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Retrieval of Prior Court Cases Using Witness Testimonies



Witness testimonies are important constituents of a court case description and play a significant role in the final decision. We propose two techniques to identify sentences representing witness testimonies. The first technique employs linguistic rules whereas the second technique applies distant supervision where training set is constructed automatically using the output of the first technique. We then represent the identified witness testimonies in a more meaningful structure – event verb (predicate) along with its arguments corresponding to semantic roles A0 and A1 [1]. We demonstrate effectiveness of such representation in retrieving semantically similar prior relevant cases. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper to apply NLP techniques to extract witness information from court judgements and use it for retrieving prior court cases.
January 2020
Retrieval of Prior Court Cases using
Witness Testimonies
Kripabandhu GHOSH b,1, Sachin PAWAR a, Girish PALSHIKARa,
Pushpak BHATTACHARYYA cand Vasudeva VARMA d
aTCS Research, Tata Consultancy Services, Pune, India
bIndian Institute of Science Education and Research - Kolkata
cIndian Institute of Technology Bombay
dInternational Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad
Abstract. Witness testimonies are important constituents of a court case description
and play a significant role in the final decision. We propose two techniques to iden-
tify sentences representing witness testimonies. The first technique employs lin-
guistic rules whereas the second technique applies distant supervision where train-
ing set is constructed automatically using the output of the first technique. We then
represent the identified witness testimonies in a more meaningful structure – event
verb (predicate) along with its arguments corresponding to semantic roles A0 and
A1 [1]. We demonstrate effectiveness of such representation in retrieving semanti-
cally similar prior relevant cases. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first pa-
per to apply NLP techniques to extract witness information from court judgements
and use it for retrieving prior court cases.
Keywords. Prior Case Retrieval, Witness Testimonies, Natural Language Processing,
Semantic Roles
1. Introduction
Witnesses – whether prosecution or defence, lay or expert – are important in all types
of court cases. Witness testimonies and their cross-examinations by the counsels have
a significant effect on the judges’ decision. Large corpora of court judgements (e.g.,
the Indian Supreme and High Court judgements), often contain the judges’ summaries
of the witness testimonies presented during the proceedings. In addition, judges often
comment in the judgement on (a) the correctness, quality, completeness and reliability
of the testimonies of a witness; (b) the interrelationships between the testimonies of
various witnesses (e.g., consistency or contradictions); and (c) the impact (“weighing in”)
of various witness testimonies on their final decision. The specific contents of witness
testimonies and such high-level analyses are valuable for preparing a case, retrieving
relevant past cases, understanding strengths and weaknesses of a case, predicting court
decisions and extracting legal argumentation.
In this paper, first, we propose two NLP techniques (linguistic knowledge-based and
distantly supervised) to identify sentences of class Testimony, i.e., sentences containing
1Work was carried out when the author was in TCS Research, Tata Consultancy Services, Pune
January 2020
testimonies of witnesses; example: The body of Gian Kaur was sent to Dr. Singh (PW 6)
for post-mortem who noticed five minor injuries on the body of the deceased. Further,
we extract details of events mentioned in such witness Testimony sentences. A witness
testimony provides factual or subjective details about various events, objects and per-
sons. We extract information provided by witnesses about various events, and not about
the persons or objects, though the approach can be easily extended. We focus on two
types of events: crime events or legal events such as filing a police complaint, or arrest.
We restrict an event to mean a physical action or communication. We focus on events
expressed as verbs, although nouns (e.g., attack) can also denote an event. We represent
event information provided by a witness as an event frame, consisting of (i) the action
verb, (ii) the agent who initiated the action, and (iii) the patient (or beneficiary) who
experienced the action. Other event details (e.g., time, location), can be easily extracted.
We use MatePlus [2], a semantic role labeling (SRL) tool, to identify the predicate and
associated A0, A1 arguments (described in Section 2.2.1) and fill up event frames.
Finally, after extracting the event details from witness testimonies, we demonstrate
its use for improving retrieval of relevant past cases (prior cases) based on high-level
English queries which might be asked by a lawyer or a lay person. Prior cases form
the backbone of judicial systems following Common Law; e.g., in India. For prior case
retrieval, we propose two techniques. The first is based on exact matching of the event
frames (one from the query and another from a past court judgement). The other is based
on learning a representation for event frames and then using a similarity measure over
event frames. We demonstrate that our approaches perform better in retrieving past court
judgements as compared to three baseline methods: BoW retrieval function BM25, sim-
ilarity over document representation vectors given by Doc2Vec, and Sentence-BERT.
