure while watching funny movies selected according to individual preferences, and a technician blind to clinical features reviewed the recordings to identify hypotonic phenomena that were finally confirmed by patients. Results The video recording under emotional stimulation captured hypotonic phenomena in 72.2%, 9.1% and 4.8% of NT1, IH/NT2, and sEDS subjects (p<0.0001), respectively. When tested against CSF hypocretin deficiency, the documentation of a hypotonic episode at the test showed an area under the ROC curve of 0.823±0.033 (p<0.0001). NT1 patients under anticataplectic medications showed less frequently hypotonic episodes than untreated ones (48.0% vs 77.8%, p=0.003). Conclusions A standardized video recording procedure under emotional stimulation can help in the characterization of suspected hypersomnia of central origin. Further multi-center studies are warranted to extend the present findings and integrate a shared procedure for the laboratory work-up of narcolepsy.
Our understanding of mind wandering (MW) has dramatically increased over the past decade. A key challenge still facing research is the identification of the processes and events that directly cause and control its occurrence. In the present study we sought to shed light on this question, by investigating the effects of verbal cues on the frequency and temporal focus of MW. To this aim, we experimentally manipulated the presence of irrelevant verbal cues during a vigilance task, in two independent groups (Verbal-cues group vs. No-cues group). We found that compared to the No-cues group, the Verbal-cues group reported a higher amount of MW, mostly triggered by the irrelevant cue-words, and a higher pro-portion of past-oriented MW compared to the other temporal orientations. These results demonstrate that task-irrelevant verbal stimulation increases the frequency of MW and steers its temporal orientation toward the past. Implications for the research on MW are discussed.
Although many studies have indicated that participants frequently mind-wander during experimental tasks, relatively little research has examined the extent to which such thoughts are triggered by task stimuli (stimulus-dependent thoughts; SDTs) versus internally triggered (stimulus-independent thoughts; SITs). In the current experiment, we assessed differences in the frequency and characteristics of SDTs and SITs, as well as their associations with subsequent memory in young adults. Whereas frequency of SDTs (but not SITs) increased in a task with more meaningful stimuli, frequency of SITs (but not SDTs) increased in an easier task. Furthermore, only SDTs were more likely to be past- versus future-oriented. Finally, frequency and vividness of SDTs during a shallow, but not a deep, incidental encoding task both correlated with later memory performance for word stimuli. These results suggest that SDTs differ from SITs in several important ways.