Doc2Vec has demonstrated efficacy in prior case retrieval [3] when the whole case doc-
ument is considered. However, explainability of a prior case retrieval result remains an
open question, which we attempt to address in this paper. Recently, [4] used supervised
techniques for answering basic questions in legal domain using numerous features. Our
proposed technique for prior case retrieval is completely unsupervised which handles
fine-grained questions pertinent to a given case situation. To the best of our knowledge,
this is the first paper to apply NLP techniques to extract witness information from court
judgements and use it for assisting lawyers in an explainable manner.
2. Methodology
Our proposed technique works in two phases. In the first phase, we identify witness
testimony sentences from prior court case documents using a set of linguistic rules and
a distantly supervised LSTM-based sentence classifier. Then in the second phase, we
retrieve prior court cases relevant to a query using two different matching techniques.
Here, the queries are matched with only witness testimony sentences from the prior court
cases and other sentences are ignored. We use a corpus of 30,034 Indian Supreme Court
judgements from years 1952 to 2012, for all our experiments.
2.1. Identifying Witness Testimony Sentences
As there are no readily available annotated datasets for Testimony sentences, we use
linguistic rules to create training data automatically. This technique works in two steps
January 2020
where in the first step, the linguistic rules are used to identify Testimony sentences as
well as certain non-Testimony sentences with high confidence. In the second step, we
employ distant supervision, where training data is automatically created using output of
the first step. Here, we train a Bi-LSTM based sentence classifier to identify Testimony
2.1.1. Linguistic rules
Our linguistic rules are designed to ascertain that any sentence identified as Testimony
sentence satisfies the following linguistic properties. Here, we use the spaCy [5] depen-
dency parser to obtain dependency tree structure for each sentence.
R1: Presence of explicit (e.g., eye-witness,P.W.2) or implicit witness mentions.
Implicit mentions can be pronouns (he,she), person-indicating common nouns
(landlord,doctor), or actual person names (S.I. Patil).
R2: Presence of at least one statement-indicating verb like stated,testified,
R3: Within its dependency subtree, the statement verb should contain at least one
of the following: a clausal complement (ccomp) or open clausal complement
R4: The statement verb should NOT have a child which negates it like not.
R5: The statement verb should have at least one witness mention within its nsubj
or agent dependency subtree (to ensure that the witness mention is subject/agent
of the statement verb) but should NOT have any legal role (e.g. lawyer,counsel,
judge) mention within its nsubj or agent dependency subtree (to exclude the state-
ments by lawyers or judges).
The same set of rules are also used to identify non-Testimony sentences which are
quite similar to Testimony sentences. Such sentences are those which satisfy the rules R1
to R4but don’t satisfy the rule R5. Using the above rules, we identified 37572 Testimony
sentences and 14382 non-Testimony sentences (see Table 1 for examples). In order to
estimate the precision of our linguistic rules, we manually verified 200 random sentences
identified as Testimony and the precision turned out to be 85%.
2.1.2. Distantly supervised Bi-LSTM based sentence classifier
As our linguistic rules are dependent on achieving correct dependency parsing, we ob-
served that the rules fail to identify several Testimony sentences due to incorrect parsing.
To overcome this, we trained a Bi-LSTM based sentence classifier which does not use
Table 1. S1,S2: Witness Testimony sentences identified by rules; S3: Negative instance identified by rules for
Testimony; S4: Testimony sentence NOT identified by rules but identified by the Bi-LSTM based classifier.
S1It must be noticed that P.W.-1 in his deposition stated that the appellant had
taken him away in an ambassador car driven by P.W.-4 Rajib Bhuyan.
S2He further stated that the portion of the ground on which the grass was cut
was shown to the Police Inspector.
S3The learned counsel stated that PWs 1, 2 and 3 must have come there to attack
the appellants.
S4PW-15 further deposed that she knew Bharosa Colour Lab as she had been there
several times to meet Mahesh.
January 2020
any dependency information but uses only the sequence information of the words. For
training the classifier, we create the training dataset automatically by using our linguistic
rules. 37572 Testimony sentences and 14382 non-Testimony sentences identified by the
rules are treated as positive and negative instances, respectively. In addition, 23190 sen-
tences are randomly selected from the rest of the corpus and treated as negative instances.
Once the classifier is trained, we classify all the remaining sentences in the corpus and se-
lect 10000 sentences with highest confidence as Testimony sentences. In order to estimate
the precision of our distantly supervised Bi-LSTM classifier, we manually verified 200
random sentences out of these 10000 and the precision turned out to be 75%. This classi-
fier clearly learns more patterns over the rule based method (see Table 1). In Table 1, our
rules fail to identify S4as a Testimony sentence because the dependency parsing fails to
identify PW-15 as the subject of the verb deposed. However, our Bi-LSTM based sentence
classifier correctly identifies this sentences as Testimony with high confidence.
2.2. Retrieving Relevant Prior Cases
In this section, we describe two matching techniques which are used to compute semantic
similarity between a query and a witness Testimony sentence from a prior court case.
2.2.1. Background: Semantic Roles
A syntactic or grammatical structure (such as dependency or constituency parse tree)
of a sentence does not always capture full meaning of a sentence. E.g., consider the
two sentences “John broke the window.” and “The window broke.” Here, even
if the syntactic role of “the window” is different in both these sentences (object in
the first sentence and subject in the second sentence), the underlying semantic role of
the window” is same in both of these sentences. Semantic Role Labelling (SRL) of a
sentence identifies predicate-argument structures in the sentence such as the examples
shown in Table 2. These predicate-argument structures are shown in a format adopted
by PropBank [1]. In PropBank, the arguments of a predicate are numbered as A0, A1,
A2 depending on the semantic role it plays. For a particular predicate, A0 is generally
an Agent (someone who initiates the action), while A1 is a Patient or a Theme (someone
who undergoes the action). No such consistent generalizations can be made across dif-
ferent verbs for the higher-numbered arguments. Hence, in this paper, we only consider
A0 and A1 arguments of verbal predicates in witness Testimony sentences and queries.
Also, as we are only focussing on predicates corresponding to event verbs, we also refer
to these predicate-argument structures as event frames. We use MatePlus [2], a seman-
tic role labeling (SRL) tool, for obtaining predicate-argument structures present in each
Table 2. Examples of predicate-argument structures in PropBank[1] style. The A0 (Arg0) argument plays an
agent semantic role and A1 (Arg1) plays a patient/theme semantic role.
S1:P.W. 1 to 5 have stated that the appellant assaulted the deceased with
a crow bar on his head.
Predicate:assaulted,A0 (agent):the appellant,A1 (patient/theme):the deceased
Q1:Which are the cases where the appellant has attacked the deceased?
Predicate:attacked,A0 (agent):the appellant,A1 (patient/theme):the deceased
January 2020
2.2.2. Exact Semantic Match (M1)
We leverage the predicate-argument structure (as elucidated in Table 2) in a query or
a sentence in a candidate prior case in retrieval. We find the similarity of a query, Q
(e.g., Q1in Table 2) with each sentence, S(e.g., S1in Table 2) in a candidate prior case
document D. To this end, we match the predicate-argument structure of Qwith that of S,
where the corresponding predicate and arguments are matched. That is, the Predicate in
Qis matched with the Predicate in S, the A0 in Qis matched with the A0 in Sand so on.
The similarity between Qand Sis defined as:
SIMs(Q,S) = rmatch(Qr,Sr)
Here, r∈ {Predicate,A0,A1}(semantic roles), match(.) = 1 if there is an exact
match, 0 otherwise. |Q|is the number of not null arguments in the query (some of the ar-
gument values may be null if not detected by the SRL tool). This is done to normalise the
score over the query length so that incomplete matches are penalized. In our example, the
SIMs(Q,S)is 2
3=0.67. In case of a complete match (if Scontained attacked instead
of assaulted as Predicate), the value of SIMs(Q,S)will be 1. We compute the similar-
ity at the document level, i.e. between Qand Dusing: SIM(Q,D) = maxS(SI Ms(Q,S))
(maximum of all SIMs(Q,S)values for all sentences SD).
2.2.3. Semantic Match using Event Frame Representation (M2)
Finding exact match of predicate and arguments in a query event frame (predicate-
argument structure) may not be possible always due to the usage of different but se-
mantically similar words in relevant documents. In our aforementioned example, the
high semantic similarity between Qand Dis not realized even though attacked and
assaulted share the same semantic context. Hence, we propose to learn an embedded
representation for the complete event frame structure, i.e. hpredicate,A0,A1i. We train
a de-noising autoencoder [6] by masking either predicate, A0 or A1 of an event frame
at a time and trying to reconstruct the complete frame. We employ a simple architecture
where the input layer accepts a vector (of 900 dimensions) which is a concatenation of
300-dimensional pre-trained word vectors corresponding to predicate, A0 and A1, where
any one of these is masked by using a zero vector. The next layer is a fully connected
dense layer of 300 dimensions. Finally, the output layer is again a 900-dimensional layer
reconstructing the original concatenated vector corresponding to the complete frame.
Once this autoencoder is trained, its encoder part (i.e. first two layers) is used to ob-
tain embedded 300-dim representation of any event frame. The similarity in this case is
calculated as:
SIM(Q,D) = maxS(cosine sim(Repr(Q),Repr(S))) (2)
Here, Repr(x)is the representation of a frame x. That is, we take SIM(Q,D)as the
maximum value of cosine similarity between the representations of Qand Sover all the
sentences SD.
January 2020
Table 3. Comparative performance of all techniques. B1:BM25, B2:Doc2Vec, B3: Sentence-BERT, M1:Exact
Semantic Match, M2:Semantic Match using Event Frame Representation; best values shown in bold.
Query R-Precision (R-Prec)
B1 B2 B3 M1 M2
q1: Which are the cases where a husband has set his wife on fire? 0.13 0.00 0.50 0.63 0.63
q2: Which are the cases where the appellant has attacked the de-
0.21 0.10 0.24 0.28 0.45
q3: Which are the cases where the respondent killed the deceased? 0.00 0.00 0.0 1.00 1.00
q4: Which are the cases where the appellant demanded money? 0.06 0.13 0.0 0.56 0.75
q5: Which are the cases where the respondent has forged signa-
0.00 0.00 0.25 0.75 0.75
q6: Which are the cases where the appellant accepted bribe? 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.33 0.50
q7: Which are the cases where an appointment was challenged? 0.14 0.14 0.00 0.43 0.57
q8: Which are the cases where an election was challenged? 0.08 0.31 0.08 0.38 0.46
q9: Which are the cases where the complainant was beaten by
0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
q10: Which are the cases where the respondent has admitted the
0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
Average over all queries 0.06 0.07 0.22 0.64 0.71
Query Average Precision (AP)
B1 B2 B3 M1 M2
q1: Which are the cases where a husband has set his wife on fire? 0.13 0.00 0.54 0.70 0.89
q2: Which are the cases where the appellant has attacked the de-
0.10 0.06 0.09 0.28 0.51
q3: Which are the cases where the respondent killed the deceased? 0.00 0.00 0.17 1.00 1.00
q4: Which are the cases where the appellant demanded money? 0.03 0.07 0.02 0.56 0.76
q5: Which are the cases where the respondent has forged signa-
0.05 0.00 0.17 0.95 0.62
q6: Which are the cases where the appellant accepted bribe? 0.02 0.00 0.10 0.33 0.43
q7: Which are the cases where an appointment was challenged? 0.04 0.05 0.00 0.43 0.63
q8: Which are the cases where an election was challenged? 0.01 0.15 0.04 0.38 0.50
q9: Which are the cases where the complainant was beaten by
0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
q10: Which are the cases where the respondent has admitted the
0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
Average over all queries 0.04 0.03 0.21 0.66 0.73
3. Experimental Evaluation
3.1. Dataset
Corpus: We use the Indian Supreme Court judgements from years 1952 to 2012 freely
available at There are 30,034 files
containing 4,634,075 sentences and 134,329,128 tokens.
Queries: We selected 10 queries (shown in Table 3) each from different topic viz. do-
mestic violence, homicide, forgery, corruption etc.
Ground Truth: As there is no publicly available ground truth for our queries, we use the
standard pooling technique [7] for selection of candidate documents for annotation. We
January 2020
run several ranking models (including our own techniques) and select top 20 documents
for each model to form a pool which we annotate manually.
3.2. Baselines
We compare our technique with the following baselines:
1. BM25 [8] (B1): A popular term scoring model based on the “bag-of-words” as-
sumption, i.e. it does not consider the relative ordering of the words in the query
and documents. We use the default parameter setting of the model, viz. k1[1.2,
2] and d= 0.75.
2. Doc2Vec [9] (B2): A popular neural model that offers representation (“embed-
dings”) of a piece of text. This is a popular neural model that offers representa-
tions (“embeddings”) of a piece of text (sentence, paragraph and document). It
overcomes the drawbacks of the bag-of-words models by incorporating the rela-
tive ordering of words in a text in the embeddings. We use hierarchical sampling
with skip-gram model for window length=5, min-count=1.
3. Sentence-BERT [10] (B3): A recent technique for obtaining sentence embed-
dings using Siamese-BERT networks. We used their state-of-the-art pre-trained
model bert-base-nli-stsb-mean-tokens to obtain sentence embeddings for
sentences in both query and documents. We could not fine-tune this model
because of unavailability of annotated sentence pairs (with labels indicating
whether they are semantically similar or not) for our experiments. Finally, the
documents are ranked as per the maximum cosine similarity obtained by any of
its sentence with a query sentence.
FIRE 2019 AILA track [11] contained one of the tasks which focussed on identi-
fying relevant prior cases for a given situation. However, although the task is similar to
ours, the queries are quite verbose. This is in contrast with our task where the queries are
simple sentences with single verbal predicates. Hence, our techniques are not readily ap-
plicable to the task in the FIRE 2019 AILA Track. However, we use baseline techniques
BM25 and Doc2Vec which are used by the most of the participating teams in this track.
3.3. Results
We evaluate the baselines and the proposed method in standard IR evaluation setup con-
sisting of the corpus, the queries and the ground truth.
We use the following evaluation measures to evaluate the performance of our tech-
niques as well as the baseline techniques:
1. Average Precision (AP): This incorporates the relative ranking order of relevant
documents; combines the joint effect of Precision and Recall.
2. R-Precision (R-Prec): Precision at R, the number of relevant documents [7]
The retrieval performance of the proposed methodologies, as compared with the
baselines, are shown in Table 3. Only witness Testimony sentences of the court cases
in the corpus are considered for all the retrieval experiments. The proposed methods,
viz. Exact Semantic Match (M1) and Semantic Match using Event Frame Representation
January 2020
(M2) outperform the baselines for all the queries and in both the evaluation measures, by
a considerable margin. M2 outscores M1 on most queries.
To evaluate the contribution of witness Testimony sentences, we considered complete
documents for BM25 as against only witness Testimony sentences. BM25 could not find
even a single relevant document within top 10 for all the queries, highlighting the need
for focussing only on witness Testimony sentences. Hence, we run all the experiments
considering only the witness Testimony sentences. To evaluate the contribution of our
distantly supervised Bi-LSTM based classifier, we applied our technique using only those
Testimony sentences identified by the linguistic rules. We observed that the AP of M2
reduced from 0.73 to 0.69, stressing the importance of additional Testimony sentences
identified by the distantly supervised classifier.
3.3.1. Analysis of results
Explainability of results is of paramount importance for the credibility of the sys-
tem in an application area like legal domain, if the system is to be used by experts.
In our proposed solution, we use semantic roles that capture an event expressed in
a query. E.g., in the query q1 (Which are the cases where a husband has set
his wife on fire?) (in Table 3), the predicate-arguments are: Predicate: set, A0:
husband, A1: wife which semantically captures an event and matches it with a prior
case where a similar event has occurred e.g., a husband has poured kerosene
on his wife and set her on fire, based on the similarity of the semantic ar-
gument structure. We believe, this imparts more transparency and interpretability of
the results in addition to the accuracy of the same. The baselines are unable to cap-
ture such nuanced semantic representations of the underlying events in a query. Our
technique M2 helps in retrieving documents even if there is no exact match of the
argument values in a query. E.g., for the query q2 (Which are the cases where
the appellant has attacked the deceased?), M2 is able to retrieve the doc-
ument containing the sentence P.W. 1 to 5 have stated that the appellant
assaulted the deceased with a crow bar on his head. Although we have
not used any formal notion of explainability, the proposed predicate-argument structure
(semantic role) based matching schemes are able to implicitly explain the semantic sim-
ilarity of a query with a prior case. However, we look to induct explainability in a more
principled way in future.
It was observed that some of the queries result in much lower AP and R-Prec scores
than others. This is because some queries are more general (e.g., q8) i.e., having higher
number of relevant documents than some other queries which are specific (e.g., q9). The
evaluation scores are dependent on the number of relevant documents retrieved at top
ranks and hence are affected by this general or specific nature of the queries.
4. Conclusions and Future Work
We proposed a novel method which identifies witness Testimony sentences in Indian
Supreme Court documents, extracts predicate-argument structures (or event frames) of
event verbs and leverages them for prior case retrieval. The proposed method outper-
forms standard baselines on fine-grained queries. We look to extend our experiments on
a bigger dataset with more complex queries in near future.
January 2020
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... In response to this challenge, the research community has introduced a variety of techniques aimed at extracting information (e.g., the motive of an incident, judgment of the case, etc.) from legal documents. These techniques embrace a variety of approaches, including methods for catchphrase extraction [2], evidence identification [3] etc. Although these methods are useful for searching information from documents, none of them are capable of gaining a thematic or topical representation of the documents. ...
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Computing the similarity between two legal documents is an important challenge in the Legal Information Retrieval domain. Efficient calculation of this similarity has useful applications in various tasks such as identifying relevant prior cases for a given case document. Prior works have proposed network-based and text-based methods for measuring similarity between legal documents. However, there are certain limitations in the prior methods. Network-based measures are not always meaningfully applicable since legal citation networks are usually very sparse. On the other hand, only primitive text-based similarity measures, such as TF-IDF based approaches, have been tried till date. In this work, we focus on improving text-based methodologies for computing the similarity between two legal documents. In addition to TF-IDF based measures, we use advanced similarity measures (such as topic modeling) and neural network models (such as word embeddings and document embeddings). We perform extensive experiments on a large dataset of Indian Supreme Court cases, and compare among various methodologies for measuring the textual similarity of legal documents. Our experiments show that embedding based approaches perform better than other approaches. We also demonstrate that the proposed embedding-based methodologies significantly outperforms a baseline hybrid methodology involving both network-based and text-based similarity.
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The Proposition Bank project takes a practical approach to semantic representation, adding a layer of predicate-argument information, or semantic role labels, to the syntactic structures of the Penn Treebank. The resulting resource can be thought of as shallow, in that it does not represent coreference, quantification, and many other higher-order phenomena, but also broad, in that it covers every instance of every verb in the corpus and allows representative statistics to be calculated. We discuss the criteria used to define the sets of semantic roles used in the annotation process and to analyze the frequency of syntactic/semantic alternations in the corpus. We describe an automatic system for semantic role tagging trained on the corpus and discuss the effect on its performance of various types of information, including a comparison of full syntactic parsing with a flat representation and the contribution of the empty “trace” categories of the treebank.
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  • M Roth
  • K Woodsend
Roth M, Woodsend K. Composition of word representations improves semantic role labelling. In: Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP); 2014. p. 407-413.
Introduction to information retrieval. Natural Language Engineering
  • C Manning
  • P Raghavan
  • H Schutze
Manning C, Raghavan P, Schutze H. Introduction to information retrieval. Natural Language Engineering. 2010;16(1):100-103.
Distributed representations of sentences and documents
  • Q Le
  • T Mikolov
Le Q, Mikolov T. Distributed representations of sentences and documents. In: International conference on machine learning; 2014. p. 1188-1196.
  • N Reimers
  • I Gurevych
  • Sentence
  • Bert
Reimers N, Gurevych I. Sentence-BERT: Sentence Embeddings using Siamese BERT-Networks. In: Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP); 2019. p. 3973-3983.
Overview of the FIRE 2019 AILA Track: Artificial Intelligence for Legal Assistance
  • P Bhattacharya
  • K Ghosh
  • S Ghosh
  • A Pal
  • P Mehta
  • A Bhattacharya
Bhattacharya P, Ghosh K, Ghosh S, Pal A, Mehta P, Bhattacharya A, et al. Overview of the FIRE 2019 AILA Track: Artificial Intelligence for Legal Assistance. In: FIRE (Working Notes); 2019. p. 1-12.